3ABN Sabbath School Panel

To Serve and To Save

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang (Host), Jill Morikone, Ryan Day, John Dinzey, Shelley Quinn


Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP210009S

00:01 Hello, friends, welcome to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:03 It is always a blessing to have you to join us.
00:06 And if you've been following us through the Book of Isaiah,
00:09 a powerful study, you've seen God transforming our lives
00:13 and I hope He's been also transforming your Life.
00:16 We are on lesson number nine, "The Servant Nation."
00:19 And the title of this week's is "To Serve and to Save."
00:23 And so I'd like you to stay tuned to join us
00:25 through a wonderful excursion
00:27 through the unfolding Book of Isaiah.
00:30 If you don't have a lesson, you can get a copy
00:32 by downloading at ABSG.Adventist.org.
00:35 Or better yet, look for a local Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:39 and join them for an exhilarating study.
00:42 But right now since you've tuned in,
00:44 join us as we once again walk with Isaiah,
00:47 by the side of Christ.
01:21 Hello, friends, welcome
01:23 to our 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
01:25 It is always a blessing on our part to be able to sit here
01:29 and open God's Word and serve a meal
01:31 that God alone has the ingredients for.
01:34 We thank you so much for
01:35 eating freshly from the Word of God,
01:37 that which the Lord prepared beforehand,
01:40 that should be a part of this table of service.
01:43 And today we are going to enjoy lesson number nine,
01:46 "To Serve and to Save."
01:48 And before we go any further though,
01:50 I want to just let you know that we have a panel of people
01:52 who have prayed for God to use them as vessels through
01:55 which His honor will be heard and seen.
01:58 To my immediate left is a young lady who I know...
02:01 approaches God's Word
02:03 with a serious heart and a humble heart.
02:05 Thank you so much for that, Jill.
02:06 I appreciate you so much.
02:07 Good to have you here today. Thank you, Pastor John.
02:09 Privileged to be here and study one of my favorite books.
02:11 That's right.
02:12 And whenever Ryan is on the panel,
02:14 we know we got enthusiasm,
02:15 we might get a song every now and then.
02:17 Ryan, good to have you here.
02:18 It's a blessing to be here as always.
02:20 Yes, the singer in Israel and, pastor,
02:23 one we share the same name, but Pastor John Dinzey,
02:26 the head of 3ABN Latino Good to have you here
02:28 whenever you're with us.
02:29 It's a privilege to be here.
02:31 And even though you may not see it, we are smiling.
02:34 I like that.
02:36 And Sister Shelley, what can I say about Shelley.
02:39 Shelley is always on target, ready to serve the Lord
02:41 with her voice and with her life.
02:43 Good to have you here.
02:44 Well, I'm just privileged to be a part of this.
02:47 I thank God all the time.
02:49 Okay. Amen to that.
02:50 Well, Pastor Dinzey, would you have prayer for us today
02:52 before we get into our lesson?
02:54 Let's go to the Lord in prayer. Okay.
02:57 Our most wonderful, Heavenly Father,
02:59 we pause before You, Lord,
03:01 to ask for that which we have not.
03:04 Because the understanding of the scriptures
03:07 truly comes from You.
03:09 So we pray that Your Holy Spirit
03:10 will be upon us,
03:12 that You will use us according to Your good pleasure.
03:16 And, Lord, we ask also for those that are tuning in
03:19 from whatever ways they can,
03:22 bless them also with an understanding
03:24 of the Holy Scriptures, that as we share,
03:28 You will bring the message Your people need.
03:31 We pray for a blessing upon all.
03:34 And we ask You for these things in the holy
03:36 and blessed name of Jesus.
03:38 Amen. Amen.
03:39 Thank you so much, so much.
03:42 To serve and to save, our memory text is found
03:45 in Isaiah 42:1.
03:48 And I will read that briefly for you says, "Behold!
03:50 My Servant whom I uphold,
03:54 My elect One in whom My soul delights!
03:59 I have put My Spirit upon Him,
04:01 He will bring forth justice to the Gentiles."
04:06 I can't help but to understand, in fact, who that is,
04:09 that's Christ Himself, the Holy One,
04:12 the One in whom God the Father delights.
04:16 You know, when Isaiah speaks about servant,
04:18 we talk about the servant nation,
04:22 but it breaks down servanthood
04:23 not only on the corporate level,
04:26 but it breaks it down on the individual level.
04:28 And then sometimes when it doesn't even mention
04:30 the servant,
04:31 it is making a broader application
04:34 to the fact that whomever receives the Lord
04:38 in his or her life is called to be a servant.
04:41 And the servant is not greater than the Lord.
04:45 So Isaiah in Isaiah 41:8 speaks of Israel, my servant.
04:50 Let's look at that really briefly.
04:51 And then we're going to break down
04:52 the individual components and I have...
04:55 I think, Jill, I have seven points.
04:56 I'm gonna try to fit them in as well as you do it.
04:58 Try to get them in here, but Isaiah 41,
05:02 I just said, what verse did I just say?
05:03 Verse 8.
05:04 Verse 8, "But you, O Israel are my servant,
05:08 Jacob whom I have chosen, the descendants of Abraham,"
05:14 and I love that, "my friend."
05:16 So nice when the Lord can call us His friend.
05:19 But a number of things that I noticed in the passage
05:21 as we begin to break it down.
05:24 Jacob is the immediate servant as referred to in Isaiah.
05:28 Actually, Isaiah 48,
05:30 you find Jacob is referred to there.
05:32 Let's go peek at Isaiah 48:20.
05:35 And I know there are some passages
05:36 that we all go over together at the same time.
05:40 But the immediate servant referred to here is Jacob.
05:43 It says, "Go forth from Babylon!
05:45 Flee from the Chaldeans!
05:47 With a voice of singing, declare, proclaim this,
05:51 utter it to the end of the earth, say,
05:54 'The Lord has redeemed His servant Jacob!' "
06:00 And as we know, Jacob is the pre-victorious name
06:03 that later was now changed to Israel, the overcomer.
06:07 It's important to know that because a lot of times
06:09 when people read the Book of Revelation,
06:11 and they read the sons of Jacob,
06:14 or the tribes of Israel.
06:16 They think of these as literal tribes, when in fact,
06:18 by that time, it has such a symbolic application,
06:21 it's important to understand the trajectory
06:24 of from the literal to the symbolic.
06:26 The word Israel, in fact,
06:28 is a term that's more applicable
06:29 to spiritual Israel than it is to literal Israel.
06:33 As Paul says in Romans 9:6,
06:36 "It is not that the Word of God has not taken effect,
06:38 but they are not all Israel that are of Israel."
06:42 So let's not glory in our national origin,
06:44 but let's glory in our spiritual origin.
06:47 You also find that Israel, Exodus 7:16,
06:50 Israel is the nation that is called to serve God.
06:53 Exodus 7:16, says, "And you shall say to him,
06:57 'The Lord God of the Hebrews has sent me to you, saying,
07:01 'Let My people go, that they may serve Me
07:04 in the wilderness,'
07:06 but indeed, until now you would not hear!' "
07:09 That is the message to Pharaoh.
07:11 He wouldn't let the people of God go.
07:13 But keep that now
07:15 in perspective today paralleling,
07:16 we are living in our wilderness journey.
07:18 And there are forces that refuse to let us go.
07:22 There are habits that refuse to let us go.
07:25 There are things of our past
07:27 that we refuse to disconnect from.
07:29 But the only way that you can serve God
07:31 is just to separate yourself from that thing,
07:34 which has the greatest grip on you.
07:36 Pray that God will not only separate you,
07:39 but pray that you will have the willing mind to let go
07:42 whatever is preventing you from fully serving the Lord.
07:47 And that's what's being emphasized in this passage.
07:50 Let my people go.
07:51 That's what the Lord daily says
07:53 to the forces that are trying to bind us,
07:54 let My people go, that they may serve Me.
07:57 Then Psalm 72:11,
08:00 broadens the picture of service.
08:02 Psalm 72:11, when God's servant is not named,
08:05 it indicates that we should all serve Him.
08:08 Psalm 72:11, it says, "Yes,
08:10 all kings shall fall down before Him,
08:14 all nations shall do" what?
08:17 Serve Him. "All nations shall serve Him."
08:20 The nation of the saved will definitely serve the Lord
08:23 throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity.
08:26 And sometimes people wonder, well,
08:27 what that service is going to be comprised of.
08:30 I'll tell you, it's going to be a delightful service,
08:33 a service to God in an atmosphere
08:35 where there's no more sin, no more death,
08:36 no more suffering, no more crying, no more pain
08:38 is going to be a delightful service.
08:40 And then not only serving God, but we're going to get a chance
08:44 a round trip ticket to go to unfallen worlds,
08:47 to tell people how beautiful it is
08:49 to serve God as redeemed sinners.
08:51 Amen to that? Amen to that.
08:53 Serving God as perfect is an easy thing to do.
08:56 But making this decision
08:58 to serve God as redeemed sinners.
09:01 Now, having the title saint is not an easy thing to do.
09:06 It's a continual commitment on a day by day basis.
09:09 But two points before I go to my seven points, Jill,
09:12 is one, let's go to Isaiah 41:9,
09:15 God chooses us.
09:18 That's first and most important,
09:19 God chooses us.
09:21 Isaiah 41:9, "
09:23 You whom I have taken from the ends of the earth,
09:29 and called forth its farthest regions,
09:32 and said to you, 'You are My servant,
09:35 I have chosen you and have not cast you away."
09:39 God chooses us.
09:41 It's a privilege to choose God
09:42 because we are also told to do that.
09:44 But it's so wonderful for God to choose us.
09:47 And then when He chooses us,
09:49 He says, "Now do you choose Me."
09:50 God chose Peter, but then
09:52 Peter had a difficult time choosing God.
09:55 God chose the disciples
09:56 and there was one that didn't chose,
09:57 choose to be faithful.
09:59 We know about that.
10:00 But that's the first thing God chooses us.
10:02 Second point is God protects us.
10:04 Isaiah 41:10,
10:05 "Fear not, for I am with you,
10:07 be not dismayed, for I am your God."
10:08 Amen.
10:10 Jill, you did a wonderful job on this, praise God for that.
10:13 "I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you,
10:15 I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.' "
10:21 Point number one, serve the Lord
10:23 through the service rendered to humanity.
10:26 Colossians 3:23-24,
10:30 serve the Lord with your whole heart
10:32 through service rendered to humanity.
10:35 Don't ever say to people,
10:36 you should be glad I'm serving you.
10:38 No, do whatever you do as though you're doing it
10:41 directly to the Lord.
10:43 Colossians 3:23,
10:45 "And whatever you do, do it heartily,"
10:47 that means with all your all your being,
10:50 "as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord
10:54 you will receive the reward of the inheritance,
10:56 for you serve the Lord Christ."
10:58 Serve the Lord through the humanity
11:02 that God is bringing you in contact with.
11:05 Second thing, serve the Lord with the right attitude,
11:08 is an attitude to service.
11:09 Some people have the wrong attitude,
11:11 they say, I am, you know, have the right attitude.
11:14 Psalm 100:2,
11:16 "Serve the Lord with gladness," With what?
11:19 "Gladness, come before his presence with singing."
11:24 And Ryan always is blessed by that.
11:27 Come before his presence with singing.
11:29 Serve the Lord with gladness.
11:31 Whatever you do,
11:32 serve the Lord with the right attitude.
11:35 There's nothing more conflicting
11:38 than having the right message and the wrong attitude.
11:42 Sometimes people are not converted by what we say
11:45 but how we say it.
11:46 That's right.
11:47 Not just by the communication of the truth,
11:49 but communicate the truth as one who is converted
11:52 by the very truth that you communicate
11:54 with the right attitude, serve...Third thing,
11:56 serve the Lord exclusively, serve the Lord exclusively.
12:00 Matthew 4:10.
12:01 Matthew 4:10, "Serve the Lord exclusively."
12:04 Don't allow anything else to hinder your service to God.
12:07 And by the way, this is directed to the devil himself.
12:10 And Jesus said to him, "Away with you, Satan,
12:13 for it is written,
12:14 you shall worship the Lord your God
12:16 and him only you shall serve."
12:20 Kind of pause and ask the question,
12:22 is that a challenge in your life?
12:24 Is there something challenging your service
12:26 that belongs to God alone?
12:28 When you can get that right,
12:29 it's like trying to go left and go right
12:30 at the same time trying to go north and south.
12:34 A heart divided against itself cannot experience success.
12:39 The fourth one, serve the Lord personally.
12:43 Serve the Lord personally.
12:45 Joshua 24:18,
12:48 "And the Lord drove out from before us all the people,
12:52 including the Amorites who dwelt in the land.
12:57 We also serve the Lord, for He is our God."
13:02 Serve the Lord personally.
13:05 Make it personal.
13:06 Whenever we read certain portions of the Bible,
13:08 sometimes I always say, and I say, instead of saying,
13:12 If you love me, say if I love you,
13:15 keep His commandments.
13:16 Make your service to God personal.
13:19 The other one is serve the Lord without distractions.
13:22 1 Corinthians 7:35,
13:25 serve the Lord without distractions.
13:27 "And this I say for your own profit,
13:30 not that I may put a leash on you,
13:34 but for what is proper,
13:36 and that you may serve the Lord without distraction."
13:39 And there are lot of distractions nowadays,
13:43 but praise.
13:44 I always say to people, don't try to read your Bible
13:46 with the television on, with your iPad in your lap,
13:49 with your phone in your lap.
13:51 Cut all of that off, turn the radio off,
13:54 and allow the voice of God to be heard in solitude,
13:57 of reading His Word.
13:58 Number six, serve the Lord
13:59 with the final reward and focus.
14:01 Serve Him with the final reward and focus.
14:04 Matthew 25:21,
14:06 "The Lord said to him, 'Well done,
14:08 good and faithful servant,
14:10 you were faithful over a few things,
14:11 I will make you ruler over many things.
14:13 Enter into the joy of your Lord."
14:15 Serve the Lord with the final reward and focus.
14:18 What do you want to hear?
14:20 I just simply want to hear God say,
14:21 "Well done thou good and faithful servant."
14:23 Amen.
14:24 So when I serve the Lord, I do take people into consideration,
14:26 but my number one focus is the Lord.
14:29 And finally, choose to serve the Lord.
14:31 You know what text I'm going to use, Joshua 24:15.
14:34 That's right.
14:36 "Choose you this day, whom you will serve."
14:41 Be like Joshua and say, "But as for me and my house, "
14:45 what are we going to do?
14:47 "We will serve the Lord."
14:49 Choose to serve the Lord.
14:52 Amen.
14:54 Thank you so much, Pastor John.
14:56 I love those lists.
15:00 Monday's lesson is "Unnamed Individual Servant."
15:05 So in the Book of Isaiah, especially the second half,
15:08 this book of comfort, Isaiah 40 through Isaiah 66,
15:11 we see two different forms of servant.
15:13 As Pastor John already talked about
15:15 this corporate servant meaning Israel or Jacob.
15:19 Then we have the individual servant,
15:22 which is the focus of my lesson.
15:24 Turn with me to Isaiah 42.
15:26 We're going to read the first seven verses
15:28 of Isaiah Chapter 42.
15:31 We knew, know this servant is none other
15:34 than the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.
15:36 This is a messianic prophecy.
15:40 This is the first actually of the four servant
15:44 songs in Isaiah.
15:46 There's one in Isaiah 42,
15:47 talking about Jesus the Messiah.
15:49 There's one in Isaiah 49,
15:51 I think Shelley is gonna cover that.
15:53 We have Isaiah 50 is another one.
15:55 And then, of course, the fourth one
15:56 is at the end of Isaiah 52 into Isaiah Chapter 53.
16:01 Now, Isaiah 61 is also a wonderful messianic prophecy,
16:05 but it does not reference the term servant
16:07 as it refers to Jesus.
16:09 So as we look at Isaiah 42, these first seven verses,
16:12 I want to look at, Pastor John, seven identifying
16:16 characteristics of who the servant is.
16:19 How we identify the servant.
16:21 So characteristic number one,
16:22 the servant is anointed by the Holy Spirit.
16:26 Let's read verse 1, Isaiah 42:1, "Behold!
16:30 My Servant whom I uphold,
16:33 My Elect One in whom My soul delights!"
16:37 What's the next phrase?
16:38 "I have put My Spirit upon Him."
16:43 If you turn back to Isaiah Chapter 11,
16:45 we studied this a few quarters ago.
16:47 Isaiah Chapter 11 is another messianic prophecy.
16:50 And we see Isaiah 11:1,
16:52 "There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse,
16:55 and a Branch shall grow out of his roots.
16:58 The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him."
17:00 Do you notice that?
17:02 So this messianic prophecy in Isaiah 11,
17:04 the spirit rests upon Jesus.
17:07 Here in Isaiah 42, the spirit is put upon Him.
17:12 We see also in Acts 10:38.
17:15 This is Peter, of course, speaking to the Gentiles,
17:19 Cornelius's household.
17:21 Acts 10:38, he says,
17:23 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth
17:26 with the Holy Spirit and with power.
17:29 We see that Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit
17:31 from birth.
17:33 Identifying characteristic number one
17:35 is that this servant, the Messiah
17:38 is anointed by the Holy Spirit.
17:40 Characteristic number two,
17:41 He brings justice to the nations to the earth.
17:46 We just read the second half of Isaiah 42:1.
17:49 We already read the first half, let's read the second half.
17:51 "He will bring forth justice to the Gentiles."
17:57 If you go back to Isaiah 11, we reference that before.
18:00 But Isaiah 11:4 talks about Jesus,
18:03 this messianic prophecy, bringing justice.
18:06 It says, "But with righteousness
18:08 He shall judge the poor,
18:10 and decide with equity for the meek of the earth,
18:13 He shall strike the earth with the rod of His mouth,
18:16 with the breath of His lips He shall slay the wicked."
18:20 The Messiah is portrayed as bringing righteousness,
18:23 justice, and equity.
18:25 And we know that Jesus fulfilled that,
18:27 I think of John 12:31-32.
18:30 What's it say?
18:31 Now is the judgment of this earth,
18:33 now the ruler of this world will be cast out.
18:37 And I," Jesus speaking of Himself,
18:39 "if I am lifted up
18:41 from the earth would draw all peoples to Myself.
18:45 Jesus' death brought justice back to the world,
18:49 by casting out Satan who had usurped Jesus' position
18:53 as "ruler of this earth."
18:57 Characteristic number three, he the servant,
19:00 this is the Messiah, brings peace.
19:03 He does not fight back.
19:04 Let's look at verse 2, Isaiah 42:2,
19:07 "He will not cry out, " this is a servant,
19:09 referring to Jesus, "nor raise His voice,
19:13 nor cause His voice to be heard in the street."
19:17 Isaiah 53, that powerful passage, verse 7,
19:20 "He was oppressed and He was afflicted,
19:23 yet He opened not His mouth,
19:25 He was led as a lamb to the slaughter,
19:27 and as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
19:29 He opened not His mouth."
19:32 We know Jesus fulfilled that.
19:34 Matthew 27:13-14, "Pilate said to Him,
19:37 'Don't You hear the testimony
19:39 that they're bringing against You?'"
19:40 But Jesus, He didn't make any reply,
19:43 not even to a single charge
19:45 to the great amazement of the governor.
19:48 Characteristic number four, He saves us from sin,
19:52 while strengthening our light and witness for Him.
19:56 I think this is my favorite characteristic.
19:58 Let's read verses 3 and 4.
20:00 A bruised reed, we're back to Isaiah 42.
20:03 I'm sorry, Isaiah 42:3-4,
20:08 "A bruised reed He will not break,
20:11 and smoking flax He will not quench,
20:15 He will bring forth justice for truth.
20:18 He will not fail nor be discouraged,
20:20 till He has established justice in the earth,
20:22 and the coastlands shall wait for His law."
20:25 Now, I always used to think, Pastor Johnny,
20:27 that this was a parallel metaphor.
20:29 Another word saying is, if you're bruised and breaking,
20:32 he's not going to break you.
20:34 And if you're smoking and about ready to go out,
20:36 that's what I thought it meant.
20:39 But if you look at the original Hebrew,
20:40 it's actually a non parallel metaphor.
20:44 The bruised reed literally means
20:45 bruised to crush.
20:47 The bruised reed has suffered an injury.
20:49 Would you say that's true?
20:51 It has been bruised,
20:53 but it still might be repairable.
20:55 It's not completely crushed yet.
20:58 The word for smoking,
20:59 for the smoking flax means something that's dim.
21:02 That's dull or faint.
21:05 You know, in Old Testament times,
21:07 they would use flax as a wick in an old fashioned oil lamp.
21:11 So what we're looking at is an old fashioned oil lamp
21:14 that's partially lit, and it's smoking.
21:18 It's not fully burning yet.
21:21 So in the reed metaphor,
21:23 the bruised reed has begun a process which,
21:25 if it continues, will result in destruction.
21:29 But by contrast, the flax,
21:31 the smoking flax has begun a process which if continued,
21:35 results in a bright flame, they have two opposite effects.
21:40 One is broken, if it continues,
21:43 the other one goes to a bright flame.
21:46 So the reed metaphor may refer to the beginning of evil
21:49 which may still be averted.
21:51 But the flax metaphor may refer to the beginning of good
21:55 which may still be accomplished.
21:57 Now, what in the world does this have to do with a servant?
22:01 It said in verse 4, "He will not fail."
22:04 That's the same root word for the smoking of the flax.
22:08 "He will not fail or be discouraged."
22:11 That's the same root word as the bruised for the reed.
22:15 So Jesus, the servant of the Lord,
22:17 is not to break the bruised reed,
22:20 and He's not to quench the smoking flax.
22:23 What does that mean?
22:25 He was bruised from my sin.
22:27 Isaiah 53,
22:29 "So I, the bruised reed
22:31 do not become destroyed by my sin."
22:35 None of us are so sinful,
22:37 that He cannot heal and restore.
22:40 He became the light of the world.
22:42 We're referencing the smoking flax now.
22:44 He became the light of the world.
22:46 So I, the smoking flax can turn up the light
22:50 and shine brightly for Him.
22:53 He's fitted for His work
22:54 because He has no share in the evils
22:56 which He would heal,
22:57 and none of the weaknesses which He would strengthen.
23:00 There are no bruises in this reed,
23:02 which is Jesus Christ because He's without sin.
23:05 And there is no smokiness and no dimness in His light
23:09 because He is the light of the world.
23:12 Nothing will cause Him to fail or be discouraged
23:15 until His work is complete.
23:17 Moving on characteristic number five,
23:19 He is called in righteousness.
23:22 Verse 6, Isaiah 42:6,
23:25 "I, the Lord, have called You in righteousness,
23:29 and will hold Your hand."
23:31 God, our Creator, called this servant,
23:34 that's Jesus the Messiah in righteousness.
23:38 He was the perfect substitute, sacrifice and savior.
23:42 Characteristic number six,
23:44 He became a covenant to the people
23:46 and a light to the Gentiles.
23:49 Isaiah 42:6,
23:51 "I will keep You and give You as a covenant to the people,
23:55 as a light to the Gentiles."
23:57 It reminds me of Daniel 9:27, "He confirm, He the Messiah,
24:02 confirm the covenant with many for one week."
24:06 And then in the midst of the week He's cut off.
24:08 It also reminds me of Hebrews 9:15,
24:10 "For this reason He, Jesus,
24:12 is the Mediator of the new covenant,
24:15 by means of death, for the redemption
24:17 of the transgressions under the first covenant."
24:19 He is the mediator of the new covenant.
24:21 Finally, characteristic number seven,
24:23 He set people free, physically and spiritually.
24:28 Isaiah 42:7, His role is to open the blind eyes,
24:33 to bring out prisoners from the prison,
24:35 from those who sit in darkness from the prison house.
24:39 He came to heal people not just from physical issues,
24:42 but from spiritual issues and to set us free.
24:45 So this servant, the Messiah,
24:47 introduced here in Isaiah 42
24:50 was anointed by the Holy Spirit and came to set you and I free.
24:55 Thank you so much, Jill. Thank you so much.
24:56 And as you know, if you've been following us,
24:59 we're just getting started.
25:00 And what a wonderful start, praise the Lord for that.
25:02 But don't go away, we have three more days,
25:04 we'll be right back.
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25:41 Welcome back to our Sabbath School Panel.
25:43 I'm going to go ahead and port it over to Ryan.
25:46 He's going to be covering Tuesday, Persian Messiah.
25:50 I can't wait to hear about this from you.
25:53 All right. All right.
25:54 That's right, lesson number nine,
25:56 "Persian Messiah."
25:57 And, you know, of course, we're talking about Cyrus
26:00 the Great as we're talking about
26:01 the king of the Medes and the Persians.
26:04 And, you know, this is one of those lessons
26:07 that somebody may say, you know,
26:08 it's not really that important that we talk about Cyrus,
26:10 but Cyrus is mentioned in more than one book of the Bible.
26:13 He plays a major role
26:15 in the deliverance of the children of Israel
26:17 coming out of that seven years of Babylonian captivity.
26:21 But we're going to be focusing in on who was Cyrus,
26:24 what did he do, what is the significance
26:26 of God choosing this man?
26:28 And what does it mean?
26:29 What does lesson nine mean by Persian Messiah?
26:32 Is there only one Messiah? Okay.
26:35 So I want to start reading in Isaiah 44:26,
26:39 we're going to read the last couple of verses
26:41 of Isaiah Chapter 44.
26:43 And then we're going to bleed that over into Isaiah 45:1-6.
26:48 Of course, these verses are referring to God
26:51 calling Cyrus the king of the Medes and the Persians.
26:55 So Isaiah Chapter 44, beginning with verse 26.
26:59 Notice what the Bible says,
27:01 "Who confirms the word of His servant,
27:05 and performs the counsel of His messengers,
27:08 who says to Jerusalem, 'You shall be inhabited,
27:12 ' to the cities of Judah, 'You shall be built,
27:15 ' and I will raise up her waste places,
27:19 and who says to the deep, 'Be dry!
27:23 And I will dry up your rivers.' "
27:26 And here come Cyrus in, "Who says of Cyrus,
27:30 'He is My shepherd,
27:32 and he shall perform all My pleasure,
27:35 saying to Jerusalem, 'You shall be built,'
27:38 and to the temple,
27:39 'Your foundation shall be laid.' "
27:42 Now we go on to 45:1,
27:45 "Thus says the Lord to His anointed, to Cyrus,
27:50 whose right hand I have held,
27:52 to subdue nations before him and loose the armor of kings,
27:57 to open before him the double doors,
28:01 so that the gates will not be shut:
28:04 'I will go before you and make the crooked places straight,
28:09 I will break in pieces the gates of bronze
28:12 and cut the bars of iron.
28:15 I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches
28:19 of secret places,
28:21 that you may know that I, the Lord,
28:24 Who call you by your name, am the God of Israel.
28:30 For Jacob My servant's sake, and Israel My elect,
28:34 I have even called you by your name, I have named you,
28:38 though you have not known Me.
28:41 I am the Lord, and there is no other.' "
28:45 And there cannot be a more true statement.
28:47 Because there's no other gods out there, false gods,
28:51 we know them to be false gods, manmade gods,
28:53 the devil has created that has the intelligence
28:58 and the power to be able to name someone
29:02 many, many, many years before they're even born.
29:05 And this is what's powerful about when you consider
29:08 the Ministry of Isaiah because, of course,
29:10 Isaiah is writing this,
29:12 and Isaiah's ministry lasted about 60 years.
29:16 And so that would have been between,
29:18 you know, 745 BC to about 685 BC.
29:22 But it wasn't until 146 years later.
29:26 So about a century and a half later
29:28 that God would raise up Cyrus,
29:30 this Cyrus that he's speaking of, to call him to do
29:33 what it is that he's speaking of in this chapter.
29:35 So this is powerful, just to recognize the fact that,
29:38 you know, God mentions more than once in this passage
29:40 that we just read, you know, I've called you by your name.
29:42 Who is it that calls you by your name?
29:43 I called, I called you by your name
29:46 because I am the God
29:48 who, and there is no other like me, right?
29:50 And so God is establishing the validity of the fact
29:53 that you can trust in His Word
29:54 and we'll come back to that point in just a moment.
29:57 But I want to just kind of go back
29:58 and highlight a few things here,
30:00 to emphasize the fact that this is the Cyrus
30:02 that God chose and why He chose him
30:04 and to validify through the Scripture
30:10 and history as we will see that Cyrus would come
30:13 and he would do this mighty work
30:14 just as the Lord had said that he would do.
30:16 So let's go back to Isaiah Chapter 45.
30:18 We're gonna start with verse 1 here.
30:20 Isaiah 45:1, it says,
30:22 "Thus says the Lord to his anointed..."
30:24 Now we'll come back to that anointed in just a moment,
30:27 because that's where that Messiah word comes in.
30:30 It says, "To Cyrus, whose right hand I have held,
30:34 to subdue nations before him
30:36 and to lose the armor of kings."
30:38 Now, we have to keep in mind,
30:40 again give credit where credit is due,
30:42 not necessarily to the man but to the God who led the man
30:45 and who opened the door for Cyrus
30:47 to be able to do what he done.
30:48 We have to keep in mind there of those four major empires
30:51 that are mentioned there in Daniel Chapter 2,
30:53 the worldly empires, you have Babylon,
30:56 Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome.
30:58 You know, we know that Rome obviously went on to reign
31:01 for the longest period of time.
31:02 But, you know, you have to keep in mind,
31:05 Cyrus would go on during his time
31:07 that God would raise him up to do this mighty work
31:10 of redemption for the children of Israel.
31:13 Cyrus would go on to defeat nations like the Medes.
31:16 And, of course, he would create an alliance with the Medes,
31:17 but he overcome the Medes, Lydia, and most of Asia Minor,
31:21 Babylon, Syria, all of the kingdoms of Palestine,
31:25 and even parts of the Iranian Peninsula,
31:28 and even parts of India.
31:29 This guy had a very powerful, powerful empire.
31:33 And it was all because the Lord had called him
31:35 and the Lord had set it in place,
31:36 that this was going to be the man
31:38 that he was going to raise up
31:39 to do this redemptive work for Israel
31:41 and getting them out of Babylon,
31:43 out of that oppressive time.
31:45 And so, you just have to mention that
31:47 because that's a powerful point.
31:49 Also Isaiah 45:1, it goes on to say,
31:52 "To open before him the double doors,
31:56 so that the gates will not be shut."
31:58 Now I like to reference this because it's powerful.
32:00 Not only did God say, look, this is my man, Cyrus,
32:03 this is the guy that I'm calling.
32:04 Cyrus is my man.
32:06 I'm calling him 150 years before he even shows up
32:08 on the scene.
32:10 But not only did he say
32:11 his name and identify who it is,
32:12 He's going to use when He told him
32:14 exactly how He's going to do it.
32:15 That's right.
32:17 It's powerful when you consider the story of what transpired
32:19 on and history actually gives us a date,
32:21 October 13, 539 BC,
32:24 and you can read it in Daniel Chapter 5.
32:26 You've read the story of the handwriting on the wall,
32:29 when God delivers the message through Daniel
32:31 the prophet to the kingdom of Babylon.
32:34 Belshazzar is having a horrible apostate feast
32:37 where he's just shaking his fist
32:38 in the face of the Lord.
32:40 And the Lord says, "YOU know what, I had enough.
32:41 This very night, you will be found wanted,
32:43 you have been weighed in the balances,
32:45 you have been called out and right now you don't know,
32:47 but right outside these walls, these powerful massive walls,
32:51 I have called a man by the name Cyrus,
32:53 the Medes and the Persians are at your gate,
32:55 and not only this,
32:56 but it's how it happened history records,
32:59 then of course, they diverted the River Euphrates.
33:01 So it actually goes back to what we read
33:03 in the latter verses of Isaiah 44,
33:05 where it talks about who says the deep be dry,
33:08 and I'll dry up your rivers.
33:10 That's exactly what He did to the River Euphrates.
33:13 They ran right through Babylon.
33:14 Using Cyrus' army,
33:16 they diverted the River Euphrates,
33:18 and they went right through those two gates
33:20 that were underneath the wall,
33:21 so that they could go in and take Babylon that night.
33:24 Why is that important to emphasize?
33:26 Because God said it, and it happened.
33:28 That's right. Amen.
33:29 Hundred and fifty years before it happened,
33:32 God had already declared it.
33:35 I think of also Isaiah 44:28.
33:37 Look up here in Isaiah 44:28.
33:40 It says, "Who says to Cyrus, 'He is My shepherd,
33:42 he shall perform all My pleasure,
33:44 saying to Jerusalem, 'You shall be built,'
33:46 and to the temple,
33:48 'Your foundation shall be laid.'"
33:49 If you go back to Ezra Chapter 1.
33:52 Again, it was through Cyrus
33:54 coming out of that Babylonian captivity of 70 years,
33:57 God used Cyrus to tell the people look,
34:00 go home, build your temple.
34:02 In fact, he gave an official decree,
34:03 I release you, I let you go, go home.
34:06 And God has told me.
34:07 And you can read right there in Ezra 1,
34:09 God has told me to tell you to start building,
34:12 rebuilding your temple.
34:13 So again, prophecy is sure in declaring this.
34:16 With the closing moments I have,
34:18 I want to address this anointed.
34:20 Because the word here in the original Hebrew
34:22 is the word mashach, which means the anointed one,
34:25 it's where we get Messiah.
34:27 And so we have to make this clear,
34:29 he's not Messiah in the sense of Jesus as the Messiah.
34:33 Okay, Messiah, of course, being anointed one,
34:36 the chosen one, Jesus, of course,
34:38 was the ultimate number one Messiah,
34:41 that God would choose to deliver His people from sin.
34:44 So he would do some of the things
34:45 that the Messiah would do such as defeat God's enemies
34:48 and release His captive people,
34:51 but he would not be the same as the Davidic Messiah,
34:55 because he is not Jewish
34:56 and does not come from the line of David.
35:00 And it's powerful to even consider
35:02 all of this because history records
35:05 and confirms all of this.
35:06 You have the Bible, Pastor, you mentioned
35:07 in one of the previous lessons, we have the Bible,
35:09 the Bible is sure but even the secular pages of history
35:13 confirm every bit of this and what it is saying.
35:15 And I'm thinking hereof, there's actually something
35:17 called this Cyrus Cylinder,
35:19 you can find it over in a museum in London,
35:21 that actually confirms that on the night,
35:23 or in the year that he took Babylon that is Cyrus,
35:25 he created a cylinder.
35:27 He wrote all of this stuff down,
35:28 and it's confirmed that indeed God called this man.
35:31 He did the work that God called him to do.
35:33 And you know what?
35:35 The lesson we can learn from this
35:36 is we can trust in God.
35:38 We can trust in His Word.
35:39 When God speaks, things happen, and praise the Lord
35:42 for His work and for His prophets.
35:43 Amen. Amen and Amen.
35:46 You know, it's very interesting that the fact that
35:50 the Bible accurately presents
35:53 what will happen before it happens
35:55 disturbs some people.
35:57 This is why we take the time for Wednesday's lesson
36:00 to bring about some things that have happened among people
36:05 that are studying the Book of Isaiah.
36:07 The fact that it is so accurate that the Lord saw it before,
36:12 named Cyrus by name,
36:13 and exactly what God said will happen happened.
36:17 It's disturbing to people,
36:18 they don't know what to do with it.
36:19 So they come up with theories to try to explain away
36:24 what the Bible says.
36:26 God is powerful.
36:28 He sees the end from the beginning.
36:32 And because He does this, people began to come up
36:35 with theories like, oh, it must have been somebody
36:38 that was living during the time of Cyrus
36:40 that wrote Isaiah Chapter 42 to Chapter 66.
36:45 It had to be somebody else because
36:46 it is just too accurate.
36:49 And people have come up with ideas.
36:52 And there are scholars
36:54 even today that are saying, well,
36:57 maybe there's, there are three divisions,
36:59 some are even calling three divisions,
37:00 which I'll mention in a moment.
37:03 But consider, people say that there's a second Isaiah
37:10 that wrote Chapter 40 through Chapter 66.
37:14 But there is no historical records,
37:16 no biblical records,
37:18 no historical records that identifies a second Isaiah.
37:22 This is the...
37:24 There's only one Isaiah in the Bible.
37:26 And that is something that we're going to read
37:28 in a moment.
37:31 I want to point out that, interestingly enough,
37:34 when they discovered the Dead Sea Scrolls,
37:38 one of the better preserved scrolls
37:41 was the scroll of Isaiah.
37:43 And there is no division
37:46 from Chapter 39 through Chapter 40.
37:49 And it just continues.
37:51 And so their devil has tried to destroy
37:55 the credibility of the Bible, and the prophecies of the Bible
38:00 so that people will lose faith and hope in the Bible.
38:03 I want to tell you that what God says happen.
38:06 There are individuals that say, "Well, no,
38:08 there had to be three different times."
38:11 From Isaiah Chapter 1 to 39, they say, "Well,
38:14 this is the Proto-Isaiah,
38:16 containing the words of the original Isaiah.
38:18 Chapter 42 to 45, this is the Deutero-Isaiah,
38:21 the work of an anonymous exilic author.
38:24 Then there's somebody comes along, said,
38:26 "Well, Chapter 56 through 66 is the Trito-Isaiah,
38:31 which is they consider it an anthology
38:33 of about 12 passages.
38:35 All of this is to divert attention
38:38 from the reliability of what the Bible says,
38:42 focus on the message of Isaiah, and you will be blessed.
38:47 Now notice how the Book of Isaiah begins.
38:49 Isaiah 1:1 says,
38:52 "The vision concerning Judah and Jerusalem
38:56 that Isaiah the son of Amoz
38:58 saw during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz,
39:02 and Hezekiah, kings of Judah."
39:04 This is what the Bible says, we can trust in that.
39:08 And so, now let's go over to the New Testament,
39:11 so that we can get a testimony from Peter,
39:14 2 Peter 1:19-21 helps us to understand
39:21 that we can trust in the Holy Scriptures.
39:24 And so, we have this, and so,
39:26 we have the prophetic word confirmed.
39:29 I like the way the King James says,
39:30 "We have a more sure word of prophecy,
39:34 which you do well to heed as a light that shines
39:37 in a dark place, until the day dawns,
39:40 and the morning star rises in your hearts:
39:43 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of scripture
39:47 is of any private interpretation.
39:50 For prophecy never came by the will of man:
39:54 but holy men of God spoke
39:58 as they were moved by the Holy Spirit."
40:01 The Book of Isaiah Chapter 1 through Chapter 66
40:04 is the work of the Holy Spirit of God.
40:08 We can trust in the Book of Isaiah
40:10 as a book divinely inspired.
40:14 Now, I want to also bring about
40:17 this interesting thing that Jesus says,
40:19 why are these prophecies there? Why are they?
40:22 Why are they there in Isaiah?
40:23 Why are they there in the other books of the Bible,
40:26 in Daniel and Revelation?
40:27 Why are they there?
40:29 The same thing Jesus said in John 14:28-29,
40:33 concerning things that would happen to him,
40:35 the principle is there.
40:37 Notice what Jesus said, "You have heard Me say to you,
40:41 'I am going away and coming back to you.'
40:45 If you loved Me, you would rejoice
40:47 because I said, 'I am going to the Father,'
40:49 for My Father is greater than I."
40:51 And now notice what Jesus says,
40:53 "And now I have told you before it comes,
40:57 that when it does come to pass, you may believe."
41:02 So I say to you the Bible prophecies are there,
41:06 so that when God's children see the prophecies
41:09 and see the fulfillment of the prophecies,
41:12 their faith can be increased,
41:14 and believed that the things that have not yet come to pass
41:17 will come to pass.
41:20 And this is also brought out in Isaiah.
41:22 So let's go to Isaiah Chapter 42.
41:24 And we're going to go to verses 8 and 9.
41:27 Isaiah 42:8-9.
41:30 Notice what the Bible says, "I am the Lord, "
41:34 actually it says Jehovah,
41:36 "I am the Lord, that is My name,
41:38 and My glory I will not give to another,
41:41 nor My praise to carved images.
41:45 Behold, the former things have come to pass,
41:49 and new things I declare,
41:51 before they spring forth I tell you of them.' "
41:55 So, friends, brothers and sisters,
41:58 you can trust the prophecies.
42:00 When you look at Revelation,
42:02 and it talks about that there say,
42:04 a mark of the beast coming,
42:06 the mark of the beast is coming and will be here soon.
42:10 When you look at the prophecies of Revelation,
42:12 Daniel and Revelation,
42:13 that things that have not yet come to pass will come to pass.
42:17 You can trust in God's Word.
42:19 Now, the basic message of Isaiah
42:22 is consistent throughout the whole book.
42:25 Trust God with all of your heart,
42:27 including His messianic deliverer.
42:30 This is what the lesson brings out,
42:31 rather than other powers and people that come up
42:33 with theories to explain away what the Bible says.
42:37 Trust in the power.
42:38 Yes, you can read the Book of Isaiah
42:40 and you will notice there seems to be a shift in focus
42:44 when you get to Chapter 39 and enter into Chapter 40
42:47 and onward, because Chapter 1 through 39 emphasize judgment,
42:52 because of the sin of the people of Israel.
42:55 And then Isaiah 42 through 66 emphasize
42:58 the consolation that you can expect to come from the Lord.
43:03 But if you read from Isaiah Chapter 1,
43:06 you will notice that there are messages chapter after chapter
43:10 where God is comforting His people,
43:13 helping His people to understand
43:15 that His mercy is great.
43:17 And notice, I want to point out a few,
43:19 a few places where this is brought out.
43:23 There are at least five places where God is telling you,
43:27 this is the judgment I am bringing out
43:29 because of your sin.
43:31 But then it says while He's sending out the judgment,
43:33 the punishment, His hand is stretched out still.
43:36 Notice, I will go to Isaiah 5:24-25,
43:40 "Therefore,
43:42 as the fire devours the stubble,
43:45 and the flame consumes the chaff,
43:47 so their root will be as rottenness,
43:50 and their blossom will ascend like dust,
43:53 because they have rejected the law of the Lord of hosts,
43:57 and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel."
44:00 Notice, verse 25,
44:02 "Therefore the anger of the Lord is aroused
44:05 against His people, He has stretched out His hand
44:07 against them and stricken them, and the hills trembled.
44:12 Their carcasses were as refuse in the midst of the streets."
44:17 Notice, "For all this His anger is not turned away,
44:21 but His hand is stretched out still."
44:25 His hand of mercies stretched out still.
44:28 Notice Isaiah 9:12,
44:31 "The Syrians before and the Philistines behind,
44:35 and they shall devour Israel with an open mouth.
44:39 For all this His anger is not turned away,
44:43 but His hand is stretched out still."
44:46 So you see, while God is sending out this judgment,
44:49 these are judgment or punishments,
44:51 so that they will understand that they need to repent.
44:55 And if they repent,
44:56 God promises to have mercy upon them.
44:59 You can read Isaiah 9:17, Isaiah 9:21, Isaiah 10:4,
45:04 and you will see again God speaking of the judgment
45:07 that they will have to go through.
45:09 And again it says,
45:10 "For all this His anger is not turned away,
45:12 but His hand is stretched out still."
45:15 So why are these things there?
45:18 These things were written for our admonition.
45:22 You can learn by reading the Book of Isaiah,
45:23 how God deals with His people, how He is merciful,
45:27 and brings them hope.
45:29 There's hope for us in the future.
45:31 So I encourage you to take heed to the words of Isaiah.
45:35 The Book of Isaiah is delightful.
45:37 You can see a God of love and a God of mercy.
45:40 And I encourage you to read it,
45:42 asking the Lord to help you understand it.
45:45 Amen and amen.
45:47 Thank you so much, my brother, get this off.
45:50 Okay, I'm excited.
45:52 I have Thursday's lesson,
45:54 "A Feeling and Suffering Servant."
45:59 And this is the second,
46:01 Jill read the first of the four servant songs
46:04 that are in Isaiah, this is the second one,
46:07 and it tells of the Messiah's mission
46:12 and His spiritual success.
46:14 You know, we're going to see
46:16 as we're reading through verses 1 through 7,
46:18 it is clear that this is speaking of an individual
46:22 that is distinct from this nation servant
46:26 as John was talking about earlier.
46:28 So this servant is none other than the Lord Jesus.
46:33 Isaiah 49:1, "Listen, O coastlands, to Me,
46:37 and take heed, you peoples from afar!
46:40 The Lord has called Me from the womb,
46:43 from the matrix of My mother
46:46 He has made mention of My name."
46:50 The Messiah servant was to be
46:54 a human being born of a virgin woman.
46:58 And He was chosen, the Bible tells us
47:01 from the foundation of the world.
47:03 Before the foundations of the world,
47:05 He was the Lamb slain
47:08 from the foundation of the world
47:09 is what Revelation 13:8 says.
47:14 In the New Testament, we see
47:17 that the angel told Joseph and Mary,
47:20 that His name was to be Jesus.
47:24 So He was named while in the womb.
47:27 Verse 2.
47:29 And the reason He was supposed to be named Jesus
47:31 is because He would save the people
47:33 from their sins,
47:35 not in their sins, from their sins.
47:37 Verse 2, Isaiah 49:2,
47:41 "He has made My mouth like a sharp sword,
47:45 in the shadow of His hand He has hidden Me,
47:49 and made Me a polished shaft,
47:53 in His quiver He has hidden Me."
47:57 I love this.
47:58 He has given power to this servant,
48:02 to speak the words of a life
48:05 that would pierce hardened hearts
48:08 with a good news of the gospel that would wage war
48:12 against the chaos in this world and conquer his enemies.
48:16 I think of Him in Revelation
48:19 when it's first introducing Him in Revelation,
48:22 that He had this two edged sword,
48:24 and then also in Revelation 19,
48:27 where it talks about he has a mouth
48:30 and it's like a two edged sword.
48:32 And, you know, it is precious to me that when He returns,
48:39 it's His words that are really gonna be the judge.
48:43 Now, when it says that He has hidden me, what did that say?
48:48 Let me see. He has hidden me.
48:51 That's, we know that the Bible says,
48:54 until the fullness of time,
48:56 and when it was the fullness of time,
48:58 this is the time prophecy from Daniel.
49:02 So now let's look at Isaiah 49:3,
49:05 "He said to me, 'You are My servant,
49:07 O Israel, in whom I will be glorified.' "
49:11 Well, wait a minute, is this the Messiah
49:13 or is this the nation Israel?
49:15 Why would he call the servant Israel
49:19 if he's referring to the Messiah?
49:21 Well, there's plenty of overlap
49:23 between this and the one in Isaiah 42.
49:27 We've already identified him as the Messiah.
49:32 But the interesting thing is, in Exodus 4:22,
49:37 God said,
49:39 when He's sending Moses, he said, "Go to your Pharaoh.
49:43 Thus says Lord,
49:45 Israel is My Son, my firstborn."
49:50 Both the word son and firstborn are covenant terms.
49:57 And so then Jesus...
50:00 became the covenant Son of God.
50:04 God came down, became a man
50:06 and became the covenant Son of God.
50:11 And He embodies all that Israel
50:15 was meant to be as God's firstborn son.
50:20 So verse 4, this is now the servant speaking,
50:25 this is interesting.
50:27 "Then I said, 'I have labored in vain,
50:29 I have spent my strength for nothing and in vain,
50:32 yet surely my just reward is with the Lord,
50:36 and my work with my God.' "
50:38 You know, Jesus met with rejection
50:43 by national Israel,
50:45 but He still had a strong assurance
50:49 that His work was going to be rewarded with success.
50:53 And I love this quote, it's in our quarterly.
50:56 It's from the book, a prophecy of Isaiah by J. Alec Motyer.
51:02 And it says, "Isaiah foresaw a servant
51:05 with the real human nature, tested like we are,
51:09 proving himself to be the author and perfecter
51:12 of the way of faith,
51:13 a real personal faith that can still say, My God,
51:20 when nothing any longer seems worthwhile."
51:25 So Jesus was made in all ways like we are,
51:29 it was, it's about the truth.
51:31 Isaiah 49:5, continuing on in this servant song.
51:37 It says, "Now says the Lord,
51:40 who formed Me from the womb to be His Servant,
51:43 to bring Jacob back to Him."
51:46 Now, that is referring to the nation of Israel.
51:49 "So that Israel is gathered to Him,
51:54 for I shall be glorious in the eyes of the Lord,
51:56 My God shall be My strength.' "
51:59 The servant,
52:01 this individual servant is the agent
52:04 of national Israel's restoration.
52:07 So there's no question here.
52:10 And you know, the restoration of the nation of Israel
52:13 was the first priority.
52:16 Remember, when Jesus came,
52:18 that was the first priority of His mission.
52:20 He said, I've come for the children of God,
52:23 but wasn't limited to the tribes of Jacob.
52:27 Look what he says in verse 6, "Indeed He says,
52:31 'It is too small a thing that You should be My Servant
52:36 to raise up the tribes of Jacob,
52:38 and to restore the preserved ones of Israel,
52:42 I will also give You as a light to the Gentiles,
52:47 that You should be My servant to the ends of the earth.' "
52:51 Hallelujah!
52:52 You go on in verses 5, I mean here in verses 5 and 6.
52:56 We see He is a single individual
52:58 that gathers Israel back.
53:00 But He is God in the person of Jesus Christ,
53:04 and He wants all men to be saved.
53:06 He came not merely as a savior for the nation of Israel,
53:12 that would be too small a thing.
53:14 God ordained that all would come,
53:18 all would come to know Him.
53:21 This is fulfilling, you know, actually, ah,
53:24 I think I'm running out of time.
53:26 But when you think about this, God's covenant,
53:29 we see throughout the Bible,
53:32 a progressive unveiling of God's covenant,
53:36 it's introduced in Genesis 3:15.
53:39 Then God makes this covenant with Abraham.
53:44 And then He does it with Jacob, or Isaac and Jacob,
53:49 and it just keeps going on.
53:51 But God intends for all to be blessed.
53:58 With justification by faith, Abraham believed God
54:02 it was credited to him as righteousness.
54:05 Our righteousness is nothing but filthy rags before Him,
54:08 but He credits us with Christ's righteousness.
54:11 Verse 7, Isaiah 49, "Thus says the Lord,
54:14 the Redeemer of Israel, their Holy One,
54:17 to Him whom man despises."
54:20 He was despised and abhorred.
54:22 They treated him with humiliating treatment,
54:26 Jesus Christ.
54:28 "To the Servant of rulers: 'Kings shall see and arise,
54:32 princes also shall worship,
54:34 because of the Lord who is faithful,
54:36 the Holy One of Israel, He has chosen You.' "
54:40 So there will be a reversal.
54:42 Every knee will bow before him.
54:45 And verse 8, "Thus says the Lord" Isaiah 49:8,
54:50 "In an acceptable time I have heard You,
54:52 and in the day of salvation I have helped You,
54:55 I will preserve You and give You as a covenant
54:58 to the people, to restore the earth,
55:02 to cause them to inherit
55:05 the desolate heritages.
55:09 Jesus is the everlasting covenant.
55:11 Hebrews 13:20 talks about His blood
55:15 is the blood of the everlasting covenant.
55:18 So He is God's surety of God's promises to us
55:25 and He is from us to God,
55:27 the surety that we'll walk in obedience.
55:29 Amen.
55:31 Well, thank you, Shelley.
55:32 Thank you, Johnny.
55:34 Ryan and Jill, I'm gonna give each of you a chance
55:35 to summarize the day you covered
55:37 before we invite our audience to join us.
55:41 So I had Monday's lesson "Unnamed Individual Servant, "
55:44 which would be the first of the servant songs
55:47 there in Isaiah.
55:48 And to me what's so powerful as we study,
55:51 we see the Messiah
55:53 through the gospel prophet Isaiah there.
55:55 But what's so important is that we make a choice
55:58 to make Him Lord and Savior of our live.
56:01 We can study it and we can know it,
56:02 but I just invite you right now to make a choice
56:05 and ask this servant Messiah into your heart and life.
56:10 Amen. Ryan?
56:12 God chose Cyrus
56:14 as His anointed messiah for that time.
56:19 What I want to glean from that
56:20 and what I want to appeal to you today is,
56:22 you know, are you allowing Jesus,
56:24 the true Anointed Messiah
56:26 to anoint you with the oil of the Holy Spirit.
56:27 That's what I want today.
56:29 I want to be led and guided by the Lord.
56:30 We've been chosen to live in this time,
56:33 not just by coincidence, but God has chosen us,
56:36 and He wants to anoint us with His Holy Spirit.
56:38 So pray that the Lord will anoint you
56:40 with the leading, guiding power of His Spirit.
56:42 Amen. Amen.
56:45 Well, in...
56:47 Okay, in 2 Chronicles Chapter 20,
56:51 I'm just going to read the last part.
56:53 "Believe in the Lord your God, and you shall be established,
56:56 believe His prophets, and you shall prosper."
57:00 I encourage you to trust in God's Word.
57:02 It is a guide unto our feet, unto the end of time.
57:06 Thank you.
57:08 We look at Jesus' ministry,
57:09 He had plenty of reasons to be discouraged.
57:12 You know, remember,
57:14 He was perfectly human and He walked in humanity.
57:17 I mean, He was perfectly God,
57:19 but He walked in this human flesh,
57:22 but He stayed faithful.
57:24 And here's what I just want to remind you of
57:26 what Jesus knew is that
57:28 when God's people get in desperate situation,
57:30 God delivers them. Amen.
57:32 Amen. Thank you, everyone.
57:34 We've been talking about "To Serve and to Save"
57:36 this quarter and actually this week,
57:38 and we thank you for taking the time to tune into us.
57:41 I'll leave you with these words in Revelation 22:3,
57:45 "And there shall be no more curse,
57:48 but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it,
57:52 and His servants shall serve Him."
57:55 I pray that you are desiring to be His servant here,
57:58 so you can be a servant there.
57:59 Join us for the next lesson number 10 entitled
58:02 "Do the Unthinkable."
58:04 God bless you. Amen.


Revised 2021-02-25