The Creator Revealed

Design In Fossil Organisms

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TCR

Program Code: TCR180002B

00:03 Welcome back to "The Creator Revealed."
00:05 I was telling Tim,
00:06 I don't know if it is his doctorate in biology
00:10 or if it's his accent
00:11 that makes him look so intelligent but guess what?
00:14 We've got his boss with us today
00:16 and now you've got some competition.
00:19 There we go.
00:20 Well, you know, it's fun
00:22 working at the Geoscience Research Institute
00:24 because I have a group of colleagues
00:28 who are so interesting and know so much,
00:32 trust me, we keep one another humble...
00:35 I bet.
00:36 And it's enjoyable to discuss the very things
00:41 that we are talking about in this
00:45 The Creator Revealed series.
00:48 Now, up until this point
00:52 in this particular episode,
00:54 we've been talking about design in fossils,
00:57 but I've been concentrating mainly on dinosaurs
01:02 and the idea that
01:06 hey, you know, we find organisms living today,
01:08 they look designed and we find fossils
01:10 of those same organisms...
01:13 Designed the same way.
01:14 So we'd expect that they,
01:15 you know, it's just sort of reasonably consistent
01:18 to believe that in fact,
01:21 those fossils represent designed organisms as well.
01:26 Dr. Gibson has made a study of a kind of fossil
01:32 called an ammonite.
01:34 Now, that sounds like something from the Bible.
01:35 Yeah, it does.
01:37 But let's let him explain these to us a little bit.
01:40 Welcome, Dr. Gibson.
01:44 Thank you.
01:45 I just happened to have here with me
01:48 a fossil ammonite shell.
01:51 It's a interesting...
01:53 That looks sort of like a snail.
01:57 Yeah, except it's kind of flat.
02:00 There's some flat snails too, yeah.
02:03 It's almost like a snail is.
02:06 Notice that it has a spiral shape to it.
02:10 You notice that spiral there, that's kind of cool.
02:13 I kind of like the shape of this.
02:14 Reminds me of a chambered nautilus,
02:16 but you probably have heard about not long ago.
02:20 There's some differences between the nautilus
02:22 and the ammonite.
02:25 So there are different kinds of things
02:27 but there's a lot of similarity too.
02:33 I just have this little toy here
02:35 that illustrates what the thing looked like.
02:38 If I can get it here where you can...
02:40 So it looks little bit like a squid or an octopus.
02:42 Yes.
02:44 Yeah.
02:45 In fact it is a lot like a squid
02:47 or an octopus with a shell on it.
02:50 It's kind of an unusual thing,
02:52 but notice that spiral shape again
02:55 and I kind of like that spiral shape,
02:57 It's interesting.
03:00 And one of the interesting things about it is,
03:04 it has a mathematical basis.
03:06 There's an actual, you can write an equation for a spiral.
03:11 Well I think,
03:12 well, that got created
03:16 by a great mathematician.
03:19 It's great to think though,
03:20 that God is such a genius at mathematics,
03:24 not just because of the spiral of this, of course,
03:27 but because mathematics is found throughout nature.
03:30 Yeah, that's true,
03:31 it's really kind of a remarkable thing.
03:33 That in all living things,
03:36 we find that mathematics can describe things that...
03:41 Yes.
03:42 That why do they have to...
03:44 Why does it have to be that way?
03:45 Well, it probably doesn't.
03:47 It's just that mathematics
03:51 is the basis of the universe apparently
03:54 but also in living things quite, quite incredible.
03:58 Yeah. So I think it tells us something about the Creator.
04:02 He's a mathematician.
04:04 He invented mathematics, I guess.
04:07 Well, the beauty I should say the interest
04:12 and I think it's beauty too, interest in that shell,
04:16 a spiral shape is kind of interesting.
04:19 In fact, I think, it's okay to say that it's beautiful.
04:23 And that beauty that I see in the ammonite shell,
04:27 I see it in the nautilus shell,
04:29 the chambered nautilus and other things.
04:32 It makes me wonder why should nature be beautiful,
04:38 and why am I able to appreciate that beauty?
04:43 I know,
04:44 I've got a couple of house cats.
04:47 I don't see them admiring beautiful things.
04:51 I haven't noticed other animals doing that, why me and you?
04:55 Why do we appreciate beauty, and I think it's because
04:59 we were created in the image of a God
05:04 who Himself appreciates and loves beauty.
05:08 And I find that interesting.
05:12 It is interesting that again...
05:14 The creator God.
05:16 An unnecessary correlation really, isn't it?
05:19 The creation is beautiful and we have minds
05:23 that are capable of appreciating that beauty.
05:28 It doesn't seem like it would have to be that way
05:30 because of the laws of physics
05:33 or maybe some other explanation like natural selection.
05:36 Why?
05:38 Why would it be that way?
05:39 Well, if you believe
05:41 that the character of the Creator
05:43 involves beauty
05:48 and wanting to give pleasure to other beings,
05:54 then it makes an awful lot of sense.
05:57 But if you're not talking about something
05:58 like the God of the Bible,
06:00 it makes no sense at all.
06:01 That's true.
06:04 If we go back to that...
06:06 I'm sorry, go ahead.
06:07 If we go back to that ammonite and take a look.
06:11 You'll see he's got an eye.
06:14 And look at now, of course, this is just a toy.
06:18 But it's believed that the eye of the ammonite
06:20 did look a lot like that
06:21 and part of the reason for that,
06:23 of course, is by comparison of the chambered nautilus
06:25 where we can see the eye
06:27 and see that it's quite technically advanced,
06:31 quite sophisticated.
06:33 So there's another thing we can learn about design
06:37 in the ammonite.
06:39 The eye is carefully crafted
06:42 with not only physical parts
06:46 that are put together in a functional sequence
06:49 but molecular machines that are in the,
06:53 you know, where we can't see them particularly
06:55 but the idea of vision is spectacular.
06:59 Our engineering feat,
07:03 and I see the Creator must be an engineer
07:06 beyond our experience.
07:08 Yeah, when you start looking at organisms,
07:11 you gonna appreciate them all the way down
07:13 from the gross structure, the environment they live in,
07:18 all the way down into the actual molecules
07:21 that they're made of.
07:22 Quite remarkable.
07:23 So what's inside that shell?
07:26 What's going on with it?
07:29 Well, if you split the shell open
07:32 you'll find...
07:33 And here's an example of an ammonite
07:35 with its shell split open.
07:38 It's very beautiful.
07:40 You I'll see that it has a series...
07:42 You can see that spiral very clearly there
07:45 and you can see that has a series of chambers,
07:49 the little lines dividing the chambers,
07:52 it seems that the animals started out living
07:55 in the smallest one at the center of the spiral
07:59 and then as it outgrew the chamber,
08:02 it added another one and so, in a spiral,
08:06 so the spiral grew as the animal grew,
08:10 leaving a series of chambers behind it,
08:14 the animal living in the outermost chamber.
08:20 That is kind of cool.
08:22 And so when you have those empty chambers, you might ask,
08:28 well, is there anything you can do
08:30 with those empty chambers?
08:32 And the answer is yes,
08:35 you can fill them with gas or water,
08:38 pumping them back and forth through a little tube.
08:43 And by doing that
08:45 you can regulate the density of the ammonite
08:49 and then it can move up or down in the water.
08:54 And so it could control the buoyancy,
08:57 its ability to move up and down the water
09:00 by controlling the amount of gas
09:03 in these little chambers.
09:05 So basically, go ahead, I'm sorry.
09:07 I was just gonna say,
09:08 there's a definite function to the design
09:11 and that's what we see in everything God created.
09:15 What's interesting to me is the combining
09:18 of this very practical thing that allows this organism
09:23 to decide where it's going to be in the water
09:25 by adjusting the amount of gas inside these chambers
09:30 and yet the beauty as well.
09:33 It's not an ugly thing.
09:35 It turns out to be a beautiful and practical thing.
09:39 Form and function going together.
09:41 Yeah. Yes.
09:43 And then if you could imagine
09:45 this shell with an animal in it,
09:47 the animal living near the end here in the...
09:51 Probably in a chamber that isn't preserved here.
09:55 But, and that means all these other chambers
09:58 are filled with gas.
10:01 So that would tell you that the chamber's filled with gas
10:04 with the upper most in the water.
10:07 So you could predict that the animal would be
10:09 floating around something like this,
10:12 with it, most of the chambers above it
10:14 and the animal on the bottom side.
10:16 Fabulous, so it's actually orienting itself
10:19 as a result of it.
10:20 But that would also be a protective designing, right?
10:23 I guess so. Yeah.
10:24 Well, thank you, thank you.
10:25 Because its position.
10:27 Okay.
10:29 Well, thank you so much for joining us, Dr. Gibson,
10:30 It's been a real pleasure.
10:32 That makes me want to go out and get my own,
10:34 my own fossil ammonite.
10:36 Enjoyed talking about the ammonite.
10:37 Thank you, Dr. Gibson. Thank you very much.
10:41 You know, it's just so fascinating to me that
10:44 what makes us different than animals?
10:46 We've already discussed that animals and humans
10:49 were made of the dust of the ground.
10:52 We both have the breath of the life in us,
10:56 but what makes us different is that God created us
11:00 with a specific function.
11:03 And we see that
11:04 everything God creates has a function and a form
11:08 and this is really fascinating.
11:09 Yeah.
11:11 Well, in the case of human beings
11:12 what I love is,
11:14 He gave us this particular role in His creation
11:17 and function in His creation
11:19 and He equipped us for that role.
11:22 So our ability for example to do mathematics,
11:25 this complex abstract mathematics,
11:28 is useful to us as we care for the creation,
11:34 as we study the creation
11:36 and we learn so much more about God's wisdom
11:42 and God's character from these incredible things.
11:45 Even these fossils where the design is so clear
11:51 and so beautiful at the same time.
11:54 He is an amazing God. He is the artist.
11:57 Yes.
11:58 Well, I want to thank our audience for joining us
12:02 for this particular episode.
12:04 If you're fascinated by fossils,
12:05 well then you're a lot like me.
12:07 But we are talking about all sorts of different things
12:11 in this Creator,
12:14 The Creator Revealed series of programs.
12:18 I hope that you'll join us for future episodes.
12:22 We've certainly enjoyed spending this time with you.
12:25 God bless you.


Revised 2019-03-11