3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Covenant Primer

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP210015S

00:01 Welcome to 3ABN Sabbath School.
00:03 We're on the second lesson of the quarterly titled,
00:07 "The Promise,"
00:08 God's everlasting covenant.
00:10 To me the most exciting teaching that there is.
00:13 Last week, we left off with the fall of humanity
00:16 from our first parent's sin.
00:20 This week, we're going to have a covenant primer.
00:23 We'll talk about what is a covenant?
00:25 What are the elements?
00:26 The covenant with Noah, the covenant with Abraham,
00:29 how do faith and works combine in the covenant setting,
00:34 and the everlasting covenant?
00:38 Now, if you do not have a quarterly yet,
00:42 you can go to ABSG.Adventist.org
00:47 and download a copy
00:48 or better yet go by
00:50 your nearest Seventh-day Adventist Church.
00:52 They'll give you a quarterly
00:54 and invite you to a fellowship luncheon.
00:56 Please stay tuned.
01:31 This is such an exciting study
01:33 that we're about to embark upon.
01:35 What we will look at today
01:37 is basically just kind of introducing
01:40 what we'll be studying in the rest of the quarter.
01:43 And I am very happy to have my 3ABN family here with us.
01:48 First we have John Dinzey.
01:50 So glad you're here, Johnny.
01:52 It's a blessing to be here.
01:53 And I think we can say again
01:54 today we have a feast of good things.
01:56 Amen.
01:57 And then evangelist and singer of Israel, Ryan Day.
02:01 Amen. Praise the Lord.
02:03 I'm excited about today's lesson.
02:04 Amen.
02:05 And then my precious sister and our COO, Jill Morikone.
02:09 Thank you, Shelley. Excited to share.
02:11 I have the covenant with Moses.
02:13 Amen.
02:14 And then my pastor, Pastor John Lomacang.
02:17 Good to be here, Shelley.
02:19 I have the new covenant, which is an exciting topic.
02:21 Oh, this whole thing is exciting.
02:25 Ryan, could you have a prayer for us please?
02:26 Absolutely.
02:28 Father in heaven, Lord, we just are so thankful
02:30 and blessed to be here today,
02:32 to be able to breathe another fresh breath of life
02:34 and be able to use this life Lord for Your glory.
02:36 And so, Lord, as we gather here today, right now
02:39 and we dissect Your Word,
02:42 try to understand the covenants better.
02:43 Lord, I ask that You bless us.
02:45 Give us the Holy Spirit that
02:46 we speak the words that bring glory to You,
02:49 and help to bring understanding to us and everyone listening.
02:52 We ask in Jesus' name, amen.
02:54 Amen and amen.
02:56 Okay.
02:58 Covenant primer is our topic today.
03:02 The memory text is this,
03:03 from Exodus 19:5,
03:07 God's speaking,
03:08 "Now therefore,
03:09 if you will obey My voice indeed
03:12 and keep My covenant,
03:14 then you shall be a peculiar treasure unto Me
03:19 above all the people, for all the earth is Mine."
03:23 Let me tell you something.
03:24 The unifying theme of Scripture is our God
03:28 is a covenant making,
03:30 covenant keeping God.
03:33 That's the everlasting gospel, three angels' messages.
03:37 The first angel comes out,
03:39 and he has the everlasting gospel.
03:41 That's the foundation of the three angels' messages
03:44 of Revelation 14.
03:46 But if somebody asks,
03:47 "What's the everlasting gospel?"
03:49 What would you say?
03:51 It's found in the previous chapter,
03:54 Revelation 13:8,
03:57 "The Lamb who was slain
04:01 before the foundation of the earth."
04:03 This is God's covenant of redemption,
04:07 the grace that was given to us in Christ Jesus
04:10 before time began.
04:12 And you might say,
04:14 "Well, how do we know
04:15 that's the everlasting covenant?"
04:16 Because Hebrews 13:20-21 talks about Jesus' blood
04:23 is the blood of the everlasting covenant.
04:30 Here's the thing.
04:31 When we look at covenants,
04:34 this is the overarching divine plan of God.
04:38 There is a progressive, unfolding.
04:42 Each one of God's covenants
04:45 builds on the last and depends on the last.
04:49 God is revealing Himself ever greater
04:54 until the manifestation of Jesus Christ,
04:58 the covenant of redemption that began before time began.
05:04 So Sunday's lesson is
05:05 "Covenant basics."
05:07 And it says,
05:08 "I will make my covenant,"
05:10 in Genesis 17:2,
05:12 "between me and thee
05:13 and will multiply you exceedingly."
05:17 This is a covenant statement God made to Abraham.
05:21 In the Hebrew covenant is berit.
05:27 And it means to obligate, to bind.
05:30 It's interesting
05:32 in the Bible in the Old Testament
05:34 287 times the word covenant is used.
05:37 Of those 287 times,
05:40 270 times it's referring to God's covenant with man.
05:44 The other times it's man's covenant with man.
05:48 When we look at greater understand covenant,
05:54 it implies more than one party,
05:57 it implies a relationship of trust, of love, of loyalty,
06:03 peace of goodness.
06:05 But here's where you can get
06:07 the real understanding of God's covenant.
06:11 What's it mean to bind or obligate?
06:14 In the Greek,
06:16 there are two words for covenant,
06:18 just have a different prefix.
06:20 There's syntheke and diatheke.
06:25 Syntheke is a contract.
06:28 Syntheke is when two parties make terms they come together,
06:32 and it's a contract.
06:34 Syntheke is never used of God's covenants,
06:38 only a covenant of man with man.
06:41 Diatheke is the Greek word for will, for testament,
06:48 270 times in the Old Testament,
06:52 and always in the New Testament.
06:55 Every reference to God's covenant
06:57 is diatheke.
06:59 It is God's will, God's testament.
07:05 And the reason we know that to me this is exciting,
07:08 the Septuagint
07:09 when 70 Hebrew scholars got together,
07:12 and they translated the Old Testament into Greek,
07:16 they always used diatheke,
07:18 just like the New Testament does.
07:20 So it shows us that God's covenant are a will.
07:26 Now interestingly,
07:27 God made two types of covenants.
07:30 There's an obligatory covenant,
07:32 that means it's a covenant
07:34 where God makes all the promises.
07:36 And it is based,
07:38 it's very similar to the Suzerain Vassal treaties
07:43 where a sovereign nation would come in,
07:46 in an effort to demonstrate
07:47 that they were merciful in giving.
07:49 When they took over another nation,
07:51 they would grant favor
07:54 to the subordinate vassal nation.
07:59 But that's the vassal was to obey the stipulations
08:04 of this treaty,
08:06 if you will.
08:08 And so God designed it
08:10 in such a way that they would understand it.
08:11 God makes all the promises in the covenant.
08:14 But obligatory covenants, God says,
08:17 "If you want to be part of My will,
08:20 if you want to be an inheritor,
08:22 a co-inheritor with Jesus Christ,
08:26 what you've got to do
08:28 is walk according to these stipulations."
08:32 God wanted an intimate relationship
08:34 with humanity.
08:36 But He wanted a relationship
08:39 that was based on reciprocal, loyal love.
08:45 One element I love about God's covenant
08:47 over and over again,
08:49 He says,
08:51 "Here's the covenant,
08:52 I will be your God,
08:54 and you will be My people."
08:56 Amen.
08:58 That makes me so excited.
09:00 So what He's saying is His benevolence and protection
09:05 are given in exchange for loyal love.
09:09 Then there were promissory covenants
09:11 like the Davidic covenant,
09:13 where he told David,
09:14 "Your seed will always be on the throne."
09:17 There was no oblige...
09:19 Anything that he had to do.
09:21 Our writer of this quarterly
09:23 brings out that covenants are a relationship.
09:28 They are, if you will,
09:31 there's boundaries to this relationship
09:34 that explains the arrangement of the relationship.
09:38 And here's the three elements.
09:40 He said they always include.
09:42 God affirms the covenant promise with an oath,
09:45 we can look at Galatians 3:16.
09:48 And, interestingly,
09:49 this is in the context of righteousness by faith.
09:53 Listen to what Paul says.
09:54 Galatians 3:16.
09:56 "Now to Abraham and his Seed,"
09:59 capital S, not to his seeds,
10:03 "but one seed to your Seed who is Christ.
10:08 So God is making this oath.
10:10 He said to Abraham and the seed where the promise is made.
10:14 Hebrews 6:13 says,
10:16 "When God made a promise to Abraham
10:19 because He could swear by no one greater,
10:21 He swore by himself."
10:24 God's covenants define,
10:27 they establish His relationship with humanity.
10:32 Now the second element of a covenant is obligation,
10:36 obedience to God's will,
10:39 as described in His moral law of love,
10:42 the Ten Commandments.
10:43 Deuteronomy 4:13, God says,
10:47 "He declared to you His covenant,
10:49 which He commanded you to perform."
10:51 And we'll look at that old covenant
10:52 in lessons to come.
10:54 And then he says,
10:56 "The Ten commandments,
10:57 and He wrote them on two tablets of stone."
11:00 I'm going to say up front,
11:01 the Ten Commandments are not the old covenant.
11:04 The Ten Commandments,
11:05 though, are a covenant.
11:08 They are in both the Hebrew and the Greek,
11:11 it just simply means 10 words.
11:14 And they are written in future tense,
11:19 which indicates they are ten promises.
11:22 English, we translated as commandments.
11:26 Basically, it's our interpretation,
11:29 but it's because the syntax
11:31 does indicate they are commandments.
11:34 So the third thing,
11:35 and oh, by the way,
11:36 the Ten Commandments, you will see
11:38 were the heart of the Old Covenant,
11:41 and they are the heart of the New Covenant.
11:45 The third element is the means
11:48 by which the covenant obligation
11:51 is ultimately fulfilled
11:54 is through Christ and the plan of salvation.
11:57 Let's look at Isaiah 42:6.
11:59 I love this verse.
12:01 Isaiah 42:6.
12:03 Speaking of the Messianic servant,
12:05 Jesus Christ,
12:07 God says,
12:08 "I, the Lord, have called You the Messiah,
12:12 in righteousness,
12:14 I will hold your hand,
12:16 I will keep you and give you as a covenant to the people
12:22 as a light to the Gentiles."
12:27 Humanity enters
12:30 into covenant relationship
12:34 with God as our Father
12:37 when we accept this everlasting covenant,
12:40 Jesus Christ.
12:41 When we accept Christ as our Savior,
12:44 when we're born again,
12:46 we enter into covenant.
12:49 Oh, we need to understand this.
12:51 It binds us to God.
12:54 But it obligates us to keep His promises and to...
13:01 I mean, it obligates Him to keep His promises.
13:04 But it obligates us to walk according to His will,
13:09 obedience that is motivated by covenant loyalty,
13:13 and by love.
13:15 We've got to be willing to have
13:18 this committed relationship with Him.
13:22 God will work in us
13:25 to will and to do His good pleasure.
13:28 So even obedience is a gift of grace.
13:32 God will empower our obedience.
13:36 Obedience is not a means to be saved.
13:42 Obedience is a fruit that shows we are safe.
13:48 And when we obey God,
13:52 we are keeping covenant with Him.
13:56 But if we disobey God, we are breaking covenant.
14:00 Let me give you,
14:01 leave this with this one scripture.
14:04 Daniel 9:4,
14:05 Daniel's praying and he says,
14:07 "O Lord, great and awesome God,
14:10 who keeps His covenant and mercy
14:13 with those who love Him,
14:16 and with those who keep His commandments."
14:21 Obedience is part of God's last will
14:25 and testimony for us.
14:28 Johnny. Amen. Amen.
14:30 Well, we move now to Monday's lesson.
14:32 And in Monday's lesson, we have
14:36 "Covenant with Noah,"
14:38 Covenant with Noah.
14:40 I like to start with Genesis 6:5.
14:43 In Genesis 6:5.
14:46 Let's go to verse 9.
14:50 "Then the Lord saw
14:52 that the wickedness of man was great in the earth,
14:54 and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart
14:58 was only evil continually.
15:00 And the Lord was sorry
15:02 that He had made man on the earth,
15:05 and He was grieved in His heart.
15:07 So the Lord said,
15:08 'I will destroy man
15:10 whom I have created from the face of the earth,
15:12 both man and beast, creeping thing
15:15 and birds of the air,
15:16 for I am sorry that I have made them."
15:19 Verse 8.
15:21 "But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord."
15:27 This is beautiful.
15:28 When you see the Scripture, you start reading and you say,
15:30 "Oh, no, God created man in His image."
15:34 And now, the picture is such a horrible picture
15:37 that God is sorry that He made man on the earth.
15:41 He has to make a decision that is shocking.
15:46 He has to destroy men on the earth.
15:47 But when you get to that verse, it says,
15:49 "But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord."
15:53 And now let me read verse 9.
15:54 And this is the genealogy of Noah.
15:56 "Noah was a just man, perfect in his generation,
16:00 Noah walked with God."
16:03 I like that.
16:05 You see, God saw the whole earth,
16:09 everybody was corrupt.
16:11 And this is a horrible picture of people that
16:14 God is able to look inside the heart,
16:17 and see that even the very thoughts are evil.
16:21 The condition is such that there appears to be no hope.
16:26 But interestingly enough,
16:28 God chose Noah to do a work of mercy.
16:32 God's grace was still extended,
16:35 His hand was still extended to people, repent, repent.
16:39 And Noah was selected to preach for 120 years.
16:43 What a merciful God?
16:45 What a merciful God?
16:47 Let's continue reading.
16:48 Let's go to Genesis 6:13-17,
16:51 "And God said to Noah,"
16:55 actually, I'm just going to read verse 13 at this time,
16:56 "And God said to Noah,
16:58 'The end of all flesh has come before Me,
17:00 for the earth is filled with violence through them,
17:03 and behold, I will destroy them with the earth."
17:06 So God tells Noah
17:09 that He has to destroy the people of the earth.
17:12 And He asked him to build an ark,
17:15 so that people may have an opportunity to repent
17:18 and escape the destruction that is coming upon the world.
17:22 Verse 18, no, Genesis 6:18.
17:25 "But with thee will I establish my covenant,
17:28 and thou shalt come into the ark,
17:31 thou, and thy sons, and thy wife,
17:34 and thy sons' wives with thee."
17:37 "Thy sons' wives with thee."
17:38 So we see here that God promised that
17:39 even though He was going to destroy the earth,
17:42 He was going to protect Noah and his family.
17:45 And so we see that
17:47 this covenant that God is making with Noah,
17:50 as you examine this covenant,
17:51 and we're going to do a little bit of that
17:53 in this lesson and more later on.
17:56 You will notice that God is the one making promises,
17:58 God is the one saying, I'm going to do this,
18:00 I'm going to do this, I'm going to do this.
18:01 He didn't ask Noah or his family to do anything.
18:05 And so this is a covenant that needs to be looked at.
18:08 And we're going to just kind of taste it a little bit,
18:11 and then we're going to eat some more of it
18:12 in another lesson.
18:14 And so, let's look after the flood,
18:16 after God has protected Noah and His family,
18:20 unfortunately,
18:21 you know, it's a sad, sad thing,
18:23 that after preaching 120 years,
18:25 I'm going to think, well, he was not a good preacher,
18:27 only his family,
18:29 but it was the people
18:34 rejecting God's grace.
18:37 And unfortunately,
18:38 the Bible tells us that in the end time,
18:43 we're going to face similar situations
18:44 to the days of Noah.
18:46 They were marrying,
18:47 and giving in marriage and drinking.
18:49 And this is, we're seeing this in today's time.
18:53 And so just like Noah, we have to preach the gospel.
18:58 Noah preached the gospel of righteousness,
19:00 the gospel of God to people 120 years.
19:04 And unfortunately, only his family was saved,
19:08 only eight people.
19:10 Let's look after the flood, God protected them.
19:13 And I see something interesting here,
19:15 because it's like God is starting over.
19:19 Let's read Genesis 1:28,
19:22 "Then God blessed them and God said to them,
19:25 'Be fruitful, and multiply.
19:28 Fill the earth and subdue it.
19:30 Have dominion over the fish of the sea,
19:33 over the birds of the air,
19:34 and over every living thing that moves on the earth."
19:38 So we see God's blessing upon Adam and Eve.
19:42 But let's go over now to Genesis 9:1
19:46 to see how God blesses them and what He tells them.
19:50 "So God created,
19:52 so God blessed Noah and his sons
19:54 and said to them,
19:56 'Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.'"
19:59 Now, notice verse 2,
20:01 "And the fear of you and the dread of you
20:03 shall be on every beast of the earth,
20:06 on every bird of the air, on all that move on the earth,
20:09 and on all the fish of the sea,
20:11 they are given into your hand."
20:13 Dominion is given, being given to them,
20:15 "Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you,
20:19 I have given you all things even as the green herbs,
20:22 but you shall not eat flesh with its life,
20:26 that is, its blood."
20:27 So we see here God giving instruction,
20:29 just like He gave instructions to Adam and Eve,
20:32 He told him,
20:33 "You can eat of the herbs of the field,"
20:35 but here the diet is being changed,
20:37 things have changed,
20:39 and now they can eat flesh, eat meat.
20:42 Now, you see,
20:44 God is making a covenant with Noah and his family.
20:47 It's like starting over.
20:48 Let's go to Genesis 9:8,
20:51 "Then God spoke to Noah and his sons
20:53 with him saying,
20:54 'And that's for me,
20:56 behold, I established my covenant with you,
20:59 and with your descendants after you."
21:02 That's you and I.
21:04 "And with every living creature that is with you,
21:06 the birds, the cattle,
21:08 and every beast of the earth with you,
21:11 of all they go out of the ark, every beast of the earth.
21:15 Thus I will establish my covenant with you.
21:18 Never again shall all flesh be cut off
21:21 by the waters of the flood.
21:22 Never again shall be a flood to destroy the earth."
21:26 So God is making this wonderful promise
21:30 to Noah and his family and to us.
21:33 Now, when God told them, He built the ark,
21:38 and they were preaching for 120 years.
21:42 Yes.
21:45 They had to obey God's command.
21:46 If God said, Go into the ark,
21:48 they chose not to, what will happen to them?
21:50 The same thing that happened to the people
21:52 that were outside the ark,
21:54 they were destroyed by the flood.
21:56 So the interesting thing I want to point out to you is
22:00 that after 120 years,
22:04 God could still look
22:06 and see that Noah and his family
22:09 found grace in His sight.
22:11 Nothing changed.
22:13 Noah continued to be faithful
22:14 from the moment God called him
22:16 to the moment he entered into the ark,
22:19 and he continued to be faithful,
22:20 just like that,
22:22 God calls upon us.
22:24 It is not that once you enter into the Christian life,
22:27 you choose to be faithful for a moment,
22:30 or choose to be faithful
22:31 on only on the day you go to church.
22:34 God wants us to be faithful every single day of our life.
22:38 And the Bible does say in Matthew 24, that
22:43 "He who endures to the end, the same shall be saved."
22:48 Noah endured to the end, and he was saved into the ark.
22:52 Now, what God said to Noah,
22:55 what God said to the people of Israel,
22:58 He says to you and to me.
23:00 Notice the words of Isaiah 54:9-10.
23:05 Isaiah 54:9-10,
23:08 "For this is like the waters of Noah to me,
23:11 where Isaiah have sworn
23:13 that the waters of Noah
23:14 would no longer cover the earth,
23:16 so have I sworn that
23:17 I would not be angry with you, nor rebuke you.
23:20 For the mountain shall depart, and the hills be removed,
23:24 but my kindness shall not depart from you,
23:27 nor shall my covenant of peace be removed,
23:30 says the Lord,
23:32 who has mercy on you."
23:33 And yes, the Lord has mercy upon me and on you.
23:38 Noah was an example for you and for me,
23:43 what happened in those days
23:44 was it happened for an example to us.
23:49 Wouldn't it be wonderful,
23:50 if God could look all over the earth,
23:53 find that there is, there are wicked people,
23:56 but of you and your family, you will find grace,
24:01 and that God will say,
24:03 "I want to make My covenant with you and your family."
24:06 This is a choice that you and I have.
24:09 Noah was faithful
24:11 because he chose to be faithful.
24:12 He chose to rely upon the Lord.
24:14 He chose to live his life
24:16 according to the ways of the Lord.
24:18 And you and I have the same opportunity.
24:20 And I hope you will take God's hand and say,
24:23 "Yes, I will follow you all the days of my life."
24:27 Amen and Amen. Thank you.
24:29 And then we see once again, that God is making a covenant,
24:33 but man was obligated to get on to the ark
24:39 to actually establish this covenant,
24:41 and Jesus Christ is our ark today, right?
24:44 All right.
24:46 We're going to take a quick break
24:47 and we'll be right back.
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25:23 Now we're going to see
25:24 the continuing unfolding of God's covenants,
25:27 as Ryan presents the covenant with Abraham.
25:30 Amen.
25:32 So actually, Tuesday's lesson is entitled,
25:34 "The Abram Covenant"
25:36 because, of course, this is talking about
25:38 the portion of Scripture,
25:40 before God had actually changed Abram's name to Abraham.
25:43 We often refer to it as the Abrahamic covenant.
25:46 But Tuesday's lesson, the Abram covenant,
25:49 and I love this particular portion,
25:50 because you know, God calls Abraham,
25:52 He tells him to go out of the land
25:54 in which he's at,
25:55 and He takes him into a different land.
25:57 But before He does,
25:58 you know, He kind of gives him
26:00 a beautiful juiced version of the nice,
26:02 beautiful covenant
26:03 that He's going to establish with him
26:04 later on in the relationship together.
26:07 But it's quite interesting
26:09 just to set this up to kind of give an idea.
26:11 We just talked about
26:13 or Brother Dinzey just talked about
26:14 and set us up from the perspective of Noah,
26:17 God established a covenant with Noah.
26:19 And we see that from Noah's time,
26:21 you know, they were to be fruitful
26:23 and multiply the earth.
26:24 And well, we're going to start reading
26:26 in just a moment
26:27 from Genesis 12,
26:28 which is where Abraham is introduced to us,
26:30 in this case, Abram is introduced to us.
26:33 And we see that in the previous chapter,
26:36 the lineage,
26:38 the lineage of Noah is interesting
26:39 in the sense that he had three sons
26:41 Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
26:42 Well, Ham and Japheth,
26:44 well, their lineage wasn't such a great lineage,
26:47 okay, it's out of those two,
26:50 came the descendants of heathen nations
26:52 that did not walk in the way of the Lord.
26:54 And we know that Abram,
26:56 who becomes Abraham, of course,
26:58 one of the most central figures in all of Scripture,
27:01 probably second to Jesus Christ Himself.
27:03 Abraham is the most central figure
27:06 in all of Scripture, in my opinion,
27:07 if you read through the Scripture,
27:09 it's quite interesting that
27:10 Abraham is brought up
27:11 over and over and over and over even by Christ Himself.
27:14 But it's interesting that out of the lineage of Shem,
27:17 we find Abraham is from that lineage.
27:20 And so we see in Chapter 11, of Genesis,
27:22 the Tower of Babel incident.
27:24 And so you know, there's lots of evil again
27:27 starting to replicate upon the earth,
27:29 and God needs to bring a beacon of light
27:32 into this dark world, right?
27:34 He needs someone that can represent Him,
27:36 speak on His behalf
27:37 that He can use to turn the world right side up.
27:40 And so He chooses Abram.
27:42 And so we're going to go to Genesis 12.
27:44 And we're going to read those first three verses there.
27:46 And this is where God kind of introduces Himself to Abraham.
27:49 And He tells them all of the good things
27:51 that He has planned to do for him.
27:53 And so Genesis 12:1-3.
27:56 The Bible says,
27:57 "Now the Lord had said to Abram:
27:59 'Get out of your country,
28:02 from your family and from your father's house,
28:05 to the land that I will show you.
28:07 And I will make you a great nation,
28:10 and I will bless you and make your name great,
28:13 and you shall be a blessing.
28:15 I will bless those who bless you,
28:17 and I will curse him who curses you,
28:19 and in you
28:21 all the families of the earth shall be blessed."
28:24 And so he says, Hey, you know what?
28:26 Get up out of that land that you're at, right?
28:27 I'm going to make you a blessed man.
28:29 I'm going to make you a blessing to others.
28:31 And I'm going to bless you abundantly.
28:33 Got to consider here that the Bible tells us
28:36 if I'm not mistaking that
28:37 they were dwelling in the land of Ur.
28:38 Now Ur was basically a providence
28:40 or a connected city in the region
28:43 and in the valley of Babylon.
28:45 So basically, the city that would become,
28:47 you know, Babel or Babel became Babylon.
28:49 This is where he was dwelling.
28:51 And God says, kind of like that,
28:53 that fourth angel from Revelation 18,
28:56 get out of there, come out of there, My son,
28:58 come out of her, My people.
28:59 And He says,
29:00 "I want to send you on,
29:02 I want you to be that beacon of light.
29:03 And I'm going to bless you
29:04 and you're going to be a blessing to others."
29:06 And so there's actually
29:07 eight different blessings or promises,
29:09 that God promises him that,
29:11 of course, later on we see,
29:13 you know, detailed in a much greater form
29:16 in Genesis Chapter 15, and in Genesis Chapter 17.
29:19 But those eight points of promise are, of course,
29:22 he's going to take him to a new land.
29:24 I'm going to take you out of this land,
29:26 put you in a new land much better than this one.
29:28 He's going to establish through him
29:30 a great nation,
29:31 and God did indeed do that.
29:33 We know that's the case.
29:35 Number three, He promises a blessing, okay.
29:37 So He promises him that I'm going to bless you,
29:40 you're going to be a blessed, man.
29:41 Number four, He promises to make his name great.
29:44 And, of course, we know that, as I said earlier,
29:47 second to only Jesus Christ Himself
29:49 in all of Scripture.
29:50 Abraham is probably the most central figure
29:53 based on the promise
29:54 and the covenant that He made with Abraham
29:56 that would have its ripple effect
29:57 all the way through the generations to come.
30:00 Also, the point number five here,
30:02 He promised that
30:03 Abraham will be a blessing to others.
30:05 And we're going to detail that in just a moment
30:07 on how God would use Abraham to be a blessing to others.
30:11 Of course, number six,
30:12 He will bless those who bless him.
30:14 Man, that's a good one, right?
30:15 Those who blessed Abraham and are good to him,
30:19 God's going to bless him.
30:20 And, of course, He will curse those
30:21 who curse him.
30:23 And then I like point number eight
30:24 that this promise ends with.
30:27 And through Abraham,
30:28 all the families of the earth will be blessed.
30:33 I love this
30:34 because my mind goes back to Galatians 3,
30:36 okay.
30:38 You can't think about the beautiful promise,
30:40 the beautiful covenant that God made with Abram,
30:42 in this case, Abraham,
30:44 without thinking of how it affects us
30:46 and how generations and generations
30:49 and millennia of people have been blessed forevermore,
30:52 because of the covenant that God made with Abraham.
30:55 God honored His word,
30:56 we see the effects of that in Galatians 3.
30:58 I'm going to read verses 6 and 9,
31:00 6 through 9.
31:01 And we're also going to read verse 29.
31:03 So Galatians 3:6-9.
31:05 Notice what the Bible says.
31:07 It says,
31:08 "Just as Abraham
31:09 'believed God,
31:11 and it was accounted to him for righteousness.'
31:13 Therefore know that
31:14 only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham.
31:18 And the Scripture, foreseeing
31:20 that God would justify the Gentiles by faith,
31:23 preached the gospel to Abraham
31:25 beforehand, saying,
31:27 'In you all the nations shall be blessed.'
31:31 So then those who are of faith
31:34 are blessed with believing Abraham.'"
31:37 And then that beautiful kind of synopsis
31:40 of everything that has been said so far.
31:42 Genesis 3:29, one of my favorite texts,
31:45 excuse me, it's Galatians.
31:46 I saw the G here, you're right.
31:47 Galatians 3:29.
31:50 "And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed,
31:55 and heirs according to the promise."
31:57 This is not just a Jewish thing, right?
31:59 God would establish
32:01 a beautiful nation through Abraham
32:02 that would be known as the Jewish nation.
32:04 But this blessing, this blessed covenant blessing
32:07 would continue on to all the nations,
32:10 all the different generations to come.
32:12 If you are of Christ, then you are His,
32:14 that is you are Abraham's seed and heirs
32:17 according to the promise.
32:18 So in this,
32:20 we see the first recorded divine relation to Abraham
32:23 in this portion of Scripture, Genesis Chapter 12,
32:26 God promised to enter
32:28 into a close and lasting relationship with him,
32:31 even before he used any language
32:33 that speaks about covenant making,
32:34 because there's not any language there.
32:36 He doesn't say I'm going to make a covenant.
32:37 But we see the effects of that.
32:39 And, of course, this is like I said a juiced version,
32:41 and a direct reference to the covenant
32:43 that he's going to make later in Genesis 15, and Genesis 17.
32:46 So for the moment,
32:48 God offers a divine human relationship
32:51 of great significance.
32:53 And, of course, you see this in the repeated,
32:55 you know, I will echoed there in Genesis 12:1-3,
32:58 you know, that I will show you,
33:00 I will make you, I will bless you,
33:02 I will bless those,
33:03 I will curse those who curse you.
33:04 God is saying,
33:06 I'm going to put myself out there for you,
33:07 I'm going to be there for you, Abraham,
33:08 You're my man.
33:10 And I'm going to bless you.
33:11 So we also see something amazing here,
33:13 that from this, God says to him,
33:16 Go, go forth.
33:18 That was the command.
33:19 I'm going to do all these things for you,
33:21 will you go for Me?
33:22 And it's amazing to see that from this.
33:24 Abraham's had so much faith and trust
33:27 in the Word of the Lord, that he did indeed do this.
33:30 And the lesson brings that
33:31 I think beautifully in the closing time I have here
33:33 which isn't much.
33:34 I just want to establish the fact
33:36 that Abraham exemplified the relationship
33:38 between faith and works.
33:40 Okay, we're not saved by our works, right?
33:42 We're saved by grace through faith.
33:44 Ephesians 2:8-10 establishes that very clearly
33:48 that we're not saved,
33:49 that we are saved by grace through faith,
33:52 and not of works, right?
33:53 But yet, do we toss out the works?
33:55 Was Abraham saved solely upon the fact that,
34:00 you know, he just believed what God had said,
34:02 but didn't act on it?
34:03 Absolutely not.
34:04 In fact, that's what James brings out.
34:06 Of course, we know that famous Chapter 2,
34:08 James Chapter 2,
34:09 where he's not once not twice,
34:10 but three different times says
34:12 faith without works is, is dead.
34:14 He repeats it three times, verse 17 of James Chapter 2.
34:18 We see it in verse 20 of James Chapter 2,
34:20 and also again in verse 26.
34:22 And so it actually,
34:24 he actually gives the instance here,
34:25 and this is James 2, he uses Abraham as an example.
34:28 He says,
34:29 "Was not Abraham our father,"
34:30 this is verse 21 of James 2,
34:32 "Was not Abraham our father
34:34 justified by works
34:35 when he offered Isaac his son on the altar?"
34:37 But then he kind of clarifies in verse 22,
34:39 "Do you see that faith was working together
34:42 with works and by works, faith was made perfect?
34:46 Abraham expressed his faith.
34:48 He believed in trust in the Word of God.
34:50 But how was God able to see
34:52 that he actually did have that faith.
34:55 He went forth just as God sent him,
34:57 he went forth
34:58 and he showed his faith by his works.
35:01 And I think that's something
35:02 that we can learn from Tuesday's lesson
35:04 is that God has all these wonderful promises to us.
35:06 He's put Himself out there for us.
35:08 And He says,
35:09 "I will do all of these wonderful things.
35:10 I will bless you abundantly, if you will trust in Me."
35:14 And sometimes we just verbally say,
35:16 "Yes, Lord, I trust in You. Yes, Lord, I believe in you.
35:18 Yes, Lord, I believe in Your Word."
35:20 But yet, while we're not just,
35:22 when we're not saved by our works,
35:25 the Bible says, we are judged by our works.
35:27 Our faith is determined on whether or not
35:29 we actually do what God tells us to do.
35:31 In this case, I think Tuesday's lesson.
35:33 Abraham was a great example in that matter.
35:36 Amen.
35:37 It's powerful, Ryan.
35:38 I love that and I like this entire lesson
35:40 because we kind of discussed some of the covenants
35:43 but later in subsequent lessons,
35:45 we'll be spending even more time
35:47 on the Abrahamic covenant on the covenant that I have,
35:49 or the New Covenant.
35:51 The covenant I have, "The Covenant with Moses,"
35:53 the Sinaitic covenant really begins in Exodus 19,
35:56 and goes all the way through Exodus 24.
35:59 We'll discuss that
36:00 as we get into subsequent lessons.
36:02 And although the Bible speaks of covenants in the plural,
36:05 there is only one basic covenant of salvation
36:09 that is found in Scripture.
36:11 And we see the blessings in the salvation
36:13 that's given by God,
36:15 not earned by us as human beings.
36:17 But yet we are called to respond in faith
36:20 and in obedience.
36:22 Now, it's interesting because many people say,
36:25 well, the covenant at Sinai, that's the covenant of works.
36:29 I'm excited today,
36:30 because we're going to talk about
36:32 how it is a covenant of redemption,
36:34 and a covenant of grace,
36:36 and a covenant of promise from God.
36:39 But before we get to any of that,
36:41 the lesson wants us to talk about briefly
36:43 at the beginning,
36:44 the connection between the Abrahamic covenant,
36:47 or the covenant with Abram,
36:49 and the Sinaitic covenant.
36:50 So let's take a look at that.
36:52 I see at least three connections.
36:54 First connection is
36:55 they both establish a special relationship
36:58 between God and His people.
37:00 We see that in Exodus 19:5,
37:03 this is, of course, the covenant at Sinai.
37:05 Exodus 19:5,
37:07 "Now therefore, if you will, indeed obey My voice,
37:10 and keep My covenant,
37:11 then you shall be a special treasure to me,
37:14 above all people, for all the earth is mine."
37:17 So God is calling the children of Israel
37:20 into a special relationship with Himself.
37:24 He did the same thing with Abraham.
37:26 I think of Genesis 17:7,
37:30 "I will establish My covenant
37:31 between you and your descendants after you
37:34 and their generations,
37:35 for an everlasting covenant,
37:37 to begot to you
37:38 and your descendants after you."
37:40 God wanting to establish that relationship
37:43 between Himself and Abraham and Abraham's descendants,
37:46 who, of course, are the children of Israel.
37:49 Then we see the second connection is that
37:51 they're both called to be a great nation.
37:54 In Sinai, Exodus 19:6,
37:57 "You should be to me a kingdom of priests,
38:00 and a holy nation."
38:01 They're called to be a great nation.
38:03 And, of course, God called Abraham,
38:05 Ryan already established this so beautifully in Genesis 12:2,
38:09 "I'll make of you a great nation,
38:12 and will bless you."
38:14 The third connection I see is that
38:15 obedience is required as a condition of the covenant.
38:20 In Sinai, it says,
38:22 and notice the language is very similar here,
38:25 Exodus 19:5,
38:27 and we compare that with Genesis 22:18.
38:30 Exodus 19:5,
38:32 "Now therefore, if you will, indeed obey My voice,"
38:35 you notice the language,
38:37 it says, obey My voice,
38:38 it doesn't say keep My commandments.
38:39 It doesn't say, it says,
38:41 "Obey My voice and keep My covenant."
38:44 You compare it the same wording with Abraham.
38:47 Genesis 22:18,
38:49 "In your seed,
38:51 all the nations of the earth will be blessed,
38:54 because you have,"
38:55 what's that word? "Obeyed My voice."
38:58 The same wording,
38:59 I see those connections clearly
39:01 between the covenant
39:03 that God established with Abraham,
39:04 and the covenant that God made with the children of Israel
39:07 there on Mount Sinai.
39:09 They're just delivered from Egypt,
39:12 and they have arrived at Mount Sinai.
39:14 So let's look at the connection
39:16 between the Sinai covenant and grace.
39:20 Number one,
39:21 the covenant is based on redemption.
39:25 Let's turn back to Exodus Chapter 6.
39:27 Exodus Chapter 6, God extends redemption,
39:31 He extends deliverance to His people
39:33 who are in bondage in Egypt.
39:36 Exodus 6:5-6.
39:38 The Lord is talking with Moses here,
39:40 and he says,
39:42 "I have heard the groaning of the children of Israel,
39:45 whom the Egyptians keep in bondage,
39:47 and I have remembered my covenant.
39:50 Therefore say to the children of Israel,
39:52 'I am the Lord.
39:53 I will bring you out
39:55 from under the burdens of the Egyptians.
39:57 I will rescue you from bondage.
40:00 I will redeem you with an outstretched arm
40:03 and with great judgments.'"
40:05 Here I see what a beautiful correlation
40:07 between the covenant and redemption,
40:10 and the covenant and deliverance.
40:12 You know, so many times we think
40:14 that's a covenant of works.
40:15 That's a covenant that I cannot possibly keep in,
40:19 yet here God couches the language
40:22 in connection with that redemption
40:25 and that deliverance.
40:26 We see it in the preamble to the Ten Commandments.
40:29 Exodus 20:2.
40:31 He says,
40:32 "I am the Lord your God,
40:35 who brought you out of the land of Egypt,
40:38 out of the house of bondage."
40:40 We see that connection again in Deuteronomy Chapter 5,
40:43 which is another reiteration of the Ten Commandments
40:46 with that deliverance from bondage.
40:50 We see that in Exodus 19.
40:53 That's the chapter before
40:54 what we call the Ten Commandments.
40:55 Exodus 19:4,
40:57 "You have seen what I did to the Egyptians,
40:59 how I bore you on eagle's wings,
41:02 and brought you to Myself."
41:05 The imagery there is exquisite,
41:06 it reminds me of a baby eagle growing up
41:09 and pushed out of the nest, but they can't quite fly.
41:13 And the mother eagle comes underneath
41:16 and swoops down
41:17 and the baby rests on their back.
41:18 I bore you on eagle's wings.
41:21 God knew the weakness of His people.
41:24 He knew they had been in bondage
41:26 in idolatrous Egypt,
41:28 and they had largely forgotten who their God was.
41:33 They had forgotten His commandments.
41:35 They had forgotten His law of love.
41:37 And He reminds them that He is their Redeemer.
41:42 The covenant at Sinai is based on redemption.
41:45 It's also based on relationship.
41:48 God desire to enter the covenant with His people,
41:51 because He wanted a relationship with them.
41:54 He says in Exodus 6:7,
41:57 "I would take you as My people,
41:59 and I will be your God."
42:01 He wants to be in relationship.
42:04 "Then you should know that I'm the Lord your God
42:05 who brings you out
42:07 from under the burdens of the Egyptians."
42:09 The covenant is not just based on redemption.
42:11 It's not just based on relationship,
42:14 it is based on God's promise.
42:17 This is my favorite part about this covenant here.
42:20 It's God's promise, of course, of a coming Savior.
42:23 We see that in the sacrificial system
42:25 that was set up type,
42:27 looking forward to the Lamb of God,
42:30 the antitype,
42:31 Jesus who would come
42:32 and would take away the sins of the world,
42:34 Jesus' sacrificial provision for their sin
42:38 and their iniquity.
42:39 But we also see God's promise in the Ten Commandments,
42:43 as Shelley already brought out.
42:47 The word in Hebrew isn't commandments at all.
42:49 It's simply words of God,
42:52 the words or you could say, the sayings of God.
42:56 When you look at the Ten Commandments,
42:58 or the ten words, the ten sayings,
43:01 we tend to look at it in language of do and don't,
43:05 thou shalt, thou shalt not.
43:08 But if you look,
43:09 it's actually written
43:10 in the second person singular imperfect.
43:13 You may say, what in the world does that mean?
43:15 The imperfect verb form,
43:18 notes action or state that is still in progress.
43:22 So it's not something that's completed
43:24 or something that is already done in the past.
43:26 It's something that is still in progress.
43:29 The same verb tense,
43:31 the same wording is used in Judges 6:23.
43:35 "And the Lord said unto him,
43:37 'Peace be unto thee, fear not thou shalt not die.'"
43:40 Now when you hear that, Pastor Johnny,
43:42 I wouldn't think now that's a commandment don't die.
43:44 What do I think?
43:46 That's a promise you're not going to die.
43:50 The same thing in Psalm 91:5, the same verb tense,
43:54 "Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night,
43:57 nor from the arrow that flies by day."
43:59 So when we read that, we don't think a command,
44:02 don't be afraid.
44:03 It's a promise.
44:05 You don't have to be afraid.
44:09 So I took the liberty
44:10 to rewrite the Ten Commandments.
44:13 This is Jill's version, ten promises.
44:17 Promise number one,
44:19 you will desire only Me,
44:21 nobody and nothing else.
44:24 Promise number two,
44:26 you will have no need for other gods
44:28 or other support systems
44:30 because I will give you everything that you need.
44:34 Promise number three,
44:36 you will reverence and respect Me,
44:39 My name and My character,
44:41 and would do everything you can
44:43 to guard our relationship.
44:45 Promise number four,
44:47 you will delight in spending time with me
44:49 on our special day, the seventh day Sabbath,
44:52 no interruptions, no distractions,
44:54 just quality time with Me.
44:57 Promise number five,
44:59 you will love those who have given you life
45:02 and respected the family that I gave to you.
45:07 Promise number six,
45:08 you will respect others' lives and hold them sacred
45:13 as you would your own.
45:15 Promise number seven,
45:16 you will delight in
45:17 and love the spouse that I gave to you.
45:20 Promise number eight,
45:22 you will have enough with what I've given to you,
45:24 and will have no need to take from somebody else.
45:27 Promise number nine,
45:28 you will speak truthfully
45:30 and well of your neighbors and associates.
45:34 Promise number 10,
45:35 you will be content with what I've given you,
45:38 and will rejoice in my gifts for your life.
45:42 That is the promise of grace that God gave to His people.
45:46 Oh, wonderful, wonderful, beautiful.
45:47 I love the way that you put the Ten Commandments
45:49 in promises, blessings, nothing to be afraid of.
45:53 I like the way that you couch that.
45:55 Now I begin with the new covenant.
45:57 Now in order to understand why we need a new covenant,
45:59 we have to understand
46:00 what did God see that prompted Him
46:05 to move upon Jeremiah,
46:07 to say that a new covenant was needed.
46:09 Isaiah 24:5,
46:11 let's go ahead and go there first.
46:13 I want to kind of give you
46:14 a little bit of historical background
46:16 because we have a lot of terms in Scripture
46:17 that sometimes we wonder,
46:19 well, what's the difference between that one and this one.
46:21 You find the word the term Hebrews,
46:23 and then Israelites and then Jews.
46:25 And if you look
46:27 at the unfolding of the historical background,
46:28 as according to the Jewish Encyclopedia,
46:32 the descendants of Abraham were Hebrews.
46:36 But after the Lord changed, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,
46:39 then Jacob wrestled with God and the Lord said,
46:41 you'll no longer be called Jacob but Israel.
46:44 And after they came out of the exile
46:46 of their time in Egypt,
46:48 from that point on the predominant identity
46:50 by which the Hebrews
46:52 that went into Egypt were called,
46:55 they were now called the Israelites,
46:57 as Exodus 14:15, says,
46:59 tell the children of Israel to go forward.
47:02 And all these things happen as an example,
47:04 and you find scripturally over and over Israelite.
47:07 And now we go down to Revelation
47:09 that the children of Israel, the tribe, tribes of Israel,
47:12 not that tribes of the Hebrews.
47:14 And so you find clearly
47:15 one on the way in the other one on the way out,
47:19 God identifying them,
47:20 but Isaiah 24:5 talks about
47:22 what happened to this beautiful covenant
47:25 that God gave to them,
47:27 the Bible says,
47:28 taken into the entire picture of humanity.
47:32 "The earth is also defiled under its inhabitants,
47:36 because they have transgressed to the laws,"
47:38 the commandments of God,
47:40 "changed the ordinances,
47:42 the ordinances
47:44 by which you express your commitment
47:45 to God's covenant,
47:47 and broken the everlasting,"
47:49 notice that,
47:51 "everlasting.
47:52 It was never intended to be broken,
47:55 it was everlasting." Why?
47:56 Because from God's perspective, God is everlasting.
48:00 And everything that God makes, He doesn't alter.
48:03 I will not alter the covenant that has gone out of My lips.
48:07 But you find then after the changing of,
48:11 after the identity change, and the Israelites,
48:16 the Hebrews losing their identity,
48:18 disconnecting from their roots,
48:20 they learned a lot of Egyptian ways,
48:23 in the land of Egypt as slaves,
48:26 and the Lord in mercy of their 400 year bondage
48:30 began to restore.
48:32 And as you see,
48:33 when God was about to bring them out of Egypt,
48:36 Moses, under God's leadership
48:37 restored to them a day of worship,
48:39 that angered Pharaoh, and he said,
48:41 "Now make brick without straw.
48:43 You've given them one day and seven to rest,
48:45 and the word there rest in the Hebrew is Shabbat,
48:48 or that you've restored to them the Sabbath.
48:50 That's why that restoration was the very reason
48:53 why when they came out later on before Sinai,
48:57 the Lord asked Moses,
48:58 how long do they refuse to keep My commandments?
49:01 How long do they refuse to keep My Sabbaths?
49:04 It had been restored in generations
49:06 that traditions had been crushed
49:09 by the lives of those under Egyptian bondage.
49:12 But now Jeremiah brings into view God's desire,
49:17 not only for those
49:18 who are by nationality an Israelite,
49:22 but those who are Israelites by spiritual identity.
49:26 Let's look at Jeremiah 31:31-33,
49:29 "Behold, the days are coming," says the Lord,
49:31 "when I will make a new covenant
49:33 with the house of Israel,
49:35 and with the house of Judah,
49:37 not according to the covenant
49:39 that I made with their fathers in the day
49:41 that I took them out of by the hand
49:43 to lead them out of the land of Egypt.
49:46 My covenant which they broke,"
49:48 God called it an everlasting covenant,
49:49 but he said, "Who broke it?"
49:51 "They did. I didn't break it."
49:53 And it goes on,
49:54 "Though I was a husband to them,"
49:56 this is a powerful language, we will see that in a moment,
49:59 says the Lord,
50:00 "But this is the covenant
50:02 that I will make with the house of Israel
50:03 after those days,"
50:04 says the Lord,
50:06 "I will put My law in their minds
50:07 and write it on their hearts.
50:10 and I will be their God and they shall be My people."
50:13 Now, I want to make a very important point
50:15 before I go to the husband aspect of it,
50:17 because the husband aspect of the covenant
50:19 is so beautiful.
50:20 That's the language in the Bible
50:22 that God established from the Garden of Eden,
50:24 gave Adam a wife, and it says,
50:26 "You be her husband,"
50:28 then God called Himself, the husband man.
50:31 The New Testament,
50:33 He called Himself the husband in the Old Testament,
50:35 and then the church in all through the Bible,
50:38 He's coming back for a bride without,
50:40 a church without spot or wrinkle or any such thing,
50:43 a bride with no spots on her garment,
50:45 which is His righteousness, garments white and clean,
50:48 which is a symbolism of the bride.
50:51 But we find here clearly,
50:52 what does the Bible say about husband?
50:54 Let's go to the New Testament very quickly.
50:56 Husband, the beautiful language as Jesus unfolds it
50:59 through the life of a young man named John,
51:01 whom he says,
51:02 "The one whom the Lord loves."
51:04 John 15:1,
51:06 "I'm the true vine,
51:07 and my father is the husbandman."
51:10 Husbandman comes from the Hebrew word,
51:13 Adamah meaning the Lord of the land
51:16 or the Lord of the earth.
51:18 Jesus refers to His Father as the husbandman,
51:22 the one that dresses the vine.
51:25 John 15:1, once again,
51:27 "I am the vine, My father is the vinedresser."
51:30 Jesus acknowledges His Father,
51:33 for the preservation of a fruitful branch,
51:36 or the removal of an unfruitful branch.
51:40 He's saying,
51:41 "My father decides to remove it,
51:43 or to keep it going."
51:44 That's why you find in the parable,
51:46 where the Lord came three years looking for fruit.
51:50 And the keeper of the garden said,
51:52 not to take it down.
51:54 But just wait, no, no, no, no, no, no,
51:55 leave it for another year, this year also,
51:58 and I'll dig around it, I'll remove the thorns,
52:00 if it bears fruit, fine,
52:02 but if not, then I'll bring it down.
52:04 And you find it eventually,
52:06 when Israel rejected
52:07 or ultimately rejected the Messiah.
52:09 Then He says,
52:10 "Your house is left to you desolate."
52:12 And the sad reality was, John 15:2,
52:16 "Every branch in Me
52:18 that does not be a fruit He takes away,
52:20 and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes,
52:22 that it may bear more fruit."
52:24 Have you ever felt the
52:25 pruning of God in your life?
52:27 It's a painful thing.
52:29 But He doesn't prune us to cause us to be unfruitful,
52:32 He prunes us to become more fruitful.
52:36 Couple of points I brought out.
52:37 The only way that fruit can be produced in our lives
52:40 is if we abide in His Son.
52:43 Secondly, the only way that the Father can
52:45 or will cultivate the fruit in our lives
52:48 is if we abide in His Son.
52:50 He's not cultivating fruits apart from His Son.
52:53 Thirdly, God does not know,
52:54 cannot operate in our lives
52:56 when we choose to be independent of His Son.
53:00 The covenant does not just include the Father,
53:03 but it also includes the Son.
53:05 You believe in God, believe also in Me.
53:07 Look at John 15:7-8.
53:09 "If you abide in Me and My words abide in you,
53:12 you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.
53:15 By this My father is glorified,
53:18 that you bear much fruit.
53:20 So you will be My disciples."
53:24 Now I have four very quick points.
53:26 Let me see if I can get through those
53:28 talking about the covenant.
53:29 And let me make a very important point.
53:30 In the Old Testament,
53:32 it was necessary to be circumcised
53:35 to be a part of the covenant observations,
53:37 the ceremonies.
53:38 But when the Lord brought about salvation
53:41 and expanded that
53:42 not only to the Jews as a people,
53:45 but to all those who accepted Him,
53:48 there was this pressure from the Jews
53:50 to impose upon others,
53:51 you've got to be circumcised, you got to be circumcised.
53:54 That's one of the reasons
53:55 why when we talk about commandments today,
53:57 people keep misunderstanding that this is not a Jew thing.
54:01 But this is a righteousness application.
54:04 And that's why Paul says in 1 Corinthians 7:19,
54:07 "Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing,
54:11 but keeping the commandments of God is what matters."
54:14 Four very quick points.
54:16 The new covenant
54:17 does not abolish the Ten Commandments.
54:19 It reaffirms our obligation to it,
54:21 and to the God it represents.
54:23 Hebrews 10:16,
54:25 "This is the covenant
54:26 I will make with them after those days,"
54:28 says the Lord,
54:29 "I will put My laws
54:31 into their hearts and in their minds,
54:32 I will write them."
54:33 That's New Testament.
54:35 The second point,
54:36 the new covenant makes God's law inescapable.
54:39 Wherever we go,
54:40 it is in our hearts and in our minds.
54:42 That is why we are able to feel guilt.
54:46 Because if our heart condemn us,
54:48 then God is greater than our hearts.
54:50 John 3 verse...
54:52 1 John 3:20,
54:53 "For if our hearts condemn us,
54:55 God is greater than our hearts and knows all things."
54:57 The third point,
54:58 the law of God refused
55:00 to deaden our awareness of evil.
55:04 Romans 7:23,
55:06 "But I see another law
55:07 and my members warring against the law of my mind,
55:09 and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin,
55:12 which is in my members."
55:13 It refuses to say, ah, you can escape God's law.
55:17 And the fourth point,
55:19 it is impossible to be a,
55:21 in a covenant relationship with God
55:23 and ignore His law.
55:26 Psalm 78:10,
55:29 "They did not keep the covenant of God,
55:31 they refused to walk in His laws."
55:34 And so, friends, basically saying,
55:37 the covenant of God is everlasting.
55:40 God wants His people
55:42 to also be in an everlasting relationship,
55:45 not only with Him, but with His Son, Christ Jesus.
55:48 And when we do that,
55:49 the covenant promises of God are fulfilled in our lives.
55:52 Amen.
55:53 Praise God. What a wonderful study.
55:55 Why don't we all take just a few seconds
55:58 and have a final thought on your day.
56:01 Yes.
56:02 My day was The Covenant with Noah.
56:05 And I believe that if you were to ask Noah
56:08 after the end of his life,
56:10 he will say something similar
56:11 to what Solomon said in 1 Kings 8:15,
56:15 "Blessed be the Lord
56:16 who has given us rest to His people, Israel,
56:20 according to all that He promised,
56:22 there has not failed one word of all His good promise,
56:25 which He promised through His servant Moses."
56:28 In the same way I say to you, trust in God,
56:30 not one of His promises will fail.
56:33 Hmm. Amen.
56:34 Tuesday's lesson,
56:36 speaking about The Abraham Covenant,
56:38 Genesis 15:6, I love this.
56:40 It says,
56:42 "And he believed in the Lord,
56:43 and He accounted it to him for righteousness."
56:46 If only we would just trust and believe in the Lord,
56:48 the righteousness of Christ would be applied to us as well.
56:52 Amen.
56:53 Wednesday's lesson, we look at The Sinai Covenant
56:55 which is based on redemption and relationship,
56:57 God's promise
56:58 and also based on our obedience,
57:01 which is fulfilled through grace.
57:03 And Hebrews 13:20,
57:06 "May the God of peace
57:08 who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead,
57:12 that great shepherd of the sheep,
57:14 through the blood of the everlasting covenant,
57:18 notice the Lord connects,
57:19 the resurrection and the sacrifice
57:22 in the blood of Jesus to the everlasting covenant."
57:25 The everlasting covenant is the covenant of redemption,
57:28 the Lamb slain
57:29 from the foundation of the world,
57:31 before eternity, He is our ark of safety.
57:34 He is our righteousness by faith.
57:36 When we look at the Sinai,
57:38 we know that
57:39 each covenant builds on the last.
57:42 When God heard in Exodus 2:24,
57:45 He heard the Hebrew children groaning.
57:48 He remembered His covenant with Abraham.
57:51 In Luke 1:72,
57:56 "God remembers His covenant with Abraham."
58:02 It's all about righteousness.
58:04 Bye-bye. Join us next time.


Revised 2021-04-08