3ABN Sabbath School Panel

The Shepherd's Crucible

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP220027S

00:01 Hello Friends, I'm Jill Morikone
00:02 and it is the start of a brand new Quarter,
00:04 Quarter Number 3: In The Crucible with Christ.
00:07 This lesson... Lesson Number 1 is: The Shepherd's Crucible.
00:11 I am super excited about this Study.
00:14 I want to invite you...
00:15 if you don't have your own copy of the Quarterly,
00:17 you can go to the following website:
00:19 3abnsabbathschoolpanel. com
00:21 again that's: 3abnsabbathschoolpanel. com
00:24 You can download your own copy and follow along
00:28 week by week.
00:29 So, join us for this exciting study of the Word of God.
00:32 Music...
01:03 Hello Friends, I'm Jill Morikone.
01:05 and I'm so glad that you have tuned in
01:07 for a brand-new Quarter: In the Crucible with Christ.
01:11 It's going to be an insightful and a practical study
01:14 of Christianity.
01:16 So, I am looking forward to it.
01:17 To my left is part of my family here,
01:20 Pastor John Lomacang, glad you're here.
01:22 Lomacang: Yeah, thank you, it's good to be here.
01:23 This is a good lesson... not a whole book...
01:25 a very practical... and we thank the Lord for it.
01:28 We're looking forward to learning some new things.
01:30 Jill: Amen, I am as well, to your left, Ryan Day,
01:33 glad you're here.
01:34 Ryan: Amen, always a blessing
01:35 to be a part of the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
01:37 Jill: Amen, to your left, Pastor John Dinzey,
01:39 delighted you're here as well.
01:41 Dinzey: It's a blessing for me to be here,
01:42 looking forward to this lesson as well.
01:44 Jill: Amen, last but not least, my Sister Shelley Quinn
01:47 anchor in the other end, glad you're here.
01:49 Shelley: It's such a privilege to do this Study
01:52 and I have to say...
01:53 we all get into a crucible every now and then.
01:56 This is Practical Christianity 101... I love it.
01:59 Jill: It is... I am super excited about it.
02:02 Let's go to the Lord in prayer before we go any further,
02:05 Pastor John, would you pray for us?
02:06 Lomacang: Sure, "Gracious Father, loving Lord,
02:09 we open the Bible and we pray that as we do so,
02:12 that we will also open our hearts.
02:14 Father, we need Your Spirit to pour into us.
02:17 We have studied... but what can we do
02:20 without the power that You make available.
02:22 So, come and speak to us, Lord, that we may speak words
02:25 intelligently... spiritually...
02:27 so that someone who may even be in a crucible at this moment
02:30 can find the peace and comfort that comes only through You.
02:33 We desire but one thing
02:35 and that is to give all the glory to You.
02:37 We ask in Jesus' name, amen. "
02:39 Pause...
02:41 Jill: We're going to start the lesson
02:42 maybe a little different angle than you would expect.
02:44 We're going to tell you what the Lesson is not
02:46 and then what the Lesson is.
02:48 The Lesson is not a Theodicy.
02:51 It is not the justification of God in the face of evil.
02:54 It is not... "Why is God seemingly silent
02:57 in the face of evil?"
02:58 Or "Why so bad things happen to seemingly good people?"
03:01 "Why are children abused and neglected... murdered?"
03:04 "Why are women raped?"
03:06 "Why do families have to see their children die?"
03:10 That's out of the natural order of things.
03:12 "Why is there famine?"
03:14 "Why are there car accidents in this world?"
03:17 We will touch a little bit during this Quarter
03:20 on some of those questions.
03:22 We're going to touch a little bit on the book of Job...
03:24 that book of books of suffering.
03:28 Job questions God's fairness
03:31 by speaking against the injustice
03:34 of the divinely permitted tragedies
03:36 that he has to endure.
03:38 and the bookend of Job... I always think...
03:41 is the book of Habakkuk.
03:42 Habakkuk also questions God's fairness
03:45 but it's different than how Job questions.
03:48 Habakkuk questions by demanding that God send judgments
03:53 upon the wicked.
03:54 But that's not really the focus of this Lesson.
03:59 This Lesson is... how do we walk through crucibles?
04:03 How do we endure pain and suffering and trials
04:08 that are a result of the world of sin that we live in.
04:12 How do we find Jesus in the midst of pain?
04:16 You know, if you think about Christ,
04:18 Christ is our Creator.
04:20 John 1:3, "All things were made through Him;
04:23 and without Him nothing was made that was made. "
04:25 He's a God of power... a God of strength...
04:29 He's our Creator God and yet this Creator God
04:32 is also our Redeemer.
04:34 Isaiah 53, "He is despised and rejected of men;
04:39 a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief:
04:42 we hid as it were our faces from Him;
04:45 He was despised, and we did not esteem Him. "
04:48 Here we see the conundrum as it were
04:50 of the Creator God... the Omnipotent All-powerful God
04:54 who also suffered with humanity...
04:57 and suffered in a way
05:00 that you or I could never even experience.
05:03 because we just experience our own griefs
05:05 and our own sorrows
05:07 but at the cross, He bore all our griefs
05:11 and our sorrows and our sins.
05:14 The Lesson focuses on the suffering of our Savior
05:16 and the suffering that we see from heroes of faith
05:19 throughout the Word of God
05:20 and how we can learn to grow in grace...
05:23 how we can become more like Jesus.
05:26 How we can be trained in righteousness.
05:28 How we can extend comfort to others
05:31 with the comfort that we ourselves have received from God
05:34 because when it all boils down,
05:37 even if we don't understand, we know that God is love
05:42 and we know that we can still trust our heavenly Father.
05:46 Panel: That's right.
05:47 Jill: This week we look at Psalm 23,
05:49 so, turn with me Psalm 23.
05:50 Each one of us is going to have a portion
05:53 of this most beloved Psalm... David's Psalm.
05:56 The Shepherd's Crucible.
05:58 Of course, God is our Shepherd and we... we are the sheep.
06:03 Most importantly, this Psalm as we look at it is studied.
06:06 Of course, we look at it from the perspective of the shepherd
06:10 but also from the perspective of the sheep.
06:13 Now, I like chiastic structures.
06:15 I like literary structures
06:17 and Psalm 23 is really a chiastic structure.
06:20 You have A which is presence... this is verse 1,
06:23 the Shepherd is with me.
06:25 Then as you move in, you have B
06:28 which is provisions.
06:29 What are the provisions the Shepherd gives us?
06:31 Green pastures... water... restoration.
06:35 As we come in further,
06:37 we come into the central point of the Psalm... that's C.
06:40 That is paths... there are two paths...
06:43 the path of righteousness
06:45 and the path of death right there at the middle.
06:48 Then we come back out to provision.
06:50 If we go further in the Psalm, verses 4 through 6,
06:53 we see the provision... the table...
06:54 the anointing... the oil
06:56 and then we come all the way back out to A again
06:58 at the very end... we come back to presence...
07:01 we dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
07:04 Our Memory Text is Psalm 23 verse 3,
07:08 "He restores my soul;
07:10 He leads me in the paths of righteousness
07:14 for His name's sake. "
07:16 Sunday's Lesson: A Guide For The Journey...
07:19 we take a look at the Shepherd.
07:21 I just have Psalm 23 verses 1 and 2.
07:24 You know, the story is told of children in school
07:28 who are asked to draw a picture of God
07:29 and every one of those children in their picture
07:33 they had a heart in it
07:35 and they said, "Why did you draw a heart?"
07:38 And the children said, "Because God is love. "
07:41 But, you know, as we become older,
07:43 we become more cynical.
07:46 God doesn't change but we do.
07:49 Malachi 3:6... He says,
07:52 "I am God... I do not change. "
07:53 Hebrews 13:8... Jesus Christ is the same yesterday,
07:56 today and forever... "
07:57 and yet, as we grow older,
08:00 we learn that people... they're not always trustworthy.
08:02 We learn that we can expect good
08:05 but yet, sometimes bad creeps up behind you.
08:08 We learn that you can eat right... you can exercise...
08:11 you can get sleep at night...
08:13 you can trust in God...
08:14 and you still might get a disease.
08:16 Is God still love in the midst of this world that we live in?
08:20 Absolutely, but Satan seeks to twist our understanding
08:27 of the character of God.
08:29 Let's read Psalm 23 verse 1,
08:31 the first verse,
08:33 "The Lord is my shepherd;
08:35 I shall not want. "
08:38 A symbol of a shepherd is used for God
08:40 both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament.
08:43 Since we have, God is our Shepherd,
08:45 we have need for nothing else.
08:49 Now, I want to give you in my remaining time
08:52 eleven things that the Shepherd does for us.
08:55 we're going to move very quickly.
08:57 Number 1: We're going to Psalm 28...
08:59 we were in Psalm 23... jump over... Psalm 28 verse 9,
09:03 what does a Shepherd do for us?
09:05 Number 1: God the Shepherd... He keeps us together.
09:08 Psalm 28: 9, "Save Your people,
09:11 bless Your inheritance;
09:13 Shepherd them also,
09:15 and bear them up forever. "
09:17 He keeps us from scattering as a sheep.
09:20 He gives us guidance and direction.
09:22 He keeps us together.
09:24 Number 2: we're still in Psalm, Psalm chapter 80,
09:27 jump over to Psalm 80 verse 1,
09:29 God gives us direction, "Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel,
09:34 You who lead Joseph like a flock;
09:36 You who dwell between the cherubim, shine forth!"
09:39 He leads us... He gives us guidance.
09:42 Number 3: we're going to Isaiah, Isaiah 40 verse 11,
09:48 the first half of that verse, Number 3:
09:50 God grants us provision.
09:53 "He will feed His flock like... " what's that word?
09:57 "a shepherd... "
09:58 God gives us provision.
10:00 Number 4: God deals with us tenderly...
10:04 we're in the same verse... we're just going to finish it.
10:06 Verse... Isaiah 40 verse 11, the second half of the verse,
10:09 He will gather the lambs with His arm,
10:12 and carry them in His bosom,
10:13 and gently lead those who are with young? "
10:17 This, of course, is the portrait of the coming Messiah
10:20 but we see God as Shepherd deals with us tenderly.
10:24 Number 5: we're going to Jeremiah.
10:25 Jeremiah chapter 23
10:27 and we'll get several points out of this,
10:29 Jeremiah chapter 23... pick it up in verses 1 and 2,
10:32 Number 5 is: God will judge those who hurt you.
10:37 "Woe to the shepherds
10:38 who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture!
10:41 says the Lord.
10:43 Therefore thus says the Lord God of Israel
10:44 against the shepherds who feed My people:
10:46 'You have scattered My flock,
10:48 driven them away, and not attended to them.
10:51 Behold... '" what is He going to do?
10:53 "'I will attend to you for the evil of your doings,'
10:57 says the Lord. " So, what does that mean?
10:58 God would judge those who hurt you.
11:01 Number 6: God restores us...
11:04 we're still in Jeremiah 23 let's read verse 3,
11:07 "But I will gather the remnant of My flock
11:11 out of all the countries where I have driven them,
11:13 and bring them back to their folds;
11:16 and they shall be fruitful and increase. "
11:18 God as our Shepherd restores us.
11:21 Number 7... we're reading verse 4,
11:24 we're still in Jeremiah 23 verse 4,
11:26 Number 7: "I will set up shepherds over them
11:29 who will feed them;
11:30 and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed,
11:33 nor shall they be lacking," says the Lord.
11:35 So, God ensures... we are not afraid
11:38 and again, He provides for us.
11:41 Going to Number 8:
11:43 the last of them are from John chapter 10.
11:45 So, turn over to John chapter 10.
11:47 We're going to pick it up in verse 11,
11:48 Number 8: God sacrificed Himself
11:51 so that you and I can be saved.
11:54 John 10:11, "I am the good Shepherd,
11:57 The good Shepherd gives His life for the sheep. "
12:01 God sacrificed Himself to save us.
12:04 Number 9: God knows us intimately.
12:08 John 10 verse 14,
12:10 "I am the good shepherd;
12:11 and I know My sheep,
12:13 and am known by My own. "
12:16 God knows us intimately.
12:18 Number 10: God brings unity.
12:21 John 10 verse 16,
12:24 "Other sheep I have which are not of this fold;
12:26 them also I must bring,
12:28 and they will hear My voice;
12:29 and there will be one flock and one shepherd. "
12:31 God brings unity... and finally Number 11:
12:35 God speaks to us... we're in John 10 verse 27,
12:39 "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them,
12:42 and they follow Me. "
12:43 Do you want to be led by the good Shepherd?
12:47 Do you want Jesus as your Shepherd to lead you.
12:50 No matter what trial you're going through...
12:52 no matter what you experience in your life,
12:55 He is your good Shepherd.
12:57 He is the one who keeps you together.
12:59 He is the one who gives you direction.
13:01 He is the one who gives you provision.
13:03 He is the one who deals with you tenderly
13:05 and judges other people who hurt you.
13:07 He is the one who restores you and ensures you are not afraid.
13:11 He is the one who sacrificed His life
13:14 so that you could go free.
13:16 He is the one who knows you intimately
13:18 and wants to bring unity into your life.
13:20 He is the one who speaks to you
13:22 and finally, Psalm 23 verse 2,
13:25 "He makes you lie down in green pastures;
13:28 He leads you beside the still waters. "
13:30 He gives you rest.
13:32 Do you want rest?
13:35 He promises us this in Matthew 11,
13:37 "Come to Me all, you who labor and are weary and heavy laden,
13:42 and I... I will give you rest. "
13:46 Come to the Shepherd of your soul...
13:49 no matter the crucible that you are experiencing...
13:52 and He will give you rest.
13:54 Panel: Amen... amen.
13:55 Lomacang: Thank you Jill, wow!
13:56 How do you fit in eleven points in all that time?
13:59 It's amazing how you do that.
14:01 You know, the 23rd Psalm is just an amazing...
14:03 amazing passage... I've often said...
14:05 it is in fact... in the Bible the complete summary
14:08 of the Christian's life.
14:10 If you can say, "The Lord is my Shepherd... "
14:12 everything that is listed in the 23rd Psalm
14:14 will be a part of your experience.
14:16 From the beginning where He found you as a lost sheep,
14:19 all the way to the point
14:21 where we dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
14:23 I'm in Psalm 23 verse 3, which is: He restores my soul:
14:29 He leads me in the paths of righteousness
14:32 for his name's sake.
14:34 You know, righteousness is never for our glory,
14:38 it's always for God's glory.
14:40 That's why He says, "Let your light so shine. "
14:41 I'm going to read the introduction
14:43 that the writer of the lesson put in it
14:45 because it was so wonderfully put together.
14:46 Talking about a journey,
14:48 just imagine being on a path of righteousness
14:50 or a path at all
14:52 and you just cannot see the end of the journey.
14:54 Sometimes, the mountains block
14:55 and sometimes the crest of the hill
14:57 obscures the journey for me.
15:00 Sometimes the turn is so steep, you can't see around it
15:03 but you know that at the end of this journey... is home.
15:06 More specifically, in the beauty of it... God's home.
15:09 Listen to the way He says it, He says,
15:12 "Imagine the paths of righteousness
15:14 stretching out before you way into the distance.
15:17 You cannot see the end,
15:18 but you know that at the end of the journey
15:20 is home... God's house.
15:23 As you focus a little closer to you,
15:25 do you see where the path leads?
15:28 You can see some clearly or some places clearly
15:32 but other parts are totally obscured
15:34 by large or dangerous obstacles.
15:36 Sometimes, the path disappears over a ridge.
15:39 Some parts of the path are easy to walk along,
15:41 others are difficult.
15:43 It was just like this in Israel's travel from Egypt
15:47 to the Promised Land
15:48 and it is described the same way in this Psalm. "
15:52 So, it's the journey of the Christian.
15:54 Each one of us has those parts in our lives
15:56 where... man... we just want to get up on the desert
15:59 but I want to bring up the four things
16:00 because the 23rd Psalm... it talks about the locations.
16:05 Mine is entitled: Locations on the Journey
16:07 and my wife and I do this sometimes.
16:09 We've been in ministry now for 35 years
16:11 and every now and then we look at the journey...
16:14 where we were when we started...
16:15 what happened along the way...
16:17 the part of the journey we wanted to quit
16:19 and then we say, "I'm so glad we didn't quit...
16:21 God is faithful from the very beginning to the very end.
16:25 But the 23rd Psalm... I'll break this down
16:27 because there are four takeaways, Jill,
16:30 that come out of the picture of the 23rd Psalm.
16:33 Let's look at the 23rd Psalm and I'll break this down as we go.
16:36 I'll read it one more time.
16:38 "He restores my soul:
16:40 He leads me in the paths of righteousness
16:43 for His name's sake. "
16:45 What kind of paths?
16:47 Green pastures.
16:48 Jill: Yeah.
16:50 Lomacang: And when you look at that,
16:51 this shows the abundance of God.
16:54 God never leads us to a lack...
16:56 He always leads us to an abundance
16:59 that we might have life and have it more abundantly
17:02 and so, we find the abundance of God...
17:04 it's talked about by David
17:06 but illustrated all through the New Testament.
17:08 Philippians 4:19,
17:09 "And my God shall supply all your need
17:11 according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. "
17:15 The abundance of God... that path that's always green,
17:18 Ephesians 3 verse 20,
17:19 "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly
17:23 above all that we ask or think,
17:24 according to the power that works in us... "
17:26 God is an abundant God... Luke 6 and verse 38,
17:29 But God's abundance sometimes is also reciprocal.
17:33 Sometimes, we can unlock God's abundance by what we do.
17:37 "Give, and it will be given to you: good measure,
17:40 pressed down, shaken together,
17:41 and running over will be put into your bosom.
17:43 For with the same measure that you mete... or use...
17:46 it will be measured back to you. "
17:48 Again... so some of us can participate
17:50 from the abundance that comes our way
17:52 by being cheerful givers.
17:54 Not just tithe and offerings,
17:56 but helping to carry the burdens of our brothers and sisters.
17:59 What other way does God lead?
18:01 What other way can we find on the locations
18:04 that are along the way?
18:05 Still waters... which talks about the stability of God.
18:09 First, the abundance of... abundance of God...
18:12 next the stability of God.
18:14 Had a time getting that word out.
18:16 Isaiah 41 verse 10,
18:18 what's God's stability?
18:19 "Fear not, for I am with you;
18:21 be not dismayed, for I am your God.
18:23 I will strengthen you,
18:25 yes, I will help you,
18:27 I will uphold you with My righteous right arm. "
18:30 God is stable all the time.
18:32 We may change... but how often is God the same?
18:35 Yesterday, today, and forever.
18:37 What else does the Bible tell us.
18:39 Psalm 96 verse 10,
18:40 "Say among the nations, 'The LORD reigns;
18:43 the world also is firmly established,
18:46 it shall not be moved... "
18:48 the stability of God.
18:50 Then we find in the paths of righteousness
18:54 the transformation of God.
18:56 We don't go into paths righteous...
18:59 we go into paths of God and become righteous.
19:01 Panel: Hmmm...
19:02 Lomacang: 1st Peter 2 and verse 9...
19:04 this is what happens in the path.
19:06 "But you are a chosen generation... "
19:08 let me re-phrase that...
19:09 "But you become a chosen generation,
19:11 you become a royal priesthood,
19:13 you become a holy nation,
19:15 you become His own special people... " why?
19:18 "that you may proclaim the praises of Him
19:21 who called you out of darkness... off the path...
19:23 into His marvelous light. "
19:25 Which is all along the way.
19:26 Now, sometimes the path is obscured
19:29 in the darkness of our experience,
19:32 but the path is never dark
19:34 because God doesn't deal with darkness...
19:36 in His presence is glorious light
19:39 but sometimes, in our own experience.
19:42 I remember knowing someone's...
19:43 I had an experience with someone who...
19:45 no, you can say the nicest thing
19:47 and this person will always find the crumbs
19:49 at the bottom of the barrel.
19:51 They'll always look at the residue of the glass...
19:52 something's always wrong, like he'll say...
19:54 "Hey, let's go to the Amusement Park... "
19:56 they'll say, "Well somebody died last week
19:58 on the rollercoaster. "
20:00 "Hey, let's go to the beach... "
20:01 "You know there are sharks in the ocean. " Panel: Laughter.
20:02 Lomacang: He always found the negative side.
20:04 "Hey, let's go for a walk. "
20:05 "You know, somebody got hit with those... "
20:07 You know, they always find the negative side.
20:09 But it's not God...
20:10 some people have their own personal cloud.
20:12 But when you are with God,
20:14 which brings us to the fourth part,
20:16 "the valley of shadows of death... "
20:17 it's also along...
20:19 and I know we're bringing that out even more as we go on
20:21 but in this, we go from the transformation of God
20:24 to the comfort of God.
20:26 Psalm 23 verse 4, I know you'll develop this more,
20:29 but it says, "Yea, though I walk through the valley
20:32 of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil;
20:34 for You with me;
20:35 Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. "
20:37 But then, I also saw 2nd Corinthians chapter 1
20:40 verses 3 and 4... the comfort of God.
20:42 "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
20:45 the Father of mercies and God of all comfort,
20:48 who comforts us in all our tribulation,
20:52 that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble,
20:56 with the comfort with which we ourselves
20:59 are comforted by God. "
21:00 "Comfort" four times...
21:02 God comforts us... we can comfort others.
21:04 Jill: That's right.
21:06 Lomacang: As we experience the comfort of God,
21:07 only then can we say to someone in tribulation,
21:10 "The Lord will comfort you. "
21:13 But here's the other thing that this points out.
21:16 You know the righteous... we don't need to know
21:18 which way we're going.
21:20 We just need to trust the God who's leading us.
21:21 Panel: Yes... amen.
21:23 Lomacang: And that's something that's always, you know,
21:24 what does God have up His sleeves?
21:26 What is He up to now?
21:27 What is God doing?
21:29 Have you ever said that before?
21:31 I mean, is... is God really the one calling me?
21:34 Is this really God behind or...
21:36 or is it just some deep desire that I'm manifesting
21:38 because I heard about something that's ahead of me?
21:41 We don't need to know where we're going,
21:43 we just need to trust the One who is leading us?
21:45 Well, you've heard the passage, Proverbs 3 verses 5 and 6,
21:50 "Trust in the LORD
21:52 with all your heart,
21:53 and lean not on your own understanding;
21:55 in all of your ways acknowledge Him,
21:57 and He shall... " do what?
21:59 "direct your paths. "
22:01 Why does He direct our paths?
22:04 When we become righteous...
22:06 in the path of righteousness...
22:09 Psalm 37 verse 23 said,
22:11 "The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD... "
22:14 why? "He delights in his way. "
22:17 When we are walking in God's way,
22:20 God delights because we are walking with Him
22:22 in the way, He has led us.
22:24 But the Lord leads in multiple ways.
22:28 First, the path of God are the right paths
22:31 because they lead to the right destination...
22:35 the Shepherd's home...
22:37 it may not feel like the right path
22:39 because we get trials on that path.
22:41 You know, sometimes in our churches... in our homes...
22:43 in our families... in the places we work...
22:45 in the experiences of life...
22:47 it doesn't always work out
22:48 but it is not the path that we should blame,
22:50 it's just simply the incidence.
22:52 From Egypt to Canaan, there were serpents and scorpions
22:55 but God was still leading. Panel: That's right.
22:58 Lomacang: Secondly, the path is right because
23:00 they keep us in harmony with the right person...
23:03 the Shepherd Himself.
23:04 Many people may try to distract you
23:07 but stay focused on Christ... it's His path
23:09 and only the Shepherd can keep His sheep
23:12 if we focus on Him.
23:13 Thirdly, they are the right paths because they train us
23:17 to be the right person... to be like the Shepherd.
23:21 Panel: Amen. Lomacang: The Shepherd molds us.
23:23 We become like Him not at the very beginning
23:25 but if we endure... we become like Him
23:27 because He's the One doing the molding.
23:30 And fourthly, it is the right path
23:32 because it gives us the right witness
23:34 as we become the right people.
23:36 We give glory to God.
23:38 They are right... are righteous paths
23:41 whether the... whether the going is easy or difficult.
23:45 And finally, Proverbs 4 and verse 18,
23:48 "The path of the just is like the shining sun,
23:52 that shines ever brighter unto the perfect day. "
23:55 Stay on the path... it's just one of the locations
23:58 before we get to the Lord's house forever.
24:01 Jill: Amen, I love that, thank you, Pastor John,
24:04 I want to be on the path of the just.
24:06 We're going to take a short break... we'll be right back.
24:08 Music...
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24:43 Jill: Welcome back to our study on the Shepherd's Crucibles
24:46 Psalm 23 and we're going to kick it over to Ryan and Tuesday.
24:49 Ryan: Amen, I'm Ryan Day and I have Tuesday's Lesson
24:54 which is entitled: Unexpected Detour 1: The Valley.
24:58 I think Pastor Dinzey has the Unexpected Detour 2,
25:02 so, you know it's amazing because along our journey...
25:05 along our path as we are following Christ,
25:07 sometimes we... you know, we can end up in places
25:10 and we're going to talk about this in this Lesson.
25:13 Sometimes we can end up in places
25:15 that we might not have thought we would ever be
25:18 and in this case, we're talking about the valley,
25:20 Pastor touched a little bit on verse 4 there,
25:23 we're going to read verse 4
25:24 and then we're going to just kind of break it apart
25:26 and highlight some of the high points here
25:28 but Psalm chapter 23 verse 4, we've heard these words a lot
25:32 especially when someone is...
25:33 is dealing with some type of tribulation
25:36 or trial or sorrow or difficulty or challenge in their life,
25:39 they'll often quote this text,
25:40 "Yea, though I walk through the valley
25:43 of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil;
25:46 for You are with me;
25:47 Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. "
25:50 You know, I've thought of David, David is the one who wrote this
25:54 and this brother...
25:55 this brother went through some valleys of shadows in his life.
25:59 I mean... I don't... probably other than Job
26:01 and maybe a couple of others, you could say...
26:03 this brother... in fact he practically lived there
26:05 his entire life.
26:07 I mean, more than three-fourths of his life was spent in war
26:10 and battle and combat
26:11 trying to fend off the enemies of, you know,
26:14 that wanted to destroy him and the children of Israel,
26:16 I mean, this brother spent a lot of time in trial and tribulation
26:19 and... and in the valley of the shadow of death,
26:22 but yet, he learned to depend on his Shepherd
26:24 and the Lesson brings this out...
26:27 you know, just a short ways in, it asks the question:
26:29 and this really resonated with me
26:30 because as I was pouring through this Lesson
26:32 and just, you know,
26:34 trying to determine how I was going to approach this Lesson,
26:36 wow! it really hit close home to me
26:38 because here is the question it asked,
26:40 "Think about the times you have been
26:42 in your valley of the shadow of death.
26:44 What has it been like?
26:47 Did you have fear or even though...
26:49 even though you knew that the Shepherd was there?"
26:52 And then it asks,
26:53 "Which Bible verses were the most precious to you
26:55 at the time and why?"
26:57 You know, I have had moments in my life
26:59 where I felt like I've,
27:00 you know, been walking through those shadows,
27:02 you know the valley of the shadows
27:04 but I can tell you, probably the most difficult time in my life
27:08 where I walked through... literally where I experienced
27:10 the literal valley of the shadow of death
27:13 was when I watched my mother literally, approach her end...
27:17 in that valley of the shadow of death.
27:19 Three years ago, my mother passed
27:21 and, you know, I know we all have had loved ones
27:25 and friends and family over the years,
27:26 it just seems like it's a part of...
27:28 it's a normal part of this life.
27:29 People die... we lose friends and family
27:31 and it's... it's horrible
27:33 but, you know, God blessed my family in the sense that
27:37 He allowed me almost to the age of 30
27:39 to not experience any type of death in my immediate family
27:42 and so, my mother and I and our family...
27:44 we were very, very, very close
27:46 and when I watched my mother struggle for 53 days
27:49 in a hospital fighting for her life,
27:50 it was hard
27:52 and it's interesting because I remember
27:54 on the first day that she went in,
27:55 and she was preparing for this emergency surgery,
27:57 that she was about to have to go through,
27:59 she looked up with teary eyes and she said to me, she said,
28:01 "Son... " she said, "pray for me... "
28:03 she said, "I don't know if I'm coming out of this one... "
28:06 and we were all like,
28:07 "Mom, come on, stop with that negative talk... " you know,
28:10 "you... you... you're going to come through this...
28:12 you're going to come through this... "
28:13 but something was like, she knew... she knew something
28:16 and we watched her struggle for 53 days in the hospital
28:18 and... and... but something miraculous happened
28:22 in that valley of the shadow of death,
28:24 my mom who had drifted very, very far away from God...
28:27 it took her going through that valley
28:30 for God to bring her back to Him.
28:32 It was in the darkest period of her life
28:36 that God was able to draw her back to Him.
28:39 I watched my mom's life convert.
28:41 I watched her... her character change...
28:43 she became a completely different person...
28:45 someone who was uninterested in spiritual things...
28:47 uninterested in the Bible...
28:49 uninterested in... in church...
28:50 uninterested in these things...
28:52 become so devoted praising God from her bed
28:55 in the hospital and singing and... and...
28:57 and it just... it was amazing to see
28:59 that through this valley of the shadow of death,
29:02 God was allowing my mother and us as a family
29:05 to go through this... to watch my mom suffer
29:08 to the point that it was... it was difficult.
29:10 It was... it was a trying time
29:11 to the point that I remember the day that she died
29:14 I honestly thought God was going to pull her out of this
29:17 because I had seen the change
29:18 we had made plans for her to come
29:19 and stay here in my house and... and... and come and learn
29:23 and grow at Thompsonville Church
29:24 and it was just... it was an awesome thing
29:26 but yet, God took her
29:27 and I remember calling out to God and saying,
29:29 "Lord, why... why... why?"
29:31 But I remember God used JD and Shelley Quinn at that time
29:35 to really minister to my heart
29:36 and speaking of the verses that really helped me catch a glimpse
29:43 because I remember asking,
29:44 "Lord, I had thousands of people praying for my mother,
29:47 do you not hear Your people's prayers?
29:49 Could you not have saved her life, Lord,
29:51 to allow her to continue on and... "
29:53 But God knows best... God had a plan...
29:55 God was going through that valley of the shadow of death
29:58 with her and He had a plan.
29:59 He could see things that we couldn't see
30:01 and I remember a verse that was shared with me
30:03 that I'd read many times
30:04 but never really considered its impact until then
30:07 was Isaiah 57 verse 1,
30:09 "The righteous perishes,
30:11 and no man takes it to heart;
30:12 merciful men are taken away,
30:15 while no one considers that the righteous
30:18 is taken away from evil. "
30:19 You know, I don't know that that's the case
30:21 but I have a hope saying,
30:23 "Lord, I don't know why you didn't answer my mother's prayer
30:25 but I saw my mom change
30:26 and for whatever reason you decided to take her life... "
30:29 perhaps He saw something ahead in her path down the road
30:33 beyond that valley of the shadow of death
30:35 that might her drawn her away,
30:36 maybe the enemy could have drawn her away,
30:38 he still can see things that we can't,
30:40 the Shepherd can see things often in our path...
30:43 down the road that we can't see
30:45 and even though we might have to often have to walk through that
30:47 valley of the shadow of death
30:49 and we're looking up and we're saying, "God, why?
30:51 Why is this happening to me?"
30:53 There's a reason why oftentimes we fall in to that path.
30:56 Just a couple of other verses that really comforted me
30:59 during that time... Matthew 11:28
31:01 which Jill read earlier but Jesus says,
31:03 "Come to Me, all you who labor
31:04 and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. "
31:06 Our Shepherd would comfort us.
31:08 Philippians chapter 4 verses 6 and 7,
31:11 "Be anxious for nothing,
31:12 but in everything by prayer and supplication,
31:14 with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;
31:17 that the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,
31:20 will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. "
31:24 Your Shepherd will bring comfort if you would allow Him.
31:26 Do you trust in Him?
31:28 Then the... then the... then the the...
31:29 the lesson asks this question,
31:31 "How do you think the Shepherd ended up...
31:33 how do you think the sheep ended up in the valley?
31:36 Do you think the sheep went there on their own
31:39 or the Shepherd lead the sheep that way Himself?"
31:41 I think there's a double application here,
31:44 in the sense that I think oftentimes
31:45 we can find ourselves in that valley of the shadow of death
31:48 because we put ourselves there.
31:49 Isaiah chapter 53 verse 6 says,
31:51 "All we like sheep have gone astray;
31:53 we have turned, every one, to his own way;
31:55 and the LORD has laid up on Him the iniquity of us all. "
31:58 So, sometimes we can often find ourselves in that valley
32:01 because we put ourselves there
32:02 but you know sometimes the Lord is there to also
32:05 lead us through that valley when it's appropriate
32:08 and when He sees something that needs to be done
32:10 in our character and in our lives,
32:12 I think of Jeremiah 29 and 11,
32:15 you know, 11 verses 14... 11 to 14 there that
32:18 famous passage where God says, "I have plan for you... "
32:20 you know, but yet in verse 14, He says,
32:22 "I will be found by you, says the Lord,
32:24 and I will bring you back from your captivity;
32:26 I will gather you from the nations...
32:28 from all the places where I have driven you... "
32:31 God had to drive the children of Israel
32:33 to a place that wasn't His original plan for them to go
32:36 but because of their iniquities...
32:38 because of their rebellion, He allowed them
32:40 and in a sense drove them to captivity
32:43 to teach them a lesson...
32:44 hopefully to go through this valley of the shadow of death
32:47 for the purpose of getting their attention
32:49 and awakening them.
32:50 James chapter 1 verses 2 through 4, what does it say?
32:53 "My brethren, count it all joy
32:54 when you fall into various trials,
32:56 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.
32:59 But let patience have its perfect work,
33:01 that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. "
33:05 And the latter part of this verse here...
33:07 Psalm 23 verse 4 it says,
33:09 "I will fear no evil...
33:10 I will fear no evil. "
33:12 The Lord has not given us a spirit of fear.
33:14 The Bible makes that clear
33:16 but oftentimes we fear, I believe for too many reasons,
33:18 now, it's not limited to these two reasons
33:20 but I think for too many reasons many people fear
33:22 and that is... we are not abiding in Him
33:24 and need to abide.
33:26 Oftentimes, we know we're not abiding in Christ,
33:28 we're not abiding in the Shepherd
33:29 and because we're not abiding,
33:31 we know we're not abiding in Him when we fall into those traps...
33:33 into to those valleys of the shadow of death.
33:35 Sometimes, we find ourselves in fear
33:37 because we know we're not right with God.
33:38 We just simply need to abide.
33:40 And, of course, Number 2:
33:41 one of the Number 1 reasons why we often,
33:44 you know, we have... experience that fear
33:48 is that we do not trust Him...
33:49 we don't trust the Shepherd.
33:50 What does Proverbs 3 verse 5 and 6 say?
33:52 I think Pastor just read it earlier,
33:54 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
33:55 and lean not on your own understanding;
33:57 in all your ways acknowledge Him,
33:59 and He shall direct your paths. "
34:01 Powerful! just trust in the Shepherd.
34:02 The Shepherd will lead
34:04 and, of course, the next part of the verse there
34:06 in Psalm 23 verse 4 says, "You are with me;
34:08 Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. "
34:10 You know, why the rod and the staff?
34:12 What is the purpose of the rod and the staff?
34:14 Or the rod and the staff is one and the same?
34:16 The "rod" conveys the conception of authority,
34:18 power and discipline
34:20 and, of course, the staff represents
34:22 all that is longsuffering and kind
34:24 but it's also for the defense of the sheep.
34:27 The enemy wants to destroy and scatter the sheep
34:30 so He defends it.
34:32 Let me tell you something,
34:33 and this... I say this in all sincerity,
34:36 crouching-tiger-hidden-dragon has nothing on your Shepherd.
34:39 All of your famous action heroes that we look to
34:42 for this redemptive myth of violence that somehow...
34:45 Jesus... the Bible says, "He is your Shepherd...
34:48 He is your Protector...
34:50 He is the God that will... that will defend you
34:52 and He will protect you. "
34:53 When the enemy comes, trust in your Shepherd...
34:55 trust in the Lord
34:57 and He... with His rod and His staff...
34:58 He will bring comfort
35:00 and He will lead and guide His people if you will allow.
35:02 Panel: Amen.
35:03 Dinzey: Well, now let's go over here to Psalm 23 verse 5,
35:08 and we see in Psalm 23 verse 5,
35:11 "You prepare a table before me
35:14 in the presence of my enemies;
35:16 You anoint my head with oil;
35:19 my cup runs over. "
35:21 Now, the title for this Section is:
35:23 Unexpected Detour 2: The Surrounded Table
35:27 and what is this unexpected detour?
35:29 Let's take a look at what's happening
35:31 because Saul... King Saul in 1st Samuel chapter 13...
35:35 Saul makes an unlawful sacrifice...
35:39 he did not wait for the Prophet Samuel to come
35:42 and he made an unlawful sacrifice
35:45 and the Prophet Samuel is alarmed
35:47 and he told him, "You should have waited. "
35:50 In 1st Samuel chapter 14 we see Saul making a rash vow
35:54 because of what was going on in the battle
35:57 and he wanted to kill his own son, Jonathan
36:00 but Jonathan had done what was right
36:03 and Saul, because of his vow, wanted to kill Jonathan
36:07 and it was because of the people that he was stopped.
36:10 In 1st Samuel chapter 15, we see King Saul
36:15 was told that he should slay everyone
36:18 including the animals
36:20 but he kept the king of the Amalekites alive
36:24 and some of the animals.
36:27 Now, let's go to 1st Samuel chapter 15 verse 9
36:30 and here's what we have,
36:32 "But Saul and the people spared Agag...
36:34 the king of the Amalekites and the best of the sheep,
36:37 and of the oxen, and of the fatlings,
36:39 and the lambs,
36:41 and all that was good. "
36:44 So, we see here that he's on a path of disobedience
36:48 and so, this is when the Lord talks to the Prophet Samuel
36:53 and he tells him in 1st Samuel chapter 15 verses 10 and 11,
36:58 "Now the word of the Lord came to Samuel, saying,
37:00 'I greatly regret that I have set up Saul as king,
37:06 for he has turned back from following Me,
37:09 and has not performed My commandments. '
37:12 And it grieved Samuel,
37:14 and he cried out to the Lord all night. "
37:18 So, the Prophet Samuel felt this pain
37:22 because here's the King of Israel going astray...
37:26 he took a detour from the path of God
37:29 but we're talking about a different detour
37:32 and that is about King David.
37:33 Let's go into that in a moment.
37:35 In 1st Samuel chapter 15 verse 26,
37:37 because of what Saul has done, here's what...
37:42 because of the Prophet Samuel tells King Saul,
37:46 "And Samuel said unto Saul, 'I will not return with thee,
37:49 for thou hast rejected the word of the Lord,
37:52 and the Lord hath rejected thee from being king of Israel. "
37:58 So, there we see that Paul was rejected from...
38:01 I mean Saul... Saul the King was rejected from being King
38:06 and the Lord gave that to someone else.
38:09 He told them there in 1st Samuel chapter 15
38:12 that the kingdom was given to someone else.
38:16 Now, of course, this puts King Saul in...
38:19 "Who is it? Who is it?"
38:21 And surely enough he sees David killing the giant Goliath
38:26 and doing great heroic things
38:29 and people singing songs about King David.
38:32 So, we say... "King Saul has killed his hundreds"
38:36 or "his thousands...
38:38 and David has killed his tens of thousands. "
38:40 So, Saul begins to get jealous
38:42 and he allows the devil to lead him in a path of evil
38:47 and this is... now I take you to 1st Samuel 22 verse 17
38:51 and here in the pursuit of David,
38:55 King Saul goes to one of the priests and says,
39:01 "Was David here?"
39:02 and "Yes, he was here... he ate some bread. "
39:04 And he said, "You are against the kingdom"
39:08 so, he accuses the priest of hiding his enemy
39:11 and in 1st Samuel chapter 22 verses 17 and 18,
39:15 these are the words that we find,
39:16 "And the king said unto the footmen that stood about him,
39:20 'Turn, and slay the priests of the LORD;
39:23 because their hand also is with David,
39:25 and because they knew when he left,
39:27 and did not show it to me.
39:28 But the servants of the king would not put forth their hand
39:32 to fall upon the priests of the LORD."
39:34 And King Saul does not take that as an answer,
39:37 he still wants to do evil and he's...
39:40 in 1st Samuel 22 verse 18, it says,
39:42 "And the king said to Doeg,
39:43 'Turn thou, and fall upon the priests. '
39:45 And Doeg the Edomite turned, and he fell upon the priests,
39:48 and slew on that day
39:50 fourscore and five persons that did wear a linen ephod. "
39:54 Eighty-five priests were killed
39:55 because of the King Saul just going astray
40:00 from the path of the Lord
40:02 sinking further and further into evil.
40:04 Now, King Saul becomes the enemy of King David.
40:11 He had not become king yet but he had been anointed as king.
40:14 Now, you ask yourself,
40:16 you know, here is David anointed to be King
40:21 by the Prophet Samuel
40:23 and it took somewhere between five and ten years
40:26 that he got to the throne
40:28 and all through that time, David was faithful to the Lord.
40:32 There were times he was there playing for the king...
40:35 King Saul...
40:36 and there was a point in time in which he even threw a javelin
40:39 King Saul... to kill David
40:41 and David had to flee.
40:42 Between five and ten years, it's not sure how many years,
40:46 he was pursued like an animal
40:50 and David went from one place to another living in caves
40:53 and there were two times
40:54 when David had the opportunity to kill Saul
40:58 but he was on the path of righteousness
41:01 and he said, "I am not going to stretch my hand
41:04 against God's anointed. "
41:06 Now, it is interesting when you see this verse...
41:10 Psalm 23 verse 5,
41:11 you... you prepare a table before me
41:15 in the presence of my enemies.
41:17 Taking a look at that,
41:18 we see that as Christians, we may have enemies.
41:22 Did David go around looking for an enemy?
41:25 No... as Christians we shouldn't go around looking for enemies,
41:29 but people may become our enemies
41:32 and so, what do we do with that?
41:34 Do we stretch out our hand against him?
41:37 We have the example of David
41:38 that we shouldn't really stretch out our hands
41:41 against people and the...
41:43 especially if they are in a position
41:46 that should be of respect
41:47 and so, David chose to be faithful to the Lord.
41:52 If we look at 1st Samuel chapter 15,
41:55 and the life of... of... of David,
41:57 you see that he's asking the Lord,
41:59 "Lord, should I go here? Should I go there?
42:01 Should I go up against these people?"
42:03 And the Lord was answering him.
42:05 So now, David is saying, "You prepare a table before me
42:10 in the presence of my enemies. "
42:11 David is saying that... it doesn't matter, you know,
42:14 you walk in through the valley of shadow of death...
42:16 you're not going to fear evil because the Lord is with you
42:19 and now you will even see the Lord providing for you.
42:22 David was speaking from experience.
42:24 He saw the Lord providing for him
42:27 even in the most difficult of times
42:29 when enemies are in pursuit of him,
42:31 God was preparing a table before him.
42:34 Two things you can see of this and that David was saying,
42:38 "The Lord is taking care of me...
42:40 He is providing for me. "
42:41 The other thing is that the enemy...
42:43 because he says "in the presence of my enemies... "
42:45 the enemies are saying, "Hey, God is providing something
42:49 for this... this... this guy...
42:51 He's... He's... He's preparing things for him. "
42:54 And that should be a message to them...
42:55 "he's on the side of the Lord...
42:57 the Lord is providing for him...
42:59 we'd better back away. "
43:00 And it's a message of warning that the Lord sometimes
43:03 blesses His children
43:05 so that the enemy will see,
43:06 "We'd better leave these people alone
43:08 because God is with them... "
43:10 and if they continue to pursue evil...
43:12 and try to kill you... try to do you harm...
43:15 the Lord will visit them with judgment.
43:17 We have to remember that the Lord says,
43:19 "Vengeance is mine, I will repay... says the Lord. "
43:22 In Matthew chapter 5 verse 44,
43:24 the Lesson brings this verse out,
43:26 "But I say to you, love your enemies,
43:28 bless those who curse you,
43:30 do good to those who hate you,
43:33 and pray for those who spitefully use you
43:37 and persecute you. "
43:39 This is unnatural for us as human beings.
43:42 "What? love our enemies? What?
43:44 Do good to those that are persecuting me?
43:46 Wait a minute... no... I'm going to get even,
43:48 I'm going to get back to them,
43:49 I'm going to give them...
43:51 if they give me one, I'm going to give them two.
43:52 If they punch me once, I'm going to punch them twice. "
43:54 This is the way we are
43:56 but as we are surrendering our hearts to the Lord,
43:59 our response will be transformed
44:02 into the response that Christ will give
44:05 and it is only by the grace of God
44:07 that we can love our enemies.
44:08 We can, by the grace of God, bless those who curse us
44:12 and do good to those who hate us.
44:14 So, we should... by God's grace surrender daily to the Lord
44:17 and as Jesus said, "Take up your cross daily
44:20 and follow Me... "
44:21 and as we take up our cross daily and follow Him,
44:24 we will be able to do good to those who do evil to us
44:27 and this is, again, a message for them
44:30 that they should repent.
44:32 It may be that they will repent.
44:34 Remember, God has not dealt with us
44:36 after our sins nor rewarded according to our iniquities
44:40 Psalm 110 verse 10.
44:42 And it is because of the Lord's mercies
44:44 that we are not consumed
44:46 because His compassions fail not.
44:48 They are new every morning... Great is His faithfulness.
44:53 Lamentations chapter 3 verses 22 and 23
44:55 and notice that even while we are enemies,
44:58 in Romans chapter 5 verse 8 says,
45:01 "But God commendeth His love toward us,
45:03 in that, while we were yet sinners,
45:05 Christ died for us. "
45:07 So, yes, the Lord will take care of us
45:09 even though we have enemies,
45:11 He will do good for us in the presence of our enemies.
45:14 Panel: Amen and amen.
45:16 Shelley: Thank you all for such a wonderful lesson
45:19 and, you know, I was thinking here we've got David,
45:22 he's just a young lad when he was first anointed
45:25 in front of his family anyway
45:27 as... to be the king... the next king of Israel
45:31 and he's out... he's the youngest of Jesse's sons,
45:35 he's out tending to the sheep, he's anointed... teenager...
45:39 he was 30 years old when he became king.
45:41 So, there was this time that he spent fleeing in the desert...
45:46 running from... from Saul
45:48 and let me just ask you,
45:51 "What would your feelings be
45:53 if you were in the desert surrounded by your enemies
45:56 who are trying to kill you?"
45:57 I wonder... would we be tempted to feel like
46:01 God had abandoned us and we're all alone?
46:05 Or, maybe, would we feel that God's not doing much?
46:09 Or that if He was really working for us,
46:13 we wouldn't be in that situation at all?
46:16 That's why possible that we get... we get trapped
46:21 and we feel like, "Lord, where are you?"
46:23 But this is not David's feelings.
46:28 He was certain of two things, I have Psalm 23 verse 6
46:33 and by the way, my name is Shelley Quinn,
46:36 we're so glad you're here with us today.
46:39 So, I have Psalm 23 verse 6,
46:42 and here's what David said,
46:45 "Surely goodness and mercy... "
46:48 and this word "mercy" is "Chesed" pronounced: KHesed
46:52 my favorite Hebrew word. Jill: Yes.
46:55 Shelley: "Surely goodness and mercy... Chesed...
46:58 shall follow me all the days of my life:
47:01 and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. "
47:07 So, what is David describing about God's covenant commitment?
47:13 You know, in the New Testament, you probably...
47:17 if you've been a Christian for any time,
47:19 you've heard the word "grace"
47:21 you've heard that that's God's underserved favor.
47:25 You've heard the word "agape"
47:28 which is unconditional love.
47:30 Those are both Greek words
47:32 and we find them in the New Testament.
47:34 But there's a word that far surpasses those
47:38 in the Old Testament
47:40 and that is God's covenant commitment to us
47:45 is the word... the Hebrew word is KHesed...
47:50 and let me tell you something,
47:51 you cannot translate KHesed by one English word.
47:56 KHesed is a covenant term
47:59 that includes all the positive attributes of God...
48:02 His love... His covenant faithfulness...
48:06 His mercy... His grace...
48:08 His kindness... His loyalty...
48:11 His devotion
48:13 and it's way beyond what we would think is His duty.
48:19 See, people tell me,
48:20 "Oh, you don't find grace in the Old Testament. "
48:24 Oh, you find grace there, it is so beautiful.
48:27 So, here's what David says,
48:29 "Surely goodness and mercy... KHesed...
48:33 shall follow me all the days of my life... "
48:36 you know that word "follow" I love it in the Hebrew
48:40 and in... in most often
48:42 the Hebrew word that is translated "follow" here
48:47 it is most often translated "Pursuit. "
48:51 So, what picture do you get in your mind
48:56 if David is saying, "Oh, God has said
49:00 He is pursuing me. "
49:03 Can you imagine the goodness and KHesed... the love of God
49:08 pursuing you?
49:10 Our loving heavenly Father will not forsake us.
49:15 He does not change... He pursues us to this day.
49:20 I'll tell you what...
49:21 I can testify to God who pursued me with His love
49:28 for many years. Panel: Amen.
49:31 Shelley: And He... I... I've turned my back on Him,
49:34 He pursued me with His love... He chased me down
49:38 and you know what?
49:39 He is still pursuing me with His love today.
49:42 So, in spite of all these trails,
49:45 David knew about God's covenant commitment of KHesed
49:53 that it would continue to pursue him.
49:55 So, let's look at it one more time,
49:57 same verse... I'm just repeating it.
49:59 Psalm 23:6,
50:02 "Surely goodness and mercy... KHesed...
50:06 shall follow me or pursue me...
50:09 all the days of my life:
50:11 and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. "
50:15 Did you know... Divine Love... God's divine love...
50:22 His purpose of covenant is to dwell with us?
50:26 God wants to dwell with us
50:29 and He wants to have an intimate relationship with us...
50:34 David knew this.
50:35 He knew that even though he's running
50:37 and he is hiding out in the desert,
50:39 he would... he had continual ongoing opportunities
50:45 for intimate fellowship with the God of covenant love.
50:50 He knew for certain that God was going to guide him
50:54 and protect him throughout his life
50:57 and that he would bring him back to his house to live forever.
51:02 And you know something?
51:03 We can know the same today.
51:05 In Ephesians 1:4, Paul writes, and he says,
51:11 "He... God... chose us in Him... in Jesus Christ...
51:18 before the foundation of the world,
51:23 that we should be holy and without blame
51:27 before Him in love. "
51:30 Now, I want to say this,
51:32 some people believe the election of God means:
51:35 okay, some were created to be saved...
51:38 some were created to be lost.
51:40 I don't believe that that can jive with free will.
51:46 I don't believe that that...
51:48 if we really have a study on that,
51:50 I don't believe that.
51:52 See, before the foundation of the world,
51:56 here is the everlasting gospel...
51:59 the Lamb of God was planned to be slain
52:05 before the foundation of the world
52:06 and God's purpose was that all who accept Jesus Christ
52:11 as their Savior,
52:13 would be saved... and not only saved
52:18 but adopted as sons.
52:19 Let's continue on.
52:21 In 1st Timothy 2:4, God our Savior...
52:25 the Bible says that He desires that all humanity would be saved
52:31 and come to a knowledge of the truth.
52:34 So, if you accept Jesus Christ,
52:38 you are predestined to be adopted as God's son.
52:43 Ephesians 1:5 says,
52:46 "He predestined us to adoption as sons... as children of God...
52:51 by Jesus Christ to Himself,
52:55 according to the good pleasure of His will. "
52:59 So, we accept Christ as Savior...
53:02 He gives us the Holy Spirit...
53:04 we are born again... born anew into the family of God.
53:09 He adopts us and you know what?
53:13 we are spiritually born again,
53:16 we've got His spiritual DNA
53:19 and then He begins to conform us to the image of Jesus.
53:22 Now, I've got to skip down toward the end of my notes.
53:26 It wasn't just David who went through these crucibles,
53:31 let's look at Hebrews 11:13 through 16.
53:35 Hebrews 11 said,
53:37 it's talking about all these patriarchs...
53:41 all of the people of the Christians,
53:44 it says, "These all died in faith,
53:46 not having received the promises... "
53:49 they were... they were following the promise of God,
53:53 looking for the country that was not here on earth.
53:58 It says, "It did not receive the promises,
54:01 but having seen them afar off were assured of them,
54:04 they embraced them...
54:05 they confessed that they were strangers
54:07 and pilgrims on the earth.
54:08 For those who say such things declare plainly
54:13 that they seek a homeland.
54:14 And truly if they had called to mind that country
54:17 from which they had come out,
54:19 they would have had opportunity to return.
54:21 But now they desire a better... that is a heavenly country.
54:26 Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God,
54:29 and He has prepared a city for them. "
54:33 So, here's the quote from the Quarterly,
54:36 "No matter how deep the valley or how persistent the enemies,
54:40 the certainty of God's goodness and unfailing love
54:43 and the certainty of His guidance
54:46 to the very end of our journey is unquestionable. "
54:51 Panel: Amen.
54:52 Shelley: A personal note...
54:54 I've been in a crucible since December of 2019.
54:58 I live in chronic pain and it's a pretty severe pain
55:03 and it's several areas of my body
55:05 but here's what I want to tell you,
55:08 I praise God every day because I know that Jesus...
55:12 the same thought that sustained David
55:17 sustained Jesus on the cross
55:19 and God sustains me day by day drawing me closer to Him
55:24 in this crucible.
55:25 Jill: Amen, thank you all so much...
55:28 Shelly... Pastor Johnny... Pastor Ryan
55:30 and Pastor John for sharing
55:31 and sharing from your experience
55:33 because we all go through crucibles
55:36 and yet, look at what God is doing
55:38 in the midst of each one of them... praise His Name.
55:40 I want to give each one of you a moment
55:41 to share a closing thought,
55:43 we'll start with Pastor Lomacang.
55:44 Lomacang: You know, I look at the story...
55:45 we often think that God overwhelms us
55:47 but, you know, God does not lead us in paths
55:49 that overwhelm us,
55:50 His love overwhelms us so that He may lead us into paths.
55:54 Isaiah 26:7, "The way of the just is upright;
55:58 O Most Upright,
55:59 you weigh the path of the just. "
56:01 It will never overwhelm us when God is leading us.
56:04 Jill: Amen... Panel: Amen.
56:05 Ryan: Trust in the Shepherd's plan.
56:06 Jeremiah 29 verse 11 and onward it says,
56:10 "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord,
56:12 thoughts of peace and not of evil,
56:14 to give you a future and a hope.
56:15 Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me,
56:18 and I will listen to you.
56:20 And you will seek Me and you will find Me,
56:22 when you search for Me with all your heart. "
56:24 Search for Him... trust in the Shepherd
56:26 and He will see you through.
56:27 Dinzey: Amen, if you have enemies,
56:30 allow the Lord to prepare a table before you
56:32 and it says here, "You anoint my head with oil,
56:35 my cup runs over. "
56:37 This is an indication of God comforting
56:39 and God providing till you run over.
56:41 Allow the Lord to do this for you.
56:44 Now, this idea of anointing includes favor from God
56:51 and divine favor.
56:53 Allow the Lord to do this for you
56:55 in the presence of your enemies.
56:56 Panel: Hmmm...
56:58 Shelley: No matter what crucible you are in,
57:01 just like David, remember that God's mercy... His goodness...
57:06 His loving kindness...
57:07 His... His grace...
57:09 His agape love...
57:11 He is pursuing you
57:13 and He will get you through to the other end of the trial...
57:18 going through that fiery trial,
57:20 you'll come out not smelling like smoke.
57:22 Jill: Amen, thank you all so much.
57:24 I'm just reminded that He is our good Shepherd.
57:26 What an incredible promise we have to hold on to
57:30 that the Shepherd gave His life for the sheep.
57:34 The Shepherd wants you in the kingdom.
57:37 He wants to save you.
57:38 He wants to transform the crucible
57:41 that you are in the midst of
57:42 and bring you out on the other side.
57:44 Join us next week... next week is Lesson Number 2:
57:48 The Crucibles That Come
57:50 and I love the titles and I'm going to read them.
57:52 Crucibles of Satan...
57:53 Crucibles of Sin...
57:55 Crucibles of Purification...
57:58 and Crucibles of Maturity.
58:01 It's going to be an amazing study,
58:02 join us next week.
58:04 Music...


Revised 2022-08-30