3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Covenant at Sinai

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Dinzey (Host), John Lomacang, Shelley Quinn, Ryan Day, Jill Morikone


Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP210020S

00:01 Hello and welcome
00:02 to the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:04 In a moment, we're going to be digging deep
00:06 into lesson number seven
00:08 Covenant at Sinai.
00:09 So we invite you to visit absg.Adventist.org
00:14 for a free copy of the quarterly.
00:17 Or you may visit your local Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:20 and ask them for a free copy of the lesson
00:21 to join us in this study
00:23 that will begin in just a moment.
00:57 Hello and welcome again
00:58 to the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
01:00 This is going to be an exciting
01:01 and a study that should be inspirational.
01:04 We encourage you to be very careful
01:06 to pay attention not get distracted
01:08 because we're going to be studying
01:10 the Covenant at Sinai,
01:11 a very important study
01:13 for every single human being in the world.
01:16 It's of vital importance.
01:18 Let me introduce the 3ABN family
01:20 that is joining us for this study.
01:22 To my right, my left Pastor John Lomacang,
01:25 pastor of the Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church
01:27 and director of 3ABN World Evangelism.
01:29 Good to be here.
01:31 Salvation is vitally an important topic.
01:32 We're looking forward to the study of it.
01:34 Amen. Amen.
01:36 Sister Shelley Quinn is here, and we are glad that you are.
01:39 Thank you. It's good to be here.
01:41 Amen. Amen.
01:42 Pastor Ryan Day, he's here again,
01:45 and we praise the Lord for the Holy Spirit
01:48 that uses you to bring the message of God Almighty.
01:50 Praise the Lord for that Holy Spirit.
01:52 And hopefully he'll use me again today.
01:54 Amen? Amen. Amen.
01:55 So we also have a student of God's Word,
01:58 our CEO and vice president of 3ABN,
02:01 Sister Jill Morikone.
02:02 Thank you so much, Pastor Johnny.
02:04 Always enjoy studying together the Word of God.
02:07 Amen. Amen.
02:08 Before we begin this study,
02:10 it is of great importance as well to pray,
02:13 so I'm asking Pastor John Megalomaniac
02:14 to please lead us.
02:16 Sure.
02:17 Gracious Father, loving Lord, every chance we get.
02:20 It's so beautiful to be able to be invited
02:22 into the throne room
02:24 where the source of power really is.
02:28 And we pray today, Father,
02:29 that we will be as those golden vessels
02:32 that the oil of Your Holy Spirit
02:34 will pour into our hearts today.
02:37 And that through us,
02:38 the words of salvation will find fertile soil
02:42 in the minds and lives of those
02:43 looking for the strength to live to the glory of God.
02:47 Be with our production,
02:49 be with every aspect of this program.
02:51 Through all of it may Your name be honored and glorified,
02:53 we pray in Jesus' name.
02:55 Amen.
02:57 Amen and amen.
02:58 Well, this lesson is going to be a lesson
03:01 that we are praying
03:03 that you will remember
03:04 because we hope it will transform your life.
03:07 This is our prayer.
03:09 The Saturday portion begins with a very interesting story
03:12 that I like to share with you briefly.
03:13 This story is about a family that had seven children,
03:17 and one of the little boys was sick.
03:21 And, of course, he had to be taken to the hospital.
03:24 Now, let me give you a background
03:25 as to the situation at home.
03:28 They were a poor family.
03:29 And because of the limitations in the home,
03:33 really, when there was a full glass of milk,
03:36 you can only drink part of it.
03:38 And if you were first,
03:39 you have to be careful not to drink too far,
03:41 so that the next person can have some milk.
03:44 So this little boy in the hospital
03:46 after he was made comfortable,
03:48 the nurse brought him a full glass of milk.
03:50 He looked at it, wondering if he could drink it all
03:54 because none of his brothers were there.
03:57 And he said, "How deep should I drink?"
03:59 He didn't know
04:00 if the other part was going to be taken
04:02 to another room in the hospital.
04:03 And she had a knot in her throat
04:05 realize that this little boy
04:07 had never drank a full glass of milk and said,
04:09 "Little child, you can drink it all."
04:12 His eyes opened up wide.
04:14 And he realized that
04:15 he now had an opportunity he never had before.
04:18 And this illustrates
04:20 how God cares for His people as well,
04:23 because He provides for His children.
04:25 And I want to encourage you
04:27 to listen to the scriptures we will be sharing
04:30 because it gives us a picture of God's great love for us.
04:35 Everything that God does for His children
04:36 is meant for their benefit, for their well-being.
04:40 And so, let me give you a glance of the week
04:45 and what we're going to be talking about.
04:47 Here's part of what we will be talking about
04:49 what imagery did the Lord use
04:51 to describe His relationship with Israel?
04:54 In what ways do the stories of the Exodus and Sinai
04:58 parallel personal salvation?
05:01 And what was the role of the law
05:05 in the Sinai covenant?
05:07 So with this in mind,
05:09 let us go ahead and go to Sunday's part.
05:11 And this part is entitled On Eagles' Wings,
05:14 On Eagles' Wings.
05:16 The people of Israel were immersed in paganism
05:22 during their journey,
05:23 or during their time they were in Egypt.
05:27 They were there for over 400 years,
05:28 and they lost a knowledge of God,
05:31 a knowledge of His goodness, a knowledge of His mercy.
05:33 If they saw the practice of paganism,
05:37 they began to forget
05:38 about God's love and God's goodness.
05:41 So when we get to Exodus 19:4,
05:46 a declaration is made that is very powerful.
05:50 Notice, Exodus 19:4,
05:52 "You have seen
05:55 what I did to the Egyptians,
05:56 and how I bore you on eagles' wings
05:59 and brought you to Myself."
06:03 Now, this is, was stated
06:05 so that the people of Israel can realize
06:08 they were in a condition of bondage,
06:11 they were slaves,
06:13 and to them,
06:15 getting out of that situation
06:16 seemed like it would never happen.
06:19 But God, through a series of miracles,
06:22 brought them out of Egypt.
06:24 And it says here, bore them on eagles' wings.
06:27 This is a very interesting declaration.
06:30 In fact, I took the time to look at some videos,
06:35 and I saw this video of an eagle on its nest.
06:39 Somebody went way up there,
06:42 because they put their nest way up into the mountains.
06:44 And they had not only a camera, but a microphone.
06:48 And there was this mother eagle
06:50 with his chicks beneath her
06:53 with her wings outstretched,
06:54 and there was this powerful wind blowing.
06:57 And the title of the video said,
07:01 how a mother eagle takes care of her young.
07:04 And she was there, from time to time
07:05 she will look below to make sure they're all safe,
07:08 nice and warm, protected.
07:11 And this is a picture of how God is for with us.
07:15 He wants to protect us.
07:16 That's why you have so many powerful scriptures,
07:19 illustrating God's love and tender mercy toward us.
07:24 Let's go to Deuteronomy Chapter 32,
07:27 and let's begin in verse 10
07:29 to see what we have here.
07:31 "He found him in a desert land and in the wasteland,
07:35 a howling wilderness,
07:37 He encircled him, He instructed him,
07:41 He kept him as the apple of His eye.
07:45 As an eagle stirs up its nest,
07:47 hovers over its young, spreading out its wings,
07:51 taking them up, and carrying them on its wings,
07:54 so the Lord alone led him,
07:58 and there was no foreign god with him."
08:00 So again, we see here a picture of a merciful,
08:04 tender, loving God, taking care of His children.
08:08 And this is the care that God has for us.
08:11 I mean, when you go to the New Testament,
08:14 you see Jesus telling to people,
08:15 take no thought for tomorrow.
08:18 He tells them, don't worry.
08:20 Look at the fields,
08:21 see how God takes care of the fields.
08:23 See how God takes care of the birds.
08:26 If He takes care of birds, you are more value than birds,
08:30 God will take care of you.
08:31 And so, let's go to now to Deuteronomy 1:29.
08:37 Deuteronomy 1:29, let's read till verse 31.
08:42 "Then I said to you,
08:43 'Do not be terrified, or afraid of them.
08:46 The Lord your God,
08:48 who goes before you, He will fight for you,
08:51 according to all He did for you in Egypt
08:53 before your eyes,
08:55 and in the wilderness
08:56 where you saw how the Lord your God carried you,
08:59 as a man carries his son,
09:02 in all the way that you went until you came to this place.'"
09:08 Here again, we see a picture of a fatherly care
09:13 that God has for His children.
09:16 He carried them and we read, He encircles them,
09:19 He instructs them.
09:21 Again, everything that God does for His children
09:24 is because He has thoughts of peace concerning us.
09:28 So I encourage you to approach God,
09:30 learn about His loving care,
09:32 learn about His plan of salvation,
09:34 dig deep into the plan of salvation.
09:36 And during this quarterly,
09:38 you're getting wonderful messages
09:42 of God's everlasting covenant and His love for His people
09:45 because He wants to have this relationship with us
09:49 that is so close,
09:51 so close that you would say
09:52 I rather be with God
09:54 than anything else in this world,
09:56 beyond riches,
09:57 beyond homes that I could purchase,
09:59 beyond trips that I could take around the world,
10:01 I rather be with God.
10:03 When you spend time with God,
10:05 it seems like time just goes by so fast.
10:08 When you're digging into God's Word,
10:10 and you begin to feel that warmth feeling
10:13 and that peace,
10:15 that time comes that you have to go to work,
10:17 or have to go somewhere,
10:19 oh, man, I have to do this.
10:21 And it's almost like you don't want to detach from yourself
10:25 from that study
10:26 and that time spent with God.
10:28 But the wonderful thing is,
10:30 that wherever we go, God goes with us.
10:34 And we can continue in prayer, and stay close to the Lord.
10:39 Let's go now to this message that is written the lesson
10:44 because it's very, very interesting
10:46 concerning the eagle.
10:48 The eagle was known
10:49 for its unusual devotion to its young.
10:52 It too lived on mountaintops.
10:54 In teaching its young to fly it carried them upon its back
10:58 to those great heights into the depths.
11:02 If the baby was still too young and too bewildered to fly,
11:05 father-eagle would swoop down beneath it,
11:09 and catch it on his back,
11:11 and fly up again
11:12 with it to the eyrie on the crags above.
11:17 And that, says the divine voice, is
11:19 'How I brought you out of Egypt to myself.'"
11:22 You know, there are some people that study animals,
11:24 and some of them have said,
11:25 "Well, I have never seen this."
11:27 But there are testimonies of people that have.
11:29 I mean, the internet is such a...
11:31 You can have resources there to find this out.
11:35 And one of the things I read was
11:37 that this father and son were out in the wilderness,
11:41 and they actually saw an eagle doing this.
11:45 They were watching for about an hour and a half.
11:49 And they saw the eagle repeatedly do this.
11:53 And he would push the young outside of the nest
11:56 and the little baby would start going down
11:59 and they saw, at one time they wait,
12:01 he waited till about 150 feet.
12:04 And when the father eagle or mother,
12:07 we don't know which one it was,
12:10 knew that or saw that
12:11 little baby was not fluttering his wings
12:13 and actually flying
12:15 would com beneath, catch them,
12:17 carry them back up to its nest.
12:20 And the testimony says,
12:22 "We were waiting and waiting
12:24 to see if this will happen again.
12:25 And at one point,
12:26 waited about 15 minutes before trying again."
12:29 You know, this is very interesting to me.
12:31 Because God is so merciful, so kind,
12:35 that He waits till He knows we're ready
12:40 before He gives us or allows us to be tried.
12:45 He is patient and loving.
12:47 You know Satan,
12:48 the Bible points out that he is as a roaring lion
12:51 seeking whom he may devour.
12:53 And you don't know it,
12:55 but God every day is protecting you
12:58 from all the attacks of the enemy.
13:00 Every day, the devil would like to end your life,
13:04 but God has His powerful angel
13:05 and they say, "No, you cannot do that."
13:08 Oh, how the devil would love to destroy you.
13:11 But God in His mercy has kept you alive.
13:14 And every day,
13:15 every hour that you're alive, praise the Lord.
13:18 Praise the Lord.
13:20 I want to end with this thought
13:22 that we have here in Psalms 34:7-8.
13:27 I'm going to read it quickly,
13:28 "The angel of the Lord
13:30 encamps all around those who fear Him,
13:33 and delivers them.
13:34 Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good,
13:39 blessed is the man and woman who trusts in Him!"
13:43 So I want to encourage you
13:45 to trust in the Lord completely.
13:48 And if you're in the hands of the Lord,
13:50 He will not allow anything that will come to you
13:53 that is not meant to benefit you and bless you.
13:57 Amen. Amen. Thank you, Pastor Dinzey.
13:59 Wow, what a way to begin the lesson.
14:02 And I start now with The Pattern of Salvation,
14:05 The Pattern of Salvation.
14:06 You know, the greatest gift that God has ever extended
14:10 to humanity is salvation.
14:13 And there is no other gift,
14:15 I can even imagine a possessions,
14:18 a position in life,
14:20 a recognition in society
14:21 that's greater than the gift of salvation,
14:23 because it's a gift that has appeared to all.
14:26 When you think about Titus, he says,
14:27 "The grace of God that bringeth salvation
14:29 has appeared to all men,
14:31 regardless of station in life."
14:34 But the writer wanted to bring up particularly
14:36 the pattern of salvation.
14:38 Where do we find in the Exodus story,
14:40 the pattern of salvation being established.
14:43 Let's begin by going to Exodus 6:6-7.
14:47 And we're going to talk about what salvation is.
14:49 A lot of times people don't understand
14:51 salvation in its entirety, but it's a total package.
14:54 It's not a one step or two step process.
14:57 We will see what the Bible has to say.
14:58 I'm reading in the King James Version,
15:00 here it says,
15:01 "Wherefore say unto the children of Israel,
15:03 I am the Lord,
15:05 and I will bring you out
15:06 from under the burdens of the Egyptians,"
15:09 Salvation removes us from our burdens,
15:12 "and I will rid you out of their bondage,"
15:16 salvation breaks the chords that bound us,
15:20 "I will redeem you with a stretched out arm,
15:24 and with great judgment:
15:26 And I will take you to me for a people,
15:30 and I will be to you a God:
15:32 and ye shall know that I am the Lord your God,
15:35 which bringeth you out
15:36 from under the burdens of the Egyptians."
15:40 There are people watching today that have burdens.
15:43 And I want to tell you very clearly,
15:46 cast your burdens upon the Lord,
15:48 and He will take care of you.
15:50 Salvation removes the largest burden,
15:53 a burden that
15:55 we are individually not responsible for.
15:57 You know, the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:22,
16:01 "As in Adam all die,
16:02 even so in Christ, all shall be made alive."
16:05 And many people think that somehow,
16:07 if they've done something wrong,
16:08 then they need salvation.
16:10 Let me make it clear.
16:11 You can live a perfectly marked free life,
16:14 no infractions, pay your taxes, have perfect health.
16:18 As somebody once said, "He died in perfect health."
16:22 Death is still waiting for us
16:23 because the wages of sin is death.
16:25 And there are some individuals who say,
16:27 "I'm a good person, I've done nothing wrong.
16:29 I'm good in the community, I pay my taxes."
16:32 They outline the things that they do.
16:34 But when the Bible says,
16:36 "Behold, the Lamb of God
16:37 that taketh away the sin of the world,"
16:39 John 1:29.
16:41 John was talking about the condition of humanity,
16:46 not so much the things that we do,
16:48 because of our condition.
16:49 The condition precedes the actions.
16:52 So you have John 1:29,
16:55 talking about the mission of Christ,
16:56 He shall save His people from their sin.
16:59 That's the condition.
17:00 But Matthew 1:21 says,
17:03 He will... Sorry, let me go.
17:05 Say it again, yeah,
17:06 "He shall save His people from their sin."
17:07 But Matthew 1:21, call His name Jesus,
17:10 He shall save His people from their sins.
17:13 So you have the condition, then you have the action.
17:16 The condition produces the actions.
17:18 And you never know
17:19 what the actions are going to be.
17:21 But every one of us are predisposed
17:23 to some kind of sin in our lives,
17:26 because we all inherited a fallen nature from Adam.
17:30 So when the Bible talks about coming out,
17:31 bringing you out of that bondage,
17:33 it talks about this salvific picture here
17:36 that's given to us in Exodus.
17:38 We also have another picture
17:39 that's given to us in the Bible.
17:41 God's saving Noah and his family,
17:44 bringing them into an ark.
17:46 So salvation doesn't just bring you out,
17:48 but it brings you in.
17:50 It brings you into a relationship with Christ.
17:53 If all salvation did was bring us out,
17:55 then we are now in the same condition,
17:57 but we're out.
17:58 We're out of the house.
18:00 And I like the fact that people say,
18:02 you shall know the truth
18:03 and the truth shall set you free.
18:05 No, the truth shall make you free.
18:08 Salvation is concerned about
18:10 what they call the recidivism rate.
18:12 In other words, if you are just saved,
18:14 and you are given a second chance
18:16 to do what you couldn't do the first time,
18:18 then it's just a matter of time
18:20 before you go back to who you were before.
18:22 But when you are saved,
18:23 you now partake of a divine nature,
18:26 having escaped the lust that is in the world.
18:29 You are given a divine nature,
18:32 meaning you are partaking of a power
18:34 that you never had before.
18:35 And that power as Philippians says,
18:38 "For it is God who works in you
18:40 both to will and to do of His good pleasure."
18:43 And then the Apostle Paul
18:44 in my favorite book Philippians, again,
18:46 "He who has begun a good work in you will complete it."
18:49 So salvation is, now the Lord is taking over.
18:51 He's moving in,
18:53 Christ in you the hope of glory.
18:55 This is not about you.
18:56 Salvation is not about what you're able to do.
18:58 So some people say,
19:00 "Well, I don't want to do that.
19:01 I don't want to do this."
19:03 But salvation also requires a spirit of participation.
19:06 United together with Christ, we are co-laborers,
19:09 not laborers for saving others,
19:11 but the most important labor saving ourselves.
19:14 We have to participate in the process.
19:16 And so you find these pictures of salvation,
19:19 like in 2 Samuel 3:18,
19:22 we find that God saved Israel in times of conflict
19:25 and God saved Israel in times of war.
19:27 2 Samuel 3:18.
19:29 The Bible says,
19:31 "Now then, do it!
19:32 For the Lord has spoken today that saying,
19:35 'By the hand of My servant David,
19:36 I will save My people
19:39 Israel from the hand of the Philistines
19:41 and the hand of all their enemies.'"
19:44 The Lord also not just saves you
19:47 and put you back in the right condition.
19:49 As a matter of fact, let me go with you
19:51 to the three actions of salvation.
19:53 Let's go to Ephesians 2:8-9.
19:56 Let's look at salvation in three stages,
19:58 because a lot of us think, well, I'm saved, sanctified,
20:01 filled with the Holy Ghost.
20:02 I'm on this irreversible conveyor belt,
20:04 I'm locked down, I'm handcuffed,
20:06 I can't go back.
20:07 Nothing is further from the truth.
20:09 Let's look at this.
20:10 And in three phrases,
20:12 three phrases, not two, three phrases
20:14 that we often hear,
20:15 but don't understand very clearly.
20:16 Ephesians 2:8-9, do you have that, Shelley?
20:19 I do. Read it for me.
20:21 Ephesians 2:8 says,
20:23 "For by grace you have been saved
20:24 through faith,
20:26 that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God,
20:29 not of works, lest anyone should boast."
20:33 So this is the salvation called justification.
20:38 Listen, you can't do anything to justify yourself,
20:41 because you are the one that's held in bondage
20:44 any more than a prisoner can open his cell
20:46 and let himself out.
20:47 This salvation is an act of God.
20:49 It's called justification.
20:52 And when you are justified,
20:53 what happens immediately
20:55 is you are removed
20:57 from under the penalty of death.
21:01 The death penalty
21:02 no longer hangs over your head.
21:03 You are taken out of the prison house,
21:05 you are brought out of bondage,
21:07 you are standing before God,
21:09 as though you have never sinned.
21:11 And that's not anything that you can do.
21:14 But let's look at the second stage.
21:18 1 Corinthians 1:18.
21:19 And, Jill, if you could read this one for me?
21:21 This is the second stage, and this is necessary.
21:26 1 Corinthians 1:18,
21:27 "For the message of the cross is foolishness
21:29 to those who are perishing,
21:31 but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God."
21:34 Notice, who are being saved.
21:36 Wait a minute, you just said for by grace,
21:39 you have been saved.
21:40 How could you be in the condition
21:41 of being saved?
21:43 Because sanctification is the beauty of the gospel.
21:46 So many people come in as one person says,
21:49 "We come into at baptism pool.
21:50 We go down as a dry sinner come up a wet sinner."
21:54 There's no transforming grace.
21:55 And so many of us think that
21:57 by believing a new set of doctrines
21:59 that we are saved.
22:00 Nothing could be further from the truth.
22:02 Doctrines can't save you,
22:03 the Sabbath can't even save you,
22:05 the Ten Commandments can't save you,
22:07 you are saved by grace through faith.
22:08 But in this saving relationship,
22:10 now you enter into a process
22:12 where the old man is being consumed.
22:15 And the Lord is teaching you
22:17 what it means to walk in the newness of life.
22:19 But it is He who is saving you.
22:21 That's why John says, in 1 John 3:2, he says,
22:26 "It has not yet been revealed what you shall be,
22:30 but know this,
22:31 that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him,
22:34 for we will see Him as He is."
22:36 Now you know, when you first accept Christ,
22:38 you not like Jesus, you still have to grow on that.
22:41 We are growing in grace, not into grace.
22:44 But let's go to the last stage of the pattern of salvation.
22:47 This is called glorification.
22:49 Isaiah 25:9, I'll read that for the interest of time.
22:52 Isaiah 25:9,
22:56 "And it will be said in that day:
22:58 'Behold, this is our God, we have waited for Him,
23:02 He will save us.
23:05 This is the Lord, we have waited for Him,
23:08 we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation."
23:10 Notice, he will save us.
23:13 Wait a minute, you have been saved,
23:14 you are being saved and you will be saved.
23:16 This is glorification.
23:18 This is God now removing all the scaffolding
23:22 of the work that He had been doing in your life
23:24 and presenting you,
23:26 as the Bible says
23:27 before His presence with exceeding joy, how?
23:31 Faultless, that's glorification.
23:33 So if you want to be justified, accept Christ now.
23:37 But when you accept Him,
23:38 you enter into a sanctifying relationship,
23:40 learning what it means to walk in the newness of life,
23:42 giving God the opportunity to work in you
23:45 to reproduce His character
23:46 so that one day you'll be glorified
23:49 and you'll see the Lord just as He is
23:52 for finally by saved by the salvation work,
23:55 you'll be just like Him.
23:58 Amen and amen.
23:59 Well, the blessings will continue in a moment
24:01 after this short break.
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24:40 Welcome back. We continue with this study.
24:43 And now we go to Sister Shelley Quinn
24:44 that has Tuesday's portion.
24:46 Oh, and I'm so excited about Tuesday's portion.
24:49 This is The Sinai Covenant.
24:53 There were three major events that happened in Exodus,
24:57 the Book of Exodus.
24:58 One was the exodus from Egypt,
25:01 then the establishment of the covenant
25:05 and the building of the tabernacle.
25:08 The tabernacle was theology in physical form.
25:12 Most of these people didn't even read.
25:14 So God shows them
25:17 the plan of salvation in the tabernacle.
25:20 And it was to show them
25:21 how they were going to be saved
25:22 by grace through faith,
25:24 and it all pointed to the coming Messiah.
25:29 Now, I keep saying that all of God's covenants
25:33 are a progressive unfolding of the everlasting covenant,
25:38 which is Revelation 13:8,
25:40 "The Lamb slain
25:42 from the foundation of the world."
25:43 Please turn if you have your Bibles
25:45 to Exodus 2:24,
25:48 because most people think of the Old Covenant,
25:51 the Sinai covenant
25:53 as being something that's totally different.
25:56 Yet, Exodus establishes
25:59 that it is a continuation
26:02 of the Abrahamic everlasting covenant.
26:04 Exodus 2:24,
26:06 God hears the Hebrew children crying out,
26:09 and He acts.
26:11 It says, "God heard their groaning,
26:13 and God remembered His covenant,"
26:16 what covenant?
26:17 "With Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob."
26:20 In the Bible, when they use the word remembered,
26:23 it isn't that God forgot,
26:24 remembered means
26:26 He's getting ready to act upon it.
26:28 When he says God forgets,
26:31 then it means He's not going to act upon it.
26:33 But God's getting ready to act on His Abraham covenant.
26:38 So when we get to Exodus 19,
26:40 let me just give you a quick time line.
26:43 What we do is in the beginning of Exodus 19,
26:46 we see the children have already been redeemed.
26:49 He's brought them out on the wings of an eagle.
26:54 He said, "I bore you to me on the wings of an eagle."
26:58 That's covenant love language.
27:00 And when we think some people say,
27:02 "Well, grace isn't in the Old Testament."
27:05 The word in the Old Testament is hesed,
27:07 and it is grace and it's unconditional love.
27:13 It means everything.
27:15 It's even better than grace that word.
27:17 So he's, he says to them,
27:20 "I've borne you on eagles' wings
27:22 brought you to Myself."
27:23 Now, if you will indeed, obey my voice.
27:27 In the Hebrew obey means hear.
27:29 If he says, "Hear My voice, and keep My commandments."
27:32 It's the same as saying obey My voice.
27:34 But when He says, obey my voice,
27:35 He's saying, hear My voice.
27:36 Hear me and live is what God is saying.
27:39 "If you keep my covenant,
27:42 you will be a special treasure to me,
27:44 above all the people, for the earth is mine,
27:47 and you shall be priest and a holy nation."
27:51 And so then in Exodus 19:7-8,
27:55 Moses tells the people what God has told him to say,
27:58 and they all say
28:00 everything that the Lord has said,
28:02 we will do.
28:03 What has He told them so far?
28:05 Just keep My covenant and you're going to be priest."
28:07 I mean, He hasn't really said a whole lot to them yet.
28:10 But Moses then, they start,
28:16 God tells him get them ready.
28:18 Let them be consecrated, sanctified when I come down.
28:22 So the people for two days, they're sanctifying themselves,
28:25 they're washing their clothes.
28:26 And God says,
28:28 "Put a perimeter around the mountain,
28:29 don't anybody touch the mountain?"
28:31 Then what happens?
28:33 God descends and fire with thunderings,
28:36 all these pyrotechnics,
28:38 and you know what He's doing?
28:40 When the people are afraid, Moses says,
28:42 "Hey, God was just testing you. Don't be afraid."
28:45 He's trying to show, them remind them,
28:47 I'm a powerful God.
28:49 So what happens?
28:51 Exodus 20:1-17,
28:54 God speaks
28:56 the Ten Commandment law of love.
28:58 And these Ten Commandments,
29:00 this syntax or word arrangement
29:02 shows that they are commandments,
29:06 but it's 10 words, the Decalogue.
29:10 We call them commandments,
29:12 in the Hebrew law, instruction.
29:15 So these are God's instruction of love.
29:20 And he says to them, they're in the future tense.
29:24 This is something that God, it's a promise.
29:27 So what is God's saying?
29:28 He's not saying,
29:30 "Thou shalt not have any gods above Me."
29:33 What He is saying to them, is,
29:37 if you live
29:38 in covenant relationship with Me,
29:40 you're not gonna have any gods above Me.
29:42 You're not gonna have any idols.
29:44 You're not gonna take My name in vain.
29:46 You are going to remember my Sabbath,
29:48 because you just can't wait to be with Me.
29:52 You will honor your mother and your father,
29:54 you won't murder, you won't commit adultery,
29:56 you're not going to steal,
29:57 you're not going to bear false testimony,
29:58 you're not going to covet.
30:01 Why?
30:02 Because that's what living
30:03 in covenant relationship with Me is all about.
30:08 So God is so gracious, but the people are trembling,
30:12 and they say,
30:14 "Oh, Moses, you be our mediator."
30:15 So Moses goes back up the mountain,
30:18 after God has spoken these commandments.
30:21 And what does he do?
30:22 He receives from God.
30:24 And we find it recorded in Exodus 20:22
30:28 through Exodus 23:22.
30:33 He receives from God
30:36 a special civil laws.
30:39 It is going to be a government
30:41 that is built around the Ten Commandments
30:44 in and remember,
30:46 these were people that came out of a pagan nation.
30:48 God's got to show them how to live by their moral law.
30:52 So yes, the moral law was in there,
30:54 then the civil law, then the ceremonial law.
30:58 And what does Moses do?
31:00 He writes all of these,
31:02 he comes back down the mountain,
31:03 he speaks them to the people, he writes it all in this book.
31:07 And it is called, guess what?
31:09 That Book of the Covenant.
31:12 So we find that he ratifies the covenant with blood.
31:18 He sprinkles the people and the book.
31:20 Exodus 24:7-8 says,
31:23 "He took the Book of the Covenant."
31:26 First he speaks it to the people,
31:28 then he writes it.
31:29 "He took the Book of the Covenant,
31:30 read it in the hearing of the people.
31:32 And then he said, 'All that the Lord,'
31:34 they said, all the Lord has said
31:35 will do and be obedient.
31:37 Moses took the blood sprinkled it on the people,
31:40 and he says,
31:42 'This is the blood of the covenant."
31:43 The Old Covenant is the Book of the Covenant.
31:48 And he says,
31:49 "That God has made with you according to all these words."
31:55 So after this,
31:56 Moses goes back up the mountain.
31:59 The people have just entered into a covenant.
32:02 He goes up for 40 days and 40 nights,
32:04 and God gives him the Ten Commandments.
32:07 God writes it, it says in Exodus 31:18,
32:10 "He gives him the two tablets of the testimony,
32:13 the tablets of stone,
32:14 written with the finger of God."
32:17 And Exodus 32:16, says,
32:19 "This is the work of God,
32:21 the writing was the writing of God
32:24 engraved on the tablets."
32:26 So what happens?
32:27 He comes back down the mountain.
32:30 What's happened with the covenant
32:31 that the people just made?
32:33 He comes down,
32:35 and he finds them worshiping a golden calf.
32:38 They have totally broken the covenant.
32:42 Moses is so upset,
32:43 he throws down the stones
32:45 that God had just written on.
32:47 He breaks the tablets of stone.
32:50 So then in Exodus 34:1, the Lord calls to Moses,
32:54 and he says,
32:56 "Cut two stones of tablets of stone
32:58 like the first ones,
32:59 and then I the Lord will write on these tablets
33:02 the words that were on the first tablets
33:04 that you broke."
33:06 And he says, again, Deuteronomy 10:2,
33:10 it just establishes,
33:11 it was God that wrote the words on these.
33:15 But in Deuteronomy 10:2, when God says,
33:18 "I will write the tablets,
33:21 that the words that were on the first tablets,
33:24 which you broke, he said,
33:25 and you shall put the stone tablets
33:29 in the ark."
33:31 Why is that important?
33:32 The ark was God's throne.
33:36 The ark shows that
33:39 putting these Ten Commandments inside God's throne,
33:42 its permanence.
33:44 They are written on stone,
33:45 and it shows that the Ten Commandments
33:48 are the basis of God's government of love.
33:52 They are the basis of His covenant.
33:56 And the interesting thing though I love this
33:58 is mercy seat is above the law of God.
34:02 Mercy always triumphs that.
34:04 But now here's the part I've got to get to.
34:07 Thirty nine years later,
34:09 when they reached the edge of the Promised Land,
34:12 Moses reiterate this Book of the Covenant.
34:17 He has all the people assembled,
34:20 he repeats, reinforces, and he records it,
34:24 now, it's not called the Book of the Covenant.
34:26 He records it is what is called the Book of the Law.
34:29 Deuteronomy means second law.
34:31 So Deuteronomy 31:26 says,
34:33 "Take this Book of the Law,
34:35 and put it beside the Ark of the Covenant
34:40 of the Lord your God,
34:42 that it may be there as a witness against you."
34:46 The Old Covenant
34:48 was the Book of the Covenant and rewritten,
34:51 it was what's called the Book of the Law.
34:54 And if you know that,
34:55 as you read through the New Testament,
34:57 you can understand what was nailed to the cross.
35:01 Amen. Praise the Lord.
35:05 Well, that's interesting.
35:06 Thank you. Praise the Lord.
35:08 It's a blessing to be able to be a part of this panel
35:11 and to be able to talk about Wednesday's lesson,
35:13 God and Israel,
35:15 which is basically kind of just...
35:20 Are you okay?
35:21 As if, why you guys looking me like that?
35:23 You have some stuff in your hair.
35:26 Something snuck up on your hair.
35:30 Well, I don't see it so.
35:32 Surely, it's not there, right?
35:33 We clearly see it.
35:34 I don't know.
35:36 I mean, I know here what you're saying.
35:37 But I can't, I mean,
35:38 you guys are looking at me really weird.
35:40 I don't know what you're talking about.
35:41 Anyways... Anyways, that's kind of weird.
35:45 Anyways, so God and Israel...
35:47 Do you want me to take care of that?
35:49 Take care of what?
35:52 You got some...
35:53 Something unusual is going on in your hair.
35:55 Oh, I see, okay?
35:58 But I can't see it.
35:59 So you're telling me I have something on me.
36:01 You've got a problem. Okay.
36:03 But how am I gonna see it though? I can't.
36:05 So I'm not, I don't know that I have a problem
36:06 if I can't see it, right?
36:07 You need a mirror. Oh, that's what I need, right?
36:09 Okay. All right.
36:11 So this was a nice illustration.
36:12 I want you to remember this illustration,
36:14 because you got to have a mirror
36:15 if you can't see what's on you, right?
36:17 Everybody else can see it. Of course, I look ridiculous.
36:19 I can see myself in this monitor here.
36:22 But I want you to remember this illustration.
36:24 In just a few moments,
36:25 hopefully I don't look too stupid here.
36:27 Okay, let's go to Exodus 19.
36:29 We're going to come back to that illustration
36:30 in just a moment.
36:32 So keep that all in mind.
36:33 Exodus 19:5-6.
36:37 So Shelley set us up really nicely.
36:39 And I think what Wednesday's lesson is
36:41 bringing out is vitally important
36:43 for us to understand in relationship
36:45 or in relation to God and Israel's special covenant
36:49 that God made with Israel.
36:50 And so Exodus 19:5-6,
36:53 notice what the Bible says here.
36:55 God says,
36:56 "Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice
36:58 and keep My covenant,
37:00 then you shall be a special treasure to Me
37:02 above all people, for all the earth is Mine.
37:07 And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests
37:09 and a holy nation.'
37:11 These are the words
37:12 which you shall speak to the children of Israel.'"
37:15 God had made...
37:17 He wanted to continue that special covenant.
37:19 He wanted His people
37:20 to continue in that covenant with Him,
37:23 and He wanted them to be His special people,
37:25 but there's conditions, right?
37:27 And a lot of people,
37:29 I just want to bring this out here.
37:30 Would God have asked Israel to obey His voice
37:34 and keep His covenant
37:35 if it were not possible?
37:38 And I just... I want to make that point very clear,
37:39 because a lot of people,
37:41 especially in today's time, say, Oh, the Old Covenant,
37:44 and of course, they associated with all of the,
37:46 you know, they consider old law,
37:47 you know, the old Ten Commandment law
37:49 and, well, God, Jesus comes along in the New Testament,
37:52 He nails it to the cross, and He does away with it,
37:54 because it's impossible for us to keep that law.
37:57 But it's interesting that,
37:59 you know, my Bible tells me that
38:00 God is not the author of confusion.
38:01 And He certainly wasn't going to lead Israel
38:03 into a covenant or relationship of confusion
38:06 and expect them to participate in things
38:09 or to, in this case, obey His covenant,
38:11 obey His voice,
38:12 if it was completely impossible to do so.
38:15 So I just want to start by that,
38:16 the fact that God told them,
38:18 He wants them to be His special people,
38:19 but there were certain conditions.
38:22 And that is what God wanted them to see
38:24 that in order for them
38:25 to continue in this special covenant relationship with Him,
38:29 they needed to see constantly their need of Him.
38:33 That's the most important thing,
38:35 they needed to sense their need
38:37 and their dependency on God.
38:39 And so what we see after this moment,
38:41 you know, they agree,
38:43 you know, all the Lord has said, we will do.
38:45 And, you know, it's interesting that you've checked the record
38:48 for more than 840 years after this point,
38:51 we see that there's nothing but a constant,
38:54 you know, 840 years of rebellion
38:56 on a part of Israel,
38:57 because God was constantly trying to get them to see
39:00 their need of Him.
39:01 We have to understand that
39:03 while yes, God wanted them to obey His voice
39:05 and obey that covenant.
39:07 The heart of that covenant,
39:08 as Shelley brought up beautifully
39:10 is God's Ten Commandment law
39:11 which, of course, is on display
39:12 in the very next chapter.
39:14 That is, of course, Exodus Chapter 20.
39:16 But I want us to jump over
39:18 to Romans 3:19.
39:23 We're talking about God and Israel,
39:26 this relationship,
39:27 this covenant relationship that He has.
39:29 And in order for that
39:30 covenant relationship to continue,
39:33 they have to continue to see their need of Him
39:35 and understand how much they are dependent on God,
39:37 not their own works, not their own deeds,
39:40 but God to see them through.
39:41 And so Romans Chapter 3, we're starting with verse 19.
39:44 Notice what the Bible says, Paul writes,
39:46 "Now we know that whatever the law says,
39:48 it says to those who are under the law,
39:51 that every mouth may be stopped,
39:53 and all the world may become guilty before God."
39:55 And then notice verse 20 here.
39:57 "Therefore by the deeds of the law
39:58 no flesh will be justified in His sight,
40:01 notice, for by the law is the knowledge of sin."
40:06 Okay, so did God give His covenant law to Israel
40:10 because that was their salvation in and of itself?
40:12 In other words,
40:13 were they saved by the keeping of the commandments?
40:15 Is that the way God set it up? Absolutely not.
40:17 And that's kind of goes back to my illustration,
40:19 when I had these crazy pieces of,
40:21 you know, fuzzy cloth in my hair.
40:23 I kind of opened it up being a little silly here
40:25 acting as if I didn't know, right?
40:26 And the truth of the matter is,
40:28 many of us treat our sin like that, right?
40:31 We don't see our sin
40:33 because we don't have something to measure it by
40:36 or to be able to look into that mirror.
40:38 We have to be able to look in the mirror
40:40 and be able to see what it is that might be wrong with us.
40:43 In the same case or in the same way
40:45 that is what God's law, that's how God's law serves.
40:48 It is not a means by which we are saved.
40:50 But what God is trying
40:51 to constantly get the children of Israel
40:52 to see all the way through the Old Testament
40:54 and even into the New Testament,
40:56 even in today
40:57 that while we are not saved by the Ten Commandment law,
41:00 it shows us our need of Jesus
41:04 because it shows us and reveals to us our sin.
41:08 And so, that is what Paul is saying here that,
41:10 you know, we're not justified by the deeds of the law,
41:12 no flesh is justified,
41:14 but by the law is the knowledge of sin.
41:17 Now take that in consideration
41:18 just because we're not saved by the law,
41:20 does that mean that because I'm not saved,
41:23 I'm not justified by the law.
41:24 No, I can just, you know, I can just continue
41:26 to sin, sin, sin, sin, sin, and God's okay with it,
41:28 because, you know, He didn't make it
41:29 the means by which I am saved, right?
41:32 Notice what Paul writes in Romans 6:1-2.
41:36 Romans 6:1-2.
41:38 In Roman, in the end of Romans 5,
41:39 this is a continuation by the way of Romans 5.
41:42 At the end of Romans 5,
41:43 he's just made this beautiful statement
41:45 about how but where sin has abounded
41:47 grace abounded much more.
41:49 And many people take that concept and go,
41:51 "Oh, praise the Lord,
41:52 that I can just sin, sin, sin all the while,
41:54 and then God just keeps pouring on
41:56 and just, you know, showering me
41:58 with more and more grace, the more that I continue
42:00 in my perpetual cycle or state of sin."
42:03 But yet Paul clarifies it in Romans 6:1-2,
42:06 he says,
42:07 "What shall we say?
42:09 Then in response to that, you know, as long as I sin,
42:11 God's gonna give me grace.
42:13 In other words, if I'm sinning, there's much more grace
42:15 for that sin that I've committed.
42:17 But he says, "Then what shall we say then?"
42:18 Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?
42:22 He says, Certainly not!
42:23 How shall we who are dead to sin,
42:26 who had died to sin live any longer in it?"
42:29 And, of course, in that same chapters,
42:31 that famous verse
42:32 that many Christians try to use to say,
42:33 "Oh, you know, we're not under the law," right?
42:35 It's Romans 6:14,
42:37 "For sin shall not have dominion over you,
42:39 for you are not under the law but under grace."
42:43 And many Christians stop right there.
42:44 And they say, "See, I'm not under the law.
42:46 Jesus done away with that.
42:48 And because it didn't work for Israel,
42:51 it is not going to work now.
42:52 So I'm not under the law, I'm under grace."
42:54 But notice, Paul clarifies the relationship.
42:57 In verse 15, he says,
42:58 "What then?
42:59 Shall we sin because we are not under the law,
43:02 but under grace?"
43:03 He says, God forbid. Why?
43:05 Because Paul understood
43:06 that sin is the transgression of God's law.
43:09 And while we are not saved by the keeping of that law,
43:12 it is that law
43:14 that shows us our sin, oh, my goodness,
43:17 look at that nasty stuff in my hair.
43:18 Look at that nasty stuff on my face.
43:20 Look at all that sin in my life,
43:21 I can see it now,
43:23 because the law serves as a mirror
43:25 that shows me my sin.
43:27 And when I can see my sin, I sense my need of grace.
43:30 And who's the only person that's giving grace?
43:32 It's only Jesus Christ Himself,
43:34 which shows us our need of sin,
43:37 or excuse me, our need of grace because of our sin.
43:40 Romans 3:31,
43:42 I had to add this one in here as well.
43:44 "Do we then make void the law through faith,"
43:47 because again, pastor read earlier
43:49 Ephesians 2:8-9, which says,
43:51 "We are saved by grace through faith."
43:54 And so people hold on to that verse and they say,
43:56 "Yes, I'm not saved by the workings of the law.
43:58 I don't have to worry
44:00 about the keeping of the Ten Commandments
44:01 or keeping in covenant relationship with the Lord
44:04 because that old covenant, it's old news,
44:07 it's not a part of my life anymore.
44:09 Jesus has saved me from that."
44:10 Yet we know that
44:12 according to Romans 3:31, it says,
44:14 "Do we make void the law through faith?
44:16 Because I'm saved through faith,
44:18 do I just toss away the law?
44:20 He says, Certainly not.
44:21 On the contrary, we establish the law.
44:23 Why is the heart of this covenant
44:25 between God and Israel,
44:27 those Ten Commandments,
44:28 that ten commandment law of love,
44:30 the heart of that covenant,
44:32 the Ten Commandment law of God,
44:34 of course, shows us our sin.
44:36 It shows us our need and it reminds us constantly
44:39 of our need of a Savior.
44:42 I found this in Ellen Ge. White's
44:43 Steps to Christ, page 61, beautiful quote, it says,
44:46 "We do not earn salvation by our obedience,
44:49 for salvation is the free gift of God
44:52 to be received by faith.
44:54 But obedience is the fruit of faith.
44:58 When we have placed our faith in God,
45:01 the God who saves us,
45:02 the God who saves us from our sin.
45:04 Then the natural fruit,
45:05 the natural response of that, of course,
45:07 is that we walk in obedience
45:09 to His Ten Commandment law of love.
45:11 Amen. Thank you so much, Ryan.
45:13 I love the illustration of the mirror.
45:15 That's powerful and it brings it to life
45:17 and it makes it so clear
45:18 the role, the purpose of the law
45:21 in showing our sin.
45:23 Very good.
45:24 On Thursday we have the title on Thursday is
45:26 Promises, Promises.
45:28 So we look at first
45:30 Israel's acceptance of the covenant,
45:31 and Shelley referenced it.
45:33 And I think Ryan might have mentioned something too.
45:35 We have Exodus 19:7-8,
45:37 you find the same phrase
45:39 that the children of Israel said in Exodus 24:3
45:43 at the end of the law given, of course, in Exodus 20,
45:47 and then the end of the covenant there
45:49 in Exodus 24,
45:50 but it's the same words.
45:51 Exodus 19:7-8,
45:53 "So Moses came and called for the elders of the people,
45:55 and laid before them all the words
45:57 which the Lord commanded them.
45:59 Then all the people answered together and said,
46:02 'All that the Lord has spoken we will do.'
46:07 So Moses brought back the words of the people to the Lord.'"
46:11 So was obedience a condition of the covenant?
46:15 We've established very clearly
46:16 that obedience is a condition of the covenant.
46:19 Ryan already read Exodus 19:5, just a couple of verses before.
46:23 If they obey God's voice and keep the covenant,
46:27 then they will remain and be in covenant with Him.
46:31 It is a covenant of salvation.
46:33 The problem was not their attempt to obey
46:36 because the covenant demanded obedience.
46:38 The problem was the kind of obedience
46:41 that they sought to bring.
46:44 The obedience they sought to bring
46:46 is really not obedience at all.
46:48 Obedience is a result of salvation.
46:52 Obedience is not the means of salvation.
46:56 They didn't obey to be saved, they obeyed or were to obey,
47:01 because they were in that saving walk,
47:04 that covenant relationship with God.
47:07 It reminds me,
47:09 this is a marriage illustration.
47:12 I like soggy bread, that's me.
47:14 So when I eat soup, I dip my bread in the soup,
47:18 I dip my crackers in the soup.
47:20 Greg is opposite me.
47:21 So he likes his toast very dry, hard.
47:25 That's how he likes it.
47:27 He would never dip anything in soup,
47:28 because it would make it soggy.
47:30 So he likes his toast so dry
47:32 that when you toast it in the toaster,
47:34 and then you pull it out and say,
47:35 I'd be ready when we first got married
47:37 to put the toast on the plate.
47:39 And what happens to the side of the toast
47:41 that's on the plate when it's warm,
47:43 it becomes soft.
47:45 So I learned when we were first married,
47:47 leave the toast in the toaster
47:49 for a few minutes until it cools off a bit.
47:51 And then you can put it on the plate
47:52 because Greg would be like, my toast is soft,
47:54 my toast becomes soggy after it's toasted.
47:58 Now let me tell you, I do not do that.
48:00 So every morning, if we have toast for breakfast,
48:02 I make sure I put the toast in the toaster
48:04 before he's going to eat
48:05 because this way it has time to cool
48:07 and that way the toast is now soft.
48:08 Now I do that not because I have to.
48:11 Greg doesn't say, make sure my toast is nice and hard.
48:14 He doesn't say that.
48:15 I do it, why?
48:17 Because I love him.
48:19 And because I know
48:21 that's his favorite way to eat toast
48:23 is crunchy.
48:25 What were the mistakes
48:27 that the children of Israel made?
48:29 Their first mistake was
48:31 thinking that they could obey the law
48:32 in their own strength.
48:34 When they said all that the Lord has said we will do.
48:37 They thought they did it in their own strength.
48:39 Their second mistake was seeking obedience
48:42 apart from faith.
48:44 Turn with me to Romans, Romans 9:30-32.
48:49 They sought obedience apart from faith
48:53 thinking they could separate the two.
48:55 Romans 9:30,
48:57 "What shall we say then?
48:58 That Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness,
49:01 have attained to righteousness,
49:03 even the righteousness of faith,
49:06 but Israel, pursuing the law of righteousness,
49:10 has not attained to the law of righteousness.
49:13 Why?
49:15 Because they did not seek it by faith,
49:17 but as it were, by the works of the law."
49:20 Israel sought to obey the law in their own strength.
49:22 Israel sought to obey it apart from faith.
49:27 Israel also stumbled at Jesus.
49:30 You look at the very next phrase,
49:32 we're still in Romans 9:32.
49:34 It keeps going.
49:35 It says, "They stumbled at," what?
49:37 "That stumbling stone.
49:39 As it is written:
49:40 'Behold, I lay in Zion a stumbling stone
49:42 and rock of offense,
49:44 and whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame."
49:49 How do we stumble at Jesus?
49:52 We stumble at Jesus
49:53 when we refuse to acknowledge Him
49:56 as Lord of our lives.
49:57 We stumble at Jesus when we refuse to recognize
50:00 His grace in our lives.
50:02 We stumble at Jesus when we refuse to...
50:06 when we seek to obey by ourselves.
50:10 We stumble at Jesus,
50:11 when we seek to be good enough for God.
50:13 We stumble at Jesus
50:15 when we seek to measure ourselves
50:17 by the supposed goodness of others.
50:20 It reminds me of Galatians 5.
50:21 Paul says in Galatians 5:4,
50:24 "You have become estranged or separated from Christ,
50:29 you who attempt to be justified by law,
50:32 you have fallen from grace."
50:35 You mean, I can try and think I'm being a good Christian,
50:40 I can think I'm doing the promises
50:42 that the children of Israel said,
50:44 "Oh, yes, God, I want to walk in obedience."
50:47 And yet if I do it apart from Christ,
50:50 I am separating myself from Him.
50:53 They also, the children of Israel
50:55 refused to surrender to God.
50:57 The next chapter, Romans 10:3,
51:00 "For they being ignorant of God's righteousness,
51:03 and seeking to establish their own righteousness,
51:06 have not submitted to the righteousness of God."
51:11 They refuse to allow Him access to even work in their lives.
51:16 You know, if you look at the difference,
51:18 this is to me the difference of works
51:20 versus grace.
51:21 Work say, what I do has bearing on who I am.
51:26 Grace says, who I am has bearing on what I do.
51:30 Work say,
51:31 actions are more important than motive.
51:34 Grace says, motive informs my actions.
51:39 Work say,
51:40 I am what other people perceive me to be.
51:43 Grace says, I am who God says I am.
51:48 We have a great need of divine grace.
51:50 Isaiah 64 says,
51:51 "All our righteousness is as filthy rags."
51:56 My nephew Caleb when he was two years old.
51:58 I'll never forget this.
52:00 We were visiting my sister
52:01 and he had a full blown temper tantrum on the floor,
52:04 heels kicking arms, flailing,
52:06 crying tears running down his face.
52:08 But in the midst of that
52:10 whole temper tantrum, he cried,
52:11 "Jesus, help me be good."
52:14 Jesus, he's kicking his feet.
52:16 Jesus, help me be good.
52:19 What is that?
52:20 That means even a child can understand
52:23 that our righteousness is as filthy rags,
52:27 and that we cannot obey the law
52:30 in our own grace or strength.
52:34 Legalism is works based salvation.
52:38 It's concerned with keeping the law of God
52:40 as an end in itself or as a means to salvation.
52:45 Legalism is Christ-less law keeping.
52:49 It is separating the law from the law giver.
52:51 It's not concerned with obedience to God
52:53 or honoring Christ.
52:55 It simply seeks to obey rules
52:57 devoid of any relationship.
53:01 Legalism is externally motivated,
53:03 it is externally driven.
53:05 It is concerned with external obedience
53:08 instead of an inward change.
53:11 Legalism is concerned about the letter of the law
53:13 while violating entirely the spirit of the law.
53:18 Legalism is adding our own rules
53:20 to the law of God
53:22 and beginning to treat those rules
53:23 as if they are divine.
53:26 The Pharisees did that.
53:27 Jesus said,
53:28 "In vain do they worship Me,
53:30 teaching as doctrines the commandments of men,
53:32 elevating them to the rule of the Divine."
53:35 Legalism is an attempt to gain favor with God
53:38 or impress fellow human beings by doing certain things
53:42 or maybe avoiding other things
53:44 without regard to the condition of our heart before God.
53:48 Legalism is rooted in pride.
53:51 If we look at grace, faith and obedience,
53:55 we are saved by grace through faith.
53:58 Pastor John already read Ephesians 2:8-9,
54:01 "For by grace we are saved through faith."
54:05 We also obey by grace through faith.
54:09 Romans 1:5, through whom?
54:12 "Through Jesus Christ,
54:13 we received grace and apostleship
54:16 for obedience to the faith or obedience of faith
54:21 among all nations for His name."
54:24 You see grace is not just clemency toward sin.
54:27 Grace is power over sin.
54:30 Grace is Christ in you the hope of glory.
54:34 Grace is a gift.
54:36 Salvation is a gift.
54:38 Faith is a gift.
54:40 Grace and faith,
54:41 I believe both of them are activated by our choice.
54:45 And grace, obedience, it comes from God.
54:48 I like that word, grace, obedience.
54:50 Connecting grace with obedience
54:53 because all obedience comes from grace.
54:56 So the promises of the children of Israel
54:58 make many times today.
55:00 We make the same promises.
55:02 Yes, God, I'm going to follow you.
55:03 Yes, God, I'm going to do what you say.
55:06 But it requires faith, it requires surrender,
55:09 it requires allowing the infilling spirit
55:12 to help you obey.
55:14 Amen. Amen.
55:16 Wonderful. Glory.
55:17 Well, every single day,
55:19 you could see that they could continue,
55:21 because it's a blessing.
55:23 The Sabbath School Panel is a blessing.
55:25 We want to give each panel member a time
55:28 to say something for your last comments.
55:30 Just a quick summary, three points of salvation.
55:34 We have been saved justification
55:37 from the penalty of sin.
55:39 We are being saved sanctification
55:41 from the power of sin.
55:43 We will be saved glorification from the presence of sin.
55:49 Amen and amen.
55:51 The Sinai Covenant
55:54 is found in Exodus 20:22
55:58 through Exodus 23:22.
56:01 It repeats the moral law.
56:03 God repeats His Ten Commandments,
56:04 that's the heart of it.
56:06 Its civil laws based on a government
56:11 of those instructions of loving the Ten Commandments.
56:14 And then there is the ceremonial law
56:17 to show that when you mess up
56:19 and transgress His law, He's got a remedy.
56:22 Amen.
56:23 I want to read something from Wednesday's lesson
56:24 which says,
56:26 basing their relationship with Him upon his salvation,
56:30 the Lord sought to elevate them that is Israel
56:33 to a spiritual, intellectual and moral level
56:36 that would make them
56:38 the wonder of the ancient world,
56:40 all for the purpose of using them
56:41 to preach the gospel to the nations.
56:44 All they had to do in response was obey.
56:47 So as we learn in Wednesday's lesson,
56:50 God wants us to obey,
56:51 but we first need to see our need of Him
56:53 before we even see the need to obey.
56:55 In this case, the law doesn't save us,
56:57 Christ saves us.
56:59 But when we obey Him, we're showing our faith in Him.
57:02 Amen.
57:04 I had Promises, Promises.
57:05 And we can try to make promises,
57:07 but the best thing is to base our faith
57:10 on the promises in the Word of God.
57:13 Amen and amen.
57:14 Well, we hope you've been blessed
57:16 during this lesson study.
57:18 I would like to leave you
57:20 with the words of Psalms 103:17-18,
57:24 notice this,
57:26 "But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting
57:31 on those who fear Him,
57:34 and His righteousness to children's children,
57:37 to such as keep His covenant,
57:40 and to those
57:41 who remember His commandments to do them."
57:45 So we encourage you to enter
57:46 into covenant relationship with God.
57:49 Great blessings are in story.
57:52 We invite you to tune in
57:54 for next week's lesson number eight,
57:56 Covenant Law.
57:58 We'll see you then.
57:59 Amen.


Revised 2021-05-13