3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Singing The Lord's Song in a Strange Land

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP240005S

00:01 It's that time again; time for 3ABN's Sabbath School Panel.
00:05 We are studying the book of Psalms.
00:08 Today's lesson is, Singing the Lord's Song in a Strange Land.
00:13 If you do not yet have your copy of the adult Bible study guide,
00:19 you can go to 3abnSabbathSchoolPanel.com
00:23 and download a copy.
00:25 Or go to your nearest Seventh-day Adventist Church;
00:29 they'll be happy to provide you a copy, and you can
00:31 study in their fellowship.
00:33 Right now we're just glad you're joining us, because
00:37 it's our privilege to study these lessons to share with you.
00:42 We'll be back in just a moment.
01:14 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn.
01:16 We are so glad you are joining us
01:18 for 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
01:20 Today we're on lesson five, Singing the Lord's Song
01:26 in a Strange Land.
01:28 We're going to look at how we can learn to praise
01:32 in the midst of the evil and the turmoil
01:35 that's going on even in our world today.
01:39 Let me introduce my brothers sitting at the table.
01:42 We're so thankful that each one of you
01:46 have taken this time to study.
01:48 Pastor John Dinzey, so glad you're here.
01:51 It's a blessing to be here.
01:52 And it's a topic for Monday that comes to everyone:
01:56 At Death's Door.
01:57 Yeah, wished it didn't.
02:00 And then we have Pastor Ryan Day.
02:03 Amen, I have Tuesday's lesson entitled, Where is God?
02:08 And boy, that question is asked quite a bit.
02:10 Ah, one of our favorites, Pastor James Rafferty.
02:14 ~ Good to be here, Shelley.
02:15 I have Wednesday's lesson which is entitled,
02:17 Has His Promise Failed Forevermore?
02:20 Oh, we know the answer to that though.
02:23 And we have Professor Daniel Perrin with us.
02:27 Thank you. I've got Thursday's lesson which is,
02:30 Lest the Righteous be Tempted.
02:33 How about you start us off with a prayer, Daniel.
02:38 Our loving heavenly Father, it is with joy
02:41 that we come to Your Word.
02:43 We may not always feel it, but Lord, You place it there.
02:46 And we're thankful that as we look at Your Word,
02:49 You give us reason to have hope, courage, and thankfulness.
02:52 I ask Your blessing upon all the comments that are made
02:55 and all the study that goes on from this lesson.
02:57 In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
03:00 ~ Thank you so much.
03:02 Lesson 5, our memory text is...
03:08 ...which says, "How shall we sing the Lord's song
03:14 in a strange land?"
03:16 This is a rhetorical question, but what's happening
03:20 is Israel was very distressed.
03:23 They were disheartened, and they're lamenting
03:27 because they are living in Babylonian captivity.
03:31 So you're going to find they expressed bitter resentment
03:37 against their enemy.
03:39 Have you ever uttered words like that?
03:41 They're crying out that God would judge these people
03:47 and He would repay them evil for evil.
03:51 You know, that is a biblical principle found in Obadiah 1:15.
03:56 Let me read it.
04:00 "For the day of the Lord is near upon all nations.
04:04 As you have done, it shall be done to you;
04:09 your dealings will return upon your own head."
04:14 So these people are crying out for this.
04:17 What we'll see, many of the psalms are responding
04:23 to God's presence.
04:25 They feel it, they know it.
04:27 But many psalms, the psalmists are responding
04:32 to their perceived sense of God's absence.
04:38 And they're crying out, "Why, God?
04:42 Where are you, God?
04:44 How long, oh Lord?"
04:47 How many of us have ever asked these same questions?
04:52 You know, it's interesting that, aren't we happy
04:56 when God is patient with us?
05:00 When He shows us loving kindness and mercy?
05:03 He gives us time to...
05:05 He graciously holds back His judgment from us.
05:09 He woos us by His love.
05:11 And then He gives us time to turn back to Him in repentance.
05:16 Oh, aren't we thankful?
05:19 But it's interesting, you know, Romans 2:4 says
05:23 it is the kindness of God that leads us to repentance.
05:28 Be thankful for that.
05:30 But at the same time, we're glad when God is extending
05:35 His mercy to us.
05:37 But how often do we cry out, and when it comes to our enemies,
05:43 "Strike them down, Lord, now."
05:47 And that's the way humanity is.
05:50 We will...
05:52 If He doesn't work in our time schedule,
05:56 quite often what do we feel?
05:59 God's not present.
06:04 "The Lord is good to all, and His tender mercies
06:08 are over all His works."
06:11 So let's look at Sunday.
06:14 And we are so often...
06:17 Sunday, we're going to turn to, we'll begin with Psalm 74.
06:22 This is called, The Days of Evil.
06:26 God created a perfect environment;
06:31 a garden of pleasure, that's what Eden means,
06:34 into which He brought Adam and Eve when He created them.
06:40 Now, something happened.
06:43 Sin entered His sphere of righteousness,
06:47 and then there was a proliferation
06:50 of evil and suffering.
06:52 And the psalmists feel like they are in a strange land.
06:57 They don't recognize this.
06:59 So our question that we're answering today is,
07:01 how do we live by faith in a strange land?
07:11 I will read from the Amplified.
07:14 The psalmist is crying out for vindication.
07:17 He's calling on the Lord to remember
07:21 the covenant made with Abraham.
07:24 And in verse 22 he says, "Arise, O God,
07:28 plead Your own cause;
07:32 earnestly remember how the foolish and impious scoffs
07:38 and reproaches You day after day and all day long."
07:44 Now let's look at Psalm 79, and we're going to look
07:49 at verse 5, we'll actually go to 5-13 in this one.
07:54 So you may want to turn there.
07:56 Psalm 79:5
07:59 The psalmist says, "How long, Lord?
08:04 Will You be angry forever?
08:08 Will Your jealousy burn like fire?"
08:12 You know, when we're talking about God's jealousy,
08:15 God will not endure a divided allegiance.
08:20 He is jealous for our benefit.
08:23 He doesn't want us turning after idols.
08:27 And then he says, "Pour out Your wrath on the nations
08:30 that do not know You, and on the kingdoms
08:34 that do not call on Your name.
08:35 For they have devoured Jacob,
08:37 and laid waste to his dwelling place."
08:42 The psalmist is having difficulty understanding the
08:46 great controversy between the God of heaven
08:51 and the powers of evil.
08:54 Haven't we all felt like that before?
08:56 He points to God's infinite wisdom, His power,
09:02 but he's questioning God's self-restraint.
09:06 It's kind of like, "Hey, Your patience with the enemy
09:10 is incapable of understanding."
09:13 So he sees the enemy, and the enemies invasion,
09:18 as threatening God's divine purpose for the covenant people.
09:23 The people of Israel were God's inheritance.
09:27 Oh, they were proud of that.
09:29 But the end-time dimension has to be added in there.
09:33 And that is, that God planned for all believers
09:39 from all nations to become His inheritance.
09:43 So let's look at verse 8.
09:46 This is Psalm 79:8.
09:51 The psalmist says, "Oh, do not remember
09:55 former iniquities against us."
09:58 Now isn't that funny.
10:00 He's just said, "Strike down those guys that were here
10:03 who were saying, 'Oh Lord, don't remember
10:05 former iniquities against us.'"
10:07 "Let Your tender mercies come speedily to meet us,
10:11 for we have been brought very low."
10:14 So at least he's acknowledging the sins of the people.
10:20 They had corrupted their covenant
10:24 relationship with the Lord.
10:26 They were not following His will.
10:30 They brought all of these consequences upon themselves.
10:33 So he says in verse 9, "Help us, O God of our salvation,
10:38 help for the glory of Your name;
10:42 and deliver us and provide atonement for our sins,
10:49 for Your name's sake."
10:52 When he calls on the God of salvation,
10:55 the God of our salvation, this is, he knows he is calling out
11:01 on the faithfulness of the covenant making,
11:05 covenant keeping God.
11:07 The people's survival depended entirely
11:11 upon God's intervention in their circumstances,
11:15 His restoration of the covenant bond between them.
11:22 How? Through the atonement of sin.
11:26 More important than the restoration of Israel's fortunes
11:31 though, to the psalmist, is the defense of God's character
11:36 throughout the world.
11:38 You know, today if you call yourself a Christian...
11:44 We all call ourselves Christians.
11:46 ...our sins, our backsliding, our covenant breaking,
11:52 brings the same shame and dishonor on God
11:56 as did theirs.
11:58 Many people have turned away from faith in Christ Jesus
12:04 because of what they see Christians do,
12:10 the wrong actions of those who profess to be Christians.
12:14 I love this from, The Desire of Ages, page 671,
12:20 Ellen White says, "The honor of God,
12:23 the honor of Christ, is involved in the perfection
12:29 of the character of His people."
12:31 We've got to remember, we might be the only letter
12:35 from Christ that anybody ever reads.
12:38 And if we are acting wrong, we are casting aspersions
12:44 on His character.
12:45 So verse 10 goes on and says, "Why should the nations
12:51 say, 'Where is their God?'
12:52 Let there be known among the nations in our sight
12:55 the avenging of the blood of Your servants
12:58 which has been shed."
13:00 So he's thinking that if these sins go unpunished,
13:06 that God's name, the nations are going to think
13:10 God is powerless, and that He doesn't care.
13:14 So then he goes on in verses 11 and he says,
13:16 "Let the groaning of the prisoner come to You;
13:19 according to the greatness of Your power
13:21 preserve those who are appointed to die;
13:25 and return to our neighbors sevenfold in their bosom
13:29 the reproach with which they have reproached You, O Lord.
13:35 So we, Your people and sheep of Your pasture,
13:40 will give You thanks forever.
13:42 We will show forth Your praise to all generations."
13:47 So we see how conflicted the psalmist is.
13:51 He wants mercy for them, but he wants God
13:55 to judge them now and to save His reputation.
14:00 Amen. Praise the Lord.
14:03 Well we now are on Monday's portion.
14:05 And my name is John Dinzey.
14:07 And the title for this lesson is, At Death's Door.
14:12 I remember when about 4 or 5 years old,
14:14 I don't remember the exact age, but I woke up and everyone
14:19 in the house was weeping and weeping.
14:21 And I did not understand.
14:23 I had to ask, "Why is everyone weeping?"
14:26 And they said a name of a member of the family
14:29 that I had not met yet, and everyone was weeping.
14:32 I did not understand what death was, but I knew it was something
14:37 that was terrible.
14:39 I also began to weep because of the sorrow
14:42 the family was experiencing.
14:44 Death is an enemy.
14:46 And everyone on this planet earth will have to face it
14:50 at one point or another, either because of a friend
14:53 or family, or even eventually yourself
14:56 if the Lord Jesus Christ tarries.
15:00 This day of Monday takes us at death's door.
15:05 How God's people experience this time of difficulty.
15:10 We begin with Psalm 41:1, "Blessed is he who considers
15:15 the poor; the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble."
15:20 So there's benefit in being kind to the poor.
15:24 Verse 2, "The Lord will preserve him and keep him alive,
15:29 and he will be blessed on the earth;
15:31 You will not deliver him to the will of his enemies."
15:36 So as we move through this Psalm 41, we see that
15:40 the Lord blesses those that are faithful,
15:42 blesses those that consider others.
15:45 I'd like to point out Psalm 105, three verses that help us
15:49 understand that the Lord delivers us from things that
15:52 we may not even know.
15:55 Let's look at verse 13.
15:56 "When they went from one nation to another..."
15:59 That's the people of Israel.
16:00 "...from one kingdom to another people,
16:03 He permitted no one to do them wrong;
16:07 yes, He rebuked kings for their sakes,
16:10 saying, 'Do not touch My anointed ones,
16:14 and do My prophets no harm.'"
16:17 We do not know from how many things
16:20 the Lord has saved us from.
16:23 Because we know that there's a devil and he wants to do us harm
16:26 each and every day.
16:28 God has protected us from untold number of things.
16:32 So we should be grateful to the Lord for each day
16:37 that we are kept alive by the Lord.
16:39 Psalm 41:3, "Now the Lord will strengthen him
16:43 on his bed of illness; You will sustain him on his sickbed."
16:47 So here we have a promise that we can look at
16:51 and say, wow, even in the time of sickness,
16:54 because of one reason or another we become sick,
16:58 the Lord will be with us.
17:01 He will strengthen us even in those difficult times.
17:04 It could be worse than it actually is because the Lord
17:10 is strengthening us.
17:12 "I said, 'Lord, be merciful to me;
17:14 heal my soul, for I have sinned against You.'"
17:17 Here we have in this psalm the expression of someone that is
17:20 going through death's door.
17:23 And he is calling out for the Lord to heal him.
17:27 You know, we will all have to face some kind of trouble,
17:29 and death is one of the, of course, worse things to face.
17:34 We will have to face life threatening sickness.
17:38 In Psalm 88:1 we have these words:
17:40 "O Lord, God of my salvation,
17:42 I have cried out day and night before You.
17:45 Let my prayer come before You; incline Your ear to my cry."
17:51 You know, some people are looking at death
17:56 at a moment that they feel they're not prepared.
17:59 And they may cry out to the Lord, "Heal me, Lord."
18:02 It may be that the Lord will heal them, but it may be that
18:05 the time for them to rest has come.
18:08 And we should understand that God is our God of salvation,
18:13 we should place ourselves in His hands,
18:16 because we do not know if the Lord will deliver us.
18:19 We must look at the death as it appears to be coming
18:25 as a point in time that we should make peace with the Lord.
18:28 Make sure that we are in complete harmony,
18:30 confess your sins before Him, and ask the Lord
18:33 to extend mercy to you.
18:35 Psalm 88:3, "For my soul is full of troubles,
18:40 and my life draws near to the grave.
18:43 I am counted with those who go down to the pit;
18:46 I am like a man who has no strength,
18:49 adrift among the dead, like the slain who lie in the grave,
18:53 whom you remember no more, and who are cut off from Your hand."
18:58 And so, we have here the expression, somebody, you know,
19:02 the psalmist is expressing the time of trouble
19:05 that he's going through.
19:07 And he sees, understands that death is drawing near.
19:11 And of course, you know, those can be desperate times,
19:16 desperate times.
19:17 So we have to understand that God loves us so much,
19:21 even in this difficult time.
19:23 Hang on to Him.
19:25 It says in verse 6, "You have laid me in the lowest pit,
19:29 in darkness and in the depths.
19:31 Your wrath lies heavy upon me, and You have afflicted me
19:34 with all Your waves. Selah."
19:37 This is a musical rest, as I understand it.
19:40 And this was a song that was sung,
19:44 and can still be sung today.
19:47 Understanding that it is a time of confusion
19:50 when we come to the moment of darkness appearing,
19:54 that we are about to breathe our last breath.
19:59 Notice verse 8, "You have put away my acquaintances
20:02 far from me; You have made me an abomination to them;
20:05 I am shut up, and I cannot get out;
20:07 my eye wastes away because of affliction.
20:10 Lord, I have called daily upon You;
20:13 I have stretched out my hands to You.
20:15 Will You work wonders for the dead?
20:18 Shall the dead arise and praise You? Selah."
20:22 So again, we have here the moment that person is thinking,
20:28 "I'm going to die. Lord, don't let me die.
20:31 The dead don't praise You.
20:32 Let me be alive so that I can praise You."
20:35 And this may be the experience of some people
20:37 that are not ready to rest.
20:41 "Shall Your loving kindness be declared in the grave?
20:44 Or Your faithfulness in the place of destruction?
20:46 Shall Your wonders be known in the dark?
20:49 And Your righteousness in the land of forgetfulness?"
20:54 You know, we have all seen someone die
20:59 at one point or another in our lives.
21:02 And I've seen some people that are ready to rest.
21:05 They have made their peace with the Lord.
21:07 They are at peace with the understanding that
21:11 their time to pass away has come, and they are at peace.
21:15 And I've seen some people desperate, and they are,
21:20 they want to continue living.
21:22 But we do not know.
21:23 We're not even promised one second
21:26 beyond this second of life.
21:28 And we should be grateful for every moment that we are alive.
21:31 So, this is one verse that is of great encouragement
21:35 to me, and I hope it is to you.
21:37 I will begin to quote it,
21:38 and some of you may be able to finish.
21:40 "And we know that all things work together for good
21:44 to those who love God, to those who are the called
21:48 according to His purpose."
21:49 Even in the moment of darkness and approaching of death,
21:53 it may be that it is for your benefit.
21:57 Because you may not know, you don't know what may lie ahead.
22:01 And the Lord in His mercy may be laying you to rest.
22:06 We do not know.
22:08 We should commit ourselves to the Lord so that if that
22:10 moments comes, we will be ready.
22:12 Psalm 102, we're going to read a few verses here.
22:17 Beginning actually in verse 1.
22:20 "Hear my prayer, O Lord, and let my cry come to You.
22:22 Do not hide Your face from me in the day of my trouble;
22:26 incline Your ear to me; in the day that I call,
22:30 answer me speedily.
22:32 For my days are consumed like smoke,
22:34 and my bones are burned like a hearth.
22:39 My heart is stricken and withered like grass,
22:41 so that I forget to eat bread.
22:44 Because of the sound of my groaning
22:46 my bones cling to my skin."
22:49 This is a trying, difficult moment.
22:53 And this is a moment to be completely
22:56 in the hands of the Lord.
22:59 I have to jump over here now to Psalm 102.
23:05 Let's begin in verse 9.
23:07 "For I have eaten ashes like bread,
23:09 and mingled my drink with weeping.
23:11 because of Your indignation and Your wrath;
23:13 for You have lifted me up and cast me away.
23:16 My days are like a shadow that lengthens,
23:19 and I wither away like grass.
23:22 You know, we are living in a world, because of sin
23:27 death has to come to our life in one way or another.
23:33 And I want to encourage you to once again, put yourself
23:37 in the hands of the Lord.
23:39 Because He loves you, gave His Son to die for you.
23:45 And if you are seeing a moment that death is approaching,
23:49 you must remember that this may not be your final moment.
23:54 Because Jesus promises eternal life.
23:58 So I encourage you to place yourself
24:00 in the hands of the Lord.
24:02 Whatever sickness you may have, whatever weakness you may have,
24:05 it will all be eliminated if you happen to pass away.
24:09 And you can rejoice in the first resurrection, that
24:12 this mortal shall put on immortality.
24:16 Trust in the Lord with all your heart.
24:19 ~ Amen and amen.
24:20 ~ We are going to take a quick break and we'll be right back.
24:28 Ever wish you could study more deeply along with the
24:30 3ABN Sabbath School Panel members?
24:32 Well, now you can.
24:34 Just send an email request to ssp@3abn.org
24:38 and we'll email you the Sabbath School panelists notes
24:41 on a weekly basis to enhance your own study of God's Word.
24:44 That address again is...
24:48 We'd love to send you the notes just as they prepared them.
24:51 Thank you for watching.
24:58 I want to mention to you that we are now making
25:04 the panelist notes available to you.
25:07 Some are going to be great notes,
25:08 some are going to be skimpier notes.
25:10 But everything that's addressed on this panel,
25:13 and there's a lot that we don't get to,
25:16 but they'll still be on our notes, you can email us at...
25:28 ...and get those notes.
25:30 Now we go on to Tuesday's lesson, Ryan Day.
25:35 I'm Ryan Day, I have Tuesday's lesson.
25:38 And my notes will probably fall under the skimpier category.
25:41 But nonetheless, they will be there.
25:44 And I hope that they bless someone.
25:46 I have Tuesday's lesson entitled, Where Is God?
25:51 And of course, it's still continuing on this theme
25:54 that we have seen through Sunday's lesson
25:56 and Monday's lesson.
25:57 And the question that the lesson is opening up with is,
26:02 what causes great pain to the psalmist?
26:04 And we're going to start in Psalm chapter 42
26:07 and we're going to read verses 1-3.
26:08 You'll find some of these psalms we have already read.
26:12 For instance, I'm going to be also dipping into Psalm 102:1-7,
26:16 which apparently I think Pastor Dinzey had as well.
26:19 But we'll focusing our attention just now going a little deeper
26:22 into what is it that they're pained about?
26:25 And then, what was the response?
26:27 And that we should glean some lessons from this ourself
26:30 as to when we're going through these dark, despairing,
26:32 difficult, and trying times, what should our response be?
26:39 And these opening words
26:41 are going to definitely sound familiar.
26:42 It says, "As the deer pants for the water brooks,
26:45 so pants my soul for You, O God.
26:49 My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
26:53 When shall I come and appear before God?"
26:55 I just want to back up and just highlight this.
26:57 When it says therein the beginning of verse 2,
26:59 "My soul thirsts for God, for the living God."
27:02 You can sense this person's agony, this person's,
27:07 just the deep sorrow that they're going through.
27:10 Because you can just hear it in their voice, like,
27:12 "You know what, I need a living God to show up for me right now.
27:16 I don't need some silent God, I don't need some distant God.
27:20 I need the living God to show up right now in my life."
27:23 Have you ever been there?
27:24 I know I've been there a few times.
27:26 Lord, it seems like sometimes we receive silence in moments
27:30 when we really need God to show up.
27:31 But it's not that God is ignoring us.
27:33 It's not that God is so far away.
27:35 Sometimes, as we have learned, and as we will probably restate
27:38 this over and over, we fall into various trials
27:42 because God allows us to.
27:44 And sometimes He will remain silent on purpose because
27:48 He's teaching us.
27:50 He's teaching us endurance, He's teaching us patience.
27:53 There's something that we must go through in order to grow.
27:56 And yes, in the moment we kick and scream and fight
27:59 because we don't like what it is that we're experiencing.
28:01 And clearly, not to make light of it, but the psalmist
28:05 is in that state, a very deep, dark, despairing state.
28:09 So much that, "You know what?
28:10 I need a living God to show up right now."
28:13 Verse 3 in Psalm 42, "My tears have been my food day and night,
28:18 while they continually say to me, 'Where is your God?'"
28:23 And so, I know I have been here many times.
28:25 I have found myself a few times in my life
28:28 where I've been in very, very difficult situations.
28:30 And it's like, "Lord, where are You?
28:32 Do You hear me? Do You care?"
28:33 In our humanity sometimes we can have those emotions,
28:36 we can have those feelings, we can express them even.
28:39 There's times I even call out to God,
28:41 and I almost seem borderline blasphemist to even
28:44 speak to Him in that way.
28:45 But I find myself going, "God, where are You?
28:47 Do You even hear me? Do you care?
28:48 Have I done something to drive You so far away?
28:51 Lord, please, hear my cry. Hear my call, Lord.
28:54 Answer this prayer in time of need."
28:56 This is especially what is going through the mind
28:59 and heart of the psalmist at this moment.
29:01 We're going to jump over to Psalm 63:1.
29:06 And again, this same mentality, this same experience.
29:10 It says in Psalm 63:1, "O God, You are my God;
29:13 early will I seek You; my soul thirsts for You;
29:17 my flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land
29:21 where there is no water."
29:23 So this person is going through
29:24 a desert of a situation in their life.
29:26 They're going through a moment where they're saying,
29:28 "God, I need the nourishment, I need You to quench my thirst.
29:31 I need You to show up and let me know that You're still there,
29:34 that You care."
29:36 And of course, we read a few of these verses earlier.
29:40 It says, "Hear my prayer, O Lord,
29:42 and let my cry come to You.
29:44 Do not hide Your face from me in the day of my trouble;
29:47 incline Your ear to me;
29:49 in the day that I call You, answer me speedily."
29:52 And I love the humanity here coming out.
29:54 Because when we're going through these trials,
29:57 we want answers now.
29:59 Not tomorrow, not the next day, not 10 minutes from now.
30:02 "Lord, I need You now.
30:04 I need You to show up and bring deliverance in my life
30:07 at this very moment."
30:09 You sense this coming from the psalmists heart here
30:11 as he clearly says, "Answer me speedily.
30:14 Right now, Lord."
30:15 It goes on to say, "For my days are consumed like smoke,
30:18 and my bones are burned like a hearth.
30:20 My heart is stricken and withered like grass,
30:22 so that I forget to eat my bread."
30:24 This person is so distressed and so oppressed in this situation
30:28 that they feel, they're not even
30:31 being reminded that they need to eat.
30:32 I've been in a situation like this before.
30:34 I went days without eating not even...
30:36 Because I had no appetite.
30:37 Because of what I was going through in my life.
30:39 And that's essentially what this psalmist is
30:41 going through as well.
30:42 It goes on to say, "My heart is stricken and withered like grass
30:44 that I forget to eat my bread."
30:46 Verse 5, "Because of the sound of my groaning
30:48 my bones cling to my skin."
30:50 They've lost a little bit of weight.
30:51 They're going through some stuff.
30:53 "I am like a pelican in the wilderness;
30:56 I am like an owl of the desert.
30:58 I lie awake, and am like a sparrow alone on the housetop."
31:04 And the lesson brings out, from what we've just read,
31:07 especially from Psalm 102 here, the lesson brings out and says
31:10 the mention of wilderness highlights
31:12 the sense of isolate from God.
31:14 Have you ever felt isolated from God?
31:16 I know I have.
31:17 Not that it's God's fault.
31:19 Not that God purposefully or even at any moment
31:21 isolates Himself from you.
31:23 But certainly, I have felt that way because of whatever
31:26 situation or whatever particular situation I was dealing with
31:30 in my life, I've certainly felt those feelings.
31:33 A bird alone on a housetop is outside of its nest,
31:37 its resting place.
31:38 The psalmist cries to God out of the depths,
31:40 as if being engulfed by the mighty waters
31:43 sinking into a deep mire.
31:46 These images depict an oppressive situation
31:49 from which there is no escape,
31:51 except by, of course, divine intervention.
31:54 We've all been there, we've experienced it.
31:56 If you haven't, if you're watching and you're saying,
31:57 "Well, I can't relate to this, Ryan.
31:59 I've never really went through anything like that."
32:01 As you grow in God, you will.
32:03 It's going to come, it's going to happen.
32:05 These are moments in time in which we will experience
32:08 at some point in our walk with the Lord.
32:11 And of course, the lesson goes on to ask,
32:13 how does the psalmist respond to God's apparent absence?
32:16 And love Psalm 10:12.
32:19 When you find these psalmists often finding
32:22 themselves or expressing how they're in these deep moments
32:25 of despair and difficulty and challenge,
32:27 you also find their amazing response to the difficulties
32:31 and challenges that they have experienced.
32:33 Psalm 10:12, "Arise, O Lord! O God, lift up Your hand!
32:37 Do not forget the humble."
32:39 They're quick to remind God of His promises.
32:41 "Lord, You've promised that if I'm humble,
32:43 if I live a life of humility, if I put my hand in Your hand,
32:47 You will hear me."
32:48 God wants you to remind Him of His promises.
32:51 And I know I do often. "Lord, You promised this."
32:53 I hold God to His promise.
32:54 Because the Bible says He cannot and will not lie.
32:57 Psalm 22:1, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?
33:00 Why are You so far from helping Me,
33:02 and from the words of My groaning?"
33:04 Sometimes it may seem as we're reading this, like, man!
33:08 But God is not far from you at all.
33:10 God hasn't forsaken you at all.
33:12 Why is this person speaking like this?
33:14 Well, that's because in our humanity, sometimes
33:17 we find ourselves completely...
33:19 We want to be transparent with God.
33:21 "Lord, this is how I feel.
33:22 I can't help it; I'm going through this.
33:23 This is what I'm going through.
33:25 But I need You, Lord, to show up.
33:27 And I need You to hear me."
33:29 Psalm 27:9, "Do not hide Your face from me;
33:32 do not turn Your servant away in anger;
33:35 You have been my help;
33:37 do not leave me nor forsake me, O God of my salvation."
33:40 So what's the response?
33:42 "Lord, I'm holding You to it.
33:44 I'm still looking forward to You showing up
33:46 and being my God and coming through for me
33:49 during this time of trouble."
33:51 Psalm 39:12, "Hear my prayer, O Lord, and give ear to my cry;
33:55 do not be silent at my tears; for I am a stranger with You,
33:58 a sojourner, as all my fathers were."
34:02 And so, the lesson brings out the occasions of God's silence
34:05 caused the psalmist to examine themselves
34:08 and to go seek God.
34:10 Do you know God sometimes will allow you to go through
34:12 that pit, to slide into that dark pit, to go through
34:18 that time of trouble, to go through that challenge
34:21 because maybe He wants you to examine yourself.
34:23 Maybe there's something He's trying to get to in your life.
34:26 And that's what the lesson is bringing out here.
34:28 It says but with confession and humble petitions.
34:32 We still seek and approach God in humility.
34:35 They know that God will not remain silent forever.
34:37 And I love that.
34:39 I know that no matter how much I cry out to God
34:40 in the moment of my pain, in the moment of my suffering,
34:43 and it seems I'm not getting the speedy answer that I need,
34:46 I know that at some point He will answer.
34:49 Because He is a God of Promises.
34:52 The psalms demonstrate that, of course,
34:53 that communication with God must go on.
34:56 That's the key.
34:58 Don't allow the pain and the suffering you're going through
35:01 to bring you to a point where you sever
35:03 the connection with the Lord.
35:04 Where you stop talking to Him.
35:06 Where you give up and say, "Well God's not listening to me.
35:07 He's not answering my prayer
35:09 in the time that I need Him to answer it.
35:10 And so, obviously God does not care for me."
35:14 We should not allow ourselves to be brought to that point.
35:16 Desire of Ages, page 528, I love this quote.
35:19 "To all who are reaching out to feel the guiding hand of God,
35:22 the moment of greatest discouragement is the time when
35:26 divine help is nearest.
35:28 They will look back with thankfulness
35:30 upon the darkest part of their way."
35:33 And I can tell you, in my very short and, yes, young life,
35:36 I have experienced some dark moments.
35:38 And I look back on those dark moments,
35:40 and this particular quote rings true.
35:42 God is faithful.
35:43 And He does want to lead you, He does want to guide you.
35:45 Never give up, keep pressing forward,
35:48 and call out on the name of the Lord.
35:50 ~ Amen, amen.
35:51 I really love that statement.
35:53 To look back on our darkest moments
35:55 and see them as a blessing.
35:58 Yeah, and that is definitely the experience
35:59 that the psalmist is having here.
36:01 My name is James Rafferty, and I have Wednesday's lesson.
36:04 And it's entitled, Has His Promise Failed Forevermore?
36:09 Has His Promise Failed Forevermore?
36:11 So we're looking primarily at Psalm 77.
36:15 Wednesday's lesson, Psalm 77.
36:17 We're not going to be jumping all over the place.
36:19 I just have this one psalm that has been given to me to look at.
36:22 And in the lesson study this week, it begins by saying,
36:27 what is the experience that the psalmist is going through here?
36:32 Psalm 77 begins with a plea to God for help that is filled with
36:37 lament and painful remembering the past.
36:40 So let's just begin with verse 1.
36:42 It says, "I cried unto God with my voice,
36:44 even unto God with my voice; and He gave ear unto me.
36:48 In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord;
36:50 my sore ran down in the night and ceased not;
36:53 my soul refused to be comforted.
36:56 I remembered God, and was troubled;
36:59 I complained, and my spirit was overwhelmed. Selah."
37:03 So think about that.
37:04 "I remembered God and I was troubled;
37:06 I complained and my spirit was overwhelmed."
37:09 Normally when we think about God as Christians and believers,
37:12 when we think about the Lord in our troubles,
37:14 we're comforted, not troubled.
37:17 And normally when we complain, we let out our complaint to God,
37:22 we're looking for some comfort, some consolation.
37:25 But he says, "My spirit was overwhelmed
37:28 when I complained to God.
37:29 I felt overwhelmed.
37:30 And a lot of that is because as has already been shared,
37:34 many times we go through trials, we want it to end very soon.
37:38 And it seems like a long time.
37:40 In fact, whenever you're in an uncomfortable situation,
37:42 it seems like it's taking forever.
37:44 You know, Jonah went into the belly of the
37:46 fish for three days and three nights.
37:48 He said, "I've been down here forever and it's like
37:49 I'm in hell, I feel like I'm in hell right now."
37:52 And it's taking forever.
37:54 This whole experience is taking forever.
37:57 The only thing that I can think of that, I absolutely abhor
38:01 is sitting in traffic.
38:03 Sitting in traffic, lock-grid traffic just...
38:06 You know, you can be there for 30 minutes or an hour,
38:08 it seems like you've been wasting your
38:10 whole day sitting in traffic.
38:12 And this is the expression
38:13 I think that David is revealing here.
38:17 He says, in verse 4, "You hold my eyes waking;
38:21 I am so troubled I cannot speak."
38:23 He can't sleep, he can't speak.
38:25 He is overwhelmed with anxiety,
38:28 he's overwhelmed with his trouble with his trial.
38:31 "I have considered the days of old, the years of ancient times.
38:34 I call to remembrance my song in the night;
38:36 I commune in my own heart,
38:38 and my spirit makes diligent search."
38:40 So he's doing everything he can, everything in his power,
38:43 he's doing everything he can.
38:45 He's going through his file of resources, so to speak.
38:48 You know, as we grow in Christ, we grow in experience
38:51 and we grow in wisdom, you know, we try this
38:54 and we try that, and we seek for counsel,
38:56 and we seek for help here and for help there.
38:58 We're trying to navigate our present situation.
39:02 Perhaps it's like nothing we've ever been through.
39:04 Off course, David went through a lot of various experiences.
39:08 You know, he was up and he was down.
39:09 His emotions were all over the place.
39:11 And we see that all through the Psalms.
39:13 His emotions were all over the place.
39:15 The quarterly goes on to say, the lesson study goes on to say
39:17 that David's whole being is mournfully turned to God.
39:21 He refuses to be comforted by any relief except
39:24 the one coming from God.
39:26 However, remembering God
39:28 appears to intensify his anguish.
39:30 "When I remember God, I moan." Psalm 77:3.
39:33 And that's the ESV.
39:35 The Hebrew, hamah, "moan," often depicts
39:37 the roar of raging waters. Psalm 46:3.
39:42 Similarly, David's whole being is in a state of intense unrest.
39:48 Have you ever felt intensely like you can't
39:52 find any rest whatsoever.
39:53 You're just anxious, anxious, anxious.
39:56 How can remembering God produce such
39:58 strong feelings of distress?
40:00 A series of troubling questions betray the cause of his anguish.
40:06 He begins to ask these troubling questions.
40:10 Like, has God changed?
40:11 Can God possibly be betraying His covenant?
40:15 Verse 7, "Will the Lord cast of forever?
40:17 Will He be favorable no more?
40:19 Is His mercy clean gone forever?
40:24 Does His promise fail forevermore?
40:27 Has God," verse 9, "forgotten to be gracious?
40:30 Has He, in anger, shut up His tender mercies? Selah."
40:36 So think about this.
40:38 David is feeling as though the tender mercies of God
40:42 are shut up.
40:43 Almost like probation has closed.
40:45 Like there's no more intercession.
40:47 Like there's no mercy, there is no grace, there's nothing.
40:50 Like it's just dark, it's formidable,
40:53 it's overwhelming to him.
40:55 In fact, if you look at this statement, it's found in the
40:58 writings of Ellen White, Christ Triumphant, page 153,
41:01 she says here, "The psalmist David in his experience had
41:04 many changes of mind.
41:06 At times as he obtained views of God's will and ways,
41:10 he was highly exalted.
41:12 Then as he caught sight of the reverse of God's mercy
41:15 and changeless love," the reverse of those,
41:17 "everything seemed to be shrouded in a cloud of darkness.
41:21 But through the darkness he obtained a view
41:23 of the attributes of God, which gave him confidence
41:26 and strengthened his faith.
41:27 But when he meditated upon the difficulties and
41:30 dangers of life, they looked so forbidding, and he
41:33 thought himself abandoned by God because of his sins."
41:37 So you see, he's going back and forth.
41:39 Have you ever had that in your experience?
41:41 Have you ever had these times when you're just
41:43 praising God and you're just feeling like,
41:45 "Yes, God is with me and everything is going well."
41:47 And then a week later, two weeks later, a month later,
41:50 everything seems to be dark.
41:51 And nothing really seems to have changed in your life.
41:53 You feel like you've just been going along.
41:55 But everything is dark all of a sudden.
41:56 You're thinking, "What happened?
41:57 Where is God right now?"
41:59 David is going back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.
42:02 He sees through the darkness, he has confidence and strength,
42:06 he has faith, and then he meditates about his difficulties
42:09 and the dangers in his life, and they look so forbidding
42:12 that he thinks himself abandoned by God because of his sins.
42:15 And of course, it comes down to the way that we see ourselves
42:20 in contrast to God's goodness and love.
42:22 In contrast to His perfection we see ourselves,
42:25 and we're overwhelmed.
42:27 Daniel was overwhelmed when he saw, you know, Christ.
42:29 John was overwhelmed on the isle of Patmos when
42:31 Jesus came to visit him; he just felt like a dead man.
42:34 And when we see Christ...
42:35 Just understand this, friend, that as you walk with the Lord,
42:40 your repentance is going to deepen.
42:42 You're going to have these moments where a thrill of
42:46 darkness comes over you, and you feel overwhelmed
42:48 because you see yourself in contrast with Christ.
42:50 And you look back on your life and you think,
42:52 "I've always been this way, haven't I?
42:53 I've always had this selfishness,
42:55 I've always had this thing in me where I want to be number one.
42:58 I've always had these things inside of me."
43:00 They're just contrary to what it means to be like Christ.
43:04 Don't be overwhelmed with that.
43:08 God understands that. He knows that.
43:09 He knows your heart, He knows what you're going through.
43:12 David went through these experiences.
43:14 The statement goes on, and it says here,
43:16 "He viewed his sin in such a strong light
43:19 that he exclaimed, 'Will the Lord cast off forever?
43:23 Will He be favorable no more?'"
43:25 And again, that's, Christ Triumphant, page 153.
43:28 So the lesson quarterly goes on to say,
43:30 the stark contrast between God's saving acts
43:34 in the past God's absence in the present
43:37 caused David to feel abandoned by God.
43:41 If God has changed, then David has no hope,
43:45 a conclusion that he struggles to reject.
43:50 He's wrestling with this conclusion,
43:51 He's struggling with this conclusion.
43:53 Meanwhile, David cannot sleep because
43:55 the Lord keeps him awake.
43:57 This makes him recall biblical, or this gives us recall to
44:02 biblical characters who couldn't sleep.
44:03 Remember, Pharaoh couldn't sleep.
44:05 He had a dream, you know, of the seven ears of corn,
44:08 and the seven fat cattle and lean cattle.
44:17 And we have others like Nebuchadnezzar.
44:20 He had a dream, you know, of an image,
44:22 and sleep went from him.
44:23 Of course, he couldn't remember the dream,
44:24 and that was God's plan.
44:26 But you see these dreams; David is talking about
44:28 these dreams that many times come to us
44:30 to try to get us to awaken to our need of God,
44:35 or perhaps to a deeper relationship
44:38 or experience with God.
44:40 So we see again in verse 10, "And I said,
44:43 'This is my infirmity; but I will remember the years
44:46 of the right hand of the Most High.'"
44:48 This is my weakness.
44:50 This is a weakness that we all have.
44:51 But we're going to carry this weakness with us.
44:53 We've got to remember God.
44:55 We've got to remember the blessings at His right hand.
44:58 The assurance that David receives from God
45:02 does not consist of explanations about his personal situation,
45:05 but rather a confirmation of God's faithfulness
45:09 and trustworthiness. Right.
45:11 "I remember the works of the Lord, " verse 11,
45:13 "surely I remember Your wonders of old.
45:15 I will meditate also on all Your work, and talk of Thy doings.
45:19 Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary;
45:21 who is so great a God as our God?"
45:25 The sanctuary is the answer for David.
45:28 It is the centerpiece of this psalm of David.
45:31 Psalm 77:13 directs the reader, it directs all of us to God's
45:37 sanctuary, to God's Old Testament message of grace,
45:40 to God's Old Testament message of mercy.
45:43 The gospel was laid out in the types and shadows
45:45 of this Old Testament sanctuary service.
45:48 If you want to know where the gospel is in the Old Testament,
45:51 it's in the sanctuary.
45:53 Often sacred ordinances were used in what we could describe
45:57 in New Testament language as turning the grace of God
45:59 into a license to sin.
46:00 "I'm so sick of your sacrifices."
46:02 Because they don't produce obedience.
46:04 The animal sacrifices representing the great sacrifice
46:07 of Messiah were made without impacting the heart,
46:10 and therefore failing to change the direction of
46:12 the life away from sin.
46:14 But David goes again to the sanctuary because
46:16 nevertheless the Old Testament sanctuary
46:18 service was the gospel in types.
46:21 The New Testament reality is Jesus Christ,
46:23 the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
46:26 Therefore, the everlasting gospel, the great love,
46:30 the great faithfulness, the great hesed
46:32 of these great sacrifices is the sacrifice made
46:36 by God Himself in the person of Jesus Christ.
46:39 Go there, flee there, stay there, rest there,
46:42 Rest there in Jesus Christ.
46:45 Thank you so much.
46:46 I'm not going to disappoint you, because we're going to
46:47 stay in the sanctuary here.
46:49 I'm Daniel Perrin, and I have Thursday's lesson;
46:51 Les the Righteous be Tempted.
46:54 The lesson begins by pointing out a contrast.
46:57 Psalm 125:3, "the scepter of wickedness,"
47:02 versus Psalm 45:6, "the scepter of righteousness."
47:07 Two scepters.
47:08 A scepter is held by a king, so two kingdoms,
47:12 two thrones, two wills.
47:15 And it looks like one kingdom's scepter,
47:18 throne, or will is winning because it's in the majority.
47:22 It seems to have the wealth and prosperity.
47:25 And so to some people God's promises,
47:28 the scepter of righteousness, can look like they have failed.
47:32 And so we ask the question, does it pay?
47:35 Is it worth it?
47:36 By following God's will, am I going to come out on top?
47:40 And so we do something that we call a cost benefit analysis.
47:44 We look at the projections for income,
47:46 and the cost of goods sold, and the receipts,
47:49 and all the numbers.
47:51 We crunch the numbers and we say,
47:53 is following Jesus going to be worth the cost?
47:58 And so the psalmist David here was in this position
48:01 in Psalms 73.
48:02 Go there with me.
48:04 Psalm 73
48:07 I'm going to read verses 1-14 with you right now.
48:10 Starting really strong here, "Truly God is good to Israel,
48:15 to such as are pure in heart."
48:17 Here's our starting place and it's going to be the
48:19 the anchor we return to.
48:21 "But as for me, my feet had almost slipped;
48:25 my steps has nearly slipped."
48:27 In other words, "I almost gave up on God.
48:31 I came this close.
48:32 I was just about to my limit, and I was going to quit it all."
48:37 "For I was envious of the boastful
48:39 when I saw the prosperity of the wicked."
48:42 And so he looks out at the prosperity of the wicked
48:45 and he says, "Things don't appear to be adding up.
48:48 What I see around me does not seem to make sense
48:51 with the promises I know of God's character."
48:53 Verse 4, "For there are no pangs in their death,
48:56 but their strength is firm.
48:58 They are not in trouble as other men,
49:00 nor are they plagued like other men.
49:03 Therefore, pride serves as their necklace;
49:05 violence covers them like a garment.
49:07 Their eyes bulge with abundance;
49:10 they have more than heart could wish.
49:11 They scoff and speak wickedly concerning oppression;
49:15 they speak loftily.
49:17 They set their mouth against the heavens,
49:20 and their tongue walks through the earth.
49:23 Therefore, his people return here,
49:25 and waters of a full cup are drained by them.
49:28 And they say, 'How does God know?
49:31 And is there knowledge in the Most High?'
49:33 Behold, these are the ungodly who are always at ease;
49:37 they increase in riches.
49:39 Surely I have cleansed my heart in vain,
49:44 and washed my hands in innocence.
49:46 For all day long I have been plagued,
49:48 and chastened every morning."
49:50 "The weight of it all presses down and I almost quit."
49:54 On the one hand, there's a prayer of desperation that says,
49:57 "Lord, if You save me, I'll serve You forever."
50:00 And some follow through with it.
50:02 On the other hand, there's a prayer that goes like this:
50:05 "Lord, if You don't come through for me, I'm done.
50:08 That's it, that's it."
50:10 In a cost benefit analysis, it doesn't seem to pay.
50:14 Kids don't do a cost benefit analysis,
50:16 but they know how to say, "No fair.
50:18 The naughty kids should stay in and the good kids
50:21 should go out to have recess, not the other way around."
50:24 You've probably struggled with this.
50:26 You look around and you say, "Hey, I'm honest.
50:29 I didn't lie about this.
50:30 They lied and they got away with it.
50:32 And they actually got praised, and they got lifted up
50:36 and recognized in front of people."
50:38 Or, "They cheated in order to preserve their 4.0
50:41 to make sure they get their scholarship.
50:44 I didn't cheat, so I got a lower grade.
50:46 And I didn't get a 4.0, and I didn't get the scholarship.
50:49 And the rest of the course of my life is different.
50:52 But they got away with it."
50:55 "I don't listen to the world's music.
50:57 I don't watch the world's movies.
50:59 And so when the friends invite me over, I say,
51:02 'Sorry, I can't come.'
51:04 And then on Monday, they're all talking about the
51:06 great time they had.
51:07 They're sharing the pictures.
51:09 And I don't get invited to stuff anymore.
51:11 And they've got all the fun, and I'm kind of here alone.
51:15 I don't have anything to do."
51:17 Or we look around and we say,
51:19 "They don't seem to have a problem.
51:21 They're just going along blissfully.
51:23 And yet the Lord is surgically removing idols from my life.
51:27 And He's pressing upon my conscience.
51:29 And I'm feeling the weight of sin.
51:31 And they don't seem to have any problem whatsoever."
51:34 Psalm 102, Psalm 77, "They're not having that experience,
51:38 but here I am, and I'm going through this deep struggle
51:40 as God is laying upon me burdens."
51:43 Psalm 42:3, "Tears have been my food day and night..."
51:48 "And nobody else seems to be in this situation.
51:50 I miss out, I stand out, my soul is afflicted,
51:54 and this has been years of this.
51:56 And Lord, I'm just not seeing the benefit any longer."
52:00 This is the temptation of the righteous.
52:02 To question the divine order, and then to give up too soon
52:08 because the story is not done.
52:10 And this is a real temptation.
52:11 And this psalm is not the only expression of that.
52:14 Here are two; Job.
52:16 And you can see why Job might think this.
52:21 "The tents of robbers prosper, and those who provoke
52:25 God are secure, in what God provides by His hand."
52:29 "God, you're supplying them, and they're getting away with it."
52:33 Jeremiah 12:1, I like this.
52:35 Listen how honest he is.
52:36 "Righteous are You, O Lord, when I plead for You;
52:40 yet let me talk with You about Your judgments.
52:43 Why does the way of the wicked prosper?
52:46 Why are those happy who deal so treacherously?"
52:50 And then the answer is given, and we saw it from the start.
52:52 He said God is good.
52:54 We get to verse 15, "If I had said, 'I will speak thus...'"
52:59 "If I just let that all out."
53:00 "...behold, I would have been untrue to the
53:02 generation of Your children.
53:04 When I thought how to understand this,
53:06 it was too painful for me,"
53:08 verse 17, "...until I went into the sanctuary of God;
53:14 then I understood their end."
53:18 He doesn't just glance at the sanctuary,
53:20 doesn't just see a model or a PowerPoint image.
53:22 He has a personal experience going in
53:25 as God through the Holy Spirit guides him into
53:28 what happens in the sanctuary.
53:30 And he begins to see the big picture.
53:32 He begins to see the wicked the way God sees them.
53:36 He begins to see the whole story from start to finish
53:39 and what the conclusion is going to be to each path.
53:42 Not just what it looks like right here.
53:44 He begins to see the big picture.
53:47 What is it that he sees?
53:50 Well, he sees the sacrifice, and the sins placed on that
53:53 sacrificial animal.
53:55 And then that sacrificial animal is consumed to ashes.
53:59 And whoever does not place their sin
54:02 upon that sacrificial animal, upon Christ,
54:05 consumed completely, they bear it.
54:08 And they will be the ones who are completely consumed
54:12 to ashes, to destruction.
54:13 Here's what he sees, verse 18.
54:16 "Surely You set them in slippery places;
54:19 You cast them down to destruction.
54:21 Oh how they are brought to desolation, as in a moment."
54:25 This is the final destruction, final death.
54:28 "They are utterly consumed with terrors.
54:32 As a dream when one awakes, so, Lord, when You awake
54:35 You shall despise their image."
54:37 And then he says, verse 21, "Thus my heart was grieved,
54:42 and I was vexed in my mind.
54:44 I was so foolish and ignorant; I was like a beast before You.
54:49 Nevertheless, I am continually with You."
54:52 I think of the prodigal son and the other brother,
54:55 and the father says, "You've been with me the whole time.
54:58 Don't worry about the conclusion of other people's story,
55:01 for what they're going to go through,
55:03 what they're going through now."
55:05 "You hold me by my right hand.
55:07 You will guide me with Your counsel,
55:09 and afterward, receive me to Your glory."
55:12 And so now as the big picture opens to him,
55:15 he begins to weep for the lost.
55:18 He begins to grieve for their spiritual condition,
55:22 as well as his own for not trusting God,
55:24 that He's faithful and that He's good.
55:27 So now when he's abused by people,
55:29 when he sees other people getting away with stuff,
55:32 he begins to see their spiritual danger
55:34 and he begins to intercede for them.
55:37 And isn't this what Jesus did on the cross?
55:40 "Father, forgive them.
55:42 They don't know what they're doing."
55:45 He realizes that what he's been claiming all along
55:48 is that God is not just and He's not going to keep His promise.
55:53 But he had not, until he goes into the sanctuary,
55:56 recognized the character of God.
55:59 His grace and mercy.
56:01 "I'm preserving them because I want them to have
56:04 the opportunity to do what you've done.
56:07 To go into the sanctuary, to let their sins be born
56:10 by the sin bearer and be consumed there
56:13 so that they are not consumed.
56:15 So David realizes now, "I've been like Jonah.
56:19 I was cheering on, desiring the destruction of the wicked,
56:22 looking forward to the police officer to pull someone over."
56:25 And this is what Satan tempts us to do.
56:28 He says, "I want you to judge by physical criteria,
56:31 but I don't want you to see things spiritually."
56:34 The spiritual warfare that is going on,
56:36 and people's lives are in the balance.
56:38 And there's going to come a day of judgment.
56:41 Wrath is being saved up for the day of wrath.
56:44 But right now pray for the lost.
56:46 Pray for those who do you wrong.
56:48 Because God desires for them to
56:50 have the salvation that you have.
56:52 In the final cost-benefit analysis here's what
56:54 Jesus says in John 16:33.
56:56 "In the world you will have tribulation;
57:00 but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."
57:03 ~ Amen and amen.
57:05 We have only about 45 seconds.
57:08 Does somebody have something that's burning in their heart?
57:12 James 1:2-3, "My brethren, count it all joy when you fall
57:15 into various trials, knowing that the testing
57:18 of your faith produces patience."
57:20 ~ Amen.
57:21 Well, I just want to thank you, we all thank you
57:24 for joining us today.
57:25 Our study has been, Singing the Lord's Song in a Strange Land.
57:32 Sometimes we are in such, surrounded by such evil
57:37 we won't know how we can live a life of faith;
57:41 wondering where God might be.
57:42 But He's always there, my friend.
57:44 You've got to keep your eyes focused on your Lord and Savior.
57:48 And we hope that you'll be joining us next week.
57:52 The program will be, I Will Arise.
57:57 Until then, may the grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
58:00 the love of the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
58:04 be with you always.


Revised 2024-06-04