3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Lesson 4: Social Relationships

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr John Lomacang (Host), Jill Morikone, Molly Steenson, Pr. Tom Ferguson, Shelley Quinn


Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP000016S

00:01 The Bible tells us
00:32 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel
00:35 I'm John Lomacang one of the 5 panelists. I'll be discussing
00:39 this wonderful lesson on Social Relationships. So we invite you
00:43 to join us as we walk through these five important days from
00:47 Sunday to Thursday. We have some distinguished panelists that you
00:51 may have met before. To my right is Jill Morikone, Molly Steenson
00:55 Pr. Tom Ferguson, good to have you here Tom. And Shelley Quinn
00:58 and yours truly. And so we want to get you together if you have
01:03 your hearts and minds where they should be. We also encourage you
01:06 to get your Bibles and if you have your Sabbath School Lesson
01:09 we are on Lesson No. 4, April 15-21 on Social Relationships.
01:15 If you don't have one you can go to the following website and
01:18 download a copy of it. absg.adventist.org
01:23 That's absg, adult bible Sabbath school
01:26 Adult Bible Study Guide. Thank you so much
01:32 absg.adventist.org And download the lesson to
01:35 follow us on social issues. You know I think before we go into
01:38 the lesson it would be good to begin with prayer. Jill would
01:40 you do the favor for us? Sure Father we come before You in
01:44 the name of Jesus and we thank You for the gift of Your Word
01:47 And right now as we open up Your Word, as we study with our
01:50 brothers and sisters we ask for the anointing of Your Holy
01:53 Spirit. That You would anoint our lips and that You would give
01:57 each one of us ears to hear what You have for us.
02:00 And we thank You in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen.
02:04 Thank you so much. Social relationships. And I know that
02:07 all of us agree that social relationships are vitally
02:10 important. But this lesson doesn't just cover social
02:14 relationships. It covers it in a number of areas like church
02:17 and state, masters and slaves, a word that we don't really use
02:21 a whole lot today. But it does have an application for our
02:24 contemporary society. Wives and husbands. Social relationships
02:28 in a broader sense. And then Christianity and the social
02:32 order. And as we walk through this today, as I gleaned through
02:36 the lesson I could share with you, I was amazed that it had
02:39 some issues in it that were contemporary already and I know
02:43 the lesson is put together long before many of the things in
02:47 our society began to develop. But I thought how amazing it was
02:49 that it brought out issues. And the three main questions I'd
02:52 like to address are on the, to kinda throw out there as it were
02:57 were vitally important and stated in the very beginning
03:01 on the introduction page, on Sabbath afternoon
03:03 which were very important. How should Christians live with an
03:08 oppressive and corrupt government. Now do we have
03:11 corrupt governments? We don't want to say it, but in America
03:16 as well as other parts of the world, the government works in
03:19 ways that sometimes are not in favor of, and other times in
03:23 favor of the citizenry, depends on what side of the coin
03:26 in America what kinda parties do we have? We have Democrats
03:29 we have Democrat, Republican and Independent.
03:31 And then we have the Green Party, the Tea Party, you know
03:35 all those different types of phrases that are used in America
03:38 And there are two things most people always don't agree on
03:42 It's religion and politics. And this lesson, how amazing it is
03:48 starts me out by dealing with one of the most significant
03:52 parts of the lesson, the issues of church and state.
03:56 And church and state is a vitally important issue.
03:59 Matter of fact, what I'd like us to do, if you have your lesson
04:01 we could look at our memory text together. It is in 1 Peter 4:8
04:06 And we're gonna read it in it's totality although the lesson
04:09 uses the word Above all, we're gonna start with the whole
04:11 phrase. Let's read it together. It says, "And above all things
04:15 have fervent love for one another for love will cover
04:20 a multitude of sins." You know when I was looking at the lesson
04:25 I'm covering church and state, I began to look at the large
04:28 spectrum of church and state. I mean as far back as I can think
04:31 and one the greatest dynasties we know of is the Egyptian
04:36 dynasty, the Babylonian dynasty, the Medo-Persian dynasty
04:39 the Roman empire and even still today the Roman empire is very
04:45 influential in issues of church and state. When you also go down
04:50 Let's go to Revelation 13, I want to begin by giving you
04:53 a forecast. Because those of us who are Bible students know
04:58 that prophecy gives us a forecast. What I like about
05:04 forecast, it's not like the weather that tells you, well
05:07 today it will be partly cloudy, partly sunny. 10% chance of
05:10 rain, 90% chance of sunshine. It lets us know well in advance
05:15 As Isaiah 46: verse 9, 10 says, declaring the end from the
05:19 beginning. So the people of God, whether the New Testament church
05:24 or the Old Testament people of Israel always existed and there
05:28 was always this conflict between church and state. Because the
05:33 state in many cases were pagan. The state was almost, always
05:38 pagan. But they had their own kind or religion which in fact
05:42 was a spin off, worshipping gods that did not honor the God of
05:45 heaven. But the Bible gives us a forecast and I wanna say this
05:48 as I lead into this, it gives us a forecast of where America is
05:52 headed. And this is not a political statement. This is
05:55 in fact a forecast Revelation 13 talks about two particular
05:59 powers. The resurgent power of Rome, the coalesced powers
06:05 how Rome comes down to the end, it has all the symbols
06:09 of the powers that were before it. Let's look at Revelation 13.
06:15 And I want to show you first this compiled beast, let's see
06:20 Revelation 13, start with verse 1.
06:26 Then I stood on the sand of the sea and I saw a beast rising
06:30 up out of the sea having 7 heads and 10 horns. And on its heads
06:36 a blasphemous name. Now what you'll notice in Revelation
06:40 is it starts out with an A, singular, blasphemous name
06:44 By the time you get to Revelation 17, it's full of
06:47 names of blasphemy. So it talks about a growing decline in
06:52 spirituality. Starts with a name that's blasphemous, but then
06:56 it goes by the full formation of Babylon, full of names of
07:00 full of blasphemous names. But it also talks about, and this is
07:05 a composite beast while it represents Rome in particular
07:08 it's composite. It talks about the powers of all the nations
07:11 that went before it. Notice verse 2. Now the beast which
07:14 I saw was like a leopard. His feet were like the feet of a
07:18 bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion and the dragon
07:22 gave him his power, his throne and great authority. So you have
07:27 the beast was like a leopard which was what nation?
07:31 The Grecian empire, the nation of Greece. Then the bear which
07:35 was Medo-Persia. And then the lion. And so what John is giving
07:40 us here, if you go to the book of Daniel, we're not gonna go
07:41 there but I'll just give you a forecast. If you go to Daniel
07:44 7, Daniel talks about this is the Lion, the Bear and the
07:49 Leopard. He sees it forward. But John now existing in the time of
07:53 the fourth beast, looks back and says, I'm in the fourth
07:57 non-descript beast with iron teeth, Rome. So I'm looking back
08:01 to the Leopard, the Bear and the Lion. So these both meet
08:05 and it says to us unequivocally, both of them say the last beast
08:09 is the iron beast or the non descript beast or the beast as
08:14 the Bible describes as the one that has iron teeth and stamps
08:18 the residue, that's the entire world taken under its authority
08:22 But noting something, the reason why social relationships are
08:26 impacted is because it says at the end of verse 2, the dragon
08:29 gave him his power, his throne and his great authority.
08:33 Now Revelation 12:9, let's all say who is the dragon?
08:36 Somebody tell me. Satan is. The devil, Revelation 12:9
08:41 then Revelation 12:17 says this dragon is angry with the people
08:44 of God. So with the dragon power included there in this
08:49 system of politics and religion merging together, it'll bring in
08:53 adverse relationship to the people of God. So let's look at
08:56 three examples very quickly. Let's first go to Acts 5:29
09:02 What do you do when the system you exist in is contrary to God?
09:08 What do you do when the system you exist in is telling you to
09:11 do something other than what God's word is telling you to do.
09:15 This by the way is very interesting here, Acts 5:29
09:21 Do you have that Jill? Read that for us.
09:26 But Peter and the other apostles answered and said, we ought to
09:29 obey God rather than men. Ok. Very important. Now that's easy
09:33 to say. We ought to obey God rather than men. But when you
09:36 get to the Revelation 13 setting where you can't buy, you cannot
09:40 sell, you're facing religious oppression and let me put the
09:44 context back, in a nation that offers religious liberty.
09:49 And right now if you're listening to this lesson from
09:52 America you know right now there's issues in America
09:55 where we've had laws passed, where we've had bills written
09:59 where there's a great fear of Islam and rightfully so because
10:04 lots of the terrorist activity comes from not those who are
10:08 Islamic but those who are Islamic terrorists. May have
10:11 that, may use that religion as a cloak. But not the religion
10:14 itself. And then you have on one side a push to favor
10:18 Christianity in America where in fact as one writer said, or one
10:22 news pundit said, America is a inter denominational country
10:28 that offers freedom for everyone and so when you get to the place
10:32 where the government says you've gotta go one way and the Bible
10:34 says you gotta go the other, you have to take the stand like
10:37 Peter who says we ought to obey God rather than men.
10:41 Now in order to get to that place you've gotta make that
10:43 decision every day. You can't wait till, let's go to another
10:47 one. Daniel 6. You cannot wait until laws are put in place
10:53 to decide, well now I think I'll go that way. You gotta make
10:56 that decision every day. Look at the Hebrews and how they made
10:59 this decision. Daniel chapter 6.
11:03 I told you to turn there, why am I not turning there?
11:05 Here we are, Daniel 6. And we're gonna look together quickly at
11:10 verse 8 and 9. Amazing how this works. Daniel 6:8-9.
11:16 And I'll read that, it says
11:20 Now O King establish the decree and sign the writing so that it
11:26 cannot be changed according to the law of the Medes and the
11:30 Persians which do not alter. Now this law was to trap Daniel
11:34 because Daniel was a man that did not care about what the
11:36 government said. He's gonna pray with his windows open
11:39 facing Jerusalem. But I like verse 9 which says, Therefore
11:44 King Darius signed the writing, signed the written decree.
11:48 But how did Daniel respond? Now when Daniel knew that the
11:54 writing was signed he went home and in his upper room with his
11:59 windows opened towards Jerusalem he knelt down on his knees
12:04 three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before His God
12:08 as was his custom since early days. So as we transition
12:13 to the lesson about, from the lesson church and state
12:16 to the lesson about masters and slaves, keep this in mind
12:20 here's the point. As you practice from before the signing
12:25 of the writing, before the signing of the law
12:27 before the push of the government, if you have a
12:29 relationship with God before that you'll be so accustomed to
12:33 being loyal that when the writing is signed you'll
12:36 maintain your loyalty to God. Amen. Masters and slaves Jill
12:41 Oh that's powerful Pr. John. Masters and slaves is Monday
12:45 that's what I have. Let's turn to 1 Peter 2 and we'll read what
12:50 Peter had to say in his epistle. But before we actually read
12:54 that I want to talk about slavery in ancient Rome.
12:57 Slavery in ancient Rome was not based on race. We know in
13:01 America we had slavery based on race. In other countries
13:04 you've had slavery based on race but in ancient Rome it was not
13:08 based on race. Slaves came from prisoners of war, they came
13:13 from sailors who were pirates captured them and sold them
13:16 as slaves. They came from children who were born to
13:20 slaves, children born into slavery. They also came from
13:24 someone who couldn't pay their debt. And they sold, this gets
13:29 me, they sold their children as slaves. Now Greg and I don't
13:34 have children but I can't even imagine. You know someone
13:37 from your womb, someone you love with all your heart and thinking
13:41 I can't pay my debts I'm going to sell my children as slaves.
13:46 Often they were treated harshly in the early Roman empire, not
13:50 all the time. There's some news or statistics you could say
13:55 if you research it, sometimes that they were treated well, but
13:57 often they were treated harshly they were whipped, they were
14:01 branded, they were cruelly mistreated.
14:03 And Peter gives counsel to the people who were especially
14:07 enslaved during this time. There were slaves who were slaves
14:11 in private households. There were slaves who worked in mines
14:14 and factories, on farms, in city governments. Building roads
14:20 aqueducts and buildings. Some times they even worked as
14:23 accountants or even physicians. In fact the Roman senate looked
14:28 at passing a law because there were so many slaves and the
14:31 slaves looked similar and some times they had similar
14:34 occupations and they thought we want to know who is a Roman
14:37 citizen and who's a slave and they looked at passing a law
14:41 about that. But they decided they were not gonna pass the
14:45 law, they were gonna have the slaves dressed differently so
14:47 instantly you would know that's a slave, that person's free.
14:51 This one's a slave, this one's free. But they did not pass that
14:54 law because they thought if the slaves knew how many there were
14:57 they would up and rebel. Wow, there's a great deal of us
15:01 and we're gonna rebel against our masters. The slaves could
15:05 in Roman society, they could purchase their freedom.
15:07 And sometimes the master chose chose to set the slaves free.
15:12 The slave was then described, now I like this, as redeemed.
15:18 Yes! In the writings of Paul, in the writings of Peter, they
15:22 often used the same language to describe what the Lord Jesus
15:25 Christ did to you and to me, redeemed us, set us free from
15:30 the bondage, the slavery of sin and set us free in Christ Jesus
15:35 I love that verse. Peter 1, I know we're gonna read chapter 2
15:39 1 Peter 1:18, 19. Knowing that you were not redeemed with
15:43 corruptible things like silver or gold. He's saying you were
15:48 not bought with silver and gold. Here's that word redeemed
15:52 instead you were purchased verse 19, with the precious
15:56 blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish or without spot
16:01 So as we look at what Peter's counsel is to the enslaved
16:05 Christians at that time, we're in 1 Peter 2, we're gonna look
16:09 at verse 18 and I found the 3 principles, 3 principles of how
16:14 the early Christians who were in this unjust bondage, how
16:18 they were to react, how they were to handle this cruel or
16:22 unjust treatment. So let's look at that and whether we are
16:26 now of course there's the analogy that we were each sold
16:29 under sin and the Lord Jesus Christ came to set us free, but
16:33 maybe you're struggling in a difficult situation. Some people
16:37 are in slavery today and we know that that happens. And then some
16:41 people maybe have a difficult boss or difficult working
16:44 relationship or difficult person that you deal with and this
16:48 counsel is applicable to us today. So let's read, Molly you
16:52 wanna read verse 18. We're in 1 Peter 2:18.
16:55 Servants be subject to your masters with all fear, not only
17:00 to the good and gentle but also to the forward.
17:04 Okay so the word for servants in Greek, Okiase, means actually
17:09 a domestic slave or a household servant. Now Paul had similar
17:13 counsel to his, to slaves. And he uses a different word
17:17 Dolos, but it means slave. So, similar whether you're a
17:21 domestic servant or a slave, he's addressing those who are
17:24 in servitude. He says, be submissive to your masters
17:28 with all fear. Not only to the good and gentle, not only when
17:31 they treat you good. Now Molly is my boss and Molly treats me
17:34 really well but even if Molly did not treat me well what am I
17:39 supposed to do? We're gonna look at that. Be submissive to them
17:42 with all fear, not only to the good and gentle but also to the
17:45 harsh. Now the word in Greek for harsh is scolios. Like we
17:51 would get our English word scoliosis, it means curved
17:56 winding, crooked, unfair, perverse. Now that's fascinating
18:04 to me. This is maybe a boss who is not always upright
18:08 does not possess integrity, is not straight as a needle to the
18:12 pole as we would say but someone who's a little crooked. So, the
18:16 three principles how are you supposed to endure? Verse 19
18:20 Pr. Tom you have that? 2:19. For this is commendable
18:26 if because of conscious toward God one endures grief suffering
18:30 wrongly. 20. For what credit is it if when you are beaten for
18:36 your faults you take it patiently but when you do good
18:39 and suffer if you take it patiently this is commendable
18:43 before God. So Peter is saying hey listen if you messed up
18:47 you know if I mess up I need to take the just punishment
18:50 right? So if I make a mistake there's consequences when you
18:55 make a mistake. But what happens if you don't make a mistake?
18:58 If it's not your fault and they unjustly accuse you of something
19:04 maybe you didn't even do, what happens? What does he say?
19:07 When you do good and suffer if you take it patiently it is
19:12 commendable before God. So to me the first principle
19:16 is patience. Endure with patience. Literally that word
19:22 means remaining under the load bearing up or enduring,
19:27 remaining under that difficulty, staying underneath that.
19:30 The real spirit of Jesus is revealed when we suffer unjustly
19:35 and take it patiently. No. 2 Verse 21. For to this you were
19:43 called because Christ also suffered for us leaving us an
19:48 example that you should follow His steps. He's giving the
19:50 example now, this is how Christ suffered patiently,
19:53 who committed no sin nor was deceit found in His mouth
19:56 verse 23. When He was reviled did not revile in return
20:02 when He suffered He did not threaten but committed Himself
20:07 to Him who judges righteously. So Jesus as our perfect example
20:13 did not talk back, did not revile. When someone said
20:17 something to Him, He did not act back. To me that's the law
20:21 of kindness. Reaching out not only underneath wrong, suffering
20:25 unjustly, suffering with patience or endurance
20:28 bearing up under the load, but also reaching out with kindness
20:32 Ok Molly does something to me so I just want to act back.
20:36 No, restraining myself from that reaching out in kindness
20:40 But Jill that comes with practice, I mean you just don't
20:43 it's out of character, you just don't do that unless your
20:46 character has been developed. Because naturally it is
20:50 it's natural, it's human to want to, okay they did that to me
20:54 watch what I'm gonna do back. How do you deal with that?
20:58 That's a great point because that's natural, that's human
21:01 you think the sermon on the mount, Jesus said what?
21:04 Turn the other cheek and some times if someone says something
21:07 what do I wanna do? I remember one time someone lied about me
21:13 Ooh that hurts. So what are you supposed to do with that?
21:16 To me, you're right, of ourself the natural human response
21:20 is to get mad, to act out, to strike back, to speak back
21:26 to vindicate. Jesus says vengeance is mine, I'll repay
21:30 It's difficult to trust that to the Lord Jesus Christ, so
21:34 in my own experience it's a case of going before God
21:37 God you know my heart is full of self. You know what I'm
21:40 dealing with right now. I'm asking you to change me
21:43 I'm asking you to take that sin out of my heart and enable
21:48 me to respond the way you want me to. And I think as we endure
21:52 these trials, as we go through this what happens? God works
21:56 on our character and God works to develop in us His character
22:00 Point No.3 I just got one minute, is to trust in God
22:05 as the Righteous Judge, as Redeemer as Healer. Romans 12:19
22:10 Vengeance is mine, I will repay. So if I truly trust in God I say
22:14 Ok even though Pr. Tom did this to me, which he didn't, Pr. Tom
22:18 did this to me and I don't know what I'm going to do with it
22:22 but I'm going to trust Jesus, that He sees what's been done
22:25 He knows what's happened and in the end He is going to
22:30 make things right again.
22:33 Wow. I mean the word slave is a huge word. Because people
22:37 don't really like to be lorded over. People don't like to be
22:40 bullied, as it were, and so when we think about employment today
22:45 somebody might be in an employment situation where they
22:47 continually having to contend with their supervisor or their
22:49 manager. It's saying in that case if you haven't done
22:53 anything wrong you may suffer but not as an evil doer. Because
22:58 the Bible talks about suffering but not as an evil doer when
23:01 some of those challenges come in and now Molly I mean we talk
23:04 about social relationships now you've been married for a long
23:07 time and so you have the privilege of talking about
23:11 relationships with husbands and wives.
23:13 Husbands and wives, wives and husbands. When I first saw
23:17 the, what was assigned to me to teach I was a bit hesitant
23:22 because this is very sensitive, this is very sensitive Scripture
23:25 Hal and I pastored for many years and Pr. Lomacang, Pr. Tom
23:32 I'm sure you've seen where these Scriptures have been
23:35 abused. And so I thought before we go into these Scriptures,
23:42 for one thing I want to establish the difference
23:46 between submission and surrender and also, although we've all
23:54 heard the sad stories, I wanted to say that's the exception and
24:00 it's not the rule. But when you hear the sad stories you seem
24:05 to think that there's more of those than the good stories
24:10 but there are more positive stories than there are the
24:16 negative. And these Scriptures, see if they're taken, and we're
24:20 about to read them, if they're taken in an abusive sense
24:24 then you are going to have those that will overpower
24:30 or abuse, abuse is the right word. But when you take them in
24:35 their context and read them for what Peter is saying, this is
24:39 a beautiful teaching. And so, I just want to give balance
24:43 here. What Peter is addressing is Christian wives who are
24:50 married to non-believers. And so, the definition of submission
24:56 is to yield to another's authority. Now that is all
25:03 through Christianity, because we yield. What do we pray Shelley,
25:07 Jill most every morning when we do worship. Oh Father we submit
25:12 ourselves to You today. Your will for my life not my will, so
25:17 submission is just part and parcel of the Christian
25:21 relationship with the Lord, it's not a foreign word. Submission
25:25 to another's wishes is an attitude of the heart done
25:30 willingly. Submission is done willingly. Surrender, that's
25:36 when you're just beaten down and you just finally surrender
25:40 That is something that's being forced on you to do.
25:44 So I want you to know the difference between submission
25:47 and surrender. What Peter is talking about is that sweet
25:52 submissive spirit. So let's read now in 1 Peter 3:1-7
25:57 It says, Wives, again we're addressing wives that are
26:02 married to non-believers. Likewise be submissive to your
26:06 own husbands that even if some do not obey the Word
26:12 they, without a word, maybe won by the conduct of their wives.
26:17 Who when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by
26:23 fear, and that word fear is not being afraid, it is just
26:28 reverence. Reverence to God, reverence to His word.
26:31 Do not let your adornment be merely outward, arranging the
26:35 hair, wearing gold or putting on fine apparel. Rather let it be
26:39 what? The hidden person of the heart with the incorruptible
26:43 beauty of a gentle and a quiet spirit which is not just
26:48 precious, but very precious, in the sight of God for in this
26:54 manner in former times the holy women who trusted in God also
26:59 adorned themselves being submissive to their own husbands
27:03 as Sarah obeyed Abraham calling him Lord whose daughters you are
27:09 I did a teaching one time, years ago, on whose daughter are you?
27:13 and it comes down to that heart of submission. Whose daughters
27:19 you are if you do good and are not afraid with terror.
27:24 Now again, Peter is addressing women that are married to
27:29 non-believers. Now there's a Scripture that says we're not to
27:34 be unequally yoked. So if a Christian young lady, and we've
27:39 seen this, we've all seen this where a Christian young lady
27:43 is just dazzled by this handsome young man who has started going
27:47 to church with her because she's let him know, I won't have
27:51 anything to do with you if you're not a Christian.
27:53 Right? We've seen those situations. So he starts going
27:57 to church with her just long enough to convince her that
28:00 she's got a chance of changing him. And so they wind up
28:07 falling in love and getting married. And then we've got a
28:11 Christian young lady that should've known better
28:14 because young ladies you'll never change a man. Only God
28:20 by the power of His Spirit, can change anybody's heart and so
28:25 we have this situation, then she wakes up rudely to find out
28:29 that she can't change him and she's in this situation where
28:33 Peter is addressing that, he's telling her how to conduct her
28:37 life and the way she conducts her life then is, she is quiet
28:43 and submissive to him and by her conduct she has the
28:47 opportunity to win him to the Lord. Now again, talking about
28:52 a sad situation, but also we have situations where Christian
28:58 women are married to non-Christian men because
29:01 they two non-Christians get married then she comes into
29:05 the knowledge of the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ
29:08 she comes out of darkness and into light. Where's her husband?
29:11 He's still in darkness. So again Peter's instruction
29:16 is beautiful instruction, a beautiful teaching.
29:19 Now I want to use my parents as an example.
29:23 And this is a good example. My mother was, I mean she was a
29:29 good, godly woman. I can't speak highly enough of her
29:32 and the example that she set for us, I just wish myself and
29:36 my sisters followed our mother's example more closely than what
29:40 we do. She was a beautiful lady You are a woman of God and a
29:44 wonderful example. Well my mother put a lot of good in
29:47 all of us but my father wasn't a Christian, he didn't proclaim
29:52 to be a Christian. But you know what my father did. He honored
29:55 my mother. He made sure every Sunday, we were Sunday keepers
30:00 then. She had a way, she had transportation to make sure that
30:04 we could get to church. And Sometimes it was an old farm
30:08 truck that just a day before we were using to haul hay
30:11 but Daddy made sure there was gas in it and mother could take
30:15 her children to church. Daddy wanted his children to be in
30:19 church. And so there is an example of a woman that lived
30:26 the example that Peter is talking about here and how it
30:29 affected my father who was a gambling, raw man, Southern
30:36 farmer. And but you know in the end, in his later years, he'd
30:40 accompany mother to church and my father, before he passed,
30:45 he came out of darkness and into light. He gave his life to
30:49 the Lord Jesus Christ. So there is an example of somebody that
30:53 followed this example and so although he was an ungodly man
30:59 she lived the example before him and the Scriptures came to
31:03 pass. Now I wanted us also, I wanted you to go to
31:10 1 Corinthians. We're going to look in verse 7. And this is
31:14 good counsel that we get here, this is from Paul and it's
31:18 talking about the same subject. 1 Corinthians 7 verses 12-16.
31:27 The Scripture says, but to the rest speak I, not the Lord,
31:33 if any brother hath a wife that believeth not, look at this
31:37 This is coming from another direction than what Peter did.
31:42 And she is pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her
31:46 away. And the woman which hath a husband that believeth not
31:50 and if he be pleased to dwell with her let her not leave him
31:55 for the unbelieving husband is, I like this word, sanctified by
32:00 the wife and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the
32:04 husband. Else were your children unclean and now are they holy
32:09 So this is looking at the whole family, looking at the children
32:12 as well. But if the unbelieving depart let him depart. A brother
32:17 or a sister is not under bondage in such cases. But God has
32:22 called us to peace. And I like that Scripture. God has called
32:25 us to peace. Now I have seen situations again, Hal and I
32:29 pastored for many years and in that we would see situations
32:34 and I just thought I would use one here. I used my parents as
32:37 the good example, sometimes there are bad examples, now
32:40 there just are. And I had a situation where this lady
32:45 married a man and she had a daughter and the daughter was
32:48 maybe 13 or 14 and the man was behaving inappropriately.
32:54 So what does the Scripture say here, he says God has called us
32:59 to peace. Well the lady came and said, do I have to stay with
33:02 this man because of this danger that is and you know we said
33:07 God is calling us to peace, protect your child. So there
33:11 are situations where the protection of your family is
33:16 foremost. Let me finish with this one point. Submission to
33:22 a husband does not mean a woman is to be a slave
33:26 in bondage to that man, but rather it is to be mutual
33:31 submission and love in the Lord where there is peace.
33:34 So beautiful teaching here. You know Molly you talked about how
33:37 how the wife's life, or the saved spouse sanctifies the one
33:42 that's not saved. That means they become a blessing to them
33:45 rather than atoning for that person's life, they become a
33:49 blessing to that individual. Paul in 1 Timothy 4:16 says
33:52 Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine. Continue in them
33:55 for in doing this you will both save yourself and those who
34:00 hear you. So that's why your dad I believe later on gave his
34:03 life to the Lord by your mom's constant example.
34:05 Well thank you so much for that. Pr. Tom, good to have you
34:08 here today. You're dealing with social relationships. That is
34:12 our lesson for Wednesday. And I'm so glad you had that topic
34:17 instead of my having to cover that.
34:22 I want to begin with, let's begin with 1 Peter 2 verse11
34:32 When it comes to social relationships or as we see here
34:35 in this day's lesson it says Beloved I beg you as sojourners
34:40 and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against
34:43 us all. One of the things as Christians that we have to
34:47 remember is that this is not our home, we're just passing
34:52 through. And to actually be someone who is a sojourner
34:58 someone who is representing the kingdom of heaven, one of the
35:01 things that this text brings out is the very fact that we need to
35:04 abstain from fleshly lusts and you know I thought about what
35:09 does that really mean? What kind of things constitute this?
35:14 As a Christian we're living in a society today where anything
35:17 goes, right? Socially anything goes. Relationships, anything
35:22 goes. It's the cart before the horse. And I'm very concerned
35:27 for the next generation because this is all they see,
35:30 this being modeled for them, it's being taught in the media
35:34 and their peers are also practicing these things.
35:38 So as a Christian we really are, as we mentioned in another
35:41 lesson, we are peculiar people when it comes to the world
35:45 and how we relate to it. But it says, having your conduct
35:50 honorable among the Gentiles that when they speak against you
35:54 as evil doers they may by your good works, they see, they
35:59 observe, glorify God in the day of visitation.
36:02 See oftentimes Christians are misunderstood
36:06 because there are things a Christian would not do
36:09 there are things a Christian will not say and from our
36:13 childhood on we have that peer pressure to give in to the lusts
36:18 of the world and to socially get caught up in that.
36:21 And I think that never leaves us, it's constantly we're being
36:24 bombarded by it. And, but God is calling us to something
36:28 much higher. And what is says here, when they speak evil
36:32 against you they can glorify God in the day of His visitation
36:37 The reason why they speak evil is because you're not buying
36:42 into their rhetoric. As a matter of fact when I think of Jesus
36:48 He was an indictment, His character was an indictment
36:50 to all of those that were living by the lusts of the flesh,
36:54 that were socially caught up into this, as I mentioned before
36:58 another time, this Babylonian thinking, anything that's not
37:01 of God. I invite you to turn, well first before I turn there
37:05 just want to reference Ezekiel 28:16. This really began in
37:10 heaven where backbiting takes place. It's the abundance of
37:15 trading that Lucifer the highest of all angels, entrusted by
37:21 God, he was the light bearer which is what his name
37:25 represents and he was defaming God. He was actually attacking
37:29 His reputation; can't touch His character but he was attacking
37:33 His reputation because he was living in the lusts, the very
37:37 very things that are going on in society that a Christian
37:39 has to withstand. So the God we serve has been through this
37:43 first. And as a matter of fact as we go on, let's go to John 8
37:49 because one of the things that's sad is we're often times looking
37:54 at church leadership when we see Jesus interacting in this way.
37:58 John 8 verse 44.
38:04 And I want to set this up a little bit. They're having a
38:07 little bit of a dialogue here and the church leaders are
38:11 saying pretty much, verse 41 They said to Him, we were not
38:17 born of fornication. We have one father, God. In other words
38:21 the illegitimacy of Jesus was what they were accusing Him of.
38:25 They obviously did not believe in His divine inception but
38:32 instead they're accusing Him of not having, to be illegitimate.
38:36 OK? And Jesus comes back with this in verse 42.
38:42 He said to them, if God were your Father you would love me
38:46 for I proceeded forth and came forth from God, nor have I come
38:50 of myself but He sent me. Why do you not understand my speech?
38:56 Because you are not able to listen to my word.
39:00 You are of your father the devil There's where it all started
39:04 again. And the desires of our father you want to do.
39:08 He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand
39:12 in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaks
39:16 a lie he speaks from his own resources for he is a liar
39:20 and the father of it. So what Jesus is pointing out here
39:26 is that anyone is not in the kingdom of heaven under the
39:31 control of the Holy Spirit is really preaching and teaching
39:35 and acting out of the lusts of the flesh. We live in a society
39:39 today where we're having social interactions and we are to
39:42 represent Christ in all of these settings. And as we
39:47 continue in the chapter in 1 Peter
39:54 um I'm not going to get into Galatians 5 at this point
39:57 I'll do that at another lesson but that really spells out the
40:02 different things that really beset us. So it says, submit
40:07 yourself to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake whether
40:12 the king as supreme or to governors.
40:15 I was thinking about what you were saying Pr. Lomacang
40:19 about society today submitting to the governing forces that
40:25 are in place. That is something we have not seen at all.
40:29 There has been a total, some thing that I haven't witnessed
40:32 in my lifetime, rebellion against the way things stand
40:37 today. And I'm watching this tension and I'm watching this
40:41 social interaction going into places I have never seen before
40:45 when it comes to the political realm. And I often think
40:52 this is really revealing the heart of man. This is revealing
40:56 how corrupt that heart really is when we see some of the things
41:00 that are happening in society today.
41:07 You know one of the things about Jesus, cause we think about
41:12 ourselves as Christians, how are we to respond to all of this
41:16 Because I think Jesus surrounded Himself, He had people that were
41:20 admiring Him but some of them were activists.
41:23 Does He want us to be activists with our positions? What does he
41:28 really want us to focus on. We have to again I go back to the
41:31 original idea and that is we are sojourners, we are pilgrims
41:35 And this battle that's going on right now, that's waging
41:40 the enemy is really playing one side against the other
41:43 He has done it throughout my lifetime but he's doing it in a
41:47 very fierce way right now. If you look at verse 17 of 1 Peter
41:51 chapter 2, it says honor all people, love the brotherhood
41:55 fear God, honor the King.
41:59 So you know think about it, if there's no law what do we have?
42:06 Anarchy. That's right. Wherever we see places where the power
42:10 goes out and you see what starts to happen in streets, without
42:14 law there is anarchy. So God has systems in place which will
42:19 enable, in this great controversy that we're in,
42:21 for Him to accomplish His good in spite of the forces that are
42:26 working against that. Um, also it's been brought up before
42:35 but I think about what is not only spoken of by Peter but also
42:38 in other places to submit to the authorities that your work for.
42:44 You know often times I tell a Christian that if you are going
42:50 to ask your employer for the Sabbath off,
42:53 are you a hard worker? Do you respect the foreman, do you
42:57 respect the administration? Are you the type of person that
43:01 they respect? So have you earned the right to ask for something
43:07 that honors God? So at all times we as Christians in this social
43:12 network that we're involved in are being observed, many times
43:15 criticized, many times persecuted but at the same time
43:19 is exactly what the world is needing and it has a
43:22 transforming effect and that's what God wants us to be
43:26 in the community in which we live. Amen.
43:29 You brought out something that was very interesting about
43:31 the unrest that's existing in society today. If you go back
43:34 to the 60s you go back to Berkeley, you know the protest
43:37 in Berkeley, CA. It seemed as though in America where we
43:40 boast religious freedom we also have this thing called freedom
43:42 of speech but it's becoming intense as we go on. I think
43:47 that's what you're pointing out it's intensity. And Jesus made
43:50 the point, the reason why Christians should not be
43:52 involved in that He says, my kingdom is not of this world
43:55 if my kingdom were of this world my servants would fight
43:59 and so we have our minds focused as sojourners on
44:02 another kingdom. Thank you Pastor Tom. Shelley, you have
44:05 Christianity and the social order. What a topic for today.
44:08 Yes, really. In this kind of, you all have led up to this
44:12 swell, there's been a bit of overlap but when you think what
44:15 happened in Acts chapter 4, we see Peter and John who were
44:20 out, the early church had so many successes that the Jewish
44:26 elders and the hierarchy were very upset by this. So they
44:31 arrested them and when they arrested them they questioned
44:35 them and then they released them with a stern warning
44:38 don't preach about this Jesus anymore. We don't want you
44:42 preaching about Jesus anymore. What happened? Paul and John
44:48 go out, or Peter and John I mean, go out and they start
44:52 preaching straightaway about Jesus. They were compelled
44:55 to preach, it was like fire in their bones. So let's look
44:58 turn to Acts chapter 5 and we're going to look at what happened
45:04 because here they go straight away out preaching and they come
45:09 and they're arrested again. So Acts 5, we'll read through
45:13 verses 27-32. So it says, when they had brought them they sat
45:19 them before the council and the High Priest asked them saying
45:22 Did we not strictly command you not to teach in this name
45:27 and look you've filled Jerusalem with your doctrine and intend to
45:30 bring this man's blood on us. But Peter and the other apostles
45:34 answered and said, we ought to obey God rather than men.
45:38 The God of our fathers raised up Jesus whom you murdered
45:42 by hanging on a tree. Him God has exalted to His right hand
45:46 to be Prince and Savior and to give repentance to Israel
45:49 and forgiveness of sins and we are witnesses to these things
45:53 So I mean they couldn't not preach. And so also is the Holy
45:57 Spirit whom God has given to those who obey. So as we said
46:02 earlier when human law conflicts with God's law, our duties as
46:08 as Christians, our duty is to make certain that we obey God
46:13 rather than men, because you know God has sovereignty over
46:17 human affairs and God is the one who instituted civil government
46:21 and He did it for the benefit of man. And in most cases, it
46:26 it's desirable that we follow the law of the land. I mean
46:30 there's generally quite a lot of benefit for that. But now
46:33 let's look at what he said in 1 Peter 2, verses 13-17
46:41 because when we consider what he's saying here, we've just
46:46 I want to read Acts 5 first because he's got a line drawn
46:51 in the sand saying we'll go this far and no further. We will
46:55 we will obey the law without disobeying, I mean as long
47:00 as we don't have to compromise God's commandments.
47:06 Peter says, therefore submit yourselves to every ordinance
47:10 of man for the Lord's sake whether to the king as supreme
47:13 or to governors or to those who are sent by him for the
47:16 punishment of evildoers and for the praise of those who do good
47:19 for this is the will of God that by doing good you may put to
47:24 silence the ignorance of foolish men. He's talking about the
47:28 foolish Gentiles here, as free, Peter's saying to them, you're
47:33 free yet not using liberty as a cloak for vice but as bond
47:38 servants of God. Honor all people, love the brotherhood
47:42 fear God, honor the king. As we pointed out, sometimes
47:47 man, because man's imperfect sometimes we've got a flawed
47:52 and sinful things that are happening in the government
47:56 That's all there is to it. But responsible Christians should be
48:01 responsible citizens unless what they're passing is saying
48:07 going over the line, if you will You know when Israel was under
48:13 bondage to the Roman yoke Jesus said these words found in
48:17 Matthew 22:21, here is this ungodly Roman government
48:25 but what does Jesus say? Give back to Caesar the things that
48:29 are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's.
48:32 So we see that Jesus is even saying, follow the government
48:38 You know you've got to pay your taxes. Both Peter and Paul urged
48:43 the Christians to be good citizens. Now isn't it
48:48 interesting, who was the governing authority during this
48:52 time that Peter's writing? Nero. And he was tyrannical, he was
49:00 evil, he was notoriously cruel and a repressive government
49:05 he, it is his government that ended up killing both Paul
49:10 and Peter. But Paul taught, as I think someone already read it
49:15 Let's turn to 1 Timothy 2 and we'll look at verse 1.
49:21 1 Tim 2 verse 1 and 2 is what we want to read. Jill do you have
49:29 that? Would you read that for us please?
49:33 Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers,
49:38 intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men
49:42 for kings and all who are in authority that we may lead a
49:46 quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.
49:50 So how do we then, if we are to honor and respect the government
49:55 how is Paul saying first to honor and respect the government
49:57 Do you know I had, I shouldn't even maybe tell this but I had
50:00 a lady call me who said I cannot honor and respect this
50:04 government. She's very upset with some things that are going
50:09 on. And she said, just can't do it. And I told her, pray for
50:13 them. We are told that we are to intercede and pray for them
50:19 and that's how we honor, we pay our taxes, we pray for those who
50:25 are in government. So let's look at, well actually I don't
50:30 have another scripture right here. Here's the things that
50:33 I just want to point out. Paul and Peter commanded our
50:37 cooperation as far as our consciences would allow, why?
50:42 So that God's people would be respected and the message of the
50:47 Gospel would be respected. That's the main point here.
50:51 Our freedom, he says in the scripture, you know as free
50:57 but our freedom is not so that we can indulge our own motives
51:03 or indulge selfish pleasures. God's government operates on
51:08 two fundamental principles of love. Love the Lord your God
51:13 with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul
51:16 and love your neighbor as yourself. So we're obligated
51:21 as His covenant people to love others. Love fulfills the law
51:26 he tell us. So we live in subordination to the country's
51:29 government unless the government laws violate our religious
51:33 convictions in situations where you cannot obey both God and
51:39 the government, obey God. That was clear. And we have to be
51:44 encouraged. Let's turn to Luke 6:22 because I find great
51:47 encouragement in this when we are persecuted.
51:54 If we're gonna be persecuted Peter says now this is, 1 Peter
51:58 is all about, I mean these people were being persecuted
52:01 by the Romans, by the Jews, by their families but he's saying
52:06 if you're gonna be persecuted what you should be persecuted
52:09 for is for obeying God not for breaking God's rules
52:15 or moral or civil laws. So he says in Luke 6:22
52:20 Why don't you read that Tom. Blessed are you when me hate you
52:24 and when they exclude you and revile you and cast out your
52:28 name as evil for the Son of Man's sake.
52:30 So says Jesus. These are words to encourage us. You know
52:34 you don't feel like you're being blessed when you're
52:37 being persecuted but there are Christians who've been tortured
52:40 and beaten and jailed. There's even Christians who are losing
52:42 their lives around the world. We live in a developed country
52:48 that has laws that protect us, at least for this time we do.
52:52 But there's so many Christians who don't have. But what they're
52:57 doing is even though when their convictions cause them to obey
53:02 God rather than men, what happened is Jesus says, you've
53:07 got a blessing. This isn't your home you've got an incorruptible
53:11 inheritance that is in heaven. The lesson pointed out one thing
53:14 that I want to, I thought this was interesting. It said that
53:18 Christians should seek to improve society.
53:21 With moral issues here at stake we should fight and be highly
53:27 involved in legally promoting the kind of social changes
53:31 that reflect the values and teachings of Jesus.
53:35 But I read on Friday and I wanna read this because this is
53:38 really interesting, Friday's further thought in the Sabbath
53:42 School Lesson. It said, Ellen G. White advocated that SDAs
53:47 be good citizens and obey the law of the land. She even told
53:50 people not to openly and flagrantly disobey local Sunday
53:56 laws. Ha. She said don't disobey those local Sunday laws. That is
54:01 they must keep the 7th day Sabbath holy as God has
54:05 commanded but that they don't need to deliberately violate
54:09 laws that forbid Sunday labor. In one case in particular
54:13 however, she was clear that Adventists should not obey the
54:15 law. If a slave had escaped his or her master the law required
54:20 that the slave be returned to that master. She railed against
54:23 that law and told Adventists not to obey despite the
54:27 consequences. And here is a quote. When the laws of men
54:31 conflict with the word and law of God we are to obey the latter
54:34 the law of God, whatever the consequences maybe.
54:37 The law of our land requiring us to deliver the slave to his
54:40 master we are not to obey and we must abide the consequences
54:45 of violating this law. The slave is not the property of any man
54:48 God is his rightful master and man has no right to take God's
54:51 workmanship into his hands and claim him as his own
54:56 and that's from Testimonies for the Church, Volume 1,
54:58 pages 201 and 202. I just thought that was fascinating
55:02 And you know we talk about these social issues that cover
55:05 everything from church and state to relationships to
55:08 marriage, to social relationships and then
55:10 what Shelley just talked about, the Christian in a social
55:14 setting and it all comes down to reality that and we summarize
55:19 this by saying when the laws are not out of harmony with
55:22 God's law then the Christian should abide by it, but there's
55:27 a point you don't just become anarchist because you see that
55:30 this is something you disagree with. Now I think that's the
55:33 kinda the tender part of it, the fulcrum point if I use that
55:35 phrase or that word because there's a delicate balance
55:39 between where we are in a place as a people in a society like
55:43 in America use that with all the political you know fodder that's
55:47 going on right now, all the discontent and all the things
55:50 you talked about, supporting or not supporting the present
55:52 administration, we should not be the kind of individuals that are
55:55 sitting at the cusp of what can we do to show our displeasure
55:58 But we should exist in a peaceable spirit knowing,
56:02 and I think that this text, look at it very quickly in Hebrews
56:05 11 one of the reasons why, you know you think about the life of
56:08 Abraham. Abraham was a pilgrim for sure and not only is Hebrews
56:13 chapter 11 a chapter of faith but it's said that all the
56:17 things endured by the, I could call these the people of faith
56:21 all the things endured by the people of faith were for one
56:24 particular reason. They all had their minds fixed on a different
56:27 country. Verse 16, who has that?
56:32 But now they desire a better, that is a heavenly country
56:35 therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God for He
56:39 has prepared a city for them. Amen. So when you know that
56:43 this is just your temporary home Molly, when this is your
56:46 temporary home you endure as a soldier. You endure hardship
56:51 as a good soldier and you recognize there's one other
56:55 thing because it's gonna transition one day to the point
56:57 where John 16 says the time will come when they will kill you
57:01 and they will think they offer God service. We've seen this
57:05 in different places in history. Millions, millions, millions
57:08 in various governments. But when it comes to the delicate
57:11 balance, we are told to be a people who recognize that the
57:15 kingdom of God is not of this world. We are not to try to
57:18 design the world to be heaven because then we wouldn't want
57:21 to desire to leave here. This world is not gonna be the place
57:24 where we find everything in favor of those who are looking
57:27 for a better city. For a better country. But is it gonna be a
57:32 better country Pr. Tom? Amen Is it gonna be a better city
57:34 Molly? Absolutely. Is there a heaven being prepared for us
57:36 Jill? Is your home that's not here Shelley? And we all look
57:40 for that, so as a social Christian I'll use that phrase
57:44 as a social Christian may the graces of our relationship with
57:48 God and man permeate everything we do so people, as Peter says
57:53 when they look at you, they'll say at least they were good
57:57 people. May that be your desire and may God accomplish that
58:00 in your life for His glory. Amen.


Revised 2024-05-31