3ABN Sabbath School Panel

The Lord Hears and Delivers

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP240004S

00:01 Three ABN Sabbath School Panel is about to start.
00:02 We are studying the book of Psalms
00:04 and we are on lesson number four.
00:07 If you do not have a lesson, we invite you to go to
00:09 3abnsabbathschool.com and there you can download
00:13 a lesson for free.
00:14 Grab your Bible and join us for this exciting
00:16 and inspiring study.
00:48 Welcome to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:50 This is a panel of studying God's Word.
00:54 We're studying the book of Psalms, and the author of the
00:57 lesson is Dragoslava Santrac.
01:00 She's the main contributor.
01:02 And we are on lesson number 4, The Lord Hears and Delivers.
01:06 Our panelists are here, they have been studying and praying.
01:09 And we have prayed for the blessing of the Holy Spirit.
01:12 And we're going to pray in a moment, but we'd like to
01:14 introduce the family that is with us today.
01:17 We have evangelist Ryan Day.
01:19 Amen. I have Monday's lesson entitled,
01:21 Assurance of God's Care.
01:24 Amen. Looking forward to hearing that.
01:25 Sister Shelley Quinn.
01:27 Pastor Johnny Dinzey, we are so excited to be joining you.
01:30 My lesson is, The Lord is a Refuge in Adversity.
01:34 ~ Amen, Amen. Professor Daniel Perrin, what do you have?
01:37 I am sharing Wednesday's lesson, Defender and Deliverer.
01:41 Thank you. We're looking forward to hearing that.
01:42 And we have sister Jill Morikone.
01:44 We surely will have another list today.
01:47 We do indeed. Thank you, Pastor Johnny.
01:49 I have Thursday, Help From the Sanctuary.
01:51 Amen, amen.
01:53 I want to let you know that our panelists have consented to
01:56 share their notes with you.
01:58 Now please understand, these are not word-for-word
02:00 what we will say here, but notes that will guide us along
02:03 as we do our presentation.
02:05 How can you get a copy?
02:07 You can email us at...
02:12 I will say that again.
02:17 To get a copy of the notes.
02:19 You can email us to get a free copy.
02:21 We're ready for prayer, and I'd like to ask
02:23 Pastor Ryan Day if you'll please lead us.
02:25 ~ Yes, absolutely. Let us pray.
02:26 Our Father in heaven, Lord as we give this time to You
02:29 in study, I pray that all of the words that we read in the psalms
02:32 may not just be words on a page, may it not just be another
02:35 poetic excerpt that we find from Scripture, Lord, but
02:38 rather may they come alive to us.
02:40 May they mean something to us.
02:42 And use us on this panel, Lord, to bring clarity and
02:45 understanding to what the Word of God is saying.
02:48 And may we encourage someone and bring hope today
02:50 we ask in Jesus' holy name. Amen.
02:52 ~ Amen, amen. Thank you very much.
02:54 We are ready to begin.
02:56 Our lesson is entitled, once again,
02:58 The Lord Hears and Delivers.
03:01 The scriptures that we will be mainly focusing on
03:04 is Ps 139:1-18, Ps 121, Ps 17:8, Matt 23:37,
03:14 1 Cor 10:1-4, Heb 4:15-16, and many other scriptures.
03:20 But these are the main ones.
03:22 The memory text comes from Ps 34:17,
03:25 and we have these wonderful words:
03:27 "The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears,
03:31 and delivers them out of all their troubles."
03:35 Praise the Lord.
03:37 You know, as we look at the psalms, you see that God
03:40 is a caring God, a loving God.
03:43 Nevertheless, we see in the psalms expressions
03:45 of people going through difficulties, trials, and
03:48 problems, yet they are clinging to the Lord
03:51 asking Him for deliverance.
03:53 And the assurance of Psalm 34 is that the Lord
03:57 hears and delivers His children.
04:00 Our lesson continues with Ps 73:23.
04:05 "Nevertheless I am continually with You;
04:10 You hold me by my right hand."
04:14 You see a picture here of God holding us
04:16 by the right hand, leading us through difficulties
04:20 and troubles, and through the cares of life.
04:22 Ps 145:18-19, notice:
04:26 "The Lord is near to all who call upon Him,
04:30 to all who call upon Him in truth.
04:33 He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him;
04:37 He also will hear their cry and save them."
04:41 My name is John Dinzey, for those listening by radio.
04:43 We'd like to ask you to join us now, Ps 119:151,
04:48 another scripture that tells us that God is near.
04:50 "You are near, O Lord, and all Your commandments are truth."
04:55 Wonderful scripture.
04:56 Ps 34:18, so many of them.
04:58 "The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart,
05:02 and saves such as have a contrite spirit."
05:05 So if you have a broken heart, going through difficult time,
05:10 know that the Lord is near.
05:12 He is near to you right now.
05:15 I'm reading from the lesson now, and it says,
05:17 "We should remember that the proper response to the Lord's
05:21 nearness consists in a life of faith in Him
05:26 and of obedience to His commandments.
05:29 Nothing short of this faith and obedience will be acceptable
05:33 to Him, as the history of Israel often revealed."
05:37 You can see in the history of Israel that when they were
05:39 faithful, wonderful things happened to them.
05:42 They were greatly benefitted.
05:44 Now please understand that God is always blessing His
05:47 children no matter what their situation is.
05:50 Because He brings rain, He brings sunshine;
05:54 and all of the people of the world receive the blessing
05:57 of those gifts from the Lord that come to us
06:00 each and every single day.
06:03 Sunday's lesson is entitled, My Frame Was Not Hidden From You.
06:07 This day of the week focuses on Psalm 139 beginning in verse 1.
06:13 And so let's go there right now.
06:15 "O Lord, You have searched me and known me.
06:21 You know my sitting down and my rising up;
06:24 You understand my thought afar off."
06:28 God is so acquainted with us that even our very thoughts
06:32 are known by Him.
06:34 And He is all-powerful.
06:37 You know, as you study God and His character,
06:40 you will notice that He is an omnipotent, omnipresent,
06:43 omniscient God.
06:44 He is all-powerful, all knowing, and all present
06:48 everywhere all the time.
06:51 And we praise His name for that.
06:54 We continue now in Ps 139:3.
06:57 "You comprehend my path and my lying down,
07:01 and are acquainted with all my ways.
07:03 For there is not a word on my tongue,
07:05 but behold, O Lord, You know it altogether."
07:08 So even before we speak, the Lord knows.
07:10 He knows our very thoughts.
07:12 Now this is a blessing, and should be a blessing to you.
07:16 And we are instructed to be slow to speak
07:19 and swift to hear.
07:20 And you know that many thoughts that come to your mind,
07:23 if you had said them all, you would be in serious trouble.
07:27 I know I would have been in serious trouble
07:28 if I had said everything to comes to my mind.
07:30 So the Bible gives us instruction.
07:32 Be slow to speak, swift to hear.
07:34 And how many of us have said things that we say,
07:37 "I shouldn't have said that."
07:40 In John 10:10 we have a scripture that helps us
07:44 to understand the care of the Lord, because it says,
07:48 "The thief does not come except to steal,
07:51 and to kill, and to destroy."
07:53 And Jesus says, "I have come that they may have life,
07:56 and that they may have it more abundantly."
07:59 The background of this, Psalm 139, says that God is
08:03 ever-present, there with us knows our thoughts,
08:06 and wants to help us and protect us.
08:09 Why? Because He knows,
08:11 He can see from where He is, everything.
08:16 You know, you're traveling over here, He knows what's ahead,
08:18 He knows what's behind you, He knows what's all around.
08:20 And He's always protecting us.
08:23 And notice in 1 Peter 5:6, "Therefore, humble yourselves
08:28 under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you
08:32 in due time, casting all your care upon Him,
08:35 for He cares for you."
08:37 When you look at Psalm 139, some people may be alarmed.
08:40 "God knows what I think. God knows what I say.
08:42 He's always watching me."
08:43 Some people may be scared by this.
08:45 But the reason He does this is because He loves us
08:48 and wants to protect us and benefit us.
08:51 Why? Look at 1 Peter 5:8.
08:55 "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil
08:58 walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour."
09:03 Would you like the Lord to say, "I'll be back.
09:05 I'll see you after I come back from vacation
09:07 in about three weeks."
09:09 Oh, that would be horrible for us, wouldn't it?
09:12 Because the devil is as a roaring lion
09:14 seeking whom he may devour.
09:16 So we should be grateful that the Lord is with us.
09:19 Ps 139:5, "You have hedged..."
09:23 In the King James Version, it says, "beset".
09:26 "You have hedged me behind and before,
09:29 and laid Your hand upon me."
09:31 This is a caring, loving God.
09:34 Notice that this word, "hedged," or "beset,"
09:39 can be negative or it can be positive.
09:43 Because it means also to bind, to besiege,
09:45 to confine, to cramp.
09:47 But it also means to secure.
09:49 And this is in the sense of positive; securing us.
09:53 How do we know that?
09:55 Because verse 6 says, "Such knowledge is too wonderful
09:59 for me; it is high, I cannot attain it."
10:03 The psalmist was so impressed by the fact that God is there
10:07 constantly, continually.
10:09 24 hours a day, every minute of the day, every second of the day
10:12 God is with us protecting us from all the harm
10:16 that the devil would like to do to us.
10:18 And I am sure that those listening to me,
10:22 many can say, "Well, God has saved my life at least once."
10:26 And I know maybe here some of us may raise our hands,
10:29 "Yes, God has saved my life at least once."
10:31 I know several times the Lord has saved my life.
10:33 Because the devil seemed that he wanted to destroy
10:37 in some way or another, or cause great harm.
10:40 And the Lord protected us from that.
10:42 I go to Ps 62:7-8.
10:46 Notice what it says here.
10:47 "In God is my salvation and my glory;
10:51 the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God.
10:57 Trust in Him at all times, you people;
11:00 pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us."
11:05 God is a refuge for us.
11:08 I encourage you to trust Him at all times.
11:11 Now we're going to look at some verses that
11:12 tell us that God is omnipresent once more.
11:15 We go to Psalm 139 beginning in verse 7.
11:18 "Where can I go from Your Spirit?
11:21 Or where can I flee from Your presence?
11:24 If I ascend into heaven, You are there.
11:27 If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.
11:31 If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the
11:34 uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand will lead me..."
11:39 Notice, "...lead me..."
11:40 "...and Your right hand shall hold me.
11:43 If I say, 'Surely the darkness shall fall on me,'
11:47 even the night shall be light about me.
11:50 Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You,
11:54 but the night shines as the day.
11:56 The darkness and the light are both alike to You."
12:00 Whether you're going through times that you consider
12:01 light, or whether you're going through times that seem darkness
12:04 and troubling, God is there.
12:07 And we can trust Him.
12:09 And we can be at peace knowing that He is in control.
12:12 Ps 139:13, "For You formed my inward parts;
12:17 You covered me in my mother's womb.
12:21 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
12:26 marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well."
12:32 Praise the Lord for His goodness and His mercy.
12:35 I'm reading to you from a book, Christian Education,
12:37 by Ellen G. White, page 195.
12:40 Notice these thoughts.
12:41 "But His energy is still exerted in upholding the
12:44 objects of His creation.
12:46 It is not because the mechanism that He has once set in motion
12:51 continues to act by its own inherent energy
12:54 that the pulse beats and breath follows breath.
12:58 But every breath, every pulsation of the heart
13:01 is evidence of the all-pervading care of Him in whom we live and
13:06 move and have our being," as it is written in Acts 17:28.
13:09 "It is not because of inherent power that year by year
13:12 the earth produces her bounties and continues
13:15 her motion around the sun.
13:17 The hand of God guides the planets and keeps them
13:20 in position in their orderly march through the heavens.
13:23 He 'bringeth out their host by number
13:25 and He calleth them all by names by the greatness of His might,
13:29 for that, He is strong in power; not one faileth.'"
13:33 From Isaiah 40:26.
13:35 Trust in the Lord. He's always there.
13:38 And He will always be with you.
13:40 Trust Him completely no matter what circumstances
13:43 you're facing because He cares for you and has
13:46 your best interest in mind.
13:48 And I praise the Lord for that.
13:51 Amen, amen. Thank you, Pastor Dinzey. Powerful.
13:53 Beginning this lesson, my name is Ryan Day,
13:56 I have Monday's lesson entitled, Assurance of God's Care.
13:59 And that title just really sums it all up of what we're
14:02 going to talk about over the next 10 minutes together.
14:06 We're going to be diving right into the Psalms,
14:08 multiple psalms here.
14:09 We're going to be looking at Psalm 40, Psalm 50, Psalm 55,
14:13 we're going to jump into Psalm 121.
14:15 And we're going to see that there is a common theme
14:19 among all of these text.
14:20 And by the way, these are not the only texts.
14:22 There are multiple, multiple text that we have already
14:24 read and heard just in these opening three lessons
14:27 of this study on the book of Psalms.
14:30 But Monday's lesson is bringing out, emphasizing
14:33 and highlighting the fact that we can be assured,
14:36 we can know with absolute certainty,
14:38 and have trust in the fact that God provides for us.
14:41 He takes care of us and He's there for us.
14:44 Ps 40:1-3, the point we're making here is that God,
14:48 He directs and He delivers us.
14:50 He promises that.
14:52 Notice what it says here in Psalm 40:1-3.
14:55 It says, "I waited patiently for the Lord;
14:57 and He inclined to me, and heard my cry.
15:00 He also brought me up out of a horrible pit..."
15:04 Have you been in a pit in your life?
15:06 Have you found yourself? in a dark despairing
15:08 pit at some point?
15:09 If you haven't, eventually, you will.
15:11 Can you hold onto and have the beautiful outlook
15:15 that the psalmist is writing here?
15:17 Is says, "He also brought me out of a horrible pit,
15:19 out of a miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock,
15:22 and established my steps.
15:24 He has put a new song in my mouth.
15:26 Praise to our God; many will see it and fear,
15:30 and will trust in the Lord."
15:32 And so, He directs, He delivers, He's there for us.
15:36 Ps 50:15
15:39 Lots of text here to go through.
15:40 So I want to try to get to as many of them as we can.
15:43 Ps 50:15, same point here.
15:46 "Call upon Me in the day of trouble;
15:49 I will deliver you," says the Lord,
15:51 "and you shall glorify Me."
15:53 So God promises, He says, "Look, call upon Me.
15:55 I will deliver you."
15:57 Now here's the thing.
15:58 Never make the mistake that in the immediate aftermath of
16:02 you calling on Him that your deliverance will be there.
16:04 Sometimes God's timing is not your timing.
16:07 But indeed, the promise is there.
16:09 He says, "Call out on Me, call up on Me,
16:11 and I will deliver you in the day,
16:13 and you shall glorify Me."
16:15 And so Ps 55:22, He brings rest to the weary.
16:21 So these text that we're reading here are showing us
16:24 different aspects and how God cares for His people.
16:27 He brings rest to the weary.
16:29 Ps 55:22, "Cast your burden on the Lord,
16:33 and He shall sustain you;
16:35 He shall never permit the righteous to be moved."
16:39 And I love this text because it reminds me also of
16:41 what we see in Matthew 11:28 when Jesus says, "Come to Me
16:45 all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest."
16:49 Jesus, of course, showing up as man, robed in flesh.
16:52 He is the very direct personification
16:55 of what we see in the Father.
16:56 And He's revealing again what the psalmist is writing here.
16:59 That God is there for you.
17:00 He will bring rest to the weary.
17:03 God supports us. He's there for us.
17:05 He assists you.
17:07 And of course, He never sleeps on you either.
17:10 In other words, He's not going to go take a nap
17:12 while you're out here in the world and doing your thing,
17:14 and forget about you.
17:16 God is always there for you.
17:17 Notice what Psalm 121 says.
17:19 Of course, we're going to read verses 1-8.
17:21 Ps 121:1-8 says, "I will lift up my eyes to the hills.
17:26 From when comes my help?
17:27 My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
17:31 He will not allow your foot to be moved;
17:33 He who keeps you will not slumber."
17:36 I love that. So not only is He there to support you,
17:39 is He there to assist you, is He there to direct you,
17:42 He's not sleeping on you either.
17:43 I love that.
17:45 "Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
17:49 The Lord is your keeper;
17:51 the Lord is your shade at your right hand.
17:54 The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night.
17:57 The Lord shall preserve you from all evil.
17:59 He shall preserve your soul.
18:01 The Lord shall preserve your going out and you're coming in
18:04 from this time forth, and even forevermore."
18:07 So again, we have this deep assurance and this promise
18:10 that God is there for you.
18:11 He's there for you in a way that no one else will be.
18:14 And we have that beautiful promise in the Lord.
18:17 There is no need to fear, as we have brought out,
18:19 because God also brings protection.
18:21 His care brings protection.
18:23 And I go now over into Is 41:10 just to establish and further
18:28 solidify the point that this lesson is trying to make.
18:31 And that is, that God takes care of His people.
18:34 Maybe not always, again, in the immediate timing that
18:37 you are expecting, because sometimes God will allow us
18:40 to fall into various trials and challenges and difficulties
18:43 because it builds perseverance,
18:45 it builds faith, it builds patience.
18:47 and it builds character.
18:48 But nonetheless, God promises to deliver and to come through.
18:52 And so Is 41:10, I love this.
18:54 "Fear no," He says, "for I am with you;
18:56 be not dismayed, for I am your God.
18:59 I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you.
19:01 I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
19:04 That's one of my favorite Bible text in all the Bible.
19:06 Isaiah 43, you've got to read that one as well.
19:08 Is 43:1-2
19:10 "'But now, thus says the Lord, who created you, O Jacob,
19:12 and He who formed you, O Israel;
19:14 'Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
19:16 I have called you by your name; you are Mine.'"
19:19 I love that. I love that.
19:21 "You're Mine," He says. "You're My child."
19:23 And so He says, "When you pass through the waters,
19:25 I will be with you."
19:27 Notice how it doesn't say, "I will save you from the waters."
19:30 When you go "through the rivers, they shall not overflow you."
19:33 Notice how He says, "I'm going to take you,
19:34 I'm going to completely bring you out of the waters,
19:36 or make you far away from the waters."
19:38 He's with us through these trials.
19:40 He'll allow us sometimes to go through these trials,
19:42 but He's with us through it.
19:43 Just as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego...
19:46 Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, that's their real names.
19:47 I like to refer to them by that.
19:49 He didn't save them from the fires,
19:50 but He saved them through the fires.
19:51 And that's what this promise is.
19:53 "When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned,
19:55 nor shall the flame scorch you.
19:57 That's Is 43:1-2.
19:59 God cares and supplies our need.
20:02 He's got you. I love that.
20:04 Matt 6:31-33, "Therefore do not worry, saying,
20:08 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?'
20:10 or 'What shall we wear?'
20:11 For after all these things the Gentiles seek."
20:13 Saying, the heathens of the world, those who are
20:15 non-believers, the people who have no hope in Christ,
20:18 they worry about those things.
20:20 It says, "For your Father in heaven knows that you
20:22 need all these things.
20:23 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,
20:26 and all these things shall be added unto you."
20:29 So God's got you, okay.
20:31 So no matter where you are in your life, and no matter
20:32 what you're going through, He's going to provide for your needs.
20:35 His care brings, again, a providing hand
20:39 and supplies all your needs.
20:40 God's care comforts our sorrows, our pains, and our anxieties.
20:45 Our mental stress that we go through in this life.
20:48 And this life certainly brings them.
20:50 And again, I go back to that text I quoted earlier,
20:52 Matt 11:28-30.
20:54 "Come to Me all you who labor and are heavy-laden,
20:57 and I will give you rest."
20:59 I love that.
21:00 "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle
21:02 and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
21:05 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."
21:09 Those are some of the most amazing words
21:10 you can hear from your Creator.
21:12 "My yoke is easy and My burden is light."
21:15 He's a wonderful God and you can trust Him.
21:18 Phil 4:6-7, it says, "Be anxious for nothing,
21:22 but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving,
21:25 let your requests be made known to God;
21:27 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding..."
21:30 Sometimes you can't even comprehend it.
21:32 "...will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
21:35 We have this hope, we have this beautiful, beautiful promise.
21:38 And of course, I end with this one.
21:40 God's care brings hope.
21:42 His care brings hope. I love this.
21:45 Phil 1:6, "...being confident of this very thing,
21:47 that He who has begun a good work in you
21:49 will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ."
21:52 Sometimes you may go through some stuff in this life.
21:54 Sometimes, again like I said multiple times already,
21:57 you may fall into various trials and difficulties that
22:00 may at times make you wonder, "Lord, where are You?"
22:03 Do You even hear me? Are You there?"
22:04 We see that in the psalms, we've seen it so far.
22:06 There are many psalms dedicated to the fact that even
22:08 God's very servants are there crying out
22:11 and lamenting, "Lord, do You even hear me?
22:13 Do You care for me?"
22:15 But yet we still have the promise.
22:16 God says, "Look, if there's evidence that I've worked
22:17 in your life, if there's evidence that I am here
22:19 in your life and I'm working in your life,
22:21 be confident in the fact that if I've started it,
22:23 I'm going to complete it,
22:25 all the way to the end of Jesus Christ."
22:26 And of course, Rev 21:4-5.
22:29 We have hope in the fact that in God's care,
22:31 the ultimate hope of all, that none of these trials,
22:34 none of these difficulties, none of these tribulations
22:37 that we deal with and go through in this lifetime
22:39 are everlasting.
22:40 Because it says here in Rev 21:4-5,
22:43 "And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."
22:45 There's coming a time when it's all going to go away.
22:48 "'There shall be no more death, there shall be no more sorrow,
22:50 nor crying, there shall be no more pain,
22:52 for the former things have passed away.'
22:55 Then He who sat on the throne said,"
22:57 and I love these words, "Behold, I make all things new."
23:04 I'm looking forward to that time.
23:05 And as I was preparing this lesson,
23:07 going through all these beautiful text,
23:09 I couldn't help but think of that powerful hymn,
23:11 that beautiful classic hymn,
23:14 "Through days of toil when heart doth fail,
23:19 God will take care of you."
23:22 I love that.
23:24 "When dangers fierce your path assail,
23:29 God will take care of you."
23:32 And what's the chorus?
23:34 "God will take care of you, through every day,
23:40 o'er all the way.
23:43 He will take care of you.
23:49 God will take care of you."
23:53 It's not just a song, it's not just a hymn.
23:55 It's not just empty words.
23:57 They are promises that have been proven all through
24:01 since humanity has ever been.
24:03 Put your hand and trust in God.
24:05 He will take care of you.
24:06 Amen, amen. Praise the Lord.
24:09 Thank you very much. It's been a blessing.
24:11 And we hope you will stay by,
24:12 because more blessings are coming.
24:18 Ever wish you could study more deeply along with the
24:21 3ABN Sabbath School Panel members?
24:23 Well, now you can.
24:25 Just send an email request to ssp@3abn.org
24:29 and we'll email you the Sabbath School panelists notes
24:31 on a weekly basis to enhance you're own study of God's Word.
24:35 That address again is..
24:39 We'd love to send you their notes
24:40 just as they prepared them.
24:42 Thank you for watching.
24:43 And thank you for being part of our
24:45 3ABN Sabbath School Panel family.
24:49 Welcome back. It's been a blessing so far.
24:51 And we look forward to more blessings as we continue
24:54 with sister Shelley Quinn.
24:56 Thank you so much, Johnny.
24:57 And thank you, our singer in Israel, Ryan.
25:00 I'm Shelley Quinn and I have Tuesday,
25:02 The Lord is a Refuge in Adversity.
25:06 I love the humility of God.
25:09 The more you study the Bible, the more you recognize
25:13 His divine humility.
25:15 And in loving condescension, God actually likens Himself
25:22 to an eagle that's hovering over its nest.
25:25 Or to a mother hen who wants to gather His children
25:29 under His protective wings.
25:30 Listen to this, Exodus 19:4-5.
25:33 This is when the Israelites had finally after three months
25:37 reached Mount Sinai.
25:39 They had not cleansed themselves yet.
25:41 They had not heard the ten commandments yet
25:43 from God speaking them to them.
25:46 But Exodus 19:4-5, God tells Moses,
25:51 He says, "Go tell the children, 'You have seen what I did
25:55 to the Egyptians, how I bore you on eagle's wings
25:59 and I brought you to Myself.'"
26:02 That is covenant love language.
26:05 "Now, therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice
26:07 and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure
26:12 to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine."
26:16 In Deu 32:11-12, He says, "As an eagle stirs up its nest,
26:24 and hovers over its young, spreading out its wings,
26:28 taking them up, and carrying them on its wings,
26:33 so the Lord alone led him..."
26:37 What I love about when we were in the psalms,
26:40 you're going to hear about the feathers and the pinions,
26:43 and being under the wings.
26:45 This is all reference to God's protection.
26:47 Let's look at Psalm 91. Oh, this is a great psalm.
26:53 There are 18 promises of divine protection
27:00 in this psalm.
27:01 But I'm going to tell you up front, and pay attention,
27:04 they only apply to those who abide in the secret place.
27:11 Let's look.
27:13 Ps 91:1, "He who dwells..." Where?
27:18 "...in the secret place of the Most High..."
27:22 This isn't a place that's not known.
27:25 It's just not common to dwell there.
27:27 This is a close intimacy, having a relationship
27:32 of close intimacy through the Messiah,
27:37 and you're biding in that relationship.
27:41 "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
27:45 shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."
27:52 Notice the abiding.
27:54 You're dwelling there.
27:56 It's constant, it's continuous.
27:58 It's not just during times of trouble.
28:02 See, we've got to know that God's ways are perfect.
28:07 That we can trust Him.
28:09 We've got to know that He's sovereign.
28:11 Anything that comes into our life, God doesn't
28:14 cause the trouble.
28:16 But He allows it sometimes for a specific reason.
28:20 It's for our eternal benefit.
28:22 So these promises are conditional on abiding
28:28 in this relationship with Him.
28:30 "I will say of the Lord..." Here is the psalmist.
28:34 "He is my refuge, my fortress; my God, in whom I will trust."
28:42 Can you say that?
28:44 He's my refuge.
28:47 "My God, in whom I will trust."
28:51 You know, He's the only one that can be trusted
28:55 in times of trouble.
28:56 That's a frequent theme throughout the psalms.
28:59 So we're going to see if we abide in the secret place,
29:08 we have to trust in the Lord.
29:11 And trust is a deliberate choice.
29:17 It's a deliberate choice to acknowledge God's sovereignty
29:22 over us in all circumstances.
29:25 And what does the quarterly bring out?
29:27 If trust does not work in adversity,
29:32 it's not going to work anywhere.
29:34 So verse 3, "Surely He shall deliver you from the
29:38 snare of the fowler..."
29:40 This is Satan's snares.
29:42 He's trying to entrap you.
29:45 "...and from the perilous pestilence.
29:47 He shall cover you with His feathers,
29:50 and under His wings you shall take refuge."
29:54 This is an intimate picture of God's protection
29:58 and security that we find in Him.
30:01 "His truth shall be your shield and buckler."
30:04 That's the shield of faith.
30:06 And the buckler was the coat of mail that protected the body.
30:11 This is the armor of God.
30:13 "You shall not be afraid of the terror by night,
30:16 nor of the arrow that flies by day,
30:18 nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness,
30:21 nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.
30:25 A thousand may fall at your side,
30:27 ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you."
30:32 Perhaps the psalmist was thinking back to the time of
30:36 the Passover night in Egypt.
30:39 But verse 8 says, "Only with your eyes shall you look,
30:44 and see the reward of the wicked."
30:47 We're going to be like a spectator.
30:49 When that judgment is poured out, we will look.
30:52 But then here we go.
30:54 Verse 9 connects back to verse 1.
30:59 It says, "Because..."
31:02 You get all of these divine promises, "Because you have
31:05 made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High,
31:10 your dwelling place..."
31:13 You're abiding in the secret place of the Lord.
31:16 "...no evil shall befall you,
31:17 nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;
31:20 for He shall give His angels charge over you,
31:23 to keep you in all your ways.
31:25 In their hands they shall bear you up,
31:28 lest you dash your foot against a stone.
31:36 You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra,
31:38 the young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot."
31:43 So far we're hearing the psalmist's words.
31:46 Now the Lord speaks and makes a pledge.
31:51 And this is Ps 91:14.
31:55 "Because he has set his love upon Me," the Lord says,
32:01 "therefore I will deliver him;
32:04 I will set him on high, because he has known My name."
32:08 Do you know, God created you for a love relationship with Him.
32:14 That's what He's looking for.
32:16 And when you understand what He did for you,
32:22 to save you, when you understand His unconditional love,
32:27 I promise you, you can't help but fall in love with Him.
32:30 We love Him because He first loved us.
32:34 And then you'll call upon Him.
32:36 He says, verse 15, "He shall call upon Me,
32:39 and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble."
32:48 Like you were saying, Ryan.
32:49 No promise that there's not going to be trouble.
32:53 Jesus said, in this world we'll have many tribulations.
32:57 So when you become a Christian and you love the Lord, and
33:02 you dwell in the most secret place,
33:04 it doesn't mean that your life is carefree.
33:07 You can ask anybody up here, we could spend hours
33:10 talking about what's going on in our lives that are difficult.
33:14 But the promise of God is that, "I will be with you in trouble."
33:19 "I will deliver him and honor him.
33:21 With long life I will satisfy him,
33:25 and show him My salvation."
33:27 If you look to the Lord and love Him,
33:32 we know that we're going to go through this great controversy,
33:36 we're going to go through times of tribulation.
33:39 But He promises to protect those who dwell in the secret place.
33:44 Let me get on to Ps 17:5-9, because I love this too.
33:48 Ps 17:5, he says, "Uphold my steps in Your paths..."
33:57 You know, Ps 85:13 says that righteousness goes before Christ
34:03 and makes His path, His steps, a place for us to follow.
34:10 So he says, "Uphold my steps in Your path,
34:12 that my footsteps may not slip."
34:15 Again, Ps 17:5-9.
34:19 "I have called upon You, for You will hear me, O God;
34:21 incline Your ear to me, and hear my speech.
34:25 Show Your marvelous loving kindness by Your right hand,
34:31 O You who save those who trust in You
34:37 from those who rise up against them.
34:40 Keep me as the apple of Your eye;
34:43 hide me under the shadow of Your wings..."
34:52 Peter says we're called to an incorruptible inheritance.
34:57 And he says it's "reserved in heaven for you,"
35:02 and you are "kept by the power of God
35:05 through faith for salvation
35:08 ready to be revealed at the end."
35:11 God is our refuge in adversity.
35:14 Amen, amen. Yes He is.
35:15 Thank you, Shelley.
35:17 Psalm 91, lots of people love Psalm 91.
35:20 But the psalm that I'm focusing on, I'm Daniel Perrin
35:23 and I have Wednesday's lesson, Defender and Deliverer,
35:26 maybe you don't know this one very well.
35:28 So if you are able to, get your Bible out and open it up
35:32 to Psalm 114.
35:34 And if you would like to get a head start, put a little
35:36 bookmark in 1 Corinthians 10 because we're going to there
35:39 in just a little bit.
35:41 Isn't it amazing how a song, just a song, can bring you
35:45 back in time.
35:47 You hear just a couple of notes, and all of a sudden
35:49 you're back at your wedding, or some childhood event.
35:53 Or you're taken to church in your mind.
35:56 Or you hear the national anthem, whatever it might be,
35:59 and all of a sudden feelings come up.
36:02 Well Psalm 114 is one of those psalms.
36:06 Listen to it; I don't know the music, but
36:08 here's the psalm.
36:09 "When Israel went out of Egypt..."
36:13 And all of a sudden people are taken back in time
36:17 to an event of the past.
36:19 And you look at this psalm here, Psalm 114, just eight verses,
36:23 in the Hebrew language it's just 52 words,
36:27 such a sparse picture of the exodus that's painted here.
36:31 This is actually a psalm that was sang during
36:33 the Passover experience.
36:35 One of the Passover praises.
36:38 There's all sorts of more comprehensive telling's of
36:41 Israel's history, but this one just takes a couple of
36:44 little details, and it just tells them so plainly.
36:47 It's not like a video montage of music overlaid with pictures.
36:52 It just says, here's what happened.
36:54 And people are pulled back into this event.
36:57 So what is this event?
37:00 Well, we ask God, we say, "Lord, show me Your glory."
37:04 He says, "Here's what I'm going to do for you.
37:05 I'm going to remind you of what I've already done."
37:08 And as Shelley already pointed out,
37:10 God had done that from the start
37:12 there in Ex 19:4 when they're fresh out of this experience
37:17 of the exodus, and He says, "You've seen what I did
37:19 to the Egyptians, how I bore you on eagle's wings
37:24 and I brought you to Myself."
37:26 "Look at this intimate experience.
37:28 Remember your relationship with Me.
37:30 Don't forget that relationship."
37:33 And so this remembering that God calls us to in this song here,
37:37 it's more than just a mental exercise.
37:40 When Israel went out of Egypt.
37:42 No, this is like me saying to my wife,
37:44 "Remember the day that our first daughter was born?"
37:47 Oh man, and all sorts of stuff comes to mind.
37:51 And that's what God is saying here.
37:53 Transported back, re-experiencing
37:56 what God has done.
37:57 That's what He's asking us to do here.
37:59 And so for the people of Israel, they're remembering the
38:02 sands of Egypt, and the monuments that they
38:04 may have built with their own hands,
38:06 and the skies and the temperatures, and the bitterness
38:10 of the slavery.
38:11 "And then God remembered us and sent a deliverer."
38:14 And there were plagues, and deliverance,
38:17 and the Passover.
38:18 All of that comes back to mind.
38:20 And they begin to think about this God who loves them.
38:24 You might be saying to yourself, "Well the exodus, that's such
38:28 a distant memory, and I wasn't even there."
38:32 Now go to 1 Corinthians 10.
38:35 Alright verses 1 to 4.
38:37 And just verse 1 right off the bat.
38:39 "Moreover, brethren, I do not want you to be unaware
38:42 that all our fathers were under the cloud,
38:46 all passed through the sea..."
38:49 Paul is talking here to Jewish Christians
38:51 and to Gentile converts who have no Jewish heritage.
38:57 And he calls them, "our fathers."
39:01 This is their history,
39:02 this is our history, this is your history.
39:07 This is not just dusty, distant memories of other people.
39:11 This is my memory book, my scrapbook,
39:14 my photo album.
39:15 This is my story of how God has brought me to the place
39:19 where I am today.
39:21 So this story of the exodus, it's more than just an account
39:24 of other people.
39:25 This is such an important point because we often times look
39:29 at the Bible as archives of other people's experiences.
39:33 But they are our experiences with Christ.
39:37 We sometimes look at this like a history class.
39:39 Yeah alright, we'll laugh at what they did,
39:42 we'll look at the dates, some history factoids.
39:44 But no, this is me and Jesus.
39:46 And so we need to change the way that
39:49 we look at the Bible sometimes.
39:50 These stories are indispensable, like my birthday,
39:54 like my wedding day, like my first day at work.
39:56 Now keep on going.
39:58 I'm going to go down to verse 3 in 1 Corinthians 10.
40:00 "...all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea..."
40:05 So that was verse 2. Now we're in verse 3.
40:07 "All ate the same spiritual food,
40:09 and all drank the same spiritual drink.
40:11 For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them,
40:14 and that Rock was Christ.
40:17 They were not just traveling.
40:19 They were there to meet Jesus.
40:22 This is the story of Jesus.
40:24 This is the gospels.
40:27 Is there any part of the gospels,
40:28 Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, that are dispensable that
40:31 we can get rid of that part?
40:33 No, it's all precious. It's all intentional.
40:36 All of the gospels are a treasure.
40:38 And the Old Testament stories are the gospels
40:41 written in advance.
40:43 It is the story of Jesus.
40:45 And so, right here in Psalm 114, we have the story of Jesus.
40:50 When Israel went out of Egypt, when they were in bondage,
40:55 when sin had them oppressed, when they could not get out,
40:59 when they needed to be purged of all the influences
41:02 of sin that had grown into them, that had overtaken them,
41:05 a deliverer was sent.
41:07 And as they sing just the first notes of this song,
41:10 they're pointed forward to the full story.
41:13 This is the story of your experience with Jesus.
41:16 And it's also a window into our condition.
41:19 We find this theme all through the Bible.
41:21 Abraham was called out of Ur,
41:24 Joseph brought out, rescued in Egypt,
41:29 you have the people of Judah brought out of Persia.
41:33 Listen to a couple of these texts in John 8:34-36.
41:36 You're going to find the story of Psalm 114 here.
41:39 "Jesus answered them, 'Most assuredly I say to you,
41:42 whoever commits sin is a slave of sin.
41:45 And a slave does not abide in the house forever,
41:48 but a son abides forever.
41:50 Therefore if the Son makes you free..."
41:53 This is the story of the exodus.
41:55 "...you shall be free indeed."
41:58 Col 1:13-14, "He has delivered us from the power of darkness
42:03 and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love,
42:09 in whom we have redemption..."
42:11 That's the story of the exodus.
42:13 So now back to Psalm 114.
42:16 Remember, this is our heritage, it's our history.
42:19 And we're going to see nature personified,
42:21 as if all of nature that God created is joyfully
42:24 involved in the experience of saying, "I want to bring you
42:27 out from sin."
42:28 Verse 3, "The sea saw it and fled; Jordan turned back."
42:34 Those were the two obstacles that were uncrossable there.
42:37 "The mountains skipped like rams,
42:39 the little hills like lambs."
42:41 And the imaginative ones of us are taking this literally,
42:43 watching mountains fly away.
42:45 But really, this is the shaking of the mountain.
42:48 The earthquake as God descends upon Mount Sinai
42:50 and says, "Let Me truly rescue you by showing you
42:53 My character and who I am.
42:55 Here is the law, the transcript of who I am."
42:58 And so, we see all of this happening here,
43:00 and the message for us.
43:02 Verses 5 and 6, we've got to get to that.
43:04 "What ails you, O sea, that you fled?
43:07 O Jordan, that you turned back?
43:09 O mountains, that you skipped like rams?
43:11 O little hills, like lambs?"
43:13 Don't forget what God has done.
43:16 The messages; remember, remember where God has led you.
43:20 This is not someone else's experience only.
43:23 And then we get to the conclusion, verse 7.
43:26 The attention so briefly on the story takes us here.
43:30 "Tremble, O earth, at the presence of the Lord."
43:34 And, "O earth," includes me.
43:37 It includes those at this table, it includes all of you.
43:40 "Tremble, O earth..."
43:44 Sometimes we make ourselves untouchable by emotion.
43:48 That we just are not moved by the stories of God.
43:52 "Yeah, I've heard that before."
43:54 In our age of the internet, in streaming movies,
43:58 and access to anything online anywhere,
44:01 I can go see a picture of any place in the world,
44:04 and I can create imaginative fictional landscapes and
44:07 worldscapes; endless entertainment.
44:10 The real story, the real thing that ought to occupy
44:14 our attention and move our hearts sometimes just doesn't
44:18 capture our attention.
44:20 Nothing wows us.
44:21 And we have to give ourselves permission to say,
44:24 "I'm going to be impressed with God."
44:27 Just a single melody of any one of these psalms
44:31 ought to bring to our attention, look what God has done for them.
44:36 And look what He's done for me.
44:38 This is the real power.
44:40 So verse 7, "Tremble, O earth, at the presence of the Lord,
44:44 at the presence of the God of Jacob,
44:45 who turned the rock into a pool of water,
44:49 the flint into a fountain of waters."
44:52 And we see this theme a number of places in the Bible.
44:54 We'll see it a couple of more places.
44:56 Ps 104:32, "He looks on the earth, and it trembles."
45:00 We have an example set for us here.
45:02 Job 9:6, "He shakes the earth out of its place,
45:05 and its pillars tremble."
45:07 This is the earth showing us that we can be amazed at God.
45:10 We can be incredibly awed by Him that it takes over us,
45:14 and we say, "Yes, Lord, You're powerful.
45:16 Job 26:11, the last one, "The pillars of heaven tremble
45:20 and are astonished at His rebuke."
45:22 God says, "Look back at what I've done to you.
45:24 Be impressed, because I love you
45:27 and I'll keep on taking care of you."
45:28 Amen. Thank you so much, Daniel.
45:30 What an incredible study.
45:32 Shelley, Ryan, Pastor Johnny, I love this study;
45:35 The Lord Hears and Delivers.
45:38 I'm Jill Morikone.
45:39 On Thursday we take a look at, Help From the Sanctuary.
45:44 And there are so many psalms I'm supposed to cover today,
45:48 we won't mention them right now, but hopefully
45:50 we get through most of them.
45:52 I've put it together into a list.
45:54 Seven things God provides from His sanctuary.
45:59 Number one, God hears us,
46:01 that's you and I, when we're in trouble,
46:03 from the sanctuary.
46:06 For that, we look at Ps 18:6.
46:10 "In my distress I called upon the Lord,
46:13 and I cried out to my God."
46:15 Have you ever cried out to God when you were in distress?
46:20 Where does He hear from?
46:21 "He heard my voice from His temple,
46:25 and my cry came before Him, even to His ears."
46:29 He hears us from the sanctuary.
46:32 Ps 3:4 says something very similar.
46:35 "I cried to the Lord with my voice,
46:37 and He heard me from His holy hill."
46:41 Takeaway number one.
46:42 If you're in trouble, seek Him in His sanctuary.
46:47 So many times when we go through a trial,
46:49 we go through a trouble, we tend to go elsewhere.
46:52 God might be our last resort, or the last person we turn to.
46:56 Sometimes we turn to other people around us;
46:58 "Do you know what I'm going through?
47:00 Would you help me right now?"
47:01 Sometimes we turn inward and we tend to
47:03 ruminate on the problem and figure out
47:05 what we're supposed to do with it.
47:06 But instead of all those things, our first line of defense
47:11 should be to look to God.
47:12 Look to God in His sanctuary.
47:15 Cry out to Him for help.
47:17 And what does it mean?
47:19 How do we find Him in the sanctuary?
47:20 If you look at Exodus 25:8, God is speaking here,
47:24 He says, "Let them make Me a sanctuary,
47:27 that I may dwell among them."
47:30 What was the purpose of the tabernacle?
47:32 What was the purpose of the sanctuary?
47:34 That God's presence would be with His people.
47:38 Where do you find the presence of God?
47:40 I find the presence of God when I open up
47:42 the Word of God and I study.
47:44 I find the presence of God when I talk to Him in prayer.
47:47 And He talks to me through His Word.
47:50 I find the presence of God in praying with other people,
47:54 in going to church and fellowshipping
47:57 with brothers and sisters in Jesus.
47:59 There's many ways that we can be in His sanctuary,
48:02 many ways that we can be in His presence.
48:05 Number two, God brings help and gives strength
48:09 from His sanctuary.
48:12 For this we look at Ps 20:1-3.
48:15 "May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble;
48:17 may the name of the God of Jacob defend you;
48:20 may He send you help from the sanctuary,
48:25 and strengthen you out of Zion.
48:27 May He remember all your offerings,
48:29 and accept your burnt sacrifice. Selah."
48:33 Sit, think about that a moment.
48:36 Help comes from the sanctuary.
48:39 Takeaway number two.
48:40 If you need victory, if you need strength
48:43 in your life, spend time in His sanctuary.
48:48 Now that means we spend time in the Word of God.
48:50 We spend time in our devotional life with Jesus.
48:52 We spend time with His people in church.
48:55 Spend time in His sanctuary.
48:58 Number three, God offers protection and safety.
49:03 Where? In His sanctuary.
49:08 "For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion.
49:14 In the secret place of His tabernacle," in the sanctuary,
49:18 "He shall hide me.
49:19 He shall set me high upon a rock."
49:22 God literally hides us in His sanctuary.
49:26 Ps 61:4, "I will abide in Your tabernacle forever;
49:30 I will trust in the shelter of Your wings."
49:34 You and I are safe in His sanctuary.
49:37 Takeaway number three.
49:38 If you need protection, or you are afraid,
49:42 hide in His sanctuary.
49:46 Take shelter, as it were, under the wings of the Almighty.
49:52 Number four, God provides joy and pleasure.
49:55 Where? In His sanctuary.
49:59 Ps 36:8, "They are abundantly satisfied
50:04 with the fullness of Your house, and You give them drink
50:08 from the river of Your pleasures."
50:11 Takeaway number four.
50:12 If you need fullness of joy, if you're lacking joy in your
50:17 Christian experience, find it in His sanctuary.
50:23 Shelley, we love this psalm, Ps 16:11.
50:26 "In Your presence..." In the sanctuary.
50:29 "In Your presence is fullness of joy.
50:32 At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore."
50:37 It is the presence of God that brings joy
50:41 in the life of the believer.
50:44 If you want more joy in your Christian walk,
50:47 if you need victory, if you need strength,
50:50 spend time in the presence of God.
50:55 So many times we seek for joy like broken cisterns.
50:59 In other places.
51:01 Seeking to fill it with things.
51:03 Sometimes we fill it with music,
51:05 sometimes we fill it with reading.
51:07 Sometimes we fill it with a ceaseless round of
51:10 even doing good.
51:12 Joy is only found in the presence of Jesus
51:16 in His sanctuary.
51:18 Number five, God is to be praised.
51:20 Where? In His sanctuary.
51:27 "Blessed are those who dwell in Your house;
51:30 they will still be praising You."
51:33 Where do we praise God?
51:34 We praise God in worship. We praise God at church.
51:37 And yes, we praise God in private in our time with Jesus.
51:42 That's also in His presence.
51:48 "Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the Lord."
51:53 Takeaway number five.
51:55 Praise Him in His sanctuary.
51:59 Spend time, when you're in the presence of God,
52:02 spend time praising Him.
52:04 I think so many times we spend time asking for things.
52:09 We spend time complaining.
52:12 We spend time wishing and grumbling and whining.
52:16 Spend time in praise, in His sanctuary.
52:22 Number six, God brings clarity in His sanctuary.
52:27 For this we're going to Psalm 73; Ps 73:17.
52:31 We don't have time to read this all,
52:33 but this is an incredible psalm.
52:36 It's a question, the psalmist is crying out,
52:39 "Why are the wicked prospering?
52:41 I don't understand."
52:43 It's almost a crisis of faith.
52:45 There's a struggle with doubt, envy against the wicked
52:49 who appear to be doing well.
52:50 "God, how long?
52:52 Why aren't You taking care of the righteous?"
52:55 And then we discover in verse 17,
52:58 David finds the answer.
53:02 "Until I went into the sanctuary of God;
53:07 then I understood their end."
53:11 You see, in the sanctuary we receive clarity.
53:14 Now I want to talk specifically about the Old Testament
53:17 sanctuary, the tabernacle service.
53:19 In that, we get a proper understanding
53:22 of the plan of salvation.
53:23 How God saves sinners.
53:26 And then we see the final destiny of the wicked.
53:30 That brings clarity to our understanding.
53:34 Takeaway number six.
53:35 If you have questions, answers can come
53:39 in His sanctuary.
53:41 Understanding God, understanding His Word,
53:44 brings clarity.
53:46 Understanding the plan of salvation,
53:48 understanding the great controversy,
53:50 brings clarity to those questions that we have.
53:55 Finally, number seven, God brings salvation
53:59 in His sanctuary.
54:01 Now it's clearly through Jesus.
54:02 We know that we are "saved by grace through faith,
54:05 and that not of ourselves.
54:07 It is the gift of God,
54:08 not of works, lest anyone should boast."
54:11 It is the blood of Jesus that cleanses us from all sin.
54:14 But when you study the sanctuary,
54:16 the Old Testament sacrificial system,
54:19 you unpack the entire plan of salvation.
54:23 And you learn about Jesus, the Lamb of God,
54:26 who was sacrificed for your sins and mine.
54:29 When you step into the Holy Place,
54:31 you see the table of showbread and you learn about the
54:33 importance of the Word of God in the Christian's life.
54:37 You see that altar of incense and the oil with the candlestick
54:41 and discover the importance of the Holy Spirit
54:44 and prayer.
54:46 You experience the joy of witnessing all of that.
54:50 That growth in the Christian's life
54:52 comes from the understanding of the experience of the sanctuary.
54:57 So what does God provide from His sanctuary?
55:00 He hears us in trouble.
55:02 He gives us help and strength.
55:04 He offers us protection and safety.
55:08 He provides joy and pleasure.
55:10 He is to be praised in His sanctuary.
55:14 He brings clarity and understanding
55:18 to our minds and to our hearts.
55:19 And He brings salvation through the blood of Jesus
55:24 when by faith we reach out and accept that.
55:28 He covers us with His righteousness.
55:31 And then He encourages us to walk in newness of life.
55:36 I love that, what you and I can find and experience
55:40 for ourselves in the presence of God in His sanctuary.
55:44 ~ Amen. ~ Amen.
55:46 What a blessing it has been to hear each and every one of you.
55:50 We have a few moments so that each one may
55:52 share a final thought.
55:54 Beginning with Pastor Ryan.
55:55 You know, we're reminded in Monday's lesson that
55:57 we absolutely have assurance of God's care.
56:01 And I just to repeat again Is 41:10.
56:04 It's a beautiful promise and one of my favorite texts.
56:07 It says, "Fear not, for I am with you;
56:09 be not dismayed, for I am your God.
56:12 I will strengthen you, yes I will help you;
56:15 I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."
56:18 ~ Amen. I just want to remind you of Psalm 91.
56:21 That he who dwells in the most secret place,
56:25 in that intimate relationship with God,
56:28 can claim God as their refuge.
56:30 He speaks in Ps 91:14 saying, "Because you have set your love
56:37 upon Me," God is saying, "therefore I will deliver you.
56:40 I will set you on high."
56:42 "And you shall call upon Him and He will answer you
56:48 and be with you in times of trouble."
56:51 Israel's God is our God.
56:54 He's the God of the exodus who took them out of slavery
56:57 and sin, and He wants to take you out of slavery and sin.
57:00 Give yourself permission to be impressed with God.
57:03 ~ Amen.
57:04 Spend time in His sanctuary.
57:06 Spend time in the presence of God.
57:09 It might seem overwhelming, but just take five minutes
57:12 a day, ten minutes a day.
57:14 Experience the presence of God in your life.
57:18 ~ Amen, amen.
57:19 Thank you each and every one of you.
57:20 And I'd like to leave you with Ps 145:18.
57:26 "The Lord is near to all who call upon Him,
57:30 to all who call upon Him in truth."
57:33 If you're going through difficulties,
57:34 it is our prayer that this program has been a
57:36 blessing to you to know that God is near.
57:39 He can be trusted.
57:40 He loves you and wants to bless you.
57:45 And we have heard that He's always with us,
57:47 at all times.
57:49 And we encourage you to continue to trust Him,
57:51 no matter what you are going through.
57:53 Trust Him at all times because
57:55 He's our refuge and our strength.
57:57 Next week's lesson is,
57:58 Singing the Lord's Song in a Strange Land.
58:01 Join us.


Revised 2024-04-29