Starting with Jesus

By The Sea Again

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SWJ

Program Code: SWJ000068S

00:01 ♪ ♪
00:24 Hello boys and girls. (Miss Ruthie) Welcome to
00:25 Starting With Jesus where we want you to start every day with
00:30 Jesus. We have another program for you today and today's
00:35 program is all about forgiveness We're going to learn about Peter
00:41 who had done something very sad and how Jesus showed that He
00:47 forgave him. So I'm excited about that and Miss Michelle's
00:50 going to tell that story. But before we get to that what do we
00:54 always do? That's right. Let's get to some singing.
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02:32 ♪ ♪ Power in the Blood
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05:30 Hello boys and girls and welcome to another page in God's great
05:32 book of nature. Many places have four seasons: Summer, Fall,
05:38 (Miss Gloria) Winter and Spring. God has given each season its
05:41 beauty and spring is definitely beautiful. The paleness and
05:45 silence of winter's over and spring just seems that much
05:49 happier and brighter. Even the trees have put on their best
05:52 outfits, the beautiful blossoms. Did you know that trees in
05:55 general are full of buds? Buds look like buttons on the tree
05:59 bark or on the branches. But by the time of the season they're
06:02 already open They start pinpoint size and can stay small or
06:07 grow very big. Now last spring while the tree was busy opening
06:12 up buds, it took a little time to pack new buds on the side for
06:15 the following spring. Wondering what is packed in the buds? It
06:20 packs stem, flowers, and embryo leaves. Those are baby leaves.
06:28 A tree finishes packing all that in a bud in early fall and there
06:32 the bud sits without a stir of life until the season and the
06:37 time is right. And then, aren't these lovely. Oh I love to see
06:43 the colors and the styles Jesus chooses for each tree and for
06:47 each blossom. He even makes each bud unique. And I love to see
06:52 how he makes these buds blossom each and every spring. Without
06:56 fail he's an awesome God and His creation is awesome too. Now you
07:04 know God's really the one packing up all of that into each
07:06 bud, right? But what if you didn't know buds bloomed in the
07:10 spring? Oh you'd be so sad in the winter when the trees lose
07:14 their leaves, wouldn't you? And you would worry about the trees.
07:18 What will they do for leaves next year? Oh how horrible they
07:22 will look for the rest of their lives. That sounds silly doesn't
07:27 it? Now you know that God packed the buds last year in
07:30 preparation for the spring of this year. Well that's not more
07:34 silly than our worried questions that we have about our own lives
07:36 like what will I do when my shoes wear out, or what if I
07:39 have to move or go to a new school? What if we get sick?
07:42 Well, don't worry. Remember that God was packing those buds last
07:47 year even before the problem of falling leaves even happened.
07:51 Remember that God has a solution even before we know there's a
07:54 problem. Matthew 6:31 and 32 tells us:
08:10 Think about that verse every time you see an unfolding leaf
08:12 or a blossoming tree or even a bud. And you'll realize that in
08:16 a world that feels so upside down right now, where no one
08:20 seems to have any answers or solutions God does have a
08:23 solution. In fact, He had a solution for you even before you
08:27 knew there was a problem. Trust Him with every aspect of your
08:30 life. He's got this. Until next time boys and girls remember to
08:34 keep looking for treasures in God's great book of nature.
08:38 Adios.
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08:44 How many of you guys like to go to the beach? I love going to
08:47 the beach, especially in the summertime. (Miss Michelle)
08:49 Well today we're going to talk about a special meeting at a
08:55 beach.
08:56 Dear heavenly Father, thank you for loving us. Thank you for
08:58 sending Jesus, for His amazing sacrifice for us. Send your Holy
09:02 Spirit to be here with us today. We love you and we thank you.
09:05 In your name, we pray, Amen.
09:07 The lesson today is called By the Sea Again. Jesus' disciples
09:13 now all knew that Jesus was alive. And He had told them to
09:19 meet Him by the Sea of Galilee. It was also called the Sea of
09:23 Tiberius; just a fun trivia fact And there was a whole group of
09:27 them that went there to meet with Jesus. How many, you may
09:31 ask. Well, let's look it up. You may need to help me count though
09:34 okay. Are you ready? John chapter 21 verses 1 and 2 talk
09:39 about this. Now it was actually quite a long journey to go to
09:43 the Sea of Galilee. In fact, it says it probably took several
09:47 days to travel from Jerusalem where they were to the Sea of
09:52 Galilee. But it was worth it and you can imagine as they walked
09:55 how excited they were and how they talked about everything
09:57 that Jesus had taught them and what they had learned and what
10:00 had happened. Let's start counting. Are you ready? John
10:04 chapter 21 verses 1 and 2 says: After these things, Jesus showed
10:08 himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberius and in
10:15 this way He showed Himself. Simon Peter, Thomas called the
10:20 Twin, Nathaniel of Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee,
10:23 there were two sons of Zebedee right, and two other disciples.
10:28 How many did you guys get were together. I got seven. Is that
10:34 what you got? Yep. And they were all together. So a lot of times
10:39 we just assume that all 12 disciples were there but John
10:42 reports that there were seven of them. Which seven out of 11 now
10:46 ...There were 12 right but then Judas is no more and so seven
10:50 out of 11...They were only missing a few disciples that
10:54 couldn't be there. Now when they got there they were waiting for
10:57 Jesus to show up for this meeting on the beach. Right?
11:02 And Jesus had been the best teacher ever and I think that He
11:07 truly deserves that title. For three years they had spent time
11:10 with Him and they had started to understand the real meaning of
11:14 the 10 commandments. There were poor but they also were super
11:19 important because they were to be His missionaries and it says
11:24 that in Matthew 24 verse 14. And they were talking about all
11:28 these things while they waited for Jesus to show up. Matthew 24
11:32 verse 14, let's read what that says. Here we are: And this
11:38 gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a
11:42 witness to all the nations and then the end will come. Who was
11:46 going to preach that? The disciples and all of Christ's
11:49 followers, right? Now as they waited, Peter got an idea. Peter
11:54 was always full of ideas and he's usually not very shy to
11:57 express his opinions, is he? Hm. He said, Let's go fishing.
12:05 I mean that's what their trade had been, right? And they
12:08 thought well what better way to still spend time reminiscing and
12:11 talking about all the memories that we have with Jesus, even
12:15 right here on the lake. And so they decided that that night
12:18 they would go fishing. You can imagine that talked about Jesus
12:21 teaching there on the hillside beside the Sea of Galilee, or
12:24 maybe they talked about that one time when he took five loaves
12:29 and two fish and fed 5000 people plus. Maybe there were talking
12:34 about that one stormy night where Jesus said Peace be still
12:38 to the Sea and the storm went away. Or maybe they talked about
12:43 Hey Peter remember that one time Yeah Yeah! when He had walked on
12:49 water. That's right. He had walked on water right to Jesus.
12:53 Did he keep his eyes on Jesus though? He didn't. What happened
12:57 When we lose our focus on Jesus we start to sink and be tempted
13:02 right? Jesus reached out his hand though to Peter and pulled
13:05 him up and when He got into the boat the storm stopped. What
13:09 amazing memories they had here at the lake. And as they cast
13:12 their net in during the night, the night of fishing, they were
13:16 talking about these things. Now why did they fish at night? Good
13:20 question, right? Nowadays we see people out fishing just about
13:23 any time, right? Truly devoted fishermen and fisherwomen will
13:29 go any time to go fishing, won't they? But back then they used
13:32 big nets and they still use that on commercial fishing today.
13:36 But the big nets cast shadows over the water and those fish
13:40 got pretty smart so often times if they did it during the
13:44 daytime they would see the shadow of the net and they'd
13:46 swim away. Smart little fishies, right? But during the nighttime
13:51 an unsuspecting little fish might be swimming along and it
13:54 wouldn't see the shadow of the net because the darkness would
13:58 disguise it, right? And it would swim right into the net and make
14:03 the disciples some money. They had to buy food too you know.
14:05 So they fished all night. Do you remember if it was a successful
14:10 fishing trip or not? I'll give you a clue. It wasn't. They
14:15 fished all night and they didn't catch not one fish. Isn't that
14:20 sad? How discouraging for the disciples but hey it was worth a
14:24 try, right? But then we pick up the story again in John chapter
14:29 21 verse 3: Simon Peter said to them, I'm going fishing. And
14:36 they said to him, We're going with you also. They went out and
14:39 immediately got into the boat and that night they caught,
14:42 that's right, were you listening nothing. But when the morning
14:47 had now come Jesus stood on the shore, yet the disciples did not
14:52 know it was Jesus. They looked out towards the shore where they
14:55 were going to land their boat and they saw a stranger there.
14:57 They thought well that's odd. But I mean who doesn't like the
14:59 beach, right? So they didn't really think too much of it.
15:02 Um, then Jesus said to them, Children, have you any food?
15:08 And they answered Him, no. And He said to them, cast the net on
15:14 the right side of the boat and you'll find some. Interestingly
15:19 enough it was daylight by now and do little fishies swim into
15:23 nets in daylight? Not usually. Another important thing to note
15:28 was that the right side of the boat would have been the shore
15:31 side, the side closest to Jesus. Kind of has some symbolism
15:36 there doesn't it? Trust me. Get closer to me and I'll take care
15:40 of you. What do you think they did? Well, cast the net on your
15:48 right side and you'll find some, so they cast their net. And now
15:53 they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of fish
15:58 that filled up that net. It wasn't just a couple fish.
16:02 Multitude means many, many, many fish-filled up the net. You can
16:08 imagine them trying to pull the net in. Oh it was so heavy and
16:13 they looked up and therefore the disciple whom Jesus loved said
16:18 to Peter, It is the Lord! Now, the disciple who Jesus loves. Do
16:22 you remember who that was? Of course, Jesus loved all his
16:25 disciples right. He loves all of us, He loves everyone. He even
16:29 loves Satan. But who was the disciple that Jesus loved? If
16:34 you answered John, that would be correct. And it's interesting
16:37 because in the book of John he never refers to himself as John.
16:41 He refers to himself as the other disciple or the disciple
16:43 that Jesus loved. And what did John say to Peter? He said, It
16:48 is the Lord. John recognized that it was in fact Jesus there
16:52 on the shore and he got so excited, right? But Peter was
16:57 even more, excited too, and now when Simon Peter heard that it
17:01 was the Lord, he put on his outer garment for he had
17:03 removed it, and plunged into the sea. I don't know if you've ever
17:08 gone canoeing or kayaking or boating but sometimes you might
17:11 get out early instead of waiting till it got all the way to shore
17:15 he got early. He just jumped in the water and started running
17:19 through the water, half swimming half running to Jesus. He was
17:23 so excited to see his Lord and Savior. And it must have been
17:29 kind of funny to watch that from the boat, huh? But the other
17:32 disciples came in the little boat for they were not far from
17:35 the land, about 200 cubits. And they were dragging the net of
17:39 fish behind the boat. They couldn't even get the net up in
17:41 the boat. They were dragging the net along behind the boat as
17:44 they came in to shore. Oh my! I can just see it in my mind. How
17:50 about you? Then as soon as they came to land they saw a fire of
17:54 coals there and fish laid on it and bread. How did Jesus do
17:59 that? Wow. Well he was definitely using His God powers
18:02 to help other people's disciples but I'm sure He had some too.
18:06 And Jesus said to them, bring some of the fish which you have
18:09 just caught. We'll have some more for our fish fry dinner,
18:12 right? Or breakfast, I guess, fish fry breakfast.
18:15 Simon Peter went up
18:17 and dragged the net to land full of large fish, 153, they counted
18:24 them, 153, and although there were so many the net was not
18:26 even broken. That was a miracle too. Jesus said to them, come
18:31 and eat breakfast. Yet none of the disciples dared ask Him who
18:34 are you? Cause they just knew. Knowing that it was the Lord.
18:38 Jesus than came and took the bread and gave it to them and
18:41 likewise the fish. Now this was the third time Jesus showed
18:44 Himself to his disciples after He'd been raised from the dead.
18:47 Then, it's very interesting because Jesus has a really
18:52 important conversation with Peter. You remember what
18:55 happened with Peter, right? He denied Jesus not one, not two,
18:59 but three times. And Peter had had a huge change of heart. He
19:07 was not the same person anymore. He was no longer selfish, not as
19:13 selfish. We all struggle with being selfish as humans. But he
19:16 wasn't as impulsive anymore. He had really changed. And Jesus
19:20 wanted to give him a chance to express that. So in John 21
19:25 verse 15 has an important questions for Peter. He said,
19:28 So when they'd eaten breakfast Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon
19:31 son of Jonah, do you love me more than these. And he said to
19:36 him, Yes Lord, you know that I love you. He said, Feed my lambs
19:40 What was Jesus talking about? Feed my lambs? Was he supposed
19:44 to become a farmer and have a bunch of lambs to feed? No.
19:47 Lambs are what? Young sheep. So Jesus was encouraging Simon
19:52 Peter and the other disciples to not forget the kids. Not forget
19:56 you guys, right? They had said No the Savior's too busy for you
20:02 and turned them away hadn't they So it was a reminder. It was
20:05 also a reminder for the people to, that's right, for them to
20:12 look out for new Christians or young believers in Jesus. Then
20:16 Jesus asked him again, Simon son of Jonah, do you love me?
20:21 And he said to Him, yes Lord you know that I love you. Then He
20:24 said, tend my sheep. That's the adults too, right? He wanted His
20:29 disciples, especially Peter, to look out for all of God's
20:33 children. That's the second time Guess what He did then. Jesus
20:36 said to him a third time, Simon Peter, son of Jonah, do you love
20:41 me? Peter was grieved that means sad because He'd said to him the
20:46 third time do you love me? And he said to Him, Lord you know
20:48 all things and you know that I love you, and Jesus said to him,
20:51 Feed my sheep. Most assuredly I say to you, Jesus said, when you
20:56 were younger you girded yourself and walked where you wished but
20:59 now that you are old you will stretch out your hand and
21:01 another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish. This
21:05 He spoke signifying by what death he would glorify God and
21:08 when He has spoken this He said to him, Follow Me. Someday, Peter
21:14 would die for Jesus, wouldn't he? And yet Jesus was giving Peter
21:21 a chance to show the disciples that three times he had denied
21:24 and yet he had affirmed his connection with Jesus three
21:27 times. Peter was sorry. Jesus had forgiven Peter. Jesus still
21:32 loved Peter and Peter definitely loved Jesus. And that's the
21:36 important thing, kids. Loving Jesus with all of our hearts. He
21:41 loved you so much and He just asks for your love in return.
21:45 Take care. God bless! See you next time.
21:47 ♪ ♪
21:52 Thank you so much, Miss Michelle for that story. I'm so glad that
21:55 Jesus forgives us. And I'm so glad for the stories of His
22:00 forgiveness for others so we can trust that He forgives us. Now
22:04 it's time to review our questions from last week.
22:06 And let's see if you got them right.
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22:35 It's time for our new questions. Are you ready? Question number
22:39 one: Where did Jesus meet the disciples? Where did Jesus meet
22:43 the disciples. Question number two: True or false: You have to
22:49 be rich to share Jesus's love with others. True or false: You
22:54 have to be rich to share Jesus's love with others. And question
23:00 number three: How many times did Jesus tell Peter to feed His
23:08 lambs or sheep? How many times did Jesus tell Peter to feed His
23:13 lambs or His sheep? You can send your answers to us at
23:18 and we'll make sure to include a
23:24 shout out for you and we want to see your answers. So send them
23:27 to us at
23:29 ♪ ♪
23:34 Our memory verse today is 1 John 4:16:
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24:03 Hello boys and girls. Some of you are listening to Seedpod
24:07 with Miss Katie every morning and you know she's been teaching
24:09 us the New Testament books of the Bible and we're learning
24:12 some pretty interesting facts about the writers, huh? Well I
24:16 want to see how well you've been paying attention. So what I'm
24:18 going to do is either say a fact or the books of the Bible in
24:23 order or out of order. If the fact I say is true or the order
24:27 is correct you give me a thumbs up. If the fact I say is wrong
24:32 or it's out of order then you give me a thumbs down. If you
24:36 don't really know or you don't remember it's okay, just give me
24:40 a sideways thumb. Ready? Here we go. Four books make up the
24:45 gospels. Is that correct? Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
24:49 Four books. Perfect, very nice. Get your thumbs up.
24:54 Very good. Next one.
24:56 Listen carefully now. Acts, Romans, 1 and 2 Chronicles.
25:01 Is that order correct? Acts, Romans, 1 and 2 Chronicles.
25:10 (Giggles) No. What should it be? Corinthians. Corinthians! That's
25:13 right. Acts, Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians. That was tricky.
25:18 All right. Are your thumbs ready Are your thumbs ready? Peter,
25:23 Peter wrote most of the New Testament books of the Bible.
25:27 Paul Who wrote most of the books of the New Testament? Paul.
25:33 Paul. It was Paul. I used to get Peter and Paul confused when I
25:36 was little. Paul wrote most of the New Testament books of the
25:40 Bible. All right. This next one's going to be a tough one.
25:43 You got to put your thinking caps on. Who are going to put
25:45 your thinking caps on. La la la, thinking caps on. Come on every
25:49 body. Thinking caps on. All right. I'm going to say the last
25:53 five books of the Bible backward (giggles) yeah. Here
25:58 it goes. Ready? Revelation, Jude 3, 2, and 1 John. I'll repeat it.
26:06 Revelation, Jude, 3, 2, and 1 John. Is that in order backward
26:12 Yes. Yes, it is. Perfect. All right. Last one. Are you ready?
26:17 1 and 2 Timothy were written by Paul to Timothy. Yeah. 1 and 2
26:27 Timothy were written by Paul to Timothy. Check. It's correct.
26:32 Perfect. All good job for you girls. Let's end with a thumbs
26:35 up for your participation. Whoo! (Giggles) All right.
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26:44 I read my Bible every day when I get up in the morning and that's
26:48 how I start my day.
26:51 ♪ ♪
26:55 Hi guys. Have you enjoyed this lesson today. I know I have. Did
26:59 you know that every single day of the week we study this lesson
27:03 You can find out more about that program if you go to our website
27:07 www.
27:13 that's
27:15 You can check out our kids seedpod and we study the lesson
27:19 every day of the week leading up to this Sabbath School program.
27:22 So I want to see you there. And did you know that I'm going to
27:27 be at ASI in Orlando Florida in August. So if you're coming to
27:32 ASI you'll have to come check out the booth. You'll see Miss
27:37 Ruthie, you'll see me there and we'll have lots of fun together.
27:40 So before we go let's bow our heads and pray.
27:43 Lord, thank you so much for your forgiveness, that you love us,
27:48 that you care for us and even when we make mistakes you still
27:54 care and you still love us. Thank you, Lord. Go with us this
27:58 week in all that we do and help us to have a safe week with you.
28:03 In Jesus name, Amen.
28:05 Thanks for watching. Have a blessed week and keep in touch.
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Revised 2022-06-07