3ABN Sabbath School Panel

What Happened?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP210014S

00:01 Hello, friends, I'm Jill Morikone.
00:02 We're so glad that you've tuned in
00:04 for this quarter of 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:06 Hard to believe we're beginning quarter number two.
00:09 It's all about the covenants, the promise,
00:11 God's everlasting covenant of grace.
00:14 I want to encourage you
00:16 to get your own copy of the quarterly.
00:18 You can go to the following website
00:19 ABSG.Adventist.org
00:23 That stands for
00:24 AdultBibleStudyGuide .Adventist.org.
00:28 Make sure you grab your Bibles
00:29 and your pens and your papers, your notebooks
00:32 to take notes
00:33 as we explore lesson number one,
00:35 what happened.
01:09 Hard to believe that we're in a brand new quarter.
01:11 We just finished
01:12 if you journeyed with us last quarter
01:14 through the Book of Isaiah,
01:15 which happens to be one of my favorite books.
01:17 And we finished
01:18 with the rebirth of planet earth
01:20 in Isaiah Chapter 66.
01:22 Now we jump into this brand new quarter, the promise,
01:26 God's everlasting covenant.
01:29 The lesson this quarter is most of it is taken
01:32 from the work of the late Dr. Gerhard Hasel.
01:36 He's an incredible student of the Word of God.
01:40 He served as Professor of Old Testament
01:42 and biblical theology at the SDA Theological Seminary
01:45 at Andrews University.
01:47 That's a mouthful.
01:48 He was dean of the seminary and for 27 years,
01:51 he served as director of their ThD and PhD programs.
01:55 He's a brilliant man.
01:56 And this lesson is amazing.
01:58 So I'm excited that you have tuned in.
02:00 I want to introduce our panelists,
02:02 our family to you at this time.
02:04 We're going to be journeying together
02:05 through the covenants.
02:07 To my left Pastor John Lomacang,
02:08 always a joy to have you here.
02:10 Good to be here, Jill.
02:11 Looking forward to a wonderful study
02:12 on the covenants.
02:14 Amen. Me too.
02:15 To your left Pastor Ryan Day,
02:17 so glad to have you here, brother.
02:18 Amen. Always a blessing to be on Sabbath School panel.
02:20 Amen, to your left Pastor John Dinzey.
02:23 Always glad to have you here, Brother Johnny.
02:25 It's a blessing to be here.
02:26 And I encourage our viewers and listeners to tune in
02:29 because great blessings are in store in this study.
02:31 Amen.
02:32 And to your left Sister Shelley Quinn,
02:34 who I call the queen of the covenants.
02:37 And I know you're excited about this study.
02:39 My favorite quarterly ever.
02:41 It's wonderful. Amen.
02:43 Before we go any further,
02:44 we want to go to the Lord in prayer.
02:46 Pastor John, would you pray for us?
02:47 Sure.
02:48 Loving Father in heaven,
02:50 we thank You for the privilege and opportunity
02:51 for opening Your Word
02:53 and disseminating the words of life,
02:55 but we cannot do it without Your Holy Spirit.
02:58 Connect us with our viewers and listeners
03:00 and may everything we do here today, Father,
03:03 communicate the beauty,
03:05 the necessity and the benefit
03:07 of the covenant You made to save us.
03:10 In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
03:12 Amen.
03:13 Thank you so much.
03:15 God created us to live in relationship
03:17 with God and with each other.
03:20 We're relational beings created for that connection
03:22 and that harmony with God,
03:24 but sin brought a disconnection from God.
03:28 And God desired to bring His people back
03:31 into relationship with Himself.
03:34 The covenant is all about
03:35 this relationship between us and our maker God
03:38 and this arrangement for saving us.
03:42 And for bringing us back into oneness.
03:45 You could say it's not a contract.
03:47 It's about a committed relationship.
03:50 There's two types of covenants and we will study this further
03:53 as we get into our study.
03:56 One is the relationship between parties
03:58 and modern day covenants,
03:59 you see this a lot where both parties are equal,
04:03 and both parties would set terms.
04:05 Then there's another type of covenant,
04:07 this biblical covenant
04:09 that we are studying that is unilateral,
04:11 where God sets the terms and He makes the promises.
04:16 In this biblical covenant,
04:17 He sets the terms and makes the promises to me
04:20 as His child.
04:22 Why is that?
04:23 Because He loves me,
04:24 and He created you and I to be in relationship with Him
04:28 and He wants to save us.
04:31 The covenant is built on love.
04:34 God initiates the covenant relationship.
04:37 By the promises, His promises and His actions
04:41 that follow those promises,
04:42 He seeks to woo us
04:44 into covenant relationship with Him,
04:47 and we surrender to Him, our fears, our sin,
04:51 our twisted notion of right and wrong.
04:54 We give him our hearts in faith and in obedience.
04:59 Although, the Bible speaks of covenants in the plural,
05:02 I believe there's only one basic covenant of salvation
05:06 found throughout history.
05:08 The blessings and salvation of God
05:11 are given by God.
05:12 It's not earned by us.
05:14 We respond in that faith and obedience.
05:17 And the heart of all is God's steadfast love.
05:22 The plural covenants, as you could call them plural,
05:25 simply means that God advances His saving purpose
05:29 by restating His covenant
05:32 in various ways to meet the needs of the people
05:35 in different times and in different settings.
05:39 So we are going to study this entire quarter,
05:42 the different covenants,
05:43 we're going to start with the Adamic covenant,
05:45 and we see that established in Eden with Adam,
05:48 and of course, Christ,
05:49 the seed who would conquer the evil one,
05:52 we see the Noahic covenant established with Noah
05:55 and we see, of course, the promise of the rainbow.
05:58 We see the Abrahamic covenant established with Abraham.
06:02 And through his seed, we could say, in particular,
06:05 one seed that's the Lord Jesus Christ,
06:08 the entire world would be blessed.
06:10 We see the sign of that covenant
06:12 being circumcision,
06:14 the sign of circumcision showing showcasing the fact
06:18 that God had already brought His people
06:21 into right relationship with Him.
06:24 We see the Sinaitic covenant established at Mount Sinai,
06:28 the law and specifically the Sabbath
06:31 given in the context
06:32 of redemption bond from that bondage in Egypt.
06:36 And we see the sacrificial system
06:38 and the promises for atonement and forgiveness of sins.
06:42 And we see, of course, the new covenant,
06:44 which is first introduced in Jeremiah 31.
06:48 As the children of Israel's
06:49 breaking of the Sinaitic covenant,
06:52 brought them into exile.
06:53 So the renewal of the covenant would preserve them
06:57 and be their hope for the future.
07:00 Lesson number one, we look at what happened,
07:03 the perfect world that God created,
07:07 and how sin entered that world.
07:09 And God's designed
07:11 to bring that world back to Himself
07:14 through the plan of redemption.
07:16 Our memory text is Genesis 1:26-27.
07:21 "Then God said,
07:22 'Let Us make humankind in our image,
07:26 according to our likeness.
07:28 So God created them in His image,
07:30 in the image of God He created them,
07:32 male and female He created them."
07:36 Sunday's lesson is called
07:38 "Turtles All The Way Down, "
07:39 which is kind of a funny title.
07:41 And it comes, Pastor John,
07:42 from interesting story that the lesson began with.
07:46 There was a scientist
07:48 who was lecturing on the orbit of the planets around the sun,
07:51 and the orbit of the sun
07:52 around the center of the galaxy.
07:55 And an old lady stood up in tennis shoes,
07:57 and she said,
07:58 "The earth is nothing but a flat disk
08:00 sitting on the back of a turtle.
08:02 And the scientists said,
08:03 "Well, what does that turtle sit on?"
08:05 And the lady said,
08:07 "Another turtle."
08:08 And the scientist said,
08:10 "Well, what does that turtle sit on?"
08:11 And the lady said, "Another turtle."
08:13 And the scientist got ready to say,
08:15 "Wait a minute,
08:16 now what is that turtle sitting on?"
08:17 And the old lady stood up
08:19 and she wagged her finger in the scientists face,
08:20 and she said,
08:22 "Save your breath, son, it's turtles all the way down."
08:25 So as we look at the origin of the universe,
08:30 I have three questions.
08:32 Question number one, how did we get here?
08:34 Question number two, why are we here?
08:39 And number three, where are we going?
08:41 These are the three pivotal questions in life.
08:44 How did we get here?
08:46 What's my purpose or why am I here
08:49 and where am I going?
08:51 For how did we get here,
08:52 the first question we go to Genesis 1:1,
08:55 "In the beginning,
08:56 God created the heavens and the earth."
09:00 The existence of God is simply assumed,
09:04 no explanation for His existence is given,
09:06 no reason is given for His origin.
09:09 God is, you could say, a given.
09:11 In the beginning, God created,
09:14 that word created in Hebrew bara.
09:17 The verb is used only when God is the subject,
09:20 and it's always linked to divine creative activity.
09:25 Here it's used of God's ability
09:27 to create something out of nothing.
09:31 In the beginning, God, in contrast to atheism,
09:35 created alone in contrast to polytheism,
09:39 rules over creation, in contrast to pantheism,
09:44 matter had a beginning, in contrast to materialism,
09:48 and the ultimate reality is God and not humanity.
09:52 That's how did we get here, God created this world,
09:56 and us and everything that's in it.
10:00 But why are we here?
10:01 Can life have a purpose besides just survival
10:05 or besides just procreation?
10:08 Or besides just the search the endless search for wealth
10:13 or for happiness,
10:14 maybe self-development, influence, wisdom?
10:17 What is the purpose of life?
10:19 In my remaining time,
10:20 I want to give you seven purposes of life
10:22 that I find from the Word of God.
10:25 Purpose number one.
10:27 We are here because
10:28 God wants to live in relationship with us.
10:32 He wants to live in relationship with us.
10:34 Psalm 100:3,
10:36 "Know that the Lord He is God."
10:40 God is known as opposed to being hidden.
10:44 It is He who has made us and not we ourselves.
10:47 God is our Creator as opposed to synthetic life,
10:51 or scientists attempting to create life.
10:56 We are His people, and the sheep of His pasture.
11:00 God calls you and I to live
11:03 in covenant relationship with Him.
11:05 We are His people.
11:07 So the first purpose in life is we are here
11:10 because God wants to live in relationship with us.
11:13 The second person, purpose,
11:15 we are here to bring glory to God.
11:18 1 Corinthians 10:31,
11:20 "Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do,
11:22 do all to the glory of God."
11:25 We are not here to get rich.
11:27 We are not here to please ourselves.
11:30 We are not here to do our own thing.
11:32 We are here to bring glory to God.
11:35 Purpose number three,
11:36 we are here to love one another.
11:40 John 13:34-35.
11:43 "A new commandment I give to you,
11:45 that you love one another as I have loved you,
11:48 that you also love one another.
11:51 By this all will know that you are My disciples,
11:53 if you have love one for another."
11:58 We are here to love one another.
12:01 Purpose number four,
12:02 we are here to be His witness.
12:05 1 Peter 2:9-10.
12:07 I love this scripture.
12:09 "But you are a chosen generation,
12:12 a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
12:14 God's own special people."
12:16 And why are we called? Why are we chosen?
12:19 Why are we set apart?
12:21 That we would proclaim the praises of Him
12:23 who called us out of darkness into His marvelous life.
12:26 Have you been in darkness?
12:28 Have you walked away from Jesus?
12:30 Have you experienced what that is like?
12:32 Your purpose is to show forth His praises to be His witness.
12:38 Purpose number five,
12:39 we are here to live and walk in unity,
12:43 the same unity as exemplified by the Father, Son
12:46 and Holy Spirit.
12:47 John 17:21,
12:50 "That they Jesus is praying that they all may be one,
12:53 as You Father are in Me and I in You,
12:56 that they may be one in Us
12:57 that the world may believe and know that You sent Me."
13:02 Purpose number six,
13:03 we are here to bear fruit for His glory.
13:07 Colossians 1:10,
13:08 "That you would walk worthy of the Lord,
13:11 fully pleasing Him
13:12 being fruitful in every good work,
13:14 and increasing in the knowledge of God."
13:17 And finally, purpose number seven,
13:19 we are here to make disciples for Him.
13:21 Matthew 28,
13:23 "All authority has been given Me
13:25 in heaven and earth,
13:26 go therefore and make disciples."
13:28 So how did we get here?
13:30 We got here because in the beginning,
13:31 God created us.
13:33 Why are we here?
13:35 We are here because
13:36 He wants to live in relationship with us.
13:38 And we are here to bring glory to Him
13:40 and to love one another and to be His witnesses
13:43 to walk and live in unity,
13:45 to bear fruit for His glory, and to make disciples for Him.
13:49 And finally, where are we going?
13:52 For that we go to the Book of Revelation 21,
13:54 "I saw a new heaven and a new earth,
13:57 for the first heaven
13:58 and the first earth passed away."
14:00 There was no more sea and God dwells with us.
14:03 We are going to an eternal home.
14:05 And I definitely want to be there.
14:07 Amen.
14:09 Thank you, Jill.
14:11 Tell you, when you get started,
14:13 you keep it going, praise God for that.
14:15 Thank you, Jill,
14:16 for that introduction to a new quarter.
14:19 And what just happened
14:20 I think is a good way I could ask the question.
14:23 Praise the Lord for what just happened.
14:25 God can use each one of us to reflect His glory.
14:29 And that is a covenant that He wants to keep,
14:32 we want to reflect His glory.
14:33 Mine is Monday in the image of the maker.
14:37 Now we live in a world that loves to make images.
14:40 Hollywood actors are become images
14:43 to those who are striving to be like them.
14:45 Musicians become images
14:47 to those who can or cannot sing.
14:50 You find on social media many people
14:52 that are wanting to sing that song
14:54 like their famous singer
14:56 or perform like their famous performer
14:59 or to be in some way
15:00 we buy the jersey
15:02 of our favorite basketball player,
15:03 or we wear the shoes of our favorite designer.
15:07 Everyone wants to perform in some way to communicate that
15:10 I am in some way
15:12 just like the person that I admire,
15:13 I want to be that person's image.
15:15 But the beautiful story is, in Genesis 1:27.
15:19 And Jill brought this out, but I want to go back.
15:22 It says in the Bible,
15:24 that God intended from the very beginning
15:26 for every one of us
15:27 to be a reflection of His image.
15:30 And the world has since that time,
15:32 tried to lower the bar,
15:34 and cause finite and mortal men
15:37 to replace the infinite and the immortal God.
15:39 The Lord said,
15:40 "So God created man in his own image,
15:43 in the image of God He created him,
15:46 male and female He created them."
15:49 And then the writer,
15:51 Dr. Gerhard Hasel poses the question,
15:53 what does it mean that
15:55 God created us in His own image.
15:57 And I liked the way that he put this,
15:59 I want to just go ahead and communicate what he said.
16:00 He said, Adam was created in the image of God.
16:04 He had a perfectly developed...
16:06 He was a perfectly developed organism.
16:09 And that word organism
16:10 doesn't mean an amoeba or paramecium.
16:12 But when Adam was made
16:13 to communicate what that meant was,
16:15 when Adam was questioned about the animals,
16:18 no one told Adam what the animals were,
16:21 he instantly knew what every animal was.
16:24 What is that? That's an elephant.
16:25 What's that? That's a giraffe.
16:27 What's that? That's a lion.
16:28 What's that? That's a cat.
16:29 God created Adam with perfect, a perfect database
16:33 of everything that surrounded him.
16:35 All his faculties were harmonious,
16:38 harmonious with whom?
16:40 With God.
16:42 In all his emotions, words and actions,
16:45 there was a perfect conformity to the will of His maker.
16:51 However, there was an asterisk.
16:53 There were some conditions
16:54 to this continued covenant to reflect the image of God,
16:57 because many of us
16:59 don't understand about Romans 6:23.
17:01 The Apostle Paul mentions this thousands of years after
17:06 the Garden of Eden incident,
17:08 but this was true in the Garden of Eden.
17:11 Notice what the Bible says,
17:13 "For the wages of sin is death,
17:15 but the gift of God is eternal life
17:17 in Christ Jesus, our Lord."
17:19 Adam was not created immortal.
17:23 Immortality was to be imparted to him
17:26 on condition of obedience.
17:28 You see the covenant of God is never a covenant
17:31 without a requirement of obedience.
17:34 God's covenant, although kept by Him,
17:37 requires something on our part, as is the case,
17:40 you know, when you buy a car or buy a home,
17:42 you signed the contract
17:43 and I'm sure many of us never read
17:45 the fine print.
17:47 But whenever we violate the contract,
17:49 we are reminded in the fine print
17:51 of our obligation.
17:52 In the very same way,
17:54 God gave Adam conditions
17:57 that this reflection of his image would continue,
18:00 but it was based on the foundation of obedience.
18:03 Genesis 2:16-17.
18:06 "And the LORD God commanded the man, saying,
18:08 'Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat,
18:12 but of the tree of the knowledge
18:14 of good and evil
18:15 you shall not eat,
18:17 for in the day that you eat of it
18:19 you shall surely die."
18:23 So God put man in the garden,
18:25 and then God gave Adam a helpmeet.
18:29 Now, I want to say to the men not to help meet bills,
18:32 or help meet expenses,
18:34 but for both of them in a harmonious unity
18:37 to reflect the character of God.
18:39 And as one writer said, God gave His maleness to Adam,
18:43 and His femaleness to Eve.
18:45 So when Adam and Eve came together,
18:47 they completed the image of God on the human race.
18:50 That's why the Lord said,
18:51 "It's not good that man should be alone."
18:53 Adam, was created in the image of God,
18:56 but God wanted to enhance that image,
18:59 not that there's anything wrong with His image,
19:01 but He knew that in creation,
19:03 if there was not a counterpart to Adam,
19:05 then his image would not be complete.
19:07 Now, follow that carefully.
19:08 That is why today,
19:10 and I'm going to say this in complete respect,
19:12 when man unites with man,
19:14 and woman unites with woman,
19:15 it does not complete the image of God
19:17 on the human race.
19:18 The image of God was to be completed
19:20 only on the foundation that
19:22 Adam was to be united with his counterpart,
19:25 one opposite to him, yet equal in the eyes of God.
19:28 That's why the Lord took Eve from His rib to be by aside,
19:31 not a bone from his head nor a bone from his foot
19:34 to be trampled on
19:35 or to dominate Adam's leadership.
19:37 But notice what the Bible says in Genesis 3:22-24.
19:41 "Then God said,"
19:43 after Adam sinned,
19:44 "'Behold, the man has become like one of Us,
19:47 to know good and evil.
19:49 And now, lest he put out his hand
19:51 and take also of the tree of life, and eat,
19:53 and live forever,
19:54 therefore the Lord God sent him out of the Garden of Eden
19:57 to till the ground from which he was taken.
20:00 So He drove out the man;
20:01 and He placed cherubim
20:03 at the east of the Garden of Eden,
20:06 and a flaming sword which turned every way,
20:09 to guard the way of the tree of life."
20:12 Why would he do that?
20:14 Because if Adam or his wife Eve partook of the tree,
20:17 the only way that they were preserved
20:20 on a continuous basis
20:21 was from the tree of life,
20:22 once again, showing that
20:24 they were not naturally immortal.
20:26 If they were naturally immortal,
20:28 then sin could not even bring them to an end.
20:31 So God gave them mortality,
20:34 only to give them the gift of God's eternal life
20:37 in Christ Jesus our Lord,
20:38 only to give this to them,
20:40 if they were continually obedient.
20:43 1 Timothy 6:15-16 emphasizes where immortality exists.
20:49 Speaking about Christ,
20:51 which He will manifest in His own time,
20:53 He who is the blessed and only Potentate,
20:56 the King of kings and Lord of lords,
20:58 who alone has immortality,
21:01 dwelling in unapproachable light,
21:03 whom no man has seen or can see,
21:05 to whom be honor and everlasting power.
21:08 Amen."
21:10 And as the writer points out in the lesson,
21:12 although we speak of God on human terms,
21:14 we must never forget that God is spiritual.
21:18 God is a spirit,
21:19 and those who worship God as John 4:24 says,
21:22 must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
21:25 Another component of the covenant
21:26 is worship.
21:28 Worship cannot be excluded from the covenant.
21:31 God has not called us to occupy space.
21:33 That's why worship was the aim
21:35 and still is the aim today that Satan wants to usurp,
21:38 because worship is a part of the covenant.
21:40 The covenant can only go on, as worship continues,
21:44 and when I say only go on in our lives,
21:46 and affect us only on the basis
21:48 that we continue worshiping God in spirit and in truth.
21:53 God is spiritual,
21:54 but because of sin,
21:56 we have to develop also spirituality.
21:58 It is not a natural thing.
22:00 Look at 1 Corinthians 2:14, look what the Bible says.
22:04 "But the natural man
22:05 does not receive the things of the Spirit of God,
22:08 for they are foolishness to him,
22:10 nor can he know them,
22:12 because they are spiritually discerned."
22:15 Now, according to the Genesis account,
22:17 did the Lord make anything else in His own image
22:21 other than humankind?
22:23 And the answer is no,
22:24 everything else was called into creation,
22:26 which says to me,
22:28 that God had a plan for man far above that of the amoeba,
22:34 the paramecium, the alligator,
22:36 and away with this ideology
22:38 that we are some kind of
22:39 metamorphosized descendants of an ape
22:42 or some kind of alligator that crawled out of a cesspool,
22:45 somewhere and developed legs.
22:47 No, God called us
22:49 to reflect His image continually.
22:51 That's why I like 1 John 3:1-2.
22:54 Notice what the Bible says.
22:55 And this is not anything that an animal can proclaim.
22:58 The image of God can only be reflected
23:01 in those who are made after the similar to the God.
23:05 And when that image was broken,
23:07 the covenant of God promised that
23:10 if we are obedient,
23:12 the image of God
23:13 would be replicated in us again.
23:15 Here it is.
23:17 "Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us,
23:19 that we should be called children of God!
23:22 Therefore the world does not know us,"
23:24 why?
23:25 "Because it did not know Him."
23:27 This is beautiful,
23:28 "Beloved, now we are children of God,"
23:32 back to the original standing,
23:35 "and it has not yet been revealed
23:37 what we shall be, "
23:38 but here's where the covenant
23:40 "that God made will be fulfilled in eternity,
23:43 but we know that when He is revealed,
23:46 we shall be like Him,
23:48 for we shall see Him as He is."
23:52 The image that Adam marred because of sin
23:54 will one day be completely restored,
23:57 and we shall be like the God of the covenant,
24:00 for one day we will be able to see Him
24:02 as He is in all of His glory.
24:05 Because finally, as human beings,
24:07 we will also reflect that immortal glory.
24:10 Amen. Amen.
24:12 Thank you so much, Pastor John.
24:14 Incredible, that restoration of that image of God.
24:16 Amen.
24:18 We're going to take a short break,
24:19 we'll be right back.
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24:55 Welcome back to our study what happened,
24:57 that is the title of our lesson here,
25:00 lesson number one on God's covenant.
25:02 We're going to pick it up with Tuesday's lesson
25:04 and Pastor Ryan Day.
25:05 Amen. Praise the Lord.
25:07 I do have Tuesday's lesson,
25:08 and it's entitled
25:10 "God and Humankind Together."
25:13 And there's so much here to cover,
25:15 I hope I have time to do it.
25:18 But I want to go directly to the scripture here,
25:20 Pastor done a wonderful job
25:23 on expounding
25:24 on how we were made in the image of God
25:26 from Genesis 1:27.
25:29 Today's lesson, Tuesday's lesson,
25:31 of course, has, has us going into Genesis 1:28-29.
25:37 So let's go ahead and go there and read that.
25:39 And this is those texts that you usually have,
25:41 that you've kind of just read through,
25:43 you just kind of skim through it,
25:45 because it seems like it's not much information
25:47 or much substance there.
25:49 But I'm going to argue
25:50 for the sake of the conversation
25:51 of the covenant
25:53 that there is lots of information here
25:54 that is very helpful and understanding further
25:57 the depth of the covenant,
25:59 this covenant relationship that we have with the Lord.
26:01 And so I'm going to read here, Genesis 1:28-29.
26:05 Notice what the Bible says.
26:06 It says,
26:07 "Then God blessed them, and God said to them,
26:10 'Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it,
26:14 have dominion over the fish of the sea,
26:17 over the birds of the air, and over every living thing
26:20 that moves on the earth.'"
26:23 Verse 29 says,
26:24 "And God said,
26:26 'See, I have given you every herb that yields seed
26:28 which is on the face of all the earth,
26:31 and every tree whose fruit yields seed,
26:34 to you it shall be for food."
26:38 Now there's several lessons
26:40 within just these couple of verses here,
26:42 of much of which we're not going to be able
26:44 to get into for the sake of time,
26:45 but we're talking about the covenant.
26:47 How does these two verses
26:49 and the information that we find here
26:51 relate to the covenant?
26:53 Well, I kind of break it down into sections
26:55 to help us to kind of dissect it
26:57 and compare it and connect it to this covenant relationship
27:01 that God wants to establish with man.
27:02 So He's just created man in His image.
27:06 He says it was very good, right?
27:08 And now they're created, He has breathed into Adam,
27:12 the breath of life, He's now created Eve.
27:15 And notice what it first says here, it says,
27:17 "And God blessed them."
27:19 The very first thing that God did to His creation,
27:23 in this case, mankind is that He blessed them.
27:26 And that's awesome.
27:27 The fact that, you know, He just breathes, you know,
27:29 He breathes into Adam, Adam wakes up,
27:31 of course, there's some time later,
27:33 of course, we know that
27:34 He makes Adam fall back asleep,
27:36 He pulls the rib, He creates Adam and Eve.
27:38 But then the very first thing He does to them together,
27:41 once they're together, He blesses them.
27:44 And I love that because it draws my attention
27:47 back to the fact that God wants to bless us.
27:49 He doesn't want to withhold a blessing from us,
27:51 He wants us to be blessed.
27:53 And my mind went to Numbers Chapter 6,
27:55 that, of course, we're skipping forward
27:57 just a little bit here for the sake of illustration,
28:00 in the sense that,
28:01 you know, we see a record all the way through scripture
28:03 where God is always blessing His people.
28:05 He wants to bestow
28:06 a blessing upon His chosen people.
28:08 And we see this even with Israel as a nation,
28:11 when He called His people
28:12 into covenant relationship with them.
28:14 One of the first things He did is
28:16 He drawn Moses, Aaron together,
28:17 He said, Moses, tell Aaron,
28:19 that these are the words
28:20 that He ought to have to bestow upon the people
28:22 as a blessing upon them.
28:24 And so we see this in Numbers 6:22-27.
28:27 Of course, we've read this many times,
28:28 we've heard this many times
28:30 in sermons or at the end of a sermon.
28:32 It says this very clearly, Numbers 6:22-27.
28:36 It says,
28:37 "And the Lord spoke to Moses saying,
28:39 'Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying, that
28:40 'This is the way
28:42 which you shall bless the children of Israel.
28:43 Saying to them:
28:45 'The Lord bless you and keep you,
28:47 the Lord make His face shine upon you,
28:50 and be gracious to you,
28:52 the Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
28:55 and give you peace.
28:57 So they shall put My name on the children of Israel,
29:00 and I will bless them."
29:02 And this is the perpetual message
29:05 all throughout the Bible,
29:06 a God desiring to draw close to His people
29:09 to bless them,
29:10 because He indeed wants us to be happy.
29:12 He wants us to have good things,
29:13 He wants us indeed to be blessed.
29:16 In fact, it reminds me of that beautiful scripture
29:18 in 1 John 4:19,
29:20 that, you know, we love Him because He first loved us.
29:24 In this case, we bless God because He first blessed us.
29:28 So I just wanted to highlight that
29:30 because it starts off with God bless them,
29:31 but then notice
29:33 what the next part of verse 28 says.
29:35 It says that he told them,
29:37 "Be fruitful and multiply,
29:39 fill the earth and subdue it."
29:41 Now there's,
29:42 I'm going to spend the bulk of my time on this one
29:43 because it's just has something beautiful here.
29:46 Many people are going to read that text and go,
29:48 oh, you know, God told him to just go
29:49 make a bunch of little babies,
29:51 you know, just go out there and be fruitful and multiply
29:53 and make a bunch of little babies.
29:54 But I believe that there are two main reasons
29:55 why God gave this command.
29:57 In fact, this is the very first command
29:58 God gave them
30:00 and it's interesting,
30:01 I'm going to give you the first one
30:03 that I think is an awesome point to make.
30:04 And then the second one,
30:05 we're going to expound a little bit deeper in.
30:07 And so I found this quote
30:08 from the Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary,
30:10 volume one, page 1082.
30:12 And this kind of explains one of the reasons
30:14 why God immediately told them,
30:16 "Hey, go be fruitful and multiply."
30:18 In other words, go make others,
30:19 go and make others like yourself.
30:22 Notice what it says here.
30:23 God, again this comes
30:24 from Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary,
30:26 volume one, page 1082.
30:28 God created man for His own glory,
30:31 that after test and trial,
30:34 the human family might become
30:35 one with the heavenly family, okay.
30:39 It was God's purpose to repopulate heaven
30:43 with the human family.
30:44 So I love that the fact that God created mankind
30:47 because again, the fall in heaven,
30:48 Lucifer, the angels, the war in heaven,
30:50 God had to basically banish Lucifer
30:52 and those fallen angels,
30:54 where He wanted to repopulate heaven.
30:55 And so, of course, mankind fit into that plan.
30:58 So that's one reason why God said,
31:00 "Look, go out there and make some others, right?
31:01 Be fruitful and multiply."
31:03 His plan is to repopulate heaven
31:05 with good people.
31:07 But then I'm going to submit something
31:08 for the purpose of covenant conversation,
31:10 that God also told them
31:12 to be fruitful and multiply for another reason.
31:15 Consider the fact that Adam and Eve was created
31:18 in the image of God.
31:19 Okay.
31:21 And, Pastor, you did a beautiful job
31:22 expounding on that.
31:23 I want to take it just a little step further here.
31:25 The Bible says that God is love.
31:29 Not that He's just mere loving,
31:31 describing an action or something that He expresses
31:34 which we know God is that.
31:35 But He's much more than that.
31:36 The very principle of His character
31:38 is that God is love.
31:40 And we have a beautiful description
31:42 of what love is in principle and in character.
31:44 If you go over to 1 Corinthians 13
31:47 and we read that beautiful passages there
31:49 where it describes love,
31:50 you know, love suffers long and is kind.
31:51 Love does not envy, love does not parade itself,
31:54 is not puffed up, it does not behave rudely,
31:57 but right in the midst of that beautiful message there
31:59 in 1 Corinthians 13,
32:01 something catches my eye here.
32:03 Love does not seek its own.
32:07 Love does not seek its own.
32:09 God does not seek His own.
32:11 In other words, God is giving.
32:15 He's not self-centered.
32:17 The very nature, the very character of God
32:19 is that He prefers others, He puts others before Himself.
32:22 For God so loved the world that He gave, right?
32:26 And I love this, we see that in true biblical godly love,
32:30 we see an others centeredness.
32:32 Amen.
32:34 Okay, so we're getting the point here,
32:35 be fruitful and multiply.
32:36 Okay, there's a reason,
32:38 I believe another reason why God gave that command.
32:40 You see, Paul often uses the phrase in his writings
32:42 that Jesus gave Himself, right?
32:46 Husbands love your wives
32:47 just as Christ also loved the church
32:48 and He gave Himself for her.
32:50 Again, this others centeredness.
32:53 So definitionally, if you are going to have love,
32:57 then you need more than one.
33:00 And I'm going to submit to you
33:01 and I love this quote, I'm about to read here,
33:03 not just more than one, more than two.
33:04 Okay, notice this.
33:06 Ty Gibson, I brought this quote from Ty Gibson,
33:08 I think it's beautifully described here.
33:10 And I think it's based on fundamental biblical principle.
33:13 This is this from a God named desire.
33:14 He said, three is the essential numeric value of love.
33:18 Whether there is only one person love
33:19 cannot occur.
33:22 Where there are two,
33:23 each is of the sole recipient of the other's attention,
33:26 giving place for self-absorption.
33:28 But the moment there are three, each recipient,
33:32 each recipient of one's love
33:33 much must also humbly defer attention to the third party,
33:36 and each one is the third party to the other two.
33:40 Pure selflessness
33:41 can now occur by virtue of the fact
33:43 that each one must love and be loved
33:45 with both an exclusive and a divided interest.
33:49 So what we see that our God is triune, right?
33:51 Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, that's a family.
33:54 So when God created Adam and Eve,
33:55 what did He do?
33:57 What was His first command?
33:58 Go make another,
34:00 go make another just like yourself.
34:01 I love that
34:02 because it shows
34:04 that when God did indeed create Him in His image,
34:05 He created a family,
34:07 it was His purpose that they have a family.
34:10 We go on to see that God said,
34:11 have dominion over the fish of the sea,
34:13 over the birds of the air,
34:14 and over every living thing that moves up on the earth,
34:17 okay?
34:18 And God even went on to say,
34:19 "See that I've given you every herb that you'll see them
34:21 which is on all the face upon the earth,
34:23 and every tree whose fruit's yield see to you
34:26 It shall be for food."
34:28 What we're seeing here is God
34:30 is basically showing His love by gifting the earth
34:34 and its creatures and everything on it,
34:36 the food He gives,
34:37 He gifts the perfect garden diet to them
34:40 all for the purpose of establishing
34:42 covenant relationship with them.
34:44 This is basically stewardship one on one.
34:47 God creates it and He says,
34:49 "Look, I created it.
34:50 It's mine, but I'm giving it to you.
34:51 It's all yours.
34:53 I loved you. I've blessed you.
34:54 I've created you in my image.
34:56 All of this is for you."
34:59 God puts Himself out there,
35:00 He makes, He puts Himself out there for man
35:03 to show them that He indeed loves them.
35:05 And now we're going to find out that that covenant,
35:06 we need to reciprocate that.
35:08 And that's what we're going to learn
35:09 throughout these lessons.
35:11 Amen. Thank you, Ryan.
35:12 Amen.
35:13 Amen and amen.
35:15 So we have here
35:16 the continuation into Wednesday,
35:19 which is, the title for this part is
35:21 "At the Tree."
35:24 You know, as Pastor Ryan was talking,
35:26 I was reminded of a quote from,
35:29 I believe it's the book Education by Ellen G. White,
35:31 where it says that it was God's ideal
35:35 that as the longer a man lived,
35:38 the more fully
35:39 will he reflect the Creator's glory,
35:41 the character of God.
35:43 And so this relationship was essential
35:46 to maintain this relationship with God.
35:48 And so as we move into Wednesday's lesson,
35:52 we go into two specific scriptures
35:55 that are Genesis 2:16-17.
35:59 But this will be our focus.
36:01 But I want to start in Genesis 2:7-9,
36:04 because I want to set up a foundation here.
36:06 And it says,
36:08 "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground,
36:11 and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life,
36:14 and man became a living soul."
36:17 So we have here from the beginning,
36:18 that not only is man created in the image of God,
36:21 but he has the very breath of God in him.
36:24 "And the Lord God planted a garden
36:26 eastward in Eden,
36:27 and there He put the man whom He had formed.
36:29 And out of the ground made the Lord God
36:32 to grow every tree
36:34 that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food,
36:38 the tree of life also in the midst of the garden,
36:40 and the tree of knowledge of good and evil."
36:44 So we have here this,
36:46 this foundation for Adam and Eve
36:48 to follow that,
36:49 God bless them with hundreds,
36:51 I don't know, thousands of trees.
36:53 And remember,
36:55 there's a scripture that reveals that
36:57 everything that God made was very good.
36:59 Genesis 1:31,
37:00 "And God saw everything that He had made,
37:03 and behold, it was very good.
37:07 And the evening and the morning,
37:09 were the sixth day."
37:10 So everything was very good,
37:11 including the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
37:15 It was not a bad tree, it was a good tree.
37:19 It was just the God said,
37:21 "Don't eat of that particular tree."
37:23 So when we look at Genesis 2:15,
37:28 notice what it says here,
37:30 then we already had a little repeating of this
37:32 in Genesis 2:7-9,
37:34 "Then the Lord God took the man
37:36 and put him in the Garden of Eden,
37:38 to tend and to keep it."
37:40 So this garden
37:41 God made a special home for Adam and Eve.
37:44 And this, this shows the relationship they had
37:48 showed him all the trees of the garden.
37:50 And now let's move to verse 16.
37:52 "And the Lord God commanded the man saying,
37:55 'Of every tree of the garden, you may freely eat,
38:01 but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil,
38:04 you shall not eat,
38:05 for in the day that you eat of it,
38:07 you shall surely die."
38:09 So we have here,
38:11 the scriptures that revealed to Adam and Eve
38:13 that there was just one thing they could not do,
38:16 one tree that they could not eat.
38:18 And I can imagine having Adam and Eve talking,
38:21 can you believe it, we can eat all these trees,
38:24 so many trees,
38:26 they could live for a long time
38:28 without having to repeat their meal.
38:32 You know, I remember we had a dog
38:33 and this dog made me laugh,
38:35 because I will give the dog food,
38:38 we buy a bag of food,
38:40 and I will bring the food to the dog
38:41 and I will just after,
38:43 after a while of eating this for five, six days.
38:46 He just, I felt bad for the dog
38:48 because he will look at the food
38:50 and look at me like I had this yesterday,
38:54 the day before.
38:56 Don't you have anything else, you know it's like...
38:58 But Adam and Eve had a variety
38:59 just like we have a variety today.
39:01 But their variety was greater
39:02 because sin has affected the earth.
39:04 Now, remember that God commanded them saying,
39:08 "Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat."
39:10 God gave Adam and Eve
39:11 the blessing of freedom of choice.
39:15 They were not robots to do,
39:17 "Yes, Lord I'll do this, yes."
39:19 No, they were given the privilege to choose.
39:23 This is why they say you may freely eat.
39:27 They had a choice.
39:28 And I would like to bring us some scripture
39:30 that is very similar to this
39:31 in the Book of Deuteronomy Chapter 30.
39:34 I'm going to read verses 11-15
39:38 because it reveals something
39:40 concerning the people of Israel
39:41 it's very similar to
39:43 or you can say that what God said to Adam and Eve.
39:45 Notice, beginning Deuteronomy 30,
39:48 beginning in verse 11,
39:49 "For this commandment
39:51 which I command you today
39:52 is not too mysterious for you, nor is it far off.
39:57 It is not in heaven, that you should say,
39:59 'Who will ascend into heaven for us
40:01 and bring it to us,
40:02 that we may hear it and do it?'
40:05 Nor is it beyond the sea, that you should say,
40:07 'Who will go over the sea for us
40:09 and bring it to us,
40:10 that we may hear it and do it?'
40:12 But the word is very near you,
40:14 in your mouth and in your heart,
40:16 that you may do it.
40:18 See, I have set before thee
40:21 this day life and good, death and evil."
40:24 It was not something out of this world
40:26 that Adam and Eve were asked to do.
40:28 They were asked,
40:30 "Don't eat of this particular tree."
40:32 In this you see God's great love for them.
40:35 Because He is saying to them,
40:37 "If you love Me, keep My commandments."
40:40 And it was not difficult.
40:42 It was not hard.
40:43 It was not something
40:45 that was crushing them their life out.
40:48 You know, oh no, we can't eat of that tree.
40:50 There is that tree again.
40:51 Oh, no, again, no, they had so many choices to,
40:55 so many things to choose from.
40:56 And I would say that their love for their Creator,
41:01 made them obey.
41:03 They were moved to obey the Creator.
41:06 When you know God,
41:08 and you see all that He has done for you,
41:11 your love for Him grows.
41:12 This is why it's very important for us to read the scriptures,
41:15 become acquainted with God.
41:17 Because as we spend time with God,
41:18 we will love Him more.
41:20 And Adam and Eve had the privilege
41:21 of spending time with God.
41:23 Now, let's go back
41:25 to the consequences of disobedience
41:27 which is death.
41:30 Genesis 2:17, I'll read that again.
41:32 But the tree of knowledge of good and evil
41:34 you shall not eat,
41:36 for in the day that you eat of it,
41:39 you shall surely die."
41:42 And this, this scripture,
41:45 this message from the Lord
41:48 led them to understand that their freedom will be gone,
41:53 their joy will be gone,
41:54 their happiness would be gone.
41:58 And, of course,
42:00 the Bible declares in the Book of Romans,
42:03 that one, by one man's disobedience
42:05 death came upon all.
42:08 Not only is it talking here about the first death,
42:11 but there's also the death that the Bible says
42:14 that was in Romans 6:23, for the wages of sin is death.
42:19 Eventually,
42:21 the gift that God gave to Adam and Eve
42:24 would be taken from them, and that is life.
42:27 And instead of life, they would have death.
42:31 Now this tree of knowledge of good and evil,
42:35 is not that it was a tree that was evil,
42:41 it's that the tree,
42:43 by taking off the tree,
42:45 you will have a knowledge of sin
42:47 and a knowledge of sin
42:49 will bring them unnecessary suffering.
42:53 The knowledge that God did not want
42:55 our first parents to have is the knowledge of guilt.
42:59 And we all know
43:02 that guilt is something that is not good to have.
43:06 Nobody likes to, nobody likes it.
43:08 But sin created the problem
43:11 that brought this world in the condition that is in.
43:14 You're going to hear more about this in a moment.
43:16 So Adam and Eve were given the choice,
43:20 the choice to have life
43:22 by continuing in obedience to God,
43:24 if you love Me, keep My commandments.
43:26 In essence, God was saying this to them,
43:28 I want to share with you
43:31 what, what we have here in the choices
43:37 that they have, they were given.
43:40 Moses when he was talking to the people of Israel,
43:43 he said this to them in Genesis Chapter,
43:47 in Deuteronomy Chapter 30.
43:48 Notice what he says in verse 19 and 20,
43:51 "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you,
43:56 that I have set before you life and death,
43:59 blessing and cursing:
44:02 therefore choose life,
44:03 that both thou and thy seed may live,
44:06 that thou mayest love the Lord thy God,
44:10 and that thou mayest obey his voice,
44:13 and that thou mayest cleave unto him:
44:15 for he is thy life,
44:18 and the length of thy days:
44:19 that thou mayest dwell in the land
44:21 which the Lord sware unto thy fathers,
44:24 to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them."
44:27 So before Adam and Eve was life,
44:32 and before Adam and Eve was also death.
44:36 They were to choose life if they chose life, it says,
44:40 that thou mayest love thy God,
44:43 and that you may obey His voice,
44:45 and that you may cleave to God
44:46 and in cleaving to that
44:48 in maintaining that relationship with God,
44:50 that would be their life.
44:52 So for you and for I, we also have a choice.
44:56 We have a choice to choose life through Jesus Christ.
45:00 And it is wonderful
45:01 that God gave His only begotten Son,
45:04 that whoever believes in Him will not perish,
45:07 but have everlasting life.
45:08 Before you is life and death,
45:11 choose life, choose Jesus Christ.
45:13 Amen.
45:15 Thank you, Johnny.
45:16 That was, whoops, I've got a two part mask here.
45:20 I have Thursday's lesson,
45:22 "Breaking the Relationship."
45:26 This is rather sad.
45:28 Let's begin with Genesis Chapter 3.
45:32 Genesis 3:1.
45:34 "Now the serpent was more cunning
45:36 than any beast of the field
45:38 which the Lord God had made.
45:40 And he said to the woman,
45:42 "Has God indeed said,
45:46 'You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?' "
45:49 So here, in my mind, I see,
45:53 Eve is walking through the garden,
45:55 just taken her little walk,
45:57 and she stops and she's gazing in curiosity,
46:00 on the only tree that is prohibited.
46:05 And she sees this fascinating creature
46:08 at the serpent.
46:10 And you know,
46:11 he wasn't slithering on his belly
46:13 before the curves.
46:14 Actually, in Ezekiel 28,
46:17 it talks of Satan having a dazzling beauty
46:21 when he was in heaven.
46:23 So now this serpent is Satan.
46:26 And let me prove that to you,
46:28 because both Paul and John describe him as Satan.
46:32 And we know that Satan can disguise himself
46:36 as an angel of light.
46:38 In Revelation 12:9
46:42 and Revelation 20:2,
46:45 John writes,
46:46 "The dragon, that serpent of old, "
46:52 he's going back to Genesis here,
46:54 "who is the devil and Satan."
46:57 Actually, dragon is based on the Greek word dracone,
47:03 which can also mean serpent.
47:06 And the devil comes from the verb to slander
47:09 or falsely accused.
47:10 So the Satan is our adversary and our enemy.
47:15 Naturally, Eve has been walking with Adam,
47:20 she's been walking with God in the garden,
47:22 you would think instinctively,
47:24 she would mistrust the stranger.
47:27 But you know what's interesting?
47:30 The cunningness, the deceitfulness of Satan,
47:35 is that he bypassed her natural defenses.
47:39 And what does he do?
47:41 He engages her in a conversation,
47:44 he baits her with a conversation about God.
47:49 But he twist God's word, he knows it's got truth in it,
47:52 but he twist to sow confusion.
47:55 Verse 2,
47:56 "The woman answers the serpent.
47:59 And she says,
48:00 'Oh, no, we may eat the fruit
48:03 of the trees of the garden,
48:05 but of the tree, the fruit of the tree
48:08 which is in the midst of the garden,"
48:10 that's the tree of the knowledge
48:11 of good and evil,
48:13 God has said,
48:14 "'You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it,
48:16 lest you die.'"
48:18 Well, first thing I noticed,
48:20 this is beyond God's recorded message to them.
48:24 Of course, Eve,
48:25 when the recorded message was given to Adam,
48:28 it was right before Eve was created.
48:30 So perhaps Adam had told her when he told her,
48:34 don't touch it, honey,
48:36 don't even touch it, you'll die.
48:38 But what this shows me is that
48:42 adding anything to the Word of God
48:44 can sow confusion.
48:47 We've got to be so careful.
48:49 It needs to be Sola scriptura,
48:52 we cannot,
48:55 if we start adding to God's Word,
48:57 it's gonna cause trouble.
48:58 If it's something that's I mean,
49:00 there's writers we know this, who are explaining it,
49:02 but we got to be careful,
49:04 we don't add any new concepts to it.
49:06 So the serpent recognizes her confusion.
49:10 And you know what?
49:11 Adam's not there to protect her.
49:12 So the serpent strikes.
49:14 Verse 4,
49:15 "The serpent said to the woman,
49:17 'No, you will not surely die.
49:21 For God knows that in the day you eat of it,
49:24 your eyes will be opened and you will be like God,
49:26 knowing good and evil.'"
49:29 As Pastor John already has shown,
49:33 humanity was created mortal.
49:37 The only thing that gave Adam and Eve continued life
49:40 was access to the tree of life.
49:43 And we saw in 1 Timothy 6:16, Paul says,
49:48 God alone has immortality at this time,
49:52 you know, that's that lie of the devil
49:56 you shall surely not die is being passed around
49:58 because there's a lot of people
50:00 that act like we are immortal.
50:03 But one of Satan's mission is to get us to doubt God,
50:07 to distrust His message.
50:10 So he contradicts her report
50:14 of God's command.
50:17 And he distorts God's characters and said,
50:20 "Hey, God knows if you eat this,
50:22 you're going to be like Him."
50:24 He challenges God's authority.
50:26 But this is what's interesting.
50:29 Eve, the Bible says, was deceived,
50:33 so perhaps, she thought,
50:36 "Well, maybe this guy knows what,
50:38 this serpent knows what he's talking about.
50:40 Maybe I misunderstood,
50:42 or maybe the interpretation of the command
50:45 was wrong.
50:47 So now she's entertaining his word,
50:49 she's fully deceived.
50:52 And guess what?
50:53 If she's deceived,
50:55 it means she decided that Satan was telling the truth.
50:58 How many people are doing that today?
51:00 How many people
51:03 are misunderstanding God's intent
51:05 because Satan has twisted it and they're being deceived.
51:10 So verse 6,
51:11 "So the woman saw that tree was good for food
51:14 that it was pleasant to the eyes,
51:15 and a tree desirable to make one wise,
51:17 she took off its fruit and ate.
51:20 And she also gave to her husband with her."
51:26 I don't believe he was there at the moment.
51:28 This is a little later,
51:29 and he ate and I'll tell you what?
51:32 The fruit appealed to her taste, her eye
51:35 and her desire to know more.
51:37 So seduction and deception convinced her
51:43 what she was doing was okay.
51:46 So it's not like she went to her husband,
51:49 to seduce or deceive him because Adam was not deceived.
51:53 Let me show you that, will go on.
51:55 Genesis 3.
51:57 They do both eat.
51:59 And Genesis 3:7 says,
52:00 "Then the eyes of both of them were opened."
52:04 They're thinking they're going to have greater knowledge.
52:07 They knew that they were naked,
52:09 they sewed fig leaves together,
52:10 they made themselves covering
52:12 so instead of receiving godlike power,
52:16 it produced a sense of human inadequacy,
52:20 and fear and shame.
52:21 And 1 Timothy 2:14, says,
52:24 Adam was not deceived, Paul writes.
52:28 But the woman being deceived fell into transgression.
52:31 Adam was not beguiled by Satan.
52:34 He had full knowledge of what he was doing.
52:37 He voluntarily misused his act of free will.
52:43 I guess I don't know.
52:45 But maybe he decided,
52:46 well, if she's going to get the punishment,
52:48 I want to do it too, because I want her.
52:50 I don't know why he did.
52:52 But he deliberately turned away from God.
52:55 He rejected the truth.
52:56 And guess what?
52:57 The cosmic conflict over love,
53:02 the cosmic conflict over God's government of love
53:07 was introduced to the world,
53:08 right then and there.
53:10 Now listen to this.
53:12 Oh, by the way, let me answer this,
53:14 God gave dominion.
53:16 But as soon as Adam quit obeying God,
53:20 he handed over dominion temporarily
53:24 to Satan of this earth.
53:26 And God's allowing that
53:28 to play out for a set period of time.
53:30 Let me read from the lesson.
53:33 And it's from the Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary
53:36 Volume one, page 231.
53:38 Deplorable as was Eve's transgression
53:41 and fraud as it was with the potential vow
53:43 for the human family.
53:45 Her choice did not necessarily involve the race
53:47 and the penalty for her transgression.
53:51 It was the deliberate choice of Adam,
53:54 in the full understanding of an express command of God,
53:58 rather than hers
53:59 that made sin and death inevitable
54:02 before the lot of mankind.
54:05 Eve was deceived, Adam was not.
54:07 Let me explain is...
54:09 There's never enough time.
54:13 Luke 3:38
54:15 talks about Adam being the son of God.
54:20 He was the first covenant Son of God.
54:26 Adam was the representative of all humanity,
54:29 all humanity.
54:31 So when Adam rejected God's truth,
54:33 and went against the commandment,
54:35 he sinned,
54:37 and all humanity now has a fallen nature.
54:41 We know the everlasting gospel,
54:46 the everlasting covenant,
54:47 let me tell you, you know,
54:49 Revelation 14:6 talks about it, the everlasting gospel.
54:54 This is it, Revelation 13:8,
54:57 the Lamb who was slain
54:59 from the foundation of the earth.
55:00 And as bad as this was in Genesis 3:15,
55:04 God comes and says to the serpent,
55:07 "I'll put enmity between you and the woman,
55:09 between your seed and her seed.
55:12 He shall bruise your head, you will bruise his heel."
55:16 God introduces His everlasting covenant on the earth
55:22 as soon as man sinned.
55:24 Amen.
55:25 Thank you so much Shelley and Pastor Johnny,
55:27 Pastor Ryan, Pastor John.
55:28 What an amazing kickoff
55:30 to our entire quarter on the covenants.
55:33 I want to give each one of you a moment
55:34 to share something about the lesson.
55:36 Sure, we can never find outside of God's covenant,
55:40 that which God only placed within His covenant.
55:44 And David the Psalmist says in Psalms 89:34,
55:47 "My covenant I will not break,
55:49 nor alter the word that has gone out of my lips."
55:53 Amen.
55:55 We love Him because He first loved us.
55:57 That's really what the covenant is all about.
55:59 God puts Himself out there.
56:00 And He wants us
56:01 to be in covenant relationship with Him.
56:03 So I encourage you to seek the Lord
56:05 and allow Him to work through you
56:06 to reciprocate that love.
56:08 Amen. Amen.
56:10 When we look at Genesis Chapter 2,
56:12 and we see the one prohibition that God gave to Adam and Eve,
56:16 we see a God that is willing to show us
56:19 that there is life and death.
56:22 We have the choice of life and death.
56:24 And in doing what God requires of us,
56:27 what God is asking us to do,
56:29 we live in peace,
56:30 and we live in harmony with God.
56:33 And if we don't,
56:34 then we're going to have to suffer the consequences.
56:36 Choose life. Amen.
56:38 The seed that was spoken of in Genesis 3:15,
56:42 is the last act of Jesus Christ.
56:45 Let me read real quick.
56:46 1 Corinthians 15:22, 21 and 22,
56:49 "For since by man came death,"
56:53 is speaking of Adam,
56:54 "by man, " with a capital M, speaking of God,
56:57 in the person of Jesus Christ,
56:58 "came the resurrection of the dead,
57:00 for as in Adam all die,
57:03 even so in Christ, all shall be made alive."
57:08 One point, in Genesis,
57:11 after they sinned, what happens?
57:13 God comes down, He's walking around, says,
57:16 "Where are you?"
57:17 He knew where they were.
57:18 This is God's first call to humanity.
57:22 And He's encouraged them
57:24 to return to Him face their sin.
57:26 That's what the rest of Scripture
57:27 is all about.
57:29 Amen. Thank you so much.
57:30 We're so glad that you have joined us
57:32 for this edition of 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
57:35 God created us to be in relationship with Him.
57:39 Sin severed that relationship, and then we see the entrance.
57:43 This one of my favorite scriptures,
57:45 the entrance of Jesus, the promise of the coming seed.
57:49 We see this in Romans 5:8,
57:50 God demonstrated His love for us
57:53 in that while we were yet sinners,
57:56 He died for us
57:58 to reconcile us back to the Father
58:00 and to restore that covenant relationship.
58:03 Join us next week for Covenant Primer.


Revised 2021-04-02