3ABN Sabbath School Panel

The Good News of the Judgement

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP230017S

00:01 Welcome to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:02 We're so glad you're joining us because we do this for you.
00:06 We're studying this Quarter: Three Cosmic Messages
00:11 and we're on Lesson 5 today
00:13 which is the good news of the judgment.
00:17 If you've yet have gotten your Adult Bible Study Guide,
00:22 you can go to 3abnsabbathschoolpanel. com
00:25 download it and join us.
00:27 Get your Bible... a pen and a paper
00:29 and come study with us.
00:31 Music...
01:01 Shelley: Oh, we're so glad you are joining us
01:04 for 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
01:06 We are studying Lesson 5 of our Adult Bible Study Guide
01:11 which is the Three Cosmic Messages
01:15 found in Revelation 14:6 through 12.
01:19 Today, we are looking at the good news of the judgment.
01:22 Did you know there was good news about the judgment?
01:26 I'm Shelley Quinn...
01:28 let me introduce your 3ABN family
01:31 who is sitting at the table.
01:32 Ryan Day, we're glad you're here.
01:35 Ryan: It's always a blessing to be a part of the 3ABN
01:37 Sabbath School Panel.
01:38 I have Monday's Lesson entitled: God's Mercy and Judgment.
01:42 Shelley: And Brother John Dinzey.
01:44 Dinzey: It's a blessing to be here.
01:45 This is another powerful lesson.
01:47 I have Tuesday: A Magnificent Scene.
01:50 Shelley: It's going to be wonderful...
01:53 Pastor James Rafferty.
01:55 Rafferty: Good to be here, Shelley,
01:56 I have Wednesday's Lesson which is entitled:
01:58 A Glimpse of Heaven.
01:59 Shelley: Oh wonderful!
02:00 And my sister in Christ, Jill Morikone.
02:03 Jill: Thank you, Shelley,
02:04 I have Thursday: Jesus is Worthy.
02:06 Shelley: You know, each one of these lessons
02:09 have been incredible
02:11 and Ryan, I'm going to ask you if you will,
02:15 to ask God's blessing on our discussion today.
02:18 Ryan: Absolutely, "Father in heaven,
02:20 as we take a trip into your throne room...
02:24 as we try to understand this judgment topic,
02:28 Lord, we dare not take upon this subject on our own merits
02:33 or upon our own ideas or thoughts.
02:35 Lord, we ask for the Holy Spirit to be poured out right now
02:37 on each and every one of us,
02:39 that we approach this humbly with accuracy
02:41 according to your Word
02:42 and according to the leadership of the Holy Spirit,
02:44 we turn this time over to you
02:46 and we ask this in Jesus' holy name, amen. "
02:48 Shelley: Amen... amen.
02:51 The good news of judgment,
02:54 let's begin with Revelation 14:7,
02:57 I know we covered this in our last lesson,
03:00 but we're going to take today...
03:02 we're going to explore the deeper themes
03:07 of the judgment.
03:09 So, Revelation 14:7,
03:11 the first angel who has already announced the gospel
03:15 to be taken around the world,
03:16 says with a loud voice,
03:19 "Fear God and give glory to Him,
03:23 for the hour of His judgment has come;
03:26 and worship Him who made heaven and earth,
03:29 the sea and the springs of water. "
03:32 So, as we look at judgment
03:35 in relation to the great controversy
03:37 and everything that's going on and raging in the universe,
03:41 we know that there is an inevitable judgment to come.
03:46 You know Paul in Acts 24:25,
03:48 he was talking with Felix
03:51 and reasoning about God's love and righteousness
03:55 and the judgment to come.
03:57 What did Felix do?
03:58 "Oh well, go away, I'll think about this
04:01 and maybe come back to it at a later day. "
04:04 But here's what I just wanted to impress again
04:08 and I know we're saying this every time,
04:09 because it is so true.
04:11 God's nature is unselfish love.
04:16 It is centered on others... His love.
04:21 He operates not by the power of control
04:26 but by the power of love.
04:28 That is how His government operates
04:31 and you know what?
04:33 He established boundaries for human behavior.
04:37 What parent loves a child
04:41 and doesn't establish good healthy boundaries?
04:45 So, what God did with His law... His Ten Commandments,
04:51 which I think of His... as His Charter of Rights
04:55 for His government of love.
04:57 He put boundaries
05:00 that protects our relationship with Him
05:04 and gives Him the due that is...
05:08 is due Him...
05:10 due that's due Him...
05:11 Panel: Laughter.
05:12 Shelley: And He put these boundaries
05:15 around our behavior
05:19 so it would protect the rights of all humans.
05:23 To ignore His boundaries is to act lawless
05:29 as if, He has no law
05:32 and 1st John 3:4 said,
05:35 "sin is lawlessness. "
05:38 So, God is just... what does that mean?
05:41 when we say, "God is just. "
05:43 We know He is... He is love,
05:45 we know He's light and righteous...
05:48 but what does it mean to be just?
05:51 It means to be absolutely good...
05:55 to be fair-minded, virtuous, impartial,
05:59 honest, incorruptible, trustworthy
06:03 and righteous.
06:04 God is a God of justice.
06:08 He is consistent
06:10 in the Old Testament and the New
06:13 and that might surprise you if you've never...
06:15 sometimes, people read His warnings in the Old Testament
06:19 and think, "Ooooh! God was being so harsh. "
06:22 No, He was... He's always been a God of judgment
06:26 because justice requires judgment.
06:31 Ecclesiastes 12:14 says,
06:34 "God is going to bring every work into judgment,
06:37 including every secret thing,
06:40 whether good or evil. "
06:42 Paul says in Romans 14:12,
06:44 "Each one of us... " he says,
06:47 "shall give an account of himself to God. "
06:52 Justice requires judgment and what is judgment?
06:57 It is a legal transaction
07:01 that demands our heavenly Father
07:04 is either going to levy one of two possible verdicts.
07:09 To go into judgment means first,
07:14 there are two ways that this can turn out.
07:16 One: you can be condemned.
07:18 An accused person that's found guilty...
07:21 God declares them guilty and worthy of punishment.
07:27 Or, the much preferable way is to be justified
07:32 and that is a legal transaction
07:35 where God looks at us and by righteousness...
07:40 through righteousness by faith in Christ Jesus,
07:44 He pronounces an acquittal of the charges
07:48 because He sees no forensic evidence
07:53 that when we are in Christ,
07:55 it blots out that record of our sins
07:58 and He makes the official declaration
08:02 that we're innocent.
08:03 In 1st Timothy 2:3 and 4,
08:05 Paul tells... he's writing to Timothy,
08:09 and he says, "God our Savior,
08:12 desires all men to be saved
08:15 and to come to the knowledge of the truth. "
08:18 And then we see God's words in Ezekiel 33:11,
08:22 and God says, "As I live, says the Lord God,
08:25 I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked,
08:29 but that the wicked would turn from his way... "
08:32 turn... repent...
08:34 be converted...
08:35 "and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways!
08:39 For why should you die?"
08:41 You know, God in Christ
08:46 sacrificed Himself to pay sin's penalty.
08:50 He became... He suffered and He died.
08:55 Why?
08:57 To uphold the righteous law of God.
09:00 If God was going to do away with His Charter of Rights...
09:04 with His Ten Commandments,
09:06 then, Christ died in vain.
09:08 Ryan: That's right.
09:10 Shelley: So, He became our substitute
09:12 because we're guilty of breaking the law.
09:16 He was sinless and He makes it possible
09:21 as Paul writes in Romans 3:26,
09:25 that God can remain just
09:29 because He came down and showed it can be done
09:33 but He's also the justifier
09:36 of the one who has faith in Jesus.
09:40 So, God's love and His holiness
09:46 demand justice.
09:48 We all want justice when a wrong is done,
09:50 don't we?
09:52 God's love demands mercy and grace
09:55 and someone has said this clever quote,
09:59 I love it...
10:01 Justice is receiving what we deserve.
10:06 Mercy is not receiving what we deserve.
10:11 But grace is receiving
10:14 what we absolutely don't deserve.
10:17 None of us deserve God's grace but I'm so glad
10:21 that He is a God of grace.
10:24 When we are in Christ, the good news of the judgment
10:28 is that we don't have to fear the judgment.
10:32 Let's look at Daniel chapter 7 and verse 22,
10:35 Daniel 7:22, boy! I've got to hurry,
10:39 "until the Ancient of Days came"
10:44 He's watching...
10:46 "until the Ancient of Days came,
10:47 and a judgment was made
10:48 in favor of the saints of the Most High,
10:51 and the time came for the saints to possess the kingdom. "
10:56 What is the significance of the judgment hour?
11:00 Sunday's Lesson... I'm going to read what Mark Finley wrote.
11:03 "The Bible's last book, Revelation,
11:06 focuses on the culmination of the age-long controversy
11:11 between good and evil.
11:12 Lucifer, a rebel angel,
11:14 challenged the justice, fairness, and wisdom of God.
11:18 He claimed that God was unfair and unjust
11:21 in a way that He administered the universe.
11:25 And Revelation's final judgment
11:28 is at the very center of this conflict
11:30 over the character of God. "
11:33 So, let's return...
11:35 we're going to re-read the first angel's message,
11:38 Revelation 14:6 through 7,
11:40 John is in vision, he says,
11:43 "Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven,
11:46 having the everlasting gospel
11:48 to preach to those who dwell on the earth...
11:51 to every nation, tongue, tribe and people... "
11:55 so the everlasting gospel is the foundation...
11:58 righteousness by faith
12:00 is the foundation of the three angels' message
12:03 and then he says, "Fear God and give glory to Him
12:07 for the hour of His judgment has come. "
12:10 We're living in the judgment hour right now.
12:12 He says, "Worship Him who made heaven, and earth,
12:16 and the sea, and the springs of water. "
12:20 Do you realize the everlasting gospel
12:23 and judgment are inseparable?
12:26 They're intertwined and it's good news for us
12:29 because if you're in Christ... judgment reveals God's grace,
12:34 His mercy, and His justice.
12:37 It reveals His power to deliver
12:41 and it speaks of His moral code of love...
12:46 the Ten Commandments.
12:47 Mark Finley said, "In the Great Controversy
12:50 between good and evil in the universe,
12:52 God answered Satan's charges on the cross,
12:55 but in the judgment,
12:57 He reveals that He has done everything possible
13:02 to save us and lead us to the cross. "
13:05 I want to read what David wrote.
13:08 This is his psalm of repentance.
13:11 Psalm 51:1 through 4,
13:13 He says, "Have mercy on me, O God,
13:15 according to Your lovingkindness;
13:18 according to the multitude of Your tender mercies,
13:20 blot out my transgressions.
13:23 Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity,
13:26 cleanse me from my sin.
13:29 For I acknowledge my transgressions,
13:32 and my sin is always before me.
13:35 Against You, You only, have I sinned,
13:37 and done this evil in Your sight...
13:40 that you may be found just when You speak,
13:43 and blameless when you judge. "
13:45 When you confess your sin as David did,
13:48 God is faithful and just to forgive you of your sin
13:53 and He will cleanse you
13:55 of all unrighteousness.
13:58 Panel: Amen.
13:59 Shelley: Judgment simply reveals if we've responded to God's love
14:05 and the wooing of the Holy Spirit.
14:07 Ryan: Hmmm... amen, very well put,
14:09 thank you, Shelley, so much for that.
14:11 My name is Ryan Day and I have Monday's Lesson
14:13 entitled: God's Mercy and Judgment
14:16 and, as always, Pastor Mark Finley
14:19 in his beautiful gift of being able to...
14:22 to write and express the gospel so clearly,
14:24 he writes in the Lesson,
14:26 he says: The cross and judgment
14:27 both reveal that God is just and merciful.
14:31 The broken law demands the death of the sinner.
14:34 Justice declares, "The wages of sin is death. "
14:38 Mercy responds,
14:40 "The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. "
14:44 Romans 6:23.
14:45 If God's law could be changed or abolished...
14:47 this is the point, Shelley had made earlier,
14:50 "If God's law could be changed or abolished,
14:52 it would be totally unnecessary for Jesus to die.
14:55 Christ's death establishes the eternal nature of the law,
15:00 and the law is the basis of judgment. "
15:03 And, you know, many people have questioned that before...
15:05 you know, what are we judged by?
15:07 The Bible makes it very clear Romans chapter 2 and verse 12,
15:10 the Bible says here, "For as many as have sinned without law
15:14 will also perish without law,
15:15 and as many as have sinned in the law
15:18 will be judged by the law. "
15:20 So, yes, we are indeed judged by the law
15:23 but the lesson brings out and asks us,
15:25 "But how are we judged and by what are we judged?"
15:29 Obviously, it takes a little step further
15:31 in bringing us to Revelation chapter 20 and verse 12
15:34 where obviously, we're seeing
15:36 those final scenes taking place there
15:38 at the end of the 1,000 years when it's all said and done
15:41 and this old world is beginning to pass away
15:44 on the brink of God creating a new heaven and a new earth.
15:47 But it says right there,
15:48 Revelation chapter 20 and verse 12,
15:50 it says, "And I saw the dead, small and great,
15:53 standing before God,
15:55 the books were opened.
15:57 And another book was opened,
15:58 which is the Book of Life.
16:00 And the dead were judged according to their works,
16:04 by the things which were written in the books. "
16:08 I've always found that to be fascinating because
16:11 you read the book of Revelation
16:13 and, you know, the book Revelation
16:15 of course, starts out wonderfully
16:17 in taking us through the different ages
16:20 from the... from the Apostolic Age
16:23 all the way to our current time
16:25 and it's interesting that to every single church,
16:27 Jesus says to them,
16:28 "Not I know your faith... "
16:30 you know, it's interesting
16:32 because we think of Ephesians chapter 2,
16:33 which I want to read in just a few moments,
16:35 you know, because... well, let's read it now,
16:37 Ephesians chapter 2 verses 8 through 10,
16:38 people think of this text and it's a powerful text,
16:41 there's a powerful truth in it
16:42 but we have to understand from a balanced perspective
16:45 what relationship does works play in our salvation?
16:47 Many people's answer to that question is,
16:49 works plays no role.
16:51 We're not saved by works,
16:52 therefore, works has no importance at all
16:54 in the relationship of... of salvation
16:57 or in our salvational walk with God.
16:59 Ephesians chapter 2 verses 8 and 10,
17:01 this is that powerful text which declares to us
17:04 "For by grace, you have been saved through faith... "
17:06 okay... so, by grace through faith,
17:10 "and not of yourselves;
17:11 it is the gift of God,
17:13 not of works, lest anyone should boast. "
17:16 That's a powerful truth.
17:17 Praise God that we're not saved by works.
17:19 It goes on to say though,
17:20 "For we are His workmanship,
17:22 created in Christ Jesus for good works... "
17:25 which is the response
17:27 of being saved by grace through faith,
17:28 "which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. "
17:32 Many people say because we're not saved by works
17:35 and we're saved by grace through faith,
17:37 for the "works" plays no role at all,
17:39 and it's interesting that you go back to those seven churches,
17:42 Jesus could have said, "You know, I know your faith,
17:44 I know your faith...
17:45 I know your faith,
17:47 I know your faith.
17:48 But He says each and every time,
17:49 "I know your works... "
17:51 "Wait a second, Jesus, if we're not saved by our works
17:52 we're saved by grace through faith,
17:54 then, why in the world would you be concerned about our works?"
17:56 Well, that's the question that Mark Finley is asking
17:58 in this particular lesson here,
18:00 is what relationship does "works" play
18:02 in our salvation?
18:03 We just learned in Ephesians, while we're not saved
18:05 by our works and we are indeed saved by grace through faith,
18:08 we are created for good works
18:10 and, of course, as we read, I think, in a previous lesson,
18:12 we are told in Romans chapter 1 verse 5,
18:15 that it is... it is obviously...
18:17 through the grace...
18:19 through the grace that we're received by God,
18:22 it is for obedience that we've received that grace,
18:24 in other words,
18:25 the response for the grace that we have been saved by,
18:27 through the faith that we have expressed,
18:29 genuinely in Christ Jesus,
18:31 the... the natural results of that...
18:33 the... the testimony that tells the genuineness of that faith
18:37 is indeed our works.
18:39 This is exactly what James is expressing in James chapter 2,
18:43 and I've some of my brethren in church
18:44 that have told me before, "Well, James chapter 2...
18:47 Ephesians 2...
18:48 well, the James contradicts Paul. "
18:50 No, it doesn't.
18:51 If you read James chapter 2,
18:52 you'll see that he's simply just adding to
18:54 and further clarifying
18:55 the relationship of grace and works here
18:57 so, James chapter 2, I'm not going to read it all,
18:59 but I'm going to start reading in verse 14,
19:01 and notice what it says here,
19:02 this is James 2 beginning in verse 14,
19:04 it says, "What does it profit my brethren,
19:07 if someone says he has faith but does not have works?"
19:10 In other words, he's simply asking
19:12 again, not trying to trash the concept of faith,
19:14 he's simply saying, "There's people out there
19:16 that say, 'Oh, I believe in God...
19:18 I already have faith in the Lord,
19:19 I have faith that He's my Savior,
19:20 I have faith that He died for me on the cross,
19:22 I have faith in what He has done for me,
19:24 and that's all that I need. '"
19:25 And so, he says, "But if you don't have works,
19:28 what does it profit you?
19:29 Can faith save him?"
19:30 Can just your declaration alone
19:32 or your... your... your words that you believe in Him,
19:35 maybe your mental acceptance that Christ indeed
19:38 is who He says He is
19:39 or He has done what He says He has done?
19:41 Is that enough to save him?
19:43 Notice what he goes on to say in verses 15 and onward,
19:45 he said, "If a brother or sister is naked
19:47 and destitute of daily food,
19:49 and one of you says to them,
19:51 'Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,'
19:54 but you do not give them the things
19:56 which are needed for the body,
19:57 what does it profit?
19:59 Thus also faith by itself,
20:01 if it does not have works, is dead. "
20:03 In other words, you've heard these people a lot of times,
20:05 sometimes we...
20:06 and I'm just going to kind of level with this here
20:07 for a moment,
20:09 sometimes, we destroy our witness
20:11 and, therefore, the genuineness of our faith
20:13 really comes forward whether it's genuine or not genuine.
20:15 If someone comes to us and says,
20:17 "Hey, you know, I really need help in this area
20:19 or this help and it's something we can do
20:21 but we say, "Ooooooh, brothers, and sisters,
20:23 I'll pray for you... "
20:24 you know... "The Lord will take care of you,
20:26 you'll be in my prayers... "
20:27 but oftentimes, you know, God has given us the ability
20:29 to, perhaps, help our brothers and sisters
20:31 and put forward in those works
20:34 to show forth the genuineness of the faith that we do have
20:37 in Jesus Christ.
20:38 It goes on to say in verse 18,
20:40 "But someone will say,
20:41 'You have faith, and I have works. '
20:43 Show me your faith without your works,
20:45 and I will show you my faith by my works. "
20:48 Verse 23 now, it says,
20:50 "And the Scripture was fulfilled which says,
20:52 'Abraham believed God,
20:53 and it was accounted to him, for righteousness. '"
20:56 But did Abraham just simply make a mental exception,
20:59 acceptance of God?
21:01 "Oh yes, Lord, I know You're speaking to me,
21:02 I know You've told me You're my God
21:04 but that's all I need. "
21:05 No, no, no... it goes on to say,
21:07 "And he was called the friend of God.
21:09 You see then that this man is justified by works,
21:12 and not by faith alone. "
21:13 Abraham put forward... he put forward his works
21:16 that showed the genuineness of his faith
21:18 and his acceptance of God as the one true God.
21:21 Verse 25, it says, "Likewise, was not Rahab the harlot
21:25 also justified by works when she received the messengers
21:28 and sent them out another way?
21:30 For as the body without the spirit is dead,
21:33 so faith without works is dead also. "
21:36 And so, you know, people...
21:38 some people have this mentality
21:39 that, "You know what?
21:41 Do... do nothing because Christ has already done it all. "
21:43 I've heard people say this, "I don't have to do anything...
21:46 I don't have to do any work
21:48 because I'm not saved by my works,
21:49 Christ has done it all for me... that's all I need
21:51 and I just need to believe that and accept that. "
21:54 And while that is a major portion I think of...
21:56 of our faith and our understanding
21:58 and who God is and what He has done for us,
22:00 is accepting for sure
22:01 that we can do nothing in and of ourselves
22:03 to gain salvation...
22:05 that we cannot add anything to the work of Christ,
22:07 and the work of the cross and the plan of redemption
22:10 that only Jesus could fulfill.
22:12 Yes, when we truly believe that
22:13 and we truly believe in Christ Jesus,
22:15 the lesson is simply highlighting and emphasizing the fact
22:18 that each and every one of us... if we say that we are in Christ,
22:22 we should do something about it
22:24 that it plays a healthy role.
22:25 I remember years ago,
22:27 I was... I just learned... not just learned
22:29 but I had been studying the truth of the Sabbath
22:30 for many months
22:32 and... and I was so excited about this new truth
22:34 that I had learned
22:36 and I decided...
22:37 I should go back to some of my Sunday-keeping pastors
22:39 and ministers and Sunday School teachers...
22:41 so, I went back to one of my most respected
22:43 Sunday-School teachers in... in the Sunday-keeping church,
22:45 and I remember telling him the story and how...
22:48 how I've learned this new information of the Sabbath,
22:50 and I was sharing it with him,
22:52 and this is a guy I greatly respected...
22:54 so kind, so calm, so loving all the time, you know,
22:57 he's just one of those guys you could just go to
22:59 and talk to and just open up to...
23:01 just a wonderful guy
23:03 but as I began to share with him
23:04 what the Bible teaches about the Sabbath,
23:06 this brother's attitude changed and he responded to me...
23:09 "You've got a veil over your eyes...
23:11 you've got a cloak over your eyes...
23:12 depart from me, Satan, trying to put me under works. "
23:15 Panel: Hmmm...
23:17 Ryan: Again, the idea that... "I don't have to do anything...
23:19 you're trying to put me under the law...
23:21 you're... you're putting them under the works of the law... "
23:23 when in reality, I wasn't communicating
23:25 that we're saved by the Sabbath,
23:27 we're saved by works...
23:28 but that yet because I am saved,
23:30 I want to keep His commandments
23:31 because I love Him.
23:33 And, of course, this is what the lesson brings out.
23:34 It says, "Our good works empowered by the Holy Spirit,
23:37 does not save us
23:38 but they do testify that our faith is genuine.
23:41 God's final judgment strips away all pretense...
23:45 all hypocrisy...
23:46 all falsehood...
23:47 and pierces into the very depth of our being. "
23:51 I want to finish with this quote here.
23:52 I don't know if I'll be able to have time to read it all,
23:54 but this comes from Testimonies for the Church,
23:56 volume 5, page 471 and 472.
23:59 It says "The fact that they acknowledged the...
24:02 The fact that the acknowledged people of God
24:04 are represented as standing before the Lord
24:07 in filthy garments should lead to humility
24:09 and deep searching of heart
24:11 on the part of all who profess His name.
24:13 Those who are indeed purifying their souls
24:16 by obeying the truth
24:17 will have a most humble opinion of themselves.
24:19 The more closely they view the spotless character of Christ,
24:23 the stronger will be their desire
24:25 to be conformed to His image,
24:28 and the less they will see of purity or holiness
24:30 in themselves.
24:32 But while we should realize our sinful condition,
24:34 we are to rely upon Christ as our righteousness,
24:37 our sanctification, and our redemption.
24:39 We cannot answer the charges of Satan against us.
24:42 Christ alone can make an effectual plea in our behalf.
24:45 He is able to silence the accuser
24:47 with arguments founded not upon our merits,
24:50 but on His own. "
24:51 Panel: Hmmm... amen.
24:53 Shelley: Amen, praise the Lord.
24:54 We are going to take a short break
24:56 and we'll be right back.
24:57 Music...
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25:29 Save a Life... for Eternity.
25:31 Shelley: And now we go to Pastor John Dinzey
25:36 who is going to tell us about: A Magnificent Scene.
25:39 Dinzey: Thank you so much.
25:40 Yes, this is Tuesday's portion of the Lesson:
25:42 A Magnificent Scene.
25:44 And when I started looking at this lesson, I said,
25:47 "You know, there's... there's good material here
25:49 but is there something else?"
25:50 It's like, I was missing something
25:52 and I praise the Lord that prayer brought out something
25:55 that I was really blessed by.
25:57 So, I want to share that with you.
25:59 Here, the Lesson begins with the...
26:00 this thought... the prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation
26:03 are companion volumes
26:05 and Daniel was shown a history of the world kingdoms
26:10 that would appear upon the scene of history
26:13 and be a kingdom that was controlling other kingdoms.
26:17 He saw Babylon, Medo-Persia,
26:20 Greece... Rome...
26:21 and the break up of the Roman Empire... he saw these things,
26:24 the Lord showed these things to him
26:25 and the 1,260 years depicted in Daniel chapter 7 verse 25.
26:30 But the attention of Daniel is drawn to a scene
26:35 that is truly magnificent...
26:36 it can blow your mind as you consider
26:39 what is taking place here
26:41 and this is quite... quite a blessing.
26:44 So, we go to Daniel chapter 7 verse 9
26:46 and take this in...
26:48 consider what is going on here, it says,
26:52 "I watched till thrones were put in place,
26:55 and the Ancient of Days was seated;
26:58 His garment was white as snow,
27:00 and the hair of His head was like pure wool.
27:03 His throne was a fiery flame,
27:06 its wheels a burning fire. "
27:08 This is a picture of the Ancient of Days
27:11 God the Father... pure holiness
27:14 and we have read in the New Testament
27:17 that he says that He dwells light unapproachable,
27:20 pure holiness of God the Father.
27:23 Psalm 90 verses 1 and 2 says,
27:26 "Lord, You have been our dwelling place
27:29 in all generations.
27:31 Before the mountains were brought forth,
27:33 or ever You had formed the earth and the world,
27:37 even from everlasting to everlasting,
27:41 You are God. "
27:43 This is God the Father that appears upon the scene
27:48 and the throne is set in place...
27:49 in other words... moved to this place.
27:52 So, here in the book Great Controversy, 1888 version,
27:56 of page 479, it says,
27:59 "It is He the source of all being,
28:01 and the fountain of all law,
28:02 that is to preside in the judgment.
28:05 And holy angels as ministers and witnesses,
28:09 in number 'ten thousand times ten thousand,
28:12 and thousands of thousands,'
28:15 attend this great tribunal. "
28:17 How many is that? 10,000 times 10,000...
28:20 that's 100 million... but it says 1,000s of 1,000s...
28:24 this is a magnificent scene
28:27 but, you know, this is a tribunal.
28:30 This is a judgment that is taking place
28:32 as we're going to see in a moment.
28:34 I have been in Court Rooms before
28:36 and you're sitting there
28:37 and all of a sudden, somebody stands and says,
28:39 "All rise... the Honorable Judge Johnson... "
28:42 or whatever his name is... "is presiding... "
28:44 and everybody stands up and there is this silence
28:46 and this moment of... "Oh, oh, judgment is about to start. "
28:49 And this is what's taking place here
28:51 and it is a judgment that is taking place...
28:54 we're talking about good news of the judgment
28:58 and as you see, it... it says that the saints
29:02 possess the kingdom.
29:04 This is good news that we're talking about here.
29:06 So... but we're talking...
29:08 when I was in this court room,
29:09 I was like, "Wow! this is the judge, everybody"
29:12 and, you know, people that are accused,
29:13 I don't know what they dressed before
29:15 but most of them are dressed,
29:17 guys... in a nice suit and tie there
29:19 and they shave and everything
29:21 and the ladies... they're dressed very well.
29:22 They don't come when they are worse...
29:24 they try to look nice
29:25 especially if they're about to be judged
29:27 because I don't know what people think.
29:28 It's... "Well, maybe if I dress well, they'll treat me better. "
29:31 I don't know what people are thinking but
29:32 in this Court Scene,
29:34 it is the angels that are witnesses.
29:37 We do not appear.
29:38 This is what they call the pre-Advent judgment.
29:40 The judgment before Jesus returns to the earth.
29:42 And so, Daniel 7 verse 13 says,
29:45 "I was watching in the night visions... "
29:49 this is a vision...
29:50 "and behold, One like the Son of Man,
29:53 coming with the clouds of heaven!
29:56 He came to the Ancient of Days,
29:59 and they brought Him near before Him. "
30:03 Now, this is Jesus the Son of Man
30:06 is brought before the Father, the Ancient of Days.
30:09 What a scene this is!
30:11 But, you know, I have to back up sometimes when I'm praying
30:15 and studying...
30:16 when I'm studying and looking at verses
30:18 and looking here and there,
30:19 sometimes I say, "I have to stand up... "
30:21 I walk around a little bit... talking with the Lord,
30:23 and... and, you know, sometimes these...
30:26 the Lord's like... He opens the window
30:28 and I want to tell you, this is...
30:30 this is the book of Daniel we're reading,
30:32 the book of what? The book of Daniel
30:34 is not the book of Revelation.
30:35 The Book of Revelation...
30:37 when the book of Revelation takes place,
30:39 Jesus had already come to this earth...
30:41 Jesus had already faced temptation...
30:43 tried every single day by the devil,
30:45 wasn't just three...
30:47 every single day, the devil was after Him
30:49 but he was victorious.
30:50 He was tempted on all points and He was victorious.
30:55 And, let's go ahead and read that here
30:58 in Hebrews chapter 4 verses 14 through 16,
31:01 "Seeing then that we have a great High Priest
31:04 who has passed through the heavens,
31:06 Jesus the Son of God,
31:07 let us hold fast our confession.
31:12 Let us hold fast...
31:14 For we do not have a High Priest
31:15 who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses,
31:17 but was in all points tempted as we are,
31:20 yet without sin. "
31:21 Notice again... notice here,
31:23 "Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace,
31:26 that we may obtain... " what?
31:28 "mercy and find grace to help in time of need. "
31:31 This is good news so what Daniel saw
31:34 was something that was going to take place
31:37 in the future.
31:39 He was privileged to see the Son of Man.
31:42 This is a picture of Jesus after facing temptation,
31:45 after being victorious... He is there.
31:48 He has the right to be there.
31:50 He is worthy to be there before the Father,
31:54 to present the cases and present us
31:57 because you see, the Bible reveals to us
32:01 that Jesus is our Advocate.
32:04 1st John chapter 2 verse 1 says,
32:07 "My little children,
32:08 these things I write unto you,
32:10 so that you may not sin.
32:12 And if anyone sins,
32:14 we have an Advocate with the Father;
32:16 Jesus Christ the righteous.
32:18 And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins,
32:21 and not for ours only but also for the whole world. "
32:24 Daniel is seeing Jesus in this condition
32:29 that He has been our propitiation for our sins,
32:32 He has been the Lamb of God that was slain
32:35 and died on the cross...
32:37 He is there worthy to be there, He is worthy
32:41 and you'll find out in a moment,
32:42 Revelation chapter 5, you're going to hear about that,
32:44 that the Lamb is worthy... worthy is the Lamb.
32:48 That beautiful song in the Hallelujah Chorus that says,
32:51 "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain... "
32:54 I don't know if you've heard that song before
32:55 but it's... it's magnificent
32:57 and this is a magnificent scene that we're seeing here
32:59 and Daniel was able to see this...
33:03 I don't know if he took in all that he was watching
33:06 because it's really magnificent.
33:07 This is our Savior Jesus Christ appearing before the Father
33:11 to represent you and me.
33:13 And so, my little children, as it says here,
33:17 he's writing these things so that you and I see it,
33:20 we have to fear God and keep His commandments.
33:23 We have to fear God and glorify Him
33:28 because the hour of His judgment is come.
33:31 I want to read this to you from the Great Controversy page 489,
33:35 because this is important... important to know.
33:38 This... it says, "The intercession of Christ,
33:41 on man's behalf in the sanctuary above
33:44 is as essential to the plan of salvation
33:47 as was His death upon the cross.
33:50 By His death He began that work
33:52 which after His resurrection
33:54 He ascended to complete in heaven.
33:57 We must, by faith, enter within the veil,
34:00 'whither the forerunner is for us entered. '"
34:03 Hebrews chapter 6 verse 20.
34:05 "There the light from the cross of Calvary is reflected.
34:08 There we may gain a clearer insight
34:11 into the mysteries of redemption.
34:13 The salvation of man is accomplished
34:16 at an infinite expense to heaven;
34:19 the sacrifice made is equal to the broadest demands
34:23 of the broken law.
34:25 Jesus has opened the way to the Father's throne,
34:29 and through His mediation
34:31 the sincere desire of all who come to Him in faith
34:35 may be presented before God. "
34:38 And this is what we're seeing here.
34:40 This is what Daniel was seeing... what a privilege!
34:43 He saw all the way into the year 1844
34:47 when Jesus Christ and the Father go
34:50 from the Holy Place to the Most Holy Place
34:53 and judgment began in the year 1844...
34:55 you're going to hear more about that
34:57 as we continue in these lessons.
34:58 We need to pay close attention to what we are studying here
35:03 because our eyes are going to be opened
35:05 and we're going to realize that we have a wonderful God
35:07 a wonderful Savior
35:09 who loved us enough to die for us
35:12 and willing to represent me...
35:15 you... before the Father and say,
35:18 "I died for him...
35:19 he has asked for forgiveness of his sins
35:22 and I claim him as my child. "
35:26 This is a marvelous thing to consider.
35:28 This is what Daniel is saying,
35:30 wow... we... our time is gone...
35:34 but consider the great mercy of God
35:37 and the great love of God...
35:39 here is a magnificent scene...
35:40 continue to look into it because there are wonderful things
35:43 to see here.
35:44 Panel: Amen... amen.
35:46 Rafferty: Amen, what a powerful, beautiful message that we have,
35:48 thank you John for sharing that and Ryan and Shelley.
35:51 My name is James Rafferty and I have Wednesday's Lesson
35:54 and it is entitled: A Glimpse of Heaven
35:57 and we're going to move right into Revelation chapter 4.
36:00 The Quarterly takes us to Revelation chapter 4
36:01 where John beholds an open door in heaven
36:04 and receives an invitation, "Come up here,
36:06 and I will show you things which must take place after this. "
36:10 Revelation 4 verse 1.
36:11 So, Jesus invited the apostle to look through the open door
36:16 into heaven's sanctuary to view eternal scenes
36:20 in the great controversy between good and evil.
36:23 The Quarterly goes on to say,
36:24 "We, too, can look through that open door with John"
36:28 and Johnny... we can look through that open door.
36:32 I love that.
36:33 God gives us these glimpses, right?
36:35 He gives us these... these visions, if you will,
36:37 as we... as we wrestle with Him, as we pray with Him,
36:39 as we walk with Him,
36:40 as we talk with Him,
36:42 God opens our minds
36:43 and that's what He was doing with John
36:44 in the Isle of Patmos.
36:46 That's what He was doing with... with Johnny this last week
36:47 and we too can receive a glimpse of the eternal plan of salvation
36:51 and that's what we're about to witness.
36:53 The Quarterly goes on to say
36:54 right here in Revelation chapter 4.
36:56 Now, when we read Revelation chapter 4,
36:58 2 through 4,
37:00 we see some similarities between the judgment scene in Revelation
37:02 or excuse me in Daniel 7.
37:04 The Quarterly goes on to say,
37:06 "However, there are some differences.
37:09 There are elders there but there are no books.
37:12 There are no elders in Daniel 7.
37:15 In fact, what's truly interesting is
37:17 every scene... throne scene in the Bible
37:20 is minus the elders.
37:22 In Daniel chapter 7... in Ezekiel chapter 1...
37:26 in Isaiah chapter 6...
37:27 you have a lot of similarities in all of these chapters
37:31 the throne-room scene is there...
37:32 the angelic beings... four angelic beings are there
37:36 singing "Holy, holy, holy... "
37:37 but there are no elders.
37:40 So, this is an incredible vision...
37:43 incredible picture into the plan of salvation
37:45 because guess what?
37:46 Post-Christ resurrection, as we enter into this...
37:49 this new prophetic cycle in Revelation chapter...
37:53 chapters 4 and 5... the seven seals,
37:56 we're going to actually see
37:58 what the slain Lamb has accomplished.
38:00 He has enabled there to be elders in heaven, now,
38:05 who are these elders?
38:06 That's the question that the Quarterly asked
38:07 but we'll get to that in just a second.
38:09 So, there's no judgment set...
38:11 there are no books opened in Revelation chapters 4 and 5,
38:15 actually, there is a book in Revelation 5,
38:17 Jill's going to share that with us
38:18 that book though is sealed.
38:20 So, a little bit different scenario here,
38:22 we're getting an introduction here
38:24 to something amazing.
38:26 This... this glimpse into heaven is going to show us
38:31 a picture of God's grace.
38:33 How? Well.. the throne-room scene,
38:35 we have God the Father sitting, the Quarterly goes on to say,
38:38 surrounded by the heavenly beings...
38:40 there's thunder and lightning
38:41 which also is indicative of His presence,
38:44 but then it says Revelation 4 verse 4
38:47 that there are 24 elders present around God's throne.
38:50 Who are these elders? The Quarterly asks.
38:54 Well, in ancient Israel there were 24 divisions
38:57 in the Levitical priesthood.
38:58 And these priests represented the people before God.
39:01 So, they had these 24 divisions among the Levitical priesthood
39:04 and they would go in... in their course
39:06 and they would represent the people before God.
39:09 They would take a little break, right,
39:10 they take a little vacation...
39:11 go on a little cruise... take a little downtime,
39:13 write a book... whatever, right?
39:14 And another, you know, priest would come in
39:17 and they would follow through with the course
39:19 and that's the way they shared the work of interceding
39:22 and mediating for God's people.
39:24 These priests represented people before God
39:26 in 1st Peter 2:9, the apostle declares that
39:28 in the New Testament, believers are a "chosen generation"
39:32 "a royal priesthood"
39:33 so, the 24 elders represent read in the Quarterly here,
39:37 all the redeemed
39:39 that one day will rejoice around the throne of God.
39:42 They represent the people resurrected
39:45 at Christ's resurrection
39:46 and who ascended to heaven with Him.
39:49 Matthew 27 verse 52
39:51 and Ephesians 4:7 and 8
39:53 are the references given here in the Quarterly.
39:55 Now, this is good news.
39:58 There are redeemed people from this earth
40:02 around the throne in heaven.
40:04 That's incredible when you think about it.
40:06 And what's... what's especially interesting here is
40:08 that these redeemed elders...
40:10 and by the way, that word elder
40:13 is always ever used for a human being in the Bible...
40:15 in the Old Testament and the New Testament.
40:17 It's never used for an angel,
40:18 it's never used for any other kind of being,
40:20 you know, in Job chapter 1
40:22 the sons of God come before the Lord
40:24 to present themselves...
40:25 they're different from these elders.
40:26 The word "elder" is specifically used for humans
40:30 and, of course, for these redeemed beings
40:34 who are around the throne and they have white robes
40:36 promised to the churches who overcome.
40:39 They have crowns...
40:41 promised to the churches who overcome.
40:42 They are sitting on thrones... promised to the churches
40:45 specifically, the church of Laodicea.
40:47 "To him that overcomes,
40:49 I will grant to sit with Me on My throne. "
40:51 Well, this is a foretaste...
40:53 an earnest of that if you will.
40:55 Christ resurrected with him...
40:57 took captivity captive with Him to heaven
40:59 and He gave to them a taste
41:02 of what God has promised to everyone of us
41:04 who overcomes by the blood of the Lamb.
41:06 "By the word of our testimony, and loved not our lives
41:09 unto the death. "
41:10 So they are clothed with white robes
41:12 that signifies the righteousness of Jesus Christ
41:13 and when we talk about righteousness,
41:15 it simply means, the right doing of Jesus.
41:17 The right doing of His life,
41:19 and the right doing in His death.
41:21 He did everything right...
41:22 we do everything wrong... He did everything right
41:24 and so, He gives us everything He did right
41:26 and he takes everything we did wrong
41:27 in our place
41:29 when we put our trust... our faith when we accept Him
41:30 as our Savior.
41:32 They have a golden crown upon their heads
41:33 signifying that they are victorious
41:35 in the battle with evil.
41:36 They are part of heaven's royal line of faith-filled believers.
41:41 So, they sit on these thrones
41:43 and it... it's just directing us to this beautiful
41:46 promise that God has given us
41:47 that him that overcomes,
41:49 I will grant to sit with Me on my throne,
41:51 even as I overcame and sat with My Father
41:54 on His throne.
41:55 Panel: Amen.
41:57 Rafferty: So, we see this picture in Revelation chapter 4.
41:58 We're... we're stepping into a glimpse
42:01 of what God has promised to all
42:04 of those who put their faith in Jesus.
42:06 Now, we see this more clearly as we reveal a little verse,
42:09 I'm going to steal a little verse from Jill,
42:11 in Revelation chapter 5, if you don't mind.
42:13 Okay, Revelation chapter 5,
42:14 let's just move down here in Revelation chapter 5.
42:17 After we see the Lamb...
42:20 Jesus Christ symbolized here
42:22 slain from the foundation of the world,
42:24 after we see the Lamb,
42:25 it says here in Revelation chapter 5 verse 8,
42:27 "And when He... the Lamb... had the book,
42:29 the... the sealed book...
42:30 the four beasts and the four and twenty elders
42:33 fell down before the Lamb,
42:35 having every one of them harps,
42:37 and golden vials full of odors,
42:39 which are the prayers of the saints.
42:41 And they sung a new song, saying,
42:43 'Thou art worthy... '" verse 9,
42:46 "to take the book,
42:47 to open the seals thereof:
42:49 for thou wast slain... "
42:51 and here's the key phrase,
42:53 "and has redeemed us to God by thy blood
42:56 out of every kindred, and tongue,
42:58 and people, and nation;
42:59 and... " verse 10,
43:01 "has made us unto our God kings and priests:
43:05 and we shall reign on the earth. "
43:07 So, these two verses are directing us to understand
43:11 what fully who these 24 elders are.
43:14 And what God is saying to us basically is,
43:18 "I have included you in my throne room. "
43:22 You are part of heaven's council.
43:25 You are replacing... in a sense...
43:29 those fallen angels.
43:30 When we look at Revelation 4
43:32 and we compare it with... with Isaiah 6
43:34 and we compare it with Daniel chapter 7
43:36 and... and Ezekiel,
43:38 we... we have to think about
43:39 the fact that the angels are always present,
43:42 the angels are always present in all of these scenes.
43:45 But we know, according to Revelation chapter 12,
43:47 that there was a war that started in heaven.
43:50 Sin didn't start on Planet Earth... it started in heaven
43:53 and in that war, a third part of the angels were deceived
43:55 and they fell... they were cast out of heaven
43:58 with Lucifer... with Satan the devil...
44:00 their leader in rebellion.
44:02 But did you know that mankind is actually...
44:06 redeemed mankind is actually going to replace
44:09 those fallen angels.
44:10 Jesus says that in heaven
44:13 there's going to be neither marrying or giving in marriage
44:14 but we are going to be like the angels...
44:17 that we are going to be in... in Hebrews chapter 2 it says
44:20 that we were made a little while lower than the angels,
44:23 that we were going to be actually
44:25 be taking the place of the angels
44:27 in God's heavenly throne room...
44:29 that we're going to be participating
44:31 with the angels in that anthem through all eternity,
44:35 "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God of hosts. "
44:38 That we're going to be part of that grand... well...
44:41 in Revelation chapter 4... I mean, excuse me, Rev...
44:44 yeah, Revelation chapter 4 it says in verse 8,
44:47 "And the four beasts and...
44:48 with each of them... each of them having six wings
44:50 full of eyes within and without
44:52 rest not day or night saying, 'Holy, holy, holy,
44:56 is the Lord God Almighty... "
44:57 in Revelation chapter 5,
44:59 as we continued reading there,
45:01 the angels are around the throne
45:02 and the four beasts and the 24 elders
45:06 thousand times ten thousands and thousands of thousands
45:09 and they say with a loud voice
45:11 "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain. "
45:14 All of heaven is breaking out in song
45:18 and holy anthem to God
45:20 and we're going to be part of that group.
45:21 Now, right now, in church when they have the music,
45:26 the hymns or the music,
45:27 I don't sing with a loud voice.
45:29 I let the people around me, you know,
45:31 I let them drown my voice...
45:33 I like to sing and the louder the voices are around me,
45:35 the louder I sing.
45:37 The softer the voices are around me, the softer I sing.
45:39 But some day, I'm going to have a voice
45:41 that can be loud and heard
45:44 and in tune... if you know what I mean.
45:46 Panel: Laughter.
45:47 Rafferty: And this is the picture that God has for us,
45:49 it's a beautiful glimpse of heaven
45:50 with this picture behind us we can stand...
45:54 we can step into the... to the judgment with boldness.
45:56 Jill: Amen, thank you so much each one of you.
46:00 What an incredible study!
46:01 Pastor James, that was a beautiful set up.
46:03 Thank you... I love to hear you break down
46:05 the book of Revelation specifically, thank you.
46:08 Revelation 4... of course that throne-room description,
46:11 I'm Jill Morikone, I forgot to say my name,
46:13 and we are on Thursday's lesson
46:16 which is: Jesus is Worthy.
46:19 We're looking at Revelation chapter 5...
46:22 so, we have been reading Revelation 4 and 5,
46:25 but Revelation chapter 5
46:26 is a specific moment in salvation history.
46:30 This is specifically A.D. 31,
46:34 right after the ascension of Jesus
46:37 when He is there in heaven.
46:39 You know, Acts 1:9 through 11,
46:41 gives us the ascension of Jesus from an earthly perspective.
46:45 We see what the disciples saw.
46:46 We see... as Jesus was taken from them,
46:49 up into heaven.
46:50 But Revelation chapter 5 kind of pulls the curtain back,
46:55 and we see what took place in heaven at that moment.
46:59 We see Christ's enthronement
47:02 and inauguration into His ministry as our King and Priest
47:07 in the heavenly sanctuary.
47:08 Before we get to the six takeaways
47:11 from Revelation chapter 5,
47:12 before we go there...
47:14 I want to give just a little bit of history.
47:15 In the Old Testament,
47:17 the Israelite kings were required at their enthronement,
47:21 to provide for themselves a scroll of the law...
47:24 the covenant scroll to read and to obey.
47:27 Later Israelite history... you look at say, King Joash,
47:31 the scroll was presented to the newly-crowned king
47:34 as the royal emblem.
47:37 The newly crowned king would take the scroll,
47:40 sit on the throne and begin his reign.
47:43 In this role, the Israelite king
47:46 was the covenant mediator.
47:48 He was the guardian of God's law there in the land.
47:53 When Christ took the scroll,
47:55 we're going to discover that in Revelation chapter 5.
47:58 "And was seated at the right hand of God... "
48:01 you see that in Psalm 110.
48:03 He became the rightful king of the earth.
48:07 What was lost through Adam, was now regained.
48:10 All authority and sovereignty is given to Christ.
48:14 Fallen human beings... that's you and I
48:17 are now given access to God through the blood of the Lamb.
48:22 Jesus became our High Priest... our Mediator...
48:27 our Advocate there in heaven.
48:29 And we'll discover that the Holy Spirit
48:32 went from being present there in the throne room
48:35 to being disseminated throughout the earth
48:38 which you can find at Pentecost in Acts chapter 2.
48:42 So, let's look at our six takeaways...
48:44 we're in Revelation 5, we'll pick it up in verse 1.
48:47 "And I saw in the right hand of Him
48:49 who sat on the throne
48:51 a scroll written inside and on the back,
48:55 sealed with seven seals. "
48:58 Now, ancient scrolls were often sealed.
49:01 Why?
49:02 To protect a document from being tampered with
49:05 and the document can only be opened
49:07 or the seals only broken by the authorized person.
49:12 It's interesting that the scroll is written on the inside
49:15 and on the outside.
49:17 We see this comparison in Ezekiel, you can read that,
49:21 Ezekiel chapter 2 and 3,
49:23 where the scroll is written on the inside and on the outside.
49:26 And in Ezekiel 2 verse 10,
49:29 talks about this scroll and it says,
49:32 "He spread it before me;
49:34 and there was writing on the inside and on the outside,
49:37 written on it were... " what are those words?
49:40 "lamentations and mourning and woe. "
49:44 So, the question is, "What is this sealed scroll?"
49:47 The scroll that's sealed with the seven seals?
49:51 It is the record of human history...
49:55 the record of lamentation, mourning and woe.
49:58 And why is the... human history...
50:00 why is the record mourning and woe?
50:02 Because we're under the condemnation of sin.
50:05 Because all of us have sinned
50:07 and fallen short of the glory of God.
50:10 All of us deserve to die
50:13 and yet, Jesus... the Lamb of God showed up.
50:17 He is the one... our destiny was sealed.
50:20 We were under the condemnation and the curse of the law.
50:24 But Jesus shows up because He can change that.
50:28 He can open the scroll because of the blood of the Lamb
50:33 and He can save us.
50:34 He can change our destiny.
50:37 Let's keep reading, we're in verse 2,
50:38 "I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice,
50:41 'Who is worthy...
50:42 who can open the scroll and loose its seals?'
50:46 No one in heaven or on earth
50:48 or under the earth
50:50 was able to open the scroll, or to look at it.
50:52 So I wept much,
50:56 because no one was found worthy
50:59 to open and read the scroll, or to look at it. "
51:03 Whose blood can cover our sins?
51:05 Whose grace can give us power to live without sin?
51:10 Who is going to be the Mediator between us and God?
51:14 Takeaway Number 1:
51:16 When all seems hopeless,
51:18 your redemption is ready to come.
51:21 Your trial... what you're going through
51:25 is not the end.
51:27 When it seems like there is no help and who is worthy?
51:30 All these angels and the 24 elders
51:34 and everyone in heaven... who is worthy?
51:37 Who can do it?
51:38 When it seems all is hopeless, redemption is ready to come.
51:42 Verse 5, "One of the elders said to me,
51:46 'Do not weep. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
51:51 the Root of David,
51:53 has prevailed to open the scroll
51:55 and to loose its seven seals. "
51:58 So, Lion of the tribe of Judah being a Messianic title
52:01 of the root of David...
52:03 Jesus coming from the line of David.
52:06 Christ came from that line,
52:08 just like the Old Testament kings.
52:09 Who had authority to rule and become the covenant mediator?
52:12 Jesus came as our Messiah.
52:15 Takeaway Number 2:
52:17 Jesus is worthy... Jesus conquered death.
52:20 He lived a perfect life.
52:23 He died as my substitute.
52:26 He fulfilled the claims of the Law.
52:29 He took my punishment so that I could go free.
52:33 He resurrected and ascended
52:36 to the place of the right hand of the Father...
52:39 that's what we see here in Revelation chapter 5.
52:42 He's ready to take on that High Priestly role
52:45 as our Mediator.
52:46 Verse 6, we back in Revelation 5 verse 6,
52:49 "And I looked,
52:51 and behold, in the midst of the throne
52:52 and of the four living creatures,
52:54 and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb. "
52:56 Wait a minute... I thought it was a lion.
52:58 Right? I heard it was a lion.
53:01 "Behold, don't weep,
53:02 the Lion in the Tribe of Judah the root of David...
53:04 that's who's going to open the scroll... "
53:05 So, John's looking... where's the Lion...
53:07 where's the Lion?
53:08 I'm going to be scared... where's the Lion?
53:10 Wait...
53:11 "a Lamb
53:12 as though it had been slain,
53:14 having seven horns and seven eyes,
53:16 which are the seven Spirits of God
53:18 sent out into all the earth. "
53:21 Now, it's interesting to me this word "Lamb" in Greek,
53:24 you all can correct me, but I think it means:
53:26 a little Lamb...
53:28 not just the Lamb...
53:29 but a little Lamb.
53:31 This is used 28 times in Revelation
53:34 to refer to the crucified, risen and glorified Christ.
53:39 This is the Lamb who was slain
53:41 from the foundation of the world.
53:43 Takeaway Number 3:
53:44 God reveals Himself to you and me
53:47 in ways that we can understand and we can embrace.
53:51 You know, I love that because John's looking
53:54 and I would have been terrified if I were there
53:56 and see the Lion of the tribe of Judah...
53:58 but no... he sees the Lamb...
54:00 God reveals Himself to us
54:02 in ways we can understand and embrace.
54:05 Verse 7, "Then He came... "
54:07 this is Jesus the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
54:10 the Lamb of God... "He came
54:12 to take the scroll out of the right hand of Him
54:15 who sat on the throne. "
54:18 This is the inauguration of Jesus' High-Priestly ministry.
54:22 Judgment and authority have been assigned to Christ.
54:27 We read verse 8...
54:29 verse 8... they begin to worship
54:33 and all bowed down before the Lamb.
54:37 Takeaway Number 4:
54:38 Recognize the authority of the Lamb in your life.
54:42 Heaven surely did.
54:43 They're not saying,
54:45 "I'm not sure I'm going to surrender to this.
54:46 I'm not sure I'm going to bow down. "
54:48 No... recognize the authority of the Lamb in your life.
54:52 Verse 9, "They sang the new song saying 'You are worthy
54:56 to take the scroll, and to open its seals;
54:59 You were slain,
55:00 and have redeemed us to God by Your blood
55:02 out of every tribe and tongue and peoples and nation. "
55:05 You know, Revelation 4... worship occurs
55:09 because of creation.
55:10 God is the Creator.
55:12 Revelation 5... worship occurs because of redemption.
55:17 Jesus the Lamb is our Redeemer.
55:21 Takeaway Number 5:
55:22 Jesus' death reunites you and I with the Father.
55:26 Sin bridged a great gulf between us and God.
55:30 But because of Jesus' death,
55:33 we do not have to be afraid of the coming judgment.
55:36 Revelation 5 verse 9... last verse,
55:38 "And have made us... "
55:40 this is continuing the anthem of praise.
55:42 Ryan: Verse 10.
55:44 Jill: Thank you, "Have made us kings and priests"
55:45 thank you...
55:47 "to our God; and we shall reign on the earth. "
55:49 Takeaway Number 6:
55:51 Jesus' death changes our status.
55:54 We're no longer sinners...
55:55 we're no longer cowering in fear.
55:58 We are forgiven...
55:59 saved... transformed by His grace.
56:02 In fact, we have the privilege of becoming kings and priests.
56:07 I'm so grateful that Jesus is worthy.
56:10 Panel: Amen... amen.
56:12 Shelley: Amen...
56:13 what a beautiful study each and every one of you!
56:16 We have just a moment,
56:17 would you like to make a closing comment.
56:19 Ryan: Sure, Jesus says repeatedly to us,
56:21 He knows our works
56:23 and I just want to ask you, my friends,
56:24 what testimony does your works tell about your faith?
56:29 Dinzey: Amen... there in Daniel chapter 7 verse 10 it says,
56:33 the books are open but Jesus Christ...
56:35 when you get to verse 14,
56:36 He is given dominion and power.
56:39 It has an everlasting kingdom
56:40 and you can be a part of that kingdom.
56:43 Rafferty: Amen, Revelation 4 gives us a glimpse into heaven
56:45 and what do we see there?
56:47 We see 24 elders redeemed by the blood of the Lamb
56:50 who has prevailed where we have failed.
56:52 Jill: Amen.
56:53 I love the fact that judgment is given in favor of the saints.
56:58 What an incredible promise in these last days!
57:01 Shelley: Amen, and you know God is righteous.
57:04 His whole purpose of righteousness by faith
57:07 is to re-create His image in us.
57:11 So, it is important...
57:13 He is going to restore His righteousness in us.
57:16 Well, you've heard the good news of the judgment.
57:19 We want you to join us next week.
57:22 We will be studying: The Hour of His Judgment.
57:25 We love you
57:27 and we thank you for studying with us.
57:29 Bye, bye.


Revised 2023-07-19