Secrets to Wellness

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: STW

Program Code: STW170007A

00:19 Welcome again to Secrets to Wellness,
00:22 my friends.
00:23 We are studying principles of wellness
00:26 that will help you to live longer,
00:28 healthier, and happier.
00:30 And we've studied the first one on water,
00:33 and I hope you're drinking your water every day,
00:37 the amounts that we need.
00:39 And then exercise, and love, and lifestyle, and nutrition,
00:44 and now we are studying environment.
00:48 And our planet was perfectly designed
00:51 to promote optimum health.
00:53 In fact, our loving Creator
00:56 made this world's environment perfect.
01:00 Eden was so beautiful with colorful flowers,
01:04 and majestic lofty trees, and rivers of flowing water.
01:09 Eden was so beautiful, my friends,
01:11 with all those colorful flowers and lofty trees.
01:16 And the earth's atmosphere was unpolluted,
01:19 its air was fresh and clean.
01:23 And, my friends,
01:24 the more we live in harmony with God's original plan,
01:27 the healthier we will be.
01:29 And so environment is also important
01:33 for our health.
01:34 In fact, it is vital to our health.
01:38 It's either health restoring or it is health destroying.
01:44 And pure air refreshes the body,
01:46 making it strong and healthy.
01:49 So we need that good fresh air,
01:52 and fresh air is especially important
01:55 even if you're sick.
01:57 So if we're well, we need good fresh air,
02:00 but if we're sick,
02:01 we also need to get out in the sunshine and fresh air,
02:05 it is so important.
02:08 And a 19th century health writer said this,
02:11 "The influence of pure, fresh air
02:15 is to cause the blood to circulate healthfully
02:18 through the system.
02:19 It refreshes the body,
02:21 and tends to render it strong and healthy."
02:25 So the influence of fresh air, my friends,
02:29 is going to help you to have a strong and healthy body.
02:33 "It excites the appetite,
02:35 and renders the digestion of food more perfect,
02:39 and induces sound, sweet sleep."
02:41 Look at all of the things
02:43 that fresh air does, my friends.
02:45 It actually is going to stimulate your appetite,
02:48 so you're going to feel more ravenously hungry,
02:52 and then it's going to even assist in your digestion,
02:57 and even help you to sleep better at night.
03:01 And, "The strength of the system is,
03:03 in a degree dependent upon
03:06 the amount of pure air breathed.
03:08 Air is the fresh blessing of Heaven,
03:11 calculated to electrify the whole system."
03:15 So good fresh air electrifies the entire system.
03:21 And fresh outdoor air has wonderful power
03:24 to build the immune system
03:26 and assists in the body's healing process.
03:30 We've been talking a lot about building the immune system,
03:33 and all of these principles of wellness
03:36 will help us to build a strong immune system,
03:40 and so is good fresh air very important.
03:45 In Ministry of Healing, page 263, it says this.
03:49 "Nature is God's physician.
03:52 The pure air, the glad sunshine,
03:54 the beautiful flowers and trees,
03:56 the orchards and vineyards,
03:58 and outdoor exercise amid these surroundings,
04:01 are health-giving and life-giving."
04:04 Have you ever thought about the fact
04:06 that nature and good fresh air actually is like a physician?
04:12 Well, it is, my friends.
04:14 And we need that air, that good fresh air
04:19 because it is that breath of life.
04:23 In fact, one of life's most overlooked,
04:26 but most precious health gifts is pure air.
04:32 But today, the quality of our air
04:35 has dramatically changed.
04:37 It's not so fresh.
04:39 We have polluted outdoor air
04:42 where people are actually wearing mask
04:44 because it is so polluted.
04:46 And we also have polluted indoor air.
04:50 We have a lot of polluted air everywhere,
04:53 fumes from vehicles, toxins from factories,
04:58 toxins from tobacco smoke,
05:00 and damp uncirculated air even indoors.
05:05 In fact, many people use air conditioners constantly
05:11 and rarely getting any good pure fresh air.
05:17 Our lifestyle habits can significantly impact
05:20 our ability to breathe in pure air.
05:25 And so let's look at some of the hindrances
05:27 to the body's oxygen supply.
05:30 What are some of those things that hinder us
05:33 from getting good body's oxygen that we need?
05:38 Well, tobacco smoke is one of them.
05:41 We talked about that in our lifestyle presentation.
05:45 And tobacco smoke damages the lungs,
05:48 and limits the circulation of the blood,
05:51 and pollutes the body.
05:53 So tobacco smoke even for the non-smoker
05:58 pollutes the air.
06:00 And from, it says this.
06:05 "Smoking causes inflammation in the small airways
06:09 and tissues of your lungs.
06:11 This can make your chest feel tight
06:13 or cause you to wheeze or feel short of breath.
06:16 Continued inflammation builds up scar tissue,
06:20 which leads to physical changes to your lungs and airways
06:24 that can make your breathing hard."
06:26 So smoking, my friends,
06:28 causes inflammation in the small airways
06:31 and tissues of our lungs,
06:33 so that's why we need to get away
06:36 from even the people who are smoking
06:38 and try to get into some good pure fresh air.
06:43 And another thing
06:44 that actually hinders our breathing is alcohol.
06:48 Alcohol impairs circulation and limits our breathing.
06:53 In fact, alcohol affects nearly
06:56 every major organ in the human body,
06:58 including the brain, the heart, liver, pancreas,
07:02 and kidneys.
07:04 But a team of researchers from Loyola University
07:07 has found it can also make it harder
07:10 for the lungs to breathe.
07:12 In fact, binge drinking may be the reason
07:15 it's hard to catch your breath.
07:17 And they say, "Alcohol appears to disrupt
07:21 the healthy balance in the lung,"
07:23 said the study's lead author Dr. Majid Afshar,
07:28 a pulmonologist
07:29 at Loyola University's School of Medicine.
07:33 And there are other factors as well, my friends.
07:36 A high fat diet.
07:38 A high fat diet reduces the oxygen level in our blood,
07:41 making the blood thicker
07:44 and causing it to flow more slowly.
07:47 And so there are other factors.
07:49 There are so many factors that hinder this oxygen
07:55 and help us to not breathe as well as we should,
07:59 and dehydration is one of those.
08:02 Drinking too little water keeps the blood from flowing freely.
08:07 Have you ever thought about the fact
08:09 that just not drinking enough water
08:12 keeps you from your blood flowing freely?
08:16 Well, there is another thing, too,
08:18 and that is tight clothing.
08:20 Tight clothing that restricts healthy circulation,
08:24 inhibits the lungs from expanding,
08:27 and actually decreases the oxygen supply.
08:31 So we need to keep our clothing
08:34 a little bit more loose on our bodies
08:37 that will keep us from having our lungs restricted.
08:42 And then poor posture prevents the lungs
08:46 from expanding fully,
08:48 so we need good posture with our head erect
08:52 and our shoulders back,
08:54 especially when we're not only walking,
08:57 but also when we're sitting, we need good posture.
09:01 Sometimes we have a tendency to slouch down
09:04 in that easy chair.
09:06 And then, incorrect breathing.
09:10 We need to learn to take those deep breaths,
09:14 so that we get that oxygen in our lungs.
09:17 And so we inhale deeply and the diaphragm contracts
09:22 and the lungs expand,
09:24 and then when we exhale, the diaphragm relaxes.
09:29 So we need to inhale and exhale
09:33 and practice that, actually, regularly.
09:36 Ministry of Healing, page 272 says this.
09:41 "Full, deep inspirations of pure air
09:45 which fill the lungs with oxygen, purify the blood.
09:49 They impart to it a bright color, and send it,
09:53 a life-giving current, to every part of the body."
09:58 It's amazing.
09:59 Deep inspirations of pure air
10:02 are going to fill the lungs with good oxygen.
10:06 So we need to be taking, my friends, those deep breaths.
10:10 There are many, many health benefits of fresh air,
10:14 good pure fresh air.
10:16 So let's look at them.
10:17 Well,
10:19 serotonin can significantly lighten your mood
10:22 and promote a sense of happiness and well-being.
10:25 So pure air can actually promote happiness.
10:29 Have you ever wondered why you feel so good
10:32 when you're out in the fresh air?
10:35 It's because of that serotonin that you get
10:38 when you're in some good pure fresh air.
10:42 And according to a group of studies published
10:45 in a 2010 issue of the "Journal of Environmental Psychology,"
10:50 research participants reported
10:53 actually feeling happier, and healthier,
10:56 and more alive when they spent time in nature.
11:00 It might be a good idea, my friends,
11:04 to get outside in that good fresh air
11:08 and sunshine.
11:10 Pure air also improves digestion.
11:14 What a wonderful thing pure fresh air is
11:18 even to help us digest our food better.
11:21 Pure air improves the blood pressure
11:25 and the heart rate.
11:26 Some people have high blood pressure.
11:29 And did you ever think about the fact
11:31 that just getting out in the good fresh air
11:35 will actually help lower your blood pressure?
11:40 "A 2008 study
11:43 published in the "Journal of Biological Regulators
11:46 and Homeostatic Agents" recruited participants
11:50 to spend time walking forest and city areas
11:54 to evaluate the impact of walking in the fresh air
11:58 on blood pressure and heart rate."
12:01 So they took these two groups
12:03 some in the forest, out in nature
12:06 and some in the city.
12:08 "And according to the research, participants showed
12:12 more physical signs of relaxation,
12:15 including lower blood pressure
12:18 and lower amounts of stress hormone cortisol,
12:21 when they spent time in the forest
12:24 rather than in the city."
12:26 So it is so important to get out there,
12:29 especially if you live in the city.
12:32 Find some park or someplace where you can go out
12:35 and take in that good deep fresh air by the trees.
12:40 Pure air increases your energy.
12:43 In fact, not long ago,
12:45 my husband and I climbed the mountains in the Swiss Alps
12:50 with our friends Ted and Nancy.
12:52 And wow, it was amazing just to get out there
12:56 in those beautiful Alps,
12:58 it actually increased our energy, I know that.
13:02 And pure air cleanses
13:04 and improves your lung function,
13:07 so your whole lungs are going to function better
13:10 when you get out in the fresh air.
13:12 But you know, just as we are a sedentary nation,
13:15 we tend to be living indoors a lot,
13:19 but we need to get out in the fresh air
13:21 and the sunshine.
13:23 And in a book called Child Guidance, page 339,
13:28 it says, "By active exercise in the open air every day,
13:33 the liver, the kidneys, and the lungs
13:36 also will be strengthened to perform their work."
13:39 Amazing.
13:41 Even the liver, the kidneys, and the lungs
13:44 are going to function so much better
13:46 as we get out there in the fresh air.
13:49 Have you ever thought about fresh air
13:51 as being such a remedy to help your health
13:54 and to help you to live longer, healthier, and happier?
13:57 Well, it even helps our mental health
14:01 because pure air improves the brain power.
14:05 And pure air fosters mental health
14:10 from Harvard University Medical School, they reported,
14:13 "Researchers at the University of Essex in England
14:17 are advancing the notion
14:19 that exercising in the presence of nature has added benefit,
14:24 particularly for mental health."
14:27 So our mental health even improves in the fresh air.
14:31 And, my friends,
14:32 we've been talking a lot about building the immune system,
14:36 and pure air enhances the immune system,
14:40 so that you feel so much better
14:42 and you can live longer and healthier.
14:46 And so here are some benefits of how it actually improves
14:50 the immune system.
14:52 It can improve our happiness, it improves our digestion,
14:57 and even our blood pressure and our heart rate goes down.
15:01 Get those elderly people, my friends,
15:05 out there in the fresh air.
15:07 Many elderly people tend to be indoors
15:11 when they need to be outdoors, breathing that good fresh air.
15:16 And it improves the energy.
15:18 I know that my energy level goes up when I am outside.
15:22 And it improves the lung function,
15:25 improves brain power,
15:27 and improves mental health, and, best of all,
15:31 it's going to improve your immune system.
15:33 So there are many, many benefits
15:36 to good fresh pure air.
15:39 Well, let's look at some tips
15:41 for getting good pure fresh air.
15:45 Exercise in nature.
15:47 My husband and I will get on our bikes
15:49 and go through those trails.
15:51 In fact, one of the things that I love to do
15:53 is just walk through the trails even, singing,
15:58 listening to the birds sing, and talking to my Creator.
16:02 So exercise out there in nature,
16:05 it's going to improve your health, my friends,
16:08 I know it will.
16:09 Well, living in the country is the ideal,
16:12 but not everyone can live in the country.
16:16 It's not possible for all of you
16:19 to move to the country.
16:21 So what are some things that we can do?
16:23 Well, wherever you live,
16:25 find someplace in nature to exercise.
16:28 I know recently, we were in Bulgaria,
16:32 and I thought, "How can I get my exercise
16:35 and get some good fresh air?"
16:37 Well, we found a beautiful park,
16:40 not far from our hotel,
16:41 and every day, we were out there walking and exercising.
16:46 Taking those deep breaths,
16:48 and imbibing the good fresh air from the trees
16:52 because there's health-giving, life-giving properties
16:55 in those trees.
16:57 And so every day, we were walking in the park.
16:59 So find a park
17:01 where you can just get that good fresh air.
17:05 Walk out among the trees
17:07 because the trees actually purify the air.
17:11 Have you ever thought of that?
17:13 Just to put a tree even in your backyard
17:16 will help you to have good fresh air.
17:19 There are health-giving, life-giving properties
17:23 in the trees.
17:24 In fact, we are told that there are health-giving,
17:26 life-giving properties in the balsam of the pine.
17:30 So just a pine tree will give you
17:33 that good cleansing of your lungs.
17:37 And spend more time outside, take a walk after you eat.
17:42 So after you've had your lunch, take a good walk.
17:46 According to one government estimate,
17:49 the average American spends 90% of his or her life indoors.
17:55 Wow. That's only 10% going outside.
18:00 We need to have an outdoor life more than an indoor life.
18:04 God created us to be outdoors.
18:07 And fresh air is health promoting
18:10 while constant air conditioning, my friends,
18:13 is not the best.
18:15 So open those windows,
18:18 get that fresh air at night when you sleep,
18:21 open the windows, don't close them up tight.
18:24 Open the widows.
18:26 Open the windows and even the blinds.
18:28 So many people close their blinds
18:32 because they don't want that sun
18:34 to fade the furniture or get into the house,
18:36 but we need to open the windows and open the blinds.
18:40 And wherever you live,
18:43 keep the air in your house circulating
18:46 by just having the air flow through
18:48 by opening those windows.
18:50 And sleep with the windows open,
18:53 it's going to help you immensely.
18:55 Another little tip for you is to have some houseplants
19:00 because again, you're going to get that good oxygen
19:03 from those houseplants.
19:06 A study of 647 grade-schoolers found
19:10 that students who grew plants scored about 12% higher
19:15 on academic tests, compared with those who didn't.
19:19 So your children are even going to score higher
19:23 on their tests at school if you just give them
19:26 a little plant to put in their room.
19:29 And then, my friends,
19:31 don't allow smoking inside your house.
19:33 Just graciously ask, if someone is smoking,
19:37 "Would you mind smoking outside?"
19:39 Because according to the 2014 Surgeon General's Report,
19:43 there were more than 20 million smoking-related deaths
19:46 in the United States since 1964.
19:50 2.5 million were among non-smokers
19:54 who died from exposure to second-hand smoke.
19:57 We know that second-hand smoke is detrimental today.
20:02 And so we want to get rid of that smoke
20:08 even if it's second-hand smoke.
20:10 And then eat some wholesome nutritious foods.
20:13 What does that have to do with good fresh air?
20:17 Well, eating nutritious food, my friends,
20:20 helps to reduce the damaging effect
20:22 of pollution on the body,
20:25 so you can actually repair your cells in your body
20:29 by eating those good nutritious foods.
20:32 So what are the right kinds of foods?
20:35 Yes, we learned in one of our earlier sessions
20:38 that the right kinds of foods are colorful foods
20:42 like reds and greens and purples and oranges
20:46 and all those colorful...
20:47 What are those foods?
20:48 They are these beautiful fruits and vegetables
20:52 that are full of color.
20:54 So eat foods rich in color, and that's going to help us,
20:59 but every day, my friends, eat a variety of fruits, nuts,
21:04 grains, and vegetables.
21:05 And this is going to help you
21:07 to live longer, healthier, and happier
21:09 because you're going to expand your lungs
21:13 and improve your health.
21:15 So take those deep, deep breaths,
21:18 very important, every day, to take deep breaths.
21:23 Breathe deeply several times daily.
21:26 And when you feel tired,
21:28 stand up and take several breaths.
21:31 In fact, even in offices today,
21:34 they have some of these stand-up desks
21:37 so people can expand their lungs,
21:39 so just stand up if you're feeling tired
21:42 and take those deep breaths.
21:44 Deep breathing releases tension.
21:48 Deep breathing makes the heart stronger.
21:50 Deep breathing elevates moods.
21:53 And deep breathing improves your posture.
21:57 So all of these things can happen
21:59 when we take those good deep breaths.
22:02 Breathing deeply of fresh air also helps our memory,
22:06 fosters sound, refreshing sleep,
22:09 aids in balancing our nervous systems,
22:12 and increases our energy.
22:14 Even your energy is going to be increased
22:17 by just taking some of those good deep breaths.
22:22 And have you ever thought about singing?
22:24 Actually, singing is an excellent way
22:27 of increasing oxygen,
22:29 so some of you may want to just...
22:31 Even if you're not some great musician,
22:34 you don't have to be.
22:36 You can just go out in the fresh air
22:38 among the trees and sing.
22:40 I do this at my home
22:42 when I'm out there in nature and walking the trails.
22:45 So sing, it's an excellent way of increasing oxygen.
22:50 Our environment and fresh air
22:52 is beneficial for our whole well-being.
22:56 And it can either contribute to sickness, my friends,
23:01 or it can contribute to health.
23:04 And what are we trying to do?
23:06 We're trying to increase our health
23:09 so that we can live longer, and better, and happier.
23:13 And so Counsels on Health, page 166 says this.
23:19 "Life in the open air is good for body and mind.
23:22 It is God's medicine
23:24 for the restoration of our health.
23:26 Pure air, good water, sunshine,
23:29 the beautiful surroundings of nature,
23:31 these are His means for restoring the sick
23:35 to health in natural ways."
23:37 What we've been talking about is ways
23:40 that we can restore our health, natural ways,
23:43 not through all of the medications
23:44 that people take today,
23:46 but these are God's natural remedies.
23:48 So every day, get exercise and fresh air, my friends,
23:53 out in the sunshine.
23:55 And so here is your prescription.
23:59 Walk in the sunshine with your head erect,
24:02 and your shoulders back
24:04 and taking those good deep breaths,
24:08 and this truly will help you to be healthier.
24:12 And so let's look at some teenie tips here.
24:17 Walk out in the sunshine,
24:19 walk out in the fresh air daily,
24:22 open those windows
24:23 and get good fresh air in your homes,
24:27 air out your bedding regularly.
24:29 In fact, this is very important
24:31 because when you sleep at night,
24:33 you want to sleep on a fresh, clean smelling pillow.
24:38 And so put those pillows and those blankets
24:41 and that bedding out in the fresh air
24:44 and the sunshine, it will help you as well.
24:48 And then practice deep breathing
24:50 until it becomes a habit.
24:53 So just practice taking those good deep breaths
24:58 because air, my friends, is the precious gift of heaven.
25:03 God has given it to us,
25:05 welcome it, cultivate a love for it,
25:09 and it will prove
25:10 a precious soother of the nerves.
25:14 So get that good fresh air and cultivate it
25:19 because this is God's health assurance plan, my friends.
25:23 All of these together are going to help us
25:26 to live longer, healthier, and happier.
25:29 Now before we go, I think we better go over
25:32 and take some good deep breaths.
25:36 So let's get out of our easy chair,
25:39 let's get out of off the sofa,
25:42 and let's take some of those good deep breaths.
25:46 So I'm going to have you stand up.
25:48 Those of you that are watching at home,
25:50 stand up because we're going to take
25:52 some good deep breaths.
25:55 So I want you to breathe in.
25:57 You're going to breathe in through your nose,
26:00 and you're going to breathe out through your mouth.
26:02 So breathe in through your nose,
26:04 and just shake your hands a little bit
26:07 and make sure you're plenty relaxed.
26:10 And breathe in through your mouth
26:14 and out through your nose.
26:18 And then breathe in through your nose
26:23 and out through your mouth.
26:27 Let's do it again.
26:29 Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth,
26:34 and just relax
26:36 because when you follow these principles, my friends,
26:40 of just taking good deep breaths,
26:44 God is going to bless you
26:47 as you follow all of these principles of wellness
26:51 because these are the natural principles
26:54 that God has given to us
26:57 so that we can live longer, healthier, and happier.
27:01 So I know that you're going to incorporate these principles
27:06 in your life starting right now, starting today,
27:12 so God bless you, again,
27:14 as you determine to follow God's ways of health
27:19 because they truly are the very, very best ways.


Revised 2019-03-08