Abortion Controversy, The

Not Just a Woman's Issue

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Steve Wohlberg (Host), Antionette Duck, Dianne Wagner


Series Code: TAC

Program Code: TAC000008A

00:08 Abortion is typically seen as a woman's issue,
00:11 but what about the men?
00:13 Do words like guilt, responsibility and love
00:15 apply to the guys too?
00:17 That's what's next on The Abortion Controversy.
00:48 Thank you for joining us for Part 8
00:49 of the 13-part series called The Abortion Controversy.
00:53 We have been dealing with the ups and downs
00:54 and ins and outs of the abortion dilemma,
00:57 and I've been interviewing two women.
00:59 We've been hearing from a woman's perspective.
01:01 And Dianne Wagner and Antionette Duck
01:03 of Mafgia ministry,
01:04 they've dedicated their lives to helping,
01:06 to shed light into this dark subject.
01:11 And today we're gonna shift gears
01:12 and talk about the men.
01:14 Men, it obviously takes two to produce a baby
01:17 and we are involved and so, guys, get ready.
01:20 We're gonna hear from the women
01:22 and what they have to say to us.
01:25 So, ladies, again, thank you for being here.
01:28 This has been a very
01:29 enlightening series of programs.
01:32 I've learned a lot and I have a lot more to learn.
01:34 So I'm gonna brace myself
01:36 because I know you are talking about the guys.
01:39 And so where do you want to start?
01:42 You know, when we think of the issue of abortion,
01:45 it's really remarkable the number of people
01:48 who either claim or just believe
01:51 that abortion is simply a woman's issue,
01:54 that abortion only affects women,
01:57 or that women are the only people
02:00 grappling with this issue.
02:02 That idea is simply false.
02:06 We know that statistically,
02:08 over one third to one half of all women
02:13 will have had an abortion by the time she reaches age 45.
02:17 Wow, that's an incredible statistic.
02:20 It's staggering and it applies to women
02:23 who are in and out of the church.
02:26 If we say for the sake of argument
02:29 that there are the same number of men and women in the world
02:33 and we know that over one third to one half of all women
02:37 will have had an abortion by the time she is 45.
02:40 That means over one half to one third of all men
02:43 will have fathered a child who was aborted.
02:46 And I'm assuming in a lot of those cases
02:48 I guess we don't really know
02:50 but that a lot of those men don't even know
02:53 that they fathered a child.
02:54 Perhaps not, very likely not,
02:56 but what we do know is that abortion
02:58 is not just a women's issue.
03:01 In fact, what I wanted to share,
03:03 I did some research on that
03:05 and how men respond to the news
03:07 of their girlfriend or even wife,
03:10 you know, who is pregnant with an unintended pregnancy,
03:13 and these are what I came up with.
03:15 You know, they can both agree to the decision of an abortion,
03:19 the man and woman, they both decide together,
03:22 or the man may pressure the woman.
03:25 He doesn't want the responsibility
03:26 so he will threaten her, manipulate her
03:29 into an abortion,
03:31 threaten her into leaving, abandoning her.
03:34 So a lot of times the woman doesn't want it
03:35 but the man puts the screws down.
03:38 Unfortunately that's...
03:39 He says you do this or else...
03:41 That's right, then or maybe it's a friend or a parent
03:44 who is putting pressure on that young lady
03:46 and the man in this case just stands aside
03:50 and let other people make the decision
03:52 for his baby, you know.
03:54 Another one is well,
03:57 when the man may abandon the relationship altogether.
03:59 He just disappears.
04:01 He gets the news, he leaves,
04:02 so he's not even in the decision process.
04:04 He leaves the picture.
04:06 Um, the man may maintain the relationship
04:10 but passively leaves the decision to her.
04:14 There's another one which,
04:15 his partner may choose abortion against his wishes
04:19 and I've seen this.
04:21 I've had men come to me and share their experience
04:23 where they wanted the baby but their wife chose
04:27 or their girlfriend chose, you know, to have the abortion.
04:30 And then the last one was the man may not even know
04:33 about the abortion like you were just saying,
04:36 it's until it's already past if ever, you know.
04:41 So those are responses of men? Typical responses of men.
04:45 And I'm sure we're gonna get into the issue of what,
04:47 how should men respond.
04:49 I mean obviously the ideal in an ideal world is for a man
04:54 to wait until he gets married
04:56 and for a woman to wait until she gets married
04:58 and then they don't have to deal with this issue,
05:01 at least most of the time.
05:02 But we don't live in an ideal world.
05:04 We live in a crazy, mixed up world
05:05 that I've thought a lot about this whole issue
05:07 and it seems like a lot of it's just like the Middle East.
05:09 The Middle East mess
05:10 between the Israelis and the Palestinians,
05:12 nobody can seem to figure this out
05:14 or unravel this or bring about peace,
05:16 and as long as we live in a sinful world
05:17 where people are doing what they're doing,
05:20 this dilemma is going to come up, right?
05:24 I mean, there's I guess until the Lord comes
05:27 and gets rid of sin,
05:30 we're gonna be dealing with this
05:32 until the end of time.
05:34 Right, in fact, earlier you were asking us
05:37 as in giving us a scenario.
05:39 Do you want to go into that now or?
05:41 Sure, I was telling you about,
05:44 I had a real practical question.
05:46 If I were to backtrack back to my teenage years.
05:50 I didn't grow up a Christian.
05:52 I grew up in the Hollywood Hills,
05:54 went to North Hollywood High School.
05:56 At the age of 19, I have never read the Bible,
06:00 I never prayed,
06:01 I didn't know anything about God at all
06:03 and I think there's a lot of people like me,
06:05 a lot of guys like me, a lot of girls like me.
06:08 Back then, and I was just living
06:10 you know, I went to the parties,
06:11 went to the rock concerts, I smoked marijuana,
06:14 snorted cocaine and lived a very promiscuous life
06:18 that I'm ashamed of right now.
06:21 And now that I'm a Christian, thank God,
06:23 the Lord has changed my life.
06:24 I did, by His grace I waited until
06:27 I got married with Kristen
06:29 and we have two beautiful children
06:31 and it's just a whole new world for me.
06:34 But thinking about the men's responsibility going back
06:36 when I was 19, what should I have done
06:40 as a man if one of the ladies that I met at a party
06:46 or that I knew as high school friend
06:49 came to me and said, Steve, brace yourself,
06:53 I'm expecting a baby and you are the dad.
06:56 You know, what should I have done?
06:59 And we're talking about the man's issue,
07:01 what should,
07:04 I wasn't ready to get married, wasn't ready to be a dad.
07:07 I didn't know anything about getting married or being a dad.
07:09 But give me the options and tell me what you know,
07:13 to make it practical
07:15 what should some one like me have done in that situation.
07:17 Well, you know, the idea of taking responsibility
07:22 for something has really become laws in our culture.
07:27 I don't think that we would say that
07:29 just because a couple gets pregnant,
07:31 they are meant to get married.
07:33 They are tremendous options,
07:35 adoption being an incredible one
07:38 where if a couple does get pregnant
07:41 and it is unplanned
07:42 that there's a way for that couple
07:45 to move on with their lives
07:48 and that giving your child up
07:51 for adoption is a difficult decision.
07:54 It's a difficult process
07:55 where in terms of having to release
07:57 that child to someone else
07:59 but it helps to preserve the life of everyone
08:04 who is involved.
08:06 There is a quote I heard recently
08:08 that said, um, we live in a society
08:12 where it's okay for men to walk away
08:15 and that's so poignant.
08:18 It's so true but such a tragedy
08:21 because um, we've created a culture
08:24 at least accepted one where it's okay for men
08:27 to engage in life changing behaviors
08:33 and yet when it comes time to take responsibility
08:37 to be a man of integrity, to act with character,
08:40 to say, I'm not going to leave you,
08:43 I'm going to walk by your side,
08:44 I'm going to be with you through this circumstance
08:47 instead we put the ownness you could say,
08:53 a responsibility on women
08:55 where men can throw money at a problem
08:57 and say go take care of it.
08:59 You deal with it.
09:00 He can just simply abandon her and say this is your body,
09:04 your choice so you make that decision.
09:06 Okay, so if I wasn't ready to get married
09:08 I should still let the women know
09:11 that I don't want you to abort the baby.
09:14 This is our baby.
09:15 This is the life
09:17 and I'm gonna support you
09:19 and check out an adoption option
09:23 and then if the child did was born
09:25 and then found a home,
09:27 then I'm assuming as I look back
09:30 that I should still be in this situation
09:34 in the picture so that the boy or girl knows that I'm the dad.
09:39 I'm dad even though I made a mistake,
09:41 I didn't marry your mom but I'm your father.
09:44 Is that the way I should be or should I just bow out
09:46 and just let another couple
09:48 raise the child not knowing about me.
09:51 What's the right thing to do?
09:52 And even another couple, depending on the agreement
09:55 in the adoption scenario you know,
09:57 because there is different adoption scenarios
10:00 where the biological mother & father
10:04 are able to have some degree of contact
10:06 with that child and then there are situations
10:08 where there's no contact.
10:10 So that would depend as far as the fathers
10:12 but if there is an open door for involvement, yes sir,
10:15 that father needs to be in there
10:18 and so many times we see a young lady having the baby
10:23 and with the support of her mother and father
10:26 you know, but where is the father
10:28 and the sad thing about this is that child grows up
10:33 without ever being acknowledged
10:35 by its biological father you know.
10:38 Your mother and I chose not to get married
10:41 but that doesn't mean
10:42 that you aren't precious and valuable.
10:45 And we talked about that too that we I know you really told,
10:48 you really want to stress that
10:50 if a man and woman do come together
10:53 outside of marriage even if it's just a one night
10:56 stand or whatever and the woman gets pregnant
10:58 and then they choose not to abort the baby
11:01 and the baby grows up, the baby and she knows, he or she knows
11:05 that the dad is not with me now
11:08 at least it means to be communicated
11:10 clearly to that child that the mistake
11:14 was in what mom and dad did but the mistake is not you.
11:18 You're not a mistake right, you are not to blame,
11:22 you are still precious and valuable
11:25 in the sight of God,
11:26 you have a purpose and to me that's just
11:28 the lights really went on when you told me that
11:31 that's really important.
11:32 Yes, and it's well, it's sad
11:35 because you know, we engage in certain behaviors
11:39 and there are consequences.
11:40 We know that if we have sex,
11:42 particularly with someone we're not married to,
11:44 sex can lead to pregnancy
11:46 and yet when if someone winds up pregnant,
11:50 the child is seen as a punishment
11:53 or a horrible consequence of that behavior.
11:57 That child came by the hand of the Lord.
12:00 If the Lord is our creator
12:01 and as believers we really do believe that
12:03 then the child came by hand of the Lord
12:06 and so instead of treating
12:09 and you know one of the first seminars
12:11 that I ever gave, a woman in the audience
12:12 really was strong in this point
12:14 that the sex outside of bounds of the Lord had established,
12:20 that was the sin.
12:22 The child was not the sin. The pregnancy was not.
12:24 And you know, this whole topic sure re-emphasizes to me
12:29 and I'm sure to you that following God's plan
12:32 as described in the Bible
12:33 as outlined in the Garden of Eden
12:35 for a man to leave his father and mother
12:37 be united to his wife, not his girlfriend
12:40 or his boy friend but his wife
12:43 and the two of them become one flesh
12:45 and it's in that context that sexuality takes place
12:48 in the context of commitment and in that context
12:50 children are born into the world
12:52 where they can grow up
12:53 and I know that's just not what happens
12:55 so often in this world of sin but it's still God's plan
12:59 and when we follow God's plan, the result is blessing.
13:04 You know, so many times we hear the,
13:07 "I'm not ready for this, I'm not ready for a child."
13:10 And we need to take on the mind set
13:14 of I'm not ready for sex
13:17 because I'm not ready to take on
13:18 what could be a result you know.
13:21 We are so quick to say I'm not ready for this baby
13:24 but yet we so quick to say I want the sex.
13:27 I'm ready for that.
13:29 And you know it's understandable to some extent
13:33 I mean, when you look at the sexuality
13:36 that just saturates our society that people just do it.
13:42 They just do it, like if it feels good do it
13:45 and they don't think about the consequences
13:47 of producing a life so the convenient thing to do
13:50 is just to get rid of the baby
13:52 when that's really not God's plan at all.
13:56 Well, and it's incredible Dianne,
13:58 I appreciate something you mentioned earlier
13:59 that number of women
14:01 who would actually keep the baby
14:02 if the father said, I won't leave you,
14:05 the scenario is that she laid out men saying
14:08 I will leave you,
14:10 men threatening to actually harm the woman
14:12 if she keeps the baby,
14:13 men just completely abandoning her,
14:16 there are so many children,
14:18 who would be alive walk in the earth
14:19 and so many women who wouldn't be post-abortive
14:22 if men said I made a choice,
14:24 I'm going to be a man of integrity
14:27 and I'm going to support you, I'm going to pay child support,
14:30 we're gonna walk through this thing together.
14:33 It's amazing the number of women who said
14:35 "I would've kept my baby but he would stand by me.
14:39 What was I going to do?
14:40 I had no where to go, I had no support."
14:42 she doesn't want to tell her parents.
14:43 She's in crisis and that man in that situation
14:47 even if he is a 15 year old, saying "You know what?
14:50 I'm not gonna leave you."
14:52 Now obviously, the younger you are the more,
14:54 you have parental involvement
14:56 but considering the majority of abortions take place
14:59 between 18 and 24, you're talking about students,
15:03 that demographic, they are in college,
15:05 they are single
15:06 and what you are dealing with is, men,
15:09 who are saying it's your body your choice
15:12 and we've really given them
15:14 kind of a get-out-of-jail free card
15:15 because they get to put their arms back and say,
15:18 "This is just a woman's issue.
15:19 I don't even have a voice here."
15:21 And walk away.
15:23 And it sounds like it's not just the man's issue
15:26 and the woman's issue, it's the parents' issue too.
15:27 I mean, if a girl would've come to me and told me
15:30 that she was pregnant because of me,
15:33 my parents need to be involved
15:36 as their son
15:37 and we all need to network together and say, "Okay,
15:40 I made a mistake, I did wrong but I need to owned up to this
15:43 and at least if you we're not ready to get morning,
15:45 we 're ready to act responsibly
15:47 and to be a part of this woman's life
15:49 and this baby's life and do the best we can.
15:52 And then all goes back to acknowledging the value,
15:56 the value of this son, "Okay,
15:58 he's living a very irresponsible life
16:01 but he's still created in the image of God."
16:03 That's right.
16:05 And my dad should have said
16:06 or it never came up or my mother,
16:08 this is my, this is the grand child.
16:09 And that's exactly right.
16:12 Okay, so I think you've answered my question
16:14 concerning me
16:16 as a promiscuous 19 year old, Godless
16:18 just doing whatever I wanted to do.
16:20 Now what about your and your husband
16:23 or your fiance situation, your situation as you told,
16:27 you've discovered that you were expecting at 25,
16:30 you were not married yet,
16:31 you six months until the wedding day,
16:35 go into what should a Christian man do
16:38 if he finds out the situation.
16:40 How should he relate?
16:41 Well, certainly, a Christian,
16:43 Unexpected development.
16:45 Right, exactly, well, you know, what should a Christian man do,
16:48 well hopefully that Christian man,
16:51 not just believes in God but believes God.
16:56 By believing in God, you have that experience, God is there.
17:00 So when I you know, you said a Christian man hopefully
17:03 that man will appreciate the value of life
17:07 so won't be even be an option as far as the abortion.
17:11 you know, that it's like, "We have a baby."
17:13 You know, now you know, you had asked about my husband,
17:18 I have no doubt his love for me and many men fall into this
17:24 where they leave it up to the woman.
17:25 They support her, David flew to Reno,
17:29 he paid for the abortion, he went to the clinic with me,
17:32 you know, went with me afterwards
17:35 back to my apartment where I was living
17:37 and he supported me the very best way he knew.
17:42 And we've talked about it a number of times,
17:45 and we've been through the crisis,
17:48 and the Lord has restored our relationship
17:52 but one thing that had a big impact on him
17:56 was that it was legal.
17:58 It was legal.
17:59 You know it wasn't like we were doing anything "wrong"
18:03 so...
18:04 From the government's perspective, constitutionally.
18:07 So, but now of course
18:09 he has had his regrets you know,
18:11 and he's gone to the Lord,
18:14 he's gone to the feet of Jesus with that
18:17 and being a man I don't know
18:20 if we need to go into yet as far as the grief
18:23 and the experiences that for a man.
18:26 But you know, men have when they do come to the point
18:30 where they realize what they did was wrong.
18:33 Like you came to that conclusion.
18:34 Right, men too come to the same thing
18:36 and that impacts men in a different way
18:38 because it's God given.
18:40 A man is to be the head of the household.
18:44 The "houseband," the protector, the provider
18:47 and so everything that is innately in him,
18:51 he went against.
18:53 So the guilt that a man experiences,
18:55 especially when men are the ones
18:57 who want to go in there and fix and make everything right
19:01 you know, where just, take care of things.
19:04 So when a man comes back and he realizes,
19:07 he wasn't there for his wife or his lover or loved one...
19:12 That was his baby too.
19:14 And that was his baby
19:15 so he wasn't there for that baby,
19:17 you know, men can have a terrible reaction to that
19:22 and as much as women stuff it, men stuff it deeper
19:27 and a lot of times you know, they will fall into alcoholism.
19:31 It's very common.
19:33 They'll have post-abortive, dramatic...
19:34 They have own post-abortive...
19:36 Symptoms as well. Exactly.
19:39 And you know with a men whose wives
19:43 have chosen to have an abortion even against their will,
19:47 those men it's really sad
19:48 because their voice has been taken away from them.
19:51 So they deal with anger and helplessness.
19:54 They've lost their voice and they've lost all control
19:58 over saving the life of that child.
20:00 And they, my heart really goes out to those men
20:03 because they've been stripped of their protector,
20:08 you know, the provider,
20:10 every thing has been taken away from them.
20:13 So in fact, I was telling Antionette this morning
20:16 how it was in 1976 that the Supreme court
20:20 decided that a husband had no legal right
20:23 to limit his wife's decision to abort.
20:26 He has no voice.
20:28 So it's not just what the wife does to him.
20:32 It's society.
20:33 They have stripped him of his manhood.
20:36 Right, so we can't just say that just because
20:38 the government has made it legal in 1973,
20:42 that the government is infallible
20:43 and then every decision
20:45 in every law that it passes is necessarily right.
20:49 Right, exactly.
20:50 The government is made up of the people
20:52 that are sinners like the rest of us
20:53 and only God is infallible and His word.
20:55 And we need to follow His plan.
20:58 So what does the man do
20:59 when he struggles with the anger,
21:01 struggles with the guilt that he is, he grieves?
21:03 Absolutely grieves.
21:04 In fact...
21:06 Does he go through a grieving?
21:07 He does. How does he get out of it?
21:09 Well, one thing that I see happening
21:12 and I'm really thrilled to see this.
21:14 There are more and more sites for men to go to
21:18 and when men are with other men that have gone through it
21:25 just like when any kind of group setting
21:27 when you are with other people
21:29 who've experienced the same trauma,
21:31 it's making an impact
21:33 and these men are able to pull this up out of the deep
21:36 and they realized they're similar experiences.
21:40 And they are able to share their pain.
21:42 In fact, I wanted to read you this letter
21:44 I got from a gentleman.
21:46 Please do.
21:48 I won't read the whole letter but this, I highlighted parts
21:50 and I wanted you to hear 'cause he said,
21:53 "I have wept, I have prayed and thankfully
21:57 I have decided to take some level
21:58 of action for me personally.
22:01 I will be dedicating my baby."
22:04 And he was referring to God, "He knows I have wept often."
22:08 Was this the baby that's been aborted?
22:09 This is a man who is post-abortive, right.
22:13 "He knows that I have wept often,
22:14 referring to God,
22:16 "and afresh after reading your story
22:18 and reflecting on mine and I have repented of my sin,
22:23 nothing I can do will bring back that child."
22:27 And the reason I'm sharing this with you is because
22:30 I do feel like there are men in the viewing audience
22:34 who wrestle with this.
22:35 I, both of us have had experiences
22:39 and one gentleman came up to me,
22:43 he didn't know my story and he said,
22:46 "My grown daughters won't talk to me
22:49 and I believe it's because I had an abortion
22:51 when I was in college."
22:53 Just out of the blue, you know,
22:55 how that resurfaces that unresolved issue.
22:59 you know, this is just re-emphasizes last program that
23:03 where we talked about the church.
23:05 The church is supposed to be a voice in the wilderness.
23:07 It's supposed to have a voice
23:09 in this is such a big issue in the society
23:11 and it's so deep buried in people's hearts
23:13 that it just doesn't make sense from God's perspective
23:16 that the church just ignore the issue
23:17 and put it in the closet
23:19 that we need to be talking about the issue,
23:20 we need to be able to reach out to people,
23:22 we need to have resources, we need to have ministries,
23:25 we need to have discussions and answers
23:27 so that women who are struggling
23:29 and men who are struggling
23:31 will have somewhere to go to resolve
23:36 and to bring healing to some of the deepest wounds.
23:40 I mean, I can't think of, my children
23:41 are more important to me than life itself
23:43 and to my wife and if I would have had
23:46 or a Christian would have had an abortion,
23:48 I mean, the trauma would be deep in me and in her
23:52 and we would need help
23:54 and what better place to go than to the church
23:58 that God's plan is
24:00 that it tells the truth in a loving way
24:04 and is able to minister to people like Jesus did
24:08 and Jesus wants to help everybody with whatever sin
24:11 whatever crisis anybody is going through.
24:13 That's right. This makes perfect sense to me.
24:15 I appreciate that you raised the point of the church,
24:17 you know, because this idea
24:19 that it's not just a women's issue
24:21 or that is just a women's issue
24:23 really does exist in the church across the board,
24:26 across denominations and what I hope that we will,
24:31 I hope the place we will come to is that
24:34 the responsibility and culpability
24:36 for the act of abortion,
24:38 it lies at the sin of both men and women.
24:41 Men, they don't get to just walk away, they don't.
24:45 The responsibility for what she had to go through
24:48 walking through that abortion alone,
24:51 the spiritual repercussions that she suffering
24:56 that lies at the feet of both men and women.
24:59 There are numbers upon numbers of men who have stood aside,
25:05 while girlfriends, wives, sisters, daughters
25:08 had to go through that experience alone
25:10 and the message of value, the message of redemption,
25:14 the message of...
25:16 Life, forgiveness.
25:18 And forgiveness, it needs to be heard
25:20 by both men and women
25:22 and you think about men being leaders in the home
25:25 and in the church.
25:28 Our men bear such a high end responsibility
25:31 as our leaders in the home, leaders in the family
25:33 and the leaders of the church
25:35 that to be a voice on this issue,
25:38 that their voices would be louder,
25:40 then even women's voices in saying,
25:43 we've been divinely ordained to protect, to defend
25:47 and we are going to take up that calling boldly in love
25:52 that seek to defend the weakest and most vulnerable among us.
25:56 I got it.
25:57 The lights are on and as you're talking it seems,
26:00 it sounds to me, it's not just a women's issue,
26:03 it's not just a men's issue, it's a church issue as well
26:06 that the church just like you said
26:09 there is sin with the women and the men
26:11 but it sounds to me that there can be sin
26:14 with the church in not dealing with the issue
26:17 and in not reaching out a helping hand
26:19 to those who need God and His love in this crisis.
26:24 Well, we're out of time.
26:25 I'm gonna wind up with a Bible verse,
26:28 especially to the men
26:29 and this is in 1st Timothy, chapter 6, verse 11,
26:33 the Bible says, "But you, O man of God,
26:37 flee from all these things."
26:38 concerning immorality, "and pursue righteousness,"
26:41 do what's right,
26:42 whatever the situation you are in
26:44 "and godliness," live a God-lead life
26:46 as according to God's plan you'll save yourself
26:48 years of heartache and "faith and love,"
26:52 God's love, Jesus' love,
26:53 we're supposed to be the channels for Jesus,
26:56 what would Jesus do in these situations.
26:59 "And patience and gentleness."
27:03 We need to come close to those that are hurting.
27:05 We need to be men, we need to take a stand,
27:07 we need to do what's right so God can bless us
27:10 and use us as His hands and His heart in a world
27:14 that is just falling apart because of sin.
27:18 Men, may God help us.
27:20 Dianne Wagner and Antionette Duck
27:22 share a powerful life changing information
27:24 in this 13 Part series, The Abortion Controversy.
27:28 To order this six and half hour of DVD set for $34. 95,
27:33 call 1.800.782.4253, that's 1.800.782.4253
27:40 or you can write to White Horse Media,
27:42 PO Box 1139, Newport, Washington 99156
27:46 or order online at whitehorsemedia.com.


Revised 2015-08-27