3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP210042S

00:01 Hello, I'm Jill Morikone,
00:02 and we just want to welcome you
00:04 to another edition of 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:05 We're on lesson number three of our journey
00:08 through the Book of Deuteronomy.
00:09 This lesson is called God's Everlasting Covenant.
00:12 I want to remind you
00:14 if you don't have your own quarterly,
00:15 you can get it one of two ways,
00:16 you can go to the following website,
00:18 absg.adventist.org.
00:22 That stands for AdultBibleStudy Guide.adventist.org
00:27 or we always encourage you
00:29 to visit your local Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:32 and they'd be happy to give you a copy of the quarterly.
00:35 I want to encourage you right now
00:36 to grab your Bible and your pens and your papers,
00:39 and get ready for this edition
00:40 of 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
01:11 I'm so excited about this study
01:12 as we open up the Word of God
01:14 especially talking about the everlasting covenant.
01:16 Just a couple quarters ago,
01:18 we had the entire quarter on the covenant.
01:20 And now we have another day on that.
01:22 So we're excited about that.
01:23 We're glad that you've joined us
01:25 that you're a part of our 3ABN family
01:27 and we have our family here on the set.
01:29 Let me introduce them to you at this time.
01:31 They need no introduction.
01:33 My pastor, Pastor John Lomacang,
01:35 always love to hear what God gives you to share.
01:37 You know, Praise the Lord,
01:38 we did cover the covenants for a whole quarter.
01:41 So we might go over some of the similar ground
01:43 but we'll let you know what that is.
01:45 But this is going to be an exciting study.
01:46 Amen.
01:48 To your left my sister Shelley Quinn,
01:49 student of the word, word warrior.
01:51 Glad you're here.
01:52 Well, even if we do repeat we learned through repetition.
01:57 So this is a beautiful study. It is.
02:00 And Shelley is the queen of the covenant,
02:02 we say around here.
02:03 To her left is Pastor James Rafferty,
02:06 and we're delighted to have you here
02:07 on the Sabbath School Panel.
02:09 It is a blessing to be here.
02:10 And I am also blessed by the learning that
02:13 we get right here on the set
02:15 and thankful that our viewers are joining us.
02:17 Amen.
02:18 Last but not least,
02:19 singer in Israel, Pastor Ryan Day,
02:21 just so glad to have you here.
02:23 You're not just a singer in Israel,
02:24 but you're a student of the word.
02:26 So thank you. Amen.
02:27 I love to learn,
02:28 I love to expand my knowledge of God's Word.
02:30 And that's what we're going to be doing today.
02:31 Amen.
02:33 Before we go any further,
02:34 we want to go to the Lord in prayer.
02:35 And, Pastor John, would you pray for us?
02:37 Sure.
02:38 Loving Father, gracious Lord,
02:39 we thank You so much for the privilege,
02:41 yet deep responsibility of opening Your word.
02:44 And we ask for Your Holy Spirit to come now,
02:46 to be the power that's active in our minds,
02:49 in our hearts, and in our lives,
02:51 bridge the connection
02:53 between what is said and what is done.
02:55 And we pray that all the glory
02:57 will go only to You in Jesus name.
03:00 Amen. Amen.
03:01 As we look at the everlasting covenant,
03:03 this lesson specifically looks at the covenant in the light
03:06 of the Book of Deuteronomy.
03:08 Although the Bible speaks of covenants in the plural,
03:10 there is really only one covenant,
03:13 one basic covenant of salvation all throughout Scripture.
03:17 The blessings and salvation of God are given by God,
03:21 not earned by human beings.
03:23 Humanity, we respond in faith and obedience.
03:27 The heart of this covenant is God's, steadfast love.
03:31 The plural covenants, just simply means that
03:34 God advances His saving purpose by restating His covenant
03:38 in various ways to meet the needs of the people
03:41 at different times and in different settings.
03:43 You know, if you look through the Word of God,
03:45 we have the Adamic Covenant established with Adam in Eden.
03:49 And we have Christ the Seed, who would conquer the evil one.
03:53 We have the Noahic Covenant
03:56 established with Noah after the flood.
03:58 And we have the promise of grace and life
04:01 and the rainbow as the sign.
04:04 We have the Abrahamic Covenant established
04:06 with Abraham through his seed,
04:08 particularly one seed that's Jesus Christ.
04:12 The entire world would be blessed.
04:14 Of course, the sign of that covenant is circumcision,
04:18 the sign of the fact that
04:19 God had already brought His people
04:22 into right relationship with Him through faith,
04:24 and we'll study that more today.
04:26 We have the Sinaitic Covenant, which is established
04:28 with the children of Israel at Sinai.
04:31 And we see the law
04:32 is the central focus of that covenant,
04:34 but yet it's still a covenant of grace.
04:37 We have other covenants,
04:39 but we have of course, the final one,
04:40 the New Covenant, first appears in Jeremiah 31.
04:45 And it's really a renewal of the same covenant that
04:48 God established from the beginning.
04:50 As the children of Israel broke the Sinaitic covenant,
04:54 and that brought them into exile,
04:55 so the remaking of that covenant preserves them
04:59 and their hope for the future.
05:00 So let's read our memory text, we are in Genesis 17:7.
05:06 "And I will establish my covenant between me and you
05:09 and your descendants after you
05:11 in this generation in their generations,
05:14 for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you
05:18 and your descendants after you."
05:21 On Sunday, we look at the covenant
05:22 and the gospel,
05:24 the essence of the gospel is covenant.
05:27 And the essence of the covenant is the gospel.
05:30 You know, so many people get confused
05:31 between the Old Testament
05:33 and the New Testament, do they not?
05:34 They think the Old Testament is law,
05:36 but the New Testament is a grace.
05:38 The Old Testament is legalism and the New Testaments love.
05:42 The Old Testament is a God
05:43 who's harsh and vengeful and vindictive.
05:46 But the New Testament features Jesus
05:49 who's loving, but yet the God of the Old Testament
05:51 is the God of the New Testament.
05:53 We see salvation by faith in the blood of Jesus
05:56 in the Old Testament and we see that
05:58 in the New Testament.
05:59 We see justification by faith in the Old Testament
06:02 and we see it in the New Testament.
06:04 We see righteousness by faith in the Old Testament
06:08 and we see it in the New Testament.
06:10 And we see grace in the Old Testament
06:13 and we see it in the New Testament.
06:16 You know, if you look at works versus grace,
06:19 work say what I do has bearing on who I am.
06:23 Grace says who I am has bearing on what I do.
06:27 Work say actions are more important than motive.
06:31 Grace says motive informs my actions.
06:36 Work say I am what other people around me perceive me to be.
06:41 Grace says I am who God says I am.
06:45 So let's look at the Abrahamic Covenant.
06:47 We're going to go to Genesis 12.
06:49 The first giving of the covenant
06:51 is in here in Genesis 12.
06:53 And we're going to pick it up.
06:54 I think, Pastor John had this on a previous lesson.
06:57 Verse 1, we see Abraham's call, "Get out of your country."
07:02 In Hebrew, instead of get out it just says, Go, go.
07:05 "Get out of your country, from your family,
07:08 and from your father's house to a land that
07:10 I will show you."
07:12 And then we see these covenantal promises
07:15 given in Verses 2 and 3.
07:17 What are those promises?
07:18 "I will make of you a great nation.
07:20 I will bless you.
07:21 I will make your name great. You will be a blessing.
07:24 I will bless those who bless you.
07:26 I will curse those who curse you.
07:29 And in you all the families of the earth
07:31 they will be blessed."
07:33 We look at Genesis 15, the covenant comes up
07:36 again with Abraham in Genesis 15:1-6.
07:40 And Abraham's descendants were promised to be,
07:43 what, as the stars of the heavens
07:45 for number, for multitude.
07:48 And then Verse 6 is the crux of our passage here,
07:51 which is where we find justification by faith
07:55 in the Old Testament right here.
07:57 Genesis 15:6, "And he believed in the Lord," who's he?
08:01 That's Abraham. Abraham believed in the Lord.
08:05 And He, who's he?
08:07 That's the Lord, accounted it to him for righteousness.
08:11 So Abraham believed at the promise,
08:13 Abraham believed God,
08:15 Abraham accepted it by faith, and what happened?
08:18 God, I counted it to him for righteousness,
08:22 that weren't accounted
08:24 because Chashav means to impute or to reckon.
08:27 This is where we see justification
08:29 by faith taking place.
08:32 Now a couple chapters over, we come to Genesis 17
08:35 and what happens there,
08:36 circumcision is introduced as the sign of a covenant.
08:40 Remember, when we get down to the Jews.
08:43 This is the time of Jesus and after Jesus,
08:46 there's this whole controversy,
08:47 and the New Testament Church,
08:50 about whether you're saved by grace,
08:53 and that's it,
08:54 or whether you're saved by grace plus works.
08:57 And the works that they were seeking to add
08:59 was circumcision for the Gentile believers.
09:03 Remember, there was this whole criticism,
09:06 can they be saved by faith in the Messiah, in Jesus?
09:09 Or do they have to be circumcised
09:11 in order to be saved?
09:13 Now we say, what does that have to do with anything?
09:15 But it's a critical point because what it says is,
09:18 are we saved by grace in the blood of Jesus?
09:20 Or do we have to add somehow works to that grace
09:25 in order to be saved?
09:26 That was the controversy that was taking place.
09:30 If you'd studied the Book of Galatians,
09:31 you see this, the Judaizers coming in.
09:34 And you see what happens in the Book of Galatians
09:36 and Paul seeking to combat that false teaching.
09:40 In fact, in Galatians 5:4, to me,
09:43 this is one of the saddest verses
09:45 in the Book of Galatians.
09:47 He says, "You have become estranged from Christ."
09:52 Separated.
09:53 "You who attempt to be justified by law,
09:56 you have fallen from grace."
09:59 If we think there's something
10:01 we can do to earn favor with God,
10:03 if we think there's something
10:04 we can do to somehow have Him look at us more kindly,
10:08 the Lord Jesus while we were yet in trespasses and sins,
10:11 He died for us, He loved us,
10:13 He gave a way of salvation, His blood covers your sins.
10:18 You don't need circumcision to add to that,
10:20 in order to be safe.
10:22 Now today, we wouldn't say that,
10:23 but we would add all number of regulations
10:26 and rules and things that we think we have to keep
10:32 in order to earn salvation.
10:35 I was 19 years old, before I ever understood
10:40 and discovered that it was Jesus,
10:42 who could cover me.
10:44 I remember, I was raised
10:45 in a Seventh-day Adventist home,
10:47 I was raised knowing you would think believing this.
10:50 We were standing,
10:51 it was the closing hymn in church,
10:54 the organ is playing Cover With His Life,
10:56 "My life of scarlet,
10:58 my sin and woe cover with His life,
10:59 whiter than snow."
11:01 And I remember I was 19.
11:02 And I thought, "God, You mean You can cover me?
11:05 You mean I don't have to try to be good enough
11:07 to somehow earn Your favor?
11:09 God, You can cover me?"
11:11 That is justification by faith.
11:13 It's 2 Corinthians 5:21, I love that Verse.
11:18 Let's look at that real quick, 2 Corinthians 5:21
11:21 because what it says,
11:23 I call it the double imputation.
11:25 God made Jesus who knew no sin,
11:27 to be sin for us, that you and I might be
11:30 the righteousness of God in Him.
11:32 So what does that mean?
11:33 My sin is credited to Jesus account,
11:36 and He gives me His righteousness in its place,
11:40 and it's credited to my account.
11:44 So the New Testament Church argued over this.
11:46 Do we need the Gentile Christians
11:48 do they have to be circumcised in order to be saved?
11:51 In fact, the Jerusalem Council, Acts 15,
11:54 discussed this whole passage again,
11:57 and they came to the conclusion that you did not need
12:00 circumcision in order to be saved.
12:02 In other words, we're saved by grace through faith.
12:04 We don't need to add works.
12:06 Paul tackles this as well, in Romans 4.
12:08 We see this discussion of Abraham,
12:12 in Romans 4, we see was he justified,
12:14 and he brings it up in verses 9 and 10,
12:16 Romans 4:9-10.
12:18 "Does this blessedness," that's justification,
12:21 "come upon the circumcised or," the Jew only,
12:24 "or upon the uncircumcised?"
12:26 Also, that's referring to the Gentile.
12:28 "For we say that faith
12:30 was accounted to Abraham for righteousness,"
12:32 or credited to his account.
12:35 "How then was it accounted?
12:36 While he was circumcised or uncircumcised?
12:39 Not while circumcised, but while uncircumcised."
12:43 So justification by faith,
12:45 it does not require works on our part,
12:47 the blood of Jesus is imputed
12:49 or credited or reckoned to my account.
12:54 It just requires faith on
12:55 our part to reach out and accept,
12:57 faith on our part to say, "God, would You forgive me?"
13:00 And we know 1 John1:9, "If we confess our sins,
13:03 He's faithful and just to forgive us,
13:04 and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
13:07 There's one more verse in the Old Testament
13:09 I want to look at in my time,
13:10 this is Psalm 32:1-2, again,
13:13 we see this justification by faith
13:16 or this crediting to our account
13:18 in the Old Testament.
13:21 This is Psalm 32:1-2,
13:23 "Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven,
13:26 whose sin is covered.
13:28 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute,"
13:31 there's our word to stop, "does not impute iniquity,
13:34 and in whose spirit there is no deceit."
13:37 So the beautiful thing about the gospel is that
13:39 when we come to Jesus, when you come to Jesus,
13:42 and you say, "Would You forgive me?
13:44 Would You cleanse me?" He does instantly.
13:47 And the blood of Jesus covers you,
13:49 He covers you with His righteous white robe.
13:52 And the Father looks at you as if you have never sinned.
13:56 And then there's another garment,
13:57 we don't have time to get into it
13:58 but that is the imparted righteousness of Christ that
14:01 He gives and close you
14:03 with this as the sanctification process,
14:06 as we walk with Jesus hand in hand abiding with Him.
14:10 Pastor John. Wow! Jill, I tell you...
14:13 Praise the Lord.
14:15 Thank you for the wonderful beginning.
14:16 And now I have Monday The Covenant and Israel.
14:21 As you pointed out, and I think I alluded to that
14:24 to that we have done
14:25 an entire quarter on the covenant.
14:27 So when I saw that word Covenant and Israel,
14:30 I thought, "Wow, didn't we do that before?"
14:32 But you know, as we said earlier,
14:34 there's always something more to learn.
14:36 I want to begin with Deuteronomy 9:5,
14:39 and I have it here in front of me,
14:40 the Covenant and Israel.
14:42 Couple of things I want to point out
14:43 as you're turning to the passages,
14:45 the covenant has never been withdrawn
14:49 but some things have changed.
14:51 The Covenant has never been withdrawn
14:54 but some things have changed.
14:55 And I want to make the point very clear,
14:57 the things that have changed is not on God's part.
15:01 God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
15:03 He hasn't changed. He doesn't change.
15:06 But we're going to find out what changed.
15:08 But let's start with Deuteronomy 9:5.
15:12 "It is not because of your righteousness
15:15 or the uprightness of your heart,
15:17 that you go into possess the land,
15:21 but because of the wickedness of these nations that
15:24 the Lord your God drives them out
15:27 from before you, and that He may fulfil the word
15:31 which the Lord swore to your fathers
15:33 to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob."
15:35 The word there is covenant.
15:38 He swore that covenant was not based on...
15:41 And I want to make it very clear,
15:42 it was not based on Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob's goodness.
15:46 It was based on the goodness of the Lord.
15:48 That's why the Apostle Paul says,
15:50 "It is the goodness of God that leads us to repentance."
15:54 So when you look at the covenant promises
15:56 that are made to Israel.
15:58 Israel, first of all, is a spiritual term.
16:00 As you know, Jacob, when he wrestled with Christ,
16:02 when he wrestled with God during the night,
16:05 and he refused to let Him go.
16:07 He knew that this was an opportunity
16:10 that I couldn't let pass me.
16:12 And he held on until the Lord blessed him
16:14 and because he prevailed with God and man,
16:18 the Lord changed his name from Jacob to Israel.
16:20 So the term Israel is more of a spiritual term
16:24 than a literal term of a people
16:26 that is born in any specific place.
16:29 Now I give you an example of that.
16:31 Let's go to the Romans 9. Look at Romans 9:6.
16:35 All right?
16:36 Romans 9:6, about the word Israel.
16:40 And it says, Romans 9:6-7,
16:44 "But it is not that the word of God
16:45 has taken no effect for they are not all Israel
16:49 who are of Israel, nor are they all children
16:53 because they are the seed of Abraham,
16:56 but, 'In Isaac your seed shall be called.'"
17:00 And so when we talk about that, verse 8,
17:02 "That is, those who are born of the flesh,
17:06 these are not the children of God,
17:08 but the children of the promise are counted as the seed."
17:15 And the word they're counted, by the way, is imputed.
17:17 They get the credit
17:18 for something they had nothing to do it.
17:20 It's amazing how some people's generations
17:23 later become benefactors
17:25 of something they had no idea of...
17:27 I've been officiating a lot of funerals
17:30 and sometimes I hear people say,
17:32 "You know, I'm going to buy a house next month."
17:34 And I said, "You're only 27 years old."
17:36 They said, "You know,
17:38 my relatives left me a bit of change."
17:42 They were in the will of a family member.
17:45 They were in the will.
17:47 And so as we are in the will of the Father,
17:49 we are benefactors of something we have nothing to do with.
17:52 But the one that I smiled mostly about
17:54 and this is about inheritance.
17:56 I saw a long motorhome driving down 57
18:02 and on the back of it, it says,
18:03 "I'm spending my children inheritance."
18:06 It says I am not living anything to anybody.
18:09 You know, the beautiful thing about that the Lord
18:10 doesn't spend His children's inheritance.
18:13 He says, "Come here, blessed my Father,
18:15 inherit the kingdom prepared for you
18:18 from the foundation of the world."
18:19 And, Jill, when you were going through
18:21 all the different covenants, the Adamic Covenant,
18:22 the Noahic Covenant, Abrahamic Covenant,
18:24 Mosaic Covenant, then I was thinking,
18:26 "Okay, now I don't think I mentioned that one."
18:28 But there are many, many covenants that
18:30 I don't know if you meant that.
18:31 Did you say the Davidic Covenant?
18:33 I did not.
18:34 Well, the Lord made a covenant
18:35 and then you talked about the New Testament Covenant.
18:37 But what I want to point out is,
18:38 these covenants were
18:39 from the same covenant giver, God.
18:42 The covenant didn't change it
18:43 just from generation to generation,
18:45 it became a generational application.
18:50 It was imputed from generation to generation.
18:52 So if the great grandfather left money
18:56 for his great-grandson,
18:58 and the father of the grandson died,
19:00 it still applies.
19:01 That's the key. God never dies.
19:04 You see, the one who created the covenant,
19:06 the covenant is good, as long as he lives,
19:10 but in this case, the covenant was good,
19:12 even when Jesus died because His death ratified,
19:17 signed, and made the covenant of effect.
19:21 Now we know about that the Bible talks about
19:23 as long as they live when they die.
19:25 And the writer of Hebrews does a very wonderful job
19:29 in dealing with that particular picture.
19:32 But I want to point out a couple of other things
19:33 about the covenant.
19:34 Let's go to Genesis 9:12 because you find...
19:38 This is one of the first covenants,
19:40 the post-Antediluvian world covenant,
19:44 going all the way back.
19:45 This is part of the Noahic Covenant.
19:48 But notice what Genesis 9:12 points out,
19:51 and that's why when I see...
19:53 And I'm just going to be very candid.
19:54 When I see the rainbow today,
19:56 use in a derogatory terminology in a derogatory way,
19:59 I say, "That's not what God
20:01 ever intended it to be use for."
20:03 But the Bible puts it in the proper light.
20:06 Genesis 9:12.
20:07 "And God said,
20:09 'This is the sign of the covenant,
20:11 which I make between Me and you,
20:13 and every living creature that is with you,
20:16 for perpetual generations.'"
20:18 And what did He do?
20:20 He put a rainbow on the sky.
20:22 So every time you see a rainbow,
20:23 it's an assurance that the world will never be
20:26 destroyed by a flood.
20:28 Even though we had a lot of close calls recently,
20:30 with all this rain, the world will never be
20:33 destroyed again by a flood.
20:34 But you have to ask yourself the question
20:37 because I talked about the covenant
20:39 and His blessings are conditional
20:41 but look at one of the reasons
20:42 why many of the inhabitants of Earth cannot receive
20:45 the blessing that God intends for them to receive.
20:50 Isaiah 24:5.
20:52 Isaiah 24:5.
20:54 Matter of fact, I want to read a little bit more of it.
20:57 So I'm going to go there and turn very quickly.
20:59 Isaiah 24:5.
21:03 Okay, I'll start with verse 4.
21:06 "The earth mourns and fades away,
21:08 the world languishes and fades away,
21:11 the haughty people of the earth languish,"
21:13 who it is?
21:14 "The earth is also defiled under its inhabitants,
21:18 because they have transgressed the laws,
21:21 changed the ordinance,
21:23 broken the everlasting covenant."
21:26 And look at the result.
21:27 "Therefore," in verse 6,
21:29 "the curse has devoured the earth,
21:31 and those who dwell in it are desolate.
21:35 Therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned,
21:37 and few men are left."
21:39 So the Lord is talking about the negative impact.
21:41 Notice it says, they change the covenant.
21:43 Now I just said a moment ago, the covenant can't be changed.
21:46 Well, what actually changed?
21:49 Because they could not live up
21:51 to the conditions of the covenant,
21:54 so the blessing changed.
21:56 Because the covenant, I think,
21:57 in one of our lessons, we talked about this,
21:59 the covenant is also based on obedience.
22:02 Now a child does not receive the blessings of a parent.
22:05 If the parent says,
22:07 "Don't do this," and they do that.
22:08 The parents not going to say, "Well, you know,
22:10 since you're my children, I'll give you the card anyway."
22:12 No, it's based on an obedience factor.
22:15 So they did not fulfill the promise of the covenant
22:20 to be obedient with what God had required of them.
22:23 Therefore, the covenant was broken on their side,
22:25 but never on God's side.
22:27 God never breaks His covenant.
22:30 And then you find also in 1 Chronicles 16:15-17...
22:34 Look what the Bible says about the covenant.
22:36 Once again, looking at
22:37 the broad scope of the covenant, all right?
22:40 1 Chronicles 16:15-17.
22:43 He says, "Remember His covenant forever,
22:47 the word which He commanded,
22:50 for a thousand generations,"
22:53 that shows the perpetuity,
22:55 the everlasting nature of the covenant that God makes.
22:59 "The covenant," Verse 16, "which He made with Abraham,
23:03 and His oath to Isaac,
23:05 and confirmed it to Jacob for a statute,
23:08 to Israel for an everlasting covenant."
23:12 So you have to ask yourself the question,
23:14 what happened when Jesus says,
23:16 when He said to Israel,
23:17 "Your house has left unto you desolate?"
23:19 Well, once again, the term there,
23:21 they took it as it was ours, solely ours
23:25 because we are the children of promise.
23:29 But the Lord made it very clear once again,
23:31 the condition of obedience.
23:32 If you don't respond to the conditions of obedience,
23:36 you can't be a benefactor.
23:37 And then He said,
23:39 "Because you broke the covenant,
23:40 your house has left to you desolate."
23:42 But I want to segue on this point, two points.
23:45 What about the covenant?
23:46 What kind of Covenant has God made?
23:48 Psalm 89:34, "My covenant I will not break,
23:53 nor alter the things that is gone out of My lips."
23:57 And finally, Leviticus 26:42,
24:01 "Then I will remember My covenant with Jacob,
24:05 and My covenant with Isaac and My covenant with Abraham.
24:08 I will remember, I will remember the land."
24:12 When God makes a covenant He never forgets.
24:15 Our benefit is to be obedient to the covenant He has made.
24:19 Amen. Thank you so much, Pastor John.
24:20 Aren't you grateful that
24:22 we have a covenant-making and covenant-keeping God?
24:25 We're going to take a break, we'll be right back.
24:32 Ever wish you could watch
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25:02 Welcome back to lesson three,
25:04 as we continue our study on God's Everlasting Covenant,
25:07 we're going to kick it over to Shelley, and she has Tuesday.
25:09 Oh, I love that everlasting covenant of God.
25:14 Hebrews 13:20 says that,
25:18 Jesus Christ's blood is the blood
25:21 of the everlasting covenant.
25:22 What is the everlasting covenant?
25:25 Revelation 13:8, "The Lamb who was slain
25:28 from the foundation of the earth."
25:30 God has had this covenant in place,
25:34 before even created us.
25:36 I grew up in a New Testament Church,
25:38 we didn't study the Old Testament.
25:41 I was taught The Ten Commandments
25:42 had been nailed to the cross.
25:44 And when God called me to full-time ministry,
25:47 He told me, "Forget what you think,
25:48 you know, sit at My feet, I will teach you."
25:51 He started me on a study of this sanctuary,
25:53 which was just fascinating to me.
25:56 But when I found out that
25:59 there was a scroll, that was an aside pocket,
26:03 while The Ten Commandments, were on the inside of the ark.
26:08 I knew something was up and I began to study.
26:12 And I want to share this with you.
26:14 It was life-changing for me, could be life-changing for you.
26:18 The Book of the Covenant
26:21 is first introduced in Exodus 24:7.
26:26 And we're not going to read there right now,
26:28 but we'll go into a minute.
26:29 But here's my point, God gave Moses 10 Commandments
26:33 or he actually spoke
26:34 Ten Commandments to all the people.
26:36 Moses goes up the mountain
26:39 and God speaks this covenant to him.
26:42 Moses comes back down the mountain,
26:46 he speaks it to the people, he writes it in a book.
26:50 And then Exodus 24:7, well, let's do turn there
26:54 because it's just a great point.
26:56 Exodus 24:7 is telling us about
27:00 this Book of the Covenant.
27:03 And what it says is,
27:06 Exodus 24:7
27:11 is somewhere here in my Bible.
27:14 And it says this.
27:17 Then Moses took the Book of the Covenant,
27:20 he's built an altar,
27:21 he's got to sacrifice already slain.
27:25 "He took the Book of the Covenant
27:27 and read it in the hearing of the people.
27:29 They said, 'All that the Lord said
27:31 we will do and be obedient.'
27:33 And Moses took the blood
27:35 and sprinkled it on all the people."
27:37 And in Hebrews, it says, he sprinkled the book as well.
27:40 "He said, 'This is the blood of the covenant
27:45 which the Lord has made
27:47 with you according to all these words.'"
27:49 Well, what was this covenant?
27:51 When God gave the Ten Commandments,
27:53 that's the Bill of Rights for God's government.
27:56 But then after the Ten Commandments,
27:59 when Moses went up, He gave him civil laws
28:02 that are based on the moral law,
28:05 the Ten Commandments.
28:06 He gave him ceremonial laws.
28:09 And so we seen that the Book of the Covenant,
28:11 Moses wrote all of this down.
28:14 And it was the civil, moral because the Ten Commandments
28:18 was the heart of the covenant, and the ceremonial laws.
28:22 Now we get to Deuteronomy.
28:25 Deuteronomy is an expansion of the Book of the Covenant.
28:30 It's called the Book of the Law,
28:32 the Book of the Covenant.
28:35 It's a covenant document.
28:37 What Moses is doing is he's elaborating on that.
28:41 And, you know, in the Old Testament,
28:44 the word for covenant is Brit,
28:46 it means to bind or to obligate,
28:49 but the same word is used
28:51 for both God and man's covenant.
28:54 But when the translators,
28:58 70 Jewish Hebrew authorities,
29:04 when they translated the Old Testament,
29:08 into Greek, it's called the Septuagint.
29:11 They chose one of two Greek words
29:14 that really distinguishes
29:16 and helps us to understand what God's covenants all about.
29:19 The words aren't important
29:21 but let me tell you what their meanings are.
29:23 One Greek word means a covenant
29:26 is described as a contract between two parties,
29:31 where both parties are obligated,
29:34 they enter in and they're obligated
29:36 to making promises to one another.
29:39 But the other Greek word is always used
29:43 for a will or a testament.
29:46 It's when one party is making all of the promises,
29:51 but you got to be kin to that party to begin,
29:53 to get the inheritance.
29:56 And, you know, those Greek scholars,
29:59 use the word that is in the Greek,
30:03 a will or a testament all throughout the Septuagint
30:07 but also always in the New Testament.
30:11 The Greek word about
30:12 God's covenants is it's His will,
30:16 His testament, hence the Old Testament,
30:19 the New Testament.
30:20 So it's so fascinating to understand,
30:24 God's point has always been in,
30:26 as Jill said, what we're seeing,
30:28 it's the same everlasting covenant.
30:30 The Lamb slain
30:32 from the foundation of the world,
30:33 introduced in Genesis 13...
30:36 3:15. 3:15.
30:38 I'll get there, Genesis 3:15.
30:40 And it's just a progressive
30:43 unfolding of the revelation of God's covenant.
30:48 Now the Ten Commandments, you know,
30:51 the syntax shows its commandments.
30:53 So we do that the syntax,
30:56 the order of the words, known that,
30:59 hey, these are to be obeyed.
31:01 So we translate that into English as commandments.
31:04 But both in the Hebrew and in the Greek,
31:07 the Ten Commandments mean the 10 words,
31:10 but Decalogue, 10 words.
31:13 And it is so interesting to me...
31:15 Let me read this
31:16 because this is where most people believe that
31:20 the Ten Commandments are the Old Covenant.
31:24 Listen to Deuteronomy 4:13.
31:28 Deuteronomy 4:13 says, "He," God,
31:33 "declared to you His covenant,
31:36 which He commanded you to perform,
31:38 the Ten Commandments,
31:40 and He wrote them on two tablets of stone."
31:44 So are the commandments a covenant?
31:46 I think you could say, "Yes, they are."
31:48 Because they're written in future tense,
31:51 it's God saying to you,
31:53 "If you're living in covenant relationship with Me,
31:56 this is what it's going to be like for you."
31:58 But it is not the Old Covenant.
32:03 The Old Covenant, it was written inside a scroll.
32:08 And Moses was expanding it,
32:13 he wrote it in the book of the law
32:15 and put it on the side pocket.
32:17 So here's what we want to look at.
32:19 In Exodus, let me see, I'm going to...
32:22 I'm skipping all over here.
32:25 In Deuteronomy 5:29,
32:30 I want you to hear what God says.
32:32 Because see, when God calls us
32:34 into covenant relationship, and that's what it's all about.
32:38 It's a relationship of love.
32:41 God is saying, "I will be your God,
32:44 you will be My people, come to Me."
32:47 And so, would He calls us
32:49 into this covenant relationship?
32:51 He's the one making all the promises, you know.
32:55 I mean, all God's promises are yes and amen in Christ.
32:59 But what He asks is that we are loyal to the covenant.
33:05 And what He's asking of us is that
33:07 we would love Him with all of our heart,
33:09 soul, mind and strength.
33:11 And motivated by that love,
33:14 we would walk in loyalty
33:17 to His principles of His government.
33:20 But listen what He says, this is God's heart.
33:24 Deuteronomy 5:29, he says,
33:29 he's talking to Moses, and he says,
33:31 "Oh, that they," the people, "had such a heart in them,
33:35 that they would fear Me, respect Me,
33:38 honor Me and always keep all My commandments."
33:44 Why?
33:45 So that, "It would go well with them
33:48 and with their children forever."
33:51 And then he tells Moses,
33:52 "Go tell them to return to their tents.
33:55 But as for you," Moses,
33:56 "stand here by Me,
33:58 I'll speak to you all the commandments,
34:00 the statutes, and the judgments,
34:03 that you shall teach them,
34:05 that they may observe them in the land
34:07 which I am giving them."
34:10 So that's what Moses does.
34:12 He listens to the Lord, he writes all this down.
34:16 And in Deuteronomy 31:26,
34:21 once he's finished writing all of God's commandments,
34:24 His covenant, commandments, and statutes,
34:28 he writes them in this Book of the Law,
34:29 and he says, "Hey, go put this Book of the Law beside
34:34 the ark of the covenant,
34:36 that it may be a witness against you."
34:40 So this Book of the Law contained blessings.
34:46 This is what God's heart was.
34:48 Oh, that you'd hated my commandments
34:50 so that your piece would have been like a river,
34:54 but it also contained the curses.
34:57 You know, God's love is expressed in a positive way,
35:01 but God's wrath is also an expression of His love,
35:05 because He will do away with evil.
35:07 Amen. Praise God.
35:08 So we have in Wednesday's lesson,
35:12 the title His Special People.
35:14 And this is something that
35:17 we see in the context of the Old Testament.
35:19 God designed that His people,
35:22 the Hebrews, who were stiff neck,
35:24 just like everybody else,
35:26 who were wretched, just like everybody else.
35:29 There was no difference between them.
35:31 God designed that His people would become
35:34 the covenant people through the promises
35:37 He was making to Abraham, to Isaac to Jacob,
35:40 to the whole world in Jesus Christ.
35:43 So we're going to start our lesson here
35:45 in Deuteronomy 26,
35:48 and we're going to read Verses 16 through 19.
35:51 Deuteronomy 26, this is what the lesson
35:53 brings out Verses 16 through 19.
35:56 All right.
35:57 So Deuteronomy 26:16 reads,
36:01 "This day the Lord thy God hath commanded thee
36:05 to do these statutes and judgments,
36:08 thou shalt therefore keep
36:10 and do them with all thine heart,
36:13 and with all thy soul.
36:16 Thou hast avouched the Lord this day,"
36:18 Verse 17 says, "This day to be thy God..."
36:22 Excuse me, "Thou hast avouched
36:25 the Lord this day to be thy God..."
36:29 Let me just reread that, I'll get it right.
36:31 "Thou hast avouched the Lord this day to be thy God,"
36:33 So the people have vouched the Lord
36:35 this day to be thy God,
36:36 "and to walk in his ways, and to keep his statutes,
36:39 and his commandments, and his judgments,
36:41 and to hearken unto his voice.
36:43 And the Lord," Verse 18,
36:45 "hath avouched thee this day to be his..."
36:48 Excuse me.
36:49 "And the Lord hath avouched thee this day
36:51 to be his peculiar people, as he hath promised thee,
36:55 and that thou shouldest keep all his commandments."
36:57 Verse 19, "And to make thee high above all nations
37:01 which he hath made, in praise, and in name,
37:03 and in honor, and that thou mayest be
37:05 an holy people unto the Lord thy God,
37:07 as he hath spoken."
37:08 So just one point
37:11 before we get into these verses,
37:15 the Hebrews were no different than any other nation,
37:18 the Hebrews were no different
37:20 than any other human being.
37:22 They were as far as broken as we all are.
37:24 And sometimes as Christians,
37:26 we start thinking that we're special,
37:28 that we're better, we're not,
37:30 probably the most broken.
37:31 And God is reminding us that He has chosen us.
37:37 He has vouchsafed to us,
37:39 He has chosen us to be the special people.
37:41 He's the one that is doing that.
37:43 It's not us.
37:44 But it's Him that is doing that.
37:46 He is the motivator, He's the motivation for that.
37:50 But He also wants us to respond.
37:52 So here are the questions that
37:53 the quarterly brings out that I think are so significant.
37:56 The first question is asked here
37:57 in the quarterly is,
37:59 how is the covenant relationship
38:01 between God and Israel summed up in these verses?
38:04 And the way that it's summed up in these verses is, listen,
38:08 I've vouchsafed, I have called you to be My people,
38:12 and I want you to be obedient to Me,
38:14 and to keep My judgments and My commandments and my law.
38:17 That's how it's summed up in these verses.
38:20 And then the second question is asked is this,
38:22 how should their faithfulness to the covenant be manifest
38:26 and the kind of people they would have become?
38:27 They were going to be different from all the other nations,
38:29 they weren't going to be like all the other nations.
38:31 They were going to be obedient to God,
38:33 they were going to walk in His laws
38:34 and His statutes and in His judgments.
38:36 And then the third question
38:37 that's asked here in the lesson study is,
38:40 what lessons can we take from there for ourselves today?
38:46 And the main lesson, I think,
38:47 the main takeaway, we can take from this
38:49 because we've already covered all this,
38:50 we've already studied all this,
38:52 we've been talking about it is,
38:53 it's impossible for us to walk in God's law,
38:56 walk in God's commandments, keep all of His judges,
38:58 it's not possible for us to do that.
39:00 That the idea that is brought out of these verses
39:03 is that this is an agreement
39:06 that we would be peculiar people,
39:07 this is an agreement,
39:09 not for us to do in order to become but for us
39:14 to agree for God to do in order to become.
39:18 And that's the difference between the old
39:20 and the new covenant.
39:21 It's not an issue of Old Testament,
39:22 New Testament
39:24 because Paul brings out quite clearly in Galatians 4,
39:27 that the old and new covenant are alive
39:29 and well today in the early Christian church.
39:33 And he gives the story of Abraham
39:36 and Ishmael, his first son,
39:39 compared to Abraham and Isaac, his second son,
39:42 as types of the Old and the New Covenant.
39:44 The way that operates, the way that works.
39:46 And the way it operates is this.
39:49 In these verses, if God says to us,
39:51 "I want you to be My people,
39:52 I want you to keep My commandments,"
39:54 and we say to Him, "Okay, we'll do it."
39:55 That's old covenant.
39:57 But in these verses, God says,
39:58 "I want you to be My people and to keep My commandments,"
40:01 and we say to Him, "But we can't really do that,
40:06 how is that going to work?"
40:07 And He says, "Well, I'm going to show you
40:08 how it's going to work, I'm going to do that in you."
40:10 Then we stepped into New Covenant,
40:12 we haven't experienced now that
40:14 is so different from the experience
40:16 that God's people had in that
40:18 Old Covenant time and time again.
40:19 But that experience that God wants us to have that
40:22 New Covenant experience
40:24 is not just a New Testament type of experience.
40:27 Because in the New Testament over and over again,
40:30 in the early Christian church,
40:31 and the late Christian church and the mid-Christian church,
40:33 and the later Christian church
40:35 and our present Christian church,
40:36 the Old Covenant is alive and well.
40:39 Legalism is alive and well.
40:40 And one of the greatest dangers that we face to entering
40:44 into legalism is found in Philippians 3,
40:48 and I just want us to look
40:49 there really quickly in Philippians 3.
40:52 Paul here is talking about his pedigree.
40:55 Paul's pedigree is probably greater better than
41:01 a fourth-generation Seventh-day Adventist, okay?
41:04 We're just going to get right to the point here, right?
41:07 Paul here speaks
41:08 and he starts out the chapter by saying,
41:10 "Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord,"
41:13 rejoice in who?
41:14 The Lord. "In the Lord.
41:15 To write the same things to you to me indeed is not grievous,
41:18 but to you it is safe.
41:20 Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers,
41:22 beware of the circumcision."
41:23 He's talking about being aware of legalism here.
41:26 And then he goes on, he says this,
41:28 "For we are the circumcision."
41:29 Why?
41:30 Because God has cut away the flesh
41:33 that is the dependence
41:35 on our human flesh for obedience.
41:37 "We are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit
41:40 and rejoice in Christ Jesus, I have no confidence," in what?
41:44 The flesh. Zero confidence in the flesh.
41:46 Now I don't know how long it takes us to get there...
41:48 Abraham 25 years to get there.
41:50 It took him 25 years to get to the place,
41:52 we had zero confidence in the flesh.
41:54 And finally, he gave up on himself on his flesh.
41:57 And God fulfilled his promise to him with Isaac.
41:59 "Though I might also have confidence,"
42:01 in Verse 4, he says, "in the flesh.
42:02 If any man thinketh that he hath there
42:04 where he might trust in the flesh, I more.
42:06 I was circumcised," Verse 5, "on the eighth day,
42:09 of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin,
42:12 an Hebrew of the Hebrews,
42:13 touching the law, I was a Pharisee.
42:16 Concerning zeal, persecuting the church,"
42:17 Verse 6, "touching the righteousness
42:19 which is in the law, I was blameless.
42:23 But what things were gain to me,
42:25 those I counted, loss for Christ.
42:28 Yea doubtless, I count all things, but loss..."
42:32 I want to stop right here.
42:33 There are two words here
42:34 that are used for the word loss,
42:37 and one of them is damage.
42:39 I count them damaging.
42:41 In other words, Paul here is talking about his pedigree,
42:44 he's talking about his attainments,
42:46 not his failures,
42:47 he's talking about his blamelessness in the law.
42:49 And he's saying, not only do I count that loss,
42:51 but I also count that as dangerous.
42:55 I count that as something that damaged me,
42:57 it's damaging for us.
42:58 It's damaging for the Laodicean Church
43:00 because the Laodicean Church thinks,
43:02 it's rich and increased with goods
43:03 and need of nothing.
43:05 Our greatest, the greatest enemy
43:08 of our love for Christ are our works for Christ.
43:11 And so Paul says, you know what we need to do
43:12 with our works for Christ, we need to forget them.
43:15 We need to forget them.
43:17 A lot of people quote these verses, you know,
43:18 in Philippians 3:13, "Brethren,
43:21 I count not myself to have apprehended,
43:23 but this one thing
43:24 I do forgetting those things which are behind!"
43:26 You know, when we say,
43:27 all the sins and all the failures,
43:29 the context of that is not talking about
43:31 sins and failures.
43:32 The context of this is talking about attainments.
43:35 And this was the problem with Israel.
43:37 This continued to be the problem with them
43:39 as they got into
43:40 the New Testament times as Jesus came.
43:43 Jesus was the Promised Messiah.
43:45 Daniel 9:24, you've got to do away with sins
43:49 and make reconciliation for iniquity
43:51 and get rid of transgressions, you know.
43:54 And they looked at that
43:55 with Old Covenant glasses and say,
43:57 "We got to do this, you know, before the Messiah comes."
43:59 But if you look at Verse 25, you know, you've got 70 weeks,
44:03 490 years to do this, Messiah is coming in 483
44:06 because Messiah is the one
44:08 that removes transgressions and iniquities.
44:10 Messiah is the one that brings in everlasting righteousness.
44:12 Messiah is the one that fulfills the covenant.
44:15 And so someone brought this up,
44:17 I can't remember who now but it's 1 Chronicles 16,
44:20 and it says here in Verse 15,
44:22 "Be mindful always of His covenant,
44:24 the word which he commanded to thousand generations,
44:26 even the covenant which he made with Abraham,
44:28 and his oath to Isaac, and he has confirmed
44:31 the same to Jacob for law for Israel
44:32 for an everlasting covenant.
44:34 Saying, Unto thee I will give you
44:36 the land of Canaan."
44:38 Remember this, be mindful, God has made the promises,
44:41 God is going to give you the land of Canaan,
44:43 God is going to put His law in your hearts and minds.
44:46 God is going to do away with sins,
44:48 iniquities and transgressions.
44:49 God is the one.
44:50 And what is the agreement we need to make with Him?
44:53 I agree to let You do that.
44:56 I agree to let You do it.
44:58 We want the obedience we need.
45:00 Remember, the judgment's come to the house of God,
45:03 and what will be the end of those
45:04 who obey not the gospel.
45:05 The obedience we need to is to obey the gospel,
45:08 the everlasting covenant and to say,
45:09 "Yes, God, I want to let You do that.
45:11 Amen. Amen.
45:13 I can give you a couple more minutes if you need.
45:15 That was really good.
45:17 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
45:18 Wow!
45:19 Thursday's lesson is entitled Other Images.
45:22 When I first saw this title, I thought, "What in the world?
45:24 How does that relate to
45:25 all this covenant conversation?"
45:26 When you get into the lesson,
45:28 you can see exactly how it relates.
45:29 I'm going to take the just a portion
45:31 of the opening of the introduction
45:33 to Thursday's lesson,
45:34 I'm going to read this to kind of set it up.
45:36 It says, the idea of a covenant a legal agreement
45:39 between two parties with rules
45:40 and stipulations and regulations
45:42 can seem so cold and formal.
45:44 And again, we really get into the language of it all,
45:46 it's kind of like, you know, little dry,
45:50 it can be a little formal to a certain extent.
45:52 But it goes on to say, though, that element must indeed exist
45:55 because obviously God is the lawgiver,
45:58 it's not broad enough to encompass the depth
46:01 and breadth of the kind of relationship
46:03 God wanted with His people.
46:06 Hence, Other Images,
46:08 this is where our title comes in,
46:10 other Images are used in Deuteronomy
46:12 to help portray the same idea as the covenant between God
46:16 and Israel but just to give it added dimension.
46:20 So we're looking at other images now to depict
46:23 and to see what the fullness of God's plan
46:25 to get a glimpse into that of what God wanted
46:28 between Him and His people.
46:29 Our journey is going to begin in Deuteronomy 8.
46:31 So let's go there.
46:33 And we're going to kind of bounce around
46:34 and read a few passages here from the Book of Deuteronomy,
46:37 just to kind of see these other images
46:39 that help amplify and open up this greater plan.
46:43 What was it that God really wanted
46:44 between Him and His people
46:46 that may not be clearly depicted
46:48 within this covenant language.
46:49 So Deuteronomy 8:5,
46:52 and this one I really can relate to...
46:55 Notice what it says.
46:56 It says, "You should know in your heart
46:59 that as a man chastens his son,
47:02 so the Lord your God chastens you."
47:06 Now notice the picture here that we're seeing God
47:09 is literally liking his relationship,
47:11 his covenant relationship
47:12 between Him and Israel, liking into a parent
47:15 and his son or a parent and their child,
47:17 and when I read that my mind just went back
47:19 because I remember growing up,
47:20 I grew up with some old school parents.
47:23 You know, I've never met a child
47:24 that didn't need discipline, okay?
47:26 Didn't ever met a child
47:27 that didn't need some type of chastening.
47:29 It just depends on the type of method you might use,
47:32 a parent might choose to use depending on the, you know,
47:34 the temperament and the character
47:36 of the particular child,
47:37 but I was one of those kids that just...
47:39 I got whippings, okay, except in our house
47:41 they were called whipping.
47:42 There's a difference between a whipping in the south,
47:44 you get whipping, I got lots of whippings.
47:46 And as I was reading this, you know,
47:49 you should know in your heart that is a man chastens his son
47:51 so the Lord, your God, chastens you.
47:54 This is relationship language.
47:57 This is a God's saying,
47:58 "I'm your parent, you're My child."
48:00 And so, you know, I remember, you know, years ago,
48:03 I had a friend, we're outside playing basketball.
48:05 This was not a very good friend,
48:06 I probably shouldn't be friends with this kid.
48:08 But anyways, we were playing in the front lawn,
48:10 and I remember, we were out there shooting hoops.
48:12 My dad flings open the front door of our house
48:14 and he yells out the door.
48:15 He says, "Ryan, son, you know, trash needs to be taken out,
48:18 get in here and get it out here, okay?"
48:21 And I remember I dropped the ball,
48:22 I turned to walk into the house.
48:23 And this friend of mine,
48:25 he tries to say, "Dude, what are you doing?"
48:28 I was like, "I'm going to take the trash."
48:29 He was like, "Dude, no, that's lame, man.
48:31 Like, you could do it later, we're playing the game."
48:34 And in my mind,
48:35 I remember thinking to myself all the time,
48:37 because this kid, he didn't have discipline.
48:39 He talked back to his parents very disrespectful.
48:41 And I remember turning to him
48:42 and saying, "Look, man, I'm from the wish a kid wood.
48:47 Okay, I'm from the wish a kid woods.
48:49 My parents are of the model that
48:51 I wish a kid wood disrespect me or tell me no."
48:53 Because I remember him telling,
48:55 he's like, "Just tell your dad no,
48:56 that you'll do it later."
48:57 That's not how it works in a family house.
48:59 There was a certain respect there,
49:01 there was an understanding that that's my parent.
49:03 And my mom and dad, they demanded respect.
49:06 And they called for respect.
49:08 And that's exactly what God is portraying here
49:10 in a godlike sense, in a loving relationship sense,
49:13 I'm the parent, you're the child,
49:14 and as a parent chastens his son, so the Lord,
49:16 your God, chastens you also.
49:19 So God in a sense of setting up this family relational image,
49:24 He wants us to understand that He is our Father,
49:27 we are the children.
49:28 Let's go to Deuteronomy 14,
49:29 we're going to read verses 1 and 2.
49:31 Deuteronomy 14:1-2, we see the same thing here.
49:36 He says, "You are the children of the Lord your God,
49:38 you shall not cut yourselves
49:40 nor shave the front of your head for the dead.
49:43 For you are a holy people to the Lord your God,
49:46 and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for Himself,
49:49 a special treasure of all the peoples
49:52 who are on the face of the earth."
49:54 God is again, He's portraying
49:55 this beautiful family imagery here,
49:57 in the sense that He's saying, "Look, I'm your protector,
50:00 I'm your leader, I'm your guidance.
50:02 And in this sense, you are My holy people,
50:06 and I want you to be different.
50:07 I want you to be set apart
50:08 from all of the other heathen nations around you,
50:10 where in the world that they get the idea
50:12 of cutting themselves
50:13 and shaving the front of their head."
50:15 It certainly wasn't from God,
50:16 it certainly wasn't God's rules or regulations that
50:18 He put out there for them.
50:19 They were getting this
50:20 from the other paganistic practices,
50:22 and then hedon nations around them.
50:24 In other words, the world was rubbing off on them,
50:26 and God saying, "No, no, no, no,
50:27 if you're going to be My people,
50:28 you're going to be My special children,
50:30 you know what, get rid of that because you are My people.
50:33 I want you to be different.
50:34 I want you to be sanctified,
50:36 set apart from the rest of the world."
50:37 So again, we get this sense of a family relationship.
50:41 God is our father.
50:42 We are the children and He wants us to follow Him.
50:45 Notice Deuteronomy 32:6.
50:48 Deuteronomy 32:6, he says,
50:51 "Do you thus deal with the Lord..."
50:52 He's asking the question here.
50:53 "Do you thus deal with the Lord,
50:55 O foolish and unwise people?
50:56 Is He not your father who bought you?
51:00 Has He not made you and established you?"
51:02 God is asking the question, he's saying,
51:03 "Have you forgotten who I am?
51:05 Do you remember who I am? I am your God."
51:08 As I was reading this passage here,
51:10 it brought me back to that sense of almost rebuke that
51:13 God gives to Job in Job 38.
51:16 We all need a little bit of a Job 38 moment
51:18 every once in a while, just to be reminded, you know.
51:20 And this is essentially what He's saying,
51:21 "O foolish and wise people.
51:23 Is He not your father who bought you?
51:26 Hey, have you forgotten who I am?
51:27 Have you forgotten that I am your father,
51:29 I am the God of the universe?"
51:30 Brought me back to Job 38.
51:32 Job 38:4 and 12. I love this.
51:34 He says, "Where were you
51:35 when I laid the foundations of the earth?
51:37 Tell Me, if you have understanding.
51:39 Have you commanded the morning since your days began,
51:41 and caused the dawn to know its place?"
51:44 Every once in a while we need that
51:45 Job 38 experience, we need to be reminded that
51:48 God has the world in His hands,
51:50 He is in charge, He is our Father,
51:52 we are the children.
51:53 He is the potter, we are the clay.
51:55 And that's essentially
51:56 what this lesson is bringing out
51:58 is a family relational God.
52:00 We see it in these other images
52:02 throughout the Book of Deuteronomy,
52:03 as well as other books of the Bible,
52:05 that we don't have to just look in the covenant to try to find
52:08 this beautiful relational language
52:10 or picture we can look
52:12 elsewhere throughout the Scripture.
52:13 And it's hidden behind every little corner,
52:15 every little detail of all the scriptures
52:17 throughout the entire Bible.
52:18 God has placed images there for us to see
52:21 to get a glimpse of the plan that He has for us,
52:24 the beautiful family relationship
52:26 that He so desires.
52:27 Deuteronomy 32:18-20.
52:30 Again, this great reminder,
52:32 he says, "Of the rock who begot you,
52:34 you are unmindful and have forgotten the God
52:38 who fathered you.
52:39 And when the Lord saw it,
52:40 He spurned them because of the provocation
52:43 of His sons and His daughters."
52:45 So again, it's this, you know what,
52:46 almost like a parent again, that is, it's upset.
52:49 That's a little disappointed
52:52 in the dishonor of the daughter who has forgotten Him,
52:55 who's forgotten the will of the Lord,
52:56 who has forgotten the ways of the Lord.
52:58 And this is essentially what we see that
53:00 behind the beautiful character
53:02 and the beautiful loving mind of God is a loving parent
53:05 there who wants to see His children succeed.
53:08 So what we see happening over and over through
53:10 the Old Testament,
53:11 and even into the new to a certain extent
53:13 is we see God's people,
53:14 we see them failing to realize that
53:16 they truly can trust and know that
53:18 God is there for them,
53:20 that even through their failures,
53:22 when those doors are open, even through those failures,
53:24 God is there for them,
53:25 to catch them to lead them to guide them.
53:27 And in a sense,
53:28 that's what God is saying here in Deuteronomy 32.
53:30 He's saying, "Look, I have begotten you,
53:32 you are mindful and begotten the God who fathered you."
53:35 So God wants a special,
53:37 spiritually intimate relationship
53:40 with His people like that have a close relationship
53:43 between a parent and their children.
53:45 I'm going to read just a couple of more texts
53:47 really quickly here together,
53:48 and also Deuteronomy 32:9.
53:53 It says, "But the Lord has taken you and brought you
53:56 out of the iron furnace, out of Egypt,
53:58 to be His people, an heritance, as you are this day."
54:03 God.
54:04 Well, God says, "What is mine, I want to be yours.
54:07 I am your father, and I love you
54:08 and I want to see you succeed.
54:10 What is mine is yours
54:11 and I've brought you out of bondage,
54:13 because I want you to be free."
54:15 Deuteronomy 32:9, says,
54:17 "For the Lord's portion of His people,
54:20 Jacob is the place of his inheritance."
54:22 There's that language again.
54:23 God wants a deep, close,
54:26 tight family relationship with His people,
54:29 which in reality is the deepest of bonds.
54:32 What is deeper?
54:34 What is stronger than family, right?
54:36 That was instilled with me as a child.
54:38 Family comes... Obviously, God comes first.
54:40 But then family, family comes but there's nothing, nothing
54:43 stronger than a family bond.
54:45 There was a gentleman who spent two weeks in a cabin
54:49 in the mountains of Colorado.
54:51 He wanted to read the Bible through for two weeks.
54:53 His name is Philip Yancey, he's a famous Biblical writer.
54:57 And it's interesting that he...
54:58 Not a Biblical writer, but a Christian author,
55:00 that's what I meant to say.
55:01 But he spent two weeks studying the Bible,
55:02 just a bird's eye aerial view,
55:05 he wanted to know for two weeks
55:06 so that's he read through the Bible,
55:08 these reoccurring themes that were coming about.
55:10 And this is what he came away with.
55:11 He could boil the scripture down into this.
55:13 He says, "The whole Bible can be
55:15 boiled down to one after another of God
55:19 seeking to restore a broken relationship
55:21 with man."
55:22 God is a family man,
55:24 will you let Him be your father?
55:25 Amen!
55:27 Thank you so much, Pastor Ryan,
55:28 Pastor James, Shelley, and Pastor John,
55:31 incredible study, everlasting covenant.
55:33 I want to give each one of you a moment to share
55:35 something about your day or something else.
55:37 Well, the covenant mine was the covenant that God made,
55:41 which is an everlasting covenant,
55:43 and it is for all of those of us
55:44 who accept Christ.
55:46 Galatians 3:26, "For you are all sons of God
55:49 through faith in Jesus Christ.
55:51 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ
55:53 have put on Christ.
55:54 There is neither Jew nor Greek,
55:56 there is neither slave nor free,
55:57 there's neither male nor female,
55:59 for you are all one in Christ.
56:00 And if you are Christ,
56:02 you are Abraham's seed and heir,
56:04 according to the promise."
56:06 Amen. Amen.
56:07 I just want to say Deuteronomy is a covenant document.
56:11 It is the renewal of the commitment.
56:16 It's a covenant renewal
56:18 that Moses is taking the new generation
56:22 through before they go into the Promised Land.
56:25 It is the Constitution of the nation of Israel.
56:29 Amen.
56:31 God wanted us, has wanted us to be His special people.
56:34 And that means we're different
56:36 from all the other nations,
56:37 all the other nations are self-sufficient,
56:39 all the other nations rely upon fallen human nature,
56:42 and not upon God.
56:43 So the new covenant is all about people,
56:46 that rely upon God
56:47 instead of relying upon themselves
56:49 that believe in His promises,
56:50 that believe in His Word, and that trust Him to do
56:53 for them what they can't do for themselves.
56:55 And this is the day when that dawns on us,
56:58 this is the day this is the moment,
56:59 this is the time for us to take a hold of that truth
57:03 and allow it to be the lenses through which we see
57:06 everything in the Old and the New Testament.
57:08 Amen.
57:10 2 Chronicles 7:14 comes to mind,
57:11 "If My people will humble themselves
57:14 and pray and seek My face, right?"
57:16 Are you humbling yourself before the Lord?
57:18 God is your father and He says,
57:20 "Humble yourself before Me,
57:21 and I will forgive your sins, and I will be your God."
57:24 Amen.
57:25 I learned so much from the study today.
57:27 Thank you for your insight and knowledge into God's Word.
57:29 I want to leave you
57:30 with this verse in Jeremiah 31:33.
57:34 "This is a covenant that
57:36 I will make with the house of Israel
57:37 after those days, says the Lord.
57:39 I will put My law in their minds
57:41 and write it in their hearts,
57:43 and I will be their God and they shall be My people."
57:48 What an incredible privilege is ours, to be God's people,
57:51 to accept Him into our hearts, and to have Him write,
57:55 His law in our hearts and in our minds.
57:58 Join us next week for lesson number four,
58:00 to love the Lord your God.


Revised 2021-10-14