Today Cooking

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYC

Program Code: TDYC016073B

00:01 So now we have it,
00:02 the end of our food or take it to go our session.
00:06 It was real fun and real simple and easy.
00:08 And if you notice here today, there are some simple things
00:11 that you can do, that you can do it quickly,
00:13 but the key to take your food to go
00:16 is you have to have a plan, a plan of action.
00:18 Make one recipe, count for two recipes by,
00:21 one second doing it as a hot recipe,
00:23 maybe tomorrow doing it as a cold.
00:25 And if you notice for some of them,
00:27 you can use the same bases of recipe,
00:28 you just mix up some of the ingredients.
00:30 So let's take a quick look at some of the items
00:32 that we covered here today.
00:34 We did what is known as the blazing bran muffins,
00:38 blazing bran muffins and the Cranana muffins.
00:43 What? What in the world is that?
00:44 The mixture between cranberries and bananas.
00:47 Then we went on and we did what is known as
00:50 our brisk bean burrito, brisk bean burrito,
00:54 and we had so much fun, it was so easy,
00:56 we made a second one, brisk bean t'icken burrito
00:59 as you can see there.
01:01 Then we made our cheesy wheezy sauce, real simple, real easy.
01:04 You can use this to make your own macaroni and cheese,
01:07 you can do it on the bean burritos,
01:08 you can even do it on the salad.
01:10 Wait, I didn't do it on the salad.
01:11 Then we have what is known as the tasty t'icken salad.
01:14 People eat chicken salad, we eat t'icken salad
01:16 which is the tofu chicken that we made there,
01:21 and one of the key ingredients to get things to go
01:25 is you have to have what is known as
01:27 your t'icken chicken style seasoning.
01:30 Please, don't become addicted to that
01:31 because it's so easy and simple to do.
01:33 Then we finished it off with out pepper pasta.
01:35 I went ahead and I chopped in some of my favorite ingredients
01:38 which is known as basal and paprika.
01:41 If you don't know, paprika is basically dry red bell peppers.
01:45 Real simple, real easy
01:47 to get started on your 24-day challenge,
01:50 food that you can eat to go.
01:51 So you've heard it here first on 3ABN Today Cooking
01:54 with yours truly Nyse Collins.


Revised 2017-02-21