3ABN Sabbath School Panel

A Message Worth Sharing

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP200038S

00:01 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:02 We're glad to have you,
00:04 glad you've chosen to spend this time with us.
00:06 We're going to be on lesson number 12.
00:08 We're going to be talking about a message worth sharing.
00:12 And absolutely, we have a message worth sharing
00:14 and giving to all the world,
00:15 you'll hear that in this lesson.
00:17 So I know you want to stay tuned with us.
00:19 And even though it's coming to the end of these lessons,
00:21 you still may not have those guides yet.
00:23 And I'm just going to encourage you
00:25 to go ahead and get those.
00:26 And the reason I'm going to encourage you
00:28 because maybe you've missed quite a few
00:29 or maybe you don't have them still yet,
00:30 but you can go back and get those
00:32 and then you can study all of these lessons,
00:34 which will be a blessing to you.
00:36 You can get those by downloading them
00:38 at absg.Adventist.org.
00:41 That's absg.Adventist.org
00:45 and get those lessons and study right along.
00:48 We're eager and excited about this lesson
00:50 and we're very excited that you've joined us.
00:53 Stay right with us. We'll be right back.
01:27 Thank you once again
01:28 for joining us here at 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
01:31 Again it's a delight
01:32 that you've chosen to study with us today.
01:34 Again, we're on lesson number 12,
01:36 get everything that you need and get it together
01:37 because it's going to move rather quickly.
01:39 As we begin we're going to talk about a message worth sharing.
01:43 And as I've studied this lesson,
01:44 it is a message worth sharing.
01:46 In fact, it's to go into all the world
01:48 and I'm excited about that.
01:50 So again, welcome back and introduce the panel.
01:53 On to my left, Brother Ryan Day.
01:54 Glad to have you. Man, I'm excited to be here.
01:57 Going to be diving deep into the Book of Revelation,
01:59 my favorite book.
02:01 Oh, praise God.
02:02 And you have on your left there,
02:03 Pastor John Lomacang, nice.
02:05 That's right.
02:06 See, as Ryan just said, when you step into Revelation,
02:09 remember it says I John saw.
02:11 Yes.
02:15 Sounds good to me.
02:16 And on your left sister, Sister Jill Morikone.
02:20 Thank you so much, Pastor Kenny.
02:21 Excited about the study today.
02:23 And who do you have on your left there?
02:25 It's like the new kid on the block they say, right?
02:26 Yay!
02:29 Jason Bradley. Yeah, Jason Bradley.
02:31 Yes.
02:32 And happy to go on this journey.
02:33 Amen.
02:35 We're glad to have you, Jason.
02:36 Thank you so much for joining us.
02:37 I know God's going to give you some good insight.
02:39 And each one of you here, as we go through this lesson.
02:42 We need to have prayer.
02:43 There's power in prayer, right?
02:45 We've been learning that in these lessons,
02:46 have we not?
02:47 Brother Jason, since you're here today,
02:49 would you offer prayer for us?
02:50 Absolutely. Absolutely.
02:51 Dear Heavenly Father,
02:53 we thank You for the wonderful opportunity
02:54 and privilege to study Your Word.
02:56 And now we just ask for Your Holy Spirit to lead,
02:58 guide and direct us into all truths.
03:00 In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
03:02 Amen. Praise the Lord.
03:04 Okay, we'll go
03:05 to the Sabbath afternoon's lesson there,
03:07 we go to the memory text.
03:08 Again this probably will be shared
03:10 several different times.
03:12 But I'm telling you, the more we hear it,
03:13 the more we're going to settle into our hearts and our minds,
03:16 and that we'll be able to recall that
03:18 when God calls us to share it with someone else.
03:21 Our memory text,
03:22 it again is found in Revelation14:6 and 7.
03:27 Revelation 14:6 and 7, it reads like this, it said,
03:30 "Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven,
03:33 flying,
03:34 having the everlasting gospel
03:36 to preach to those who dwell on the earth,
03:39 every nation, tribe, tongue, and people,
03:42 saying with a loud voice,
03:43 'Fear God and give glory to Him,
03:46 for the hour of His judgment has come,
03:49 worship Him who made heaven and earth,
03:51 and the sea and springs of water."
03:54 What a familiar passage of scripture
03:56 that should be to each one of us.
03:58 We should have not only just read it,
04:00 we should have be studying that
04:02 in this hour that we are living in.
04:05 The key to Sabbath afternoon,
04:07 in my opinion is studying the key
04:08 is simply Christ death was meant for all people.
04:13 The message was meant to go into all the world.
04:17 And as our text said,
04:18 every nation, and every kindred,
04:19 and every tongue, and every people,
04:22 that's the good news.
04:23 That's the gospel of salvation.
04:26 That's the good news of Jesus Christ,
04:28 who came to deliver us from the penalty of sin.
04:33 That's to me, that's just good news today.
04:35 We have a Redeemer, we have a Savior,
04:36 we have a second chance, right,
04:39 to get things right by the grace of God
04:41 and, of course, those goes on by His grace.
04:43 Praise God for that.
04:44 Book of Revelation was written
04:46 as this passage come from Revelation 14,
04:49 especially for the end time people.
04:52 We know that and so we should be studying
04:54 and encourage other people to study it to.
04:57 Not only is that Revelation a prophecy
04:59 and things that are come to pass,
05:01 but it just really points in,
05:03 it's a revelation of Jesus Christ.
05:05 We find Jesus in the Book of Revelation.
05:08 Let no one fool you
05:09 and try to throw you off from that.
05:10 You find Jesus, you find what's happening,
05:12 you know, even in the world today
05:14 if you're a little confused what's going on,
05:15 get into the Book of Daniel and Revelation,
05:17 God's going to help you to understand that.
05:19 We have a message to give to the world,
05:21 a message worth sharing.
05:24 And I believe that with all of my heart,
05:25 you know in Sunday's lesson
05:28 it's titled "Peter's Present-Truth Message."
05:32 Now, again, this should not be anything
05:34 that would upset anyone
05:35 because there's such thing as present truth,
05:38 you know, and we need to find out
05:39 what present truth is
05:41 and there's times that needs to be interwoven
05:42 with the messages that God gives
05:44 His people here in these last days.
05:46 Why?
05:47 Because God has from,
05:48 we know from the very beginning sent special messages,
05:51 special points and periods of time,
05:54 and it was always to prepare people
05:56 for what was coming on this earth.
05:58 Aren't you glad we have a friend?
06:00 Aren't you glad we have someone, right,
06:02 who sits in the authority, right, on the throne
06:05 and lets us know what soon to take place,
06:07 what's taking place even now, in this world, all the stuff.
06:11 We can have peace
06:12 knowing that Jesus is on the throne.
06:15 So don't be surprised.
06:16 So don't be caught.
06:17 We don't need to be caught off guard.
06:19 Because the Bible said
06:20 more passage of scripture is mentioned so many times.
06:22 Amos 3:7, the Bible is just simply says,
06:27 Surely the Lord God," would do what everything?
06:29 Nothing. Oh, thank you. Okay.
06:31 "He will do nothing," notice this,
06:33 "but He revealeth His secrets" unto whom?
06:36 "His servants the prophets."
06:39 This is the promise,
06:40 you know, get in and get a hold of that promise.
06:42 God said, "I'm not going to do anything
06:44 until I let you know first,
06:47 and then I'm going to reveal it."
06:48 Now it's up to you to accept that revelation or not.
06:51 But God said, "I'm going to reveal it.
06:52 I don't want you caught off guard.
06:54 I don't want you to be fooled.
06:55 I don't want you to be deceived.
06:57 You know, I want you to know so that you can be prepared.
07:00 And then once you get prepared,
07:02 then you can help what?
07:03 Prepare others by the grace and strength
07:05 and the power of hope of God."
07:07 Our lesson brings out several examples
07:09 of what we just talked about of God warning
07:12 before the event took place.
07:14 For instance before the flood,
07:16 these are to say maybe simple things
07:18 but man, they just hit home
07:20 and they certainly hit the example for us.
07:22 Before the flood God sent a message through who?
07:24 Through Noah, did He not?
07:26 Basically that a flood was going to come,
07:28 the world was going to be destroyed.
07:31 Now did He do it before the flood came?
07:33 Absolutely.
07:34 You know Genesis 6,
07:36 you can read more about that when you have time.
07:38 Number two there's another one, Joseph.
07:40 Joseph was raised to,
07:42 you know at the time to prepare for that seven years
07:44 you remember, yeah, of plenty
07:46 because there was going to be,
07:47 you know, some rough times ahead.
07:49 So he was there forecast before
07:52 in the Word of God.
07:53 Joseph, I read one time where it said
07:55 Joseph became the savior of Egypt
07:57 in the right way.
07:59 He was the man of the hour in Genesis 41:3, notice this,
08:04 the prophets
08:05 and, of course Jesus Himself
08:07 talked about the destruction of Jerusalem.
08:11 Man, it says, don't be deceived.
08:13 You need to know these things are going on,
08:14 Matthew 24.
08:16 And then along comes John the Baptist.
08:18 Praise God for John the Baptist.
08:19 He gave a message that we need today still yet,
08:23 but he gave a message of repentance,
08:25 to prepare people for Jesus' first coming.
08:28 So don't you believe along with me
08:29 that we need to hear of that today?
08:31 It's the message that Jesus is coming
08:33 the second time,
08:34 it's we need to repent and get ourselves right,
08:36 Matthew Chapter 3, because Jesus is coming.
08:39 We believe that God has given a special message
08:43 for these last days for the world.
08:46 It's going to test and it's going to prepare
08:49 a people to meet Him.
08:50 And it's called as we read in our memory text,
08:53 the three angels' message of Revelation 14.
08:55 We talk about powerful words of Scripture,
08:59 this message and other important truths,
09:02 I believe can be called present truth.
09:04 This is what we're talking about,
09:06 present truth that can be called that.
09:07 2 Peter 1:12.
09:10 It simply says,
09:11 we need to be established in what?
09:13 In present truth. We need to know.
09:15 In other words, we need to understand
09:17 the hour that we're living in
09:18 and we've been studying here
09:20 that God always before sent what?
09:22 He sent a warning.
09:23 So He's sending warnings today before the events take place
09:27 so that we can know.
09:28 And so this would be present truth,
09:30 at least in my opinion, this is present truth.
09:33 And then, of course, you read in the 2 Peter 1:19.
09:37 It simply says,
09:38 because we have a more sure word of prophecy,
09:43 since the Word of God is sure, right?
09:45 As His throne is sure,
09:47 these things are going to take place
09:49 whether you accept it or not, whether you believe it or not,
09:51 or may I say nicely, whether you want it or not.
09:54 These things are going to happen
09:55 and we need to make sure that we read the Word
09:58 and get ready for these things that are taking place.
10:01 You know, question maybe could be asked,
10:04 they said are the truths
10:06 or the doctrines we hold today present truth?
10:09 There's been discussions about these things.
10:11 Well, we can present truth
10:13 and everybody might have their own little take
10:14 and so on about present truth,
10:16 and really what encompasses present truth?
10:19 Well, I found something in 2 Testimonies 355.
10:22 I pray that would be a blessing to you
10:24 and maybe give a little more than part knowledge,
10:26 the things that maybe we need to be focusing on
10:29 along with lot of other but notice this,
10:31 "We believe," starts out,
10:34 "We believe without a doubt that Christ is soon coming."
10:39 We believe without a doubt that Christ is coming.
10:42 There's no doubt in my mind.
10:44 It's coming
10:45 because it's just that's a sure word we know.
10:47 "This is not a fable to us.
10:50 It is a reality,"
10:52 notice this, "we have no doubt neither, "
10:55 notice this, "have we,"
10:57 notice, "a doubt about present truth
10:59 for these years,"
11:00 notice this, "the years that we've had,
11:02 the doctrines that we hold today,
11:04 are present truth."
11:05 Maybe that's the bottom line.
11:07 The doctrines that we hold today
11:09 as a movement
11:10 could be classified and put into present truth.
11:13 Because do we need all of these?
11:15 Absolutely.
11:16 We need all of these messages today to warn the world.
11:19 Why?
11:20 Because we are preparing to meet Jesus
11:23 in the clouds of glory.
11:24 Not going to go through all of the messages,
11:26 but you've turned your Bible
11:27 already to Revelation14:6, 7, 8, 9, and 10
11:30 and so on in there,
11:31 this given the three angels' message.
11:33 I might ask a question,
11:35 you know, as we look at those messages,
11:38 is it paramount that we understand
11:39 that they're present truth.
11:41 If we look at Revelation 14, I thought I'm gonna do
11:43 is just discuss and just touch on
11:45 because there's a lot more discussion
11:46 going to be on these messages.
11:48 But if we said, we saw an angel flying in the midst of heaven,
11:51 there's a message to be given to the world.
11:52 Okay, we just say okay, that's present truth.
11:55 The message is going to be preached to all the world
11:57 that's present truth as far as I'm concerned.
12:00 This angel messenger said with the loud voice, do what?
12:03 Give glory, right, to Him,
12:06 for the hour of His judgment has come.
12:09 God's last day people present truth
12:10 is that we are living what?
12:12 We're living in the hour of God's judgment.
12:15 We are living in this time.
12:17 And if we had a real concept,
12:18 Pastor, at least in my opinion, all of us here,
12:21 it seems like we'd be doing more than we're doing.
12:22 I don't know how people can do maybe some more
12:25 and some of you doesn't seem like you're busy all the time.
12:28 But it seemed like there may be a little more urgency to it
12:30 if we really believe that this is a judgment hour.
12:33 We've been here for many, many years.
12:35 And soon it's going to be over.
12:36 With present truth we need to be hitting on that,
12:38 no doubt.
12:40 And then it says, go back and worship the one
12:41 who made heavens and earth.
12:43 So we realize that we need to go back
12:44 to the beginning,
12:45 and certainly bring forth what?
12:47 Seventh day Sabbath, isn't that right?
12:48 You have to go back to the beginning,
12:50 worship the creator of heaven and earth.
12:51 So to me,
12:52 seventh day Sabbath is present truth.
12:55 And then there follow another angel second
12:57 just simply said, Babylon is fallen,
12:58 is fallen, is fallen why?
13:00 Because she's drunk, we understand it.
13:02 So once this message goes out, and the people hear it,
13:06 should there not be a call to come out of her, my people.
13:11 I believe, I'm just making point,
13:13 this is present truth.
13:14 You just don't give a message and give the truth
13:16 and you just walk away.
13:18 You give a call, you give an urgency,
13:19 and then compel them by the grace
13:21 and the power of the Holy Spirit
13:22 to come and to join in.
13:24 And then, of course, the third angel's message
13:25 in last minute or so here,
13:27 it talks about that,
13:28 you know, if any man worship the beast
13:30 and his image and receive the mark in his hand,
13:32 his forehead, we're in the lost condition.
13:35 To me that is present truth.
13:37 We have an obligation to warn the world,
13:41 what the mark of the beast is,
13:43 what the image of the beast is all about,
13:46 what's taking place in the world today
13:49 that leads us to think not only with Scripture,
13:52 but we see signs of the times are everywhere.
13:56 Think about it, they're everywhere.
13:58 And so we need to grasp hold of these things
13:59 and simply say,
14:00 now we're not saying
14:02 every time, every time, every time.
14:03 But I at least in my opinion when I'm in prayer,
14:06 and again, what I may be impressed with
14:07 may not be what you.
14:09 I know I get some letters and calls,
14:10 I understand that.
14:12 Well, you know, you spend too much time
14:13 on this dooming and glooming.
14:14 You know, you may not be impressed
14:16 what I'm impressed with
14:17 and you may not be impressed what I'm impressed with,
14:19 God impresses each one differently,
14:20 that's what makes it so good and so wonderful
14:22 to have a balanced message.
14:24 And everybody doesn't give it the same way.
14:26 See, I'm starting to get excited about,
14:27 I got to calm down.
14:29 Because I realize, at least in my heart,
14:31 the urgency of this time, why?
14:34 Because our message today, we have a message to give.
14:38 And we need to give it to the world
14:41 and we can only give it with the power,
14:42 the aid of the Holy Spirit.
14:45 This represents a real message that we will be tested on.
14:48 I'm not even getting to all the stuff here.
14:50 But a message that God's people everybody
14:52 will be tested on.
14:54 And we're going to have to match up to that
14:55 by the grace of God
14:57 why we believe the Lord is coming
14:58 and because we believe we have message that's good,
15:01 and we need to give it to the world.
15:02 Preach it, Brother.
15:04 I get excited every time.
15:05 Amen. Well, you got me excited.
15:06 So we got to get excited. Amen.
15:08 Praise the Lord.
15:09 Well, hey, I think you set a great foundation,
15:11 we're talking about in Monday's lesson,
15:13 "Revelation's End-Time Focus."
15:15 Now, there's a lot to be said on this
15:17 in the very little time that we have.
15:20 I'm going to do my best
15:21 to emphasize that end time focus.
15:25 And so the lesson brings out in Monday's lesson
15:27 that while the Second Coming of Jesus
15:32 is referenced and talked about in the gospels,
15:36 it's not a major focus of emphasis.
15:38 In fact, the majority of the focus
15:40 is on Christ first advent.
15:42 Now again, it is referenced it's talked about,
15:44 there are texts in the gospels
15:46 about the Second Coming of Jesus,
15:47 but if you really, really want to find
15:49 what the end time focus is,
15:51 by the time you get
15:52 to these great apocalyptic books
15:54 like Daniel and Revelation,
15:55 and more specifically, in this case,
15:57 the Book of Revelation which means, again,
15:59 Revelation in the original Greek there
16:01 was apocalypses,
16:03 which means a revealing and unveiling
16:05 of this beautiful last day truth
16:07 that Jesus wants to reveal to His people,
16:09 that it's certainly clear
16:11 that one of the great major themes
16:12 throughout the Book of Revelation
16:14 is the Second Coming of Jesus.
16:16 And we want to provide some evidence for that
16:18 and look through some of these passages
16:20 all the way through the Book of Revelation
16:22 that reminds us of why we do evangelism.
16:26 That reminds us of why we're here,
16:28 why we preach the gospel, why we witness,
16:30 why we share Jesus now with a sense of urgency,
16:33 with a sense of appeal,
16:35 with a sense of calling out and crying out
16:37 for people to come to God now.
16:38 So I wanna jump right into the first chapter
16:40 of Revelation.
16:42 And you can see seven verses into this,
16:44 Jesus isn't holding anything back.
16:45 He's letting you know why He's given you
16:47 this last day as Brother Kenny brought out
16:49 present truth
16:51 and this is for sure a present truth message.
16:53 Notice what He says in Revelation 1:7, he says,
16:56 "Behold, He is coming with clouds,
16:59 and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him,
17:04 and all the tribes of the earth will mourn
17:05 because of Him.
17:07 Even so, Amen.
17:08 So I mean, we have literally just walked
17:10 through the front door, we pulled back the screen door,
17:13 we've kicked our shoes off.
17:14 We're trying to get comfortable
17:15 and but we haven't even sat down yet
17:17 and Jesus is already saying, "Hey, let Me remind you,
17:20 I'm coming soon.
17:21 And I'm not just coming soon,
17:23 I'm coming quickly so be ready."
17:25 Another passage in the Book of Revelation
17:27 that is quite fascinating and ironic to me
17:30 is Revelation 6:12-17.
17:33 And this comes within the context
17:35 of the end part of the sixth seal.
17:38 And it's quite interesting when you read these verses,
17:41 because it's literally describing
17:43 the return of Jesus.
17:44 Notice beginning of verse 12,
17:46 all the way through to verse 17.
17:47 It says, I looked when He opened the sixth seal,
17:50 and behold, there was a great earthquake,
17:52 and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair,
17:55 and the moon became like blood
17:57 and the stars of heaven fell from the earth,
17:58 as a fig tree drops
18:00 its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind."
18:03 So this is talking about those signs,
18:04 those great signs that are leading up
18:06 to this great Second Coming event.
18:08 Notice verse 14,
18:09 "Then the sky receded as a scroll
18:12 when it is rolled up,
18:13 and every mountain and island was moved out of its place.
18:16 And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men,
18:20 the commanders, the mighty men,
18:21 every slave and every free man,
18:23 hid themselves in the caves
18:25 and in the rocks and the mountains,
18:27 and it said to the rocks and the mountains,
18:30 'Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him
18:33 who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!
18:35 For the great day of His wrath has come,
18:37 and who is able to stand?' "
18:40 And I find this quite ironic
18:41 because in the original Greek here,
18:43 the word for lamb is the word arnion
18:46 and, of course, the general word
18:48 in the Greek for lamb, for instance in first,
18:50 I think it's John 1:29.
18:52 When John sees Jesus coming "Behold, the Lamb of God
18:54 that takes away, it's the word amnos,
18:56 which is a general,
18:58 there's a lamb, there's a sheep,
18:59 but this here,
19:00 the word arnion is referencing Christ as a baby pet lamb,
19:04 a small little baby lambkin of the first year.
19:07 And so it's interesting that these men in judgment
19:09 we're seeing clearly here
19:11 that they're running as Pastor brought up
19:12 in a previous lesson, I loved it.
19:13 You know, we don't want to be running to the rocks.
19:15 We want to be running from the rocks, right?
19:17 Out of the rocks, they're running to the rocks
19:19 and they're crying, Lord,
19:20 you know, let him fall on us
19:22 and hide us from the face of the baby pet lamb.
19:25 It's just ironic to envision,
19:27 but Jesus has seen all the way through the Book of Revelation
19:30 every time you see the word lamb,
19:31 it is he had seen, John saw Him in vision
19:33 as a baby lambkin,
19:35 a lambkin of the first year
19:36 appeared slain in Revelation 5
19:38 before the throne of God which is an interesting,
19:41 very interesting imagery there and image in your mind,
19:43 but Jesus is the Lamb of God indeed.
19:46 Revelation 11:15, love this text.
19:50 It comes within the context of the Seventh Trump
19:54 I believe it is.
19:56 "Then the seventh angel sounded:
19:57 And there were loud voices in heaven saying,
20:00 'The kingdoms of this world
20:02 have become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ,
20:06 and He shall reign forever.'"
20:08 Again within the context of the Second Coming of Jesus,
20:11 where Jesus is now,
20:12 He has received the kingdom as His own,
20:15 that stone that has come and had filled the whole world
20:18 and has become a great mountain.
20:19 It is referring to the kingdom of Christ
20:21 at His Second Coming, Revelation 14:14-16.
20:26 I'm not gonna spend much time on this one,
20:27 but just to reference
20:28 that this is indeed talking about
20:30 that central theme of focus, the Second Coming of Jesus,
20:33 it says, then I look,
20:35 we're starting with verse 14 in Revelation 14.
20:37 He says, "Then I looked, and behold, a white cloud,
20:39 and on the cloud sat One like the Son of Man,
20:41 having on His head a golden crown,
20:43 and in His hand a sharp sickle.
20:46 And another angel came out of the temple,
20:47 crying with a loud voice to Him who sat on the cloud,
20:51 'Thrust in Your sickle and reap,
20:53 for the time has come for You to reap,
20:57 for the harvest of the earth is ripe.'
20:58 So He that sat on the cloud thrust
21:00 in His sickle on the earth,
21:02 and the earth was reaped.'"
21:04 And, of course, this comes
21:05 right after the proclamation
21:07 of the first, second and third angels' messages.
21:09 We don't have to wonder
21:10 as to who this person is sitting on the cloud,
21:12 who thrust in His sickle to the earth.
21:15 This is Jesus Christ.
21:16 This is the Jesus Christ at His Second Coming.
21:18 Revelation Chapter 19.
21:20 Probably won't spend a lot of time
21:21 on this right here.
21:23 Just simply reference it and reference the fact
21:24 that in Revelation 19:11-16,
21:27 the Bible envisions and pictures Christ
21:30 as coming back on a white horse
21:32 with all of the angels with Him on white horses.
21:35 And it says that right here in verse 16,
21:37 "And He has on His robe
21:39 and on His thigh a name written:
21:40 King of kings and Lord of lords."
21:43 Again, we see this theme
21:45 all the way through the Book of Revelation,
21:47 Christ is constantly reminding us,
21:49 "Hey, I'm coming.
21:51 Hey, get ready, I'm on my way.
21:53 Hey, I'm coming very quickly."
21:55 And so also I think of Revelation Chapter 22.
21:58 If you missed it,
21:59 if you read all the way through the Book of Revelation,
22:01 and you missed this thing.
22:03 All right?
22:04 You missed this theme of the second coming of Jesus.
22:06 Jesus says, "Look, just go all the way
22:08 to the last chapter of the Bible
22:09 and read through that
22:11 in case you missed all that other stuff."
22:12 Let me really emphasize it for you.
22:14 Because not in one, not in two, not in three,
22:16 but four verses in that same chapter.
22:18 He says, "I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming."
22:20 Notice Revelation 22:7,
22:23 He says, "Behold, I am coming quickly!
22:25 Blessed is he who keeps the words
22:27 of the prophecy of this book."
22:29 and then you keep reading through the chapter,
22:30 you get to verse 12.
22:32 "And behold, I am coming quickly,"
22:33 there it is again,
22:35 "and My reward is with Me,
22:36 to give to everyone according to his work."
22:39 And then, of course, verse 17,
22:41 "And the Spirit and the bride say, 'Come!'
22:45 And let Him who here say, 'Come!' "
22:47 Lord, oh, come, Lord,
22:48 we're ready for you to come get us, Lord,
22:50 and take us home.
22:52 And then verse 20, I love this.
22:53 "And he who testifies to these things,
22:56 it says, 'Surely I am coming quickly.'
23:00 Amen.
23:02 Even so, come, Lord Jesus Christ!' "
23:04 So we see very clearly
23:06 all the way through the Book of Revelation,
23:08 Jesus is crying out
23:10 as this great last day present truth message,
23:13 crying out and saying,
23:14 "Look, I'm coming quickly.
23:16 Are you ready?"
23:17 And see, I have to just ask you in closing,
23:19 why do we evangelize?
23:21 I kind of alluded at the beginning
23:23 of this particular lesson that I started.
23:24 But, you know, what is the purpose
23:26 of all of the public evangelistic series
23:28 that we do?
23:30 What about all the small group Bible studies that we do?
23:34 What is the purpose that we go out of our way
23:36 to make sure that this message is proclaimed?
23:40 It's because Jesus is coming soon.
23:42 That's it. That's right.
23:43 We know that He's coming soon.
23:44 And we have to prepare not only ourselves,
23:47 but also others
23:48 and we have to be warning them
23:49 and preaching it with a sense of urgency
23:51 that they need to prepare and know
23:53 that Jesus is to return soon.
23:55 I also find it interesting that all the way
23:56 through the Book of Revelation,
23:58 another theme and other constant theme
24:00 that we see coming up is the sanctuary thing.
24:04 The Book of Revelation is just shrouded
24:07 in sanctuary terminology.
24:09 And if you look at the sanctuary blueprint,
24:11 which we know
24:12 is a blueprint model of salvation,
24:14 the ultimate goal of the progression
24:17 of the sanctuary message
24:18 is that God's people want to be in that Most Holy Place,
24:23 so we can be in the very presence of God.
24:26 God desires His people to be with Him.
24:29 That's why He told Moses,
24:30 "Let them make Me a sanctuary
24:32 that I may dwell among My people."
24:34 And in the Book of Revelation, we see
24:36 that eventually when we get to those latter chapters,
24:38 Jesus comes back, gets His people.
24:40 There's no more need for separation.
24:42 There's no more need for a sanctuary necessarily
24:45 because we are now with Him forever.
24:47 There is no veil.
24:49 There is no separation.
24:50 We want to be in that Most Holy Place.
24:52 We want to have a Most Holy Place experience
24:55 right here in these last days
24:56 and the only way we can do that
24:58 is to prepare for His soon coming.
25:00 Take this gospel serious,
25:01 let the gospel transform us
25:03 and preach it that it may transform others.
25:07 Praise the Lord. I'm already worked up.
25:08 We pray that you are
25:10 by the Holy Spirit power of God.
25:12 We're going to take just a short break
25:13 and then we're going to get right back on Tuesday's lesson,
25:15 stay right with us.
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25:51 Hello and welcome back to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
25:54 Man, we're glad you joined us,
25:55 we're having a good time in the Lord
25:57 on lesson number 12, a message we're sharing.
26:00 I'm going to pass it quickly to Pastor John Lomacang,
26:02 he's going to be talking about
26:03 "Revelation's End-Time Message."
26:06 Revelation's End-Time Message.
26:09 I feel like I need an hour.
26:10 So you guys need to relinquish your time, just joking.
26:13 You know this is a powerful message,
26:15 Revelation, it's the end of the story.
26:18 I feel badly for those churches
26:20 where people are told they can't understand it.
26:24 It's like watching the most amazing,
26:26 engaging production of a movie
26:29 and then somebody just unplugs the television and say,
26:32 well, we have to guess how it ends.
26:34 While the Lord is not going to sneak up on us,
26:37 He wants us to know, as Pastor Kenny said,
26:39 Amos 3:7, "Surely,
26:42 the Lord God does nothing,
26:44 except He revealed His secrets to his servants the prophets."
26:47 There's a component in the Bible of secrecy
26:50 that the Lord has reserved for those who follow Him.
26:52 You know, when the disciples were on the Mount of Olives,
26:55 and Jesus talked about the Second Coming
26:57 in Matthew Chapter 24.
26:59 Then the Bible says,
27:01 "Then His disciples took Him away privately
27:03 and asked Him specific questions,
27:05 tell us when will these things be?
27:07 And what will be the sign of Your coming,
27:09 and of the end of the age?"
27:10 He didn't tell the multitude.
27:12 He doesn't tell
27:13 those who are not His followers.
27:15 He doesn't give out a secrets.
27:16 And you know, the Bible talks about the gospel.
27:18 It has been hidden through the ages,
27:20 but now is revealed.
27:21 Revelation.
27:22 So you see, Revelation is the revealing.
27:24 It is the final curtain call on humanity.
27:28 So I like to look at Revelation Chapter 14,
27:30 in three particulars.
27:32 First of all,
27:34 the three angels' message is a preparation message,
27:38 it's a preparation message.
27:39 Now, why is it so vitally important,
27:42 because Jesus is coming back for the world,
27:44 for God so loved the world.
27:46 He's not coming back just for the church.
27:48 He's coming back for those
27:50 He's given all of humanity and opportunity
27:52 to be a part of His eternal kingdom.
27:54 He's not going to sneak back.
27:56 That's why you have seven trumpets.
27:58 Trumpets are not silent instruments.
28:00 And I know there are many interpretations
28:01 about the trumpets,
28:03 but the trumpets are not silent instruments.
28:05 He wants to blow the trumpet, blow the trumpet in Zion,
28:08 and sound an alarm in my holy mountain.
28:11 He says, if the servant or the watchman sees
28:14 a sword coming,
28:16 he has to blow the trumpet.
28:17 So God has given us as a church
28:18 the responsibility
28:20 of blowing the trumpet of the three angels' messages
28:22 to every nation, every kindred, every tongue, every people.
28:25 Now why is it a preparation message?
28:27 Because the Lord is preparing to come back
28:29 and He wants the world to know I'm coming back.
28:31 Now in Matthew 24,
28:33 we find also that the message of Revelation
28:36 is a prerequisite message.
28:38 Look at Matthew 24:14, you know it by heart,
28:42 I'm laying some foundation, you know it by heart,
28:45 it's a prerequisite,
28:47 and this gospel of the kingdom
28:49 shall be preached in all the world
28:51 for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come.
28:55 It's not ironic or coincidental
28:58 that the three angels' messages is to every nation, kindred,
29:01 tongue and people.
29:02 It's called the...
29:03 This gospel of the kingdom is the everlasting gospel.
29:06 What is the everlasting gospel?
29:08 Salvation by grace through faith in Christ alone.
29:12 We are not saved by works, we are saved for works.
29:16 But the message of salvation, the emancipation, proclamation,
29:19 the entire world needs to know
29:21 that the devil may have bound you,
29:22 but I've come to set you free.
29:24 And if the Son therefore shall make you free,
29:26 you shall be free indeed.
29:27 So it's a message of prerequisite.
29:30 I'm coming, I want everyone to know,
29:33 so that you will have an opportunity to get ready.
29:36 So Matthew 24,
29:37 but then the three angels' messages
29:39 is a prevention message.
29:40 Now go with me to Revelation Chapter 7
29:42 is a prevention message.
29:44 Now what I'm going to do is insert
29:46 right into Revelation Chapter 14,
29:50 we're going to see the connection,
29:52 the contextual connection.
29:54 But if you look at Revelation Chapter 7,
29:56 this shows the prevention aspect of it.
29:59 Verses 1-3,
30:01 "After these things I saw four angels
30:04 standing at the four corners of the earth,
30:07 holding the four winds of the earth,
30:09 that the wind should not blow on the earth, on the sea,
30:13 or on any tree."
30:14 Prevention.
30:16 "Then I saw another angel ascending from the east,
30:18 having the seal of the living God.
30:20 And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels
30:23 to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea."
30:27 Verse 3 talks about the prevention,
30:30 "saying, "Do not harm the earth,
30:32 the sea, or the trees
30:34 till we have sealed the servants of our God
30:37 on their foreheads."
30:38 Don't do, I'm going to prevent you
30:40 from doing anything until I do what I must do.
30:43 It's a prevention message.
30:44 I'm not going to let you harm the earth,
30:45 or the sea, or the trees
30:47 until I've sealed the servants of God
30:48 on their foreheads.
30:49 Let's go to Revelation 9.
30:51 And I'll show you now right after the earth,
30:52 the sea and the trees
30:54 as the Bible talked about
30:55 right after the impact comes to them.
30:58 Notice, the next prevention.
31:00 It's a prevention message.
31:02 Look at Revelation 9:4.
31:05 And by the way, I believe, personally,
31:08 I believe that this talks about the appearing of Satan,
31:11 because when the Bible talks about a star
31:12 that fell from heaven,
31:14 what star do we know in the Bible
31:15 that fell from heaven?
31:16 The only star that fell from heaven,
31:18 O Lucifer, son of the morning,
31:19 how art thou fallen from heaven,
31:21 O, Lucifer, son of the morning?
31:22 Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28.
31:25 Luke 10:18,
31:26 I saw Satan like lightning fall from heaven.
31:29 Revelation 12:7, "He did not prevail,
31:32 but he was cast to the earth
31:33 and his angels were cast out with him."
31:34 If you let the Bible speak for itself,
31:36 this is very clear.
31:38 The only star that could have fallen
31:39 from heaven to the earth is Satan.
31:42 The morning star, Lucifer meant the morning star,
31:45 Jesus is the bright and morning star.
31:48 But let's look what happens.
31:50 After the earth, the sea and the trees
31:51 are impacted politically, socially, financially,
31:55 and religiously
31:56 that preparation work
31:58 for the people of God to be sorted out.
31:59 Notice what happens in verse 4 of Revelation 9,
32:03 "They were commanded
32:04 not to harm the grass of the earth,
32:06 or any green thing or any tree,
32:08 but only those men who do not have
32:10 the seal of God on their forehead."
32:12 Prevention again, don't touch My people.
32:13 Right.
32:15 And so many people apply this
32:16 to what happened during the Dark Ages.
32:18 You know, the Wars of the Muslims
32:20 and the Ottoman Empire.
32:23 You might have some application there.
32:24 However, I believe
32:26 that this has a greater application
32:27 because the sealing work is an end-time work.
32:31 And strangely enough,
32:32 the only place in the Bible
32:34 where we talk about the seal of God,
32:36 the only place in all of the Bible,
32:38 where the seal of God in Revelation
32:40 is mentioned is in verse 4.
32:43 The seal of God,
32:44 it's talked about in Revelation 7,
32:46 but it's talked about here clearly described
32:49 the seal of God on their foreheads.
32:52 So you see once again, a prevention message.
32:54 Now why is the prevention so significant?
32:57 Because Revelation
32:59 is where the two sides now are no longer merging.
33:03 They are on opposite sides.
33:04 They are completely polarized, complete evil on one side,
33:08 complete righteousness on the other.
33:10 And Babylon, let's go to Revelation 18 now.
33:13 Babylon that has boasted of its success
33:17 has to be fully built up
33:19 before it's completely destroyed.
33:22 That's what happened in the Book of Genesis.
33:23 They had to build a tower up before the tower came down.
33:26 And Babylon
33:28 is in its building stages right now.
33:30 It is being built socially, it is being built financially,
33:34 it is being built politically,
33:36 and it's going to finally be built religiously.
33:39 Now that's the entire system of Babylon.
33:42 Because Revelation 18:1 says, verse 1- 3, where it says,
33:47 "Come out of her My people."
33:48 Why does the Lord want His people to come out?
33:51 Because soon if you don't come out,
33:54 you're going to receive her plagues
33:56 and share in her sins.
33:58 But here's the point that's so significant.
34:00 That's why God has given us the responsibility
34:03 of proclaiming this message.
34:05 Because He's saying, you got to get My people out.
34:07 I'm not reforming Babylon.
34:09 I'm destroying Babylon.
34:11 It's not a movement of reformation,
34:13 but a movement of removal.
34:15 I'm bringing this system down.
34:17 There's nothing about it that can be reformed
34:19 because it's a cage of every foul spirit,
34:22 and unclean and hated bird.
34:24 And the devil lives there.
34:27 These unclean spirits dwell there,
34:29 I'm not reforming that system.
34:30 It's at the point of complete corruption.
34:33 I've got to get My people out.
34:34 But now look at Revelation 18:21-23.
34:37 This gives a picture of what happens
34:39 when her sins have reached into heaven
34:41 as Revelation 18:5 makes clear.
34:44 Verse 21-23,
34:46 "Then a mighty angel took up a stone
34:48 like a great millstone
34:50 and threw it into the sea,
34:52 saying,
34:53 'Thus with violence the great city Babylon
34:57 shall be thrown down,
34:59 and shall not be found anymore.'"
35:01 Just as it happened to literal Babylon
35:03 never be inhabited again,
35:05 same thing for spiritual Babylon.
35:06 Let's look at verse 22.
35:09 "The sound of harpists, musicians, flutists,
35:11 and trumpeters
35:13 shall not be heard in you anymore.
35:15 And no craftsman of any craft shall be found in you anymore,
35:20 and the sound of a millstone
35:22 shall not be heard in you anymore."
35:25 What is the millstone needed for?
35:26 To grind out wheat.
35:28 Musicians, all the successes of Babylon.
35:30 Look at verse 23.
35:32 "And the light of a lamp
35:34 shall not shine in you anymore."
35:36 Right now the light is shining. What light is that?
35:38 The light of the gospel.
35:39 It has to shine in Babylon
35:41 so the people in darkness could see it.
35:43 Isaiah 60:1-2.
35:44 In a time of darkness,
35:46 God is saying shine that light
35:48 so that My people in darkness could see it.
35:50 Let's continue in this verse, verse 23,
35:52 "The voice of the bridegroom
35:55 and the bride shall not be heard
35:57 in you anymore."
35:58 Look at the financial system that's coming together today.
36:02 "For your merchants
36:03 were the great men of the earth,
36:05 for by your sorceries all the nations were deceived,
36:10 and in her was found the blood of the prophets
36:12 and the saints
36:14 and all who were slain on the earth."
36:17 Amen. Yes.
36:19 Powerful.
36:20 So... Yeah.
36:22 Food for thought. Right.
36:23 Time to come out of Babylon that's coming down.
36:25 And Revelation's message is a preparation to come out.
36:27 Amen. Amen.
36:29 Thank you so much, Pastor John.
36:31 I always think this is my personal opinion
36:33 but Pastor John,
36:35 nobody preaches the Book of Revelation
36:37 like Pastor John.
36:38 I could listen to you all day on the Book of Revelation
36:41 because he knows this book.
36:42 Thank you.
36:44 I love that preparation message,
36:46 prerequisite message, prevention message.
36:49 I got to study that, that's powerful.
36:51 So we're looking at Wednesday, I forgot my day.
36:54 I got so excited about that.
36:55 Wednesday's lesson which is
36:57 "Understanding God's Message More Fully,"
37:00 specifically the first angel's message.
37:03 So turn with me to Revelation 14,
37:05 Revelation 14:6 and 7.
37:07 We're going to read those two verses.
37:08 We've already read it before, but we'll read it again here.
37:12 "Then I saw," verse 6,
37:14 "another angel having the everlasting gospel,
37:17 to preach to those who dwell on the earth,
37:19 to every nation, tribe, tongue and people."
37:22 So let's look at the messenger.
37:24 Who does the preaching?
37:26 Clearly it says another angel.
37:28 Now in the Word of God,
37:30 it means an angel or a messenger.
37:34 Matthew 11:10,
37:36 Jesus use that word to refer to John the Baptist.
37:39 Why?
37:40 Because he was a messenger
37:41 preparing the way for Jesus' first coming.
37:45 You and I are called to preach the first angel's message,
37:50 to be the messenger to proclaim this message
37:53 before the Second Coming of Christ.
37:56 What is the message? What are we to preach?
37:58 Pastor John already talked about it.
38:00 The everlasting gospel
38:02 that message of salvation by grace through faith.
38:06 And what is the mission?
38:08 Who are we to preach to?
38:10 It says we're to preach to every nation,
38:14 tribe, tongue, and people.
38:17 Now the word every in Greek pos
38:19 means each and every one specifically.
38:22 So in other words, it's not just saying,
38:24 okay, you're to preach to the world in general,
38:26 you're to preach to every person, every nation,
38:30 every tribe, tongue and people.
38:33 What is that message?
38:34 Let's read the next verse, "Saying with a loud voice, "
38:37 we are called to proclaim this message with a loud voice.
38:41 This is present truth as Pastor Kenny talked about,
38:43 "Fear God, give glory to Him,
38:47 for the hour of His judgment has come
38:51 and worship Him who made heaven and earth,
38:53 the sea and the springs of water."
38:56 So we will hopefully cover in this time,
38:59 fear God, give glory, judgment hour,
39:03 creation and Sabbath and worship
39:07 were covered all quickly.
39:09 So if you look at fear God and give glory to Him,
39:12 I look at these two as very closely related.
39:16 Revelation 15:4 says,
39:17 "Who shall not fear You, O Lord,
39:19 and glorify Your name?
39:22 For You alone are holy.
39:24 For all nations shall come and worship before You,
39:27 for Your judgments have been manifested."
39:30 You see, there we see the connection,
39:31 fear, glory and judgments.
39:35 Fear has to do with our thoughts really,
39:38 in my mind it has to do with thoughts.
39:40 In the Word of God fear means respect,
39:42 reverence, reverential obedience.
39:46 Psalm 111:10,
39:48 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
39:51 a good understanding
39:53 of all those who do His commandments."
39:56 And we see that fear connected with obedience.
40:00 Ecclesiastes 12:13 and 14.
40:03 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter,
40:05 fear God and keep His commandments,
40:08 for this is the whole duty of man,
40:10 King James says, "for this is man's all.
40:13 For God will bring every work into judgment,
40:16 including every secret thing, whether good or evil."
40:19 There again we see fearing God, respecting,
40:22 reverencing Him connected with obedience.
40:27 And we see that connected with judgment.
40:30 Give glory to Him.
40:32 To me, a fear is thoughts, glory is actions.
40:36 We know in the Word of God, the glory represents character.
40:40 Think about Moses, remember in Exodus,
40:43 and he said, "God, show me Your glory.
40:45 Show me Your character."
40:47 Remember, God hid Moses in the cleft of the rock,
40:49 and He allowed His backside not His face,
40:52 but the back to pass before him.
40:53 And what did he see?
40:55 He saw His goodness, he saw His character.
40:58 Glory represents character.
41:00 I think of 1 Corinthians 6:19 and 20,
41:03 "Do you not know that your body
41:05 is the temple of the Holy Spirit
41:07 who is in you, you have from God,
41:09 and you are not your own?
41:11 For you were bought with a price,
41:13 therefore glorify God
41:16 in your body and in your spirit."
41:18 We are called to represent Jesus,
41:21 represent the character of God
41:23 with our thoughts and with our actions.
41:27 The hour of His judgment has come.
41:31 Judgment in Revelation 14
41:33 is clearly part of this end time
41:36 present day present truth message.
41:40 Judgment is a good thing
41:42 for those who are covered with Christ's righteousness.
41:46 I want to pause on that for just a moment
41:48 because we know clearly
41:49 judgment is not a good thing for the wicked.
41:51 But for those who are covered with Christ's righteousness,
41:54 you do not have to be afraid of the judgment
41:58 because you are covered with His imputed righteousness
42:01 and His imparted righteousness.
42:05 But let's look at that very quickly.
42:07 Imputed righteousness, Romans 4:3,
42:11 Romans 4:3 we know our righteousness,
42:13 Isaiah tells us,
42:15 our righteousness is as filthy rags.
42:17 So there's nothing good in us.
42:19 But Jesus covers us and justifies us
42:23 with the righteous white robe of Himself.
42:27 Romans 4:3, "Abraham believed God,
42:30 and it was accounted to him,
42:32 reckoned to him for righteousness."
42:34 Now this whole discussion in Romans Chapter 4,
42:37 whether did this justification take place
42:40 before Abraham was circumcised or after he was circumcised
42:44 because if it took place after he was circumcised,
42:47 then that means okay, he had some works
42:50 that took place in order for him
42:52 to receive this righteous white robe
42:55 or the justification
42:56 but Romans 4, Paul is very clear.
42:59 It took place before he was circumcised.
43:02 Philippians 3:9, "And being found in him,
43:05 not having my own righteousness, "
43:08 which is from the law which we know is filthy rags,
43:10 "but that which is through faith in Christ,
43:13 the righteousness which is from God by faith."
43:16 The moment you accept the Lord Jesus into your heart,
43:20 He takes away those filthy garments of sin,
43:23 as He did in Zechariah 3 as He stood,
43:26 remember Joshua before the angel of the Lord,
43:29 and He covers you with His righteous white robe,
43:32 but He doesn't stop there.
43:33 He transforms us by the indwelling Holy Spirit.
43:38 Revelation 19:8, to her, that's to the church.
43:42 That's you and I,
43:44 "It was granted to be arrayed in fine linen,
43:46 clean and bright,
43:48 for the fine linen
43:50 is the righteous acts of the saints."
43:52 This is sanctification.
43:54 Now you might say, wait a minute,
43:55 I don't have any righteousness,
43:56 but this is Christ in you, the hope of glory,
44:01 Colossians 1:27.
44:03 This is John 15:5 that abiding in the vine,
44:06 the moment, Jason,
44:07 we become disconnected from Jesus, we begin to die.
44:11 And we begin to live in our own works,
44:13 in our own righteousness.
44:14 But as long as we remain connected to Him,
44:17 and Christ lives in us, His righteousness flows forth.
44:22 The judgment, of course, we know is entered
44:24 against the wicked.
44:26 Remember the fifth seal in Revelation 6,
44:28 the martyrs cry out how long oh, Lord,
44:31 until you judge our blood and avenge us from our enemies.
44:35 This judgment is that vengeance
44:39 that they were crying out for taking place.
44:42 This judgment is pre-advent,
44:44 it takes place
44:45 before the Second Coming of Christ.
44:48 Because when Christ comes a second time,
44:50 the destiny of everyone will be decided.
44:53 Revelation 22:11.
44:54 "He who is unjust, let him be unjust still,
44:57 he who is filthy, let him be filthy still,
45:00 he who is righteous, let him be righteous still,
45:02 he who is holy, let him be holy still."
45:05 In the last moment, let's look at worship Him
45:08 who made heaven and earth,
45:09 the sea and the fountains of springs of water.
45:14 This is fourth commandment language,
45:16 reminiscent of the fourth commandment
45:18 which we won't read,
45:19 but you find in Exodus 20:8-11.
45:23 In there, it talks about remember the Sabbath day,
45:26 the seventh day
45:27 because they had forgotten to keep it holy.
45:31 And then we know that
45:32 in six days the Lord made heaven and earth,
45:34 the sea and the fountains of waters.
45:37 It reminds me of Jesus resting on the seventh day
45:41 at the conclusion of creation.
45:44 Genesis 2:1-3,
45:47 "When the heavens and earth
45:48 and all the hosts of them were finished."
45:50 And God ended His work, what happened?
45:52 "He rested on the seventh day
45:55 and He blessed the seventh day and sanctified it,
45:58 because in it He rested from all His work
46:00 which God created and made."
46:03 Is it a issue at the end of time
46:05 is over worship.
46:07 Who will we worship?
46:10 Are we going to choose to follow Jesus
46:13 and follow the lamb and allow Him to transform us,
46:16 keep His seventh day the Sabbath holy?
46:19 Are we going to allow Him
46:22 to cover us with His righteous robe
46:24 so that we can stand undefiled in the judgment?
46:28 That's my choice, and I hope it's yours as well.
46:30 Amen.
46:31 Wow, Jill, you just preached the whole sermon.
46:34 And I might have to watch this on YouTube
46:36 so I can process it all.
46:40 Thursday's lesson is entitled "God's Final Appeal."
46:43 This is God's Final appeal.
46:45 And this is a very important message.
46:47 And you know, when we hear the word appeal,
46:50 it's a word
46:51 that's thrown around quite often,
46:53 but I think it's important for us
46:55 to examine the definition of the word.
46:58 An appeal is to make a serious or urgent request,
47:03 typically to the public.
47:04 And that's what we're going to see
47:06 taking place here.
47:08 When I first looked at the Book of Revelation,
47:11 I have to admit I was intimidated.
47:13 And there's still parts about it
47:15 that intimidate me.
47:17 And since we're being honest here, right?
47:21 And perhaps that's the case for you, too.
47:23 It wasn't until I was on salvation
47:25 and symbols and signs
47:26 that I began to view it as a love story,
47:29 because the Book of Revelation truly is a love story.
47:33 It's about Christ coming back to receive His purified bride.
47:38 And so we're going to take a look
47:39 at some of these components in here.
47:42 The second angels' message, we'll jump into that.
47:46 But I want to go to Revelation Chapter 1.
47:50 Let's go to this to the beginning
47:51 of this fascinating book.
47:53 And I think that it's very important
47:55 to remember
47:57 that when we're studying the Book of Revelation,
47:59 everything that God does is motivated by love.
48:02 I think that is a key.
48:04 So let's look at Revelation 1:1-3.
48:08 And it says, "The revelation of Jesus Christ
48:11 which God gave Him to show His servants things
48:13 which must shortly take place
48:17 and He sent and signified it
48:18 by His angel to his servant John,
48:21 who bore witness to the Word of God
48:23 and to the testimony of Jesus Christ
48:24 to all things that he saw."
48:26 Now, Jill, I like what you said earlier
48:29 about fear God is,
48:30 you know, equivalent, you got to be obedient.
48:33 When you're fearing God, you're obedient.
48:35 And verse 3 here, it says,
48:37 "Blessed is he who reads
48:39 and those who hear the words of this prophecy
48:42 and keep those things which are written in it."
48:45 It's not enough to read it, it's not enough to hear it.
48:49 You have to keep it.
48:52 "For the time is near."
48:54 We are truly living in the last days.
48:57 I'm a firm believer of that, and I think
48:59 that if you just turn on your news,
49:02 you'll believe that as well.
49:03 When you start looking at all of the signs
49:07 that are coming into play, whether it's pestilence,
49:09 whether it's earthquakes, whether it's,
49:11 I mean all these natural disasters
49:13 happening at a rate and frequency
49:15 in which we've never seen before.
49:17 And God doesn't want us to be caught off guard
49:21 or confused about the message that He has for His people.
49:24 And throughout the hands of time,
49:25 God has had a message for His people
49:29 as we touched on earlier.
49:30 Now, we're jumping into the three angels' message
49:34 while continuing into it as we have touched on it.
49:37 And we're jumping
49:39 into the second angel's message.
49:41 Now the three angels' messages
49:43 are an end-times message for an end-times people,
49:46 one that counteracts the counterfeit,
49:49 and for everything genuine that God has,
49:52 the devil has made a counterfeit.
49:54 So let's look at Revelation 14:8 and it says,
49:59 "And another angel followed, saying, "Babylon is fallen,
50:03 is fallen, that great city,
50:05 because she has made all nations drink of the wine
50:08 of the wrath of her fornication."
50:10 Now, when I think about wine,
50:12 I think about somebody getting drunk.
50:14 And when I think about somebody getting drunk,
50:16 I think about them being confused.
50:18 And so here, we're talking about spiritual Babylon.
50:22 And so that means that there's a confusion.
50:26 And we know that God is not the author of confusion,
50:29 and He doesn't want us to be confused
50:31 about the message
50:32 about Him coming back to receive us,
50:34 about the things that need to take place.
50:37 And so that's spiritual Babylon.
50:40 Now, if you think about physical Babylon,
50:43 well, they had a whole world of issues.
50:46 There were so many problems with them.
50:49 Let's look at Revelation 17:3-6.
50:55 And it says, "So he carried me away
50:57 in the Spirit into the wilderness.
50:59 And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast
51:02 which was full of names of blasphemy,
51:04 having seven heads and ten horns.
51:07 The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet,
51:09 and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls,
51:13 having in her hand a golden cup
51:15 full of abominations
51:16 and the filthiness of her fornication.
51:19 And on her forehead a name was written:
51:28 I saw the woman,
51:29 drunk with the blood of the saints
51:32 and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.
51:34 And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement."
51:37 I love what it says here though,
51:39 because this kind of breaks it down in Revelation,
51:42 well not in Revelation, in Great Controversy, page 381.
51:46 Ellen White says,
51:48 "The term Babylon is derived from Babel
51:50 and signifies confusion.
51:53 It is employed in Scripture to designate
51:55 the various forms of false or apostate religion."
51:59 In Revelation Chapter 17,
52:00 Babylon is represented as a woman,
52:02 a figure which is used in the Bible
52:04 as the symbol of a church,
52:06 a virtuous woman representing a pure church,
52:10 a vile woman and an apostate church.
52:14 It's very interesting.
52:16 It's very interesting,
52:17 especially in the times in which we are living,
52:20 we're seeing all kinds of false doctrine
52:23 that's coming about,
52:24 whether it's the state of the dead,
52:26 whether it's the Sabbath,
52:28 you know, there's a disagreement
52:30 in those areas.
52:31 But when you study it from the Word of God,
52:34 you can't be confused
52:35 unless you introduce man's tradition.
52:39 Okay.
52:41 Now, when I think about the Book of Daniel,
52:44 because Daniel and Revelation kind of go hand in hand there.
52:48 When I think about the Book of Daniel
52:50 and I take a look at the beginning
52:52 of when some of the children of Israel were taken captive.
52:58 It's interesting.
52:59 In fact, let's go there, let's go to Daniel.
53:04 And let's look at Daniel.
53:05 We're going to be in Chapter 1.
53:09 And Daniel Chapter 1 and we'll start,
53:12 let's say in verse, verse 3.
53:17 "Then the king instructed Ashpenaz,
53:19 the master of his eunuchs,
53:21 to bring some of the children of Israel
53:23 and some of the king's descendants
53:24 and some of the nobles,
53:26 young men in whom there was no blemish,
53:28 but good-looking, gifted in all wisdom,
53:30 possessing knowledge and quick to understand,
53:33 who had ability to serve in the king's palace,
53:35 and whom they might teach the language and literature
53:39 of the Chaldeans.
53:40 And the king appointed for them
53:42 a daily provision of the king's delicacies
53:45 and of the wine which he drank,
53:47 and three years of training for them,
53:50 so that at the end of that time
53:52 they might serve before the king."
53:54 Later it goes on to say
53:55 that they gave them new names as well.
53:57 And so, this is kind of a reprogramming,
54:01 he's introducing them to the culture.
54:04 He's introducing them to their beliefs
54:06 and all the craziness that they have going on,
54:09 the sorcery, the astrologers,
54:11 the magicians, all of these things.
54:13 Now, we notice in verse 8 and in verse 8,
54:17 I think this is important for us as well.
54:20 Verse 8 says,
54:21 "But Daniel purposed in his heart
54:24 that he would not defile himself
54:26 with the portion of the king's delicacies,
54:28 nor with the wine which he drank,
54:31 therefore he requested of the chief of the eunuchs
54:33 that he might not defile himself."
54:36 Daniel purposed in his heart.
54:39 Now we are living in the last days
54:41 and as we look at the different messages
54:42 and all the things that are going on,
54:44 and the false doctrine and all of this stuff,
54:46 we have to purpose in our hearts
54:49 to follow the Word of God.
54:52 I forgot how you say it, it's Sola scriptura.
54:56 Yes. All right.
54:57 We have to follow the Word of God.
55:00 And you can't go wrong with it,
55:03 you cannot go wrong with it.
55:04 So living in the last days,
55:07 standing firm on the Word of God,
55:09 as we saw with Daniel walking through
55:12 and now Daniel survived multiple administrations,
55:16 and he operated and conducted himself
55:18 with integrity.
55:19 And that's what we must do today.
55:22 You know, we talked about worship
55:23 and the issue with being with worship,
55:26 who are you going to serve?
55:27 I remember a pastor saying that, you know,
55:31 if I asked you for a banana, and you give me a banana,
55:38 did you fulfill what I asked for?
55:40 The answer is yes.
55:41 Now or actually,
55:44 if I asked you for a piece of fruit,
55:46 that's what it is.
55:47 If I ask you for a piece of fruit
55:48 and you give me a banana.
55:50 Did you fulfill what I asked for it?
55:51 Yes. Okay.
55:53 Now, if I asked you for a mango and you give me a banana,
55:56 did you fulfill what I asked for?
55:59 No.
56:00 Well, we can worship God any day that we choose,
56:04 any day we can work, worship Him,
56:07 but He set aside one day
56:09 that He sanctified and made holy.
56:12 And that is the day that we are to observe.
56:14 That's the seventh day Sabbath.
56:16 And if you look back at the children of Israel,
56:19 when they were getting manna,
56:22 they collected it six days out the week,
56:24 if they collected more than what they needed,
56:27 other than on the sixth day in preparation for the Sabbath,
56:30 it would spoil, it didn't spoil.
56:32 There's something very special about the Sabbath day.
56:35 And that's because God's sanctified it,
56:38 He set it aside, He made it holy.
56:40 And so we're being called out of false teachings
56:45 into God's marvelous light.
56:47 Amen. Thank you very much.
56:49 Wow, praise the Lord.
56:50 That's a message we're sharing. Isn't that right?
56:52 Okay, some final thoughts,
56:54 last few minutes time we have, Brother Ryan?
56:56 Jason said something earlier that sparked my attention.
56:59 He said that the devil is trying to deceive,
57:01 you know Daniel and his friends with all that craziness
57:03 that was going on in Babylon.
57:05 And that's exactly
57:06 what's happening in these last days.
57:08 We have a lot of craziness going on,
57:09 the devil is trying to deceive us.
57:10 But we look to Jesus,
57:12 we keep our faces in God's Word,
57:14 and He will see us home.
57:15 Amen. That's right.
57:16 Here is the patience of the saints,
57:19 here are those who keep the commandments of God
57:21 and the faith of Jesus,"
57:23 Revelation 12:14,
57:25 "determined to be among the faithful."
57:27 Amen.
57:28 Revelation 3:20, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock."
57:32 Open the door of your heart to Jesus.
57:34 Amen.
57:35 Just study the Word of God, stay true to the Word of God.
57:39 Amen.
57:41 I pray it's been a blessing.
57:42 It has been a blessing to me a message we're sharing.
57:44 And don't you believe
57:45 that is a message we're sharing?
57:47 I believe with all of my heart.
57:48 And again, we encourage you next time to join us.
57:51 We're going to be on lesson number 13.
57:52 The last of the quarter is entitled,
57:54 "A Step of Faith."
57:57 It's going to be a good lesson
57:58 and we know it's going to bless your heart.
57:59 Thank you for joining us.
58:01 God bless you,
58:02 and we look forward to seeing you
58:03 on lesson number 13.
58:05 Be sure to tune in.
58:06 Amen.


Revised 2020-09-18