3ABN Sabbath School Panel

From Reading to Understanding

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP200001S

00:01 The Bible tells us, "In the beginning was the Word,
00:03 and the Word was with God,
00:05 and the Word was God."
00:08 It says, "To receive with meekness
00:10 the implanted Word,
00:11 which is able to save your souls.
00:14 And to be diligent to present yourself
00:16 approved to God,
00:18 rightly dividing the Word of truth."
00:21 Join us now
00:22 for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:25 Our study today is the Book of Daniel.
00:32 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:35 I'm Jill Morikone.
00:36 And we're so glad that
00:37 you have taken time from your day to join us
00:39 for our study of the Word of God.
00:41 We are on our first lesson
00:44 of the brand new quarter here of 2020.
00:48 This is studying the Book of Daniel.
00:50 And I think Daniel is one of my favorite
00:53 Old Testament heroes, men of God,
00:56 prophets in the Old Testament.
00:58 And I am excited
00:59 what God has for us in this study.
01:01 But first we're gonna introduce to you our panel.
01:04 We're gonna be studying together
01:05 for the next 13 weeks.
01:07 To my left Pastor John Lomacang,
01:09 my pastor, always a privilege to have you here.
01:11 Good to be here.
01:12 And as you said,
01:14 Daniel is gonna be an exciting journey.
01:15 It's like revisiting an old friend.
01:17 Absolutely.
01:19 To your left, Pastor Ryan Day,
01:20 and a privilege to study with you as well.
01:22 Amen.
01:23 It's good to be here as always. Amen.
01:25 To your left Sister Shelley Quinn,
01:27 and thank you for opening up the Word of God with us.
01:29 Oh, I enjoyed it so much because I learned something
01:34 from my personal studies,
01:36 but I always learned from each one of you as well.
01:37 Amen.
01:39 And then, Pastor Kenny Shelton,
01:41 always a joy to study with you.
01:42 Oh, it's such a treat to be able to study the Word of God
01:45 not only with the panel,
01:47 but with those who are watching and those who are listening.
01:49 Amen.
01:50 Before we go any further and open up the Word of God,
01:52 we want to go to the Lord in prayer.
01:54 And, Pastor John, would you pray for us?
01:55 Sure.
01:57 Loving Father in heaven,
01:58 we thank You for this opportunity.
02:00 It's always a privilege when You open the door
02:02 and You invite us to walk through.
02:04 We know that Daniel although familiar,
02:06 still there are many messages that we are yet to learn off.
02:10 And we pray that Your Spirit will be our guide.
02:13 Empower this lesson, fill our minds
02:15 but may all the glory go to You.
02:17 In Jesus' name I pray.
02:19 Amen. Amen.
02:20 Thank you so much, Pastor John.
02:21 I wanna encourage you,
02:23 we are starting a new quarter so make sure
02:25 you get your own copy of the quarterly
02:28 you can study along with us.
02:29 That would be the following website
02:31 ABSG.Adventist.org.
02:35 That stands for
02:36 AdultBibleStudyG-uide. Adventist.org.
02:41 Or we always encourage you
02:43 to visit your local Seventh-day Adventist Church.
02:46 Ask them for a quarterly
02:47 and you can join a local Bible study group.
02:50 So we're studying this quarter the Book of Daniel.
02:55 Lesson number one is From Reading to Understanding.
02:58 This particular quarterly
03:02 was written by Dr. Elias Brasil de Souza.
03:06 He is the Director
03:07 of the Biblical Research Institute
03:09 at the General Conference
03:11 there for the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
03:13 And he's done an incredible job this quarter.
03:15 When you look at the Old Testament,
03:18 the prophets were kind of divided into two groups, right?
03:20 We have the Major Prophets and the Minor Prophets.
03:23 Major Prophets being Isaiah, Jeremiah,
03:26 Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel.
03:29 And then, of course, the 12 Minor Prophets.
03:33 The Major Prophets are much longer books,
03:36 most of them are much longer books,
03:38 and they cover a broader scope as it were.
03:41 A broader focus than some of those Minor Prophets.
03:44 Now, of course, the Book of Daniel
03:46 is one of my favorite heroes in the Word of God.
03:50 He was a man of integrity,
03:51 even his enemies could find no fault with him.
03:56 He was a prophet.
03:57 He was a governmental servant.
04:00 He was a faithful historian of God's dealings with him.
04:04 I think Daniel contains some of the most comprehensive
04:07 and sweeping revelations recorded by any prophet
04:11 in the Old Testament.
04:12 And they say with the exception of Moses,
04:14 and maybe Solomon,
04:16 that Daniel was one of the most educated men
04:20 who wrote in the Old Testament.
04:22 Now the Book of Daniel,
04:24 we believe was written by the Prophet Daniel.
04:27 We know there are some controversy
04:28 and some different streams of thought out there about that.
04:31 But we believe that he wrote of events taking place
04:34 during his lifetime
04:36 and looking down all the way the stream of time
04:39 to the Second Coming of Christ
04:40 when He would set up His eternal kingdom.
04:44 We know Daniel was taken captive in 605 BC
04:47 by the Babylonians
04:48 and as a young man brought into Babylon to serve.
04:53 If you think about themes from the Book of Daniel,
04:57 there's many themes but I'm just gonna highlight
04:59 three before we jump into Sunday's lesson.
05:01 The first theme of the Book of Daniel,
05:03 from my perspective, is that God is sovereign.
05:06 And He rules over the affairs of men.
05:10 He's still sovereign,
05:11 even when it seems like His people are being oppressed,
05:15 taken into captivity, thrown in the lions' den,
05:18 God is still sovereign.
05:19 And He delivers those who are loyal to Him.
05:23 You know the name Daniel means God is my judge.
05:26 God is still sovereign over the affairs of men.
05:29 The second theme I see is that God sees the future.
05:33 There's a great deal of prophecy in the Book of Daniel,
05:37 apocalyptic prophecies,
05:39 revelatory prophecies future
05:43 for telling the Messiah and His ministry and death,
05:45 for telling the work of the heavenly sanctuary.
05:48 The prophetic outline of Daniel spans centuries.
05:51 And we also see,
05:53 the third theme is that God reveals His love.
05:56 It's not just that God is sovereign over everything,
05:59 but God is intimately concerned with the details
06:02 that concern you and I.
06:05 We know Daniel and Revelation
06:08 are almost sister books you could say,
06:10 they correlate with each other a great deal.
06:13 In fact, in the Book of Daniel,
06:15 I would say the Seventh-day Adventist Church was founded
06:18 from the pages of the Book of Daniel,
06:20 especially Daniel 8:14.
06:23 "Unto two thousand and three hundred days,
06:25 then shall the sanctuary be cleansed."
06:28 If you look at Daniel and Revelation,
06:30 you see prophecies, you see symbols and meaning,
06:33 you see that repeat and enlarge principle
06:35 that we're going to see
06:37 where every future prophecy kind of repeats
06:40 and enlarges the previous one.
06:43 We see discussion of Babylon present day
06:46 and end-time Babylon,
06:47 discussion of the little horn and the Antichrist
06:50 but beyond all of that,
06:53 we see the Lord Jesus Christ.
06:55 Amen. That's right.
06:56 You know, John 5:39,
06:58 Jesus says, "Search the scriptures,
07:00 for in them you think you have eternal life,
07:03 and they are they which testify of Me."
07:06 Now we know then that everything
07:09 in the Word of God testifies of the Lord Jesus Christ.
07:12 We often think, well,
07:13 the gospels surely testify of Jesus, right?
07:17 Maybe Paul's writings, maybe Isaiah,
07:19 there's a lot of messianic prophecies
07:21 but what about Daniel?
07:23 Can we see Jesus in every chapter
07:26 of the Book of Daniel?
07:28 We're gonna do that quickly just now.
07:30 Daniel Chapter 1, of course,
07:32 is the captivity of Daniel and his three friends,
07:34 and then the big test pertaining to food,
07:38 and whether they're going to worship the king's food,
07:42 and the food that had been offered to idols.
07:45 I see a comparison, first of all,
07:47 in Daniel 1 between Daniel and Christ.
07:49 We see Daniel taken from his homeland,
07:52 leaving Judah and Jerusalem a long harsh journey
07:55 taken to be a slave in a foreign land.
07:58 I see Christ leaving heaven, leaving holiness,
08:03 and adoration of angels
08:05 coming to live in a sinful world
08:07 to confront the powers of evil.
08:10 We see Christ enabling Daniel
08:13 and his friends to stand for principle.
08:16 They didn't stand, you know, Daniel 1:8,
08:19 Daniel purposed in his heart, right?
08:21 That he would not defile himself
08:22 for the portion of the king's meat.
08:24 He didn't stand on his own strength.
08:27 We know all our righteousness is filthy rags,
08:29 but we can do all things through Christ
08:32 who strengthens us, Philippians 4:13.
08:35 So he stood in the strength of Christ.
08:39 Daniel Chapter 2,
08:40 we see Nebuchadnezzar had this dream of this image.
08:44 Daniel 2 begins with Daniel's time
08:46 the Head of Gold Babylon,
08:48 and it carries all the way down to when Christ will come
08:51 and set up a kingdom that will never end.
08:54 Daniel 2 tells us that Christ reveals the future
08:57 that Christ answers prayer.
09:00 That Christ will judge the nations of the world.
09:03 That Christ is going to set up an eternal kingdom.
09:06 Daniel 3 is Daniel's friends thrown into the fiery furnace,
09:11 but they were not alone
09:13 because Christ showed up in the furnace with them.
09:17 We learned that Christ overturns events for His glory.
09:20 Christ cares for His people.
09:23 He delivers His people.
09:24 He vindicates His people.
09:26 He vindicates His name
09:28 and reveals who is God
09:30 and He strengthens His servants to endure trial.
09:33 He doesn't always deliver us from the fire,
09:36 but He always delivers us through the fire.
09:40 Daniel 4,
09:41 this is Nebuchadnezzar is humbling
09:43 and how he became like an animal
09:46 for those seven years.
09:48 We see that Christ is still sovereign
09:50 over the affairs of men,
09:51 that Christ removed Nebuchadnezzar from office
09:55 so the king could understand that heaven rules.
09:58 We see that Christ calls upon us to repent.
10:02 Remember, Daniel made that impassioned appeal to the king.
10:05 "Please, O King, break off your sins."
10:08 And then the king refused.
10:10 We see that Christ executes judgment.
10:14 We learned that we can trust Him
10:16 with our lives, and with our government,
10:17 and with our church, and our families,
10:19 and our work.
10:21 We learned that Christ judges redemptively,
10:23 never vindictive, always redemptively.
10:27 Daniel 5 is the overthrow of the Babylonian Empire
10:30 when the Medes and Persians captured Babylon that night
10:34 that Belshazzar the king was killed.
10:36 We see the fall of literal Babylon
10:38 and the fall of end-time Babylon.
10:41 Literal Babylon fell to the Persians
10:43 in one night of revelry
10:45 and debauchery,
10:46 End-time Babylon will fall to Christ
10:48 and His angels
10:50 because the end-time Babylon worships Satan and the beast
10:54 and his image.
10:56 Daniel 6, we see Daniel in the lions' den.
11:00 And we see the false accusations made against Daniel
11:02 by the scheming governors and satraps.
11:06 We see that there's false accusations
11:07 made against Christ by scheming priests and scribes.
11:11 We see King Darius trying to save Daniel
11:14 but being unsuccessful.
11:16 We see Pilate making some attempt to save Christ
11:19 but being an unsuccessful.
11:21 And we learned in Daniel 6 that our lives
11:24 are in the hand of Christ, not men.
11:27 That Christ would deliver us that He vindicates His name,
11:30 that He destroys His enemies,
11:33 and that prayer changes things.
11:36 Daniel 7, Daniel has a vision of the beasts
11:39 and the kingdoms that will be to come.
11:41 This is an expansion of Daniel Chapter 2 with the image.
11:45 We learned in Daniel 7 that God will judge His people.
11:49 There's the whole judgment scene.
11:51 And we also learned that judgment
11:53 is in favor of the saints.
11:55 That's my favorite part about Daniel Chapter 7.
11:58 That judgment is made in favor of the saints of the Most High.
12:02 Daniel Chapter 8, we see another expanding,
12:05 another vision of Daniel Chapter 7.
12:08 This one begins with a Medo-Persian
12:10 Empire instead of with Babylon.
12:12 It contains these prophecies again,
12:13 but Daniel 8 the focus now is Christ
12:16 in the heavenly sanctuary.
12:19 It corresponds to the judgment scene
12:20 in Daniel Chapter 7.
12:22 But we see that God is the judge of the wicked
12:25 and His people.
12:27 Daniel 9 is Daniel's prayer of confession and intercession,
12:32 and really answers to his questions
12:34 about the vision in Daniel Chapter 8.
12:37 In Daniel 9, we see Christ as the sacrificial Lamb,
12:39 the Messiah.
12:41 He's the sacrificial Lamb
12:42 whose death reconfirms the covenant.
12:45 We see that Christ hears our prayers
12:47 and brings answers and deliverance.
12:50 Daniel 10-12, we'll lump them together
12:52 is really the final vision that Daniel has here
12:55 in the Book of Daniel.
12:57 And those chapters we learned that Christ
12:59 is our Commander in Chief,
13:00 He is Michael of the archangel.
13:03 He fights against the forces of evil
13:05 and comes off conqueror, rescuing God's people
13:09 and bringing them home with Him.
13:11 So really in the Book of Daniel,
13:13 I learned that Christ fights for His people.
13:16 Aren't you grateful for that?
13:18 I learned that Christ is always victorious against Satan
13:22 and his cohorts.
13:24 I learned that Christ will come again.
13:28 And He delivers us as His people.
13:29 Pastor John, you have Structure of Revelation.
13:32 Wow, I tell you.
13:33 Can we all take a breath on that one?
13:35 Yeah. It was cool.
13:36 How did you cover so much in such a short period of time?
13:38 Amen.
13:40 Always is like,
13:41 I think Ryan just said it's like drinking from a...
13:43 What? From a fire hydrant.
13:44 Fire hydrant. Thank you.
13:46 You know, Daniel is an amazing book.
13:49 But we can't get into any Book of Prophecy
13:51 without understanding the structure.
13:53 But when we understand the structure,
13:55 it's like building a house
13:56 we never get ahead of ourselves.
13:58 You can't put a roof on without foundation.
14:01 And it doesn't make sense to concentrate
14:02 on the color of the paint before the walls go up.
14:05 Daniel is that way, it has a structure.
14:08 In some cases, it's referred to as a chiastic structure,
14:11 a high point in the book,
14:13 it builds up to a particular point
14:14 then comes down on the other side.
14:17 We know that Daniel is not a book with Greek,
14:19 but it has Aramaic and Hebrew.
14:21 Yes.
14:22 And when you understand where that comes in Hebrew,
14:25 most of the book is Hebrews,
14:27 but Daniel 2-7 is written in Aramaic.
14:31 So we can understand how it fits
14:33 into the picture of those nations
14:35 that often refers to why that language
14:39 because it's often preferring to the nations
14:41 that are best suited in that particular picture.
14:44 Then there are different types of prophecies
14:46 and this is something important because many people say
14:49 and this is one of the things we have to guard against.
14:52 There is no prophecy with a dual fulfillment.
14:57 I wanna say that, dual application,
15:01 but no dual fulfillment.
15:03 Now you might say,
15:04 "Well, I could see Daniel 7
15:07 in its actual unfolding characteristic."
15:11 But I could also see it in another aspect.
15:13 Let me give you an example, I'll use Revelation here.
15:15 We have seven churches in Revelation
15:17 that cover seven different time periods.
15:19 But then in the last days,
15:20 we could see all seven of those conditions existing
15:23 in different churches, in different countries,
15:25 in different settings from the one that's, you know,
15:28 completely allegiant to the Lord,
15:30 to the one that is filled with brotherly love all the way
15:32 down to the one that is just lukewarm.
15:35 So the four types of prophecies that are majorly focused
15:37 in the Book of Daniel.
15:39 First is local prophecies, what kind of I say?
15:42 Local.
15:43 The local prophecies,
15:45 particularly the local prophecies
15:46 will be those that pertained in specifics to Nebuchadnezzar.
15:51 They don't pertain to Belshazzar.
15:54 They don't pertain to any other king outside of that.
15:56 And when that prophecy is fulfilled, it's fulfilled.
15:59 The humbling of Nebuchadnezzar is a perfect example of that.
16:02 Nebuchadnezzar comes on the scene from Chapter 1
16:05 and in Chapter 4 he passes off the scene,
16:07 but his kingdom is mentioned again,
16:09 in obviously in Daniel 2,
16:12 all four of the kingdoms were mentioned.
16:13 And then when Daniel has a dream later on,
16:16 then he's mentioned again
16:17 in the four beasts of Daniel Chapter 7.
16:20 But Nebuchadnezzar as he reigns
16:23 and his reign comes to an end those prophecies
16:25 that what we consider local prophecies.
16:28 You find also in the prophecy of the city of Nineveh.
16:33 Well Nineveh, just the four books of Jonah...
16:36 Four chapters of Jonah.
16:38 The four chapters of Jonah, thank you,
16:39 those prophecies happened.
16:41 But then you could find application to that and saying,
16:43 "Well, if there's a city that's filled with iniquity,
16:47 then God will send a prophet to preach to that city
16:49 and if they repent, praise the Lord."
16:52 But that's not a dual fulfillment.
16:55 You also find Judaic prophecy.
16:57 Obviously, the book begins with the Judaic prophecy
17:01 because Judah is taken into captivity,
17:04 from Jerusalem into Babylon.
17:06 But while Daniel is there,
17:08 you'll find throughout the Book of Daniel,
17:11 many of the things that are talked about
17:12 while Daniel is still alive,
17:14 pertains to Judah.
17:16 When he asked the question,
17:18 how long is it gonna be before we return?
17:21 How long is it gonna be before we get back to our city?
17:24 And then the Lord gives him the 70 week prophecy.
17:27 Seventy weeks are determined for you
17:29 and for your people and for your city.
17:32 That's the Judaic prophecy.
17:34 And as Jill pointed out, they're messianic prophecies,
17:37 which means, obviously, the word Messianic is Christ.
17:40 Once again, he appears in the Book of Daniel,
17:42 in each of the chapters
17:44 you can find a component of Christ
17:45 in every story in the Book of Daniel,
17:48 from Christ in the very first chapter,
17:51 where He is there with His people,
17:53 He may have allowed them.
17:55 Let me rephrase that.
17:56 He allowed them to be corrected in Babylon.
17:59 When Babylon was done with its correction,
18:02 God stood up and corrected Babylon.
18:05 So He never really forsook His people.
18:07 He used them as a correcting stick,
18:09 but He did not choose them above His people.
18:11 Then you find in the very end of the chapter,
18:13 Christ stands up again, when Michael stands up.
18:16 So he's all through the book, as Jill made very clear.
18:20 So the Judaic prophecies
18:22 that particularly refer to Judah,
18:24 Israel, those prophecies,
18:27 the Lord, many of the books of the Old Testament have them.
18:29 In Daniel, as I point out these four types of prophecies,
18:33 all four are found in the Book of Daniel.
18:35 Then you have the apocalyptic prophecies.
18:38 Apocalyptic you find
18:40 when Daniel is told to seal a provision,
18:43 for it is yet for the time of the end,
18:45 at the time of the end, it will speak.
18:46 This apocalyptic unfolding, showing a revelation,
18:50 another word for apocalypse is a revelation.
18:53 And so as Jill pointed out,
18:54 you did an excellent job by the way.
18:56 Praise the Lord.
18:57 As Jill pointed out, there's a particular point
18:59 where we can find
19:00 the growing of the Advent movement,
19:04 but the messages of the Advent movement
19:07 didn't just come into being through the Advent Church.
19:11 They are a part of the everlasting gospel,
19:14 which is in fact, focusing on Christ,
19:16 He has always been the method
19:18 and means by which we are saved.
19:20 So once again, local, Judaic, messianic,
19:23 and apocalyptic.
19:26 And then you find the Structure of Daniel,
19:28 and it may seem to some degree,
19:30 that we are repeating the same things.
19:32 But let's go to Isaiah 46.
19:34 I want you to see why this is so important
19:36 because the repeat and enlarger there,
19:38 but the encouraging aspect of Daniel,
19:41 and any prophetic book in the Bible
19:43 or anything in the Bible,
19:45 is that at no point does God ever lose control
19:50 and say, "What do I do next?"
19:52 That's right. Amen.
19:53 Look at Isaiah 46:9-10.
19:55 And the Bible says, "Remember
19:57 the former things of old,
20:00 for I am God, and there is no other.
20:03 I am God, and there is none like Me,
20:06 declaring the end from the beginning,
20:10 and from ancient times," the times of Daniel,
20:13 the times of Isaiah, Jeremiah,
20:15 "things that are not yet done."
20:17 So and He says, "My counsel shall stand,"
20:19 He's saying that,
20:21 "And I will do all My pleasure."
20:23 Meaning when God sets the picture in motion,
20:25 it's like an artist.
20:27 I know a guy, I know that painted a picture of me.
20:29 And I thought to myself, "Well, how did he begin?"
20:32 And he says, "Well,
20:34 I look at the entire structure of a person.
20:37 And then I take a component by component."
20:39 He starts with circles,
20:40 and I have a picture on one of my posts,
20:43 where he shows the circles and everything is in circles,
20:46 and I can't see it,
20:47 but then he can because he sees where it's headed.
20:50 And prophecies are the very same way,
20:52 we don't often see where it's headed,
20:53 but God does it as He's giving it its unfolding.
20:57 And He says, "My counsel." It's all, always His counsel.
21:01 And another thing about prophecy is
21:03 we could see that Daniel
21:05 is concealing prophecies that are later revealed.
21:09 When those prophecies are revealed,
21:11 we can go back to Daniel and see the confirmation.
21:14 And as was pointed out, many people think that
21:15 Daniel wrote many of these prophecies
21:18 later on after they were fulfilled,
21:20 but that's chronologically impossible
21:22 because Daniel would have lived a long time.
21:25 And Daniel did not live for 490 years,
21:29 just to make.
21:30 He didn't live for 2,300 years either.
21:34 So these prophecies could not possibly
21:35 have been written after his time.
21:38 So you find it Nebuchadnezzar's vision of the four kingdoms.
21:41 The structure covers four major kingdoms,
21:45 Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 are partners in that.
21:48 Nebuchadnezzar is given a vision or a dream,
21:51 and Daniel is given a vision.
21:52 And they repeat and enlarge,
21:54 one is given the four kingdom of the world in metals.
21:58 You'll find, this very important gold...
22:01 We're gonna point this out in specifics later on,
22:03 but Babylon gold, Medo-Persia silver,
22:06 a Greece bronze, and Rome iron, in iron and clay
22:09 and then the toes with iron and clay mixed in.
22:12 Rome still present in the latter part
22:13 of the unfolding of that Bible prophecy.
22:15 But then you find this golden kingdom
22:17 is now paralleled with a lion.
22:20 Do you find the silver kingdom is parallel with the bear?
22:23 You find the bronze kingdom is parallel with the leopard
22:26 with the four heads and four wings.
22:27 And as I said, we will cover that in specifics.
22:30 And this is an exciting study.
22:32 I'm looking forward to it.
22:33 And then you find the iron kingdom, paralleled,
22:36 coupled with the beast with iron teeth.
22:39 And so Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar
22:42 are under the guidance or the counsel of the same God.
22:46 My counsel was revealed to Nebuchadnezzar,
22:49 my counsel was again revealed to Daniel,
22:51 my counsel will stand.
22:54 Can you find God delivers His companions
22:57 from the fiery furnace which was pointed out?
22:59 You find the judgment upon Nebuchadnezzar
23:02 in the structure of Daniel 4.
23:03 You find a judgment upon Belshazzar
23:05 in Daniel Chapter 5.
23:07 You find that God delivers from the den of lions,
23:10 Daniel Chapter 6.
23:12 Then once again reiterating
23:13 Daniel's vision of the four kingdoms
23:15 in Daniel Chapter 7.
23:17 You find that God removes
23:18 the kingdom from Nebuchadnezzar, temporarily,
23:21 but God removes the kingdom from Belshazzar permanently.
23:26 You also find that the Book of Daniel is a repetitive book,
23:29 but it also enlarges,
23:31 and the structure of Daniel
23:32 is a confirmation of the sovereignty of God.
23:35 So hold on, we're about to dive into a book that you may know.
23:39 But there's always something new that we can learn.
23:40 That's right. Amen.
23:42 Thank you so much, Pastor John.
23:43 I'm excited about this study and what God has for us.
23:47 We're gonna take a short break, we'll be right back.
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24:27 Welcome back to our study of the Book of Daniel.
24:29 We'll continue with Tuesday's lesson.
24:30 Pastor Ryan Day has Tuesday. Amen.
24:32 Praise the Lord.
24:34 I'm excited about this lesson,
24:35 Tuesday's lesson which is entitled
24:36 Apocalyptic Prophecies in Daniel.
24:39 As I was reading through and studying this lesson,
24:41 I could somewhat relate
24:42 to the importance of this lesson
24:44 because of a little bit of my background.
24:46 I haven't always been a Seventh-day
24:47 Adventist Christian.
24:49 And studying the content of this particular lesson
24:52 really helped me see and it further emphasized
24:54 the importance of properly understanding
24:58 the nature behind these prophecies
25:00 that we are studying.
25:02 And that's why I made an opening note here
25:03 that we need to come to understand the very nature
25:05 of these prophecies found not only in the Book of Daniel
25:08 but throughout the entire Bible.
25:10 And so we know that
25:12 if we study the Bible appropriately and responsibly,
25:14 we find that God uses a variety of approaches
25:18 to communicate prophetic truth
25:20 and it shouldn't surprise us because Hebrews 1:1
25:23 confirms this when it says, "God,
25:26 who had various times
25:27 and in various ways spoke in time past
25:31 to the fathers by the prophets."
25:32 So God uses a multitude of various ways to communicate
25:37 His word in His prophecies.
25:39 And so what we find in this particular lesson
25:41 is that in the scholarly world, in the theologian world,
25:45 I guess you could say,
25:46 they have categorized these prophecies
25:49 based on the content into two different categories.
25:53 And so every prophecy in the Bible usually
25:55 falls within one of these two categories.
25:58 And that would be either the classical prophecies
26:00 or that of apocalyptic prophecies.
26:03 And so when we survey,
26:05 and I like to refer to this as the first testament.
26:08 We know what is the Old Testament,
26:10 but I have to give a disclaimer.
26:11 As we're studying the Book of Daniel,
26:13 I have had many people, Pastor,
26:15 I know Brother Kenny,
26:16 all of us here have probably heard people say,
26:18 "Well, that's in the Old Testament."
26:20 Daniel was an Old Testament Book.
26:22 So therefore, you know,
26:24 we don't study the Old Testament
26:25 because we're New Testament Christians.
26:27 And I just want to just give a clear illustration
26:30 here now if you're braver than I am,
26:31 and I actually saw a minister give this illustration once,
26:35 but if you're braver than I am,
26:36 you could just go to the center of the Bible,
26:39 not necessarily the exact center,
26:40 but go find that little page right before
26:43 it says where it says New Testament,
26:45 and you can just completely remove that page
26:48 from your Bible because that's not even inspired.
26:50 Just wanna let you know that,
26:52 that is the publisher's edition.
26:53 And what it does is it creates division.
26:55 And, of course, I'm not sacrilegious,
26:56 so I'm not gonna tear papers out of my Bible,
26:58 but that's why I've folded this
27:00 because when we're serving the Bible,
27:02 and we're considering the prophecies
27:04 from the what we call the Old and the New Testament.
27:07 We just wanna clearly communicate
27:08 that it's the entire Word of God.
27:11 There's a continual perpetual flow
27:13 from the first testament into the second testament,
27:16 the Old into the New.
27:17 And it's God's continual word throughout.
27:20 And so Daniel is found in what we would
27:23 call the Old Testament.
27:24 But when we do, when we survey this correctly,
27:27 we find that these prophecies
27:30 fall into one of these two categories,
27:31 either classical or apocalyptic.
27:34 And so Daniel, of course, is the exception,
27:37 in most cases found in the Old Testament
27:39 because when you study the Old Testament,
27:41 most prophecies are found
27:43 within the category of classical prophecies.
27:45 And we're gonna determine
27:47 what the difference of that is just a moment.
27:48 But Daniel was an exception in that,
27:50 the majority, if not all, of the prophecies
27:52 found within fall into an apocalyptic category.
27:56 And so I'm gonna give you some of the differences between
27:58 these right now.
28:00 So depending on how you approach and categorize
28:03 these prophecies will determine at how you interpret them.
28:06 And we're gonna talk a little bit
28:08 about interpretation in just a moment
28:09 but some of the differences,
28:11 so apocalyptic versus classical.
28:13 So apocalyptic prophecies
28:15 usually come in the form of visions and dreams.
28:19 So almost in every case, God speaks to His messenger,
28:22 He speaks to His prophet through visions and dreams.
28:25 And He shows them very vivid pictures,
28:29 scenes that play forth in their mind.
28:31 And then, of course, later on,
28:32 they are to record and write these things down
28:35 so that you and I can receive them
28:36 versus classical prophecies
28:38 usually comes in the form of the word of the Lord.
28:42 And then we're gonna give an example of this in a moment,
28:44 but you read multiple times throughout the Old Testament
28:47 where the prophet says,
28:48 "The word of the Lord came to me
28:49 or the word of the Lord was spoken to me."
28:51 And so, and then that doesn't mean
28:53 that this cannot come in the form of visions
28:55 because it does happen in rare occasions.
28:58 But mostly, there's a drastic difference
29:00 there as apocalyptic prophecies
29:02 come in the form of visions and dreams
29:04 while the classical, of course, is just simply
29:07 God speaking either audibly or through thought
29:09 and impression to the prophet himself.
29:12 Now, also classical prophecies tend to be conditional.
29:18 This is vitally important.
29:19 If you reading a classical prophecy,
29:21 and you're considering it,
29:22 it often is dependent on human response
29:25 in the context of God's covenant with Israel.
29:29 And so this is referencing
29:30 the majority of the Old Testament prophecies
29:33 where we find that the majority of the classical prophecies
29:36 are found within the context
29:39 of this covenant with Israel,
29:41 and which it's dependent on some type of response
29:45 from his people
29:46 versus the apocalyptic prophecies
29:50 are mostly unconditional,
29:52 and they rest upon God's foreknowledge
29:53 and sovereignty and will happen regardless of human response.
29:58 And so I just wanna give kind of an example here
30:01 as we consider, for instance, the Book of Jonah,
30:03 the story of Jonah.
30:05 I was reading through Jonah.
30:07 And it's interesting that the very first opening line
30:10 of Jonah 1:1, it says,
30:11 "Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah."
30:13 And so there's another example of that classical approach.
30:16 The word of the Lord came to Jonah.
30:17 Now it doesn't necessarily say how,
30:19 in the sense whether he heard it audibly,
30:21 whether it was a thought or an impression,
30:23 and it certainly doesn't say that
30:24 he received it in a vision,
30:26 but the word of the Lord came to Jonah.
30:27 And, of course, this is repeated
30:29 in Jonah 3:3-10.
30:31 I'm not gonna read the entire passage.
30:33 But notice the very context of this particular prophecy
30:37 that Jonah is commanded to go deliver
30:39 to the people at Nineveh,
30:41 it says, "So Jonah arose," this is verse 3.
30:43 So Jonah 3:3, it says,
30:46 "So Jonah arose and went to Nineveh
30:47 according to the word of the Lord."
30:49 So there it is again.
30:50 "Now Nineveh was an exceedingly great city,
30:53 a three-day journey in extent.
30:55 And Jonah began to enter the city
30:57 on the first day's walk.
30:59 Then he cried aloud and said," notice,
31:01 "Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!'
31:05 " Now it's interesting because
31:07 the verse as you continue through
31:08 and read through verse 10,
31:10 we know that there is a response of the people.
31:12 And the fact that God is simply declaring that
31:15 40 days from now this city is gonna be destroyed.
31:18 It's interesting that if there was not expected
31:20 of some type of human response, the Lord would just say,
31:23 "I'm gonna destroy the city now,"
31:24 regardless, kind of like Sodom and Gomorrah,
31:26 but we find that God allows this timeframe, this 40 days
31:29 because He's looking for a response.
31:31 In other words, the outcome of this classical prophecy
31:35 is dependent upon the response of the people of Nineveh.
31:38 And praise the Lord, they all were revived,
31:40 and the city wasn't destroyed.
31:41 But in kind of contrast to that,
31:44 what's considered Daniel Chapter 7,
31:47 okay?
31:48 So given that God declared a specific time
31:50 into the judgment communicates in Jonah's perspective,
31:53 the implicit condition of the prophecy,
31:55 which will be determined
31:57 based on the response from the people of Nineveh,
31:58 but when you consider Daniel Chapter 7
32:00 or a prophecy like it,
32:02 we find that, you know, Daniel's envision, obviously.
32:05 So you can read there in the opening verses of Daniel
32:07 where he is envisioned versus,
32:09 of course, Jonah's experience was just the word of the Lord.
32:11 But as Daniel was seeing very vividly in his mind,
32:14 these four beasts,
32:16 you also notice their symbolism applied here.
32:18 So in apocalyptic prophecies, there's heavy symbolism,
32:21 God depends upon symbolism
32:23 to communicate His will and His way
32:25 and, of course, the future in this case.
32:27 But if we consider verse 6, specifically,
32:29 notice Daniel 7:6,
32:31 it says, "After this I looked, and there was another,
32:34 like a leopard, which had on its back
32:36 four wings of a bird.
32:38 The beast also had four heads,
32:40 and dominion was given to it."
32:42 And when you read the context of this passage here,
32:44 this apocalyptic prophecy,
32:46 there is no reference to any particular human response
32:50 that would determine a different outcome.
32:52 It is for sure, God has spoken it,
32:54 His sovereignty reigns, and He says,
32:56 this will happen
32:57 because the Lord says it's gonna happen
32:58 just as the way He said it was gonna happen.
33:01 And so I love what the lesson says here.
33:03 There was a part
33:05 I just wanted to highlight here.
33:06 It says knowing about the broad prophetic genres,
33:08 such as classical and apocalyptic prophecies
33:11 can be of great benefit.
33:13 First, these genres show that
33:15 God uses a variety of approaches to communicate
33:17 prophetic truth.
33:19 Second, such knowledge helps us better
33:22 appreciate the beauty and complexity of the Bible,
33:25 and I so appreciate that.
33:26 And then third,
33:28 this knowledge also helps us
33:29 to interpret biblical prophecies
33:31 in ways that are consistent
33:33 with the testimony of the entire Bible
33:36 and rightly explain the word of truth.
33:38 My friends, we have to learn as 2 Timothy 2:15 states,
33:42 "To study to show ourselves approved,
33:45 a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
33:48 rightly dividing the word of truth."
33:50 And so it is vitally important
33:52 that we grasp the very nature
33:54 of what it is that we are studying,
33:56 that we read and study
33:57 within the context that God has determined.
34:00 And I just wanna say in closing here
34:02 in my last few moments,
34:04 you know, growing up, I learned so much.
34:07 But I was also confused in many aspects
34:10 because of the vast difference of interpretation
34:13 that was flawed based on how people categorize
34:16 or approach the study of the word differently.
34:19 If we simply allow God to tell us what God means,
34:23 simply allow His word
34:25 to determine within the context of His own word,
34:28 how we can interpret that the Bible says
34:29 there's no private interpretation.
34:31 So we need to allow the Word of God to speak for itself.
34:33 And I trust the Lord more than I trust my own work,
34:36 Pastor Lomacang.
34:37 Amen. Amen. Thank you.
34:39 You know, I grew up in one of those
34:41 New Testament Churches.
34:42 So, you know,
34:43 it's interesting to me because when Paul said
34:47 that all scripture is God created.
34:51 The new test... I mean, the New Testament Church,
34:55 what scripture did they have?
34:56 The Old Testament.
34:59 It's so funny.
35:00 My day is Wednesday.
35:02 And it is God's Timescale.
35:05 And I wanna pick up on just something and touch on this
35:09 that you were talking about classical prophecies
35:12 and apocalyptic prophecies.
35:15 In classical prophecies,
35:18 time is literal.
35:21 Let me give you some examples.
35:23 The seven years of plenty and famine,
35:27 this was a classical prophecy in Genesis 41.
35:32 The 400 years in Egypt from Exodus 12:14,
35:37 those were literal.
35:38 The 70 years of Babylon captivity,
35:43 Babylonian captivity that Jeremiah referred to,
35:47 time was literal.
35:49 In apocalyptic prophecy,
35:53 such as Daniel and Revelation
35:56 this is what we call eschatological.
36:00 That's a big word to mean end times,
36:04 eschatological.
36:06 And there time we apply a principle
36:11 that we're going to look at.
36:13 That is a year for a day principle.
36:17 So that's just kind of dovetailing with yours.
36:22 Let's look at the schools.
36:26 There's four primary schools of prophetic interpretation.
36:31 There is historicism, and then preterism,
36:36 futurism and idealism.
36:40 It is critical, what school we belong to,
36:45 if you want to really understand.
36:48 So I want to talk about how these kind of developed.
36:52 It's interesting.
36:54 Historicism
36:55 which the Seventh-day Adventist Church as Christians
36:59 we follow historicism,
37:01 which is what all of the prot...
37:04 It was the perspective of the early church.
37:06 It was what all of the Protestant reformers
37:09 followed was historicism.
37:11 That is an interpretation of prophecy
37:16 that is related to church history.
37:20 So they see the apocalyptic prophecy
37:24 that God is revealing the events
37:28 in an unbroken sequence of history,
37:33 from the time of the prophet
37:35 to the time of the end.
37:38 Now, as I said, Martin Luther,
37:41 Calvin, Knox, William Tyndale,
37:45 all of these reformers followed the historicist method
37:50 and they identified papal Rome,
37:55 the Roman papacy as the Antichrist power.
37:59 Now why am I even bringing that up right now?
38:02 Well, because when all of these reformers
38:06 looked to the papal power and said,
38:11 "That's the Antichrist power."
38:14 What did the papal power do?
38:17 They commissioned to Jesuit priests
38:21 to go off and to come up with an idea,
38:28 an interpretation of prophecy
38:31 that would counter the reformation.
38:35 So first we're going to look at preterism.
38:39 This is what they actually came up,
38:41 the Jesuits priests came up with the idea of preterism
38:46 and futurism.
38:47 So preterism, this was to counter
38:52 the Reformation.
38:54 This was the Jesuit priests Luis del Alcázar.
39:00 He said that prophesied events
39:04 that Daniel announced had already happened in the past.
39:09 So that's in a nutshell, that's preterism.
39:12 And he says, "Aha, if we go this way,
39:15 then they can't say that the papacy is the Antichrist."
39:19 Well, the one that has really grabbed hold
39:23 in today's church,
39:28 Christian church,
39:30 is futurism which a Jesuit priest came up with this idea
39:36 to counter the Reformation.
39:38 His name was Francisco Rivera.
39:41 And he proposed that the same time
39:46 prophecies await a future fulfillment.
39:49 But he did something really interesting.
39:52 He goes in and when we get to the 70 week prophecy,
39:55 this will make sense.
39:57 He goes in and he lops off
40:00 the 70th week of the 69th week
40:02 and he puts it a way down at the end-time.
40:07 At the very end of time,
40:09 which then it wouldn't be the 70th week, couldn't.
40:12 But this will all make sense as we go.
40:14 But this is where
40:16 I was a futurist.
40:19 I believed in a rapture,
40:21 I believed in all of these things
40:24 before I learned this.
40:26 Now idealism came into being the 14th
40:31 through the 17th century.
40:33 They believe that the apocalyptic prophecies
40:36 were symbols of general spiritual realities.
40:42 And they didn't have any specific historical reference
40:45 that they weren't fulfilled literally
40:48 or physically in an earthly sense.
40:51 In other words, no past, present or future.
40:55 Now as we study the Book of Daniel,
40:58 we're gonna see each major vision
41:02 Daniel 2, Daniel 7,
41:03 Daniel 8, Daniel 11,
41:06 repeats a historical outline
41:11 from different perspectives.
41:15 Each time it repeats it adding new details.
41:19 And that's what we call, repeat and enlarge,
41:23 and you'll probably hear us say that several times.
41:26 This is a pattern repeat and enlarge.
41:29 So what God is doing
41:31 is He is revealing an unbroken sequence of time
41:34 from the time of the prophet
41:37 clear till the time of the end,
41:39 till Christ's Second Coming,
41:41 and we're going to use
41:43 the historical method of interpretation.
41:47 Historicism has always held
41:51 that days, weeks, and years
41:54 in apocalyptic prophecy
41:57 when you're in that context
41:59 that it is should be understood
42:02 by applying a year for a day principle.
42:06 So these symbolic time periods
42:09 within the context of apocalyptic passages
42:13 are always found where symbols predominate.
42:18 Let me give you an example.
42:20 The symbolic flavor of time measurement,
42:24 when you think of time,
42:27 times, and half a time.
42:31 What a time was a year, times meant two years,
42:36 a half a time was a half a year?
42:40 Why not just say three and a half years.
42:43 It's very symbolic.
42:45 But those two if you look at a time,
42:48 times, and half a times,
42:51 based on a lunar year,
42:54 that's 1,260 days.
42:57 And I have to say this,
43:00 if when we all stay with this,
43:03 this is gonna be such a marvelous study.
43:06 But it is the time prophecies of Daniel
43:11 that convinced Sir Isaac Newton,
43:14 the great physicist to be a Christian.
43:19 He said, "These time prophecies are so incredible.
43:25 They had to be given by an almighty God."
43:30 So he believes Scripture.
43:31 So in prophetic language,
43:34 a day usually represents a year.
43:36 Let me give you two.
43:38 I'm talking too slowly, I say this.
43:41 Numbers 14:34 says,
43:44 "According to the number of the days
43:47 in which you spied out the land,
43:50 forty days,
43:51 for each day you shall bear your guilt one year,
43:55 namely forty years,
43:57 and you shall know My rejection."
43:58 So we also find the day for the year principle
44:02 in Ezekiel 40.
44:03 But here's what I wanted to point out.
44:06 When we're looking in Daniel,
44:08 Daniel 8:14, for example,
44:11 2, 300 days is 2,300 years.
44:15 Daniel 9:24-27,
44:20 70 weeks is 490 years.
44:24 And it's really easy to see
44:27 because these visions are symbolic.
44:30 Their times are symbolic, as the visions unfold,
44:35 even to the end of time.
44:37 This is why we do this
44:39 year for a day principle.
44:41 It is confirmed in the Book of Daniel
44:45 and a clear example is the 70 week prophecy
44:49 extended from the days of King
44:52 Artaxerxes to the coming of Jesus the Messiah.
44:56 Amen.
44:57 Oh, man, what a platform on which to build,
45:00 you know, on each one of you, yeah,
45:03 for all that information is wonderful.
45:04 I pray that you're being blessed at home
45:06 and you're writing these things down and go back and study.
45:09 I have Thursday's lesson
45:10 in Contemporary Relevance of Daniel.
45:13 You know, that's quite a mouthful
45:14 you look at so if you don't mind, I will...
45:17 I heard repeat and enlarge.
45:20 There we go.
45:21 I'm not sure I can enlarge on anything that was said.
45:23 But I'm just thinking of repeat.
45:25 Because the Book of Daniel again,
45:26 your things are repeated
45:27 and it's good some time to repeat.
45:29 But we wanna look at Book of Daniel realized
45:31 was written about 2,500 years, what?
45:34 Over 2,500 year period.
45:36 And it has a direct bearing
45:38 an application to God's last day people,
45:41 certainly in time of Daniel,
45:42 certainly for us today maybe even more so in my opinion,
45:46 where I want to maybe repeat and enlarge a little bit.
45:49 Sister Jill mentioned three things
45:51 and I think in this part of my lesson,
45:52 it brought out three things
45:54 that we need to look at very closely,
45:56 in which we study Daniel,
45:58 and we need all this information.
45:59 Every bit this here, we need every word it says,
46:02 you know, proceeds out of the mouth of God.
46:03 We need it here in these last days.
46:05 Number one, we reminded once again,
46:07 I think she brought up very well.
46:08 God stands sovereign over our lives.
46:10 Amen. Now, what does that mean?
46:12 That's something that's simple
46:13 but many people don't understand that.
46:15 And so I wanna give you just a few Bible passage,
46:17 jot them down rather quickly,
46:19 give you just a line of each one
46:20 'cause we go read them all
46:21 we won't have time to do some other things we wanna do.
46:24 Now this is how acquainted with each individual
46:26 on a very personal level.
46:28 That's God with us.
46:30 Psalms 94:11 is beautiful.
46:33 "The Lord knoweth the thoughts of man."
46:35 That's pretty personal, isn't it?
46:36 Isaiah 66:18,
46:39 "For I know their works and their thoughts."
46:42 Jeremiah 29:11,
46:44 "I know the thoughts that I think toward you."
46:46 Realize there's a lot more there
46:48 but what we're doing personal what God is working with us.
46:51 Luke 12:7 says,
46:53 "But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered."
46:58 Again, what are we looking at?
47:00 God stands sovereign.
47:01 He knows everything about us, all about the universe,
47:04 but yet He cares about each one of us.
47:06 1 Corinthians 4:5 says,
47:09 "God will bring to light the hidden things of darkness.
47:13 I will make manifest the counsels of the heart,"
47:16 notice, "God stands sovereign," doesn't He?
47:18 "Over our lives." James 5:11,
47:20 "The Lord is very pitiful, and tender,"
47:23 notice this, "mercy."
47:24 One more passage, Psalms 147:3,
47:27 "He healeth," I love this, "the brokenhearted,
47:29 and he bindeth up their wounds."
47:32 Praise God for that. I'm glad He does that.
47:34 Little book called Steps to Christ.
47:35 I love it.
47:36 Everyone here has read probably many, many times.
47:38 I pray it you've been reading, if not,
47:39 you need to get you one and read it.
47:41 I'll just, I'm a real believer in it.
47:43 Page 100 says this,
47:44 "The relationship between God,
47:46 " I like this relationship with God,
47:48 "and each soul are as distinct
47:50 and full as though there were not another," what?
47:52 "Soul up on the earth."
47:55 To what?
47:57 For Him to watch over.
47:58 It's like, it's so personal
47:59 that He's watching us like there's no one else.
48:02 Another soul, example,
48:04 I'll give you a quick example like Daniel in Babylon.
48:08 You think about these here,
48:09 the relationship was so personal that God had.
48:11 Daniel when he was in Babylon, did God forsake him?
48:13 Absolutely not.
48:15 Joseph in Egypt, you know, Esther, you know, in Persia.
48:17 You look at all these
48:19 three young Hebrews in the fire.
48:22 Now these reminder that God has not left us
48:25 in some of these situation, He's right there with us,
48:28 He'll go through it with us and make sure we, you know,
48:30 more than conquerors through Christ.
48:32 Point number two,
48:34 God steers the course of history.
48:37 He steers it,
48:38 you know, God has written it out, has He not?
48:40 And certainly, He is going to steer us
48:42 through history.
48:43 So central point of the Book of Daniel,
48:44 I heard it said and I'll say it again,
48:46 the central point of contact is what?
48:48 Is Jesus Christ, there's no doubt about it.
48:51 But notice how that God is in control.
48:53 He's written the history of the world and the what?
48:57 He steers as it were, the flow of it,
48:59 as it goes forward.
49:01 Education 173 makes this statement,
49:03 "In the Word of God," notice this,
49:05 "the curtains are drawn aside, and we behold, behind,
49:10 above, and through all the play
49:12 and counterplay of human interests
49:14 and power and passions,
49:17 the agencies of all-merciful One,
49:20 " we know that's Jesus, right?
49:21 God, "silently, and He patiently
49:23 working out the counsels of His own mind."
49:27 God is going to have...
49:28 You know, is the Book of Daniel,
49:29 is it really relevant today?
49:31 Of course.
49:32 Do we need it today? Every...
49:33 Oh, absolutely.
49:35 We need it and because it's pointing out
49:36 the God's in control.
49:38 So we're worried about elections.
49:39 We're worried about who's in office,
49:40 we're worried about putting this one,
49:42 that one and so on,
49:43 when God says I put him up there and I take them down.
49:44 Job 9:4, speaking of God, it says,
49:47 "He is wise in the heart,
49:49 and mighty," notice this, "in strength."
49:52 That's just an encouragement as we look because to me,
49:55 the Book of Daniel brings all of these things out to us,
49:58 that by faith, we reach out and grab
50:00 because we live in my opinion in a time
50:03 where we need heart as it were,
50:05 we need to be wise in heart.
50:07 We need strength that's not within us.
50:09 We need it from up above and to come inside of us.
50:12 Job 9:7-8, 10 bring this out,
50:16 he's talking about God,
50:18 "He commandeth," notice this, "the sun, and it riseth not.
50:21 He sealeth up the stars."
50:23 Verse 8, "Which alone spreadeth out the heavens,
50:26 and treadeth upon the waves of the sea."
50:28 Verse 10, "Which doeth great things
50:30 past finding out, yea, and wonders without number."
50:35 All this is doing is talking about we study Daniel,
50:37 is this coming into our mind,
50:38 we need this relationship with Jesus Christ.
50:41 We need to know because
50:42 we're gonna read some things and study in here.
50:44 That's going to be some very tough time
50:47 come upon this world.
50:48 And we cannot make it without the Holy Spirit of God.
50:51 We cannot make it without
50:52 the power and strength of the Holy Spirit.
50:54 And we need it I believe so that
50:56 we can give this message to the world
50:58 in a way that it needs to be given.
51:00 So awake everybody up for the coming of the Lord.
51:03 It's gonna be a time of trouble that was not until time...
51:06 That's all this is coming up in the study.
51:08 So God still reminds us
51:10 in the Book of Daniel over and over.
51:12 I'm still overseeing. Amen.
51:14 I like an overseer, I don't mind an overseer,
51:17 you know, sometimes they see a little different than you do.
51:19 It might be a little issue,
51:20 but we've got an overseer
51:22 that has our best interests at heart.
51:25 Knows a lot more than we do.
51:27 He knows a whole lot more,
51:28 we say with the beginning from the end.
51:30 So He understands that if we just trust in Him,
51:32 there's none like Him.
51:34 He's our sovereign God,
51:36 the Book of Daniel brings out over and over.
51:37 Again, He's steering the course of history
51:40 because He's been written by the Holy Spirit.
51:43 Like it was in Job, you remember Chapter 38.
51:46 Job was having some issues.
51:48 Sometime we have some issues.
51:50 And he began to challenge God
51:53 I think in a way
51:54 and finally God just comes back to him in Job 38:4.
51:57 He says, "Where were you
51:58 when I laid the foundation of this earth or the world?"
52:01 And any challenge in this point,
52:03 declare if you have understanding,
52:05 if you ever done that someone,
52:06 you'll say something and say now what,
52:08 you know, what's your reason,
52:10 why are you taking this position?
52:11 God said, if you have understanding on this,
52:13 let me know.
52:14 And I would say that Job was silent.
52:17 And then God went into a lot of different things.
52:18 Point number three, God provides a role model.
52:21 In the Book of Daniel, God provides role models
52:23 for His end-time people.
52:26 And in this quarter, and certainly Daniel,
52:28 he's going to reveal.
52:29 God has raised what?
52:31 Men and women these last days to fulfill to be role models
52:34 that we need to be in the cause of Christ.
52:36 And certainly in Daniel, they're role models,
52:39 you know, in a time and a place where society had views
52:42 so different in Daniel's day, right?
52:45 So different that you made a song said
52:48 "Dare to Be a Daniel!"
52:50 Do we dare to be that today?
52:51 And, you know, it's just like it is today.
52:53 There's no doubt about it.
52:55 But in spite of all of this test
52:56 and all of these trials,
52:58 think of with me just for a moment,
52:59 God's faithful men and women,
53:02 they remain true to Him,
53:04 regardless of the consequences,
53:05 regardless of what happened to them.
53:07 They were committed.
53:09 They were empowered by the grace of God,
53:11 and they stood the test.
53:12 They were role models for us.
53:14 And when I read the Word of God,
53:15 I love those role models.
53:17 I realized there are many of them
53:18 who became role models,
53:20 but a time they maybe fell short.
53:22 But I learned from that too,
53:23 you know, not to follow in that.
53:25 So I praise God for that.
53:26 Sake of the gospel,
53:27 certainly we need to have courage
53:29 and we need to persevere
53:30 because we too have a message to give to the world.
53:33 You know, the main natural,
53:37 the natural we're looking at the perfect role model
53:40 is none other than Jesus Christ.
53:42 Still we look at three Hebrews, we look at Daniel,
53:43 we look at all these here, man,
53:45 what role models in the face of death, man,
53:47 they just stood up and said, this is a way it is,
53:49 they live by principle.
53:50 Now, didn't live by feeling
53:52 and emotion and all the other thing,
53:53 they just live by faith in God.
53:55 It's been mentioned here,
53:57 the Word of God said
53:58 and they said by the grace of God,
53:59 this we will do.
54:01 We need that today,
54:02 I believe in our society that we live in and in our church.
54:04 But Jesus Christ is the one where
54:06 it says there in John 12:32.
54:10 It says, "If I be lifted up, will draw all men unto Me."
54:13 And I think in the Book of Daniel,
54:15 we're going to see that Jesus got,
54:17 He's lifted high
54:19 for us to see because He is our role model.
54:21 And He does choose and He equips,
54:23 He empowers men and women
54:26 to be able to do what He's asked them to do.
54:28 So I think we kind of live in times just like that,
54:31 I can look at the illustration and say, you know,
54:32 are we not living in those times
54:34 right now that God's looking for that kind of people.
54:37 "We beholding the glass the glory of the Lord,
54:39 and we are changed into his," what?
54:41 "His same image."
54:42 Here in 2 Corinthians 3:18.
54:44 And so I would say today
54:46 that the Book of Daniel
54:47 has a direct impact on us today,
54:51 certainly then, but on us today,
54:53 and we need to be reading and studying these books
54:55 like never before because I believe that Jesus is coming.
54:59 And this will help us to prepare for His soon coming.
55:01 God bless you. Amen.
55:03 Amen.
55:04 Thank you so much each one of you.
55:05 I love this first lesson
55:07 because what we're doing is laying foundation
55:09 for the rest of the quarter,
55:11 studying those prophecies and interpretation
55:14 because that's important
55:16 as we dive into the Book of Daniel.
55:17 I wanna give each one of you a moment
55:19 to share about your day
55:20 or something else about the lesson, Pastor John?
55:22 Well, the major purpose of prophecy
55:24 is not what we believe
55:28 but who is revealed.
55:32 John 13:39.
55:33 Jesus said, "Now I tell you before it comes,
55:37 that when it does come to pass, you may believe that I am He."
55:43 It's not just what we believe, but who prophecy reveal.
55:47 Amen. That's right.
55:48 Amen. Jill, I think you said it best.
55:49 You know, it's great to have a foundation
55:51 to establish a foundation.
55:53 And I think most Christians today
55:54 regardless of interpretation, denomination,
55:56 most Christians today, I believe, would agree
55:58 that we're living during the time of Revelation,
56:00 the Book of Revelation.
56:01 But, you know, before we can understand
56:04 the Book of Revelation,
56:05 we have to understand the Book of Daniel.
56:06 And, you know, I just wanna encourage
56:08 my brothers and sisters at home who are watching this,
56:10 that tune in each week to this study
56:12 because we're gonna be studying things that Daniel wrote about,
56:15 that speaks about the times that we're living in.
56:17 And, you know, the Bible says,
56:19 to study to show yourself approved,
56:21 rightly dividing the word of truth.
56:23 Amen.
56:24 You just change what I was gonna say,
56:26 I just had to add to that is that you're right.
56:29 I used to pray.
56:32 Growing up in a church that did not study
56:37 the Old Testament.
56:38 We were also told not to study Revelation.
56:41 And then I would look and see that it says,
56:43 "Blessed are you if you're studying this
56:45 and reading."
56:46 And I thought, so I started studying it on my own.
56:48 And I couldn't, I had all of these books
56:50 on prophecy and nothing made sense.
56:52 The bottom line is,
56:54 it is not until you understand
56:57 that what, John, 280 scriptures of Revelation
57:00 from the Old Testament.
57:01 Two hundred and seventy-six.
57:03 Two hundred and seventy-six, most,
57:04 a lot of them are from Daniel.
57:06 You got to understand Daniel to understand Revelation.
57:09 That's right. Amen.
57:10 Praise the Lord.
57:11 Just a quick thought here says, men will learn.
57:13 This is taken from Letter 20-1-1899, couple of word,
57:16 "Men will learn the cross of Calvary
57:18 is the great sinner."
57:20 And we learned that as we studied Daniel.
57:21 Amen.
57:22 Thank you so much for opening up
57:24 the Word of God to us.
57:25 And we're so grateful that
57:26 you have joined us at home as well.
57:28 I wanna leave with you a scripture
57:29 from the New Testament.
57:31 This is 2 Peter 3:21,
57:34 "For prophecy never came by the will of man,
57:38 but holy men of God spoke
57:40 as they were moved by the Holy Spirit."
57:42 And that's what we find in the Book of Daniel.
57:45 A man whose life was committed to the Lord Jesus Christ,
57:48 who served him with all his heart
57:50 and in humility of heart,
57:52 but who God work through
57:54 to reveal what was coming in the future.
57:56 Join us next week from Jerusalem to Babylon,
57:59 Daniel Chapter 1.


Revised 2020-01-15