3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Horizontal Atonement: The Cross and the Church

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP230030S

00:01 It's time for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:03 This Quarter's Lesson is entitled: Ephesians
00:06 and the wonderful book of Ephesians...
00:08 a wonderful study.
00:09 We are now studying Lesson Number 5:
00:11 Horizontal Atonement: The Cross and the Church.
00:14 If you do not have a Quarterly,
00:15 please go to 3abnsabbathschoolpanel. com
00:18 download a copy for free
00:20 and join us in this exciting study.
00:22 Music...
00:54 Welcome to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:56 This is Lesson Number 5 that we are studying:
00:59 Horizontal Atonement:
01:00 The Cross and the Church...
01:02 an exciting and inspiring study.
01:04 My name is: John Dinzey.
01:06 It's a blessing for me to be with you during this hour
01:09 and I am happy to have part of the 3ABN family with me,
01:11 and I'd like to introduce them.
01:13 To my left is Sister Jill Morikone.
01:15 Thank you, Pastor Johnny,
01:16 I'm excited about this Lesson.
01:17 I have Reconciliation: God's Gift From the Cross.
01:20 Dinzey: Amen... and we have Sister Shelley Quinn with us,
01:24 welcome.
01:25 Shelley: I have Tuesday's Lesson:
01:27 Breaking Down the Dividing Wall.
01:29 Dinzey: Amen... amen, we have Professor Daniel Perrin, welcome.
01:32 Perrin: Thank you, glad to be here
01:34 and there's not one of us who doesn't need Wednesday's Lesson:
01:36 Jesus, Preacher of Peace.
01:38 Dinzey: Amen... and we have Pastor James Rafferty
01:42 way at the other side over there.
01:43 Rafferty: Good to be here, Johnny.
01:45 I have: The Church, a Holy Temple.
01:47 Dinzey: Amen... amen.
01:48 This is going to be an interesting study.
01:49 Hope you are ready... that you have something to write with
01:52 and we encourage you to record it if you can to share with others
01:55 but before we begin this Study, we're going to ask Daniel Perrin,
01:59 can you lead us in our prayer please.
02:00 Perrin: I'd love to.
02:02 "Dear Father in heaven,
02:03 Lord, as we come once again to the book of Ephesians,
02:06 we know that it takes us right to the cross of Jesus Christ
02:10 where our burdens are taken off of our back
02:12 and we receive forgiveness
02:14 and we receive unity in the church.
02:17 Lord, I ask that you bring that unity to the church
02:20 so that your name can be glorified.
02:22 In all things, we praise Jesus for what He's done
02:25 and what He is doing in us.
02:26 Bless us as we study today, we pray in His name, amen. "
02:29 Panel: Amen...
02:31 Dinzey: Amen, thank you.
02:32 So, let's begin this Lesson... it's an exciting Lesson,
02:35 I would like to ask you to join me
02:38 in reading Ephesians 2:13 and 14,
02:41 it says, "But now in Christ Jesus
02:43 you who once were far off
02:46 have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
02:50 For He Himself is our peace,
02:52 who has made us both one... "
02:55 this verse will be discussed during this lesson
02:59 but I want to take you back to the time
03:01 Jesus Christ had passed away
03:04 and the news of Jesus as being a Savior is spreading
03:09 and you are a Greek Gentile.
03:12 You hear about this and you're excited
03:14 and you understand that He's a living Savior in heaven.
03:18 You... before were worshiping idols
03:21 made out of stone or wood
03:22 and now you want to worship the living God.
03:25 Panel: Hmmm...
03:26 Dinzey: So you start making your way to the temple
03:28 but along the way you see the walls
03:31 and you see... you start to hear worship
03:34 and you get interested in joining
03:36 the people of God worshipping.
03:38 However, as you make your way, you find a sign such as...
03:43 more or less as it's written in the lesson, it says,
03:46 "No foreigner may enter within the barrier and enclosure
03:50 around the temple.
03:51 Anyone who is caught doing so will have himself to blame
03:56 for his ensuing death. "
03:59 So, how do you feel at that moment?
04:01 Well, you were excited... you were hoping to get in there
04:04 but now you feel shut out, alienated, separated...
04:08 what do you do?
04:09 You turn around and you go back in sadness.
04:14 But you see, Christ is the One that breaks down barriers
04:18 although Jews that had accepted Jesus would accept you
04:22 as a believer,
04:23 they were struggling with this issue.
04:25 And, you know, even today
04:27 some of the Jews behave in such a way
04:30 that it would be shocking.
04:31 I've heard stories of Jews
04:33 that... as you're walking at the same side of the sidewalk
04:37 as they are,
04:38 they either cross the street
04:40 to not to see a Gentile face to face.
04:43 Some of that still remains for those that are not Christians
04:46 but I encourage you to consider what Jesus offers...
04:50 you to be a part of God's family
04:53 here on earth and in heaven as well.
04:55 I'm reading to you from the Lesson.
04:57 It says in Ephesians chapter 2 verses 11 to 22,
05:01 Paul sees the cross of Christ as making a dramatic difference,
05:05 destroying such barriers and walls.
05:07 Vertically, the cross dissolves alienation
05:11 reconciling humans with God.
05:14 Horizontally, it reconciles people with each other.
05:17 The cross removes enmity and brings peace
05:21 between Jews and Gentiles,
05:23 making of them "one new humanity"
05:27 Ephesians chapter 2 verse 15.
05:30 And together they become a new temple,
05:33 "a dwelling place for God by the Spirit"
05:35 Ephesians chapter 2 verse 22.
05:37 During this week's Lesson,
05:40 you're going to see and hear...
05:42 actually hear exciting things
05:44 and we hope that you will be encouraged
05:46 to continue reading God's Word.
05:47 We move to Sunday's portion,
05:49 the title is: Brought near in Christ,
05:52 Brought near in Christ.
05:53 So, in this part we are comparing
05:55 Ephesians chapter 2 verses 1, 2 and 3
05:58 and also, Ephesians chapter 2 verse 11 and 12.
06:02 The question is, "What does he...
06:05 what does Paul accent in his fresh description
06:08 of their past?"
06:10 Ephesians chapter 2 beginning in verse 1,
06:12 "And you He made alive,
06:14 who were dead in trespasses and sins,
06:19 in which you once walked
06:21 according to the course of this world,
06:24 according to the prince of the power of the air,
06:27 the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience,
06:31 among whom also we all once conducted ourselves
06:34 in the lusts of our flesh,
06:37 fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind,
06:40 and were by nature children of wrath,
06:43 just as the others. "
06:45 Paul is bringing to their attention
06:47 that they were once alienated... separated from God
06:50 but Jesus Christ has made them one
06:54 and it is healthy for us to take a...
06:57 a... a moment to examine ourselves
06:59 to see where the Lord brought us from
07:02 and rejoice that we are no longer walking
07:05 in those things of the past.
07:06 Not to dwell in those horrible things we used to do,
07:11 but to be thankful to understand that we were, as it says here,
07:17 separated from God and children of wrath
07:22 but God rescues us and makes us children of God.
07:27 And, of course, Paul gives recognition
07:30 that we have an enemy.
07:32 He is considered the prince of the power of the air
07:35 and the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience.
07:38 We live in a world...
07:40 remember that Ephesians was for the Ephesians
07:43 but the book of Ephesians is for us living today.
07:46 We are living in the world where we face every day
07:49 children who are children of wrath...
07:52 or people that are people of wrath
07:54 that they are... the evil one works through them
07:57 and we need to be careful
07:58 and we need to, by the grace of the Lord,
08:00 let our light so shine that by our words and our actions,
08:04 we will get them interested in tasting and seeing
08:07 that God is good.
08:09 And so, let's go ahead and read now
08:12 Ephesians chapter 2 verses 11 and 12,
08:15 "Therefore remember that you once Gentiles in the flesh...
08:20 who are called Uncircumcision
08:23 by what is called the Circumcision
08:25 made in the flesh by hands...
08:26 that at that time you were without Christ,
08:29 being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel
08:32 and strangers from the covenants of promise,
08:34 having no hope and without God in the world. "
08:40 That's the past...
08:41 the "present" for them was that they had hope...
08:44 they were part of God's family...
08:45 they were sons and daughters of God.
08:48 And there was an issue back in those days
08:51 still the... the Jews
08:54 who had not given their hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ,
08:57 they called the Gentiles "uncircumcised"
09:01 and, of course, the Gentiles that were still having issues
09:06 in dealing... they were...
09:07 there was still some bickering going back and forth.
09:09 Ephesians is calling people to unity...
09:12 calling people to be united in Christ
09:15 and today, we are to be united in Christ.
09:18 This is the main focus of the book of Ephesians.
09:21 Lifting up Jesus Christ...
09:23 letting people know that we are saved by grace...
09:25 letting people know that the love of God
09:28 has no... no limits...
09:29 it has no limit... no breadth... no depth...
09:32 it is without limit
09:33 and that we all can be family...
09:37 we all can be one big family
09:39 in Christ Jesus.
09:41 I'm reading to you from the Lesson, it says:
09:42 Gentiles who were now believers in Christ
09:44 and members of His "body," the church,
09:47 were once totally separated from Israel
09:50 and the salvation God offered.
09:51 Paul judges it important to "remember" this past...
09:56 Ephesians 2:11.
09:57 They were then "without Christ," the Anointed One,
10:00 the Messiah of Israel.
10:01 They were "aliens from the commonwealth...
10:03 the state of... the people of Israel. "
10:06 And they were "strangers from the covenants of promise,"
10:09 oblivious to the promises of salvation...
10:11 of salvation, God had offered down through salvation history.
10:16 The alienation from Israel
10:18 and the salvation offered through it
10:20 meant that they once had "no hope"
10:23 and were "without God in the world... "
10:25 but all this changes because of Jesus
10:28 and I praise the Lord that for you and for me,
10:31 all of our past that we children of wrath...
10:34 we lived in darkness...
10:35 we can now live in God's marvelous light.
10:39 Ephesians chapter 2 verse 13, it says,
10:42 "But now in Christ Jesus
10:45 you who once were far off
10:48 have been brought near
10:50 by the blood of Christ. "
10:52 Have you been brought near by the blood of Christ?
10:54 Don't let the former things that controlled you...
10:58 don't let those things keep you away from Jesus.
11:01 Come to Jesus just as you are.
11:04 He will receive you...
11:06 remember that we are saved by grace... not of works
11:09 lest any man should boast.
11:11 In this lesson, Dr. McKay brings out
11:16 another thought that I'd like to share with you, it says,
11:18 Ephesians 2:13 however, points to
11:21 something radically different now.
11:24 Paul wrote, "But now in Christ Jesus
11:27 you who once were far off have been brought near
11:30 by the blood of Christ. "
11:31 So, we have peace in Jesus. Panel: Hmmm...
11:34 Dinzey: The wall has been broken down
11:37 and we become one family, praise the Lord.
11:41 In the Seventh-day Adventist book:
11:44 Bible Study or Bible Commentaries,
11:47 it says, "The subject of Ephesians is unity in Christ. "
11:50 And so, we ask ourselves,
11:51 "Do we need unity in Christ today?"
11:54 The answer is "yes. "
11:56 Even now, Satan is trying to divide God's people.
12:00 Even now, Satan is working in people
12:03 to bring every wind of doctrine
12:06 and we must study God's Word.
12:08 This is why I'm glad that 3ABN has the Sabbath School Panel
12:12 to lead us back to the Bible
12:15 and the many Programs on 3ABN...
12:16 lead you back to the Bible
12:18 because we're living in dangerous times
12:21 and we must know what a "thus saith the Lord" is.
12:24 This is an exciting study in the book of Ephesians
12:27 and we continue now with Sister Jill Morikone.
12:30 Jill: Thank you so much Pastor Johnny,
12:32 what a great lesson!
12:33 I love that foundation.
12:35 I'm Jill Morikone and on Monday we look at Reconciliation:
12:40 God's Gift From the Cross.
12:42 You know, I think it's hard for us to
12:46 comprehend
12:47 what it was like for the early Christian church
12:49 and the enmity... the hatred...
12:52 the bitterness that existed between the Jews and Gentiles.
12:56 We can read about it and when you read that
12:58 what... the sign there when you enter the temple
13:01 or get near to that and you see that,
13:03 and to recognize... I can't even imagine being a non-Jew
13:07 during that time and thinking,
13:09 "Ah... but Jesus is my Messiah...
13:10 but I've accepted Him...
13:12 but I want to serve Him...
13:13 but I want to be part of His people... "
13:14 and feeling that separation.
13:16 Even today, God's end-time people...
13:20 there is a separation.
13:21 Now, it might not look the same as Jews and Gentiles
13:24 but there are divisions.
13:27 There are separations.
13:29 Satan loves to come in and bring disunity and disharmony.
13:33 So, I think this Lesson is so vitally important for us.
13:37 As we look at Ephesians 2 verses 1 through 10,
13:41 we see that vertical reconciliation with God.
13:44 In other words, all of us were dead in trespasses and sins,
13:47 and all of us need to be reconciled back to God...
13:51 brought back into right standing.
13:52 Then we look at the passage we're looking at now...
13:54 the horizontal reconciliation.
13:57 Once we're reconciled with God,
13:59 we are automatically brought back into reconciliation
14:04 with our brothers and sisters.
14:05 Today we look specifically at three gifts
14:10 that the cross brought for believers.
14:13 We're going to look at a dual application here,
14:15 the Apostolic times which, of course,
14:18 is the times that Paul wrote it for... the Ephesians there...
14:21 the early Christian church.
14:22 Then, we're also going to have an end-time application
14:26 or an application for us today
14:28 and how does that apply to our life.
14:30 What are the gifts of the cross for believers today,
14:33 not just in Bible times
14:35 but for us today?
14:37 The first gift is that Gentiles
14:41 who were far off...
14:43 now, we're looking at the Apostolic times right now,
14:45 this is Paul's day.
14:46 Gentiles who were far off
14:48 are brought near and made family.
14:51 Pastor Johnny read that verse, Ephesians 2:13,
14:54 let's read it again,
14:56 Ephesians 2:13 and we're going to combine it with verse 19,
14:59 "But now... " I love that...
15:01 we did that last lesson this "But now... "
15:04 when you see that, the Gentiles were in one place,
15:07 they were alienated, they were separated,
15:09 "But now in Christ Jesus
15:12 you who once were far off... "
15:15 this is the Gentiles he's speaking specifically to,
15:17 "have been brought near... " why?
15:20 by the cross...
15:21 "by the blood of Christ. "
15:23 Jump down to verse 19,
15:25 "Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners,
15:29 but fellow citizens with the saints
15:32 and members of the household of God. "
15:35 As Pastor Johnny referenced,
15:36 the Gentiles were not allowed
15:38 into the inner courts there of the temple.
15:40 They were excluded from that worship.
15:43 But now they are brought near through the blood of Jesus...
15:47 through the cross...
15:49 they're brought near God and His people.
15:50 We see this horizontal reconciliation taking place...
15:54 they're made fellow citizens of the church.
15:57 Gift Number 2:
15:59 The enmity or the hatred
16:02 between the Jews and Gentiles is put to death
16:05 because of the cross.
16:06 We're in Ephesians 2 verses 16 and 17,
16:10 "That He might reconcile... " this is Jesus,
16:13 "might reconcile them to God in one body... "
16:16 how?
16:18 "through the cross,
16:19 thereby putting to death the enmity... "
16:21 that word "enmity" in Greek means hatred...
16:24 hostility... enmity... verse 17,
16:28 "And He came and preached peace to you
16:31 who were afar off
16:33 and to those who were near. "
16:35 You can see the long-standing hatred
16:37 between the Jews and Gentiles is put to death.
16:40 The "axe" is buried...
16:42 this long-standing feud we have
16:44 like the Hatfield and McCoy's right?
16:47 The long-standing feud is put to rest.
16:50 Remember in John chapter 4
16:51 when Jesus visited the Samaritan village
16:54 and the woman was there at the well
16:56 and she was surprised why?
16:58 That Jesus would speak to her.
17:01 In fact, she says in verse 9, John 4 verse 9,
17:04 "Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans. "
17:07 This is a long-standing issue.
17:09 In Galatians chapter 2, we find the New Testament church,
17:14 the brethren... Peter eating with the Gentiles
17:18 and we see, "Wow, those barriers are really being broken down. "
17:21 But then when the brethren came down from Jerusalem,
17:24 the Bible calls them "the circumcised... "
17:27 these are the Jewish believers.
17:28 What did Peter do?
17:30 "Oh no, I'm not going to eat with the Gentiles,
17:32 oh no... that wall's going to come back up. "
17:35 This is a long-standing issue
17:37 and yet, he had already had this vision in Acts,
17:41 of... as far as the gospel going to Cornelius, right?
17:44 The gospel going to the Gentiles,
17:46 and yet still, old habits die hard.
17:48 Some of that enmity... some of that animosity
17:53 rises its ugly head again.
17:56 In Galatians 3 verses 27 and 29,
17:59 I love this passage, Paul's speaking,
18:00 "as many of you as were baptized into Christ
18:03 have put on Christ.
18:04 There is neither Jew nor Greek,
18:05 there is neither slave nor free,
18:07 there is neither male nor female;
18:10 we are all one in Christ Jesus.
18:12 If you are Christ's then you are Abraham's seed... " Shelley,
18:15 "and heirs according to the promise. "
18:18 You see, race, ethnicity, background, status,
18:22 money, position, religion,
18:25 all of that doesn't matter,
18:27 because all of us can be adopted in Christ Jesus.
18:31 The cross puts to death that enmity.
18:36 Gift Number 3:
18:38 Reconciliation takes place through the cross.
18:43 You see, we can put aside the feud
18:45 or put aside the hatred
18:46 but we don't just want that.
18:48 We want reconciliation...
18:50 we want healing.
18:52 Verse 16, Ephesians 2:16,
18:54 "He might reconcile them both to God in one body
18:58 through the cross,
19:00 putting to death the enmity. "
19:03 In the place of hostility, is now, reconciliation.
19:06 We're reconciled through the cross.
19:08 We know we're vertically reconciled to God
19:10 through the cross,
19:12 2nd Corinthians 5:18 says, "All things are of God,
19:15 who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ... "
19:19 but now we're also reconciled horizontally to each other
19:23 through the cross.
19:24 Unity in the church... unity in the family...
19:27 unity in society between Jews and Gentiles,
19:29 husbands and wives,
19:31 parents and children,
19:32 all of that comes through Jesus Christ.
19:36 What about our present-day application for here...
19:39 for today?
19:40 What are the gifts of the cross that we have here?
19:42 Number 1... Gift Number 1:
19:44 God brings other people into the church
19:48 and then, they are brought near by the blood of Christ.
19:52 Pastor John always says,
19:54 "There's no standards for fellowship...
19:57 standards for membership...
19:59 and high standards for leadership. "
20:01 But oftentimes, we put high standards on even fellowship.
20:05 We say, "You don't smell like I do. "
20:07 "You don't look like I do. "
20:09 "You don't dress like I do. "
20:11 "You don't eat like I do,
20:13 therefore, I'm going to push you aside. "
20:15 But no... they are to be brought near by the blood of Christ.
20:20 Panel: Amen.
20:22 Jill: None of that makes any difference in Christ.
20:24 Number 2... Gift Number 2:
20:26 Bitterness between members in the church
20:29 can be put to death through the cross.
20:32 Bring your unforgiveness to the foot of the cross.
20:36 Have you ever been in a church
20:37 where people walk up different aisles
20:40 because they don't want to look at each other?
20:42 They don't want to say, "Happy Sabbath"
20:44 to their brother and sister
20:46 because there's bitterness... because there is unforgiveness.
20:50 Matthew 5, Jesus puts it this way in the Sermon on the Mount,
20:53 Matthew 5:23, "if you bring your gift to the altar,
20:56 and remember your brother has something against you,
20:59 leave your gift there at the altar,
21:01 go your way.
21:02 First, be reconciled to your brother,
21:04 then come and offer your gift. "
21:07 Is there bitterness and unforgiveness in your heart
21:11 toward a brother or a sister?
21:13 Go to God...
21:14 go to the foot of the cross and ask Jesus
21:18 to grant you His forgiveness.
21:21 The blood of Jesus at the cross
21:23 can reconcile us as brothers and sisters
21:27 and break down the bitterness that unfortunately does exist
21:31 in places in the church.
21:33 Finally, Gift Number 3:
21:34 Reconciliation can take place through the cross.
21:39 Unity comes in Christ...
21:42 not apart from Christ.
21:44 1st John 1:7... "If we walk in the light
21:47 as He is in the light,
21:48 we have fellowship... " or Koinonia...
21:51 spiritual fellowship with one another
21:53 and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us
21:56 from all sin.
21:59 What does that mean?
22:00 If you're walking in the light,
22:01 that means, you're walking in Jesus.
22:03 You're vertically reconciled to the Father
22:06 and your brother or sister in church
22:08 is also walking in the light and vertically reconciled to God.
22:11 You're automatically going to be horizontally reconciled
22:15 to each other.
22:17 If there's differences, go to each other,
22:19 ask for forgiveness
22:21 and know that those barriers can be broken down
22:24 by the blood of Jesus.
22:26 Panel: Amen... amen.
22:27 Dinzey: Amen, yes, barriers can be broken down
22:30 by the blood of Jesus.
22:31 We will continue in a moment, we'll be right back.
22:33 Music...
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23:09 Dinzey: Welcome back.
23:10 We continue in this hour of blessing
23:12 with Sister Shelley Quinn.
23:14 Shelley: Oh... and it is my blessing...
23:16 my name is Shelley Quinn.
23:17 I have Tuesday's Lesson:
23:19 Breaking Down the Dividing Wall.
23:22 I hope you have your Bibles open to Ephesians 2
23:25 because we will look closely at the context
23:28 of what Paul is saying.
23:30 Paul, in his writings, uses the word "the law...
23:35 the law... the law... " quite a bit.
23:37 Sometimes he's referring to the book of the law
23:41 excuse me, to the law of Moses...
23:43 the first five books of the Bible.
23:45 Sometimes he's referring to the book of the law
23:47 which was Deuteronomy.
23:49 Sometimes he's referring to the Ten Commandments
23:53 or to a natural law that kind of controls our flesh.
23:58 So, we're going to look at Ephesians 2:14 through 16
24:02 because he's talking about law here.
24:05 We want to make certain we understand
24:07 which law is he referring to.
24:10 Ephesians 2:14 through 16,
24:12 "For He... Jesus... Himself is our peace... "
24:16 hallelujah...
24:17 "who has made both one... " both Jew and Gentile one,
24:22 "and has broken down the middle wall of separation... "
24:26 that you were talking about...
24:28 "having abolished in His flesh the enmity... "
24:34 Jill, that you were talking about...
24:36 but then, get this...
24:37 "having abolished in His flesh, the enmity... "
24:41 now he's going to explain what was that enmity...
24:44 "that is, the law of commandments
24:47 contained in ordinances,
24:51 so as to create in Himself one new man from the two,
24:56 thus making peace,
24:57 that He might reconcile them both to God
25:00 in one body through the cross,
25:02 thereby putting to death the enmity. "
25:06 Panel: Hmmm... hmmm...
25:07 What does he mean...
25:09 "the law contained in ordinances"?
25:11 Some people tried to say that Paul teaches
25:15 that the Ten Commandments were nailed to the cross.
25:19 The Ten Commandments weren't contained in the ordinances,
25:22 so let's look at this.
25:24 Ephesians 2:15...
25:26 these laws contained in ordinances
25:30 were unique to the Jewish nation.
25:34 This is the Old Covenant
25:37 that he is speaking of
25:40 and when God did away with the Old Covenant
25:45 and made the New Covenant... renewed the covenant,
25:50 what happened is that horizontal reconciliation
25:54 bringing Jew and Gentile together.
25:57 As Johnny was telling us earlier,
25:59 in Herod's Temple, there was this fence barrier...
26:04 it was called a balustrade
26:06 that was around the Court of the Israelites.
26:10 Gentiles couldn't go in.
26:12 But... what? Why couldn't they?
26:16 The Gentiles did not have...
26:20 did not operate by the Old Covenant.
26:22 Do you know what the Old Covenant was?
26:24 The Old Covenant is recorded actually
26:28 in Exodus 20 verses 22
26:32 to Exodus 23:33.
26:34 The Old Covenant was civil,
26:38 social and ceremonial laws
26:41 that contained all these ordinances
26:44 about food and drink offerings
26:47 and festivals and annual Sabbath days...
26:51 those were feast days
26:54 that were symbolic of the ministry of Christ.
27:00 This Old Covenant that God dictated to Moses
27:06 was the constitution for the new nation of Israel
27:10 and then Moses ratified that with the people.
27:15 Now, it's interesting because as that group...
27:20 we're working our way through Exodus,
27:23 they wandered for forty years in the desert,
27:26 and as they reach the edge of the Promised Land...
27:30 first generation's died off...
27:33 it's the second generation.
27:35 What did God do?
27:37 He adds and enhances some of these ordinances
27:41 and Moses writes them in the Book of the Law.
27:46 Open your Bibles to Deuteronomy...
27:48 I want to show you this because it's so important.
27:52 Moses is adding all of these in the Book of the Law...
27:57 God's additional requirements
27:59 Deuteronomy 31...
28:01 Deuteronomy 31 says...
28:05 we're going to begin with verse 24,
28:08 "So it was, when Moses had completed
28:11 writing the words of this law in a book,
28:15 they were finished... "
28:16 Now, when he first wrote the...
28:18 the Old Covenant it was called: The Book of the Covenant
28:22 but now listen, that Moses commanded the Levites
28:25 who bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord saying,
28:28 "Take this Book of the Law... "
28:32 from here forward, it's either called: Book of the Law
28:35 or Book of the Covenant.
28:36 "Put it beside the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God. "
28:42 What's on the inside of the ark?
28:45 Panel: Ten Commandments.
28:47 Shelley: The Ten Commandments are on the inside because
28:50 that's God's charter of rights for His government of love,
28:53 it's a foundation of His government of love.
28:55 But Moses is saying,
28:57 "Take this Book of the Law... this old constitution
28:59 and all of these ordinances contained in the commandments...
29:03 put it on the side of the ark of the... your God
29:05 that it may be there as a witness against you. "
29:08 "What?
29:09 What do you mean as a witness against us?"
29:12 Well, because God's giving all of this to Moses
29:16 then afterwards He says,
29:18 "Yeah, I already know what they're going to do...
29:20 they're going to serve pagan gods,
29:22 they're going to sin against Me. "
29:24 So, He gives Moses all of these curses
29:27 that are included in this Book of the Law
29:30 that... I mean, there are blessings if you obey,
29:33 but there are curses for disobedience.
29:35 It was put on the side of the ark
29:37 as a temporary placement
29:40 and it was a witness against them,
29:42 so now, what happened to that?
29:45 What was nailed to the cross?
29:49 I want to give you three things that I see
29:51 that was nailed to the cross.
29:54 In 1st Peter 2:24 the Bible says
29:56 that Christ bore our sins in His body,
29:59 He paid our sin-debt at the cross.
30:02 There's no doubt there's any certificate of indebtedness
30:06 against us for sin,
30:08 was nailed to the cross.
30:10 His precious blood blotted that out.
30:14 Romans 6:6 tells us
30:18 that our old man was crucified with him
30:20 that the body of sin might be done away with,
30:23 that we should no longer be slaves of sin.
30:26 So, this old fallen, human nature
30:30 was nailed to the cross.
30:31 But what else was nailed to the cross?
30:34 The Old Covenant Book of the Law was nailed to the cross.
30:39 We looked how Paul said
30:43 in Ephesians 2:13,
30:45 these ordinances are abolished at the cross.
30:48 "But now in Christ you who were once far off
30:51 have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
30:54 For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one.
30:57 He has broken down the middle wall of separation. "
31:01 No more distinction between Jew and Gentile.
31:05 All these unique Jewish things... nailed to the cross
31:08 having abolished the law of commandments
31:13 that is in ordinance.
31:15 In ordinance... see when Christ ratified the New Covenant,
31:21 it's a renewal of the everlasting covenant.
31:25 The "covenant promises" that the Gentiles couldn't take place in
31:29 actually were given to the Patriarchs
31:33 before there was ever a Jew.
31:35 It was righteousness by faith...
31:37 salvation by grace
31:39 and they didn't understand this
31:42 but what happens?
31:44 Let me turn to Colossians 2, we've got to get this in.
31:47 Colossians 2:14 through 17,
31:50 says... he's talking about at the cross
31:55 that Christ having wiped out the handwriting of requirements
32:00 that was against us.
32:01 What stood against them?
32:03 Not only their record of sins.
32:05 But that Old Covenant that had all those curses for sin
32:09 was there to stand as a witness against them.
32:12 He said, "He has taken it out of the way,
32:14 having nailed it to the cross.
32:16 Having disarmed principalities and powers,
32:19 he made a public spectacle of them,
32:22 triumphing over them in it.
32:24 So... " here's your purpose statement,
32:28 "therefore, let no one judge you... "
32:32 since these things have been nailed to the cross,
32:34 get this context,
32:36 "let no one judge you in food or in drink... "
32:38 he's talking about the ordinances of food and drink offerings,
32:42 "or regarding a festival or a new moon or Sabbaths"
32:48 he's talking about the annual Sabbaths...
32:50 "the annual feast days
32:53 which are a shadow of things to come,
32:58 but the substance was Christ. "
33:00 The Old Covenant pointed to the coming Messiah.
33:05 When the Messiah arrived,
33:07 He nailed that Old Covenant along with our sins...
33:11 along with our sinful, fallen human nature,
33:14 to the cross.
33:16 Panel: Hmmm... hmmm... amen... amen.
33:17 Perrin: All right, thank you, Shelley.
33:19 I heard the word "covenant" over and over again
33:21 and I also heard the word "cross"
33:24 over and over again... the two things
33:26 that you and I... just bring us together with God
33:28 and with each other.
33:29 I'm Daniel Perrin and I have Wednesday's Lesson.
33:32 Jesus, Preacher of Peace.
33:35 And we do see the cross for the first time in words
33:40 there in Ephesians 2:16 the word "cross. "
33:43 Paul hadn't mentioned it before
33:44 but it had been there all along:
33:45 blood...
33:47 redemption...
33:48 purchased grace...
33:50 salvation...
33:51 but he now says explicitly
33:52 it's through the cross and that leads to action.
33:54 We were just in verse 17,
33:57 Ephesians 2:17 and 18,
33:58 "And He... Jesus... came and preached peace
34:02 to you who were afar off,
34:04 and to those who were near.
34:06 For through Him, we both have access by one Spirit
34:11 to the Father. "
34:12 There are a lot of wars going on.
34:15 Conflicts in homes...
34:17 conflicts in marriages...
34:19 conflicts in churches between brothers and sisters in Christ
34:23 and you might be involved in one of those conflicts right now.
34:27 My wife and I went to a restaurant the other day
34:29 and talked a little bit in the Parking Lot
34:32 and when we opened our doors, we heard the sound of yelling
34:35 and swearing
34:36 from a... an adult mother...
34:38 a mother to her... back and forth with her adult child.
34:41 It was just so destructive... so unpeaceful.
34:45 We went into the restaurant and a few minutes later,
34:47 both of them came in and ate and another person came in
34:50 and we prayed for them from our own table
34:52 because you could just sense the conflict between the two of them.
34:56 Jesus did not say that we would not be a part of conflict,
34:59 in fact, He said that we would.
35:01 I love in the Beatitudes, Matthew chapter 5 verse 9,
35:04 Jesus says, "Blessed are the peacemakers,
35:07 for they will be called the sons of God... "
35:09 and where are you when you're making peace?
35:11 You could do it from the side but most often
35:14 you've got to get right in the conflict.
35:17 That's one of the paradoxes of the Bible is that
35:19 we can have peace in the midst of conflicts
35:22 and differences and personalities
35:24 that are not identical.
35:26 And that's what Jesus did... that's how He preached,
35:29 not from an exalted pulpit,
35:30 but He came down in the midst of the pews and the gutters
35:34 and the conflicts and He preached.
35:37 The word "preached" is evangelize...
35:39 to draw people in.
35:41 It's illustrated here in verse 17,
35:43 "He came and preached... " or 18...
35:46 "For through Him... Jesus...
35:47 we both have access by one Spirit to the Father. "
35:51 In the Godhead... perfect unity illustrated for us
35:56 to be lived out by us.
35:58 And what did He preach?
35:59 He preached peace...
36:01 verse 14 tells us, "He Himself is our peace... "
36:06 so He preached Himself...
36:08 He preached Himself.
36:10 If somebody spends a lot of time talking about themselves,
36:13 you might get kind of tired of it
36:15 and think, "Wow! that's a lot of vanity!
36:17 Lot of selfishness... he's always talking about himself. "
36:22 But not so... not vanity with Jesus because we need peace
36:26 and He is our peace.
36:27 He doesn't just give us peace or bring us peace,
36:30 but He is that peace.
36:32 Panel: Amen.
36:34 In 1962, some of you may know this story.
36:36 Don Richardson went as a missionary to Indonesia
36:39 with his wife and seven-month-old child
36:41 to the Sawi tribe
36:43 and they were a tribe that was known for treachery.
36:46 Nobody wanted to go there and he felt God calling him.
36:49 And as he worked with this tribe and told them the story of Jesus,
36:53 here's a group of people who valued treachery and deception
36:57 as their highest virtue and ideal.
36:59 And so, he tells the story of Jesus
37:01 and then when he got to Judas who got into the inner circle
37:04 and through a kiss betrayed Him,
37:06 ah, they thought this was the hero.
37:08 "So, tell us more about Judas,
37:10 man! I'd be proud to give my daughter in marriage to... "
37:13 There's no way that the gospel can come through to this people
37:17 and to make matters worse,
37:19 the tribes that were warring were now coming closer
37:21 to be nearer to him,
37:23 and wars were... battles were being fought
37:25 in front of his house daily
37:26 and people being killed on occasion
37:29 and, you know, bloodied.
37:31 He said, "I can't stay here any longer... "
37:32 he told them, "if you can't make peace,
37:34 I'm going to leave. "
37:35 "We don't want you to leave. "
37:37 So, the next day they said,
37:38 "Don, we'll... we'll make peace. "
37:40 And so, they brought him...
37:42 and the two tribes faced off in front of each other.
37:45 And he thought, "Oh no, they're going to do something. "
37:48 And sure enough, one of the men of one tribe
37:50 took the baby out of the arms of his wife...
37:53 a six-month-old baby... his only son
37:55 and he went running across the field
37:57 and then delivered the baby into the hands
38:00 of the opposing tribe, the chief,
38:02 and Don Richardson thought,
38:03 "Oh no, they're going to sacrifice a child. "
38:05 "No... no... just watch... just watch... " they said,
38:08 and all the men of the tribes
38:10 came and put their hands on that baby
38:12 and said, "This is the peace child
38:14 that is... that we now will have peace.
38:17 See... " they said,
38:19 "as long as this child is living,
38:21 they give their child to this tribe
38:23 and as long as that child is alive,
38:25 there will be peace. "
38:27 And then, he realized, here is... here is something
38:30 that God has preserved in this culture
38:33 the seeds of the gospel to be able to illustrate to them
38:36 what God wants to do with us.
38:37 He said, "Jesus Himself was God's peace Child
38:42 who came down with us. "
38:43 "What? And Judas betrayed a peace Child?
38:47 Ah... how could he?"
38:48 And all of a sudden, this was a door opening
38:51 that they could see and we can see illustrated...
38:55 God doesn't only give us peace, He gives Himself.
38:57 Panel: Amen.
38:59 Perrin: And that presence of Jesus
39:00 then reconciles us to God
39:02 and creates reconciliation for each other
39:04 and sure enough these... these two tribes
39:06 lived together peacefully after that.
39:09 And this is why Isaiah says in chapter 9,
39:12 "Unto us, a Child is born,
39:15 unto us a Son is given;
39:17 and the government will be upon His shoulder.
39:20 His name is Wonderful,
39:21 Counselor,
39:23 Mighty God,
39:24 Everlasting Father,
39:25 and Prince of Peace. "
39:27 "And the angels sang,
39:28 'Glory to God in the highest and on earth... peace... '"
39:30 all right, specifically, how does He do that?
39:33 Through the cross.
39:35 And if you're looking at a cross,
39:36 it doesn't look peaceful.
39:38 Panel: Hmmm...
39:39 Perrin: It looks violent and destructive and bloody,
39:42 and you have to say, "This here... what He did...
39:45 what He went through, brings peace between us
39:49 and then between each other. "
39:51 And then, Jesus lived it out.
39:53 He didn't just speak it in words,
39:56 He lived it out and He invites us to do the same thing.
39:59 He brought Samaritans and Jews together.
40:02 He brought men and women together
40:04 and I love Acts 2 where people say,
40:06 "We... Oh, you're preaching the gospel
40:09 and we all hear it in our own language,
40:11 in the same place, the same gospel message. "
40:14 Verse 18 says, "For through Him we both have access. "
40:19 Access is... to approach.
40:22 It's to have the way opened
40:24 all on the same basis of sinfulness,
40:26 none of us can claim no sin,
40:28 and all on the same terms of forgiveness.
40:31 One salvation... one moral code...
40:33 one access...
40:35 and I think it was already said,
40:37 I think, Jill, you might have said it
40:38 but we've all got to go down the same aisle.
40:41 And I love this... this access...
40:44 we've all got to go to the one cross
40:47 and maybe you've thought that, "I'll...
40:48 I'll wait till they go in first
40:50 and then, I'll go in after them. "
40:52 No, we've all got to be united.
40:54 one cross... one approach.
40:56 Equal-opportunity faith...
40:58 no caste system...
41:00 no segregation...
41:02 no tears of membership or seclusion
41:04 because those things all indicate
41:07 that we're comparing ourselves with each other...
41:10 "Well, she is more of this than I am
41:12 and he's less of that than I am. "
41:14 And so, when Jesus preaches Himself, the reason is...
41:17 is because we stop looking at ourselves and each other
41:20 and we start looking at Him.
41:21 We all realize we're united...
41:23 united on the same basis.
41:25 And so, this then becomes a call to you and to me
41:28 to check our attitudes.
41:29 Do we have barriers that we're erecting
41:32 in the way that we're thinking about people
41:35 or we're exalting ourselves...
41:36 barriers in the church or in our families.
41:39 Has Jesus brought peace to you?
41:42 And one of the tragedies in the Christian church
41:45 is that there is so little peace
41:48 and especially when we have these promises,
41:50 Isaiah 26 verse 3,
41:52 "You will keep him in perfect peace,
41:54 whose mind is stayed on You,
41:56 because he trusts in You... "
41:58 in the cross.
41:59 And that perfect peace is not just a feeling of tranquility,
42:03 it's referring to this concept as well
42:05 of uniting us in what Jesus has done.
42:08 Psalm 119 verse 165,
42:11 "Great peace have those who love Your law,
42:14 and nothing causes them to stumble. "
42:16 Jesus... in John 14:27, "Peace I leave you,
42:20 I leave with you...
42:21 My peace I give to you;
42:23 not the peace that the world gives. "
42:25 In Romans 5 verse 1,
42:27 I have to say that I love this verse,
42:28 "Therefore, having been justified by faith,
42:31 we have peace with God. "
42:33 That's the... the vertical version,
42:35 no longer at conflict with God,
42:37 we're going in the same direction.
42:39 He and I both agree that I'm a sinner,
42:41 and I can't help myself
42:42 and He is the only help...
42:43 we're in agreement on that,
42:45 there's peace now with God.
42:46 And the function of peace, then,
42:48 in preaching peace is that He invites us to be a part of that.
42:52 Isaiah 52:7, "How beautiful on the mountains
42:55 are the feet of him who brings good news... "
42:58 and we hear the word one more time,
42:59 "proclaiming peace brings glad tidings... "
43:03 and so, we're to live this out
43:05 and I know, I know Jill already mentioned this,
43:07 it's in my notes and I want to say it one more time
43:09 because one of you is needing to hear this who's watching,
43:12 "If you're bringing your gift to the altar,
43:14 and there remember your brother has something against you,
43:16 leave your gift there at the altar,
43:18 and go your way.
43:19 First, be reconciled to your brother. "
43:22 If God's putting that on your heart right now,
43:24 go and do that today.
43:26 Ask God, "How can I say those words...
43:28 how can You bring the reconciliation
43:30 you've already brought to me,
43:31 between me and my brother or sister in Christ.
43:34 Panel: Amen...
43:35 Rafferty: Amen, thank you, Dan...
43:36 thank you, Shelley...
43:38 thank you, Jill...
43:39 thank you, Johnny.
43:41 Beautiful, beautiful lesson here that we have
43:42 while... I'm looking at verses 19 through 22,
43:44 my name is James Rafferty and I have Thursday's Lesson
43:46 which is entitled: The Church, a Holy Temple.
43:50 Verses 19 through 22,
43:52 "Now, therefore, you are no more strangers and foreigners,
43:56 but fellow citizens with the saints
43:57 and of the household of God. "
43:59 There's no more sign that says, "You can't enter here... "
44:01 right?
44:03 There's... there's reconciliation that the... the...
44:06 the... the enmity has been taken out of the way...
44:09 we're all going down that same aisle...
44:11 we're all fellowshipping together...
44:12 we have peace in Jesus Christ.
44:14 "And you are built upon the foundation of the apostles
44:17 and prophets,
44:18 Jesus Christ, Himself being the chief corner stone;
44:20 in whom all the building fitly framed together
44:23 grows unto an holy temple in the Lord:
44:25 in whom you also are builded together
44:27 for an habitation of God through the Spirit. "
44:30 How did we get...
44:31 how do we get from a temple that Gentiles can't enter
44:35 to a building that they're now part of?
44:37 Panel: Hmmm... amen.
44:39 Rafferty: That not only can they enter this building,
44:41 they're part of the building.
44:42 Jesus is the chief cornerstone and they're part of the building
44:45 and this analogy is not used by Paul in Ephesians only.
44:48 He uses this in 1st Corinthians chapter 3,
44:50 the Quarterly brings out,
44:52 he uses it also in 2nd Corinthians chapter 6,
44:54 in 1st Peter chapter 2,
44:56 again and again and again, he talks about
44:59 the... the body of Christ is Jews and Gentiles
45:03 that are making up a holy temple.
45:06 Now, you have to think about this a little bit
45:08 because the temple at large...
45:10 the one in Jerusalem was still standing
45:12 perhaps when Paul wrote this.
45:13 It wasn't destroyed until 70 A.D.
45:15 and we know that Paul lived at least until the 60s so...
45:18 so, Paul's writing these words
45:20 and the Jews that have become Christians
45:23 and even the Gentiles who have become Christians,
45:25 are well aware that there's this building
45:28 that was ordained of God in the Old Testament
45:30 that they cannot enter even to that time
45:34 and some of the converted Jews
45:36 are kind of trying to bring some of those restrictions
45:39 into the church.
45:40 How do you deal with this?
45:41 How do you process this?
45:43 How do we understand this?
45:45 Well, John, you talked about
45:47 you know, putting yourself in the place of a Gentile.
45:50 You know, you believe in Christ,
45:51 you go to the temple
45:53 and you want to worship God but there's this sign
45:55 and I thought it might be good for us to put ourselves
45:58 in the place of a Jew
46:00 going all the way back to the beginning
46:01 when God assigned them the symbolism of the Sanctuary
46:05 and He told them, "Now, these are the parameters, you know,
46:08 only the Levites can touch the ark...
46:10 so, you can't touch the ark
46:11 and only the priest can go in there and sacrifice,
46:14 you can't go in there and sacrifice.
46:15 And you have to take the fire from off the altar
46:18 they have in... in a vial...
46:19 you can't be taking that strange fire.
46:22 We've got parameters here,
46:23 you've got to take your shoes off,
46:25 we don't want any to... "
46:26 God is holy.
46:27 Panel: Amen. Rafferty: God is holy
46:29 and these parameters here are put up.
46:31 We don't even want the Gentiles helping to build...
46:34 to reconstruct the temple after they're in captivity.
46:37 No... this... excuse me, the Samaritans can't help.
46:40 You can believe in God
46:41 but you've got some compromise taking place,
46:43 you can't be part of this.
46:44 And then, Jesus comes and He's talking to a Samaritan woman!
46:47 Like, why is He breaking down...
46:49 it took us 100s of years to finally get to the place
46:53 where we're not going to compromise.
46:55 We're not going to compromise.
46:56 We're not going to let anyone in this temple,
46:58 we're not going to intermarry...
46:59 we're not going to...
47:01 we're going to make sure we keep all of the laws...
47:02 all of these ordinances...
47:03 we're going to make sure we keep them perfectly
47:05 and then... a guy claiming to be a Messiah comes
47:07 and he starts breaking down all these...
47:09 He's going to... He's going to get us to start
47:11 compromising with the Gentiles again.
47:13 He's got to be stopped...
47:14 He's got to be stopped.
47:15 At all costs, He's got to be stopped.
47:17 And how did we... how do we transition?
47:20 What we recognize...
47:22 what we realize as you brought out, Shelley,
47:24 is that all of these ordinances
47:25 and all of these laws that were set up
47:29 regarding worship and approaching God in the temple
47:31 all of them pointed to Jesus.
47:33 Amen.
47:35 All of them are fulfilled in Jesus
47:36 and Jesus comes and He becomes the perfect fulfillment
47:41 of everything that was needed to approach God...
47:44 everything that was needed to approach God.
47:47 Jesus, now, has fulfilled all of that
47:49 and He hands that to anyone who'll believe in Him.
47:52 "If you want to approach God, you just need Me...
47:55 and when you have Me,
47:57 you can come directly to the Father. "
48:00 Panel: Amen.
48:01 Rafferty: "I am the holiness
48:03 that was required in that temple.
48:04 I am the... the... the sacrifice without blemish
48:07 that was required to approach that temple.
48:09 I am everything that was needed, the purification that was needed
48:12 to approach God
48:13 and I am what you need to be reconciled with God. "
48:17 This is the point that Paul is making here in Ephesians 2
48:20 and he also makes it again in other portions of the Scripture,
48:23 for example, 1st Corinthians chapter 3.
48:26 In 1st Corinthians, we have a church that is sanctified...
48:29 that is called in Christ...
48:32 and I mean, Paul just... just announces this
48:34 as he introduces...
48:35 let's just look at the verses here in 1st Corinthians because
48:37 they're very powerful
48:39 when you contrast them with the condition of the church itself.
48:42 1st Corinthians chapter 1, Paul says,
48:45 "Paul called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ
48:48 through the will of God,
48:49 and Sosthenes our brother,
48:51 unto the church of God... " verses 2,
48:52 "which is at Corinth,
48:54 to them that are sanctified in Jesus Christ,
48:55 called to be saints,
48:57 and all in every place that call upon the name
48:59 of Jesus Christ our Lord,
49:01 both theirs and ours: Grace be unto you,
49:03 and peace, from God the Father,
49:04 and our Lord Jesus Christ. "
49:06 And then he goes on to tell them,
49:07 in 1st Corinthians chapter 3,
49:08 "You guys are carnal... you're carnal.
49:11 You guys are fighting over the food at the Lord's Supper
49:15 and you're taking each other to... to court
49:16 and you... you've got sexual immorality among you,
49:19 it's not even mentioned among the Gentiles.
49:21 And if... in the Jewish mind, going back to pre-cross,
49:24 in the Jewish mind,
49:25 these people are not worthy to come to the temple.
49:27 These people cannot even approach God in any way, shape, or form.
49:31 But in the gospel, Paul says,
49:34 "You have standing in Christ,
49:37 and God, in Christ, is going to allow you to approach Him
49:41 but 'in Christ' means
49:43 that you have to listen to what I have to tell you
49:45 because people that are in Christ
49:47 don't live the way you are living.
49:48 You're called to be in Christ
49:50 and this is the way you should be living.
49:51 You should not be following people.
49:54 You should not be following
49:55 Apollos or Cephas or Paul
49:58 and saying, you know, that you're...
50:00 you should be following Christ... " because he goes on to say here,
50:02 "Christ... " 1st Corinthians chapter 3, verse 11,
50:06 "Christ is the foundation... " verse 10,
50:08 "and there is no other foundation that can be laid
50:10 but that is laid which is Jesus Christ. "
50:12 You see, the temple can only be built
50:14 upon the foundation of Jesus.
50:16 The temple can only be built
50:18 in the cornerstone of Jesus Christ
50:20 and the only way we can be part of that temple
50:22 in our less than sanctified... less than perfect condition,
50:27 is if we come in Christ
50:30 because in Christ we have the holiness and the purity...
50:33 in Christ we have fulfillment of all those ordinances
50:36 that restricted us from access to the temple
50:39 if we were a Gentile
50:40 and even caused us to, at times, to die
50:43 because we... we violated those prohibitions,
50:46 we violated those principles and those ordinances
50:49 that taught us how to approach God.
50:51 But in Christ, we have life.
50:53 In Christ, we are quickened,
50:54 in Christ, we're made alive
50:55 because Christ has fulfilled all of that purity and holiness
50:58 and when we cling to Him,
51:00 we have the covering of Jesus Christ.
51:01 Panel: Amen.
51:03 Rafferty: Which does not cover us
51:05 so that we can keep on sinning...
51:07 and keep on being in transgression to God
51:09 and keep worshipping idols,
51:11 so, when Paul brings this out in 1st Corinthians,
51:13 oh! he just... he just goes through.
51:15 He becomes the true...
51:16 Jesus Christ becomes the true witness.
51:18 Right?
51:20 He becomes the true witness
51:21 and as a true witness,
51:22 He does what the law once did.
51:24 He points out our need for Him.
51:26 He points out where we're failing.
51:28 He, in love, because...
51:29 because the Lord says,
51:31 "As many as I love and rebuke and chasten in love... "
51:33 He brings out the need we have
51:36 to... to... to be reconciled to God
51:39 in every aspect of our lives.
51:40 Every particle of dust is getting removed from our feet
51:44 through Jesus Christ.
51:46 But at the same time, He covers us
51:47 so that we can approach God...
51:48 so that we can...
51:50 so that we can have that place in this holy temple...
51:52 in this temple that is...
51:54 that is the very habitation of the Spirit of God.
51:57 1st Corinthians chapter 3,
51:59 then 2nd Corinthians chapter 6,
52:01 and then, 1st Peter chapter 2,
52:03 all of those verses describe this temple building
52:07 as the body of Christ... Jew and Gentile...
52:09 and all of them connect that temple to Jesus.
52:12 There is no way we can be part of that temple...
52:14 there's no way we can approach that temple
52:16 without Jesus Christ
52:17 and that is really the point that Paul is making here
52:21 in Ephesians chapter 2
52:22 that Jesus Christ is the way that we come
52:25 and by the way, Revelation chapter 21 verses 9 and 10,
52:27 "The city is the bride of Christ. "
52:31 Revelation chapter 21 verse 12,
52:33 The city gates are named after the twelve tribes...
52:35 Revelation 21:14,
52:36 the city foundations are named after the twelve apostles.
52:38 John 14:1 through 3,
52:40 the city has a place for every one of us.
52:43 That city is a representation of God's people.
52:46 God's people are the bride of Christ.
52:49 That city is representation of all those who are in Christ,
52:54 all of those who have had access to Jesus Christ
52:56 who is the foundation... who is the Chief Cornerstone
52:59 and that city includes both Jews and Gentiles.
53:03 Those who refuse the blood of Christ
53:06 are outside the city.
53:07 They're not part of the city.
53:08 But those who want to be part of that city
53:10 don't have to go now through a sign...
53:12 they don't have to be excluded
53:13 because of certain barriers that have been set up...
53:16 certain prohibitions that have been established by Christ
53:20 because Jesus Christ has taken all of those down Himself
53:23 and now the only requirement...
53:25 the only way and the truth and the light
53:27 to get life... to get into the city,
53:29 is Jesus Christ Himself.
53:30 Jesus Christ becomes the foundation
53:33 by which we have access to the Father
53:36 and Jesus Christ longs for us to have that access through Him.
53:40 Not only us but every single person who would believe
53:43 to have that access to the Father through Him.
53:46 Friends, we're just... we're pleading with you
53:49 as we look at this lesson we're...
53:50 we're pleading with you,
53:52 go to Christ.
53:53 Don't allow any of those artificial barriers
53:56 in your own life... your own guilt... your own sin
53:58 to inhibit you
53:59 from coming directly to God through Jesus Christ.
54:01 Panel: Amen... amen...
54:03 Dinzey: Amen, praise the Lord, thank you.
54:04 Well, we have a few moments
54:06 to share final thoughts you may have.
54:09 We start with Sister Jill Morikone.
54:10 Jill: What an incredible lesson!
54:12 I've been so blessed by this.
54:13 On Monday, we looked at Reconciliation
54:15 which is God's gift from the cross.
54:17 I want to read again a verse that
54:19 probably almost all of us have read
54:21 but this is Ephesians 2:13,
54:23 "But now in Christ Jesus
54:26 you who once were far off
54:29 have been brought near by the blood of Christ. "
54:32 It doesn't matter where you are,
54:35 it doesn't matter what you've done.
54:36 It doesn't matter where you come from.
54:40 God says, "In Christ Jesus... "
54:43 at the foot of the cross we're all made one.
54:46 What an incredible gift we have in Jesus.
54:49 Shelley: Amen...
54:50 my mind is going in a thousand directions right now,
54:53 but Tuesday's Lesson was breaking down the dividing wall.
54:57 Let me ask you,
54:59 What is walling you off
55:01 from the Lord?
55:03 Do you ever feel like you've hit the wall
55:05 and you can't go beyond it?
55:07 If you will go to Jesus...
55:09 I love the... the Scripture from 1st Corinthians 1:30,
55:14 that it says, "You are in Christ who...
55:18 Christ has become our wisdom from God...
55:22 our righteousness...
55:24 our sanctification and our redemption. "
55:28 If you feel that you can't approach God,
55:32 just go say to the Lord, "Show me what this wall is
55:36 and bring down that dividing wall. "
55:38 He will...
55:40 He wants to live in your heart.
55:42 He wants your heart.
55:44 Panel: Amen.
55:45 Perrin: Wednesday's Lesson lifts it up...
55:47 Jesus again as preacher of peace
55:49 and you might say to yourself,
55:51 "I'm not a preacher... I can never preach. "
55:55 But I've talked to all sorts of people
55:57 who say this...
55:59 that they came to Christ...
56:00 surely heard the words that someone said
56:03 but it wasn't until they saw it lived out.
56:06 They saw the way someone treated people.
56:09 They saw the way they treated them
56:11 when they gave them a hard time
56:12 and that's what gave them the picture...
56:15 the real picture of what Christianity
56:17 and the love of Jesus is all about
56:19 and that's what Jesus did.
56:20 He didn't just speak but His words gave life...
56:22 but He lived out the peace that He offers to you and to me.
56:26 Rafferty: Amen... amen Friends, read these words again
56:30 with new eyes, Ephesians chapter 2 verses 17 and 18,
56:34 "And He came... Christ came and preached peace to you
56:37 which were afar off, and to them which were nigh.
56:41 For through Him... Jesus Christ...
56:42 we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father. "
56:46 It is through Jesus Christ that we have access to the Father
56:50 because He is our purity... our holiness...
56:53 our righteousness...
56:55 and we, each one of us, can come to the Father
56:57 through Jesus Christ.
56:59 Let that be your experience, Friends.
57:01 Panel: Amen.
57:02 Dinzey: Amen, thank you each and every one of you.
57:03 This has been a wonderful, marvelous study
57:06 and we hope that you have been encouraged
57:08 and drawn to the Lord.
57:10 And I want to remind you as we finish,
57:12 Ephesians chapter 2 verse 1,
57:14 and it says, "And you He made alive,
57:18 who were dead in trespasses and sins. "
57:21 If you find yourself dead in trespasses and sins,
57:24 if you find yourself that you think you have no hope...
57:28 there is hope in Jesus.
57:29 He is able to draw you near
57:33 and today, the door of mercy is still open.
57:35 We encourage you to give your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ.
57:40 He will take all those sins and all those wicked things
57:44 away with His blood.
57:47 By His blood, you are drawn near.
57:50 Panel: Hmmm... hmmm...
57:51 Dinzey: We encourage you to do that.
57:53 This is a... a study that will continue next week.
57:56 We are continuing in the book of Ephesians
57:58 and it will be Number 6... Lesson Number 6:
58:01 The Mystery of the Gospel.
58:03 We hope to see you then.


Revised 2023-10-30