Today Family Worship

Primitive Godliness Part 3

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW210004S

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:08 Hello, and just a great big welcome.
01:10 We're glad you joined us 3ABN Family Worship.
01:13 This is a time to get the family,
01:15 get everybody,
01:17 you know, get around you say your family altar,
01:18 get your Bible, pencil and paper
01:20 and be able to take some notes
01:22 and be able to study the Word of God together.
01:24 This is quite a delight.
01:25 It's quite a joy,
01:26 to be able to come into your home.
01:29 We love to do you, you are friends, you are,
01:32 you are our neighbors, you're part of family of God.
01:35 And so we're so glad that you decided to take this time
01:37 to study with us today.
01:39 We're going to be doing,
01:40 this is actually a third part of it.
01:42 I'm going to call it a series,
01:43 is that okay to call it a series
01:44 that we've been doing?
01:46 We actually meant for it to be one part.
01:47 But, boy, I tell you,
01:49 the Holy Spirit was giving information
01:50 to those who were here.
01:51 And it was just a real blessing.
01:53 We're going to be talking about primitive godliness.
01:55 Now remember, just those words, don't let them frighten you,
01:58 primitive godliness.
01:59 What does it mean?
02:01 We're going to give just a little backdrop
02:02 in just a few moments here
02:04 after we introduce everyone that's here,
02:05 and that will bring you up-to-date.
02:07 We're going to be starting on question number three.
02:10 And so I'm going to just introduce our guest,
02:12 and then we're going to have prayer
02:14 and then we're going to get
02:15 right into the study of God's Word.
02:16 And I know you will be blessed if you've been coming.
02:19 You've been seeking, you shall be blessed.
02:21 To my right, sweetie,
02:22 it's always good to have you with, always.
02:25 It's good to be here.
02:26 I don't know if you told them who you were.
02:28 Somebody might not know,
02:29 they may be tuning in for the first time.
02:31 Yeah. Pastor Kenny Shelton.
02:33 Thank you, honey, that's right.
02:35 And I'm Chris Shelton. Yes, thank you, honey.
02:37 All right, very good.
02:39 Anyway, we're glad you're here.
02:40 And you're always a help and a blessing.
02:42 And it's good to be able to,
02:44 be able to study the Word of God together.
02:46 It is always. Yes.
02:47 And to my right is Brother Don Owen.
02:50 Don Owen works up in pastoral, I believe.
02:53 I know, sometimes I see you on the floor out here.
02:55 So, yeah.
02:56 Yeah, I'm kind of have to pass different positions.
02:58 Wherever you're needed, I'm sure.
02:59 But I know that you,
03:01 as you mentioned about someone else
03:02 a little while ago, you're a man of the Word.
03:04 You love the Word of God
03:06 and you write it in your heart and your mind,
03:07 and it's always good to have you on the program.
03:09 I'm very blessed, you know,
03:11 how God can use such simple instruments
03:12 to reach people,
03:14 and I'm very thankful to God.
03:16 To my right is general manager of 3ABN Latino.
03:18 We have Pastor John Dinzey, it's good to have you on here.
03:22 And I guess you were on last series,
03:23 weren't your last time?
03:25 Yes, it's a blessing to be here.
03:27 I remember the last part we were together.
03:28 Yes.
03:30 It's been a blessing.
03:31 It really is how the Lord leads
03:32 as we look at the different points
03:36 that are outlined.
03:38 Yes.
03:39 And revival of primitive godliness
03:40 is desperately needed.
03:42 Amen. Yes, I agree too.
03:45 We always open with prayer.
03:46 I mean, how can we understand the Word of God
03:48 unless we invite the Holy Spirit to be with us?
03:50 So, Pastor John, how about you?
03:51 Would you open with prayer please?
03:53 Sure.
03:54 Our loving Heavenly Father, we want to thank You, Lord.
03:58 We thank You because we have the honor,
04:00 the privilege to call You Father.
04:03 And we come before Your throne of grace
04:05 in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
04:08 We pray that You will be with us
04:10 as we study together.
04:12 We pray that You will guide this study
04:14 in such a way
04:15 that our hearts will burn within us.
04:18 And also, with all those, Lord,
04:22 that join us in the different means
04:23 that they can join us through the internet,
04:26 and television channels, cable companies,
04:29 satellite dishes,
04:30 we pray that You will reach the world
04:33 with this message that is needed
04:35 of primitive godliness.
04:37 We ask for your blessing upon all
04:38 and we ask for these things
04:40 in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
04:43 Amen. Amen.
04:44 Praise the Lord.
04:46 You know, we've invited the Holy Spirit to come in,
04:48 to take control of our hearts and our minds and our thoughts,
04:51 you know, so that we can, you know,
04:53 bring these beautiful truths back to God's people,
04:57 because I think as we discussed this,
04:58 we're going to find out that
04:59 lot of the beautiful truths that God has given,
05:01 we've kind of laid them aside.
05:03 And God's wanting us to get back to the way
05:05 that He set it up.
05:06 So if you don't mind, we'll just go over.
05:07 Some of you be the first time
05:09 that you've joined us on this study,
05:10 and we'll take just minute and a half just to go over
05:13 and just kind of set the stage for the program for today.
05:17 And then we'll get right into question number three.
05:19 Primitive godliness,
05:20 that's a word that maybe not too many people,
05:22 I've heard of churches,
05:25 you know, primitive this or that.
05:28 And they're talking about going back to maybe again,
05:30 a beginning relating to or denoting or notice this,
05:34 preserving the character,
05:35 notice, of an early stage
05:37 in the historical development of something.
05:40 So that's what we're doing going back,
05:42 it's looking at its relating to or denoting what,
05:45 you know, something that we're doing it from,
05:48 you know, the beginning,
05:49 we're going to go back the way that God has set it up.
05:52 And sometime we get away,
05:53 we've been getting away from that.
05:55 So we go back to Scripture,
05:56 we see how God set up the church,
05:58 a New Testament Church.
05:59 We've done that on questions, I think one and two.
06:02 And, in fact, in New Testament,
06:05 it was the purest form in the church.
06:08 And so I don't think that any of us can go wrong
06:10 if we go back to the way that God set it up,
06:12 and see how it was pure and right and clean.
06:15 But you know, I read something
06:16 the other day was very interesting.
06:18 It was just in the, you know,
06:19 you talked about the first century
06:20 that was the church was set up, everything's cool.
06:22 But in the first century, before it was over,
06:25 apostasy had already come in to the church.
06:28 The enemy wasted no time...
06:29 Wow, yes.
06:30 To cover up these beautiful truths
06:32 that had transformed the world.
06:35 Lives were changed, people were being baptized,
06:37 the Holy Ghost was being poured out.
06:39 The devil just said, "Uh-ah,"
06:41 today we're seeing the same thing.
06:43 He's saying,
06:44 "Uh-ah, don't want this gospel.
06:45 I don't want this message to go to all the world."
06:47 So I read at one time
06:49 in 1 Selected Messages 121, it said,
06:52 "A revival of primitive godliness
06:54 is our greatest need."
06:56 Yes. So what?
06:57 A revival of primitive godliness
06:59 is our greatest need.
07:00 That tells me that maybe I'm not trying to be judgmental
07:03 or condemned.
07:05 But maybe we've lost it just a little bit.
07:07 To me, a revival means we have to go back,
07:10 that means maybe we've lost something.
07:11 And so that's going to be in our study.
07:14 What are the fruits of godliness?
07:17 You think about that? Wrote it down.
07:18 What are the fruits of godliness?
07:20 Or how can we know that we have fruit?
07:23 That was a part of our questions
07:24 that we went on.
07:25 1 Testimonies 405 says,
07:27 notice this, right, very simple,
07:29 "Right actions
07:30 are no unmistakable fruits of godliness."
07:34 Think about it.
07:35 There's going to be more than talk here.
07:37 There's more than I am or profession,
07:40 there's going to be, you know,
07:43 people ask this question all the time, how do I know?
07:45 How to know if the Holy Spirit lives in me?
07:47 Right actions, right choices.
07:49 Now, to every, everything has a place we know
07:51 and the enemy,
07:53 he comes in, he said his places,
07:54 I'm going to stop this.
07:56 I'm going to try to destroy,
07:57 you know, naturally of getting the gospel
08:00 preached into all the world.
08:01 No, he said,
08:03 "I'm not going to have it.
08:04 I'm going to cause a little bit of a problem."
08:05 What was his plan?
08:07 We're going to look at the plan and go to question three.
08:08 The enemy has a plan.
08:10 So we need to unmask it as we continue on.
08:12 Great Controversy 4:64, in introducing a counterfeit.
08:17 Was it devil's plan always, introducing a counterfeit?
08:20 And the way I've looked at it, and over the years,
08:23 the counterfeit comes before what?
08:25 A genuine or true, doesn't it?
08:27 Because it fools people then, notice it,
08:30 he will appear, notice it,
08:31 God's special blessings are poured out
08:33 under religious guys.
08:35 Satan will seek, notice,
08:36 to extend him in his influence over the Christian world.
08:42 So he's doing what he's always done.
08:45 He's in a disguise.
08:47 He's going to try to influence the world as it were,
08:49 he's going to introduce a counterfeit.
08:51 Many, we're talking of Christians today.
08:53 And this is kind of hard subject
08:55 to discuss and to go through
08:56 because, you know, everybody said,
08:58 "We're right. We've got the truth,
08:59 we've got the message,
09:01 you know, so we feel no need of a change."
09:04 But we know that he's introduced a counterfeit.
09:08 Many people are looking at the counterfeit and saying,
09:10 "This is the real."
09:11 So we have to discuss I believe here today
09:14 of how do we know if it's real or not?
09:16 What is the real, what is the counterfeit
09:19 since he says
09:20 he's going to throw the counterfeit out at us.
09:21 And so the influence, notice this,
09:24 it says he influences the whole world.
09:27 Man, that's heavy duty as far as I'm concerned.
09:29 Let's go to question three,
09:30 so that gives us a little background
09:32 of what we want to discuss and cover today.
09:33 Honey, you have the question number three,
09:35 read it to us and then we'll, we'll begin to discuss it.
09:38 Question number three, it says,
09:40 "The last great delusion is soon to open before us.
09:44 Antichrist is to perform
09:45 his marvelous works in our sight.
09:48 So closely with the counterfeit resemble the true,
09:52 by what means
09:54 may we not be fooled by the devil's deception
09:57 of marvelous supernatural miracle."
10:00 I think, you know, we need to kind of set up
10:03 what some of the delusion is
10:05 what this marvelous works of miracles
10:08 and the Antichrist
10:10 that is going to be so close to the true
10:12 will happen before Christ
10:14 can come in also talk about how can we not be fooled?
10:17 Yes.
10:19 You know, the Revelation talks about he uses sorcery,
10:21 and it's deep.
10:23 It's very deep.
10:25 You know, all the ramifications that the enemy uses us
10:29 to keep us from understanding and accepting truth.
10:33 He keeps our minds numb, the numb as it were, you know.
10:37 I think another thing too, and you've touched on that
10:38 just made me think about
10:40 he really wants to rewrite our identity.
10:42 Yes.
10:43 He wants to destroy our identity.
10:45 Ultimately, I think that's his real goal.
10:47 So we don't realize that
10:48 we are sons and daughters of God.
10:49 So he tries to separate us from that.
10:52 And I think that his,
10:53 I see that he's like, a, an enemy of fear.
10:55 Like he just fears
10:57 because he knows his time is short, right?
10:59 He's trying to grab as many as he can to deceive them.
11:02 So, tell you what?
11:03 John 10:10 says,
11:05 "A thief comes to steal, kill and destroy."
11:06 And that's, that's why he's out to take our identity,
11:09 because if we're standing for our Heavenly Father,
11:13 he wants our worship,
11:15 he wants to sit on the side of the North,
11:17 which is kind of a play on words
11:19 when you're talking about prophecy there,
11:21 because it's going to appear as though he does,
11:23 you know, he's working both sides,
11:25 I believe the north and the south
11:27 when we're talking about Daniel,
11:28 but, but he wants our worship.
11:32 And all of this delusion,
11:34 delusion is to get us to worship
11:36 and to believe in him and to be lost for eternity.
11:40 Because he knows the end of the book
11:41 just the same as we do, if not better.
11:44 Oh, Mercy. If not better.
11:45 Yeah, yeah.
11:47 So it says so closely
11:48 will the counterfeit resemble the true,
11:49 Pastor John.
11:51 When we think about that,
11:52 it's not going to be just some little miracle here and there.
11:55 What?
11:57 Matthew 24:24,
11:58 if it's possible, what will happen?
11:59 Even the very elect would be deceived.
12:02 So this is something
12:03 we're going to have to deal with more and more,
12:05 isn't it right?
12:07 In the coming of Jesus. We know He's coming soon.
12:08 Enemy is going to be working,
12:10 and how we're going to know the difference here
12:12 because everybody says, we've got it.
12:13 We've got the truth, we got...
12:14 You know, that is very interesting.
12:16 I was thinking about that today.
12:18 And the time will come.
12:23 Like you said,
12:24 the devil is always trying to deceive people.
12:26 You mentioned this also.
12:28 But the time will come
12:29 when the deceptions will be so incredible that,
12:35 as you said in Matthew 24:24,
12:37 to deceive, if possible, the very elect.
12:40 Now, how can it be
12:42 that we can protect ourselves from being deceived?
12:46 And so the interesting thing is,
12:48 the thought that came to my mind is,
12:50 you know, we're going to have to make a decision
12:53 whether we're going to believe our eyes and our ears,
12:57 instead of what the Bible says.
12:58 Right.
13:00 See the Holy Scriptures
13:02 give us the light that will help us understand
13:04 what is truth and what is a lie.
13:06 But you're going to be seeing things
13:08 and hearing things
13:09 that you're going to say,
13:11 "Well, this must be of God, look at this."
13:13 But the scriptures are the guide
13:15 that we can trust.
13:17 This is a safe guideline for us, a safeguard.
13:19 You know, when we first put this together,
13:21 my mind went back to Matthew 4 to the temptation,
13:24 you know, in the wilderness with
13:26 where the enemy came as an angel of light
13:29 to deceive Jesus, if it were possible.
13:32 And he told Him, he said,
13:34 "You know, if thou will be the Son of God,
13:36 command these stones to be made bread."
13:38 And one thing that you, he mentioned,
13:40 Pastor Kenny mentioned in a sermon years ago,
13:42 he probably not only saw the Son,
13:44 it's possible,
13:45 he could even have smelled the fragrance,
13:47 you know, anything to get Him to weaken.
13:50 He hadn't eaten in 40 days, you know, so can you imagine,
13:54 especially if he produced that smell
13:56 to make him want to eat and to change that?
13:59 And how did Christ answered all three temptations?
14:03 All three times, It is written,
14:06 it is written and finally, get behind me.
14:09 Just reminded me,
14:10 my wife and I went to Mackinac Island years ago,
14:12 we got married.
14:13 And it's interesting because you go down the street,
14:15 and they got these nice little vents,
14:17 and they pump out taffy and fudge smells,
14:20 you're like, ooh, fudge, you know, oh, fudge.
14:23 The temptations are there.
14:25 But, you know, that's, like you talking about that bread,
14:26 you know, to ward off those temptations
14:29 and how powerful this is.
14:31 And I was thinking when we're talking about this idea,
14:32 how do we discern about, you know, Satan,
14:35 what he's up to, Isaiah 8:20 is something really powerful.
14:37 Tells us to the law and to the testimony
14:39 that he speaks not according to his words,
14:41 because there's no light in them.
14:42 So kind of gives us a little like a marker to say,
14:45 hey, there's something going on here.
14:46 So we got to really know this Word.
14:48 So we know what the Word says, we can be able to test it.
14:52 And I think this is really important
14:54 that we set up this foundation
14:56 to the law and to the testimony it is written,
14:58 because we find,
15:00 in fact, he was just speaking with someone last night.
15:02 A lot of people are out, they church shop.
15:07 Well, I like to eat such and such
15:09 so which church will go with this,
15:11 if I believe in that part, and they're looking,
15:14 rather than coming to the Word of God,
15:17 and taking the simplicity of it,
15:21 and accepting it,
15:22 and allowing it to mold and to change our characters.
15:25 In other words,
15:27 we are to line up with the Word of God,
15:28 not make the Word of God line up to us,
15:32 which is what we see happening in our world.
15:34 You know, many, many changes, many laws have been passed.
15:38 And we can see even more clearly
15:40 how those of us
15:41 who are holding up the standards of God
15:44 are going to be downtrodden,
15:46 we're going to be looked upon.
15:47 It's not for the common good of the people.
15:50 You know, it's actually
15:53 what is the word I'm looking for?
15:55 Hate speech. Hate speech.
15:57 A look at it in hate speech.
15:58 I think out in California, if I'm not mistaken,
16:01 I could be mistaken. I saw a news clip.
16:05 They were even trying to talk about
16:06 whether or not they should do away
16:08 with the Bible out there,
16:09 because they felt like it was hate speech,
16:12 you know, so...
16:13 Wow, I can see that.
16:15 Well, maybe you, I mean,
16:16 if we think that giving a Bible study right now
16:20 is kind of difficult,
16:21 it depends on who you're working with
16:22 and studying with.
16:24 Think about when there will be miracles performed
16:27 as it were in their favor.
16:31 It's even going to be more difficult.
16:32 So therefore, we need more Holy Spirit power,
16:35 do we not?
16:37 To our faith,
16:39 at least in my mind
16:40 is going to be challenged in such a way.
16:42 Pastor John was mentioning, to deceive the very elect,
16:46 and I'm not the elect, the very elect,
16:49 you know that one with knowledge,
16:50 that really knows the Scripture really.
16:52 But it's, it's that's the way it's going to come across.
16:56 And so everything that we present is
16:57 the last day message,
16:59 the counterfeit is going to be so strong against it,
17:01 you're going to look strange and odd.
17:04 Pastor John, what do you think about that
17:06 when we're looking at it,
17:07 you think is going to become even more difficult?
17:11 Absolutely, it will become more and more difficult
17:13 as time goes on,
17:14 because the devil becomes more and more desperate.
17:16 So he has to,
17:18 he has to heighten his deception.
17:19 He has to find ways to make his deception so believable,
17:23 that if you don't accept his deceptions,
17:25 you're going to look like either a fool
17:27 or like you don't believe in truth.
17:28 That's right.
17:30 And that is one of the sneaky wicked things
17:33 to make a lie in such a way
17:36 that if you don't believe in this lie,
17:38 you're not believing the truth.
17:39 And look at history,
17:42 how you can see history how some people, they...
17:45 Jesus said,
17:47 "The time will come
17:48 when those that kill you
17:51 will think they're doing God's service."
17:53 Yes, as Paul did.
17:54 So you're going to have a repeating of history.
17:59 It happened in the time of the disciples,
18:01 it's going to happen in the end.
18:03 The people that will come persecuting
18:05 the God's people,
18:06 they are thinking they're doing God's service,
18:08 because they believe something that is not biblical,
18:11 but they believe this is biblical.
18:14 So how do we know?
18:15 We have to study the Scriptures
18:17 but since, you know,
18:19 the wonderful thing about the Scripture says
18:21 that there's...
18:23 The doctrines are abundantly clear,
18:26 abundantly clear.
18:27 Yes.
18:29 Now, we have to admit
18:31 that there are some things
18:33 that appear to say something,
18:35 but when you compare it with the abundance of Scripture.
18:37 That's right.
18:40 It's clear, the message is clear.
18:41 And so, I'm tempted to,
18:44 you know, maybe that's not the right word.
18:47 I'm considering sharing something,
18:50 as an example,
18:51 but perhaps it's not the best idea,
18:53 because there are people that are joining us now
18:56 that are listening to this, and they're going to say,
18:58 "Oh, you're just picking on us,"
18:59 and they're going to miss the message
19:00 that the devil is out to deceive.
19:03 I mean, I could talk about
19:05 the state of the dead for example.
19:06 Oh, absolutely.
19:08 People think, as soon as you die,
19:09 you go to heaven.
19:10 Or if you were bad, you go to hell.
19:12 But the Bible doesn't teach that
19:14 as soon as you die, you go to heaven.
19:15 And as soon as you die,
19:16 if you're wicked, you go to hell.
19:18 It does not teach that.
19:19 But a lot of people accept this because of,
19:24 for example, there's the parable of Lazarus.
19:28 Yes.
19:29 And the parable describes that Lazarus went to Abraham's bosom
19:33 and they'll be,
19:34 "Ah, he's in heaven, he is in heaven."
19:36 So, but you cannot grab a doctrine from a parable.
19:40 You see, there are abundant scriptures that say
19:44 that when you die, you are sleeping in the grave.
19:46 That's right.
19:47 That's why Jesus talks about
19:49 in John Chapter 5 that, and 6
19:53 that He will resurrect them at the last day
19:57 and there's going to be the resurrection
19:59 of the righteous
20:00 and the resurrection of the wicked.
20:01 So if there's going to be a resurrection
20:03 of the righteous and the wicked in the end,
20:05 how can it be that these people are,
20:07 the good ones are dying
20:09 and they go to heaven right away.
20:10 See, but you're giving least in my estimation,
20:14 what I'm thinking here,
20:16 abundant weight of evidence from Scripture.
20:18 You just get real quick, a lot of things right now
20:20 that you just can't throw out and say,
20:22 well, that's not what it means.
20:24 But most people, remember, you said, they throw it out.
20:27 I mean, I've sat down and study with people,
20:29 you give a weight of evidence,
20:31 line upon line, precept upon precept,
20:33 here a little there a little.
20:34 And they throw it out for one little obscure passage
20:37 somewhere that not even talking about the issue.
20:39 And so they won't accept it.
20:42 Now, how do we deal with that
20:43 because we're trying to return to primitive godliness.
20:46 The enemy has come in deceiving.
20:48 We're told that we have to give heed to seducing spirits
20:52 and doctrines of what?
20:54 Demons. Devils, demons.
20:56 You see, how do you really do that?
20:59 There's, there's...
21:00 I would like to mention concerning that,
21:01 we'll come back to it in a minute.
21:03 Some people accept some teachings
21:07 because they learned it from their father.
21:10 They learned it from their mother,
21:11 and their mother learned it from their mother
21:13 and so on and so on.
21:14 It has come down generations leading this particular thing.
21:19 And perhaps even their pastor said it
21:21 and brother so and so
21:23 that is so, so righteous, believe this.
21:26 But if it's not scripture, then you're in serious trouble.
21:31 You know, that there are a few groups out there
21:34 that for example, say,
21:36 "It's okay to have more than one wife."
21:38 But that's not biblical, you see.
21:41 So we have to look at the scriptures,
21:44 look at the weight of the evidence,
21:46 and then come to a conclusion that is safe,
21:49 because it's based on God's Word.
21:51 Amen.
21:52 So primitive godliness.
21:53 Oh, yes.
21:55 And why do we need primitive godliness
21:57 is because just like you said, time goes on.
22:00 And some people water down the truth
22:02 as time goes on.
22:03 And because of the social conditions,
22:10 the standard for righteousness and what is good is lowered.
22:15 Yeah, that's right.
22:17 It's lowered because of society.
22:19 And you've heard the phrase...
22:23 What is that phrase where they say,
22:25 politically correct?
22:28 And so to be politically correct,
22:30 some people cross some boundaries.
22:32 Absolutely.
22:34 And they get into their dark area
22:37 and away from the light.
22:39 Because the politically correct thing
22:41 is to accept this darkness,
22:43 this thing that is evil,
22:45 and instead of what the Bible says,
22:46 Yeah, I mean, we don't have to go too deep.
22:48 Maybe Don, you can do, kind of, you can do talk on this,
22:51 you don't really have to dig too deep
22:54 for some people,
22:55 because again, as they look at Scripture,
22:57 they're going to come up in their mind, they'll say,
22:59 this is what it says,
23:00 again, regardless of what the Bible has to say.
23:05 To me, it's very interesting, it either is the truth
23:08 or it's beyond.
23:10 It's a lie of the enemy.
23:13 And it's like most people going to church,
23:15 it doesn't really matter if it's a lie of the enemy.
23:17 You gave an illustration,
23:19 you talk about is, you know, a person,
23:22 maybe who was,
23:24 you know, raised a certain way in a different faith
23:26 and so on and so forth.
23:27 And they have great and this is okay,
23:29 they had great respect for their pastor then.
23:31 Later on in life, they find out truth,
23:35 that it was their attitude and their mind has changed
23:37 as they read the Word of God,
23:39 but they still go back and they'll say,
23:42 "This is most godly man that there was."
23:45 And then I would, I'd say to them,
23:47 "Well, what did he teach you?"
23:48 And all of a sudden,
23:50 what he was teaching was not Bible based at all.
23:53 So if he was...
23:55 That's just pretty heavy duty,
23:56 but if he wasn't teaching Bible based,
23:58 and in truth from God's Word, he was teaching,
24:01 he may not know it,
24:02 he may be all right in God's sight.
24:04 But quiet, he still taught a lie of the enemy.
24:07 So we're dealing with truth and a lie of the enemy.
24:11 So it seems like most of us and I still,
24:13 I'm interested in finding out what, what is truth.
24:17 You know, it's...
24:19 I've heard people say that.
24:21 I've heard people say, good people, wonderful people,
24:24 like you said, they wouldn't hurt anyone.
24:27 They're living their lives
24:29 according to what they understand.
24:32 And when they learn new truth, they said,
24:35 all this time I thought it was this way.
24:39 But now, finally, I learned that it's this way.
24:42 I've heard about this in Guatemala, for example,
24:45 on a trip.
24:46 Oh, did you know
24:48 there's this pastor of this large denomination
24:50 and huge, and he recently,
24:55 for example, I'm going to say
24:56 recently accepted the Sabbath, he says,
24:58 "I cannot believe I didn't see this
25:00 in all my years of studying the Bible."
25:03 Well, how did he miss it?
25:04 I don't know.
25:06 But for him, he said,
25:07 "This is marvelous.
25:09 I didn't understand this before."
25:10 So how does that happen?
25:12 We don't know. But it happens.
25:13 And what, the good news is that they are seeing the light.
25:17 The wonderful thing is that we have the promise
25:19 that the Holy Spirit will guide us in His truth.
25:21 One wonderful thing we can do is
25:23 ask for the Lord to bless us with the Holy Spirit.
25:26 Lord, bless us. Guide me into all truth.
25:28 That's a prayer we can all pray.
25:29 That's right. Lord, guide me into all truth.
25:31 That's a safe prayer.
25:33 Lord, please guide me into all truth.
25:35 If I... Please.
25:36 We have to mean it. Yes, absolutely.
25:38 But we have to mean it because like I say,
25:40 we've talked to so many different people
25:42 who say that nothing more I want in life
25:44 than make it to heaven,
25:45 but they will not they say right at that point in time,
25:48 follow what God has said.
25:50 He said, for instance, so simple,
25:51 "If you love Me, keep My commandments."
25:53 And they'll say, "Well, you don't have to keep them."
25:55 But there's nothing more I want to do.
25:56 I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ,
25:58 I know, I'm going to make it to heaven.
26:00 But then the actions,
26:03 you know, again,
26:04 we're not trying to change or criticize that,
26:05 we're simply saying, the enemy is at work.
26:08 And remember, I found something here,
26:10 and then you, and somebody else can comment.
26:12 Review and Herald 8-25-1885,
26:14 Satan gives his power to those who are aiding him
26:17 in his deceptions.
26:19 Satan does what? Gives his power.
26:20 Gives his power to those who are aiding him
26:23 in his deceptions.
26:24 Those who claim to have a great power of God
26:28 can only be discerned by, notice this,
26:31 by the great detector of the law of Jehovah.
26:35 Just what you said to the law and the testimony,
26:37 somebody will say, this is what and you'll say,
26:39 to the law and to the testimony,
26:40 they just say,
26:42 "Well, no." And then they go on.
26:43 I mean, to me a searcher of truth.
26:45 And I'm not trying to be ugly,
26:47 but searcher of truth is going to say,
26:48 I've got to consider that.
26:49 I've got to consider that
26:51 and what do you think about it, honey?
26:53 Should we consider the law and the testimony
26:55 because that's what the Bible said,
26:57 to compare everything to so that we know?
27:00 Try the spirits with this?
27:02 Absolutely. Absolutely.
27:03 In fact, I looked up
27:05 if I don't know if I can find it real quick.
27:06 I have too many notes that I've put in here today,
27:09 I can't even find something that I'm looking for.
27:11 Because I know,
27:12 the Spirit of Prophecy tells us that
27:13 there will be a great return to primitive godliness
27:17 before Christ comes.
27:19 And so we look back into Acts,
27:21 we find out how we go back
27:22 and look how that first church was set up
27:25 and how the attributes of that first church was
27:27 when it was in its pure form.
27:29 You know, even in our time, we can see it.
27:32 Now, Don, you're a little younger.
27:33 I don't know how much younger,
27:34 but we can see great changes in the churches.
27:38 You know, back when I was in my teens,
27:41 I came down and started living with my grandparents.
27:44 They started taking me to church,
27:46 you know, but I was still coming,
27:47 my mom had left the church and she used to work in...
27:50 She had restaurants
27:52 and every restaurant was always that there was a door
27:53 in between that and a tavern.
27:55 And she would sing, she was a singer,
27:57 so she sang country music
27:59 and back they asked her to be on Hee Haw.
28:01 But that was right at her transition time.
28:03 We are, they wanted her to be on Hee Haw,
28:05 but she was just transitioning over to be a Christian,
28:08 so she turned that down.
28:10 However, I grew up in the taverns you know,
28:13 as a little girl, and I was dancing to this music
28:16 and all of that, da-da.
28:17 So I come and live with my grandparents.
28:19 And by the time I'm in high school,
28:20 you know, we had Teen Town,
28:22 you guys remember Teen Town probably?
28:24 Maybe not John.
28:25 You may not have been here.
28:26 So I didn't go a whole lot, but I did.
28:28 But they always had like this music
28:30 and I'd want to dance.
28:32 Well then, finally this pastor came
28:34 and he started trying to explain to me about dancing.
28:38 You know, and I just couldn't get it.
28:41 And dancing was fun.
28:43 You know, it wasn't ballroom dancing.
28:44 It wasn't a hokey pokey or anything like that.
28:47 But you know, to me at that time,
28:49 I wasn't thinking too much.
28:50 And it just, it seemed like fun.
28:52 What he did was he took some literature
28:55 from another church to give to me,
28:59 and I read it, and it made sense.
29:02 But you see, my point is, back in the day,
29:05 all of these Protestant churches,
29:07 there wasn't dancing,
29:09 there wasn't the alcohol, there, you know,
29:11 they would all separate from the worldly music,
29:14 the worldly this, the worldly that
29:16 and they were, you know, on the outside looking in,
29:20 it appeared more godly
29:21 as we would gather from reading the Scripture.
29:24 But now, most of the time you can no matter where you go,
29:28 you can't tell who's a Christian
29:29 and who's not a Christian.
29:31 You know, the dress doesn't tell it.
29:33 You know, that...
29:35 What they take into their bodies
29:37 doesn't show it.
29:38 They believe it's okay to go to the bar.
29:41 It's okay to drink. It's okay to party.
29:43 It's okay to go out dancing as long as you go on Sunday.
29:46 You know, may be some Sabbath people too,
29:49 I don't know.
29:50 But you see what I'm saying?
29:52 It has changed.
29:53 And so God is calling us back.
29:55 He's calling us back, He said.
29:57 In fact, when we look at a lot of these calamities
30:00 that are taking place in our world.
30:01 Why does Jesus say it's happening?
30:04 Because we are not living up to the law and the testimony.
30:07 We have transgressed His law, we have stepped all over it,
30:10 we have just thought it didn't matter
30:12 anything to anybody.
30:14 Right.
30:15 And so, He's giving us what we're asking for.
30:18 But as a child of God,
30:20 we need to come back in line with the Word of God.
30:23 And if that means primitive godliness,
30:25 then praise God,
30:27 allow Him to come into your heart, in your mind,
30:30 and to change each and every one of us
30:32 as we study that Word,
30:34 and we're to line up with that Word.
30:36 You know, we're not,
30:38 we're not dealing with someone that doesn't know
30:42 what a heavenly atmosphere is like.
30:45 You go back to Ezekiel, isn't it?
30:48 Ezekiel, there's 28:12, it says, you know,
30:54 full of wisdom and perfect and beauty.
30:56 Fourteen,
30:57 "Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth."
31:00 What was he covering?
31:02 What was he covering?
31:04 The law.
31:05 The Ten Commandment law.
31:07 He was covering the law of God.
31:10 "I have set thee so:
31:12 thou wast upon the holy mountain of God,
31:14 thou hast walked up and down
31:16 in the midst of the stones of fire.
31:18 Thou was perfect in all thy ways,"
31:21 this is verse 15,
31:22 "that thou was created,
31:25 till iniquity was found in thee."
31:27 Verse 17,
31:28 "Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty,
31:32 thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of brightness:
31:36 I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings,
31:39 that they may behold thee."
31:41 Now the reason I read that is because he knows how,
31:46 you know, when he couldn't kill the Christians,
31:48 he joined the movement.
31:50 He came into the churches,
31:52 and he knows how to present a holy atmosphere.
31:56 He knows how to make you feel a certain way,
32:00 you know, as long as you're not living up
32:02 to all the light that you know,
32:05 he's happy.
32:06 Now I'm thinking when you're saying that
32:08 you're painting a picture of me of a...
32:09 I don't want to be weird,
32:10 but a mom kind of doing this with their baby
32:12 rocking it to sleep.
32:14 You know, Satan wants to rock us to sleep.
32:16 Yes. That's what he wants to do.
32:18 He wants to put us to sleep.
32:19 And I think that's interesting, when you're talking about
32:21 his ideas, complacency is set in.
32:24 And when we look at this culture
32:25 really plays a dynamic in this complacency
32:28 to where we get so disassociated,
32:30 like you talk about Israel,
32:32 you know, in a day they were slaves under Egypt,
32:34 you know, they got so heavily oppressed,
32:36 that they lost the sight of God.
32:38 And then so God had to literally
32:39 get them out of Egypt.
32:41 And still in them was Egypt,
32:44 you know, it was still planted in there
32:45 where they made a golden calf in the wilderness there.
32:48 They made a golden calf,
32:49 so there something was embedded,
32:51 it's this culture it just kind of seeps in us.
32:53 And we get kind of like intoxicated by this culture.
32:56 And so we got to really learn the Word of God.
32:58 I had a young lady
32:59 that I spoke to on our prayer line
33:01 a few days ago,
33:02 and she was telling me that
33:04 she had went down this path of getting into Reiki
33:06 and into a New Age,
33:07 and she actually traveled in demonic like realms,
33:11 and she's seeing things that she shouldn't have saw
33:13 and she, she asked me the question, she says,
33:16 "Don, I think I'm the Antichrist.
33:18 Interesting.
33:19 I, you know, and this is how easy
33:21 the enemy can really trip us up and fool us,
33:24 you know, we get down that path so far.
33:25 She said,
33:27 "I don't, I never really had relationship with Jesus."
33:28 And so I told her, I said,
33:30 "You know, and the Bible tells us
33:31 that this Antichrist is a number of a man."
33:34 I said, "666 it's a number of man."
33:36 So that automatically disqualifies you
33:37 because you're a woman.
33:39 And I said, you know, actually, if you study this out,
33:41 which I did a little study with her quickly,
33:42 but and, you know,
33:43 in Revelation we talked about in 13,
33:46 you know, the beast and stuff.
33:47 And in there, it's actually it's a religious
33:50 or it's a religious political system.
33:52 So and that's what it is.
33:54 And she thought, "Oh, I thought I was the Antichrist"
33:55 I said, "No, you're not the Antichrist.
33:57 You're okay."
33:58 And so we went through a little Bible study
34:00 and you know, these people don't realize these truths,
34:02 and they're like,
34:03 why are they so suppressed
34:04 is because the enemy is fearful that,
34:07 you know, when these people learn this truth,
34:09 he's lost people, he's lost them.
34:11 Had another gentleman just not too long ago,
34:13 he wanted to commit suicide on the phone with me
34:16 and literally said to me
34:17 after calling him another day, later,
34:18 he had a knife to his throat was getting to kill himself.
34:21 He was so heavily oppressed
34:22 by everything that's happening around him.
34:24 He's watching the news and the media
34:25 and I'm like, well, first of all,
34:26 you got to cut the media.
34:28 If you're not mentally stable,
34:29 you're really, I mean,
34:31 that music is going to twist you so bad.
34:32 You got to be careful that
34:33 so you know and then praying with him
34:35 and just something actually shift him
34:37 and just changed his life.
34:38 God's word cut right through all,
34:40 I mean, he's literally crying and sobbing and yelling
34:43 and not cursing
34:44 but you know, might as well then,
34:46 and it cut through and he said
34:47 at the end of the last time I talked to him, he said,
34:49 "Donald, I have hope.
34:51 Now, you restored my hope, I have peace.
34:53 And I know God is on my side."
34:56 And I talked him the next day
34:57 or a couple days later, he said,
34:58 "You know what, you don't realize this, Don,
35:00 but I have a thick knife to my neck.
35:01 I was literally going to kill myself."
35:03 And this is where Satan will push you to.
35:06 This counterfeit, you know,
35:07 and it looks so good and so tempting.
35:08 It's so pleasant, but he wants to destroy.
35:12 Well, in our question it says,
35:14 the Antichrist is to perform his marvelous works
35:17 in our sight so closely,
35:20 will the counterfeit resemble the true?
35:22 Now my mind goes to the great deception
35:25 right before Christ comes.
35:28 Do you know what I'm talking about?
35:29 Yeah. What?
35:30 The enemy appears as Christ.
35:32 The enemy is going to appear.
35:34 He can transfer...
35:36 The Bible tells us
35:37 he can transfer into an angel of light.
35:39 He did I believe
35:40 when he met Christ in the wilderness.
35:42 And that is going to be an overwhelming.
35:47 In fact, Great Controversy, page 624 reads this.
35:52 "As the crowning act
35:54 in the great drama of deception,
35:56 Satan himself will personate Christ.
35:59 The church has long professed to look to the Savior's advent
36:03 as the consummation of her hopes.
36:06 Now the great deceiver will make it appear
36:10 that Christ has come."
36:11 Can you imagine with people being so confused
36:15 about religion, about what the Bible teaches.
36:19 This is going to be something
36:20 that's either going to turn them away,
36:23 or it's going to sit them even deeper,
36:25 where it's harder to reach them.
36:27 "In different parts of the earth,
36:29 " listen to this because we know at the coming,
36:32 the Bible says all eye shall see Him, right?
36:34 She says,
36:36 "In different parts of the earth,
36:37 Satan will manifest himself among men,
36:40 as a majestic being of dazzling brightness,
36:43 resembling the description of the Son of God
36:46 given by John the Revelator in Revelation 1:13-15.
36:51 The glory that surrounds him is unsurpassed by anything
36:56 that mortal minds have yet beheld.
36:59 The shout of triumph rings in the air:
37:02 'Christ has come! Christ has come!'
37:04 The people prostrate themselves in adoration before Him,
37:07 while He lifts up His hands
37:09 and pronounces a blessing upon them,
37:11 as Christ blessed the disciples when He was upon the earth.
37:14 His voice is soft and subdued, yet full of melody."
37:19 He knows what Christ sounds like.
37:22 He knows what Christ sounded like before the fall.
37:24 He was in heaven before the fall.
37:27 In gentle, compassionate tones,
37:30 he presents some of the great same gracious,
37:33 heavenly truths, which the Savior uttered,
37:36 he heals the diseases of people.
37:38 This is a strong,
37:40 almost overmastering delusion.
37:45 So it's ramping up.
37:48 It's not going to get easier.
37:51 It's ramping up. We don't give him credit.
37:53 He knows things we don't know. Yes, he does.
37:55 Like said he was in the presence
37:57 she brought out here.
37:58 He was in the presence of God Almighty.
38:01 He knows Jesus, He knows how He talks and how He deals
38:05 and he's going to do his very best to,
38:07 you know, be an imposter
38:08 but he's going to bring these things to us,
38:10 but to me it's going to be just, you know,
38:11 if we don't know that's, I think that's the bottom line.
38:14 They don't know scripture.
38:16 Well it says, yeah, none
38:17 but those who fortify their minds, right?
38:19 With the truths of the Bible
38:21 will stand through the last great conflict.
38:24 None but those who what?
38:26 Have fortified their mind with the truth of Scripture.
38:29 But today truth just doesn't seem,
38:31 it's on emotion.
38:33 It's on, I feel.
38:35 And as you mentioned while ago some of that emotion
38:37 and all the stuff
38:38 it lead sometime people to have a high
38:40 and then the next thing you know they has some lows.
38:42 Right.
38:43 And then it brings them to the point of,
38:45 well, the world would be better off without me,
38:46 so I'm just going to get rid of myself,
38:47 I'm going to kill myself.
38:49 We're living, you know,
38:50 by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God,
38:52 not pick and choose
38:54 or try to find you mentioned a church that's going to fit.
38:57 What I want, you know, to take place.
38:59 If you look around long enough, you'll find some church
39:01 somewhere that kind of goes along
39:02 with what you think is right.
39:03 You know, it's interesting
39:05 because I was just watching this,
39:06 I don't remember I saw this but I probably heard that
39:09 the people the Kardashians.
39:11 Anyways, this individual made a hologram of their dad.
39:16 It looked so realistic
39:17 even had his voice and everything
39:18 it sounds like him, and even said that,
39:20 you know, I'm so happy that you reach a certain age
39:22 and you're such a beautiful daughter
39:24 and you are, you know, this, you're wonderful spirit.
39:27 And they started crying.
39:28 They said, "Show us it again. Show us it again."
39:30 They wanted to see this hologram
39:32 and I'm thinking man,
39:33 technology is to that point,
39:35 and you're talking about the voice,
39:36 I'm just thinking they have the technology
39:37 even manipulate voice.
39:40 Why wouldn't he?
39:41 And I'm thinking about this now how can we discern
39:42 if Christ is really truly coming.
39:44 I'm thinking of Acts 1 comes to my mind you know,
39:47 and these disciples are standing there
39:49 and they're talking to Jesus.
39:51 Jesus talking to them, He's going to give them
39:52 the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit power.
39:54 And then also this happens in verse 9, it says,
39:56 "And when he had spoken these things,
39:57 while they beheld,
39:59 he was taken up,
40:00 and a cloud received him out of their sight.
40:02 And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven
40:05 as he went up, behold,
40:06 two men stood by them in white apparel, "
40:07 of course we know those are angels,
40:09 "which also said, Ye men of Galilee,
40:10 why stand ye gazing up into heaven?
40:12 This same Jesus,
40:14 which is taken up from you into heaven,
40:15 shall so come in like manner down
40:18 as you have seen him go into heaven."
40:20 So this imposter, this false Christ is,
40:24 it's just literally going to be walking on the earth,
40:25 but he's not literally coming down.
40:28 But Christ warned us, did He not?
40:29 He warned us.
40:31 He said, "You hear he's in the desert, don't go."
40:33 Right. That's right.
40:34 I want to say, you hear He's on channel 12,
40:35 don't watch it.
40:37 You know what I'm saying.
40:38 You hear, He's on the radio, don't listen,
40:40 on YouTube, don't watch it.
40:42 Because it's it, we want to see Jesus,
40:48 we want to hear Him.
40:49 Right.
40:51 And he's such a great deceiver. He's a...
40:53 He is probably the first transformer.
40:56 He can transform into Christ.
40:59 And it will bring us
41:02 to the point that we may be confused.
41:04 So what did Jesus said?
41:05 And he already has, isn't right?
41:06 The message that he gives
41:08 will be what the world wants to hear.
41:10 And it's going to be totally against those
41:12 who keep the commandments of God
41:14 and testimony of Jesus.
41:15 Completely against it.
41:17 So when the world looks at by the millions,
41:19 and said, Look, he's here right now.
41:20 And he has said these things,
41:22 no longer have to worry about the Sabbath
41:23 that way and Sunday is fine, blah, blah, blah.
41:25 Let's just be honest about it, and lay it right out there.
41:28 It is going to just,
41:29 going to cause a lot of division,
41:31 a lot of separation, but it's going to come a time
41:33 when people will make decisions.
41:35 They're going to have to make a decision,
41:37 you know, for or against Christ.
41:39 I mean, what do you think about it?
41:41 Is that that kind of deceptions that we're looking at right now
41:43 the kind of decisions is going to be made,
41:45 have to be made?
41:47 It's a serious, serious situation.
41:49 You know, I'm going to point out some individuals
41:53 that quote scriptures, but they were deceivers.
41:56 Go on. There is Jim Jones.
41:59 He quoted scriptures, but he was a deceiver.
42:02 You may remember David Koresh? Yes.
42:04 He quote scriptures, but he was a deceiver.
42:08 You may remember some individual
42:09 that he claimed he couldn't die.
42:11 He was interviewed on several television networks.
42:15 He claimed to be his name is Jose Luis Miranda,
42:18 and he claimed he could not die.
42:20 He died about three years ago.
42:22 Now the reason I want to point this out,
42:24 the fact that there they are quoting scriptures
42:27 does not mean they're quoting scriptures correctly,
42:30 or putting the scriptures together
42:32 to form the doctrines of the Bible.
42:34 We have to like the Bereans do. Okay.
42:38 The Bible says talk about
42:39 the Bereans in the Book of Acts,
42:41 they heard the words gladly,
42:43 but they went home and searched the scriptures
42:46 to see if these things are true.
42:48 So when we are seeing these things,
42:50 even now, there are many people on television,
42:52 we're on television, we want people to go to the Bibles,
42:56 check these things out.
42:57 So that you can understand for yourself
43:00 asking the Holy Spirit to guide you
43:01 because the Holy Spirit guide you into all truth.
43:04 And so these deceptions,
43:06 you know, we talk about
43:07 the devil himself will try to personate,
43:11 that's the word personate, not impersonate,
43:13 personate Christ in such a way that he will try,
43:17 he will say the words of Christ,
43:19 blessed are the poor in spirit,
43:21 you know, the words of the Bible.
43:23 And all of a sudden people are saying,
43:25 "It's Jesus, He's here."
43:26 This will be a great deception.
43:28 Well, why is the devil doing this?
43:29 To deceive people.
43:30 But I'm glad you know, you mentioned some scripture.
43:33 I'd like to read one as well
43:35 about the second coming of Christ,
43:37 because he cannot duplicate...
43:40 Praise God for that.
43:41 Christ in fullness, because he really can't.
43:44 Number one is he really can't. Yeah.
43:46 And number two is, is that
43:48 he says come in great power and glory.
43:51 So 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4. Amen.
43:54 Great point.
43:55 Yeah, we have here, beginning in verse 12.
43:59 It says, am I in the right place?
44:00 I do not want to be doing this or doing that.
44:01 Yeah, you're right.
44:03 Okay, verse 14, 1 Thessalonians 4:14,
44:05 "For, if we believe that Jesus died and rose again,
44:07 even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus."
44:11 Amen.
44:13 Wait a minute, wait.
44:14 Those that are sleeping, He says they're in the grave,
44:16 and He's going to resurrect them.
44:17 Notice the description of the resurrection.
44:20 "For this we say to you by the word of the Lord,
44:24 that we who are alive
44:26 and remain until the coming of the Lord
44:29 will by no means precede,"
44:31 that means go before, "those who are asleep."
44:33 That means, those that are in the grave.
44:35 "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven
44:37 with a shout, with the voice of the archangel,
44:40 with the trump of God
44:42 and the dead in Christ will rise first."
44:46 Wait a minute, why would they rise
44:47 since they're already in heaven.
44:49 Because that's where they are.
44:50 They're in the grave waiting for the first resurrection.
44:53 "And so those and the dead in Christ will rise first,
44:57 then we who are alive and remain
45:00 shall be caught up together with them
45:02 in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air."
45:05 So if they tell you, He's in the desert,
45:07 don't have to go to the desert because Jesus is not there.
45:09 That's right.
45:11 When He comes, He's going to be in the air,
45:12 we're going to meet Him in the air.
45:14 Good.
45:15 So, yeah, we'll meet the Lord in the air
45:16 and thus we shall always be with the Lord.
45:18 So the scriptures are very clear.
45:20 Yes.
45:21 So when the devil makes this counterfeit Christ,
45:25 a false Christ
45:27 and is walking around on channel 12,
45:29 whatever channel there is out there,
45:31 He's going to be all over the media.
45:33 Every program going to be texting
45:34 and telling, yeah, Jesus has come,
45:36 and they're going to meet,
45:37 whatever these video things are saying Jesus is here,
45:41 but He's not here
45:42 'cause His coming has not yet arrived.
45:45 When He comes,
45:46 there will be power and great glory.
45:48 The heavens will be ablaze with glory
45:51 and the trump of God every eye shall see Him.
45:54 Yeah. Yes.
45:56 Pastor, you know, you brought to my mind is
45:57 I'm just thinking, you know,
45:58 obviously Satan does not have the power to resurrect.
46:01 Does not have the power to lift up the dead.
46:03 But, of course, in Revelation 16 we realize
46:05 that he can use spirits, demons to pose real people,
46:08 but he can't, he can't match what Christ is going to do.
46:11 And I thought about your touching something
46:13 about the idea of emotions and feelings.
46:16 And I thought about in the world we're in today,
46:18 right now the society we're being pushed,
46:20 like we're talking about this gentleman
46:22 that called in to where we were going to choose something
46:24 because we're pushed to it to a degree of
46:26 just like feeling overwhelmed.
46:27 We're going to, yeah, I'll go ahead and I'll conform to this
46:30 or I'll go to that, you know,
46:31 it's like I see the enemy
46:33 just working that so much that we're just,
46:34 we have to make a drastic decision quickly
46:37 because we're just so overwhelmed.
46:39 Like, I've got to choose that
46:40 because that sounds like the better option
46:42 to go to that's all I've got.
46:43 So I'm just, I'm seeing it.
46:45 And you made an important point.
46:46 He can't actually raise the dead,
46:47 but he can imitate or mimic
46:51 he can sound and look
46:52 you know people have met their little girls,
46:55 you know, they think
46:56 that was girls, but it was actually demons
46:58 or, you know,
46:59 these ghost stories that we hear
47:00 and it's actually demons you know,
47:02 Samuel and the witch of Endor it was actually a demon.
47:06 You know, so we have to be careful
47:09 because he can confuse us,
47:11 that's why we have to keep going back to the Word of God,
47:13 and light it in our hearts and our minds
47:16 that we might not sin against Him.
47:18 We got a lady we would go and visit
47:20 when we lived back in India.
47:21 My wife and I and...
47:23 Horrific I don't want to go great detail.
47:24 Her husband was an alcoholic and he passed away
47:27 because of alcoholism,
47:28 but died because of alcoholism, but he...
47:31 She was calling us one night she goes,
47:34 "You got to come over, you got to come over."
47:35 I'm like, "What's going?"
47:37 "My husband's coming through the wall."
47:38 I'm like, "Oh, what are we going to enter into?"
47:40 I'm like, Lord, I do not know what to expect.
47:42 So I know what that is. I know it's not You.
47:44 And so we went over there.
47:46 We gotten in the kitchen and we knelt down
47:47 with her all three of us and prayed.
47:49 And we're like, what's going to happen?
47:50 You know, like, what's going on?
47:52 But we told her look, that is not your husband.
47:54 That's a demon.
47:55 We showed her in a scripture, obviously, you know,
47:57 in Ecclesiastes 9, I think it is in 6 and 7,
47:59 that the dead know nothing their awards,
48:01 and are deceased,
48:02 they don't, have no more remembrance of them.
48:05 So you know, tried to show her that and she
48:07 kind of got a little bit but you know,
48:09 just how the enemy will even fully
48:10 like you said your loved ones.
48:12 And he came back, was haunting her over top of her and just...
48:16 I go back to what I said before,
48:18 are you going to believe your eyes and your ears
48:20 or you going to believe the scriptures?
48:22 That's right. That's it. It's fake.
48:24 The scriptures are the safeguard
48:26 by which we know what is truth.
48:28 And so I want to, I want to mention another deception.
48:32 And you have mentioned that
48:34 just kind of highlight what you said.
48:36 And that is that feelings
48:39 the devil can work on your feelings
48:41 to deceive you.
48:42 That's where I was going while ago.
48:46 It's going to be difficult. It's going to be difficult.
48:48 I mean, we're talking about xlet's say that your son takes
48:50 the side of the wicked and he...
48:55 And the mother says,
48:57 "But I want to be with my son.
48:58 Oh, no, I don't want him to be."
48:59 It's going to be a difficult situation.
49:02 Husbands and wives may be divided.
49:04 Maybe the husband wants to go over to, you know,
49:07 to join the ones that are persecuting Christians,
49:09 and the wife says,
49:11 "No, I want to remain faithful to the, to God to the Word.
49:15 So there's going to be divisions,
49:17 but we must be faithful to the Lord.
49:19 He who endures to the end, the same shall be saved.
49:23 We have to surrender our hearts to the Lord.
49:25 The safest place is to humble ourselves before the Lord.
49:28 And to ask Him to come into our lives Jesus.
49:31 Jesus, we have the promise
49:33 that Jesus is going to complete that work.
49:34 Amen.
49:36 Philippians 1:6,
49:37 "Being confident of this very thing,
49:39 that He who has begun good work in you
49:42 will complete it unto the day of Jesus Christ."
49:44 Amen. Praise the Lord, yes.
49:45 But we have to have a commitment to Jesus Christ.
49:49 It's not based and I want to be nice about it.
49:51 It's not based upon the husband, or the wife,
49:54 or the children.
49:56 It has to be based on our relationship with Jesus Christ
49:58 only because again,
50:00 there's going to be situations
50:01 there's going to kind of cause division, separation.
50:03 But sometimes I found this out.
50:05 And I think most of you have here.
50:06 When somebody gets a little bit dissatisfied
50:09 with the church that they're going to
50:11 maybe just that individual,
50:12 to say the husband, he's not satisfied,
50:14 so he wants to leave.
50:16 But you'll notice that the wife,
50:17 a lot of times will leave,
50:19 and the children will all leave too,
50:20 may not be their thought.
50:22 So their relationship with Christ
50:24 is based upon their husband,
50:26 rather than on the Word of God, or vice versa.
50:28 It's not, doesn't always work that way.
50:29 And there's, you know,
50:31 terrible situations that happen in division of family,
50:33 because there are those who love Christ enough
50:35 that they're willing to take their stand
50:37 for what is truth.
50:39 And we realized to get back to,
50:40 we talked about primitive godliness
50:42 into here is,
50:44 maybe we should ask ourselves a question.
50:46 Do we really feel like as part of the family of God,
50:49 that we're getting back
50:51 to the way God set up the church?
50:53 And to me, that would be more than we're talking about here?
50:56 Would it not be in what we eat?
50:58 Would it not be in how we dress,
51:01 how we speak,
51:03 how we conduct ourselves?
51:04 What we see in the workplace?
51:07 Are we listening to the dirty jokes?
51:10 You know, what I'm saying.
51:11 Are we setting an example of Christ,
51:12 we go about our Father's business.
51:15 There's a lot of changes
51:16 that seem that we've gotten away from
51:17 because the world has, we have invited, not everybody,
51:22 we've invited the world to come in.
51:24 And the church has become more like the world,
51:27 you see, rather than be more Christ centered.
51:30 And I want to read a statement here quickly,
51:32 just I think it's, yeah,
51:34 see Acts of the Apostles, page 11.
51:36 Because we realize the church is so important.
51:39 But we had to figure out
51:40 who and what the church is or what,
51:42 because sometimes we have mindsets that's not correct.
51:45 I have to go to the Word of God,
51:47 I have to go to, you know,
51:48 Spirit of Prophecy and read what it says,
51:51 "The church is God's fortress."
51:52 Praise God.
51:54 Isn't that fortress something that does protect us
51:56 if we stay there and follow what the Word says?
51:59 His city of refuge,
52:01 which He holds as a revolted world.
52:03 Any betrayal, notice,
52:05 of his treachery is to him
52:07 who has bought mankind with His blood
52:09 and His only begotten Son.
52:11 Now, here's the key we have to listen to,
52:13 from the beginning, you know exactly where it is.
52:16 Page 11, from the beginning,
52:17 faithful souls have constituted the church on earth.
52:22 So a lot of time we're criticizing,
52:24 condemning, backbiting.
52:25 Faithful souls constitute God's Church.
52:30 That's a simple statement
52:31 that will be thrown out by many.
52:33 They don't want to hear that,
52:34 that either is truth or it's not.
52:37 If you're faithful to the calling of God.
52:39 Somebody told me one time, well, you know, blah-blah.
52:41 I said, "Look, somebody got off the platform,
52:43 and it wasn't me."
52:46 That's pretty heavy duty.
52:47 God has given us a platform of truth.
52:49 If you get off of that platform of truth,
52:52 and get down and start checking the pillars
52:54 is trying to hold it up, or criticizing or condemning.
52:58 Now, there's a time that we have to stand for
52:59 what is truth and what is right.
53:01 When we hear errors ping, we hear it in the church,
53:04 our job is watchmen on the walls
53:06 is to come back and say,
53:07 here's what the Word of God says.
53:09 That's right. Right.
53:10 I mean, that's not a tasteful thing.
53:12 So it's distasteful, we'll have to do it sometime.
53:14 But God says to do it,
53:15 or we're going to be unfaithful to Him.
53:18 So I want to be from beginning faithful souls.
53:21 And the way God's set up, I think Desire of Ages said,
53:24 the way God set up the New Testament Church
53:26 is that's what he means
53:27 to generations until He comes again.
53:29 So we've got to get back to that.
53:31 And that encompasses the whole man and whole woman.
53:34 It does.
53:35 In relation of Hebrews,
53:36 when you're talking about Hebrews 12,
53:38 you know, we're convinced by those faithful,
53:39 you see the faithful ones,
53:41 it says that we're supposed to lay aside every weight
53:43 and a sin that so easily besets us
53:44 and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.
53:47 But then it says in verse 2,
53:48 looking unto Jesus,
53:49 the author and finisher of faith,
53:51 yeah, who for the joy,
53:53 you know, endured the cross,
53:54 despising the shame and sit down
53:56 and reign on throne of God,
53:57 so we're to be looking to Him,
53:58 and we're to watch His example
54:00 through reading the Word, you know,
54:02 we can't just pick and choose, and we think feels right to us.
54:05 And well, I think Jesus would have done is
54:07 what would Jesus do?
54:09 I think, we have to be careful
54:10 because the word I mean plainly tells you,
54:13 you know, or tell them always,
54:14 things you can be deceived with,
54:15 you know, like the state of the dead,
54:17 you know, the Sabbath issue.
54:18 But if we're not reading it for ourselves and asking,
54:20 like you said, the Holy Spirit to guide us
54:22 and giving ourselves teachers who have teaching ears.
54:27 We're kind of going wrong path.
54:29 Yes, absolutely.
54:30 You know, I can see
54:32 where people when they read the Word of God
54:33 and they be, it begins to cut,
54:35 you know, the Bible's a two-edged sword,
54:37 it begins to cut and separate
54:38 all those things that the dross,
54:40 the sin that we've accumulated over the years,
54:42 people are saying, I can never be right.
54:44 I can never do this.
54:46 The good news is,
54:47 they don't ever have to do it alone.
54:50 God is a God of restoration. He's a God of recreation.
54:54 He is going to give you the strength and the power.
54:56 He will uplift you
54:58 with the right hand of His righteousness.
54:59 He's promised to help us.
55:01 He's going to work in and through us.
55:03 He is our strength. He is our protector.
55:07 He is everything. He's every breath that we take.
55:10 So we do none of this alone.
55:12 Our choice, turn off the world, turn on Jesus.
55:17 Turn off the world, get in the Word.
55:19 Amen.
55:21 We have a couple minutes left, and I think it'd be good.
55:23 Pastor John, start with you.
55:25 If you have like a closing thought
55:26 and then, you know, go to the Don,
55:28 if you want to around him and we'll close it off.
55:29 I think I'm going to go with what Don said.
55:32 You can say again if you want to.
55:34 We really have to face life looking unto Jesus,
55:38 the author and finisher of our faith.
55:39 Let us spend time in God's Word with Jesus
55:42 and He will light our path.
55:44 Amen.
55:45 Yes, you know, I kind of second,
55:47 I think that you know, so many of us in this world,
55:48 we get our eyes off
55:49 what really is peace is the Prince of Peace.
55:51 We got to look to the Prince of Peace,
55:53 who can bring us that peace.
55:54 And if you want peace in your life,
55:56 as Isaiah 26:3 says,
55:58 you know, those who keep their mind on you
56:00 will have that perfect peace so...
56:01 Amen. Good.
56:02 There is no peace without Christ.
56:04 No real peace.
56:06 You know, a lot of times we want to get out,
56:08 we have fun but true happiness, true peace comes from Him.
56:12 And that's what we can have.
56:13 This is a work,
56:15 this primitive godliness part three,
56:17 I'm sure there's going to be a part four
56:19 because we didn't even touch those questions.
56:21 So I hope you'll come back to part four,
56:24 and possibly part five, because it's all good.
56:27 It's something that we need,
56:30 you know, as we drink in the Word
56:31 and allow it to change our hearts and our minds
56:34 so that we will not sin against our Lord.
56:36 And He recreates in us His image.
56:38 Amen.
56:40 Even our thoughts begin to change.
56:41 Isn't that wonderful?
56:43 Aren't we glad that we have the Word of God
56:44 that we can go through?
56:46 Now we know everybody says that.
56:47 But we go and we do, I think it was John 5:39.
56:50 It was mentioned already, search the scriptures, right?
56:52 Or in them you think what?
56:54 That you have eternal life and what is,
56:57 they are they which testify of Me.
56:59 Amen.
57:01 If we say today that were a child of God,
57:03 then certainly He says,
57:04 "My sheep, hear My voice."
57:07 And then what do they do?
57:08 They hear and then they follow. You're safe today.
57:12 You're safe to follow Jesus Christ.
57:14 You are safe to follow the teachings of His Word.
57:17 Wherever His feet went, you can trot on those,
57:19 it's going to be good because He's showing you the way.
57:21 Praise God for that.
57:22 We're so glad that you've joined us today.
57:24 We've had a wonderful time studying the Word of God.
57:27 And we're going to look forward to seeing you at another time.
57:29 Be sure by the grace of God,
57:30 continue to pray for 3ABN Family Worship.
57:33 We love you. We'll see you next time.
57:35 Amen.


Revised 2021-03-12