3ABN Sabbath School Panel

“The Eyes of the Lord”: The Biblical Worldview

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP200043S

00:01 Hello, friends, we're diving into week four,
00:03 that's lesson number four,
00:05 and we're talking about the Eyes of the Lord.
00:08 We're also going to be discussing
00:09 the biblical worldview.
00:11 So again, we encourage you to get ready, get your notes,
00:14 your pens, all those things together,
00:16 because this week we're going to have
00:17 an exciting Bible study,
00:19 diving into some important aspects
00:21 of how to perceive God
00:22 and the correct biblical worldview.
00:25 If you will need a copy of this lesson,
00:26 or perhaps maybe you're new to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel,
00:29 you can go to ABSG.Adventist.org.
00:34 That stands for Adult Bible Study Guide,
00:37 go there and get a copy for free
00:39 or you can simply go
00:40 to your local Seventh-day Adventist Church,
00:42 and I'm sure they would love to give you one for free as well
00:44 and even study with you.
00:45 So thank you so much for joining us again
00:47 for another exciting epic Bible study adventure.
00:50 We'll see in just a few moments.
01:23 Hello, friends, and welcome to another week
01:25 of 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
01:26 As always, we're very thankful
01:28 that you've taken time out of your busy day
01:30 to study with us
01:31 because we here on this panel, we love the Lord.
01:33 And we love His Word, we love truth,
01:35 we're all about truth here at 3ABN,
01:38 and we're going to continue to preach the Word
01:41 and uplift the truth in spirit
01:43 and in truth as the Bible teaches us.
01:45 And this week we're taking on lesson number four,
01:47 which is entitled "The Eyes of the Lord."
01:50 And kind of the subtitle behind that
01:53 is the biblical worldview.
01:54 And so we're going to be diving deep into some things
01:57 that are very interesting, exciting,
01:59 and we're going to be kind of dissecting
02:02 what it means to have a biblical worldview.
02:05 Before we go any further,
02:07 I'm going to go ahead and introduce the panel today.
02:09 To my direct left, we have Miss Jill Morikone.
02:12 And it's always a blessing to have you.
02:14 Thank you so much, Ryan, privileged to be here.
02:16 Amen. Praise the Lord.
02:17 And, of course, hey,
02:18 you haven't been with us the last three weeks,
02:20 but you're here now and that's all that counts.
02:22 We appreciate Pastor John Lomacang with us again.
02:24 I couldn't fathom leaving you guys alone.
02:27 I'm glad to be back.
02:28 We got you.
02:30 Praise the Lord.
02:31 And then, of course, to your direct left,
02:33 we have Miss Shelley Quinn
02:34 and again, we can't say enough
02:35 of how excited we are to have you back
02:37 after a long hiatus of you being not with us.
02:40 But it's a blessing to have you back here.
02:42 It is exciting to be here.
02:44 And I'm just so pleased
02:46 because I always learn from you all
02:47 and it's just exciting to be with you again.
02:50 Thank you for studying with us. Amen.
02:52 Praise the Lord and to your left...
02:55 An empty chair.
02:56 He has defied the laws of physics
02:59 and reality and science
03:01 Pastor Kenny would be with us,
03:03 but because of certain circumstances,
03:05 He's not able to be with us this week.
03:07 But Miss Shelley Quinn is going to take care
03:10 of Thursday's lesson.
03:11 So we're still going to study
03:13 and we're still going to have a good time.
03:14 Amen? Praise the Lord.
03:15 Before we go any further though,
03:17 because we have so much to talk about,
03:19 we need to ask the Lord
03:20 to be with us and to lead and guide us.
03:21 So, Pastor Lomacang, why don't you pray for us?
03:24 Let's bow our heads.
03:25 Gracious Father and loving Lord,
03:27 what a blessing it is to be able to open Your Word
03:29 and to pray for Your Holy Spirit
03:32 that we might rightly divide the word of truth.
03:36 Guide our hearts and minds
03:38 that what we communicate will be clear,
03:40 and those who receive it
03:42 will receive it for Your glory and Your Honor,
03:44 we ask in Jesus' name, amen.
03:47 Amen. Praise the Lord.
03:49 The eyes of the Lord, lesson number four,
03:52 the biblical worldview.
03:53 Sabbath afternoon
03:55 introduces to us our memory text for the week.
03:58 And it comes from Proverbs 15:3,
04:02 and the Bible says,
04:03 "The eyes of the Lord are in every place,
04:07 keeping watch on the evil and the good."
04:10 So there's many text in the Bible
04:11 that clearly communicate that
04:13 you can't hide anything from the Lord.
04:15 He sees all, He knows all.
04:18 And I like how the lesson kind of opens up
04:20 a little bit of a poetic wording
04:23 to kind of get us established here.
04:25 Polish poet,
04:27 and I hope I say this right Czeslaw Milosz.
04:30 Good job.
04:31 Czeslaw Milosz, I think that's correct.
04:33 He wrote a poem,
04:34 which began with his writing about imaginary animals.
04:38 So we're talking about like talking rabbits
04:40 and talking squirrels and things of such.
04:42 And he actually says about the poem.
04:45 He says, "They have as much in common with real animals
04:50 as our notions of the world have
04:53 with the real world."
04:56 Then to the end of the poem, he wrote this,
04:59 he says, "think of this and tremble."
05:03 So I'm going to read that one more time
05:05 because I kind of stumbled on my words there.
05:06 He wrote, he says,
05:08 "They," speaking of these talking animals
05:10 that he wrote about,
05:11 "have as much in common with real animals
05:14 as our notions of the world have with the real world."
05:18 And he says, "think on this and tremble."
05:21 And I think he's emphasizing the fact
05:23 that we live in a world today of vast scattered opinions
05:27 and ideas and ideologies, perspectives.
05:31 And when it comes to worldview or in this case,
05:33 we're studying the biblical worldview,
05:35 because that's ultimately what we want
05:36 to achieve is a correct,
05:38 accurate biblical worldview
05:40 according to what the Bible teaches us.
05:42 There are so many different worldviews
05:45 and as for have been for thousands of years.
05:47 For example, the best educated people thought
05:51 more than 2, 000 years ago
05:52 that the earth or over the last 2, 000 years
05:55 up to a certain point that the earth was flat,
05:58 and also was the center of the universe,
06:00 some of the best educated people.
06:02 So they had kind of a twisted worldview
06:03 in that particular perspective.
06:05 And, of course, speaking of today,
06:07 many of today's most educated people believe
06:11 that human beings evolved from monkeys,
06:13 or from all other sorts of, you know,
06:15 small microscopic life.
06:18 And so and we tend to see the world through filters
06:21 that impact how we interpret
06:22 and understand the world around us.
06:24 And, of course, this is called a worldview,
06:26 how you view the world
06:28 and different aspects of the world around you
06:30 is what it is quickly to find his world view.
06:34 And that's what we want to establish today.
06:35 We want to adopt a correct biblical worldview.
06:38 And that's essentially what the lesson is about.
06:40 So I'm going to dive into Sunday's lesson,
06:42 and kind of just to set this up.
06:43 As I was looking into this lesson and studying,
06:46 it kind of brought my attention back to something
06:48 that I saw a couple of years ago,
06:50 celebrity actor Jim Carey.
06:53 Many people may not know who he is,
06:54 but he's a very popular celebrity
06:56 in the American nation.
06:59 And he actually had an interview
07:01 in which he said of his worldview
07:03 and his perspective in kind of a twist on reality,
07:06 he said, "We don't really exist,"
07:08 speaking of human beings,
07:10 "we don't even matter," he says.
07:13 And I thought that to be interesting,
07:15 but then I ran across another interview
07:17 with the chief designer of Space X.
07:20 And of course, the CEO of Tesla,
07:21 his name is Elon Musk
07:23 and it's interesting because in a podcast,
07:25 a public podcast interview,
07:27 he said, speaking of his worldview
07:28 and his perspective of reality,
07:30 he said, "We are most likely living in an alternate reality
07:33 or some kind of simulation."
07:36 This was not,
07:38 there was no sarcasm, they were not,
07:40 this was a real thing where he was dead serious
07:43 and his worldview
07:44 or his picture of reality is that,
07:46 you know, right now, as I'm speaking,
07:48 and as people are living and walking and talking
07:50 and existing around the world today
07:52 that we're probably living
07:53 in some kind of alternate reality,
07:55 or maybe we don't even really exist,
07:56 or maybe it's just some kind of weird,
07:58 you know,
08:00 digital assimilation of some kind.
08:02 But, you know, those are just examples
08:04 of some of the modern takes.
08:06 And some of the mentalities
08:07 of what people are thinking of in reference to the worldview
08:10 and how the world exists and what reality is,
08:13 but at the end of the day,
08:15 we need to make sure
08:16 that we have a proper biblical worldview.
08:17 Even recently,
08:19 an Oxford University professor of chemist
08:20 goes to the point
08:22 that I was making in the beginning,
08:23 an Oxford University professor,
08:24 I think the lesson brings this out,
08:26 has theorized that we,
08:27 the world, and everything around us,
08:31 none of it is real.
08:33 Instead,
08:34 we are the digital creations of a race of aliens
08:37 with super powerful computers.
08:39 And again, these are real people,
08:40 educated people with real ideas.
08:43 And ultimately,
08:44 what we need to ask is what is the nature of reality?
08:47 And really, it comes down to two possibilities.
08:50 Again, some people may think more complex outside of this,
08:52 but it comes down to two foundational possibilities,
08:56 as far as the realities
08:58 that are out there today in the average mind of people.
09:00 And so the first one is, and here it is,
09:02 we've heard of this many times.
09:04 The first is that the universe,
09:06 okay, and all that is in it, including us, just is.
09:12 Nothing created it, nothing formed it.
09:15 It's just here.
09:17 It is simply a brute fact,
09:19 according to this particular line of thinking.
09:21 There is no God,
09:23 there are no gods, there is nothing divine.
09:26 Reality is purely material, purely natural.
09:30 In other words, things just are,
09:33 something potentially came from nothing.
09:35 But at the end of the day,
09:36 it just is
09:38 versus the second true aspect of reality,
09:42 which is where we fall in line is that,
09:43 you know what?
09:45 There's a divine being that created it all.
09:47 There's a divine intelligence behind it all.
09:50 And there are several biblical texts.
09:52 This is where we kind of get into what we believe
09:54 to be the correct biblical worldview.
09:56 We have to go to the Word of God
09:57 and ask ourselves,
09:58 what does the Bible say
10:00 and how can we today as Christians,
10:01 as believers fit our thinking
10:03 and our understanding in harmony
10:05 with what we know to be the biblical worldview.
10:07 And there's a few texts that I believe
10:09 help us line this idea out.
10:11 Psalm 53:1, you got to start there.
10:13 Okay?
10:14 Let's just make this clear from God's perspective,
10:16 from the divine perspective.
10:18 Psalm 53:1 says,
10:20 "The fool has said in his heart,
10:23 there is no God."
10:26 Okay, so let's just start there.
10:27 "The fool has said in his heart, there is no God."
10:30 Yet we live in a reality.
10:33 Pastor Lomacang knows this very much
10:35 as we get out into the world today,
10:38 and we begin to do evangelism,
10:39 you're going to meet many,
10:41 many more people around the world.
10:42 Some of the ideas that come out of some people's minds
10:45 is just amazing to me.
10:46 And more and more from the atheistic perspective,
10:50 more and more from the questioning,
10:52 the skeptic mind
10:53 of where did everything come from
10:55 and there's got to be an answer for everything,
10:57 and at the end of the day it leads someone to question
11:00 even the very reality as we have clearly seen
11:03 that we are living in.
11:04 Proverbs15:3, this is another one.
11:07 And this is actually our memory text for the week.
11:10 "The eyes of the Lord are in every place,
11:13 keeping watch on the evil and the good."
11:15 So this is looking into the omniscience
11:18 and the all powerfulness of God,
11:21 the all knowingness of God.
11:23 God knows all, He sees all.
11:26 And so, there is a reality
11:28 in which God the divine being created all.
11:32 He knows all.
11:33 There's an intelligence behind creation
11:34 and that's what the biblical worldview teaches.
11:37 John 3:16.
11:39 Now this is where we get into more
11:40 of a spiritual aspect of the biblical worldview,
11:44 because we're not talking about just some random,
11:46 all powerful being that's out there,
11:48 we're talking about a real being
11:50 that has real feelings
11:51 that actually is much different than the way
11:53 the world portrays them.
11:56 Notice John 3:16, "For God so,"
11:58 that's an interesting word
12:00 to use in reference to a divine being.
12:05 "For God so loved the world
12:07 that He gave His only begotten Son,
12:09 that whosoever believes in Him should not perish,
12:11 but have everlasting life."
12:13 God loves.
12:14 I grew up in school,
12:16 or going to school
12:17 I grew up hearing year after year,
12:20 they taught this Greek mythology,
12:21 Roman mythology.
12:23 And the idea that these gods,
12:25 you know, they're just these all powerful beings,
12:28 and they all have different attributes
12:30 and different powers.
12:31 But the one thing
12:32 that was consistent with them all is that
12:34 they really could care less
12:36 if they had any interaction
12:38 or any connection with the human world,
12:41 or the lesser world of the humans.
12:43 And so, you would,
12:44 the common thing you see in Greek mythology
12:46 and even, you know,
12:47 these polytheistic religions around the world
12:51 where they serve many, many gods is this aspect
12:53 that there's the gods, they're out there,
12:55 and then there's us,
12:56 and they really could care less about us.
12:58 In fact, many of them waged war against the humans.
13:01 They tried to wipe out and destroy humankind.
13:04 But yet,
13:05 Christianity is different in the sense that right here,
13:07 the biblical worldview of who God is,
13:09 He's not just some divine God up there in the heavens,
13:13 sitting on a cloud with a, you know,
13:15 powerful lightning bolt in His hand
13:16 waiting to just fry the earth,
13:18 as you might see in the story of Zeus
13:19 and some of these other ones.
13:21 But the Bible says that
13:22 God so loved and that's strange, right?
13:26 Isaiah 45:21,
13:27 "Tell and bring forth your case.
13:29 Yes, let them take counsel together,
13:32 who has declared this from ancient time,
13:35 who has told it from that time, have not either Lord,
13:39 and there is,"
13:40 he says, "have not I, the Lord,
13:42 and there is no other God besides me,
13:44 a just God and a savior,
13:47 there is none besides me."
13:49 We serve a savior.
13:50 So the biblical worldview,
13:52 we have to also consider that
13:53 not only is God the divine creator of all,
13:56 and that there's a divine intelligence behind creation,
13:59 but also it's very, very important
14:02 that we understand who God is.
14:04 And I think that's very, very powerful.
14:06 And I have run out of my time,
14:08 but I just want to make this clear
14:09 in the last few seconds that I have here.
14:11 Christians have a responsibility
14:13 to make God who the Bible says that He is.
14:17 To really communicate who God is from a biblical perspective,
14:20 because many of us are getting in trouble
14:22 in presenting God
14:23 to be someone that He is not
14:24 and it messes up the worldview of who God is.
14:28 Amen.
14:30 Powerful lesson, Ryan.
14:31 Thank you so much.
14:32 Beautiful foundation for the biblical worldview
14:34 and who God is.
14:36 On Monday, we have "Leibniz's Question."
14:39 Now, I hope I pronounced his name correctly.
14:41 Gofried Wilhelm Leibniz was a German philosopher,
14:46 logician and mathematician of the enlightenment.
14:49 He lived from 1646-1716.
14:52 And his question,
14:54 this is part of his argument for the existence of God.
14:58 His question is simply this,
15:00 "Why is there something rather than nothing?"
15:04 That's the question for Monday's lesson.
15:06 Why is there something rather than nothing?
15:11 He says,
15:12 "The sufficient reason is found in the substance
15:16 which is a necessary being burying the reason
15:19 for its existence within itself,
15:22 meaning God has the reason for existence within Himself.
15:26 Why is there something rather than nothing?
15:30 This is the fundamental question of metaphysics.
15:33 Metaphysics, of course,
15:34 is that branch of philosophy
15:35 that examines the fundamental nature of reality,
15:38 which is what you talked about reality,
15:40 including the relationship between mind and matter,
15:43 and substance and attribute, and potentiality and actuality.
15:47 So why is there something rather than nothing?
15:51 This provides the setting for our lesson,
15:53 which is all about creation.
15:55 Looking at creation,
15:57 go with me to Genesis Chapter 1,
15:59 as our biblical worldview,
16:01 the lens through which we view the world.
16:04 There's four points I want to make.
16:06 First, God created something out of nothing.
16:11 Genesis 1:1.
16:12 That's right.
16:13 "In the beginning,
16:15 God created the heavens and the earth."
16:18 The existence of God is simply assumed,
16:20 no explanation for His existence is given,
16:23 no reason for His origin.
16:25 God is simply given.
16:27 In the beginning, God, God did what?
16:30 God created.
16:32 That word created in Hebrew, I love that word Bara.
16:37 The verb is used only when God is the subject.
16:40 God created.
16:42 And it's always linked to divine creative activity.
16:47 Here it's used of God's ability
16:48 to create something out of nothing.
16:52 It reminds me of Hebrews 11:3,
16:55 Paul says, "By faith,
16:57 we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God,
17:01 so that the things which are seen
17:02 were not made of things which are visible."
17:05 It means that
17:07 God made something out of nothing.
17:10 By what?
17:11 By the Word of God.
17:13 In the beginning, God, in contrast to atheism,
17:17 created alone, in contrast to polytheism,
17:21 He rules over creation, in contrast to pantheism.
17:27 Matter had a beginning, as opposed to materialism.
17:31 And the ultimate reality is God,
17:33 not humanity.
17:35 So point number one
17:36 is God created something out of nothing.
17:39 Point number two, God spoke, and it came into existence.
17:43 That's right.
17:45 Genesis 1:3, what did God say?
17:47 God said, "Let there be light and," what happened?
17:49 "And there was light."
17:51 The phrase God said
17:53 appears nine times in Genesis Chapter 1.
17:57 God spoke and the worlds were framed
17:59 and things came into existence.
18:03 It reminds me of Psalm 33.
18:04 Let's jump over there.
18:06 Psalm 33:6-9, "By the," what's that?
18:11 "The word of the Lord, where the heavens made,
18:14 and the host of them by the breath of His mouth,
18:17 He spoke, and it was done.
18:20 He commanded, and it stood fast."
18:23 By the word of the Lord, God spoke, and things happened.
18:27 Light happened
18:28 and plants and animals and trees and flowers,
18:31 you and I, God formed us and created us,
18:35 but everything else in creation,
18:36 God spoke, and it was done.
18:40 Point number three,
18:41 all three persons of the Godhead,
18:44 Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were involved in creation.
18:49 Genesis 1:1, we already read that scripture,
18:51 it clearly tells us God's involved in creation.
18:54 "In the beginning, who?
18:56 "God created the heavens and the earth."
19:00 But some people say,
19:01 "Well, God was involved, but Jesus was not involved."
19:04 He most certainly was involved.
19:07 John 1, I love that,
19:08 that comparison between Genesis 1 and John 1.
19:11 John 1:1,
19:13 "In the beginning was the Word,
19:15 and the Word was with God,
19:16 and the Word was God."
19:18 Now who in the world is the Word?
19:20 The Word is the Lord Jesus Christ.
19:22 John 1:14, "The Word was made flesh,
19:25 and dwelt among us."
19:28 In the beginning was the Word,
19:29 meaning Jesus preexisted from all eternity,
19:33 "and the Word was with God,"
19:34 meaning Jesus is divine,
19:36 "and the Word was God,"
19:38 Father, Son together in the beginning.
19:41 Verse 3, John 1:3,
19:43 "All things were made through Him,
19:47 and without Him,
19:48 nothing was made that was made."
19:50 That tells me that everything that happened in creation,
19:54 Jesus was involved in
19:56 and had an integral part in that creation.
20:00 Ephesians 3:9,
20:02 and to make all see
20:03 what is the fellowship of the mystery,
20:05 which from the beginning of the ages
20:06 has been hidden in God,
20:08 who created all things through Jesus Christ.
20:13 God is the agent of creation,
20:15 but Jesus is the one who actually made that happen.
20:19 Created the worlds through Jesus Christ.
20:21 And as if that isn't enough,
20:22 Hebrews 1:2 tells us the same thing.
20:25 "God has in these last days spoken to us by His Son,
20:29 whom He's appointed heir to all things
20:31 through whom also He made the worlds."
20:35 Now the Holy Spirit was present at creation as well.
20:39 Genesis 1:2,
20:41 "This earth was without form and void,
20:43 and darkness was upon the face of the deep,
20:46 and the Spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters."
20:51 Job talks about it as well in Job 26:13.
20:54 He says, "By His Spirit, He adorned the heavens."
20:59 Now point number four,
21:01 God created this world in six literal days.
21:06 That is an important world view.
21:10 We can have the worldview that God created.
21:12 We can have the worldview
21:14 that God created something out of nothing.
21:16 We can have the world view
21:17 that God the Father, Son,
21:18 and Holy Spirit were involved in creation.
21:20 But if we do not have the worldview
21:22 that God created this earth in six literal days,
21:26 there comes a problem with our theology
21:29 as we go throughout the Word of God.
21:32 Let's look at that,
21:33 God's creation in these six literal days.
21:36 I see first in Genesis 1:5,
21:39 God's reference to evening and morning being a day.
21:44 He references that, Genesis 1:5, what does he say?
21:47 God called the light day,
21:49 and the darkness He called night.
21:51 So the evening and the morning were the first day.
21:55 And Hebrew, it reads literally,
21:58 evening was, morning was day one.
22:02 Now that's pretty clear. Would you say that's clear?
22:04 That's 24-hour period.
22:05 Evening was, morning was day one.
22:09 If you were to translate into English, you'd say,
22:10 and there was evening, and there was morning, one day.
22:14 It says the same thing.
22:16 In fact, the New Living Translation,
22:18 which we don't usually quote from,
22:19 but it says,
22:21 "An evening past
22:22 and morning came marking the first day."
22:26 We know that the Jews understood this.
22:28 If you look in Leviticus 23:32,
22:32 the Jews calculated a day from sunset to sunset,
22:36 the same way that we keep the Sabbath.
22:38 From evening to evening,
22:40 you shall celebrate your Sabbath.
22:42 We can also look at the use of the Hebrew word for day.
22:45 Now that word for day in Hebrew is yom,
22:48 and it's used for two different things.
22:51 Sometimes it's used for literal 24-hour period,
22:54 which we believe how it's used in the creation account.
22:56 Other times it could be used
22:58 for an indefinite period of time.
23:01 But when that noun yom,
23:03 this word for day appears in the Old Testament,
23:06 when it's used with a numeral,
23:08 it always refers to a literal 24-hour period of time,
23:12 which is in the creation account.
23:13 It's always connected with a certain day,
23:15 day one of creation, or day two, or day three.
23:18 You also think about the interaction
23:20 as it were between the days of creation
23:23 What I mean by that is the plants and vegetation
23:27 were created on day three.
23:28 Now if plants were created, and it was eons of time,
23:32 until the light was created
23:35 until not light,
23:36 but until the sun, moon and stars were created,
23:38 you would have a problem if there was eons of time.
23:42 That's how you get photosynthesis?
23:44 And how would plants survive?
23:45 And how would anything survive
23:47 without the sun for eons of time?
23:49 The other reason is that we see the link
23:52 between the fourth commandment, the seventh day Sabbath,
23:56 and a literal six-day creation week,
24:00 that link's clearly seen in Exodus 20,
24:03 the fourth commandment.
24:04 Exodus 20:8-11.
24:06 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
24:08 "Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
24:11 but the seventh day is the Sabbath
24:13 of the Lord your God.
24:14 In it, you shall not do any work.
24:17 You nor your son nor your daughter,"
24:18 it goes on, we jump down to verse 11.
24:21 It says, "For in six days,
24:23 the Lord made heavens and the earth,
24:25 the sea and all that in them is and rested the seventh day.
24:30 Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day
24:32 and hallowed it."
24:34 We see here the connection between the six days
24:36 in which we are to work,
24:38 the six days of, six literal days of creation,
24:42 and the seventh day
24:43 that God blessed and sanctified,
24:46 set apart and made holy.
24:48 We see that, of course, in the Garden of Eden,
24:50 Genesis 2 when God finished to the end of His creative work
24:54 those six literal days of creation,
24:56 and the seventh day He blessed and sanctified it.
25:00 So why is there something rather than nothing?
25:05 It's because in the beginning
25:07 God existed from all eternity
25:10 created the heavens and the earth.
25:14 Amen.
25:15 Praise the Lord. Thank you so much.
25:17 That was powerful.
25:18 You're always very thorough
25:19 and as I'm watching your notes there,
25:21 it's like, man, you've got so much to talk about.
25:23 But that was a blessing.
25:24 My friends, we're going to take a short break,
25:26 we'll be back in just a moment. Don't go anywhere.
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26:03 Welcome back to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
26:06 We're going to pass it on to Pastor John Lomacang
26:09 for Tuesday's lesson.
26:10 Thank you, Ryan.
26:12 And thank you those of you who are tuning in.
26:14 Actually, I'm going to continue on the biblical worldview.
26:17 This lesson is very, very interesting.
26:20 And if you haven't received a copy of it yet,
26:22 I know that you'll really appreciate
26:25 when we could really open up
26:26 and walk through the Word of God together.
26:29 I'm on Tuesday, October 20, if you have your lesson,
26:32 just go along with me.
26:33 I'm going to read briefly the introduction.
26:36 Because worldviews,
26:38 something that I really appreciate
26:39 having traveled more than 60 countries,
26:42 I could sit here this morning and recognize that,
26:46 you know, I know what's going on in Australia.
26:49 I can understand
26:50 what people are doing in New Guinea.
26:52 I understand.
26:54 We've been to Paris together.
26:55 And we've been there more than once.
26:57 Parts of Asia, the Caribbean,
27:00 I just recently saw,
27:02 I had an opportunity to go down to the Virgin Islands.
27:06 And when I saw someone's picture on Facebook
27:09 of the Virgin Islands,
27:10 I immediately got sick,
27:13 because I said I should be there.
27:16 And so my mind, I could sit here and worldview,
27:19 it makes a difference in how you communicate,
27:22 how we think
27:23 and how we are able to put a lesson together.
27:26 We start considering cultures and people how they think,
27:30 to be able to structure together.
27:32 And in the introduction of the lesson, it says,
27:34 "As said in the introduction,
27:36 none of us views the world from a neutral position."
27:41 Nobody does.
27:42 One writer says,
27:44 when people say that they are not biased,
27:47 that's not possible. Everyone is biased.
27:50 Everyone has a bias to something.
27:53 So when people say have an open mind,
27:56 that open mind is filtered by that person's worldview.
28:01 If we say how fast was he,
28:03 and I heard this example,
28:05 somebody talked about a snail versus a rabbit.
28:10 And they said,
28:12 the snail said that rabbit was fast,
28:14 then somebody else compared a car to a bicycle
28:17 and said that car was fast.
28:20 Then somebody else compared a Cessna 152 to a fighter jet
28:24 and they said that jet was fast.
28:27 You notice each of the comparisons,
28:29 somebody compared
28:30 a high school runner to Usain Bolt.
28:33 And they said he was fast.
28:35 So it all depends on the comparison,
28:37 what you're comparing it to.
28:39 So what I like to, what I like to dive into,
28:41 is I like to use the gospels
28:43 in the comparison of the worldview.
28:45 A lot of people read the Bible
28:46 for the purpose of using it too,
28:49 as a tool to argue with Christians and they say,
28:52 well, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
28:54 don't always jive together,
28:56 they have some differences.
28:57 Well, consider the thought
28:59 before I get into the lesson, consider the following thought.
29:03 You're standing on one of the four corners
29:05 where an accident occurs, and a large crowd gathers.
29:09 And what is pertinent to the person
29:12 who was injured in the accident,
29:14 and the person who was involved in the accident.
29:16 In America, we use this phrase alleged,
29:19 we say alleged.
29:20 And in other words, until it's proven it's alleged.
29:23 But sometimes that irritates me,
29:24 because you know,
29:26 you can see a video of a guy
29:27 mowing down people with a machine gun.
29:28 And they say he allegedly shot them
29:30 and I thought,
29:31 "Well, did he have a stand-in, that's him."
29:33 So you get what I'm saying.
29:34 Now, now, my worldview goes now to places like Dubai
29:39 or Abu Dhabi,
29:41 where in the very same context,
29:43 this is a kind of a crude illustration,
29:45 but it was on the news,
29:47 where a person with an extreme view
29:51 took the life of an American school teacher
29:53 in a female's bathroom in the airport.
29:56 And there were only two people in the bathroom
29:58 and they saw this person coming out,
30:00 the camera's caught the face of the person.
30:02 They didn't use the word
30:03 she allegedly took that person's life.
30:05 They said, "We got a video."
30:07 And she was hung three days later.
30:09 No due process.
30:11 What a difference in worldview?
30:13 So when we went over to Dubai,
30:15 my wife was told,
30:17 leave your pocketbook on the table.
30:18 We were in a huge massive restaurant,
30:20 leave it right there.
30:21 My wife said, but my,
30:23 but all my bill, they said it's fine.
30:25 Leave it right there.
30:26 We went in a restaurant, there were hundreds of people.
30:28 She said, "Leave it at the table.
30:29 Let's go to the bar and get our food."
30:31 She said,
30:32 "Believe me, leave it there, nobody will touch it."
30:35 Wow.
30:36 And no one touched it.
30:38 She said, "In this country, if you steal something,
30:40 your hand is cut off.
30:43 In this country,
30:44 people take crimes seriously."
30:46 In America, they allegedly took her purse.
30:49 In Dubai or in Middle East, Oh, we got you on video,
30:53 three days later,
30:54 you won't be able to wave goodbye any longer.
30:57 Not to make light of that.
30:58 But the worldview of justice is quite different
31:01 when you think about the world.
31:02 They literally think of an eye for an eye,
31:04 a tooth for a tooth.
31:06 So they said it's one of the safest societies
31:08 in the world for women.
31:10 A woman could walk the street,
31:11 and nobody would even considered bothering her
31:14 because they are thinking of the consequences.
31:16 What a difference in worldview as compared to America.
31:19 Now sometimes we think,
31:20 well, we wouldn't mind having some of that.
31:23 But then again, boy,
31:24 it'll really turn our world upside down.
31:27 So when we think about worldview,
31:28 let's go to the Book of Jonah.
31:29 I want to show you something and I'm kind of diving
31:32 in a completely different direction than the writer.
31:35 Because these questions
31:37 that are asked in the context of Jonah Chapter 1
31:40 are very pertinent
31:41 to developing a person's worldview.
31:44 Now we know the story,
31:45 Jonah was told to go to Nineveh,
31:47 he went to Tarshish instead.
31:50 He went to the opposite direction,
31:52 turbulence hit,
31:53 the mariners couldn't control the ship,
31:56 the passengers knew something was wrong.
31:59 And we start now verses 7 to 9.
32:02 And if you follow the story, Jonah went down, he went down,
32:05 he went down, he went down.
32:07 The life of a person running from the Lord.
32:10 But now verse 7,
32:12 "And they said to one another,"
32:13 trying to figure out
32:15 why the ship is in such disrepair,
32:17 "Come, let us cast lots
32:19 that we may know
32:21 for who's caused this trouble has come to us."
32:24 So they cast lots and the lot fell on Jonah.
32:29 Then they said to him,
32:30 'Please tell us
32:32 for whose cause is this trouble upon us?'"
32:36 Now, notice the questions.
32:37 These are all worldview questions.
32:39 "What is your occupation?"
32:41 Okay.
32:43 Second one, "Where do you come from?"
32:46 Third, "What is your country?"
32:49 Fourth, "And of what people are you?"
32:53 And his sheepish disobedient response,
32:56 "I am a Hebrew and I fear the Lord,
32:59 the God of heaven,
33:00 who made the sea and the dry land."
33:02 If that's in fact the case, Jonah,
33:04 why are you going in the opposite direction?
33:07 Not a good time to testify
33:08 about your relationship with the Lord
33:10 when you're in club, partying.
33:12 Or when you are at a magazine stand
33:14 looking at what you shouldn't
33:16 or when you're buying something that has alcohol in it
33:19 and the person next to you says,
33:20 "I watch you on 3ABN."
33:22 Now that hasn't happened,
33:24 just want to make that point very quick.
33:26 But I noticed I was in a store.
33:29 This is years ago in California,
33:31 I had on a cap, I had dark sunglasses,
33:33 I had on shorts.
33:34 It was a Sunday, long before 3ABN,
33:36 but I've been on television on TBN with Heritage Singers,
33:38 and somebody said, "Hey, is that you?"
33:41 And I turned around startlingly, they said,
33:43 "Hey, I watch you with Heritage."
33:44 And I said to my wife,
33:46 you know, now, our slogan is we cannot dis...
33:49 We can't be disobedient anywhere in the world
33:53 because you never know
33:54 we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses.
33:56 So when you think about that,
33:59 think about the questions asked to Jonah.
34:02 And that when you begin to answer these questions,
34:05 you begin to understand the impact of your life
34:07 on a world stage.
34:09 Because Jonah's life, what is your occupation?
34:13 I know years ago,
34:14 the question was asked to a pastor on an airplane,
34:16 what do you do?
34:17 And he said to the person,
34:19 "Hey, I'm a motivational speaker."
34:22 What he didn't know,
34:24 well, that person was going to the same place he went,
34:25 and they both ended up at a camp meeting.
34:28 And that lady who was not a Christian said,
34:31 I saw him on the plane.
34:32 He told me he was a motivational speaker,
34:34 but he's a pastor.
34:35 What is your occupation?
34:36 Are you a Christian all the time?
34:39 Are you a Christian all the time?
34:41 When you think about our responsibility,
34:43 I can't be a pastor only when I'm in a church.
34:46 I've got to be a pastor all the time.
34:48 So I'm challenging you as a person who is a Christian.
34:52 Most of you watching are Christians,
34:54 many of you watching our Seventh-day Adventists.
34:56 You must understand
34:58 your position mindset of who you are all the time
35:01 must be applicable to the witness
35:04 that you give of Christ
35:05 because the way that you demonstrate
35:08 would affect people's worldview about your occupation.
35:12 The other one, where do you come from?
35:13 Now, this is a very challenging one,
35:15 because West Indian people,
35:17 I know that if you say to a person
35:18 that's from Jamaica,
35:19 they're from Trinidad, it's an offense.
35:21 Or you from Puerto Rico and they're from Spain,
35:23 it's an offense.
35:24 People look at where they're from
35:26 as highly a thing of pride,
35:30 but the Christian must look at where they're headed.
35:32 So that shapes my worldview
35:34 more than where I'm from
35:36 because as you can tell,
35:37 I go to the Virgin Islands
35:38 and come back with a tan like this.
35:40 And many, many shades darker
35:41 and people think I'm from India,
35:43 as somebody once said, "Is your husband from India?"
35:46 No.
35:48 "Well, what is he?"
35:49 And my wife went through the litany.
35:50 He's Filipino, white, black and Native American.
35:53 They said, "Never mind."
35:55 But my worldview is, I am a Christian,
35:57 Where am I from is not as important as where I'm headed.
36:00 The third one, what is your country?
36:01 As a Christian, the answer is very simple.
36:04 My citizenship is in heaven, but my location is on earth.
36:10 So when we consider our citizenship,
36:12 once again, it affects our worldview.
36:14 That means we should be Christians
36:16 wherever we are,
36:18 and we never know who is watching.
36:20 So make sure that you're representing
36:22 the citizenship of the kingdom
36:23 where you're headed
36:24 rather than where you came from.
36:26 And also finally, what people are you?
36:29 What people am I?
36:30 I am a Seventh-day Adventist Christian.
36:32 Now I take that with a sense of spirit.
36:35 Is there such thing as spiritual pride?
36:37 Be careful.
36:39 Be careful, that's a tightrope.
36:41 Maybe I should say appreciation.
36:44 Appreciating the foundation of my spiritual conviction
36:49 allows me to appreciate everyone else's conviction,
36:52 because Jesus says your worldview affects
36:55 how you communicate with others.
36:57 Other sheep I have that are not of your fold.
37:00 So keep that in mind
37:01 when you represent the Christ of what people you are of?
37:05 Shelley.
37:06 Amen. Thank you.
37:07 You know, I was thinking
37:09 as you were talking about this comparison,
37:11 part of our problem, even as Christians,
37:15 is that we have been infiltrated
37:19 with Greek thinking,
37:21 you know, we're trying to prove something.
37:24 This book, the Bible is a Hebrew document primarily.
37:29 So Hebrews, you know,
37:32 when it starts off in the beginning,
37:34 God, it just tells it assumes God existed,
37:38 doesn't try to prove that He existed.
37:41 But the first 11 chapters of Genesis
37:46 cover 2, 000 years of history,
37:49 but then the next 39 cover 150 years of history,
37:56 heavily weighted toward the Abrahamic Covenant.
38:00 So this is a book of covenant.
38:04 And, boy, our worldview,
38:05 if we don't look at this from a Hebrew perspective,
38:10 we're going to miss a lot.
38:11 Now, I have Wednesday's "Worship the Redeemer."
38:15 Jill, you covered pretty well,
38:16 we were supposed to cover John 1:1-14,
38:20 "In the beginning was the Word," was.
38:23 He was eternal, "and the Word was with God, "
38:27 that means He was distinct from God.
38:30 You've got two persons of the Godhead right there,
38:33 "and the Word was God,"
38:35 He is divine, He always has been,
38:38 "the Word became flesh, and He dwelt among us."
38:43 I want to take you to Philippians 2:5-8,
38:46 because if we think about worshiping the Redeemer,
38:51 we've got to recognize who this Redeemer is.
38:56 Jill did such a beautiful job
38:58 of covering Him as creator.
39:03 There are people even in the Christian world
39:07 who think of Jesus,
39:11 the person of Jesus Christ as the Son of God,
39:14 they think of the Son of God, almost in a secondary sense,
39:18 like there is priority.
39:19 God the Father, God the Son, maybe then the Holy Spirit.
39:23 But let's look at this, Philippians 2:5,
39:26 "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus,
39:32 who being in the form of God,"
39:35 and the word there in the Greek
39:37 for form denotes an essential,
39:40 unchanging character of something.
39:44 So Paul's right here saying,
39:45 hey, Jesus eternally has been God.
39:49 He said He did not consider it robbery to be equal with God,
39:54 because He was God.
39:56 "But He made himself of no reputation
39:58 taking the form of a bond servant
40:00 coming in the likeness of men
40:02 and being found in the appearance of a man,
40:05 He humbled Himself
40:06 and became obedient to the point of death,
40:09 even the death of the cross."
40:13 Jesus Christ crucified,
40:17 resurrected is at the center of all we believe,
40:21 so it's important for us
40:24 to understand the Triune Godhead.
40:29 To me when we say, 1 John 4:8, 1 John 4:16 says,
40:33 "God is love."
40:35 This is the essence of His being.
40:38 But you know,
40:39 to love you have to have a recipient of love.
40:42 If God were just...
40:44 We don't believe that it's God,
40:47 one plus one plus one that would equal three,
40:50 but it's God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
40:54 one times one times one, one cubed,
40:58 one to the third power,
41:00 and His presence is in the cube.
41:03 Think of the Holy of Holies was a cube,
41:06 that the New Jerusalem coming down is a cube.
41:10 So to me that's excited to understand
41:14 that God came down to become the Son of Man,
41:20 to become the Son of God.
41:24 It was God who went to the cross.
41:26 Why should we worship our Redeemer?
41:29 He is our Creator.
41:32 Matthew 1:23
41:35 repeats the prophecy of Isaiah 7:14.
41:40 Says, "Behold,
41:42 the virgin shall be with child and bear a Son,
41:44 they shall call his name Immanuel,"
41:48 which is translated God with us.
41:53 It was God,
41:55 who came to earth to become a man.
41:59 Hebrews 1:8 says,
42:01 "To the Son, He says, "Your throne, "
42:05 this is the Father speaking to the Son,
42:08 interesting language,
42:10 "Your throne, O God is forever and ever,"
42:15 speaking to the Son.
42:18 You see, our Creator became our Redeemer,
42:23 and He paid the price
42:26 to free us from the bondage of sin.
42:31 What happens according, I love this scripture.
42:34 Now that I've done more study on it, I really,
42:37 1 Corinthians 15:45.
42:40 1 Corinthians 15:45
42:44 will help us understand the person of Jesus Christ.
42:50 It says,
42:51 "The first man, Adam, became a living being.
42:57 The last Adam is a life, became a life-giving spirit."
43:03 It's wrong to call Jesus the second Adam.
43:06 He's the last Adam.
43:08 See, it is this covenant language.
43:14 Adam was called the Son of God.
43:19 When God came down to become the Son of Man,
43:22 when He was incarnated, born of a woman,
43:26 He became the Son of Man, and the Son of God.
43:30 He was the last Adam.
43:32 The covenant is all about
43:35 a succession of covenant sons.
43:41 When we think of the words, the Son of God, as I said,
43:46 Adam is called the Son of God,
43:48 David was referred to as the Son of God,
43:51 the Son of God is a covenant term.
43:55 So God in the person of Jesus Christ
44:01 became the Son of God as the second,
44:05 the last Adam, excuse me.
44:08 When we use the word firstborn,
44:13 in the covenant language
44:15 it doesn't necessarily mean
44:18 the order of a chronological order of your birth.
44:23 As a matter of fact, in Exodus 4:22,
44:27 let's look there.
44:29 Exodus 4:22,
44:31 this is God speaking, and he says,
44:36 "You shall say to Pharaoh, thus says the Lord,
44:42 'Israel is my son.'" What?
44:46 This is covenant language.
44:48 Israel was the Son of God,
44:50 he says, "My first born."
44:54 See, firstborn just simply means
44:58 it's the channel
44:59 through which covenant blessings
45:02 are going to pass.
45:03 Israel wasn't the first nation.
45:06 But God chose them for a covenant purpose.
45:09 Look at Deuteronomy 32:18.
45:13 And the reason I'm wanting to stress this,
45:16 I hope I don't confuse you.
45:18 This is just to introduce you to this concept.
45:23 But in Deuteronomy 32:18, God says of Israel,
45:29 or speaking of God, He says,
45:31 "Of the rock, who begot you, "
45:37 begotten, yes, the word can mean
45:40 that you've given birth to a child.
45:44 But in covenant language,
45:46 when it is used, did God give birth to Israel?
45:50 No, it means they're set apart
45:54 for a covenant purpose.
45:57 So when it's talking about Jesus being when He said,
46:01 the Lord said to Him,
46:02 "Today, I have begotten you."
46:06 The important point is to remember,
46:09 it was God, who went to the cross for us.
46:14 It wasn't some secondary situation here.
46:20 1 Timothy 3:16 says,
46:22 "Great is the mystery of godliness,
46:24 God was manifested in the flesh,
46:27 justified in the spirit,
46:28 preached among the Gentiles, believed in the world,
46:31 and received up in glory."
46:35 He is the eternal person,
46:37 the second person of the Godhead,
46:40 who became the last Adam and died for us.
46:43 I think that is amazing.
46:45 Now, let's... We want to tie that in.
46:49 And I really didn't have much of a chance
46:51 to look at the lesson for Thursday.
46:54 But the Thursday's lesson
46:57 is talking about the law of God.
46:59 Let's begin with Exodus 3:2.
47:02 Just turn in your Bibles to Exodus,
47:05 I hope I can get where I want to go with this,
47:09 but Exodus 3:2 says this,
47:15 "The angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame,"
47:18 to Moses,
47:19 "in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush,
47:21 and he looked, and behold,
47:23 the bush was burning with fire."
47:25 The angel of the Lord,
47:27 the word angel there means messenger.
47:30 It means, who's in this burning bush?
47:34 Take off your shoes, you're on holy ground.
47:36 This is God.
47:38 This is Jesus Christ, who is in the burning bush,
47:42 the angel of the Lord.
47:45 Now, also, we know that if you turn to...
47:49 I've got, I did write a note down
47:51 somewhere here real quickly.
47:53 If you turn to Exodus 19:4,
47:59 let's turn there.
48:01 In Exodus 19:4, I love this verse.
48:05 God says,
48:07 "You have seen what I did to the Egyptians
48:10 and how I bore you on eagle's wings
48:13 and brought you to Myself."
48:15 This is covenant love language.
48:18 God had already redeemed them from Egypt.
48:24 He had already brought them out,
48:26 He had saved them,
48:27 they come through the Red Sea.
48:29 Now they've come to that He's telling them,
48:31 "Gather before Me on Mount Sinai,"
48:33 and what does God do?
48:35 He comes down with shocking awe.
48:38 Pyrotechnics, there's fire, there's smoke.
48:41 He's going to show them, they've forgotten who He is,
48:44 that He is good,
48:46 that He is just, that He is holy.
48:48 And when He speaks His Ten Commandments,
48:51 it's not in that tone of thou shalt not.
48:54 I'm sure, the voice of the Lord,
48:56 they say is like many rushing waters.
49:00 But these are 10 promises.
49:02 He's going to show them His love.
49:05 And on the first tablet, He's saying to them,
49:08 hey, when you're in covenant relationship with Me,
49:12 My saved ones,
49:14 you will not have other gods before Me.
49:17 You will not make idols like they did in Egypt.
49:21 You won't bow down to those, you won't take My name in vain.
49:25 You are going to be so excited about the Sabbath,
49:28 you will remember the Sabbath,
49:30 you will come to Me to fellowship,
49:32 you will not,
49:34 you will honor your mother and father,
49:36 you won't murder, you won't commit adultery,
49:38 you won't steal, you won't bear false testimony,
49:41 and you're not going to covet.
49:44 Why?
49:45 Because that's what covenant relationship with Me is like.
49:49 You know, I want you to look at the preamble
49:52 to these Ten Commandments.
49:54 God speaking them,
49:56 He says, "I am the Lord
49:58 your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt,
50:03 out of the house of bondage."
50:05 Oh blessed be the name of the Lord.
50:08 He is telling them, "I'm your Savior."
50:12 So they're not going to have to obey
50:14 these Ten Commandments to be saved.
50:16 They're going to obey them
50:18 as an expression of covenant love and loyalty,
50:22 because He's already saved them.
50:25 Now, this is interesting.
50:27 We know that James tells us, James, what is it 2:8,
50:32 that if you break one, you break them all.
50:34 The Ten Commandments are linked together as a body.
50:40 You can't break a chain in the middle
50:43 and still be keeping His commandments.
50:46 So let's look at the fourth commandment
50:48 because the very one that God's says,
50:51 remember, it's the one everybody forgets.
50:54 In commandment number four, this is Exodus 20:8.
50:59 This is the longest commandment.
51:01 He says,
51:03 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
51:05 Six days you shall labor,"
51:07 some people need to hear that,
51:08 "six days you shall labor and do all your work,
51:11 but the seventh day is the Sabbath,
51:14 the Lord your God."
51:16 I want to pause,
51:17 Genesis 2:2-3 mentions
51:21 the seventh day three times in creation.
51:23 It says, "God rested on the seventh day,
51:26 God blessed the seventh day,
51:29 God sanctified the seventh day."
51:32 Only God can sanctify a day,
51:34 setting it apart for holy purposes.
51:37 And then He goes on to say,
51:40 "In it, you shall do no work,
51:42 you nor your son, nor your daughter,
51:44 nor your male servant, nor your female servant,
51:46 nor your cattle, nor your stranger
51:48 who was within your gates."
51:51 I remember, I didn't grow up as a Sabbath keeper.
51:57 I was 50 years old
51:58 when God called me to full-time ministry.
52:01 He told me, I'm praying and said,
52:04 "Lord, you got to show me what You want me to teach."
52:08 And you know what
52:09 the Lord impressed on my mind is,
52:12 "Come sit at My feet, I will teach you."
52:14 He started me on the study of the sanctuary.
52:17 I found out His Ten Commandments
52:19 are written on stone inside the ark,
52:22 that meant permanence.
52:23 Then I found out that the book of the covenant,
52:26 all of the rest of those regulations
52:29 in which the Ten Commandments was the heart
52:31 was on the side pocket of the ark.
52:34 And all of a sudden, I'm going, "Oh,
52:37 there's only one commandment that I'm not keeping."
52:41 And I studied the Sabbath commandment.
52:45 I have never been so excited
52:47 the first time that I celebrated a Sabbath.
52:52 The Sabbath is a memorial of God as creator.
52:56 But the one it's a memorial
52:58 that He is the one who is recreating us
53:01 in the image of Jesus.
53:04 It's a memorial that He is our Redeemer,
53:06 that He is our Savior.
53:08 The Sabbath,
53:09 also God says in Exodus 31:13,
53:14 He said,
53:15 "My Sabbath I gave to You as a sign
53:18 that I am the one who sanctifies you."
53:22 If you don't know
53:24 what the word sanctifying means,
53:26 actually, it's a synonym for holy.
53:29 But both of those words
53:30 just mean to be set apart for God.
53:34 So, all of my life,
53:37 I had grown up in a New Testament Church,
53:40 then I had gone into a full gospel type church,
53:45 a non-denominational church.
53:47 But you know what?
53:49 All of my life I performed for God.
53:53 I tried to earn His favor.
53:56 It was not until
53:59 the day that I began celebrating the Sabbath.
54:03 I remember that first Sabbath day.
54:05 As it rolled in, I was just like,
54:08 Lord, thank you that I am not only justified
54:13 by grace through faith,
54:15 but you're the one that is going to sanctify me.
54:18 You're the one as Philippians 2:13 says,
54:21 who is working in me to will
54:23 and to do your good pleasure.
54:25 You are the one as Philippians 1:6 says
54:28 that is going to complete the good work
54:30 You've begun in me.
54:32 You know, I have to say this to my friends out there.
54:36 1 John 3:4 says,
54:40 "Sin is the transgression of the law."
54:44 If God intended to do away with His law,
54:48 if He would have changed His Sabbath day,
54:50 we know that Daniel 7:25 says that
54:53 there is going to be a power
54:55 who thinks to take change times and laws.
54:59 The only time that we find in God's law
55:01 is the Sabbath time.
55:03 But if God intended to do that,
55:06 He would have announced it and He never does.
55:09 The New Testament is the outworking
55:12 of all of God's covenant promises
55:15 and He promises you
55:19 that you will walk in loyalty and obedience,
55:23 if you just understand how much He loves you.
55:26 Amen. Amen.
55:28 Wow! Praise the Lord. That was powerful, Shelley.
55:30 Thank you so much.
55:31 Well, we have just a little over two minutes left.
55:34 Let's get some final thoughts from the panel.
55:36 I had Monday Leibniz's Question,
55:38 "Why is there something rather than nothing?"
55:41 And why is that?
55:42 'Cause in the beginning, God created,
55:45 and He not only created this world,
55:47 but He sent His Son Jesus to die for us
55:49 because He wanted to redeem us
55:52 so that we could spend an eternity with Him.
55:56 Okay.
55:58 And mine was on the biblical worldview.
56:01 When I narrow it down to the biblical worldview,
56:04 I think that is so easy
56:06 when we talk to people
56:07 that may not believe what we believe,
56:09 we can narrow it down to say,
56:11 here's the reality of the biblical worldview,
56:14 as we all are born,
56:16 we all die, and we all need a Savior.
56:19 And when we approach it from that perspective,
56:22 people will begin to see
56:23 that it's not your viewpoint nor your opinion,
56:25 but we are at that beginning point of birth,
56:28 on the same plane,
56:29 and each one of us is in need of a Savior,
56:31 Amen.
56:32 And mine was Wednesday, Worship the Redeemer.
56:35 Why should we worship Him? Because He is our Creator.
56:38 Remember the covenant language,
56:40 when we talk about the Son of God,
56:42 it's the son of the covenant,
56:43 the firstborn is the preeminent,
56:46 it doesn't have anything to do
56:48 in covenant language about the chronology,
56:52 and begotten doesn't mean to be birthed
56:56 but to be set aside for chosen for covenant purposes,
57:01 and then the law of God.
57:03 Oh, this is God's way
57:05 of putting boundaries around us,
57:08 so that we will walk in His blessings
57:11 and avoid sin's consequences.
57:14 Amen. Praise the Lord.
57:16 There was a section from Sunday's lessons
57:17 that I didn't get a chance to read,
57:19 but I want to read it now
57:20 because I think it ties everything together.
57:22 It's essential to any Christian education
57:24 is the reality not just of God,
57:27 but of the kind of God that He is.
57:30 A personal God who loves us and who interacts with us.
57:34 And I think that's powerful.
57:36 When we know who God is,
57:37 we have the correct biblical worldview,
57:40 then everything comes together and make sense.
57:43 So thank you so much for joining us this week
57:45 on 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
57:46 We hope that you join us next week
57:48 for lesson number five,
57:50 "Jesus as the Master Teacher."
57:53 So you have a blessed day
57:54 and we will see you right back here next week.
57:56 God bless. Amen.


Revised 2020-10-22