3ABN Sabbath School Panel

The Family

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: 4Q20 Education<\br> Lesson 2<\br> The Family


Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP200041S

00:01 Hello friends, we are diving into lesson number two
00:04 in our study on education.
00:06 And this week we're going to be taking on the family,
00:09 the family and education.
00:10 And you may be new to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:12 And we want to tell you exactly
00:14 how you can get a copy of this lesson,
00:16 so you can follow along with us.
00:17 First of all, we encourage you to find
00:19 your local Seventh-day Adventist Church.
00:21 And, of course, they will have a free copy there for you
00:23 and you get to study with the group.
00:24 So we certainly encourage that but if you want a free copy,
00:27 you can go online to absg.Adventist.org.
00:33 Again, that's absg.Adventist.org.
00:36 And you can access a copy of this lesson for free.
00:39 So again, as always say
00:40 get your notepads, pens, pencils,
00:42 anything to write and take notes,
00:43 because we're going to have an exciting study today
00:46 on the family and education.
01:20 Hello, and welcome again
01:21 to another week of 3ABN Sabbath School panel.
01:23 We're in week number two,
01:25 we still got a ways to go
01:26 but hey, we have an exciting study on education.
01:29 We're studying education and its spiritual implications
01:32 on the home, on the family, on the church, etc.
01:35 So we're glad that you're joining us again.
01:36 Each and every week, we thank you for your love,
01:38 prayers and support of 3ABN ministry.
01:41 Again, lesson number two, the family,
01:43 there's lots to be said.
01:44 I'm going to introduce this amazing panel
01:47 that we have such an awesome time
01:49 with each and every week.
01:50 To my left we have my brother, my friend,
01:54 Brother Jason Bradley, Dare to Dream General Manager.
01:56 It's a blessing to have you, Brother.
01:58 It's great to be here.
01:59 I'm looking forward to diving into the lesson.
02:01 Amen. Praise the Lord.
02:02 Amen. And we have Miss Jill Morikone.
02:04 It's always a blessing to have you.
02:05 Thank you, Ryan, privileged to be here
02:07 and open up God's Word.
02:09 Amen. Praise God.
02:10 Brother Kenny Shelton,
02:11 I know you have something powerful
02:13 to give us today.
02:14 It's good to have you as well.
02:16 Man, the Word of God is good
02:17 and we're going to taste and see.
02:18 Amen. Praise the Lord.
02:20 And I said it from the beginning,
02:21 it's a little nostalgic feeling
02:23 because we went two whole quarters
02:24 without you Miss Shelley.
02:26 But it's a blessing to have you back,
02:28 your words of wisdom and encouragement
02:30 of the Word of God.
02:31 It's a blessing to have you always.
02:32 Oh, I'm just excited to be back with you all
02:35 and with you at home as well.
02:37 It's so much fun to share God's Word.
02:40 Absolutely. Amen.
02:42 Praise the Lord.
02:43 I'm going to read our memory text
02:45 and then we're going to have a prayer.
02:46 But I just want to read this because this is probably,
02:49 this has become one of my favorite ones
02:51 since studying this lesson.
02:52 Proverbs 1:8
02:54 from the New King James Version.
02:55 It's plain and simple.
02:57 It says, "My son,
02:58 hear the instruction of your father,
03:00 and do not forsake the law of your mother."
03:05 Watch out because when mama speaks,
03:07 mama speaks, amen?
03:09 That's a good scripture
03:10 and we're gonna fit that into today's lesson.
03:12 But before we go any further,
03:13 let's ask the Lord to lead and guide us,
03:15 Miss Shelley, would you have our prayer for us?
03:16 Absolutely.
03:17 Heavenly Father, we are so grateful to You
03:20 and thank You so much, Father, for Your plan of salvation.
03:24 We thank You that You are a God of restoration
03:26 and that You give us
03:28 not only Your Holy Spirit to empower us,
03:31 but Your word to be a light to our feet.
03:35 We ask now for Your anointing on our ears,
03:38 on the ears of all of the hearers.
03:41 And, Lord, let Your word do a work in us.
03:46 In Jesus' name, amen.
03:48 Amen. Praise the Lord.
03:49 Thank you for that.
03:51 Life itself is an educational experience.
03:56 It's the ultimate educational experience.
03:59 In fact, I love this quote
04:00 from Sabbath afternoon section of the study.
04:03 This comes from the Desire of Ages,
04:06 page 69,
04:08 and it's a little lengthy but listen to it,
04:10 it's got powerful words of wisdom here.
04:11 It says, "From the earliest times,
04:14 the faithful in Israel had given much care
04:16 to the education of the youth.
04:20 The Lord had directed
04:21 that even from babyhood the children should be taught
04:25 of His goodness and His greatness,
04:27 especially as revealed in His law,
04:30 and shown in the history of Israel.
04:33 Song and prayer and lessons from the scriptures
04:39 were to be adapted to the opening mind.
04:42 Fathers and mothers were to instruct their children
04:46 that the law of God is an expression
04:48 of His character,
04:49 and that as they received the principles of the law
04:52 into the heart,
04:53 the image of God was traced upon soul,
04:57 the mind and soul.
04:59 Much of the teaching was oral,
05:01 but the youth also learned to read the Hebrew writings,
05:05 and the parchment rolls
05:06 of the Old Testament Scriptures
05:08 were open to their study."
05:12 And I love that because, you know,
05:14 shouldn't that be the case today in our homes?
05:16 Shouldn't that be with every single family,
05:18 we need to be raising up as the Bible says,
05:20 raising our children in the way of the Lord,
05:22 and they will not depart from the faith.
05:24 And so we're going to be looking into Sunday's lesson
05:26 at this moment.
05:27 It's entitled, "The First Family."
05:29 There's some lessons that we can learn
05:30 from the first family.
05:31 And it's kind of ironic, because, truthfully,
05:35 you know, there's not much in Scripture
05:37 on how Adam and Eve educated,
05:39 you know, little Cain, Abel and Seth, right?
05:42 We don't really have much, much information
05:44 on how they carried out that education.
05:46 But you can only imagine it's,
05:48 it just leaves open the imagination to,
05:50 you know, I can imagine that Adam would have taught this,
05:52 and Eve would have taught this
05:54 and little Cain and Abel and Seth would have been,
05:55 you know, educated this way.
05:57 So while the Bible may not have
05:58 a lot to say in detail about it,
06:00 we can find principles
06:02 and wonderful passages of Scripture
06:05 throughout the Bible that gives us some insight
06:07 on what would have been taught
06:09 in the home of God's first family.
06:12 And so I want to start out with a quote, again,
06:15 from Education page 33,
06:16 to kind of set the foundation for this segment.
06:18 It says, "The system of education
06:20 established in Eden,
06:22 centered in the family,"
06:24 okay, I like that,
06:25 it was a family centered education,
06:27 "Adam was the son of God," and according to Luke 3:38,
06:31 "and it was from their father
06:33 that the children of the highest
06:35 received instruction.
06:37 There's, in the truest sense was a family school."
06:43 I like that, a family school.
06:44 Again, life is a never-ending experience
06:47 of education.
06:48 But you know, we live in a different day and age now,
06:50 where education comes kind of from
06:52 outside of the home,
06:54 seems like there's our kids are being educated
06:56 and raised more from other people
06:58 than it is in the family.
06:59 But when we look back at the biblical model,
07:01 we can see that God had a plan and His original plan,
07:04 His original model was that in the home,
07:06 mommy and daddy was to be raising the children
07:08 in the way of the Lord.
07:10 And so, even though we don't exactly know
07:12 exactly what they taught and the things that they said,
07:14 there are things that we can for sure know.
07:16 I can just imagine,
07:18 you know, Adam and Eve gathering,
07:20 you know, little Cain and Abel and Seth together and say,
07:22 "Hey, guys, come here, story time.
07:24 Let us tell you about creation."
07:27 You know, Genesis Chapter 1-2,
07:29 creation is essential to Christian education.
07:31 Yes.
07:33 We are grown, I actually went and this is quick story,
07:35 I actually got my undergrad degree
07:37 at a Christian University.
07:39 And in that Christian university,
07:41 I was taught by seminary professors
07:44 that were again, these were men of God,
07:48 you know, these were people who were ordained
07:49 in this particular denomination,
07:52 I'll say it wasn't Seventh-day Adventist.
07:54 But in this case,
07:56 I was actually taught in this university
07:57 that they had reached a conclusion
07:59 within the scholarly works and the scholarly world
08:02 that you know what,
08:03 Genesis 1-2 can't be taken literally.
08:05 And perhaps maybe creation
08:07 isn't exactly the way we perceived.
08:09 There was a negative connotation and educate
08:11 almost like a reverse of education
08:13 that I had been raised on
08:15 someone telling me when I was older,
08:16 that all that stuff
08:17 you've been taught about creation,
08:19 wipe it clean, it's not really the way it is.
08:21 I can imagine Adam and Eve probably set the record
08:23 straight more than once, okay.
08:25 We're talking about individuals who live for hundreds of years,
08:28 I can imagine them gathering together
08:29 and teaching them about how God,
08:31 what He did on day one,
08:32 what He did on day two, what He created on day three,
08:34 and how He separated this, and there was light,
08:36 and then there was darkness, and then there was water,
08:38 and then there was the birds of the air
08:39 and the fishes of the seas,
08:41 and then you get down to day six,
08:42 and then God created us, right?
08:44 And you could just imagine them,
08:45 their eyes lit up like ah, man, this is awesome
08:47 that God breathed into his nostrils
08:50 the breath of life and man became a living soul.
08:53 And then on day seven,
08:54 God rests
08:56 and that's why we keep Sabbath, right?
08:58 Absolutely.
09:00 I can imagine the story time of,
09:02 you know, hey, daddy, hey, daddy,
09:04 tell us about that serpent again.
09:06 Tell us about what happened before and after
09:08 and we aren't there anymore
09:10 and I could imagine them giving in great detail
09:13 the story of Genesis 3:1-15,
09:16 you know the story very well.
09:17 The serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field
09:20 which the Lord God had made
09:21 and he deceived the woman and you can,
09:23 I can imagine them telling that story
09:26 and the boys learning of the,
09:29 you know, the education and learning of,
09:31 you know, the ways, the way of God before,
09:33 what's God's perfect, uninterrupted plan of salvation
09:37 was before they fell,
09:38 before they were kicked out of the garden,
09:40 then life afterwards.
09:41 Only Adam and Eve could tell that story.
09:43 Wouldn't it be awesome to have Adam and Eve as parents, right,
09:46 to hear that amazing story?
09:47 This is what life was like, this is what God intended,
09:49 but, man, we messed up.
09:51 And now this is why we have to,
09:52 you know, do this and raise our own food
09:54 and all these other stuff
09:55 and all the things that God gave us.
09:56 There was a wonderful educational experience
09:58 within that home.
10:00 There must have been.
10:01 Another one, I could imagine.
10:03 Let's go to 2 Corinthians Chapter 4.
10:05 I can imagine this principle was shared and taught
10:07 within the home, 2 Corinthians Chapter 4.
10:09 I'm going to begin with verse 6.
10:12 It says, "For it is the God who commanded light
10:16 to shine out of darkness,
10:18 who has shown it in our hearts to give the light
10:20 of the knowledge of the glory of God
10:22 in the face of Jesus Christ."
10:25 Genesis 3:15, you know what?
10:27 It seems like we have fallen, it seems like there's no hope.
10:30 But you know what?
10:31 There's a man coming,
10:33 the seed is coming, Messiah is coming,
10:36 little Abel, little Cain, little Seth.
10:37 Just know, after I'm gone, and you're still here,
10:40 whatever the case may be,
10:41 you look forward to that promising seed,
10:43 they probably didn't know at the time
10:45 that His name was Jesus.
10:46 But you could imagine
10:48 that Jesus shared that story with them,
10:49 Adam and Eve, it was etched into their mind,
10:51 and they're sharing that with their,
10:52 there's a coming Messiah, there's a coming Savior,
10:55 an anointed seed
10:56 that's going to reverse every bit of this.
10:58 He's going to put in into all of this fallen world.
11:02 I can imagine Luke10:27,
11:04 the principle there that should have been
11:06 and would have been taught in the home of Adam and Eve.
11:09 Again, Luke 10:27, it says, so he answered and said,
11:13 "You shall love the Lord God with all your heart,
11:15 with all your soul, and with all your strength,
11:17 and with all your mind
11:19 and you love your neighbor as yourself."
11:22 So right there very clearly, the principles,
11:24 the very two principles on which the law hangs,
11:27 love God with all your heart,
11:28 mind and soul and your neighbor as yourself.
11:31 I can imagine Adam and Eve instilling those principles
11:33 within their children's hearts and minds,
11:35 you put God first in everything.
11:37 And when you put God first in everything, then guess what?
11:40 You're going to also
11:41 because you have the love of God in your heart,
11:43 you're going to have love for your neighbor,
11:45 no matter what, right?
11:47 And that brings me to again, my main, next point,
11:50 that wasn't necessarily highlighted in the lesson,
11:51 but I just, I just had to believe,
11:54 I could imagine Adam and Eve taught the law of God
11:56 to their children.
11:57 Now, a lot of people would argue with that.
11:59 I'm going to have people probably watching right now
12:00 that says, "Oh, no, no.
12:02 Ten Commandments didn't come until Mount Sinai."
12:04 But there's plenty of biblical evidence
12:06 that there must have been a law
12:08 in those days that they abide by.
12:09 For instance, let's just take in consideration
12:11 the Bible teaches us in 1 John 3- 4,
12:14 that sin is transgression of the law.
12:17 Adam and Eve, the Bible says, sinned, sinned against what?
12:20 Well, we also understand that according to Romans 4:15,
12:23 that where there is no law,
12:25 there is no transgression, right?
12:27 And you go through the Old Testament,
12:28 up to Mount Sinai,
12:30 there's so many different instances,
12:31 for instance, Ezekiel 28.
12:32 You know, Lucifer, he was perfect
12:35 in all his ways until iniquity.
12:36 There was a law in heaven.
12:38 When God created heavens and earth,
12:39 the men of Sodom,
12:41 according to Genesis 13:13, they sinned.
12:43 And according to Peter 2, they've done unlawful deeds.
12:46 What unlawful deeds? There wasn't a law, right?
12:48 There was a law, Abraham, the Bible says in Genesis 26:5,
12:52 Abraham kept all of God's commandments.
12:55 So again, and even all the way down.
12:57 I'm really skipping forward here.
12:58 But as Exodus 16:28,
13:01 God says to the children of Israel
13:02 before He'd even given the Ten Commandments.
13:04 He taught them keep My Sabbath.
13:05 And when they didn't, He said, "You're violating My laws.
13:08 Why are you violating My laws?"
13:10 The point of the matter is,
13:12 is I can imagine in the home of Adam and Eve,
13:13 they're saying, hey, look,
13:15 you know, this sin problem that we got caught up in,
13:16 it's because we violated God's law.
13:18 And I believe
13:19 with all my heart, mind and soul
13:21 that they taught to little Cain, Abel, and Seth,
13:23 and all, you know, their daughters,
13:25 because we know that they had daughters,
13:26 they talked to their children, the law of God.
13:29 And they instilled that within them,
13:31 because again, the law of God is the character of the Lord.
13:34 Again, it doesn't save us, we're not saved by the law,
13:36 but we are saved by Jesus Christ.
13:38 And when we're saved by Jesus, His love and His grace,
13:40 my friends, we should have a desire to be obedient
13:42 to His law.
13:43 Really quick, Galatians 3:11,
13:45 "But that no one is justified by the law."
13:47 That was kind of the point I'm making here.
13:49 I'm sure that at the same time while they're teaching
13:51 and etching the law
13:52 into the minds and hearts of their children,
13:54 they're also saying, Hey, don't become,
13:55 don't become legalistic little Cain,
13:57 don't become legalistic little Seth and little Abel.
14:00 Okay, we need to understand that while we are not saying,
14:02 while we should be obedient to God's laws,
14:05 we are not saved by them.
14:06 And so, I'm sure that these principles
14:09 were etched into the mind just as in our homes,
14:12 it should be a family based education.
14:14 Train up a child in the way they should go now
14:17 and they will not depart from it.
14:20 I have a whole lot more to say,
14:21 but I'm going to toss it to you now.
14:23 I love it.
14:24 I love the way that you tell stories and all of that,
14:27 and thinking of stories,
14:28 I have Monday's lesson
14:30 and Monday's lesson is entitled,
14:31 "The Childhood of Jesus."
14:33 The lesson begins by pointing out the fact
14:35 that scripture gives us very little detail
14:38 about the childhood of Jesus.
14:40 However, we have been given some insight
14:42 into the character of His earthly parents
14:45 and I want us to take a look at a few passages.
14:49 As we examine the childhood of Jesus,
14:51 the first passage I want us to turn to
14:53 is Matthew 1:18-24.
14:56 Again, that's Matthew 1:18-24.
15:01 Beginning in verse 18,
15:03 "Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows:
15:06 After His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph,
15:09 before they came together,
15:10 she was found with child of the Holy Spirit.
15:13 Then Joseph, her husband,"
15:15 and I want you to pay attention to this now,
15:17 "Then Joseph her husband, being a just man,
15:19 and not wanting to make her a public example,
15:22 was minded to put her away secretly.
15:25 But while he thought about these things,
15:28 " I would imagine his mind was racing,
15:30 "behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream,
15:33 saying, 'Joseph, son of David,
15:35 do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife,
15:38 for that which is conceived in her
15:40 is of the Holy Spirit."
15:42 I love how the angel of the Lord came
15:45 and comforted him in that moment.
15:47 And she will bring forth a Son,
15:49 and you shall call His name Jesus,
15:51 for He will save His people from their sins.
15:53 So all this was done that it might be fulfilled
15:56 which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying:
15:59 'Behold, the virgin shall be with child,
16:01 and bear a Son,
16:03 and they shall call His name Immanuel,"
16:04 which is translated,
16:06 "God with us.
16:07 Then Joseph, being aroused from sleep,
16:10 did as the angel of the Lord commanded him
16:12 and took to him his wife.' "
16:15 Now, I can only imagine the thoughts
16:17 that must have been running through Joseph's head
16:21 in that very moment,
16:22 but he handled the situation with such grace.
16:25 Yes.
16:26 Oh, man, I really, I want you guys
16:29 to think about it for a moment.
16:30 And I want to take a second
16:32 to speak to my fellows out there.
16:33 So, guys, I want you to listen up to this
16:36 and women you listen too,
16:37 because I want you to imagine
16:38 being on the other side of this.
16:40 But imagine you just got married,
16:44 you haven't been with your wife.
16:47 And she comes to you and says, "Babe, I'm pregnant."
16:52 Now, what are you going to be thinking at that very moment,
16:55 you're going to have a lot of things
16:57 running through your mind.
16:58 Now, this wasn't any type of ordinary situation.
17:03 But the reality is, that was Joseph's situation.
17:07 He could have shamed her in public, in public,
17:10 but he chose to put her away secretly.
17:12 And that was huge.
17:13 Turn with me to Deuteronomy 22:23-24.
17:21 Twenty three, all right.
17:27 So, "If a young woman who is a virgin
17:30 is betrothed to a husband,
17:32 and a man finds her in the city and lies with her,
17:35 then you shall bring them both
17:37 out to the gate of that city,
17:38 and you shall stone them to death with stones,
17:40 the young woman
17:42 because she did not cry out in the city,
17:43 and the man
17:45 because he humbled his neighbor's wife,
17:46 so you shall put away the evil from among you."
17:50 Now, Joseph's response to this situation
17:54 said a lot about his character
17:56 and Mary's excitement and willingness
17:58 to be faithful to God
17:59 said a lot about her character as well.
18:01 Now we know
18:02 that Mary didn't do anything wrong
18:04 in this situation at all.
18:06 But if Joseph would have jumped to that conclusion
18:09 and shamed her publicly,
18:11 it could have been a different outcome for Mary.
18:14 Jesus couldn't have had better earthly parents.
18:17 And Luke 1:26-38,
18:20 Mary is receiving the news
18:22 that she is going to have a child,
18:24 but not just any child,
18:25 she is blessed
18:26 with the privilege of being Jesus' earthly mom,
18:30 and what an honor that must have been.
18:32 I think it's safe to say
18:34 that she was thankful for the honor
18:35 because in Luke 1:46-55,
18:39 Mary is singing praises to the Lord.
18:42 Now, I encourage you to go to your Bibles
18:44 and check this story out when you get a chance.
18:46 We're not going to go there right now.
18:48 But when I think about the birth of Christ,
18:50 I'm amazed at all the obstacles that He faced.
18:54 I mean, He was swaddled in cloth and laid in a manger.
18:56 So He wasn't born
18:58 into the world's greatest hospital,
19:00 He wasn't placed in the world's greatest hotel,
19:03 He was in a manger, this is our Savior.
19:06 He was misidentified by the wise men
19:08 as the King of the Jews.
19:10 So they didn't understand His purpose.
19:12 They didn't understand why He was here.
19:15 And then, if that weren't enough,
19:18 there was an assassination attempt
19:19 on his life.
19:21 King Herod ordered the killing
19:22 of all male children in Bethlehem
19:24 and in all its districts, ages two and under.
19:28 All of this transpired
19:29 at the very beginning of Jesus' childhood.
19:32 Let's journey deeper
19:33 into the childhood of our Savior.
19:36 Let's look at Luke 2:41-52.
19:39 Again, that's Luke 2:41-52.
19:44 "His parents went to Jerusalem every year
19:46 at the Feast of the Passover.
19:48 And when He was twelve years old,
19:50 they went up to Jerusalem
19:51 according to the custom of the feast.
19:54 When they had finished the days,
19:55 as they returned,
19:56 the Boy Jesus lingered behind in Jerusalem.
19:59 And Joseph and His mother did not know it,
20:01 but supposing Him to have been in the company,
20:04 they went a day's journey, and sought Him among their
20:08 relatives and acquaintances.
20:10 So when they did not find Him, they returned to Jerusalem,
20:13 seeking Him."
20:14 Now, I want to pause for a moment right there.
20:16 And I want you to really think about this as a parent,
20:20 okay, I don't have any kids.
20:22 But I can imagine, as a parent,
20:25 you have to be super concerned about your little kids,
20:30 you have to be concerned about them.
20:32 And here you have Mary and Joseph
20:35 thinking that that baby, well, not baby Jesus,
20:37 but that Jesus at 12 years old that He is, He's with them.
20:43 But they went a whole day's journey.
20:46 And so you can't just catch a cab.
20:49 You can't go on the app, that we won't name the company,
20:52 but you can't go on the app,
20:54 and you can't go back to Jerusalem.
20:56 You can't get there fast.
20:57 Okay, so they want this whole day's journey.
21:00 They're worried and everything.
21:02 And it's going to be,
21:03 they were kind of setback a little bit here.
21:06 All right.
21:07 "So when they did not find Him, they returned to Jerusalem,
21:10 seeking Him.
21:11 Now so it was
21:12 that after three days
21:16 they found Him in the temple,
21:18 sitting in the midst of the teachers,
21:19 both listening to them and asking them questions.
21:23 And all who heard Him were astonished
21:27 at His understanding and answers.
21:30 So when they saw Him, they were amazed,
21:32 and His mother said to Him,
21:34 'Son, why have You done this to us?
21:36 Look, Your father and I have sought You anxiously.'
21:41 And He said to them, now get this.
21:43 He said to them, 'Why did you seek Me?
21:46 Did you not know
21:47 that I must be about My Father's business?' "
21:51 That was deep.
21:52 But they did not understand the statement
21:54 which He spoke to them.
21:56 "Then He went down with them and came to Nazareth,
22:01 and was subject to them,
22:02 but His mother kept all these things in her heart.
22:05 And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature,
22:09 and in favor with God and men."
22:12 Now, I love what the lesson points out here.
22:15 And look at the quote from Desire of Ages, page 70.
22:19 "The Child Jesus did not receive instruction
22:23 in the synagogue schools.
22:25 His mother was his first human teacher.
22:29 From her lips
22:30 and from the scrolls of the prophets,
22:32 He learned of heavenly things,
22:34 the very words which He himself
22:37 had spoken to Moses for Israel,
22:40 He was now taught at His mother's knee.
22:43 As He advanced from childhood to youth,
22:45 he did not seek the schools of the rabbi's.
22:48 He needed not the education
22:50 to be obtained from such sources,
22:52 for God was His instructor."
22:55 God was His instructor.
22:58 That's so deep to me that the very words
23:00 that Christ had spoken to Moses for Israel,
23:04 He was now being taught at his mother's knees."
23:06 Amen.
23:08 Man, there are some important lessons
23:10 that we can learn from Jesus' childhood.
23:13 And we'll go through a couple of them.
23:16 One, we should always be about our Heavenly Father's business.
23:20 And so we need to take a deeper look
23:22 at what it is that we're doing on a daily basis.
23:25 Is this helping to advance the kingdom of God?
23:28 Am I leading people to Christ?
23:31 Or am I leading people away from Christ.
23:32 We have to focus on those things.
23:34 Number two, when Jesus was at the temple,
23:37 He listened and He asked questions.
23:41 He listened and He asked questions.
23:43 We should apply that same methodology
23:46 when we are witnessing to others.
23:47 You know, so often, we tend to want to speak,
23:50 we tend to just want to preach,
23:52 we tend to just want to tell people
23:55 what they should be doing instead of listening,
23:57 asking questions,
23:58 and then being an effective witness.
24:02 We need to continue to grow like Jesus did.
24:05 Luke 2:40, says,
24:06 "And the child grew and became strong
24:08 and spirit filled with wisdom,
24:10 and the grace of God was upon Him."
24:13 I love this lesson. I love it.
24:16 Jesus taught us stuff even in His birth
24:21 and throughout His childhood,
24:22 and He honored His father in heaven.
24:25 Praise the Lord.
24:26 Who would've known we can learn so much from little Jesus.
24:30 All right. Praise the Lord.
24:31 We're going to take a short break
24:33 and we'll see you in just a moment.
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25:08 Welcome back to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
25:11 We're going to skip it over to Miss Jill Morikone
25:13 for Tuesday's lesson.
25:15 Thank you so much, Ryan and Jason,
25:17 what an incredible foundation, the family, I love that.
25:20 I have Tuesday's lesson, "Communication."
25:24 And, boy, if you need communication anywhere,
25:26 you need it in the home and in the family.
25:31 Education is what?
25:32 All about acquiring knowledge, learning facts, figures,
25:35 information, wisdom, learning how to think.
25:39 But really, it all boils down to communication.
25:43 At any level education is all about communication.
25:48 The teacher needs to communicate
25:49 with the student and the student needs to learn
25:52 and receive from the teacher.
25:56 Good relationship must be built.
25:57 In order to have that good communication,
26:00 you need a good relationship and good communication
26:03 leads to a good relationship.
26:06 I certainly know that in my marriage with Greg,
26:08 if you want a good relationship,
26:10 you need good communication.
26:12 As husband and wife or parent and child,
26:15 you need that good communication
26:16 within the home.
26:18 So we're looking at the do's and don'ts
26:20 of biblical communication.
26:23 We're going to have five do's,
26:24 you know, I got to get the list in there
26:26 and three don'ts.
26:28 So five do's and three don'ts for biblical communication.
26:33 Before we go to the do's,
26:34 let's just read an opening scripture.
26:36 This is Proverbs 18:21.
26:39 Proverbs 18:21,
26:42 "Death and life are in the power of the tongue.
26:47 And those who love it will eat its fruit."
26:51 This means by the words that we speak,
26:54 we can build people up, or cut them down.
26:57 We can bring life to someone or to a relationship,
27:02 or we bring death.
27:04 So let's look at how we can bring life,
27:07 the do's of biblical communication.
27:10 I'm going to give you all five do's
27:11 and we'll go back and unpack them.
27:13 Do listen, do think, do practice honesty,
27:20 do react in love, and do act.
27:24 So let's go to number one, do listen.
27:26 Now, Jason already talked about this.
27:28 Listen, learn to listen before you respond.
27:31 Let's look at James.
27:32 James Chapter 1.
27:34 Now, I don't know if you're like me,
27:35 but sometimes I make this mistake.
27:37 I'm in a conversation with someone they're talking
27:41 and I might not be listening.
27:43 Maybe you're thinking about what you're going to say
27:46 or how you, what story, they're sharing a story.
27:48 Oh, I got a story like that.
27:50 And I'm going to share a story,
27:51 instead of taking time to sit back
27:54 and actually listen to what the person is saying.
27:58 James 1:19- 20,
28:01 "So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be,"
28:03 what's that word?
28:05 "Swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.
28:09 For the wrath of man does not produce
28:12 the righteousness of God."
28:14 We often talk instead of listening.
28:17 Our mind wanders instead of listening.
28:20 Maybe you even do another project
28:22 while you're trying to listen at the same time.
28:24 I don't know if you've been guilty of that.
28:26 But sometimes we try to fix instead of listen.
28:31 Now, that we always say it's true of the male gender,
28:34 but I think women can do that too.
28:36 And women can clearly jump in and say,
28:38 "Well, I'm going to try to fix this as well."
28:40 So the first principle is listen,
28:42 second principle, do think.
28:46 Learn to think before you speak,
28:49 the same scripture.
28:50 I get this principle from the same scripture
28:52 we just read in James 1.
28:54 Let every man be swift to hear slow to speak,
28:57 that means think before you answer.
29:02 You don't always have to say the first thing
29:03 that comes to your mind.
29:04 Filter your words through the Spirit of God.
29:08 Principle number three, or do number three,
29:11 do practice honesty.
29:13 Tell the truth, even if it is difficult.
29:18 Proverbs 12:22,
29:20 "Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord,
29:24 but those who deal truly or truthfully are His delight."
29:28 Our God delights in honesty.
29:32 Proverbs 27,
29:33 if you jump over just a couple of chapters,
29:35 Proverbs 27:17, "As iron sharpens iron,
29:40 so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend."
29:44 You know, if you have a relationship with someone,
29:47 I think it makes it much easier to practice this principle.
29:51 And to be honest with them,
29:53 I know there's people in my own life
29:55 that I've given permission
29:57 as it were to speak into my life.
29:59 Now anyone can choose to speak into your life
30:01 and you accept that or take it to God,
30:04 God, what do you want me to do with this?
30:06 How can I, you know,
30:07 learn from this and grow from this?
30:09 But especially the people, you know,
30:11 the people who are close to you,
30:13 the people that love you,
30:15 you say, I want you, I've gone to people,
30:17 I want you,
30:19 I need you to speak into my life.
30:22 Practice honesty.
30:24 Ask them to be as the iron that sharpens iron
30:27 with your own life.
30:29 Honesty does not mean that you sweep things
30:31 under the carpet.
30:32 It doesn't mean that you ignore difficulties in relationship.
30:35 It doesn't mean
30:36 that you pretend things are fine.
30:38 It doesn't mean you try to be a good Christian
30:40 and just wear the mask that everything's fine.
30:42 On the flip side,
30:44 honesty does not mean that you tell people off,
30:46 or that you say what you want, when you want,
30:48 how you want to say it.
30:50 It doesn't mean that you hold to the truth
30:51 and say only the truth
30:53 regardless of how it comes across.
30:55 This leads us to principle number four,
30:58 do react in love.
30:59 Say the truth. Yes, but always with love.
31:02 Ephesians 4:15, Paul says, "Speaking the truth in love,
31:07 that's a God based self-sacrificing love."
31:10 We may grow up in all things into him who is the head,
31:13 even Christ, what you say matters,
31:15 but how you say it matters even more.
31:19 This is where relationships matter.
31:22 People don't care what you have to say
31:24 until they know how much you care.
31:27 Principle number five, do act.
31:29 Follow your words with actions.
31:31 Don't just say it,
31:33 but follow up with those actions.
31:35 1 John 3:18,
31:37 "My little children let us not love
31:39 and word in tongue but in deed and in truth."
31:42 Don't just say, oh, yeah, I'll help you.
31:44 Oh, yeah, I'll be there.
31:45 Oh, yeah, but follow that up with actions.
31:48 Let's look at the three don'ts.
31:50 If we do not practice these, our relationships,
31:54 our communication would greatly improve.
31:58 Don't judge or criticize others.
32:02 James 4:11,
32:05 "Do not speak evil of one another brethren.
32:09 He who speaks evil of a brother and judges his brother
32:12 speaks evil of the law and judges the law.
32:15 But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law,
32:17 but a judge."
32:18 Now that word speaks evil
32:19 occurred three times in that verse.
32:22 It's all the same Greek word.
32:24 It only happens five times in the entire New Testament,
32:27 three times in this one verse.
32:29 And it literally means to detract
32:31 from someone's reputation
32:34 by malice or a speech
32:36 that's directed against your neighbor.
32:38 It is what we would call gossiping about someone else
32:41 or criticizing someone else, railing against them.
32:46 Choose not to gossip,
32:47 or criticize or judge other people.
32:51 In Titus, Paul tells us the same thing.
32:54 Titus 3:1-2,
32:56 "Remind them to be subject to rulers and authorities,
32:59 to obey, to be ready for every good work,
33:02 to speak evil of no one."
33:05 That's that not to slander other people,
33:08 to be peaceable, gentle,
33:10 showing all humility to all men.
33:13 Don't number two, don't speak hurtful words.
33:19 Do not speak hurtful words.
33:22 Proverbs 12:18.
33:24 "There is one who speaks like the piercings of a sword
33:28 meaning what they say,
33:30 the words that they use wound other people,
33:34 but the tongue of the wise promotes health."
33:37 Or if we are wise, the words we use, Jay,
33:40 will be healing to other people,
33:43 will build up and edify the body
33:45 instead of tear down.
33:47 Don't number three,
33:48 don't respond with your feelings.
33:53 I just want to speak to my sisters
33:55 since you spoke to the fellows.
33:56 My sisters, this is so common as a woman
34:01 to just want to react by how you feel inside,
34:04 but don't respond with your feelings.
34:08 Ephesians 4:29, "Let no corrupt word, "
34:13 that word in Greek is rotten, useless, corrupt.
34:17 "Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth.
34:20 But what is good for necessary edification
34:23 that it may impart grace to the hearers."
34:26 Jump down to verse 31,
34:28 "Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, evil speaking,
34:33 be put away from you with all malice."
34:34 Now you notice there was two words for anger.
34:36 There was wrath and anger.
34:39 Now that's in the New King James.
34:41 Wrath means passion driven anger
34:43 that would be a sudden outburst of emotion.
34:46 Anger means a fixed, controlled or settled anger.
34:52 So Paul is saying,
34:54 don't rush out with what you're going to say
34:55 and neither hold on to that anger either.
34:58 Both are wrong.
34:59 Verse 32, "Be kind to one another,
35:03 tender hearted, forgiving one another,
35:05 even as God in Christ forgave you.
35:08 How often we judge people and speak hurtful words,
35:11 but instead we are called to reach out to listen,
35:15 to think, to practice honesty, react in love, and act,
35:19 let your actions follow your words.
35:22 Praise the Lord.
35:23 Man, I was challenged on several of those.
35:25 Me too.
35:27 I don't know about anybody else here.
35:28 But I think honesty is, you know, it's good.
35:30 It's for the sole part, 'cause honesty and to love is,
35:33 the word sometimes very
35:34 is challenging to us as Christians
35:37 and when I get challenged with the word,
35:39 I know, I need to get back in the word
35:40 and I need grace and strength to gain a victory in that area.
35:43 So thank you for presenting that.
35:45 We're going to let Wednesday's,
35:46 Wednesday's lessons are good.
35:48 It can go a lot of different directions.
35:49 But you know, we're looking at the role of parents.
35:52 And so it's been mentioned,
35:54 the role of parents is so very important.
35:56 We're going to look
35:57 at the three powerful scriptures
35:59 to consider.
36:00 Number one is considering, it deals with the father,
36:02 number two, it deals with the mother.
36:04 And then it combines,
36:06 the third one combines mothers and fathers together.
36:08 I think that's very good
36:09 that we look at these things in here
36:11 because Ephesians 6:4, to start with here,
36:14 it says, and you fathers.
36:15 Now listen, I've read this many times when I was younger,
36:17 I don't know if I understand it all now, but part of it,
36:21 but I'm excited to learn more about it.
36:23 Because I think I understand a little bit better
36:24 after studying this.
36:25 "And you fathers provoke not your children,"
36:27 Ephesians 6:4, to what?
36:29 "To wrath,
36:30 but bring them up in the nurture
36:32 and the admonition of the Lord."
36:33 Part of it, you understand, pretty easy.
36:35 And next part, you're saying, hmm,
36:36 how do you know provoke not your children to wrath.
36:40 Sometime I know when I got corrected,
36:41 I was a little bit hot around the collar
36:43 when I got what was coming to me.
36:45 Maybe the rest of you didn't realize, you know,
36:47 when you got, we thought, well, we deserve this.
36:49 Listen, according to Scripture,
36:50 the father is the head of the family.
36:52 We read it over and over and over.
36:53 So let's look at the father.
36:55 I've heard many times say the father is the house-band.
36:58 The husband, house-band
36:59 we realize they're supposed to hold
37:00 everything together.
37:02 And you know, bless your heart,
37:03 if you have a home
37:05 where dad's just not with the program,
37:08 if he's not accepted Christ as Lord and Savior,
37:10 bless your heart, mama, and you have children,
37:12 it makes it pretty rough in the home,
37:14 you know, need a lot of prayer.
37:15 And again, mother has to take the responsibility
37:18 that dad should be doing here.
37:20 But you know,
37:21 if father is strong in the Lord,
37:24 the family is going to be strong in the Lord,
37:26 the children are going to be strong in the Lord.
37:29 But if the father is, we just say weak, Lord,
37:32 it's going to affect everything he does,
37:34 there's going to be consequences
37:36 that's going to happen in life.
37:38 Now, what does it mean when it says
37:40 fathers provoke not your children to wrath?
37:45 Well, to me when you think of fathers, and it was,
37:47 when I was growing up,
37:48 fathers were usually linked with discipline.
37:51 You know, you've heard a lot of time you say,
37:53 Father, and you think about somebody need discipline,
37:55 it's going to be the father's going to do it.
37:57 Now, this was not always the case in my home
38:01 when I grew up, right?
38:02 It was not always the case,
38:03 because sometimes my mom took care of things.
38:05 Mom would take, we say, matters into her own hands.
38:08 And she would deal with the issue right then
38:10 and right there.
38:11 And then, you know, I've heard said many times,
38:14 just wait till your father gets home.
38:17 Any of you ever heard that?
38:19 My, I start to tremble.
38:20 Wait till your father gets home.
38:21 Man, she'd already you know,
38:23 I think when she gave the punishment
38:24 sometimes it just didn't have its intended effect, I guess.
38:28 And when your father gets home, you're going to see,
38:30 well, you got to lower it a little more harder
38:32 for mother to so you know that,
38:34 you know, wait till your father gets home,
38:36 he's going to show you how this...
38:37 You're going to see.
38:39 I heard that a lot of times.
38:40 And again, is that's not necessarily
38:42 the way that we want to be corrected.
38:43 But you know what?
38:45 It happens in millions and millions of homes
38:46 and to act like it doesn't
38:48 it's not to really look at what's going on
38:49 in the world today.
38:51 There needs to be, at least to me,
38:53 I'm still learning a good balance,
38:55 good balance in the home.
38:57 Dad sometime can be a little bit over the top
39:00 and sometime mothers can be a little bit
39:02 under a little bit lacks, we know that.
39:05 But in Colossians 3:21 tells us, now again,
39:10 why don't provoke your children to wrath.
39:13 And Colossians 3:21 tells us why, it simply says,
39:16 "Lest they be," what?
39:18 "Discourage." Be careful.
39:20 It can be very discouraging sometimes parental authority,
39:24 again, the role of parents we're looking at here.
39:26 Parental authority is a,
39:27 sometimes it's a little bit unjust,
39:29 it seems and sometimes we as parents
39:31 didn't handle it quite in the right way.
39:34 Sometimes it's irritating
39:35 even to the child and sometimes,
39:37 can I use the word brutal,
39:39 sometimes it's a little bit brutal.
39:41 And sometimes it's just like it goes to the point
39:43 where it's even abuse sometime.
39:45 And so this may be agitates the child in some way here
39:48 so we need to be careful.
39:50 And we can be sure of this.
39:51 If we handle it outside of the way the Scripture
39:54 has lined it out for us here,
39:57 it will come back to backfire.
39:59 It will backfire.
40:01 Yeah, you might get
40:03 what you're asking the child to do.
40:05 But you know what? They won't forget that.
40:07 And sometimes we ask them to do things
40:09 that were they don't think they should.
40:10 But there's a right way certainly which we do,
40:12 it's going to cost in many ways.
40:14 We long to bring up our children,
40:16 I like it in the nurture and what?
40:18 And the admonition of the Lord.
40:21 That means, you know, in discipline and instruction,
40:25 so I like discipline and instruction.
40:26 That's the way Jesus said, He's bringing us up
40:28 and we should bring our children up.
40:31 Christ instructed in the Garden of Eden.
40:34 Christ instructed, God instructed,
40:36 and also discipline.
40:39 None of us like to be disciplined.
40:40 None of us liked to be told that we did something wrong
40:42 and wait till your dad gets home,
40:44 you'll see, none of us want to hear that.
40:48 But Jesus said, you know, was it Revelation 3:19,
40:51 as many as I love, what happened?
40:53 I rebuke and chasten
40:55 so, you know, and he's doing it, why?
40:58 I think the difference in some time mine
40:59 when I was younger, and so on is Jesus,
41:03 Jesus want to do it in a way to win us.
41:05 Amen.
41:06 And I think sometime I did it
41:08 because I said, I want it done this way and it wasn't.
41:11 And sometimes you don't conduct yourself in the right way.
41:14 When I learned to conduct myself
41:16 in the right way, maybe in years down the road.
41:18 But I realized
41:19 until I was able to pray with them,
41:23 be able to take hold of their hand,
41:24 even though you're going to give him
41:25 a little spanking when they got done.
41:28 You got to hold their hand, you knelt and you prayed,
41:29 and you tell them,
41:31 and you told the Lord how much you love them.
41:33 But they know they did the wrong thing
41:35 and they knew this was going to be
41:36 the punishment with it.
41:38 And then you gave them a nice big hug,
41:40 and told them you love them and you got up
41:42 and you corrected them.
41:44 I had to follow through with that.
41:45 And that's, you know what, that's hurtful.
41:47 That's where it comes into where my dad said to me,
41:49 "This is going to hurt me worse than it did you."
41:51 I never believed that but I do now.
41:53 Sometimes as parents you don't want to do that.
41:55 You don't want to do that,
41:56 well, wait till your dad gets home.
41:58 I just bring that up
41:59 'cause many time that I was gone all day
42:00 and when you see the children come home
42:02 and you see the one little outside,
42:04 running around, running around daddy's home,
42:06 daddy's home, daddy's home.
42:08 First thing mama comes out and says
42:09 he got a whipping in school.
42:11 So you know the rules. You got to whip him now.
42:13 Man, I didn't want to hear that.
42:15 He was so happy to see daddy, you know what I'm saying,
42:17 so there's things that we need the admonition of the Lord.
42:20 And admonition here simply is to put in the mind.
42:23 So what we're reading in Scripture,
42:24 God wants us as parents,
42:26 to put in the mind of the children warnings,
42:30 and notice, and reprove the child's mind.
42:33 There's a place for warnings.
42:36 And that's when they're doing well
42:37 and it's when they're not doing so well.
42:39 We need these warnings.
42:41 I know that I do from Scripture,
42:42 and I praise God for that.
42:44 Second text Proverbs 31:10.
42:46 Proverbs 31:10 says this,
42:48 I'm gonna skip over quite quickly
42:49 because you can,
42:51 "Who can find a virtuous," what?
42:52 "A wife, for her worth is far above rubies."
42:56 So we're skipping through
42:58 because we have few minutes left.
42:59 Mothers seem to have the most important role
43:02 in the home.
43:03 Really.
43:04 And the saying is very true as you well know,
43:06 if mama's not happy...
43:07 There ain't nobody's happy. Can I say that?
43:09 There ain't nobody happy.
43:11 They're just not happy.
43:12 Mama makes a difference more than dad,
43:14 I'm just telling you, when she's happy,
43:16 everybody's happy, you know.
43:18 And so her influence I think is so, so very important,
43:22 her character, the way she responds,
43:25 the way she deals with,
43:26 sets the whole stage for the role of the parents
43:30 and, you know, we look at virtuous woman
43:32 simply means a woman.
43:34 I want to say this in right way,
43:35 a woman of power.
43:38 The home needs a woman of power
43:40 and we're not talking about overbearing power,
43:44 but we're talking about strong and vigorous
43:46 and excellent qualities and good character.
43:50 Third text we want to get into Deuteronomy Chapter 6,
43:53 this is one's really everybody should be reading.
43:55 God's teaching us that we need to do
43:57 three words as what,
43:58 teach them in the morning, right?
44:00 Teach them at noon,
44:01 and teach them in the evening we need to be doing that.
44:04 I kind of like it the way one guy said it one time,
44:06 he explained about how we as parents
44:08 what we need to do.
44:09 And again, read Deuteronomy Chapter 6
44:10 and several verses, that's just so, so good,
44:13 you know, walking away when you lie down,
44:14 when you get up, when you go out
44:16 and so on and so forth.
44:17 And so, our obligation that we have to our children,
44:20 obligation that we have to God is to teach them,
44:23 bring them up in the admonition the teachings
44:25 and the warnings of the Word of God,
44:27 which had been brought out in these lessons.
44:29 And you know, again I look back at myself about younger age,
44:32 you know, I totally seemed like ignored the word.
44:36 Didn't really mean to, but sometime you got hot.
44:40 Is anybody with me?
44:42 When the situation was there, we got a little too hot.
44:44 And if you're a little too hot, mom and dad, sit down,
44:46 cool down, pray about first
44:48 and then go ahead and do what you need to do.
44:49 But anyway, I like the role of parents here.
44:51 When one man said this one time, he said,
44:53 here's what you do.
44:55 Here's what you do as a parent
44:56 and this is what you do with your children.
44:58 He says, "What I need to do?"
44:59 He said, "I, you turn the Word of God on its side."
45:04 You've heard that?
45:05 Turn the Word of God on its side.
45:07 And then what you do is you take it,
45:09 and you turn it on the other side.
45:14 And that way it gets done.
45:16 Did you get it?
45:17 Take the Word of God, turn one side
45:19 and then you take a turn
45:20 just like you do at home when you're cooking,
45:21 and so on and so forth.
45:23 Good admonition in the Word of God,
45:24 take it serious.
45:25 Amen. Amen and amen.
45:27 Well, I have Thursday, "Lest Ye Forget."
45:29 And we are going to get into Deuteronomy 6.
45:33 So if you have your Bibles open,
45:35 let's look at Deuteronomy 6.
45:38 The great thrust of Deuteronomy 6:12.
45:45 And it says,
45:46 "Beware lest ye forget the Lord
45:50 who brought you out of the land of Egypt,
45:54 from the house of bondage."
45:57 So what is Moses saying?
45:59 He said, "Don't forget, God is your Deliverer,
46:03 God is your Redeemer.
46:06 The title Deuteronomy
46:10 actually means the second giving of the law,
46:13 it's an English title.
46:15 And it's taken
46:16 when the Old Testament was translated into Greek,
46:20 we call that the Septuagint.
46:22 They took that Greek title, and gave it,
46:26 the English is Deuteronomy.
46:28 So it's essentially, Moses' last will and testament.
46:33 What he is doing,
46:35 you remember when he wrote the book of the law
46:38 up on the mountain,
46:39 God wrote the Ten Commandments,
46:41 but then He recited or dictated to Moses,
46:47 as Moses wrote the book of the law.
46:49 They are the book of the covenant.
46:51 Deuteronomy is called the book of the law.
46:54 So what He's doing here,
46:55 they're standing at the edge of promise.
46:58 And Moses knows he can't enter.
47:01 So he's telling them all over again,
47:03 he's recounting the wonderful ways
47:07 that God led them.
47:08 He's recounting the grace of the covenant,
47:11 and God's all sufficiency,
47:14 the way of hope
47:16 being obedience is a pathway to God's blessings.
47:19 So what you find in Deuteronomy 6,
47:22 these are Christian principles
47:25 that need to be taught to our children
47:27 or to anybody that doesn't know the Lord.
47:29 And let's look at verse 2, Deuteronomy 6:2, he says,
47:34 "That you may fear the Lord your God."
47:37 Well, why would we have to fear a God who is love.
47:43 You have to understand this word fear.
47:46 It means that we stand in awe of the glory of God.
47:53 We look at His perfect character
47:57 of love and power.
47:59 And to fear the Lord
48:02 means that when we understand that character,
48:08 and we stand in awe of who he is,
48:11 it elicits a response of obedience.
48:16 And so he says,
48:18 "Fear the Lord to keep all of his statutes
48:22 and his commandments which I command you,
48:24 you and your son and your grandson
48:26 all the days of your life," what?
48:30 "That your life may or your days may be prolong."
48:35 So as we keep His commandments,
48:38 that is the pathway to blessing that the life can be prolonged.
48:42 Now let's look at verse 4 and 5,
48:45 Deuteronomy 6:4-5, is called in the Hebrew,
48:50 the Shema, and that means hear,
48:55 the word H-E-A-R, hear, Shema,
48:59 "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God,
49:02 the Lord is one.
49:05 You shall love the Lord your God
49:07 with all your heart,
49:09 with all your soul, with all your strength."
49:11 Now, this is interesting.
49:13 This is a concise, monotheistic statement,
49:17 the Lord is one.
49:19 But the word one there doesn't mean singleness.
49:24 Right. It's the word for unity.
49:26 Like in Genesis 2:24, when he said,
49:30 that the man and the woman
49:32 shall be one as husband and wife,
49:35 or when Jesus said in John 17:22,
49:38 "Oh, Lord, let them be one like you and I are one."
49:41 So this is the same thing that God or Jesus,
49:46 when He was asked,
49:48 what's the most important commandment.
49:50 Was he doing quotes this, "Hear O Israel,
49:52 the Lord our God is one,
49:53 you should love the Lord with all your heart, soul,
49:56 mind and strength
49:57 and you shall love your neighbor as yourself
49:59 because" Romans 13:10 says,
50:01 "love is the fulfillment of the law."
50:07 Jesus said, "There's no greater commandment than this."
50:10 Now let me say something.
50:12 Love cannot be coerced.
50:14 Love cannot be forced.
50:17 It cannot be compelled.
50:19 Love is a choice.
50:21 Love is free will.
50:23 You were talking about a strong husband,
50:26 a father that's strong in the Lord, not weak.
50:29 He's not talking about a father
50:32 that's constantly berating his children and saying,
50:35 strong in the Lord is to be strong in love,
50:39 to know the love of the Lord.
50:41 And I'm going to tell you something.
50:43 If you don't understand
50:47 the character of God yourself,
50:50 get in the Word and study it
50:52 before you try to teach your children.
50:54 I grew up fearing the Father.
50:57 I knew that Jesus loved me and died for me.
51:00 But all I knew about the Father,
51:01 I thought He was just watching me
51:03 ready to zap me anytime I made a mistake.
51:06 And I was telling, Kenny, when we first sat down here,
51:10 I remember in college,
51:11 I was such a good girl all through high school,
51:15 first two years of college.
51:16 But then I became frustrated
51:20 and I remember shaking my fist
51:22 in the face of the Lord and saying,
51:25 "I can't please You, "
51:26 and I walked in the other direction.
51:29 He chased me down with His love
51:31 but we've got to
51:33 when you are teaching your children,
51:36 we've got to be teaching them God is love.
51:39 Deuteronomy 6:6-7, He says,
51:42 "These are words which I command you today
51:44 shall be in your heart,
51:46 you shall teach them diligently to your children,
51:50 you shall talk of them
51:51 when you're sitting in your house,
51:53 when you walk by the way,
51:54 when you lie down, when you rise up,
51:56 teach them diligently."
51:58 We all learn through repetition.
52:01 You can't just hear it once and remember it.
52:04 So when you're sitting down, when you're at rest,
52:07 when you're walking, when you're active,
52:09 when you lie down at nighttime, when you get up in the daytime,
52:13 it is an intention novelty
52:17 that you are repeating the focus of the word teaching.
52:23 Make God the subject of your conversation.
52:26 Teach your children how to integrate
52:29 the teachings of the Bible into their everyday life.
52:33 Make this something
52:34 that God is part of your everyday action.
52:38 Teach your children the constant presence of God
52:42 that He's right there with them,
52:44 teach them constant devotion to God.
52:48 And I just want to say this,
52:50 a wholehearted commitment of love.
52:53 If you want your kids to obey,
52:57 you need to teach them to love the Lord.
52:59 Jesus said, "If you love Me, keep My commandments."
53:05 Obedience is not legalism.
53:08 Obedience is love.
53:11 And when you want your children,
53:14 the more they respect you as a parent,
53:17 the more they understand how you love
53:20 and have only their best in mind for them.
53:24 That's when you have a child who's obeying from their heart.
53:28 And this is the same thing with the Lord.
53:32 He says in Deuteronomy 6:18,
53:35 "You shall do what is right and good
53:37 in the sight of the Lord
53:38 that it may be well with you it is."
53:40 You know, God does have clearly defined boundaries.
53:43 You talked about boundaries in the last program.
53:46 But his boundaries
53:48 are to keep us on the path of life,
53:50 so that we experience an abundant life now
53:53 and that we avoid the consequences of sin.
53:58 But if you have an incorrect or incomplete understanding
54:03 of God's character,
54:04 you're going to have kids
54:06 that are obeying out of legalism.
54:08 And guess what?
54:10 Rules without relationship result in rebellion.
54:12 They're going to end up stirring against the yoke.
54:17 Deuteronomy 6:24,
54:19 "The Lord commanded us to observe all these things
54:22 for our good always
54:24 they might preserve us the light,
54:26 then it will be righteousness for us,
54:31 if we're careful to observe all that God has commanded."
54:35 You know, you want your children
54:37 to understand righteousness by faith,
54:39 that is so important
54:40 that they can never be perfect, and it's not, it's Christ,
54:45 the grace of the covenant relationship,
54:47 but at the same time,
54:50 teach them to practice righteousness.
54:52 1 John 3:7 says,
54:54 "Little children, let no one deceive you.
54:56 He who practices righteousness is righteous,
55:01 just as he is righteous."
55:03 So, teach your children not to forget
55:07 all that God has done for them, that He is their Redeemer,
55:11 that He is the source of their existence,
55:15 and that He is their Sustainer,
55:17 even to the point that God says,
55:20 I'm the one who will sanctify you.
55:23 Amen. Praise the Lord.
55:24 That's right. That was good. That was good.
55:26 You said something that I would like to tweet
55:29 or post today.
55:30 I'll say that in just a few moments.
55:32 But let's get some final thoughts.
55:33 Okay.
55:35 Well, I just think that we really need to take on
55:38 the life of Christ from His childhood
55:40 to all the way through His ministry,
55:43 we need to take on the life of Christ,
55:46 and live for God
55:47 and be about our Father's business.
55:49 Amen.
55:50 Colossians 4:6,
55:52 "Let your speech always be with grace,
55:55 seasoned with salt that you may know
55:57 how you ought to answer everyone."
55:59 And you might be saying,
56:00 but I don't communicate with all those do's,
56:02 and I'm afraid I do a lot of those don'ts.
56:05 Go before the Lord Jesus Christ.
56:07 He is the one who changes our thoughts,
56:10 our minds, and our words.
56:13 Amen. Praise the Lord.
56:14 You know, the most powerful, powerful witness
56:17 for the role of parents,
56:18 it's what Sister Shelley just brought
56:20 with Deuteronomy Chapter 6, and we follow God's Word.
56:24 And we see what God will do in our home, with our family,
56:27 with our children.
56:29 You know, where there's life, there's hope.
56:31 Don't get discouraged. Amen.
56:32 I would just say that being a parent
56:35 is the highest calling to ministry there is
56:37 and it's a full-time ministry.
56:39 But the most important thing you can do
56:42 is to teach your children
56:43 to have an intimate love relationship
56:46 with a loved one who loves him so much
56:49 He came to earth,
56:51 became a man and died for them.
56:53 So teach your children that obedience is not legalism.
56:58 Obedience is love. That's right.
57:01 Praise the Lord, The Family, what a powerful lesson.
57:04 This quote here, I didn't get to read
57:06 on my particular day,
57:07 but I think it kind of sums up everything
57:09 that we've been talking about,
57:10 comes from Education, page 20 and it says,
57:12 "The system of education
57:14 instituted at the beginning of the world
57:16 was to be a model for man throughout all after time.
57:21 As an illustration of its principles,
57:24 a model school was established in Eden,
57:27 the home of our first parents."
57:29 And so, hey, it's all about that home education.
57:31 Listen, hey, get this click.
57:33 If you want to post something on Facebook
57:35 or tweet something worth sharing,
57:37 right now I'm going to quote Miss Shelley Quinn
57:39 and I think is the statement of the day.
57:41 When you are running away from the Lord,
57:43 God will chase you down with His love.
57:45 I like that.
57:47 When you're running in the opposite direction,
57:49 God will chase you down with His love.
57:51 Praise the Lord.
57:52 Thank you so much for joining us this week
57:54 on 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
57:55 Next week, got to come back.
57:57 We're talking about the law as a teacher.
58:00 God bless. See you next week.


Revised 2020-10-26