3ABN Sabbath School Panel

By Scripture Alone

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP200018S

00:01 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:03 What a privilege it is to be able to come into your home
00:06 and be able to study together God's Word.
00:08 We are on lesson number five, you know, By Scripture Alone.
00:12 So we want to make sure
00:13 you get your Bible, pencil, and paper
00:15 and join with us in this study
00:16 and then you can also recall later on
00:18 and let people know that you're studying with us,
00:19 that'd be nice to know, this great big group.
00:21 Anyway, we're thrilled thankful that you're here.
00:23 But by the way, some of you may not have a Study Guide.
00:26 So we want to make sure you have that Study Guide.
00:28 It's very important
00:29 that you follow along with this study.
00:31 You can get those,
00:32 just simply download them at absg.adventist.org.
00:36 That's absg.adventist.org.
00:40 And get your lesson today and follow right on along.
00:43 You can see everybody's busy right now.
00:45 And we're going to be getting right into that lesson.
00:46 So don't go away. We'll see you in just a moment.
01:21 Hello and welcome back
01:22 once again to 3ABN Sabbath School panel.
01:24 We're glad, again, that you've decided to join us.
01:27 These are some, I say to the panel,
01:29 exciting studies.
01:31 I think Pastor John mentioned it,
01:32 at least to me too.
01:34 It's even more than I thought, is it okay to do that?
01:36 It's more because I believe that
01:38 we've been praying for the Holy Spirit
01:39 to bring these things out.
01:41 And I find that I've needed a lot of these things.
01:43 And so I pray that you, you know,
01:45 are digging in with us.
01:47 You got those study guides and you're digging in,
01:48 and you're going to be studying and you see, too,
01:50 that these are a real blessing.
01:52 I heard someone say,
01:53 "Well, I can just do one or two parts of this
01:55 and it's all over."
01:57 There's a lot in God's Word, a lot of digging.
01:59 Again, we're glad that you're with us.
02:01 I want to introduce the panel.
02:04 No one needs introduction here. I understand that.
02:06 But you know,
02:08 I'm under this impression, Sister Jill,
02:09 there are new people all the time.
02:11 And I'm going to believe by hundreds and thousands
02:14 that are joining the 3ABN
02:16 and watching 3ABN all the time as the Sabbath School Panel.
02:19 So we're doing it for them, ain't that right?
02:21 Not that with recognition, but we're doing it for them.
02:23 So, Sister Jill Morikone, always a pleasure.
02:26 Thank you for being able to work with you.
02:28 I appreciate it very much.
02:30 I enjoy working with you too and the rest of the panel.
02:32 Excited about to study the Word of God.
02:34 Yes, Pastor John Lomacang, always a pleasure.
02:37 Praise the Lord.
02:38 And this one about the clarity of scripture,
02:40 we're going to really dive into what a Sola Scriptura
02:42 and how the impact makes a difference
02:44 in our lives daily.
02:45 Amen. And it does. You have Pastor John Dinzey.
02:49 Nice, you're with us today It's a pleasure to be here.
02:51 And we encourage people to get something to write
02:53 with because there's a lot of information
02:54 coming at you.
02:56 Absolutely. Absolutely.
02:57 And I'm telling you just have done a wonderful job,
02:59 and we appreciate that what you're doing.
03:00 And Pastor Ryan Day, bless your heart.
03:03 Always good to have you.
03:04 I kind of feel like we're anchored in good.
03:06 It's all going to hold together.
03:08 I'm locked and loaded and ready to go.
03:10 Praise God. I'm excited about this one.
03:12 Amen. I'm excited too.
03:13 You know, the excitement brings us
03:15 right to the need of prayer, doesn't it?
03:16 Since we're talking to you last...
03:17 Would you pray? Absolutely.
03:19 Yes. Let's pray.
03:20 Father in heaven, as always God,
03:22 we want to come to You and ask for the leadership
03:24 of the Holy Spirit as these messages
03:27 go out to the world.
03:28 Lord, we don't want people to hear us,
03:29 we want to know hear Your word.
03:31 We want to be able to understand Your word.
03:33 And, Lord, we here on this panel
03:35 need to understand Your word.
03:37 We need to be drawn closer to Jesus,
03:39 just like everyone else.
03:40 So God just drown us, Lord,
03:42 cover us with Your Spirit, with Your love,
03:45 and with the leadership and wisdom of Your Holy Spirit,
03:47 that these messages may go out and lead each and every person
03:51 that listens to Jesus Christ, we ask in His holy name.
03:55 Amen. Praise the Lord.
03:56 Okay, lesson number five
03:57 then we're talking about by scripture, you know,
03:59 of only here are Sola Scriptura.
04:02 And so this is what we've been the whole lessons,
04:04 all the lessons we've had so far
04:06 is always pointed us back
04:07 if we tried to go another direction,
04:09 it always brought us back to the,
04:11 what, the Word of God.
04:13 It's the most important thing to do,
04:15 and we praise God for that.
04:16 We're going to go over Sabbath, you know?
04:18 I see a lot of good things on our memory text
04:20 and then Sabbath's lesson.
04:21 You don't want us to go over any of things
04:23 here with just rationally.
04:25 You want to get into it
04:26 and really look at these things.
04:27 And I love the memory text
04:29 found in the Book of Hebrews 4:12.
04:32 Most of you surely know this and it says,
04:34 "For the Word of God is a what, living or quick, powerful,
04:40 sharper than any two-edged sword.
04:42 It's piercing, notice, even the division of the soul
04:47 and the spirit of the joints and the morrow.
04:50 It is a discerner of the thoughts
04:52 and the intents of man."
04:54 So it takes man inside out knows all about, doesn't it?
04:58 God knows all about us.
05:00 I like it because it says it's quick and it's living.
05:03 Powerful means, the word is effective.
05:05 It can really...
05:07 When you put it inside, it becomes effective.
05:08 If you keep it outside, it's not effective.
05:11 You know, we got a battery here,
05:13 you know, it needs to be jumped.
05:16 You got to put the jumper cables on there
05:17 and the jumper cables you put on there,
05:19 you got to have a car with a little bit of power
05:20 to jump that over.
05:22 And I feel like I need that jump of the Holy Spirit, right?
05:24 That power to put into our spiritual batteries today.
05:28 And I'm sure that you do too.
05:29 And I'm thankful that we have a God
05:31 that says living Word is powerful,
05:33 it's sharper than any two-edged sword
05:35 because it rightly divides both ways and separates.
05:39 So lesson brings out,
05:40 Sabbath's part of lesson brings out scripture alone...
05:42 Once again, we'll repeat that to the end of these lessons.
05:45 Scripture alone is the final authority.
05:49 I like that.
05:50 I don't know about you, but I was raised...
05:52 I needed a final authority, you know?
05:55 It can't let me just go any direction that
05:56 there was a bottom line on here.
05:58 So to me the scripture, is it okay to say it?
06:00 The scripture is the bottom line
06:01 for us today.
06:02 And it's the final authority when it comes to doctrine
06:05 and when it comes to, you know,
06:06 any other issues, matters of faith
06:08 and so on so forth.
06:09 When the Protestant Reformation...
06:11 We just step back for just a moment.
06:12 Protestant Reformation revolted against Rome.
06:16 We know that they did. Why?
06:18 Because Roman had been teaching errors of scripture.
06:22 And so the Bible gave the Protestant Reformation,
06:25 a good force, and gave it a good authority,
06:29 a good foundation which to stand on.
06:31 So this week, we look at Sola Scriptura
06:33 in great detail as the ultimate,
06:36 I like this, doctrinal authorities.
06:40 Sunday's lesson, quickly...
06:42 It's right here.
06:43 Scripture as the ruling norm.
06:45 What does that mean scripture as the ruling norm?
06:47 To me, it goes back to what we've all been discussing here.
06:50 Again, it always points back to scripture, Sola Scriptura.
06:54 Seventh-day Adventist Christians are...
06:57 I'm not going to try to say this in any kind of way,
06:58 that'd be offensive for herd of people
07:00 have this head swell or whatever it is.
07:03 But I've met a lot of people, you know,
07:05 and we talked about studying the Bible
07:08 with different ones
07:09 and Seventh-day Adventist Christians
07:10 has always been considered, and tell me if I'm wrong,
07:13 people of the book.
07:15 And we should be.
07:16 And not anything else, but we're people of the book.
07:19 And so likely without the head swelling,
07:21 nothing about that at all.
07:22 It has to do, and I've heard people say
07:24 it all the time and not being one,
07:26 they would say, "If you're going to study
07:28 with a Seventh-day Adventist, you better know the Bible."
07:31 Have you ever heard that?
07:32 If you're going to study with them, you better know.
07:33 That's not trying to lift anything up.
07:35 That's simply we're doing what God has said in His Word,
07:37 to get into the Word, to learn the Word
07:39 because He is the Word that we need inside of us.
07:43 Recognize the authority of the Bible,
07:46 and it is the ruling norm, and this is why
07:49 we take as a Bible for our theology,
07:51 we take it for our life, we take it for our doctrine,
07:54 our teaching, and then trying to find out
07:56 what is truth.
07:58 And I've heard a lot of good comments on that
07:59 trying to find out what truth is.
08:01 And so by doing that we rule out, simply put,
08:04 we rule out emotions and feelings
08:07 and human reasoning and tradition.
08:09 I think we've heard that said so often hear.
08:11 Jesus said this.
08:12 Remember He said in vain do they, what?
08:14 Worship. Read the scripture.
08:15 "In vain do they worship Me," what, "teaching for doctrines,
08:18 the commandments of men."
08:20 I just heard a radio program just the other day,
08:22 and I was captivated by it.
08:24 I'll be honest, I don't listen to too much
08:26 that's out there unless I think that it's solid.
08:30 That makes sense?
08:32 If solid, because I don't want to do anything
08:33 that I understand is not truth in my brain.
08:36 I want to know what truth is, and then build from there.
08:39 But they were talking about tradition and the Bible.
08:41 And a man called in...
08:43 I got to tell stories because, I mean, this is just...
08:46 It was yesterday.
08:48 And a man called in who really wanted...
08:50 When he called into a talk show program,
08:53 and it was of the Roman Church.
08:55 And so there are two men
08:56 who are very educated same and so on and so forth.
08:58 But man called in because he was interested
09:00 in finding out what is truth.
09:02 And so we started talking about the difference
09:04 in tradition and the Bible.
09:07 What's the difference?
09:09 And of course, they tried to convince him
09:10 that tradition was on the same plane
09:12 or even higher than the Word of God.
09:15 But that bothered me. I wanted to get in on the fray.
09:19 I wanted to get in because I sense that the man
09:22 that had called was honest in heart,
09:24 he was trying to figure out.
09:26 And they were trying to point him...
09:28 He said, "What I've been figuring out
09:29 by trying to read the word,"
09:31 which he belonged to Roman Church,
09:32 he said, "I've been reading the word,
09:34 and the word says this should be
09:35 our final authority on things.
09:38 And said, "Well, the church is the final authority on this
09:41 and it's above, you know, really the scripture."
09:43 And I...
09:45 Is it okay to say aggravated?
09:47 Spiritually aggravated.
09:49 I turned it off. Yeah.
09:51 Anyway, we're talking about it.
09:53 Jesus said, "It's in vain they worship Me,
09:57 teaching for doctrines and commandments of men."
09:58 I think you've been read Matthew 15:6,
10:01 "Thus you have made the commandments of God,"
10:03 as what?
10:04 "None effect by your tradition."
10:07 Traditions that may not affect the teachings of God's work.
10:10 So we have to be careful.
10:12 I found this is actually in letter 43, 1895.
10:15 This was written.
10:17 I love that because there's two words here
10:19 that I'm going to hang on to.
10:20 It's just that simple.
10:22 Here's what it says, "Air could not stand alone."
10:24 Some of you read that. Air cannot do, what?
10:26 Stand alone.
10:27 Air can't stand, you know, it can't stand alone.
10:29 Just like the enemy, he can't create anything,
10:31 he can't do anything, he's a copycat.
10:34 He looked at God, ain't that right?
10:36 And everything that God did,
10:37 he tried to do it in a different way
10:39 and put his stamp on that.
10:41 So air cannot stand alone, notice it, and would soon
10:44 become extinct if it did not fascinate itself.
10:48 Here it is, air is a parasite up on the tree of truth.
10:53 So I like the word parasite. Notice it's there.
10:56 The traditions of men like this,
10:58 notice, floating germs,
11:00 like floating germs attract themselves
11:03 to the truth of God.
11:04 Men regard them as a part of truth.
11:07 See, this is the danger part.
11:09 Right there, men, they see it
11:12 and they goes over and over and is told
11:14 and pretty soon people think that it is,
11:16 it is the truth.
11:17 Notice it, men boldly teach for doctrines
11:19 of commandments of men,
11:21 as tradition passed on from age to age.
11:24 So air then we can look at is a parasite
11:27 that cannot stand on its own, it is a floating germ
11:31 that attaches itself many times to,
11:34 what, truth and tries to draw things out of it.
11:37 So we want to make sure that we don't have any parasites,
11:40 any germs floating around in our experience with Jesus.
11:43 1 Corinthians 4:1-6,
11:45 I'm not going to have time to read that.
11:47 But especially verse six, in 1 Corinthians 4:1-6.
11:51 If we read all these things, we'd run out of time here.
11:53 But I know that you're going to do it
11:55 because you're jotting these things down.
11:56 And you're going to study.
11:58 Paul said, "We should not go beyond,"
12:00 we've read this, "what is written."
12:04 And I think sometime our answer should be yea or nay,
12:07 rather than get a little confused
12:08 on certain things and confuse other minds.
12:10 He said, "Don't go beyond what is written."
12:12 Why?
12:14 Because scripture is the ruling norm.
12:17 It should be for us.
12:19 And for anyone to say anything else, you see,
12:21 we need to be brought back and say, look, again,
12:23 no parasites, no floating germs, right?
12:25 We want to stand by, you know, God and His Word.
12:28 So why is this point crucial for our faith?
12:31 Why is it?
12:32 Don't go beyond what is written.
12:34 We know this does not exclude I think brought down
12:37 a couple lesson's previous insights
12:39 in the field of study.
12:40 I mean, we can use, you know, biblical archaeology,
12:43 can we not use that?
12:45 We can use science as it were in the right way
12:47 if we can balance it.
12:48 Can we not use concordances?
12:50 Can we not use, you know, commentaries,
12:52 and I'm going to throw in spirit
12:53 of prophecy if you don't mind.
12:55 Just throw some of these things in here.
12:57 But again, we don't throw those out.
12:59 But we study right, compare them for what is true
13:02 with the Word of God, right?
13:03 Because this runs forever and stands fast.
13:05 So we look and harmonized
13:06 with the Bible, feel free to use it.
13:08 I've often said, I don't care where truth
13:10 comes from as long as it is truth
13:12 and harmonize with the Bible.
13:14 People say, well, this group brought this part,
13:16 this group brought that part.
13:17 Well, praise God, that's wonderful.
13:19 But because it is truth of God's Word
13:21 is what I want in my heart and life.
13:23 So scripture is a ruling norm needs to be for us
13:26 and to arrive at the proper interpretation.
13:30 You know, scripture has to have priority
13:31 about everything we talked about,
13:33 every aspect with again science
13:35 or whatever it might be, even our viewpoints.
13:37 So we must evaluate scripture.
13:41 Paul made that point very clear in his writings.
13:45 Maybe make one more point here before we close
13:47 Matthew 4:4 very familiar what we need to be doing here.
13:51 It is, what, "It is written,
13:53 'Man shall not, what, live by bread alone.'"
13:56 I love this passage. I love this passage.
13:59 To me, it's simple and so straight
14:02 and, you know, it's just...
14:04 It kind of makes you hungry in a sense.
14:05 You know, I mean, it talks about bread.
14:06 You know, what I mean? Spiritually hungry.
14:08 Man must not live by bread alone,
14:10 but by every word
14:12 that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
14:15 We go back to Sola Scriptura, you know, by scripture alone,
14:18 and I encourage you to use
14:20 that principle every day of your life,
14:22 God will be with you and you will be blessed.
14:24 Amen.
14:25 Thank you so much, Pastor Kenny,
14:27 what a wonderful foundation, Sola Scriptura.
14:30 And that's really
14:32 what our entire lesson is about.
14:33 We're in lesson number 5, and we're going to continue
14:36 this all the way to lesson number 13
14:38 because of the importance of the Word of God
14:41 is our authority for faith and practice.
14:44 On Monday, we look at The Unity of Scripture.
14:49 I want to look at the cohesive unity of the Word of God.
14:53 And we have several points.
14:54 Number one, the Bible is unified
14:58 because it has one author, that's God.
15:00 Now we talked about in previous lessons
15:03 that the Word of God,
15:04 of course, we know comprises 66 books.
15:08 There's probably 40 authors spanning 1,500 years,
15:13 3 continents, Asia, Africa, and Europe.
15:17 And you think about that many authors,
15:21 but yet God is the author overall
15:24 because God is the one who inspired.
15:27 We know 2 Timothy 3, and we've quoted the scripture
15:30 before and by the end of this quarter,
15:31 you'll have memorized it.
15:33 2 Timothy 3:16 and 17.
15:35 "All scripture, each and every scripture,
15:39 is given by inspiration of God,
15:41 and is profitable for reproof, for correction,
15:44 for instruction in righteousness.
15:47 That the man of God may be perfect or complete,
15:51 thoroughly equipped for every good work."
15:54 2 Peter 1:20 and 21, "Knowing this first,
15:57 that no prophecy of Scripture
15:59 is of any private interpretation,
16:01 for prophecy never came by the will of man,
16:04 but holy men of God spoke as they were moved
16:08 by the Holy Spirit."
16:10 You know, it'd be pretty rare
16:12 for one author to contradict themselves.
16:14 Maybe unless they're a liar.
16:16 Maybe you could catch yourself,
16:18 you know, in some twisted lines.
16:20 But if you're an honest person, and you wrote,
16:23 usually what you say is going to be consistent,
16:25 it would be impossible for God.
16:28 Because we know in Numbers 23:19,
16:31 this is Balaam, remember
16:33 when he was supposed to curse Israel?
16:34 He said, "God is not a man, that He should lie,
16:37 nor a Son of man, that He should repent.
16:39 Has he said, and will He not do it?
16:41 Or has he spoken and will he not make it good?"
16:45 So it is impossible for God to lie.
16:47 God is the author of truth, God is truth.
16:50 The Bible is unified because it has one author, God.
16:54 Number two, the Bible is unified in doctrine.
16:57 Although, it has many varied parts,
17:00 the Bible really contains
17:02 many different types of literature.
17:05 The law, the books of the law,
17:07 the first five books written by Moses,
17:09 The Mosaic Law, The Ten Commandment Law.
17:12 The Bible contains prophecy.
17:14 We have eschatological prophecies
17:16 or end time prophecies,
17:18 we have apocalyptic prophecies
17:20 or revelatory prophecies revealing,
17:23 unveiling what is going to take place in the future.
17:27 We have Messianic prophecies,
17:29 Old Testament prophecies foretelling
17:33 the coming Messiah.
17:35 The Bible contains literature and history.
17:39 There's a great deal
17:40 of historical books in the Word of God,
17:43 starting after those books
17:44 from Moses continuing all the way through Esther.
17:47 The Bible contains wisdom and poetry books,
17:50 specifically Job and Psalms and Proverbs,
17:53 Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon.
17:55 And the Bible contains the Gospels,
17:57 the story of Jesus and His life and ministry
18:01 and death and resurrection.
18:03 The Bible contains parables.
18:05 That's a different type of literature
18:08 that we would find in the Word of God,
18:09 a short story told by Jesus
18:12 teaching a moral or spiritual lesson.
18:15 Of course, the Bible contains epistles,
18:17 which would be letters written
18:20 specifically to a person or a church
18:22 or a group of people.
18:24 Number three, the Old Testament
18:26 and the New Testament
18:28 are in perfect harmony with each other.
18:32 Many people say, many Christians say,
18:35 the Old Testament is full of a vengeful God
18:39 or an angry God.
18:41 The New Testament,
18:43 we're not under the law anymore,
18:45 we're under grace
18:46 and that is full of grace and mercy.
18:48 But the truth is that there is no discord
18:51 between the Old Testament and the New Testament.
18:54 The Old Testament is unfolded in the New Testament.
18:58 And the New Testament is built on the Old Testament.
19:02 Think of the sacrificial system
19:04 that was instituted in the Old Testament.
19:06 You think about every sacrifice,
19:09 every time the lamb was sacrificed,
19:11 every ordinance contained within the sanctuary system
19:14 pointed forward to the New Testament,
19:18 pointed forward to Jesus, the Lamb of God.
19:22 Think about justification by faith.
19:24 Many times we say
19:26 the Old Testament was about works,
19:27 the New Testament's about grace,
19:29 but the truth is, justification by faith
19:31 existed in the Old Testament.
19:35 Genesis 15:6, I love this scripture.
19:38 "Abraham believed God,
19:40 and He accounted it to him for righteousness."
19:44 That word accounted meaning
19:46 in Hebrew to impute to wrecking.
19:50 That is justification by faith, Pastor Kenny,
19:52 that is when he believed God by faith.
19:56 Christ credited to his account, his righteousness.
20:01 We see that in Psalm 32:1 and 2,
20:03 "Blessed is he who is transgression is forgiven,
20:07 whose sin is covered.
20:09 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord
20:11 does not impute iniquity," there's that word again,
20:15 "and in whose spirit there is no deceit."
20:18 Now Paul corroborates this. Paul agrees with this.
20:21 In Romans 4.
20:22 He says the justification by faith
20:24 that Abraham experienced took place,
20:28 even before he was circumcised,
20:30 before any external works of the law.
20:33 Paul says it took place before that justification
20:37 by faith took place then.
20:39 The New Testament builds on the old.
20:41 Pastor Kenny, I think you were the one
20:42 who reminded us in a previous lesson
20:45 of Matthew 5:17,
20:46 Jesus speaking says, "Do not think that
20:49 I came to destroy the law or the prophets.
20:53 I did not come to destroy but to fulfill."
20:57 And then He goes on with the Sermon on the Mount.
20:59 We see this further explanation
21:02 as it were of the true breadth,
21:07 length, depth, and height of the Word of God.
21:12 He says, "You think," Jesus speaking.
21:14 He says, "You think, okay, don't commit adultery
21:17 because that's what the letter of the law said."
21:20 But He said, "I say to you, if you even look on someone
21:24 with lust that is committing adultery."
21:28 You say, don't kill someone because that's murder,
21:31 and that's the letter of the law.
21:34 But Jesus says, "But I say to you,
21:37 if you even hate your brother or sister,
21:40 if you have that against someone else,
21:42 you have already committed murder
21:45 in your heart."
21:46 So Jesus did not ignore the law,
21:52 He did not make it void, He did not say,
21:55 "Oh, we're just existing under grace."
21:58 He magnified the law.
22:01 He exalted the law to the level that
22:04 they didn't even understand in the Old Testament
22:07 to almost the spiritual level of the law.
22:10 Number four, the Bible is unified.
22:13 And in each book of the Bible
22:16 is of equal importance and inspiration.
22:19 The Bible is unified.
22:22 We see this in Paul, you look at the Book of Romans,
22:26 he quotes, make a guess,
22:28 and I know this is putting you all on the spot.
22:30 Make a guess,
22:31 how many verses in the Book of Romans
22:33 does Paul quote from the Old Testament?
22:35 You think 20, 30, 40?
22:39 One hundred and five.
22:41 One hundred and five Old Testament verses
22:45 all makes reference to.
22:48 Now you would think, "Okay,
22:49 if he just quotes from one book,
22:50 he's saying, well, this one book
22:52 is more important than the rest."
22:53 He quotes from 19 Old Testament books,
22:57 19 of them.
22:58 He quotes from Genesis, and Exodus, Leviticus,
23:01 and Deuteronomy, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Chronicles,
23:06 Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Isaiah, Jeremiah,
23:08 Ezekiel, Hosea, Joel, Amos,
23:10 Nahum, Habakkuk, and Malachi.
23:12 Nineteen Old Testament books, the Apostle Paul quotes from,
23:17 showing that each book of the Bible
23:21 is of equal importance and inspiration.
23:23 Yes.
23:24 Finally, number five, the Bible is unified in its teaching.
23:28 So it is easy to identify false doctrine.
23:33 Think about the qualifications for an elder in the church.
23:36 Now Paul tells Timothy, that in 1 Timothy 3.
23:39 But we're going to go to Titus 1:9.
23:41 He says, "Holding fast the faithful word
23:44 as he has been taught,
23:46 that he may be able, by sound doctrine,
23:49 both to exhort and convict those who contradict."
23:54 A healthy church is a doctrinally pure church
23:57 and a doctrinally sound church.
24:00 The lesson says without the unity of the Bible,
24:03 the church would have no means to distinguish truth
24:07 from error and to repudiate heresy.
24:12 So the Word of God, and the unity
24:15 we find in the Word of God is a defense as it were,
24:19 against error creeping into the church.
24:23 Amen. Praise the Lord.
24:25 What a foundation which to build here
24:26 like the unity of scripture.
24:28 So you see it's a good lesson so,
24:29 you know, don't go away
24:31 because we'll be right back after this.
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25:08 Welcome back to the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
25:10 We know you're enjoying the lessons.
25:11 We want to quickly get to
25:13 Tuesday's lesson with Pastor John Lomacang.
25:15 The Clarity of Scripture.
25:18 I want to begin with Ephesians 4,
25:20 I'm going to read verse 13.
25:23 And this verse, I would say,
25:25 would be the anchor to the point
25:26 that the lesson is going to bring out
25:28 the clarity of scripture.
25:30 It begins with the words,
25:31 "Till we all come to the unity of the faith
25:36 and the knowledge of the Son of God,
25:39 to a perfect man,
25:41 to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ."
25:45 But now verse 14, amplifies what unity is all about,
25:49 "That we should no longer be children,
25:52 tossed to and fro and carried about
25:55 with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men,
25:59 in the cunning craftiness by which
26:01 they lie in wait to deceive."
26:04 We are living in...
26:06 It was apparent in Paul's day
26:08 that even back then men were preparing to deceive.
26:13 And Paul said, "The only way that
26:14 deception will not be possible
26:17 is if we come to the unity of the faith."
26:20 And on what?
26:21 On the knowledge of the Son of God.
26:23 And then he talked about how important it is
26:25 that doctrines will come up, that will bring about disunity,
26:30 that will be formulated by the trickery of men,
26:33 cunning craftiness.
26:35 If it was true in his day, what is it in our day?
26:39 2 Timothy 3 says, "Ever learning
26:41 and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."
26:44 And so the clarity of scripture is vitally important.
26:47 Any appeal, to believe something
26:50 that is not supported by the scripture,
26:53 falls into the category
26:55 of the cunning craftiness of man hands.
26:58 Tradition, experience, belief, reason,
27:01 we talked about that on our prior lessons,
27:03 I just can't forget that thought,
27:04 it was so amazing.
27:06 None of those should supersede
27:08 the importance of the Word of God.
27:10 Let's begin. Clarity is important.
27:12 How do you clarify ambiguous scriptures?
27:15 Jesus made a particular point, I'll read a few passages.
27:18 And there's something that
27:20 He brought out on each one of these passages
27:21 that makes it obvious
27:23 as to why He asked the question.
27:25 Matthew 21:42.
27:27 Notice what the Lord says, "Jesus said to them,
27:30 'Have you not read in the Scriptures.
27:32 The stone which the builders
27:34 rejected has become the chief cornerstone.
27:36 This was the Lord's doing,
27:38 and it's marvelous in our eyes?'"
27:40 Then in Matthew 12:3, "But He said to them,
27:43 'Have you not read what David did
27:45 when he was hungry,
27:46 he and those who were with him?'"
27:48 And then in Matthew 19:4,
27:51 "And He answered and said to them,
27:52 'Have you not read that
27:53 He who made them at the beginning
27:55 made them male and female.'"
27:57 And finally Matthew 22:31,
27:59 "But concerning the resurrection of the dead,
28:02 have you not read
28:03 what was spoken to you by God, saying."
28:06 And then He quotes in verse 32.
28:09 But there's a phrase that comes up every time
28:11 in which, what is it?
28:12 Have you not read? Have you not read?
28:14 Have you not read?
28:16 And I want to make a point,
28:18 which I like that this author...
28:21 The authors of this lesson,
28:22 brings it out over a number of lessons.
28:25 Have you not read is the question.
28:29 If you have not read, what you believe is not valid.
28:35 And if somebody told it to you, it's not valid.
28:39 If you have not discovered it in a Thus sayeth the Lord,
28:42 it is not valid.
28:44 Jesus made the point. You've got to read.
28:47 So let's point out some of the scriptures.
28:49 The very first one is we've got to read,
28:52 search the scriptures daily.
28:55 Acts 17:11, principles to understand the Bible.
28:59 You've got to read if you haven't read it.
29:01 And nothing troubles me more, panelists, than people saying,
29:05 "I know the Bible says it somewhere,
29:06 but I'm not sure where it is."
29:09 Don't even go there if you don't know where it is.
29:12 It's like saying, "Where does Pastor Kenny live?"
29:14 "I know, it's somewhere around here."
29:15 Okay, well, once you say that, I need to ask somebody else.
29:19 Because you don't really know.
29:20 I know it's somewhere around here.
29:22 We've got to be a people of the word
29:23 and know God's Word and what it says.
29:26 Acts 17:11, search the scriptures for yourself.
29:29 "These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica,
29:32 in that they received the word with all readiness,
29:37 and searched the Scriptures," how often?
29:39 Daily.
29:41 "Daily to find out whether these things were so."
29:44 I've met pastors and leaders and teachers and preachers
29:47 and members in prelates and the list goes on and on.
29:52 And people have said,
29:53 "Well, my pastor says or my Church says,
29:55 or my teacher told me, or my parents believed,
29:58 or my generation,
29:59 or this is what my denomination holds."
30:02 And I want to ask them,
30:03 have you read that in the Bible?
30:06 And Jesus made that point clear.
30:08 He referred to all these Old Testament experiences
30:11 and He says, "Have you not read?"
30:13 And if you haven't read and know it for yourself,
30:16 it's nothing but speculation and speculation
30:18 when it comes to eternal life is a dangerous thing.
30:21 That's correct.
30:23 The second thing, be diligent students.
30:25 Be what kind of students? Diligent.
30:27 Diligent students. 2 Timothy 2:15.
30:30 And we've repeated some of these passages
30:31 that it fits right here.
30:33 Be diligent students.
30:34 "Be diligent to present yourself
30:36 approved to God,
30:38 a worker who does not need to be ashamed,
30:41 rightly dividing the word of truth."
30:46 Another word that has been lost in the sauce, truth.
30:50 Who's the writer said what is truth?
30:53 Was it Pilate? What is truth?
30:56 Well, truth is not open to negotiation.
30:59 Truth is based on the Word of God.
31:01 "Sanctify them through thy truth,
31:03 thy word is truth," John 17:17.
31:06 You will know the truth
31:07 and the truth shall make you free.
31:09 In this day and age,
31:10 one thing that's missing in Christianity
31:13 is what is the truth?
31:15 It's not about the experience of your church or the choir,
31:18 or how nice the community programs are.
31:20 It's not about the size of the denomination,
31:23 nor the popularity of its leader or its speaker.
31:26 It's not about the stained glass
31:28 nor the place that they meet if it's not about truth.
31:31 I rather be on a two-seater plane
31:33 that's going in the right direction
31:35 than on a luxury line
31:37 that's going in the wrong direction.
31:39 So don't close those doors.
31:40 And I love it when the pilot says
31:42 and the passenger say, not the passenger,
31:44 but the flight attendant says,
31:45 "If Phoenix is not your destination,
31:48 this is a good time to get off the plane."
31:51 If truth is not important to you,
31:53 this is a good time to leave the church.
31:55 Don't stay in a church that does not have truth
31:58 just because you like the musical
31:59 or the entertainment and all its tradition.
32:02 Okay, I'm preaching Pastor Kenny,
32:03 is that what you did?
32:05 Third reason, know what the scripture teaches.
32:08 Galatians 4:30.
32:12 Paul begins with this very potent question.
32:16 Nevertheless, what does the scripture say?
32:20 Isn't that powerful? Yes.
32:22 I don't need the rest of it because he's talking about
32:24 the bondwoman and the free woman.
32:26 But the question is, what does the scripture say?
32:29 If you don't know what the scripture says,
32:31 you are a wandering generality
32:34 rather than a meaningful specific.
32:38 The other one, don't twist the things
32:40 that you do not understand.
32:42 2 Peter 3:16.
32:45 "As also in all his epistles,
32:47 speaking in them of these things,
32:49 in which are some things hard to understand,
32:53 which untaught and unstable people
32:57 twist to their own destruction,
33:00 as they do also the rest of the Scriptures."
33:04 Don't ever build a doctrine on a portion of a verse.
33:08 The verse that just irritates me,
33:10 Pastor Kenny,
33:11 like a gnat just flying around my ear that
33:14 I can swat is to be absent from the body is to be present
33:18 with the Lord.
33:19 The Bible doesn't teach that the moment
33:20 you leave, you're going to heaven.
33:22 Read the context, read the foreword,
33:26 read the pretext.
33:27 I'll say this and one of the other programs
33:29 because my mind is going here.
33:31 But text without context is pretext.
33:35 If you can't support that
33:36 single statement with the rest of the Bible,
33:39 it's a just a good model,
33:40 but it's not what God's Word teaches.
33:43 And the rest it to their own destruction.
33:46 The next one, when you don't understand it,
33:49 do what David did.
33:50 Psalm 119:18. Look what he said.
33:54 "Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from Your law."
34:00 If your eyes are not open, God's law is not wonderful.
34:03 If your eyes are not open by the Spirit of God
34:05 working through you,
34:06 what you're looking at is not wonderful.
34:08 It's just something you're seeing.
34:09 Pray for spiritual insight, the Spirit of God
34:12 that wrote it wants to be the one
34:14 that makes it clear to us.
34:16 The other thing is, follow the Lord and His Word
34:19 when it comes to you the first time.
34:21 Jonah 1:1, "Now the word of the Lord
34:24 came to Jonah the son of Amittai."
34:26 What happened when it came to him?
34:28 He ran in the opposite direction.
34:30 But the Word of the Lord came to him a second time.
34:33 When the Word of the Lord comes to you,
34:35 that's the best time to accept it,
34:37 and not become like Jonah, the only man that knows
34:40 what it's like to arrive at evangelism,
34:43 smelling like a fish.
34:45 Lastly, be willing to hear the Word of the Lord.
34:49 Jeremiah 22:29.
34:51 "O earth, earth, earth, hear the Word of the Lord!"
34:56 And finally, order your life
34:58 according to the Word of the Lord.
35:00 1 Kings 12:24, "Thus says the Lord,
35:02 'You shall not go up nor fight against your brethren
35:06 the children of Israel.
35:07 Let every man return to his house,
35:09 for this thing is from Me.'
35:10 Therefore they obeyed the word of the Lord, and turned back,
35:15 according to the Word of the Lord."
35:17 Amen, amen.
35:21 Perhaps, I should give up my time to you.
35:26 Well, we have arrived here
35:28 at Wednesday's portion of the lesson.
35:30 And it's Scripture Interpret Scripture.
35:33 And it is because God is the author.
35:37 Since God is the author,
35:38 He's going to make sure that all the scriptures harmonize.
35:42 So when you find
35:44 a difficult passage in the scripture,
35:46 continue reading, asking the Lord to guide you,
35:48 and He will guide you to the Holy Spirit,
35:50 into the truth.
35:52 Now this is a principle of the scriptures
35:56 that the scripture interpret scripture.
36:00 Now we're going to look at some examples
36:02 during this moment.
36:04 And so join me as we consider the moment
36:10 when the disciples
36:13 were disappointed,
36:16 sad, sorrowful that Jesus Christ had died.
36:22 And they're on the road to Emmaus
36:27 and Jesus joins them.
36:30 "What are you guys talking about?
36:32 Why are you guys sad?"
36:34 Now this is in Luke 24.
36:36 And we're going to
36:38 verse 44 through 47.
36:43 Well, actually, I need to read verse 27 first.
36:46 Luke 24:27.
36:47 It says here, "And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets."
36:53 This means He took them all the way to Genesis.
36:56 "He expounded to them in all the Scriptures
36:59 the things concerning Himself."
37:02 They were shocked, you know, Jesus Christ died on the cross.
37:06 They thought it was Him
37:07 that would deliver Israel but Jesus died.
37:11 Their hopes were dashed.
37:14 So He begins to tell them that this had to happen.
37:17 Verse 44.
37:19 "Then He said to them, 'These are the words
37:20 which I spoke to you while I was still with you,
37:23 that all things must be fulfilled
37:25 which were written in the Law of Moses
37:27 and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me."
37:30 And notice this part,
37:32 "And He opened their understanding,
37:35 that they might comprehend the Scriptures."
37:39 We need to ask the Lord to open our understanding
37:43 and that we might comprehend the scriptures.
37:46 "Then He said to them, 'Thus it is written,
37:49 and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer
37:54 and to rise from the dead the third day,
37:57 and that repentance and remission of sins
38:00 should be preached in His name to all nations,
38:03 beginning at Jerusalem.'
38:06 "And so Jesus helps them understand
38:10 why He had to die.
38:12 And you remember that Peter said, "Oh, no,
38:15 this is not going to happen to you, Lord."
38:17 He did not understand fully the mission of Christ.
38:21 But how thankful he was when he understood.
38:25 And that's why he was able to say that
38:27 Jesus Christ as a lamb without blemish.
38:30 We have been purchased not by silver or gold, by what?
38:35 By the blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ.
38:36 And so the beauty of scripture is to...
38:39 The beauty of letting the scripture
38:40 interpret scripture
38:42 is that it sheds further light on its own meaning.
38:44 And as we looking at description,
38:47 we're trying to understand
38:48 something just like Pastor Lomacang said,
38:50 you have to look at the context.
38:53 Look at the immediate context, look at the remote context.
38:56 Read before, read after,
38:58 and look if you're studying a subject,
39:02 don't just stay in one area,
39:04 you have to go from place to place.
39:07 Here a little, there a little,
39:09 interpret the scripture with the scripture.
39:12 Now let's look at some other example.
39:15 Because the Bible really is its own expositor.
39:18 Scripture has to be compared with Scripture.
39:21 And this is why I like to take you
39:24 to Revelation 17.
39:28 And I would like a kind soul to help me
39:31 read Revelation 17:1
39:36 which brings out something
39:38 that we need to explain with another scripture.
39:40 Absolutely.
39:41 I got it hear Revelation 17:1, "Then one of the seven angels
39:44 who had the seven bowls came
39:46 and talked with me, saying to me,
39:48 'Come, I will show you
39:49 the judgment of the great harlot
39:51 who sits on many waters.'"
39:53 So here we have a harlot sitting on many waters.
39:57 And now if we let scripture interpret scripture.
40:00 We don't have to come up with something
40:03 out of thin air like we've heard before.
40:06 We can let scripture interpret scripture.
40:08 So the angel in Revelation 17:15,
40:10 "He said to me, 'The waters which you saw,
40:15 where the harlot sits, are peoples and multitudes
40:18 and nations and tongues."
40:20 So the scripture is interpreting the Scripture.
40:24 We don't have to invent something.
40:25 We can rely on the Word of God.
40:28 Let's look at some other one.
40:30 This is a very interesting when you go to Book of Daniel.
40:33 The Book of Daniel 8.
40:35 In the Book of Daniel 8,
40:37 there we will see a delineation of a prophecy,
40:42 a vision that Daniel saw.
40:44 And so I'm going to begin in verse three.
40:47 He says, "Then I lifted my eyes and saw, and there,
40:51 standing beside the river, was a ram which had two horns,
40:55 and the two horns were high.
40:57 But one was higher than the other,
40:59 and the higher one came up last.
41:01 I saw the ramp pushing westward,
41:03 northward and southward,
41:05 so that no animal could would stand him.
41:07 Nor was there any that could deliver from his hand,
41:10 but he did according to his will
41:12 and became great.
41:14 And as I was considering,
41:15 suddenly a male goat came from the west,
41:18 across the surface of the whole earth,
41:20 without touching the ground.
41:22 And the goat had a notable horn between his eyes."
41:25 And as you read this,
41:26 "What in the world does this mean?
41:28 What is all this going on here?"
41:31 And so continue reading, so I have to continue reading.
41:34 And as you continue reading in Daniel 8,
41:38 and you arrive at verse 19,
41:40 "The angel begins to interpret for him,
41:43 "And he said, 'Look, I am making known to you
41:46 what shall happen
41:48 in the latter time of the indignation,
41:49 for at the appointed time the end shall be.
41:54 The ram which you saw,
41:56 having two horns they are the kings of Media
42:00 and Persian.
42:01 And the male goat is the kingdom of Greece.
42:04 The large horn that is between its eyes is the first king.
42:08 As for the broken horn
42:10 and the four that stood up in its place,
42:13 four kingdoms shall arise out of that nation,
42:16 but not with its power.'"
42:18 So we see here, I then read to you
42:21 all it says all the Book of Daniel,
42:22 we could've started in Daniel 8:1
42:25 to get more context, but you see that scripture
42:29 is being interpreted by scripture,
42:31 and this is a firm ground.
42:32 Now there is a principle here.
42:34 So when it talks about a horn, we understand
42:37 then that it means a kingdom or a power.
42:40 And so we saw this applied here in Daniel 8.
42:45 And when you go to other places in the Bible,
42:47 and it talks about it...
42:48 We're talking about Bible prophecy.
42:50 Now not every time you see a horn,
42:51 "Look, there must be a nation," no.
42:53 When we're talking about Bible prophecy.
42:56 Now this is a wonderful one that I'd like to share with you
42:58 and perhaps we may have to end with this one.
43:02 In John 1, we have a wonderful scripture
43:07 memorized by many.
43:08 Beginning in verse one, we have these words,
43:11 "In the beginning was the Word,
43:14 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
43:19 He was in the beginning with God.
43:20 All things were made through Him,
43:22 and without Him
43:24 nothing was made that was made."
43:26 So we have scripture already being interpreted here.
43:28 If you'd read verse one,
43:30 it says, "In the beginning was the word."
43:31 What was the word? "And the Word was with God."
43:33 Oh, wait a minute, "And the word was God."
43:36 Okay, the word here was God.
43:38 But then, when you go down to verse 14,
43:41 it brings to you a revelation because it establishes,
43:45 you know, here the Word, which is really Jesus.
43:50 He was with God from the beginning.
43:53 But then, in verse 14, we have these words,
43:58 "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us,
44:02 and we be held His glory,
44:04 the glory as of the only begotten
44:07 of the Father, full of grace and truth."
44:12 So here, we see that if you continue reading,
44:16 you will understand these things.
44:19 Now there's a scripture that I won't have time to get into.
44:23 I'm just going to mention it
44:24 so that you can do some homework.
44:27 Jesus at one point said to His disciples,
44:31 "There are some standing here,
44:33 which will not taste of death
44:35 till they see the Son of Man coming."
44:37 And then the chapter ends.
44:43 Right? It stops right there.
44:45 Now if you did what I did at one time
44:47 when I was younger, I went to sleep wondering,
44:49 "Oh, wow,
44:51 are those disciples still alive?
44:53 What happened to them?
44:54 Because they're not supposed to taste death
44:56 till they see the Son of Man
44:57 coming in the clouds of heaven."
44:59 So if you stop there,
45:00 you have to understand that the chapters were added.
45:04 I mean, the chapter divisions was added later.
45:07 And sometimes it seems to hinder your understanding
45:10 if you stop like I did.
45:11 I was wondering all night, "What happened?
45:13 Are these disciples still live?"
45:15 But here if you continue reading,
45:17 it will become clear to you
45:19 and that's why find that passage
45:21 and continue reading.
45:22 Amen. Great stuff, man.
45:24 Praise the Lord.
45:26 Well, I have Thursday's lesson once again,
45:28 and it's entitled Sola Scriptura
45:31 and Ellen G. White.
45:33 Now this could be one of those lessons that,
45:36 you know, you get a lot of responses from
45:38 because there's so many different
45:39 differing opinions
45:41 on the position of scripture in connection
45:45 with the inspirational writings of Ellen G. White.
45:48 And so what we want to do
45:49 is we simply just want the truth of the matter
45:52 and that's what I'm going to attempt
45:53 to do right now is simply take a healthy,
45:55 balanced approach to the truth and how we can relate...
45:59 What is the relationship
46:01 between the Bible and Ellen G. White's writings?
46:05 And so we want to put that in proper perspective.
46:07 I want to start with Isaiah 8:20,
46:10 I think is a great foundational text to start.
46:12 Isaiah 8:20 says, "To the law and the testimony!
46:16 If they do not speak according to this word,
46:18 it is because there is no light in them."
46:22 So being that this is entitled
46:24 Sola Scriptura and Ellen G. White,
46:26 you know what, Ellen G. White also has to fall in line
46:29 with that particular council that we have in this verse.
46:33 And that means anyone Ellen G. White,
46:35 Ryan Day, Pastor John Lomacang, Brother John Dinsey,
46:37 anyone who does not speak according to the Word of God,
46:41 the Bible says there was no light in them.
46:43 So we want to always make sure that Sola Scriptura, the Bible,
46:46 and the Bible alone is our guide.
46:49 Now I'd like to read a statement by Ellen G. White
46:53 in Great Controversy, page 595.
46:55 Now we're going to read a few texts from Ellen G. White
46:57 because I'm a firm believer that if you really want
47:00 to come to understand a person's intentions,
47:02 their goal, their purpose, their agenda,
47:04 you should probably go study a little bit of
47:06 what they say so that you can get a proper
47:09 balanced understanding of their approach
47:11 and their understanding of their own, you know,
47:14 their own...
47:16 In this case, Ellen G. White's, what does she feel?
47:18 What did she think?
47:19 What was her position on the relationship
47:22 with her writings to the Bible?
47:24 Notice what she says here.
47:25 I'm going to begin
47:27 with Great Controversy page 595.
47:28 She says, "But God will have
47:29 a people upon the earth to maintain the Bible."
47:35 Notice how she didn't say
47:36 maintain the writings of Ellen G. White,
47:38 she says, "They will maintain the Bible,
47:41 and the Bible only,
47:43 as the standard of all doctrines
47:45 and the basis of all reforms.
47:47 The opinions of learned men, the deductions of science,
47:50 the creeds or decisions of ecclesiastical councils,
47:54 as numerous and discordant
47:56 as are the churches which they represent,
47:59 the voice of the majority."
48:01 She says, "Not one nor
48:02 all of these should be regarded as evidence for
48:06 or against any point of religious faith."
48:09 She says, "Before accepting any doctrine or precept,
48:12 we should demand a plain
48:15 Thus saith the Lord in its support."
48:18 So you know, there may be someone
48:19 watching right now that says,
48:21 "You know, I'm not sure of Ellen G. White."
48:22 You know, I would just encourage you
48:24 before you judge a book by its cover,
48:26 read some of her writings.
48:27 I can't say that I have read every single line
48:31 that she has ever written.
48:32 But I have certainly read quite a bit of what
48:35 Ellen White has wrote in her lifetime.
48:38 And I can tell you, I'm amazed and overwhelmed
48:40 at how biblically sound and biblically foundation
48:43 that this powerful woman of faith was.
48:45 Always pointing back to the scripture,
48:47 always telling people, "No, go back to the Bible.
48:50 The Bible is your guide of faith."
48:53 When I was studying for this particular lesson,
48:55 I ran across probably
48:56 one of the most powerful documents
48:59 that can be written to show us a healthy balanced relationship
49:04 between the Word of God and Ellen G. White's writings.
49:06 And this came from Andrews University
49:08 seminary Professor Merlin D. Burt.
49:11 He's still considered one of the premier Ellen White
49:14 scholars on her writings and her life.
49:16 And so much of the stuff that I found
49:18 from this I thought
49:19 was just fantastic and in harmony
49:21 with what the lesson was teaching.
49:23 He points out here, and I'm going to be reading
49:25 from the sketch of a Christian experience
49:27 and views of Ellen G. White.
49:29 Notice what she had to say early on in her ministry.
49:31 In fact, from my understanding, this is the conclusion
49:34 from Ellen White
49:35 in her very first published work ever in 1851.
49:39 Notice what she says.
49:40 She says, "I recommend to you, dear reader, the Word of God
49:44 as the rule of your faith and practice.
49:46 By that Word we are to be judged.
49:48 God has, in that Word,
49:51 promised to give visions in the last days,
49:53 not for a new rule of faith."
49:55 Notice that, "Not for a new rule of faith
49:57 but for the comfort of his people,
50:00 and to correct those who err from Bible truth."
50:03 So she's emphasizing that Biblical truth.
50:06 Notice what she continues
50:07 to say here in Great Controversy,
50:09 page 204, "In our time, there is a wide departure
50:12 from their," speaking of the reformers,
50:14 "doctrines and precepts, and there is need of a return
50:17 to the great Protestant principles,"
50:20 notice, "the Bible, and the Bible only,
50:24 as the rule of faith and duty, Sola Scriptura.
50:27 In fact, it's interesting to note that
50:29 in all Ellen White's published writings
50:32 contain the phrase Bible and the Bible only 45 times.
50:37 And of course, the Bible and the Bible alone 47 times.
50:40 So this woman was a powerful woman of faith,
50:42 always giving heed to the Bible,
50:44 always pointing people to the God of the Bible
50:47 and the scriptures alone.
50:48 Now that being said, on April 30, 1871,
50:53 she had a dream and which led her
50:56 to perhaps her most direct discussion
50:59 of the relationship of her writings to the Bible
51:02 in which she's going to explain why she, you know,
51:05 why God gave her these writings
51:07 and how they relate to scripture.
51:08 Notice what she says here, okay?
51:10 She saw herself addressing
51:11 a large group at a church meeting,
51:14 and this is what she says,
51:16 "You are not familiar with the scriptures."
51:18 Notice how she starts that, you, speaking to these people,
51:20 you're not familiar with the scriptures.
51:22 "If you had made God's Word your study,
51:25 with a desire to reach the Bible standard
51:28 and attain to Christian perfection,
51:31 you would not have needed the Testimonies."
51:33 Speaking of her writings.
51:35 You wouldn't need my writings, you would need the testimonies.
51:37 But she goes on to say,
51:39 "It is because you have neglected
51:40 to acquaint yourselves
51:42 with God's inspired Book that He has sought to reach you
51:44 by simple, direct testimonies."
51:48 She continues on, "The Lord designs to warn you,
51:50 to reprove, to counsel, through the testimonies given,
51:53 and to impress your minds
51:54 with the importance of the truth of His word.
51:57 The written testimonies,"
51:59 notice, speaking of her writings,
52:00 "the written testimonies are not to give new light,
52:03 but to impress vividly upon the heart the truths
52:06 of inspiration already revealed.
52:09 So she makes it very clear.
52:10 In fact, she would go on to say,
52:12 in the work, an open letter from Ellen G. White,
52:16 this is reported in Review in Herald January 20, 1903.
52:19 She says, speaking of her writings,
52:21 "Little heed is given to the Bible,"
52:24 she says, "the Lord has given
52:26 a lesser light to lead men and women
52:28 to the greater light."
52:30 So I think probably this particular quote,
52:32 very short, very simple,
52:33 probably explains everything that we've just studied
52:36 and read so far,
52:37 in the sense that Ellen G. White herself.
52:40 And I have to just say for a moment,
52:41 I know I have little time but, you know,
52:43 there's many, many people
52:44 who have a bad taste in their mouth
52:46 for the writings of Ellen G. White.
52:47 And I believe the reason why
52:48 that is because people misuse and abuse her writings.
52:52 They take what she did not intend for it
52:54 to be used to be equal
52:56 or above scripture, and they use it in that way.
52:59 I heard a minister once say one time, it's quite comical.
53:03 But then again, it's not and it's very truthful.
53:04 He says, "You know
53:06 what the largest book ever written is?"
53:08 Ellen White it says.
53:11 Because in the church, you know,
53:13 we often have people good, well, meaning people,
53:16 and I say that respectfully, that it's like every word
53:18 out of their mouth is, you know,
53:19 "Ellen White says, Ellen White says."
53:20 If Ellen White was alive today,
53:22 she would probably rebuked those type of people
53:24 from one side of the room to the other.
53:25 Because Ellen White when she was alive,
53:27 she was always asking the question,
53:28 what does the Bible say?
53:30 And right here, she says, speaking of the Bible,
53:32 the Lord has given a lesser light,
53:34 her writings, to lead men and women
53:35 to the greater light
53:37 which she is making clear is the Bible.
53:38 So in Ellen White's point of view,
53:40 she's saying to us,
53:41 counseling us, she's saying, "Look, here's the Bible,
53:44 and here's my writings, okay?
53:46 That doesn't mean that they're not important.
53:48 That doesn't mean we don't listen to them.
53:49 But the Bible is the greater light,
53:50 kind of like the relationship between the moon and the sun.
53:53 You had the greater light, the sun,
53:55 but the moon is also a light, but it's not a light
53:57 in and of itself
53:59 and that it reflects the light of the sun.
54:01 And Ellen G. White's writings fit in that context
54:03 and we should have that relationship
54:05 clearly established.
54:08 In essence, Ellen G. White's writings are like that
54:11 of many prophets of scripture.
54:12 I love this point. That the Lord spoke to...
54:16 Notice, many prophets in the scripture that
54:18 the Lord spoke to and through them
54:21 that never made it into the canon of scripture."
54:23 So I kind of got my words mixed up there.
54:25 What this is saying?
54:26 What this particular quote is saying is that
54:27 there are prophets in scripture
54:30 that actually wrote books and their canon,
54:32 their particular text did not make it
54:34 into the canon of Scripture.
54:36 A good example would be Nathaniel,
54:37 excuse me, Nathan, the prophet Nathan.
54:40 In 1 Chronicles 29:29, it tells us right there
54:43 that there's a book
54:44 called The Book of Nathan the Prophet.
54:47 Nathan was a prophet, but you know what,
54:48 his books, his writings did not make it into the Bible.
54:51 What we're saying to this is that, in closing,
54:53 we need to have a proper balanced relationship
54:56 in the sense that well Ellen G. White
54:58 was inspired.
55:00 You hear me quote her writings on this panel,
55:01 you hear it all the time.
55:03 We believe in the inspirational writings
55:04 of Ellen G. White.
55:06 We believe God used her.
55:07 But at the end of the day, we have to make sure that
55:10 the Bible is the ultimate authority.
55:12 The Bible is the ultimate source,
55:14 and that her writings are a lesser light
55:16 that we use to lead men and women
55:19 to the greater light of scripture.
55:21 I praise God for the Bible, and I praise God
55:23 for the writings of Ellen G. White.
55:25 Amen. Amen.
55:26 That is wonderfully done. Well covered.
55:29 I mean, what we covered scripture the ruling norm,
55:32 unity of scripture, clarity of scripture,
55:35 and we're looking at...
55:36 Wednesday was scripture interprets scripture.
55:39 I like that.
55:40 And then the relation between Bible
55:42 and Spirit of Prophecy very well put.
55:44 I appreciate that very much.
55:45 We're going to have closing thought each one go around.
55:47 Sister Jill? It's been a great study.
55:49 I want to close
55:50 with this scripture Ephesians 4:13,
55:53 "Till we all come to the unity of the faith
55:57 and of the knowledge of the Son of God,
55:59 to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature
56:01 of the fullness of Christ."
56:03 God calls us as the body of Christ to be unified,
56:06 but unified on the Word of God.
56:09 That is to be our sole authority
56:10 of faith and practice.
56:12 Not experiences, not feeling on God's Word.
56:16 Praise the Lord for that, Jill.
56:17 And I've been gleaning
56:19 Luke 24:45 is a beautiful passage.
56:22 If you don't understand something, pray this prayer.
56:25 "And He, the Lord, opened their understanding,
56:29 that they might comprehend the Scriptures."
56:32 When you ask, you shall receive,
56:35 He will open your understanding.
56:36 Amen.
56:38 The Bible is one of the great gifts
56:41 that God gave to us as human beings.
56:44 And it's waiting, God is waiting for us
56:48 to open the scriptures that He can show us
56:50 so many wonderful things that are there waiting for us
56:54 to discover and understand and apply in our lives.
56:56 Amen. Amen.
56:57 You know, I just want to reiterate
56:59 what I was saying on my particular lesson
57:00 and the fact that, you know,
57:02 there may be someone watching that says,
57:03 "You know what, I just don't think
57:05 we need Ellen White's writings and we have the Bible."
57:07 You know, Ellen White
57:08 actually said, those sentiments,
57:10 "If you had your Bible, follow the Bible,
57:11 you wouldn't need my writings."
57:13 But that being said,
57:14 I want to encourage you at home,
57:15 you know, there's not a week that goes by that
57:17 I don't pick up the writings of Ellen G. White,
57:19 and I read them, not because I replace it
57:21 for the Bible but because I allow it
57:23 to point me back to the Bible in a healthy,
57:26 appropriate way.
57:27 Amen. Praise the Lord.
57:28 Found this and 3 Selected Message 33 says,
57:31 "When you make the Bible your food,
57:33 and your meat, and your drink,
57:35 when you make it the principle elements
57:37 of your character," notice this,
57:39 "you will know better
57:41 how to receive counsel from God."
57:43 I don't know about you, but I feel like
57:45 I need counsel from God, every day of my life
57:47 and every direction in which I go,
57:49 and I'm sure you feel that way too.
57:51 It's been a real pleasure spending this time
57:52 with each and every one of you.
57:54 We know that God is leading,
57:55 guiding, directing in your own heart,
57:57 in your own life.
57:58 You know, next week we're going to be looking at
57:59 why is interpretation needed.
58:01 So it's an awful good lesson. Don't miss it.
58:02 Thank you for joining 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
58:04 We'll see you next time.
58:06 Amen. Amen.


Revised 2020-04-29