3ABN Sabbath School Panel

From The Lion’S Den to the Angel’S Den

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP200007S

00:01 The Bible tells us, "In the beginning was the Word,
00:03 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
00:07 It says,
00:08 "To receive with meekness the implanted Word,
00:11 which is able to save your souls.
00:14 And to be diligent
00:15 to present yourself approved to God,
00:18 rightly dividing the Word of truth."
00:21 Join us now for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:25 Our study today is the Book of Daniel.
00:32 Hello, friends.
00:33 Welcome to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:35 My name is John Lomacang.
00:37 Thank you for taking the time to tune in and join us
00:40 for our continued journey through the Book of Daniel.
00:42 Have we been blessed?
00:44 Amen. Yeah, absolutely.
00:45 And the blessing is gonna continue
00:46 so take the time, get your Bibles, your pens,
00:48 your family and your friends
00:50 and join us for this exciting excursion
00:53 through the living Word of God.
00:55 We're gonna visit an old friend that has a new message for us.
00:59 We've discovered that no matter
01:00 how long Daniel has been written,
01:02 it still has a message relevant for today
01:05 and the Lord is going to reveal that to us
01:07 and hopefully through us to you to enhance
01:10 your appreciation of the Word of God
01:12 but before we go any further,
01:14 let us find out who our panelists
01:15 are today and in fact,
01:16 they are not panelists to me, they are my family.
01:19 I begin with Pastor Kenny Shelton,
01:20 good to have you here today, Pastor.
01:21 Oh, it's always good to be here.
01:23 Love to study the Word of God together.
01:24 And I like your approach and your passion.
01:26 Don't lose that. God has blessed through it.
01:28 That's good.
01:29 Jill, good to have you here.
01:31 Thank you, Pastor John.
01:32 Privileged to be here and we have a list today.
01:34 Oh, good, I like that. I'm looking forward to it.
01:35 Nice.
01:37 And Pastor Ryan Day, today is the day.
01:39 Every day is the day, Brother.
01:40 That's right. And, Shelley?
01:42 I'm just excited to continue on in Daniel.
01:44 To good lady from Texas. Amen.
01:47 Okay, we are glad to have you all here today.
01:49 Before we tell you how to get a copy of the lesson,
01:51 we're gonna begin with prayer and, Jill,
01:52 would you start with our prayer today?
01:54 Dear Jesus, praising You for the gift of Your Word
01:57 and the gift of salvation, and the gift of Your Spirit.
02:00 And we just asked right now
02:02 that You would open up our minds and hearts
02:04 to receive what You have for us in Jesus' name.
02:07 Amen. Amen.
02:09 Now to get a copy of the lesson,
02:11 go to the following website
02:13 ABSG.Adventist.org,
02:18 there's where you download the copy
02:20 but even better than that,
02:21 find a local Seventh-day Adventist Church
02:23 and just walk in,
02:24 they will definitely welcome you to be
02:26 a part of the fellowship and the study of God's Word.
02:29 Now, the Book of Daniel
02:31 that we're talking about today is entitled,
02:35 "From the lions' den to the angels' den".
02:37 I like the title.
02:38 Have you noticed from one to the other,
02:40 that's been the theme throughout the lesson study,
02:43 but this one in particular and I know mine
02:45 I was looking at that today and I thought,
02:48 "Man, I have a topic on jealousy."
02:51 And we're gonna be breaking down
02:53 what I might refer to is the liabilities
02:57 of being used by God.
02:59 When the Lord lifts you up, there is a liability
03:03 and the Lord never exalts anyone
03:05 who is not safe to be exalted.
03:08 An exalted position is a dangerous place.
03:10 But a person that's surrounded
03:12 and filled by the Spirit of God
03:13 will not be affected by the position
03:15 that God allows them to occupy.
03:18 And the memory text is found in Daniel 6:4.
03:22 Let's go there together and look at the memory text,
03:25 Daniel 6:4.
03:27 And if you could summarize the Daniel Chapter 6,
03:29 is Daniel is promoted
03:31 and it starts all kinds of havoc
03:33 in the hearts of jealous men and leaders.
03:36 The Bible text says in Daniel 6:4,
03:39 "So the governors and satraps sought to find
03:42 some charge against Daniel concerning the kingdom,
03:46 but they could find no charge or fault,
03:49 because he was..."
03:51 What's the next word? Faithful.
03:52 "Faithful,
03:54 nor was there any error or fault found in him."
03:58 When I look at this topic lesson,
04:00 not too long ago I did a sermon called
04:02 "The Ology of God."
04:04 And was about this particular topic
04:06 about Daniel in the den of lions ending up
04:09 where God knew he would end up.
04:11 And you know sometimes God
04:12 does not preempt our destination,
04:14 but He travels with us in that destination.
04:17 He didn't stop Daniel from going into den
04:20 and Daniel is the only one living today
04:22 that knows what it's like
04:23 to live and sleep on Saint Lion's Cathedral.
04:28 What a mattress! Mattress.
04:30 What a mattress!
04:32 The fur of a lion.
04:34 Now I wanna begin by going to Exodus Chapter 20
04:36 because the topic of jealousy is a very inflammatory one.
04:40 And we're gonna talk about various ways
04:42 that jealousy is exhibited
04:44 and various stories in the Bible
04:46 that illustrates jealousy,
04:48 and then we'll also give you various synonymous words
04:53 or synonyms that in fact mean the same thing.
04:57 But Exodus 20:17,
04:59 the writer of this lesson
05:01 points out that jealousy
05:02 is in fact a violation of this commandment,
05:05 the commandment of covetousness.
05:06 And by the way, the tenth commandment,
05:09 the covetous commandment
05:10 is the root of violating all the others.
05:13 You think about it.
05:15 It is the root of violating all the others.
05:17 Yes.
05:18 Think about, just break it all down,
05:20 I'm not gonna take the time to do that right now but,
05:22 it says in Exodus 20:17,
05:24 "You shall not covet your neighbor's house,
05:26 you shall not covet your neighbor's wife,
05:29 nor his male servant,
05:31 nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey,
05:34 nor anything that is your neighbor's."
05:36 In fact, the word covets here
05:39 in fact means a person covets
05:41 because they're jealous of what another person has.
05:44 That's right. And they really want it.
05:45 They can't understand that.
05:47 There's a young man by the name of Asaph
05:48 in the Book of the Psalms.
05:50 And in Psalms 73
05:52 when you want to get a chance to look at the comparisons
05:54 between jealous of the wicked
05:56 and then the revelation of God
05:57 to take that jealousy away from us.
05:59 Psalms 73 is a powerful one.
06:01 But I just read the verses and you know the story,
06:05 God allowed Daniel in both administrations,
06:09 in the Babylonian administration
06:11 and in the Medo-Persian administration
06:13 because of his excellent spirit,
06:15 because of his attitude toward God.
06:17 He did not allow position to influence him or infect him.
06:22 And that's a very serious matter
06:23 because sometimes people can...
06:26 You put them in a position and all of a sudden there,
06:29 you know, all mighty.
06:31 They call shots and tell people what they can and cannot do,
06:35 but that was not the case with Daniel.
06:38 Daniel knew that God put him there for God to be exalted,
06:42 not him to be exalted.
06:43 So in the interest of time which never stops,
06:47 let's ask a question.
06:49 What role does jealousy play in all these stories?
06:52 And all these stories,
06:54 I'm gonna point out some stories in the Bible
06:55 where you find jealousy prevalent in many ways.
06:59 Jealousy can also be found in three different definitions.
07:03 One, envious of someone,
07:05 their achievements or their advantages.
07:07 Two, envious of someone's relationship
07:11 with another person.
07:14 That's funny.
07:15 I remember, an older lady said this years ago
07:20 and we were at another church,
07:21 I'm not gonna tell you which one,
07:23 but we were having fellowship lunch
07:24 and tongue in cheek
07:26 but you know I found that even in humor there is some truth.
07:31 Sometimes people cover truth with humor.
07:33 You know, they say
07:35 "I hope you trip and fall, just kidding."
07:37 But some people say things that they really mean,
07:40 this lady said,
07:41 but they'll cover it with a joke.
07:43 So this lady said to my wife, "If I was younger,
07:45 I'd give you a run for your money."
07:47 And because she like
07:49 to shake the pastor's hand and hug the pastor,
07:51 and she said that one day and I thought,
07:53 "Why would you say that?"
07:55 But she said, "I'm just kidding,"
07:57 but I thought well out of the abundance of the heart
08:00 the mouth speaks.
08:02 Jealousy also is somebody sometimes fiercely protective
08:07 or vigilant of one's rights or possessions
08:10 and what that means is some people believe that...
08:14 And I'm gonna put this correctly,
08:16 they have the right to feel a certain way,
08:18 which is in fact is true.
08:20 But if the way they feel of the position
08:22 they've taken is incorrect,
08:23 and they resist correction, that's a form of jealousy.
08:27 I'm jealous of my position.
08:30 Even though the Bible says that God's position
08:32 does not cause him to be conly jealous.
08:36 He is jealous with a godly jealousy meaning,
08:39 he does not want to share those whom he love
08:42 with an everlasting love.
08:43 It's not a corrupt jealousy.
08:45 Years ago, I heard Oprah Winfrey say
08:47 one of the reasons why she desired
08:49 no longer to be a Christian
08:51 is because she heard that God is jealous
08:52 and why would God be jealous of her?
08:54 And I thought that's a distortion of God's jealousy.
08:57 Well, let's consider the following.
08:59 Jealousy begins in the heart.
09:00 Isaiah 14:13, Lucifer the Bible says,
09:04 "For you have set in your heart."
09:07 Jealousy begins in the heart.
09:10 And you know what he...
09:11 Jealousy began in his heart and then he had an I problem.
09:14 I will, I will, I will, I will,
09:17 and Isaiah 14:13 to 15
09:20 he pointed out of all the things
09:21 his jealousy was leading him to want to covet
09:24 that began in his heart.
09:26 Jealousy also leads to covetousness.
09:29 2 Chronicles 26:16, this is about Uzziah.
09:33 He coveted a position that God never gave him.
09:35 And it didn't happen until he was in position
09:38 for more than 52 years.
09:40 It was in the latter part of his life that he coveted
09:42 what God never gave him
09:43 and he transgressed against the Lord
09:46 by entering the temple of the Lord
09:47 to burn incense on the altar of incense.
09:50 He coveted the position of the priest.
09:53 Also jealousy leads to resentfulness.
09:58 Haman against Mordecai.
10:02 Haman was exalted, he was promoted,
10:05 but he was so resentful of the lack of acknowledgement
10:10 that Mordecai had toward him
10:12 and that led him to plot against Mordecai.
10:16 He desired in his jealousy
10:19 and in his resentfulness to take the life of Mordecai.
10:23 Praise the Lord
10:25 as the verse ends in Esther 3:1 and 2,
10:28 "But Mordecai would not bow or pay homage."
10:31 And let me make a point here.
10:33 When people determined to destroy you,
10:36 they are in the position of Haman,
10:38 the Lord will allow them to go as far as they can
10:41 and He will allow them, He'll give them
10:42 as much time as they need
10:44 to build their gallows and in the end,
10:46 the gallows they built for you
10:49 would be the gallows that'll perpetrate their own demise.
10:52 That's a good way of saying hang themselves.
10:55 The third one, jealousy leads to spitefulness
10:59 Sarai against Hagar.
11:01 She couldn't have children and when Hagar bore a child,
11:05 I tell you the recommendation that she made to Abraham
11:08 will never be made in my household.
11:13 Enough said.
11:16 When she saw the Bible says in Genesis 16:1 to 6, verse 4,
11:20 so, the Bible says "So he went in to Hagar, and she conceived.
11:25 And when she saw that she had conceived,
11:27 her mistress became despised in her eyes."
11:30 They had hatred between each other.
11:32 Sarai was angry with the, very jealous of the attention
11:35 that Abraham gave her
11:37 and you know the rest of the story.
11:38 She sent her away, but the Lord said,
11:40 "It was your suggestion.
11:42 You cannot just throw her out."
11:43 So he sent Hagar back
11:45 and said you get this matter settled.
11:47 So be careful.
11:48 Don't start stuff that you can't finish.
11:51 The next example of jealousy was,
11:53 jealousy leads to evil plotting.
11:56 Well you know, his brothers, Joseph and his brothers.
11:59 Yes.
12:00 He was talking about that and you know what?
12:02 I think that Joseph had a mouth issue
12:04 to be honest with you.
12:05 The Lord gave him a dream and he said, "You know Kenny,
12:07 the Lord dream told me last night
12:08 that you're gonna be bowing to me
12:10 for the rest of your life."
12:11 If that wouldn't lead you to try to wanna hit me,
12:13 I don't know what will...
12:15 You know, from now on you guys are gonna be bowing down
12:17 and worshipping me.
12:18 I know they felt, you know, this is our younger brother,
12:21 what can we do to shut him up?
12:22 Yes.
12:24 And then he boasted about his coat of many colors
12:25 and they were some grievance there and what they did,
12:28 they threw him in a pit
12:30 and but they did not know that God was gonna take him
12:33 from pits to palaces.
12:36 Also jealousy leads to hate.
12:38 Esau against Jacob,
12:42 he sold his birth right for lentils,
12:44 for a pot of stew and then after he did that,
12:47 after he relinquished
12:49 the blessing that God intended for him,
12:51 the Bible says in Genesis 27:41,
12:53 "So Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing
12:56 with which his father blessed him,
12:59 and Esau said in his heart,
13:01 remember jealousy begins in the heart,
13:04 "The days of mourning for my father are at hand,
13:07 then I will kill my brother Jacob."
13:11 Jealousy leads to hate,
13:13 but now let me end with the cure for hate.
13:15 The prayer of David create in me a clean heart, O God.
13:18 That's right.
13:20 And renew a right spirit within me.
13:23 Act of the Apostles 271,
13:25 jealousy evil surmising an accusation
13:28 had closed the heart of many
13:30 of the Corinthian believers
13:32 against the full working of the Holy Spirit
13:34 which searches all things.
13:35 Yes, the deep things of God.
13:37 Don't allow jealousy to close the door
13:39 that the Spirit of God wants to do in your life.
13:41 Amen. Praise the Lord.
13:44 Plotting, jealousy leads to plotting,
13:47 and in Monday's lesson the plot against Daniel.
13:52 So it leads right into that for sure
13:54 because there was lot of plotting going on
13:56 and there's lot of people who love to plot.
13:57 The enemy is a plotter, as far as I'm concerned.
14:00 They're always playing out and it deals with jealousy,
14:02 I like that.
14:03 We're gonna be looking at Daniel Chapter 6,
14:05 so have your Bible and be sure and turn and at least mark it,
14:07 Daniel 6:6 through 9.
14:09 This is gonna be our read here,
14:10 this is gonna be our foundation so that we can build on.
14:14 Starting with verse 6, said,
14:15 "Then the presidents and the princesses
14:17 assembled together at the king, and said thus to him,
14:19 'King Darius, live forever!'
14:21 " When you come in there make the king feel good.
14:25 Live forever.
14:26 But if someone went in there
14:27 did not want him to live forever,
14:29 he can be guaranteed.
14:30 All the presidents of the kingdom,
14:32 the governors and the princess,
14:33 and the counselors and the captains,
14:35 notice this, it says,
14:36 they have consulted together to establish a royal statute
14:39 and to make a firm decree,
14:41 whoever shall ask a petition of any god
14:44 or man for thirty days, except you, O king,
14:46 he shall be cast into the den of lions."
14:49 You knew where this was going, right?
14:51 When you go to Daniel Chapter 6,
14:52 it says, "Now, O king,
14:53 establish the decree and sign the writing,
14:56 that it cannot be changed,
14:57 according to the law of the Medes and Persians,
15:00 which alters not."
15:02 Therefore King Darius signed the written decree.
15:04 So you look at here it just said there's a plot.
15:06 What's going on?
15:08 What's the thinking behind this?
15:10 You know, there's something going on,
15:11 there's a plotting that's going on here.
15:13 Sunday's lesson brought that out clear
15:15 and I like that with the jealousy part of it
15:17 as a plot.
15:18 And the plot was to simply remove
15:20 Daniel from office.
15:21 Why? Because they were jealous.
15:23 They were jealous of him, they didn't want him, right...
15:25 He didn't belong, he was a...
15:26 May I say a foreigner in the country
15:29 and they didn't want him occupying position
15:31 they thought they should have.
15:34 And so it all centered around though and say
15:36 how can we get Daniel,
15:37 somebody mentioned here in our previous lessons
15:39 because he's a just man, he's a good man, he loved...
15:42 They couldn't find any fault with him.
15:44 You know, and we pray that's gonna be
15:46 as when the Lord comes he sent a final fault in us.
15:50 But, how's he gonna find?
15:52 He's gonna find this fault,
15:53 they're gonna find it in the law of God
15:55 because they knew he's gonna stand fast
15:57 for what he was raised with and what he believed in.
15:59 Keep this in mind.
16:00 There's a history repeats itself.
16:03 Notice this, "God's people will be put under circumstances
16:07 that they must obey God or the laws of the land."
16:11 And that's even now.
16:13 It's mustering up right now, this is behind the scene,
16:15 things are going on.
16:17 The Sabbath is going to be the great test,
16:19 we understand that.
16:21 Studying the Word of God,
16:22 the Great Controversy, page 605,
16:24 "Notice the law will be invoked against commandment keepers."
16:28 Great Controversy, 607,
16:31 "Threatened with fines and imprisonment and death."
16:33 To me, this relates
16:35 to what we're talking about here
16:36 because there was a death decree,
16:38 was it or not?
16:39 That's right.
16:41 And if you did anything other than what they say,
16:42 so there was a plot going on
16:43 and I tell you there's a plot going on today.
16:45 That's right.
16:47 The enemy has a plan, it's being plotted,
16:48 it's all being laid out in the darkness and,
16:49 you know, in the secrecy,
16:52 but one of these days it's gonna gonna come
16:53 to the surface and it's going overwhelm
16:54 most of us because we'll say
16:56 this could not happen in this country.
16:59 A decree will finally be issued
17:00 against also who hallow the Sabbath,
17:02 those who keep the seventh day Sabbath,
17:04 the fourth commandment.
17:05 Denouncing them as deserving of the severest punishment
17:09 and after certain time be put to death.
17:11 Great Controversy 615 and 616, Revelation 13:15.
17:16 Now, as we look at this a little bit closer,
17:18 we realize that the main man,
17:20 I wanna say in this kingdom came to him.
17:23 You know, the King Darius was soon to fall into a trap,
17:26 a trap was laid.
17:27 The purpose of a trap
17:29 is to get someone to fall in unexpectedly,
17:31 you know, the trappers go out and they,
17:33 you know, in the forest whenever they put a trap,
17:35 but they cover that trap
17:37 so that their prey doesn't see it
17:39 and so they'll somehow stumble
17:40 into that trap and to be caught.
17:42 So he was being set up.
17:45 They were always fearful about being set up.
17:47 And so they want to make sure there was but here he was.
17:50 And it was prepared by his officers.
17:52 They wanted to get rid of Daniel,
17:54 but the trap had to be laid, now notice this, you look at,
17:56 had to be laid very carefully here,
17:59 for the kingdom had just recently went in to some,
18:02 I wanna call it renovations here,
18:03 some changes,
18:05 you know, the government,
18:06 they appointed what was a 120 princes
18:08 and 3 presidents in.
18:09 Daniel was the main one and the person
18:11 that just really got him jealous
18:14 and so they want to make sure they get rid of him.
18:16 Now why choose Daniel as the first president.
18:19 Well, it could be a lot of several reasons
18:21 and probably all of you have different ones here.
18:23 But it's mentioned, I think it because he had a unique spirit.
18:27 He had the spirit of the living God living in him.
18:29 He had the Holy Spirit leading and guiding
18:31 and directing in every step that he took.
18:35 So Daniel had,
18:36 you know, he survived the golden age of Babylon.
18:40 Man, he is a man with some experience.
18:42 Here's a man now experience the things of the government
18:45 and the way government is run and dealing with people,
18:47 but he had an experience with God.
18:49 This is what we need today more than anything in world,
18:52 it's not the experience of governments,
18:53 it's not knowing what all going on in the world,
18:55 it's our relationship with Jesus Christ.
18:57 This is gonna dictate the outcome
18:59 of where we spend eternity.
19:01 I wanna read something, I just feel impressed to do
19:03 and I just need to do it if you don't mind.
19:05 That's right. Go ahead, Brother.
19:07 Because these are laws of land, things are happening.
19:09 Law of God made void here, this is in Review and Herald,
19:12 December 18, 1888, I have in my Bible down here.
19:15 It says here, "A time is coming
19:16 when the law of God in the special sense
19:18 is to maybe made" what?
19:20 "Void in our land."
19:22 We're talking about laws being passed if you're not,
19:24 you know, won't go along with the laws of the land,
19:25 then you're gonna be killed.
19:27 Notice this, "In a special sense
19:29 had been made void in our land.
19:30 The rulers of our nation will by legislative enactments
19:33 enforce this, we call it Sunday law,
19:36 and thus God's people be brought into great peril.
19:39 When our nation and its legislative council
19:41 shall enact laws to bind the conscience of man.
19:45 Notice this, in regard to their religious privileges,
19:48 was Daniel been challenge with his religious privileges?
19:51 Absolutely he was.
19:53 And this is calling by enforcing Sunday
19:54 and could be enforcing whether
19:56 you can't pray or whatever might be,
19:57 and observance and bringing oppressive power
20:00 to bear against those who keep the seventh day Sabbath,
20:03 the law of God will be, notice it,
20:05 in all intents and purposes be made void
20:08 in our land and national apostasy
20:10 we know will follow a national ruin."
20:13 These are things that are set up
20:14 and things that a lot of people are just afraid to read,
20:17 they don't want to read them.
20:18 But how in the world can we,
20:19 when we studied the Book of Revelation,
20:21 when we studied the Book of Daniel,
20:22 these are things that set out so prominent
20:25 before as a people of God, that God saying what?
20:28 These are things that you are going to be going through.
20:30 These are the challenges you're going to have to face.
20:32 History is going to repeat itself.
20:34 So by the grace of God, we need to look at it,
20:36 not trying to offend, not trying to upset anyone,
20:39 you know, not jealous as they were anyone,
20:41 just we're jealous of God
20:43 and his message that we have to give.
20:45 Now notice that we go on here, says here,
20:47 so we see that Daniel was chosen here.
20:50 Daniel survived the golden age, we said,
20:52 and the king checks out the record of Daniel.
20:54 He looks at Daniel's records before he appoints him.
20:56 He looks and said, "Man, this is spick and span.
20:59 There's nothing wrong with this guy,
21:00 he's the guy that I'd like to have
21:02 sit as ruler in my council because I can trust him."
21:06 His officers knew this, so what did they do?
21:09 They had to be very careful with the plot.
21:11 So they went to the king right quick and they said,
21:12 "O liveth this man.
21:14 Now somebody lied.
21:15 O liveth this man.
21:17 It's very obvious in the context of it
21:19 that all of the rulers and princes and leaders
21:21 and all didn't come together and all weren't in agreement.
21:25 It was some of those who were jealous.
21:28 The top dogs.
21:29 And so they came and they said
21:31 that to the king and they're saying,
21:33 you know, the king and his court I might say,
21:36 he always has the king's court
21:37 and maybe it's not so bad sometime.
21:39 They always have their eyes and their ears.
21:41 There's always somebody that's watching somebody,
21:43 there's always somebody that's listening to somebody
21:45 and there's always reporting to somebody else, you know.
21:48 They wanna detect in the king's court here
21:51 to detect any kind of conspiracy,
21:53 conspiracy, conspiracy.
21:55 I just said three times
21:57 'cause people don't wanna hear that word.
21:58 That's right.
21:59 I take my glasses off conspiracy
22:01 that we have to look at it.
22:03 There was a conspiracy going on here,
22:05 and I'm saying today there's a conspiracy going on.
22:08 There's fake and false and all those kind of business
22:11 you can get,
22:12 side tracked by some of these things in balance
22:15 but don't, there're some things that are going on,
22:17 we need to be aware of.
22:18 And they are in the court, the king said,
22:20 "I'm gonna be aware
22:21 of everything's going on naturally."
22:22 So he missed it.
22:25 He missed what was going on.
22:27 There was a few other leaders that came in, reported him,
22:29 all the others, they want there, Daniel said.
22:31 They said they consulted together,
22:33 if anyone ask any petition
22:34 as you well know within 30 days
22:37 so say that he would be cast in the den of lions
22:39 and they knew if the king signed it,
22:41 what would happen?
22:42 This is a way to get Daniel
22:43 because Daniel's gonna open that window
22:45 and Daniel's going to pray.
22:46 Daniel's gonna do
22:48 what Daniel did everyday of his life, true to his God.
22:50 Amen.
22:52 But you know what, that's what we should be doing
22:53 whether the windows are opened, whether the windows are closed,
22:55 whether we're in shopping mall, whether we're in a restaurant,
22:58 wherever we're at, we're to rightly represent
23:00 Christ and God in all things in what we do.
23:03 But you know, again when they said,
23:05 I thought it was interesting the king here,
23:07 when you sit in that position by the way,
23:08 he had to be,
23:09 he was setting himself as the mediator.
23:11 He was the mediator
23:13 because nobody could pray to anybody
23:15 except they go through the king, you remember that?
23:17 We pray through the king
23:18 and all these other things gets answered,
23:20 you know, so it was something
23:21 you had to look at and study with.
23:25 I think we realize in the hour that we live,
23:27 there's things are going on that we need be well aware
23:29 of and you know what, the time is coming
23:31 when these things will be fulfilled again
23:33 and we need to be ready for that time.
23:34 Amen. Thank you, Pastor Kenny.
23:36 Appreciate that very much.
23:37 As you can see, we're off to a flying start.
23:40 Don't go anywhere.
23:42 We're gonna get into the prayer of Daniel next.
23:44 What do you do when people are plotting against you
23:46 and are very jealous?
23:48 Stay tuned, we'll be right back.
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24:26 Welcome back to our 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
24:29 We're gonna move to Tuesday where Jill has Daniel's prayer.
24:33 Thank you so much, Pastor John.
24:35 Appreciated both of you and what you brought
24:37 as far as the foundation for this plot against Daniel,
24:40 the jealousy that the governors
24:42 and the satraps had against Daniel
24:44 and then the decree that they tricked,
24:46 Pastor Kenny, with a conspiracy,
24:48 they tricked the king into signing that into law.
24:52 We know that the law of Medes and the Persians
24:54 cannot be altered.
24:56 It could not be changed.
24:58 So now we see Daniel's response,
25:00 on Tuesday's lesson.
25:02 And I have one verse to talk to you about,
25:04 so let's jump into that one verse.
25:08 Daniel 6:10.
25:10 This is Daniel's response,
25:12 "Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed,
25:14 he went home.
25:16 And in his upper room,
25:17 with his windows open toward Jerusalem,
25:20 he knelt down on his knees three times that day,
25:24 and prayed and gave thanks before his God,
25:26 as was his custom since early days."
25:29 So I want to unpack that verse just a little bit,
25:32 the one verse.
25:33 Then we're gonna look at eight ways
25:35 that we can stand for God, when we're facing persecution.
25:40 In other words, we're all going to face persecution.
25:43 And the Bible says all that live godly
25:45 in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution
25:48 at one point or another.
25:50 And we also know coming at the end of time
25:52 will come a great time of persecution.
25:55 So we will all face something at one point or another
25:58 in our lives and it's an important to learn
26:01 how should we stand to endure that persecution?
26:04 But before we do that,
26:05 I just want to look little bit more
26:06 at this verse here, verse 10.
26:08 Some of the takeaways that I took from that verse.
26:11 You know, sometimes the Bible is very deliberate
26:15 in the way it write things.
26:17 What I mean by that is Daniel,
26:19 we know Daniel's the author of Daniel.
26:21 But he could have easily said, we end with the plot,
26:24 we end with the conspiracy
26:26 with the decree being signed into law,
26:28 and then he could've just said,
26:30 "Now Daniel went to his upper room,
26:32 with his windows open toward Jerusalem,
26:34 and knelt down and prayed."
26:35 And Pastor Ryan, I would've been left wondering,
26:38 did Daniel know about the decree?
26:40 Did Daniel know it was signed into law, right?
26:42 It's very specific, isn't it?
26:44 It says when Daniel knew that the writing was signed,
26:48 he went home.
26:49 Then he knelt down and prayed.
26:51 So it's very specific.
26:53 It's like Daniel wanted us to know
26:56 that with full knowledge
26:57 that he was taking his life
26:59 as it were into his own hands
27:00 that he could be killed.
27:02 He still chose to honor God.
27:05 I think another time in the Bible
27:07 where it seems to me to be very deliberate
27:09 is in the foot washing, John Chapter 13.
27:12 This is Jesus, and He arose from supper
27:15 and He took a towel and girded Himself
27:17 and began to wash the disciples' feet.
27:19 Now if He had said that, we would have thought,
27:21 well, Jesus knew He was divine,
27:23 but He chose to wash and be a servant
27:25 and wash the disciples' feet.
27:27 But in John 13:3, John says, Jesus,
27:29 knowing that the Father had given
27:31 all things into His hands,
27:33 and that He had come from God and was going to God,
27:37 rose from supper,
27:39 laid aside His garments,
27:40 and took a towel and girded Himself.
27:42 So with full knowledge of His divinity,
27:44 He still chose to serve.
27:46 With Daniel with full knowledge of the king's decree,
27:50 he still chose to pray.
27:53 He chose obedience to His God over any earthly power,
27:57 over any earthly law.
27:59 Now the Bible doesn't say if he was afraid or not,
28:01 I don't know if he was or not,
28:03 but he made a choice based on principle.
28:07 He knew he was acting in obedience to God's law
28:09 even if it was in defiance to a man made law.
28:14 And he didn't deliberately provoke his enemies.
28:16 This was his custom to pray three times a day.
28:20 He continued in his regular custom.
28:23 I think Daniel understood
28:24 that this was all part of the great controversy.
28:28 Not just jealous princes, and it was jealous princes,
28:31 not just human politics,
28:33 but Satan was using them as it were
28:35 behind the scenes as part of this cosmic conflict,
28:39 the struggle between good and evil,
28:41 between Christ and Satan.
28:43 He probably remembered Daniel 3
28:45 that it happened years ago with his friends
28:47 and how God had delivered them
28:48 and I wonder if when he prayed,
28:50 he said, "O God if it's in Your will,
28:53 would You deliver me as well?"
28:56 If it had been me, I would have prayed that.
28:58 And he also prayed with thanksgiving
29:02 and I want to get to that,
29:03 that's one of our points as we get to later.
29:05 But I love that he prayed with thanksgiving.
29:09 You know one and God are majority.
29:12 It might not feel like it, it might not look like it,
29:16 but it is always true.
29:18 So let's look at how do we stand for God
29:20 when we are facing apposition
29:22 or when we're facing persecution?
29:24 Here's eight ways.
29:26 Now first, stand with expectation.
29:29 What do I mean by that?
29:31 Don't be surprised by it.
29:33 1 Peter 4:12, "Beloved,
29:35 do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial
29:38 which is to try you,
29:39 as though some strange thing happened to you."
29:42 We know that all that live godly
29:44 in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
29:48 So stand with expectation.
29:49 What I mean by that is don't be surprised,
29:53 don't be naive,
29:57 don't have blinders pulled over your eyes
29:59 and you just not expecting it.
30:02 Expect persecution,
30:04 expect the battle and be equipped
30:07 and prepared for battle.
30:09 That's right. So stand with expectation.
30:11 Second is stand with prayer.
30:14 That is vitally important before any battle,
30:16 before any persecution, before anything we encounter,
30:20 we need to spend time in prayer.
30:23 And we know Daniel prayed, the Bible was very clear,
30:26 three times that day.
30:27 And I'm sure the day after and I'm sure after that too
30:30 because that was his habit, that was his custom.
30:34 You know, sometimes we wait until persecution,
30:36 Pastor Kenny,
30:37 and then we think we're going to turn to God.
30:39 Then we think, oh, I really need you right now,
30:43 now that is true.
30:44 It is true I think about Peter when he climbed down
30:46 and then he said, "Help Lord," right?
30:48 And then God saved him and there are times
30:50 when we reach out and I know that God hears and answers,
30:53 but if you establish right now today,
30:57 in the time of peace and prosperity as it were.
31:00 If you establish your walk with God,
31:01 if you establish that prayer life,
31:04 it will stand you in good stead
31:06 when the persecution comes.
31:09 Today is the day of salvation.
31:10 Today is the day to develop your relationship with God.
31:12 That's right. Number four.
31:14 Stand under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
31:18 That's right. I think about the disciples.
31:20 Remember right before Jesus was crucified,
31:23 what's the Bible say,
31:24 "All the disciples forsook Him and fled
31:25 because they were terrified.
31:27 And then Acts 1:8, Jesus promises the Holy Spirit.
31:30 He says, "You shall receive power,
31:33 when the Holy Spirit has come upon me,
31:35 upon you and you should be witnesses to me and Judea,
31:39 in Samaria and to the end of the earth."
31:41 So when the Holy Spirit was poured out,
31:42 you see a transformation in the disciples' lives.
31:46 We see in Acts Chapter 2 in Peter's sermon.
31:48 We see in Acts Chapter 4, the scribes and rulers,
31:51 what does the Bible say?
31:52 They took knowledge that they had been with Jesus.
31:56 In other words, their lives were so radically changed.
32:00 That was the power of the Holy Spirit.
32:03 So we stand and we anoint in the Holy Spirit.
32:05 Number four, stand on God's word
32:08 and in obedience to God's word.
32:12 Acts Chapter 5, this is little further
32:14 in the early Christian church.
32:16 And the disciples were hauled in again
32:19 before the priests and scribes.
32:21 And we're in Acts 5:28, the high priest said to them,
32:25 "Did we not strictly command you
32:26 not to teach in this name?
32:28 And look, you have filled Jerusalem
32:29 with your doctrine,
32:31 and intend to bring this Man's blood on us!
32:33 But Peter and the other apostles
32:35 answered and said: 'We ought to obey God
32:38 rather than men.'
32:39 " So they stood on God's word and what God's word said
32:41 instead of human traditions or human laws.
32:45 But not only that, they stood in obedience to what God said.
32:49 Amen.
32:50 Number five, stand and respond with humility.
32:55 You know, we can stand on God's word,
32:57 we can stand in prayer, but we can't stand in,
32:59 I would say arrogance or irritation
33:04 or not in the spirit of meekness.
33:08 Paul writing to Timothy, his son in the faith,
33:10 2 Timothy 2:24 and 25,
33:13 "Servant of the Lord must not quarrel
33:16 but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient,
33:19 in humility correcting those who are in opposition,
33:24 if God perhaps will grant them repentance,
33:27 so that they may know the truth."
33:29 So we stand with humility
33:32 because God wants to bring
33:33 the people who are prosecuting you
33:35 to repentance as well.
33:37 God desires their salvation as well.
33:39 Number six, stand with decisive action.
33:42 We can be humble, but still stand decidedly.
33:45 I think about Matthew 21,
33:47 Jesus cleansing the temple and coming in with the whip.
33:50 Now He definitely stood with some decisive action.
33:54 Number seven, stand with love and kindness.
33:57 Matthew 5:44, Jesus saying, "Love your enemies,
34:01 bless those who curse you,
34:02 do good to those who spitefully use you."
34:05 So there are times we need to have decisive action,
34:08 but at the same time we must have the love of Jesus
34:13 and the humility of Jesus expressed in our actions.
34:16 And finally number eight, stand with thanksgiving.
34:21 Daniel stood with thanksgiving.
34:22 He prayed with thanksgiving.
34:24 When he was faced with losing his life,
34:27 he still gave thanks to God.
34:30 Amen.
34:31 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, "Rejoice always,
34:35 in everything give thanks,
34:37 for this is the will of God
34:38 in Christ Jesus concerning you."
34:39 So God calls us above all to stand.
34:42 Amen.
34:44 Praise the Lord. Not bad for one verse!
34:45 Very good.
34:47 Yeah, praise the Lord.
34:48 Well, I have Wednesday's lesson entitled "In the lion's den."
34:52 And so we're gonna talk about,
34:54 Brother Kenny called the conspiracy
34:56 to put Daniel in this lions' den
34:58 and it was indeed a conspiracy and a plot to do evil.
35:02 And so, actually I have an abundance of scriptures
35:05 to work with and I'm very thankful for that.
35:07 And so while we may not get to all these verses,
35:09 I would like to begin with Daniel 6:11,
35:13 we're gonna try to read through to verse 23 if time permits.
35:17 And so verse 11 begins to tell us, here, it says,
35:19 "Then these men assembled and found Daniel
35:21 praying and making supplication before his God.
35:25 And they went before the king,
35:27 and spoke concerning the king's decree:
35:29 'Have you not signed a decree that every man
35:32 who petitions any god or man within thirty days, except you,
35:36 O king, shall be cast into the lions' den?"
35:41 Interesting.
35:42 So I just wanna as we kind of set this up here.
35:45 I just wanna note the fact that it says,
35:48 "they were assembled."
35:51 Now we know they plotted,
35:53 they had assembled to plot this,
35:55 and I just want to reiterate what you said.
35:56 This wasn't all of the leaders, these were just a few jealous,
36:00 ungodly men
36:02 who had the spirit of the Devil in their heart,
36:04 and all that they wanted to see
36:06 was they wanted to see Daniel fall
36:08 and themselves rise.
36:09 And so what we see here
36:11 is now they were assembling again because again
36:14 they couldn't find any fault with Daniel.
36:16 They tried to find every piece of evidence that they could,
36:18 they could not find any faults, so now it's like okay,
36:20 you know what?
36:22 We're gonna put him,
36:23 we're gonna really take this up a notch
36:26 and we're gonna someone try to catch him
36:28 in the act if we can.
36:30 And so it's ultimately what we find here
36:32 is this was a plan to deceive
36:34 and manipulate the higher authority.
36:36 That's ultimately what it came to.
36:38 When they couldn't find fault with Daniel,
36:40 they decided, is there any way that we can ultimately deceive
36:43 and plot to deceive the higher authority
36:46 that makes the decision against Daniel,
36:48 and that is exactly what we find happening here.
36:50 Notice what the Bible continues on to say, it says,
36:52 "The king answered and said, 'The thing is true,
36:55 according to the law of the Medes and Persians,
36:57 which does not alter.'
36:59 So they answered and said before the king,
37:02 that Daniel,"
37:05 little bit of prejudice here, little bit of disrespect,
37:08 that Daniel,
37:09 he's not even worthy of just you know, Daniel,
37:11 that Daniel,
37:13 "who is one of the captives from Judah,
37:15 does not show due regard for you, O king, for it says,
37:18 or for the decree that you have signed,
37:21 but makes his petition, notice, three times a day."
37:24 And how do they know that it was three times a day?
37:26 Because they had this brother on lock down surveillance.
37:31 Okay, they were watching day and night,
37:33 they had assembles together, they had plotted,
37:35 and we see that they watch
37:36 that they have watched very particularly
37:39 so that they might catch
37:40 the slightest mistake to report to the king.
37:43 And again I just want to reiterate
37:45 the fact you could see the spirit behind these men
37:47 because as they walk in,
37:48 you know, Daniel is in a very high position.
37:51 He's technically their authority,
37:53 he's over these guys.
37:54 And, of course, you could see the disrespect
37:56 in a sense that 'That Daniel'.
37:58 King, you know that Daniel, yeah, well,
38:01 he's not really doing what you said for him to do.
38:04 Notice verse 14, "And the king, when he heard these words,
38:07 was greatly displeased with himself,
38:09 and set his heart on Daniel to deliver him,
38:11 and he labored till the going down of the sun."
38:16 So notice how it says,
38:17 you know, this king knew immediately
38:19 what was taken place.
38:20 By this point, he is figuring it out.
38:22 Wait a second, I see what's happening here.
38:25 He knew that he had been scammed
38:28 into conspiring against Daniel.
38:30 That's essentially what it happened.
38:32 He felt ashamed, and why did he feel ashamed?
38:35 Because he knew the very character of Daniel.
38:38 He knew Daniel was a righteous man
38:40 with no ill intention to usurp him
38:42 or his authority in any way.
38:44 He knew Daniel personally
38:45 and so all of this is coming together,
38:47 he's starting to see now, I see what's happening here.
38:50 He has been, basically the king is trying to find a loophole
38:55 to possibly get around executing Daniel.
38:57 But of course this political circus
39:00 has pushed things past the point of no return
39:02 and he realizes that.
39:04 And so the scripture goes on to tell us.
39:06 "Then these men approached the king,
39:07 and said to the king, 'Know, O king,
39:09 that it is the law of the Medes and Persians
39:11 that no decree or statute
39:13 which the king establishes may be changed.'
39:15 " So notice how these men are further pushing
39:19 this political card to try to frame Daniel.
39:21 They were forcing the king in on their political conspiracy.
39:26 And you know, this reminds me of the spirit of someone.
39:28 Who does come to my mind?
39:30 Oh yes, how about the Devil, Satan,
39:32 you know, it says in Book of Revelation 12:7,
39:36 speaking of heaven, it says,
39:37 "And war broke out in heaven.
39:40 And that word war there is the Greek word Polemos,
39:44 and the very nature of the war
39:45 that broke out in heaven is you're seeing
39:47 the very nature of that war right here,
39:49 in this particular conspiracy.
39:50 It's all politics.
39:52 That word Polemos is simply politicking.
39:54 The Devil knew he couldn't beat Jesus
39:56 in a sword fight or a fist fight
39:58 or try to fight Him physically,
39:59 Jesus could've just snapped His finger
40:01 and he would've been gone, right?
40:03 He's not gonna pick the fight with Jesus physically,
40:04 the nature of the war was the war of words.
40:07 It was a war of conspiracy against the character of God.
40:11 And so we're seeing
40:12 that it's exactly what the devil
40:14 is trying to pull on Daniel by working through these men
40:16 that try to discredit him.
40:18 And so that's exactly what they're attempting to do.
40:21 The devil divided heaven with his politics
40:23 and that's exactly the spirit that we see at work here.
40:27 Verse 16 that says, "So the king gave the command,
40:30 and they brought Daniel and cast him
40:32 into the den of lions.
40:34 But the king spoke, saying to Daniel," I love this.
40:37 "Your God, whom you serve,"
40:39 and I can't emphasize this enough continually,
40:42 "The God you serve continually, He will deliver you."
40:46 You know, this is a statement of faith
40:48 from a pagan god, from a pagan king.
40:51 Now I think there's evidence in this chapter
40:53 that while he wasn't quite there yet,
40:55 you know, I think that this king
40:57 had been in the presence of Daniel enough,
40:59 he had saw the witness of Daniel,
41:00 had had saw the character of Daniel,
41:02 he had heard stories perhaps of,
41:04 you know, how God had delivered Daniel
41:06 and his friends in the past,
41:08 that all of this is coming together
41:09 and he's making a statement of faith.
41:10 He says, "Look, I know Daniel,
41:12 I know Daniel is a righteous man and,
41:14 of course, he knows that declaring in faith
41:17 that Daniel's God will deliver him,
41:19 he had faith in that.
41:21 And I just want to emphasize that the reason
41:22 why that the God is gonna deliver Daniel
41:25 is because Daniel served him how?
41:28 Continually, and I just wanna make an appeal right now,
41:30 please my friends,
41:32 we need to learn as a people to be servants of God,
41:35 not just on Monday's
41:36 and not just on Sabbath's and not just on...
41:39 We need to learn to serve God continually
41:41 and following the example of Daniel.
41:43 Notice verse 17,
41:44 "Then a stone was brought
41:45 and laid at the mouth of the den,
41:47 and the king sealed it with his own signet ring,
41:49 with the signets of his lords,
41:51 and of course the purpose concerning
41:52 Daniel might be charged,"
41:54 or excuse me, "that it may not be changed," excuse me.
41:56 And so, now the king went to his palace and spent,
41:59 notice this, all night fasting,
42:02 and no musicians were brought before him.
42:04 And his sleep went from him.
42:05 You see, this is unusual behavior from a king
42:08 because most arrogant kings are gonna be like,
42:10 "Well you know, I hate that
42:11 this had to happen to Daniel but,
42:12 oh, well, he could be replaced."
42:14 That's not what's happened here.
42:16 You see, he's disturbed and he went so far as to fast.
42:19 Now why would a pagan king fast?
42:21 I believe he's probably is following the example.
42:22 He probably saw Daniel fasting quite a bit.
42:24 Oh, Daniel was a faster, he's a prayer.
42:26 And so, I should do the same thing
42:28 if there's any hope for Daniel.
42:30 And so, of course, very early in the morning,
42:32 we see that he comes in and he rolls back,
42:36 obviously they roll back that stone,
42:37 he screams aloud to Daniel,
42:40 "Daniel, servant of the living God,
42:41 has your God, whom you serve,
42:43 there it is again continually,
42:44 been able to deliver you from the lions?"
42:46 And of course Daniel responds to him, "O king, live forever!
42:50 My God sent His angel and shut the lions' mouths."
42:54 And I just wanna pause there,
42:56 God knows how to shut the mouths of the lions.
42:58 Amen.
43:00 The Bible says that the devil is a roaring lion
43:03 and he's seeking whom he may devour.
43:04 There may be lions
43:06 that is trying to seek to devour you.
43:08 But if you put your trust in Jesus Christ,
43:11 He will send angels
43:12 to shut those mouths of those lions.
43:14 That's right.
43:15 The truth of the matter is, my friend,
43:16 you see God honors truth.
43:18 He honors honesty
43:20 and while He did not deliver Daniel from the lions' den,
43:24 He did indeed save him through the lion's den.
43:27 So there's something to say here
43:29 about the character of this righteous man
43:31 which by the way, Daniel wasn't perfect.
43:33 The Bible says all have sinned.
43:35 So Daniel was a sinner,
43:36 Daniel needed redemption
43:38 and when Jesus died on the cross,
43:39 Jesus died on the cross for Daniel.
43:41 But Daniel was a righteous man.
43:43 And he was a truthful man. He was an honest man.
43:46 He was not a perfect man by no means,
43:47 but he stood for the principles of God's word
43:50 and I just wanna make an appeal
43:51 in the closing moments that I have,
43:53 you know, in the days and the times
43:54 that we're living in, I can imagine someone,
43:57 in this particular situation today that would say,
43:59 "Well, you know, the Bible does say that,
44:01 you know, we should be obedient to the laws of the land,
44:05 and coming up when they excused
44:06 as to why they should not lose their life,
44:08 because they're praying to their God.
44:09 Daniel saw past the policies, he saw past the laws,
44:14 when laws and policies and regulations, my friends,
44:17 when they come in between or they cause you,
44:20 or lead you to violate biblical principles
44:23 and the plan that God has for your life,
44:24 it is never an excuse to disobey God,
44:28 and to not stand for truth.
44:29 And so, stand for truth.
44:30 We serve a God of truth.
44:32 Jesus said, I am the way the truth and the life.
44:34 And when we adopt
44:36 and we replicate the character of Jesus in our life,
44:39 to be truthful and to be honest in all situations,
44:43 He will shut mouths of lions
44:44 and He would deliver His people in time of need.
44:47 Amen. Amen.
44:49 Thursday's lesson is vindication
44:51 and we're going to be looking
44:52 at a difficult scripture in Daniel 6:24,
44:56 so let me just repeat and enlarge a little.
44:59 It is so obvious how King Darius admired,
45:03 respected and just appreciated Daniel so much.
45:08 You can tell that because of the high position
45:11 to which he was appointed.
45:13 And Daniel served with insight and wisdom
45:16 and he served the king faithfully.
45:19 But he always served the King of kings,
45:24 above the king of the Medes.
45:27 You know, when you think about this,
45:29 Daniel set the standard for Christians
45:33 who serve in public office, did he not?
45:35 That's right.
45:36 He always did what was right, he never did what was wrong,
45:39 he always kept that open communication
45:42 with the Lord.
45:43 So, when it came to as you just said
45:47 whether we're gonna obey the laws of the land
45:49 or the laws of God's law.
45:52 It was no contest for Daniel.
45:55 And even when he knew
45:58 that he could be thrown
46:01 into a life and death situation.
46:06 He's past 80 years of faithfulness.
46:10 It would be no substitute for his present faithfulness
46:13 and here's what I want to say,
46:16 character is not forged
46:21 in adversity,
46:23 character is revealed in adversity.
46:27 So the king had recognized hey, it's envy and jealousy,
46:31 my kingdom is corrupt, right?
46:34 And he's upset
46:38 because he has been tricked.
46:40 I think it's interesting
46:43 that when God and I think you said this, John,
46:47 when God bestows blessings on us,
46:50 it can stir jealousy among others,
46:53 among the wicked.
46:55 And it just goes back to Genesis 3:15,
46:57 that there is enmity between the seed of the serpent
47:02 and the seed of God.
47:04 So here the king is so upset with himself,
47:08 he is mad at these guys who have done this and,
47:13 here's the interesting thing.
47:15 Just like Haman and Mordecai, it backfired.
47:18 Evil deeds often backfire on those who plan cruelty,
47:23 so let's look at what the king is gonna do
47:26 'cause he's gonna turn the tables on him.
47:28 Daniel 6:24, "The king gave the command,
47:31 and they brought those men who had accused Daniel,
47:35 and they cast them into the den of lions,
47:39 them, their children, and their wives,
47:44 and the lions overpowered them,
47:46 and broke all their bones in pieces
47:49 before they ever came to the bottom of the den."
47:52 Now, sadly the Persian law was more cruel
47:56 than almost any other nation's laws.
47:59 And when according to Herodotus the historian,
48:05 on the account of the guilt of one,
48:08 if a man was guilty,
48:09 according to the Persian law,
48:11 his whole family was obliterated.
48:14 So you know, when you think about it,
48:16 wife and children still suffer today
48:18 when a man has done evil,
48:21 I mean they suffer financially, they're shamed,
48:25 all the disgrace that goes with that.
48:28 But I do wanna point out,
48:31 this is not 'cause some people read this and like,
48:34 why would God let this happen?
48:35 Deuteronomy 24:16
48:38 in the covenant law given to Moses,
48:40 here's what God said,
48:42 "Fathers shall not be put to death for their children,
48:45 nor shall the children be put to death for their fathers,
48:49 a person shall be put to death for his own sin."
48:53 So this isn't something that God put a stamp to prove on,
48:57 it just happened.
48:59 So even so God lifted
49:03 His divine restraint from the lions.
49:07 You know, some people say,
49:08 well the reason Daniel didn't get eaten
49:11 is 'cause those are toothless lions,
49:14 they were old, they weren't hungry,
49:17 blah, blah, blah.
49:19 Well, you tell that to princes
49:22 and the governors who were involved,
49:23 because those who brought
49:25 the false charges against Daniel,
49:28 they were, the lions pounced on them
49:32 and they were devoured.
49:34 So, there's always a somber side
49:39 to the salvation of God's people
49:41 when you think about it
49:43 because anytime
49:46 Eve's seed is delivered,
49:51 there's a bruising of the Satan of the serpent's head.
49:54 I like that.
49:55 So, this is when we look at
50:00 Chapters 2, 3 and 4,
50:02 Nebuchadnezzar praise God's,
50:05 Daniel's God in an increasingly reverent way.
50:11 Chapter 5, Belshazzar did not.
50:15 But now in Chapter 6,
50:17 there he is clearly impacted by what God has done,
50:21 so let's look at verse 25 to 27.
50:26 It says, King Darius,
50:29 he's gonna announce a supreme of the word of Daniel's God.
50:33 King Darius, Daniel 6:25 wrote,
50:37 "To all peoples, nations, and languages
50:40 that dwell in all the earth, peace be multiplied to you.
50:43 I make a decree that in every dominion of my kingdom
50:47 men must tremble and fear before the God of Daniel.
50:51 For He is the living God, and steadfast forever,
50:57 His kingdom is the one which shall not be destroyed,
51:01 His dominion shall endure to the end.
51:04 He delivers and rescues,
51:06 and He works signs and wonders in heaven and on earth,
51:10 who has delivered Daniel
51:14 from the power of the lions."
51:19 You know, after God had delivered Shadrach, Meschach,
51:22 and Abednego from the fiery furnace.
51:24 Nebuchadnezzar had written the decree that people had to,
51:29 couldn't say anything against God, right?
51:31 So now we have King Darius
51:35 who is writing this decree.
51:37 And I don't know if Darius was fully convinced,
51:42 he didn't call Him the Most High God,
51:44 he was a polytheist,
51:46 but he did have a respect for God.
51:48 And look at this, let's look back at verse 26
51:52 where he said, mentioned fear and trembled.
51:56 Let's take note of what he says.
51:58 He is the living God.
52:01 So he saw as to his nature, He was an eternal God.
52:05 And then he said, He steadfast forever,
52:08 His kingdom is the one which shall not be destroyed.
52:11 So he sees God's sovereignty
52:13 and he knows that His kingdom is gonna come to an end.
52:17 So he did see him as unparalled without rival.
52:22 And in verse 27, he says, He delivers and rescues,
52:26 He's a delivering and rescuing God,
52:29 He works signs and wonders
52:31 in the heaven and the earth, Darius said.
52:33 So He's a supernatural miracle working God.
52:37 Even the pagan king could see that.
52:40 So, you know, it's just interesting to me,
52:43 here Daniel is a captive in a strange land,
52:47 but his devotion has a major impact.
52:52 His life was a witness that testified to God's power
52:57 and God can use you in that way too.
52:59 That's right.
53:00 So verse 28 says,
53:01 "So this Daniel prospered in the reign of Darius
53:06 and in the reign of Cyrus the Persian."
53:10 Following God.
53:13 If we are faithful, and serve Him continually,
53:17 it can be costly.
53:19 But He is Lord of all and over all,
53:24 and He is able to deliver.
53:25 That's right.
53:26 The Bible tells us,
53:28 He gives us the victory in Christ Jesus.
53:33 And so when we are true to God and like Daniel,
53:37 walk in the spirit and show covenant loyalty,
53:42 you know, I love...
53:44 We'll get to this but Daniel said,
53:46 once when he was praying to God,
53:48 "Oh, you are a God who keeps covenant
53:51 with those who keep covenant with you."
53:52 That's right.
53:54 We just have to be like the early church
53:57 when Peter said, you know, we must obey God and not man.
54:03 We should, as Jill said, expect oppositions.
54:08 And you may be walking through a fiery furnace
54:12 right now just like Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego.
54:16 You may feel like
54:18 you've been thrown into the lions' den,
54:22 but I guarantee you, if you would honor God,
54:26 he says, humble yourselves before the Lord.
54:29 He will exalt you.
54:31 In other words, He will lift you up in honor,
54:34 if you honor Him.
54:36 And I think that,
54:38 I always think of like Daniel coming out of the lions' den
54:42 when they roll back the stone.
54:44 What does that make you think
54:46 of when they roll back the stone
54:49 and Jesus came triumphant from the cave?
54:51 That's right.
54:53 Hallelujah. Praise the Lord.
54:54 Amen. Wow, what a study.
54:56 How can you extract so much from one story?
54:59 Even your single verse is amazing.
55:01 Yeah, indeed.
55:02 And we're gonna give each of our panelists
55:04 an opportunity to summarize
55:05 what's on their heart, Pastor Kenny?
55:08 Well, I've been drawing a lot from this,
55:10 you know, God calls some to live for Him
55:13 and God calls some as witnesses to die for Him.
55:17 And so we look either way, God shows that He still rules,
55:20 that He is still in control.
55:22 I just, the question is as is in my heart I'm asking,
55:25 do I love Jesus really enough that I would stand for right,
55:29 what is right even if it costs me,
55:31 as it were your job, if it costs you your family,
55:34 and the bottom line if it costs you your life
55:35 and by the grace of God, that's what we wanna do,
55:39 willing to give our life for Jesus.
55:40 That's right. That's powerful, Pastor Kenny.
55:42 I want that in my own heart and life for sure.
55:46 I think sometimes when you face persecution,
55:50 you can be afraid.
55:52 But I just want to encourage you right now
55:53 not to fear
55:55 because the Lord Jesus is walking beside you.
55:58 He says, "Fear not, for I am with you."
56:01 And He wants to walk
56:03 right beside you through the midst of your trial.
56:06 That's right.
56:07 You know, Daniel went through a time in trouble.
56:10 This was Daniel's time of trouble.
56:12 And we are also, as the Bible tells us
56:15 gonna go through a time of trouble.
56:16 And just as God didn't deliver Daniel from the lions' den
56:21 but saved him through it.
56:23 God will also not deliver us from that time of trouble
56:26 but save us through it,
56:27 and just as God sent the angels
56:29 in to shut the mouths of the lions,
56:31 God will also send angels to us to deliver us through.
56:35 I'm reading Psalms 91:9 through 11,"
56:37 Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge,
56:40 even the Most High, your dwelling place,
56:42 no evil shall befall you,
56:44 nor shall any plague come near your dwelling,
56:47 For He shall give His angels charge over you,
56:50 to keep you in all your ways."
56:52 Amen.
56:53 I just wanted to read a comment from the lesson,
56:56 from the quarterly.
56:57 And this is what it says, "Yes, Daniel is miraculously saved,
57:01 his faithfulness rewarded, evil punished.
57:03 God's honor and power vindicated."
57:06 But what we see here
57:08 is a many example of what will happen
57:11 on a universal scale.
57:13 God's people delivered,
57:15 evil punished and the Lord vindicated
57:18 before the cosmos.
57:20 Amen. Wow, what a story.
57:21 We have just been blessed. Have we not been blessed?
57:24 Praise the Lord. Yeah.
57:25 You know, I'm a pastor, I like amens,
57:26 can we get an amen?
57:28 Amen.
57:29 Daniel has so much more to unfold to us
57:31 and since I covered the topic on jealousy,
57:33 ponder this thought.
57:35 I modified it some but it says,
57:36 jealousy is the dragon in paradise,
57:39 the darkness in light, and the most bitter of emotions
57:43 in the sweetest of circumstances.
57:45 We pray that the Lord will remove any jealousy
57:48 from your heart.
57:49 Join us next time,
57:50 from the stormy sea to the clouds of heaven,
57:53 God bless you.


Revised 2020-02-15