3ABN Sabbath School Panel

The New-Covenant Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP210026S

00:01 Hello, friends, this is John Lomacang.
00:02 Thank you for joining us here at 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:06 This entire quarter, we've been talking about The Promise,
00:09 the New Covenant Life,
00:10 the life that we have in Christ Jesus,
00:12 and that covenant has covered a number of topics,
00:15 from the fall of man,
00:17 to the exile of the children of Israel, to their freedom,
00:20 to the re-ratifying of that covenant
00:22 through giving the commandments of God.
00:24 But today, we're going to be talking
00:25 about the new covenant life.
00:27 You know, many people think that we have to wait till
00:29 we get to heaven to enjoy life.
00:30 But Jesus said, "I've come that you might have life
00:33 and have it more abundantly."
00:36 So we're going to end this quarter study on a high note,
00:39 how you can have joy in Christ, not waiting till heaven,
00:43 but having that joy now.
00:44 If you'd like to follow us, you can get a lesson
00:46 by going to ABSG.Adventist.org download a copy,
00:50 or you can go to your local Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:52 and join them in a hands-on study.
00:55 But we prefer that you join us here
00:57 as we take the time to make Christ real to you.
01:00 So don't go away.
01:02 We'll be right back.
01:33 Hello, friends, welcome to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
01:36 I cannot believe it but this is lesson number 13
01:40 for the second quarter.
01:42 And we've been covering The Promise,
01:43 God's Everlasting Covenant.
01:45 And we have been really working
01:47 through some difficult passages in the Bible.
01:50 Abraham has been one of the central themes,
01:52 but Christ is always the supreme theme
01:55 of the issue of salvation and redemption.
01:58 And today we have a family that's rearing to go.
02:01 So let me go ahead and introduce
02:02 those family members to you.
02:04 To my immediate left is our COO and vice president,
02:07 Jill, good to have you here today.
02:08 Thank you, Pastor John. Privileged to be here.
02:10 I have a question.
02:11 Do you have a list? There's a list of three things.
02:13 Oh, good to have you.
02:14 And somebody sneaked in on us, Jason Bradley,
02:17 head of Dare to Dream Network.
02:19 Good to have you here, Jason.
02:20 It's great to be here.
02:21 I'm looking forward to hearing
02:23 what all of you are going to share today.
02:24 Okay. And the lady with many hats.
02:27 The lady from Texas,
02:28 the state of Texas, Shelley Quinn.
02:30 Good to have you here, Shelley. Thank you.
02:31 It's such a privilege to study with you.
02:33 And if I call him at 2:30 in the morning,
02:35 he'll be ready to sing, Ryan Day Pastor.
02:37 Amen. Blessing, blessing to be here.
02:39 Good. We are going to talk about...
02:42 My lesson is going to be about joy, about joy.
02:47 But in order to have joy, let's begin with prayer.
02:49 Jason, would you start with prayer for us?
02:51 Absolutely.
02:52 Dear Heavenly Father,
02:53 we thank You so much for the opportunity
02:55 and privilege of studying Your Word, Lord,
02:57 and we thank You for the joy that comes with it.
03:00 And, Lord, I just ask that
03:01 You would guide this study today.
03:03 In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
03:05 Amen. Amen.
03:07 I just really appreciate the fact
03:08 that the writer of this lesson had highlighted,
03:12 even though Dr. Gerhard Hasel is deceased,
03:15 this compilation has been so wonderfully put together
03:18 to commemorate his works.
03:20 And he's been a man who has established such a credible
03:23 approach to Bible prophecy, understanding the Old Covenant
03:26 in a beautiful way.
03:28 But I love the fact that this one is saying, okay,
03:31 we have gone through the legalistic aspects of it,
03:34 the legitimates walks through the Old Covenant,
03:37 the New Covenant, but what about the joy in all of it.
03:41 And that's something that we have to keep in mind.
03:43 And the memory text really highlights that joy.
03:46 John 10:10,
03:48 "The thief does not come except to steal and to kill,
03:51 and to destroy."
03:53 Look at the segue,
03:55 "I have come that they may have life,
03:57 and that they may have it more abundantly."
04:01 Let me make it very clear from the very beginning.
04:03 You will never really experience true joy,
04:06 guiltless joy until you turn your life over to Jesus.
04:11 The joy at His right hand is a guiltless joy.
04:14 It's a joy that continues growing.
04:16 And if we can have that much joy in Christ in this life,
04:19 just imagine what kind of joy we're going to have
04:21 when He unfolds to us the untold secrets
04:24 of the limitless billions of galaxies
04:27 and worlds that are unknown.
04:29 I'm looking forward to that
04:30 because if in this sinful society,
04:33 we can have technology like
04:34 iPads and iPhones and can communicate
04:37 in the frail inventions of humanity.
04:40 Just imagine.
04:42 The Apostle Paul says,
04:43 "Eye had not seen nor ear heard."
04:45 So we are going to go ahead and try to highlight
04:48 and give you a glimpse,
04:49 an internal glimpse of the faithful glory
04:52 and the joy that we can have in Christ.
04:55 The writer also brought out the point that
04:57 though the outcome of the grand finale
05:00 of the covenant promise is, of course, eternal life,
05:03 and the world made new.
05:05 These points are brought out so well, he says,
05:07 "We don't have to wait for eternity to enjoy
05:10 the covenant blessings.
05:12 We can enjoy those covenant blessings today,"
05:14 right Shelley?
05:15 The Lord cares about our lives now.
05:18 He wants the best for us, when? Now.
05:20 One of my wife's favorite words,
05:23 "The covenant is not some deal
05:25 where you do this and that and this and that then,
05:28 and a long way off,
05:30 wait for the blessings to come."
05:32 We can have the blessings of the New Covenant right now.
05:35 The rewards, the gifts, they are blessings
05:37 that those who by faith enter into the covenant relationship
05:42 can enjoy now.
05:46 When the Lord says I will supply all of your need
05:48 according to my riches and glory,
05:49 you will never really know what that means
05:52 unless you enter into that covenant relationship
05:54 with God.
05:55 The lesson also points out that the final in our series
05:59 looks at some of these immediate blessings,
06:01 some of the promises that come from God's grace
06:04 shed into our hearts because having heard Him knock,
06:08 Revelation 3,"Behold, I stand at the door knock."
06:11 If we open that door,
06:12 He will not only come in and sup with us,
06:14 have fellowship, but He will begin to unfold to us
06:17 the mysteries of His salvation,
06:19 the glories of redemption,
06:21 and the willingness to have us as children
06:24 of the eternal God by His side forevermore.
06:27 I'm looking forward to the day. I don't know about you guys.
06:30 I know Jason loves to eat.
06:31 So I can say this is true about Jason, sure,
06:33 but I'm looking forward to the day
06:35 when we can sit down at the welcome table.
06:37 If my wife can cook that good,
06:38 just imagine what the Lord is going to unfold before us
06:41 and you know, you've eaten my wife soup before.
06:43 Those are blessings we look forward to,
06:44 but God has given us glimpses in His Word.
06:48 But the question that I'd like to segue
06:49 into that in 1 John1:4,
06:52 here the questions that we'd like to think
06:54 about when we move in that direction.
06:57 Why should we feel joy?
06:59 Why should we feel joy in a world
07:01 that's filled with sorrow and sadness,
07:03 and death and suffering, and hardship and disease
07:06 on every side and pandemic?
07:07 And the list goes on and on.
07:10 Why should the Christian feel joy?
07:12 On what basis can we claim that promise of joy?
07:16 What is it about the covenant that should free us
07:19 from the burden of guilt?
07:21 And what does it mean to have a new heart
07:24 and a new experience in Christ now?
07:27 1 John 1:4, we read these words of the apostle,
07:31 "And these things we write to you,
07:34 that your joy may be full."
07:37 Full joy, not partial joy, but that your joy may be full.
07:42 And the apostle that wrote this understood the challenges
07:45 of being persecuted for righteousness sake.
07:49 But one of the greatest advantages of those who know
07:51 that their joy can be full, he made it clear,
07:54 the sufferings of this present life
07:55 are not worthy
07:57 to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us.
08:00 One of the great advantages
08:01 is we as the covenant people of God,
08:03 we know that the promise that God has given to us
08:05 is amen, and it's true, and it's hallelujah,
08:09 whatever the Lord promises is true.
08:11 As Christians, we are often told not to go by feelings,
08:16 faith is not a feeling,
08:18 and that we need to get beyond our feelings,
08:20 all of which is true to some degree,
08:22 but at the same time,
08:24 we would not be human beings if we didn't have feelings,
08:28 or if we did not have emotions, or if we did not have moods,
08:33 or as in some people's case, mood swings,
08:36 from one side to the other.
08:38 God has given us the ability to smile, to laugh,
08:41 to shed a tear, to be excited, to be joyful.
08:43 That's right.
08:45 And with too much chocolate to be cynical.
08:48 And which we know that what that's all about,
08:50 but we cannot deny our feelings, we need to do,
08:54 what we need to do is understand them,
08:56 give them their proper role as much as possible,
08:59 but also keep our feelings and our emotions
09:01 under righteous control.
09:03 So, Jill, here are nine things
09:07 that can be the foundation of our joy.
09:10 I think you might have a six or seven
09:12 but I don't know if you've ever had nine.
09:14 But let's look at these nine things.
09:15 Let's go to Deuteronomy 28:47-48.
09:18 When Israel chose not to serve God,
09:20 we're going to begin with a downer
09:21 and then end with an upper.
09:23 When Israel chose not to serve God in joy,
09:25 they received His displeasure.
09:26 And listen to what the Bible says,
09:28 this is the reason why we should worship God
09:30 with great joy.
09:31 Deuteronomy 28:47,
09:34 "Because you did not serve the Lord your God
09:36 with joy and gladness of heart,
09:39 for the abundance of everything,
09:41 therefore you shall serve your enemies,
09:44 whom the Lord will send against you, in hunger,
09:47 in thirst, in nakedness, and in need of everything,
09:50 and He will put a yoke of iron on your neck
09:52 until He has destroyed you."
09:55 That's a sad chapter.
09:56 What is being said there is the Lord said,
09:58 "Wait a minute, didn't I free you from Egypt?
10:00 Didn't I give you everything you asked Me for,
10:02 but you wouldn't even worship Me
10:04 in joy and gladness of heart?
10:06 So I'm going to go ahead and return you
10:07 to the prior state
10:09 until you get to the place where as in Hosea,
10:12 I'm going to go back to my husband, to my Lord,
10:14 because it was better with me then than it is with me now."
10:18 Joy was spoken of as an expression of our worship.
10:21 1 Chronicles 15:16.
10:23 And the Bible says, "Then David spoke to the leaders
10:26 of the Levites to appoint their brethren to be the singers,
10:30 oh, Ryan, accompanied by instruments of music,
10:34 stringed instruments, harps, and cymbals,
10:36 by raising the voice with resounding joy."
10:41 If you're going to worship the Lord,
10:43 worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.
10:45 Nothing is worse or more diabolical
10:48 than a humdrum drawn filled,
10:51 sad expression of worship.
10:53 If the Lord has done anything to you,
10:55 let the redeemed of the Lord say so.
10:57 Amen somebody?
10:58 Number three, a life that does not face
11:00 the blessings of repentance is robbed of the joy
11:03 that's found in Christ.
11:05 Psalm 51:8,
11:06 David prayed this prayer after his transgression.
11:09 Look what he prayed for.
11:12 Psalm 51:8 and 12, "Make me hear the joy and gladness
11:16 that the bones You have broken may rejoice."
11:20 David fell before the Lord in repentance.
11:22 And he said in verse 12,
11:23 "Restore to me the joy of Your salvation,
11:26 and uphold me by Your generous Spirit."
11:29 But let's go on further.
11:30 The cleansing of one's heart also results in joy.
11:34 Psalm 126:5,
11:37 "Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy."
11:40 Sometimes you got to cry before you can rejoice.
11:44 Sometimes you have to go through the darkness of night
11:46 before the joy of morning comes.
11:48 Number five, when we abide in the presence of God,
11:51 we will find genuine joy.
11:53 Psalm 16:11,
11:56 "You will show me the path of life in Your presence is,"
11:59 what, "fullness of joy, and that Your right
12:03 hand are," what, "pleasures forever more."
12:07 I'm looking forward to that.
12:09 Number six, Psalm 5:11.
12:12 When we trust in God, we discover there
12:15 is no greater joy.
12:19 The Bible says, "But let all those rejoice
12:22 who put their trust in You, Let them ever shout for joy,
12:28 because You defend them,
12:31 Let those also who love Your name be joyful in You."
12:36 You know, friends, right now you can have joy in Christ,
12:38 you don't have to wait
12:40 until the clouds clear and the sun comes out,
12:42 especially if you live in the northeast,
12:45 where it gets cloudy and foggy most of the year.
12:48 But I tell you, as you begin to move through the year,
12:50 as we're doing now,
12:52 you begin to discover as the clouds dissipate,
12:54 you'll find as the saying goes,
12:56 behind every cloud, there's a silver what?
12:59 Lining, and that's the joy of God that is never absent.
13:01 Number seven, do not be afraid to face temporary pain,
13:06 because joy is eternal.
13:09 The Apostle Paul, Romans 8:18,
13:12 "For I consider that the sufferings
13:15 of this present time are not worthy to be compared
13:19 with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
13:22 "It's going to be tough,
13:23 but one day is going to be good,
13:24 or as one young man said, gooder than ever before.
13:27 And we're looking forward to that day.
13:29 Number eight, joy looks beyond the here
13:32 and now to the hereafter and the days ahead of us.
13:36 2 Timothy 1:12.
13:38 "For this reason, I also suffer these things and nevertheless
13:41 he said, I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed
13:46 and persuaded that he is able to keep
13:48 what I've committed to him until that day."
13:51 The Apostle Paul says, "I know it's tough.
13:53 I'm about to die.
13:54 But I'm looking beyond the here and now
13:56 to the day that's ahead of me."
13:57 And number nine, the words,
13:59 the testament of the Apostle Paul before he left the scene,
14:02 joy looks beyond the cross to the crown.
14:05 2 Timothy 4:7-8, "I have fought a good fight.
14:09 I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."
14:12 Finally he said,
14:14 "There is laid up for me the crown of righteousness,
14:17 which the Lord," who friends?
14:21 "The Lord, the righteous judge will give me on that day,"
14:25 and listen to this ending words,
14:27 "and not to me only,
14:30 but also to all who love His appearing."
14:35 Praise God for that. Amen.
14:36 Thank you, Pastor John, I love those nine points,
14:39 the joy we have, the joy we can have here
14:42 and now as part of the New Covenant life.
14:44 My lesson on Monday is Guilt-Free.
14:47 Meaning as part of the covenant life,
14:50 you and I can live guilt-free.
14:53 I've divided my lesson into three sections.
14:55 So here's the three sections and then we'll unpack them.
14:58 Section one is feeling guilty.
15:01 Section two is being in guilty.
15:05 Section three, living guilt-free.
15:08 So let's start with feeling guilty.
15:11 Since Adam and Eve,
15:12 remember Adam and Eve walked with God
15:14 in the cool of the garden, there was no guilt,
15:16 there was no shame,
15:17 there was nothing that separated them from God.
15:21 When sin entered, there came guilt,
15:24 there came fear,
15:26 there came separation from God
15:28 and their Redeemer, their Maker.
15:31 Ever since that time,
15:33 guilt has been a part of this world
15:36 because sin brings guilt.
15:39 Now, I think some people
15:41 maybe feel guiltier than others.
15:44 Maybe it's due to personality,
15:45 some people naturally might feel more guilty.
15:48 Sometimes it's due to the hardening of the heart
15:51 toward evil and the harder your heart
15:53 becomes maybe the less guilt you might feel.
15:57 I think about before the flood, Genesis 6:5,
15:59 what does the Word of God say?
16:00 The thoughts of their mind were only evil continually.
16:05 So I'm not sure,
16:07 I'm sure they had some twinges of guilt,
16:08 but maybe not as much guilt as someone else.
16:12 But we all know what guilt feels like.
16:14 Our cat, all I have to do is snap my fingers
16:17 and she know she did something wrong
16:19 and she better get herself in line.
16:21 You think of the child
16:23 when their hands in the cookie jar
16:25 and mama comes.
16:26 What are you doing with your hand in the cookie jar?
16:28 The child knows, "I wasn't supposed to do that."
16:31 They know that feeling of guilt.
16:35 I think of an adult, maybe if they stole something,
16:39 or if they lied about a neighbor or a coworker,
16:42 maybe they're sleeping with someone
16:44 who's not their spouse, that feeling of guilt.
16:48 There's a certain segment of the population
16:50 we don't really consider has that feeling of guilt.
16:53 That might be the serial killer.
16:55 We might consider a lot of them might not even feel guilt.
17:00 I read an article.
17:02 This is published in 2017.
17:05 It says, "Remorse is rare for serial killers,
17:07 but it can happen."
17:08 And they mentioned one person
17:10 who actually was in prison for being a serial killer.
17:13 And they actually hung themselves in their cell.
17:17 And they left behind a note that it said,
17:20 "I made a deal with myself I will come back
17:22 and take responsibility
17:24 for every evil act I committed in life.
17:27 If these people are not alive,
17:29 I should not be allowed to live either."
17:32 Feeling a sense of guilt. And why is that?
17:36 That leads us to section two because they are guilty.
17:38 We feel that guilt
17:40 because we have transgressed the law of God.
17:46 If you look at Romans 1:1-3.
17:48 Romans Chapter 1 talks about the sins of the Gentiles
17:52 or the sins of those who do not know God.
17:56 It's a huge list of sins if you look at Romans 1.
17:59 In verse 32, it says,
18:01 "Those who practice such things,"
18:03 this entire list of sins, "are deserving of death."
18:07 Why are they deserving of death?
18:09 We know Romans 6:23 says, "The wages of sin is death,
18:13 but the gift of God is eternal life
18:15 through Jesus Christ our Lord."
18:17 So Romans 1 is all about the sins of the Gentiles
18:20 or the sins of those who do not know
18:23 walking covenant relationship with God.
18:27 But unless you think the Christians are left out,
18:29 or the Jewish people are left out,
18:31 we get to Romans 2
18:32 and Paul enumerates the sins of the Jewish people.
18:37 And especially verse 1, Romans 2:1,
18:40 "Therefore you are inexcusable, O man,
18:43 whoever you are who judge,
18:45 for in whatever way you judge another you condemn yourself,
18:49 for you who judge practice the same things."
18:52 And jump down to verse 24, Romans 2:24,
18:56 he says, "The name of God is blasphemed
18:59 among the Gentiles because of you."
19:02 So because of people who claim the name of Christ,
19:05 because of Christians, in this case, it was Jews,
19:08 but we could say us today as Christians,
19:10 because they do not walk the talk
19:13 because they do not live as Christians.
19:16 It blasphemes the name of God.
19:19 By the time we get to Romans 3:23.
19:20 It just says, "All have sinned,
19:23 and come short of the glory of God."
19:25 I'm so thankful the Word of God, it doesn't stop there.
19:28 We don't have to live feeling with that guilt.
19:31 We don't have to know that we are guilty.
19:33 We can live guilt free.
19:36 So let's look at that.
19:38 Three keys to how you can live guilt free.
19:42 Key number one, accept Christ's forgiveness for your sins.
19:48 Key number one is to accept it.
19:49 1 John 1:9.
19:51 I remember our precious Miss Mollie Steenson
19:54 used to quote this verse
19:55 probably every single Sabbath School Panel,
19:57 right Shelley?
19:58 "If we confess our sins,
20:00 He's faithful and just to forgive us our sins,
20:02 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
20:07 Accept what God's Word says about you by faith,
20:11 not by how you feel.
20:13 Don't wait until you feel better.
20:16 Don't wait until you think God has forgiven you.
20:19 Feelings can be fickle and feelings can be changing,
20:22 accept what His Word says.
20:25 It says, "If you confess your sins,
20:27 He is faithful and just, He will forgive you.
20:30 He will cleanse you, He will bring you back
20:33 into covenant relationship with Himself."
20:37 We're not Christians by how we feel.
20:39 We are Christians because of what God's Word says
20:42 about us.
20:43 God's Word says you are forgiving.
20:45 God's Word says that you can be His child.
20:48 God's Word says that He can transform you.
20:51 God's forgiveness,
20:53 Christ's forgiveness is instantaneous.
20:56 Christ's forgiveness is complete.
20:58 Christ's forgiveness requires no goodness on our behalf.
21:02 But Christ's forgiveness is dependent
21:06 on you and I asking for it.
21:08 Otherwise, everybody in the world would be forgiven.
21:10 We need to ask, we need to confess our sins.
21:14 Then He is faithful and just to forgive us,
21:17 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
21:22 I love 1 John 1:9,
21:24 because it talks about two aspects
21:27 of Christ's work in our life.
21:30 It says, "If we confess our sins,
21:32 He's faithful and just to forgive us our sins."
21:34 That's aspect number one, that justification process.
21:38 "And to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
21:42 That is the sanctification process.
21:45 So the first key is we just accept Christ's forgiveness
21:47 for our sins.
21:49 The second key is we allow Him to exchange
21:51 His garment of righteousness for our filthiness.
21:56 Turn with me to the Book of Zechariah.
21:58 Zechariah Chapter 3, I love this analogy.
22:02 Zechariah 3, this is, of course, Joshua,
22:05 the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord
22:08 and he is clothed in filthy garments.
22:12 Zechariah 3:4, "Then He answered
22:14 and spoke to those who stood before Him, saying,
22:16 "Take away the filthy garments from him."
22:19 Now those filthy garments were representative of sin.
22:23 You and I stand before God
22:24 and we are clothed in filthy garments.
22:27 Now, the word filthy, Jason,
22:29 in Hebrew literally means to soil from excrement.
22:33 So this is pretty bad.
22:34 This is filthy garments.
22:38 "And to him, he said,
22:39 'I have removed your iniquity from you.
22:41 I've taken off those filthy garments,
22:43 and I will clothe you with rich robes.'"
22:46 Cover you.
22:47 The minute we accept Christ, the minute we say,
22:50 "Will You forgives me?
22:52 He forgives us and we are clothed
22:54 in His white righteous robe.
22:57 That's that double imputation,
22:58 I talked about a couple weeks ago.
23:01 2 Corinthians 5:21, "He made Him,
23:04 God made Jesus who knew no sin, to be sin for us,
23:09 that we might be made the righteousness of God
23:12 in Him."
23:14 So my sin is credited or pushed on Jesus,
23:17 He bore on the cross, and His righteousness
23:21 is credited to my account.
23:24 The third key is to allow Him to empower you
23:28 to live a righteous life.
23:31 This is that cleanliness from all unrighteousness.
23:35 It reminds me of Romans 8:1.
23:37 Let's look at that scripture, Romans 8:1.
23:40 Remember in Romans 7, there's this whole controversy
23:43 in the Christian's life saying, what I want to do,
23:46 I don't do and what I don't want to do, I do.
23:49 We get to Romans 8:1, and it says,
23:52 "There is therefore now no condemnation
23:54 to those who are in Christ Jesus,
23:56 who do not walk according to the flesh,
23:59 but according to the Spirit."
24:02 He said the difference the Holy Spirit
24:04 makes in the life of the believer,
24:06 that imparted righteousness of Christ,
24:09 that is Christ in us the hope of glory
24:11 that is you and I being crucified with Christ.
24:14 And we're not the ones living
24:15 but it is Christ who lives in us.
24:18 Romans 8:13, "If you live according to the flesh
24:22 you gonna die,
24:23 but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body,
24:27 you will live."
24:28 You and I don't have to feel guilty,
24:30 you and I don't have to be guilty
24:32 because we can live guilt-free because of Jesus Christ.
24:36 Amen, Jill.
24:37 Well, homerun.
24:39 Praise the Lord for that thought provoking
24:42 as well as life empowering message.
24:44 But don't go away, we have a lot more to come.
24:46 We'll be right back in just a moment.
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25:25 Welcome back to our Sabbath School Panel.
25:26 We're going to go now to Tuesday.
25:29 Jason Bradley has New Covenant and New Heart.
25:33 In today's lesson we're going to witness the world's
25:36 most impactful heart transplant, as you stated,
25:41 it's the New Covenant and New Heart.
25:42 And we'll begin by looking at Ephesians 3:17-19.
25:47 Now you may want to jot these verses down
25:49 because we're going to go through them rather rapidly.
25:53 Again, that's Ephesians 3:17-19.
25:56 And the Word of God says,
25:58 "That Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith,
26:01 that you, being rooted and grounded in love,
26:05 may be able to comprehend with all the saints
26:08 what is the width and length and depth and height
26:12 to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge,
26:15 that you may be filled with all the fullness of God."
26:20 Now you may be asking, what is the New Covenant?
26:23 And I'm so glad that you asked that question.
26:26 You see in Jeremiah 31:31-33,
26:32 it describes it so beautifully.
26:34 "Behold the days are coming," says the Lord,
26:37 "when I will make a new covenant
26:40 with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah,
26:43 not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers
26:46 and the day that I took them by the hand
26:48 to lead them out of the land of Egypt,
26:51 my covenant which they broke,
26:52 though I was a husband to them," says the Lord.
26:55 "But this is the covenant
26:57 that I will make with the house of Israel
26:59 after those days," says the Lord.
27:01 "I will put My law in their minds
27:04 and write it on their hearts,
27:06 and I will be their God and they shall be My people."
27:12 When you get married and exchange wedding vows,
27:14 you don't have to keep consulting your wedding vows
27:17 because they're written in your heart,
27:18 right, married people?
27:20 It's good, amen.
27:21 I'm just coaching, I'm not married.
27:23 They're written in your heart.
27:25 You know, you shouldn't cheat on your husband or wife,
27:27 you know that he or she
27:29 should be a priority in your life,
27:32 you know that you shouldn't steal from them.
27:34 You shouldn't kill them.
27:36 You shouldn't lie to them.
27:40 But you should have an unforgettable time
27:43 set aside for them.
27:47 As with any form of progress, there is a process.
27:50 And in Desire of Ages, page 176,
27:54 Ellen White speaks about the process of transformation.
27:57 And she says this,
27:59 "The cross reveals the love of God.
28:02 If we do not resist,
28:03 we shall be led to the foot of the cross
28:05 in repentance for the sins that have crucified the Savior.
28:10 Then the Spirit of God through faith
28:12 produces a new life in the soul.
28:15 The thoughts and desires are brought into obedience
28:18 to the will of Christ.
28:20 The heart, the mind are created a new
28:23 in the image of Him
28:24 who works in us to subdue all things to Himself,
28:29 then the law of God is written in the mind and heart."
28:33 What a beautiful process,
28:35 we're not even the ones doing the heavy lifting,
28:37 God is. That's right.
28:39 In our text for today,
28:41 Paul stressed the element of love
28:43 saying that we must be rooted and grounded in it.
28:47 When we look at a plant, we see the outward appearance
28:50 and the fruit that's being produced or the lack thereof.
28:54 Underneath the soil lies the roots
28:57 that act as an anchor
28:59 and supports the plant body.
29:01 Now the primary function of the roots is to absorb water
29:05 and dissolve minerals from the soil.
29:07 This function plays a vital role
29:09 in helping in the process of photosynthesis.
29:12 Now the word photosynthesis
29:14 and I'm going to journey into an area
29:16 where I don't normally go which is Greek,
29:18 is derived from the Greek words
29:21 phos and synthesis.
29:24 Phos means light and synthesis means combining together.
29:28 This means combining together with the help of light.
29:33 There are a couple factors that affect photosynthesis,
29:35 but we're going to focus on two of them,
29:37 and that's light intensity and pollution.
29:42 Increased light intensity results
29:44 in a higher rate of photosynthesis.
29:46 John 8:12 says, "Then Jesus spoke to them again,
29:51 saying, 'I am the light of the world.
29:55 He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness
29:58 but have the light of life."
30:02 Now let's go to pollution.
30:05 Pollutants and other particles may settle on the leaf surface.
30:08 This can block the pores of the stomata,
30:11 which makes it difficult to take in carbon dioxide.
30:15 Are there any pollutants in your life that
30:17 may be blocking you from receiving the Word of God?
30:23 Now is a good time for us to take a look at our lives
30:25 and ask God to clean up any pollution that we may have.
30:30 And why do we need a new heart?
30:33 Well, let's take a look at the physical heart
30:35 for a moment.
30:36 The heart is at the center of the circulatory system.
30:40 Its job is to pump blood throughout the body.
30:43 The blood carries important nutrients and oxygen
30:46 that all body organs need.
30:49 The bad thing about the blood is it can also carry diseases.
30:54 So if we're consuming foods,
30:56 as we were speaking about food earlier.
30:58 If we're consuming foods that are nutrient deprived,
31:01 we're not going to have good blood.
31:05 Now, our bodies can't provide nutrients
31:07 that we didn't feed it, right?
31:09 So the same is true with our spiritual lives.
31:12 If we aren't feasting on the Word of God,
31:15 then we're left with nutrient deprived blood.
31:18 Our blood has been marred by a fatal disease called sin.
31:22 And we need a heart transplant.
31:24 We need the new heart that Christ wants to give us.
31:28 Look at what God wants to do for us
31:30 in Ezekiel 36:26-27.
31:36 Again, that's Ezekiel 36: 26-27,
31:42 "I will give you a new heart
31:44 and put a new spirit within you,
31:47 I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh
31:51 and give you a heart of flesh.
31:53 I will put My Spirit within you
31:55 and cause you to walk in My statutes,
31:58 and you will keep My judgments and do them."
32:02 Ephesians 1:7,
32:06 "In Him, we have redemption through His blood,
32:11 the forgiveness of sins,
32:12 according to the riches of His grace."
32:15 So what changes will be manifested
32:17 in those who have a new heart?
32:19 In Matthew 22:37-39,
32:24 "Jesus said to him,
32:26 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,
32:30 with all your soul, and with all your mind.
32:34 'This is the first and great commandment.'
32:36 And the second is like it:
32:37 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'"
32:40 In Ephesians 5:8, the Apostle Paul writes,
32:44 "For you were once darkness,
32:47 but now you are light in the Lord,
32:50 walk as children of light."
32:53 With a new heart we will walk as children of light
32:56 exemplifying practical godliness
32:59 and the fruit of the Spirit, love, joy, peace,
33:04 longsuffering, kindness, goodness,
33:07 faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
33:11 With a new heart we will abide in love.
33:15 1 John 4:16,
33:19 "And we have known and believed the love that God has for us.
33:24 God is love.
33:25 And he who abides in love abides in God and God in Him."
33:31 With a new heart we will walk in wisdom.
33:34 Ephesians 5:17 says, "Therefore do not be unwise,
33:39 but understand what the will of the Lord is."
33:44 As the lesson so gracefully points out
33:45 with a new heart our lives are changed,
33:48 our thoughts are changed, our desires are changed,
33:51 and, our goals are changed.
33:54 Do you want to be a new creation?
33:56 Do you want old things to pass away?
34:00 Well, we know where to go.
34:01 Turn to 2 Corinthians 5:17.
34:05 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
34:09 he is a new creation.
34:12 Old things have passed away, behold,
34:14 all things have become new."
34:19 The pledge of the New Covenant is progress is a process.
34:24 So begin the journey today.
34:26 A new start will bring a new heart
34:29 with Christ along the way.
34:33 You had nailed that one too.
34:35 Praise God.
34:36 I have Wednesday,
34:37 the New Covenant and Eternal Life.
34:40 Do you know what the word juxtaposition means?
34:43 It's when you've got two contrasting truths
34:46 that are placed closely together.
34:48 Let me show you two juxtapositions in Scripture.
34:52 There's many more, but John 3:14 or 3:16 says,
34:57 "For God so loved the world
34:59 that He gave His only begotten Son
35:01 that whoever believes in Him should not perish,
35:07 "here's the juxtaposition,
35:10 "but have ever lasting life."
35:13 The word perish means to destroy completely.
35:17 God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son
35:20 that they would not perish.
35:22 Here's the opposing truth, but have everlasting life.
35:27 Romans 6:23, another great example of the juxtaposition.
35:32 "The wages of sin is death.
35:36 But the gift of God
35:40 is eternal life in Christ Jesus, our Lord."
35:44 Two contrasting truths,
35:47 perish or have eternal life,
35:50 death or have the eternal life
35:55 in Christ Jesus.
35:58 Satan's lie, his first lie to humanity
36:02 was you will not surely die and he's still preaching it.
36:07 I remember when I was writing a book,
36:09 and my sister called me,
36:10 I kept telling her I don't have time to talk
36:12 but she called anyway, so I would just read her.
36:14 Every day, I'd write a new chapter in the book,
36:16 I read it to her.
36:18 So one day, she called and I'm reading along,
36:20 and I get to John 5:28-29.
36:24 It was in the book.
36:25 And these are Christ's words.
36:27 He said, "Do not marvel at this,
36:29 for the day is coming
36:31 when all who are in their graves
36:32 will hear My voice
36:34 and some will come forth, those who have done good."
36:38 Well, they're all going to come forth
36:40 in one or two resurrections.
36:42 "Those who have done good, the resurrection of life,
36:45 those who have done evil,
36:47 to the resurrection of condemnation."
36:49 My sister says to me, I keep reading and she's,
36:52 "Wait a minute, wait a minute, go back to that."
36:54 And she's, "What do you mean,
36:56 all who are in their graves are going to hear the voice?"
36:59 And I say, "Well, you know, death is asleep,
37:02 and I'm explaining things to her what the Bible says.
37:05 And she goes, "What, what,
37:08 I hate you every time I talk to you,
37:10 I'm learning something that I didn't believe
37:11 when I came up," and she was so mad at me.
37:14 And I said, "Just get out your Concordance,
37:17 go through it, look up death, look up sleep."
37:20 And she just says, "I'll never talk to you again."
37:23 Bang and she hangs up on me.
37:25 I knew she was very melodramatic.
37:29 About eight hours later, she calls me back.
37:33 You know what she says, "Oh, you're right, death is a sleep.
37:36 There's no question about it."
37:38 She'd been studying that all time.
37:40 And just got into the Word and found that out.
37:43 See, the Bible tells us in 1 Timothy 6:16,
37:47 only God has immortality.
37:51 Now we are not immortal, but the will of God,
37:55 Jesus said in John 6:40 is that everyone
37:59 who sees the son and believes him
38:02 will have ever lasting life.
38:06 When do we get this everlasting, eternal life?
38:08 Well, He said, "I will raise Him up on the last day."
38:12 The first,
38:13 there's two different resurrections in the Bible.
38:15 The first resurrection is the righteous.
38:18 When Jesus comes down with the sound of the trumpet
38:22 and He calls forth and it says that the dead in Christ
38:25 will rise first, this is 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
38:31 And then we who are alive will be caught up in the air
38:34 joining them.
38:36 And this is at the last trump, that's the first resurrection.
38:41 1 Corinthians 15:51-54
38:45 also explains the first resurrection.
38:48 It impulses at this way.
38:49 He says, "Hey, I'll tell you a mystery.
38:52 We're not all going to sleep, we're not all going to die,"
38:54 is what he is saying.
38:56 "But we will all be changed in a moment,
38:59 in the twinkling of an eye."
39:01 When? At the last trumpet.
39:03 For the trumpet will sound,
39:05 the dead will be raised incorruptible,
39:08 and we shall be changed,
39:12 for this corruptible must put on incorruption.
39:15 This mortal must put on immortality."
39:20 When? At the last trumpet.
39:23 But now let's talk about this,
39:25 this second resurrection.
39:31 You see, the devil told Adam and Eve, you won't die.
39:36 Well, they did die.
39:38 They got blocked from the access to the tree of life.
39:42 They died physically, we all die physically
39:45 unless we're among the people.
39:47 There's been a couple
39:48 that has been caught up to heaven.
39:50 But the point is that biological death,
39:55 what's certain taxes and death, right?
39:57 Unless you're alive when Jesus returns.
40:00 So, what does He mean
40:03 about the second resurrection and the second death?
40:09 Did you know the Bible talks about the second death
40:12 four different times.
40:15 In Revelation 20:6, he says,
40:19 "Blessed and holy is he who has part
40:21 in the first resurrection.
40:25 "That's the resurrection of the righteous.
40:27 "Over such the second death has no power,
40:30 but they shall be priests of God and of Christ,
40:34 and shall reign with Him a thousand years."
40:37 So this first resurrection,
40:39 we go to heaven and we get to reign for 1,000 years
40:43 and would after that would come back down to earth
40:45 when the New Jerusalem comes,
40:47 and God recreates the earth, right?
40:50 But what is the second death? This is interesting.
40:55 Revelation 2:11 says, "He who overcomes
40:58 will not be harmed by the second death."
41:01 Revelation 21:8 says, "But the cowardly,
41:05 the unbelieving, the abominable, the murderer,
41:07 the sexually immoral, the sorcerers, idolaters,
41:10 and all liars shall have their part in the lake
41:15 which burns with fire and brimstone,
41:19 which is the second death."
41:23 You are either going to be granted immortality
41:28 when you put on immortality,
41:31 at that first resurrection,
41:33 and you're going to have the gift of eternal life.
41:36 Or guess what?
41:38 You're going to perish.
41:39 There's going to be a second death.
41:41 God destroyed the world once with the lake of water.
41:46 The next time it's going to be a lake of fire,
41:48 and all who are in that lake of fire are going to be dead,
41:52 gone eternally.
41:54 Let me read this to you.
41:55 In Malachi 4:1, it says,
42:01 "Behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven,
42:04 and all the proud,
42:05 all that do wickedly will be stubble."
42:08 What, that's stubbles, what's left after the fire.
42:11 "And the day which is coming shall burn them up,"
42:14 says the Lord of hosts that will leave them
42:16 neither root nor branch."
42:18 It goes on in verse 3, it says,
42:19 hey, you're going to trample on the wicked,
42:22 they're just going to be ashes under your feet.
42:25 That sounds like total destruction.
42:27 That sounds just like you're either going to perish,
42:31 or you're going to have eternal life.
42:33 Jesus said, and here's where our lesson begins
42:38 is John 11:25-26.
42:43 Jesus says,
42:45 "I am the resurrection and the life."
42:49 He's talking to Martha, her brother's in the tomb.
42:53 He says, "I am the resurrection and the life.
42:57 He who believes in Me, will live,
43:01 even if he dies, and everyone who lives
43:06 and believes in Me will never die."
43:09 See, God came down in the person of Jesus Christ,
43:13 He became a human to unite Himself with us,
43:17 He paid the penalty for our sin.
43:20 And you know what?
43:21 The grave couldn't hold Him.
43:23 No, He had life in Himself.
43:26 He was resurrected.
43:28 He says, "I am the way, the truth and the life."
43:32 And He will give eternal life at the last trumpet
43:36 to all who believe in Him.
43:39 He says, "I am the true vine."
43:41 He will give new covenant eternal life
43:44 to all who are united in Him.
43:47 There are two dimensions of New Covenant life in Christ,
43:52 the present, that's John 10:10
43:55 that He came to give us abundant life.
43:58 But then the future is the true eternal life,
44:03 the promise of the resurrection,
44:06 of being changed from mortal, to immortal.
44:10 And even though that's in the future,
44:12 that's the one.
44:14 That's the one that makes everything worth it.
44:16 To know that whatever we suffer right now is nothing.
44:22 It's temporary.
44:23 It's nothing compared to the eternal glory
44:26 of living face to face with our Savior.
44:31 Hallelujah, glory to God.
44:34 What a joy to know that our life
44:37 if we're in Christ
44:39 in that new covenant relationship,
44:41 it doesn't end in the grave.
44:47 Well, she, they started the fire
44:49 so I got to continue on.
44:51 Praise the Lord. I'm so excited.
44:53 You got to pray for that clock right now
44:54 because this last subject here Thursday's lesson,
44:58 New Covenant and Mission.
45:01 This is the fuel for the machine right here.
45:03 I love evangelism.
45:04 I love the mission of the church.
45:06 I love the commission that Christ has given us.
45:08 And I believe with all my heart and mind
45:11 that that is where we are today,
45:12 we need to be preaching the gospel,
45:14 we need to be getting this message out
45:16 because Jesus is coming soon.
45:18 So let's go to Matthew 28.
45:19 We got to start there, Matthew Chapter 28,
45:22 and we're going to read the last two verses
45:23 of that chapter.
45:24 Matthew 28:19-20.
45:27 And this is what the Bible says, of course,
45:28 this is the words of Christ.
45:30 And He says, "Go, therefore, and make disciples
45:34 of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father,
45:37 and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,
45:39 teaching them to observe all things
45:42 that I have commanded you.
45:43 And lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
45:49 So Christ is He simply gave the commission.
45:51 It's just this beautiful farewell address
45:54 as He's about to leave and He's about to depart.
45:56 One of the last things He said to them
45:58 is, "Go, go tell them everything
46:00 that I've taught you.
46:01 Go share with them,
46:03 the beautiful gospel of Jesus Christ,
46:04 go tell them of the good news about how they have a Savior,
46:07 a Savior that has come and died for them,
46:09 a Savior who has given His life for them
46:11 so that they might live eternally.
46:13 Go out there and tell them this good news."
46:16 And we, what is the church doing today?
46:19 Well, some of us are giving that message,
46:21 some of us are not.
46:23 And that's why we have these type of studies
46:24 to remind us of what our mission is.
46:27 The lesson brings out here at the very beginning,
46:30 the writer says all over the world,
46:31 people often struggle
46:33 with what South African writer Laurens van der Post
46:36 called the burden of meaninglessness.
46:41 People find themselves he writes with or this,
46:44 that's actually, I don't know if this is a man or a woman.
46:46 So I don't know if Laurens van der Post
46:47 is a man or woman.
46:49 So I'll just say they write that people find themselves
46:52 with the gift of life, yet they do not know
46:55 what to do with it,
46:56 do not know what the purpose of this gift is,
46:59 and do not know how to use it.
47:01 It is like giving someone a library
47:04 filled with rare books
47:05 only to have the person not read the books,
47:08 but use them to build fires.
47:10 What a terrible waste of something so precious.
47:14 And I have to agree we have this amazing,
47:16 powerful message that Christ has bestowed upon us.
47:20 And some of us we have this precious treasure
47:22 that we're supposed to be sharing with everyone.
47:24 He said, "Go, go share it, go, give this beautiful message
47:27 to as many people as possible because I'm going to return
47:30 and I'm coming for a wholly people, a transformed people,
47:34 a people who are not a part of that processed,
47:37 refined worldly group," but we're talking
47:39 about a people who are on fire for the Lord.
47:42 Jesus is coming back for a church.
47:44 In fact, it reminds me
47:46 of a little bit of a story that I heard.
47:47 I've used this in sermons
47:49 before, but I got to use it right now,
47:50 because it's just perfect.
47:52 It's a story about four people named everybody,
47:54 somebody, anybody and nobody.
47:57 There was an important job to be done.
47:59 And everybody was sure that somebody would do it.
48:01 Anybody could have done it.
48:03 But nobody did it.
48:04 Somebody got angry about this, because it was everybody's job.
48:08 Everybody thought anybody could do it.
48:09 But nobody realized that everybody wouldn't do it.
48:12 It ended up that everybody blamed somebody
48:14 when nobody did what anybody could have done.
48:16 I love it.
48:18 And that's the truth, if I never heard it,
48:19 it also reminds me of that beautiful song
48:22 that Lanny Wolfe wrote years ago.
48:23 I grew up listening to it and singing it in the church.
48:25 It tells the heart of the father as he's pleading,
48:30 My house is full.
48:34 But my field is empty.
48:37 Who will go in and work for me today.
48:41 I love that song.
48:42 Because it goes on to say it seems my children all
48:46 want to stay around my table,
48:50 but no one wants to work in my field.
48:56 No one wants to work in my field.
49:02 It's a beautiful song with beautiful music
49:04 and beautiful words.
49:05 But the message makes you almost want to go
49:07 my house is full.
49:09 And then you get to that part.
49:10 It's like oh, but my field is empty.
49:13 My children want to come into my synagogue,
49:16 they want to come into My house of worship.
49:18 They want to sit around My table,
49:20 but they don't want to go out
49:21 and they don't want to work in My field.
49:25 And you know a lot of Christians today
49:26 they have something that I like to call pew paralysis.
49:29 Pew paralysis, the condition brought on by an indifferent,
49:33 careless and lukewarm disposition.
49:35 One with pew paralysis is so overly comfortable
49:38 in their lackadaisical condition
49:40 that they slip into a spiritual paralytic state
49:43 to which the gospel message
49:45 they have been commissioned to share
49:47 has become stationary and immobile.
49:49 This person is content in warming a pew every week,
49:53 but thinks it's too difficult and challenging to do
49:55 any personal evangelism beyond the church walls.
49:59 And, Pastor, you know, as a pastor,
50:01 I know that many, many, many years of pastoring,
50:02 you've seen these type of Christians.
50:04 They are devoted to anything that's going on within those
50:07 four walls of a church building,
50:09 but they are too slow to go out and share
50:12 the gospel commission that God has given them.
50:14 Is that you? I hope that's not the case.
50:17 Because Jesus has given us a powerful commission.
50:20 He says, "Do you know Me?
50:22 Do you have a relationship with Me?
50:24 Have I done something good in your life?
50:27 Do you know Me and have come to know Me on a daily basis?
50:30 Have I been good to you?
50:31 Do you have a story that you can go tell someone
50:34 about Me and what I've done for you in your life?
50:36 "That's what the good news is.
50:38 It doesn't have to be some deep theological breakdown
50:41 of the Book of Daniel or Revelation,
50:42 or some deep theological dividing of the Word of God,
50:45 so that you can showcase how much
50:47 you know, it can simply be a wonderful, beautiful story
50:50 and how God has transformed your life,
50:53 how God has blessed you,
50:54 how God has bestowed upon you such a powerful blessing
50:58 that all you got to do is just go and tell someone.
51:00 When somebody is passing you in the grocery store,
51:02 they may say, "Hi, how are you?"
51:03 And maybe as simply as that, "I'm blessed, I am blessed."
51:08 And you know what I respond like that often
51:09 when somebody says, "Hey, brother, how are you?"
51:11 I can't complain, I'm blessed.
51:12 The Lord is good,
51:14 no matter what's going on in your life.
51:15 That's why I love to sing that song also that,
51:17 you know, I can't complain.
51:19 It's one of my favorite songs that God is so good to me
51:21 that I can't complain.
51:23 That is the gospel message that we serve a God who cares,
51:26 we serve a God who loves us.
51:28 Indeed, even the disciples,
51:29 when they came back from the cities,
51:31 they were in Samaria as Jesus had just completed
51:34 His conversation with the woman at the well.
51:36 And they come back
51:37 and they got the food and they say,
51:38 "Jesus, we brought lunch."
51:40 And He says, "That's okay, I've got food
51:41 that you don't even know about."
51:43 And I can imagine, as the Scripture says,
51:44 "They look around,
51:45 "But who brought this brother food?
51:47 Did He, did He pack a lunch?" And what did Jesus say?
51:48 John 4:34.
51:50 Pastor, I think you referenced this
51:51 before, in one of the previous lessons.
51:53 Jesus said to them, "My food is to do the will of Him
51:56 who sent me and to, "don't miss this part,
51:58 "and to finish His work."
52:01 God wants us to co-labor with Him,
52:04 with all of heaven with the angels
52:06 and all the kingdom of God,
52:08 co-labor with Him and helping to finish this work
52:11 to send this beautiful gospel commission to all the world.
52:14 That's a part of the great New Covenant message,
52:17 the part of the great New Covenant gospel message
52:20 is that Jesus is returning soon,
52:22 and He's coming back for people who are ready,
52:24 He's coming back for people
52:25 who have consecrated themselves to Him.
52:27 He's coming back for a people that He can take
52:29 to His kingdom that they can repopulate heaven
52:32 with from all those fallen angels that had fallen,
52:34 He wants to make you a part of that population.
52:37 Seventh-day Adventist,
52:39 I'm a Seventh-day Adventist Christian.
52:41 And Seventh-day Adventist Christians get their name
52:43 from a great and mighty work that God did all
52:46 the way back at the beginning in the origins,
52:49 and we started actually this study 13 weeks ago
52:52 at the origins talking
52:54 about the great Sabbath commandment
52:56 that the Lord had established, all the great work
52:58 that He had done, but yet He rested
52:59 on the seventh day,
53:01 He ceased from doing His work on the seventh day.
53:03 Seventh-day Adventist, what is your commission?
53:06 It's right there in your very name.
53:08 Just as God ceased from His work
53:11 and He finished His work,
53:12 we also need to rest
53:15 but also help the Father finish the work.
53:17 We've to co-labor with Him and help finishing the work.
53:20 Acts 1:8, do you have the Holy Spirit,
53:24 are you a spirit lead Christian?
53:25 Are we filled with the Holy Spirit
53:27 in these last days?
53:28 Because the Bible says that one indication
53:30 of how you know you are full of the Holy Ghost
53:32 is that you have received power
53:35 when the Holy Spirit has come upon you
53:37 that you shall be a witness to Me, He says,
53:39 in Jerusalem in all Judea, and Samaria,
53:42 and all the uttermost parts of the world
53:44 and to all the earth.
53:45 Are you filled with the Holy Spirit?
53:47 Are you fired up for Jesus to give that gospel commission?
53:50 Are you fired up for Jesus to tell the world
53:52 about what He has done for you?
53:54 I love, I love, love, love evangelism.
53:58 That's what I live for.
53:59 It's not something that I do.
54:01 Evangelism isn't an event on a calendar.
54:04 Evangelism isn't something that you,
54:06 you know, circle a particular day
54:07 on a calendar to say,
54:08 "This day, I've set aside to do this."
54:10 Evangelism is a way of life.
54:13 It's a way of existence.
54:14 It's just who I am. It's what I do.
54:16 Because I serve a mighty God
54:18 that I'm not worthy to even loose His sandals.
54:20 I'm not even worthy to even mention His name.
54:22 But I'll tell you, His name is Jesus.
54:24 And Jesus is coming back for people who are already.
54:27 Six volume of the Testimony, page 295,
54:29 someone must fulfill the commission of Christ,
54:32 someone must carry on the work which He began to do on earth.
54:35 And the church has been given this privilege.
54:38 Don't miss this next point.
54:39 For this purpose, it has been organized.
54:43 Did you catch that?
54:45 For the purpose of giving the commission of Christ,
54:48 sharing the gospel.
54:49 That is why the church has been organized for us to rise up,
54:54 band together in unity.
54:55 Pick up this Word of God and go share the good news.
54:58 The Gospel of Jesus Christ with the entire world.
55:01 Amen.
55:04 I think what Ryan is trying to say
55:06 is that the burden of uselessness
55:08 and pew paralysis will be resolved
55:10 if we accept the New Covenant and the new mission.
55:13 Thank you so much for that enthusiastic appeal
55:16 to those who are right now
55:18 on this trying hour of earth's history.
55:21 There is no need for inactivity,
55:23 the New Covenant is calling for a new commitment
55:26 to the mission of saving souls.
55:27 Jill, give us a summary of you.
55:29 This has been a beautiful lesson, hasn't it been?
55:30 Oh, it has, incredible lesson. What a gift, what a blessing.
55:33 My lesson Monday was Guilt-Free.
55:36 I don't know maybe you are feeling guilty,
55:38 maybe you are feeling that you have wandered far from God
55:41 and don't know if He can forgive you,
55:43 if He can restore you.
55:45 I want to assure you right now, that the Lord Jesus loves you
55:48 and He is extending to you the blood of Jesus and He says,
55:53 "Accept this, I will forgive and cleanse
55:56 and make you whole."
55:57 Amen. Jason?
55:59 I don't know if, you know, you know anything
56:02 about the heart transplant list or getting on a donor list.
56:06 But God wants to give you a new heart.
56:09 He wants to give you,
56:10 wants you to take advantage of the New Covenant.
56:13 And so if that's your desire today,
56:15 then I just ask that
56:16 you would ask Christ to come into your life
56:20 and enjoy the fullness of His joy.
56:23 Amen. Amen.
56:25 The Lord is just strongly impressing me
56:26 that I need to explain a Greek term,
56:30 and the term is eternal or everlasting.
56:34 In the Greek it is aionios and it is a relative term.
56:40 In other words, it is defined by what it is related to,
56:43 whatever it is, explaining, modifying.
56:48 So, when we use everlasting in connection
56:52 with God and things of God,
56:55 it means infinitely, without end.
57:00 But when you use everlasting, like the everlasting fire,
57:05 and it's talking about,
57:08 it's connected with mortal things
57:11 or people, that means it's just till it ends.
57:15 So in Jude 7, Sodom and Gomorrah
57:18 are a sign of everlasting fire.
57:21 That's the second death.
57:24 My house is full, my field is empty,
57:27 who will go and work for Me today.
57:29 The Father is calling us.
57:30 He's commissioned you to go out into the field.
57:32 That's right.
57:34 1 Peter, "For you are chosen generation, a royal priesthood,
57:38 a holy nation, His own special people.
57:40 The proclamation is to go therefore and proclaim
57:43 the praises of Him, who called us out of darkness
57:46 into this marvelous, marvelous light."
57:49 We have enjoyed sharing the covenant,
57:51 the promises of God is everlasting covenant.
57:54 We would like to invite you to join us
57:56 again next quarter when the lesson study
57:58 is going to be Rest in Christ.
58:02 Friends, the commission is for you,
58:03 we pray that you'll accept the New Covenant,
58:05 the Christ of the New Covenant,
58:07 and be a part of that New Jerusalem.
58:09 God bless you until we see you again.


Revised 2021-06-27