3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Lesson 6: Suffering for Christ

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jill Morikone (Host), Molly Steenson, Pr. Tom Ferguson, Shelley Quinn, Pr John Lomacang,


Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP000018S

00:01 The Bible tells us
00:32 Hello and we want to welcome you to the 3ABN Sabbath School
00:36 Panel. My name is Jill Morikone and so glad that you have tuned
00:39 in today. As we study the Word of God, as we open up the
00:43 Quarterly for this quarter is Feed My Sheep. We're discussing
00:48 the epistles of 1st and 2nd Peter. And I've been so blessed
00:53 by the study as we continue through and we're glad that you
00:56 are joining us as well. I want to introduce our panel to you
00:59 and then we'll give the way where you can access
01:02 the quarterly for yourself and you can download it and follow
01:06 along with us. But first our panel. To my left is Sr. Shelley
01:09 Quinn, and then Pr. Tom Ferguson of the Marion District
01:13 Pr. John Lomacang our own pastor here and Molly Steenson
01:18 And it's a joy and a privilege to open up God's Word
01:21 with each one of you. They're anointed men and women of God
01:25 who know the Word of God but not only that, they choose to
01:29 walk in practice what they have studied and that is the most
01:33 important thing and to me that's the best thing that could ever
01:35 be said about someone. Is that they live, they practice what
01:39 they preach. The Bible Study Guide, we want to give you the
01:42 way that you can access that. Go to absg.adventist.org
01:49 That stands for Adult Bible Study Guide. adventist.org
01:55 and you can download the lesson, follow along. We are on lesson
01:58 number 6. We're looking at Suffering For Christ
02:03 1 Peter deals with a lot of persecution. The early Christian
02:07 Church was under persecution. And we'll be looking at how are
02:11 we supposed to endure hardship and trial and how do we suffer
02:16 for Christ. Let's go to the Lord in prayer and then we'll read
02:20 our memory text together. And Shelley would you open up in
02:23 prayer for us? One again Father we come before you in the name
02:27 of Jesus thanking You for Your gifts of Your Son, Your Holy
02:31 Spirit and Your Word. And we thank you for this privilege
02:34 and honor that we have to get into Your Word, delve deep into
02:38 Your Word and share with our brothers and sisters. Father we
02:42 ask in the name of Jesus that You would send Your Holy Spirit
02:45 to be our teacher. Please anoint us as we speak, just let Him
02:50 flow through us but we also pray that You will give each one of
02:54 us ears to hear what the Spirit has to say and help us to put
02:58 Your Word into practice. In Jesus' name, Amen. Amen.
03:02 Our memory text if you want to join with us is 1 Peter 2: 21
03:07 and our custom is we would say it together on the panel
03:10 but I wanna invite you at home why don't you say it along with
03:13 us here as part of our 3ABN family? So we're in 1 Peter 2
03:18 verse 21 and we're reading out of the New King James Version
03:22 For to this you were called because Christ also suffered
03:27 for us leaving us an example that you should follow His steps
03:35 You know our culture today has kind of an interesting approach
03:39 to suffering. We don't like it. We wanna get rid of it. We avoid
03:44 it. We take pills for either a headache or a cold, we wanna
03:48 take a pill to relieve the head ache or to get rid of the
03:51 symptoms of a cold. We want to relieve other people of their
03:55 suffering and what they're going through. We wanna be
03:59 pain free, mature, perfect, feel great at all times. That's our
04:04 instant society or instant culture. My husband Greg likes
04:08 to exercise and he always says when I get the weights out
04:12 which I don't do as much as I should, and start to exercise
04:15 then I'll say but I don't wanna do it honey I'm gonna hurt
04:18 And he says, Oh don't you love that. I love the feeling of
04:22 muscles hurting. I do not love that. I just don't relish that
04:26 there's nothing I like about it except the benefit. Down the
04:29 road you're gonna reap the benefit of that. We say we want
04:34 to avoid suffering at all cost, especially in our modern society
04:39 and world. In the first century, Sunday's lesson is persecution
04:44 of the early Christians and in the first century after Christ
04:47 we see they experienced much suffering. Nero was the Roman
04:53 Emperor. He came to power at the age of 17 in AD 54 and he was a
04:59 young man who was, we could say, cruel. Very cruel. Harsh
05:04 He killed his step brother because he thought he was in
05:07 line for the throne. He arranged the murder of his mom. He
05:13 arranged the murder of his first wife and then his second wife
05:17 died too and there's discussion about what happened there
05:20 But he was a cruel tyrant. He only ruled for 13 years, He died
05:27 in AD 68 at the age of 30. But just before that time, in AD 64
05:32 a great fire broke out in the city of Rome and people
05:36 attributed it to Nero. Now whether he started the fire
05:39 or not I don't know but people said Nero did this and so he
05:44 started this rumor that the Christians had started the fire.
05:49 And then after that time they started persecution, systematic
05:55 persecution of the Christians and we're studying here in
05:58 1 Peter and of course we know Peter was killed and Paul was
06:01 also killed under this serious persecution that was taking
06:05 place in Rome at that time. They told the Christians to
06:09 offer incense to statues of other gods, to pray to other
06:13 gods and if they refused they would be persecuted.
06:17 Sometimes they covered them with the hides of animals and
06:20 and then attacked them. They made human torches
06:26 for light at night so that I want a street light
06:33 they set somebody on fire. That is just horrible.
06:36 The persecution that these early Christian believers lived under
06:41 and we're going to look this week at how Christ suffered
06:46 and how we are to endure suffering. How does the concept
06:51 of judgment help those of us enduring persecution and why
06:55 is there suffering at all. But on Sunday, specifically, we're
06:59 looking at how were the Christians to respond during
07:01 that time. We're gonna look at a couple of Scriptures.
07:04 So let's turn back to 1 Peter 1, verses 6 and 7
07:08 we covered this a few weeks ago
07:13 In this you greatly rejoice Now I just wanna stop there
07:19 you greatly rejoice, even now for a little while need be
07:24 you have been grieved by various trials. So they're in the midst
07:28 of this trial and Peter is saying, in this you can
07:32 greatly rejoice. In the Greek it means exult, full of joy
07:38 or being so happy that you jump in exultation. Now I'm thinking
07:44 how am I going to be so excited about that? Why do we rejoice?
07:49 The previous verse, what does it say? Because we're kept by the
07:54 power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed
07:59 in the last time. We rejoice because we have an inheritance
08:02 incorruptible. We rejoice because we have salvation
08:05 by grace through Christ Jesus. We rejoice because we have
08:10 assurance of salvation and even in the midst of this pain
08:13 this world is not all there is. This world is not my home, I'm
08:17 just a passing through. We can look forward to that inheritance
08:21 incorruptible. And how are we to respond during the trial?
08:24 Look at verse 7. That the genuineness of your faith
08:29 being much more precious than gold that perishes though it is
08:34 tested by fire maybe found to praise, honor and glory at the
08:39 revelation of Jesus Christ. Wow! Trials test our faith.
08:47 Trials make us like Jesus.
08:52 I don't think they are an entrance exam or an obstacle
08:55 course God tries to create. I don't think God's saying, well
08:58 I'm going to, Jill's gonna follow me now. We're gonna
09:02 cause some trials to come in your life. I think the pain
09:06 the suffering in this world comes as result of sin. We know
09:10 John 10:10, Satan came to steal, kill and destroy. Jesus said
09:14 I have come that you would have life and have it more abundantly
09:17 So the trials and sufferings we go through are a result of
09:22 living in this world of sin but in the midst of that God says
09:25 I can purify you, I can use the painful, fiery trial. I can use
09:33 that experience to grow in you my character. Amen. To reveal
09:39 in you my character. You think about, it talks about more
09:43 precious than gold that perishes and you think about when they
09:46 refine metals, precious metals, and it has to get hot
09:51 and it's in the furnace. They're trying to get off all those
09:55 impurities, the dross. And you know how they say, the
10:00 what's the word, the silversmith goldsmith I'm not sure of the
10:04 word. So when they're working there and they see their image
10:10 their reflection, reflected then you know it's ready
10:15 Ooph! When we're in the hand of the potter, as it were,
10:20 remember Jeremiah was told, go down to the potter's house
10:23 and see. And he watched it being formed and then it was
10:27 marred, remember. And then he started new and he watched that
10:31 formed. And then God speaking through Jeremiah, O house of
10:36 Israel cannot I do with you as the potter? So I think, as last
10:40 day Christians we're looking at persecution of the early
10:42 Christians, but as last day Christians in a special way
10:46 God wants to do with us as He did with the potter. God wants
10:50 to refine us as that gold, precious, in the fire because
10:56 He wants to character of Jesus to be revealed, to be reflected
11:01 One more verse we'll look at and then jump over to Shelley
11:04 We're going to go to the end of 1 Peter 5, the last chapter
11:15 But may the God of all grace who called us to His eternal
11:19 glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while. We all
11:25 go through suffering, we all go through trial, we all go through
11:27 persecution. After you've suffered a while, perfect
11:31 establish, strengthen, and settle you. He wants to do that
11:38 work in us. Establish means to lay the foundation of
11:40 you think initially He wants to lay that foundation, strengthen
11:45 us. To make us fast, establish us, confirm us in the faith
11:49 and then to perfect, to complete the work which He began.
11:54 Philippians 2:13, let's turn there real fast
11:58 I know I said that was the last Scripture. I think we got
12:00 time for one more. Phil 2:13 Cause as we're in this refining
12:07 process, God is the one who does the work, never us.
12:14 It is God who works in you, both to will and to do
12:19 of His good pleasure. And the Greek will is to wish
12:23 the desire. And the do is the action, the power. So God
12:28 gives me the desire to follow Him. You know sometimes you
12:31 wake up in the morning and you think, Do I really wanna go to
12:34 work? Right? Do I really wanna do xyz, do I do my laundry today
12:40 Do I feel like doing what I'm, you know, wake up when I'm
12:44 supposed to do today? God gives us the desire to follow Him
12:48 because without Him we wake up and those lusts of the flesh
12:53 clamor. The old man of sin comes up and God wants to give
12:57 us the desire to follow Him. And not only does He plant
13:02 within us the desire to follow Him, He gives us the power
13:05 to work it out. It's not that ok, I wanna follow you God but
13:10 I'm tripping and stumbling and I can't do it. He works
13:14 in us and through us. Philippians 1:6, being confident
13:18 of this very thing that He who began a good work in you
13:21 will perfect it, will carry it forward to completion.
13:25 So Shelley you have, we're looking at how Christ suffered
13:29 Yes, that Scripture that you just read in 1 Peter 4, let me
13:33 read that again because it just reminded me where he says
13:38 May the God of all grace who called us to His eternal glory
13:41 by Christ Jesus, 1 Peter 5, excuse me 5 and verse 10
13:46 after you've suffered a while perfect, establish, strengthen
13:49 and settle you. See once again I keep seeing this is something
13:52 I hadn't really noticed before how much Peter and Paul write
13:57 alike because it reminds me of 1 Thessalonians also chapter 5
14:02 where Paul says, now may the God of peace Himself sanctify
14:06 you completely, it's God who's doing this work and he says
14:09 may your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless
14:13 at the coming of our Lord and Jesus Christ and then he says
14:17 in verse 24, He who calls you is faithful who will also do it
14:23 That's right. So it's all about us saying Lord we yield
14:28 and submit to you, work in us to do Your will. I also wanted to
14:33 point one other before I get to mine, when you were talking
14:36 about going through these trials and you know somebody's out
14:40 there saying, I don't know if I want the genuineness of my faith
14:44 to be proven like gold because it's so difficult when you're in
14:48 the midst of a trial. It's easy to talk about faith when you're
14:51 not in the midst of a trial. But you're in the midst of it
14:53 it's just phew! But let me read to you from Isaiah 43 and this
15:00 is the Lord speaking, it says Now thus says the Lord who
15:04 created you, who formed you, Fear not for I have redeemed
15:08 you, I have called you by name you're mine. When you go
15:12 through the waters I will be with you and through the rivers
15:15 they shall not overflow, when you walk through the fire
15:19 you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you.
15:24 So I just want to give you at home, if you're going through
15:27 a fiery trial right now, know that just as the Lord was in
15:31 the fire with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, He's in the
15:34 fire with you and you just keep your eyes focused on Him
15:38 trusting in Him. He'll give you that perfect peace and He'll
15:41 bring you out on the other side not smelling like smoke
15:43 So, okay. My day is Monday I better get with it huh
15:49 Let's go to, we're supposed to read 1 Peter 3:13-22. It's what
15:56 Monday is all about. 1 Peter 3: 13-22. I'm just going to go
16:03 through this briefly then. And Peter writes, And who is he
16:08 who will harm you if you become followers of what is good, but
16:12 even if your suffer for righteousness sake, you are
16:16 blessed. Here he is echoing Jesus' words in Matthew 5:10
16:20 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness
16:23 Then he goes on in chapter 3:13, do not be afraid of their threat
16:30 nor be troubled but sanctify the Lord in your heart, revere
16:36 Christ as Lord of your life. Set Him apart, honor Him as holy
16:40 because when your focus in on Christ, as Isaiah 26:3 says
16:47 it says, the Lord says, if we will keep our eyes focused on
16:50 Him, trusting in Him, He will give us perfect peace. When your
16:54 focus is on Christ, you can count on the fact that He will
16:58 calm the fears that you have from others opposing you
17:03 Then he goes on, we're still in verse 15. Always be ready to
17:08 give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope
17:12 that is in you. And that defense should be one that's pleasant
17:17 it's not an argument. When some body sees you and they see how
17:21 you're responding to your trial and they're saying, what's
17:25 going on, I want what you've got. You tell them why. And he
17:29 says, and do this with meekness and fear with humility and
17:33 reverence. Verse 16, he says having a good conscience that
17:39 when they defame you as evil doers, those who revile your
17:43 good conduct in Christ may be ashamed. So he's saying, don't
17:47 give others an excuse or reason to point an accusing finger
17:52 at you, keep your conscience clear before God and then
17:56 the blamelessness of your life will bring glory to God because
18:01 they, your accusers will be put to shame. So verse 17, for it is
18:08 better if it is the will of God to suffer for good rather than
18:14 for doing evil. For Christ, he goes on in verse 18, says
18:19 for Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the
18:22 unjust that he might bring us to God. Being put to death
18:27 in the flesh but made alive in the example. So here Peter is
18:32 citing Christ's example of suffering for righteousness
18:37 sake and He was innocent, righteous, He died for us
18:41 He suffered for us who are guilty and unrighteous sinners
18:45 But His suffering brought about the only means of salvation
18:50 and He died in our place so that those who believe in Him
18:55 could have hope of eternal life. And I just have to say this
18:59 I can't get past it. When it says in verse 18 that He
19:03 suffered once for sins. It reminds me of Romans 6:10
19:07 where Paul says the death that He died, He died to sin once
19:12 for all but the life that He lives, He lives to God. Amen
19:16 You know, to me, these Scriptures, how can anyone
19:19 believe in trans-substantiation? You know when you think about
19:24 the Catholic system is teaching that the priest actually takes
19:29 the Eucharist and turns it into the blood and body of Jesus
19:33 Christ at every communion service. That flies in the face
19:38 of Scripture because He only died once and the Bible is very
19:43 clear about that. Once for all. Now, verse 19, I'm going to go
19:48 ahead and expound on this if I have a moment. It says, by
19:53 whom also, let's see, let me pick it up. He said He was made
19:58 alive by the Spirit and then by whom also, by the Spirit, He
20:01 went and preached to the spirits in prison, who formerly were
20:04 disobedience when once the divine long suffering waited
20:08 in the days of Noah while the ark was being prepared in which
20:11 a few, that is 8 souls, were saved through water. By the
20:15 Spirit, by the Holy Spirit, He preached to the spirits in
20:19 prison. Some people teach that this is proof of a hell. But
20:25 what he's saying here is before Christ's incarnation, He spoke
20:30 through Noah to the ante- diluvian people. The people
20:34 that lived before the flood. Noah built the ark 120 years
20:37 it took him to build and the whole time he was a preacher of
20:41 righteousness. And so the whole time the Holy Spirit, He is
20:46 speaking through Noah. Christ is speaking through His Spirit
20:49 through Noah to bring these people to repentance. And when
20:56 he talks about the spirits in prison, he's talking about the
20:59 spiritual state of disobedience and now these people were long
21:04 dead awaiting the resurrection of condemnation for those
21:09 during God's final judgment. So then he says in verse 21,
21:12 there's also an antitype which now saves us. Baptism.
21:18 That's confusing. People think that baptism saves us, but it
21:22 says not the removal of the filth of the flesh but the
21:24 answer of a good conscience towards God and so Noah and
21:27 his family were brought through the flood on the ark. The flood
21:32 was a type of a new beginning. And that, it typified a changed
21:37 life and Christ is our ark, He brings us through to a new
21:40 beginning. It's clear that Peter understood baptism doesn't save
21:44 us, because then he goes on and says it's not that it's washing
21:49 away your filth. It's not the ceremony that washes away
21:53 the filth of our sin. Only the blood of Jesus can wash away
21:56 the filth of our sin. It's His death and resurrection
22:00 But baptism is, if the flood were a type, baptism is the
22:06 anti-type. It's symbolic of the inward experience of our changed
22:11 life that we've already experienced. It's evidence of
22:14 our faith in Christ's death and resurrection. And it corresponds
22:18 to the flood in that it's symbolic, a preparation
22:21 of separation from our past, and our new beginning
22:25 So then he goes on, verse 21, he says through the resurrection
22:29 of Jesus Christ this is how we were saved who have gone into
22:33 heaven and is at the right hand of God and angels and
22:37 authorities and powers were made subject to Him.
22:40 So God vindicates the righteous. Christians are to do good even
22:46 when we're faced with hostility and our sinless Lord suffered
22:52 we should see that living a lifestyle that pleases God
22:55 count this as a privilege. He suffered at the hands of
22:59 unbelievers. But it was His suffering, death, resurrection
23:03 and exaltation that gave us the foundation. And I just wanna
23:07 read one more Scripture real quickly. Hebrews 4:15-16
23:12 I love this Scripture. For we do not have a High Priest who
23:15 cannot sympathize with our weakness but was in all points
23:19 tempted as we are, yet without sin. You know whatever you're
23:23 going through, Jesus understands Whatever your trial, whatever
23:26 your temptation, you've got a High Priest in heaven who
23:29 understands, and then it says, let us therefore, because
23:35 Christ understands everything about us we can come boldly
23:39 before the throne of grace so we may obtain mercy and grace
23:43 in, asking Him for help in our time of need. Hallelujah!
23:49 Thank God for the work of Jesus
23:51 You know there's a point on, just before Pr. Tom comes in
23:54 where you talked about the spirits in prison. The very text
23:57 that supports that is Genesis 6:3. My Spirit will not always
24:02 strive with man. And that's you know the Spirit of God
24:06 the same Spirit which raised Christ from the dead
24:09 the same Spirit that was referred to there is the Spirit
24:12 that was striving with the hearts of men in the days of
24:14 Noah. And then God finally withdrew His Spirit after that
24:18 striving was done and so it wasn't a sermon in the grave
24:23 because it's appointed unto us once to die after that the
24:28 judgment. Right. absolutely. Pr. Tom. Yeah I just wanted to
24:31 say when you mentioned about the Eucharist, the thing that
24:34 disturbs me the most about that which a lot of people that
24:38 practice that, we don't realize this, every time they come
24:41 and celebrate the Eucharist they're killing God again
24:43 that's what, yeah isn't that amazing. Crucifying Him afresh
24:46 Yeah and that really...anyway I just wanted to talk a little
24:52 bit about the fiery trial and you know often times
24:58 I, Christians can sometimes, we're talking about people that
25:02 are actually in the fiery trials for Christ. But often times
25:05 Christians think that they're in a fiery trial and that which
25:09 is common to man is what they're experiencing. Matthew 5:45
25:13 talks about the sun and the moon excuse me, the sun and the rain
25:18 on the just and the unjust. And when people are experiencing
25:24 some trials it's really common to man, I think about the Lord
25:29 is trying to reach all of humanity. You think about
25:33 antediluvians, how long they lived, you realize that the age
25:36 has been shortened so much and it really has kept sin in check
25:40 we're all very young and yet we're all decaying.
25:44 And when I think about that, this is God's way of trying to
25:47 reach humanity and He's doing it in a corporate sense.
25:50 And then there are those that respond to the Spirit, and once
25:54 they respond to the Spirit, there are special attacks
25:57 on them. Because what I, yes you know it was interesting
26:01 because just yesterday when just before we recorded there was
26:04 one of the panels that was out. And someone had mentioned that
26:08 this is another Satanic attack and my knee jerk reaction was
26:12 Well I was thinking it was a mechanical problem, those things
26:15 happen to the just and the unjust. You know it's raining
26:18 today, it was sunny yesterday, but the reality is I was told
26:22 that just last night the entire central control went down
26:26 because of a power outage and I was realizing, wait a minute
26:31 what is being done there is a fiery trial that the enemy is
26:40 always waging war against the church, against God's work
26:45 Also when you think about it 2 Timothy 3:12, I'm not gonna
26:50 turn there but he references that all who desire to live
26:53 godly will suffer persecution. It is part and parcel for what
26:59 we are going to go through. Years ago, many years ago
27:02 I forgot the name of the one who preached this, but I'm
27:05 sure others have heard this analogy but we're like that
27:08 lump of coal and the enemy is constantly wanting to attack
27:14 nothing happens to us that hasn't gone through God first.
27:17 No matter what the trial is, our perception of what God would
27:21 allow might be different than what He does but that trial
27:24 has been permitted and God's purpose is to refine us, to give
27:28 us, to allow us to have another cut and the enemy is trying to
27:33 devour us. And as this is going on throughout our lives,
27:38 eventually God has produced a precious jewel. We are His
27:42 precious jewel. The fiery trials produce those precious jewels
27:47 that are in God's kingdom. So also in John 15:18, the world
27:52 hates Christ and the world hates His church. That's right. It's
27:56 something that we have to acknowledge that that is indeed
27:59 the case, that will always be the case. The call to Christ's
28:07 It is a call to a refiner's fire And you know we talked already
28:12 about that first generation church and as Jill was sharing
28:16 what they did to the Christians in Nero's reign, I want us to
28:19 turn to Revelation chapter 12
28:24 Revelation 12 and we're gonna look at verses 13 and onward
28:32 The persecuted church
28:36 You know this is something where a lot of Bible students
28:39 are gonna be aware of this but I wanna comment on this in a
28:41 slightly different way. Verse 13 It says, now when the dragon
28:47 saw that he had been cast to the earth he persecuted the
28:50 woman who gave birth to the male child. You know what really
28:54 happened is that the cross, the character of God had been
28:56 fully revealed and the character of His enemy had been fully
28:59 revealed and his influence in heaven was no longer there
29:03 he was now not a temptation for the 2/3rds of the angels
29:07 that had not fallen and for all the unfallen beings. His focus
29:11 now he had lost his influence there is right here on this
29:15 earth. So in other words he's cast to the earth and all
29:19 he wants to do is persecute the woman and that's why we see
29:22 the tremendous attack, you think of, the woman being the
29:26 symbol for the church, that's right, the prophetic symbol
29:33 the bloody church, as you go through the phases. But verse 14
29:40 says, but the woman was given two wings of a great eagle
29:43 that she might fly into the wilderness to her place where
29:45 she's nursed for a time, times and half a time from the
29:48 presence of the serpent. So God protected those that were in
29:53 Christ from the presence of that serpent that was seeking
29:57 to devour her because his influence is now on this earth
30:00 alone. So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth like a
30:04 flood. So there was an onslaught the crusades, after the woman
30:09 after the church that he might cause her to be carried away
30:11 by the flood. None of us that I'm aware of at this table, have
30:15 been told you'll lose your life if you profess Christ. We've had
30:19 persecution but can you imagine living through that time
30:22 that day and age and the strong faith that those martyrs had
30:26 You know there are places where men, women and children were
30:30 cast off a cliff that were in hiding and finally they were
30:34 caught up with. There are those that, if you read Foxe's book
30:39 of Martyrs, it's a heavy book, the persecution that went on
30:42 it'll bring you to tears. It'll also make you wonder how much
30:46 faith do I really have? And so this is the type of trial
30:51 fiery trial that the enemy will do. If he can't deceive us
30:55 he will persecute and just like the 3 Hebrews that were
30:59 in the fiery furnace, they could have, like they said,
31:02 God can do all these things but if not we'll serve Him
31:06 anyway. I imagine how much strength the martyrs had
31:10 found as a result of reading these promises in Scripture.
31:15 And as we continue,
31:21 verse 15, the serpent spewed water out of his mouth like a
31:25 flood after the woman that he might cause her to be carried
31:28 away by the flood, but the earth helped the woman. Here's where
31:32 this country comes on the scene And the earth opened its mouth
31:36 swallowed up the flood which the dragon had spewed out of his
31:39 mouth. We have the birth of the Bible Society, we have the
31:44 Bible becoming the best seller and the dragon was enraged
31:48 of her offspring who keep the commandments of God
31:54 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. It's very interesting
31:58 cause when you go back to Isaiah chapter 8 you realize
32:00 that these, the disciples of Jesus, these are the two
32:02 identifying marks. The disciples of God are the same all the way
32:06 through and that's where, well anyone is a Christian that
32:12 where God is in their hearts and lives has a mark on their
32:15 back and the enemy has assigned someone to you today.
32:23 I think about, especially, where is his malice aimed?
32:32 Those that are to carry the message around the world
32:36 the three angels messages around the world are especially the
32:41 target because most of Christianity is still in the
32:46 holy place and there is a message that needs to be
32:51 proclaimed around the world. So when you say they're still in
32:53 the holy place you're referencing the sanctuary
32:56 referencing the sanctuary, the ministry of Christ as our
33:00 intercessor or High Priest but there is a time of judgment that
33:04 is taking place and the world needs to hear the gospel for
33:08 this hour. But you look through from the beginning, from the
33:13 time he saw he was defeated all the way through to today
33:16 there were martyrs, all the sent ones, the apostles were martyred
33:20 except for John. Foxe's Book of Martyrs as I mentioned and then
33:23 those crusades and now the Advent movement. You know there
33:28 are people that are being persecuted just for mentioning
33:32 the name of Jesus, in parts of the world they're either
33:35 imprisoned they've been separated from their families
33:38 and they all have different denominational backgrounds
33:42 but yet they're uplifting Christ and as a result they're paying
33:45 the price for it. I wanna share a little, what we have here
33:50 out of, wow I'm running short on time, Acts of the Apostles
33:54 page 576, it's in your lesson. According to Ellen White, says
33:59 So it will be with all who live godly in Christ Jesus.
34:03 Persecution and reproach await all who are imbued with the
34:06 Spirit of Christ. The character of persecution changes with
34:10 the times, but the principle, the spirit that underlines it
34:14 is the same that has slain the chosen of the Lord ever since
34:18 the days of Abel. I wanna close with this one other text
34:23 I wanna go to a promise. Let's go to Isaiah chapter 54
34:35 And verse 17
34:39 This is something for all Christians to hang on to
34:41 It says in Isaiah 54:17, no weapon formed against you shall
34:46 prosper. And every tongue that rises against you in judgment
34:50 you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the
34:53 Lord, and I love this last line, and their righteousness
34:56 is from me says the Lord.
35:01 One of Wally's favorite Scriptures. Is it?
35:04 I love that Scripture. I'm done.
35:11 That's powerful. Thank you Pr. Tom. The work, I love
35:14 going through Revelation and seeing fulfillment of prophecy
35:17 as we go down to the end time into God's last day church
35:21 and seeing what God wants to do even in the midst of that
35:25 persecution how He wants to make us like Jesus. Amen.
35:28 And He will, at the end, in the judgment He's gonna even
35:31 all of that. Pr. John. Wow. You know the judgment, this is
35:34 a powerful topic here. I'm just blown away, I'm in a pop
35:38 I'm in a popcorn, no, cotton candy machine. I'm being spun
35:43 in every direction with all these topics and thoughts come
35:45 to my mind about the judgment. But I wanna walk through it
35:47 in a kind of methodical way. First of all, the judgment is
35:52 going to happen. But with that in mind, if someone knew that
35:59 one day their lives will come in review. Nothing they could've
36:03 nothing they've ever done could ever be kept secret but they're
36:06 given an opportunity to purge their record so that when the
36:11 investigation is done nothing appears. Who wouldn't take
36:14 advantage of that? Right. I mean when we, one of the reasons
36:19 why the word judgment frightens people is because we have
36:22 gotten, somewhere along the way, we've gotten the idea that we're
36:26 the ones cleaning ourselves up. That's a misconception. We don't
36:30 clean ourselves up. If we confess our sins He is faithful
36:33 and just to forgive and cleanse us from all unrighteousness
36:36 He's the one that does the cleansing immediately but He
36:39 also doesn't just do the cleansing and I'm gonna walk
36:42 you through the process because if it's only cleansing, when
36:44 something is washed that filth goes somewhere and we know
36:49 that the sins were transferred until the day of judgment
36:53 the day of atonement when we were brought at one with God
36:56 And so first of all there would be no need for a judgment
37:01 unless first there was a controversy.
37:05 When people, let's put the court scene together, when people
37:08 enter into a dispute there's a controversy. You say one thing
37:12 he says another, ok. There's a controversy.
37:15 There's a controversy between Christ and Satan. Somebody's
37:18 accusing us of something Jesus wants to vindicate us from
37:25 the accuser of our brethren. He has been doing that ever
37:29 since the Garden of Eden and, by the way, if our lives were
37:33 placed on complete display before the universe, the
37:37 unfallen worlds without the curtain of Jesus
37:41 None of us could be saved, I mean none of us. If there was
37:44 no way to cleanse our lives none of us will be saved.
37:47 That's the accusation. So when you go from the accusation
37:52 ok let's just look at this. In 2 Corinthians 5:10, we must
37:56 all appear before the judgment seat so this accusation can
37:59 be carried out. The plaintiff, the defendant. We stand before
38:04 the judgment seat. And how many of us must appear? All. We must
38:08 all appear before the judgment seat. Satan knows that.
38:12 So he's saying to us, I can't wait Jill till you appear
38:17 before the judgment seat. But I'm gonna show you how that's
38:21 not a fearful thing when Jesus is our advocate. If anyone sins
38:24 we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the
38:26 righteous. So now we say, while they're appearing what happens?
38:33 God will bring every work into judgment with every secret
38:38 thing whether it be good or whether it be evil. That would
38:40 make your teeth shake, if you did not know Jesus as your
38:44 Savior. So you have the controversy of the discovery
38:48 now at the investigation and then so you have the
38:51 presentation of evidence and the devil says as Martin Luther
38:54 had the dream. Here it is, in that dream that Martin Luther
38:57 conveyed later on he's terrified him until in the dream he saw
39:01 a hand that he knew not where it came from but over every sin
39:04 was stamped the word "Pardoned" Pardoned, Pardoned.
39:07 And look at Acts 3:19, I want us to see that. That's important
39:11 I walked through but I want you to see some Scriptures in
39:13 connection with this I mentioned them, Revelation 12:10, the
39:16 accuser, 2 Corinthians 5:10, we must all appear, nobody is left
39:20 out; Ecclesiastes 12:14, every thing is going to be revealed
39:24 and then Acts 3:19. Look at Acts 3:19
39:30 Here it is, Molly Sue why don't you read that for us?
39:34 Alright. Repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins
39:38 may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come
39:42 from the presence of the Lord. That your sins may be what?
39:45 Blotted out. Not cleansed but blotted out.
39:48 There's a difference altogether. Blotting out, what happened to
39:52 it? If the devil one day is gonna stand, thank you Jesus
39:58 The devil is gonna one day stand with locked jaw
40:06 The accuser. Locked jaw. What do you say now?
40:12 I can't find their sin. Thank you Jesus. I'm havin a moment
40:17 I can't find their sin.
40:23 Cause He blotted it out. If He didn't blot it out, you would
40:26 have seen that I was correct. And Jesus stands there
40:29 This is my son, this is my daughter. That's why I blotted
40:32 their sins out. He is our propitiation. I tell you, this
40:37 moves me when I think about it. That this, go to Daniel 7:22
40:43 The devil just wants the evidence to remain.
40:46 But Jesus doesn't want it. He doesn't want the evidence to
40:51 remain, He wants His children to remain. Daniel 7:22
40:56 Read verses 21 and 22 Jill. I was watching and the same horn
41:01 was making war against the saints and prevailing against
41:04 them until the Ancient, wait wait. Start with the first word
41:07 emphasize the first word in verse 22. UNTIL, thank you
41:10 Until the Ancient of Days came. And a judgment was made in
41:15 favor of the saints of the Most High and the time came for the
41:19 saints to possess the kingdom. Don't you like that? He was
41:22 accusing them, he was making war against, he was prevailing
41:25 against us. Do you not see every day in our lives at one
41:29 point or another the enemy prevails against? UNTIL
41:33 the Ancient of Days says it's my turn. The Ancient of Days
41:36 says it's my turn. And He comes and judgment is made in favor
41:42 Oh Hallelujah, that's the best. Thank you Jesus.
41:44 See the judgment used to be a terrifying, when I was growin up
41:48 and I heard judgment sermons in Black churches in New York
41:51 gonna go to hell for the things you've done, God is waiting
41:55 some of you are hidin, God sees that. I mean it terrifies you
41:59 rather than preaching the mercy and the forgiving power of
42:03 Jesus we put so much emphasis, sometimes I say to people
42:07 the Lord hasn't called us, I don't even like the phrase
42:10 the devil's advocate. I don't even like that phrase
42:13 You know people say, let me play the devil's advocate
42:15 We don't need to play the devil's advocate. Jesus is our
42:19 advocate, why would we want to be his? We don't even need to
42:22 play that side. So you get to the place where now
42:24 when the investigation, when the evidence is presented
42:27 the verdict is the judgment was made in favor of the saints
42:34 It is powerful. So let's look at some of the reasons why
42:37 I don't fear the judgment. 1 John 4 verse 17
42:42 You know when you live in the daily presence of God and you
42:45 understand that to walk in the light of the glory of God's
42:48 righteousness, you see if it were not for His righteousness
42:51 this term judgment would be a terrifying thing. It would be
42:55 terrifying. I've been to court before you know, speeding
42:58 ticket or parked in the wrong spot. When my mother came out
43:02 of the hospital, I had to prove it to the judge. When the judge
43:05 said to me, if you can prove to me that your mother came
43:08 out of the hospital yesterday and you parked in the wrong
43:11 spot because you were trying to get her close to the pharmacy
43:13 as you said then I'll drop the ticket. Man I ran out of the
43:16 court so fast Molly because I knew I was telling the truth
43:19 Got that ticket, she said take it to the clerk and case is
43:22 dismissed. When you know that you have an advocate then
43:27 it's a powerful thing. 1 John 4:17, Pr. Tom would you
43:30 read that for us? The verse before that also.
43:33 Verse 16 and 17. And we have known and believed the love
43:37 that God has for us, God is love. And he who abides in love
43:42 abides in God and God in him. Love has been perfected among us
43:46 in this that we may have boldness in the day of judgment
43:49 because as He is so are we in this world. Amen
43:54 Why? There is no fear in love but perfect love casts our fear
43:59 because fear involves torment but he who fears has not been
44:03 made perfect in love and we love Him because He first
44:08 loved us. Isn't that a Hallelujah? Amen.
44:11 So when the judge, we may have boldness in the day of judgment
44:14 who's gonna be at the bar next? Could I go next? I mean nobody
44:19 is gonna run to the judgment bar except Jesus is your advocate
44:23 You run to the judgment bar because you know that's the
44:26 mercy of God is in favor of the saints. But those who have not
44:30 been covered in Jesus is this punitive judgment which is
44:33 Revelation 20:15 which is the lake of fire, second death
44:36 that's the punitive judgment. But for the saints of God
44:38 the judgments of God are redemptive. For the sinner who
44:42 has not accepted Christ, the Bible says in John 3:18
44:45 He who believes in Him is not condemned, but he who does not
44:50 believe is condemned already because he has not believed
44:53 in the name of the only begotten Son of God
44:56 So if you don't believe, God is not coming to condemn you
45:00 you're already condemned. He's coming to free the condemned
45:03 He hasn't sent His Son to condemn the world, John 3:17
45:06 but that the world through Him might be saved.
45:07 Very quick story because I transition to Molly
45:10 I read this story many years ago, about 20 years ago at least
45:13 as a young pastor about the Roman court where when the
45:16 sinner could not be proven by the jury, his guilt or innocence
45:20 they brought a basket that was covered by a leather sheath
45:23 and in it were a white stone and a black stone
45:28 and they said, since we could not come up with a verdict
45:31 from the jury you gotta decide your own fate. Death or life
45:34 in whatever stone you pull out will determine your fate
45:38 a white stone or, so now you're gonna die or you're gonna be
45:41 saved. That's stressful. Can you imagine the stress?
45:43 And you decided.
45:46 But he went to, if any man sins he has an advocate. So Jesus
45:50 in the story now, when you understand that verse
45:52 when you understand the context why the bible is put there
45:54 when Jesus says I will give you a white stone. The lawyer steps
45:57 up and says, wait Tom, wait Tom. Here, here's a white stone
46:02 Just put your hand in the bag and act like you're looking
46:04 for one but you already got the stone that's gonna vindicate you
46:08 How can you stand before, so you go, the stone is already
46:11 there and you come out. He says you don't have to choose
46:14 your fate, I will give you a white stone and a new name
46:19 on it. Anonymity, you'll no longer be known as the person
46:23 you used to be. So the judgment is not fearful, the judgment
46:27 when Jesus is your Savior Molly the judgment is something we
46:31 look forward to, to end the scourge of sin. Amen.
46:34 Molly. Preach it brother.
46:36 Now I have the opportunity to talk about faith amid trials
46:41 That's Thursday's lesson. Faith amid trials. How many of you
46:44 have been through trials? Oh. Going through trials. We have
46:49 to go through, we are, if we're in this world we are going to
46:54 suffer from tribulation. It's just gonna happen.
46:56 We're gonna go through trials. Well this is looking at faith
47:00 in the midst of those trials. Now we know as has been so
47:04 clearly explained, so well explained that when Peter
47:08 is writing, he's writing to people who are suffering
47:13 for their faith and Jill you so beautifully explained
47:17 all that Nero was doing and what a horrible situation they
47:23 found themselves in. And you know Peter's words were written
47:28 to bring comfort to a people that were hurting and that were
47:32 suffering. Now I'll speak to us here on this panel, we've gone
47:39 through trials. Maybe we've gone through difficult trials
47:42 but we know nothing of the suffering of these people
47:46 that suffered. But there are people in the world today
47:50 and this has been alluded to on a couple of occasions
47:52 where they're being persecuted for their faith in the Lord
47:58 Jesus Christ and they're suffering even unto death
48:03 And you know these very same words that Peter wrote all
48:08 those years ago are still bringing so much comfort
48:13 to the heart of all that are suffering for their faith
48:17 Now faith in the midst of a trial and I was thinking about
48:23 this, we who have never really had to suffer. I call it Ivory
48:31 Tower Living. Everything is going well for you. You've
48:36 never really been through a trial and you say all of these
48:41 statements like, I would never do this or I would never do that
48:45 or, there's a Scripture Proverbs 24:10. It says, If you faint in
48:52 the day of adversity your faith is small. And I remember
48:57 reading that Scripture and I had written by it in my
49:01 Amplified Bible, and I think it was in April of 1986
49:07 I will never faint in the day of adversity because I am
49:12 strong in the Lord, in the power of His might. Now get this
49:15 I've never been through trials to speak of, so on this side
49:21 of the trial I was making these faith statements
49:26 God's not very interested in what you do on this side of
49:29 the trial. You know what God is interested in? What you're
49:33 gonna do in the midst of the trial. And let me tell you
49:37 something and we're gonna go to Job. Ah Job's a good one
49:41 to look at for someone that kept his faith in the midst
49:45 of a trial. We're gonna see if you hold your faith, if you
49:50 hold on to God in the midst of a trial what the end result
49:55 will be. Now I can remember going through a trial maybe
49:58 the hardest trial of my life and on this side of that trial
50:02 I can say, Oh thank God that I went through the trial, that I
50:06 made it through the trial because things in a trial
50:10 things are gonna be, it's that furnace of affliction. You know
50:14 I believe it's Isaiah 48:10 that says, God says, I tested
50:20 you in the furnace of affliction and as Jill I believe it was
50:24 talking about that fire that burns off the dross. Well on
50:28 this side, see back in 1986 I was making all the right faith
50:34 statements but I had never been through a trial
50:36 well now that I've been through a few trials in my life I can
50:41 more accurately say God is faithful, He'll never leave you
50:45 He will never forsake you. He'll be with you no matter
50:48 what your circumstance or situation and it's not just
50:52 theory to me I know from experience how much better
50:57 to know from experience than from theory. So,
51:01 the question is why the suffering? Have you ever
51:05 heard that question? I'm sure you pastors have heard it many
51:09 times. If God is so great why all this suffering in this world
51:16 And Job is one of the first books in the Bible and it was
51:21 written and you know what the key theme of Job is?
51:24 Suffering. Poor Job wasn't guilty of anything.
51:31 We can't find where Job was guilty. Even God said about
51:37 him, have you considered, now this is in Job 1 verses 6-8
51:43 God said, now let me set that situation up for you. Satan
51:49 came into the portals of heaven and God asks Satan,
51:57 Where have you been? What you been doing? He said, well I've
52:00 been going to and fro on the earth. And God said to Satan
52:03 Have you considered my servant Job? There is none like him
52:10 on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears
52:14 God and shuns evil. Wouldn't you love for God to say that
52:18 about you? Well now what happens right after God says this?
52:25 It is as though all hell is unleashed against Job.
52:31 So did Job suffer because he was an evil man?
52:36 No. Why did he suffer? Because he was a good man.
52:40 So the question is why the suffering?
52:44 Now I'll ask another question. Where does most suffering
52:48 come from? And I'll give you the Scriptures. You don't have
52:52 to turn to them. 1 Peter 5:8 Most of you can quote this
52:57 Scripture. It says be sober, be vigilant because your adversary
53:03 the devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he
53:09 may devour. Now who was in heaven that God said, have you
53:15 considered my servant Job? Now we see here in 1 Peter
53:20 that it's the devil that goes about like a roaring lion
53:24 seeking whom he may devour. So my question is, where does
53:28 most suffering come from? Not saying all suffering but most
53:31 suffering and you know the most interesting thing I find about
53:35 the book of Job, you know where his friends came and they
53:39 questioned this and they questioned that. They questioned
53:42 his motives and they questioned his sincerity and they
53:45 questioned whether or not he was evil. Not one time did
53:49 any, in all of that discourse, ever bring up or even mention
53:55 the fact that you know we've got an enemy. Satan may have
53:58 been doing this. Now we, in the book of Job, we kinda have
54:03 this, we see what's going on and of course Job didn't but
54:07 who do we know to be the one to cause all of Job's suffering
54:12 made it very clear that it was Satan. Revelation 12:9
54:16 I'm gonna give you two Scriptures in Revelation
54:18 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old called
54:23 devil and Satan who deceives the whole world. He was cast
54:27 to the earth and his angels were cast out with him.
54:30 Revelation 2:10 Do not fear any of those things which you
54:37 are about to suffer. Indeed the devil is about to throw
54:41 some of you into prison, that you may be tested and you will
54:45 have tribulation 10 days. Be faithful unto death and I will
54:50 give you the crown of life. So the question is, where does
54:55 most suffering come from? Can we say it comes from the enemy
54:58 of our soul, that it comes from Satan? Now I wanted to, how to
55:03 differentiate between suffering and chastening and pruning.
55:08 Do you know there's a difference Hebrews 12:6 says, whom the
55:13 Lord loveth He chasteneth. Now whom he chastens, why does He
55:20 chasten you because He loves you as His own child.
55:24 So chastening, we go through the chastening of the Lord
55:28 The pruning of the Lord - why do we go through pruning?
55:31 What is pruning? If you produce fruit, what's He gonna do?
55:36 He's gonna prune you so you'll produce more. If you don't
55:39 produce fruit what's He gonna do? He's gonna prune you.
55:42 You're pruned if you do, you're pruned if you don't.
55:44 We're gonna get pruned. And the chastening, because the Lord
55:48 loves us but this suffering that the enemy causes
55:52 we have to have faith in the midst of that because that
55:57 is, that furnace of affliction where God tests us and He tries
56:02 us. Let me end with this one thought and it's 1 Peter 4:19
56:07 Let's end with that Scripture. Therefore let those who suffer
56:13 according to the will of God commit their souls to Him in
56:16 doing good as to a faithful creator. And let me tell you
56:20 this about Job. What was the end result of our brother Job
56:26 who suffered because he was a good man not because he was
56:30 an evil man. Now the Lord, this is Job 42 verses 12 and 13
56:35 Now the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his
56:38 beginning. And then in verse 16 and 17, he lived longer
56:45 and he died old and full of days. So the end result of
56:50 holding your faith in the midst of your trials is God is gonna
56:54 bless you coming in and going out and exceedingly more
56:57 than you had before. Amen. Thank you so much Molly
57:01 Pr. John, Pr. Tom, and Shelley. Just such a blessing, my own
57:05 heart and soul's been ministered to. I think of Romans 15:4
57:08 whatever things were written aforetime, were written for
57:11 our learning. That we through patience and comfort
57:16 of the Scriptures might have hope. You might be in the midst
57:20 of a fiery trial. You might be going through pruning or
57:23 chastening or even suffering right now. Know that the
57:27 Lord Jesus loves you. Isaiah 41:10, He says fear not
57:31 I have redeemed you. He says, let me pick it up here,
57:36 Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you
57:41 I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand
57:46 God wants to give you strength. He wants to give you power
57:50 He wants to give you peace and grace in the midst of your trial
57:56 We want to invite you to join us again next week as we
58:00 discuss Servant Leadership. Know that we love you
58:03 and that we pray for you. We'll see you next time.


Revised 2024-06-03