3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Longing for More

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP210037S

00:01 Welcome to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:03 We are studying this quarter, Rest in Christ.
00:08 And our Adult Bible Study Guide is available.
00:13 If you don't have one,
00:14 go online to ABSG.Adventist.org
00:19 so that you can follow along with us
00:22 and study some in advance even.
00:24 And what we're going to present today
00:28 is Longing for More.
00:30 It's a wonderful study and we're glad you're with us.
01:03 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn.
01:05 And we are excited
01:06 to be getting deep into this study today,
01:09 Longing for More.
01:10 And we welcome you, hope you had your Bible
01:13 and a pen and pad.
01:14 Let me introduce the 3ABN family
01:16 that will be presenting today, Pastor John Lomacang.
01:20 Good to be here.
01:21 And once again, we are going to learn as we present.
01:25 Amen.
01:26 And then, my precious sister, Jill Morikone.
01:28 Thank you, Shelley, privileged to be here
01:30 and open up God's Word.
01:32 Then we have Pastor Kenny Shelton.
01:35 Always good.
01:36 I give God praise and honor
01:38 for the opportunity and privilege.
01:39 Amen!
01:41 And Pastor John Dinzey.
01:42 It's an honor and a privilege to be here as well.
01:44 And I'm looking forward to this study.
01:45 Oh, I'm looking forward to learning from each of you.
01:48 Jill, would you have our opening prayer please?
01:51 Holy Father, we come before You in the name of Jesus.
01:53 This is Your time, this is Your Word.
01:56 And we asked for the outpouring
01:58 and infilling of Your Holy Spirit.
02:00 Would You speak to us just now?
02:02 In Jesus' name, amen.
02:04 Amen.
02:05 Amen and amen.
02:07 Longing for More, how many of us are not?
02:10 Our memory text comes from 1 Corinthians 10:6,
02:15 and here, Paul's giving a brief history
02:18 of those whom God had redeemed
02:21 and brought out of bondage of slavery in Egypt.
02:25 And he briefly rehearses what they went through
02:28 on their 40-year journey in the desert.
02:32 And what happened is God redeemed these people,
02:37 brought them in covenant,
02:39 and then they broke covenant with God,
02:41 and they failed to enter into the Promised Land.
02:44 That's so sad.
02:45 So the memory text says, "Now these things..."
02:49 This is 1 Corinthians 10:6, and this is from the ESV.
02:54 "Now these things took place as examples for us,
02:59 that we might not desire evil as they did."
03:04 What does he mean as examples?
03:06 A good example of this kind of relationship
03:09 comes from Hebrews 8:5,
03:11 "They," the priests of the Old Testament temple service,
03:16 "serve as a copy and a shadow of the heavenly things.
03:21 For when Moses was about to erect the tent,
03:24 he was instructed by God,
03:25 'See that you make everything according to the pattern
03:30 that was shown you on the mountain.'"
03:34 So what we're going to be presenting this lesson
03:39 is it highlights the direct links
03:43 between earthly models or copies,
03:46 and heavenly realities.
03:49 In Exodus 25:10, God told Moses,
03:55 build the sanctuary according to the pattern
03:58 that I showed you on the mountain.
04:02 And so, all of the earthly sanctuary, all of the rituals,
04:07 the procedures, these were types, they were symbols,
04:12 they were models, if you were,
04:14 examples of what was going on in heaven.
04:18 And we know that right now,
04:20 Jesus is our high priest in the heavenly sanctuary.
04:25 So with this in mind, we can better understand
04:28 what Paul was talking about
04:31 in 1 Corinthians 10.
04:35 Now Sunday's lesson is baptized into Moses.
04:38 And I'm just going to say this, I got to back up a little bit
04:41 because you can't understand 1 Corinthians 10,
04:46 unless you read the verses immediately preceding it.
04:50 And you know, when the Bible was written,
04:52 there was no division of verses and chapters,
04:56 so it's all one story.
04:59 In 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 is where we will begin.
05:04 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, Paul says, "Do you not know
05:10 that those who run in a race all run,
05:13 but one receives the prize?"
05:16 Then he says,
05:17 "Run in such a way that you may obtain it.
05:20 And everyone who competes for the prize
05:23 is temperate in all things.
05:26 Now they do it,"
05:27 they're temperate,
05:29 "to obtain a perishable crown,
05:31 but we for an imperishable crown.
05:36 Therefore, I run thus, not with uncertainty.
05:40 Thus I fight, not as a shadow boxer,
05:44 not as one who beats the air,
05:46 but I discipline my body and I bring it into subjection,
05:50 lest, when I have preached to others,
05:54 I myself should become disqualified."
05:59 Paul ran a disciplined life.
06:02 And I want to tell you something,
06:03 the Christian life is not a sprint,
06:06 it's a marathon.
06:08 He ran in a serious way,
06:11 because he didn't want to be a castaway.
06:14 He wanted to obtain the prize.
06:17 And now Paul transitions to illustrate
06:21 how the lack of self-discipline
06:24 can lead to disqualification for God's covenant people.
06:30 And, you know, the Bible clearly says in several places,
06:34 God says that He keeps covenant
06:37 with those who keep covenant with Him.
06:40 So let's look at 1 Corinthians 10:1.
06:43 1 Corinthians 10:1, "Moreover..."
06:47 Considering these things that you need to run,
06:50 and be temperate and run to obtain the prize.
06:54 "Moreover, brethren,
06:55 I did not want you to be unaware
06:57 that all of our fathers were under the cloud,
06:59 all were passed through the sea"
07:02 Christ's presence,
07:03 He was the angel of the covenant
07:05 that went with them,
07:06 Christ's presence, the angel of the Lord,
07:10 He was a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.
07:14 And when they got to the Red Sea,
07:17 He opened it for the Hebrew children
07:20 to pass through on dry ground,
07:22 and then He closed it on the Egyptian army,
07:25 and they drowned.
07:27 So 1 Corinthians 10:2 says,
07:29 "All were baptized into Moses
07:34 in the cloud and in the sea."
07:38 I believe this word baptized here
07:40 is used in a metaphorical sense.
07:43 They didn't get wet going through the sea.
07:46 But the people were immersed in Moses' authority
07:51 and his divine leadership.
07:55 It indicates oneness, solidarity,
07:59 with Moses as their leader.
08:01 And, you know, in Romans 6:3, it says, "Do you not know
08:06 that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus
08:11 were baptized into His death?"
08:14 See, this is a symbolic thing, being baptized in Christ
08:17 means we were supposed to take the same cup, die to self.
08:22 And He says in Galatians 3:27,
08:25 "As many as you who were baptized into Christ,
08:29 you've put on Christ."
08:31 We recognize Christ's authority.
08:34 We are supposed to become one with Him.
08:37 When we're united with Christ,
08:39 we place our saving faith in Him and there's a miracle
08:44 of a spiritual union with Christ,
08:47 when we're thinking the union of His death,
08:51 and the union of His resurrection.
08:54 And then guess what?
08:55 Positionally, we are, then, we stand up
08:59 and we're standing in the righteousness of Christ.
09:02 We put on Christ's righteousness.
09:06 But if you're saying you're clothed
09:08 with Christ's righteousness, guess what?
09:10 Your conduct should show it.
09:13 That's what we,
09:14 it should be practical before men.
09:17 So what water baptism is?
09:20 And people will ask me sometimes,
09:22 do you think water baptism is important?
09:24 Absolutely!
09:26 It's a commandment.
09:27 Jesus said, "Go make disciples,
09:30 baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son
09:32 and the Holy Spirit."
09:34 And it depicts this reality of what has happened,
09:39 that we've died to self, we're buried with Christ,
09:42 and we come up to live in newness.
09:44 But now listen to what He says in 1 Corinthians 10:3,
09:48 all, he was talking to those Hebrew children
09:51 who came out in the Exodus,
09:52 "All ate this same spiritual food."
09:56 The giving of the manna
09:59 was provided as by the spiritual power of God,
10:04 we could say.
10:05 Spiritual food, there was no other food for them to eat,
10:08 they were dependent
10:10 upon what God gave them directly.
10:14 And manna fell from heaven
10:16 sufficient for each day's need.
10:21 The only time that there was something different
10:25 was on preparation day, a double portion.
10:28 Praise God.
10:29 So they wouldn't have to go out and gather on Sabbath.
10:33 But get this,
10:35 if they refused to eat the manna,
10:39 they would have perished.
10:40 Yeah, that's right.
10:42 And Jesus said, "I am the bread of life."
10:44 That's right.
10:45 The Word of God is compared to bread.
10:50 And if we don't partake of it,
10:52 we will not partake of Jesus.
10:56 In Matthew 4:4, He said, "Man shall not live by bread alone,
11:00 but by every word that comes from the mouth of God."
11:03 And He sustains us by His mighty word of power.
11:07 1 Corinthians 10:4, says,
11:09 "All drank from the same spiritual drink,
11:13 for they drink of that spiritual Rock
11:16 that followed them."
11:18 We don't have to guess what he's saying,
11:20 because Paul says, "That Rock was Christ."
11:23 God first instructed Moses to strike the rock,
11:28 and the water came forth after that,
11:30 it was only to be struck once, right?
11:32 After that he was supposed to speak to the rock.
11:36 And the rock is what...
11:39 You know, there is a Jewish legend
11:41 that the actual rock followed them in the desert,
11:44 but we know who that rock is.
11:47 It was the pre-incarnate Christ,
11:50 who never left them or forsake them.
11:53 All of God's dealings with His covenant children
11:56 and fallen humanity have been through Christ.
11:59 So He is the living water that will quench our thirst.
12:05 I love what Jesus said in John 7:37-39,
12:09 John 7:37 begins,
12:11 and Jesus, it says, "On the last day of the feast,"
12:13 that great day of the feast,
12:15 "Jesus stirred and He cried out, saying,
12:18 'If anyone thirst, let him come to Me and drink.
12:24 He who believes Me, as the Scripture has said
12:28 out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.'"
12:34 What is He referring to?
12:35 Well, he describes it.
12:37 Paul explains in verse 39, "But this He spoke concerning,"
12:41 excuse me, this is John that's explaining,
12:44 "This he spoke concerning the Spirit,
12:46 whom those believing in Him would receive,
12:49 for the Holy Spirit was not yet given
12:51 because Jesus was not yet glorified."
12:55 But now 1 Corinthians 10:5 says,
12:58 "With most of them God was not well pleased for their bodies
13:02 were scattered in the wilderness."
13:04 Actually, I think that's an understatement.
13:08 They all died except for Joshua and Caleb
13:11 are the only two people who were over the age at 19,
13:15 who got to enter with the next generation
13:17 into the Promised Land.
13:18 They died in the desert because of their failure
13:21 of self-discipline and their indulgence
13:24 of their every desire.
13:25 Paul says in 1 Corinthians 10:6,
13:28 "These things have become our examples,
13:30 to the intent that we should not lust
13:33 after evil things as they lusted."
13:37 So what he's doing, and I'm not going to get finished here,
13:40 but what he's doing is corresponding
13:43 their behavior, as types as warnings,
13:47 as patterns as models and examples.
13:50 This is a sobering illustration
13:53 of the misuse of freewill.
13:57 It's an example, a tupos in the Greek,
14:01 a type or pattern of behavior
14:04 and it's an example to be shunned.
14:07 Okay.
14:08 Thank you, Shelley.
14:10 Wow.
14:11 It's nice that we're focusing on the sanctuary
14:13 in this lesson, because the sanctuary
14:15 is the symbolic place where all the things we've talked about,
14:19 as the Bible says, "Your way, O, Lord is in the sanctuary."
14:23 And as Shelley brought out in Exodus 25:8,
14:27 the Lord said, "Let them make me a sanctuary
14:29 that I may dwell among them."
14:31 But I want to point out some things
14:32 about the Old Testament symbols,
14:35 rituals and sacrifices, as compared
14:38 to how the New Testament reflects on,
14:41 in other words shines a brighter light on that.
14:44 You know, the writer points out on the Monday's lesson
14:47 entitled Rituals and Sacrifice.
14:49 And read what they pointed out in the very beginning, it says
14:51 the Old Testament system of ritual and sacrifices
14:55 such as found in Leviticus offers more examples
14:59 of what we saw yesterday, that is in the prior lesson.
15:04 Old Testament symbols pointing to New Testament truths
15:09 though modern readers of the Bible,
15:12 often Passover these rituals, they do contain
15:15 many important spiritual truths
15:18 that can be of great value to those who study them.
15:24 Let's go to the Book of Leviticus
15:26 and let's look at one of the examples
15:27 that are brought out in the lesson.
15:29 Leviticus 4:32-35,
15:33 and this is one of the sin offerings
15:36 that were regularly observed among the children of Israel.
15:40 The Bible is very specific.
15:41 Then we're going to talk about the types
15:43 and the anti-types and then four points
15:45 about the sacrificial system as it relates
15:48 to post Jesus.
15:52 Leviticus 4:32-35, it says, "If he brings a lamb,
15:56 as his sin offering, he shall bring a female without blemish.
16:00 Then he shall lay his hand on the head of the sin offering,
16:04 and kill it as a sin offering at the place
16:07 where they kill the burnt offering.
16:10 The priest shall take some of the blood
16:11 of the sin offering with his finger,
16:14 put it on the horns of the altar of burnt offering,
16:17 and pour all the remaining blood at the base of the altar.
16:21 He shall remove all his fat,
16:24 as the fat of the lamb is removed
16:26 from the sacrifice of the peace offering.
16:29 Then the priest shall burn it on the altar,
16:32 according to the offerings made by fire to the Lord.
16:36 So the priest shall make atonement for his sin
16:41 that he has committed, and it shall be forgiven him."
16:45 Now the amazing thing about this, first of all,
16:47 I'm going to just say, I am so glad
16:49 that we don't have to do that today.
16:52 Can you imagine the blood baths with the millions of Christians
16:56 if the sacrificial system was still enforced today?
17:00 But what I want to point out is the Old Testament
17:02 in many ways is the New Testament concealed,
17:06 and the New Testament,
17:08 in many ways is the Old Testament reveals.
17:11 So when you understand the sacrificial system,
17:14 than the life in the ministry of Jesus,
17:17 there's a bright light turned on halogen,
17:20 if I could use that terminology,
17:22 all of a sudden, everything about the life of Jesus
17:24 becomes, as the shepherds found out,
17:27 when they were keeping watch over their flock by night.
17:29 The Bible says, "Suddenly,
17:31 there was with the angels a multitude of Heavenly hosts."
17:35 And Ellen White talked about that experience,
17:37 she says, the reason why the shepherds
17:40 were met with one angel first,
17:42 that the angels had to give them time
17:44 for their eyes to adjust to the light.
17:46 All right.
17:48 So when you study the sacrificial system,
17:50 your eyes begin to adjust to the light
17:52 that's prevalent in the life of Christ.
17:54 And you begin to see, "Okay, what is the altar mean?
17:56 What is the laver mean?
17:57 What are the lampstands mean?
17:59 What do all these rituals mean?
18:00 What about the sacrificial system and all their specifics?
18:03 And why was God such a detailed God?"
18:06 Because they all point to something
18:07 in the life of Christ.
18:09 The rituals and sacrifices are object lessons
18:13 of the ministry of Christ.
18:14 Let's go to Luke 24:44,
18:17 and see this brought out in the words of Christ.
18:20 Jesus said this Himself.
18:23 "Then He said to them..." Luke 24...
18:26 Luke 24:44,
18:28 "Then He said to them,
18:29 'These are the words which I spoke to you
18:31 while I was still with you, that all things,'"
18:34 how many things?
18:36 All things.
18:37 "'All things must be fulfilled,
18:39 which were written in the Law of Moses,
18:42 and the Prophets, and the Psalms concerning Me.'"
18:46 Notice the Old Testament, the New Testament concealed,
18:50 the New Testament the Old Testament revealed.
18:52 Jesus says,
18:54 "Now through My life,
18:55 you will understand the Law of Moses,
18:56 you will understand the prophets
18:58 and you will understand the Psalms
18:59 of all the things concerning Me."
19:01 In other words, you may see my shadow,
19:04 but you will have no dimensional relationship
19:07 with me until the substance appears.
19:10 So let's look at two examples
19:11 of the shadows and the substance.
19:14 Exodus 12:17, let's look at the shadow.
19:18 "So you shall observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread,
19:21 for on this same day I will have brought your armies out
19:26 of the land of Egypt.
19:27 Therefore you shall observe this day
19:29 throughout your generations as an everlasting ordinance."
19:32 What?
19:33 Unleavened bread,
19:35 and then also when the Israelites
19:36 were in the wilderness,
19:37 Jesus gave them bread every day.
19:40 What did He say in John 6:32?
19:42 "Jesus said to them, 'Most assuredly, I say to you,
19:45 Moses did not give you the bread from heaven,
19:47 but My Father gives you the true bread from heaven.'"
19:50 In other words, He says, "I am the true bread."
19:52 That's why Matthew 4:4,
19:54 "Man shall not live by bread alone,
19:56 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
19:59 Look at another example.
20:01 Exodus 12:3, another symbol, another shadow,
20:04 "Speak to the children of Israel, saying,
20:06 'On the tenth day of this month
20:08 every man shall take for himself a lamb,
20:11 according to the house of his father,
20:14 a lamb for a household.'"
20:17 How was Jesus introduced?
20:19 John 1:29, "The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him,
20:23 and said, 'Behold!
20:24 The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!'"
20:27 The religious leaders knew what the lamb meant,
20:29 but they refuse to accept the living lamb,
20:32 the living sacrifice.
20:34 But the question is, what purpose was the law at all?
20:37 Galatians 3:19, "What purpose then does the law serve?
20:40 It was added because of transgression till the seed
20:43 should come to whom the promise was made,
20:46 and it was appointed through angels
20:48 by the hand of a mediator."
20:50 When Jesus made the promise to Adam and Eve
20:52 in the Garden post transgression,
20:54 He made it clear about the seed.
20:56 The seed was what Satan sought to prevent.
20:59 That's why he tried to kill the firstborn in Egypt,
21:04 because he knew the seed was coming.
21:06 That's why he tried to kill Jesus, when He was born,
21:09 children up to two years old and under,
21:11 because he knew the seed was coming.
21:13 He was fearful of the seed because it was forecasted
21:16 continuously through the ceremonial system.
21:20 But here are the four reasons
21:21 why the ceremonial system was temporary.
21:23 Let's go to the Book of Hebrews.
21:25 Hebrews 9:9-10.
21:27 First of all, "It was symbolic."
21:31 Hebrews 9:9-10, we read,
21:34 "It was symbolic for the present time
21:36 in which both gifts and sacrifices are offered,
21:38 which cannot make him who performed the service perfect
21:41 in regard to conscience,
21:43 concerning only in foods and drinks,
21:46 various washings,
21:47 and fleshy ordinances imposed
21:50 until the time of reformation."
21:53 That's why the Bible says until the seed should come,
21:56 when Jesus came, it was the time of reformation.
22:01 The system was reformed,
22:02 it was no longer need to go out searching for lamb.
22:04 That's why when Jesus died,
22:06 the temple curtain was torn from top to bottom.
22:08 Second reason, it was a shadow.
22:10 Hebrews 10:1, "For the law, having a shadow
22:14 of good things to come and not the very image of those things
22:18 can never with these same sacrifices,
22:22 which they offer continually, year by year,
22:25 make those who approached perfect."
22:28 It was symbolic, but according to what he just said here,
22:31 it was also faulty.
22:34 Hebrews 8:7.
22:35 Let's look at Hebrews 8:7.
22:38 "For if the first covenant had been faultless,
22:41 then no place would have been sought for a second."
22:44 Now let's go to Hebrews 9:13-14,
22:47 to see why it was faulty.
22:49 Hebrews 9:13, "For if the blood of bulls and goats
22:53 and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling the unclean
22:57 sacrifices or sanctifies to the purifying of the flesh,"
23:00 look at verse 14,
23:02 "how much more shall the blood of Christ
23:04 who through the eternal spirit offered Himself
23:06 without spot to God, purge your conscience from the dead works
23:11 to serve the living God?"
23:13 And lastly, it was inadequate.
23:16 Hebrews 10:4, let's look at that,
23:19 "For it is not possible," it is not what?
23:22 Possible.
23:24 "It is not possible that the blood of bulls
23:27 and goats could take away sins."
23:29 Verse 5, "Therefore, when he came into the world, he said,
23:34 'Sacrifice and offering you did not desire,
23:38 but a body You have prepared for Me,
23:40 in burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin
23:43 You had no pleasure.'"
23:44 So now finally, 1 Samuel 15:22,
23:48 summarizes the purpose for all both of them.
23:51 "So Samuel said, 'Has the Lord
23:54 a great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices,
23:58 as in obeying the voice of the Lord?
24:01 Behold," here's a summary of it all,
24:03 "to obey is better than to sacrifice
24:07 and to heed than the fat of rams."
24:10 If Adam and Eve had only obeyed,
24:13 there would be no need for a shadowy system.
24:16 We would have had the substance who is Christ.
24:18 Amen.
24:20 That was wonderful, John.
24:21 Thank you so much.
24:23 We are going to continue this wonderful study
24:27 in just a moment.
24:28 Stay tuned.
24:30 Okay. Praise the Lord.
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25:06 Oh, we've got so much more.
25:07 We're going to continue now
25:09 on Tuesday's lesson with Jill Morikone.
25:11 Thank you so much, Shelley and Pastor John,
25:13 what an incredible lesson and study.
25:15 Thank you.
25:17 We're going to continue in the Book of Hebrews.
25:18 So turn to Hebrews Chapter 4, and the rest of the panel
25:22 we're going to be in Hebrews Chapter 4.
25:25 Now interestingly, my lesson on Tuesday
25:27 is The "Example" of Rest.
25:31 It's actually Hebrews 4:1-11,
25:34 but because Pastor Kenny and Pastor Johnny
25:36 are also covering some of that,
25:37 we're going to go back to Hebrews 3.
25:39 We're going to pick it up in Hebrews 3:12,
25:42 and we're going to read through 4:3,
25:46 and then we'll kind of unpack it.
25:48 Hebrews 3:12.
25:50 "Beware, Brethren, lest there be in any of you
25:52 an evil heart of unbelief in departing
25:57 from the living God, but exhort one another daily,
26:00 while it is called 'Today,' lest any of you be hardened
26:04 through the deceitfulness of sin.
26:07 For we have become partakers of Christ
26:09 if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast
26:13 until the end, while it is said, 'Today,
26:16 if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts
26:19 as in the rebellion.'
26:21 For who, having heard, rebelled?
26:23 Indeed, was it not all who came out of Egypt, led by Moses?
26:28 Now with whom he was angry, 40 years?
26:31 Was it not with those who sinned,
26:34 whose corpses fell in the wilderness?
26:37 And to whom did He swear that they would not enter
26:40 his rest, but to those who did not obey?
26:43 So we see they could not enter in because of unbelief."
26:47 Now let's go to Chapter 4,
26:49 we'll read the first three verses,
26:51 "Therefore, since a promise remains of entering His rest,
26:55 let us fear lest any of you seem to have come short of it.
26:59 For indeed, the gospel was preached to us
27:01 as well as to them,
27:03 but the word which they heard did not profit them,
27:06 not be mixed with faith in those who heard it.
27:10 For we have believed do enter that rest, as He has said,
27:14 'So I swore in My wrath, they shall not enter My rest,'
27:19 although the works were finished
27:20 from the foundation of the world.'"
27:22 So what is the thought progression here
27:24 of Paul, and then we're going to jump
27:27 into what this rest encompasses.
27:30 But first, let's just look at that thought progression.
27:33 Number one, God originally intended
27:36 that Moses should lead Israel into the Canaan rest.
27:39 That was the intention.
27:41 But neither Moses nor the generation that left Egypt,
27:45 neither one of them entered into Canaan.
27:48 Number two,
27:49 Joshua did lead the next generation into Canaan,
27:53 but because of their unbelief,
27:56 he could not lead them into God's spiritual rest.
28:00 Number three, in the days of David, God renewed
28:03 the invitation to enter into His spiritual rest.
28:06 But it was obvious by the New Testament times
28:08 that Israel as a nation
28:09 had not yet entered into God's rest.
28:13 Number four, God's invitation and promise
28:17 had not lapsed by default,
28:19 for when God determines a certain objective
28:21 He will ultimately achieve it, despite human failures.
28:27 Number five, since God's people have not as yet entered
28:30 into His rest, it is certain that there remains a rest
28:34 for the people of God.
28:37 Number six, if Christians would come boldly
28:40 into the throne of grace, or Christ ministers
28:43 as the high priest of our profession,
28:46 they will find one who can be touched with the feelings
28:49 of their infirmities and will find grace to help
28:52 in their time of need.
28:55 In doing so, they begin to enter
28:58 Christ's spiritual rest, that rest of soul
29:03 for which He has provided for every repentant sinner.
29:07 Thus, the privilege that Israel failed to find,
29:11 we can find as Christians today.
29:14 Number seven, faith is the key
29:17 to entering into Christ's rest.
29:20 We see that very clearly in Hebrews 4.
29:23 We already read verses 2 and 3,
29:25 "The gospel was preached to us as well as to them
29:28 but the word which they heard did not profit them
29:30 because it was not mixed with faith, and those who heard it."
29:35 So what is this rest?
29:36 I would submit to you that this rest encompasses two things.
29:39 It encompasses that assurance of salvation,
29:43 that freedom in Christ, that peace
29:46 that you and I have when we truly understand grace.
29:50 And we can rest our entire weight
29:53 on the promises of God's Word.
29:56 I would also submit to you that it encompasses the rest
29:59 that you and I find in the Sabbath,
30:03 in the Sabbath day.
30:05 We see the correlation between the two.
30:08 The Sabbath rest really expresses our faith
30:10 in two ways.
30:11 It testifies that we have received grace,
30:13 it testifies that we have received God's goodness
30:17 and His salvation.
30:19 It also demonstrates that we are waiting eagerly
30:22 for the consummation of these gifts
30:24 at the second coming of Christ.
30:27 The Sabbath is a weekly visible sign
30:28 that God's the one who sanctifies us,
30:30 that He's the one who redeemed us,
30:32 that He's the one who will recreate us in His image.
30:36 You know, if you look at the history,
30:37 and Paul had talked about the history of the Israelites,
30:40 you see that they were in bondage.
30:41 They were freed from slavery in Egypt,
30:45 but they were never really freed from slavery to sin.
30:49 You see, they never understood salvation
30:52 by grace through faith.
30:53 I'm sure there were pockets that understood
30:55 that I'm not saying that.
30:57 But by and large, as a people, as a movement,
31:01 they did not understand that.
31:03 Remember, when the law was given at Mount Sinai,
31:05 what did they say?
31:06 Oh, that the Lord has said, we will do.
31:10 They thought they could somehow earn God's favor.
31:13 They could somehow obey in their own strength.
31:16 And yet it was only by grace that they could do that.
31:20 We also see that Israel, as a nation,
31:23 did not enter truly into the Sabbath rest, either.
31:26 We see that they were lacks in their Sabbath observance,
31:31 we see that throughout the history of Israel.
31:34 And then we see, I think Ryan referenced this
31:36 on a previous lesson that they flipped,
31:39 and they became super ultra, I'm going to say,
31:43 conservative, for lack of a better word.
31:45 They became strict, that's a better word,
31:47 in their observance of the Sabbath.
31:50 So they went from the lack side to the strict side,
31:53 and neither way entered into the Sabbath rest
31:57 that they were supposed to.
31:59 We see this not just in the Old Testament,
32:00 but we see in the New Testament.
32:03 If you think about this concept of grace and assurance
32:06 and rest in Christ, we see that clearly Paul says
32:10 in Ephesians 2:8, "By grace you're saved through faith
32:14 that not of yourselves is the gift of God,
32:16 not of works, lest anyone should boast."
32:19 But yet the Judaizers taught.
32:20 We see this in Acts Chapter 15, with the Jerusalem Council,
32:24 we see this in the entire Book of Galatians.
32:27 They talk, yes, you need grace.
32:29 But works have to be added to that grace,
32:32 in order to achieve salvation.
32:35 They taught that the Gentile Christians
32:37 had to be circumcised in order to be saved.
32:40 It was a religion of grace plus works with equal salvation.
32:46 In fact, Paul says in Galatians 3:3, "Are you so foolish?
32:49 Having begun in the spirit,
32:51 are you now made perfect in the flesh?
32:54 And in Galatians 5, to me, this is one of the saddest verses
32:57 in all of Scripture.
32:58 Galatians 5:4, "You have become estranged from Christ,"
33:04 or separated from Christ,
33:06 "you who attempt to be justified by law,
33:09 you have fallen from grace."
33:13 You mean if you're thinking,
33:15 "God, I just want to obey Your law better,
33:17 and I want to keep Your commandments better."
33:19 If we don't do it in the grace of Christ,
33:23 can we actually become separated from Christ?
33:27 So how do we achieve this rest?
33:28 How do we achieve freedom in Christ knowing
33:31 with assurance that you are saved,
33:34 knowing that your faith can rest
33:36 on the promises of God's Word knowing
33:38 that every week on the Sabbath,
33:41 you can in a special way experience His rest?
33:46 John 1:7, I love this verse.
33:49 It says, "If we walk in the light
33:51 as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another,
33:53 and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son,
33:56 cleanses us from all sin."
33:58 We can have assurance in Jesus
34:00 that His blood will cleanse us from all sin,
34:02 we can have assurance in Jesus,
34:04 that we are saved by grace through faith.
34:06 Grace is a gift.
34:08 Salvation is a gift.
34:09 Faith is a gift, and even works, they're a gift too
34:14 because God created those beforehand
34:17 that we should walk in them.
34:19 Grace is not a license to sin, not at all.
34:22 It is freedom to walk in faith, freedom to trust the promises
34:26 of the Word of God by faith.
34:28 What does He say?
34:29 All His promises are yes and amen
34:32 in Christ Jesus.
34:34 Jesus came to set us free from the dominion of Satan,
34:37 from the curse of the law, from the penalty of sin,
34:41 from the power of sin and soon when He comes again,
34:44 we will be delivered from the presence of sin.
34:48 Philippians 1:6, "Being confident of this very thing
34:52 that He who began a good work in you
34:54 will carry it forward to completion."
34:57 So reach out to Jesus, experience the rest
35:00 that He intended for you to have in Him,
35:04 and especially on His Sabbath day.
35:07 Praise the Lord.
35:08 I'll tell you, awesome.
35:10 You know the last thing you use them there,
35:11 you know, we talk about what has to do
35:13 with the hardening of the heart.
35:15 He's begun a good work.
35:16 He said, I'll finish that work if we don't harden our hearts.
35:19 That's Wednesday's lesson, Harden Not Your Hearts.
35:22 We see in Scripture many times about different ones
35:24 as the Spirit came through the Holy Spirit work
35:26 and they just rejected, you know, rejected the spirit,
35:29 rejected the message in the heart.
35:31 You know, every time we reject what is truth,
35:33 it gets a little bit harder when you need favor
35:35 so on so forth with that.
35:36 So Wednesday's lesson deals with that,
35:38 but there's one word that sticks out in my mind.
35:40 2 Corinthians just jot it down, 6:2, you know it very well.
35:44 I'm sure it says, "Now is the acceptable time,
35:47 now is the," what?
35:48 "Now is the day of salvation."
35:50 I've heard that over and over in life,
35:52 and I've been impressed over the years.
35:54 And I think being around different people
35:55 who are energetic and love Jesus and out
35:57 in the harvest field working for souls, everything's today.
36:00 Let's do it today. Why?
36:02 Because we know today is the day of salvation.
36:04 Things can change.
36:05 And most of us know that the Wednesday's lesson
36:08 at least brings out at least to me this word,
36:10 today, I'm just going to highlight,
36:11 it's actually today is, to me expresses an emergency.
36:15 It expresses a time
36:17 that something's going to have to be done,
36:19 it's got to be done rather quickly.
36:20 Decisions have to be made, and they're not to be put off,
36:23 we're talking about spiritual certainly decision,
36:25 of course, other decisions too.
36:26 You know, we're encouraged,
36:29 I think as those who are working in the field,
36:31 I called the harvest field,
36:33 saying Jesus is soon to come and we're encouraged
36:36 as people come forward,
36:37 and they're grasping the message.
36:38 And then all of a sudden,
36:40 it's like they're in the school,
36:41 always of learning and never come to the knowledge,
36:42 you know.
36:44 And so the heart gets hardened and not making the decision.
36:47 We encourage them, "Today is the day,
36:49 have you heard his voice?"
36:51 Psalms 95, if you go there, just read those, 95:7,
36:55 says, kind of what we've been talking about here,
36:57 for He is our God, Psalms 95:7, He is what?
37:01 He's our God and we are the people of His pastures.
37:04 How personal that becomes, notice,
37:06 the sheep of his hand...
37:08 What's the next word?
37:09 Today, if you will hear his voice harden not your heart,
37:12 to the day of provocation or irritation I like to say,
37:15 as in the days of temptation in the wilderness.
37:19 So what is today?
37:21 Today emphasizes the importance
37:23 it was and it is in the context of rest.
37:27 And a lot said about rest.
37:30 Here we see two important points, many, many more,
37:32 two important points to me is number one is a warning.
37:36 We need to be very cautious,
37:38 we need to make sure when God warns in the Word of God,
37:39 we pay heed to that and also number two
37:43 seem like always comes a plea.
37:46 He plea, begs to come in.
37:48 And so in that we look for God's people
37:49 are not to, why?
37:51 So God's people are not to repeat
37:52 the mistakes that Israel made.
37:54 I think this lessons more has brought that out
37:57 rather beautifully here.
37:59 You know, maybe just share just a little personal experience
38:02 and we've talked a lot about the spiritual rest
38:04 and even the physical rest.
38:06 I've heard it on this panel and different ones
38:08 come apart and rest, Jesus said it Himself.
38:11 Sometimes we're not always willing to do that,
38:13 sometime we just don't make that decision.
38:16 We know we should we, you know, eat properly,
38:18 want to do the right thing and get the amount of rest.
38:20 But sometimes we choose to do the wrong thing
38:23 and there's consequences when we make wrong choices.
38:26 I can remember many years ago so it goes back,
38:28 this is before 3ABN started.
38:30 Many people never realize I was in construction.
38:34 And that big problem I always had was I love to work.
38:38 And it's not always bad but when you overdo it,
38:40 it's wrong because I knew and I was always reminded
38:42 that we had to be temperate in all things.
38:44 And so anyway, I love to work as other times
38:47 I couldn't sleep at night.
38:48 Oh, some of you ever get that way you probably not,
38:50 but me couldn't sleep.
38:51 I'm thinking about what I'm going to do the next day.
38:52 And so where we had a house,
38:54 or maybe there was lights or something in it,
38:56 I might go to work at 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning.
38:58 You know, that's silly.
39:00 Because it had on my mind, couldn't sleep anyway.
39:02 I understand.
39:03 And I would go and work.
39:05 I remember one day that I was went to pour some concrete
39:09 as, probably maybe a 24 by 24, 24 by 30,
39:12 that's pretty good slab,
39:13 you know, if you got one guy to help you well,
39:15 July, in middle of July, well, was it hot humidity.
39:18 And so anyway, the guy didn't show up.
39:20 So I was left here with semi truck,
39:22 you know, they coming and they're backing
39:23 and then they're going to pour.
39:25 I taught, "Oh, well hey, you know, yeah,
39:26 I'm just gonna say, Jared, pour, bring it on.
39:28 I don't know if any of you have ever done that.
39:30 You know, back about there I thought,
39:32 "Well, okay, so nobody there so I had to port strike it,
39:36 float it, you know, work all around the edges
39:38 and I had a concrete machine.
39:40 And, you know, I didn't take time to drink water
39:43 and naturally you should.
39:44 So by the end of those models, I was getting lightheaded.
39:47 So I got it done.
39:48 And I was floating it
39:50 for the last time of the machine.
39:51 And I said, "Lord, help me to get this thing done."
39:55 And praise God, He's merciful and good.
39:57 I did what I shouldn't have been doing.
39:59 And just as I got it done,
40:01 I wanted to get it off of the concrete.
40:02 So I kind of threw the machine off the concrete.
40:04 And then I just got real dizzy and lightheaded.
40:06 And I went over to the shade tree,
40:09 and I passed out.
40:10 Well, there was no one there,
40:11 you know, to help, no one there, say,
40:13 "Oh, you need water, you need your,"
40:14 whatever replaced.
40:16 So I'll just say when I came to,
40:19 when I came to,
40:20 came to my senses,
40:22 you know, something that was dreadfully was wrong.
40:24 And of course, I was lighter, it was a heatstroke.
40:27 And so it played a very bad part
40:30 in my life at that time.
40:32 Because as a heat stroke, and again,
40:34 we're talking about this is rest,
40:35 I want you to apply to that for those of you
40:36 who are overdoing it any way,
40:38 in any way, the physical part, spiritual part,
40:40 just try and get back to a balance in Word of God.
40:43 And so for a long time, what happened was is that,
40:47 you know, I could feel the coldness,
40:48 I could feel the sweat, I could feel all the things
40:50 and all the symptoms of it.
40:52 But after that it was more than six months,
40:54 I kept trying to go to work and I did have other guys
40:57 that was working, kind of hold it down.
40:58 I could not, if you want to hold a piece of sheetrock up,
41:01 I could hold it up for maybe two or three seconds,
41:03 my arms would shake and quiver,
41:05 and they just drop, I could hardly walk,
41:07 I had nothing, no strength in my arms at all.
41:11 Before you say, it doesn't matter,
41:12 bring it on, you know.
41:14 And that wasn't the only aspect of it.
41:17 And so I sat down and I began to think,
41:19 Lord, "What has happened?"
41:22 The Lord impressed, that sometimes we don't follow
41:24 what He says in His Word, and there's consequences.
41:27 And you have to pay.
41:28 And even though He gives you a victory,
41:29 or maybe it's overcome, there's still some scars that lasts,
41:33 maybe through your whole life.
41:34 I find it still lasting for months afterwards,
41:37 my hands would shake just like this.
41:39 I couldn't control my hand shake,
41:41 there was no strength in the body,
41:43 the mind didn't want to work anymore.
41:46 And I sat down several weeks afterwards,
41:48 and the other man and called and said,
41:49 Bill, something, whatever it was,
41:51 it was just a like 12 by 12.
41:53 I could not, I'm serious, I could not add 12 and 12.
41:59 Every time I would go and press the mind
42:01 that I needed to do something
42:02 the mind would say back to me, can't.
42:05 There's nothing left.
42:07 If you overdo it in the physical aspect of it,
42:09 it begins before you fall apart.
42:11 It takes from the brain, right?
42:13 It takes from the brain and uses
42:15 that energy to where you can't.
42:17 I sat there over that paper and I tried to add
42:19 what would come up to 24.
42:21 I couldn't do it.
42:22 I sat there until the tears just ran.
42:25 There's nothing left.
42:26 I can't even think anymore.
42:27 I can't react. I can't do any more.
42:29 And I'm thinking, you know, there needs to be a change,
42:31 change needs to take place.
42:32 But now what do, as it were, how do I make this change,
42:35 and, you know, some of you are saying today
42:37 I need to make that change too,
42:38 because I'm falling off this, this cliff,
42:41 seemed like there's no stopping.
42:43 And so I sat down, I began to think about the Holy Spirit
42:46 impressed in mind.
42:47 You know, Kenny, redeem the time.
42:50 I thought, "How do I redeem the time?
42:52 I've messed it all up so bad.
42:54 Now I can't already think
42:56 I can't concentrate on anything.
42:59 And I don't say that as a gesture anything right now
43:01 so sometimes you might think even years later,
43:04 those things still hit every once in a while.
43:06 You know, there are scars that are left.
43:09 And so, I said it right then, Lord,
43:12 what I have, I don't know what's left.
43:15 But if there's anything left to this mind, what I have...
43:19 Forgive me for I've neglected Your Word.
43:22 I haven't done.
43:23 There wasn't bad things, it was maybe good thing,
43:25 but there's over done, you know, and the physical aspect.
43:28 And so I asked, I said, "Lord, please forgive me of this,
43:31 help me to do the right thing, help me to balance my life."
43:34 And what I have left?
43:36 And I really say that, I don't know,
43:38 I don't think I have anything left.
43:40 But what I have left I give unto thee.
43:43 What I have left, I give unto thee.
43:46 And praise God, He accepted that how wonderful and gracious
43:49 and kind and we heard about the rest.
43:51 He's saying, "Kenny, you're heavy laden, come to me,
43:52 I'll give you rest."
43:54 That's what this whole quarter has been about.
43:55 And I came to Him and He gave rest and He gave healing,
43:58 but it was months and months down the road
44:02 that I didn't know when or if it would come.
44:05 But it came in the sense that He is able,
44:08 what He's promised He's able to do.
44:10 So what little bit as I always say that I had
44:14 that God has given me I gave to Him.
44:17 And He honored that and He glorified.
44:20 And He said, "I'll increase that."
44:23 And He has done that in so many different ways
44:26 that I praise Him.
44:27 So those of you who are today that's going through this
44:30 and you're all torn up and you don't know
44:33 and you're looking for that spiritual rest,
44:34 you're looking for the physical rest,
44:36 your life is all torn apart,
44:38 I beg and plead with you don't overdo it.
44:40 Go to Him.
44:41 He is your rest.
44:43 He has promised over and over this.
44:46 Let me take that burden.
44:47 How often have you heard it in this quarter?
44:48 I'll take that burden.
44:50 I want to take it.
44:51 You can't handle it anymore.
44:52 And you think you can handle it,
44:54 and look what happened to Kenny.
44:55 Look what happened to millions of others.
44:57 You don't have to handle it alone.
44:59 I guarantee you that
45:00 because He's going to be there with you.
45:02 Even when you make a mess of it,
45:03 you turn to Him and ask for forgiveness
45:04 in the new life and just simply say,
45:06 "What I have left, Lord, I give unto thee."
45:08 He'll take it. He'll bless it.
45:09 He'll multiply more than you're able to believe or think.
45:12 Amen.
45:13 Amen. Praise the Lord.
45:15 Praise the Lord.
45:16 Well, we move now to Thursday's portion of the lesson
45:18 and Thursday's portion of the lesson
45:19 is entitled Conquering a Heavenly City.
45:24 Conquering a Heavenly City.
45:25 This moves us to Hebrews 4:8-11.
45:30 And before continuing, I have to say
45:32 that as you look at Hebrews Chapter 4,
45:34 some have taken Hebrews Chapter 4 to say,
45:37 well, this is talking about the Sabbath day here
45:39 and that's all this is talking about.
45:41 And some have taken no,
45:43 this is not talking about the Sabbath day,
45:44 actually, this does away with the Sabbath day
45:49 is what some people are trying to preach here.
45:51 But as you look at the context of this,
45:53 you will realize that you're talking about both here,
45:57 the seventh day Sabbath,
45:58 you're talking about the rest, the spiritual rest
46:01 and the final rest that God will give to His people.
46:03 Now let's go quickly here to Hebrews Chapter 4,
46:06 let's begin in verse 8.
46:08 Now it says here, "For if Joshua
46:09 had given them rest, then He would not
46:12 afterward have spoken of another day."
46:16 I'm reading from the New King James,
46:17 if you're following along in the King James,
46:20 your Bible says, "For if Jesus had given them rest,
46:23 then he would not afterward have spoken of another day."
46:26 The word Jesus here, the name of Jesus,
46:30 is not the correct place for Jesus,
46:32 because you're talking about Moses,
46:34 you're talking about the experience of the past.
46:37 This is talking about Joshua.
46:39 Moses was not able to take the people of Israel
46:43 into the Promised Land,
46:44 he died before he was able to see it far away.
46:47 But he was not able to do it.
46:48 The task was then given to Joshua.
46:51 Joshua was supposed to lead the people into the Canaan,
46:54 and into the Promised Land.
46:56 But even though Joshua, as you heard already
46:59 led the people into the Promised Land,
47:03 the people did not receive the spiritual rest,
47:07 that they were supposed to receive
47:09 that God had promised to them.
47:10 And I'm moving now to another scripture
47:13 that is found in the Book
47:16 of Exodus Chapter 33.
47:20 Exodus Chapter 33.
47:22 Notice here, notice here,
47:26 verse 13 and 14.
47:29 "Now therefore, I pray, if I have found grace
47:34 in Your site," this is Moses talking to God,
47:37 "show me now Your way that I may know You,
47:41 and that I may find grace in Your sight.
47:43 And consider that this nation is your people.'"
47:48 And God answered, "And He said,
47:49 'My presence will go with you,
47:52 and I will give you rest.'"
47:56 This is the promise God made to Moses
47:58 and the people of Israel.
48:01 Like I said, Moses was not able to lead the people into Israel.
48:06 Joshua had to do this.
48:08 And unfortunately, the people did not receive the rest,
48:13 the rest that God had promised because of unbelief, unbelief.
48:19 So now, notice how the Scripture continues
48:23 in Hebrews Chapter 9.
48:25 It says, "There remains therefore a rest
48:29 for the people of God."
48:31 It's Hebrews 4:9, yeah.
48:33 Hebrews 4:9.
48:34 Hebrews 4:9. Yes, thank you.
48:36 "There remains there for a rest for the people of God.
48:39 For he who has entered His rest has himself also cease
48:43 from his own works, as God did from His."
48:47 Now this is talking about, stop doing,
48:49 trying to earn heaven by your own way.
48:52 Accept Jesus Christ, He is our salvation.
48:57 He is the one that promise you rest, the true rest,
49:02 that only you can get through by faith,
49:06 and you're saved through grace.
49:08 And the promised rest that He gives to us
49:12 is available to all.
49:13 It is not just to the Hebrew people.
49:15 Notice Galatians 3:26-29.
49:19 "For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.
49:24 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ
49:27 have put on Christ.
49:29 There is neither Jew nor Greek,
49:31 there's neither slave nor free,
49:32 there's neither male nor female,
49:34 for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
49:37 And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed,
49:40 and heirs according to the promise."
49:42 So the promise is now unto all the world
49:47 who accept Jesus Christ as personal Savior.
49:50 And I say to you, there is a wonderful rest coming
49:54 to the people of God.
49:56 And you know, you could have a foretaste of heaven here
50:00 if you surrender your heart to the Lord
50:02 completely and follow Him with all your heart.
50:05 And I'm telling you, we went to Dominican Republic.
50:08 We did a Ten Commandments weekend there.
50:10 We worked really hard.
50:12 And Brother Juan Horessa said, "Hey, I want you guys...
50:16 What are you doing on Sunday?"
50:18 He says, well, we have to stay till Monday
50:21 because we have to talk to the conference
50:23 and to work out and details.
50:25 He says on Sunday, you guys have worked hard.
50:27 I want you to come to my house.
50:29 It's out of the city.
50:30 It's a beautiful place and you're by the beach
50:32 not too many people there.
50:35 And we looked at each other, Idalia says, "Sure."
50:37 And the rest of the team said, "Yes, let's do this."
50:40 We went to this house.
50:42 And I tell you, we got to the wall of the house.
50:47 And over the wall of the house was hanging
50:50 what is known as cashew apple.
50:52 Pastor Lomacang probably loves some cashew apples.
50:55 You have probably eaten cashew nuts.
50:56 They're actually seeds.
50:58 They're actually seeds from the plant.
50:59 So the cashew apple, these were beautiful.
51:04 Idalia said, "Let's step out of the car and get some."
51:07 We started grabbing these cashew apples.
51:11 And they were so delicious.
51:13 I said, "These are perfectly ripe."
51:16 The most delicious cashew apples
51:18 you have ever tasted in your life.
51:20 These don't seem to be from the earth she said,
51:22 they're so good.
51:24 And Brother Rossa says,
51:26 "Hey, you haven't even gone inside yet.
51:28 Come inside, there's more."
51:30 And we went inside.
51:32 And there inside was a mango tree,
51:35 one of my favorite fruits.
51:36 And I'm telling you, the mangoes looked wonderful.
51:40 And they were just hanging from the tree.
51:43 You didn't have to climb the tree,
51:44 you could just grab them, they were just so low.
51:47 And they were perfectly ripe.
51:49 I took a bite out of this first mango.
51:53 I said, "Wait a minute,
51:54 this is the best mango I've ever tasted!"
51:58 It seems like it's not from this earth.
52:00 And it was still so delicious, so juicy.
52:01 And everybody was just grabbing mangoes, enjoying the mangoes.
52:05 And it was so wonderful, so delicious.
52:08 And I grabbed another one.
52:10 And I said, "Wait a minute,
52:11 this seems too good to be true."
52:15 And because it was like you're in heaven now,
52:17 this seems too good to be true.
52:19 Seconds later, it was like an army of mosquitoes,
52:22 "Hey, there are some fresh meat here."
52:25 And they were just biting us all over the place.
52:28 And, you know, you started doing this,
52:31 you couldn't enjoy the mangoes anymore,
52:32 because you're just, you know.
52:34 And Brother Rossa felt so bad.
52:36 Everybody's just trying to fight these mosquitoes off.
52:38 And we said, "Wait a minute,"
52:40 because, you know, the interesting thing is,
52:42 I said to myself, "This seems too good to be true."
52:45 And sure enough on earth, things do not last.
52:49 These are temporal things.
52:51 You know, we're in this world,
52:52 there's a great controversy between good and evil.
52:55 We may enjoy peace here,
52:56 but the peace we're going to enjoy
52:58 when God finally gives us that rest cannot be compared.
53:03 So I encourage you to hold on to Jesus,
53:06 follow Him with all your heart,
53:08 there remains a rest from the people of God.
53:11 God wanted to take the people of Israel
53:14 into the Promised Land, give them rest
53:17 from trying to earn salvation on their own,
53:19 give them rest from their enemies,
53:22 and they would enjoy the fruits of the land,
53:24 they would enjoy like a heaven on earth.
53:29 They were not able to enter in because of unbelief.
53:32 And there are some today that are maybe listening to me
53:35 that you may not enter in because of unbelief.
53:40 Through Jesus Christ, we can have complete victory,
53:42 through Jesus Christ we can have salvation complete
53:47 through Jesus Christ, through the blood of the Lamb.
53:50 Let's take you to Revelation Chapter 21
53:53 that speaks of the time
53:55 when the rest begins to happen to completion.
53:59 This is Revelation 21:1-4.
54:02 "Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth,"
54:05 oh, the first heaven and the first earth,
54:08 "had passed away.
54:09 Also there was no more sea.
54:11 Then I, John, saw the Holy City,
54:15 New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God,
54:19 prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
54:21 And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying,
54:24 'Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men,
54:27 and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people."
54:31 God Himself will be with them and be their God.
54:34 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.
54:38 There shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying.
54:42 There shall be no more pain,
54:43 for the former things have passed away.'"
54:46 Complete deliverance from the enemy
54:50 and from Satan and from any evil doers,
54:53 God's people will finally enjoy the rest,
54:58 complete rest that He has promised for us.
55:01 So do not harden your heart as the people of Israel
55:06 did, soften your heart, and listen to that Jesus says,
55:10 "Come onto Me, and I will give you rest."
55:14 Amen.
55:15 I love to hear you tell a story, John.
55:18 Praise the Lord.
55:20 Let's take just a moment
55:21 and have a closing talk for our days.
55:24 While speaking about the sanctuary,
55:26 I love the focal point of it.
55:28 And I would narrow it down to Hebrews 7:25.
55:31 "Therefore He is able to save to the uttermost
55:35 those who come to God through Him,
55:38 since He," as of today,
55:41 "ever lives to make intercession for us."
55:45 And so, my brethren, accept the Christ,
55:47 who is the ultimate sacrifice,
55:50 the only provision for our salvation.
55:52 Amen!
55:54 Talking about rest,
55:56 the Israelites did not enter into Christ rest.
55:59 And many times many Christians today
56:02 have not entered into His rest.
56:04 Well, I'm just want to appeal to you
56:06 to open up your heart to Jesus.
56:07 Let Him come in.
56:09 Lay the entire weight of your faith
56:12 on the promises of the Word of God.
56:14 And you can have rest for your soul.
56:16 Amen.
56:18 Praise the Lord.
56:19 You know, I really believe that we are on the borders
56:21 of the Promised Land.
56:23 And so our lives our conduct,
56:25 our hearts needs to be in tune with heaven right now.
56:27 We need to pray like never before
56:29 that we enter in because we love God
56:32 and keep His commandments.
56:34 And I say to you listen, His invitation is still open.
56:38 That's the good news.
56:39 Accept that invitation right now.
56:41 He'll give you rest.
56:42 Amen, amen.
56:43 I take it to Hebrews Chapter 4 again.
56:46 And it says, "There remains
56:47 a rest for the people of the Lord."
56:49 But look at verse 11, "Let us therefore
56:52 be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone
56:57 fall according to the same example of disobedience."
57:01 Let us obey the Lord.
57:03 Trust in the Lord.
57:04 And let us be diligent to enter into that rest.
57:07 Amen and amen.
57:08 Thank you all so much for your study.
57:11 And what's on my heart right now
57:13 is, are you longing for more?
57:16 Ecclesiastes 3:11 says,
57:18 "God put eternity in our hearts."
57:21 We were meant to have communion with Him.
57:26 We were meant to live in unity with Him.
57:29 I can tell you what, God is longing for more.
57:32 He's longing for more of a commitment,
57:34 He is longing for us to give Him our hearts.
57:40 And so we hope that you'll take this time
57:43 to trust in Him and pray to Him
57:46 and let Him respond to that prayer.
57:49 And please join us next time for lesson number 12.
57:54 We're going to do a study on Jonah,
57:57 the restless prophet.
57:59 Till then just stay in touch with God.
58:04 Amen. Amen.


Revised 2021-09-20