Starting with Jesus

Two Lost Sons

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SWJ

Program Code: SWJ000046S

00:01 Hey kids, it's time for Sabbath School. Grab your Bibles and
00:03 let's go.
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00:31 Hello boys and girls, Welcome to Starting with Jesus, (Miss
00:34 Ruthie) where we want to encourage you to start
00:37 everything you do with Jesus. Now last week we had a story
00:43 about some things that were lost Do you remember? Today in our
00:49 Bible story we're going to learn about some people who were lost.
00:53 And don't forget to watch until the very end because you won't
01:00 want to miss Pastor Joe's story time. So before we get to that
01:05 let's join in some singing together.
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03:40 Good morning boys and girls. And Happy Sabbath. My name is
03:43 Chaeli and I live in Michigan. But I'm going to tell you a
03:46 story about when I was a missionary for Jesus in Alabama.
03:49 I was going door to door selling books about health and about
03:53 healthy and about Jesus. One day it had been raining, so we were
03:57 in some apartment buildings. As I walked into this apartment
04:00 building I prayed in my head. I was like, Lord, I'm a little bit
04:04 discouraged right now. I want to find somebody who is interested
04:09 in you and who wants to find some of these books and have
04:11 them in their home. So as I walked in usually I would start
04:16 with the apartments on the top floor but for some reason I
04:19 started with the ones on the bottom. I knocked on the first
04:23 door and somebody inside yelled, Who is it? Now there's a lot of
04:28 people who did that so I got used to answering and I just
04:30 said. My name is Chaeli. So the lady came and she opened the
04:34 door a little bit but only about that much. I couldn't see her.
04:38 So I started to tell who I was and what I was doing and I
04:42 started to show her a book. And the first book I showed her is a
04:46 book called In Search of Peace. That's the same book as Steps to
04:49 Christ. And I started to tell her about it and I hadn't even
04:53 finished the first sentence when she interrupted me. She said,
04:57 Not that one; I want the one that says Jesus. I was a little
05:01 surprised because not many people tell me that. But quickly
05:05 in my mind I realized that I had the book she was looking for.
05:08 So I told you, You know I have just the book you're looking for
05:11 And I pulled out the book, They Call Him Jesus, the book Desire
05:15 of Ages. Now if you see this book and you only see one word,
05:19 it's the word Jesus because it's in big bold letters. So I pulled
05:24 it out and I showed her and she immediately opened the door all
05:27 the way and she said, Yes that's exactly the one I was looking
05:31 for. So I told her more about it and she started to tell me.
05:35 She's like, You know what? Just a couple minutes ago I was
05:39 sitting on my couch and I was watching my TV but it started
05:43 getting really fuzzy and I couldn't hear what they were
05:45 talking about. So I turned it off. And I laid down on the
05:49 couch and I was just thinking about how my daughter had a book
05:52 just like that. She bought it from someone just a few days ago
05:54 They were just like you. They had a bag with books and I was
05:59 wishing that I could have that book and be reading it right now
06:01 and then you knocked on my door and you have this book. She was
06:06 super excited to be able to receive that book. And as she
06:08 turned around to go inside and get some money, she looked back
06:12 at me and said, You know what? This is an answer to prayer. God
06:16 did this. When she came back we started talking and I was able
06:20 to share with her how I had prayed too that the Lord would
06:23 help me find someone who was interested in the books and in
06:25 him. We were both able to share how it was an answer to prayer
06:29 to both of us. And it just reminded me that God always
06:32 answers our prayers. You know this reminds me of a verse in
06:35 the Bible. It's found in Jeremiah chapter 33 verse 3:
06:39 It says: Call to me and I will answer you and show you great
06:43 and mighty things which you do not know.
06:45 Never forget that God always answers prayers.
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06:55 Hi everyone and welcome back for another Bible adventure.
07:00 I (Miss Michelle) want to play a little game with you guys.
07:02 Are you ready? When I say a word I want you to say out loud the
07:08 word that first jumps into your brain. Are you ready? Here we go
07:12 Lost. Interesting maybe some of you said the words puppy dog.
07:22 Or a kitten. Or maybe you said the name of a store where you've
07:26 gotten lost in before. Or maybe you thought of a boat being lost
07:30 at sea. Or maybe you thought about something that you've lost
07:35 like keys for your car or something like that. Or a toy
07:38 that you really like. Well today's story is about being
07:44 lost. Let's get started. But before we do let's go and ask
07:47 God to be with us.
07:48 Dear heavenly Father, thank you so much for loving us and for
07:52 saving us and for helping us even when we feel a little bit
07:57 lost. Please bless our time together. Send your Holy Spirit
08:00 to be with us. In your name we pray. Amen.
08:02 Well when Jesus was on earth His stories, what we call parables,
08:08 showed us that we're lost. We're just like sheep that are lost
08:13 without a shepherd and we're lost without Him. In fact, he
08:19 told some stories that we reviewed last week and one of
08:23 them was about a sheep. Do you remember that story about the
08:28 100 sheep but he only got to 99 because one was lost. You see
08:34 this kind of lost sheep represents people who know that
08:37 their lost. This sheep knew that it wasn't where it was supposed
08:40 to be. It was calling for help. But it needed help and it knew
08:44 that. And that's representative of the sheep story of when the
08:49 sheep was lost. Do you remember the other story that we talked
08:51 about when something was lost? That's right, the lost coin.
08:56 And the widow was looking all over her house trying to find
09:00 the coin. This coin represents people who don't even know that
09:04 they're lost. Maybe they haven't even heard about Jesus before.
09:07 But they also need Jesus to save them. They don't even know how
09:12 important they are to Jesus. But everyone is so important to
09:17 Jesus. God loves everybody and we're all sinners and He still
09:23 loves us. We all mess up don't we? Today's story is found in
09:28 Luke chapter 15, verse seven is where we're going to start.
09:32 Luke 15 verse seven. Now I've been practicing for a long time
09:37 to find books in the Bible but if you need a little extra time
09:40 to find the book, make sure you press pause if you're watching
09:44 on You Tube or if you're watching on our website. I don't
09:48 know, some TVs even now you can push pause on them so that you
09:51 can find the story too and read along. I also recommend
09:55 afterwards reading the story again to review it and to really
09:59 understand it well. Luke chapter 15 verse seven: Today's story is
10:05 called Two Lost Sons. Here we go, 15 verse seven:
10:11 Oh this is the end of the other story. Pardon me.
10:17 I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over
10:21 one sinner that repents than over the 99 persons who have no
10:25 need of repentance.
10:26 And that's how the end of the story ended last week. Let's
10:28 jump into the story for this week which is also thankfully in
10:32 Luke chapter 15. You see there were two sons. One was
10:38 responsible and dependable. He didn't complain he the older son
10:42 and he just did what he was told. He worked really hard.
10:45 The other son was the younger son and in this family, not in
10:49 all families, this son was selfish, ungrateful and
10:53 complained a lot. Hmm. The youngest son was unhappy with
10:58 how his life was going and he wanted adventure. He wanted
11:01 excitement. He wanted to do something new and different.
11:04 So he asked for his inheritance early. Inheritance Miss Michelle
11:10 you may ask. Inheritance is what when their father would die he
11:15 would leave to them. So their father probably had what's
11:18 called a will and in the will it said, My oldest son gets this,
11:21 my youngest son gets this, my servants get this, so and so
11:24 gets that. And that was the inheritance. Now that was not
11:28 very kind to ask for his father to give him what he had in the
11:32 inheritance before he died. What it was really saying to his
11:36 Father was I don't care if you're dead or alive. I just
11:38 want your stuff, I just want your money. Wow. But because the
11:43 Father loved him so much and really wanted him to be able to
11:48 make choices and learn from his mistakes, he did, he gave him
11:52 his inheritance early. And you can imagine the older son was
11:57 not too thrilled but he didn't complain. He just went about his
12:01 business. He knew that some day he would get the rest of the
12:04 inheritance that was due to him. Guess what the younger son did.
12:09 He wasted his possessions with prodigal living. Now you may
12:12 have heard of this story before being called the prodigal son.
12:17 What does prodigal mean though? Right? So I looked it up in the
12:20 dictionary for us and it means spending money or resources
12:24 freely and recklessly. That means without a plan, wastefully
12:29 extravagant. So he just wasted all his money on crazy, cool
12:33 things that he thought were awesome but they were just
12:36 temporary. Right? And younger son it made him happy for now.
12:40 In fact, he had so much money it correlated or it connected to
12:44 how many friends he had. He had a lot of friends. So he felt
12:48 really good about himself. He had money, he had friends, he
12:51 was doing exciting things. But the father, you see, was heart
12:56 broken. He was at home, but he never gave up on that son. He
13:00 kept watching for him to come home. And the climax of the
13:05 story comes in Luke 15 verses 14 and 15. So let's jump back to
13:09 the Bible there. Luke 15 verses 14 and 15: Here we go.
13:15 But when he [the younger son] had spent all, there arose a
13:20 severe [or bad] famine in that land and he began to be in want.
13:26 Then he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country and
13:34 he sent him into the fields to feed swine.
13:37 Do you guys know what swine are? Swine are pigs. And I actually
13:43 hadn't thought of this before but our lesson explains that
13:46 taking care of pigs was like as bad as it could get for a Jewish
13:50 person because we know that in the Bible that God had
13:53 instructed them to not even touch pigs. And here he was in
13:58 charge of taking care of them. Now you may ask where are his
14:03 friends now? Were those real friends. No they weren't. They
14:06 disappeared as soon as his money was gone. And then he was left
14:12 to take care of pigs. He looked over at the pig food and he
14:15 thought mmm, that looks good. Can you imagine? He must have
14:19 been really hungry to think that pig food looked good. What a
14:23 stinky, stinky job. Then he got to thinking. He had a lot of
14:27 time to think when he was there taking care of the pigs. Right?
14:30 Then Luke 15 verse 17, he came to a conclusion. He said:
14:37 When he came to himself he said, How many of my father's hired
14:41 servants have bread enough to spare and I perish with hunger.
14:45 I will arise and go to my father and will say to him, Father I
14:49 have sinned against heaven and before you. [And continue to
14:52 verse 19] and I am no longer worthy to be called your son.
14:57 Make me like one of your hired servants.
14:59 He thought, they have it better. I'm just going to go home and
15:02 be a servant for my father. I don't even care if he calls me
15:05 his son anymore. I just really want to live. And so that's what
15:10 he did. He headed home. The boy was a dejected young man as he
15:14 headed home and up the dirt path but his father had, like we said
15:18 never given up on him. And in verse 20 it says:
15:20 And he arose and came to his father. But when he was still a
15:24 great way off, [that means far away] his father saw him [he
15:29 was looking] and he had compassion [that means love]
15:32 on him and he ran and fell on his neck and kissed him.
15:35 He gave him a big hug and a kiss His dad was so happy to have him
15:40 home. And verse 21 says:
15:43 The son said to him [he got ready his speech, right, he
15:46 says] Father I have sinned against heaven and in your sight
15:49 I am no longer worthy to be called you son.
15:51 And right then his father just cut him off. He didn't even let
15:55 him finish his speech that he had planned.
15:57 But his father said to the servants, bring out the best
15:59 robe and put on him and put on a ring on his hand and sandals on
16:03 his feet. And bring the fatted calf here to kill it and let us
16:08 eat and be merry. [He was like let's have a big party.] For
16:12 this my son was dead and is alive again. He was lost and now
16:16 he is found. And they began to be merry [which means happy.]
16:19 Now was his son really dead? Not literally but spiritually he was
16:26 dead and if he'd remained far away he probably would have died
16:29 or hunger, wouldn't he have? Now you can imagine the big
16:33 festivity, the big party, that happened at that home that night
16:37 And just as the party was really getting going the older son came
16:43 home. Now do you think he was excited that his younger brother
16:46 was home? Or was he frustrated? Hmm. Let's find out. In verse 27
16:53 it says: And he said to him your brother has come and he has
16:57 received him safe and sound your father has killed the fatted
17:00 calf. But he [the older brother] was angry and would not go into
17:06 the party. Therefore, his father came out and pleaded with him.
17:09 So he answered and said to his father, Lo many years I have
17:13 served you and never transgressed your commandment
17:17 at any time and yet you never gave me a young goat that I may
17:23 be merry with my friends but as soon as this son of yours who
17:27 devoured your livelihood, he came home and you've killed the
17:33 fatted calf for him. And the father said to him, Son you were
17:37 always with me and all that I have is yours. It was right that
17:41 we should make merry and be glad for your brother was dead and is
17:44 alive again. He was lost and now he is found.
17:47 Hmm. Two lost boys. All the times we focus only on the
17:54 prodigal, the younger one, who went away and spent all that
17:57 money recklessly. But Jesus was also making another point. There
18:02 are people in this world who are lost and who make bad choices
18:04 and who go out and make wicked or bad decisions. Right? But
18:09 there are also people who think they're pretty downright awesome
18:12 In fact, they think they're better than anyone else. Can you
18:15 think of who he might have been talking to in Bible times.
18:18 That's right. He was talking to the Pharisees. They followed all
18:22 the rules, every single rule. In fact, they followed all the
18:26 rules in the Bible and then they made up extra ones just to show
18:28 how good they were. And that's the thing. They didn't follow
18:31 the rules because they loved Jesus. They followed the rules
18:34 to look good themselves. They followed the rules so that other
18:37 people would pay attention to them and give them glory, not
18:40 God. Jesus was also talking about them because they're
18:44 also lost, just like the older brother was lost and that he
18:47 didn't realize how exciting it was when someone who's made
18:50 mistakes decides to change their lives through the power of Jesus
18:54 of course. So this has a good lesson for all of us whether we
18:58 feel like we make lots of mistakes or maybe we feel like
19:01 we're pretty close to perfect. I know I'm not. But maybe we
19:05 felt that way before. We all need Jesus. We all are lost and
19:10 the Bible says if we confess our sins, so here's the good news,
19:15 He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to
19:19 cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
19:21 Unrighteousness means the things how we mess up in our lives and
19:25 the bad decisions that we make. He'll cleanse us from all that.
19:27 He'll forgive us. That's found in 1 John 1 verse 9. I know that
19:33 I don't want to be like the younger son who spent all that
19:37 money. I don't want to be like the older son who thinks that
19:39 they don't need Jesus' help to live a good Christian life.
19:43 I want to be like the younger son at the end of the story
19:45 where he realizes his mistakes and he comes to Jesus for help.
19:49 Don't you?
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20:04 Thank you Miss Michelle for that Bible story. Now I remember that
20:08 last week we had some questions and let's see what those
20:14 questions were and if you got them right.
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20:35 I hope you're listening because it's time for our questions.
20:38 Questions #1: In our story today there were two brothers and the
20:45 younger brother asked for his inheritance and then went away
20:48 and did what? What did the younger brother do with the
20:52 money that he was given?
20:55 Question #2: Where was the brother when he finally realized
21:04 that he was not in a good place and that he should go home?
21:08 What was the younger brother doing when he realized, I would
21:14 be better off in my father's house?
21:18 Questions #3: What did the older brother do when his younger
21:25 brother came home? What did the older brother do when the
21:31 younger brother came home? Was he happy about it? Or something
21:38 else. Now you can send your answers to us at
21:43 and we will give you a shout out
21:50 on our You Tube channel. We have a little special section that we
21:54 added, a little shout out to those of you who sent in your
21:57 answers. So we love to include you and we love to find ways to
22:01 have you as part of our Sabbath School program. So send us your
22:06 answers and we would love to see how you're participating in
22:09 Sabbath School.
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22:20 It's time now for our memory verse. Let's say it together.
22:25 1 John 1:9: If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to
22:34 forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
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22:54 You want to say hi to all the boys and girls. (Pastor Joe)
22:55 Hi all the boys and girls. (Hudson)
22:58 How's it going? Well when daddy was a little boy I loved to go
23:05 [continued from last week] I loved to go sledding. When we
23:06 got to the bottom of the hill the road flattened out there
23:09 and just as I was starting to flatten out my sled was starting
23:13 to slow down and we were on a road and I heard an engine
23:16 behind me and I started to turn around to look to see what the
23:20 noise of this engine was. Then something distracted me and I
23:23 looked ahead again and then boom just like that a truck went
23:29 right over Daddy's
23:30 sled. This engine went right over the top of my head and I
23:35 was still sledding. I started going as fast as I could trying
23:38 to pump trying to keep up with this... because I was on my
23:41 stomach and my head was low to the ground, my chin was low to
23:44 the ground and I was trying to keep up and the tires were
23:46 turning and it was so scary. I yelled, Stop! Stop! and nobody
23:51 stopped. And he was driving and I thought I was going to die. I
23:56 Stop! and then my friend ahead of me, Christina, turned around
23:58 and she saw that I was sliding under a truck. She jumped up and
24:02 she waved her hand and she said Stop! Stop! And then the driver
24:04 started to pull over. That's when my left hand hit the tire
24:09 and my thumb got twisted but my sled kept going straight and
24:14 then the driver stopped and I was sledding out from under the
24:18 truck. Whoo! So scary! I jumped up. I turned around and I went
24:24 to the window of the driver and his window was already down.
24:28 I looked at him and he looked at me. And he turned as white as
24:32 the snow and he didn't say anything. I didn't say anything
24:37 because I didn't know what to say because I knew that if I had
24:40 been sledding over just that far that way, maybe that far that
24:44 way I would have gone right under the tires. I never even
24:49 probably would have known what happened. I would have gotten
24:51 tangled up under this three- quarter ton truck that was a two
24:55 wheel drive and it had a cord of firewood in the back of the
24:58 truck. So guess what Hudson. Hum. Guess who was taking care
25:02 of Daddy. Was it Jesus? Did he send his angels? Uh-huh. He can
25:08 watch out after us, can't he? Yeah. I have never seen my angel
25:12 but have been really close to him and he's been close to me
25:15 because he was steering my sled. And you know what boys and girls
25:18 God is willing to take care of us even when we're in a
25:22 dangerous situation we don't know about. So every day we want
25:25 to start by giving our life to God. Even though I was only 13
25:29 years old, I was old enough to think some pretty serious
25:31 thoughts and when I went to bed that night I couldn't quite
25:34 sleep at first and I realized I wanted my life, the whole thing,
25:39 to belong to God because he had given me another day to live and
25:44 he had protected me and so my life belonged to him that day
25:48 and belonged to him ever since. Shall we pray, yep, and ask God
25:52 to take care of us? Yeah.
25:54 Dear heavenly Father we thank you for watching out after us.
25:58 Please bless all the boys and girls wherever they're at and
26:01 watch out after us. We thank you In Jesus' name, Amen.
26:04 God bless. God bless.
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26:11 I'm so glad you joined us today. We have some really fun programs
26:14 coming up starting this spring and we haven't announced those
26:18 dates yet, but we will soon. We're going to be having a daily
26:23 storytime for about 12 days when we'll be listening to a
26:27 really interesting mission story that you will not want to miss.
26:30 We will be announcing those dates really soon. But to find
26:33 out about it even before we announce the dates you'll want
26:37 to sign up to our newsletter at and
26:40 there would be a little pop-up that comes up that says, sign up
26:44 to our newsletter here. And if you don't see that, you can
26:47 always email us at
26:51 and find out how to sign up to our newsletter. You also don't
26:55 want to miss ways that you can actively participate in our
26:59 program. One of those ways is sending in a picture of you for
27:03 our intro clip and you can find out how to do that at
27:06 There's other ways that you can
27:10 participate in our program. So you can also find us at our
27:14 Facebook at Starting With Jesus and our Instagram at Starting
27:18 With Jesus and finding out ways to participate there. Also you
27:22 can check out our YouTube at
27:25 Let's have a prayer.
27:27 Our Father in heaven, thank you so much for your love. Thank you
27:30 that you search for us, that you want us to come home and that
27:36 welcome us with open arms. I pray that you will be with us
27:40 and help us to give our whole hearts to you. Help us not to be
27:45 like the sheep who gets lost. Help us not to be like the coin
27:48 who gets lost and help us not to be like the brother who gets
27:52 lost, either one of them, even if we're at home. Help us to
27:56 just give our hearts to you and serve you and worship you and
28:01 and help us to be like you. Help us to be missionaries to those
28:06 who are around us. We love you Jesus and we thank you that you
28:11 love us. In Jesus' name, Amen.
28:14 Thank you so much for watching. Have a blessed week.
28:19 Keep in touch.
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Revised 2021-10-20