3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Free to Rest

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP210034S

00:01 Welcome to 3ABN's Sabbath School.
00:02 We're so glad that you're joining us
00:05 and hope you are enjoying this Adult Bible Study
00:09 that is all about Rest in Christ.
00:12 Today on lesson eight,
00:14 we will discuss Free to Rest
00:17 and explore the topic
00:18 of resting from pain and suffering.
00:22 Now if you don't have your study guide,
00:25 you can go to absg.adventist.org
00:31 and download that.
00:32 We encourage courage you to do that,
00:33 so you can follow along,
00:35 and we hope you have your Bible and your pen and pad
00:38 and take plenty of notes.
00:40 Come join us.
01:11 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn
01:13 and, oh, we've got a great study today.
01:16 It is called Free to Rest,
01:18 and we're so glad that you're joining us.
01:21 You know, we spend time studying the Word
01:23 so we can share with you.
01:25 We share with each other,
01:26 and we all benefit from learning
01:29 from one another.
01:30 Let me introduce the rest of your 3ABN family.
01:34 My dear sister, Jill Morikone.
01:36 Glad you're here. Thank you so much, Shelley.
01:38 Privileged to be here
01:39 and open up the Word of God together.
01:41 Amen. And my pastor, John Lomacang.
01:44 You know, not only do we love studying,
01:45 we love studying together.
01:47 And if you haven't gotten that yet,
01:49 we love each other
01:50 and this is just of great privilege.
01:52 Every time we get together to do Sabbath School,
01:54 it's like family all over again.
01:56 It's good to be here. It's fun.
01:58 And we're so glad that both Yvonne and Danny
02:01 are joining us again.
02:02 Yay. Oh, we're happy to be here.
02:04 Yes, great.
02:05 I don't think we've done any of these together, have we?
02:07 Maybe one. One ever.
02:09 It's fun. Yeah, it is.
02:11 Wow, I know you had fun studying together too.
02:13 Oh, we did. I learned from her.
02:15 Oh, no. I do.
02:17 We learn from each other.
02:19 Yvonne, would you like to lead us in prayer please?
02:20 Sure, Sure.
02:22 Dear Lord, we thank You so very much
02:24 for the privilege of coming together
02:26 to study Your Word and to share.
02:28 And we just pray for the presence and power
02:30 and anointing of Your Holy Spirit to be with us.
02:32 You are welcome in this place.
02:34 In Jesus' name we pray.
02:36 Amen. Amen.
02:37 Amen.
02:38 You know, when we think about God coming down
02:42 to be incarnated in the person of Jesus Christ.
02:46 He encountered a world
02:48 that was entangled in sin, caused death and sorrow.
02:54 And you know the interesting thing,
02:56 Jesus went from village to village.
02:59 And what He did was talked to people.
03:03 He preached the kingdom of the gospel,
03:05 and He healed them of all of their diseases.
03:09 And the people thronged around Jesus.
03:12 They followed Him and He healed them all.
03:15 Whether they were Jew or Gentile, rich or poor,
03:19 if they were male or female, young or old,
03:22 because the Bible teaches us that God shows no partiality.
03:28 He is not a respecter of persons.
03:32 So what happened,
03:34 Jesus demonstrated His power as God
03:39 over the physical realm as well as the spiritual realm.
03:44 That's good.
03:45 And this week we will explore the topic
03:48 of Pain and Suffering.
03:52 As we consider two very different cases
03:56 where Jesus healed,
03:58 one, the first man's symptoms were quite visible,
04:03 but he couldn't get to Jesus
04:04 without the help of his friends.
04:06 And then the second is a man
04:09 whose internal suffering
04:12 didn't manifest physical symptoms,
04:15 but God healed them both.
04:17 How do we find rest
04:20 when our prayers aren't being answered?
04:24 It's a good question.
04:25 There was a billboard outside of a church
04:31 and it said this,
04:33 "A teacher is always silent during the test."
04:38 The teacher has a close relationship
04:41 with their students
04:43 and they teach them
04:45 and they pour into them and pour into them.
04:47 But when it comes time for the test,
04:50 the teacher has to be silent.
04:51 That's good.
04:53 The memory text is from Psalm 27.
04:57 And I'm going to do something a little unusual.
05:00 In Psalm 27, I want to take a little bit deeper
05:03 because David is talking to himself
05:06 about the privileges of divine protection.
05:12 Then the next conversation
05:14 David is talking to God about his problems.
05:18 And then he ends up talking to himself
05:23 about perseverance.
05:25 So divine privileges,
05:27 the problems, and perseverance.
05:29 Our memory text is Psalm 27:1.
05:34 And here is the privilege of divine protection.
05:37 He said,
05:38 "The Lord is my light and my salvation,
05:42 whom shall I fear?
05:43 The Lord is the strength of my life,
05:46 of whom shall I be afraid?"
05:50 You know, darkness represents danger and fear,
05:54 but light dispels darkness.
05:57 Does it not?
05:59 And I love what Paul had to say,
06:01 "If God is for us, who can be against us?"
06:04 Because He who did not spare His only Son,
06:07 who gave Him up for us all.
06:09 How much more freely will He not give us all things?
06:15 Amen. Amen.
06:16 Now let's look at Psalm 27:5.
06:20 He says,
06:22 "For in the time of trouble,
06:24 He shall hide me in His pavilion.
06:28 In the secret place of His tabernacle,
06:30 He shall hide me.
06:32 He shall set me high on a rock."
06:36 You know, the story of how a mother hen
06:41 brings her chicks in under her wings
06:44 and hides them from danger.
06:47 And I think of the song in the scripture song.
06:51 You are my hiding place oh, Lord.
06:53 That's right.
06:55 You preserve me from trouble
06:56 and You surround me with songs of deliverance.
07:00 Now let's look at verse 7.
07:02 Psalm 27:7.
07:05 David says,
07:07 "Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice!
07:10 Have mercy also upon me and answer me."
07:15 And then David says,
07:16 "Lord, when you said, 'Seek My face,'
07:19 my heart said to you,
07:21 'Yes, Lord, Your face I will seek.'"
07:24 When we talk about God's face,
07:28 this is his personal presence.
07:32 And I have to tell you,
07:34 I've been through an 18-month ordeal myself,
07:38 and the first 16 months were horrific.
07:43 I found something very helpful.
07:48 When I know someone is in real difficulty,
07:52 I always pray that God will give them
07:54 a divine awareness of His presence.
07:57 He said He would never leave us or forsake us.
08:00 And we can say, "Yeah, I believe God's with me."
08:03 But when He gives a divine awareness,
08:08 it's different.
08:10 And I've always prayed that for everybody else.
08:11 Suddenly, I prayed it for myself
08:14 and it was precious.
08:17 As I would say,
08:18 "Lord, oh, give me
08:19 a divine awareness of Your presence."
08:21 And I felt all day long
08:23 I had this running conversation with Him.
08:26 And I know God lives in me.
08:28 He dwells in me
08:29 by the power of the Holy Spirit,
08:31 but it was as if His presence was tangible.
08:36 And I really knew that He was with me.
08:39 God's true children
08:41 want to have that intimate fellowship,
08:45 to seek His presence every day
08:48 and to acknowledge His presence.
08:51 Now this is what David says in verse 13.
08:56 He says,
08:58 "I would have lost heart
09:00 unless I had believed that
09:02 I would see the goodness of the Lord
09:03 in the land of the living."
09:05 That land of the living
09:06 is in contrast to the land of the dead,
09:08 the realm of the dead.
09:10 See, David expected God's blessing
09:13 while he was still living.
09:14 He trusted,
09:16 he was confident
09:18 God would get him through the trial.
09:20 Wasn't he?
09:21 And then he says in verse 14.
09:24 This is Psalm 27:14,
09:27 "Wait on the Lord, be of good courage,
09:32 and He shall strengthen your heart.
09:34 Wait, I say, on the Lord!"
09:38 It's not always fun to be in God's waiting room,
09:41 but He always shows up.
09:43 He always teaches us something as we wait on Him.
09:47 And the word wait here is...
09:50 It connotes
09:52 either a tense anticipation,
09:58 or an eager and patient anticipation.
10:02 And I think what we have to do is
10:04 pray, seek His face,
10:05 and just trust that He inclines His ear to us
10:09 when we cry out to Him.
10:10 All right, let's go to Sunday real quick.
10:13 Healing Rest is our lesson on Sunday.
10:16 You know, physical rest...
10:18 The cessation of all activities,
10:21 time to relax.
10:22 This is what helps us recover our strength,
10:25 but there's also a mental or spiritual rest
10:29 when we come to the Lord and cast our burdens on Him
10:33 and have a time of refreshing
10:36 either mentally and spiritually,
10:39 recognizing our total dependence upon God.
10:42 Now let me tell you something.
10:44 If you are going through sickness or surgery,
10:48 you've got to have both of those rest
10:50 in order to recover.
10:52 Your immune system cannot if...
10:55 You have to have the physical rest,
10:57 but you've got to have the spiritual and mental rest
11:02 and it's difficult.
11:03 It's difficult not to worry about your medical test
11:07 and what the results are.
11:09 What I found was difficult is when I was immobilized.
11:14 I kept thinking about what I should be doing.
11:17 All day long it was like,
11:18 "Oh, I should be doing this. I should be doing that."
11:21 And I couldn't.
11:22 So what we have to do is
11:25 just learn to lay those things aside
11:27 and rest in Christ.
11:29 In Luke 5:18-19,
11:32 our quarterly reads it from Mark...
11:36 Account from Mark Chapter 2.
11:38 But I want to go to Luke 5:18-19,
11:41 because I want to make a particular point.
11:44 It says,
11:45 "Some men came carrying a paralyzed man
11:48 on a sleeping mat.
11:50 They tried to take him inside to Jesus,
11:53 but they couldn't reach Him because of the crowd.
11:55 So they went up to the roof,
11:57 they took off some of the tiles
11:59 and they lowered the sick man on His mat
12:04 into the crowd right in front of Jesus."
12:10 I know Jill's probably going to talk about
12:12 the cause of physical illness.
12:16 Some people believe that
12:18 this man brought it on upon himself.
12:21 I just want to say,
12:22 let's be careful not to be blaming people
12:26 for this situation that they're in.
12:29 I will tell you though.
12:30 I remember once I was praying for a woman
12:33 who had lung cancer.
12:35 She came up to me and she said,
12:36 "Oh, pray for my healing. I've got lung cancer."
12:39 Oh, boy. I was praying.
12:41 I was claiming the promises of God,
12:44 and I've just prayed with all kinds of fervor
12:47 and all of a sudden, you know what I heard?
12:49 This is what was impressed upon my mind.
12:52 Who is this
12:53 that darkens my counsel with words without wisdom?
12:58 And you talk about stopping you in your track.
13:01 And I said, "What Lord?"
13:03 He said, "Ask her if she's smoking."
13:07 I didn't smell smoke on her.
13:10 I asked this woman, "Are you a smoker?"
13:14 She said, "Yes, three packs a day."
13:17 "Are you still smoking?"
13:19 "Yes."
13:22 And I said,
13:23 "If you are violating the health guidelines
13:26 God lays down,
13:28 if you're making yourself sick,
13:30 how can I pray and ask Him
13:33 to give you a miraculous healing
13:35 if you're not taking care of yourself?"
13:38 So there is disease
13:39 that can be brought on by wrong choices,
13:42 but pain and suffering came into this world
13:44 through the entrance of sin.
13:47 I want to read you something that really helped me.
13:50 Because if you're in a bad place,
13:53 if you have pain and suffering.
13:55 Someone sent this to me when I need like...
13:59 I mean, like the paralytic on the mat.
14:03 I needed stretcher bearers.
14:05 I was having a hard time praying for myself.
14:07 Here's what they sent.
14:09 This comes from Ministry of Healing,
14:11 page 251, verse 5.
14:13 "Often your mind may be clouded because of pain.
14:16 Then do not try to think.
14:18 You know that Jesus loves you.
14:20 He understands your weakness.
14:23 You may do His will by simply resting in His arms."
14:29 Amen. Thank you so much, Shelley.
14:31 What an incredible opening to our lesson, Free to Rest.
14:35 Shelley had the healing of the paralytic part one.
14:38 I have the healing of the paralytic part two.
14:41 When I think about Christ and His healing ministry,
14:45 as Shelley already laid such an incredible foundation.
14:48 Christ went about healing people
14:50 physically, mentally, emotionally,
14:53 but most importantly,
14:55 He was concerned about their internal salvation
14:58 and He healed people spiritually.
15:01 In the synoptic gospels,
15:02 there are 22 accounts of healing.
15:04 Fifteen of the 22 accounts
15:07 are to those marginalized by society.
15:09 Those people we would cast out, those people we might say,
15:13 "We're not sure they should be healed."
15:15 These are women, beggars, lepers, demoniacs,
15:19 those who were discriminated against
15:21 by the Jewish community.
15:24 Nine of those 22 accounts involve faith
15:27 in the healing process,
15:29 and we'll see that in our story here.
15:30 Let's turn to Mark.
15:32 Mark Chapter 2, we pick up the story.
15:34 Now reference before,
15:36 Mark tells us that Jesus had just healed a leper
15:38 just a couple of days before.
15:40 That story was broadcast so far and wide.
15:44 Jesus could no longer even enter the city.
15:47 His fame, as it were, had been broadcast.
15:51 He's very well-known and popular.
15:52 And the house He was in was so crowded
15:54 that the stretcher bearers,
15:56 as Shelley talked about,
15:57 took him up on the roof
15:59 and opened up the roof and let it down
16:01 because the house was too full
16:03 for them to bring the paralyzed man in.
16:07 So in Mark 2:5,
16:08 and I've divided our lesson today into four sections.
16:11 We have number one is the spiritual healing,
16:15 number two is the argument,
16:17 number three is the physical healing,
16:21 and number four is the takeaway lessons
16:23 that we have today.
16:24 So we do the spiritual healing,
16:25 the argument, the physical healing,
16:28 and then the lessons that we can have today.
16:30 So let's look at the spiritual healing.
16:32 Mark 2:5,
16:34 "When Jesus saw their faith,
16:36 He said to the paralytic,
16:38 'Son, your sins are forgiven you.'"
16:41 In Matthew 9:2, what does He say?
16:43 "Son, be of good cheer.
16:45 Your sins are forgiven you."
16:48 I see here Jesus' compassion on the paralytic.
16:51 He could have said,
16:53 "How did you get that way?
16:54 What did you do wrong?"
16:56 We might have avoided him.
16:57 We might not have associated with him
16:59 or thought that he deserved healing.
17:01 We might have criticized him,
17:02 but Jesus reaches out and says,
17:05 "Son, be of good cheer.
17:07 Your sins are forgiven you."
17:10 Now whose faith was this?
17:11 In Mark Chapter 2, it says, "When Jesus saw their faith."
17:17 Whose faith is exemplified?
17:19 Is it the paralytic's faith?
17:21 Is it the friend's faith?
17:23 I would submit to you, it's both.
17:25 The friends clearly showed faith
17:28 by bringing their friend to Jesus.
17:31 And the paralytic,
17:32 he clearly expressed faith as well.
17:35 Now, how is healing connected with sin?
17:38 This is an interesting conundrum
17:40 because first he says,
17:42 "When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic,
17:44 'Son, your sins are forgiven you.'"
17:46 Then later
17:47 we see the physical healing take place.
17:50 How is healing connected with sin?
17:52 How is it connected with forgiveness?
17:55 All sin, all sickness, all disease, all death,
17:59 as Shelley already talked about,
18:01 is a clear result of sin.
18:04 This world of sin that we live in,
18:06 it brings pain, it brings suffering,
18:09 it brings sickness, and it can bring death.
18:13 You see, if Jesus can take care of the effects of sin,
18:17 that's the physical healing.
18:18 He can surely take care of the cause of the illness
18:21 by forgiving the sin.
18:23 I think that forgiving sins and healing disease
18:26 are two sides of the same coin.
18:29 And that is the healing ministry of Jesus.
18:31 One side of the coin is healing disease.
18:34 That's physical disease.
18:35 The other side of the coin is that spiritual cleansing
18:39 that we need.
18:41 Jesus announced
18:42 the paralytic's forgiveness of sins
18:44 before he was physically healed,
18:46 before he went and offered a sacrifice in the sanctuary,
18:49 before he said anything.
18:51 It was faith that healed him.
18:55 Now Shelley referenced this about the causes of sickness.
18:59 I would submit to you,
19:00 at least in my study of the Word of God,
19:02 there are three causes of sickness.
19:04 First cause is the person themselves.
19:07 This would be like the smoker
19:08 that Shelley referenced in that story.
19:11 If you smoke, you can develop lung cancer.
19:14 That is a direct cause and effect.
19:17 This would be the...
19:18 What you do eventually works out in consequences.
19:24 The second cause of sickness
19:25 is the result of the world of sin we live in
19:28 and the outworking of the great controversy.
19:32 This would be the example of Job.
19:34 Remember the Bible says he was perfect before the Lord
19:37 and upright in all of his ways.
19:40 And yet there was this incredible sickness
19:42 that came upon him
19:43 and devastation
19:45 that was not necessarily a result of him.
19:48 That was the outworking of the great controversy
19:51 that God allowed.
19:53 The third cause of sickness
19:55 is that God can be glorified.
19:57 We see this in John Chapter 9.
19:59 Remember the man who was born blind.
20:00 And then disciple said,
20:02 "Who sinned?
20:03 Is that this man or was it his parents?"
20:05 And Jesus said,
20:06 "Neither. It's that God could be glorified."
20:11 Now let's look at the argument.
20:12 So Jesus did the spiritual healing.
20:14 He forgave His sins.
20:15 Then we see the argument, we're in Mark 2:6-9,
20:19 some of the scribes were sitting there.
20:21 They're sitting in the house where Jesus just healed
20:24 and reasoning in their hearts,
20:25 "Why does this man speak blasphemies like this?
20:28 Who can forgive sins but God alone?"
20:30 But immediately
20:32 when Jesus perceived in His Spirit
20:34 that they reasoned thus within themselves,
20:36 He said to them,
20:37 "Why do you reason about these things in your hearts?
20:39 Which is easier to say to the paralytic?
20:42 'Your sins are forgiven you?'
20:43 Or to say, 'Arise, take up your bed and walk.'"
20:46 You see, the issue wasn't
20:48 even whether Jesus could heal the paralytic.
20:50 The issue was whether Jesus had authority to forgive sins.
20:53 That was their sticking point in this whole discussion.
20:57 That would have made him divine
20:59 if He had authority to forgive sins
21:00 and they were not ready to accept that.
21:04 You know what?
21:05 It reminds me I can sit there and say,
21:06 "Well, why didn't they accept that?
21:08 Well, what's wrong with the scribes and Pharisees."
21:09 But it reminds me so many times in life today
21:13 that God does an amazing thing.
21:15 It can be a physical healing.
21:17 It can be a spiritual healing.
21:19 It can be a work of God
21:20 where something happens incredibly
21:23 and we sit on the sidelines and criticize.
21:26 We sit on the sidelines and say,
21:28 "What's going there?
21:29 Well, is that really the work of God?
21:31 I'm not really even sure what's going on."
21:33 So many times
21:35 do we play the part of the scribe or the Pharisee
21:38 and question when God has already showed up.
21:42 And God is working to bring a miracle.
21:46 Now let's look at the physical healing.
21:47 This is icing on the cake.
21:49 After he was spiritually healed,
21:51 his sins were forgiven.
21:53 We see the physical healing in verses 10-12.
21:56 We're in Mark 2:10-12,
21:58 "But that you may know
22:00 that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins.
22:03 He said to the paralytic,
22:05 'I say to you, arise, take up your bed,
22:07 go to your house.'
22:08 Immediately, he arose, took up the bed,
22:11 and went out in the presence of them all
22:13 so that all were amazed and glorified God saying,
22:16 'We never saw anything like this.'"
22:19 I want to say to you today
22:21 that God, the Creator God
22:22 that you and I serve, He can do anything.
22:25 I love Genesis 1:1.
22:28 "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."
22:32 That word created is bara in Hebrew.
22:36 And it literally means
22:37 the ability to create something from nothing.
22:40 So when there was nothing,
22:42 when this world was not in existence,
22:44 there was nothing.
22:45 God spoke and it happened.
22:48 The same word, it takes place in Psalm 51:10
22:51 where David says,
22:53 "Create in me a clean heart, oh God."
22:55 That word create, bara.
22:56 God can create
22:58 when your heart is dead and trespasses in sins.
23:00 When you are lost in addiction,
23:02 when you are far from God, He says,
23:04 "I'm gonna bara you.
23:06 I'm going to create in you a new heart.
23:09 And I'm going to renew in you a right spirit."
23:12 Only God can take a heart of stone
23:14 and make it a heart of flesh.
23:15 Only God can take what was dead and trespasses in sins
23:18 and make it new again.
23:19 Only God can restore in us the image of the divine.
23:23 Only God.
23:25 Look at God. Praise the Lord.
23:27 Now let's look at some lessons in closing.
23:30 Lesson number one,
23:31 don't expect little,
23:32 expect much in answer to the prayer of faith.
23:37 They expected physical healing.
23:38 That would have been incredible miracle,
23:40 but he received the impossible,
23:41 forgiveness of sins coupled with physical healing.
23:46 God can do anything.
23:48 Lesson number two,
23:49 don't try to do everything yourself.
23:51 Let other people bring you to Jesus if need be.
23:55 If you can't find the face of God,
23:57 if you cannot find Jesus,
23:59 let other people around you
24:02 point you back to the face of Jesus.
24:05 Lesson number three,
24:06 don't judge other people in their problems.
24:09 Help them reach out.
24:11 Be the friends of the paralytic and carry them to Jesus.
24:15 Finally, lesson number four,
24:16 don't get stuck on yourself as a leader.
24:19 Learn to recognize God's leading.
24:21 The common people,
24:23 they didn't doubt, they didn't question Jesus.
24:25 They just glorified God.
24:27 It was the religious leaders who doubted, questioned,
24:30 and accused Him.
24:32 So praise God, He can bara.
24:35 Hallelujah.
24:37 That was rich. Two-hander.
24:38 Yeah.
24:40 Praise the Lord.
24:41 You know, I...
24:43 You're an anointed teacher.
24:45 I just appreciate that so much.
24:47 We're gonna take a quick break.
24:48 We'll be right back.
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25:25 And now we're going to continue with Tuesday's lessons
25:28 with Pastor John Lomacang.
25:30 Well, I just...
25:31 I'm just bathing in the joy of what Jill just presented.
25:34 God bless you for your expository gift
25:37 that the Lord obviously gave to you.
25:38 Praise the Lord.
25:39 Praise the Jesus in you, as you would say.
25:42 I'm dealing with one called Running Away.
25:44 And although dear Jill dealt with the New Testament concept
25:49 or New Testament scenario,
25:51 we're going to the Old Testament
25:52 to a man who should have known better.
25:55 His name is Elijah.
25:57 Let's go to 1 Kings 19:1-5.
25:59 Now the context of this is Elijah, Ahab, Jezebel.
26:05 A man who stood firmly
26:07 for everything that God had given him
26:10 courage to communicate.
26:14 What happens the day after your greatest victory?
26:17 This is a story that reminds us
26:19 how we should trust God
26:21 in the mountain experiences as well as in the valley,
26:25 because most of us live in the valley
26:27 most of the time.
26:29 Elijah forgot the God of yesterday.
26:33 That's why his tomorrow was not as secure
26:36 as it could have been.
26:38 Let's look at the picture here in 1 Kings 19:1-5.
26:42 "And Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done,
26:45 also how he had executed
26:47 all the prophets with the sword.
26:49 Then Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah, saying,
26:53 'So let the gods do to me, and more also,
26:57 if I do not make your life
26:59 as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time."
27:05 Boy, you know, when a woman threatens you...
27:07 I gonna say, when a woman threatens you...
27:10 You're in trouble.
27:12 You're surrounded right now so...
27:13 I know, I got him...
27:15 You know, guys, when a woman threatens you...
27:17 Like one lady said,
27:19 "I don't say a whole lot,
27:20 but when I speak you better listen."
27:21 Jezebel had that problem.
27:23 I wouldn't even say gift,
27:25 but Jezebel didn't stand for anything.
27:28 But why would the man of God be threatened by a person
27:31 who was not standing with God?
27:34 Look at verse 3 of 1 Kings 19.
27:37 And when he saw that, he got the text.
27:41 "And when he saw that,
27:43 he arose and ran for his life
27:47 and went to Beersheba,
27:48 which belongs to Judah and left his servant there.
27:53 But he himself went a day's journey
27:55 into the wilderness
27:57 and came and sat down under a broom tree.
28:02 And he prayed that he might die and said,
28:05 'It is enough!
28:06 Now, Lord, take my life,
28:08 for I am no better than my fathers!'
28:11 Then he lay and slept under a broom tree.
28:14 Suddenly an angel touched him and said to him,
28:17 'Arise and eat.'"
28:19 And I like the way the story continues
28:21 because the Lord came...
28:22 And I love the way the King James Version says,
28:25 "What doest thou here? What doest thou here?"
28:30 Now the Lord fed him there,
28:31 but the Lord had to deal with him.
28:33 Elijah was no different than many of us
28:35 who deal with the topic of fear.
28:37 And as you know, there's an acronym,
28:38 false evidence appearing real.
28:40 Elijah ran from what really didn't exist.
28:43 Why would you fear man when God is on your side?
28:46 Paul says,
28:47 "If God before us, who can be against us?
28:50 But Elijah, a man that we all admire for his brilliance,
28:54 for his gifts and communicating strong messages
28:58 to anyone in apostasy,
29:00 yet he failed to stand firmly.
29:02 After...
29:03 Shortly after the greatest victory,
29:05 450 prophets all in apostasy.
29:08 The Lord responded to his humble prayer,
29:11 but he got a text from a woman named Jezebel
29:14 and ran for his life.
29:16 Let's find out what fear does to us.
29:18 Seven points, Jill, about fear.
29:22 One, our thoughts determine our character.
29:26 Ours thoughts shape the way we feel about ourselves.
29:30 Proverbs 23:7,
29:32 for as he thinketh in his heart...
29:34 Together everybody.
29:35 So is he. So is he.
29:37 As we think and know the reason it didn't say,
29:39 "As he thinks in his head."
29:41 By the time something gets from our head to our heart,
29:43 it's a deep-seated affection.
29:44 It's a deep-seated feeling.
29:46 It is burrowed itself into our emotion,
29:48 into our psyche.
29:50 That's why the writer, the wise man, Solomon says,
29:53 "As he thinks in his heart."
29:54 It's a deep-seated condition
29:57 that sometimes begin to take us over.
29:59 And some of you may have been in a place where you said,
30:01 "How did I get here?
30:03 Why am I focusing so much on this?"
30:05 Well, as we think, so we become.
30:09 I did a sermon once called,
30:10 you're not what you think you are,
30:12 but you are what you think.
30:16 Our thoughts determine
30:17 our disposition in our character,
30:19 but let's go further than that.
30:21 Our thoughts create imaginations.
30:24 Our thoughts create imaginations.
30:26 This is insightful.
30:28 This is an insightful point.
30:29 Genesis 6:5.
30:31 "And God saw that the wickedness of man
30:34 was great in the earth.
30:36 And that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart
30:40 was only evil continually."
30:42 Now let's not run past that familiar passage.
30:44 It didn't say that the things they did
30:46 were only evil continually.
30:48 It says their imaginations, their thoughts.
30:51 They were thinking evil, they were imagining evil.
30:55 It didn't say they perpetrated it.
30:57 It said their thoughts and their imaginations.
30:59 Can you imagine a person getting to the place
31:02 where their imaginations and thoughts
31:04 are only evil continually?
31:06 That's a complete disconnect from God.
31:09 Our thoughts create also our imaginations.
31:13 The third part is our focus.
31:16 The focus of our thoughts transform us.
31:19 Look at 2 Corinthians 3:18.
31:22 The focus of our thoughts transform us.
31:25 You'll be amazed when people...
31:28 You know, you see nowadays...
31:29 And, Danny, you know, on the sports page,
31:31 people go buy a Magic Johnson shirt
31:33 and they all of a sudden think they're Magic Johnson.
31:35 Well, the shirt doesn't transform you
31:37 to be anybody other than who you are.
31:39 And today we are so unique
31:41 that we look like everybody else.
31:43 But look at this.
31:45 The focus of our thoughts transform us.
31:46 2 Corinthians 3:18.
31:49 But we all with open face beholding as in a glass,
31:53 the glory of the Lord are changed
31:55 into the same image.
31:56 We are what? Changed.
31:58 Changed into the same image from glory to glory,
32:01 even as by the spirit of God.
32:03 And we know what that means.
32:05 By beholding, we become change.
32:07 You become what you focus on.
32:10 You become what consumes your imaginations
32:13 and your thoughts.
32:14 It is impossible to think like the world all week long
32:17 and think like Jesus on Sabbath morning.
32:19 It just doesn't happen that way
32:21 because there's something that happens psychologically.
32:23 There's something that happen in the neurons of your brains,
32:26 in the chemical transferences in your mind.
32:29 You start thinking worldly all week long.
32:31 You cannot turn that chemical off
32:33 and turn on the religious chemical
32:35 on Sabbath morning.
32:36 Watch out what you behold from Sunday to Friday,
32:39 so that you could behold Jesus on Sabbath.
32:43 Amen.
32:45 Y'all fell for that?
32:46 If you don't behold Jesus every day,
32:48 you're not gonna behold Him on Sabbath.
32:49 I didn't mean to do that to you all.
32:51 Oh, you tricked us. I tricked you.
32:53 You gotta behold Jesus every day
32:55 to behold Him on Sabbath, right?
32:56 Right.
32:57 Because on Sabbath morning
32:59 if you're not seeing Him every day,
33:00 Sabbath morning, who is he?
33:01 When folks are getting excited singing to God be the glory,
33:04 God who?
33:05 Because the thoughts that you create during the week
33:08 will follow you to church on Sabbath.
33:10 Okay.
33:11 Number four, I didn't mean to do that by.
33:13 Forgive me. You're good.
33:14 But it was just your imagination.
33:17 Number four,
33:19 injurious imaginations and thoughts can be defeated.
33:21 Let's look at the other side of that.
33:23 They can be defeated.
33:24 2 Corinthians 10:4-6,
33:27 "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal,
33:30 but mighty through God
33:31 to the pulling down of strongholds."
33:33 What?
33:35 "Casting down imaginations."
33:38 New King James, arguments.
33:40 "And every high thing
33:41 that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God."
33:45 Those imaginations can be brought down.
33:46 Praise the Lord.
33:48 "And bringing into captivity how many thoughts?"
33:50 Every thought.
33:51 "Every thought to the obedience of Christ
33:53 and having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience
33:59 when our obedience is fulfilled."
34:01 So those imaginations can be brought down
34:03 by bringing those imaginations and thoughts into the obedience
34:07 that is found only in Christ.
34:09 Number five,
34:11 ask God to reveal your thoughts and anxieties.
34:15 Don't try to find them. God will reveal them.
34:17 Psalm 139:23-24,
34:19 "Search me, oh God, and know my thoughts.
34:22 Try me and know my anxieties or my thoughts
34:24 and see if there be any wicked way in me and do," what?
34:28 "Lead me in the way everlasting."
34:31 The last two,
34:32 we have to consciously and repetitively
34:35 choose to leave the past behind.
34:40 Philippians 3:12.
34:42 Not that I have already attained,
34:44 or I am already perfected,
34:45 but I press on that I may lay hold of that
34:48 which for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.
34:52 I press on...
34:54 Sorry.
34:56 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended,
34:59 but one thing I do,
35:01 forgetting those things which we are where?
35:02 Behind.
35:04 Behind, reaching forward to those things
35:05 which are ahead.
35:07 I press toward the goal
35:08 for the prize of the upward call of God
35:10 in Christ Jesus.
35:12 And finally,
35:13 we have to consciously and repetitively choose
35:15 to refocus our thoughts,
35:17 whatsoever things are
35:18 true, honest, just, pure, lovely,
35:23 of a good report.
35:24 If there be any virtue, if there be any praise,
35:27 Philippians 4:8 says,
35:28 "Think on these things."
35:30 Amen. Amen.
35:33 It's a blessing. Thank you so much.
35:35 This is so rich, isn't it?
35:37 Well, I have Wednesday's lesson,
35:40 Too Tired to Run.
35:43 It opens with the statement.
35:45 "Elijah is too tired to run anymore.
35:50 He's now in the throes of depression.
35:53 He just wants to die.
35:54 So let's do a recap of this part of his journey.
35:59 First of all, Elijah was a courageous man.
36:02 He didn't normally run from conflict.
36:05 In fact, when given instructions by God to do so,
36:08 he would run into it.
36:10 He challenged Ahab three times.
36:13 His first challenge is found in 1 Kings 17:1,
36:17 where Elijah confronts Ahab
36:19 and pronounces a drought over the land.
36:22 This was a message of God's judgment,
36:24 and of Ahab and Israel
36:26 for their apostasy, and idolatry.
36:29 After proclaiming the drought,
36:31 the Lord told Elijah to get out of there
36:34 and hide by the Book of Cherith.
36:36 It was there that the Lord sent ravens
36:38 with food to sustain him,
36:41 and he had water from the brook to refresh him.
36:44 The second challenge is found in 1 Kings 18:1
36:48 where the Lord told Elijah
36:50 to present himself again to Ahab,
36:52 and he would send rain to end the drought.
36:54 This was three and a half years later.
36:56 So Elijah did just that.
36:59 On his way, he ran into Obadiah,
37:03 the one in charge of Ahab's house,
37:06 and a servant of the Lord.
37:07 Elijah told Obadiah to let Ahab know where he was.
37:11 So it was a kind of come and get me message.
37:15 Obadiah's response was basically,
37:17 "What have I done to deserve this,
37:19 if I tell Ahab where you are,
37:21 the Holy Spirit could come and whisk you away,
37:23 and Ahab will kill me."
37:25 He goes on to tell Elijah
37:27 that Ahab has been hunting for him everywhere.
37:29 And now he Obadiah
37:31 would be contributing to the wild goose chase?
37:34 No way.
37:36 But Elijah made a solemn oath,
37:38 that he wouldn't leave that spot.
37:40 And he honored his word. That's right.
37:42 So Elijah had Ahab come to him.
37:45 And then he verbally laid it on him
37:47 about his spiritual condition.
37:50 He goes on to tell Ahab to gather all of Israel
37:53 and the prophets of Baal, 450 of them,
37:56 and Asherah, 400 of them.
37:58 So there were 850 false prophets
38:01 who were provided for by Ahab's wife, Jezebel,
38:05 and he had them gathered on Mount Carmel.
38:08 It was there that the third challenge was given.
38:12 This time it was to Ahab and all of Israel.
38:17 And so, Elijah said,
38:20 "How long will you falter between two opinions.
38:23 If the Lord is God, follow Him,
38:26 but if Baal, follow him."
38:28 It's good.
38:29 He then went on to challenge
38:30 the prophets to let them attempt
38:32 to prove Baal sovereignty over that of YHWH,
38:37 whichever God brought fire down to consume the sacrifice,
38:41 that would be the true God.
38:43 The people were in agreement with that test.
38:46 Now, of course, we know how that test went.
38:49 The pagan priests were dancing around
38:51 calling on their god,
38:52 cutting themselves yelling and hollering
38:55 and nothing happened.
38:57 And then after a whole day of no results,
39:01 Elijah called the people to gather around him.
39:04 He built up the Lord's broken altar,
39:06 built an altar with 12 stones,
39:08 each one representing the 12 tribes of Israel.
39:11 He put the wood in order,
39:13 he cut up the bull that was being sacrificed,
39:16 doused it with water three times.
39:19 And then he made a trench around the altar
39:22 and filled it with water.
39:24 He then pray to the God of heaven and earth,
39:26 that He YHWH would manifest Himself
39:30 as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel,
39:33 and that he Elijah was his servant.
39:36 Did God show up?
39:38 You bet He did.
39:39 He did.
39:41 And in 1 Kings 18:38,
39:45 it says,
39:48 "Then the fire of the Lord fell
39:51 and consumed, the burnt sacrifice,
39:54 and the wood and the stones and the dust.
39:56 And it licked up the water that was in the trench."
40:00 I mean, the Lord had control of the situation.
40:05 The people acknowledge that God is certainly God.
40:09 Elijah then order the prophets of Baal
40:11 to be seized and executed.
40:13 And Ahab said nothing.
40:17 Now, Elijah was now in the driver's seat.
40:20 And he told Ahab to go home and eat and drink
40:25 because the rain was coming.
40:27 Elijah was now in control.
40:29 That's right. Right?
40:31 So here's where a lot of the running
40:32 in our lesson begins.
40:34 The Spirit of the Lord fell on Elijah
40:36 and he ran ahead of Ahab's horses,
40:39 from Mount Carmel to Jezreel,
40:41 17 miles of running ahead of the horses.
40:47 Ahab goes home and tells Jezebel,
40:49 and you mentioned this pastor.
40:51 Ahab goes home tells Jezebel all that Elijah had done
40:55 and she went ballistic.
40:57 She sends a message to Elijah,
40:59 then in 24 hours, he's a dead man.
41:02 Now let me just say this.
41:04 Jezebel like to play head games.
41:06 She was a manipulative, conniving, headstrong woman
41:10 who was determined to get whatever she wanted.
41:12 And she didn't care how she got it.
41:15 She could have just sent someone to tell Elijah.
41:17 Yeah.
41:19 That, you know, that she was angry with him.
41:20 But no, she preferred to try to get him into a tailspin
41:25 by giving him a deadline.
41:28 So Elijah ran again.
41:31 And this time it was to Beersheba.
41:33 90 miles south of Jezreel.
41:35 He left his servant in Beersheba.
41:37 And then went a day's journey into the wilderness,
41:40 where he had a meltdown.
41:43 It was there that he told the Lord
41:45 that he just wanted to die.
41:47 He felt like a failure.
41:49 And if we look at Numbers 11:15,
41:52 we see that Moses had a similar situation.
41:56 He was overwhelmed
41:57 by the task of caring for the children of Israel.
42:00 They were complaining to God
42:01 about not having any meat, just manna,
42:04 and Moses was fed up with the whole situation.
42:07 He asked God to just let him die.
42:11 I guess both Moses and Elijah felt as though if dead,
42:15 they would be relieved of the dire circumstances
42:17 that seemed to swallow them up.
42:19 But interestingly enough,
42:21 both were taken to be with the Lord.
42:23 Moses died 40 years,
42:25 after 40 years of wandering in the wilderness,
42:28 and he was resurrected.
42:29 But Elijah never died.
42:31 He was translated. Wow!
42:34 Isn't it interesting
42:36 that God will meet us at our weakest point?
42:40 He's there in the midst of our darkest hours
42:43 with strength and refreshment,
42:45 both physical and spiritual, as Jill had said,
42:48 YHWH sent an angel to Elijah who was sleeping.
42:53 Sometimes when you're depressed,
42:54 you just want to sleep it off, right?
42:57 Elijah was sleeping,
42:58 and the angel had prepared a cake
43:01 baked on coals and a jar of water.
43:03 Elijah ate and drank and lay down again.
43:06 The angel of the Lord came back a second time
43:09 and touched Elijah and said,
43:11 "Arise and eat
43:12 because the journey is too great for you."
43:15 I have three takeaways from this.
43:17 First of all, the Lord anticipates our needs
43:20 and orchestrates opportunities to meet them.
43:23 He sent the angel twice with food and water to Elijah.
43:27 The Lord Jesus Himself,
43:29 in John 21, after His crucifixion,
43:32 appeared to seven of His disciples.
43:35 They'd been fishing all night, hadn't caught anything.
43:37 And by the morning,
43:38 they were exhausted and hungry.
43:40 And they saw someone on the shore
43:41 who said to them,
43:43 "Children, do you have any food?"
43:45 They answered, "No."
43:47 And so then He told them to cast their nets out
43:50 on the right side of the boat, and they would find some,
43:53 they obeyed, and the net filled up with fish.
43:56 John, recognize
43:57 that it was Jesus who was talking to them
43:59 and Peter jumped into the water to swim to shore.
44:02 The Bible states in John 21:9, it says,
44:07 "Then, as soon as they had come to land,
44:10 they saw a fire of coals there,
44:13 and fish laid on it, and bread."
44:16 And then in verse 12, Jesus says,
44:18 "Come and eat breakfast."
44:21 Point number two.
44:23 The Lord knows what we need
44:24 in order to sustain us
44:26 in times of weakness and despair.
44:29 We need a touch from God to make it through.
44:32 And number three,
44:33 the Lord knows
44:35 when the journey is too great for you.
44:37 And He sends angels to help you.
44:40 From Beersheba,
44:41 Elijah went another 40 days and 40 nights
44:44 to Mount Sinai,
44:45 which would have been another 160 to 220 map miles
44:50 over rugged terrain.
44:52 It would be 20 days of ordinary walking
44:54 and climbing 7000 feet
44:56 to the jagged peak of Mount Sinai.
44:59 It took 40 days averaging 10 miles per day.
45:03 The food and water that Elijah received from the angels
45:06 sustained him for the duration of this journey.
45:10 So you need to know when you're too tired to run,
45:14 YHWH, the self existent one will come through for you.
45:18 You need to know that El Gibbor Milchamah,
45:21 the Lord God mighty in battle will fight the battle for you.
45:25 You need to know that Ha'El hanne'eman,
45:28 the faithful God will be faithful to you.
45:31 You need to know that El Shaddai, the Almighty God
45:34 who is mighty in every way
45:36 to carry out everything that He promises.
45:40 He will be there for you.
45:41 You need to know that El Yeshuati,
45:44 the God of my salvation will save you.
45:48 When we're too tired to run, God will carry us.
45:51 Amen. Praise the Lord.
45:53 I'm glad you ended it that way.
45:55 Because I was getting worn out
45:56 just listening to all the running
45:58 that Elijah was doing.
46:00 He would have been a great triathlete, John.
46:02 Yeah.
46:04 Absolutely.
46:05 Well, my part to end here is, Rest and More.
46:07 So it's kind of an overview.
46:09 And my first takeaway from this lesson is
46:11 God, I've always said from the beginning,
46:13 3ABN and God uses us in spite of us.
46:16 That's right.
46:17 But now as I look closer
46:19 at all these great leaders in the Bible, like Elijah,
46:23 I'd say, it's wonder He uses any of them,
46:25 including His fellows,
46:27 I mean, for crying out loud.
46:28 Here's a guy that's on top of the world, right?
46:31 And he's literally doing all these things.
46:34 And then what's he do? He runs.
46:35 Yes.
46:37 When it comes to him, he was okay.
46:38 We're like putting God out there.
46:39 But then when it came, "I'm threatened,"
46:41 you know, my life, I'm getting out of here.
46:43 So it's interesting.
46:45 But the beauty of this is
46:46 discoveries that God's willing to use
46:48 any of us frail human agents.
46:49 All we have to do is
46:51 submit and commit our lives to God
46:53 and then simply say, Lord, here I am, send me.
46:56 God wants to do, use you in great and mighty areas.
47:00 The Bible says the fields of harvest
47:02 there are wide unto harvest,
47:04 but the reapers, where are they?
47:06 So there's plenty of room, you don't have to worry about,
47:08 well, maybe there's not enough room,
47:10 there's nothings I can do.
47:12 No, God has a great work for you.
47:14 Now, getting back to Elijah,
47:16 God knows that all the running had made Elijah tired,
47:19 you have gone over that.
47:21 He knows more than being physically tired.
47:24 Elijah was emotionally, he was, he was drained.
47:26 Yes.
47:27 And I mean, he was carrying
47:28 a tremendous load of guilt also,
47:30 'cause he has to know he felt like a failure.
47:32 God, you know, I did all this stuff for you.
47:35 And now I failed everybody.
47:37 So you know, like Jesus would do for the paralytic,
47:40 many years later,
47:42 God wipes the slate clean and provides rest for Elijah.
47:46 Isn't that just like a loving God?
47:48 He can wipe our slate clean no matter what it is.
47:51 So he can really, now Elijah can sleep,
47:54 he can be refreshed.
47:56 We would expect this to be
47:57 the kind of maybe the end of the story,
47:59 but it isn't.
48:01 You know why? Because God still has work.
48:02 You may be thinking,
48:04 "Well, I'm older now I'm past my prime.
48:07 You know, I don't know if God can use me anymore or not."
48:10 But I want to tell you something.
48:11 As long as there's breath, there's hope, God can use you.
48:14 Now, the devil may have told him
48:16 that he had failed God
48:17 and he was past his prime.
48:19 But the devil knows,
48:20 when you are mentally and physically worn out,
48:23 you don't think straight.
48:25 So what he does?
48:26 He tries to get us and those of us in ministry,
48:29 we can do that.
48:30 We can run ourselves silly, right?
48:32 Going here and there and doing all that we can do.
48:35 And then suddenly we don't think straight,
48:37 so we're easy prey for the devil.
48:39 So we have to learn to rest in Jesus
48:43 emotionally, physically, other in all ways actually.
48:48 So he will tell you, the devil will tell you.
48:50 You've past your prime, you're too old.
48:52 You're talentless to work for the Lord,
48:55 but don't believe it.
48:56 It's all a lie.
48:57 As long as there's breathe in us,
48:59 there's hope, right?
49:00 There's something for us to do.
49:02 I put here at 70 I may be past my prime in a number of things.
49:05 But I refuse to let the devil tell me
49:07 that I'm past my prime
49:09 when it comes to serving the Lord.
49:10 How about you? Amen.
49:11 That's right. All right.
49:13 so now when I was much younger, and in fact into my 50s,
49:16 I could do backward handsprings.
49:18 I could go do a round off
49:20 and do three backward handsprings.
49:21 I used to do to the kids over here in the gym
49:23 and they loved.
49:25 Walk on my hands all the way across the,
49:26 which I can still do a little bit of that
49:28 to gym floor,
49:29 I could just stand still and do backward flips.
49:32 That's all past. I don't need that.
49:34 But working for the Lord,
49:35 I'm excited that God's willing to use any of us
49:39 willing to be used.
49:40 Now I hit, used to be the young man dream dreams
49:42 and the old man visions.
49:44 I don't know where it is,
49:45 Yvonne, I mean, you're busier,
49:47 seems like that we've ever been for the cause of God,
49:49 and I want you to know that God wants to use you
49:52 in great and mighty and marvelous ways.
49:54 We don't have to sit under that tree and say,
49:56 "Oh, Lord, I've messed up."
49:58 Yeah, you've messed up.
50:00 I guarantee you have, I don't know you.
50:01 But I know you messed up.
50:03 Everybody in these great Bible characters
50:05 all messed up.
50:06 But you know what?
50:07 God is willing to clean our slate also.
50:09 Isn't that beautiful? Amen.
50:11 Yes. I'll tell you what?
50:12 I'm so thrilled when I read this.
50:14 I see all the deficiencies.
50:16 But I see that we serve a God
50:19 who supplies every need, who heals every problem,
50:23 and who gives us rest.
50:25 We can go to Him. It's no accident.
50:26 He said, every seventh day come aside, take a rest.
50:29 He knows physically, mentally and spiritually, we need that.
50:34 So it's interesting that
50:36 after everything Elijah had seen God do
50:38 to prove He's the only true God
50:40 that he would actually lose his faith.
50:42 You say, how can you do it?
50:43 But some of you brought out, hey, don't judge, right?
50:46 We shouldn't be judging somebody else.
50:48 And, Yvonne, you covered his long trek,
50:50 it wore me out.
50:52 Hearing how this guy was running
50:54 and he was too weak to continue.
50:56 The angels had to feed him and all of that.
50:59 And so somewhere down here, I put, you know what?
51:01 If you're going to run, don't run away from God,
51:04 run into His sheltering arms.
51:06 Yes.
51:07 That's what we need to be in the sheltering arms of God.
51:09 Because if you're running away,
51:10 you're headed towards the devil, right?
51:12 So we don't, we don't want to do that.
51:14 Ellen White says, in Patriarchs and Prophets,
51:19 of Prophets and Kings, I'm sorry,
51:21 "Elijah should not have fled from his post of duty,
51:24 he should have met the threat of Jezebel
51:27 with an appeal for protection
51:29 to the one who had commissioned him
51:30 to vindicate the honor of Jehovah.
51:33 Had he remained where he was,
51:35 had he made God his refuge and strength,
51:39 standing steadfast for truth,
51:41 he would have been shielded from all these harm.
51:44 So here, you said earlier,
51:46 we bring on a lot of our own problems,
51:49 because lack of trust.
51:51 So just look at all the wear and tear
51:53 mentally and physically on Elijah's body.
51:56 And all of that running
51:57 you describe could have been hundreds of miles.
51:59 He did it all into order to protect
52:01 or defend themselves,
52:03 instead of allowing the Lord to be his shield and buckler.
52:06 We all do it. It's all the same.
52:08 But somehow, it's encouraging to me
52:11 that we can look at these Bible characters
52:13 and in spite of all their frailties,
52:15 God used them time and time again.
52:17 So when you fail, when I fail, I come...
52:20 I'm not here today setting 30, nearly 37 years later,
52:23 because I've succeeded.
52:25 I've done great things.
52:27 I have failed miserably many times.
52:28 But you know, what?
52:29 What's the options?
52:31 Your option is I can quit
52:32 or I can say, Lord, please forgive me.
52:34 Create in me a new heart, mind,
52:36 give me a new vision, and go forward.
52:38 Now I promise you
52:40 God wants to do that for you today.
52:41 You know why?
52:43 Heaven is not heaven till God's children are there.
52:45 And so the Lord is waiting on us
52:47 to perfect His character within our lives.
52:50 So He can come back for a purified bride,
52:52 and a purified children.
52:54 I'm getting all excited about here
52:55 and I'm getting away from my,
52:57 getting away from my notes here.
53:01 But here's another statement I want to read.
53:03 I couldn't leave this out.
53:04 Prophets and Kings,
53:06 "Not in mighty manifestations of power,
53:09 but by a still small voice,
53:11 did God choose to reveal himself
53:13 to His servant."
53:14 So many times, we want this big outward sign,
53:18 you know, Lord came in an earthquake
53:20 or the earthquake came, the Lord was in it.
53:22 The fire came and the Lord was in it.
53:24 You know, all this hurricane or the wind, He was in it.
53:28 So it reminded me honestly many churches
53:31 that I've been in the past.
53:33 Not Adventist churches,
53:34 but you go there,
53:35 and the whole service
53:37 is nothing but loud bang, and clap and shouting,
53:39 you know, bringing all of their stuff.
53:41 And sometimes I wonder,
53:42 where's the Lord in all of that.
53:43 What he says is be still, be quiet once in a while.
53:47 How are we going to know God's will in our life,
53:50 we can't know by telling Him by talking all the time
53:52 by looking for great signs and wonders,
53:55 that still small voice and that's what He listened.
53:58 So she says,
53:59 Not in mighty manifestations of divine power,
54:02 but by a still small voice,
54:04 did God choose to reveal himself to His servant.
54:08 He desired to teach Elijah,
54:10 that it is not always the work
54:11 that makes the greatest demonstration
54:13 that is most successful in accomplishing His purpose,
54:16 not by eloquence, or logic or man's hearts reached,
54:20 but by the sweet influences of the Holy Spirit.
54:24 Isn't that beautiful?
54:25 Which operate quietly, yet surely in transforming
54:29 and developing character.
54:31 We should not always look for big signs
54:33 to know that God is with us.
54:35 Let's listen and see what God has for us to do.
54:39 He says,
54:40 "Go ye into all the world. All power is given Me."
54:43 Matthew 20:18-20.
54:45 I've said it for years, Go ye therefore.
54:47 And that's exactly our Ellen White says
54:49 our greatest asset is our own personal testimony
54:53 of what God has done for us.
54:55 Don't be discouraged.
54:56 Never give up.
54:58 In fact, I'll close with this several years ago,
55:00 a few years ago, I wrote this song.
55:02 And it's called
55:03 "Don't give up, heaven's on your side,
55:04 when your burden seems so heavy,
55:06 that you struggle
55:08 just to make it through the day.
55:09 And when it seems the world's against you,
55:11 and there's no one to defend you.
55:13 And you're tempted to give up and walk away.
55:16 Chorus says, don't give up, heaven's on your side.
55:19 Jesus shed His blood and for you He died.
55:22 Now He's ever interceding at God's mercy seat and throne.
55:25 Don't give up, heaven's on your side.
55:28 Oh, there's joy in real salvation.
55:29 And you can cope with situations
55:31 that come your way,
55:33 for God knows the pain you're feeling
55:36 and He knows your broken heart.
55:38 He is healing, He's healing
55:39 and you have the strength to face another day.
55:42 For God's love is everlasting.
55:44 He'll not leave you or forsake you along the way.
55:47 You can trust in His salvation.
55:48 You can go through tribulation,
55:50 with the peace and joy that follows come what may.
55:53 Don't give up, heaven's on your side.
55:55 Jesus shed His blood for you, He died.
55:57 Now He's ever interceding at God's mercy seat in throne.
56:01 Don't give up.
56:02 Heaven's on your side.
56:04 Amen.
56:05 Thank you all so much for beautiful lessons.
56:07 We only have about a minute and a half
56:09 for a short closing comment.
56:11 Just want to say if you feel paralyzed,
56:13 if you feel helpless,
56:15 come to Jesus, and He can restore you.
56:18 On the flip side,
56:19 if you have friends who are paralyzed,
56:21 bring them to Jesus.
56:23 Amen. And that's right.
56:24 If you're gonna run come boldly before the throne of grace
56:27 that you may obtain mercy
56:30 and find grace to help in God's time of need.
56:34 And when you're too tired to run,
56:36 and when you feel as though
56:38 you just can't make it another step,
56:40 cast your cares upon Jesus
56:41 because He cares so much for you.
56:45 Jesus is there waiting for you with open arms.
56:48 And all we have to do is
56:49 accept Him as Lord and Savior of our life
56:52 by admitting that we're sinners.
56:53 Say yes, Lord, I'm a sinner.
56:55 Ask Him to forgive you from your sins.
56:57 He says, He will cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
57:01 We have a great future ahead.
57:03 Don't be discouraged.
57:04 Heaven's on your side.
57:06 Amen and amen.
57:07 Thank you all for the,
57:09 your investment of time in this study
57:11 and just for following the guidance of the Lord.
57:14 We hope that you have been blessed at home.
57:18 Next week we will be studying lesson 9
57:21 Rhythms of Rest.
57:24 My thought that I want to leave you with is this.
57:28 Maybe you're in God's waiting room.
57:30 Maybe you're in pain or suffering.
57:32 Just remember how much Jesus loves you.
57:36 Just remember
57:37 that He understands you are but does.
57:40 He knows everything about you.
57:43 And when your mind is clouded with pain,
57:45 whether it's physical or emotional pain,
57:49 you can just calm lay your head on His chest
57:53 and rest in His everlasting arms.
57:56 Bye-bye.


Revised 2021-08-19