3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Lesson 2: An Inheritance Incorruptible

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Pr. C.A. Murray, Jill Morikone, Molly Steenson, Pr. Tom Ferguson


Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP000014S

00:01 The Bible tells us, "In the beginning was the Word,
00:03 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
00:07 It says, "To receive with meekness the implanted Word,
00:11 which is able to save your souls.
00:13 And to be diligent to present yourself approved to God
00:17 rightly dividing the Word of truth."
00:20 Join us now
00:21 for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:24 Our study today is "Feed my Sheep,
00:27 First and Second Peter.
00:32 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn
00:34 and we want to welcome you to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:38 This day we're going to be studying lesson number 2
00:41 from the second quarter of the Adult Bible Study Guide
00:46 which is titled Feed My Sheep.
00:49 This is on the first and second Epistles of Peter.
00:53 We want to encourage you to get your Bible
00:56 and if you have your quarterly get that.
00:58 If you don't have your quarterly,
01:00 you can go to
01:01 absg.adventist.org,
01:07 that's absg, Adult Bible Study Guide.Adventist.org
01:13 and download the lesson
01:14 so that you can follow along with us.
01:16 Well, let me just introduce our panel.
01:18 You know, it's so exciting for us to get together.
01:21 And we work together
01:23 but we don't always get to study the Bible together
01:26 and I enjoy so much what each person on this panel
01:29 has to contribute to our lessons week by week.
01:34 So next to me we have Pastor CA Murray.
01:36 And, CA, you are the Manager,
01:39 General Manager of the Proclaim channel,
01:41 so glad to have you here.
01:42 Good to be with you.
01:44 Then we have Pastor Tom Ferguson who is,
01:47 as CA would say,
01:48 he superintends the Marion District.
01:51 You have a number of churches
01:52 and, Tom, we're so thankful that you have joined us,
01:56 and we're really enjoying your insight.
01:58 Then we have Mollie Sue Steenson
02:01 who is a very dear friend,
02:03 and she is our President,
02:06 well, wait a minute, I gave you a promotion.
02:07 I just got a promotion.
02:10 Vice President and General Manager of 3ABN.
02:13 And next to her Jill Morikone
02:15 who is the assistant to our President, Danny Shelton.
02:19 So what we'd like to do is start with prayer
02:21 and I'm gonna ask you, Tom,
02:23 would you please start with prayer?
02:24 Sure.
02:26 Dear Heavenly Father,
02:27 we thank You for the privilege of studying Your Word together.
02:29 We invite Your Holy Spirit to give us understanding
02:32 and as we study the life of Peter
02:34 and we look through the epistles here today,
02:37 Lord, we just invite everyone that is listening to
02:41 and watching this broadcast to be fed by You.
02:45 Speak through us, anoint this time
02:49 we pray with Your Spirit in Jesus' name.
02:51 Amen. Amen.
02:53 Well, why don't we just say, we're on lesson 2,
02:56 An Inheritance Incorruptible.
02:58 And let's say our memory text together,
03:02 and we'll just all repeat this.
03:04 This is 1 Peter 1:22
03:07 and the version that has been taken
03:09 for the Sabbath School Quarterly is from the NIV,
03:14 so our memory text is,
03:16 "Now that you have purified yourselves
03:19 by obeying the truth
03:21 so that you have sincere love for each other,
03:25 love one another deeply from the heart."
03:29 Amen and Amen.
03:31 1 Peter is one of the, what,
03:34 well, actually 1 and 2 Peter are considered
03:37 one of the general epistles,
03:39 that means they were written to the church,
03:42 the group of believers, and Peter wrote,
03:45 he tells us in 1 Peter 5:13
03:47 that he wrote this from Babylon.
03:51 You know Babylon, we believe,
03:55 he was using this as a code word for Rome
03:58 because tradition tells us that Peter spent
04:02 his last few years of his life in Rome.
04:05 Whereas there is no evidence
04:07 that he was ever actually in the city of Babylon.
04:10 But the whole epistle of 1 Peter
04:14 is about persecution,
04:17 persecution from without
04:19 and when we think of this it was either written,
04:22 either right before,
04:25 shortly before or during the early stages
04:28 of when Nero was persecuting the Christians,
04:32 so that persecution started in Rome,
04:36 spread to Asia Minor.
04:38 But what 1 Peter does is
04:40 he covers in his letter to the churches,
04:44 he covers salvation, submission, and suffering.
04:48 He wants to encourage the believers
04:53 to have more faith and to have joy even under persecution
04:58 if they're suffering for Christ.
05:01 So one thing that we'll see in 1 Peter
05:05 is that he really does,
05:07 by the influence of the Holy Spirit,
05:10 he's telling people that we need to lead
05:13 distinctive life styles.
05:15 You know we're only temporary residents in a foreign land
05:18 because he's pointing out that heaven is our home.
05:21 So, in this week's study as we look at this epistle,
05:25 an epistle just means that it's a letter.
05:28 Why does someone normally write a letter to someone else?
05:33 They have a message they want to convey
05:36 and often when we see the apostles,
05:38 like Peter or Paul when they're writing
05:41 to a church or a group of churches,
05:45 quite often they're addressing a specific issue
05:48 that the church either needs to correct
05:50 or be encouraged upon.
05:52 So when we study the Bible,
05:53 there is three questions that we should,
05:56 if at all possible try to find out
05:58 before we really get deep into the book
06:01 and that is who, number 1, is the intended audience?
06:06 What was the topic, the precise reason for writing,
06:12 and was there a particular issue
06:14 that the author wanted to address?
06:16 These things are good to know as much as possible,
06:18 if we can because it helps us put it in a proper framework.
06:23 But the most important thing,
06:25 of course, even though knowing
06:27 the historical context is important,
06:29 the most important thing is for us to see what message,
06:33 under the influence of the Holy Spirit,
06:35 each one of these epistles has a message to us.
06:40 So for Sunday, I have one scripture to cover.
06:43 So let's look at it real quickly.
06:45 We're gonna read 1 Peter 1:1
06:47 and see what we can learn that from this
06:50 that gives us a little bit of context of the whole epistle.
06:54 So 1 Peter 1:1 says,
06:56 "Peter an apostle of Jesus Christ
06:58 to the pilgrims of the dispersion
06:59 in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia,
07:02 Asia and Bithynia," first of all,
07:06 Peter is one of the 12 disciples
07:08 whom Jesus hand selected
07:10 and he was a member of the inner circle,
07:12 he was really close to Jesus, He, James and John.
07:16 So what we're seeing here,
07:18 Peter assumed leadership in the early church
07:22 but he's clearly identifying himself
07:24 as the author of this book.
07:27 He is also basically establishing
07:31 his credentials and his calling.
07:33 He said, I'm an apostle called by Christ
07:35 and he's got a divine authority with which to speak.
07:40 Now when he says to the pilgrims,
07:43 you know, we think of the strangers
07:44 and the sojourners, words like that,
07:46 typically applied to the Jewish people, doesn't it?
07:50 He's talking that word pilgrim, or sojourner, or traveler,
07:53 he's saying that word temporary residents
07:57 in a hostile world really that has,
08:00 where we have no real rights here
08:02 because our rights are in heaven,
08:04 this whole lesson is about an inheritance incorruptible.
08:10 So he's saying to the pilgrims of the dispersion.
08:13 That word just simply means that they were scattered
08:16 and we know that God's people
08:18 if they were scattered outside of their homeland,
08:20 who do we think of again?
08:22 We're thinking of the Jews, right?
08:24 But they're in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia.
08:28 These are Roman provinces that are now modern Turkey.
08:33 But now we're gonna see as we get into Peter
08:37 that there's times like in the beginning
08:39 it sounds like he's speaking
08:41 to an exclusively Jewish audience,
08:44 but then he's gonna say some things
08:45 that make it really impossible to believe
08:49 that he would ever write that to a Jew
08:52 and we see in specific we see
08:56 that he talks about the futile ways
08:58 inherited from your ancestors.
09:00 He talks about we've spent enough time
09:03 of the past lifetime in doing the will of the Gentiles,
09:06 when we walked in lewdness
09:07 and lust, drunkenness revelries,
09:09 drinking parties and abominable idolatries,
09:13 now it sounds like he's talking to Gentiles, doesn't it?
09:16 Well, here's what most scholars believe.
09:22 Most of the leaders
09:23 and the members of the early church or Jewish
09:26 and it is true that they were scattered
09:28 throughout the Roman world.
09:30 But the dispersion did not stop the advancement of the gospel
09:34 and that it helped to fuel the advancement of the gospel.
09:38 So, many Gentile believers came into the church.
09:42 So with all likelihood Peter is writing to both Jews
09:46 and to Gentiles in this.
09:49 When we think about the persecution,
09:52 they were persecuted by three primary entities.
09:55 First, the Romans, the Jews themselves,
09:58 and then their own family members.
10:00 The Romans looked at the Christians
10:02 as a sect of Judaism.
10:04 And that was a legal religion in Rome.
10:06 But they said, okay, you're legal
10:08 as long as you obey the laws,
10:11 but the Christians refused to worship the...
10:18 What's the word I'm looking for.
10:19 They refused to worship the emperors
10:21 who I'm trying to think of as god,
10:23 they refused to worship the pagan temples
10:25 and these pagan temples
10:26 were money making businesses for Rome.
10:31 So anywhere that the Christians moved in, the Roman temples,
10:35 when Christianity started setting in,
10:37 then the Roman temples suffered.
10:39 So they were being persecuted by the Romans,
10:43 but then they were persecuted by the Jews as well
10:46 because Jews didn't like being associated
10:48 with the Christians legally.
10:50 They didn't like this at all and we see all throughout Acts
10:53 which is the book about
10:55 the first 30 years of the history of the church,
10:58 we see throughout Acts
10:59 how some Jews actually put physical harm on Christians,
11:05 they turned them out of town,
11:07 they turned the officials against them.
11:10 But then the Christians also, many of these converts,
11:14 especially the Gentile converts,
11:16 they suffered from their families persecution
11:19 because in the Roman law,
11:21 the head of the household had full authority over the family,
11:27 and if the head of the household
11:29 did not turn Christian,
11:31 if one of the members of the household,
11:33 or a slave of the household was Christian,
11:35 then they could beat them, they could send them away
11:37 and they had no legal rights whatsoever.
11:40 So when we think about this epistle,
11:44 to me what I learned or what renewed in me
11:48 is that Peter was an apostle,
11:51 it says, to the Jews
11:53 but he also ministered to the Gentiles.
11:57 What's crucial for us isn't so much the audience
12:02 that Peter is addressing,
12:03 what's crucial for us is to realize
12:06 when we're persecuted for our faith,
12:09 it's gonna do one of two things.
12:11 It's either going to stimulate our spiritual growth
12:15 or it's going to foster bitterness in our hearts.
12:18 And our response is what determines
12:23 when we're persecuted or when we suffer,
12:26 our response is what to that persecution and suffering
12:30 is what determines the result.
12:32 So that's just a little bit of background for Sunday's lesson,
12:38 and now I'm going to pass it to brother CA Murray.
12:40 Thank you, well said.
12:42 I think among the things that we need to remember,
12:46 and, Shelley, you touched on it so well,
12:48 that the church originally was a Jewish community.
12:52 But as the diaspora set in
12:54 and their natural bend towards evangelism
12:57 once you came to know Jesus,
12:59 the church also took in a large number of Gentile individuals
13:04 and you rightly said, Peter's audience included both
13:08 and that is why to take a parallel issue,
13:11 Paul wrote the book of Hebrews, he wrote to Hebrew Christians
13:14 because a lot of the Hebrew Christians were thinking,
13:17 you know, maybe we ought to just go back into Judaism.
13:19 Maybe we ought to just go back,
13:21 Judaism is a religio licita, it's recognized.
13:25 This new religion is religio illicita
13:28 and we're getting in trouble.
13:30 So Paul wrote to let them know that Christ is
13:34 and I use modern language, the real deal.
13:37 Stay with Jesus, He will get you home,
13:39 He is the real deal.
13:40 Well, Peter is spanning that also.
13:43 Jewish audience, non-Jewish audience
13:46 and I think it's important to remember that
13:48 because of some of the language he uses.
13:50 My topic for the day is Elect.
13:54 He uses that language
13:56 when speaking to both audiences.
13:57 So he's not singling out the Jewish people
14:00 as a particular group that have any advantage.
14:04 Once you're in Christ,
14:06 you're equal, you know, you're elect.
14:09 I don't know if there's any doctrine
14:10 that has split Christianity a little bit more
14:12 than this idea of election and predestination.
14:16 There are ongoing debates
14:17 to this day of election and predestination.
14:21 But elect simply means to choose.
14:25 When God chooses us, we still must select Him.
14:31 There is election and selection.
14:33 God elects, we select.
14:35 Everything that has to do with salvation
14:37 deals with relationship with God.
14:40 God does not superimpose salvation on anyone.
14:44 He opens the door to salvation.
14:46 He has made a way of salvation but then you must select God.
14:51 What is predestined is that if you do certain things,
14:57 certain things are gonna happen
14:59 and I've got a bunch of texts that sort of speak to that.
15:02 And then we'll come back
15:04 and do a couple more things in Peter.
15:05 But in Acts 16:31, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,
15:08 you're going to be saved."
15:10 That's guaranteed. That's guaranteed by Christ.
15:14 Mark 16:16, believe and baptize,
15:17 you're gonna be saved.
15:18 You know, that's predestined.
15:22 That if you believe and are baptized,
15:25 God will see to it that you get saved.
15:28 Romans 10:9, "Confess with your mouth,
15:32 believe with your heart, you're gonna be saved."
15:35 Amen. That's predetermined.
15:39 Romans 10:13, "Call on His name you're gonna be saved."
15:45 So there is a part that we have to play
15:47 in response to what God has done.
15:50 And if we respond in a positive way
15:54 and hold on to that relationship,
15:56 it has been predetermined you're going to be saved.
16:01 There's no way to get around it.
16:04 The lesson, I'm gonna stick kind of closer
16:06 because the lesson makes some good points,
16:07 I do want to bring out.
16:11 1 Timothy 2:4, it is His desire that we be saved.
16:16 I was saying to someone else the other day,
16:21 God's not trying to keep you out,
16:22 He's trying to get you in.
16:24 Amen.
16:25 And if He can, He's gonna get you in.
16:27 If you'll just work with Him, He's gonna get you in.
16:28 Not trying to find reasons to keep you out,
16:31 He's trying to find reasons to get you in.
16:32 And Peter of all people knew that,
16:35 He's not trying to keep me out, He's trying to get me in.
16:38 And those lessons are woven throughout his gospels,
16:43 his works, they're there.
16:46 We look at 2 Peter 3:9, God is not slack,
16:50 He's not slow concerning His promises
16:54 as some people look at slackness
16:56 or sloppiness or slowness,
16:58 but He's long-suffering
17:00 and Peter knew about a long-suffering God.
17:03 Because He's not willing that any should perish.
17:07 And so the thing that you can bite down on,
17:13 hold on to, is that God wants you in the Kingdom,
17:16 He wants you to be in the Kingdom.
17:19 And He's long-suffering so...
17:22 You know, the truth is some days you feel like
17:26 you can carry the weight of the world,
17:28 you get up and you feel strong in the Lord, you know.
17:31 Some days you feel like
17:32 you are carrying the weight of the world.
17:34 I've had those days, like it's just on you, you know.
17:38 I tell...
17:39 When I used to counsel people who are married,
17:41 some days you feel very married, you get up,
17:44 you look at her, and she looks at you, you feel married,
17:46 you know, you just feel really married.
17:48 Some days you don't feel so married.
17:52 You know, you have days,
17:54 you know, you live with a person 10, 20, 30,
17:55 you have good days
17:57 and you have some days when you don't feel so married.
17:59 On the days when you feel very married, you're married.
18:03 Amen.
18:05 On the days when you don't feel married, guess what?
18:08 You're still married. You're still married.
18:10 So in your Christian experience,
18:11 you're gonna have strong days,
18:13 you're gonna have days when you don't feel so strong.
18:16 But God has chosen you and you have selected Him.
18:21 So on the good days you're in Christ,
18:24 and on the bad days you don't need to question
18:27 because Christ is still there for you.
18:29 You're still in Jesus, you're still equipped.
18:30 You're having rough times, stuff is getting in the way,
18:33 but you're still a child of God.
18:35 And Peter of all people knew that,
18:38 particularly after his experience
18:43 in the book of Acts
18:45 that he knew who Christ was and where Christ was
18:51 and that Christ was with him,
18:53 so when he had those little slips,
18:56 he can write in his gospel.
18:59 God is not slack concerning His promises to me.
19:02 The promises are not, in the kingdom of God,
19:06 it's not about feeling, it's about the promises of God.
19:10 So when you feel them, well, praise the Lord,
19:12 but even when you don't feel them,
19:13 the promises are true.
19:15 And Peter had that in his heart.
19:19 I want to read this last line before my time gets over,
19:21 and I like this.
19:22 "This foreknowledge in no way forced their choice anymore
19:29 than a mother knowing beforehand
19:31 that her child will choose chocolate cake
19:34 instead of green beans."
19:35 'Cause you know your child,
19:37 you know what he's gonna choose,
19:38 you know what he's gonna take, and God knows us, He knows us.
19:42 Her foreknowledge of the choice force the child to make,
19:46 so because she knew what was gonna happen
19:48 and she didn't force the child,
19:49 she knows her child, and God knows us,
19:51 so He's not gonna force you into salvation
19:54 but He knows what your choices are,
19:55 He's understood you, He's watched you,
19:57 He's made you, He's kept His eye on you,
20:00 He knows kind of where you're going
20:02 and what you're gonna do.
20:04 So do not think that there's some secret
20:07 inside something that God selects pastor
20:10 and does not select Mollie
20:11 and selects Jill and does not select Shelley,
20:13 He wants all of you to be saved
20:16 and He's sitting there waiting and watching
20:18 and working for you to select Him.
20:21 And once you select His election,
20:25 you're gonna be saved
20:26 as long as you abide in Him and stay with Him.
20:31 So what kind of assurance
20:32 the lesson has does this give us?
20:34 It gives me the assurance that as long as I stay with Jesus,
20:38 it's all gonna be good.
20:39 Amen.
20:40 And the end is gonna be salvation.
20:42 There's gonna be rough times, good times, bad times,
20:44 some times things are gonna go just like I want them to go.
20:46 Sometimes they're not gonna go like I want them to go at all,
20:48 but God is with them all and it will all work for good
20:51 as long as we hold on
20:53 to the unchanging hand of Jesus Christ
20:54 and He will see us home.
20:59 And, you know, you just made that comment,
21:01 it will all work for good
21:02 that reminds me of Romans 8:28 and 29
21:04 because to me that's what predestination is about.
21:07 It says that, "He works all things together for good
21:09 for those who love Him
21:11 and are called according to His purpose,"
21:13 and then verse 29, Romans 8:29 says,
21:16 "For those He knew,
21:18 He predestined to be conformed to the image of Jesus."
21:24 So our destiny,
21:26 God has predestined us to be like Jesus.
21:28 Yeah, that's what He wants, our sanctification,
21:30 and that's Peter 2 by the way.
21:31 Amen.
21:33 So you're saying then that we're all elected.
21:35 It falls on us now to do the selecting.
21:38 You there you go. Precisely.
21:40 Very good. Pastor?
21:41 I was just thinking,
21:43 many are called, few are chosen
21:44 and that so much involves Jesus' calling humanity
21:49 but at the same time we must respond.
21:51 Yes. We must say yes.
21:54 Yes, and I also as you were speaking,
21:56 I was thinking about how God is in the redemptive process
21:59 trying to redeem that which was lost through sin.
22:03 He gave everything for that to happen.
22:06 He gave His son, gave His life
22:08 and what you're looking at here as we go throughout this lesson
22:13 is the fact that there has been success.
22:16 The kingdom of heaven has now been planted on this earth
22:20 on enemy territory,
22:22 He has taken the keys back and as the church
22:25 is growing, you know, you think of the dispersion,
22:27 you're also looking at, yes, there's heavy persecution
22:30 but if you hang on to Jesus in faith,
22:32 He'll bring you places that you otherwise wouldn't have gone
22:34 if it hadn't been for that person.
22:36 That's right. Amen.
22:37 And now I'm gonna start with what I had prepared.
22:38 Okay.
22:40 You got me going, that was good.
22:43 You know, I wanted to,
22:44 we're gonna be looking at 1 Peter 1,
22:46 but it has already been touched on the setting.
22:50 But one of the things that stood out to me
22:52 was the very fact that we're dealing with Asia Minor,
22:55 we're dealing with the majority as I concluded
22:58 not being Jews but being Gentiles.
23:01 And then you think about Peter and his history,
23:04 what a growth process he had to go through
23:07 because when he wrote this,
23:09 he was writing it as a pastoral letter to people
23:11 that never knew Jesus personally.
23:15 Now none of us have walked with Jesus where He walked,
23:19 so to us this is common place
23:21 but when I think of the apostles,
23:24 the sent ones, actually getting toward the end of their lives,
23:29 John on the island of Patmos writing his gospel,
23:32 thinking that this is the next generation,
23:34 he's trying to address them.
23:36 Peter as he's writing his epistle,
23:37 he's nearing the end of his life
23:39 and he's actually ministering to the very ones
23:42 that he otherwise would not have been caught
23:44 with before Christ was in his life.
23:48 But he's writing this pastoral letter,
23:49 he's writing counsel to those that are servants
23:54 or those to submit to government.
23:56 He's writing counsel to wives, to husbands,
23:58 to elders and even young members of the church.
24:02 And as you look at verse 3 in 1 Peter 1...
24:09 We see here that one of the things
24:12 if you find through from verse 3
24:15 all the way through verse 12
24:17 is you'll see the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
24:21 In our previous quarter we were studying the Holy Spirit
24:24 and how He wasn't just on the forefront as much
24:27 but you see clear evidence of the Holy Spirit
24:29 is part of this whole experience
24:32 for the New Testament Church.
24:34 And so he starts off with, "Blessed be God,
24:37 the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
24:39 who according to His abundant mercy
24:41 has begotten us again to a living hope
24:44 through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead."
24:48 You know, there's no hope for any Christian,
24:50 Jew or Gentile in their background beyond Christ.
24:54 He is the blessed hope.
24:56 The fact that He has power over the grave is something that,
24:59 can you imagine all of the pagan gods
25:02 that the Gentiles would have worshipped
25:04 were not like Jesus.
25:06 Jesus was the one that actually had victory over the grave,
25:09 so one of the themes that you see
25:12 Peter is writing here is that we have hope
25:15 because Jesus had victory over the grave.
25:18 That means we have victory over the grave.
25:20 All of us are going through various trials
25:22 and as we age, those trials are changing,
25:25 and some of them we didn't know were coming,
25:28 we didn't expect them,
25:30 and, but the blessed hope for this church at this time
25:33 that Peter's writing to,
25:35 those churches throughout Asia Minor
25:37 applies to us today to this very day.
25:40 And a theme that I see here, if you look at verse 4,
25:45 there is an inheritance that God has reserved for you.
25:51 Now I think it was mentioned before
25:53 that this is something you can look at in a plural way,
25:55 it's for all of us.
25:57 But I also like to think of it as in a personal way
25:59 as I'm reading this verse
26:01 that God has prepared and reserved
26:03 something special in heaven for me personally.
26:06 And when He went to that cross, He thought of me.
26:10 And I'm kept by the power of God through faith.
26:13 Hallelujah. Amen.
26:16 And, you know, one of the things...
26:17 Remember, who are we reading?
26:19 This is Peter. Yes.
26:20 Is one of the things he had to learn
26:22 that I see consistently throughout the New Testament
26:25 is that he needed to be kept
26:26 by the power of God through faith.
26:29 He failed over and over and over again,
26:31 now here he is in a pastoral way,
26:34 sharing with new converts and those maybe not so new,
26:37 the very same thing that he had to learn himself.
26:41 So you see that theme, it's very important to him.
26:44 As you go through in verse 6 and onward,
26:47 it talks about the various trials
26:50 that people are going through.
26:51 You know, the New Testament church,
26:53 one thing about having the Holy Spirit poured out
26:54 which oftentimes we want to see
26:56 in a corporate way brings on persecution
27:00 because the enemy hates
27:03 when God's church is on the move.
27:06 And can you imagine being Peter having to grow in faith,
27:12 having churches throughout Asia Minor,
27:14 watching them go through persecution
27:16 because they followed your lead
27:18 and watching them struggle
27:19 with the same things you struggled with.
27:21 That's good.
27:22 So what they needed was an encourager.
27:25 I think all of us need an encourager.
27:29 Someone that mentors,
27:30 someone that maybe he's been where they are
27:33 and can help them through it.
27:36 The other thing he points out here
27:37 is that they have a faith that is amazing to him,
27:40 look at verse 8, "Whom having not seen, Jesus,
27:44 you love him," because he saw Jesus
27:48 and many others that were in the early Christian church
27:50 had seen Jesus and they could refer to that.
27:53 And, but this is a group that had never seen Jesus
27:56 and they believed.
27:58 Do you know what a miracle that is?
28:00 To have not only days but years,
28:04 decades go by where God is in control of your life,
28:07 leading you on a path.
28:09 That is a miracle of God
28:11 and it's an act of faith to be on that journey with Him.
28:15 So he's encouraging them that,
28:18 you know, even though you have these trials
28:21 and you love Jesus even though you haven't seen Him,
28:25 and verse 9, he says,
28:27 "Receiving the end of your faith,
28:30 the salvation of your souls."
28:32 So because of this, God is going to save you
28:36 and, of course, we know that third part of salvation
28:40 that redemptive process is the glorifying
28:42 in 1 Corinthians 15.
28:44 And, Pastor, that end there is not the terminus
28:46 but the goal of your faith.
28:47 Yes. Yes.
28:49 That's right. That's right.
28:52 And also I like the way he gets into,
28:55 if you go down to verse 10,
28:58 you will find that this salvation
29:01 is what the prophets have enquired and searched carefully
29:05 and prophesied of the grace that would come to you.
29:09 So they were called, these prophets of old,
29:13 to speak to a generation and it was this generation
29:18 and he wanted to encourage them.
29:20 You know it always makes me scratch my head
29:23 when Christians, well-meaning Christians
29:25 say that the Old Testament is irrelevant.
29:29 And now we are a New Testament Christian.
29:31 Well, if you think about it,
29:33 this whole church in the New Testament
29:36 that's all they had, was the Old Testament.
29:39 And it was those Old Testament prophets that encouraged them
29:44 and Peter wanted to make sure that they knew
29:47 that those writings were for that generation
29:50 and for every generation that followed.
29:55 And also in verse 12,
29:57 to them it was revealed that not to themselves
30:00 but to us they were ministering.
30:04 The things which now have been reported to you
30:07 through those who have preached the gospel to you
30:09 by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven,
30:12 things which angels desired to look into.
30:16 And I look at that and I think, wow,
30:18 the plan of salvation is something
30:20 that angels longed to look into.
30:25 You know, I often think of what is the most difficult thing
30:27 that God that can speak things into existence,
30:29 what was the most difficult thing for Him to do?
30:31 It's the conversion of a soul.
30:35 It is something that angels long to look into.
30:39 We sing our unique song on our unique journey
30:43 and this is something that unfallen beings
30:46 are blessed in seeing things about God
30:49 that they otherwise would not have seen.
30:52 Watching His patience with us,
30:54 watching the fact that He took Peter from what he was,
30:57 written off by church leadership
30:59 to now here he is,
31:01 a church leader encouraging others in the faith.
31:03 Very, very good.
31:05 Thank you so much.
31:06 Mollie, would you like to?
31:09 I pick up right where you left off.
31:12 Now what you've just so eloquently done,
31:17 and so beautifully, and meaningfully,
31:19 it's kind of given us some of the heavenly inheritance
31:23 that we're going to receive.
31:25 And so in 1 Peter 1,
31:28 we're gonna look at 13 through 21.
31:32 Peter shares the attributes
31:37 that we are to have living the life of salvation.
31:42 So 1 Peter 1:13 starts out with therefore.
31:47 Now anytime there's a therefore,
31:50 what are you supposed to do?
31:52 Look back.
31:53 Look and see what it's there for.
31:54 So therefore, therefore what, therefore
31:57 because of this heavenly inheritance,
32:00 and I kind of put it in a capsule
32:02 using 1 Peter 1:8 and 9.
32:05 "Though now you do not see Him
32:07 yet believing you rejoice with joy inexpressible
32:12 and full of glory receiving the end of your faith
32:15 the salvation of your souls."
32:17 Therefore because of the salvation of our souls
32:21 of all this that we have in this heavenly inheritance,
32:27 he uses two little words.
32:30 He says gird up, gird up.
32:33 We're going to finish that but gird up.
32:36 Now this girding up,
32:38 that's to prepare oneself for a fight
32:41 or for some difficult task.
32:44 In this culture both men and women
32:46 wore long flowing robes.
32:49 For the men when they were relaxed
32:52 or in a resting condition, the robes flowed.
32:56 But when it was time to go to work or to go into battle,
32:59 those flowing robes would've been a real,
33:02 it would have inhibited them, it would have deterred them
33:06 from accomplishing what they needed to accomplish
33:08 so they girded up.
33:11 They took a belt girded up their robes
33:14 so they wouldn't be hindered.
33:15 And now what are you to gird up?
33:17 Therefore, it says, gird up what?
33:20 The loins of your mind.
33:23 Gird up the loins of your mind.
33:25 As a response to salvation
33:27 that you have in the Lord Jesus Christ,
33:29 we must protect our minds.
33:32 We must prepare this mind
33:34 that we have to further the cause of Christ
33:38 and so you gird up the loins of your mind.
33:42 We have to make sure that our minds are protected.
33:47 Did you know there's a scripture in Proverbs
33:50 that says "Guard your heart with all diligence,
33:53 and above all that you guard," why?
33:56 For out of it flow the issues of life.
33:59 So how do you guard your mind?
34:02 You guard what goes in your eyes,
34:04 what goes in your ears,
34:05 the two ways that things get into your mind.
34:08 So you guard your mind above all that you guard,
34:11 you guard yourself and why would that be?
34:15 Because what is what you behold you become
34:19 and, Shelley, you and I use this quite often,
34:23 it's about your mind.
34:26 Watch your thoughts,
34:28 first and foremost, watch your thoughts, why?
34:31 Those thoughts become words.
34:35 Watch your words
34:36 because those words become actions.
34:40 Watch your actions
34:41 because your actions become habits.
34:44 Watch your habits because they become character.
34:49 Watch your character,
34:51 for your character determines your destiny.
34:54 What is your destiny?
34:56 It's your eternity.
34:57 And so where did it all begin?
35:00 It began in the mind, that's where it begins.
35:03 So this is gird up the loins of your mind,
35:05 the reproductiveness of your mind,
35:08 gird it up, protect it.
35:11 And the girding up process, it prepared you to work
35:15 and it prepared you to do battle.
35:18 How many of you know we're in a battle?
35:20 Amen.
35:21 The scripture says Ephesians 6:12,
35:23 "For we wrestle not with flesh and blood."
35:26 So, Shelley, no matter what should happen between us,
35:32 it's not flesh and blood.
35:33 It doesn't matter what men or women do to us.
35:36 If you realize this isn't a physical battle,
35:39 we wrestle not with flesh and blood,
35:41 but bless God we wrestle.
35:44 We wrestle with principalities, with powers,
35:47 with the rulers of darkness of this world,
35:49 with spiritual wickedness in high places.
35:52 That is what we're wrestling,
35:53 and those are classifications of demonic forces.
35:57 They come against us.
35:58 So we're in this battle
36:00 and the battle, it begins in the mind.
36:03 So it says to gird up our mind,
36:06 so how do your gird up your mind?
36:08 Take every thought captive.
36:09 Take every thought captive, Shelley says.
36:12 You also fill your mind...
36:14 Remember, you become what you behold?
36:17 You spend time in God's Word,
36:19 you feast on God's Word and allow the Word.
36:23 Well, let me just read Romans 12:2,
36:27 "And do not be conformed to this world, the physical,
36:31 but be ye transformed" how?
36:34 "By the renewing of your mind."
36:35 What do you renew your mind on?
36:37 God's Word.
36:39 The Word of God is quick and powerful,
36:40 it's a living force and as you gird up your mind,
36:45 you study God's Word,
36:46 you allow this Word to become a living reality in your life,
36:49 then you can prove what is that good and acceptable
36:53 and perfect will of God.
36:55 Now Peter goes on after he tells us
36:57 to gird up the loins of our mind.
37:00 He says be sober, be sober.
37:03 Now when you think of sober, what do you normally think of?
37:07 Don't be inebriated.
37:09 Has to do with alcohol and which is good counsel,
37:14 be sober, but in this case,
37:16 I believe it means show self-control.
37:19 You know, allow yourself to be conducted by God's Word
37:24 and not to be quick to, as we were talking about,
37:28 Peter quick to pow-pow quick to spout off.
37:31 Be sober and rest your hope fully upon the grace
37:36 that is to be brought to you
37:37 at the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ.
37:40 And I believe it was you,
37:41 and I think I've heard it from each of us,
37:44 our only hope is the Lord Jesus Christ.
37:47 There is no hope anywhere else but in the Lord Jesus Christ.
37:53 So as a consequence of our salvation, our actions,
37:59 the way we conduct ourself has got to change.
38:03 We got transformed out of the kingdom of darkness
38:07 into the kingdom of God's dear Son,
38:09 everything changed, who we serve changed.
38:13 The kingdom we're now associated with changed.
38:16 What is expected of us has changed.
38:20 Now we were children of darkness,
38:24 now we're children of light.
38:25 The scripture says, "Beloved, now are you the sons of God."
38:28 It's not gonna happen later in the sweet by and by,
38:32 it's already happened.
38:34 You are right now a child of the living God.
38:37 And the scripture tells us, verse 14, Peter continues,
38:41 "As obedient children" what kind of children?
38:44 "Obedient children not conforming yourselves
38:48 to the former lusts as in your ignorance
38:51 but as He who called you..."
38:53 Oh, no, here it is, you can teach about love and peace
38:58 and joy and happiness
39:00 and people just rejoice with you.
39:02 But you start talking about holiness
39:04 and they get uncomfortable.
39:05 But here is what the scripture says,
39:08 "But as He who called you is holy..."
39:11 This does not sound like a suggestion.
39:14 "You also be holy in your conduct.
39:17 Not just part of your conduct but in all your conduct
39:22 because it is written be holy, for I am holy."
39:26 And I do want to stop there for just a minute.
39:30 When we speak of holiness,
39:33 does that mean that you never make a mistake?
39:35 No.
39:36 You know, it just means you are striving, excuse me.
39:41 You are striving to be obedient men and women of God,
39:45 obedient children of God.
39:47 And at most every teaching,
39:48 Jill, you're in my Sabbath School class for years,
39:52 every lesson is gonna have 1 John 1:9 in it.
39:56 Oh, thank God for 1 John 1:9.
39:59 We are to be holy, for He is holy,
40:01 and we get our lives in alignment with God's Word
40:06 and then, oh, my goodness you won't believe
40:08 what she did to me
40:10 and what popped right out of my mouth,
40:11 1 John 1:9,
40:12 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful
40:15 and just to forgive us of our sins
40:17 and then cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
40:20 When you're cleansed from all unrighteousness,
40:22 what does that make you?
40:23 There's no unrighteousness.
40:24 Oh, honey, there you are.
40:26 You're back in that position with God
40:28 where He says that we are to be.
40:31 "And if you call on the Father,
40:33 who without partiality judges according to each one's work,
40:36 conduct yourselves throughout the time
40:39 of your stay here in fear and that isn't scared.
40:42 Fear is just an awesome reverence of Almighty God.
40:46 And now I've got to finish this up.
40:49 Knowing that you were redeemed,
40:51 we were redeemed, we're redeemed!
40:53 Amen.
40:54 Hallelujah. We've been bought back.
40:56 We didn't pay the price, someone else paid the price
41:01 but it wasn't a cheap price.
41:02 It was the blood of the precious Savior.
41:07 Our Lord and Savior, His blood is what redeemed us.
41:11 It's not free.
41:13 It was a precious price.
41:14 And I wanted to read this.
41:16 This is the Desire of Ages, page 25.
41:19 This is what we get.
41:20 "Christ was treated as we deserve
41:24 that we might be treated as He deserves."
41:27 Listen to this, "He was condemned for your sins
41:31 in which He had no share that we might be justified
41:34 by His righteousness in which we had no share.
41:38 He suffered the death which was ours
41:42 that we might receive the life which was His.
41:46 With His stripes we are healed."
41:48 Praise God. Attributes of a Christian.
41:52 Amen.
41:53 That's powerful.
41:55 Praise the Lord for what He wants to do,
41:56 what He has done and what He wants to do
41:58 in each one of our hearts and lives.
42:00 We continue on, verse 22.
42:03 I like how the lesson does this
42:04 because it just takes it verse by verse
42:06 and we get to go through all of 1 Peter 1 in this lesson here.
42:11 So rich. It is, isn't it, Shelley?
42:13 So rich. So we are in verse 22.
42:16 Since, remember, Mollie,
42:18 your section started with therefore
42:20 and we went back to what Pastor Tom did.
42:22 Mine starts with since you have
42:25 purified your souls in obeying the truth.
42:28 So Peter is saying the purification process
42:31 is already underway.
42:33 I'm not talking to you as a brand new baby Christian,
42:35 you're already in that purification process.
42:40 That you have the blessed hope
42:42 and you're in the process of trials,
42:44 verse 7 talks about the trying of our faith
42:48 is made perfect in the midst of the fiery trials.
42:51 So they have, they're in persecution,
42:53 the church is suffering and in the midst of that
42:56 God is growing His character in their lives.
43:01 It's being developed.
43:02 Since you've purified your souls
43:05 in obeying the truth,
43:06 that word purified means,
43:07 to purify, to cleanse from defilement
43:10 and it refers back to that word you said,
43:13 that holy word that sometimes
43:15 we might struggle with it a bit,
43:17 "Be ye holy as I am holy,"
43:19 he's referring back to that verse there.
43:23 And the beautiful thing is that it's never our holiness.
43:28 It's never our righteousness.
43:31 It's when I open up my heart and say, Lord Jesus I want you.
43:36 I want to be emptied of myself and filled with Jesus.
43:40 I want to be transformed into Your image,
43:44 into Your likeness and He transforms us.
43:46 I love what you said, Mollie,
43:48 by opening up and studying the Word of God.
43:50 You know, at 3ABN, Mollie has 'Mollyisms'
43:53 as what we call them, Mollyisms,
43:56 and you always say what we feed, grows,
43:59 and what we starve, dies.
44:00 So as we are in this process of purifying our souls
44:04 through this obedience to the truth,
44:06 feed your mind on the Word of God.
44:09 What we listen to, what we watch on TV
44:13 the things, the friends we associate with
44:15 has an impact on our walk with God,
44:18 on that transforming process.
44:20 If I keep my mind in the garbage,
44:22 in the gutter, that's what I become.
44:25 But if I, with open face beholding as in a glass,
44:29 2 Corinthians 3:18,
44:30 the glory of the Lord, what happens?
44:33 We're changed into His image from glory to glory.
44:36 So seeing we are purified yourselves
44:39 in obeying the truth through the spirit
44:41 in sincere love of the brethren.
44:43 Now that word for brethren is Philadelphia.
44:47 Now in the Bible we have different words for love.
44:53 We have Phileo which would mean brotherly affection or love.
44:59 We have Eros which would be a romantic type of love.
45:03 Then we have agape
45:06 and this word agape is in this verse.
45:08 So he says, you are in the process of purification,
45:11 you are living with your brothers and sisters.
45:15 They're called to worship together,
45:17 to serve together, to minister together
45:19 they're brothers and sisters in the church.
45:22 Then it says, "Love," there's that word agape.
45:25 "Love one another fervently with a pure heart."
45:29 Now agape love usually costs something.
45:34 It costs the person who has the love,
45:37 who's extending it to someone else.
45:39 Agape love seeks the highest good in someone else.
45:45 John 13, turn with me to John 13:35.
45:51 John 13:35, 34,
45:56 "He says a new commandment
45:57 I give to you that you love one another
45:59 as I have loved you."
46:00 And then 35, "By this all will know that you are My disciples,
46:06 if you have love for one another."
46:10 That love, that agape love
46:12 that seeks the good of someone else
46:14 is kind of a litmus test, as it were.
46:17 If I am in Jesus, if I'm walking and following Him,
46:20 I will have and turn that love for my brothers and sisters.
46:24 So what my mind always goes to
46:26 is how am I supposed to love my brothers and sisters?
46:30 How's that possible?
46:32 It's easier sometimes.
46:35 It's easier to love someone who's at a distance from you.
46:39 Would you agree?
46:41 Someone you kind of talk to
46:42 or just don't have much interaction,
46:45 but when you're close with someone,
46:47 a roommate in college, a spouse,
46:50 work in the same office, what happens?
46:53 Your personality and the other person's personality
46:56 could have some rub,
46:57 that's what happens in the church.
46:59 And yet, God calls us to love each other.
47:03 So how do I love my brothers and sisters?
47:06 In my own experience,
47:08 there's been three steps or three keys
47:11 to experiencing God's love and to love someone else.
47:14 The first one is Ask.
47:16 Ask God for His love.
47:19 We can't conjure up agape love.
47:21 I can't make it happen in myself,
47:24 I just go to God and say,
47:26 "I need help right now loving Mollie" which I don't.
47:31 I'm not, this person's bothering me
47:34 and I need help right now.
47:36 1 John 4:19, "We love because He first loved us."
47:40 We're not the originator of love,
47:42 God is the author of love.
47:44 He began it and He wants to extend His love to us.
47:47 So we just ask God for His love.
47:49 Number two, accept His love by faith.
47:54 You talked earlier, Pastor CA,
47:55 that the Christian walk is not...
47:58 And I don't remember if it was this lesson
47:59 or a previous lesson,
48:01 the Christian walk is not based on feeling.
48:04 It's based on faith.
48:05 Accept His love by faith.
48:08 We don't love other people by feeling,
48:11 although sometimes feelings are there
48:13 and it's nice when the feelings are there.
48:15 But we love other people based on God has commanded us
48:18 to love our brothers and sisters
48:20 and all of His commands are inherent
48:22 with in it a promise.
48:24 So He gives us the promise as well.
48:27 1 Corinthians 13,
48:28 the chapter is not based on the feelings of love,
48:32 it's based on principles of love.
48:34 Love is kind, that's a thing, that's a principle.
48:38 Love is patient, that's an action.
48:41 Love does not boast or exalt itself.
48:44 So the feelings are nice
48:46 and God does bring the feelings.
48:48 But first of all, we ask Him for His love,
48:50 we accept His love by faith
48:51 and then we actively reach out in loving ways.
48:56 I remember, this was years ago,
48:58 I was walking into a room and a woman had her back to me.
49:02 And when I walked into the room,
49:03 I was gonna go over and say, how are you,
49:05 like just say hey to her and all of a sudden I realized
49:07 she is talking about me to a whole group of people.
49:12 Just belittling, cutting,
49:15 and I thought they weren't true,
49:16 and they probably were true but anyways,
49:17 you know how your self rises up.
49:20 And I remember, I turned around
49:23 and I ran out to the car
49:24 and I just sat there and I cried.
49:27 And I said, God why is she saying these things?
49:31 And then I thought, I'll do the thing all Christians do
49:34 and I won't gossip about her to someone else.
49:37 I'm going to just take it to Jesus
49:39 and Jesus can help me love this woman.
49:41 Well, you know what happened?
49:43 The bitterness in my heart for this woman was still there
49:47 but I didn't know it.
49:48 I thought I'm being a good Christian,
49:50 and I'm walking in what I'm supposed to walk in.
49:53 Months went by
49:55 and I was working on memorizing certain scriptures,
49:57 Hebrews 12, "Follow peace with all men and holiness
50:00 without which no one shall see God."
50:02 And then it says, "Looking diligently
50:05 lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you.
50:08 And thereby many people be defiled."
50:11 And as soon as I read that God said,
50:13 "Jill, if you hold on to this, it's going to affect your life,
50:17 your walk with Me, your salvation, your marriage,
50:22 your ministry, give it to Me."
50:25 And so I said, "God, I can't
50:26 but I will ask You for Your love for this woman."
50:30 Then I'm choosing to accept Your love by faith
50:32 but I don't feel it,
50:34 but the Christian walk is not based on how we feel.
50:37 And then the way I chose number three
50:39 is actively reach out in loving ways.
50:40 So the way I chose to reach out in love was to pray for her.
50:44 God, I ask that You would bless her, in her home,
50:46 in her marriage, in her ministry.
50:48 Bring souls into the kingdom
50:50 as a result of what she's doing.
50:51 And I felt fake
50:53 because I didn't want those things.
50:55 But then, day one, nothing happened.
50:58 Day two, three, four, few days later guess what happened?
51:01 I was praying the same prayer, by faith,
51:04 because that's what God wanted me to do,
51:06 and all of a sudden I felt the weight off my back.
51:10 And I loved her.
51:12 Only God can give us agape love for someone else.
51:17 Amen.
51:18 So Peter says, "You've purified your souls in obeying the truth
51:22 through the Spirit in sincere love for the brethren,
51:26 love one another fervently with a pure heart."
51:32 You know, that's so beautiful.
51:33 I've enjoyed so much what each one of you had to say
51:36 but can you imagine, just think,
51:39 all this came from the first chapter of 1 Peter.
51:45 When you think about how many truths
51:47 he introduced like the character of a triune God
51:50 and speaking of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,
51:54 the provision of Jesus as our Savior
51:58 that we are elected in Christ
52:00 for obedience and sanctification,
52:02 that we can rejoice in the death
52:05 and resurrection through His death and resurrection,
52:08 through which we have this promise
52:11 of an incorruptible inheritance in heaven.
52:15 He talked about responding in a godly way to suffering,
52:19 how the Holy Spirit worked through the prophets
52:21 to outline the days
52:23 in which Peter and his readers lived and same for us.
52:26 And how Christians should live
52:28 holy lives filled with obedience,
52:31 but not only obedience to the truth
52:34 but in communities that are characterized
52:37 by this agape love.
52:39 All of that is in this first chapter.
52:42 It's so amazing.
52:44 We have just a couple of minutes,
52:46 why don't each one of you just share something
52:49 that God spoke to you about today.
52:53 You know, Peter was part of a nascent church,
52:57 a church that was building itself
52:59 from the ground up
53:00 under the power of the Holy Spirit.
53:02 And any institution that is going to survive,
53:05 particularly in a hostile environment,
53:07 that the church was coming
53:09 into had to have these principles in place.
53:11 We've got to love one another,
53:12 we just can't say I love God, I love God, I love God.
53:14 What about the person next to you?
53:16 What about the person on the side of you?
53:17 What about those who don't have?
53:19 We're gonna have to get that God's love spread throughout
53:23 our community if we're going to stand,
53:26 and I see those elements in Peter's writings.
53:32 If we're gonna make it,
53:33 if we're gonna do what Christ wants us to do,
53:34 we have to do it together
53:36 and God's love is gonna have to be shared.
53:37 Amen.
53:39 I see this as spiritual maturity
53:41 in order to be able to love the way
53:44 God has called us to love.
53:45 And when you were speaking,
53:47 I was just thinking about Philippians 2:13,
53:50 'cause 12 tells us to work out our salvation
53:53 with fear and trembling, but I love verse 13,
53:55 "For it is God who works in you
53:57 both to will and to do for His good pleasure."
54:00 'Cause none of us knows where we're trying to go
54:04 when it comes to being holy.
54:05 We have the Word, we have the influence of others,
54:08 God is working through our lives
54:09 but we desperately need Him to guide
54:13 and be the change agent.
54:16 And we have to remember too
54:18 that when Peter writes that in the next epistle,
54:22 he says that God has given us everything
54:25 that we need for a godly life.
54:27 You know, He's given us His exceedingly
54:29 great and precious promises so that through them
54:32 we can become partakers of His divine nature.
54:35 So holiness just simply means, or sanctification are synonyms,
54:39 they mean to be separated from sin.
54:41 And I think that this divine love
54:43 that you're talking about though,
54:45 it's when God pours love into our hearts.
54:47 Divine love is what separates you from sin
54:50 when you think about it.
54:52 So that's good.
54:53 And, Mollie, you're about to burst down there.
54:55 Well, just received so much from each one of you
54:59 and I love these scriptures that,
55:02 Jill, that you shared,
55:03 and that was beautiful what you shared about
55:05 how only God can really put that agape love in our hearts.
55:11 How important the Word is.
55:14 We've been born again not of corruptible seed
55:19 but of incorruptible, which is what?
55:21 The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
55:25 That is by the Word of the Living God,
55:28 the Lord Jesus Christ.
55:29 Look how it says, all flesh is as grass
55:32 and all the glory of man as the flower of grass.
55:35 The grass withers and its flower falls away
55:39 but the Word of the Lord does what?
55:41 It endures forever and as we take this Word
55:45 and we, going back to girding up our minds,
55:49 we take this Word,
55:50 that is something that will be in us forever, that Word.
55:55 What is the only thing we can take into the presence of God
55:58 is our character.
55:59 What has our character got to be based on?
56:01 It's got to be based on this Word
56:03 that is going to endure forever.
56:05 In the scripture that says,
56:07 "Forever O God Thy Word is established in the heavens."
56:11 The word established is set there as a guard,
56:14 as a garrison that Word will always be there to protect us.
56:19 Amen.
56:20 Jill? Amen.
56:21 The Word of God changes us,
56:23 it transforms us and I love that.
56:25 I want to go back to loving other people.
56:28 Actively reaching out in love
56:30 and I just want to appeal that you at home,
56:32 make a list of maybe people that you don't love.
56:35 And then take each one,
56:37 person by person to God
56:39 and maybe at the head of that list might be yourself.
56:42 You know sometimes we may not struggle with other people
56:46 but we say how could God love me,
56:48 how could God forgive me?
56:49 He died for you.
56:51 He wants to come into your life
56:53 and to create in you a new the image of Jesus.
56:57 Yes, well, thank you all so much
57:00 'cause this has been so rich,
57:01 I enjoyed listening to that.
57:03 For those of you at home,
57:04 we hope that you'll be joining us for our next study
57:07 which is "A Royal Priesthood"
57:09 and this is from the quarterly "Feed My Sheep"
57:12 and you can go online to absg,
57:16 which stands for Adult Bible Study Guide.
57:19 absg.Adventist.org
57:24 and download those lessons
57:26 and join us next time.
57:27 We're so thankful for this opportunity
57:30 to study together, to share
57:34 and I always am so blessed
57:35 by the many different perspectives.
57:37 I always get more out of the lesson
57:39 when we all get together
57:40 than when we're just doing it on our own.
57:42 Well, for those of you at home, our prayer for you
57:46 is that the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
57:49 the love of the Father,
57:51 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
57:53 will be with you always,
57:55 and join us next time
57:57 as we delve deep into the writings of Peter
58:01 and learn how God can transform our lives.


Revised 2024-05-31