3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Lesson 6: Adam and Jesus

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP000045A

00:34 Welcome. We welcome you to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:37 You know, this is the lesson that we don't want you to miss.
00:40 So I'm going to invite you to get your pencil
00:42 and paper, get your Bible.
00:43 You know, check us out.
00:44 We need to be checked out.
00:46 Find out whether these things be so.
00:47 There's such exciting lessons that we're going through here.
00:50 I'll introduce the panel in just a moment.
00:53 But each one of them that I talked to personally have really
00:56 just enjoyed these messages.
00:58 And it's just a reminder of we're learning new things.
01:02 And also I'm being reminded of things that
01:04 we've maybe read before.
01:06 And it's really joyous to see how it all
01:07 comes and fits together.
01:09 So we're so glad you've joined us.
01:10 Some of you may not have the lessons, and so you'll
01:14 want to get those lessons.
01:15 And you can join us here on ah, download these now.
01:18 I think it's an interesting thing that you can download
01:20 these lesson study guides.
01:22 And I always say, the adult ones now.
01:24 So we're talking about the Adult Sabbath
01:26 School lesson here.
01:31 And if you download those, that way you can
01:33 study along with us.
01:34 You can see the questions.
01:35 Also a lot of passages are written there.
01:37 And that way you can study to show yourself approved unto God.
01:40 So we approve of you, and we are glad that you joined in with us.
01:43 And some of you might, you know, some say, they've told me this,
01:47 sometimes I stay home, and I watched this.
01:51 So I know some of the pastors say, Oh oh, shame shame!
01:54 But, you know, you can also, you could set your DVR,
01:57 or something, couldn't you? and record it, and so on.
02:00 But, anyway, these are lessons that we need to be going over.
02:03 So we're thankful you've joined us.
02:04 I'm going to ask right now, before we have prayer,
02:07 I'm going to ask Brother C. A. to have it.
02:09 But I just want to introduce the panel.
02:11 Sister Mollie Steenson, we're sure glad you're here.
02:14 You're just Johnny on the Spot all the time.
02:16 And we're very grateful and thankful for you.
02:17 It's a joy to be here.
02:19 And next to her is C. A. Murray, Pastor C. A.
02:22 You know, how awesome.
02:23 We just always enjoyed working with you from day one;
02:26 make your acquaintance.
02:27 And I just love you and appreciate you very much.
02:30 Thank you for your friendship, and for your prayers.
02:32 And just every time that somebody needs something,
02:35 it seems like he says, I'll do it.
02:37 And that's such a good spirit.
02:38 Thank you, brother.
02:39 Good to be here.
02:41 And right next to you we have Shelley Quinn.
02:43 Shelley, bless your heart!
02:44 You love the word of God.
02:46 And you've not been feeling the best.
02:47 But, you know what? you're putting it forth, right?
02:50 By God's grace He's going to touch you and do
02:52 something special for you.
02:54 Well, salvation by faith alone is in the book of Romans.
02:57 It's one of my favorite topics.
02:58 So I had to be here no matter how I was feeling.
03:01 Isn't that beautiful?
03:02 Well, next to you, everybody knows, it good to have this
03:05 Sister Jill Morikone.
03:06 You just have all kinds of hats.
03:08 You just wear so many I can't keep tabs of them.
03:11 But it's so good that you're willing to do it.
03:13 You do it with a smile, and you do it with the love of
03:15 Jesus in your heart.
03:16 And you make us all feel welcome and feel loved.
03:18 And we appreciate you today.
03:20 It's a blessing being here.
03:21 Good, praise the Lord!
03:23 We're going to be talking about our lesson there, with
03:24 those of you who have it.
03:26 We're going to be talking about two, there's two names that just
03:29 pop out, and that's just our lesson: Adam and Jesus.
03:31 And I just... there's something about that when you
03:35 say Adam and Jesus.
03:36 And I start getting actually little goose bumps,
03:38 because I'm thinking about a reunion day that I read about.
03:41 And I... and for a lot of reasons I say, You know,
03:44 I don't want to miss that.
03:45 I don't want to miss the coming of Jesus.
03:47 We want to be there.
03:48 But I don't want to miss that reunion when they get together.
03:51 And I'll read a quote in just a moment, as we just
03:53 kind of open with this.
03:54 And then we'll go Sabbath afternoon.
03:56 Our memory text... We're going to be going
03:58 through Romans, Chapter 5.
03:59 And some of the stuff we'll be going over again.
04:02 But you know how wonderful it is.
04:04 We're learning from that.
04:05 The memory text is found in
04:08 These are powerful verses, so be sure you underline
04:11 some of these things.
04:12 Therefore, being justified by faith... Notice this.
04:15 And then we're going to have prayer after this.
04:17 We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,
04:19 by whom also we have access of faith into this grace.
04:24 wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope and glory of God.
04:30 Isn't that just a wonderful passage?
04:33 C. A. would you just pray that God will help us to understand
04:36 this, and ears, and hearts, and minds will be open to receive?
04:39 Father God, truly Your word is a lamp unto our feet,
04:42 and a light unto our path.
04:44 We know and understand that spiritual things are
04:47 spiritually discerned.
04:48 So would You be pleased, Dear Father, now to give us Your
04:50 Spirit that we may speak Your words, that we may understand,
04:54 and that we may be true to the text.
04:56 And that those we hear what we have to say will be blessed,
05:00 and encouraged, that we may all learn together of Your love,
05:05 of Your goodness, of Your grace, and Your salvation.
05:07 And we thank You, Dear Father, in Jesus' name, Amen.
05:11 Amen! Praise the Lord!
05:12 You know, I thought about this lesson quite a bit
05:17 when I was going over it.
05:18 About Paul, for instance, when he was talks about it;
05:21 first part of our lesson.
05:22 He's established the point of justification is, you know,
05:25 the only avenue we have acceptance with God.
05:28 That's just been so plain, so clear, so wonderful.
05:31 So a lot of us are trying to work our way,
05:33 and do so many different things.
05:34 That we can just let those things go by,
05:37 and just concentrate on getting... I like to say getting
05:39 our lives right with God.
05:41 And I'm sure that you're working on that too,
05:42 as long as I'm working on it.
05:44 A paragraph that I thought was very interesting in our lesson,
05:48 it said, through the fall of one man; through the fall of man.
05:53 Who was that? Adam. Adam.
05:54 That was certainly Adam.
05:55 And so all humanity then faced, we see it: condemnation,
05:58 alienation, and death.
06:01 So the death the... So by one man death came upon all.
06:05 But, praise God, there's a passage that
06:07 continues on there.
06:08 Isn't it, wasn't it 1 Corinthians?
06:09 What happens? Do you remember?
06:11 Even so in Christ all...
06:12 Even so in Christ shall all...
06:13 All, I noticed that word.
06:15 I even circled it again in renewance.
06:16 All shall be made alive.
06:19 So, you know, all that wants to be.
06:22 All that's willing to accept that.
06:23 And I thought, how wonderful.
06:25 1 Corinthians 15:45.
06:27 I like it because it talks about the first Adam.
06:31 And then it goes on and it says the last Adam.
06:35 So we're talking about two different Adams, as it were.
06:38 When we come up with about the first,
06:39 and you're talking about the last Adam.
06:41 Bottom line to me; I read this in several different places.
06:45 And you can jot those down: Great Controversy, 647,
06:49 1 Testimony, 659, and Adventist Home, Page 540.
06:54 You read this quote.
06:55 This is what... this gives me Goosebumps.
06:57 And I don't know if it will for you or not.
06:58 And I long for that day, and I want to see that day.
07:02 And this has given me so much hope, and so much encouragement
07:06 over the years, because I look at Adam and Eve.
07:12 Because they fell short; they made a wrong choice;
07:17 all this, may I say mess, mess of this world... You see it's
07:21 everything out here is due to the sin, you see.
07:25 And yet what does Jesus do? you see?
07:28 We confess our sin and He's faithful and just to forgive.
07:31 This is part of justification by faith.
07:34 How can a God in heaven who has seen it all; all the misery,
07:39 all the disease, every sickness, everything, still yet look at
07:42 the ones who started it, as it were by their choice,
07:45 and look at him and welcome him into the portals of
07:49 glory with open arms?
07:50 I'm going to read that to you just quickly here as we go on.
07:53 Notice, I thought that was interesting.
07:56 It says the two Adams.
07:57 I think this might... This will be the Great Controversy, 647.
08:00 It says, the two Adams are about to meet.
08:02 All of a sudden I'm getting excited.
08:04 The two Adams are just about ready to meet.
08:07 It's like it's something that sets, it's something that is...
08:09 It's a special theme when we get to heaven.
08:12 And the angels are interested in it.
08:15 The redeemed are interested.
08:16 They're interested in this because it's like it's set up
08:20 that the two Adams now are getting ready to meet.
08:23 The Son of God is standing, notice this, with outstretched
08:27 arms to receive the father of our race, the being whom He
08:33 created who sinned against his maker.
08:36 For those, notice, who sin the marks of the
08:41 crucifixion are born upon the Savior's form.
08:44 He has these marks on Him of crucifixion.
08:48 And He looks at the one who fell short.
08:51 The first, the first Adam.
08:53 And he reaches out.
08:55 Jesus, King of kings, reaches out and embraces him,
08:58 and is so happy that he's in the kingdom of God. Amen!
09:01 If that does not give you hope and encouragement; if you think
09:04 your life is so bad, you think that grace is not sufficient
09:07 enough, you can't be justified by the blood of the Lamb.
09:11 Think about this reunion.
09:12 And I know it's going to happen.
09:14 And I want to see that reunion.
09:15 I really do. But you know, Adam doesn't just have the embrace,
09:19 he falls on his face before Jesus Christ.
09:24 How awesome that's going to be.
09:25 Same as us. Anyway, good food for thought.
09:28 The first part of the lesson here; we'll get to it as fast we
09:32 can here as time is running down.
09:33 Sunday, Justified by Faith.
09:35 I love Justified by Faith.
09:37 Now that's a subject you can talk on, and on, and on about.
09:40 I'd like to start from the book that I really like is,
09:43 The Acts of the Apostles.
09:45 Just a quote here, Page 531.
09:47 Again, when you're talking about justified, do we really mean it?
09:51 Do we really believe in being, that we're really
09:53 justified by faith?
09:54 Do we really believe that our record is set right?
09:57 Do we really believe that we've been cleansed by the
10:00 blood of the Lamb when we say justified by faith?
10:02 And then where does that set us up?
10:05 Does that set us up to live a life that's pleasing in the
10:07 sight of God when we're justified?
10:09 Notice what this says right here.
10:11 It says, The Savior showed that through cooperation with...
10:15 Again, divinity and humanity.
10:17 Is that supposed to work with us? Amen!
10:20 It has to be! We can't do anything on our own.
10:22 Divinity working with humanity, just like Christ.
10:26 Notice this: This is God's assurance to us that we, too,
10:30 may obtain complete victory.
10:34 Why? Because Christ did it. Amen!
10:36 He had nothing that we can't have.
10:38 Divinity and humanity working together; it's our assurance.
10:41 Great Controversy, 623 says, It is in this life...
10:46 I've had people just, you know, really want to fuss,
10:49 and really want to carry on.
10:51 And I don't mind discussing sometimes, you know?
10:53 ...this life that we are separate sin from us.
10:56 So where at? Where is sin separated?
10:59 People tell we're going to continue to
11:00 sin till Jesus comes.
11:02 If we're talking about justification, justified,
11:05 you know, by faith, what does that really mean?
11:07 We must not think it means cleansed from sin, evidentially,
11:09 if we don't think that we can gain victory here.
11:11 But, you see, it says, notice this: It is in this life that
11:14 we are to separate sin from us.
11:16 Now how is that accomplished?
11:18 Through faith in the atoning blood of Christ.
11:21 Same thing in our lesson; everyone's
11:23 been saying right here.
11:24 There's only one way in which it can be done.
11:25 But we are to separate from sin.
11:28 We can't dally around with it, see how close we can get to it,
11:31 reach out and touch it, reach out and think we can just do
11:33 this and we're going to get away with it.
11:34 It's not going to happen.
11:36 This right here; it's in this life that we are
11:38 to separate from sin.
11:40 And then only by the blood of Jesus Christ that gives us
11:42 the power to do that.
11:43 And Romans 5:1-5; it's absolutely powerful.
11:49 I don't know if I'll have time to read it,
11:50 but I'm going to try it anyway.
11:51 Because I'm seeing three things.
11:53 I like to say... I notice I put in my notes three free gifts.
11:57 I thought three... Do you realize all the hundreds and
12:00 thousands of free gifts that heaven
12:02 bestows upon us every day?
12:04 So I have to say, Three wonderful free
12:07 gifts that He gives us.
12:08 So, but notice what it says here in Romans, Chapter 5.
12:10 It says, Therefore being justified by faith,
12:14 we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:
12:17 by whom we have access by faith into the grace wherein we stand,
12:23 and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
12:26 And not only so, but we glory in tribulations...
12:30 And look out now... also; knowing that tribulation
12:32 worketh patience; and patience, experience;
12:35 and experience hope. Verse 5.
12:37 The hope that maketh not ashamed; Why?
12:41 because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the
12:43 Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
12:45 What an unspeakable gift; to give us the Holy Spirit;
12:50 to impart the Holy Spirit to us.
12:52 Knowing us as heaven knows us, still willing to
12:55 impart that gift to us.
12:56 Being justified... this is interesting.
12:58 What is Paul doing?
13:00 The question in our lesson comes back.
13:01 As you read these passages, what does it really mean to you?
13:04 So I jot a few things down.
13:06 I said just, at least for me this is what it talks about.
13:08 Paul shows that all men, Jews and Gentiles alike,
13:12 that sinners are under condemnation.
13:14 Right quick he says it.
13:16 In need of what? righteousness.
13:19 This need can not be met by any kind of a legalistic
13:23 attitude or means that we might think.
13:25 Nothing legally. It can't be met by that, or by works;
13:28 Only by the grace of Jesus Christ, and by the gospel.
13:31 Now the three free little gift here?
13:33 This is what we've been talking about in our lessons.
13:36 It's simply, it's simply this: God offers what?
13:39 1. Free gift is grace. We know that.
13:41 Praise God for that.
13:43 2. What does He offer?
13:44 He offers something else to every one of us,
13:47 is complete pardon.
13:48 I think that's where I'm coming from in a lot of, I'm going to
13:52 say my studies, if you allow it.
13:54 Everyone has their own studies.
13:55 And we come to certain things, and I really want to come to
13:58 what is, bottom line is what is the truth.
14:00 I don't want to have any preconceived ideas,
14:02 and try to make it say something it doesn't say, or because this
14:06 group believes this, or that group.
14:07 I've stayed away from, try to stay away from groups.
14:09 I was trying to get to the word of God and
14:11 Spirit of Prophecy.
14:12 But, you know, we need the counsel.
14:14 So we realize that complete pardon,
14:16 it either is or it isn't.
14:17 And 3. this is I like, is reconciliation,
14:20 Reconciliation. What good, may I ask this to anyone here?
14:24 What good is the gift of grace if there's no reconciliation?
14:28 What is complete pardon if there's not reconciliation?
14:33 And if I'm not brought back into the state where God wants me
14:36 to be, what good is all the rest of it?
14:38 See, this is part of the plan of salvation, in my opinion,
14:42 in reading this here.
14:43 He wants to put us back like we were before sin.
14:48 And that must take place before He comes.
14:52 That's an awesome thing.
14:53 Because I look in the mirror and say, Oh God, have mercy on me!
14:56 And to me that's not always bad because it
14:59 drives me to the Savior.
15:00 I don't take it as some might take it and say, Oh, my lands,
15:03 it's useless, it's hopeless, I'm depressed, I'm out.
15:05 No! Oh Lord, have mercy on my soul!
15:08 I need some help. I need You to come in.
15:11 Being justified, praise God!
15:13 And then, of course, my time's up here, but Paul begins to
15:17 give, and some of you will bring this out, some of the benefits
15:19 of following the counsel that he gives.
15:23 And following God, do you realize,
15:24 if some of you like it, there's benefits.
15:27 And, you know, I kind of like some benefits here.
15:29 I'd like to say that heaven can be my home.
15:31 I'd like to be able to think that His blood cleanses me
15:33 from all unrighteousness.
15:35 I like to think my name is written in the
15:38 Lamb's book of life. Amen!
15:39 You see, and I believe that by faith.
15:41 And if you believe it by faith it's so. Amen!
15:44 You know, these are lessons that all this stuff needs to be
15:46 brought out in time.
15:48 Dear Sister Mollie, help us with the next part, please.
15:50 Well, something you said, Kenny, I appreciated
15:52 the way you put this.
15:54 You talked about the first Adam, and you talked
15:57 about the last Adam.
15:58 You know, sometimes I hear people say the first Adam,
16:01 and the second Adam.
16:02 That always concerns me because if there's a second Adam
16:05 what does that say?
16:07 There might be a third Adam.
16:08 No, there's never going to be another Adam.
16:10 There was the first Adam, and there's the last Adam.
16:13 And that's exactly what you said.
16:15 And I just appreciated that.
16:16 Well, I've got Monday, and we're looking
16:19 at, While Yet Sinners.
16:21 How many of you appreciate that while you were yet a
16:24 sinner God died for us?
16:26 Christ was crucified on the cross.
16:29 Let's look at this: Romans 5: 6-8 are the two Scriptures,
16:35 or the Scriptures that I'm going to cover of the three.
16:38 For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ
16:44 died for the ungodly.
16:46 He died for who? the ungodly.
16:49 He didn't die; He wouldn't have needed to die if all there
16:53 was was godly people.
16:55 He died for us who were ungodly.
16:58 For scarcely for a righteous man would one die: yet perhaps
17:02 for a good man someone would even dare to die.
17:05 But God demonstrated His own love toward us, in that,
17:12 while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
17:16 In the garden of Eden, in the opening moments of earth's
17:22 history, in the opening moments of mankind's existence on this
17:27 earth Adam and Eve shamefully, and inexcusably transgressed
17:35 the divine requirement.
17:37 It's called the fall.
17:40 And how did that affect us?
17:42 Did that affect us?
17:43 Did the fall of Adam and Eve affect us? Yes. Absolutely.
17:46 All mankind... I say it like this.
17:50 We fell down, and we had absolutely no way
17:54 of getting back up.
17:55 Visualize that for yourself.
17:57 I'm not into visualization.
17:59 Have you ever fallen down and you couldn't get back up?
18:02 There was no hope but Jesus.
18:06 Without outside help we had no hope.
18:10 Pastor C. A., we've got hope. Amen.
18:14 God... See, we were separated from God.
18:18 And it was an irreconcilable separation.
18:23 You know, divorces sometimes they have
18:25 irreconcilable differences?
18:27 What does that mean? No hope.
18:29 We were irreconcilably separated from God.
18:34 But... Don't you love the buts?
18:37 God took the first step.
18:41 See we couldn't take the first step.
18:42 Why couldn't we take the first step?
18:44 Cause we were, had fallen down in the quagmire of sin,
18:48 and we couldn't get up.
18:50 God took the first step toward reconciliation.
18:54 That which was irreconcilable, only God could reconcile.
18:58 That's right. He initiated a way to salvation,
19:02 a way to reconciliation.
19:05 And ever since, ever since, God has been the initiator
19:10 in inviting men and women to accept the way He provided.
19:16 It's, you know, you ever seen the picture of this big building
19:20 and Jesus is on the outside.
19:22 What's He doing? He's knocking on every one of our hearts.
19:26 And I hope that our viewing audience, and our listening
19:30 audience are full of people today that have never made
19:33 Jesus Christ the Lord of your life.
19:35 Because today is your day of salvation.
19:38 Jesus is on the outside of your heart right now knocking on
19:42 your heart saying, Let Me come in!
19:44 You've fallen and I can help you get up.
19:47 I am the way that God initiated for you to come up,
19:54 come up and out of that quagmire of sin. Amen!
19:57 Now when He knocks, when He extends His hand to every one of
20:02 us, to help us stand back up, we can do one of two things.
20:05 Can't we Pastor Kenny? Yes, we can.
20:07 One of two things: accept that hand or not accept that hand.
20:13 Let's look at the contrast.
20:15 Without reconciliation, without our standing back up we fall
20:22 under the penalty of sin.
20:23 Now what's the penalty of sin?
20:26 That would be Romans 6:23.
20:29 For the wages of sin is death.
20:32 Okay, now let's contrast that.
20:34 We can do one of two things.
20:37 In that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
20:40 So we're in a sinful state.
20:42 One of two things when He knocks at our heart,
20:45 when He offers that hand of reconciliation.
20:47 We can take that hand or we can not.
20:50 So if we don't, the wages of sin is death.
20:54 Because we just fall under the penalty of sin if we don't
20:57 accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.
20:59 But if we accept His hand, if we accept that way of
21:05 reconciliation that God made available to us,
21:07 the gift of God is eternal life.
21:11 Hey, that's eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord!
21:14 How many of you want to live forever?
21:16 How many of you want that eternal life?
21:18 To spend an eternity in the very presence of God.
21:21 You know, Kenny, you hit on that so soundly that we need to take
21:27 seriously the time and the age that we're living in,
21:30 and the time that we have left here on this earth.
21:33 Some of us are so shortsighted we lose sight of the fact that
21:38 this is all there is for us is this side of eternity. Mercy!
21:43 And if... What is the only thing we can take out
21:47 with us into eternity?
21:49 That is you character.
21:51 You see, if you don't purify and perfect your character...
21:56 And you can only do it through the blood of the Lord Jesus
21:58 Christ, and through His help.
22:00 Then this is all there is for you.
22:02 But for you that have higher aspirations this
22:06 isn't all there is. That's right.
22:08 There is an eternity in the very presence of Almighty God.
22:12 While you were yet a sinner He died for you.
22:15 He made reconciliation for you.
22:17 He made a way for those who had no other way.
22:21 He will take your hand, lift you up, and then that...
22:26 See, God will accept you just like you...
22:29 Have you ever heard anybody say, You'll just have
22:31 to take me like I am.
22:33 God will take you just like you are.
22:35 He will take you just like you are.
22:37 But He will accept you just like you are.
22:42 But for you to be able to spend an eternity in the presence of
22:46 God there is this thing called sanctification.
22:49 This thing called being purified and perfected.
22:53 God... see the number one purpose of the Holy Spirit is to
22:58 draw you to Jesus Christ, to pick you up out of that sinful
23:02 condition you're in, and to draw you into right
23:05 relationship with God.
23:06 And once you make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life,
23:09 you come out of darkness into light.
23:11 You know what the number one purpose of the
23:13 Holy Spirit is then?
23:15 Your sanctification.
23:16 To lead you into coming out of darkness in every area,
23:21 and relationship of your life.
23:23 I get so far off of my lesson.
23:25 Let's look here. Then in Romans 5:9 Paul says, Much more then,
23:32 having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved
23:39 from wrath through Him.
23:41 So, what if you haven't been justified by His blood?
23:45 Are you saved from wrath? No.
23:47 Let's talk about the exodus.
23:49 And I think I've got like two minutes
23:51 to talk about the exodus.
23:52 The blood of the sacrificial lamb played a very significant
23:56 role the night before the children of Israel left Egypt.
24:07 The Israelites were instructed to do something.
24:10 They were instructed to take the blood of the lamb and apply it
24:14 to the door posts and the lentils of their homes.
24:16 Each home had a lamb.
24:17 And it was each home's responsibility to obey.
24:21 If they didn't something was going to happen.
24:24 What was going to pass over that night?
24:26 The death angel was going to pass over all
24:28 the houses in Egypt.
24:30 And God made a way.
24:32 He told them if the blood of the lamb; take that blood,
24:35 apply it to the door posts and the lentils of your homes.
24:38 And when the death angel passes over, then your firstborn
24:42 will not be affected.
24:44 But if you don't have the blood applied,
24:46 then what is going to happen?
24:47 The death angel is going to visit your house.
24:49 So, let me make this very clear, we're all going to have to
24:57 experience that night of Passover.
24:59 And at some point, you know, judgment is real.
25:04 The Scriptures says, As it is appointed unto men to die once,
25:09 but after that the judgment.
25:10 On that day of judgment do you know what the Passover,
25:14 what the death angel is looking for?
25:16 He's looking for a house that doesn't have the
25:19 blood applied to it.
25:20 But when you ask Jesus Christ to be the Lord of your life,
25:25 then the blood is applied to the door post and the
25:28 lentils of your life.
25:29 Then when the death angel passes over he can't touch you.
25:33 Because judgment is real.
25:35 There is a day when you will come before the
25:37 judgment seat of Christ.
25:39 And the Lord is looking for that blood.
25:42 Because that blood that covers you cries out, Mercy!
25:45 And there will be mercy for you.
25:47 You know when you make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life
25:50 it's as though you had never sinned.
25:54 Christ died for you; died for all of us
25:57 while we were yet sinners. Pastor C. A.
26:00 Amen. The line from blood to death, and blood to life is
26:07 almost a continuum in that it was the blood
26:13 that kept from death, and it is that same blood
26:17 that leads to our life; the shed blood of Christ.
26:21 My lesson Tuesday is Death Through Sin.
26:28 And I want to stay a little closer to the lesson than I
26:30 perhaps do sometimes.
26:32 Because there are some points here that I want to elaborate
26:34 on that I find are fascinating; very integral to
26:38 Paul's argument here.
26:40 Death is an enemy. I think we all can agree on that.
26:44 It is the ultimate enemy.
26:46 When God created the human family, the lesson takes pains
26:51 to say that it was with the idea that we would live forever.
26:55 It was with the idea that we would all have uninterrupted
26:59 fellowship with Him.
27:00 The lesson says with few expectations people
27:04 do not want to die.
27:06 I have been around people who were
27:10 attempting to commit suicide.
27:11 And have ministered to people who have success,
27:15 who's the family of people who have been
27:18 successful in their attempt.
27:20 You tend to find when you deal with that enough that,
27:23 as a rule, people don't want to die.
27:25 It's usually a call for help.
27:26 They want help. They want assistance.
27:29 They have been trying to answer their own questions of life.
27:34 And the Bible is very accurate when it says that we don't have
27:38 the answers to our lives in our own hands.
27:41 There is a way that seems right sometimes,
27:43 but it's not the right way.
27:45 It leads to death. And when you run out of gas trying to run
27:50 your own life, you tend to want to end your life.
27:52 And so the quicker you can get Jesus inserted into that life
27:57 the better results you will have.
27:59 So people don't want to end their lives.
28:05 Death was intended to be an unknown entity
28:09 to the human family.
28:10 That was never God's intention for us.
28:13 So you go now to Romans 5:12.
28:17 Romans 5:12. Therefore,... And I'm reading from
28:21 the New King James.
28:23 Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world,
28:27 and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men,
28:32 because all have sinned.
28:35 I don't want to lift over too much into what
28:39 Shelley is going to bring.
28:40 But Paul is describing here how we got into the mess.
28:45 Can we say mess? Can we use that word? Sure!
28:48 How we got into where we got to; where we are now.
28:51 And the reason I'm glad I got this particular day because
28:57 I joined the church at a fairly early age.
28:59 I gave my heart to the Lord at age 9, baptized at 10.
29:03 Most of the issues in the Adventist church, as far as our
29:06 doctrinal package, I had no problem with.
29:08 Because you're young, you just accept and shake it.
29:10 I was not trained any other way.
29:12 So this is what I've always known.
29:13 The one issue that I did have a problem with, even as a young
29:19 person, it why am I sinful?
29:21 Why is that the default setting on my life?
29:24 I knew, even as a child, there was stuff that I was leaning
29:29 towards doing that I knew I shouldn't be doing.
29:30 You know, particularly you get in hanging out with your homies,
29:33 your buddies, you know.
29:34 You start doing stuff you know you shouldn't be doing that.
29:37 But what? why is this, this pull?
29:41 Why is there this pull?
29:42 And then when I read and studied, and I found out that
29:45 death passed upon all men, because of one man's sin.
29:49 I really rebelled against that.
29:52 I didn't like that idea at all.
29:54 Why should I be messed up because he messed up?
29:58 That, even as a teenager, that really grated
30:02 against my sensibilities.
30:04 I'm a sinner cause Adam sinned.
30:06 So what's the balance?
30:08 You know, what is the balance?
30:11 Well, the balance, I think Shelley's going to talk about.
30:13 But I hesitate to lift over into your day.
30:16 But the balance is I didn't have any part in Adam,
30:19 and I didn't have any part in Jesus.
30:20 Adam got me in, Jesus got me out. Amen!
30:24 And that's the balance, you know?
30:26 One got me in. It's not my fault!
30:29 But one got me out. Not my credit, you know?
30:32 So it makes it very level.
30:36 Yeah, I've got problems.
30:37 I've got sins. I've got this nature.
30:40 But Jesus has come to rearrange all of that. Amen!
30:45 If there is a great thing in this whole cockamamie,
30:53 sin, 7,000 year experiment, it's that to them who believed on
31:00 Him, gave He the power to become.
31:03 And we can put a colon right there.
31:06 To the power to become.
31:07 Christ through His grace, through... And grace is not a,
31:13 it's not a static entity.
31:16 It's not just, I give you grace.
31:19 It's a dynamic entity. Absolutely!
31:21 It brings other things in its train.
31:24 And, Pastor Kenny, you touched on this.
31:26 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive.
31:31 But if you just forgive, you haven't really helped me.
31:33 In fact you've kind of hurt me.
31:34 You just, Stop that! Stop that! Stop!
31:36 And there's never any punishment.
31:38 Well, after a while it kind of loses its, you know,
31:40 it loses its sting.
31:42 He forgives me, and then He cleanses me.
31:48 Yeah, don't make me a perpetual sinner by just forgiving me.
31:51 You've got to put some... Something's got to change!
31:53 So He cleanses me.
31:55 And that's the wonderful thing about the justification,
31:59 sanctification continuum.
32:00 Because I think they're on the same line.
32:02 One is I'm credited for being righteous.
32:06 And then He gets in there and actually begins
32:08 to make me righteous.
32:09 So He forgives me, and then He cleanses me.
32:14 And sometimes we all know that cleansing process
32:17 can be a little rough.
32:19 You know, it can be a little hard.
32:20 Cause when you're sanding stuff down sparks fly, and dust flies,
32:24 and sand, wood flies, you know?
32:25 But the upshot is you get this smooth surface, you know.
32:32 And that's what Christ wants.
32:34 So, going back to the lesson, the lesson says that
32:40 commentators have argued over this quite a bit.
32:42 And I've read some of this material.
32:45 The medieval church solved it by saying that we are
32:53 credited with Adam's sin.
32:54 Which is a doctrine that they called original sin.
32:58 That we are credited with Adam's sin.
33:01 But when the Protestant Reformation came along
33:04 they rejected that.
33:06 Your sins are enough to send you to hell.
33:10 You don't need Adam's sin. That's right!
33:13 Adam had to get in just like we are to get in, you know.
33:16 So your sins will keep you out.
33:18 So, and if we are credited with Adam's sin, then we wouldn't
33:22 need to change our own lives, because we've just got to
33:27 deal with Adam's sin.
33:28 But we have to deal with our own sins.
33:30 We've got to deal with what our relationship with Christ is,
33:33 and what it is going to become.
33:35 So, the lesson says folk have tried to answer that question
33:39 for many, many years.
33:40 But that the... You know, you get so excited about the subject
33:44 you almost lose your mind.
33:46 You just ha ba ha ba ha ba kind of thing.
33:48 All have sinned. So Adam has sinned, but so have I.
33:54 God will take care of Adam, and God will take care of me.
33:57 Amen. Yes. And I've got to surrender myself.
33:59 So I'm going to die because of my own unforgiven sins,
34:04 not because of Adam's. Right.
34:05 The wages of sin is death.
34:07 But the gift of God is eternal life for me, and for Kenny,
34:11 and for Mollie, and for Shelley, and for Jill, and for everyone
34:15 out there who's looking and listening.
34:17 Because Christ died for all of us.
34:21 And His blood is sufficient for each and every one of us.
34:24 You know, ten minutes is an awfully short time? It is!
34:29 ...to do what you need to do.
34:30 We need to recognize that we are sinners.
34:34 And I think in one of the weeks past, Mollie it was you,
34:38 or perhaps Shelley who said, this idea to accept that we are
34:44 sinners, people think, I am not so bad.
34:45 I don't rob, I don't steal, I don't kill, you know.
34:48 I don't steal from the government, and I pay my taxes.
34:50 I can't be that bad.
34:52 And it's very hard to realize and understand that you have
34:55 been called to keep a righteous law that is so far above you
35:00 that without the indwelling of a righteous God,
35:03 you don't even have a chance.
35:05 So you're looking at yourself.
35:06 One, for one your viewers parallax.
35:09 You can't really see yourself as you are.
35:11 So it's like looking in a mirror at a fun house, you know.
35:12 You may be thin and the mirror makes you fat.
35:14 You may be fat; the mirror makes you thin.
35:15 So you're not getting an accurate
35:17 representation of who you are.
35:18 But as you look through the word of God you see who you are.
35:22 And it is that realization of who you are that
35:25 drives you to Jesus.
35:26 Because without Jesus you have no hope of ever becoming what
35:30 Jesus wants you to be.
35:32 So the lesson says, and it is true, we must recognize
35:34 that we are sinners.
35:35 And it is in the recognition that we are sinners that we are
35:40 moved in the direction of Jesus.
35:42 Because the only way to get us from sinner to saint is through
35:46 Jesus, and Jesus living in us.
35:49 And that's the burden that we have.
35:51 And that is the success of Christ in our lives that we come
35:55 from a sinner to a saint through the blood, through the power,
35:58 through the grace, through the goodness, through the mercy
36:01 of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
36:03 Amen and amen. Well, done!
36:04 And I love everyone's enthusiasm. Pray for me.
36:08 I've got the enthusiasm, just not the energy to
36:12 deliver the enthusiasm.
36:13 Um, you know, when I think about... If you think about the
36:18 first Adam, and the second or last Adam,
36:22 both were representatives of the human race, were they not?
36:27 So we have Adam, who was the father of the human race,
36:32 and Christ who represented all of us on the cross.
36:34 So certainly what Christ came to do was to undo what
36:39 the first Adam did. Right?
36:41 So my verse for Wednesday is, the lesson title is,
36:47 From Adam to Moses.
36:48 And the verse is Romans 5:13, 14.
36:52 So let's just unpack that as we go.
36:55 He says in Verse 13: For until the law sin was in the world;
37:02 but sin is not imputed when there is no law.
37:08 So since the fall, from the very beginning, since the fall of
37:11 Adam sin, even though we are not accountable for the original
37:20 sin, original sin had a mortal effect on earth's inhabitants.
37:26 Well said. Uh huh.
37:27 So the... But it says sin is not imputed where there is no law.
37:32 The moral law was known in principle from
37:35 the beginning of time.
37:37 And you can look at Joseph.
37:38 He knew that he shouldn't lay with Potiphar's wife.
37:42 He said, How can I sin against my God by doing this?
37:47 So Joseph knew that this was adultery.
37:50 We think of Jacob when he said, Okay, you've got to get all of
37:56 the idols out of the camp.
37:58 He knew idols were wrong.
37:59 Sin is the transgression of God's moral law.
38:03 So the penalty for breaking it though was not really taken
38:09 into account until the law of Moses.
38:12 I guess you could say the physical death was,
38:14 but the full penalty.
38:15 So Verse 14. He says, Nevertheless death reigned
38:20 from Adam to Moses,... From creation to Mount Sinai.
38:24 ...even over those who had not sinned according to the likeness
38:28 of the transgression of Adam, who is a type... Adam... who is
38:35 a type of Him... Of Christ ... who was to come.
38:39 So the contrast here between the first Adam and the last Adam...
38:46 The first Adam was the counterpart of
38:48 Christ, if you would.
38:50 The last Adam is Jesus Christ.
38:52 And as I said, Adam represented all of humanity,
38:56 just as Christ did on the cross.
38:58 And because of Adam's death we were plunged into physical,
39:04 and spiritual death.
39:06 We all inherited not his sin, but the propensity toward sin,
39:13 and the tendency to sin.
39:15 So Paul said of Adam in 1 Corinthians 15:22 that in Adam
39:24 all die, because Adam was the head of the human race.
39:29 And that made the race guilty, and it's in and of itself.
39:33 And sin does something to mar the image of God in us.
39:38 So we lost our peace with God when we had this kind of
39:44 inherited guilt, is what I'll say.
39:46 So the last Adam, Jesus Christ, is the head of the new spiritual
39:52 race, and we're all made righteous.
39:54 Like I said, He came to undo what Adam did.
39:58 He restores the image of God in us,
40:02 and He restores our peace with God.
40:06 So let's continue reading.
40:07 And, by the way, I just have to say it was, even in the Old
40:13 Testament times, it wasn't law that offered the remedy for sin.
40:19 What offered the remedy for sin?
40:21 It's in the Old Testament.
40:23 It was the sacrificial system that pointed to Christ.
40:27 This... It was grace.
40:30 So its always been the sacrifice of Jesus.
40:34 And I think, personally, we've got it a whole lot easier than
40:41 they did to accept by faith God's grace.
40:45 Because the idea that slitting a lamb's throat made
40:51 my sins atoned for.
40:54 When you think about this... Of course they knew
40:57 it pointed to Christ.
40:58 But we actually have the evidence.
41:01 I mean they were looking forward to the promise.
41:03 We look back to His actual coming.
41:05 So now let's look at Romans 5: 21, 22.
41:10 So here he's saying that... We just got through saying
41:15 that until the law was in the world sin was not imputed.
41:19 But in Romans 5:20 and 21, it says, Moreover the law
41:24 entered, that the offense might abound.
41:30 But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more.
41:33 God gave the law to show us His holiness, His character,
41:40 His standards, and it points, it multiplies in our minds
41:49 somehow, it multiplies the trespass when we have
41:54 the knowledge of sin.
41:55 I might, because I mean even, I'm sure, each one of you
41:59 probably experience this, unless you're much
42:01 further along than I am.
42:03 But even every now and then I'll be reading something,
42:05 and I'll think, Ahhh! Oh my, I do that!
42:09 Oh Lord, forgive me!
42:11 It's not until I have the knowledge of it that I'm going,
42:16 Oh, ouch Lord! I am disappointing You here.
42:19 So what sin, what the law did was help us recognize our sin,
42:27 and how great of sinners we are, but it also highlights
42:32 our need for grace.
42:33 And that was what God wanted to do is He wanted to say,
42:36 See you can't do this by yourself, Mollie Sue Steenson.
42:39 You can't do this, Kenny.
42:42 You've got to have My grace.
42:45 And what I love about God is no matter how deep and wide
42:51 sin is, grace is deeper, and grace is wider.
42:54 So I just want to take a moment, and I just have a couple of
43:00 minutes left, but I have to say this to you,
43:02 somebody who's watching.
43:03 You may feel like, Ah, these people, yeah, they seem happy.
43:08 They're excited about this lesson
43:10 because they're Christians.
43:11 They didn't do what I did.
43:12 Maybe you're sitting in prison, or maybe you have just gone
43:17 through an adulterous affair, and you think,
43:19 How can God forgive me?
43:22 Maybe you're an elder of a church and you've done
43:24 something like that.
43:26 Let me tell you something.
43:27 All you have to do is get on your knees and say, I'm sorry.
43:33 Lord, I'm sorry. I need You.
43:37 All we have to do is confess our great need of Him.
43:42 And He is... It's just like when the prodigal son came to his
43:48 senses and returned home.
43:50 The father had been watching for him,
43:53 praying for him to come in.
43:55 And the Father represents Christ and God.
43:58 And the father actually broke into a run, and ran out to greet
44:04 him, which men of the Middle East did not do.
44:08 It was beneath their dignity.
44:10 But he was so excited that he ran and he grabbed him.
44:14 And when the son said, Oh, I'm not worthy of you father.
44:17 I've sinned against you.
44:19 Just let me be a servant in your house.
44:20 He said to his servants, No, bring him the robe.
44:23 Bring him the ring, the signet ring; the authority,
44:26 the robe of righteousness.
44:28 Bring him his sandals.
44:29 Let me kill the fatted calf.
44:31 And that's what God did.
44:33 Now I've got one more minute to get to the most important
44:36 part of this Scripture here.
44:38 Verse 21, Romans 5:21.
44:41 There's a double juxtaposition here,
44:44 and I want you to notice this.
44:46 He's going to compare two totally different things twice.
44:50 He said, So that as sin reigned in death, even so grace might
44:56 reign through righteousness to eternal life through
45:01 Jesus Christ our Lord.
45:03 Do you see that double juxtaposition?
45:05 There's sin and righteousness.
45:08 Those are totally opposite.
45:10 There's death and life.
45:12 So that as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign
45:17 through righteousness.
45:18 This is the great contrast between our sin
45:22 and Christ's obedience.
45:25 What is the wages of sin?
45:27 We've said it over and over.
45:28 So the wages of sin is death and separation from God.
45:35 Sin has reigned and separated us from our Creator.
45:40 And when that came into effect, it caused our end to be a mortal
45:45 one that we would die eternally.
45:48 But Christ dethroned sin through His blood.
45:53 His righteousness reigns instead.
45:57 And death can be overcome through Christ Jesus.
46:02 Eternal life is offered by Him when we become a new
46:06 creation in Christ.
46:07 Amen! Thank you so you so much Shelley.
46:09 What a powerful study this week to see that through Adam's sin,
46:14 through what he did sin entered the world.
46:17 The consequences entered the world.
46:20 We live in a world of sin, but through the Lord Jesus Christ...
46:23 As you said, Mollie. I love that.
46:24 ...the last Adam, we have the gift and the
46:27 hope of eternal life.
46:29 So praise the Lord for that.
46:30 I have Thursday, which the lesson calls
46:32 Jesus, the Second Adam.
46:34 But we could call it Jesus, the Last Adam.
46:38 So let's take a look.
46:40 We're going to look at those verses, actually that you just
46:42 skipped here, which is my portion here.
46:44 We're in Romans 5, starting with verse 15.
46:50 Now as we read this, I want you to count how many times the
46:53 word gift is mentioned in this passage.
46:57 But the free gift is not like the offense...
47:02 The free gift, God's gift of grace, His death on the cross.
47:07 Because of that it's not like the offense; the fall of Adam.
47:11 For if by the one man's offense,...
47:14 Meaning by Adam's sin.
47:16 ...many died, much more the grace of God, and the gift by
47:22 the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ abounded to many.
47:27 Verse 16. And the gift is not like that which came through
47:33 the one who sinned.
47:34 Through Adam meaning.
47:36 For the judgment, which came from one offense,
47:40 resulted in condemnation.
47:42 Meaning when Adam sinned this whole world was brought under
47:45 that condemnation of the law.
47:47 But the free gift, which came from many offenses,
47:52 resulted in justification.
47:55 Because of the last Adam, because of
47:57 the Lord Jesus Christ, we can be justified.
48:01 Verse 17. For if by the one man's offense...
48:04 Meaning Adam's sin.
48:06 ...death reigned through the one; much more those who receive
48:09 abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign
48:15 in life through the one, Jesus Christ.
48:17 Verse 18. Therefore, as through one man's offense...
48:21 We already mentioned that's Adam's sin.
48:24 ...judgment came to all men resulting in condemnation;
48:29 even so through one man's righteous act the free gift
48:34 came to all men resulting in justification of life.
48:39 For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners,
48:43 so also by one man's obedience many will be made righteous.
48:49 Now how many times was the word gift mentioned there?
48:51 Did anybody count? I got six.
48:53 Six? Absolutely! If you look in the original Greek it's only
48:56 mentioned five times.
48:58 One of them does not have that word for gift
49:00 in the original Greek.
49:02 But whether it's five or six, the point is it's
49:05 mentioned a lot of times.
49:07 And the word for gift in the Greek is two different
49:10 words mentioned here.
49:11 One is charisma. I hope I'm saying that correctly.
49:15 And that is a gift of grace.
49:18 An undeserved favor of free gift.
49:21 That's mentioned twice.
49:22 And in my translation every time it says free gift,
49:25 that's translated from the original Greek, charisma,
49:29 meaning that gift of grace.
49:31 The other times the word gift is mentioned it's doria, doria.
49:37 And that is a gift without repayment.
49:40 A gift that is freely given.
49:42 And it's interesting, every time it says, but the free gift,
49:45 meaning Christ's coming, His death, His substitutionary
49:49 death for you and for I.
49:51 We have the hope of eternal life.
49:53 Now Paul mentions it actually many different ways.
49:56 Because I think he's trying to get his point across.
49:59 He kind of says the same thing in a little different words
50:02 for several times through those verses.
50:03 Namely that because of Adam's sin we were all brought under
50:07 the condemnation or the curse of the law.
50:09 But because of the Lord Jesus Christ, the last Adam,
50:13 we all have the hope of eternal life and that justification.
50:17 I want to look at one thing in Verse 18, and then we'll jump
50:20 over to 1 Corinthians.
50:22 In Verse 18 it says, Therefore, as through one man's offense
50:25 judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation;
50:29 even so through one man's righteous act the free gift
50:33 came to all men resulting in justification of life.
50:36 Now in Deuteronomy 27, 27 and 28, we have the law of
50:41 blessing and cursing.
50:42 Remember when they were on the mount, and there was the law
50:44 of blessing and cursing.
50:45 If you do these things blessings will attend upon you.
50:49 Or if you disobey, and don't obey, these curses
50:53 will come upon you.
50:55 They call that the Deuteronomic... I don't know if
50:57 I'm pronouncing that right.
50:59 ... Deuteronimic principle.
51:00 Which is really the law in Galatians 6.
51:02 It's what Mollie always talks about.
51:04 The law of sewing and reaping.
51:05 If we sew to the flesh we will of the flesh reap corruption.
51:08 If we sew to the Spirit we will of the Spirit
51:11 reap life everlasting.
51:12 You think about the sin of Achan.
51:14 That's an example of one man's sin brought curse,
51:19 you could say destruction, upon the entire encampment of Israel.
51:23 When they went out to the Battle of Ai, what happened?
51:26 They were defeated because of one man's sin.
51:28 That's an example as what happened with Adam
51:31 when his sin, and sin entered the whole world.
51:34 We won't turn there, but in Numbers 25 you have the story of
51:38 Baalpeor, when remember, Balaam was supposed to curse Israel,
51:44 and instead he ended up blessing Israel.
51:46 So he tried to get the Moabite women to come in and to
51:50 intermingle and bring in some destruction into the camp
51:56 just because of compromise.
51:58 Because of their association with the other nations.
52:00 And at that time Phineas stood up and he...
52:05 It's kind of a gruesome story.
52:06 But he actually slew someone.
52:08 And because of his action in doing that, one of the people
52:12 who was bringing the sin into the camp,
52:14 God stayed the plague that was coming against the people.
52:17 So you see through one man's righteous act a good came.
52:20 Now we see obviously, because of Adam's sin...
52:23 Those are just examples.
52:24 But because of Adam's sin we see that great
52:26 condemnation that came.
52:27 And because of Jesus we have that righteousness,
52:30 that hope of eternal life.
52:31 Let's look at two Scriptures real quickly.
52:33 Let's look at 1 Corinthians 15.
52:35 And I think Pastor Kenny and Shelley,
52:38 you both referenced this.
52:39 1 Corinthians 15:21, 22.
52:46 For since by man came death, ... Meaning by Adam.
52:50 ...by man also came the resurrection of the dead.
52:53 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all
52:57 shall be made alive.
52:58 And let's jump over to Verse 42.
53:01 So also is the resurrection of the dead.
53:03 The body is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption.
53:07 It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory: it is sown in
53:11 weakness, it is raised in power: It is sown a natural body,
53:15 it is raised a spiritual body.
53:17 There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.
53:20 Now we come to the point 45.
53:22 And so it is written, the first man Adam became a living being;
53:26 Remember when God breathed the breath of life into him
53:30 he became a living being.
53:32 The last Adam, Jesus Christ, became a life giving spirit.
53:37 Adam was natural; Christ is spiritual.
53:41 Adam was living, but Christ is life giving.
53:45 46. However the spiritual is not first, but the natural;...
53:49 Meaning Adam came first.
53:51 ... and afterward the spiritual.
53:52 The first man was of the earth, made of dust: the second man is
53:56 the Lord from heaven.
53:58 Now in the remaining time I have I just want
54:00 to do a contrast here: the first Adam with the last Adam.
54:04 The first Adam was the ruler of creation.
54:07 He was given dominion by God in the garden of
54:10 Eden over the creation.
54:13 The last Adam, Jesus Christ, Colossians 1:15, Christ is the
54:17 image of the invisible God, the first born over all creation,
54:22 author and finisher of our faith.
54:24 He says, If anyone is in Christ, you are a new creation.
54:28 The first Adam lost his crown and gained death.
54:32 The last Adam, Jesus Christ, was crowned because He tasted
54:39 death for every man.
54:40 He was made like his brother, so that by his death he might
54:44 destroy him who holds the power of death. That is the Devil.
54:48 That's from Hebrews.
54:50 The first Adam, sin and death entered the world through him.
54:54 By the obedience of the last Adam life
54:58 abounds to you and to me.
55:00 God breathed into Adam the breath of life.
55:04 Jesus, John 20:22, breathed on His disciples and said,
55:09 Receive you the Holy Ghost.
55:12 As in Adam all die... We read this already.
55:15 So in Christ all shall be made alive.
55:18 Adam came from dust; Jesus came from heaven. 1 Corinthians 15:57
55:24 Adam was called out out hiding.
55:27 Remember after sin he went into hiding.
55:29 He was called out of hiding.
55:31 Jesus calls us by name.
55:33 We hear His voice and we follow Him. John 10.
55:37 We bear the likeness of the first Adam;
55:39 created in his likeness.
55:41 But in the resurrection we will all bear the likeness of the
55:45 last Adam, the Lord Jesus Christ.
55:47 Praise the Lord! You know, again that's how
55:51 powerful this lesson is.
55:53 There's so much to it that we could just dig, and dig,
55:55 and dig, and go over, and over, and still pull out
55:58 some beautiful gems.
55:59 So a minute and a half is all we have left right here; quick gem,
56:02 quick thought from each one of you right quick.
56:04 If we could do that. So right here.
56:07 Oh, go ahead, Shelley.
56:08 I just wanted to say, what you just said tells me that all of
56:10 us should... It's not like... The Bible's not a book that you
56:14 just read from cover to cover once.
56:16 You can study the Bible for all of your life and still be
56:19 learning more and new things.
56:21 And anything as rich as the book of Romans is incredible.
56:27 I'm so glad that Christ's blood covers all sin; Adam's sin,
56:33 my sins, and the sin of everyone who comes to Him.
56:37 And that's the message that is drawn again, and again, again,
56:40 and again, and again in Romans.
56:42 It may be the most important message in the world.
56:44 Amen! Yes it is. Jill.
56:47 Oh, I just want to make an appeal to you to make a choice
56:51 to accept the Lord Jesus Christ.
56:52 Praise God that He is the last Adam.
56:55 That we have that hope, that opportunity of spending
56:58 eternal life with Him.
57:00 And while you were yet sinners Christ died for you.
57:04 And now you have an opportunity to be in right relationship.
57:07 Accept that last Adam.
57:10 Amen! You know how wonderful that is?
57:12 Grace abounded more.
57:13 Yeah, isn't that just beautiful to think about right now?
57:15 The appeal goes out; Jesus has His arms outstretched.
57:17 He wants you in the kingdom.
57:19 You know, heaven won't be the same if one of you are missing.
57:22 When one is missing it will never be the same.
57:24 So let's make sure we're there.
57:25 Let's make sure that we made that decision for Christ.
57:27 Accept His righteousness, and I guarantee you
57:30 by His grace we will be there.
57:31 God bless you! Thanks for joining us.
57:33 See you next time. Amen!


Revised 2024-07-09