Today Family Worship

Pursuing Peace

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW200036S

00:02 I want to spend my life
00:08 Mending broken people
00:13 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:35 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:09 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Family Worship.
01:14 Happy Sabbath.
01:16 Amen, amen.
01:17 It's been a busy week.
01:19 It's been a real busy week.
01:20 And, you know, I don't want to delay.
01:23 Let's just go ahead
01:25 and introduce the rest of the family
01:26 that's here with us.
01:28 Okay, we got him, the man without any hair.
01:32 Did this on purpose.
01:33 I know you did.
01:34 My good friend, Eric Durant.
01:36 It's good to be here.
01:37 Eric, what do you do here in 25 words or less.
01:39 I am one of the engineers
01:41 that make sure that 3ABN stays on the air
01:43 and that all the equipment continues to operate.
01:46 Amen. We praise God for it.
01:48 I know you're a busy man.
01:50 Very busy. Busy man.
01:51 But I'm blessed also. Amen.
01:53 Yes, you are.
01:54 And Ryan Day, Pastor Ryan Day,
01:57 one of my favorite people also,
01:59 we get to office fairly close to each other.
02:01 But I run down to your office all the time,
02:03 because you're the man with the answer.
02:04 Well, I don't know about that.
02:06 But many times you're the man with the answer.
02:08 So I'm in your office probably just as much as you are mine.
02:12 Anyway, this is going to be a wonderful program.
02:14 So glad that you're with us. Amen.
02:16 And we're so glad that you at home
02:19 are taking the time out or if you're in your car,
02:21 just listening.
02:22 We're so glad that you're joining us.
02:23 I'm Shelley Quinn. I'm JD Quinn.
02:25 And it is a blessing to spend these Sabbath hours together.
02:30 You know, one thing that I have learned is that
02:35 the Sabbath is my reminder
02:39 that God is not only my Creator,
02:41 but He's the one that's recreating me
02:44 in the image of Jesus.
02:45 He is the one who is sanctifying me.
02:49 And from week to week,
02:50 it's amazing
02:51 how you can get into a performer type Christianity
02:54 where you're trying to do more.
02:56 But the Sabbath always reminds me
02:58 I can take a deep breath
03:00 and say, Lord, I thank You
03:01 that You are the source of our salvation.
03:04 We can never save ourselves.
03:07 And I know that all three,
03:09 the three of y'all are all workers.
03:11 You're very, very productive.
03:12 All three of you are extremely productive people.
03:14 Not that you're not, thank goodness.
03:16 No, y'all are productive.
03:18 I work on being productive.
03:21 But anyway, so Sabbath does mean a whole lot
03:23 because it does whenever though that sun goes down.
03:26 Now that is a special time
03:28 that we can get the necessary rest
03:29 that we need.
03:31 But more than the rest is just to focus on Him.
03:33 Amen. Amen.
03:35 Let's kick this off.
03:36 Ryan, why don't you have an opening prayer?
03:39 Absolutely. Let's do that.
03:40 Our Father in heaven, Lord,
03:42 we're just so blessed right now on the Sabbath,
03:44 Lord, it's Your Sabbath, Your day,
03:47 the time that we get to come together
03:49 and commune with You,
03:50 visit with You, spend time with You.
03:52 And, Lord, to spend time with each other as family,
03:55 as brothers and sisters in Christ.
03:57 And right now as we prepare to open Your Word, Lord,
04:00 give us the Holy Spirit
04:02 to be able to rightly divide Your word of truth,
04:04 to be able to understand it, to comprehend it.
04:07 And, Lord, more than anything draw us to You.
04:10 Help these words speak to our hearts.
04:12 Help us, help it to draw us to Jesus Christ.
04:15 That's our prayer.
04:16 And we ask it in confidence
04:17 and in the name of Jesus Christ.
04:19 Amen.
04:20 Thank you so much, Ryan.
04:22 This is such a special time of the year,
04:25 a time when people pause
04:28 and consider the birth of Jesus Christ.
04:33 And I thought we would start off tonight
04:36 with one of the most famous passages of Isaiah.
04:40 I'm sure you've heard it many times
04:42 and we could spend forever on it.
04:44 But let's look at Isaiah 9 and we'll begin with verse 6.
04:49 Isaiah has so much to say about the coming Messiah.
04:54 But this is the first place he's mentioning in it
04:56 and he says, Isaiah 9:6,
04:59 "For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given,
05:06 and the government will be upon His shoulder.
05:10 And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor,
05:15 Mighty God, Everlasting Father,
05:20 Prince of Peace."
05:22 Now, that is something,
05:25 he said, he goes on, let's go on in verse 7,
05:29 "Of the increase of His government and peace
05:32 there will be no end,
05:34 upon the throne of David and over His kingdom,
05:37 to order it and establish it with judgment and justice
05:42 from that time forward, even forever.
05:46 The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this."
05:49 How we praise God, that this child was born.
05:54 And this child actually was our God,
05:57 who came to become a person,
06:01 the Son of Man, and the Son of God.
06:04 It's so amazing to me.
06:06 But what we want to focus on tonight,
06:11 is Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
06:16 And actually, tonight's program is called pursuing peace.
06:21 So let's define peace.
06:24 What is peace?
06:27 Well, it's a personal sense of well-being.
06:30 Okay.
06:31 A wholeness, a harmony and a security
06:34 through a proper relationship with God and fellow man
06:36 from a Christian perspective.
06:38 And, of course, then there is,
06:40 the term that may also refer to,
06:42 as you know, restful or harmonious state of affairs
06:45 among people or things,
06:46 or within a particular environment,
06:48 as the note brings out here,
06:49 which I thought
06:51 properly kind of encompasses a full definition of peace.
06:54 But, of course, from a biblical perspective,
06:57 peace cannot exist
06:59 as we're going to find out without Christ.
07:03 There is only true genuine peace
07:05 found in Jesus.
07:06 Absolutely.
07:08 Tonight, what we'd like to do is give you five points,
07:11 if you've got,
07:13 I'll help you around the table with your Bibles and your pens.
07:16 What we want to do is look at why Jesus came,
07:21 and that was to achieve for us, peace with God,
07:25 and like you said, with,
07:26 that's the foundation for all peace.
07:29 Because if we don't have peace with God,
07:32 there's not going to be any peace in our life.
07:35 We will look at God as the source of peace,
07:40 try to understand what is the peace of God.
07:46 And then we're going to take a chunk of time
07:48 to talk about pursuing peace with our fellow man.
07:54 And finally, we'll end up just with this disclaimer,
07:58 that there will be no true peace on earth
08:02 until God recreates the earth.
08:05 So why don't, Eric, why don't you start off?
08:07 Let's talk about...
08:09 Well, first, let me just say this,
08:12 when God created the earth,
08:15 it was a place of perfect peace.
08:19 How was that peace lost?
08:21 Peace was lost through a lack of faith,
08:27 a lack of obedience.
08:31 It's a problem that I think
08:32 a lot of us run into where the devil raises doubt.
08:36 And he raised doubt in the minds of Eve.
08:40 And by raising that doubt, she began to question things,
08:43 and she lost her faith.
08:45 And instead of following what God said,
08:47 she started to think of the alternatives.
08:51 And the devil played into that.
08:52 And I think we all fall into that trap
08:54 sometimes when Satan,
08:57 and as a result we ended up losing paradise.
09:00 And when you think about it,
09:01 here Adam and Eve had that perfect peace.
09:04 They walked with God in the cool of the garden,
09:06 and all of a sudden,
09:08 do we know they lost their peace?
09:09 Yeah, they're hiding behind the bushes now.
09:14 But it wasn't just losing peace with God.
09:17 What happened when God asked the question,
09:21 "Who told that you were naked? What's happened here?"
09:25 Adam turned on Eve, didn't he?
09:27 It's hurtful.
09:28 So when we lose peace with God, we lose peace with one another.
09:33 Exactly.
09:35 Suddenly... We start grabbing for things.
09:36 We start grabbing for things.
09:38 So why did Jesus come?
09:42 Eric, why don't you read Colossians 1:19- 20,
09:46 and we will see
09:47 how he came to achieve for us peace with God.
09:52 Colossians 1:19-20,
09:56 "For it pleased the Father that in Him
09:59 all the fullness should dwell,
10:01 and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself,
10:05 by Him,
10:06 whether things on earth or things in heaven,
10:10 having made peace
10:11 through the blood of His cross."
10:13 Let's just talk about that for a second.
10:15 We can't go beyond that.
10:18 How did God in the person of Jesus Christ
10:21 make peace through His blood?
10:25 Ryan?
10:26 Well, it was through the cross.
10:28 And, of course, we know that right there
10:30 in front of the Garden of Eden when men fell,
10:32 and that peace was lost,
10:34 the declaration was made that there would be a coming seed,
10:37 that Christ would come, He would be the substitute.
10:41 In other words,
10:42 instead of man's blood being shed,
10:43 it would be the blood of Christ Himself.
10:46 And so what this, what this is essentially saying
10:49 is that it was through the blood of the cross
10:53 that peace was made
10:54 and that can only come through God,
10:56 that can only come, in this case,
10:58 through the bloodshed of the Son of God Himself.
11:00 So, so it's more than,
11:02 you know, sometimes we think about
11:04 how wonderful it is to receive forgiveness,
11:07 1 John 1:9, that,
11:09 that when we confess our sins,
11:11 He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
11:14 and cleanse us of all unrighteousness.
11:16 But it's more than enjoying, just cleansing.
11:22 It is a reconciling with God.
11:24 Sin is a barrier between us and God.
11:27 But Jesus came to break down those barriers,
11:31 and to bring us into proper relationship.
11:35 And I like this word here.
11:36 And it took me a while
11:38 to really understand it in the fullness.
11:40 In other words, totality, so this, this,
11:43 this would be a done deal,
11:47 the way that the ingeniousness of the plan that he had.
11:50 Amen.
11:51 I just, I just can't, every once in a while,
11:54 I'll just kind of float out here,
11:56 you know, and think about this.
11:57 It keeps coming down, you deduce, deduce, deduce.
12:00 Then there's the fullness of God,
12:02 the perfect plan that He made, so that we have hope.
12:06 Amen. Amen.
12:07 Honey, you want to read in Romans?
12:09 Romans.
12:11 Romans 5:1,
12:13 "Therefore, having been justified by faith,
12:16 we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."
12:21 Go ahead.
12:22 And in Romans 5:10, just down a few script texts,
12:26 "For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God
12:30 through the death of His Son,
12:32 much more, having been reconciled,
12:35 we shall be saved by His life."
12:38 All right.
12:40 So what does it mean to be justified by faith?
12:44 Where you're justified by your trust,
12:48 because ultimately, that's what faith is.
12:50 What is justification?
12:51 So justification is the pardoning,
12:53 it's basically the pardoning of God saying,
12:56 you know what, my blood is now being placed upon yours,
12:59 you are justified by the sacrifice of Christ.
13:02 And so now you are made righteous,
13:04 that's essentially what's happening.
13:05 But you're not made righteous because of your righteousness.
13:08 You're made righteous because of the righteous act,
13:10 the righteous deed, and the righteous sacrifice,
13:13 the bloodshed of Jesus Christ.
13:14 So you're justified, in other words,
13:16 made righteous because of your faith,
13:20 your trust in Jesus Christ,
13:22 who is ultimately your righteousness.
13:23 So this idea of justification is like coming before a judge,
13:27 and you are guilty.
13:29 That's right. Are we guilty?
13:31 We all are, aren't we? Most certainly.
13:32 But to be justified means to be pardoned to be to Him,
13:37 He basically has said, clamp down and he says,
13:41 okay, you are no longer guilty of your sins.
13:46 And like you said,
13:47 " Man couldn't do that for himself."
13:49 It is only through the blood of Jesus Christ,
13:52 only through His substitutionary sacrifice
13:56 because once you've sinned, what is the penalty for sins?
14:01 Death.
14:03 So there's no way
14:04 we could have done this for ourself.
14:06 Ryan, why don't you read Colossians 1:21?
14:10 Yeah, absolutely. So Colossians 1:21-23.
14:13 And I'm reading from the New King James Version,
14:15 it says,
14:16 "And you, who once were alienated
14:18 and enemies in your mind by wicked works,
14:21 yet now He has reconciled
14:25 in the body of His flesh through death,
14:27 to present you holy, and blameless,"
14:30 there's that justification aspect,
14:32 "and above reproach in His sight,
14:35 if indeed you continue in the faith,
14:37 grounded and steadfast,
14:39 and are not moved away from the hope of the gospel
14:42 which you heard,
14:44 which was preached to every creature under heaven,
14:48 of which I, Paul, became a minister."
14:52 And so, I love this text because
14:54 and I just want to reference
14:56 the two previous texts we just mentioned,
14:58 Colossians 1:19-20,
15:00 which brother Eric read,
15:01 of course, JD read Romans 5:1-10 there.
15:05 And I just read Colossians 1:21-23.
15:08 There's a word that appears in each one of these verses.
15:11 That to me is the central,
15:14 the central foundational concept of why Jesus came,
15:18 why the Father sent His Son.
15:20 Because and I'm just reminded,
15:22 as I was reading through these texts,
15:23 another text came to mind.
15:25 Isaiah 53:6.
15:27 All we like sheep,
15:30 starting with Adam and Eve, all the way down.
15:32 "All we like sheep have gone astray,
15:35 we have all went our own way."
15:38 Okay.
15:40 And so since we have become lost,
15:42 like little lost sheep,
15:43 the father says, you know what?
15:45 I'm going to consent if you go down there,
15:49 and you reconcile,
15:51 that's the word that we find in each one of these passages
15:53 that we just read, each one of these texts.
15:55 God, Jesus came to reconcile, what does that mean?
15:58 Well, I remember when I was a kid,
16:01 me and my brother sometime would argue,
16:03 we would fight.
16:04 And sometimes that argument, that fight would pull us
16:07 kind of push us a far apart from each other.
16:09 But mom and daddy would always come back in there
16:11 and make us hug and kiss and,
16:14 you know, say our sorries
16:15 and they would always make sure that we are reconciled,
16:17 that is brought back together.
16:18 All we like sheep have gone astray,
16:21 we've went our own way.
16:22 Jesus has come to reconcile us, to bring us back into the fold,
16:26 to point us and set us back in His way of righteousness.
16:30 Amen.
16:31 You know, what I think of
16:32 when I think of reconcile is
16:34 you reconcile your bank account.
16:35 Okay.
16:36 So we had a bank account,
16:39 and we owed a debt that we could not pay.
16:43 So what happens?
16:46 Christ deposits His righteousness,
16:50 imputes His righteousness into our account,
16:55 and helps us reconcile this account
16:59 so that we're no longer in the negative,
17:01 now we can have peace and God demonstrated His love,
17:06 in that while we were still sinners.
17:09 Romans 5:8 said, He sent Him to die for us.
17:13 Hallelujah.
17:14 We just need to go and make a withdrawal.
17:16 Amen.
17:18 Many of us, it's there,
17:19 but we haven't made a withdrawal yet.
17:22 Grace writes the check, faith takes to the bank.
17:25 Okay.
17:26 One of the things that we didn't mention yet,
17:28 and I don't know if we're going to mention it
17:29 is this also brings about humility.
17:32 Oh, absolutely.
17:33 When I think about anyone going to the cross,
17:38 let alone Christ, God, going to the cross for me.
17:43 How can you not help to be humbled by that?
17:45 And that humbleness for me,
17:47 it brings me a certain degree of peace
17:49 that no matter what happens in this world,
17:51 trials and tribulations,
17:53 I have a God that was willing to go
17:55 suffer and die for me.
17:57 And that brings me a lot of comfort.
17:59 And He always has His arms wide open.
18:01 Yes, yes. Yes.
18:03 Amen. Welcome.
18:05 We wish we had time to go into your prodigal son.
18:08 So don't worry, but we'll hold that.
18:10 I wanted to point out one thing in Colossians 1:23.
18:14 What does that begin with?
18:17 "He says that we've been reconciled,
18:20 He will present His holy blameless
18:22 and above reproach in His sight."
18:25 It's conditional, if.
18:26 If, that's the two,
18:28 the biggest two letter word in the whole world.
18:32 If, indeed, we continue in the faith.
18:37 That is, I would say that that is covenant language.
18:43 Absolutely.
18:45 Because that's agreement,
18:46 there's an agreement there, right?
18:47 There's a conditional sense there
18:49 that if we partake in that,
18:51 then we have that bank account
18:53 that those funds to withdraw or to tap into, right?
18:56 It's a beautiful thing. Amen.
18:58 Okay, so point number two.
19:00 JD, why don't you start us off on that,
19:02 this is our source of peace.
19:05 And peace comes from God.
19:08 Yes.
19:10 And this is from Paul.
19:11 And I think that most of his, most each one of the...
19:17 Epistles.
19:18 Epistles, yes,
19:20 as they start off, he says grace to You,
19:22 but I love this grace to You.
19:24 In other words, divine favor to you,
19:27 grace to You and peace from God.
19:29 Thank you, Jesus,
19:30 our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.
19:32 So where's the grace and peace coming from?
19:35 God.
19:37 God, our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
19:38 Go ahead and read Isaiah 26:3 because...
19:40 Yes.
19:42 So let us remember our source of peace
19:44 is coming from God.
19:46 Then Isaiah 26:3, this is one of my perfect,
19:48 this is one of my favorite.
19:50 "You will keep him in perfect peace,
19:53 whose mind is stayed on you,"
19:55 and why?
19:56 "Because He trust in you."
19:59 Oh, I don't know if there's anything
20:01 better than perfect peace.
20:03 Total, just being totally in harmony with each other,
20:07 walking side by side,
20:08 understanding each other, you know.
20:10 And this is what God does when you know, I remember,
20:13 I used to use this as an affirmation.
20:16 Oh, thank you, Lord,
20:17 that You keep me in perfect peace.
20:19 Thank You that You cause me to trust in You.
20:22 And then one day, something happened.
20:25 That boy, I'll tell you
20:26 just an hour after I'd done that,
20:28 I lost my peace.
20:29 And it was bad.
20:31 And I run around wringing my hands,
20:33 and it's like, oh, no, what are we going to do?
20:35 And suddenly the Lord, you know, this scripture says,
20:38 He'll keep us in perfect peace,
20:41 if we keep our mind focused on the author
20:44 and finisher of our faith.
20:47 And all of a sudden, what I heard, not audible,
20:50 but what I heard was, where are your eyes?
20:53 Focus on me or on your problem.
20:56 And so, when I return my focus to Him,
20:59 that trust built back up and peace was restored.
21:03 Eric, how about John 14:27?
21:06 John 14:27,
21:08 "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you,
21:11 not as the world gives do I give to you.
21:16 Not as the world gives do I give to you.
21:19 Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
21:23 I love this because there's so much fear right now.
21:27 And when He says,
21:29 "Let not your heart be troubled,
21:33 neither let it be afraid."
21:35 That tells me that He has my back,
21:39 that He's going to protect me
21:41 that no matter what comes my way,
21:44 it's going to be okay. I just have to remain faithful.
21:47 And I have to persevere through the trials.
21:51 And everything will be fine.
21:54 We just know that
21:55 He's in the midst of the trial with us.
21:57 He's always in the midst of the trials with us.
21:59 And this brings me a lot of comfort.
22:02 I think that these,
22:03 both of these, Isaiah 26:3, John 14:27.
22:07 If you have a three by five card,
22:09 I put both of those on there, put it in your purse,
22:11 put it in your wallet,
22:13 because daily, you will find someone
22:16 that's out of whack somewhere the other.
22:19 Their peace is disturbed.
22:21 And this is a wonderful opportunity.
22:24 May I share something with you?
22:26 You know, the Bible tells us
22:28 that we don't have to be troubled.
22:31 We don't have to be afraid.
22:33 There is perfect peace out there,
22:36 if you will keep your eyes focused on Jesus.
22:38 That's right. It's Satan.
22:39 He wants to steal our peace, he wants us to be afraid.
22:42 He wants us because he knows, the more afraid he makes us,
22:46 the more he separates us from God in our hearts.
22:49 So when he says,
22:51 "Don't be afraid, "
22:52 he's saying stay connected to God,
22:53 keep your eyes on Him.
22:55 I always think about Peter,
22:56 was it Peter who was walking on the water.
22:58 And he took his eyes off of Christ,
23:00 and he immediately sank.
23:02 And we don't want to take our eyes off of Him,
23:06 we don't want to sink. Amen.
23:07 So we see in these scriptures that the Father and the Son
23:11 are our source of peace.
23:13 What about the Holy Spirit?
23:16 Ryan, you want to read Galatians?
23:19 Oh, I was hoping you would go there.
23:20 And that's exactly where I'm going to go.
23:22 Okay, good.
23:23 So I'm going to read Galatians
23:24 and I'm going to reference another text
23:26 that goes along with it.
23:27 So Galatians 5:22-23 here says,
23:29 "But the fruit of the Spirit..."
23:31 Excuse me, the fruit of the Spirit
23:33 is love, joy, peace, longsuffering,
23:36 kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness,
23:38 self-control, against such there is no law."
23:42 So, of course, one of those is peace.
23:43 Okay, now, press the pause button
23:45 on that scripture for just a moment.
23:47 I want to, I want to highlight the fact that,
23:49 of course, we just read here,
23:50 that the fruit of the Spirit
23:52 so when Christ left,
23:54 He said, I'm going to send you another comforter,
23:57 another paracletus in the Greek,
23:59 not to get too theological.
24:01 But simply, Christ knew that when He would leave,
24:04 He would not leave us comfortless.
24:06 So now, through the Holy Spirit,
24:08 Christ bestows that peace upon us
24:09 through the work of the Holy Spirit.
24:11 Now, as I was reading this text,
24:13 and when we were studying for this,
24:16 a few texts came to mind.
24:17 First of all,
24:20 when Jesus was resurrected in John 20,
24:23 it's powerful when you read verse 19 of John 20.
24:25 It says,
24:27 "Then the same day at evening
24:28 being the first day of the week,
24:30 when the doors were shut,
24:32 or the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews."
24:35 Was there peace to start?
24:36 Oh, absolutely.
24:38 Were they worried, were they in a state of peace?
24:39 No, they weren't.
24:41 Their whole world had been turned upside down
24:43 because Jesus had died.
24:44 And, of course, now He appears unto them.
24:47 And it's interesting that He says, not once, not twice,
24:51 but three times in this same short passage here.
24:54 "Peace be with you."
24:56 That's verse 19.
24:58 And He says it again in verse 21.
25:00 "Peace to you."
25:02 And then He repeats it again in verse 26,
25:04 "Peace to you."
25:06 Peace to you, peace be with you,
25:07 peace to you.
25:08 And it says there that because He sense that fear,
25:11 He sense their discomfort,
25:13 He sense that they were on edge,
25:14 they were in a state of anxiety,
25:17 what He accompanied with that peace be with you,
25:20 it says that He breathed upon them,
25:22 and He said, receive you the Holy Spirit.
25:26 This is the same God,
25:27 we're talking about the source of peace.
25:30 God is the source of peace. Christ is the source of peace.
25:34 The Holy Spirit is the source of peace.
25:36 And so we have to understand here
25:38 and I think of that famous passage,
25:40 you know, the same God that can speak to the winds
25:43 and the waves and say what?
25:45 Peace be still.
25:47 It's the same God
25:48 that can speak peace into your life.
25:51 And so I'm thinking, you know, as a sort of said, source,
25:53 I'm thinking of an illustration for this.
25:55 And I thought of one that really,
25:56 to me really fits here.
25:57 I remember, back years ago, when I was living as a heathen,
26:01 I was a full time DJ,
26:04 and I traveled around with my equipment.
26:06 And I would take this equipment round to different places.
26:08 And I would set it all up.
26:10 And, of course, the one thing that you had to have
26:12 for all of that to function
26:13 is a powerful electrical source.
26:16 And so I always would do,
26:18 I would set up all of my equipment in places
26:19 just where it needed to be, connect all the wires,
26:21 put everything together and then you come to that point
26:23 where you press that power switch.
26:26 And nine times out of 10 always comes on.
26:29 But there's one day, I press the power button,
26:32 nothing and I remembered I plugged it up in the wall.
26:35 So I knew that's, that's not,
26:36 it's got to be something else I spent.
26:37 I know,
26:39 I was in such a state of anxiety
26:40 because I was at an event
26:41 where I was getting paid big money to do this event.
26:43 And I'm walking around
26:44 trying to figure out what's going on.
26:46 All the while, what I realized
26:47 after searching and pulling wires
26:49 and checking everything,
26:50 I walked back over to that source to that wall.
26:53 And where I had plugged that in,
26:55 it was a weak outlet.
26:57 And the holes were bored out and the cord had fallen out.
27:00 Oh, no.
27:01 Without that cord, connected to that source,
27:05 it wasn't going to function properly.
27:07 Christ is our source.
27:09 And we have people today that you know work,
27:10 sometimes we have people
27:12 that are looking for substitutes
27:13 for momentary peace.
27:15 You know, they don't necessarily want Jesus,
27:16 they don't want God.
27:18 They don't want religion.
27:19 But they'll do little things, maybe read a book or maybe,
27:21 maybe I don't know, take a bubble bath
27:23 or whatever that they think
27:24 just brings them that momentary, you know...
27:27 Calgon moment. Right.
27:29 But you know, we have to understand
27:31 from a Christian perspective, from a biblical perspective,
27:33 Christ is the ultimate source of genuine, long term peace.
27:39 Because He is the Prince of Peace.
27:42 And it is, it's totally unnatural.
27:45 If you've not experienced it, we can explain it to you.
27:50 It is, He's not just the source.
27:53 It is His peace that He's giving to us.
27:56 It is the peace of God.
27:58 Why don't you read, Eric, in John 16:33?
28:02 John 16:33,
28:07 "These things I have spoken to you,
28:09 that in Me you may have peace.
28:12 In the world you will have tribulations,
28:15 but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."
28:19 One of the interesting things about what you said, Ryan,
28:23 is that in the repair world as an engineer,
28:29 99% of the time
28:32 the problem is the power supply.
28:36 That's the first thing that you're taught to look at
28:38 when there's problems.
28:39 Number one, do you have power?
28:42 Number two, is it clean power,
28:44 you can actually have dirty power,
28:46 which will interfere with the circuits
28:47 and things like that.
28:49 So the power supply is very, very important.
28:51 Well, you could preach that.
28:53 I'll leave that to Ryan. That's a good point.
28:57 When you suffer tribulations, make sure you have clean power.
29:01 Oh, I like that.
29:03 And everything's going to be okay.
29:04 Amen.
29:05 But we find that power, what does he say?
29:07 In Me.
29:10 It is only as if we are believing in Jesus,
29:15 we have to be living in Jesus, connected to the vine.
29:21 And JD, I know you love Philippians 4.
29:23 Why don't you read Philippians 4:4?
29:27 "Rejoice in the Lord always.
29:29 Again I say, rejoice!
29:32 Let your gentleness be known to all men.
29:35 The Lord is at hand."
29:37 And I love verse 6.
29:39 "Be anxious for nothing..."
29:42 Put your name in there.
29:43 "Be anxious for nothing
29:44 but in everything by prayer and supplication,
29:46 with thanksgiving,
29:48 let your requests be made known to God,
29:51 and then the peace of God,
29:54 which surpasses all understanding,
29:57 will guard your heart and your mind
29:59 through Christ Jesus."
30:01 And it goes on and says in verse 8,
30:04 "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true,
30:06 whatever things are noble, whatever things are just,
30:10 whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely,
30:14 whatever things are of good report,
30:17 if there is any virtue
30:19 and if there is anything praiseworthy,
30:23 meditate on these things.
30:25 The things which you learned
30:27 and received and heard and saw in me, these do,
30:32 and then the God of peace
30:38 will be with you."
30:39 Amen.
30:40 You know what I love about that?
30:42 Jehovah Shalom, God, our peace.
30:48 And when it's talking about,
30:51 we actually cut, there's a transition there.
30:54 When it's saying if we're just be prayerful,
30:57 make thanksgiving, with thanksgiving,
31:00 let your requests be made known.
31:02 But then it kind of transitions to tell us
31:05 how to secure this peace,
31:09 you know, where He says, start looking at what's true.
31:13 Look at what's noble, consider these things,
31:18 and put them into practice.
31:20 And you're going to have
31:22 Jehovah Shalom walking with you.
31:25 I will honestly tell you,
31:28 I had a very bad day on Wednesday,
31:34 I received six phone calls,
31:36 I've got two friends who are dying,
31:39 just lost my best friend.
31:44 Everything that was coming in, my heart was so heavy.
31:48 I mean, I was grieving within for these people.
31:52 Then I watched the news.
31:54 And we're seeing
31:55 what happened with the latest hurricane
31:58 is these poor people already flooded out fires
32:01 that are still going on the pandemic,
32:04 the social and moral chaos in this world.
32:07 And I mean, I remember turning off the news.
32:09 And I was like,
32:12 I need to focus on what's good and pure
32:15 and get in the Word of God to restore my peace.
32:20 And it is something that
32:23 it's so easy to have your peace lost
32:26 if you don't keep your eyes on God.
32:29 You have to keep that clean power.
32:31 Amen.
32:32 When I was reading, when I was reading,
32:33 whatever things are true, whatever things are noble,
32:36 whatever things are just, whatever things are pure,
32:38 whatever things are lovely,
32:39 whatever things are of good report.
32:41 If there's any virtue,
32:43 and if there's anything praiseworthy,
32:44 meditate on these things.
32:46 As he read that, I was thinking clean power.
32:49 Clean power, amen. Yeah, that's right.
32:51 Amen. That's good.
32:52 Ryan, why don't you tackle Ephesians 2?
32:55 I think JD had a comment.
32:56 Well, I've just, as you were talking while ago,
32:59 I was going to go back to 2 Thessalonians 3:16.
33:04 "Now may the Lord of peace Himself, give you peace,
33:08 always in every way."
33:10 And so I was just thinking whenever,
33:12 yesterday, this complicated day
33:13 or Wednesday, this complicated day
33:15 that you were having,
33:17 or this would be always in every way,
33:20 the Lord will be with you.
33:22 Amen. Amen.
33:23 You said Ephesians 2? Yes.
33:25 Okay. Ephesians 2:13.
33:26 Ephesians 2:13-16 says,
33:28 "But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off
33:33 have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
33:37 For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one,
33:42 and has broken down the middle wall of separation,
33:46 having abolished in His flesh the enmity,
33:49 that is the law of commandments contained in ordinances,
33:53 so as to create in Himself one new man from the two,
33:58 thus making peace, and that He might reconcile,
34:02 there's that again,
34:03 them both to God in one body through the cross,
34:07 thereby putting to death the enemy."
34:11 I love that.
34:12 Enmity between the Gentiles and the Jews.
34:15 But what does He mean that He abolished in His flesh
34:21 the law of commandments contained in ordinances?
34:26 Well, if you go all the way back to Deuteronomy,
34:30 my mind goes all the way back to Deuteronomy Chapter 31,
34:33 where it says that, that law, that Book of Moses,
34:35 which was not of the Ten Commandments,
34:37 but was an additive, given by God to Moses,
34:40 as a witness against them.
34:42 It reminded them of the sin that they had committed.
34:45 It kept them in check
34:46 because of the sin that they had committed
34:48 in violating the Ten Commandment law of God.
34:50 And so, only Christ was able to bring that reconciliation.
34:54 Only He through His peace
34:56 and I love how it words it here,
34:58 "For he himself is our peace.
35:01 And so that he might,"
35:02 in verse 16,
35:04 "He might reconcile both,
35:05 them both to God in one body through the cross,
35:08 thereby putting to death the enmity."
35:10 Of course, that enmity is the sin,
35:13 it is, that enmity is that separation,
35:16 that death, that death separation
35:18 brought about because of our sin,
35:20 the separation between God and man,
35:21 and Christ is the one who established that bridge.
35:24 He brought it back together and reconciled,
35:26 it's a beautiful thing.
35:28 And He fulfilled the law of Moses.
35:30 He became
35:31 all of that ceremonial law pointed to Jesus.
35:35 And all of those ordinances pointed to Jesus.
35:39 And so now, He has given us this peace.
35:44 Okay, we have been just laying a foundation,
35:48 if you don't know the peace of the Lord,
35:52 I do want to encourage you, what a time to just reach out.
35:59 If you don't understand what we're saying,
36:01 if you say, Lord, if You're real,
36:05 by the power of Your Holy Spirit,
36:06 I want to experience Your peace.
36:08 If You're real,
36:10 help me to surrender control of my life to you,
36:14 to yield that You might fulfill in me Your purposes.
36:20 And I want to experience Your peace.
36:22 I encourage you to pray that.
36:25 But it's all here
36:27 we've got peace is being reconciled to God.
36:32 You can't have any true peace without that.
36:35 It's coming from God.
36:37 It is the peace of God,
36:39 Jesus is our peace, the Prince of Peace.
36:44 But it is so important.
36:46 We want to spend some time on this idea
36:51 of living at peace with humanity.
36:56 I think this is such a relevant topic right now
37:00 because, you know, when I look out,
37:03 I don't say a whole lot of peace
37:04 coming right now.
37:06 And, of course,
37:07 the Bible encourages us to live at peace with others,
37:12 not by compromising the truth, or loyalty to Christ.
37:17 But let me just read in,
37:20 in Hebrews 12:14.
37:27 This is a commandment to us.
37:30 Pursue peace with all people.
37:36 What?
37:37 Are you pursuing peace with...
37:40 What does it mean to pursue?
37:41 Strive Strive.
37:43 What is when the police are in hot pursuit,
37:47 they're chasing after something, right?
37:50 So pursue peace with all people and holiness.
37:57 Oh, what does that mean, pursuing holiness?
38:01 You know,
38:03 holiness is another word for sanctification.
38:05 They're synonymous,
38:06 it just means to be separated from sin.
38:10 Holiness isn't
38:11 when I put my hair back in a tight little bun
38:13 and scrub my face, wear my long skirts,
38:16 and I wear my long skirt.
38:18 But, but that doesn't make me holy.
38:21 What makes me holy is being sanctified by God.
38:27 But it means
38:29 that I have to cooperate because God...
38:31 See, justification
38:33 is just the beginning of the salvation process.
38:37 There is this beautiful next phase
38:41 called sanctification.
38:43 Justification happens immediately
38:46 when we accept Christ,
38:47 when we ask for forgiveness of our sin.
38:50 But sanctification
38:52 is a life time of allowing God
38:57 to work in us to will and to do His good pleasure.
39:00 So he says,
39:03 we've got to pursue peace, pursue holiness,
39:07 without which no one will see the Lord.
39:11 You know, I actually think it's not,
39:14 I mean,
39:15 if you look at the construction of the sentence,
39:17 most people say, without holiness,
39:19 you won't see the Lord.
39:20 Well, if you're not pursuing peace with all people,
39:23 you're not going to see the Lord.
39:25 It says, looking carefully,
39:27 lest anyone fall short at the grace of God,
39:31 lest any root of bitterness,
39:34 springing up causing trouble,
39:37 and by this many become defiled.
39:40 How does bitterness?
39:41 What does the root of bitterness do
39:44 to our Christian walk?
39:47 Now, this is a scary, scary verse,
39:52 because bitterness is like cancer.
39:56 Ooh, that's good.
39:57 It eats away at you.
39:58 It can start small
40:00 and then it eats away at you over time.
40:02 That's good.
40:04 Um, maybe I shouldn't say this, maybe I should.
40:06 Go ahead.
40:07 But I have a relative
40:10 who I hadn't seen in 30 years
40:14 and when I met this relative, we were going over some things.
40:17 And I found that
40:19 that this relative was bitter against me for 30 years,
40:24 because I didn't help her fix her car one day
40:27 when I was a teenager.
40:30 And she was, I said,
40:31 "First, I don't remember this,
40:33 but you held on to this for 30 years,
40:35 because I didn't help you fix your car
40:37 when I was a teenager.
40:39 And that created a lot of other issues.
40:42 So that's when I realized that we need to heal this cancer.
40:46 And we talked it through
40:48 and she realized
40:49 I'm not the person I used to be,
40:51 and things like that.
40:52 But bitterness is very, very dangerous.
40:54 And what I read here is it says,
40:57 lest anyone fall short of the grace of God,
41:00 and then it concludes by saying,
41:02 by this many become defiled.
41:05 So I think each one of us,
41:06 we have to search out
41:09 the bitterness in our own heart.
41:10 If we had that bitterness,
41:12 we need to come to terms with it,
41:15 and the individual that we might be bitter with,
41:17 and get rid of it, because it'll eat us alive.
41:20 So you're basically saying in my,
41:22 in my hearing you is that
41:25 if we want to pursue peace with other people,
41:27 we've got to pursue forgiveness.
41:30 We've got to forgive and try to reconcile with them.
41:35 Okay.
41:37 Let me bring this up, Shelley, 'cause I mean, I like this.
41:41 And we're, these are cousins right here,
41:43 Hebrews 12:14-15,
41:45 but so does Psalms 34:14 fit in this.
41:49 "Depart from evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it. "
41:54 As I'm looking here,
41:57 depart, seek, and pursue are all very active.
42:02 That means that we've got to be involved.
42:05 So then we're dropping down here
42:07 being active, being positive.
42:11 We're here again, pursue peace with all people.
42:14 So actively step out.
42:16 And then the opposite of that,
42:20 which I read this
42:21 and it just jumped off the page at me.
42:23 If not, then we could be spiritually careless.
42:28 Now that's pretty heavy, you know, too big.
42:32 I don't mean to be careless.
42:34 But you can be careless here maybe by accident,
42:37 if you're not active in what you're doing.
42:40 And so we need to be determined,
42:43 we need the purpose.
42:45 Absolutely.
42:46 What you're saying goes right into actually,
42:50 the heart of the true biblical gospel.
42:53 In this sense,
42:54 what Shelley just read in Hebrews 12:14-15.
42:56 And more specifically, verse 14,
42:59 pursue peace with all people,
43:01 there's a comma there, and holiness.
43:03 And you said that some people would take this next part
43:06 which says, without which no one will see the Lord.
43:09 And they won't apply that to holiness.
43:10 But I would agree with you.
43:12 I think that that's a continuance
43:14 all of that before
43:16 speaking of the pursuing peace with people and holiness
43:19 is a prerequisite for you to be able to see the Lord
43:23 that salvational.
43:25 That's a salvational language,
43:27 that's a life or death language.
43:29 Now, with what you were just saying there,
43:31 what came to my mind is this.
43:34 What God is saying in these verses
43:36 depart from evil and do goods,
43:38 seek peace and pursue it,
43:39 this activeness that involves a choice.
43:43 Jesus is using language
43:44 that flies in the face of our nature,
43:47 this fallen nature that we have.
43:49 Now I'm using that language because there's a lot of people
43:51 that believe in a false, I'm going to say it,
43:54 for lack of a better word,
43:56 a false evangelical gospel that says, sin is who I am.
44:01 I can't help but it's my nature.
44:02 And there's some people that will say,
44:04 well, you know what I want to,
44:05 I want to forgive that person in my mind.
44:07 But you know, my just, it's, I can't help it.
44:09 My nature won't allow me to forgive this person.
44:12 I just can't allow myself, it's not in my nature to do so.
44:15 But yet Christ what He is saying here,
44:16 that's a salvational situation.
44:18 That's a life or death situation.
44:20 This is an active choice,
44:21 that you have to come to grips within your life,
44:23 that in order for you to have that peace
44:26 that surpasses all understanding.
44:28 You have to be able to be at peace
44:31 with your brethren,
44:33 even as hard as that may be.
44:35 And you can't be at peace with your brethren
44:37 unless you're at peace with God,
44:39 but you can't be at peace with God
44:41 if you're not at peace with your brethren.
44:43 So it begins there but yeah, it makes the loop
44:48 and you know what?
44:49 A scripture just hit me,
44:51 because we're talking
44:52 about this pursuit of peace with our brother
44:57 and holiness with God.
44:59 Isaiah 48:18,
45:02 I don't know
45:03 why I didn't put this in the syllabus,
45:05 but it just hit me.
45:07 If we're going to pursue holiness,
45:11 that's it and don't get hung up on that word.
45:14 It means that we are pursuing the idea of allowing God
45:20 cooperating with God, that He separates us from sin.
45:25 And that's the only time
45:26 you'll ever have peace in your life.
45:28 Isaiah 48:18, this is God speaking.
45:33 And He says,
45:34 "Listen to the heart of a loving father."
45:40 He is saying this to you tonight.
45:42 He's saying it to me, to everyone around this table.
45:46 "Oh, that you had heeded My commandments,
45:51 then your peace would have been like a river,
45:56 and your righteousness like the waves of the sea."
46:02 God wants us
46:05 to have His peace in our hearts.
46:08 And, you know, we see
46:09 and hear stories all the time of missionaries
46:13 who are captured and imprisoned
46:17 and do incredible works while they're in prison.
46:21 And they keep the peace in the heart,
46:23 even though they're tortured.
46:25 And it's because they have learned
46:30 how to receive that river of peace from God,
46:35 that righteousness,
46:36 they still walk in obedience to God's commandments,
46:39 and they still seek to pursue peace
46:43 even with their enemy.
46:45 That's right.
46:46 And just is, it's very important
46:48 because it is a choice.
46:50 If you woke up every morning in prison,
46:54 boy, you could certainly have an attitude.
46:58 But if you choose, it can be the best of days.
47:05 And so that is very important choice.
47:07 But spiritually,
47:09 when you choose not to actively seek this peace,
47:12 and to pursue peace with your brethren,
47:14 and with God,
47:16 you are waking up every morning in prison.
47:18 Ooh, that's good.
47:20 There are so many people that I know,
47:23 I grew up in New York City, who are very angry to this day,
47:28 just angry at life, angry at everything.
47:30 When I talk to them on the phone,
47:32 I'm like, here we go again.
47:34 And in every case
47:35 it's because they held on to something
47:38 that festered, that festered in them over time
47:40 and turn them into a very angry individual.
47:43 So what this is saying to me,
47:45 and I think everyone else
47:46 is if you hold on to these things,
47:48 if you don't forgive,
47:49 if you don't learn how to forgive,
47:51 if you don't learn how to trust in God,
47:53 it's going to fester
47:55 and turn you into someone
47:56 that you really don't want to become.
47:57 Amen.
47:59 So if we're going to live at peace with humanity
48:01 and going with what you said,
48:02 why don't you read out Romans 14:19 and 12:17?
48:07 Romans 14:19,
48:10 "Therefore let us pursue the things
48:11 which make for peace and the things
48:14 by which one may edify another."
48:16 Boy, there's that word again, pursue,
48:19 pursue the things that make for peace.
48:22 You know,
48:24 sometimes somebody will hurt your feelings,
48:26 they will offend you.
48:28 And I have to tell you
48:30 that did you know this is what the Lord told me
48:32 once when I was offended by someone,
48:34 it was kind of like, look what they've done to me.
48:39 And, boy, I'm telling you in the shower,
48:41 what I heard was,
48:42 I'm saying the word blah-blah, blah-blah,
48:44 talking about change them and blah-blah, blah-blah.
48:46 And what I heard was,
48:48 the spirit of offense is the spirit of pride.
48:54 Whoa,
48:56 you think about that, you cannot be offended that,
49:00 unless your pride has been wounded.
49:03 And so all of a sudden,
49:05 and then it was finished
49:06 with which is the spirit of Antichrist.
49:08 And I thought, whoa!
49:11 So now instead of me, asking God to change someone,
49:15 I'm asking God to change my heart.
49:17 Don't let me be.
49:19 And I am not an easily offended person.
49:22 And I give Him all the glory for that.
49:25 But it's that idea of pursuing things
49:29 which make for peace.
49:31 Now, what does he say in Romans 12?
49:33 This would be to your friends in New York.
49:35 Yes, he says,
49:36 "Repay no one evil for evil,
49:39 have regard for good things in the sight of all men.
49:43 If it is possible, as much as depends on you,
49:46 live peaceably with all men."
49:50 They pay no evil for evil. But I love that last part.
49:54 If it is possible,
49:56 you're supposed to do everything you can
49:59 to try to pursue peace.
50:02 But sometimes we, it says, as if it is possible,
50:05 as much as it depends on you, live peaceably with all men.
50:11 So there's some you just can't live peaceably.
50:14 That's right.
50:15 Yeah, it seems like you know you can,
50:17 you can really make an effort to make peace with someone,
50:21 but it's a two-way street.
50:24 That person,
50:25 the person that you're trying to make peace with
50:26 has to be able to also be in a mindset
50:29 to be able to reciprocate that peace.
50:32 And sometimes we run into situations
50:34 where we will do all that we can
50:36 to make peace with someone,
50:37 but that person's heart is still bitter,
50:39 they're still a slave to that bitter attitude.
50:41 And in this case,
50:42 we have a promise here from God,
50:45 that clearly tells us that if it is possible,
50:47 as much as it depends on us,
50:48 in that case, we've done all that we possibly can,
50:51 you know, live peaceably with all men,
50:53 but in some cases,
50:54 some people may not allow us to do that.
50:56 And that's not our fault.
50:58 So in that case, we would just simply,
51:00 for lack of a better term, dust the feet off,
51:02 dust the dust off our feet,
51:04 and continue to pray for that person and go on.
51:08 And I think it's so wise there that it gives us an out,
51:11 rather than sitting here making you feel guilty,
51:14 and you just keep going back and going back and going back
51:17 and the bitterness and the bitterness
51:19 and then the guns come out.
51:21 Forgive me, Lord.
51:24 And all you're trying to do is just be a good neighbor.
51:27 That's right. That's right.
51:28 I used to think forgiveness was for the other person.
51:33 It's not, it's for us.
51:35 We have to learn to forgive,
51:37 even if, like we just mentioned,
51:39 you can't establish that peace
51:41 because like you said, it's a two,
51:43 it's a two-party thing to have peace.
51:45 You can still forgive that individual,
51:47 even though there's no peace.
51:49 And by forgiveness, you save yourself.
51:50 Amen.
51:51 That's right. Yeah.
51:53 And, you know, something that love your enemy.
51:54 And what Paul said, when you forgive,
51:57 I'm not sure, it was Paul who said that about,
52:00 it's like you're heaping coals on a fire on their head.
52:03 You know where that comes from?
52:05 And there was a practice
52:07 that when someone was repenting,
52:10 they had these helmet type things,
52:13 it was like a plate,
52:14 and they would put coals of fire
52:18 on top of their head,
52:19 to show their repentance.
52:21 So what the Bible is saying is that,
52:25 if you will love your enemy, if you will forgive them,
52:29 you will heap coals upon their head,
52:30 you can actually bring other people to repentance.
52:34 And I remember reading his story,
52:36 help me, Honey, I think we read this together.
52:38 But anyway,
52:39 a man who was
52:43 I think he was imprisoned in China,
52:44 and he had been tortured, and he was a missionary.
52:48 And he was so loving to his captors
52:53 that he brought them to Christ.
52:57 And, you know,
52:58 he had to go above and beyond to do that.
53:01 But like you said, it was for his benefit.
53:04 It kept him at peace,
53:06 but he ended up bringing them to Christ.
53:08 Now, Ryan, would you get into 1 Peter,
53:10 we got to get this.
53:12 Sure, absolutely.
53:13 1 Peter 3:8-12.
53:14 The Bible says,
53:16 "Finally, all of you be of one mind,
53:18 having compassion for one another,
53:19 love as brothers, be tenderhearted,
53:22 be courteous,
53:23 not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling,
53:26 but on the contrary blessing,
53:29 knowing that you were called to this,
53:32 that you may inherit a blessing.
53:34 For He who would love life and see good days,
53:37 let him refrain his tongue from evil,
53:40 and his lips from speaking deceit.
53:43 Let him turn away from evil and do good,
53:45 let him seek peace and pursue it."
53:48 There it is, again,
53:49 "For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,
53:51 and His ears are open to their prayers,
53:54 but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil."
53:58 You know, this brings up a good point that you made,
54:00 as you were introducing this segment here
54:02 of talking about being at peace with humanity.
54:05 And that is we have to,
54:07 we have to consider
54:08 and sometimes we have to do
54:10 a little bit of self-examination.
54:11 We have to do a little bit of inventory
54:13 of our own selves.
54:15 Because I find that a lot of people
54:17 and I get these calls.
54:18 In fact, I got a call recently in pastoral.
54:20 Why can't I have peace?
54:22 I've been praying for it.
54:23 I've been praying for it and praying for it
54:25 and praying for it
54:26 and I can't seem to just have the peace
54:27 that I need in my life.
54:29 Well, that's not always an easy question to answer
54:31 because I don't know that person's heart.
54:33 I don't know that person's life.
54:35 But truly,
54:36 sometimes we may need to take inventory
54:38 because many times the reason
54:40 why even as Christians professed Christians,
54:43 that claim that we believe in God,
54:44 claim that we live for the Lord,
54:46 but yet we don't have that peace
54:47 and that joy in our life.
54:49 Many times it's because there's a compromise
54:51 somewhere in our relationship with the Lord.
54:54 Many times we need to take because there's a fine line.
54:58 Let me put an example here.
55:00 There's a fine line
55:01 between legalism and liberal compromise.
55:04 We have to find that balance.
55:06 And I find that many people who are in that real,
55:08 you know, that opposite end of the spin
55:10 legalism perspective,
55:12 they're living according to legalistic standards.
55:14 And then the other side of that liberal compromising,
55:17 you know, there's no peace
55:19 on opposite ends of the spectrum,
55:21 we have to find that balance.
55:22 You know, there's no,
55:24 it's hard to find that fine line between,
55:26 you know, extreme dogma and passive relativism,
55:29 which we've done a program on that in the past.
55:32 We have to understand that there can be no compromise.
55:36 And so sometimes,
55:37 and I'm going back to Philippians 4,
55:40 take that spiritual inventory.
55:42 Ask the Lord, Lord seek me, show me
55:45 because sometimes we're not receiving that peace.
55:48 We're not experiencing that peace,
55:50 because we've compromised somewhere in our relationship
55:53 and sometimes we need to go back
55:54 and take inventory and see,
55:56 are we contemplating and meditating on those things
55:59 that are true, those things that are noble,
56:00 those things that are just and pure and lovely,
56:03 and the things that are of good report
56:05 on a virtue,
56:06 and things that are praiseworthy,
56:07 all of these wonderful aspects of the character of God,
56:10 there's something missing there.
56:12 And we have to understand that there can be no compromise.
56:14 Amen.
56:15 All right, let's just hit cloak quickly,
56:18 on our fifth point,
56:19 and that is worldwide peace will not occur
56:22 until Christ establishes the new heavens
56:25 and the new earth.
56:27 And for your edification, read Matthew 24:6-14,
56:33 because Jesus is saying,
56:35 hey, you've got to endure to the end,
56:38 we're going to see all of these things happen,
56:40 but endure to the end.
56:43 And He is talking about horrible things
56:46 that are happening on the earth.
56:47 And we're seeing them happen now.
56:49 And then read Revelation 21:1-4,
56:55 and you will see some beautiful things.
56:57 And Isaiah 11:6-9,
57:00 where God is talking about,
57:02 when the new heavens come down,
57:05 the lion and the lamb are going to lie together.
57:09 And the leopard and the young goat,
57:10 it's beautiful.
57:11 We're out of time.
57:13 I have to read my favorite scripture of all,
57:16 and that is Romans 15:13.
57:19 This is our prayer for you tonight.
57:21 We're so glad that you joined us
57:23 on this Sabbath evening,
57:25 "But may the God of hope
57:28 fill you with all joy and peace in believing
57:32 that you may abound in hope, eager expectation,
57:37 by the power of the Holy Spirit."
57:38 Bye-bye. Bye-bye.


Revised 2020-12-10