Today Family Worship


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW210014S

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:08 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Today Family Worship
01:12 and happy Sabbath to you.
01:14 I'm Jason Bradley,
01:15 and it's always a joy to spend the Sabbath with you.
01:19 And I'm excited about our topic that we will be discussing,
01:23 which is perseverance.
01:25 Perseverance,
01:27 and with me to discuss that we have JD Quinn.
01:31 My pleasure, this is always fun
01:32 to sit around on Sabbath evening
01:34 and being able to share.
01:36 Yes, yes.
01:38 It's always comfortable. Yes.
01:39 And so it's great to hear what the Lord gives you
01:42 to share with us.
01:43 And we have Shelley Quinn, the bride by your side.
01:47 Amen, my claim to fame.
01:49 I'm JD Quinn's wife now.
01:51 We're so glad to be here.
01:53 It's always fun to open the Word of God.
01:56 And we're so glad that you are joining us.
02:00 Amen. Yes, amen.
02:01 And Donald Owen. Yes.
02:03 Just a blessing to be here.
02:04 And I'm just so thankful this concept of perseverance
02:07 and what that looks like
02:09 and the journey that we're all on
02:11 to persevere for the end goal.
02:13 Amen. I'm excited.
02:14 Amen.
02:16 Before we dive into the topic,
02:17 Shelley, if you don't mind, if you'd have prayer for us.
02:19 I'd love to, thank you.
02:22 Our gracious and loving heavenly Father,
02:25 we come before You in the name of Jesus to.
02:29 Lord, dedicate this time to You.
02:31 We thank You, Father,
02:33 for this Sabbath day that is a memorial that
02:37 You are not only our Creator,
02:39 but the one who recreates us in Jesus.
02:42 That You are our Redeemer,
02:44 Lord, that You are the one who sanctifies us,
02:50 who sets us apart from evil.
02:52 So, Father, we thank You for Jesus Christ,
02:55 for Your Holy Spirit and Your Word.
02:58 And right now, Lord, as we open Your Word,
03:01 may everyone,
03:03 us and everyone who's watching or listening to our voices,
03:07 be blessed.
03:09 Send your Holy Spirit to be our teacher
03:11 in Jesus' name. Amen.
03:14 Amen. Thank you.
03:16 I've always liked
03:17 the definitions of words, right?
03:20 So perseverance:
03:21 persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay
03:25 in achieving success.
03:28 So it's kind of like denying self gratification
03:31 or immediate gratification.
03:34 But persistence in doing something
03:35 despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.
03:38 So what comes to your mind?
03:40 And I'm just throwing this out there on the floor.
03:42 What comes to your mind
03:44 when you think of the word perseverance?
03:47 Endurance.
03:50 I've been persevering for the last 16 months.
03:54 After my surgeries,
03:56 you know, there's a time,
03:57 sometimes it seems that
03:59 circumstances can be overwhelming.
04:03 And if you don't keep your eyes on the Lord,
04:07 if you don't remember
04:10 all of His blessings and benefits,
04:13 it's easy just to give up,
04:15 you know, we need to remember who He is,
04:22 remember what He's done for us
04:24 and endure our circumstances.
04:28 We need to push forward a day at a time.
04:31 Amen.
04:33 To me, it's also means being committed to a goal.
04:37 There you go, that's good.
04:38 So I'm committed to this.
04:42 I'm committed to Jesus Christ
04:44 and it's nice to be able to state that
04:48 because it helps keep me on track
04:50 because I know sometimes
04:51 you get tired, you get worn out.
04:54 If it wasn't for a commitment, straying on a covenant,
04:58 well then you can certainly wonder.
05:00 That's good. Yeah.
05:01 I liked that when you said that, JD,
05:03 about commitment.
05:04 What came on my mind about this word perseverance is that
05:07 God persevere with us.
05:08 Amen.
05:10 God is long-suffering towards us.
05:11 I just want to share this, it's in Exodus 34:6-7.
05:14 "So then the Lord passed by
05:16 before, I'm talking about Moses,
05:17 and proclaimed the Lord,
05:19 the Lord, God merciful and gracious,"
05:21 there's a big word, long-suffering,
05:23 "long suffering and abundant in goodness and truth,
05:26 keeping mercy for thousands for giving iniquity
05:29 and transgression and sin,
05:31 and that will by no means clear the guilty."
05:33 So I think that word long-suffering
05:35 and that forgiving iniquity that longstanding,
05:38 I think, long-suffering to me.
05:40 Amen.
05:41 Well, Jesus certainly persevered, did He not?
05:44 He had that commitment to the goal.
05:46 He set His face determinately
05:49 and He followed the path that God out for Him.
05:52 That's right.
05:54 You know, when I think of the word perseverance,
05:55 I think of operating off of principle,
05:57 because if you're going off of feeling,
05:59 you will not persevere.
06:01 You cannot, because what happens is
06:04 when you're operating based on your feelings,
06:07 solely on feelings,
06:08 feelings have their place.
06:10 But when you're operating solely off of feelings
06:12 and not principles,
06:13 you're all over the place, you know?
06:15 And so, I love what you guys are saying
06:17 because it's standing firm on the Word of God.
06:20 Yeah.
06:21 And as you go from,
06:23 I remember a term deficiency motivation.
06:26 Deficiency motivation
06:28 was the different stages that we have in life.
06:31 And so as a young child, I had these feelings
06:34 and then I found myself going to the next password.
06:37 I didn't, I got out of diapers,
06:41 you know, and I started wearing pants.
06:43 And so now that's a different situation.
06:46 Then you go more and more, lot of,
06:48 I'm very fortunate, I still wear my belt.
06:50 There's a lot of people wear suspenders,
06:52 you know, at my age.
06:53 And I take my hat off to,
06:56 some day I might wear suspenders
06:58 and I haven't figured it out yet.
06:59 That's the reason I don't wear suspenders.
07:02 But anyway,
07:03 well, you do go through different transitions in life.
07:05 And so if it was dealt on feelings,
07:08 we would, as you just said, be all over the place
07:10 because there's so many changes in our life.
07:13 Principles hopefully don't change.
07:15 That's right.
07:16 You know, sometimes you think of perseverance
07:18 as when you've got an overwhelming schedule
07:23 and a lot of projects do persevere.
07:28 I mean, you can look at that and just go,
07:30 "Oh, I'm overwhelmed."
07:34 But perseverance is like eating an elephant.
07:38 How do you eat an elephant?
07:39 One bite at a time.
07:41 Perseverance is just putting one foot in front of the other
07:44 to reach a goal.
07:45 Amen. I like that.
07:47 I think of this champion.
07:48 Perseverance, you know, it came on my end.
07:50 I think one of the questions here is a difficult time.
07:53 And when this idea of perseverance came to me,
07:55 we, prior to coming to 3ABN,
07:58 both my wife and I lost our jobs in 2018.
08:02 And so we just had bought a house in 2001.
08:04 We're thinking, okay, Lord,
08:06 we've got $700 house payment a month.
08:08 I've got like $100 coming in a month.
08:10 I've got a week I should say,
08:12 how am I going to pay for electric bills,
08:14 the water bills,
08:15 how am I going to pay for all this?
08:17 I can't put food on the table.
08:18 By the grace of God we could go to,
08:19 thankfully in our community we had food pantries.
08:21 And we also had a place
08:23 that would help pay for electric for a few months.
08:24 So I was very thankful,
08:26 but persevering through that
08:27 and not having hardly any money at all,
08:29 but then coming here
08:31 and how God is when we moved here,
08:33 He changed everything.
08:34 Everything's paid off.
08:36 I got all my credit cards paid off.
08:37 I can easily put food in the table now,
08:40 and I'm sitting here,
08:41 but it was through that trial in my life
08:43 that God gave, got us through.
08:44 He brought us closer to Him.
08:46 It was in that trial, that difficulty
08:48 that I learned to lean and depend on Him.
08:49 So... Amen.
08:51 So in other words,
08:52 what I'm hearing you saying, say is that
08:55 there are benefits that can come out of a trial.
09:00 Right.
09:01 Yes.
09:03 So let's look at how we persevere.
09:04 Donald, if you'll take 1 Chronicles 16:11.
09:08 Sure, and it says there,
09:10 "Seek the Lord and His strength,
09:13 seek His face ever more."
09:15 This is the New King James Version,
09:16 but I also like the King James, it says,
09:19 "Seek his face continually."
09:21 Yes.
09:22 Continually really speaks to me, it's constant.
09:24 And that made me think of 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says,
09:27 "Pray without ceasing."
09:29 So I'm thinking about that concept of like prayer is,
09:31 it's a constant thing, a thread,
09:33 like a constant thread that just woven.
09:35 And we need to have that constant prayer,
09:37 pray without ceasing, that really spoke to me.
09:39 You know what it says to me like David,
09:43 God told King David,
09:45 "Seek My face."
09:47 And he said,
09:48 "Lord, when You said, seek my face,
09:49 Your face I seek."
09:51 I think sometimes in prayer,
09:53 we're asking for things,
09:56 we're asking for a blessing for,
09:59 you know, we're interceding for other people.
10:02 But what God wants us to recognize
10:05 is prayer is communication between.
10:07 And when he said seek my face,
10:10 to me, that's really trying to get to know God in prayer,
10:15 you let Him speak to you through the Word.
10:18 And then you speak to Him.
10:19 It's getting to know God in an intimate way.
10:22 Yes, building that relationship.
10:24 Yes.
10:25 There's a devotion we usually read in our pastoral.
10:27 We were doing this book called Our Father Cares,
10:29 which we switched now to the other one
10:31 Noble Character.
10:32 But this is our recent one.
10:33 It's just an interesting,
10:35 we were talking about the timing of this idea
10:36 of persevering
10:37 and how it got your attention.
10:39 But I read this as just recent
10:40 this idea of persevering prayer.
10:42 I won't try to take too long,
10:44 it says, the idea of prayer.
10:45 It says, "Important lessons are presented to us
10:47 in the experience of Elijah.
10:49 When upon a Mount Carmel, he offered the prayer for rain.
10:52 His faith was tested,
10:53 but he persevered in making known his request unto God."
10:56 And this is interesting, next paragraph,
10:57 "The servant watched while Elijah prayed,
11:00 six times he returned from the watch
11:02 saying, there's nothing,
11:03 no cloud, no sign of rain,
11:05 but the prophet did not give up in discouragement,"
11:07 you catch that,
11:09 "but praying, he kept reviewing his life."
11:11 This is powerful.
11:12 "He kept reviewing his life to see
11:13 where he had failed to honor God.
11:15 As he searched his heart, he seemed to be less and less,
11:18 both in his own estimation and in the sight of God,
11:21 it seemed to him that he was nothing
11:23 and that God was everything.
11:24 And when he reached
11:26 to the point of renouncing self,
11:28 while he clung to the Savior
11:29 as his only strength and righteousness,
11:32 the answer came."
11:34 That's a powerful point. Yes.
11:35 "The servant appeared and said,
11:36 'Behold, there arises
11:38 the little cloud out of the sea,
11:39 like a man's hand."
11:41 This next paragraph you just touched on, Shelley.
11:42 "We have a God
11:43 whose ear is not closed to our petitions.
11:45 And if we prove His word, he will honor our faith.
11:48 He wants us to have all our interests
11:50 interwoven with His interest.
11:52 And then he can safely bless us.
11:54 We shall not then take glory to self
11:56 when the blessing is ours,
11:58 but shall render all the praise to God."
12:00 Here it is.
12:01 "God does not always answer prayer,
12:03 answer our prayers
12:04 the first time we call upon Him,
12:06 for should he do this,
12:08 we might take it for granted
12:09 that we had a right to all the blessings and favors
12:13 He bestowed upon us.
12:14 Instead of searching our hearts
12:16 to see if any evil was entertained by us
12:19 as any sin indulged,
12:20 we should become careless and fail to realize
12:22 our dependence on Him."
12:23 So I thought that was really a powerful,
12:25 that just really spoke to me this idea
12:27 of sometimes people pray
12:29 and they're not getting what they want,
12:30 but it said that,
12:32 you know, He does not always answer
12:33 our prayers the first time.
12:34 He wants us to search like Elijah did.
12:37 Yes.
12:38 Yeah, I'll tell you what I wouldn't be sitting here
12:39 if it wasn't for my mom persevering in prayer,
12:44 being persistent and fervent with her prayers.
12:47 So yes, I definitely appreciate that.
12:50 Probably true with each one of our lives here,
12:52 you know, as our praying parents.
12:55 Amen. Yes.
12:57 Shelley, you've got our next verse.
12:59 Okay. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27.
13:03 Paul writes to the Corinthians saying,
13:06 "Do you not know that
13:08 those who run in a race all run,
13:10 but one receives the prize?
13:13 Run in such a way that you may obtain it."
13:16 Let me just pause.
13:19 In the city of Corinth, they had these games
13:22 and what they were competing for
13:27 was a laurel wreath,
13:30 just a little wreath that went around their head
13:32 show that they crown the winner, right?
13:35 And I just want to say this
13:37 when he says run in such a way that you may obtain it.
13:40 Winners aren't born, they train to win.
13:44 And these people would have understood.
13:47 First you have to meet the basic training requirements
13:51 to even compete.
13:52 But then there is strict training
13:56 that comes along and it's a struggle.
13:59 They strive from start to finish
14:02 for excellence, right?
14:04 Now, they are going to look at this next thought.
14:09 He says,
14:10 "Everyone who competes for the prize
14:12 is temperate in all things."
14:15 So self-control is crucial to the victory,
14:19 is it not?
14:21 Oh, very much so.
14:22 Temperance, endurance,
14:23 I mean, athletes are competing by rules
14:29 and they have a lot of rules before the game.
14:33 He says, now they do it to obtain a perishable crown.
14:38 That's the little laurel wreath,
14:41 but we do it for an imperishable crown.
14:45 That's the crown of life that we're going to get.
14:49 So if athletes train that hard,
14:51 how much more should we as Christians
14:53 is what he's really saying.
14:55 Then Paul says something interesting.
14:58 Therefore I run thus not with uncertainty.
15:04 Thus, I fight not as one who beats the air.
15:08 Have you ever seen a shadow boxer?
15:10 Yes.
15:11 Boy, they're flailing their arms around.
15:13 They don't have an opponent really,
15:15 they're shadow boxing.
15:17 But as Christians, some of us are shadow boxing.
15:22 We are the ones who talk the talk,
15:25 but don't walk the walk,
15:28 and we've got a very real opponent.
15:31 So then he says,
15:33 "I discipline my body and bring it into subjection."
15:39 We've got to discipline our bodies
15:42 under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
15:45 Be temperate in our appetite, be temperate in our lifestyle
15:49 and not overindulge.
15:51 You know, Paul persevered like a boxer.
15:55 I mean, he did everything he could to knock out corrupt,
16:00 sinful nature and bodily impulses.
16:04 And then he says, I discipline my body up,
16:07 bring it to subjection,
16:09 lest when I preached to others, I myself become disqualified.
16:14 The imperishable crown is a gift from God.
16:19 Salvation is a gift from God,
16:21 but because of covenant love and loyalty,
16:25 we should be striving to meet the high standards
16:29 that God has given us.
16:31 Amen. Amen.
16:32 You know, it's interesting
16:34 how we can get so caught up on temporary things,
16:38 you know, but keeping sight of eternity.
16:43 So, so important. That's excellent.
16:45 Thank you for sharing that, Shelley.
16:47 JD, you have Philippians.
16:50 Yes. I love Philippians.
16:52 You know, I appreciate Paul
16:54 because I played a lot of ball growing up,
16:58 and I understand working out,
17:01 I understand the discipline of getting in shape, focusing.
17:06 And Paul was, he...
17:08 Paul is one of those guys that could super focus
17:11 and he has so much wisdom.
17:14 Philippians 3:13-14
17:16 "Brothers, brethren and brothers,
17:18 I do not count myself to have apprehended."
17:21 In other words, I haven't reached that place
17:23 that I haven't obtained the prize yet,
17:26 but I am a work in progress.
17:29 "But one thing that I do know,
17:32 forget those things behind me,
17:34 reach forward to those things which are ahead.
17:38 I press toward the goal
17:39 for the prize of the upward call
17:41 of God in Christ Jesus."
17:43 Amen. Fantastic.
17:45 Because I think a lot of people spend their life looking
17:48 in the rear view mirror.
17:50 As they're driving down the road,
17:52 their eyes keep going, what's behind them.
17:55 And there's all kinds of junk that we left behind us
17:58 so that we could follow,
18:00 you know, progress toward this new trip
18:02 that we've chosen.
18:04 And if I was to pass any wisdom along,
18:08 it would stop wasting your time reliving, rehashing
18:12 what's back behind you,
18:14 keep your eyes focused, shift into another gear.
18:18 You can say this, shift into another gear
18:21 and go on down the road from yesteryear.
18:24 Amen.
18:25 You know what that reminded me of Isaiah 48:13
18:29 or Isaiah 43:18.
18:33 Isaiah 43:18, where God says,
18:37 "Do not remember the thing, the former things."
18:41 And you know, when the Bible talks
18:43 about God remembering,
18:45 it means He's going to act on it.
18:47 When it talks about God forgetting,
18:48 it means he's not going to act on it.
18:51 We can't totally erase our memory.
18:54 But when He's saying,
18:55 don't remember the former things.
18:57 He's saying, quit acting on the former things.
18:59 There are some people, like you said, honey,
19:02 who are trapped in the past,
19:04 they're constantly rehearsing the past
19:08 and they can't persevere because they're stuck.
19:11 But God says,
19:12 "Behold, I do a new thing.
19:15 Now it shall appear, do you not perceive it?"
19:18 Amen.
19:19 Right, something that you just touched on, Shelley.
19:20 I had a lady call a while back on our prayer line.
19:23 And she said that,
19:24 she did something to her daughter
19:25 when his daughter was five years old.
19:27 Daughter's now 50.
19:28 This is some 45 years later.
19:31 And she was still beating herself up for that thing
19:32 she did 45 years ago.
19:34 And I said, "Well, have you confessed that to the Lord?"
19:36 She said, "Yes, I have."
19:38 I said, "You know what 1 John 1:9 says, right?
19:41 Said, "If we confess our sins,
19:42 He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
19:44 and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
19:47 I said, "Do you know what that means?"
19:48 She goes, "No, I don't really."
19:49 I said, "What that means is Jesus takes,
19:51 you'd make that prayer confession,
19:52 He takes His blood and cover that over your record
19:54 is gone out.
19:56 It's wiped out.'
19:57 She went, "Are you kidding me? Are you serious?"
19:58 I said, "Yes." I said, "It's gone."
20:00 She's, "I can't believe." She got so excited.
20:02 She's like, "No way.'
20:03 I said, "Yes, it's,
20:05 you don't have to hold on to it anymore.
20:06 It's no longer you."
20:08 She got so happy.
20:09 It was just a fact she didn't realize
20:10 for 45 years,
20:12 just holding on.
20:13 Long time to be caring.
20:15 They come to be looking in the rear room mirror.
20:16 Absolutely.
20:18 Bad things happen
20:19 when you just look in the rear view mirror,
20:21 don't focus on what lies ahead.
20:24 Yes.
20:25 And we're going to look at Hebrews 12:1-2.
20:30 And it says,
20:31 "Therefore, we also,
20:33 since we are surrounded
20:35 by so great a cloud of witnesses,
20:38 let us lay aside every weight,"
20:41 that 45 year old weight,
20:43 "and the sin, which so easily ensnares us
20:47 and let us run with endurance
20:50 the race that is set before us looking unto Jesus,
20:54 the author and finisher of our faith,
20:57 who for the joy that was set before Him
20:59 endured the cross,
21:02 despising the shame
21:04 and is set down
21:05 at the right hand of the throne of God."
21:09 That's powerful
21:10 because in all things
21:12 we should be looking toward Jesus.
21:14 I think about, you know, when Peter got out of the boat
21:18 and he stepped on the water
21:21 and you know, he was probably
21:23 just like, whoa, like I'm walking on,
21:27 but he took his eyes off Jesus.
21:30 And when he did that,
21:33 he started sinking
21:35 and he was like, Lord help me, Lord help me.
21:39 Ever try to visualize that here comes.
21:41 I don't know how Jesus, if He ran,
21:42 I don't know how He walks, but anyways,
21:43 a fully grown man standing on water,
21:46 pulls a fully grown man out of water.
21:48 Yes. How do you?
21:50 Visually, I can't even, I can't even see that.
21:52 I mean, how do you pull grown man out of the water
21:54 and put him on the boat.
21:57 Jesus is amazing.
21:58 That blows your mind. You can ask Him some day.
22:00 Yeah, it's amazing.
22:02 I was just thinking about this,
22:04 lay aside every weight in the sin,
22:06 which so easily ensnares us.
22:09 Once again,
22:10 that's why it's good to let go off the past.
22:12 But you know, Paul told the Romans
22:15 make no provision for the flesh,
22:18 sometimes to lay aside the weight.
22:22 If you have a problem,
22:25 let's say that you're overindulging in sweets
22:27 or if you're smoking or if God forbid,
22:31 if drugs are your problem,
22:34 we need to make no provision for the flesh.
22:37 That means clear out
22:40 what clear out your paraphernalia,
22:42 clear out your cabinets, find an accountability partner,
22:46 go to someone who can help you
22:49 because it's not that there is so much sin around us
22:54 that so easily ensnares us.
22:56 I had a friend that couldn't watch.
22:58 She was watching the soap operas
23:02 and it was creating lust in her heart.
23:06 So to make no provision for the flesh,
23:09 to lay aside every weight and the sin
23:11 that so easily ensnares us,
23:14 she quit watching soap operas.
23:15 So I think that's important. Yeah.
23:18 I think you've brought up an excellent point
23:20 because you don't want to put yourself in the position
23:23 to be tempted in the first place.
23:26 Amen.
23:27 So, yeah, no, that's, that's very, very good.
23:29 Laying aside. Yes.
23:30 And I think that,
23:32 you know, we need to be cognizant
23:33 of how wonderful God truly is.
23:35 But how do we do that
23:37 if we don't have a relationship?
23:39 We have to experience,
23:40 oh, taste and see that the Lord is good.
23:43 So, Donald, if you want to take Psalm 138:8.
23:49 Psalm 138:8 says here,
23:51 "The Lord will perfect that which concerns me."
23:55 Hallelujah.
23:56 "Your mercy, oh Lord endures forever.
24:00 Do not forsake the work of your hands."
24:02 And that word we shared in Hebrews 12:1-2,
24:05 that endurance, like you mentioned earlier, Shelley,
24:07 endurance really means to suffer patiently.
24:11 Yeah.
24:12 We're going to talk about a little later,
24:14 maybe some of the scriptures that relate,
24:15 but they are suffering patiently.
24:16 I think of a gentleman.
24:18 This is back, I don't remember what time period was,
24:19 but anyways, they threw him in a vat of...
24:21 I don't wanna go into too much detail,
24:23 but was this pit of all this nastiness,
24:26 all this junk.
24:27 And in the middle of all that
24:29 and the persecution he was under,
24:30 he prayed to the Lord, and as he prayed
24:32 this little white lily came up...
24:36 Wow. He met him there.
24:37 And he knew that God was in the midst of his trial
24:40 and he could endure this thing he was going under,
24:42 but he saw this lily just pop up
24:45 a midst all this nasty stuff he was in.
24:47 I won't go in detail, but suffering patiently.
24:50 My favorite part of that scripture is
24:54 the Lord will perfect that which concerns me.
24:58 You know, Philippians 1:6 says that
25:01 "God will complete the good work
25:04 He's begun in you."
25:06 What? To persevere.
25:08 You can't do it in your own flesh.
25:10 To persevere,
25:11 you've got to rely totally on the Lord.
25:15 And that's what His plan of salvation is all about.
25:18 It's total dependence upon Him.
25:22 And He gives us His Holy Spirit,
25:24 works in us to will and to do His good pleasure.
25:26 It's just...
25:28 God's in the perfection business, isn't He?
25:31 He does the heavy lifting. Yes.
25:33 Amen.
25:34 Cast your cares on Him.
25:36 Amen. Awesome.
25:37 Shelley, you've got Lamentations?
25:39 Oh, I'm so glad you gave me this.
25:44 Lamentations 3:22-24.
25:49 And it says,
25:51 "Through the Lord's mercies, we are not consumed
25:56 because His compassions fail not,
25:58 they are new every morning."
26:03 And then He breaks out and prays and says,
26:07 great is your faithfulness.
26:10 The Lord is my portion, therefore, I hope in Him."
26:15 Now, here's why. I'm glad I've got this one.
26:19 When it says through the Lord's mercies
26:23 we're not consumed,
26:24 his compassions fail not,
26:28 Real quickly.
26:29 There are two covenant terms.
26:34 That one from the old, one from the new.
26:38 In the Old Testament, the covenant term was hesed.
26:43 In the New Testament, the covenant term is grace.
26:49 These are covenant terms.
26:52 So this is hesed, that's the...
26:56 When it says His compassions
26:58 it's, this is the Old Testament equivalent for grace.
27:03 And it's used 250 times in the Old Testament.
27:06 But let me tell you something.
27:07 It's more than what we think of as grace.
27:10 The Hebrew word hesed
27:13 cannot be translated into one English word.
27:16 It envelops all the wonderful attributes of God,
27:20 so listen to this.
27:23 Hesed, if you were going to try to define it, means
27:27 love, covenant faithfulness,
27:29 mercy, grace, kindness, loyalty.
27:33 In short, God goes beyond our expectations
27:40 to meet us where we are and to help us.
27:42 Hesed is usually His loving kindness
27:45 or His compassion or His mercy.
27:47 But this is a beautiful word
27:51 because it is only by God's hesed in the Hebrew
27:57 or God's grace in the Greek
27:59 that we're ever going to persevere, that's it.
28:03 I'll tell you what?
28:04 I'm glad you got Lamentations too.
28:06 Oh, I love that word.
28:08 That is wonderful.
28:09 That is... Yeah. That's powerful.
28:13 Let me piggyback off
28:14 of what Shelley was mentioning earlier on Philippians 1:6,
28:19 and which is exactly right.
28:22 I want to take it a step further
28:23 because I think that we can both look at the church.
28:26 I think that that's what this was talking about
28:28 and individually.
28:30 And it's one of my,
28:31 it's one of my favorite promises
28:33 because He says we can be confident.
28:37 In other words, we have a choice.
28:39 Yes or no,
28:40 but we can be confident if you choose yes, yes.
28:43 In this case being choose Jesus, His assistance
28:47 that He, Jesus,
28:49 who has begun a good work in you
28:52 will complete it,
28:54 will complete it.
28:55 He will.
28:57 Hallelujah.
28:58 We step that, we take that step of faith.
29:01 I just say that I'm at a corner
29:03 and I'm getting ready to cross the street.
29:05 And the minute that I take a step on to the street,
29:08 I feel like, you know, my journey has begun
29:11 and hopefully the stoplight,
29:14 stoplight's up there, the people they are obeying,
29:16 they're not going to run the stoplight,
29:18 walk across freely.
29:21 Now in normal life,
29:26 one plus one is two,
29:29 but in here
29:30 I'm seeing it
29:32 as He's multiplying one times Jesus,
29:36 then that assistant,
29:38 He allows us to be supercharged.
29:41 And at that particular time, His timing takes over,
29:44 his taken time.
29:46 And so instead of taking baby steps,
29:47 now I can take giant steps.
29:49 Amen.
29:50 The time will go by
29:52 because we're in the center of His will.
29:54 I know in my case here at 3ABN, we've been here 16 years.
29:59 Man, I'd plucked that test if they would say,
30:01 well, what does, how long does it seem like it was?
30:04 Maybe a year?
30:06 Just because I choose to believe that
30:08 I've been in the center of God's will.
30:09 Amen.
30:11 I think each one of us can say that.
30:12 Amen.
30:13 We probably all came here broken
30:15 in some way or the other.
30:16 And we came here
30:17 to make a difference in other people's lives...
30:19 Amen.
30:20 But then He got a hold of us
30:22 and we were the ones that were cleaned up.
30:25 Right. Amen.
30:26 And which allows us
30:28 to make a difference in other people's lives.
30:30 You just touched on
30:31 what my wife and I know, Janelle.
30:32 She is like, she was kicking and screaming to come here.
30:35 I have to be honest, you know, she didn't want to come here.
30:37 But then as she reflected,
30:38 she thought, man, how God will just,
30:40 how He works so amazingly,
30:41 because He was chiseling junk off of us.
30:43 So we came here
30:45 and just like, you look back,
30:46 you're like, wow, what an amazing work
30:47 that God is doing.
30:49 You know, I was thinking,
30:50 as we're talking about this idea of grace.
30:52 2 Corinthians 12:9, I just have to share it.
30:54 And he said, and he said unto me.
30:55 He says, Jesus, of course,
30:57 "My grace is sufficient for you,
30:58 for my strength is made perfect in weakness.
31:02 Most gladly therefore
31:03 will I rather glory my infirmities,"
31:04 this is Paul speaking now,
31:06 "that the power of Christ may rest upon me."
31:08 I'm thinking about that,
31:09 you know, this idea of perfection
31:11 and how God sees what we will become.
31:13 I really like that He sees in us
31:14 what we will become.
31:16 And somebody said this the other day,
31:17 if we can only see people in their spiritual nature,
31:20 not in their fleshly nature,
31:22 that was really powerful.
31:23 If we can see them in our spiritual nature,
31:25 not in their fleshly nature
31:26 because we look at the outer appearance
31:28 and not what's in here.
31:29 Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely.
31:31 That's deep.
31:32 I want to open this up for discussion as well.
31:36 What's the time where you've stepped out on faith
31:40 and what happened?
31:41 Oh, boy.
31:43 Or share a few times
31:44 'cause I know it's hard to limit it to one.
31:46 Yeah, yeah.
31:47 Well, we'll just the big one we did back in 2017 was
31:50 when they had the solar eclipse.
31:52 It's going to be the longest here in this area.
31:54 And we decided to go.
31:56 Ozzy Osbourne was coming to town
31:58 and lot of people know Ozzy Osbourne is,
31:59 and we're like, we need to get there.
32:01 So God opened the door to get there,
32:03 and I'll try to make it quick in.
32:05 Our biggest prayer was that,
32:06 Lord, we're going to do this in faith,
32:07 but no other tents were allowed or nobody else, none.
32:10 We didn't have to pay a single penny.
32:12 They allowed us to put our tents there.
32:14 And our biggest prayer was
32:15 that we could get these materials
32:17 in people's hand, in their cars.
32:19 What kind of materials?
32:20 Talking about the Hacksaw,
32:22 Hero of Hacksaw Ridge, the book.
32:23 So we were thousands of them.
32:25 But so our prayer was that we could get them in the cars
32:27 'cause we figured
32:29 people just throw them all over the ground.
32:30 So my wife Janelle,
32:32 she went to the area of parking cars
32:33 and like she said,
32:35 "Can we put a table here in and have these books."
32:37 If you do that, you slow down our traffic.
32:38 We're kicking out of here.
32:40 She said, "Tell you what we're going to do.
32:41 You give our girls the books
32:42 and we'll pass them out for them."
32:44 I going, what? That's amazing.
32:46 So we go home,
32:47 we're napping at night and going to bed
32:48 and they're still passing out the books.
32:50 Praise God. Yeah.
32:51 He kept giving the books and just boom.
32:53 Yes.
32:54 I think for us,
32:55 a huge step of faith was in 1999
32:57 when I sensed God was calling me
33:00 to full-time ministry
33:02 at the end of 1999,
33:04 and JD was working out of town.
33:06 I went to see him for New Year's Eve,
33:10 and long story short,
33:14 God had told me, it had to be his decision.
33:19 We had just started a new company.
33:21 We were getting ready to launch.
33:24 It was going to be very lucrative.
33:26 I had worked for what eight months,
33:28 putting together all of the presentations
33:31 and we had all of the equipment.
33:33 So we're going down the road.
33:35 And JD says to me, "Honey, what's wrong with you?"
33:39 And I said, "What do you mean?"
33:40 He said,
33:41 "You were so excited about this business
33:43 and now you don't seem as excited as well."
33:46 I go, yeah.
33:48 And he's so long story short.
33:51 He says, "If you could be doing anything in the world,
33:53 what would you want to be doing?"
33:55 And I said,
33:56 "I would want to be teaching people
33:59 how to have a relationship with God,
34:01 not how to teach them
34:03 how to make more money in their business."
34:06 And then I told him, I said this,
34:10 "God, I know God's calling me to full-time ministry.
34:13 I don't know if it's now or later, but..."
34:15 And he said, "You do know,"
34:18 that's what JD says.
34:19 And I said,
34:21 "Well, yeah, I feel like He's calling me now."
34:24 Without blinking an eye, JD said,
34:26 "Who might argue with God."
34:28 And here we invested
34:29 all of this money in this business
34:31 that was scheduled to launch.
34:34 I mean, we had all these dates scheduled.
34:37 We just stopped it
34:39 and went into full-time ministry.
34:42 I did.
34:43 And it didn't pay anything.
34:45 So poor little JD ended up
34:47 with all of the weight
34:49 on his shoulders to bring forth,
34:51 you know, to meet our payments.
34:53 But we've never regretted it.
34:55 Amen. Yeah.
34:57 That's huge. That's huge.
34:58 Tell you when, whenever talking about Jesus being in our life,
35:03 because that's the center of this,
35:04 you know, we're talking about perseverance.
35:06 We did persevere.
35:08 I mean, Shelley had a better glimpse
35:11 of what we were doing than I did
35:13 because I mean, I'm now I'm...
35:18 I'm outside our comfort zone.
35:21 And then we, and I remember talking with...
35:24 We went to a...
35:26 We went to a 3ABN function and I met Danny Shelton
35:31 and 'cause I carried Shelley's luggage.
35:33 That was my new job, you know?
35:36 And I was pretty good at carrying luggage.
35:38 You know, it didn't take a lot of sense
35:39 and I had a strong back.
35:42 And so as we're talking with Danny,
35:44 Danny says, boy, y'all need to come to 3ABN, JD.
35:46 And Shelley says,
35:48 well, you know, that's JD's decision.
35:49 So Danny talks to me, he says, "You need to come to 3ABN."
35:53 And I'm going to get to perseverance here
35:55 a little bit.
35:57 And so, so let's pray about it.
35:59 And we did pray about it and we prayed about it
36:02 and the time came whenever the time was right.
36:04 So we came and then, so Mollie Steenson called,
36:06 bless her little heart.
36:08 She says,
36:10 "JD, have you made a decision about coming to 3ABN?"
36:11 I says, "Well, we're still praying about it."
36:14 And said so,
36:17 "Have you thought what you might do
36:19 when you get here?"
36:20 Well, I mean, I had more of a business background
36:22 and so I thought,
36:23 well, I'd probably get into marketing or something.
36:25 And she said,
36:27 "JD, I think we've got the right place for you."
36:31 Now this is how God works.
36:33 Hold on to your seat.
36:34 She says,
36:35 "I think you'd fit perfectly in pastoral."
36:38 Wow.
36:40 Wow is right. Yeah.
36:42 Then let's transfer,
36:43 then of course, thank you, Jesus.
36:45 So we pack up, we moved to 3ABN,
36:48 my first day in pastoral.
36:50 And please don't hold me up for this.
36:53 I'm sure in my heart, I could barely spell Jesus.
36:57 And I'm in pastoral.
37:00 A very respected place.
37:02 And all I had was one of Shelley's books,
37:04 you know, on affirmation.
37:06 So people would call in and want to pray.
37:08 And I would pray from my heart.
37:10 I learned from my dad.
37:11 Basically, we just had a rope prayer,
37:14 let God direct us.
37:16 And I found out that
37:18 I can't spend the rest of my life
37:20 to saying let God direct us.
37:22 So help me, Holy Spirit.
37:24 Wow.
37:25 We... It's kind of like the dome just opened up.
37:29 And I said a prayer that
37:31 I just knew where that coming from.
37:34 And the Lord has blessed tremendously.
37:38 It's where I needed to be is where I am.
37:39 It's my home.
37:41 It's my... It's my world.
37:44 And, but it was,
37:46 and like I was saying a while ago,
37:48 one year, it seems like we've been here
37:50 one year when you're 16 years,
37:52 because the gift of being
37:54 where you're supposed to be, time flies.
37:57 So, you know, you look and you see that,
37:59 of course being thousand years in heaven gonna.
38:02 I mean, I can see where he's saying it
38:04 that's a day.
38:06 You know, I'm firmly convinced this.
38:09 Mollie talked to me
38:10 and she said, I know God said,
38:12 he's supposed to be in pastoral.
38:14 JD has a master's in psychology.
38:17 And he was working on his doctorate.
38:18 And then he, when he quit school
38:21 and the interesting thing was,
38:23 he's always had interest in people.
38:28 He just had the wrong information
38:30 because what he was being trained.
38:32 We first got married, I used to say to him.
38:34 He'd say something from his, all of his psychology training.
38:38 I'd say that's not what the Bible says.
38:40 He gets mad at me.
38:42 But now once he got here,
38:45 he knew he had to be dependent upon the Holy Spirit.
38:49 He became dependent upon the Word.
38:50 Right.
38:51 And I just watched him, God took him.
38:54 And he was like this in his walk,
38:56 he prayed every day, he did the right things,
38:59 but he took him from his walk
39:00 and the trajectory just went in six months.
39:03 Yes.
39:05 Because you know,
39:06 now we see you in that position
39:08 and you're an excellent fit,
39:10 like people will just want to tell you
39:11 their whole life story,
39:13 because you're so easy to speak with
39:15 and everything like that.
39:16 And you, you know, God has blessed you
39:18 to be able to share
39:19 some tremendous wisdom as well.
39:21 The bottom line is perseverance.
39:23 If you just step out in faith, Lord, I know nothing.
39:27 And let Him take over,
39:29 then supernaturally this is who He is.
39:33 And he, I'd like to think we got some of His genes.
39:37 I don't know how that all works.
39:39 You that's way above, they say above your pay scale,
39:41 I don't know.
39:42 Oh, I think 2 Peter 1:3-4, says that
39:45 it's the divine nature
39:47 that we partake of his divine nature.
39:49 So that's our new DNA.
39:50 I was thinking about what you're saying.
39:52 It's interesting how you said he had psychology.
39:55 God turned that gift
39:57 and that talent that he learned
39:58 from a secular field.
40:00 He turned it around to be able to be used for His kingdom.
40:02 Can I... I'm going to correct you on something.
40:04 Okay, what's that?
40:05 I think God gave him the gift.
40:07 He didn't learn it in psychology.
40:09 I think God gave him this gift
40:13 and that he misdirected it in his study of psychology.
40:17 And then God took it and redirected it
40:20 and made him who he is today.
40:22 Isn't that amazing? Yeah, it is.
40:23 That's an excellent point.
40:25 You know, when I stepped out on faith,
40:26 I remember getting a call from my mother.
40:28 She was telling me, said,
40:29 "Hey, Jay, you know,
40:31 I wish you would just come out here
40:32 and visit and just take a look around.
40:34 I needed an assistant in all of this."
40:37 And so I was living in Atlanta, Georgia
40:40 at the time I was managing a sports bar
40:42 and I was working about 70 hours a week.
40:45 So I said, okay, mom, I'll come out there.
40:47 I wasn't, you know, I'll take a look around and everything.
40:48 And I clearly wasn't walking with the Lord
40:51 or anything like that.
40:52 And, but she had been praying for me
40:55 and it was the day of prayer.
40:57 And I remember Mr. Danny Shelton,
41:00 I call him pop
41:01 and pop was up there.
41:02 He was speaking and he was just talking to everyone.
41:05 And he was telling a story I believe.
41:07 And he said, if you leave this place
41:09 and you can't get it out of your mind,
41:12 then perhaps this is where God would have you to be.
41:15 And I was sitting there like, you know, I live in Atlanta
41:18 and there's plenty of restaurants.
41:19 I love to eat
41:21 and there's plenty of places to eat,
41:24 things to do all of that stuff.
41:25 And where we're located is a little rural.
41:28 Okay.
41:29 And I didn't see that many restaurants
41:33 in the vicinity,
41:34 it's grown a little bit.
41:35 Yeah.
41:37 But I went back to Atlanta to my 70 hour week job
41:40 and just, I just kept thinking 3ABN, 3ABN, 3ABN.
41:45 I didn't think that I would be back in church,
41:49 let alone full time ministry, but God had other plans.
41:53 So I stepped out on faith.
41:55 I resigned from my sports bar job and...
41:58 Making a lot more money.
42:00 Yes. Yeah.
42:01 I was making a lot more money out there.
42:03 And I left that and I came out here
42:06 and it was the best decision I've ever made.
42:09 Since being here,
42:10 there was a time where I almost moved to California
42:14 and you know, I was impressed that
42:17 that was going to be the wrong decision.
42:19 And I had moved back home.
42:21 I moved back to my mom's place then,
42:24 'cause I was trying to save money
42:25 because basically wherever you move to California from,
42:29 you might be homeless in the beginning
42:31 'cause it's so expensive to live out here.
42:33 So I want to save some money.
42:36 And when I made the decision to stay,
42:39 I called my old landlord.
42:42 And she said that
42:44 it's interesting that
42:45 you should call at this very moment.
42:47 Your old apartment just opened up.
42:50 We're not going to charge you a security deposit.
42:53 And we'll also charge you the same amount of rent
42:55 that you were paying before.
42:57 So it was just God confirming that step in faith and saying,
43:01 son, if you walk with Me, I've got you.
43:07 And that was powerful.
43:09 And you know, I think about Philippians 4:13, it says,
43:13 "I can do all things through Christ
43:15 who strengthens me."
43:17 So for those difficult situations
43:19 or, you know, when we encounter things
43:21 that we're like, how are we going to do this?
43:23 What is this going to look like?
43:25 We just need to claim Philippians 4:13
43:29 and say, you know,
43:30 I can do all things through Christ
43:32 who strengthens me.
43:33 Amen. It's amazing.
43:34 You know, I was just talking about
43:36 when we did that solar eclipse thing in.
43:37 Yeah, it was just amazing
43:38 to see the number of people in there.
43:40 And these are people you would not think they got,
43:41 I'm not trying to be rude, but tattoos, no shirt,
43:44 you know, pierced ears
43:45 and funky hair color and everything.
43:47 Some would come up and they're like,
43:48 you know, we are so blessed that you're here.
43:50 We're so thankful that you're here.
43:51 This is so encouraging.
43:53 You know, I had one guy calling me, said,
43:54 "I send my kids to VBS every summer."
43:56 I said, "Really?"
43:57 You would not, you wouldn't see him
43:59 that this person sends his kids to VBS,
44:01 but you just don't know where God's going to place you
44:03 where you can be a blessing.
44:04 And if you just follow what He's asking you to do,
44:07 He's going to show, like you said,
44:08 He's going to bless you and He's going to do,
44:09 then you bless others.
44:11 It's just incredible.
44:12 So... And that's...
44:13 And I'm glad you said that
44:15 because you don't know where they've been,
44:16 perhaps that was their past,
44:17 you know, tattoos and stuff like that.
44:19 That's a permanent thing. Right.
44:21 Unless you get it laser removed.
44:23 So they could be the greatest Christian on earth.
44:25 And you have no idea.
44:26 That's why we can't judge by the outward appearance,
44:28 I love that.
44:30 God pledges by the heart.
44:31 Yeah. Okay.
44:33 Well, I get to do Colossians.
44:36 And I'm going to begin. This is Colossians Chapter 1.
44:41 I'm going to begin with verse 10,
44:42 if you don't mind, instead of verse 11,
44:45 because I think it brings this all together.
44:48 Colossians 1, we'll look at verses 10 through 12.
44:54 Paul's praying for the Colossians.
44:56 And he says, I'm praying that
44:58 you may walk worthy of the Lord,
45:02 fully pleasing Him,
45:04 being fruitful in every good work
45:06 and increasing in the knowledge of God."
45:10 To walk worthy of the Lord, He's saying,
45:14 let our life,
45:18 let the way we live
45:20 our conduct be pleasing to God.
45:24 We're supposed to follow in His, Christ's footsteps.
45:28 And he says increasing in the knowledge of the Lord.
45:31 Let me tell you something.
45:33 If all, if you have children,
45:36 if all you tell them about are the rules,
45:39 you can't do this, you can't do that.
45:42 You gotta do this, you gotta do that.
45:45 Rules without relationship result in rebellion.
45:48 What you want to teach your children,
45:51 your grandchildren,
45:52 and maybe you've never gone through this yourself.
45:56 What you want
45:58 is to have an increasing
46:01 intimate knowledge of the Lord
46:04 to understand how much He loves you.
46:06 And to when you understand how He loves you.
46:11 You know, the Bible says, 1 John says,
46:13 "We love Him because He first loved us."
46:16 Then we will walk out of love for God,
46:20 you know, in an obedience of His commandments.
46:24 But he says, increase,
46:25 he says, being fruitful in every good work.
46:29 Our faith should be ever expanding
46:32 and it should include good deeds.
46:36 But now look at verse 11,
46:39 because if you want the power to persevere here it is.
46:43 He says, "Strengthened with all might,"
46:46 that's dunamis.
46:48 That's the dynamite power of the Holy Spirit.
46:54 'Strengthened with all might
46:55 according to His glorious power."
46:59 And you know, this reminds me of Ephesians 3:16
47:02 when Paul says,
47:04 "Oh, I would pray
47:05 that the Holy Spirit would be in you,
47:08 that you would be,
47:11 "strengthened with might
47:13 through His Spirit in your inner being.'
47:17 So the way to persevere is to yield
47:22 to say, I can't do it.
47:24 Oh Lord, I can't do it.
47:25 Amen. That's powerful.
47:26 Oh, Lord, help me,
47:30 fill me with Your Holy Spirit.
47:32 Because when I'm strengthened with all might,
47:35 I can walk worthy of You.
47:37 And then he says,
47:39 "Strengthened with all might
47:41 for all patience and long-suffering,
47:47 giving thanks to the Father
47:48 who has qualified us to be partakers
47:50 of the inheritance of the saints of light."
47:53 I just want to say something,
47:55 patience is enduring difficult circumstances.
48:01 I've had some difficult circumstances
48:03 this last 16 months.
48:05 Long-suffering
48:07 is dealing with difficult people.
48:11 And you know, God calls us to persevere in both
48:16 to have that's one of the...
48:19 The fruit of the spirit.
48:20 That's one of the sides of the fruit of the spirit.
48:23 Amen.
48:25 So you're touching on, Shelley, I was just reading on,
48:27 this is in Ministry of Healing.
48:29 It's a really powerful quote.
48:31 We're talking about this idea of persevering continuous.
48:33 "The Christian life is a battle and a march.
48:36 In this warfare there is no release,
48:39 the effort must be continuous and persevering.
48:42 It is by unceasing endeavor that we maintain
48:45 the victory over the temptations of Satan.
48:47 Christian integrity
48:49 must be sought with resistless energy
48:51 and maintained with a resolute fixedness of purpose."
48:53 Amen.
48:55 That's in Ministry of Healing, page 453.
48:58 Yeah. It's powerful.
48:59 You know, that unceasing endeavor.
49:01 Christian integrity must be sought with resistless energy
49:04 and maintained with a resolute fixedness of purpose."
49:06 So the purpose,
49:07 and you're saying JD about that goal,
49:09 the end goal, eternal life.
49:12 Amen. That's right.
49:13 Amen. That's right.
49:15 Okay.
49:16 You've given me this one here, Jason,
49:18 and I'll cheat a little bit here,
49:21 but don't hold that against me.
49:24 You know, it's in a good way.
49:28 The scripture that you give me is 2 Thessalonians 3:5,
49:32 I'm going to quickly take you to 3:1,
49:33 because I think that
49:35 we're beginning to get the picture here
49:36 because of the way that Paul,
49:38 the way that he teaches
49:39 because of the sportsmanship
49:42 and because of the games and everything
49:44 during that particular time.
49:45 And so he's basically saying,
49:47 hey, through life,
49:49 in your relationship with the Lord,
49:51 you will run swiftly,
49:53 but don't forget that I, Jesus is going to be there
49:56 to deliver you from those unreasonable and wicked man
50:00 that don't have the same faith as you do.
50:03 But remember that the Lord is faithful,
50:05 that He will guard you from the evil one.
50:08 And that you have the confidence
50:09 that we were talking about earlier,
50:11 to confidence in me,
50:13 that I will be there to assist you
50:14 in your time of need.
50:15 And then the verse that I've got,
50:17 and now may the Lord direct your hearts
50:19 into the love of God and to the patience of Christ.
50:23 So this is so Paul like
50:25 in saying, hey, here's your battles,
50:28 but now let's stand by the promise
50:30 that he has given each one of us,
50:32 that the Lord will direct your heart,
50:35 that He will fill your heart with love
50:38 and that with your patience,
50:41 the road's going to be a lot smoother.
50:43 And then he ends up
50:44 by stating in the last in three,
50:46 in 2 Thessalonians 3:13.
50:49 "But as for you, my dear brothers
50:52 do not grow weary in doing good."
50:56 Amen. Amen.
50:59 Could I add something
51:00 because it comes from his first letter
51:02 to the Thessalonians.
51:04 Absolutely. I love this.
51:06 When he said in 2 Thessalonians,
51:08 where were you, honey?
51:09 2 Thessalonians 3:5,
51:11 "May the Lord direct your hearts
51:15 into the love of God and the patience of Christ."
51:18 Let me read what he said
51:20 in his first letter to the Thessalonians.
51:22 This, one of my favorite scriptures.
51:25 1 Thessalonians 3:12, he says,
51:31 "May the Lord make you increase
51:35 and abound in love."
51:37 Who's doing the work here?
51:40 God is doing the work.
51:42 Abound in love to one another to all
51:45 just as we do to you
51:47 so that, anytime you see that or so that, or so,
51:52 it's a purpose statement.
51:54 So Paul is saying,
51:55 "Oh, my God cause you
51:57 to increase and abound in love for this purpose
52:02 that he may establish your hearts
52:04 blameless in holiness
52:07 before our God and Father
52:09 at the coming of our Lord
52:10 and Savior Jesus Christ."
52:13 Wow! Do you realize what that says?
52:17 Romans 5:5, says,
52:18 "God pours His love into our hearts
52:21 by the power of the Holy Spirit,"
52:23 just like the priest poured the oil into the candle,
52:28 the last seven candlestick lampstand in every day.
52:34 God pours His love into our hearts.
52:37 But what he's saying here
52:39 is that he may establish our holiness,
52:44 that he says that
52:45 your hearts may be blameless in holiness.
52:49 So what it's saying is the more we love
52:55 as we grow in love,
52:57 we grow in holiness.
52:59 You know, holiness just means to be separated from sin.
53:05 When it says, be holy as God is holy.
53:08 It's being separated from sin as God is separated from sin.
53:12 And I just say it this way, love consumes sin.
53:18 When it says that our God is a God of...
53:24 How does it say it?
53:25 Our God is a fire... Consuming fire.
53:28 Thank you for that.
53:30 He's a consuming fire.
53:32 Love consumes sin.
53:34 If we were to go before God in our sinful condition,
53:38 He... Yeah, consume us.
53:40 But when He pours His love into us,
53:43 this is what the commandments were all about.
53:46 The first table of commandments
53:47 was about loving the Lord, your God
53:49 with all of your heart, soul and strength.
53:51 The second was the last six commandments
53:55 were how to love your neighbor,
53:58 and love consume sin.
54:01 If you love somebody
54:03 you're not going to sin against them.
54:05 So that's what I love how Paul's always saying,
54:09 it's God who directs you into this love.
54:12 Hallelujah.
54:14 It's interesting how there's that contrast,
54:15 because there's also that verse and I forgot where it is.
54:18 I think it's in Proverbs,
54:19 but it talks about
54:21 how soft answer turns away wrath.
54:23 And so like, it's, it's just incredible
54:25 to see those different, the contrast there,
54:29 you know, you don't meet wrath with wrath.
54:32 Unless you want to escalate things.
54:33 Exactly.
54:34 That's not going to deescalate the situation.
54:36 Right. So, yeah.
54:38 I love that. I love that.
54:39 Excellent point, Shelley. Peacemakers.
54:40 We should be peacemakers, right?
54:42 That's right. What it tells us to do.
54:44 Pursuing peace with all people
54:46 as far as it is from possible with you.
54:48 Yeah, Hebrews. Definitely.
54:50 It looks like I got Hebrews 10:23,
54:52 but before I share that
54:54 something that you touched on, Shelley,
54:55 I just read this morning.
54:56 I've been reading through the Old Testament.
54:58 Here I was in Zachariah 4.
54:59 And he's talking about what the vision
55:01 that Zachariah saw on verse 2,
55:03 he saw the candlestick.
55:05 But this is what's saying, Christ Object Lessons.
55:07 You just touched on it.
55:08 It is the love of God continually transferred,
55:11 transferred to man
55:13 that enables him to impart light
55:15 into the hearts of all
55:16 who are united to God by faith and golden,
55:19 yeah, by faith golden oil of love flows freely
55:23 to shine out again in good works
55:25 in real heartfelt service for God."
55:27 So...
55:29 And oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit.
55:30 So, yeah, hallelujah.
55:32 See how that works.
55:34 But Hebrews 10:23 says this,
55:36 "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope,"
55:40 I like this,
55:42 "without wavering,
55:43 for he who promised is faithful."
55:46 Boy, that's, that's powerful right there, hold fast.
55:48 You know, I think about that woman
55:49 who've been bleeding for 12 years.
55:52 You know, she was looking for some type of remedy.
55:54 Nobody could help her.
55:55 I mean, think about the money she poured out
55:57 and all the promises she were given
55:58 and people aren't probably like,
56:00 yeah, we're going to give this remedy to you.
56:01 This is going to heal you and nothing for 12 years.
56:04 I'm sure the doctor's like,
56:05 yeah, we got itching kind of thing.
56:08 But for her no relief
56:09 until she heard of Jesus, of course.
56:11 And she held fast to the hem of His garment.
56:14 Yes.
56:16 That faithful hold healed her.
56:18 So I think that
56:19 he has promised, He is faithful, He'll heal us.
56:21 Absolutely. So we need to have faith.
56:23 Psalms 27:14 says,
56:26 "Wait on the Lord, be of good courage,
56:29 and He shall strengthen your heart.
56:31 Wait I say on the Lord."
56:33 So often we want to take things
56:35 into our own hands,
56:36 but we need to wait on the Lord
56:37 and it's Him, that He strengthens us.
56:40 Amen.
56:41 So we see clearly perseverance,
56:47 you know, the Christian race
56:48 when Paul said run the race,
56:51 the Christian race is not a sprint.
56:54 It's a marathon.
56:55 You cannot persevere without the Holy Spirit,
56:59 without the Lord directing your heart
57:01 into His love
57:02 without holding fast to His Word
57:05 and just don't give up.
57:06 Prayer.
57:07 That's crucial. Say that again.
57:09 It's not a sprint...
57:10 Yeah, it's a marathon. It's a marathon. Yes.
57:13 And thank God that we are running the race.
57:16 Thank God that He is carrying us along.
57:19 I want to thank you for your contributions
57:21 that you've made this evening.
57:23 And we want to thank you for joining us
57:27 and wish you a happy Sabbath...
57:28 Amen.
57:30 Until we see you next time,
57:31 may God continue to bless you and persevere.
57:35 Yes. Amen.


Revised 2021-05-23