Today Family Worship

The Power of Gratitude

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW200024S

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people.
01:09 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Family Worship.
01:13 You're going to have to forgive me
01:15 for a squeaky voice, but I'm Shelley Quinn.
01:17 I'm JD Quinn.
01:18 And we're so glad that you are joining us.
01:20 Amen.
01:22 Honey, why don't you introduce
01:23 who's at the table with us tonight?
01:24 We have some of our good friends
01:26 at the table tonight.
01:28 We have my good friend, Ryan Day.
01:30 That's right.
01:31 You are my good friend.
01:33 Amen.
01:34 Family are friends.
01:35 Amen. So amen.
01:37 And then we have Ricky Carter.
01:38 Now, Ricky Carter,
01:40 I don't know if y'all can appreciate
01:41 being the newbie.
01:43 I don't even know
01:44 that's a modern-day terminology.
01:46 Ricky is our newbie.
01:47 He's the new guy on the block.
01:49 And tell us a little bit what you do, Ricky?
01:52 Well, I am a designer animator.
01:55 I'm here with 3ABN
01:56 and Dare to Dream more specifically,
01:58 working as a video editor.
02:00 And so I love creating things
02:03 I feel the Lord has blessed me with the ability
02:05 to create a lot of fascinating things.
02:08 And most recently,
02:09 I've been doing some animated scripture songs.
02:13 So I love the mighty God Word. That's just your ministry.
02:15 Yeah, has been my ministry.
02:16 I just, I love memorizing God's words
02:18 and I find that
02:20 music really helps me to do that.
02:21 And I can use art to do that as well.
02:23 Amen. Praise God.
02:25 We are so thankful that you're here
02:26 because this is your first time on 3ABN
02:30 and Ricky's been with us since 2012.
02:32 You've been a contractor, we've been outsourcing to you,
02:36 but he and his wife, Jasmine,
02:39 just are in the process of moving here.
02:42 And so you'll get to see some more of Ricky's,
02:44 a very spiritual man, very thankful.
02:49 Well, tonight we are going to talk
02:53 about the power of gratitude,
02:57 and I can't think of a better way
02:59 to start off the Sabbath
03:03 than to get our hearts
03:05 into that rhythm with heaven, that gratefulness,
03:10 that thankfulness to God.
03:12 So, Honey,
03:13 why don't you help him in prayer?
03:15 Amen. Amen.
03:17 Father, as we come to you on this Sabbath day,
03:19 just we want to thank You so much, Lord,
03:21 for being in our hearts and our minds, we do.
03:23 Thank You, Lord
03:25 for the many, many thousands of things
03:26 that you do.
03:28 Father, someday they say
03:30 that perhaps we will be able to have
03:32 a better understanding of what we've gone through
03:34 and have a better glimpse
03:37 of how You've continually been in our life.
03:41 And, Father, we just hoped in the middle of everything
03:43 is thanksgiving.
03:44 We want to continue to give You thanksgiving for all,
03:46 we want to thank You for our friends,
03:48 we want to thank You, of course, for 3ABN.
03:50 We want to thank You, Lord,
03:52 for all those who watch us on 3ABN, Lord,
03:55 and, Father, especially the Sabbath day
03:56 as we're bringing it in
03:58 that we will continue to be a loving family.
04:01 We love You and we thank You, Lord,
04:03 and, Father, the things that we bring out
04:05 the Sabbath on gratitude.
04:07 We just ask, Lord, that everyone can identify with
04:10 and, Father, maybe someone out there,
04:12 they really didn't know how much they were giving,
04:15 and they'll have a better understanding.
04:16 So we love You and we thank You.
04:18 We ask this in the name of Jesus, amen.
04:20 Amen and amen.
04:22 You know, I just want to take a moment
04:24 to express my gratitude.
04:27 I've been recuperating from two surgeries,
04:31 and I had a lot of complications
04:34 with those surgeries.
04:35 One of those is kind of a damaged vocal folds.
04:39 So my voice goes in and out.
04:41 But I just want to thank all of you
04:43 who have been praying for me, interceding on my behalf.
04:46 I want to thank you for your cards
04:48 and the emails and the text messages,
04:51 because it has been a real source of cheer
04:57 and joy to me to know so many people cared.
05:00 So thank you so much.
05:02 And that's kind of one of the reasons
05:05 that I chose this topic for tonight
05:09 is that more than ever before,
05:12 I understand the power of gratitude,
05:16 I've always had a grateful heart.
05:18 But more than ever before,
05:20 after going through eight months
05:21 of this journey,
05:24 I understand the power of gratitude.
05:26 So let's start by,
05:28 let's just describe or define what is gratitude?
05:33 Well to me, the simplicity is that it's, thanksgiving
05:36 is giving thanks.
05:37 There's so many different avenues
05:39 that you can go from there.
05:40 I don't know if you're born with a grateful heart,
05:44 a heart of thanksgiving
05:46 or an attitude of thanksgiving or gratitude,
05:48 or if that's something that's learned.
05:50 But anyway, we're going to be talking about the things
05:54 that we're thankful for
05:55 and how the Lord fits into our lives
05:58 and try to dissect it.
06:01 Yeah, yeah.
06:02 Would you say that gratitude is also,
06:05 it is an attitude.
06:07 And personally I think it's more learned
06:10 than then being born with it.
06:12 But wouldn't you say that our expression,
06:16 gratitude is an expression of thanksgiving?
06:20 Oh, absolutely, absolutely.
06:21 Because it comes through experiences,
06:23 as especially, obviously this is going to be
06:26 within the context of our spirituality,
06:28 our relationship with the Lord.
06:30 But absolutely,
06:32 it's an expression of thanksgiving,
06:33 it's a expression of gratitude,
06:36 in the sense that we're thankful
06:39 for the personal kindness that someone has shown us.
06:43 In this case, you know, we're going to get
06:44 into the details of,
06:45 you know, being, showing gratitude towards God
06:47 and our neighbor and so forth.
06:48 But it comes to me,
06:50 it comes with experience as you grow closer to the Lord,
06:53 then you become humbled.
06:55 Yes.
06:57 Again I think we're going to hear that word
06:58 come up a few times
06:59 humility, being humbled because when you are humbled,
07:03 and the Lord brings you to that place
07:05 where you are able to sense His heart on an issue,
07:09 where He shares His compassion, His mercy,
07:11 His kindness,
07:13 and that comes upon you, you experience that,
07:15 you're covered in that,
07:16 it's almost as if you, it's in You,
07:19 you can't help but have a natural response
07:23 of thanksgiving.
07:24 And it's a humble, it's a genuine, earnest,
07:27 humble thanksgiving as we'll talk about.
07:30 Amen.
07:31 You are grateful,
07:32 you are appreciative
07:35 of something that you've received
07:37 and especially, you're thankful for what God has done for you.
07:41 That's right. Amen.
07:42 That's what I would say gratitude is.
07:44 Amen.
07:45 And we're going to expand this in a moment beyond God
07:48 even as far as expressing our gratitude.
07:51 Let me ask you this.
07:52 I believe that gratitude is virtue.
07:55 It is.
07:56 A virtue is good moral behavior.
08:00 And I know that there are times that I've made great sacrifices
08:05 for somebody in my family and have gone above and beyond.
08:09 And they've just got this sense of entitlement
08:12 where they don't even acknowledge it.
08:15 And it kind of leaves you feeling a little empty
08:19 when you've had to sacrifice.
08:21 But when would you say, I asked Jay Davis,
08:26 do you think that gratitude
08:31 is kind of a debt of appreciation?
08:35 In other words,
08:36 not that you're trying to pay somebody back
08:39 for the kindness they've done,
08:41 but do you think we owe thanksgiving
08:45 to someone who's gone above and beyond?
08:47 I think a perfect word, using your words,
08:51 kind of in an illustrative purpose.
08:54 It's similar to tithing.
08:56 We don't pay back tithing, right?
08:58 We return tithing based on the blessing
09:01 that God has given us.
09:03 So, and absolutely,
09:04 it's a debt in the sense that you,
09:06 you sense, you desire to return to the Lord
09:09 based on the goodness that He has shown you for sure.
09:11 Amen. Amen.
09:13 Let me share something.
09:14 My sister,
09:16 I want to talk about to whom we owe gratitude
09:19 and we know the Lord, and we'll talk about that.
09:22 But my sister came to visit us when we lived in Central Texas.
09:27 And I heard her about the third night,
09:29 she was on the phone with her husband.
09:31 And she said, "Oh, my goodness, it's honey,
09:34 this and honey that, please do this.
09:37 And thank you for this."
09:38 She said, this is just sickeningly sweet around it.
09:43 And so, then she'd been there
09:45 about six nights close to a week.
09:49 And I heard her on the phone with her husband and she said,
09:52 you know, maybe we ought to try this.
09:58 So I want to put forward the premise
10:03 that gratitude is something we owe to God,
10:08 but it is also a grace
10:11 that I think that should be flowing between us.
10:16 Especially she told her husband,
10:19 they're nicer to each other
10:21 than they would be to complete strangers.
10:23 They're so polite.
10:25 Why wouldn't you be? Right.
10:26 I mean, that's so amazing.
10:28 But let's look at Colossians 2:6 and 7.
10:33 Would you, Ricky,
10:35 read that Colossians 2:6 and 7?
10:42 "As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord,
10:46 so walk in Him,
10:48 rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith,
10:53 as you have been taught,
10:55 abounding in it with thanksgiving."
10:59 So what does it mean to abound in it
11:02 with thanksgiving?
11:04 Overflowing.
11:06 You're overflowing with gratitude.
11:09 And I love, Ricky, when you prayed before,
11:13 we always pray before the program.
11:15 And when you prayed, you thanked God for Jesus.
11:20 That's, you know what,
11:22 ask JD, he hears it every night.
11:25 The most amazing thing to me on earth is that
11:31 and I think it's a bigger sacrifice
11:33 even than Him dying on the cross,
11:35 is that our God came down and took our flesh on Him,
11:39 that He became a man
11:41 because He took that flesh back to heaven with Him.
11:44 I mean, it's just when you,
11:46 I cannot wrap my mind around it.
11:48 I know for eternity we're going to be trying
11:50 to figure that out.
11:52 But I always thank God for Jesus Christ.
11:57 For Him coming here, becoming a man,
11:59 for dying on the cross for us and for His plan of salvation.
12:06 Amen. Praise the Lord.
12:07 A couple of texts that come into my mind
12:09 when we're talking about,
12:11 you know, owing or returning gratitude
12:13 to the Lord,
12:15 is first of all, Psalm 136:1 came to my mind.
12:19 It says, "Oh, give thanks to the Lord,
12:21 for He is good!
12:23 For His mercy endures forever."
12:26 And our minds, our finite human minds
12:29 can't even begin to comprehend that mercy and its fullness.
12:33 We get glimpses of it through the personal Christ,
12:36 through the experiences
12:37 that we have with God in our walk,
12:40 in our daily walk with God.
12:42 But another one that came to my mind
12:43 and this actually expresses a word
12:45 that when I think of gratitude towards God,
12:48 returning that gratitude,
12:49 that attitude of thankfulness towards God.
12:52 There's a word that comes to my mind
12:53 and this particular verse highlights that word,
12:56 but it comes
12:58 from a particular version of translation.
13:00 And this is the English Standard Version.
13:02 And I think that it's probably very close
13:04 and in harmony with the original text here.
13:07 So notice what it says here.
13:08 This is actually found in Hebrews 12:28,
13:11 this is coming again
13:13 from the English Standard Version.
13:15 And this is what it says, Hebrews 12:28,
13:18 "Therefore, let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom
13:22 that cannot be shaken," all right,
13:25 "and thus let us offer, "
13:28 I love that because I think of a free offer,
13:30 when you offer it's freely offered.
13:32 It's not some like you're not doing it
13:34 out of like I am, I have to do this
13:36 or you want to do this.
13:38 So let us offer to God acceptable worship,
13:42 and then here comes here, "with reverence and awe."
13:48 Awe, that's the word.
13:49 When I think of gratitude towards God,
13:53 through the experiences that I've had with him,
13:56 and the work that He has done in my life.
14:00 And the grace and mercy that he has shown upon me
14:03 on a daily basis.
14:04 I think of the word awe
14:06 because when I stand in the compassion,
14:11 in the mercy and the love of God
14:15 that He has shown upon me,
14:16 undeserved, I'm undeserving of that.
14:19 All I can think of
14:20 is look at that loving character
14:21 and I'm just in awe, I'm bit like whoa,
14:24 you know, because you can't fully comprehend it,
14:26 but you get enough of a glimpse,
14:28 enough of an experience that it leave,
14:30 it leaves you in a state
14:31 where you simply ask the question now
14:34 what, what can I,
14:35 Lord, what can I give back to You
14:38 because You've given me so much, so I stand,
14:40 You said your favorite song was I stand, I stand in awe.
14:44 I just do it,
14:46 I find myself as I'm expressing to the Lord
14:49 and I try, I try when I pray
14:52 to always begin my prayers with thanksgiving
14:55 and with praise
14:56 instead of you know opening up a prayer with,
14:58 "Lord, can you give me this?
14:59 Can you give me this? Can you give me, Lord?
15:00 Can you do this for me, I need this Lord,
15:02 come on Lord."
15:03 You know, I always try to open my prayers,
15:05 first and foremost to say, "Lord, praise be to you.
15:09 Praise God, that You are a God of mercy
15:11 that You have shown upon me and bestowed upon me a grace
15:15 that I don't deserve.
15:16 And so when I think of returning
15:18 or giving back that gratitude towards the Lord.
15:22 I think of the word awe
15:24 because when you stand in awe of His glory,
15:26 His love, His mercy, His compassion,
15:29 it's just a natural output that you just,
15:33 you just want to express your thankfulness,
15:36 a genuine gratitude that,
15:38 that no one else could possibly understand.
15:41 Well, I know when you're talking here,
15:42 it certainly brings to my attention of,
15:44 of just being a little low sugar
15:46 and you know, and then here,
15:48 here, you've been put in a position
15:51 that you get to pray with people around the world,
15:54 and you get to experience the Holy Spirit
15:56 working in your heart
15:57 and the words that come out of your mouth.
15:59 Then the little sugar, it looks up and he sees, wow,
16:04 you know, the awe that you're talking about.
16:07 And I think that it's some,
16:08 I think that everyone
16:10 that has a relationship with Christ
16:13 can say that great word awe,
16:17 you know, and that way
16:18 and we certainly do need to appreciate that,
16:23 you know of what he is, what he did to allow us that.
16:27 You know, Shelley, I was thinking about,
16:30 especially when you said, starting out with praise,
16:35 and in your prayers in the morning,
16:38 I think about how I just thank God for creation.
16:41 Amen.
16:43 It's the seasoning in creation.
16:47 I was out walking with my wife last night,
16:49 and it was a beautiful sun coming down setting.
16:53 The temperature was perfect, walking beside my bride,
16:58 but it wasn't just all those things,
17:00 but it was the seasoning of the birds
17:03 chirping in the air.
17:05 And, you know, the Lord just, I'm grateful for that,
17:10 for the things that God has created
17:12 for those types of things that the Lord has just blessed.
17:14 And there's so much to, I mean,
17:16 I'm so grateful for this man,
17:18 I would not have made it through the last eight,
17:20 I'm always been grateful for my husband and I thank God.
17:24 Every time I pray, I thank God for being married,
17:28 making me the wife of a godly man.
17:31 But it has been amazing how he has had to sacrifice
17:35 to care for me the last eight months,
17:37 so we're going to come back to some ideas in just a minute.
17:42 Besides, salvation creation, there's little hidden blessings
17:49 that we can be thankful to God for.
17:52 But I do want to just get in this idea
17:57 that there is a debt of gratitude
17:59 we owe to one another
18:00 when somebody goes above and beyond for us,
18:04 and you want to read 1 Corinthians 16:18.
18:07 Absolutely.
18:08 1 Corinthians 16:18,
18:10 because I think when others add value to our lives
18:15 by their service or by their gifts,
18:18 we're living in a generation where there are so many youth
18:24 who have a sense of entitlement
18:27 that they are becoming ungrateful wretches.
18:31 And we've got to be careful, okay.
18:33 In fact, I'm going to read the key,
18:35 the New King James Version.
18:36 Okay.
18:37 And then I noticed here in your notes,
18:39 you had put the Amplified Version,
18:40 which I thought was beautifully worded.
18:41 So the New King James Version says this,
18:43 this is again 1 Corinthians 16:18, it says,
18:47 "For they refreshed my spirit and yours,
18:50 therefore acknowledge such men."
18:54 But the Amplified Version truly amplifies it.
18:56 And I like this, it says,
18:57 "For they gave me respite from labor
19:00 and rested me and refreshed my spirit,
19:04 as well as yours.
19:06 Deeply appreciate and thoroughly know
19:09 and fully recognize such men."
19:12 So I think God wants us to,
19:15 to be grateful to others
19:17 and to that mean that is a virtue.
19:19 It's a moral behavior and like,
19:23 if JD takes out the trash,
19:25 I still tell him thank you
19:26 every time he takes out the trash.
19:28 We say thank you, we say I love you a lot.
19:31 My sister finally learned that it was something good.
19:35 But let's talk about
19:36 some of the benefits of gratitude
19:38 because gratitude affects the quality of our life
19:42 when I would not have made it through the last eight months
19:46 in recovering from both surgeries
19:48 and what happened very briefly.
19:51 I had extensive spinal surgery
19:54 five hours on the operating table.
19:56 I was bound with my arms above my head.
20:00 And I somehow,
20:02 even though they gave me enough anesthesia
20:05 to paralyze you during this, and I had a spinal block,
20:08 somehow my body was aware.
20:11 In my unconscious state,
20:12 I was still aware that I was uncomfortable.
20:15 So I strained against the restraints,
20:17 and in doing so,
20:19 totally ripped my rotator cuff and shredded up this bicep.
20:24 So I ended up having major spinal surgery,
20:27 then I had to have a shoulder replacement.
20:30 And so, what I found when you are in survival mode
20:37 when you are just, you know,
20:39 I have dealt with this pain here
20:41 since the beginning as well and it took several months
20:44 before they were willing to operate on it.
20:46 But I found that it was difficult
20:50 to just press
20:51 into the presence of God for myself,
20:53 I prayed for others.
20:55 But one thing that I did do
20:58 and I know God directed me this way,
21:01 was I, what I express my gratitude to Him
21:05 all through the day.
21:07 I would just say, Lord, thank You,
21:08 I know You're carrying me in Your everlasting arms.
21:10 Thank You for what You're doing in my life right now.
21:14 And what it did
21:15 was it took my focus away from the lack
21:21 where You're completely helpless.
21:23 It took my focus away from my inability
21:27 to my ability,
21:29 you know, and so you're seeing it
21:32 and it kind of banished the discouragement
21:36 I was feeling
21:37 because my eyes got focused on the hidden blessings of God.
21:42 Have you been
21:43 through an experience like that?
21:45 Well, I can certainly.
21:46 I can, I certainly know
21:48 that you're talking to somebody,
21:50 somebody that's listening.
21:51 Yeah.
21:52 Because there's a lot of people that are in a lot of pain
21:54 and they already know they'll get through the day,
21:57 and they probably have used
21:59 every artificial method there is
22:02 to try to fool themselves or something,
22:04 but there's one that you never fool,
22:06 and that is just turn it totally over to the Lord.
22:09 Maybe it's to get into affirmations of Scripture
22:11 or something,
22:12 you know, that you'll keep your eyes
22:14 focused on Him.
22:15 What is it, Isaiah 26:3?
22:17 Yeah.
22:18 If we would keep our eyes,
22:21 God, if we keep our mind focused on Him trusting in Him,
22:24 He will give us perfect peace.
22:26 And I want to say something
22:28 because it really does make you more joyful and happy.
22:32 This is not a panacea for depression.
22:35 I'm not saying that.
22:36 You know, some people are so depressed
22:38 you can beat,
22:39 it will help you if you focus on the positive
22:43 it will help you if you're returning thanks.
22:45 But I do want to say this.
22:47 It's not a sin to be depressed.
22:49 Think of what Jesus went through
22:51 in the Garden of Gethsemane.
22:53 You know, he had such great anxiety
22:56 that He was, had drops of blood coming from His forehead.
23:02 Yeah, you can sense the depression
23:03 when you read Psalm 22, when He says,
23:06 you know, I am a worm and no man,
23:08 I mean, he's hit rock bottom,
23:09 he's hit the lowest of the lowest.
23:12 So I like that comment.
23:13 That was very good in the sense
23:15 that we're not saying that,
23:17 you know, people aren't going to experience
23:19 certain types of emotions and feelings
23:21 depending on the situation that they're in.
23:23 But I think it kind of goes back
23:24 to what I was saying earlier,
23:26 which is these particular realities
23:28 in relation to the topic of gratitude,
23:31 and in this case,
23:32 that it refocuses on what we have
23:34 rather than what we lack.
23:36 You know, you were talking about your personal experience,
23:38 it comes with experience, right?
23:40 Your experience in your walk with the Lord,
23:42 your experiences in the situations
23:45 and the daily dealings
23:46 and things that you have to endure and experience.
23:49 I think of it kind of different outside
23:52 of the physicalness of what you know,
23:54 in your case, you're saying,
23:55 Lord, I'm technically handicapped
23:58 for some time,
23:59 but yet I'm so blessed to have all of these functioning limbs,
24:02 you know, these working limbs.
24:03 So God brought your attention to what you have,
24:06 rather than what you're lacking at the moment.
24:08 And that brings about a sense of gratitude.
24:10 In my case, you know, and in my life I have had
24:13 high paying jobs, really high paying jobs,
24:16 where I've been so blessed to be able to say,
24:18 Lord, you know,
24:20 You've blessed me here, you know.
24:21 And then I've been taken into a situation
24:24 where I haven't had so much a high paying job,
24:27 and it's very easy for the enemy to creep in
24:29 and start focusing your attention on,
24:31 man, I don't have this anymore.
24:33 I don't have this anymore.
24:34 I'm lacking this, this, this, this, this,
24:36 all these things that I used to have,
24:37 but yet, the Lord,
24:39 when you have that relationship with Him,
24:41 He's quick to remind you,
24:43 but look at all that you still have,
24:46 look at all of the blessings.
24:47 You know, I'm quickly reminded,
24:50 because if anybody understands and knows, in ministry,
24:52 if you go into ministry,
24:54 at least in true, genuine, godly ministry,
24:57 you're not in it to get rich for certainly not,
25:00 but the Lord provides and it's powerful to see that.
25:03 And so that being said,
25:05 you know, there's been moments in life
25:08 where I've been like, you know, Lord,
25:10 it seems like I used to be able to have them,
25:12 an abundance of this, this, this and this,
25:14 but when the Lord brings you to a place
25:16 where He seems like He's humbled you in a sense,
25:18 to where,
25:20 you know, it almost seems like you're looking at all
25:21 of the what you don't have
25:23 and what you're lacking
25:24 compared to what you used to have.
25:25 The Lord will show you
25:27 all of those aspects of blessings.
25:29 And I remember many times, being humbled,
25:32 looking at images, watching video footage,
25:34 hearing other people's stories
25:36 about how they went over to third world countries.
25:37 And, you know, but these people were so happy
25:40 to praise the Lord in their grass huts
25:42 or in their, you know,
25:43 and I look at what I'm living in
25:44 and I'd say praise God.
25:46 You know, I don't live in a mansion
25:48 but I also don't live in a grass hut.
25:50 I am blessed beyond measure
25:51 and it makes me again turn back in that awe
25:54 to the Lord and go, God, You're so good, thank you.
25:57 Praise the Lord.
25:58 What do you think gratitude does to our faith?
26:04 I want to see if I can talk about peace first.
26:07 Okay.
26:08 When I think about gratitude, it increases our peace.
26:12 Amen.
26:14 There's a text here in Philippians 4:6-7.
26:19 It says this, "Be anxious for nothing,
26:23 but in everything by prayer and supplication,
26:28 with thanksgiving,
26:31 let your requests be made known to God,
26:35 and the peace of God,
26:37 which surpasses all understanding
26:39 will guard your hearts and minds
26:42 through Christ Jesus."
26:43 Amen.
26:44 When I think about how gratitude gives me peace,
26:49 this text comes to mind.
26:53 I may have a situation
26:55 that I may be in that I'm having a challenge with.
27:00 But I know that I can let my request
27:04 be made known to God.
27:06 He will answer and I can make it known
27:09 with thanksgiving.
27:11 And I'm so thankful
27:12 that God hears and answers our prayers.
27:13 Amen. Absolutely.
27:15 That's a great point. Gives me such great peace.
27:16 Amen. Amen. JD?
27:18 Well, I know, I know that it says
27:21 but in everything by prayer
27:22 and supplication with thanksgiving,
27:24 your requests be made known to God.
27:26 Now there's the secret right there
27:27 be made known to God or you can do it stupid way.
27:33 Stupid way is doing it your way,
27:35 thinking that you're self-sufficient.
27:38 And I'll guarantee you in the walk of life,
27:40 you're going to run
27:42 across boulder and boulder and boulder,
27:45 big rocks if you try to do it by yourself.
27:48 If you're not careful,
27:50 those rocks have a way of rolling over you too.
27:52 But it does, it increases our peace.
27:56 I love this.
27:57 I just,
27:59 this is one of my favorite text,
28:00 "Be anxious for nothing."
28:02 Because there's so many people out there
28:03 that are, they do have high anxiety.
28:08 Thank you, Jesus.
28:11 Difficult word today.
28:12 So anyway, He said, "Hey, just be careful."
28:15 You know, use your head, turn to me.
28:18 Let me assist you here.
28:19 Right, in what...
28:20 I'm sorry, go ahead.
28:22 I was just going to say, when the Bible says
28:24 that we were to enter His gates with thanksgiving,
28:27 to enter His courts with praise.
28:30 And as you said, we know that it change,
28:33 it redirects our focus.
28:35 So if you feel disoriented, you start praising God,
28:38 it's going to redirect your focus to the positive,
28:42 it increases our peace,
28:44 but I believe it builds our faith.
28:46 You know, there's times
28:47 have you ever started off your prayer and it's,
28:50 you've got that poor pitiful pearl attitude
28:54 like, oh, woe is me,
28:56 you know, but you've got that down
28:58 in the mouth attitude.
29:00 And I always start my,
29:01 I would say
29:02 the greatest portion of my prayer
29:04 is praise and thanksgiving.
29:06 Because what it does as you're praising God,
29:11 it lifts your spirits,
29:12 it remind you of who you're praying to.
29:16 And all of a sudden, nothing, you know, you remember,
29:20 nothing is impossible with God.
29:24 It's powerful.
29:25 Well, what you're saying, where you were saying
29:27 and what you were saying in relation to this peace.
29:29 It also feeds
29:30 into what you had brought up earlier,
29:31 which is how does it build our faith.
29:34 I love what you said, JD,
29:35 in talking about the dependency.
29:37 Sometimes we depend upon our own efforts,
29:39 our own knowledge, our own wisdom,
29:41 that scripture comes to my mind.
29:43 I think it's Proverbs 14:12.
29:45 It says, "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man
29:48 but the end thereof are the ways of death."
29:51 We become so dependent upon self
29:53 that we lack a trust in God,
29:56 that we lack a true faith in the Lord.
29:58 And I love Romans 4:20 because it says,
30:00 He did not waver, again, this is Romans 4:20.
30:04 Speaking of Abraham.
30:05 Yes, this is speaking of Abraham
30:07 saying he did,
30:08 in fact, that was what I was going to bring up
30:10 was the example of Abraham.
30:11 He did not waver at the promise of God
30:13 through unbelief,
30:14 but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God.
30:18 You're talking about a time when there was no Bible.
30:23 You're talking about a time
30:24 when there was in Abraham's aspect
30:27 in his particular situation,
30:29 coming out of Babylon, coming out of a land
30:32 draped in apostasy from one end to the other.
30:37 This man had to depend fully upon, get this,
30:40 the Word of the Lord.
30:42 Amen.
30:43 I mean, God could have revealed Himself
30:44 in some miraculous way, He could have performed
30:46 all of these amazing signs and miracles,
30:49 which, you know, Abraham was able to experience
30:51 some of those things, but none...
30:53 Afterwards. Afterwards, right.
30:55 His relationship from the beginning
30:57 was built on faith
30:59 and the fact that Abraham again in his experience,
31:02 and we keep going back to that,
31:03 his experience in spending time with the Lord,
31:07 trusting in God's Word,
31:08 trusting in the Word when the Lord said,
31:10 I'm going to do this for you, I'm going to do that for you.
31:12 I'm going to lead you here,
31:14 I'm going to give you that lamp.
31:15 I'm going to make your see this way.
31:16 I'm going to...
31:18 Along the way,
31:19 the trust in God's Word built his faith
31:23 and from that came a sense of gratitude,
31:26 a gratitude of, you know what?
31:27 I can trust.
31:28 This God is not like those gods from the land that I came from.
31:32 He's the one true God and you can sense
31:35 and if you go to that great,
31:36 you know, blessed chapter or the faith chapter in Hebrews
31:39 is the words are beautiful there
31:41 of how Abraham,
31:42 his faith was unwavering in the sense
31:45 that he was so thankful
31:47 that he served a true God
31:49 that was behind him and for him
31:52 and to build him up rather than to bring him down.
31:55 And to me that, that really, that testifies to the fact
31:59 that a true genuine gratitude to God
32:02 does indeed build our faith.
32:03 Amen.
32:05 And don't you think that when we're grateful,
32:07 it's kind of like gratitude is saying
32:11 what we've got is enough,
32:12 you know, when you were talking about praying,
32:15 because maybe you're going through a lack,
32:17 and then all of a sudden you realize,
32:19 I mean, I've got it better than 99% of the world.
32:23 So suddenly you start focusing on the good of God.
32:28 And you become, I believe,
32:30 would you say
32:32 that gratitude increases our contentment?
32:34 Oh, most certainly.
32:35 Most certainly.
32:38 And the Bible thanks, thanks that also.
32:40 That's right.
32:42 You want to share? I will.
32:44 I think Paul wrote this, is that right?
32:45 Yes.
32:47 That's correct. Okay.
32:48 "Not that I am implying
32:50 that I was in any personal want,
32:51 for I have learned how to be content,
32:54 to be satisfied to the point
32:56 where I am not disturbed or disquieted
32:59 in whatever state I am."
33:02 That's Philippians 4:11, the Amplified Version.
33:07 And, you know, here again we're talking about
33:09 are you sufficient within yourself?
33:12 Or are you allowing the experiences
33:15 to show you the way.
33:18 You know, I often pray,
33:19 you know, Lord continue to be a lamp to my feet,
33:22 because I do see
33:23 that there's slippery slopes on both sides.
33:25 And I've been in a slippery slope
33:29 in real life
33:30 and a lot of just up here.
33:36 Slippery slopes hard to get out of,
33:38 because every time you're grabbing
33:39 is that clay and everything, you just slide back down,
33:43 and you think that you're getting so close.
33:44 That's being self-sufficient,
33:46 you know, so I just want to be,
33:47 keep my eyes focused on Him
33:49 standing in the middle of the road.
33:51 And, but that's not what we're talking about here,
33:54 we're talking about here is to be content
33:56 with what you have,
33:58 where you want
33:59 because you're in the center of God's will.
34:01 Think that's what I'm trying to do.
34:03 I just say, Lord, please,
34:04 you know, just continue to be a lamp.
34:06 So I'm staying in the center of your will.
34:08 And then I will be content wherever I am.
34:11 And I think that Paul uses that,
34:13 take our time, hey, I'm in prison,
34:15 but I'm content because the Lord put me here.
34:17 He allowed this to happen.
34:19 So he must have something in mind and...
34:24 You know, it reminds me of when I was, in December,
34:28 I was in the hospital for a week
34:30 with my initial spinal surgery.
34:32 Out for five days, woke up one morning,
34:36 couldn't lift my leg, not even a quarter of an inch.
34:39 JD got me out of bed.
34:41 I couldn't walk.
34:43 I mean, I couldn't move my legs whatsoever.
34:45 So he was so precious.
34:48 I won't, I'll spare you the story
34:50 of how we got to the hospital
34:51 but they said, get to the ER right away.
34:55 So here I am in the ER, well, after I got admitted.
34:59 I can't walk, I'm in horrible pain,
35:01 can't use my arm at all.
35:03 It's in horrible pain.
35:05 And it's easy to start feeling sorry for yourself.
35:09 But you know what?
35:11 All of a sudden, he brought me, we've got a wave machine.
35:16 And I was running this wave machine,
35:18 I didn't want to watch TV, I was in too much pain.
35:21 And I started thanking God,
35:22 I could find a spot
35:24 that I was fairly comfortable in.
35:27 I had a comfortable bed,
35:29 I had lovely nurses who were ministering to me,
35:32 had a wonderful husband.
35:34 And as I began to focus, and say, Lord, thank You
35:41 that I'm in a place where I'm getting good care.
35:43 Thank You that You still have a plan for my life.
35:46 Thank You.
35:48 I actually was content where I was.
35:50 Does that make sense? Oh, absolutely.
35:52 Because I know things could be so much worse.
35:56 And I think that gratitude really does magnify
36:01 that feeling of contentment.
36:03 I really do.
36:04 I also think would you all agree
36:06 that gratitude makes us more generous?
36:10 Oh, yes, absolutely.
36:12 In fact, there's a...
36:15 I want to read a text before we go there.
36:17 Okay.
36:18 Because I see that's the next point on here.
36:20 I want to read this text, it comes from 1 Timothy 6:6-10.
36:25 And this is kind of giving us a lead way or segue
36:31 into the generosity conversation.
36:33 Notice what it says here. This is 1 Timothy 6:6-10.
36:36 And kind of goes back to this contentment issue.
36:39 But notice what it says here.
36:40 It says, "Now godliness with contentment is great gain.
36:46 For we brought nothing into this world,
36:50 and it is certain we can carry nothing out."
36:52 Okay, we really let that sink in,
36:54 then, you know, things begin to make sense
36:57 after a while.
36:58 Verse 8 says, "And having food and clothing,
37:00 with these we shall be content.
37:03 But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation
37:06 and a snare,
37:08 and into many foolish and harmful lusts
37:10 which drown men in destruction and perdition.
37:13 For the love of money,"
37:15 we heard this many times,
37:16 "for the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil,
37:19 for which some have strayed from the faith
37:22 in their greediness,
37:24 and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."
37:27 So this is going to give us some segue
37:29 into the generosity conversation.
37:30 But I brought this up
37:32 because being content with what we have,
37:35 most of the time,
37:36 this conversation quickly is opened up.
37:39 And we're talking about
37:41 being content with our finances,
37:42 being content with what we have
37:44 in relation to the things of the world.
37:45 And, you know, I have learned some lessons in this
37:49 in the sense that,
37:50 you know, God has brought me in ways
37:52 and showing me and teaching me
37:54 that along the way my needs will be met,
37:57 and I think of the best story that I can think of that
38:00 really illustrates this is Psalm 23.
38:03 Because when you think about David
38:04 pouring his heart out,
38:06 you know, the Lord is my shepherd,
38:07 I shall not want.
38:09 He leadeth me beside still waters,
38:12 and He maketh me lie down in green pastures."
38:15 Amen.
38:16 When you really do a study of this,
38:18 and I think I've brought this out
38:19 a couple of times on,
38:20 on Family Worship and on programs before
38:22 but when I think of contentment,
38:25 you're happy with what you have now.
38:28 You're not worried about the next moment
38:30 what you gonna have.
38:31 When you think of the shepherd leading a sheep,
38:34 that sheep is completely dependent
38:36 on where the shepherd leads him
38:38 and where the shepherd is going to lead him
38:39 to his next food plot.
38:40 When you think of green pastures,
38:42 over in Jerusalem,
38:43 there's an actual hillside called Green Pastures.
38:44 And it ain't very green.
38:46 And you look at and all of it is a rocky hillside
38:48 and you look out there and you think,
38:49 and you see these sheep walking in perfect lines,
38:53 and you see the shepherd ahead of them.
38:55 And you think from a distance,
38:56 it's like are these rock eating sheep?
38:58 Like what, what are they eating?
39:00 But if you get closer and you really,
39:02 you focus on the terrain of this,
39:03 what is called Green Pastures in Jerusalem.
39:06 It's interesting that you'll find it
39:08 that you know, few feet here,
39:09 there's a little sprig of grass,
39:11 walk a few more feet, little sprig of grass,
39:13 walk a few more feet, little sprig of grass.
39:15 And it's an powerful object lesson
39:17 that I think clearly alludes to
39:20 and help support this idea
39:23 that gratitude increases our appreciation
39:25 for what we have,
39:26 and being content with what we have
39:28 because those sheep when Peter or excuse me,
39:30 when David was pouring his heart out,
39:33 the Lord is my shepherd,
39:34 I shall not want, He leadeth me.
39:37 He leadeth me.
39:38 Those sheep are completely dependent
39:40 on that shepherd
39:42 leading them from one little sprig
39:43 to the next, to the next, to the next.
39:46 And those sheep, you don't hear them out there,
39:47 you know, complaining, you know, I'm not hurt,
39:50 they're completely content to know that
39:52 that shepherd is going to lead them
39:55 to what they need for that moment.
39:57 You know what story that reminds me of?
39:59 There was a lady who had three little children.
40:03 Her husband died.
40:04 They lived out on a farm.
40:06 They were very poor.
40:07 This was in Arkansas, very poor.
40:09 And they were very faithful churchgoers.
40:12 And everybody always was amazed
40:15 at how grateful she was to God
40:18 for all of her blessings.
40:20 I mean, so anyway,
40:22 they made the announcement from the pulpit one day,
40:25 we're going to take up,
40:26 it was before Christmas
40:27 a couple of months before Christmas.
40:29 We're going to take up an offering
40:33 for a very poor family, da-da-da.
40:35 This woman held a bake sale,
40:38 her kids worked out
40:39 in people's gardens rake leaves,
40:41 did this did that.
40:43 And she was so excited
40:47 to be able to help this poor family.
40:49 So the whole family work together,
40:52 and they made a...
40:54 When the plate was passed
40:56 this few weeks before Christmas,
40:58 they had their little bundle in an envelope,
41:02 and they put over.
41:03 I think it was like,
41:05 just a little over $200 into the plate.
41:09 Now there were a lot of wealthy people
41:12 in this church.
41:14 Well-to-do people, I put it that way.
41:18 At the end of the service,
41:20 the pastor called them up
41:23 to give this lady and her little kids.
41:26 She had no idea that collection was for her.
41:29 None.
41:31 He calls them up to give them the collection.
41:36 You know how much money was in it?
41:38 Two hundred and fifty dollars.
41:42 So here is a poor woman with her children.
41:48 I mean, they were the object of this,
41:52 but she was so grateful to God.
41:54 I absolutely believe when we are grateful,
41:58 we will definitely be more generous with others.
42:04 Okay, Honey, why don't you read
42:06 because I thought this was so interesting.
42:09 Harvard Health Publications has done great studies
42:13 and they say that gratitude increases our capacity
42:19 to experience pleasure,
42:22 and it improves our relationship with others.
42:25 Why don't you read what they wrote?
42:26 Okay, this is taken from this particularly,
42:29 this particular publication, Harvard Health Publications
42:32 in a positive psychological research.
42:35 Gratitude is strongly and consistently associated
42:39 with greater happiness.
42:41 Gratitude helps people feel more positive,
42:45 allows them to feel more positive emotions,
42:49 relish good experiences, improve their health,
42:52 deal with adversity and build strong relationships.
42:56 Most studies published on this topic
42:58 have formed an association
42:59 between gratitude and an individual's well-being.
43:04 So if you want to be healthy, happy...
43:08 You need to be giving.
43:10 You need to be experiencing and expressing your thanks.
43:14 Yes, yes.
43:16 I mean, you know, I always heard,
43:18 I mean thanks of giving,
43:20 I guess that those could be correlated.
43:23 Thanksgiving, expressing your gratitude.
43:25 Perfect.
43:26 I mean, God gonna tell her half,
43:28 halfway this whole thing of Thanksgiving dinner
43:32 for a family you know and how,
43:35 how generous the time it is as you because here you,
43:39 everybody's coming from different directions
43:41 to show up for the special day.
43:43 You know we've all missed mama, we've all missed daddy,
43:45 we all get to come home,
43:47 big table around the table and everything,
43:49 stories are going everything.
43:51 And, boy, you just kind of sit back
43:52 and there was just joy in your heart
43:54 that families together just the generosity
43:58 and Shelley would tell us a story, I tell a story,
44:01 my brother Frank would tell a story,
44:02 Mary Joe Ann wasn't going to be outdone,
44:04 she's going to tell her story.
44:05 And, boy, you're just,
44:06 this is family, this is gratitude.
44:11 And so, but here, I think that this is,
44:16 goes back to the tithe,
44:18 you know, that you cannot give God,
44:20 so you cannot give in your gratitude
44:22 you know, and this is just it,
44:25 people that really believe in a lot of science.
44:27 This just goes to prove it,
44:29 you know, they've done testing on this.
44:31 And the more you give, the happier you are.
44:32 That's right.
44:34 It's powerful
44:35 because what we just read there
44:37 in that Harvard Health Publication.
44:39 And talking about that you clearly can't have
44:42 true genuine happiness,
44:44 unless you've experienced
44:45 or putting forth gratitude and thanksgiving.
44:50 And it's interesting to me that
44:51 that in turn leads to a servant's heart.
44:56 I heard someone once said
44:57 that you really can't truly be happy
44:59 unless you have served someone else.
45:00 Amen.
45:02 Unless you've experienced what it means to truly serve
45:04 and, you know, what brought my attention
45:07 to Philippians 2:5-8.
45:10 Christ being our example.
45:12 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus,
45:15 who, being in the form of God,
45:17 did not consider it robbery to be equal with God."
45:19 God, Father, I'm not going to,
45:21 I'm going to bring Myself down here,
45:22 I'm going to go serve those people
45:24 because they need Me.
45:25 There was a sense of gratitude
45:27 that Christ had for His creation,
45:29 that He was able to as it continues to say,
45:32 "But He made Himself of no reputation,
45:34 taking the form of a bondservant,
45:37 and coming in the likeness of men.
45:39 And being found in appearance as a man,
45:40 He humbled Himself, "
45:42 there's that humility factor,
45:44 "He humbled Himself and became obedient
45:47 to the point of death, even the death at the cross."
45:49 Christ's love for humanity
45:52 and His creation brought about
45:57 and basically came forth
45:59 because of the love and the gratitude
46:01 He had towards His people, His children.
46:04 I've never thought about that in a sense of gratitude.
46:07 It's amazing that He was willing
46:09 to lower Himself, get this,
46:11 and I get this mental picture in my mind of Jesus
46:14 kneeling at the feet of Peter about to wash His feet.
46:18 You almost see a sense of gratitude
46:19 coming from Peter
46:21 although we can find that
46:22 He still had a little bit of humbling
46:23 he needed there.
46:25 But you almost sense a gratitude towards Peter
46:27 because you could just sense in see in your mind's eye
46:29 in your mind the scene taking place
46:32 and Peter drawing his feet away and saying,
46:33 "Oh, no, Jesus, what are You doing?
46:35 No, no, You shouldn't be washing my feet.
46:37 I should be washing Your feet."
46:39 And then Jesus shares His heart,
46:41 "No, no, no, I have to do this.
46:42 I have to do this.
46:44 I have to serve you.
46:45 I have to humble Myself before you, to serve you,
46:48 to show you that this, this is how it works."
46:51 This is true gratitude.
46:52 This is true love.
46:54 And then, of course,
46:55 we know what Peter, his response.
46:56 Well, you know, while you're at it,
47:00 washing his feet,
47:02 but it's powerful to think in that sense.
47:05 True happiness doesn't come until you can have
47:08 the heart of a servant
47:09 because the heart of the servant
47:11 is someone who's thankful.
47:12 They're thankful for those who they're serving
47:14 if it's genuine service.
47:16 Amen. Amen. Powerful.
47:18 You know, one of my favorite examples
47:20 in the Bible of gratitude is found,
47:26 well it's found in all the gospels
47:30 but in Luke Chapter 7,
47:33 I'm going to read verse, start with verse 37.
47:37 And I love this one of the best because Luke,
47:40 this is about Mary coming to anoint the feet of Jesus
47:46 and breaking this alabaster box
47:49 and whoops, I'm falling pieces over here.
47:52 But what I love about what Luke does,
47:57 being that he was a Gentile,
47:59 this is interesting because he says
48:01 he's the only one
48:03 that identifies her as a sinner.
48:05 And so he sets the scene for us and he says,
48:08 one of the Pharisees ask Jesus tea,
48:10 with him He went to the Pharisee's house,
48:11 he sat down deep.
48:13 So now get this.
48:14 Here are a group of Pharisees
48:17 that Jesus has gone and they hate,
48:19 they're throwing Him up banquet.
48:21 And behold, a woman in the city
48:25 who was a sinner.
48:29 I mean, to the point
48:30 that later on the Pharisee says,
48:31 "Man, if Jesus is really a prophet,
48:34 He wouldn't let her be doing this to you."
48:36 But she comes in.
48:39 I mean, you talk about laying down yourself in service
48:43 about humbling yourself.
48:45 She comes into an environment where people are whispering,
48:52 "Oh, there she is.
48:53 Do you know what she's done?"
48:56 And it says that she came to Jesus,
49:01 washed His feet with her tears,
49:04 wipe them with the hair of her head
49:07 and it was not.
49:09 I mean, that was not kosher
49:10 to let your hair down in public,
49:12 yet she's...
49:14 And let me tell you something.
49:15 This is something that foot washing
49:17 should have been done by the host.
49:20 Because when they walked His feet were dirty,
49:22 probably with animal dung even,
49:24 and she's washing it with her hair.
49:27 Then she breaks open her piggy bank,
49:30 her alabaster box.
49:32 That was probably the proceeds of her former lifestyle.
49:37 Which most scholars would agree,
49:39 most scholars believe,
49:40 this was the same woman that was caught in adultery,
49:43 prostitute, Mary Magdalene.
49:45 Even though it doesn't say that...
49:46 Oh, boy, this study I've done I can, I do believe it's Mary.
49:50 But, so she comes in and she doesn't care
49:55 what anybody thinks,
49:56 she is going to express her thanksgiving
50:01 to the Lord for delivering her.
50:04 But now if you jump down to verse 47,
50:08 one of my favorite verses, Luke 7:47.
50:13 Jesus said, to...
50:15 Well, let's begin with 46.
50:18 Let's begin with 45.
50:20 He says, he's talking to his host now,
50:23 because the host is upset that she's doing this.
50:27 And Jesus said,
50:28 "You gave Me no kiss when I came in,
50:31 but this woman has not ceased to kiss My feet
50:33 since the time I came in.
50:35 You did not anoint My head with oil, "
50:37 and that was considered standard practice
50:40 for a host to do,
50:42 "but this woman has anointed My feet
50:44 with fragrant oil.
50:46 Therefore I say to you, her sins,
50:48 which are many are forgiven, for she loved much.
50:54 But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little."
50:59 I think it all comes down as far as gratitude
51:03 is how much we open our heart to receive from the Lord.
51:08 When we open up our hearts to allow God to love us,
51:13 you know, some people have an incorrect,
51:15 incomplete picture of the character of God.
51:19 And they run around with their nose in the air
51:23 or in a snit all the time, they're upset with God.
51:27 If we just open up our hearts, and don't reject God's love,
51:32 we'll be just like this.
51:34 I mean, once you really begin to understand
51:36 the character of God, you do stand in awe of Him.
51:39 Absolutely.
51:41 And most people, I love what you're saying,
51:42 as I'm just taking in the story
51:44 and hear what you're saying it's powerful.
51:46 This situation reminds me of the fact
51:49 that most people don't understand
51:52 what true gratitude is
51:53 because they haven't had
51:55 a personal encounter with Jesus.
51:56 Yeah.
51:58 They're reading the story
52:00 of her pouring out her gratitude
52:02 and thanksgiving to Christ.
52:03 But what, the question is what caused this?
52:05 What was it that brought this into motion?
52:09 This woman had been caught not just, not it's known as,
52:12 you know, it's not like they just went to her home
52:14 and said, "Hey, you know, we know you're a harlot,
52:16 we're going to take you out here and judge you."
52:17 They caught her in the very act.
52:19 And then she's brought and thrown
52:21 at the feet of Jesus,
52:22 whom, at this point,
52:24 maybe she's heard a little bit about,
52:25 but this is her first personal encounter
52:27 with Christ, the Son of God.
52:30 And it's powerful to think of that story,
52:34 that Jesus doesn't condemn her,
52:36 but He also doesn't condone her sin.
52:39 But yet he doesn't just beat her up
52:41 and, you know, treat her as the people
52:44 there were about to treat her.
52:45 They were going to stone her to death.
52:47 Jesus saved her life and showed her compassion.
52:50 He gave her the treatment that she didn't deserve,
52:53 which was love, compassion, and mercy.
52:56 And this story that we just read in Luke 7
52:59 is that automatic response of gratitude of,
53:02 you know what?
53:03 He has saved me, I would gladly pour out.
53:06 I sing that song alabaster box,
53:07 you know, I've come to pour my praise on Him,
53:13 like oil from Mary.
53:15 She's literally pouring her whole life out on Jesus
53:19 because she recognizes
53:20 that He gave His entire life for her.
53:23 And Jesus in Luke 47 is saying, hey, she loves much,
53:27 she's been forgiven much so she understands.
53:30 When we realize
53:32 how much we've been forgiven we will.
53:34 Absolutely.
53:36 Honey, why don't you share the story of the lepers?
53:39 Of the lepers, okay, that's,
53:41 we're going to take this from Luke 17.
53:44 And I'm going to kind of go through, it started...
53:49 Well, 13
53:51 because this is where they're calling on, Jesus,
53:53 Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.
53:56 And so when they saw Him, He says,
53:59 "Go show yourself to the priest.
54:01 Okay, He had, He saw them and He said,
54:04 Go show yourself to the priest.
54:05 And so it was that they went and they were cleansed."
54:08 Wow, gratitude right there.
54:10 "And one of them whenever he saw
54:11 that he was healed
54:13 returned with a loud voice glorify God,
54:15 and fell down on His face
54:16 at His feet giving Him thanks, Jesus."
54:18 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
54:20 I mean, we can't even appreciate,
54:22 this is leprosy.
54:24 I mean, this was just, everybody just,
54:26 you know, avoided them.
54:28 "And one of them, when that he saw he was healed,
54:30 he returned with a loud voice glorified,
54:31 fell down on his face
54:33 and him thanks and he was a Samaritan."
54:35 Oh, my goodness.
54:37 And so Jesus answers and says, "Where there not ten cleansed,
54:41 but where are the nine?
54:43 Where there not any found
54:45 who returned to give glory to God
54:46 except this foreigner?"
54:48 And He said to him, "Arise, go your way,
54:50 your faith has made you well."
54:53 What is it?
54:54 What do you think about that, Ricky?
54:58 I think about how He was the only one
55:04 that came back to give thanks.
55:05 I think about those other gentlemen.
55:08 And I'm sad for them.
55:12 I think about my father.
55:13 And my father is been the one that's always said,
55:16 "Son, you need to express your gratitude
55:20 when someone does something for you
55:22 and especially when you see what Christ,
55:26 this is another encounter.
55:28 That's right. Another encounter with Jesus.
55:30 This gentleman had an encounter with Jesus.
55:32 And he came back and just showed his thanks
55:36 and his appreciation and his gratitude.
55:38 I love this story.
55:40 Now, what I like about it is,
55:41 it absolutely shows
55:43 that Jesus thinks we ought to be giving thanks.
55:47 But He says,
55:49 when he gives thanks, he calls it faith,
55:51 your faith has healed you
55:54 because it was recognizing what Jesus had done.
55:57 So it was faith in Jesus.
55:59 You know, our time's already gone away
56:01 but I just want to tell you,
56:03 we need to think about guidelines
56:06 for grateful living.
56:08 Keep a gratitude journal.
56:10 If you feel like
56:11 what can I be thankful for every day,
56:13 get up, write down 10 words on a sheet of paper,
56:17 then after each one of those words,
56:20 write out one sentence of why you're grateful for
56:23 and pray it back to the Lord.
56:25 Watch what God will do, He will turn your focus.
56:30 I mean, if you can't think of what to be grateful for
56:32 maybe your toothbrush,
56:34 even what be it, hot water, whatever.
56:37 But we, I think we show by setting aside
56:41 time for worship,
56:43 and making provision for the poor
56:46 and expressing our gratitude to others.
56:49 We're out of time.
56:50 Well, I want to say in closing really quickly.
56:52 I want to express my gratitude to you guys
56:53 because you have been wonderful mentors to me
56:56 and my wife since we've been here.
56:58 We love 3ABN, we love you guys,
57:00 and we praise God for what God is doing
57:03 through you in this ministry.
57:04 Thank you.
57:05 And we just want to thank you both for being here today.
57:09 For those of you at home, our prayer,
57:12 our thanksgiving is for you
57:14 because this ministry couldn't even exist
57:17 without those who partner with us.
57:19 And we pray
57:21 that the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
57:26 the love of the Father,
57:28 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
57:30 will be yours this Sabbath and every day to come.
57:34 God bless. God bless you.


Revised 2020-09-11