3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Why Is Interpretation Needed?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP200019S

00:01 In today's edition of 3ABN Sabbath School Panel
00:03 we continue our discussion of "How to Interpret Scripture."
00:06 This lesson, lesson number six is
00:09 "Why is Interpretation Needed?"
00:11 I want to encourage you to grab your Bible,
00:13 and your Sabbath School quarterly,
00:15 and a notebook to take down notes
00:18 as we explore this topic together.
00:20 But first if you don't have a quarterly,
00:22 go to the following website, ABSG.Adventist.org.
00:27 That's ABSG.Adventist.org.
00:32 And you can download a copy and study with us.
01:10 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
01:12 I'm Jill Morikone, and we're so glad that
01:15 you've taken time from your day
01:16 to join us in our study of the Word of God.
01:20 It's been an incredible study as we delve into,
01:23 why is scripture important?
01:24 And this lesson, lesson six, "Why is Interpretation Needed?"
01:29 I am excited to open up God's Word with you
01:32 and with our panelists.
01:33 To my left Pastor John Lomacang,
01:35 always a privilege to have you here.
01:36 Yes, I'm excited about the lesson.
01:38 "Translation and Interpretation"
01:40 is my day and I'm going to become
01:42 ecclesiastically obiter-dicted.
01:46 That would be a Pastor CA Murray phrase.
01:49 To Pastor John's left is Pastor Ryan Day.
01:52 Thank you so much for being here.
01:53 Hey, it's a blessing to be here
01:54 and I'm excited to study this topic.
01:56 It's going to be very much a blessing.
01:57 Amen. To your left Mr. Danny Shelton.
02:00 Honor and a joy to have you on the panel.
02:02 Thank you, it's good to be here
02:03 with all of these pastors, I feel a little bit inadequate.
02:08 So today whatever I don't do my Brother Kenny
02:10 is on the left of me so you can clean up for me
02:13 or whatever needs to be done, right?
02:15 Yes, exactly. What brothers are for?
02:17 Yeah, there you go. I love that.
02:18 Both of you as brothers together
02:20 here on the panel,
02:21 and a treat to have you too, Pastor Kenny.
02:23 It is always a blessing
02:24 and as a learning experience for me, thank you.
02:26 Amen. Learning experience for me too.
02:28 Before we go any further, let's go to the Lord in prayer.
02:31 Pastor John, would you pray for us?
02:32 Yeah.
02:34 Loving Father in heaven,
02:35 every opportunity is one where Your spirit is needed.
02:38 We do pray that your Holy Spirit will come now,
02:40 Lord, we have studied, but we need guidance
02:43 from above to make this an honor
02:45 to Your glorious name.
02:47 Be with each of us who present,
02:48 and those who are watching, and those who are listening,
02:51 and may all the glory and honor go just to You.
02:53 In Christ's name we pray.
02:54 Amen. Amen.
02:57 As we launch into our study today,
02:59 I want to look at six principles
03:01 of interpretation before we jump into Sunday,
03:03 which is on presupposition.
03:06 Principle number one, intention determines meaning.
03:11 The intention, the interpretation of scripture
03:13 must always be based on
03:15 the author's intention of meaning,
03:17 not on the readers' understanding.
03:20 What I mean by that is, if I wrote you, Pastor Ryan,
03:23 and I wrote a letter or I wrote a note,
03:26 what that note meant would be what I intended it to mean,
03:30 not necessarily what he got from the note,
03:33 you know, at the bottom of emails,
03:34 they always say emails are notoriously misunderstood
03:37 and are not a substitute for live communication.
03:40 So we need to understand
03:42 the intended meaning of the text writer
03:45 when they wrote it.
03:47 That way we can properly convey the message.
03:51 The text cannot mean what it never meant.
03:54 So we have to look at the author's intended meaning.
03:57 Principle number two, contexts determines meaning.
04:02 Interpretation must be done
04:04 based on the context of the passage.
04:07 Don't take one text and assume you know
04:09 what that text is telling you or what that text means.
04:12 You know, there's that story that people tell a lot.
04:16 A man opened up his Bible, remember?
04:17 And he said, "Now,
04:19 what do you have for me today, God?"
04:20 And he opened up to Matthew, and it said,
04:21 "And Judas went out and hanged himself."
04:23 He thought, "Surely that's not for me."
04:25 So he closed it again and he opened it again
04:28 and he opened to Luke and it said,
04:29 "Go thou and do likewise."
04:31 And then he thought, "Wait a minute,"
04:33 so he closed it again and he opened it the third time
04:35 and he opened to John and it said,
04:37 "What thou doest, do quickly."
04:40 Context determines meaning.
04:42 You think about the phrase, "It was a ball."
04:45 That could mean many different things
04:48 based on the context.
04:50 You could mean we went to the dance last night,
04:52 but it was so formal, it was a ball.
04:55 It could mean the baseball umpire
04:57 saw the pitch drift to the outside,
04:59 and he said "It was a ball."
05:02 It could mean I'm walking on the golf course
05:04 and I saw something small and white and round over there,
05:07 it was a ball.
05:08 It could mean I had great fun
05:10 at the game night, we had a ball.
05:13 Context always has to determine the meaning.
05:15 That's right.
05:17 Number three, understand the difference
05:19 between literal and symbolic interpretation
05:22 because that will determine the meaning of scripture.
05:26 We interpret the Bible literally
05:27 when it can be taken at face value.
05:30 Literal interpretation means that
05:31 the biblical text has to be
05:33 interpreted according to its plain meaning
05:35 conveyed by the grammatical construction
05:37 and historical context.
05:39 Martin Luther subscribed to that,
05:41 John Calvin and the Protestant Reformers
05:43 subscribed to that interpretation
05:45 of the Word of God.
05:46 But we also know that there are symbols
05:49 and prophetic things in the Word of God.
05:53 Not everything is to be taken literally.
05:56 So we need to understand
05:57 when is it to be interpreted literally
05:59 and when is it figurative or symbolic?
06:03 Number four,
06:04 the genre of biblical literature
06:07 determines the meaning.
06:10 In other words, the Bible has
06:11 many different types of literature.
06:13 So we need to analyze, "Is this a portion of the law?
06:15 Is this a portion of prophecy?
06:18 Is this a portion of history from the Word of God?
06:21 Is this a portion of wisdom or poetry?
06:24 Is this a portion of the gospels
06:26 about Jesus or a portion of the parables?
06:29 Or a portion of the epistles,
06:31 those writings in the New Testament
06:33 specifically directed to a person or a church?
06:38 Number five, other scriptures determine meaning.
06:44 In other words use the Bible to interpret itself.
06:48 Isaiah 28:10, "Precept must be upon precept,
06:51 precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line,
06:55 here a little and there a little."
06:57 Finally, number six, separate the interpretation
07:01 from application.
07:03 Look at the local historical context,
07:05 and then determine what the application
07:07 of that scripture is for us today.
07:10 Think about the widow who gave the two mites
07:12 in that story that Jesus.
07:13 When we read that you could think,
07:16 "Okay, literally that means
07:17 I'm supposed to give too mites,"
07:18 that does not mean that.
07:20 If you look at the application for today,
07:22 it means we are called to give sacrificially
07:25 for the cause of Christ.
07:27 So you look at the historical context,
07:29 and then see what is our application for today.
07:32 Our memory text is Hebrews 11:6,
07:36 we've spent some time in Hebrews 11
07:37 through this journey.
07:39 Hebrews 11:6, "Without faith, it is impossible to please Him,
07:44 for he who comes to God must believe that He is,
07:47 and that He is a rewarder
07:48 of those who diligently seek Him."
07:51 Sunday we looked at presupposition,
07:54 it's kind of a big word.
07:56 What does presupposition mean?
07:58 The dictionary says,
07:59 "It is a thing assumed beforehand,
08:03 at the beginning of a line
08:04 of argument or a course of action."
08:07 We really bring presuppositions into everything in life.
08:11 They come from our background. They come from our culture.
08:15 They come from the way we were raised.
08:17 They come from the things we experienced
08:19 or the things we didn't experience.
08:21 It's what we call baggage of life.
08:24 Have you ever noticed that?
08:25 We bring our baggage and experience
08:28 from the past into the present.
08:32 We bring presuppositions into relationships,
08:34 you ever noticed that?
08:36 You bring what you carry
08:37 from the past into a current relationship.
08:40 My grandmother really spoiled my grandpa.
08:43 In fact, every morning when it was time to wake up,
08:46 she brought him orange juice.
08:49 And that was his morning wake up like alarm.
08:53 Here's my grandma walking in
08:54 with a glass of fresh orange juice.
08:56 She ironed even his sheets and his t-shirts.
09:00 So when my grandma passed away and my grandpa remarried,
09:04 he brought with him some presuppositions
09:07 from the previous marriage thinking,
09:09 "Oh, maybe my new wife is gonna iron my t-shirts,
09:12 or maybe she's gonna bring me orange juice in bed."
09:15 Presuppositions, we bring them into relationships,
09:17 we bring them into understanding of God.
09:21 How our parents treated us, sometimes it impacts
09:25 how we think God is going to treat us.
09:27 We bring presuppositions into our jobs
09:30 and into our study of the Word of God.
09:33 The lesson says, "No one comes to the text of scripture
09:37 with a blank mind."
09:40 In other words, we all bring into our study
09:42 of the Word of God, a presupposition.
09:45 So how do we lessen presuppositions
09:48 or how do we break down our preconceived ideas
09:52 when we come to a study of the Word of God?
09:55 Four keys.
09:56 Number one, experience God for yourself
10:00 and share His character of love to someone else.
10:04 Luke 24:36-40, Jesus said, He stood in the midst of them.
10:10 This is the disciples, this is after the crucifixion,
10:12 death, resurrection,
10:13 the disciples are still terrified thinking,
10:15 "Is Jesus resurrected?
10:16 We heard some rumors
10:18 but we're not sure what's going on."
10:19 "And Jesus stood and He said, 'Peace to you,'
10:22 but they were terrified and frightened,
10:25 and supposed they had seen a spirit.
10:27 And He said to them, 'Why are you troubled?
10:29 And why do doubts arise in your hearts?
10:32 Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I myself.
10:36 Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have
10:39 flesh and bones as you see I have.'
10:41 When He had said this,
10:42 He showed them His hands and His feet.'"
10:44 So the disciples could not believe it was Jesus.
10:47 So what did He say? "Taste and see."
10:49 Psalm 34:8, "Experience Me,
10:52 handle Me, experience Me for yourself."
10:57 So when we truly experienced God,
11:00 it breaks down some of those presuppositions
11:03 or preexisting thoughts we had about God,
11:07 or about His Word.
11:09 1 John 1:1-3, "That which was from the beginning..."
11:14 This is one of my favorite passages
11:15 and I've quoted it before, John the Apostle,
11:18 "Which we have heard, which we saw with our eyes,
11:21 which we've looked upon and our hands
11:23 have handled concerning the Word of life,
11:25 that which we've seen and heard we declare to You,
11:28 that You may also have fellowship with us."
11:30 So John's saying,
11:32 "I experienced God and I'm going to share
11:34 what I've experienced with you."
11:36 So the first key is just to experience God
11:38 and then share that with someone else.
11:40 The second key, to break down
11:42 these presuppositions is to allow the scriptures
11:45 to interpret themselves.
11:48 Don't try to interpret based on your understanding,
11:51 or based on maybe your tradition,
11:53 or the culture of the church around you,
11:54 or what you were taught in the past.
11:57 Luke 24:44, "He, Jesus, said to them,
12:02 'These are the words
12:03 which I spoke to you while I was still with you,
12:06 that all things must be fulfilled
12:08 which are written in the law of Moses,
12:09 and the prophets, and the Psalms concerning Me."
12:14 So Jesus didn't just take one scripture and said,
12:16 "Now here is the proof that
12:19 the Messiah was supposed to suffer"
12:20 'cause the disciples, what did they think?
12:22 They thought Jesus was going to come as a conquering king.
12:26 Who was going to up-break the Roman oppression.
12:29 They thought that Jesus was going to deliver them
12:32 and set them free.
12:34 And so Jesus didn't just take one scripture.
12:36 He began with the Law of Moses,
12:39 and the prophets and the Psalms,
12:41 He took multiple scriptures
12:43 and allowed the scripture to interpret itself.
12:46 Number three, this is vitally important.
12:48 Ask the Holy Spirit for understanding.
12:52 Luke 24:45, "He, Jesus, opened their understanding
12:56 that they might comprehend the scriptures."
12:59 We can never open up
13:01 the Word of God without going to God in prayer.
13:03 Without asking God to open up our hearts and minds
13:07 to understand what His truth is there.
13:09 John 16:13, Jesus says, "When He,
13:12 the Spirit of truth has come,
13:13 He will guide you into all truth."
13:15 The Holy Spirit can open up your mind
13:18 and heart to the truth in the Word of God.
13:21 Finally, number four,
13:22 do not harden your heart against Jesus
13:26 or the truth in His Word.
13:29 Ephesians 4:18, kind of a sad scripture.
13:32 Paul says,
13:33 "Having their understanding darkened,
13:36 being alienated from the life of God,
13:39 because of the ignorance that is in them,
13:41 because of the blindness of their heart."
13:43 The NIV says,
13:44 "Due to the hardening of your heart."
13:47 So when you are confronted with scripture
13:49 that maybe goes directly against your presupposition,
13:52 the way you were taught,
13:54 the church you were raised in, what you believed before.
13:56 Do not harden your heart
13:59 against the truth in God's Word.
14:03 So as we break down these presuppositions,
14:05 we experience who God is,
14:08 allow scripture to interpret itself
14:10 as the Holy Spirit for understanding.
14:12 And don't harden your heart. Pastor John.
14:14 Thank you, Jill. Thank you, Jill.
14:16 Which takes us to "Translation and Interpretation."
14:20 You know, when the Bible was written,
14:22 the Bible was written in various languages.
14:24 Old Testament, mostly Hebrew, a very small portion,
14:29 particularly the Book of Daniel Aramaic,
14:32 and the New Testament in Koine, Greek.
14:34 Now when you think about that, we don't speak that way today.
14:37 So every Bible has to go
14:39 through some kind of interpretation.
14:41 In other words, in order for me
14:43 to understand what Moses was saying,
14:45 or what Elijah was saying,
14:47 or what any Old Testament prophet said,
14:49 I have to first understand
14:51 it in the context of their language,
14:53 in the setting that they communicated that
14:56 and through the very means that they communicated that,
15:00 whether Greek or Hebrew or Aramaic,
15:03 when I understand what it means to them,
15:05 then I could understand what it means to me,
15:07 then I could make application.
15:08 So before you get application,
15:10 first begin with interpretation,
15:12 then translation.
15:14 Now any good translation has to go through
15:17 some kind of linguistic process today.
15:21 So I want to introduce something
15:22 because the picture that we presented the world
15:25 is the picture that
15:27 we believe God has disclosed to us.
15:30 I would describe something to someone
15:31 based on what I believe that thing is.
15:33 So therefore, our understanding
15:36 of the scripture shapes another person's belief
15:39 about who I communicate to them,
15:42 that God is or that Jesus is,
15:44 and the process is called hermeneutics.
15:47 It shapes our picture of God,
15:49 it assists in seeing the scriptures clearly.
15:53 Let me read this very short quote,
15:55 "The primary need of hermeneutics
15:57 is to determine and understand
15:59 the meaning of the biblical texts.
16:01 The purpose of hermeneutics is to bridge the gap
16:04 between our mind
16:06 and the minds of the Bible writers
16:08 through a knowledge of the original language,
16:12 the ancient history,
16:13 and the comparison of scripture with scripture.
16:17 I like that you said, Jill, let the entire Bible,
16:20 we pointed that out in a number of past lessons,
16:22 the Bible is its own interpreter.
16:25 If you understand the setting,
16:27 when Jesus talked about the Parable of the Sower,
16:29 He did that during the time of the year
16:31 where there was sowing so it was very clear
16:33 to the listeners of His day.
16:35 But if we say today, "Sowing" somebody that's make clothing,
16:39 they may think I'm talking about garments.
16:41 Well, we use words today like seeding,
16:44 which is quite different than the ancient word sowing.
16:47 So simply put, we see what we want to see
16:51 and we understand
16:52 what the Bible writers were attempting to show us.
16:55 If we make sure the Bible writers go first,
16:58 then they are able to shape what we see
17:00 and thereby we begin to communicate clearly
17:03 what the Bible is trying to communicate.
17:05 Next, our theology is shaped by our hermeneutics.
17:09 Said another way,
17:10 when our understanding of God's Word is Bible molded,
17:14 biblically molded,
17:16 then our picture of God will be scripturally accurate.
17:21 When the Bible molds the picture,
17:23 the story is a, you know, a man was very busy,
17:26 his son came to him interrupting,
17:29 and he kept coming back.
17:30 He told to him to do things,
17:31 he kept coming back and he said,
17:33 "I'll give him something that will take some time."
17:34 So he tore up a sheet of paper and send him away
17:37 and he came back a minute later and he said,
17:39 "Put that together."
17:41 He came back, he said,
17:42 "How do you put that together so quickly?"
17:44 He said, Well, dad,
17:45 on the other side was a picture of Jesus.
17:47 I just put the picture together.
17:49 That's how easy it was."
17:50 When you are handling things that are in pieces,
17:55 the picture that you present of Jesus will be molded
17:58 by your study of the Word.
17:59 Now one of the reasons
18:01 why Christian theology today is disjointed is perception,
18:06 rather than what God's Word says.
18:08 I'll introduce a few phrases
18:09 such as you may have heard of before propositional
18:12 and non-propositional theology.
18:15 What's the difference?
18:16 Propositional mean God reveals the truth
18:20 to which we respond by accepting them.
18:23 I'll give you an example, proposition,
18:25 if I said to my wife, "Would you marry me?"
18:27 That's a proposition.
18:28 If she says no, today,
18:30 I'm gonna ask her the same thing
18:31 next month and the same thing next year.
18:33 The proposition is not going to change.
18:35 When you are studying the Bible propositionally,
18:39 it doesn't change.
18:41 Every time you approach it, it's the same.
18:43 So propositional theology could be said another way,
18:46 it's called exegesis.
18:48 The process of drawing out of the scripture,
18:50 the meaning that's in the scripture.
18:53 When you draw out what's in it,
18:55 I cannot pull out of a hat with a bird,
18:58 I can't pull out a car because the bird is in it.
19:01 That's what exegesis simply means,
19:02 pull out what's already in the scripture.
19:04 Now there is now non-propositional theology.
19:08 They place emphasis on experience and rationality.
19:12 In other words, what does this mean to me?
19:15 What is my experience in my denomination?
19:17 And then they enter
19:18 into something called eisegesis,
19:20 quite different from exegesis,
19:21 which means the process of inserting a meaning
19:25 into the text that's not there.
19:29 That's why people say,
19:31 "Well, I know the Bible says,
19:32 'We sleep' but what about the soul?
19:35 Well, doesn't the soul go to heaven?"
19:37 The Bible says Lazarus sleepeth.
19:39 Well, I know he's sleeping but his soul went to heaven.
19:41 That's eisegesis, the Bible never said that.
19:44 And so we start inserting, why?
19:46 Because that's what we've been hearing in our circle.
19:49 That's what our theological denomination teaches.
19:51 Don't insert into the text,
19:53 that's non-propositional, meaning,
19:55 your interpretation changes from setting to setting
20:00 because you're not making the proposition
20:01 based on God's Word.
20:03 Until we spend time in the study of God's Word,
20:06 we will naturally place more emphasis on experience
20:10 and rationality.
20:11 You know, 1 Corinthians 12:10
20:13 and 1 Corinthians 14:26, I'm not going to read it.
20:16 But in both of those passages
20:17 you find the word interpretation.
20:20 In both cases it's talking about tongues.
20:22 Right. Yeah. Interpretation.
20:24 And one of the reasons today
20:26 why tongues is so confusing is
20:28 because they try to bring out the meaning of tongues
20:31 in 1 Corinthians 12 and 1 Corinthians 14.
20:35 They often miss 1 Corinthians 13,
20:37 where Paul says, "Though I speak
20:38 with the tongues of men and of angels."
20:41 But if you begin where tongues was first practiced,
20:44 in the Book of Acts, you get the context.
20:46 It was simply communicating
20:48 a local guy from West Frankfurt,
20:50 Danny and Kenny communicating in English that they have,
20:54 God now gives them
20:56 this instantaneous ability to speak in Greek,
20:59 Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin, Arabian,
21:01 the list goes on and on.
21:03 It's not some glossolalia, some confusion,
21:06 that God all of a sudden says,
21:07 "Now you have a secret language
21:09 that's called eisegesis, a non-propositional theology.
21:14 Luke says it very clearly
21:15 and we keep referring back to that,
21:17 but Jesus, Luke 24:27,
21:19 "He expounded to them in all the scriptures
21:22 of things concerning Himself."
21:23 Expound means to illustrate, to expand, to explicate,
21:29 meaning to illuminate, to expose and to reveal.
21:33 Jesus did that, if He wanted to establish
21:36 His divinity based on one passage,
21:38 He could have simply said to them,
21:39 "I am the Christ."
21:41 But they have been reading the Old Testament.
21:43 So He began where He knew the foundation
21:46 would be concrete and He,
21:48 He didn't leave a single detail out.
21:51 Before you come to the conclusion of a belief,
21:54 uncover every text that refers to that particular practice,
21:58 and then it's very clear.
21:59 Now here's a very powerful passage,
22:01 Luke 10:25-26, "On one occasion,
22:04 an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus."
22:08 He was what? An expert.
22:10 He's a teacher.
22:11 He asked, "What must I do to inherit eternal life?"
22:15 Jesus said, "What is written in the law?"
22:19 And Jesus then said, "How do you read it?"
22:23 That's the NIV. "How do you read it?"
22:26 Are you ready for a light bulb?
22:28 The issue of reading the Bible
22:30 is not how much but how we read it.
22:33 It's not how much but how we read it,
22:37 because some people said,
22:38 "I read the Bible over and over,"
22:39 and they're still locked in the false teachings
22:41 that they have been locked in.
22:43 It's like going into a room
22:44 with the lights on and you come out,
22:46 you come out still not seeing anything in the room,
22:48 because the Word of God is a light.
22:50 The issues of the Bible is not how much but how you read,
22:54 approaches to understand the Bible,
22:56 and less contextually and inter textually.
23:01 A text without a context is a pretext.
23:03 Now let's first saw text.
23:05 What is the immediate passage saying?
23:09 Then context, what role is the passage
23:12 contributing to the entire story?
23:15 Then wider context,
23:17 what happened before and after the story?
23:21 And then the entire Bible.
23:22 Is the language in the context
23:25 found elsewhere in the scripture,
23:27 like Behold the Lamb of God, why would John say that?
23:31 Because the people standing on the shore
23:33 were Jewish leaders who for centuries
23:36 were involved in sacrificing lambs.
23:39 Paul uses a phrase and I use that
23:42 about the death as asleep.
23:45 The Bible says,
23:46 "We shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed."
23:49 Well, what did Jesus understand what that mean?
23:52 When Jesus said, "Lazarus sleeps,"
23:54 they thought that Jesus was talking about sleep.
23:57 When the Bible says in John 11 plainly in verse 13,
24:00 "Lazarus is dead."
24:03 So understand the context because you'll walk away
24:06 with things that the Bible doesn't support.
24:08 Build a doctrine not on a fragment
24:12 or a single scripture, but on the context
24:15 of the entire message of the story.
24:17 Amen. Thank you so much.
24:20 What an incredible job, Pastor John,
24:22 "Translations and Interpretations."
24:24 We are going to take a break, we'll be right back.
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25:07 Welcome back to our study of "Why is Interpretation Needed?"
25:10 We'll pick up with Pastor Ryan on Tuesday's lesson,
25:12 "The Bible and Culture."
25:13 That's right, "The Bible and Culture."
25:15 We've talked a little bit about
25:16 culture in one of our previous lessons.
25:19 But this kind of takes it a little bit a step further,
25:22 and us trying to understand
25:24 how do we balance this concept of culture?
25:28 And how do we use culture?
25:31 Or do we use culture to further the gospel?
25:34 Does it transcend certain cultures
25:35 or is the gospel message
25:37 that we find in the Bible only for particular cultures?
25:39 So that's basically
25:41 what we're talking about right here.
25:42 And I love how this lesson opens up,
25:44 giving us a fine example of this in Acts 17.
25:48 So why don't we go ahead and go to Acts Chapter 17.
25:50 We're going to take our beginning
25:53 here in this particular passage,
25:55 in which we find Paul.
25:57 Paul, of course is in Athens, okay?
25:59 This is in Greece, and if you know anything
26:01 about the Grecian culture, then you know that
26:03 this is a very Hellenistic pagan culture,
26:06 they worship the god of everything,
26:08 very polytheistic, the god of the air,
26:09 the god of the grass, the god of the gold,
26:11 the god of the silver, all these different gods.
26:13 And so Paul is now in Athens,
26:15 and he is just being covered up,
26:17 he's steeped in this pagan culture,
26:20 but at the same time, he's preaching the gospel.
26:23 He's been going around and preaching the gospel.
26:25 In fact, notice verse 16 here, starting in Acts 17:16,
26:29 it says, "Now while Paul waited for them at Athens,
26:32 his spirit was provoked within him
26:34 when he saw that the city was given over to idols.
26:38 Therefore, he reasoned in the synagogue with the Jews
26:41 and with the Gentile worshipers and in the marketplace daily
26:45 with those who happen to be there."
26:47 And so he's been preaching all throughout Athens
26:51 and now he's kind of stirred the attention
26:54 of all of the people to the point to now
26:56 they're going to actually bring him before the Areopagus.
27:01 The Areopagus which is basically
27:02 the Chief Counsel of Athens,
27:05 they're going to bring him before the governmental leaders
27:07 and he's going to have to defend himself
27:09 because he's already stirred up the masses
27:12 within this particular culture.
27:14 Notice picking up in verse 22.
27:16 So Paul is about to address this Areopagus, this council,
27:20 and this is what it says.
27:21 "Then Paul stood in the midst of Areopagus and said,
27:23 'Men of Athens I perceived
27:25 that in all things you are very religious for,
27:28 as I was passing through...'"
27:30 I'm gonna pause there, that was a good point there.
27:32 I perceive that you were all very religious.
27:35 And so you know, the question is,
27:37 what type of religion?
27:38 What type of religious person are you?
27:40 You can be very religious,
27:42 but be very wrong in the religious experience
27:44 that you're having, and we want to make sure that
27:46 we're having a genuine religious experience.
27:48 Notice, "Men of Athens,
27:50 I perceived that in all things you were very religious for,
27:52 as I was passing through and considering the objects
27:54 of your worship.
27:56 I even found an altar
27:57 with the inscription to the unknown god."
28:00 And then he goes on to say,
28:02 "Therefore the one whom you worship without knowing,
28:04 him, I proclaim to you."
28:06 He says, "Hey, this unknown God that
28:07 you don't know about, let me inform you,
28:09 let me tell you about this powerful God,
28:11 this Creator God."
28:13 Verse 24, he says, "God,
28:14 who made all the world and everything in it,
28:17 since He is Lord of heaven and earth,
28:19 does not dwell in temples made with hands,
28:22 nor is He worshiped with men's hands,
28:24 as though He needed anything
28:26 since He gave to all life, breath, and all things.
28:30 Now notice verse 26,
28:31 because now we see how this gospel,
28:35 Paul is transcending the gospel
28:37 from the Jewish culture now to this Athenian culture.
28:40 Notice what it says here in verse 26,
28:42 "And He has made from one blood,
28:45 every nation of men
28:47 to dwell on the face of the earth,
28:49 and has determined their preappointed times
28:51 and the boundaries of their dwellings,
28:54 so that they should seek the Lord in hope
28:56 that they might grope for Him,"
28:58 that is reach for Him, "search for Him and find Him,
29:01 though He is not far from each of us,
29:04 for in Him we live and we move and we have our being,
29:07 and also some of your own poets have said,
29:10 'For we are also His offspring.'"
29:13 So Paul is showing up, he said, "Look,
29:14 this unknown God that you don't know,
29:16 let me tell you about Him.
29:17 He's the Creator God, He's the one true God."
29:20 And I love the fact that, you know,
29:22 he's speaking to these people for the first time
29:24 that he's never met, he's in a different culture
29:26 that is not like that of the Christian culture.
29:29 But yet he's still calling these people to repent.
29:32 It's powerful to see and notice the response,
29:35 verse 32 of some of these people.
29:36 It says, "And when they heard
29:38 of the resurrection of the dead,
29:39 some mocked, while others said,
29:41 'We will hear you again on this matter.'"
29:43 So some heard, some did not.
29:45 But it brings up the question now as we see the fine example,
29:49 clear example given in scripture,
29:51 is the gospel transcultural?
29:54 Is the Bible transcultural or is this just a Jewish thing?
29:59 Obviously as Christians here in North America,
30:03 and in other parts of the world,
30:04 we see that the gospel has reached the entire world.
30:07 But it still raises some questions
30:09 because some people say, "You know what,
30:11 this particular text, or this particular passage,
30:13 or this particular council given in scripture,
30:15 that's only to that particular culture,
30:17 or that's only that.
30:18 You know, keeping the Sabbath, that's a Jewish thing.
30:21 God didn't really create the Sabbath for all of us,
30:24 for all mankind, it's just a Jewish thing."
30:26 And so we see here that
30:28 when you are considering the Bible and culture,
30:31 we really, really need to put it
30:33 in its proper context,
30:34 we really need to understand the importance
30:36 of finding that happy balance because truth never changes.
30:41 I just want to make that clear, truth...
30:43 While people change, cultures change,
30:45 customs change, truth never changes.
30:48 And we will see very clearly throughout this entire book
30:51 that God has made these councils,
30:53 these principles,
30:54 His way of life for every single person
30:56 under the globe.
30:58 I think of the different biblical example,
31:00 it's not on the same note
31:01 as what we just read in Acts 17,
31:03 but to see that the Word of God
31:05 and God's plan is transcultural,
31:07 that He wants to reach every single person
31:10 with the gospel in every single culture,
31:12 every single part of the globe.
31:14 I think of Pharaoh and the Egyptians,
31:16 you know, I believe that while God made a clear demand
31:19 that Pharaoh let his people go,
31:20 God was reaching for this man's heart.
31:23 He was hoping that through these series of events,
31:25 that He would reach him with the gospel,
31:27 and He was willing to reach him within his culture,
31:29 to establish the truth within his heart.
31:32 I think of Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon.
31:34 You know, bringing God's people
31:35 into a completely different culture,
31:37 a completely different arena.
31:40 But we still see God reaching for this king's heart
31:42 and for the hearts of the people of Babylon
31:45 with this transcultural gospel, which is very clear.
31:48 The Medes and the Persians are another great example.
31:50 The Romans, as we see that Peter goes into the home
31:53 of the centurion and the Romans,
31:55 and they're pleading, and they're praying together,
31:58 we see that God wants to reach
31:59 every single one of us with the gospel,
32:02 I think of the 12 Ephesian disciples,
32:04 as they were giving their heart to the Lord,
32:06 they allowed the truth of God's Word,
32:08 which is universal, to change them
32:10 because they recognized that
32:11 they too while they weren't Jews,
32:13 were still God's people.
32:15 I think of the wonderful scripture
32:16 in Galatians Chapter 3, that famous series of verses,
32:20 verses 26-29 says,
32:22 "For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus,
32:25 for as many as you were baptized into Christ,
32:27 have put on Christ, there is neither Jew nor Greek,
32:31 there is neither slave nor free,
32:33 there is neither male nor female,
32:35 for if you are all one in...
32:37 for you are all one in Christ Jesus,
32:39 and if you are Christ,"
32:40 I love this, "then you are Abraham's seed
32:43 and heirs according to the promise."
32:45 We're all spiritual Jews.
32:47 And so that point being made, I just want to make this
32:49 last point in the closing minutes
32:50 that I have here.
32:52 Sometimes it does help us though to remove our mind
32:57 from our own culture and see the truth of God's Word
33:01 through the eyes of a different culture.
33:03 What I mean by this is, you know,
33:04 taking the Israeli culture,
33:07 for example, the Hebrew culture.
33:08 I just want to give an example of Psalm 23, this is powerful.
33:11 You know, for this western mentality,
33:14 through our western lenses we read Psalm 23, you know,
33:17 "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
33:19 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
33:21 He leads me beside the still waters."
33:23 And it goes on, "He leads me,
33:24 He leads me in paths of righteousness for You
33:27 are with me, oh, God."
33:28 We see this beautiful, almost poetic nature of this.
33:31 But when we read it and comprehend it
33:33 from this western cultural mindset,
33:35 we read that and we think of, you know,
33:36 belly deep alfalfa, you know.
33:38 You know, this beautiful open field of
33:41 just beautiful green pastures.
33:42 But it's interesting, when you consider something
33:45 like this through the eyes of the culture
33:47 in which David would have delivered this.
33:50 Green pastures was not belly deep alfalfa.
33:53 Green pastures in that particular culture
33:55 actually existed.
33:56 And in fact, you can go over to Israel right now
33:58 and there's a place south of Israel,
34:00 in fact, south of Jerusalem
34:01 in the southern region of Israel
34:03 called Green Pastures.
34:04 And if you could go out and look at it,
34:06 it's literally this dry, rocky, desolate hillside that
34:10 when you look at it's like, "All I see is rocks,"
34:12 but you will see droves and droves
34:14 and flocks and flocks of sheep with their shepherds.
34:16 And it's like, "What are these sheep eating?
34:19 Are they rock eating sheep?"
34:20 You know, it's like,
34:22 what this place actually exists,
34:23 it's called Green Pastures.
34:25 And it's amazing when you consider the truth
34:27 that this shepherd is leading these sheep
34:30 along what appears to be this dry, desolate,
34:32 rocky hillside that has no, you know, no greenery,
34:37 no alfalfa, nothing to eat.
34:39 But yet, if you look at the terrain,
34:41 you will see there's a sprig here,
34:42 there's a sprig there,
34:44 there's a sprig here every so many feet.
34:45 And it's a powerful lesson that when you see, for example,
34:48 Psalm 23, and other passages of scripture through the eyes
34:52 of a particular culture like Israel,
34:54 God is teaching us a powerful lesson
34:55 and in this case, it's that...
34:57 Here's the lesson, Green Pastures,
34:59 the shepherd will get you what you need for right now.
35:02 He will lead you along. He will take care of you today.
35:05 Don't worry about tomorrow
35:07 'cause tomorrow will worry about itself.
35:08 But see the Bible and culture.
35:11 How do we put it in proper perspective?
35:12 Allow God to lead you and to be able to transcend
35:16 this gospel in all cultures.
35:17 Amen. Amen.
35:19 Thank you, Ryan. Wow.
35:20 Mine is "Our Sinful and Fallen Nature."
35:24 And the scripture, I really want to center
35:26 in on is John 12:42-43.
35:30 It says, "Nevertheless,
35:31 among the chief rulers also many believed on Him,
35:35 but because of the Pharisees, they did not confess Him,
35:38 lest they should be put out of the synagogue,
35:42 for they love the praise of men more than the praise of God."
35:47 They'd love to praise the men more than God.
35:49 So the question that is asked here
35:52 in the quarterly is what kept the man
35:55 and this passage from accepting the truth
35:58 of the biblical message?
36:00 It kind of explains it here but sometimes it's really easy,
36:03 Brother Kenny, when we're looking at scripture
36:06 to try to kind of judge other people and say,
36:09 "Oh, man, I don't know, you can see.
36:11 They should have done this or they should have done that."
36:13 But I kind of want to center in today,
36:16 not only talk about answer,
36:17 why did the men in the scripture
36:19 not accept the truth as to maybe
36:21 why we not accept the truth?
36:23 Now some of us as Seventh-day Adventists,
36:25 we kind of see ourselves differently,
36:27 and we feel like, well, we have the truth.
36:30 But there's a lot of things lacking in our church as well.
36:33 And personally, that I want to talk about,
36:35 I've actually listed about seven things.
36:37 So this can include everybody.
36:40 If you're alive and listening to this human being,
36:43 then this is going to include you, right?
36:45 So now, what kept these men... What keeps us from...
36:50 In this passage from accepting the truth of the Bible message?
36:53 One is self preservation or fear.
36:56 It says here, I'm sure some of these guys
36:58 didn't want to lose their high positions, right?
37:01 They didn't want to lose their, maybe their high pay,
37:04 maybe their credibility and their community.
37:07 So I could ask the question is,
37:09 do you think this is a problem today,
37:11 with Christians today, with people today,
37:14 that maybe we reject truth,
37:17 because of self preservation, may be from fear?
37:20 How about religious hypocrisy?
37:22 I don't see any of that today, right?
37:24 Believing one thing and teaching another
37:26 that's kind of what these guys did.
37:27 They heard Jesus and believed it,
37:29 but they taught something else.
37:31 So today there are many pastors,
37:33 for instance,
37:35 who believe in the Seventh-day Sabbath,
37:37 but they won't preach it because they're afraid
37:40 of their positions in their churches,
37:43 and many have.
37:44 Now thankfully, many accepted but many don't.
37:48 So number three, I listed as lack of commitment to truth.
37:53 Other words, needing a spiritual backbone.
37:56 So not being settled in truth,
37:58 but being swayed by every wind of doctrine.
38:01 So men not willing to take a stand for right,
38:04 you and me again,
38:05 we're talking about these guides in the scripture.
38:07 But what about you and made today?
38:09 Where do we stand on some of these things?
38:11 You know, Ellen White makes this
38:13 beautiful statement that says,
38:14 "The greatest want in the world today is men
38:19 who will not be," help me, "bought or sold."
38:22 The greatest one in the world today is
38:25 God is looking for men who will not be bought
38:28 nor sold for the gospel, but those...
38:31 So number four,
38:32 I've kind of grouped these together.
38:34 I hesitated, I thought maybe I should do it separately.
38:38 But I went ahead and grouped them
38:39 together pride/rebellion.
38:43 How does that work?
38:45 No doubt some were not willing to submit to Jesus.
38:48 And we can think about our own selves today
38:50 but in this scriptures, these people, chief leaders,
38:53 it says in the church,
38:54 they were not willing to submit to Jesus
38:56 because He was considered an uneducated layman.
38:59 Well. All right.
39:02 He was considered an uneducated layman.
39:03 So now why are you going to be
39:05 going to the school of the Pharisees
39:07 and listen to an uneducated layman?
39:09 Jesus did not attend
39:10 the theological universities of the day.
39:13 He wasn't, and He wasn't even an ordained Pharisee, right?
39:16 He couldn't even get in that way.
39:18 I have no doubt that
39:19 if Jesus had chosen to come to earth in 2020,
39:23 the same way He came 2,000 years ago,
39:27 He would not be allowed to even teach
39:29 in some of our universities or preach on
39:31 some of our campus churches.
39:33 Why not?
39:34 Because some of the same reasons today,
39:36 pride and selfishness, many members and leaders,
39:39 I'm not talking about just church leaders,
39:40 I'm talking about all of us, leaders, right?
39:43 The word rejected him then and they're rejecting now.
39:46 Many theologians today would,
39:49 don't even believe in the six day creation week.
39:51 They would take issue with Jesus on this, right?
39:53 If Jesus were here today,
39:55 they'd say "What do you know about this?
39:57 You know, because this is the way I see it.
39:59 This is the politically correct way to do it.
40:02 So they would dispute Him on that.
40:04 Some would dispute Him
40:05 on the sixth and seventh commandments
40:07 including same sex marriage and abortion as outdated
40:11 and not relevant in today's society, right?
40:15 Say we pride ourselves today
40:16 on how smart the human race really is.
40:19 And based on what?
40:21 On technological strides,
40:23 but in reality the smarter we appear in man's eyes,
40:26 the dumber we get spiritually.
40:28 Do I need to say that again?
40:30 Smarter we get in man's eyes,
40:32 the dumber we get spiritually, why?
40:34 Because we tend to become too self reliant.
40:37 That's right. Right?
40:39 Become self reliant, but for...
40:41 and rely on our own capabilities
40:43 of life on planet earth.
40:45 When in fact is, we need a savior to save us
40:49 from the destruction that is sure to come.
40:52 Now five, compromise.
40:56 Well, I mean whichever is haven't done it.
40:58 He who is without sin,
41:00 casts the first stone, compromise.
41:02 This is a big one today,
41:04 maybe even bigger than in Jesus' day.
41:06 I doubt the apostles and disciples of Jesus
41:09 could have foreseen the Ten Commandments
41:11 becoming irrelevant
41:13 to the followers of Christ in 2020.
41:15 I mean, constantly, we're doing away,
41:17 chipping away at one and another and another.
41:20 I mean, who would have thought the followers of Christ back
41:23 then the fourth commandment would be replaced,
41:26 at least attempted to be replaced by a theology,
41:30 by a Christian church, an early Christian church,
41:32 and to change it from Saturday to Sunday.
41:35 Again, we mentioned the other, but who would have thought that
41:38 tradition from this church or who would have thought,
41:41 I'll make a jump to this, same sex marriage again,
41:43 and abortion would become law of the land.
41:46 Now that's one thing,
41:47 but it would be supported by church leaders
41:49 and acceptable lifestyle in many Christian churches.
41:53 I hope that's not your church or my church,
41:55 I know it's not our church
41:57 'cause Pastor John wouldn't allow it.
41:58 That's right. So thank you, Pastor John.
42:01 Many Christian schools
42:02 and health institutions have compromised
42:05 their mission in exchange
42:06 for financial support of the government.
42:09 We're talking about compromise right here for that.
42:11 Not any names, but think about it,
42:13 we have a mission and the reason
42:15 for the health message is to reach the world
42:17 and teach them about Jesus and Him crucified,
42:19 and His soon coming,
42:21 but sometimes we set up these institutions
42:24 and we get away from God, we get away from the Bible,
42:27 because we don't get enough financial aid
42:29 if we don't compromise and do as the government
42:34 would have us to do.
42:36 All of the above
42:38 is not only a compromise to God's Word,
42:41 I wrote down,
42:42 it's open rebellion to God's Ten Commandment laws.
42:45 Now sixth, you hit on culture.
42:47 So I put culture and I slash tradition.
42:50 Satan has seduced many of our members
42:53 through culture, and or tradition,
42:55 placing them above the Word of God
42:57 when it comes to action, dress, lifestyle,
43:00 religion, politics, racial bigotry,
43:03 and in many churches as late as the 1960s,
43:07 many Christian churches
43:08 would not allow blacks to worship with them
43:11 on a given Saturday or Sunday.
43:13 Isn't that amazing?
43:15 Christian, we're a Christian churches,
43:17 Christ like, to be Christ like, to follow Jesus.
43:20 But what do we do? Compromise, because why?
43:24 Politics, it's not politically correct.
43:26 Number seven, politics.
43:28 In the last three years,
43:29 isn't that interesting, it just came up with it.
43:31 Isn't it interesting in the last three years,
43:33 I've seen more division in the church over politics
43:36 than on almost anything else.
43:39 I say more posts on Facebook and Twitter and Social Media,
43:42 from church members about their political beliefs
43:45 than they do about their beliefs in Jesus,
43:47 their religious beliefs.
43:49 I'm ashamed to say that
43:50 I've even seen numerous members,
43:52 using Facebook to encourage
43:54 other members to vote for politicians
43:56 who endorse same sex marriage and abortion and justifying it
44:00 because they hate the other side.
44:03 This would be like church members
44:04 voting in favor of a politician ready to pass
44:08 a national Sunday law because we justify it
44:11 'cause we don't like the other side.
44:12 Two wrongs don't make right.
44:14 My thing is why should we spend so much time promote...
44:18 Why shouldn't we be spending more time
44:20 promoting Jesus on social media than political sides?
44:23 Man's governments will always be corrupt.
44:27 Why fall into this trap that the devil has for us
44:30 of campaigning for either side.
44:32 It's a huge distraction by the devil to take us away
44:36 from the Word of God.
44:37 So self-preservation, religious hypocrisy,
44:41 lack of commitment to truth,
44:43 pride, rebellion, compromise, culture, politics,
44:47 and wanting to praise a man is nothing new,
44:50 it started in heaven, right?
44:52 Satan said, "I shall be like the Most High," right?
44:56 I shall be. Are we all guilty of this?
44:58 Yes, at times we are.
45:00 I'm running out of time,
45:01 I had a lot more but here's the good news.
45:03 I'm gonna go down to the good news.
45:05 There's only one way to overcome our sinful nature.
45:08 And that is we accept Jesus Christ
45:10 as Lord and Savior of our lives.
45:12 We come to the foot of the cross,
45:14 we confess our sins, He is faithful
45:16 and just to forgive us from our sins,
45:18 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
45:20 Amen. Amen.
45:21 Praise the Lord.
45:23 I believe he hit it on the head, don't you?
45:25 We could probably wrap it up
45:26 and we'd have plenty of food for thought.
45:27 Thank you for that.
45:29 Yeah, it makes us think, doesn't it?
45:30 In these lessons, you know, we've covered
45:32 quite a few different areas right here,
45:34 but yet they've all come together.
45:36 And it has to do with mine, you know,
45:38 we're on lesson number six, certainly on Thursday.
45:40 Why Interpretation is Important?
45:43 Well, it's been covered several different times,
45:45 but it'd be good I guess,
45:46 I assumed to go over it once again and be reminded.
45:49 For instance, if somebody asked you
45:51 a question right now, as a Christian,
45:53 what's the most important question
45:55 that the Bible deals with?
45:57 I got a feeling we'd get quite a few different answers.
46:00 But probably most of us as Christians we might have,
46:02 it might have something to do with the plan of salvation.
46:05 It may be of Lord, what must I do to be saved?
46:09 You know, because you look
46:11 a lot of the other issues that may not be that which,
46:13 you know, it centers our eternal salvation.
46:15 But if we ask ourselves that question,
46:17 what would be, you know, our response to that?
46:19 We ask the question, then we look for a response.
46:21 And I asked the same question to myself,
46:23 "Lord, what must I do to be saved?
46:25 What is the importance
46:27 of the interpretation of scripture?
46:28 How important really is it?" It's life and death.
46:31 So the whole issue we've been talking about here,
46:33 if everyone that I've heard here,
46:34 you really put it on the line,
46:36 you may not have said it, but it's life and death issue,
46:38 that we interpret scripture the way
46:40 that it's supposed to be interpreted.
46:42 What really matters if you think about it,
46:45 from the very beginning of time or in our own personal life,
46:49 to the very end of life what really matters?
46:54 Well, Jesus said it like this in Matthew 16:26.
46:57 He made it very clear.
46:58 He said, "What should a man profit,"
47:00 if he should what?
47:02 "Gain the whole world and lose his own soul,
47:05 or what shall a man..."
47:07 Notice this one?
47:08 What shall a man give in exchange for," what?
47:11 "For his soul."
47:13 I've thought about that question.
47:14 I just can't come up with something.
47:16 You know, I mean, it's pretty heavy duty
47:17 and you may
47:19 and this has ever been the ambition,
47:22 you know, the plot of the enemy is to get a man to think down
47:26 to what are you going to give in exchange for your soul?
47:29 What is it that's really important to us?
47:31 The enemy says, "I'll give you that thing,
47:32 whatever it might be to pull you away from Christ."
47:34 Proper interpretation of scripture,
47:36 "What shall a man give for exchange for his soul?"
47:39 It's, to me it's a question
47:42 where there's no adequate answer.
47:46 I maybe wrong with that, somebody would come up,
47:48 naturally come up with thing
47:50 but there's no real adequate answer.
47:51 What would you give in exchange for your soul?
47:53 So why is the interpretation important?
47:56 That's what this whole lesson is about.
47:58 Why is it important?
47:59 What if we interpret the Bible in a wrong way?
48:03 Maybe that's simple to put it, you know, what's so important,
48:06 why should we inter...
48:07 What if we interpreted it the wrong way?
48:10 There's our life depended upon how we interpret scripture.
48:13 You know, it's important that
48:15 we come up with the right answers,
48:17 or is it, it's very important if we come up
48:20 with false interpretations of scripture.
48:22 So salvation certainly has something to do with it,
48:25 life and death issue.
48:27 John 7:17 says this, I like this.
48:29 It says, "If any man will do," what?
48:32 "If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine,
48:38 whether it be of God or whether it be," what?
48:40 "That I speak of myself?"
48:42 So notice that there's something
48:43 here very important, if any man will do His will.
48:45 How can I know what's been said here?
48:47 How can I know if this scripture,
48:49 if I'm reading it, if it's correct,
48:50 and if it's right?
48:52 Well, John says, he says, "If any man will do His will,
48:55 he shall know of the doctrines."
48:57 So it's not something God has put out there
48:59 that's what's impossible for us to figure out.
49:02 You will know the will, but if you look at that,
49:05 there to me is a prerequisite here, right?
49:08 If any man will,
49:09 if any man another translation says,
49:11 if a man wishes, you have to wish
49:13 or you have to want, right to begin with.
49:16 But the other is, if you ask,
49:18 "Lord, I want to know what truth is.
49:20 I want to receive more light, the more fresh light,
49:23 whatever it might be."
49:24 The seeker of this is the seeker
49:27 must be willing to follow that light.
49:30 Would that be true?
49:31 I mean, why ask for more light
49:32 if you're not willing, People say,
49:34 "I'm praying for light all the time."
49:35 You know, I want to know God's will
49:37 and then you present God's will,
49:38 first of all, God's will for each one of us
49:40 is to be saved in the kingdom.
49:42 But then, are we willing to accept that
49:45 light as God shines that light upon our path.
49:48 After all, in John 8:12,
49:50 Jesus simply says, whoo, I am what?
49:53 "I am the light of the world."
49:56 Are we willing to accept Christ?
49:58 I had somebody put a text or something one time on there.
50:00 And they simply said, "You know what?
50:02 There's a lot more important things
50:03 to talk about that things that might separate us,
50:05 you know, in the Word of God,
50:07 we need to talk more about Jesus.
50:10 You know, and I love that.
50:11 And I'd like to address that someday
50:13 is this and I will, is to talk more about Jesus
50:15 because that's exactly what we've been doing here.
50:19 We've been talking about Jesus'
50:21 approach to the interpretation of scripture.
50:23 We've been talking about the life of Jesus Christ.
50:26 We've been talking about what He talked about.
50:28 And what He related, what He lived out in His life.
50:32 So that is very, very important.
50:33 Now it might come to touchy subjects
50:38 and then that's where people get a little squeamish,
50:39 you know, they don't want to follow that.
50:42 So maybe the big question for us today is what?
50:46 And I've heard it over, what is truth?
50:49 Wouldn't that be the big punch?
50:50 Yeah. What is truth?
50:53 That's a common subject matter of,
50:56 it's complicated to many people
50:58 because there are so many different positions to take.
51:02 Why is that?
51:04 You know, the Bible's, you know,
51:05 the Bible gives a very clear what the position of, you know,
51:09 the Word of God is on different subject
51:11 that people say there's just so many here,
51:12 I can't quite figure it out.
51:14 Why?
51:16 Why is it that they can't figure it out?
51:18 Could it be that they don't want it, number one?
51:20 Could it be because you mentioned here,
51:22 it might change their life,
51:23 it might change their perspective,
51:25 it might change their job.
51:26 It might change a lot of things in our life,
51:27 they're not really ready for that change.
51:30 And then this, well,
51:31 we just can't figure out what truth is.
51:33 It becomes an excuse for them, not having any part
51:36 or any part of a Christian home,
51:39 or accepting Christ as their personal Savior.
51:41 And they just leave the whole ball of wax we'd say.
51:44 They leave it and they just go out
51:45 'cause they say we can't figure it out anymore.
51:47 But I don't believe that God would give us anything
51:49 that we can't figure out right, line upon line,
51:51 precept upon precept, praise God for that.
51:54 Theological error.
51:57 How long has theological error's been with us?
51:59 Well, maybe from the beginning,
52:03 I'll just say that it has always been in churches.
52:06 It's always been in the church.
52:08 And, you know, how did it come into the church?
52:11 Simply by the false interpretation of scripture.
52:15 That's how it came in. And sometime because, whoo!
52:19 Some of us who are watchmen on the walls of Zion
52:22 haven't given that trumpet a certain sound.
52:25 Yeah.
52:26 There's nothing more irritating,
52:28 I think, it doesn't bother me
52:29 'cause my ears not that good at music.
52:31 But I understand that people who have good ears
52:33 and they're really in tune with thing,
52:34 when someone's flat and someone is sharp, it hurts.
52:39 Am I okay to saying that?
52:40 It hurts their ears, it might not hurt mine,
52:43 I'll just say "Well, I don't sound quite right."
52:44 But people who really got it tuned up,
52:46 you know, it hurts their ears.
52:49 And so when I hear things
52:50 that are untruth in scripture, it hurts.
52:52 That's right.
52:54 It hurts the mind, it hurts the ears,
52:56 not just because of who's right and who's wrong,
52:58 it's because it's leading someone down the wrong path.
53:02 And then these are life and death issues.
53:05 Our lesson asks the question
53:07 is how clear understanding of scripture...
53:09 How important is it? I wish we had time, we don't.
53:12 In Nehemiah, if we go to Nehemiah Chapter 8,
53:14 I'm getting to the very first question
53:16 of the lesson, isn't it sad?
53:17 It's time to move out.
53:19 But you know what if you've read
53:20 the Book of Nehemiah Chapter 8, what happened?
53:22 Your interpretation of scripture.
53:24 Notice, what it says right there.
53:26 And all the people gathered together.
53:27 I'm looking for the churches
53:28 willing to do what these people did.
53:30 They came together, and they listened
53:32 to the Word being read to them five and six hours at a whack.
53:36 Now, did that mean they just read the Word of God?
53:38 All the people come out,
53:40 all of them got excited in the street,
53:41 and they said, "We want to hear the Word.
53:43 Praise God.
53:45 I'd like to hear somebody come up and say
53:46 "I want to hear the Word today."
53:47 Amen. In fact the people did that.
53:49 And they were willing to stay in there for hours
53:51 but what happened with it?
53:52 It just wasn't put out there and read to them.
53:55 They would read for a little while
53:56 whether be an hour or two,
53:58 whatever it might be and then they would stop,
54:00 and then the interpretation,
54:02 right interpretation of the scripture
54:03 made by the Levites, whatever, would be given to the people
54:06 so that they could fully do what?
54:08 They could certainly understand it.
54:10 In verse 8 there, if you read Nehemiah 8,
54:13 read verses 1-3, and then verse 8
54:16 is just really powerful there in Nehemiah.
54:18 It says, "So they read in the book,
54:21 the law of God," I like that, "distinctly and gave the sense
54:26 and cause them to understand the reading."
54:31 You know, a guy come out to church one day and he said,
54:33 "Wasn't that one of the best sermons
54:35 you ever heard?"
54:36 Now wasn't me preaching, was somebody else.
54:39 And I said, "Well, I..." That was pretty deep.
54:42 It's hard for me to understand it.
54:43 You know, I didn't want to discourage
54:44 and I said, "Well, what did he say?
54:46 What did you gather from this?"
54:48 He said, "You know what, I'm not really sure.
54:50 I'm not really sure what he said.
54:52 But he said it was so deep."
54:54 I just said, "You know, give me simple,
54:56 plain teachings of Jesus Christ.
54:58 It's something that this poor little mind
54:59 can comprehend and understand
55:01 something that truth will come in
55:03 and lie in my heart, in my life,
55:04 that will transform me into the image of Jesus.
55:07 That's my only hope. That's your only hope today.
55:09 That's our only encouragement, is let truth come in.
55:11 It is important about
55:13 the interpretation of scripture.
55:14 And you've heard from the panel here,
55:15 and given some good ideas on how that's accomplished,
55:18 you know, again, accept that God's in control
55:20 and He said, "I'm coming back."
55:22 Just believe that and be ready. Amen.
55:24 Thank you so much, Pastor Kenny.
55:25 What an incredible study.
55:27 The Word of God has life giving power,
55:30 because it is inspired by God Himself.
55:33 Want to give each one of you a moment
55:34 to share something about the lesson, Pastor John.
55:36 Well, "Interpretation and Understanding,"
55:38 I think that's what mine was.
55:40 But the point is because we don't accept it,
55:44 it doesn't mean that it's not required.
55:46 Come on. It's good.
55:47 Amen.
55:49 You know, that reflecting on this just overall study
55:52 of what we're talking about how to interpret scripture,
55:54 you know,
55:55 I just want to be like one of those sheep in Psalm 23.
56:00 I just want to be like one of those sheep
56:02 right now probably that's in the Naqab desert,
56:04 that southern region of Israel that's out there grazing
56:07 on this rocky hillside
56:08 that seems like there's nothing there.
56:10 But depending on the shepherd to lead them
56:12 every way would help me to follow You.
56:15 Amen. Amen. Good.
56:17 Mine was "Our Sinful and Fallen Nature."
56:20 All I want to leave you with is this, John,
56:22 because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
56:25 Amen. Amen.
56:27 Isn't that wonderful? Praise God, that is good.
56:29 I found a little article in Message to Young People 260,
56:32 notice it, and I think it fits in what was said here.
56:35 "Do not read the word
56:36 in the light of a former opinion,
56:39 but with a mind free from prejudice.
56:42 Search it carefully and prayerfully.
56:45 Do not try to make,"
56:46 notice this, "the Word fit your opinion."
56:50 Make it what? "Make opinions fit the Word."
56:54 Amen. Amen. Praise the Lord.
56:55 Thank you all so much
56:57 for your study of the Word of God.
56:58 Pastor Kenny, Pastor Danny, we can say.
57:00 Pastor Ryan and Pastor John, thank you for your study.
57:03 We're so glad that you joined us today
57:06 as well for this study.
57:07 It is important to understand, the Bible is inspired
57:10 but it is just as equally important
57:12 to understand
57:14 how to understand the Word of God,
57:15 and how to interpret the Word of God.
57:18 I want to read a passage from that same section,
57:21 Pastor Kenny, Messages to Young People,
57:24 page 260.
57:25 It's just before the passage that you read.
57:28 "In your study of the Word lay at the door of investigation
57:32 your preconceived opinions,
57:34 and your hereditary and cultivated ideas.
57:37 You will never reach the truth if you studied the scriptures
57:41 to vindicate your own ideas.
57:44 Leave these at the door and with a contrite heart
57:48 go into hear what the Lord has to say to you."
57:51 So that's our appeal to you from 3ABN to you at home,
57:55 leave your preconceived opinions.
57:57 We want to do the same thing at the door
58:00 and go in to hear what the Lord has to say
58:02 to you through His Word.
58:04 Join us next week
58:05 as we continue our study with lesson number seven,
58:08 Language, Text and Context.


Revised 2020-05-07