3ABN Sabbath School Panel

I Will Arise

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP240006S

00:01 Welcome, children of God, to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:04 This week we are on lesson number six, which is called,
00:07 I Will Arise.
00:09 And if you want to join us with a Sabbath school quarterly,
00:12 you can get one by downloading it at
00:14 3ABNSabbathSchoolPanel.com
00:17 Or if you would like to head to your local
00:18 Seventh-Adventist church they'd be happy to share one with you.
00:21 Can't wait for what we hear in this study today.
00:53 Welcome back to Sabbath School Panel.
00:55 This week we're on lesson number six.
00:58 I'm Daniel Perrin, and we've been going through the
01:01 book of Psalms, which really takes us from start to finish
01:04 in the Bible, and we're going to see it all.
01:06 This week we've got some really important parts of
01:08 God's character to be revealed.
01:10 So if you've been following along and you'd like to know
01:13 more of how we put together our notes and what we've got,
01:15 then give us an email at...
01:21 And what they'll send you is the notes that we're using here.
01:25 And you can use them for yourself and add to them,
01:28 and let them help you as you think about Sabbath school.
01:30 So we're going to look at who we've got with us today.
01:33 Starting over here to my left we have Jill Morikone.
01:36 Thank you so much, Daniel. I'm delighted to be here.
01:38 On Monday we look at, Justice for the Oppressed.
01:41 ~ Alright, and thank you. And Pastor James.
01:43 ~ Good to be here, Daniel.
01:45 I have Tuesday's lesson, How Long Will You Judge Unjustly?
01:48 Okay. Ryan, you're next.
01:50 Wednesday's lesson is a deep one entitled,
01:53 Pour Out Your Indignation.
01:56 Alright. And Shelley.
01:57 Well I get to lift ours up a little bit.
01:59 Mine is Thursday, The Lord's Judgment and the Sanctuary.
02:05 Alright, from the sound of it, this is going to be a somewhat
02:08 heavy set of topics.
02:09 But I think God will lead us through it.
02:11 Shelley, would you be willing to open us with prayer today?
02:13 ~ I would love to, thank you.
02:16 Our most gracious, loving, heavenly Father,
02:19 help us to always keep our mind aware of Your love,
02:26 and Your righteousness, and Your consistency.
02:30 Lord, now we ask that You would fill us afresh
02:33 with Your Holy Spirit.
02:35 Give us all ears to hear what the Spirit has to say.
02:39 In Christ, we pray, amen.
02:42 Amen.
02:43 So as we look through the lesson this week called,
02:46 I Will Arise, it starts us off with the
02:49 memory text from Psalm 12:5.
02:53 And the text says, "'For the oppression of the poor,
02:57 for the sighing of the needy, now I will arise,'
03:01 says the Lord; 'I will set him in the safety
03:04 for which he yearns.'"
03:06 And so the context of this lesson says we're going to look
03:09 to God, and it's going to be what He does
03:12 in the midst of oppression.
03:15 Psalm 12 starts with the word, "Help."
03:18 Maybe you've cried out, "Help."
03:21 I think the human condition has led every one of us
03:23 at some point to cry out, "Help."
03:26 And I know that as a child, and I've got kids myself,
03:29 they sometimes say, "Help me."
03:31 Sometimes it's something really big.
03:33 And sometimes it's something that I say,
03:35 "Oh you're going to have to figure that out on your own."
03:38 But ultimately I have my eyes on them and I'm going to give them
03:41 the help that they need.
03:43 The word for, "help," there is, "yasha,"
03:46 which means to liberate, to save,
03:48 and especially to save in battle.
03:51 In other words, the deliverance that is going to take place
03:54 is going to come with a fight.
03:57 There's going to be something that is going to be in conflict
04:00 with an enemy.
04:02 Now the help that is needed in this chapter 12 of the Psalms
04:06 focuses not on me, but on the oppression of the poor.
04:10 And so this is where we're looking today.
04:12 That word, "oppression," the Hebrew word is, "shod,"
04:14 which really deals with devastation,
04:17 destruction, or ruin.
04:20 Oppression isn't just an idea.
04:22 It has results and consequences for real people's lives.
04:27 Looking around at our world today, about 50 million people
04:31 in our world, 50 million are in modern slavery.
04:34 Like full-on slavery.
04:37 And the average cost of a slave in the world today
04:41 is about 90 to 100 dollars US.
04:46 20 million of those 50 million are in debt bondage.
04:50 What that means is, they're free, but not really free.
04:54 They have a debt that they can never pay off,
04:57 so they are locked in bondage to pay this unpayable debt.
05:01 160 million children in the world, children,
05:04 are in child labor.
05:06 In the poorest countries of the world, one in five children
05:09 are involved in some kind of child labor.
05:11 And this is not making their bed in the morning.
05:14 This is making bricks, mining gold, sugar cane, coffee,
05:18 cocoa, cotton, textiles and manufacturing,
05:22 agriculture, and mining.
05:24 All sorts of different industries.
05:27 9.2% of the world's population, that's 720 million people,
05:32 are living in poverty every day with less than $2.15 to live on.
05:39 And it doesn't matter what economy you're in,
05:42 that is next to nothing.
05:43 Most of those usually working for next to nothing
05:46 in the most undesirable positions at the lowest rung
05:50 of the supply chain ladders that we benefit from.
05:55 The Bible tells us that God takes special interest
05:58 in the poor, and the widows,
06:01 and the orphans, and the foreigners.
06:03 Just one statement out of many from Exodus 22:22-25.
06:08 "You shall not afflict any widow or fatherless child."
06:12 This is God speaking, don't hurt the widows or orphans.
06:17 "If you afflict them in any way, and they cry out at all to Me,
06:21 I will surely hear their cry; and My wrath will become hot,
06:26 and I will kill you with the sword;
06:29 your wives shall be widows, and your children fatherless."
06:32 These are words in the Bible.
06:35 God says, "I will personally care for their needs
06:38 when there's no one to care for them."
06:40 These words are strong, we should pay attention to them.
06:44 Israel knew what it was like; oppression.
06:47 At one time or another, they had been either on the giving
06:50 or receiving end of oppression.
06:53 And so the seventh century prophets,
06:55 especially that's Micah, Amos, Hosea, and Isaiah,
06:59 they talk a lot about a wealthy prosperous Israel
07:03 who've joined house to house and field to field.
07:06 And they living at ease, and they have large houses
07:10 hewn out of stone, while they're exacting heavy taxes.
07:12 And the Bible, the prophets, describe them as
07:14 grinding the faces of the poor, oppressing down on the poor,
07:18 buying the poor for a pair of sandals.
07:21 selling them for money or for silver.
07:24 Sunday's lesson.
07:26 The problems associated with oppression needs serious study
07:30 and evaluation in our world today.
07:32 And we need to participate in relieving the needs
07:36 of the suffering, and the needy, and the poor.
07:38 But we are not to turn away from them and simply say,
07:42 "God is going to help them.
07:44 God is going to take care of it."
07:46 We are called to participate with what God is doing.
07:50 So this lesson right here begins with focusing on
07:54 God's role, what God is going to do.
07:56 But we always keep in mind
07:57 that He's inviting us into the process.
08:00 Because sometimes we jump into the problems of poverty,
08:03 or sickness, or things that we think that
08:06 we're going to solve them on our own.
08:08 And while we are supposed to be involved,
08:10 God is ultimately the problem solver that we participate with.
08:14 So He solves, we participate.
08:17 Sunday's lesson looks into Psalm 18,
08:20 especially verses 4-19.
08:23 And this one gets us an up-close picture of the delivering God;
08:27 a majestic warrior.
08:30 Think of this psalm, Psalm 18, as one of those moments
08:33 when the newscaster says, "We've got breaking news.
08:37 A firsthand account here.
08:39 There's a report from someone on the ground."
08:42 So I want you to picture this scene here of someone
08:44 being pulled out into safety.
08:46 They've been rescued from a burning structure,
08:48 or the car pushed off the railroad tracks.
08:51 And right there, the collision was about to happen,
08:54 but at the last moment somebody stepped in
08:57 powerfully and delivered them.
08:58 And so you've got a dramatic rescue,
09:01 and you have someone with exuberance and breathlessness
09:04 pouring out the firsthand details.
09:07 There they are with a fresh wide-eyed memory saying,
09:10 "Here's what happened. I just saw it, I was there."
09:13 Their adrenaline is pumping, their heart rate is elevated,
09:16 and they're speaking probably louder and
09:19 faster than necessary.
09:20 Maybe like me, I feel right now.
09:22 And so we're looking back through the 3000 years
09:25 of history, through the poetry, to a person who speaks this.
09:30 And so when we look at Psalm 18, it actually begins like this.
09:33 Listen to what it says there.
09:36 It says, "...this song on the day that the Lord delivered him
09:40 from the hand of all his enemies..."
09:42 This is David, not years later, but he is now saying this
09:45 in the moment.
09:47 Alright, so we're now looking at Psalm 18, starting with verse 4.
09:50 And this is the firsthand witness.
09:52 Alright, here is it saying this.
09:54 "The pangs of death surrounded me,
09:57 and the floods of ungodliness made me afraid.
10:00 The sorrows of Sheol surrounded me;
10:03 the snares of death confronted me.
10:06 In my distress, I called out to the Lord,
10:09 and cried upon my God.
10:11 He heard my voice from His temple,
10:14 and my cry came before Him, even to His ears.
10:18 Then the earth shook and trembled;
10:22 and the foundations of the hills also quaked and were shaken,
10:26 because He was angry.
10:29 Smoke went up from His nostrils,
10:32 and devouring fire came out of His mouth;
10:34 coals were kindled by it.
10:37 He bowed the heavens also, and He came down
10:40 with darkness under His feet.
10:43 And He rode upon a cherub, and He flew;
10:47 He flew upon the wings of the wind.
10:49 He made darkness His secret place;
10:52 His canopy around Him was dark waters
10:55 and thick clouds of the skies."
10:58 Are you hearing him now? He's telling the experience.
11:01 "Look at what I went through."
11:03 "From the brightness before Him, His thick clouds
11:06 passed with hailstones and coals of fire.
11:10 The Lord thundered from heaven,
11:12 and the Most High uttered His voice,
11:15 hailstones and coals of fire.
11:18 He sent out His arrows and He scattered the foe,
11:23 lightnings in abundance, and He vanquished them.
11:27 Then the channels of the sea were seen,
11:31 the foundations of the world were uncovered..."
11:34 Here he is saying, "Look, remember what they went through?
11:36 Remember what God did for them?
11:38 God did it for me."
11:40 "...at Your rebuke, O Lord..."
11:42 Here he's looking up to God.
11:43 "...at the blast of the breath of Your nostrils.
11:47 He sent from above, He took me; He drew me out of many waters.
11:53 He delivered me from my strong enemy,
11:56 from those who hated me, for they were too strong for me.
12:01 They confronted me in the day of my calamity,
12:05 but the Lord was my support.
12:08 He also brought me out into a broad place;
12:11 He delivered me because He delighted in me."
12:16 And there his testimony has ended.
12:18 And then the camera pans off to the distance,
12:21 and you see the aftermath of what God has done.
12:24 And David here is excited, saying,
12:26 "God, look what He's done for me."
12:28 So here's the message.
12:30 And I hope you have a message like this that you can share
12:33 with someone when they need to hear it.
12:35 "Look at God.
12:37 Let me tell you what He's done for me.
12:39 There was a time in my life when it wasn't like this.
12:42 Oh man, I was facing hard things.
12:45 But look at God and look at what He's done for me."
12:48 This is a primary witness.
12:50 It's not some researcher who's gone through the books
12:53 and said, "Here's some evidence from the past."
12:57 God is powerful and He is good.
13:00 Look what He's done.
13:01 David doesn't take any credit for this.
13:03 He gives all the glory to God.
13:06 And this is the theme through the whole book of Psalms,
13:09 through psalm and through the whole Bible.
13:11 God is the one who is going to bring it to completion.
13:14 Let's take a few more statements, because
13:17 David has got more to say before the camera is off of him.
13:19 Go to verse 31 of Psalm 18.
13:23 "For who is God except the Lord?
13:26 And who is a rock except our God?"
13:29 Nobody else could have done this.
13:32 Verse 46 and 47.
13:34 "The Lord lives. Blessed be my Rock.
13:38 Let the God of my salvation be exalted.
13:41 It is God who avenges me..."
13:44 He says, "I've got to thank my Rescuer."
13:46 And then verse 49 says this:
13:49 "Therefore I will give thanks to You, O Lord,
13:51 among the Gentiles..."
13:53 "I want everybody else to know God is good,
13:56 He will win."
13:57 ~ Amen. Thank you so much.
14:00 Glory, we're having church. I love that.
14:03 God the Majestic Warrior. Thank you, Daniel, for that.
14:07 My name is Jill Morikone.
14:08 On Monday we look at, Justice for the Oppressed.
14:13 Daniel gave us those sobering statistics
14:17 of the people who are oppressed right now in the world.
14:22 I want to start with a question.
14:23 How do we protect and provide justice for the vulnerable
14:29 and the oppressed in society?
14:32 Does this question keep you awake at night?
14:34 I have to be honest with you.
14:36 Sometimes it does me.
14:37 When I look out and I see the people who are broken,
14:42 the people who are lost and alone,
14:45 the people who are in bondage, God, what can I do about it?
14:51 How do we protect those people?
14:53 How do we seek to provide justice?
14:57 First of all, who are the vulnerable in society?
15:00 David refers to them as the poor and the needy, does he not?
15:03 Who are they?
15:04 What about physically vulnerable?
15:06 Are people physically vulnerable?
15:08 That would be people maybe through poverty;
15:10 lack of food, as you talked about,
15:12 lack of education, lack of health care.
15:15 Maybe people who are disabled;
15:17 some sort of deformity or weakness.
15:19 Maybe the orphans.
15:21 They have nobody to take care of them.
15:24 What about a mental or emotional vulnerability?
15:29 These would be people who are abused right now.
15:32 People who are beat down, and bruised, and oppressed.
15:36 These would maybe be people who even are mentally unstable
15:40 or struggle with mental illness.
15:44 These could be children right now who are being trafficked.
15:48 What about people who are spiritually vulnerable?
15:51 People maybe who have a twisted understanding of
15:55 Scripture because their pastor taught them wrongly.
15:58 Or a religious leader held over them
16:01 some sort of God of judgment and oppression, and condemnation.
16:05 People lack understanding of who our God is.
16:10 How do we protect these people?
16:12 How do we provide justice for the vulnerable
16:15 and the oppressed in society?
16:18 Now this lesson is just very practical.
16:20 And I want to give you four steps that I gleaned from
16:23 my study of Psalms and the scriptures
16:25 that we have for my lesson.
16:27 Let's go first to Psalm 9.
16:32 "For the needy shall not always be forgotten;
16:36 the expectation of the poor shall not perish forever."
16:41 Now this could mean people who are experiencing poverty, yes.
16:44 But especially it's talking about the oppressed.
16:47 It occurs over 30 times there in the book of Psalms.
16:51 And it talks about those who are afflicted,
16:53 those who are oppressed, those who are poor.
16:56 This is the fatherless, this is the stranger, this is the widow.
17:00 These are those who need help.
17:02 Step number one, choose to keep these
17:06 people's needs at the forefront.
17:08 You know, it's easy to be like the priest and Levite
17:11 and walk on the other side.
17:13 "I don't have time to get involved."
17:15 "Well, it won't matter if I just help one.
17:17 There's a million others who need help.
17:19 I'm going to harden my heart or become callous to their needs
17:23 and push them aside."
17:25 Or, "I'm too busy doing God's work
17:26 to help this person over here."
17:28 Choose to keep their needs at the forefront.
17:32 Let's look at Psalm 12:5.
17:36 "'For oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy,
17:40 now I will arise,' says the Lord.
17:44 'I will set him in the safety for which he yearns.'"
17:49 How is God going to set them in safety
17:51 unless you and I do something about it?
17:54 Psalm 113:7, "He raises the poor out of the dust,
17:59 and lifts the needy out of the ash heap."
18:03 Step number two, you and I need to seek safe places
18:08 to provide for the vulnerable and the oppressed.
18:12 Now what does that look like?
18:13 That looks different for every person.
18:15 Maybe you could financially support
18:17 or pray for those who do provide safe houses,
18:21 safe places for others.
18:23 Maybe God is calling you to step out in a ministry
18:27 to seek to provide a safe place.
18:30 Maybe it's someone who is traveling through
18:32 and who needs a bed for a night, and God says,
18:35 "Open up your home to them tonight."
18:37 Step out of your own comfort zone and reach out and
18:42 help someone else.
18:45 Let's look at Psalm 40:17.
18:48 "But I am poor and needy; yet the Lord thinks upon me.
18:53 You are my help and my deliverer;
18:56 do not delay, O my God."
18:59 Here, he's crying out to God.
19:02 Step number three, you and I need to ask
19:04 for divine assistance.
19:05 We can't seek to help the oppressed,
19:07 we can't seek to provide justice,
19:09 we can't seek to do anything without going to God.
19:13 Clearly, only God is the Majestic Warrior.
19:15 Only He can deliver the oppressed.
19:18 Only He can help the vulnerable.
19:20 But He asks you and I to work in concert with Him.
19:25 We can help, but only God is the one who brings deliverance.
19:29 So go to God and ask Him, "God, what would You have me do?"
19:35 One of my favorite psalms is Psalm 146.
19:38 And we're going to go there.
19:39 This is so practical.
19:41 And I know in the psalm it's talking about God
19:44 and who He is to us, but I think we can
19:47 apply it for us today and how we can reach out
19:49 to the vulnerable and those who are oppressed.
19:52 We'll pick it up in verse 5.
19:57 And all of this goes along with step number four,
19:59 which is, you and I need to find practical ways
20:03 that we can help the oppressed and the vulnerable.
20:06 Verse 5, "Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help,
20:10 whose hope is in the Lord his God..."
20:13 God is our helper.
20:16 Verse 6, "...who made heaven and earth, the sea,
20:18 and all that is in them..."
20:20 God is our Creator.
20:23 "...who keeps truth forever..."
20:26 God is unchanging.
20:29 Now it gets really practical for you and me.
20:31 Verse 7, "...who executes justice for the oppressed..."
20:36 Now we can say God is our judge, and that is true.
20:39 But how could you and I find justice for the oppressed?
20:43 Maybe we need to listen and offer support
20:46 to those who are oppressed.
20:48 Maybe we need to go attend a court hearing.
20:52 That's very practical.
20:53 You have someone who is engaged in something,
20:56 you go to the courthouse with them
20:58 and attend that court hearing.
21:00 Maybe... God needs lawyers.
21:03 You could be a lawyer or a judge and execute that judgment
21:08 or seek to defend those who need help.
21:13 Maybe you could be an advocate and raise awareness
21:17 for those who are oppressed.
21:19 Let's keep reading. We're in verse 7.
21:21 "...who gives food to the hungry."
21:23 Now we could say God is our provider, and that is true.
21:27 But in what ways can you provide food to those who are hungry?
21:31 There's an incredible ministry, they've been many times on
21:33 3ABN, they're called SALT.
21:35 Service And Love Together.
21:37 They operate out of Florida.
21:39 And what they do, they have trailers, shower trailers
21:42 for the homeless.
21:44 People come in and can take a shower.
21:46 They provide food and clothing for those who need it.
21:51 And then maybe they go for a job interview
21:53 and seek to get themselves back on their feet.
21:56 Maybe you need to volunteer at a local soup kitchen.
21:59 Or bring food to the homeless or those people who need it most.
22:04 Let's keep reading. We're still in verse 7.
22:07 "The Lord gives freedom to the prisoners."
22:11 So God is ultimately our deliverer.
22:14 But in what way can you and I bring freedom
22:16 to the prisoners?
22:17 3ABN has an incredible prison ministry.
22:20 We mail out thousands of Remnant Study Bibles
22:23 and Andrews Study Bibles to prisoners,
22:25 to those who are incarcerated.
22:27 We provide religious literature to them, we pray with them.
22:31 I have on the set out latest 3ABN Bible study guides.
22:35 And we're giving this in an addition
22:38 that will be glued instead of stapled
22:40 so that it can go into prisons.
22:42 What is God calling you to do to support
22:45 those who are incarcerated?
22:47 Maybe you need to go.
22:49 Maybe you need to pray for them.
22:50 Maybe you need to become involved in prison ministry.
22:54 Let's keep going. Verse 8.
22:56 "The Lord opens the eyes of the blind."
22:58 The Lord is our healer.
23:00 What can you and I do to provide healing?
23:02 Can you pray for those who are sick?
23:05 Can you help provide for the needs of those who struggle
23:08 with health illness?
23:09 Maybe you can become involved in an organization
23:12 that provides free medical care to those who cannot afford it.
23:16 Let's keep going.
23:17 "The Lord raises those who are bowed down."
23:21 God is our encourager.
23:22 Who can you encourage today?
23:25 Who can you send a text to, who can you call?
23:28 Who can you write a letter to?
23:30 How can you intercede for the depressed and the discouraged?
23:34 Who can you invite to your Bible study group?
23:36 Or to go out to lunch with you and try to encourage them.
23:40 Keep reading verse 8.
23:42 "The Lord loves the righteous."
23:44 The Lord is a friend to us.
23:47 Who can you be a friend to today?
23:50 Verse 9, "The Lord watches over the strangers."
23:53 How can you protect those who can't protect themselves?
23:58 There are ministries out there who seek to help
24:01 those who are trafficked.
24:02 Who seek to help those who cannot help themselves.
24:06 "The Lord watches over the stranger,
24:09 and helps the fatherless and widow.
24:11 The Lord turns the way of the wicked upside down."
24:16 We can't do everything, but you can go to God and say,
24:19 "God, what are practical ways that I can seek
24:22 to help the vulnerable in society?"
24:26 Thank you, that was a practical real-world look at the lesson.
24:29 We're going to take a brief break and we'll be right back.
24:36 Ever wish you could study more deeply along with
24:38 the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel members?
24:41 Well, now you can.
24:42 Just send an email request to...
24:47 ...and we'll email you the Sabbath School panelist
24:49 notes on a weekly basis to enhance your
24:51 own study of God's Word.
24:53 That address again is...
24:56 We'd love to send you their notes
24:58 just as they've prepared them.
25:00 Thank you for watching.
25:07 Welcome back.
25:08 We are now passing it on to Pastor James Rafferty
25:10 for Tuesday's lesson.
25:12 Thank you, Daniel. I have Tuesday's lesson.
25:13 How Long Will You Judge Unjustly?
25:17 The lesson quarterly says, "The Lord has endowed
25:19 Israel's leaders with authority to maintain justice in Israel.
25:23 Psalm 72:1-7, 12-14
25:27 Israel's kings were to execute their authority in accordance
25:30 with God's will.
25:32 The leader's central concern should be ensuring
25:35 peace and justice in the land and caring
25:37 for the socially disadvantaged."
25:39 Which we've been talking about with Jill and with Daniel.
25:42 "Only then shall the land and the entire population prosper.
25:46 The king's throne is strengthened by faithfulness
25:49 to God, not by human power."
25:53 So we have Psalm 82.
25:54 We're just going to rest right there in Psalm 82.
25:57 It's going to be our main focus for this lesson.
25:59 We're going to look at some other verses
26:01 in the Bible, but Psalm 82 is going to be our main focus.
26:04 So let's settle in there.
26:06 The question is asked by the lesson quarterly,
26:08 what happens when the leaders pervert justice
26:11 and oppress the people that they are tasked to protect?
26:15 And then we quote Psalm 82.
26:17 These are some difficult passages for me because...
26:20 Well, we'll talk about that in just a second.
26:22 Verse 1, "God stands in the congregation of the mighty;
26:24 He judges among the gods."
26:27 Okay, there's verse 1.
26:28 Verse 2, "How long will ye judge unjustly,
26:32 and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah."
26:34 Verse 3, "Defend the poor and fatherless:
26:36 do justice to the afflicted and needy.
26:39 Deliver the poor and needy:
26:40 rid them out of the hand of the wicked."
26:43 Now verse 5, "They know not, neither will they understand;
26:46 they walk in darkness: all the foundations of the earth
26:49 are out of course."
26:51 Verse 6, "I have said," here it is, "Ye are gods;
26:54 and all of you are children of the Most High."
26:58 Verse 7, "But ye shall die like men,
27:00 and fall like one of the princes."
27:03 Verse 8, "Arise, O God, judge the earth:
27:06 for Thou shalt inherit all nations."
27:09 If you picked up those two verses, verse 1 and verse 6,
27:13 you're going to know that these verses have been difficult,
27:16 at least for me, to understand, you're gods?
27:19 Now it's a small "g".
27:20 Yes it's a small "g", but it's still saying, "Ye are gods."
27:24 You know, "In Psalm 82," the lesson quarterly says,
27:27 "God declares His judgments upon Israel's corrupt judges.
27:31 The 'gods', Psalm 82:1, 6, are clearly neither pagan gods
27:36 nor angels because they were never tasked with delivering
27:39 justice to God's people, and so could not
27:43 be judged for not fulfilling it."
27:45 Well then, who are these gods?
27:47 "The charges listed in Psalm 82:2-4 echo the laws
27:50 of the Torah, identifying the 'gods' as Israel's leaders."
27:56 And then the quarterly quotes Deu 1:16-18, Deu 16:18-20,
28:03 and finally John 10:33-35.
28:08 We're going to look at John 10 because
28:10 this is where Jesus quotes Psalm 82
28:15 in defending Himself as the Son of God.
28:19 The Jews are trying to stone Him.
28:20 "And the Jews said unto Him," verse 33 of John 10,
28:24 "'For a good work, we stone thee not; but for blasphemy;
28:26 because thou being a man maketh thyself a God.'
28:30 Jesus answers, 'Is it not written in your law,
28:34 "I said, 'Ye are gods?'"'"
28:36 Verse 35, "If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God
28:40 came, and the scripture cannot be broken
28:42 say ye of him," that is, "of Me", "whom the Father
28:45 hath sanctified and sent into the world,
28:47 'Thou blasphemist,' because I said I am the Son of God?"
28:51 Now obviously, Jesus is not quoting the psalms
28:53 in reference to this.
28:55 He's quoting the law.
28:56 And so we look in Exodus 22:28.
28:59 Exodus 22:28 says that the judges appointed by God
29:04 are called gods; notice this, verse 28.
29:06 "Thou shalt not revile the gods," comma,
29:10 "nor curse the ruler of thy people."
29:12 So whether we're quoting Exodus 22:28
29:15 or we're quoting Psalm 82:1, 6, we still have three references
29:23 in the Bible that refers to people as gods, small "g".
29:28 I've struggle with this just a little bit over time.
29:31 I've actually wondered if we'd ever get this question
29:33 in a 3ABN Q and A, and how to answer this question.
29:36 It's clear though from the Bible, and the lesson quarterly
29:39 brings this out, that God uses that word, "god," small "g",
29:43 in reference to rulers or judges of the people.
29:47 But why does He do that?
29:49 "Scripture," the lesson quarterly goes on to say,
29:52 unswervingly upholds the view that the Lord is the only God."
29:56 Capital "G".
29:58 "God," capital "G", "shares His governance of the world
30:01 with appointed human leaders as His representatives.
30:04 Romans 13:1
30:06 How often, however, have these human representatives,
30:09 both in history and even now, perverted the
30:12 responsibility that they have been given?"
30:14 The lesson quarterly goes on to say,
30:16 "Psalm 82 mockingly exposes the apostasy of some of the leaders
30:20 who believed themselves to be gods," small "g",
30:23 "above the people.
30:24 Although God gave the authority and the privilege
30:28 to the Israelite leaders that they were called the
30:31 'children of the Most High' and were to represent Him,
30:33 God renounces these wicked leaders.
30:36 God reminds them that they are mortal, they are subject
30:39 to the same moral laws as all the people.
30:42 No one is above the law of God."
30:44 So God is actually describing them this way because
30:48 as judges and rulers of the people,
30:50 they've got an attitude.
30:51 And their attitude is, well, they're god.
30:54 It reminds me of a poster that I once saw
30:56 in a restroom that said, "Two facts of human enlightenment:
31:01 There is a God, and you are not Him."
31:05 Sometimes we get this God feeling in the way
31:09 that we relate to people.
31:10 In the way that we relate to people because perhaps
31:12 we're in positions of authority, or rulership,
31:14 or positions as judge.
31:17 And this is the issue that is being
31:19 dealt with here in Psalm 82.
31:21 The quarterly goes on to say, "What kind of authority
31:24 do you hold over others?
31:26 How justly and fairly are you exercising that authority?"
31:30 Right? So we look at the Bible, we have a couple of verses,
31:33 for example in Rev 3:21,
31:37 where Jesus makes a promise to God's people.
31:40 He says, "To him that overcomes I will grant to sit with Me
31:43 on My throne, even as I also overcame and sat down
31:47 with My Father on His throne."
31:49 So we're going to sit with Christ and do what?
31:52 Well we're told in 1 Cor 6:1-3,
31:56 "Dare any of you, having a matter against another,
31:58 go to law before the unjust and not before the saints?
32:01 Do you not know that the saints will judge the world?
32:05 And if the world will be judged by you,
32:07 are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters?
32:10 Know ye not that we shall judge angels?
32:13 How much more the things that pertain to this life?"
32:16 So here we find in the context of Rev 3:21,
32:20 in the context of 1 Cor 6:1-3, that we're going to sit
32:25 in judgment, we're going to sit on thrones
32:28 with Christ judging fallen angels.
32:31 Putting judgment upon those who have rejected
32:35 God's mercy and God's grace.
32:36 In fact, Revelation 20 tells us this.
32:38 "I saw thrones," verse 4, "and they sat on them,
32:41 and judgment was given unto them."
32:43 That's talking about the redeemed,
32:45 that's talking about God's people.
32:46 "And I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for
32:48 their witness of Jesus and the word of God,
32:50 that had not worshiped the beast, neither his image,
32:52 nor received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands.
32:55 And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years."
32:58 During the thousands of years God's people sit in judgment
33:01 with Christ upon this great controversy theme,
33:04 upon fallen angels and those who are lost.
33:06 So if God called judges and rulers, "gods," because they
33:11 were God's voice on the earth set up on earthly thrones
33:15 to judge justly and righteously according to His word,
33:18 how much more, Christ is saying is the Son of God,
33:21 Jesus Christ Himself, God?
33:23 Again, redeemed human beings will sit with Christ
33:26 on His throne judging angels,
33:28 and in a sense is god, who has given judgment to the Son,
33:33 though never are they as God in the sense of Creator.
33:37 He who alone is immortal, having self-existence,
33:41 infinite, omniscient, omnipotent, or in any other
33:46 sense in which God alone is God.
33:49 No, they are rulers.
33:51 They sit in judgment with Christ.
33:53 But again, the scripture cannot be broken.
33:55 That is, taken apart and discarded.
33:58 Though I've often wished at times the scripture could
34:01 kind of be missing from the text
34:03 because it seems like such a hard one.
34:05 But these verses are unbreakable.
34:08 And they called judges of the people, gods; Ps 82:1, 6,
34:13 and also Exodus 22:28.
34:15 Yet only in the sense that they are sitting on thrones
34:19 and judging in God's behalf, or sitting with Christ
34:23 in judgment during the thousand years.
34:25 They are not gods in the sense of God as Creator,
34:29 God as all-powerful, God as immortal and infinite.
34:33 And so Jesus uses these unbreakable scriptures
34:35 to establish how much more is His position
34:38 as Judge, capital "J", of all,
34:40 even of all of those finite judges called at times, "gods."
34:44 And therefore, God of all, equal with the Father,
34:48 Jesus Christ, the Son of God;
34:51 Jesus Christ, the one who is immortal;
34:53 Jesus Christ, the one before whom all will stand
34:57 in the last days.
34:58 For it says in the Scriptures, "The Father judges no man,
35:03 but He has committed all judgment to the Son
35:05 that all men should honor the Son
35:08 even as they honor the Father."
35:11 ~ Amen. Thank you, Pastor Rafferty.
35:13 Appreciate that beautiful lesson.
35:15 I am Ryan Day, and I have Wednesday's lesson entitled,
35:19 Pour Out Your Indignation.
35:22 Now I'm just going to say, some of these text that I'm
35:25 about to read, whoa, if I were to post some of these
35:33 on Facebook, and I were not to quote them or to provide any
35:40 type of references to where they came from,
35:43 as if they were coming from me, the storm that would follow...
35:48 People accusing me of being unChrist-like,
35:51 and having lost my mind, and having no love and no care.
35:55 As I was reading these passages, I thought to myself...
35:58 Because I actually thought these...
36:00 Because we're conditioned to think that way sometimes.
36:02 We read these very heavy, heavy, deep passages
36:05 where it seems like God's people who are writing
36:10 have taken the gloves off.
36:12 And they're letting that very angry,
36:18 carnal side of their nature comes out.
36:22 And it's quick and easy to dismiss it as unChrist-like,
36:26 not right, "What are you doing?"
36:28 "That's not the spirit of Jesus."
36:30 But yet I believe that the Bible does show us glimpses
36:33 and instances, as we're about to read right now,
36:35 where there are moments where God understands,
36:39 He relates, He sympathizes with these feelings.
36:42 And even though they're extremely difficult to read,
36:45 let me give you an example.
36:49 I'm going to start with verse 6.
36:51 And if I were to say this to my enemies,
36:54 if I were to pray to God and ask this,
36:56 "Lord, break their teeth in their mouth.
37:00 Break out the fangs of the young lions, O Lord.
37:03 Let them flow away as waters rush continually.
37:06 When he bends his bow, let his arrows be as if cut in pieces.
37:13 Let them be like a snail which melts away as it goes,
37:16 like a stillborn child of a woman,
37:20 that they may not see the sun."
37:23 Have mercy!
37:25 I mean, but you can just sense the spiritual agony
37:31 and the righteousness indignation
37:33 that is pouring forth from his heart,
37:35 tough very difficult to take in.
37:38 Psalm 69:22-28, you get the same feeling.
37:42 "Let their table become a snare before them,
37:44 and their wellbeing a trap.
37:46 Let their eyes be darkened, so that they do not see;
37:48 and make their loins shake continually.
37:51 Pour out Your indignation upon them,
37:56 and let Your wrathful anger take hold of them.
37:59 Let their dwelling place be desolate;
38:01 let no one live in their tents."
38:04 Now again, if we just left it at that, it would be like,
38:08 "Whoa, calm down there."
38:10 But you can sense the judgment that is coming from
38:14 the mind of these righteous individuals saying this.
38:17 For the reasoning behind it, verse 26:
38:19 "For they persecute the ones You have struck,
38:22 and talk of the grief of those You have wounded.
38:25 Add iniquity to their iniquity,
38:28 and let them not come," now this is tough right here,
38:31 "let them not come into Your righteousness.
38:34 Let them be blotted out of the book of the living,
38:37 and not be written with the righteous."
38:39 I mean, that would be like me going online and saying,
38:41 "Lord, this enemy of mine, may they not go to heaven.
38:45 May they rot in hell forever."
38:46 Well, that's tough words to hear, right?
38:50 But essentially, that is the spirit that's coming forth here.
38:53 The enemies of God are being called out.
38:57 And actually the writers here are calling out God and saying,
39:00 "Lord, what are You going to do?
39:01 Please, answer.
39:03 Come forth and bring a judgment against these enemies of mine."
39:08 This is Psalm 83:9-17.
39:11 I'm probably not going to read all of this
39:13 because it's a lengthy passage.
39:14 But I do want to start, let's say, in verse 13.
39:19 Verse 13 of Psalm 83.
39:21 "O my God, make them like the whirling dust,
39:24 like the chaff before the wind.
39:25 As the fire burns the woods,
39:27 and as the flame sets the mountains on fire,
39:29 so pursue them with Your tempest,
39:31 and frighten them with Your storm.
39:33 Fill their faces with shame,
39:34 that they may seek Your name, O Lord."
39:37 Oh did you see that?
39:38 Now there's a little bit of a spirit.
39:39 "Lord, bring about what is necessary that they may
39:42 seek Your name, O Lord."
39:44 "Let them be confounded and dismayed forever;
39:46 let them be put to same and perish..."
39:49 Psalm 94:1-2, again just setting the ground of the fact
39:53 that these men in their, again, full of the Spirit of God,
39:57 are pouring out and sharing with us, with God,
40:02 their pouring their heart out to God in a psalm
40:04 of prayer saying, "Lord, avenge the righteous,
40:08 and help bring vengeance upon those who are deserving."
40:12 And it says, "O Lord, to whom vengeance belongs,
40:15 O God, to whom vengeance belongs, shine forth.
40:19 Rise up, O Judge of the earth;
40:21 render punishment to the proud."
40:24 And again, as I'm reading these, I just want to go
40:27 crawl under a table because it's hard to hear this.
40:31 Because we have been conditioned with all of the Word of God,
40:34 that we know with all of the information that we have
40:38 of character of God.
40:39 Again, even the destruction of the wicked at the end of time.
40:42 It's called what? God's strange act.
40:44 So it's kind of like, you want to be like,
40:46 "Whoa brothers, calm down. What are you saying?"
40:49 But yet, this is what we find often times in the psalms.
40:52 It's a part of the psalms.
40:53 It's a part of the anger, the righteous indignation
40:57 that the righteous feel towards the injustices,
41:00 and all of the angry acts, and the unkindness,
41:05 and the oppression that has been brought against
41:07 the righteous.
41:08 And so, even in Psalm 137,
41:10 and this one was tough for me to read.
41:14 "Remember, O Lord, against the sons of Edom
41:16 the day of Jerusalem, who said, 'Raze it, raze it...'"
41:19 That simply means to basically tear it down, tear it down.
41:22 "...to its very foundation.
41:24 O daughter of Babylon, who are to be destroyed,"
41:27 here it is, "happy the one who repays you
41:31 as you have served us.
41:32 Happy the one who takes and dashes
41:35 your little ones against the rock."
41:39 Wow!
41:40 But the lesson brings out and says, "God's retribution
41:43 is measured with justice and grace.
41:46 God's children are called to pray for those who mistreat them
41:49 and even to hope for their conversion,"
41:52 according to Psalm 83:18 and of course Jer 29:7.
41:57 We have to bring balance to what we've just read.
41:59 That's heavy stuff.
42:01 The lesson goes on to say, "However while seeking to fit
42:04 these psalms with the biblical norms of love your enemies,"
42:08 that's what Jesus said, right,
42:09 "we must be careful not to minimize the agonizing
42:12 experience expressed in them.
42:15 God acknowledges the suffering of His children
42:17 and reassures them that 'precious in the sight
42:21 of the Lord is the death of His saints.'"
42:25 In other words, God does not look at the oppression.
42:27 He does not look at the injustices that are done
42:30 against the righteous and just turn a blind eye.
42:32 That He will bring the proper justice,
42:35 because He is a just God.
42:37 "Divine judgment obliges God's people to raise their voices
42:40 against all evil and seek the coming of
42:43 God's kingdom in its fullness.
42:45 The Psalms also give voice to those who suffer,
42:48 letting them know that God is aware of their suffering
42:50 and that one day justice will come."
42:53 This is not just an Old Testament theme,
42:56 as I know some people have read text like this,
42:58 and they say, "The God of the Old Testament is an angry,
43:01 you know, vengeful God."
43:03 But we also see that these issues come up
43:05 even in the New Testament.
43:07 For instance, I'll give you just a couple here.
43:08 I don't have time to read them all.
43:10 But I will make it clear here.
43:14 Right there within the context of the fifth seal.
43:17 It says, "When He opened..."
43:18 This is verses 9 through 11 in Revelation chapter 6.
43:21 "When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar
43:23 the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God
43:26 and for the testimony which they held."
43:28 So again, injustice is brought against them.
43:30 Verse 10, "And they cried out with a loud voice saying,
43:33 'How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge
43:38 our blood on those who dwell on the earth?'
43:41 Then a white robe was given to each of them;
43:44 and it was said to them that they should
43:46 rest a little while longer until both the number of their
43:48 fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed
43:51 as they were, was accomplished."
43:52 God is basically saying "Look, hold off a little longer,
43:55 because justice will come."
43:57 And this is normal even of all of us.
44:00 Even as much as we try to follow God, we try to understand His
44:03 will, and we try to understand all of the injustices
44:06 and the things that are brought against the righteous,
44:08 you cannot take away from the fact that sometimes
44:10 we find ourselves calling out to God and saying,
44:12 "Lord, are you going to continue to allow this to happen?
44:16 Is there ever going to come an end to this?
44:17 Are You going to bring righteous judgment against those who
44:21 are oppressing others, who have hurt
44:23 and who have destroyed others?"
44:26 And so, this is just a natural thing, I think,
44:28 that the Bible is bringing out here, this book of Psalms
44:31 brings out over and over, that this is not necessarily
44:34 a bad thing, but obviously must be kept within a perfect balance
44:38 of understanding that we do not necessarily wish these things
44:41 in an unbalanced and an unrighteous type way.
44:45 But rather according to the righteous judgment of God.
44:48 "Lord, bring proper justice."
44:49 Even in Rev 16:4-7, we see God allowing a plague to be
44:55 poured out in the last days still yet to come.
44:57 And what are His remarks? What does it say there?
45:00 "Because you have shed the blood of the saints,
45:02 God will give you blood to drink."
45:04 God understands in His perfect righteousness
45:07 what the judgment shall be.
45:08 And sometimes even in our humanity
45:11 we call out to God and say,
45:12 "Lord, why are You allowing this to happen?"
45:14 But I think the overall thing that we see here
45:16 in this message entitled, Pour Out Your Indignation,
45:20 "Lord, pour it out righteously.
45:21 You are Judge, we trust You. We put our hand in Yours.
45:24 And we know that You will do right by Your saints."
45:27 ~ Amen.
45:29 It was heavy, what you were going through.
45:32 But I have to say, I grew up in a church that
45:36 I was taught that the God of the Old Testament
45:40 was the God of wrath, and the God of the New Testament
45:42 was the God of love.
45:43 That the God of the Old Testament
45:45 was the God of judgment,
45:46 and the God of the New Testament was the God of mercy and peace.
45:51 And we're missing the point.
45:55 I'm Shelley Quinn, I have Thursday's lesson,
45:59 The Lord's Judgment and the Sanctuary.
46:02 I want to set a foundation for this.
46:04 Because we've got to get rid of our preconceived opinions.
46:08 We've got to quit telling this story wrongly.
46:13 Before we start, just remember this:
46:16 The Bible says God is love.
46:19 The Bible says God is light.
46:21 That's His righteous character.
46:23 The Bible says God is just. He is fair.
46:27 All of His ways are perfect.
46:31 He judges without partiality.
46:35 He governs by love. He never forces.
46:38 And He has boundaries of love.
46:41 They're called His Ten Commandments.
46:44 They are the charter of His government of love.
46:49 Now, they're found all in Genesis.
46:53 These weren't new in Exodus.
46:56 God announced the penalty of death for unrighteousness.
47:01 You know what unrighteousness is?
47:03 Unrighteousness is, we don't do things God's way.
47:07 And 1 John 5:17 says all sin is unrighteous.
47:12 So when Adam and Eve lost, when they sinned,
47:15 they lost their spiritual innocence.
47:17 They could not replace it on their own.
47:20 But God's holiness demanded this God of justice
47:27 He wanted to...
47:31 He decided He was going to restore their righteousness.
47:35 God could not just get rid of His moral code of love.
47:40 If He meted out the punishment they deserved,
47:43 they would die.
47:44 So what did God do?
47:46 He stepped down out of heaven and took our flesh.
47:54 God became a human.
47:57 You know, we read earlier in one of these lessons
48:01 that humans are a little lower than the angels.
48:06 The created order: God created angels,
48:09 humans are a little lower, animals, and insects.
48:13 God didn't just lower Himself to the position of an angel.
48:17 He became a human.
48:19 That would be like a human, not lowering themself
48:23 to the position of an animal, but to the position of a
48:26 cockroach to save a cockroach.
48:29 Can you imagine?
48:30 So here's the point.
48:32 He came to be our substitute.
48:35 He fulfilled His own justice by dying to pay our sin penalty.
48:45 So what you see in the Sanctuary is, we see a picture.
48:52 It is theology in physical form.
48:56 The outer court represented justification by faith.
49:00 It was the dealing of the Messiah with our sin penalty.
49:06 The Holy Place, which was the first of the two compartments
49:11 of the Sanctuary represented sanctification.
49:15 The daily empowerment of the Messiah and the Holy Spirit
49:19 to influence our lives.
49:21 The Most Holy Place represented direct access to God.
49:26 So let me ask you, what are the practical implications
49:31 of the Sanctuary being the place of divine judgment?
49:36 It created a constant awareness of God's holiness.
49:40 It demonstrated God's requirements of righteous living
49:45 for those who enter into a covenant relationship with Him,
49:49 who are saved by grace through faith,
49:52 through the Messiah Jesus Christ.
49:56 The Sanctuary was the place of divine judgment.
50:00 And the psalmist saw the Sanctuary
50:04 as a place for forgiveness of sins,
50:08 for restoration of righteousness.
50:11 Let's look.
50:20 The psalmist says, "Honor and majesty are before Him;
50:26 strength and beauty are in His Sanctuary.
50:31 Give to the Lord glory and strength,
50:34 the glory due His name.
50:36 Bring an offering and come into His courts.
50:40 Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness."
50:45 Holiness means to be totally separated from sin.
50:49 God cannot sin. Love does no harm.
50:54 "Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.
50:57 Tremble before Him, all the earth.
51:00 Say among the nations, 'The Lord reigns;
51:04 the world also is firmly established,
51:08 and it shall not be moved.
51:11 He shall judge the people righteously.'"
51:16 Go makes no mistakes.
51:18 And I'll tell you, judgment, we know from Daniel,
51:21 is in favor of God's people who have been made
51:27 righteous by faith.
51:29 But when we think of the judgment that's coming upon
51:32 the evil, they are getting what they've chosen.
51:38 They are getting the consequences of the
51:43 lifestyle they chose.
51:44 They've rejected God's way of life.
51:48 They would not submit to Him.
51:50 So when we see the final judgment,
51:53 God is being fair.
51:55 He is not being partial.
51:57 Isaiah 59, we're not going to turn there,
52:01 but let me just give you these references.
52:03 Isaiah 59:15-20, there's a beautiful description
52:09 of how God intervened through Christ.
52:12 In verse 17, Isaiah 59:17,
52:16 it says, Christ "put on righteousness as a breastplate."
52:22 And in verse 18 it says He will repay wrath to His adversaries
52:29 according as their deeds deserve.
52:34 So the psalmist saw the Sanctuary
52:37 as a place of forgiveness, a place of restoration,
52:41 but also as a place where the wicked would receive vengeance.
52:49 The unrepentant would receive vengeance.
52:56 "You answered them, O Lord our God;
52:59 You were to them, God-Who-Forgives,
53:04 though You took vengeance on their deeds."
53:08 So some psalms depict God on His throne in the Sanctuary
53:13 ready to judge the world for its sin and evil.
53:18 And the Sanctuary, according to the psalmist's understanding,
53:22 this was the place where the problem of evil was handled.
53:26 It was transformed.
53:28 We read earlier Psalm 73:17
53:32 where the psalmist is so confused
53:35 by the great controversy.
53:37 "O how long, how long?"
53:39 And then finally he says that he went to the Sanctuary
53:45 of God, and then he understood the end of the wicked.
53:50 So Christ's ministry right now in the heavenly Sanctuary
53:54 is good news for us.
53:57 Romans 8:34, "Who is he who condemns?
54:01 It is Christ who died..."
54:03 Christ who was depicted in the Sanctuary system.
54:07 "...furthermore He is risen, He's at the right hand of God,
54:13 and He makes intercession for us."
54:15 And Hebrews 7:25 says, "He is able to save to the uttermost
54:22 those who come to God through Him, since He always lives
54:30 to make intercession for them."
54:32 Please just understand this.
54:36 Judgment...
54:38 Let me give you a quote from Cathleen Falsani.
54:41 She's an American journalist.
54:44 She says, "Justice is getting what we deserve.
54:48 Mercy is not getting what we deserve.
54:53 Grace is getting what we absolutely don't deserve."
54:57 God fulfilled His own justice by dying for us
55:03 so that He could remain just and be the justifier.
55:08 Don't be afraid of God's judgment
55:11 if your heart is right before Him.
55:15 But if it's not today is the day of salvation.
55:20 Turn to Him now, confess your sins, and repent.
55:24 ~ Amen. ~ Thank you, Shelley.
55:26 And thank you each for your work in preparing and sharing.
55:29 We've got a few moments left for some final thoughts.
55:32 The title of the lesson is, I Will Arise.
55:35 And we talk about how God is going to arise.
55:38 But I just want to challenge you, are there ways that
55:41 you can arise?
55:42 That you can reach out to the vulnerable in your communities?
55:46 Amen. Tuesday's lesson, How Long Will You Judge Unjustly?
55:50 You know, God wanted us to judge
55:52 as He judges, but we failed miserably.
55:54 But the Son of Man becoming a man and being God,
55:57 all judgment has been committed to Him.
56:00 And so we can see a day when God will judge
56:02 with righteousness.
56:04 2 Timothy 2:15 reminds us that we
56:07 need to study to show ourself approved.
56:09 There's going to be things that we run into in the Bible,
56:11 such as on my day talking about pouring out of indignation.
56:15 Sometimes we don't have all the answers for it,
56:17 but as we continue to learn and grow and study,
56:20 God's heart on this issue will become
56:22 clearer and clearer over time.
56:25 Psalm 96:10 says, "The Lord reigns;
56:29 the world also is firmly established,
56:32 it shall not be moved.
56:34 He shall judge the people righteously."
56:38 According to His righteous character.
56:40 ~ Amen. ~ Amen.
56:42 You know, as we look around at the world today,
56:44 we can tell that sin still is holding sway.
56:48 At least that's the way it appears.
56:50 There is oppression, there is unrighteousness
56:53 all around us, but it's not going to be that way forever.
56:56 Right now here each week we look forward,
56:59 and we're saying, "Lord, we're looking forward
57:01 to what You're going to do."
57:03 But in the not-too-distant future, we know that
57:05 we're going to be looking back and we're going to be
57:07 saying, "Lord, just and true are Your ways.
57:10 Lord, Your works are marvelous.
57:13 Just and true, O King of the saints."
57:16 So maybe you're in a position right now where you're
57:18 one of the ones who's saying,
57:19 "Lord, when are you going to act?"
57:22 I want to remind you that God says
57:24 that He will come through for each of His people,
57:27 each of His saints.
57:29 And reach out to those around you.
57:31 For those of you, like Jill said, you're looking around
57:35 and you're saying, "What can I do?"
57:37 God has got something for you to do,
57:39 and it's in your community.
57:40 There are people all around you who need to be lifted up.
57:43 And you can do that for them. You can bring that to them.
57:46 I want to share with you one psalm here right at the end.
57:51 It says, "For Your mercy reaches unto the heavens,
57:54 and Your truth unto the clouds."
57:57 That brings us into next week's lesson, lesson number seven,
58:01 which is, Your Mercy Reaches to the Heavens.
58:04 I'm looking forward to that.


Revised 2024-07-08