Today Family Worship

Do You Believe?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW210019S

00:02 I want to spend my life
00:08 Mending broken people
00:13 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my Words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:35 I want to spend my life
00:41 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:52 Mending broken people
01:09 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Today Family Worship.
01:12 I'm Jason Bradley,
01:14 and I'm so glad that you decided to join us
01:16 on this wonderful Sabbath.
01:18 Happy Sabbath to you by the way.
01:20 The question we're going to be examining this evening
01:24 is do you believe,
01:26 so I'm going to ask you that, do you believe.
01:30 And here with me to discuss that
01:32 is Ricky Carter.
01:35 Great to have you here.
01:36 Thank you. Happy Sabbath to you.
01:37 Happy Sabbath to you as well.
01:39 Pastor Ryan Day, great to have you here.
01:41 It's always a blessing to be here
01:42 during Family Worship time.
01:44 Yes, sir.
01:45 And we have someone who is no stranger to 3ABN,
01:48 Eric Camarillo.
01:50 Yes. Thank you, Jason.
01:51 I'm happy to be here with you all.
01:53 This will be good.
01:54 Yes, so it's fun studying God's Word together.
01:58 So before we dive in, though,
02:01 we have to go to the Lord in prayer.
02:02 So, Ryan, will you pray for us?
02:04 Yes, sir. Let's do that.
02:05 Our Father in heaven, Lord,
02:07 we dare not
02:09 dive into the study of Your Word
02:10 without first asking for Your guidance,
02:12 Your leadership, Lord.
02:14 We recognize that this is a special time for You.
02:17 Not necessarily for us, but for us to gather together
02:21 in one mind and one accord,
02:22 like-minded brothers and sisters in Christ,
02:25 especially all those who are joining us
02:26 around the world, Lord,
02:27 and we just want to be drawn closer to each other
02:29 and closer to You during this time,
02:31 as we take time to worship You
02:33 during this family worship hour.
02:35 And so, Lord, allow Your Word to just come alive.
02:38 May it penetrate our hearts and minds
02:40 and, Lord, we just want to thank You
02:42 for Your never ending love, grace and mercy
02:44 that You pour out upon us each and every day.
02:47 And it is in the confidence
02:48 name of Jesus Christ that we pray.
02:50 Amen.
02:52 Amen and amen.
02:53 I want to open with this scripture.
02:54 It's taken from Hebrews 11:6,
02:57 and this is the New King James Version.
02:59 And it says,
03:00 "But without faith,
03:02 it is impossible to please Him,
03:03 for he who comes to God must believe that He is.
03:07 And that He is a rewarder of those
03:10 who diligently seek Him."
03:13 It's super important that we have faith.
03:15 It's impossible to please God, if we don't.
03:18 So what comes to your mind when you think about faith?
03:24 Believing in Jesus, trusting in Him,
03:27 that's what comes to mind.
03:28 Okay. Amen.
03:30 The definition that comes to my mind is,
03:32 you know, the ability to tolerate uncertainty
03:35 while trusting in God,
03:36 because as human beings, we want to know everything.
03:39 Right.
03:41 And so it drives us crazy when we don't,
03:43 you know, so that,
03:45 that ability to tolerate that uncertainty
03:47 while trusting in Him
03:48 really stands out to me.
03:51 Ryan, you've got our first verse here.
03:53 Yeah. Well, let's go on to Hebrews 11:1.
03:56 This is a verse to me
03:57 that's probably the clearest biblical definition of faith
04:00 that you can find in all the Scripture.
04:02 Even though we see this clearly put on display
04:04 and in the lives of people all throughout the Bible.
04:07 But Hebrews 11:1,
04:09 this is kind of the thesis on that great faith chapter.
04:12 If you haven't read Hebrews Chapter 11,
04:14 my friends, I encourage you to do so
04:15 because it's so encouraging and uplifting
04:17 as you go through hearing, you read about these brothers
04:20 that says by faith,
04:21 I'm looking at verse 4 in Hebrews 11,
04:23 "By faith, Abel offered to God
04:25 a more excellent sacrifice than Cain.
04:27 By faith, Enoch was taken away that he did not see death.
04:31 You know, without faith,
04:32 it was impossible to please Him.
04:33 Of course, you read that earlier in verse 6,
04:35 you know,
04:36 "By faith, Noah being divinely warned of things
04:38 that were not yet seen, moved with godly fear."
04:41 By faith, Abraham, by faith,
04:44 you know, Joseph, by faith, Sarah, by faith, Moses.
04:47 I mean, it goes through and spells out
04:49 that these brothers and sisters lived by faith.
04:51 But what is faith?
04:53 Hebrews 11:1, it says,
04:55 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,
04:58 the evidence of things not seen."
05:02 So what does that saying to us?
05:03 The things, the substance of things hoped for,
05:06 that means that you are looking forward.
05:08 You trust in what, you know, who God says He is
05:12 and what God says He's going to do.
05:14 In His Word, you have that hope,
05:16 you have that trust,
05:17 you have that faith that when,
05:19 for instance, when Jesus said, I'm going to come back,
05:21 I'm going to return to get you
05:22 that I go to prepare a place for you
05:24 that where I am there, you may be also.
05:27 You know, you haven't seen that happen yet.
05:28 It hasn't occurred yet,
05:30 but by faith you trust and believe
05:32 because God said it and who He is, it will happen.
05:36 And so it's the evidence of things not seen.
05:39 I'm thinking of that passage in John Chapter 20,
05:42 Jesus had just been resurrected
05:43 and all the disciples come to Him and they said,
05:45 oh, you know, Thomas, you know, Thomas, Jesus,
05:47 Jesus is here, He's alive.
05:49 He's like, "Aw, man,
05:50 I can't believe it until I see the scars
05:53 or put my fingers in the holes of His hand,
05:55 His nail pierced hands,
05:57 or until I put my fingers into a side,
05:58 I won't believe."
06:00 And then Jesus appears later
06:01 and you know, somewhat rebukes this brother,
06:03 you know, I'm sure in a loving way,
06:04 but you know, in John 20:29, it says, Jesus said to him,
06:08 "Thomas, because you have seen me,
06:10 you have believed.
06:12 Blessed are those who have not seen
06:15 and yet have believed."
06:16 That's faith.
06:18 I've never seen Jesus.
06:19 I've never spoken to Jesus audibly,
06:21 but I believe I have faith that I know who He is
06:24 and who He said He was and what He's going to do.
06:27 And that is what Hebrews 11:1 is all about
06:30 that it's faith of the substance of things
06:32 hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
06:35 Amen. Amen.
06:37 You know, it's, as you're talking,
06:39 it made me think,
06:41 you know, I've had many people come to me
06:44 and people that are believers
06:46 that they're going to church regularly,
06:48 you know, they believe that they're working for Christ,
06:50 you know, and that there's this one thing.
06:52 And it's, it's when they sin, they don't fully believe
06:57 that God is forgiving them for their sins.
06:59 It's something so simple, something that's here,
07:02 they believe in everything else, right?
07:04 But in 1 John 1:9, it says,
07:05 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful
07:07 and just to forgive us of our sins
07:08 and cleanse us of all unrighteousness."
07:10 That text in itself, it's like,
07:13 and maybe it's more common to young adult
07:15 or something 'cause I know a lot of young adults
07:17 have approached me about that,
07:18 but it's like, it says it in the word,
07:20 you know, if we confess He'll forgive.
07:24 Right, He'll cleanse us.
07:26 And it's I think it's key for us
07:28 to also have that faith
07:30 that He does forgive us for our sins,
07:32 that He does cleanse us from unrighteousness,
07:34 you know, because that's who He is,
07:36 and that's what He's done for us, you know?
07:38 And so I just wanted to share that
07:39 there might be someone listening right now
07:41 that may be they're in the midst of some sin.
07:44 And they don't feel like God is forgiving them.
07:47 Maybe they're repenting, but they don't feel forgiven.
07:51 Right? 'Cause we go by feelings a lot of the time.
07:53 Right.
07:54 But God in His Word says
07:55 that He is faithful to forgive us
07:57 if we genuinely repent
07:58 for that sin that we've committed.
08:00 That's right. Yeah.
08:01 And I love that you brought that out
08:02 because that really kind of brings us to the point of,
08:06 we need to get away from going by feelings.
08:09 Feelings have their place,
08:11 but we need to operate on principles
08:13 and the principles
08:14 that are found in the Word of God,
08:16 so that faith that, you know, God,
08:18 if He said He's forgiven us
08:21 and cleansed us of all unrighteousness,
08:23 take Him at His word,
08:24 don't wait for the feeling to come,
08:26 you know, just operate on that.
08:28 So I'm so glad that you brought it out.
08:30 Amen. Amen.
08:31 You've got our next verse.
08:33 Oh, I do. Yes.
08:34 Let's read
08:35 Psalm 46:10 says,
08:41 "Be still and know that I am God,
08:44 I will be exalted among the nations.
08:46 I will be exalted in the earth."
08:49 You know, as I read that verse
08:51 and, you know, it's constantly, I hear it all the time,
08:53 be still and know that He is God.
08:56 I feel like in my own how this relates to me,
08:59 how I feel is, you know,
09:00 I'm so involved in ministry, right?
09:02 That it's so common for me to just want to go
09:05 and do things, right?
09:07 I pray and I...
09:09 Sometimes I don't give, I'm not just still, you know,
09:12 and I don't let God work.
09:14 I don't let God do what He needs to do.
09:16 And sometimes I go ahead of God,
09:18 sometimes I don't even think to pray,
09:20 you know, and I go and just act.
09:24 And, I think that's something
09:25 that this verse has spoken to me is like,
09:27 Hey, you need to be still more,
09:29 you know, pray and wait and rely on Him
09:33 to be the answer, not on yourself.
09:35 And I think that's just a common thing
09:37 that I think humans in general, we just...
09:39 We just want to be able to fix everything, right?
09:42 Yeah.
09:43 And in order to...
09:46 When it said, the text, says
09:47 to be still and know that I am God,
09:50 that requires
09:52 a personal relationship time with God
09:57 and in the stillness,
09:58 in that quiet time with God,
10:00 here's where He can speak to us.
10:03 Sometimes in life,
10:05 there are so many things that are going around us
10:09 whether it's work challenges,
10:12 whether it's the TV at home,
10:16 whether it's, there's just a lot of,
10:18 can be noise that's around us.
10:20 And we need to take that time to be quiet,
10:24 to hear the Lord speaking to us.
10:26 And sometimes in our prayer time,
10:29 you can just be asking, asking, asking,
10:31 requesting, requesting, requesting,
10:33 and maybe not spending any time,
10:35 just listening.
10:37 We need to spend that time
10:38 just listening to what the Lord says
10:40 in that quiet time.
10:42 Amen.
10:43 That's very good.
10:44 You know, there was somebody who once said this that
10:47 busy stands for bondage under Satan's yoke.
10:51 So, you know, the devil always seeks to distract
10:54 and pull us away.
10:55 You know, it might be this emergency,
10:57 or it might be,
10:59 you know, just something, it could even be things that,
11:01 you know, are good things for us to do,
11:04 but it's keeping us from plugging in to God
11:08 from studying our Word.
11:10 Because, you know, even though we're in ministry
11:12 and all of that stuff, like,
11:13 we have to plug into the source.
11:15 That's right.
11:16 We have to constantly, we need to be fed constantly.
11:19 So, yeah, I like that.
11:22 I've got the next verse, John 8:24,
11:27 "Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins,
11:33 for if you do not believe that I am He,
11:36 you will die in your sins."
11:39 Man, that's, that's strong.
11:42 Yeah. Yeah.
11:43 Right. That's strong.
11:45 And, but it goes back to what I was saying earlier
11:49 is spending time with the Lord.
11:52 That's right.
11:53 So important to spend time to get to know Him,
11:55 to develop that relationship with Him.
11:58 I don't know about you guys,
11:59 but I'm planning on going to heaven.
12:02 And I know the Lord is coming to take those
12:05 who want to spend time with Him.
12:07 Right. Right.
12:08 Yeah, imagine spending eternity with someone
12:11 that you don't even know,
12:13 you know, and we without taking time
12:16 to know Him here on earth,
12:18 then we, why would you even want to be in heaven, right?
12:23 And so, yeah, it's important.
12:25 We need to get that time in with God.
12:27 Yeah. Amen. Amen.
12:29 Excellent point.
12:30 That would be torture. Yeah.
12:32 If you don't know Him,
12:33 you're going to be carnal in nature.
12:34 Right.
12:36 So you're going to be in an environment
12:37 where it's about praising God whereas...
12:39 Would that be heaven for you?
12:40 No, it wouldn't be. It wouldn't be.
12:42 Excellent point.
12:43 I've got our next verse.
12:44 It's John 7:38,
12:47 "He who believes in Me as the Scripture has said,
12:50 out of his heart
12:52 will flow rivers of living water."
12:56 When I read this verse, I don't think of an,
13:01 a belief that's not active or an inactive belief.
13:05 I see somebody learning and believing in,
13:08 believing in God
13:09 and then sharing with others,
13:13 you know, sharing.
13:14 Because when you, when you get a hold of something good,
13:16 you can't help, but let other people know.
13:19 And so if you truly believe, you know, I believe
13:23 that you will witness and share Christ with others.
13:26 Amen.
13:28 Absolutely. Yeah.
13:29 I mean, when you look at James says,
13:31 faith without works is dead.
13:32 Right?
13:33 And so I feel if we have this faith,
13:37 but we're not sharing it,
13:39 we're not acting on that faith.
13:41 Then it's slowly dying over time, you know?
13:44 And so, like you said, Jason,
13:46 I think we need to be actively sharing that faith.
13:50 And people should be able to look at us and be like,
13:54 there's something different about that person.
13:56 You know, there's something strange
13:58 when all these issues are going on with this person,
14:00 he seems, seems calm.
14:02 You know, most people would, you know, so stuff like that
14:05 I think would be huge testament
14:06 to how God has changed someone's life
14:09 and is in someone's life, yeah.
14:11 I love that.
14:12 So do you think, or would you say that
14:14 you can be a silent witness?
14:17 Oh, of course...
14:19 Of course, I think your life,
14:21 you know, your choices and, you know, your attitude,
14:25 your character says a lot.
14:28 And so you don't necessarily have to go out there with,
14:31 you know, the direct scriptures,
14:32 the Word of God,
14:33 and be, you know, reading them aloud
14:35 or sharing them with people.
14:36 You're, you know, who you are and how you carry yourself
14:38 in the presence of others says so much more
14:41 than a bunch of words on a piece of paper.
14:43 Again, not to be disrespectful to the Word of God,
14:46 because we know that the Word of God
14:47 is living and powerful.
14:50 But what's even more powerful
14:51 is seeing the power of this Word
14:53 activated in the life
14:55 and put on display in the life of someone else.
14:57 Absolutely. Amen.
14:59 This text, well, when we go through this text
15:02 when we just read.
15:03 I think about how,
15:05 when we're spending time with God,
15:08 have you ever been really thirsty?
15:11 And then when you take something to drink
15:13 it just like some good cold or go cold water,
15:17 it just quenches the thirst.
15:18 Yeah.
15:20 Spending time with God is like that.
15:22 You know, it quenches the thirst.
15:24 And then on top of that,
15:26 what this text is also saying is
15:31 now that you've been quenched with this thirst,
15:34 you have water flowing out of you
15:39 in a sense of spiritual water,
15:41 so that no matter where you are,
15:43 if you're in a place that's dry and somebody may see you,
15:47 they're going to say, man, I'm thirsty.
15:49 Let me go to that gentleman over there,
15:50 or that sister over there
15:52 and that water, you're like a conduit.
15:56 The Lord makes you a conduit of not just a trickle,
16:01 but it says there a river flowing.
16:05 So, you can be shared this,
16:08 share God with someone else
16:10 and help to quench their thirst.
16:13 I love that illustration.
16:14 The word describes, Jesus describes Himself
16:16 as the living well, right?
16:19 That quenches the thirst.
16:21 And so, yeah, I love that illustration.
16:24 Amen. Amen.
16:26 All right.
16:27 Why don't we go on to my next verse here?
16:29 Which to me is probably one
16:31 that is quoted so often by Christians.
16:33 It's one of those that,
16:35 it's just one of those hallmark, you know,
16:39 it's probably champion verses of faith, right?
16:42 And it's found in Romans 10:17,
16:45 it very simply says,
16:46 "So then faith comes by hearing
16:49 and hearing by the Word of God."
16:52 And so this is why, you know, when I read this text,
16:56 there's so much that comes to my mind.
16:58 I can literally build an entire miniseries
17:01 on just that one text there,
17:02 because really what we're talking about here
17:05 is probably the most foundational issue
17:08 in all of Christianity and the Christian experience.
17:11 You hear Christians often use the word faith,
17:14 you know, to have faith,
17:15 you know, have faith in someone,
17:16 or put your faith in Jesus.
17:18 But it's often, you know, as we have talked about,
17:21 you know, with James Chapter 2, where he talks about,
17:23 you know, faith and works.
17:25 There's a lot of Christians out there
17:26 that have this idea that,
17:27 you know, works is not involved.
17:29 Works has, it plays no part in the Christian experience
17:31 and it's just about believing, believing, believing.
17:33 And we're going to talk a little bit more.
17:35 I have a special spot where I'm going to bring back
17:37 up to the idea of believing it just a little while,
17:40 but you cannot have true, genuine biblical faith,
17:44 separate from the Word of God.
17:46 And this is what, this is what this text is saying
17:48 in Romans 10:17,
17:50 "That faith comes by hearing." Hearing of what?
17:52 Hearing and experiencing of what?
17:54 God's Word.
17:56 And so it reminds me of what Jesus says
17:57 in John 14:23-24.
18:00 It says here,
18:01 "Jesus answered and said to him,
18:03 'If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word,
18:05 and My Father will love him, and We will come to him
18:07 and make Our home with him.
18:09 He who does not love Me does not keep My words,
18:13 and the word which you hear is not Mine
18:15 but the Father's who sent Me.'"
18:17 So Jesus is always applying.
18:19 You know, keep them,
18:20 if you love Me, keep My commandments,
18:21 keep My Word.
18:23 You know, you do not,
18:24 you know, you do not have faith
18:26 because you do not keep My Word.
18:27 And so in this case,
18:29 you know, another part of Scripture
18:30 that came up as I was reading this text here,
18:32 faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word.
18:34 When we hear the Word of God, we need to trust in it
18:37 and allow it to take root in us.
18:39 Once we allow that Word to take root in us,
18:43 once that seed is planted,
18:44 and we know that the parable of the sower,
18:45 Jesus likens the Word of God into a seed
18:48 that's planted on certain different soils.
18:50 And the question is
18:52 what kind of soil are we going to be?
18:54 That's a choice.
18:56 You can choose what kind of soil
18:57 you're going to be.
18:59 God will allow the Word of God to come to you.
19:00 And when the Word of God comes to you,
19:02 are you going to allow it to take root in good soil?
19:05 Are you going to allow it to take root in something else?
19:08 Just a few words from that parable,
19:09 Matthew 13:20, 21, 23,
19:12 it says,
19:13 "But he who receives the seed on stony places
19:15 that he who hears the word
19:17 and immediately receives it with joy,
19:19 yet he has no root in himself,
19:21 but endures only for awhile.
19:23 But when tribulation or persecution arises
19:25 because of the word, immediately he stumbles."
19:28 And then in verse 23, it says,
19:29 "But he who received seed on the good ground
19:31 is he who hears the word and understands it,
19:34 who indeed bears fruit and produces:
19:36 some hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty."
19:38 So when we, when we hear the Word of God,
19:40 we want to allow it to take root.
19:42 And that produces genuine faith.
19:44 Wow.
19:46 You know, it says here in John 3:16,
19:47 that God so loved the world
19:49 that He gave His only begotten Son
19:50 that whosoever believes in him shall not perish,
19:54 but have everlasting life.
19:55 Do you really believe in that?
19:56 Do you really trust that when Christ said that
20:00 He's going to fulfill exactly what He says.
20:02 And so faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word.
20:05 But what we're talking about is
20:06 one of the most foundational fundamental situations
20:10 where Christians, even professed Christians say,
20:13 I believe in Jesus. Jesus is my Savior.
20:15 And they believe in the Word of God
20:16 to a certain extent,
20:18 but where the real faith comes is for instance,
20:20 when that message comes, it says,
20:22 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy,
20:25 six days thou shall labor and do all thy work,
20:26 but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord
20:28 thy God, in it you shall not do any work."
20:30 Okay. Now there comes a greater test, right?
20:33 Because as God brings you through this journey,
20:36 He's going to bring, He's going to keep sharing
20:38 these powerful seeds with you through His Word.
20:42 And at some point along the way,
20:43 we have to continue to remain in that mentality of yes, Lord,
20:47 yes, Lord, yes, Lord, whatever you say.
20:49 But yet here's how you can tell a person's lack of faith
20:53 is when they reach a point in their life
20:55 where what seems right to them overpowers or trumps
20:59 what the Word of God actually says.
21:01 For instance, I've had many Christians
21:03 that will say to me, well,
21:04 you know, that's your Sabbath day,
21:06 but I don't believe that my God
21:07 is going to keep me out of the kingdom of heaven
21:09 over one single day.
21:10 Well, what that shows is a lack of faith
21:13 in a thus saith the Lord,
21:15 because the Lord says,
21:17 'If you love Me, you keep My commands."
21:18 Remember, I'm just giving the Sabbath as an example.
21:20 This is an example
21:22 that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word.
21:24 When we receive the Word of the God,
21:25 may it take root in us, may we believe it,
21:27 and may we respond accordingly.
21:29 Because when we don't,
21:31 we often show a lack of faith in who God is
21:34 as in this case, creator of the world.
21:36 And also a lack of faith in the fact that He said,
21:40 I will bless you if you obey My commandments.
21:43 I will make you ride on the high hills of Jacob
21:46 if you obey my Sabbath and allow that a sign
21:48 to be established between you and Me.
21:49 So this is just an example I wanted to share
21:51 that this scripture is important
21:53 because we cannot have faith
21:55 unless we obey and allow the Word of God
21:57 to take root in us.
21:58 Amen. Amen.
22:00 You over there preaching. Yeah.
22:02 You bringing up some things.
22:04 I've been thinking, um...
22:06 I have a story that,
22:07 that kind of ties into what you're saying, faith
22:09 and actually the Sabbath as well.
22:11 So I think I was that stony ground
22:14 when I first came to Christ,
22:15 you know, I was baptized, I heard the Word,
22:17 I wanted to change my life and I got baptized.
22:21 And immediately after
22:24 I didn't take that time to be still,
22:27 and I got a job, you know, making good money.
22:30 I was 22 years old making like,
22:32 you know, 50,000 for me, I didn't go to school.
22:35 I'm like, oh, this is good.
22:36 You know, I'm, I'm happy here.
22:37 No Sabbath issue, right?
22:40 Three months down the road,
22:41 they started to ask me to work on the Sabbath.
22:43 So then I started to rationalize.
22:45 I started to say, you know what?
22:48 Maybe, you know, at first I was like,
22:51 nah, I don't want to do this.
22:52 And I told my boss, I don't, I can't,
22:54 you know, I guess my conviction.
22:56 Couldn't, they wouldn't do anything about it
22:57 'cause I didn't tell them up front about it,
22:59 I guess so that's.
23:00 And so then I tell myself,
23:05 well, on the Sabbath, I'll,
23:07 the money I make that day I'll donate to the church,
23:09 you know, or you know what?
23:12 On my desk, on Saturday,
23:14 I'll witness to the people there.
23:15 So I'm putting my own ideas, like you were saying
23:19 above what the Word was saying.
23:21 And so, and but I still felt conviction.
23:24 So the next month I went to the, the regional,
23:27 nothing they could do.
23:28 The next month I went to the district,
23:31 nothing they can do, right?
23:32 So here I am and I gave up, I'm like, you know what?
23:35 I think God wants me here.
23:37 And I'm just going to do
23:38 all those things that I mentioned.
23:40 So three months later
23:44 I'm actually, I had some friends over
23:48 and me and another friend were doing something
23:50 that was just totally a waste of time.
23:52 And my two friends were there,
23:55 there was a Bible studies on my coffee table, right?
23:57 So one of them was the Sabbath,
23:59 the other one was the Ten Commandments
24:01 and the other one was on faith.
24:04 They were reading these study guides.
24:06 When I came back into the room, they were crying.
24:09 They were like,
24:10 "Eric, why have you never told us this before?"
24:13 Wow.
24:14 It snapped. I'm like I'm losing that.
24:16 I'm on the stony ground.
24:18 On the stony ground, the seeds didn't take root.
24:20 That's right.
24:21 Two days later, I went in and I quit my job.
24:23 And I suffered for the next six months.
24:27 It, but God held...
24:30 He provided all of my needs. Amen.
24:33 And so in that time, my faith really grew
24:35 because when you take a step out on faith,
24:39 that faith grows, right?
24:40 That's right.
24:42 And so, yeah, but you just, you just made me think of that.
24:44 I felt impressed to share, I just want to share with you.
24:45 No, that's powerful.
24:46 I mean, what that goes to show you
24:48 Joe Crews previous,
24:50 former Amazing Facts president from years ago,
24:52 he would call it the creeping compromise.
24:54 When we make these, where, you know,
24:56 the scripture says in Proverbs 14:12,
24:58 "There is a way which seemeth right into a man,
25:00 but the end thereof are the ways of death."
25:02 We get roots.
25:03 These points where we're like, you know, God loves me.
25:06 You know, Jesus loves me.
25:07 Surely, He's not going to,
25:09 and we start becoming a judge for God.
25:12 We start to tell people what we think God is saying
25:15 or what God is thinking.
25:16 And we start to become a judge ourselves.
25:18 When in reality,
25:20 God has already told us in His Word,
25:21 when really it should be, our response should be,
25:23 well, what does the Word of God says?
25:25 I know that this job is causing me
25:27 to have to work on the Sabbath
25:28 where it's asking me to work on the Sabbath,
25:30 but what does God's Word say?
25:31 What God's Word says,
25:33 you know, we should step out in faith,
25:34 obey Me no matter what,
25:36 even if it means you having to leave that job.
25:38 And the Lord says,
25:39 watch and watch and see what I do.
25:41 I had a very similar situation where I left a job.
25:43 And two weeks later,
25:45 I was the only one working in my family.
25:46 And two weeks later,
25:48 the Lord opened up a new opportunity,
25:50 gave me a new job, more money,
25:52 better hours and the Sabbath off.
25:54 So what the Lord does is He says,
25:55 step out in faith, trust in Me,
25:57 believe in Me and watch Me work
25:59 and do what I said I'm going to do.
26:00 But most Christians, many Christians say,
26:03 "Well, I'm going to trust God
26:05 in as much as it seems right to me.
26:07 And then when it doesn't seem right,
26:09 then I'll just do what's best for me."
26:10 Convenient Christianity.
26:11 Convenient Christianity.
26:13 Yeah, I like that. Yeah.
26:15 That's that convenient Christianity.
26:17 A lot of times people try and form their religion
26:22 around their lifestyle
26:23 as opposed to conforming their lifestyle
26:26 around what the Word of God actually says.
26:29 Yeah, absolutely.
26:31 Eric?
26:32 Let's read that next verse here.
26:33 And I kind of want to add some context.
26:36 Well, actually let me add that context first here.
26:39 So we're going to be in Mark Chapter 5,
26:42 and we're going to start in verse 21.
26:45 And this is when it says Jesus
26:47 had crossed over again by the boat
26:49 to the other side and a great multitude gathered to Him
26:51 and He was by the sea.
26:52 And so in this story
26:54 the ruler of the synagogue Jairus comes to him
26:56 and comes to his feet and begs him
26:59 to heal his daughter
27:00 because his daughter is at the point of death, right?
27:02 So then, and verse 24,
27:04 I want everyone to take note of this.
27:05 "So Jesus went with him
27:07 and a great multitude followed Him
27:09 and thronged Him."
27:11 And when we look at that, at that Greek word,
27:13 that means they compressed around him.
27:15 They were on all sides of him, right?
27:18 So then another character enters the story, right?
27:21 The woman.
27:22 And so in verse 25,
27:23 "Now certain woman had a flow of blood for 12 years."
27:27 Now, when someone has a flow of blood,
27:29 they're unclean.
27:30 Everyone they touch is unclean.
27:32 They're actually supposed to yell
27:33 that they're unclean, right?
27:35 Or mention to the crowd that they're unclean.
27:38 But this woman,
27:39 you know, she went to many physicians it says,
27:42 no one was able to help her,
27:44 but she had so much faith.
27:47 This woman had so much faith
27:48 that now, again, they're compressed around Him.
27:51 And now she's touching people.
27:54 She's moving people around to get to Jesus
27:57 and touch Him.
27:58 And she's touching Jesus of all people.
28:02 And she knows, she knows what the law.
28:04 And she knows that
28:05 all these people now are uncleaned.
28:07 Now, they're touching Jesus like this,
28:09 but then she was healed.
28:11 But let's take it further though,
28:12 she didn't just touch, not touch Jesus.
28:14 She touched just the helm of His garment.
28:17 If I can just touch this brother's shirt?
28:19 Yes, yes.
28:20 If I can touch this brother's robe?
28:22 Right.
28:24 Imagine the faith
28:25 that, that woman had to have to do that.
28:28 And when you look here in verse 32 and 33, it says,
28:31 "You know, he looked around to see
28:33 who had done this thing,
28:34 but the woman fearing and trembling,
28:37 knowing what had happened to her
28:39 came and fell down before Him
28:40 and told Him the whole truth."
28:41 Right?
28:43 So she was honest with Him, told Him what happened,
28:44 but she was healed.
28:45 Right?
28:47 and so that, that I think was just a great example of faith,
28:51 someone here.
28:53 And then we go on to Jairus, and Jairus whose daughter,
28:57 you know, they came shortly after that.
29:00 And the daughter and his people said
29:04 your daughter is dead.
29:06 Don't trouble the teacher any further,
29:08 but Jesus, this is the verse here.
29:10 This is the verse here.
29:11 Verse 36,
29:13 "As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken,
29:16 He said to the ruler of the synagogue,
29:18 do not be afraid, only believe.
29:21 Brother Eric, I want to just wanna interject
29:24 right before Jesus says this.
29:26 When for Jairus,
29:30 when the people come to him and say,
29:31 Hey, don't, don't trouble the teacher anymore,
29:33 your daughter is dead.
29:35 Let me ask you guys, how do you think
29:37 Brother Jairus felt at that moment?
29:39 Oh, his heart probably dropped.
29:41 He was probably, and imagine
29:42 Jesus here was stopped on the way.
29:45 What if He wasn't stopped?
29:47 I wonder if that was what he was thinking,
29:50 like what He stopped to heal this person.
29:53 What about my daughter? I came to Him first.
29:55 So I'm the ruler of the synagogue, you know?
29:58 But he feels hurt, sad, dejected.
30:03 He's just down,
30:06 but Jesus sees this and he says,
30:09 this is what I like,
30:10 do not be afraid, only believe.
30:13 That's right.
30:15 So what I'm thinking about is for anybody at home,
30:17 who's maybe going through a tragic experience like this,
30:20 Brother Jairus. Right.
30:22 If you're going through that same experience right now,
30:24 whatever it is,
30:25 Jesus is saying to you do not be afraid,
30:29 only believe.
30:30 Amen. Amen.
30:32 This is a great point for me to interject this
30:34 because this is, let's take it a little step,
30:35 a step further.
30:36 Okay.
30:38 'Cause there's, there's many brothers and sisters out there.
30:39 And I know this because I come from
30:41 many different Protestant backgrounds
30:43 that will read this text, isolate this text,
30:46 isolate those specific words.
30:47 Maybe even the words where,
30:49 you know, Christ uses in John 3:16,
30:51 which is the most quoted and memorized verse
30:53 in all the Bible.
30:54 You know, He that believeth in Me,
30:57 and right, what does He say here?
30:58 Do not be afraid, only believe.
31:00 And so there's many brothers and sisters
31:01 that will take that.
31:03 And they'll say, oh, you know, all you got to do
31:04 is just mentally accept that Jesus is your savior.
31:09 Only just believe that He's real
31:12 and that He died for you and that He...
31:14 And so the question is what did Jesus mean?
31:17 As he often said, you know, just believe
31:19 or he that believeth in Me.
31:22 The Greek word here says it all.
31:24 Because if you dig a little deeper,
31:25 go a little deeper under the surface
31:27 and you find out what this Greek word is,
31:29 the Greek word is the word pisteuo.
31:31 And it's simply means to trust or to put trust in.
31:35 Okay, now that's different.
31:37 If you like, for instance,
31:38 let's just, just the illustration real quickly.
31:40 You're walking with a friend in the mountains,
31:44 the great mountains of Tibet
31:45 or the Himalayan mountains of Nepal.
31:47 And you're out there
31:49 in the middle of no man's land
31:50 and these massive, huge mountains.
31:51 And you need to get from one side to the other
31:53 and you walk up on a scene of this, very,
31:55 what seems to be this ancient,
31:57 you know, low swinging or hanging bridge
31:59 from one side of the mountain to another.
32:02 And one of the brothers is walking with you says,
32:04 "You know, Hey, just, it's okay.
32:05 Just walk across it. It'll do it."
32:07 And you're looking at this bridge,
32:08 thinking, this thing looks raggedy.
32:10 This thing looks like I'll get out in the minute,
32:11 this thing it's going to fall, it's going to break, right?
32:13 But the guy or the person you're with is,
32:15 oh, no, no, no trust, everything's okay.
32:17 Just go ahead and believe.
32:18 Believe that that bridge is going to get you across.
32:20 There's a difference between believing in something,
32:23 you know, mentally believing and trusting in something.
32:26 For instance, I can look at that bridge and go,
32:28 yeah, I could see that bridge.
32:29 That's a real bridge. And that bridge is there.
32:31 And it seems like it's there to serve a purpose.
32:33 But do you trust that
32:35 that bridge is going to fulfill the purpose that you needed to,
32:37 to get you for with that or the other?
32:39 But that's different.
32:41 There's a difference in saying,
32:42 I believe that Jesus is my savior verbally,
32:45 you know, verbalize it.
32:46 I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins
32:49 nearly 2000 years ago.
32:50 I believe that Jesus, you know, is the Son of God,
32:53 because He said He was the Son of God.
32:55 But there's an entirely different perspective now,
32:58 when you ask that you believe,
32:59 do you trust that He is who He says He is?
33:02 And He's going to do what He says He's going to do.
33:05 Now trusting is different.
33:06 So when He says here, do not be afraid,
33:08 only believe or in John 3:16 again, our example here,
33:12 he that believeth in Me shall not perish,
33:15 but have everlasting life.
33:16 What Christ is saying is,
33:17 I don't want you to just verbally,
33:19 you know, profess that you believe in My existence.
33:21 I want you to trust in Me to do what I said I was going to do.
33:25 I want you to trust in Me in who I am,
33:28 that I speak worlds into existence.
33:30 I wave My hand and seas calm.
33:32 You know, I make things happen.
33:34 I'm the mover and shaker of your life.
33:36 I knitted you in your wound before you even,
33:38 before even, nobody even knew who you were, right?
33:40 That's who I am.
33:42 Do you truly believe that
33:43 when God speaks and says something
33:45 that it's going to happen the way He said it is,
33:48 that's what He's saying here.
33:49 You know, don't, do not be afraid.
33:51 Only believe, that is only trust in Me, brother.
33:55 When I speak this word,
33:56 your daughter's going to be healed, believe that.
33:58 And this brother, of course,
34:00 I don't know if this specific story or not,
34:02 but on another occasion,
34:03 you know, before he even returns home,
34:05 his daughter was already healed
34:07 based on the fact that
34:08 he trusted in the Word of the Lord.
34:10 Now that is faith.
34:12 Amen. Amen. That is powerful.
34:13 There's also a distinction between faith and presumption.
34:16 Right?
34:18 So, you know, to have faith, yes, you believe in God,
34:21 but you don't put yourself in a situation
34:24 and then say, oh, God will get me out of this.
34:27 You don't go to a cliff and jump off the cliff and say,
34:31 oh, God will save me.
34:33 Like you don't put yourself in that position.
34:36 Oh, wow yes.
34:37 But now, if you're in a position
34:40 to where you're standing up for God
34:42 and rightfully so on the principles,
34:44 like when you think about Daniel,
34:45 when Daniel stood up
34:47 or Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego,
34:49 when they stood up,
34:50 they got cast into the fiery furnace,
34:53 but Jesus came down and stood with them
34:55 in the midst of their trial.
34:57 That's right.
34:58 It wasn't presumption on their parts.
35:01 It was extreme faith. Yeah.
35:03 Because they had said whether God delivers us or not.
35:06 They could burn up in that fire,
35:08 but may the Lord's will be done.
35:09 Yeah. Oh, that's powerful.
35:11 Yeah, absolutely.
35:12 And they were telling to king that.
35:13 So you brothers are married, right?
35:15 So how, how well would this work out
35:19 if you were like, yeah, you know,
35:21 I believe we got married.
35:23 I believe we have a union and you know,
35:26 I believe I love my wife, but then there's this one here.
35:32 There's that one there, there's this one here.
35:35 Like, it doesn't reflect that belief in the...
35:38 It's almost as though you said your wedding vows
35:40 and then because you said the vows,
35:43 those were done away with when you said I do.
35:46 It doesn't work like that. Absolutely.
35:48 I think that's where the faith versus works concept comes in
35:52 because, you know, the reason why,
35:54 the reason why James said that in James Chapter 2,
35:56 and I think I actually have a reference here.
35:58 James 2:14 and 17.
35:59 He says,
36:01 "What does it profit my brethren
36:02 if someone says he has faith, but does not have works.
36:05 Can faith save him?"
36:06 Verse 17,
36:08 "Thus, also faith by itself,
36:10 it does not have,
36:11 if it does not have works is dead."
36:13 And we know that's that famous chapter.
36:15 But you know, also the concept that,
36:17 you know, it's kind of goes back to the idea
36:18 of mentally believing versus trusting.
36:20 You know, James says in the same chapter, verse 19,
36:22 he says, you know, the devil believes and trembles.
36:25 Yeah, that's right.
36:26 You say, you believe in Christ, the devil, the devil know,
36:28 you know, even when Jesus walked up on the sea there,
36:31 as the demons were in, you know,
36:33 in those people of the Gadarenes and he,
36:35 you know, they, the demons cry out to him and say,
36:37 oh, you know, who are you, Jesus,
36:39 Son of God, that if you come to torment us?
36:42 Even they know who Jesus is.
36:44 But back to this works concept the work...
36:47 We are not saved by our works,
36:49 we're saved by grace through faith,
36:51 but the works tell the story of the faith.
36:53 Okay.
36:55 It's that plain and simple,
36:56 Jesus says that we're not saved by works,
36:58 but he did say you're judged by your works.
37:00 How do you know if a person is a genuine Christian?
37:02 How do you know if they genuinely have faith in Christ?
37:04 Their works will tell the story of that.
37:07 If I go out and point to tree,
37:08 which I've used this illustration a few times,
37:09 but if I point to a tree
37:11 and I say, look at that apple tree over there.
37:12 Isn't that a beautiful apple tree?
37:14 And you go out and examine the tree
37:15 and there's no apples hanging on that tree.
37:17 How do you know if it's an apple tree?
37:18 That's the same thing with us.
37:20 If you, if someone tells you I'm a Christian,
37:21 I have faith that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.
37:24 Well, the only way a person's going
37:26 to be able to genuinely judge
37:28 whether or not that person has genuine faith
37:30 is by the works that they produce
37:32 in their Christian life.
37:33 By their fruits they shall know.
37:34 That's why I backed your illustration there,
37:36 when you talked about the whole wife thing.
37:37 You wouldn't do.
37:39 You know that person over here, this person over there,
37:40 you know, you're not going to partake in that
37:41 because you have the genuine love that you,
37:44 that you know, that, that genuine love
37:46 that burns within you for the companion
37:48 that God has given you,
37:50 that genuine relationship and that love you have for her.
37:53 There ain't nobody else in the world
37:54 that's going to appeal to you,
37:55 but the person that you love most
37:57 that the God has given to you.
37:58 Amen. Amen.
38:00 And that proves us why they're so happily married men.
38:03 Our wives are watching this right now.
38:05 I know that's right you guys
38:07 just won like 5,000 points with them.
38:09 Yeah.
38:10 For sure. For sure.
38:12 Ricky, you have our next verse.
38:14 The next text.
38:15 1 John 5:5,
38:19 "Who is he who overcomes the world,
38:23 but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?"
38:28 So if we want to overcome
38:32 the challenges of the world,
38:35 if we want to overcome the temptations of the world,
38:39 we need to believe in the one who's overcome the world
38:44 and that's Christ.
38:45 Now, if we believe in Him,
38:48 He will work out His life in us
38:52 to help us overcome the world as well.
38:54 Yeah. Amen. Amen.
38:57 Great point. We'll go to Romans 10:9.
39:01 And it says that,
39:02 "If you confess with your mouth,
39:04 the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart,
39:06 that God has raised him from the dead,
39:09 you will be saved."
39:11 Wonderful promise.
39:13 That is, that is, and we need to claim that,
39:15 but it also goes back to,
39:17 you know, when you look at Hebrews 11:6,
39:20 "But without faith, it is impossible to please Him,
39:23 for he who comes to God must believe that he is.
39:26 And that he is a rewarder of those
39:28 who diligently seek Him."
39:30 So all of that goes back like in order to have,
39:35 you have to have faith.
39:36 That's right. You have to have faith.
39:38 I remember I was in an Uber and we were riding,
39:42 I don't know if I was in California
39:44 or Florida or wherever I was,
39:46 but there was this Uber driver.
39:47 I loved... I loved taking that by the way,
39:50 because it ends up creating interesting situations, right?
39:55 You, either have your Bible with you,
39:56 you know, I'm traveling with my Bible or something
39:59 or you start this conversation like, you know,
40:02 "Well, what are you... What are you out here for?"
40:04 They'll say, "What are you out here for?"
40:05 Well, I'm out here for a Christian convention.
40:08 I'm a general manager
40:09 of a Christian television network or something.
40:11 So I ended up having a conversation
40:14 with an Uber driver and he was like,
40:16 you know, no offense, but like, I'm not, I'm not Christian.
40:20 I don't believe in God is what he said.
40:22 So he was atheist.
40:24 And I was like, oh no, none of, no offense taken.
40:28 You know, the same God that I believe in
40:29 is the same God
40:31 that gave you the choice not to believe in Him.
40:33 So I'm not offended by that.
40:35 I wish you would, you know,
40:37 see things a little differently.
40:38 But so we started talking and having this conversation
40:42 and I don't know what came out of that towards the end of it.
40:46 But he thanked me for the conversation
40:49 because he said, you know what?
40:50 You took the time to listen.
40:53 And I think that's important, you know, as Christians,
40:56 when we're conversing with people,
40:58 when we're speaking with people
41:00 to take the time to listen to them
41:02 before it's just like,
41:04 boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
41:06 And you're throwing out all this doctrine
41:07 and all these points.
41:08 Take the time to listen and hear them out
41:12 and then speak the Word of God to them.
41:15 Amen. Amen. Yeah.
41:17 So I hope it's...
41:18 I hope he now has faith in God.
41:20 I don't remember his name,
41:22 but if we could just pray for the atheist Uber driver,
41:25 that would be, that would be great.
41:27 Yeah.
41:28 You know, it's powerful, as you're saying,
41:29 as you were telling that
41:31 the scripture that came to my mind is the,
41:34 the very ending of the third angel's message.
41:36 We're the Three Angels Broadcasting Network,
41:39 so we're all about preaching that everlasting gospel
41:41 through the three angels' messages.
41:43 And how does the third angel's message end?
41:45 It says, here is the patience of the saints,
41:47 here are they that keep the commandments of God
41:50 and have the faith of Jesus,
41:53 not faith in Jesus, but the faith of Jesus.
41:56 What is the faith of Jesus?
41:58 If you study the life of Christ,
42:00 what was the faith of Jesus?
42:02 He completely 100% trusted
42:07 in the will of His Father.
42:09 He trusted in the word of His Father.
42:12 He trusted in the works of His Father.
42:14 He trusted in His Father
42:16 in the same way that we should trust in Him.
42:19 And so it's one thing
42:21 to kind of in a directional sense,
42:23 like say, oh, I have faith in that person over there.
42:26 I'm going to put my faith in Jesus Christ.
42:28 But if you truly have faith, you're going to have the,
42:32 not just any old kind of faith,
42:33 you're going to have the faith of Jesus,
42:35 which is the only kind of faith to have.
42:37 Amen. Amen. Yes.
42:39 Praise the Lord.
42:41 Ryan, look, take us to the Book of Galatians.
42:42 All right. Yeah, Galatians 2:16.
42:45 Now, this brings us back into kind of
42:47 what we were talking about earlier,
42:48 the faith versus works concept.
42:51 But Galatians 2:16 says,
42:52 "Knowing that a man is not justified
42:55 by the works of the law,
42:57 but by faith in Christ Jesus,
42:59 even we have believed in Christ Jesus,
43:03 that we might be justified by faith in Christ
43:06 and not by the works of the law,
43:08 for by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified."
43:13 And so there may be someone watching
43:14 where they're now saying, there you go, Ryan, you know,
43:16 I actually had somebody wrote a letter to me the other day,
43:18 or they send an email to me.
43:20 He's like, why don't you, Seventh-day Adventist
43:21 always talk about the law,
43:23 you know, the law of this and the Sabbath, this,
43:25 and you know, it sounds like you guys
43:27 just believe that,
43:28 you know, you're just saved by the keeping of some law.
43:30 What we believe in the truth of this text
43:32 that I just read in Galatians Chapter 2,
43:34 we're not justified by the keeping of the law.
43:35 We're not saved by the keeping of any law or any Sabbath.
43:39 We believe that only your faith in Christ Jesus
43:42 will bring about the salvational grace of God.
43:45 We are saved by grace through faith.
43:48 And so in Galatians 2:16
43:50 is highlighting a very clear truth
43:52 that we are not saved by the law,
43:54 but rather this is the truth also that if we are saved,
43:58 if we do have genuine faith in Jesus Christ,
44:01 then our works will be the response
44:03 of that genuine faith,
44:05 and those works as a response to that genuine faith
44:08 that we have in Jesus Christ
44:09 will produce the fruit of a Christian
44:12 who loves God.
44:13 And what did Jesus say in John 14:15?
44:15 If you love Me, keep My commandments.
44:18 And so right there, yes,
44:19 while we're not saved by the law
44:21 as a saved person
44:23 who has a genuine relationship with Christ,
44:24 I want to produce the fruit of a person
44:27 who proves and shows my love to my savior
44:29 by being obedient to Him and keeping His law.
44:32 So not justified by the law,
44:34 but we're justified by our faith in Christ Jesus,
44:36 the lawgiver.
44:38 Amen. Amen.
44:39 You, you made me think of another verse.
44:40 You mentioned it earlier,
44:42 but I'm gonna, I'm gonna read it if that's okay.
44:44 It's Ephesians 2:8,
44:46 we're gonna go through 10 actually.
44:48 So verse 8, it says for by, Ephesians 2:8 says,
44:51 "For by grace,
44:52 you have been saved through faith
44:54 that not of yourselves, it is a gift of God."
44:57 Verse 9, "Not of works, lest anyone should boast."
45:01 I think it's important that before I go to 10,
45:03 it's important for us to also to remember,
45:06 like you were saying is our works.
45:09 You know, I think it's human nature for us
45:13 to be when we're so involved in doing good for God,
45:16 for us to feel like we have more value or we,
45:21 or this is us doing something for God,
45:24 we're earning brownie points for,
45:25 we're going to have more jewels
45:27 and have a bigger mansion in heaven
45:29 or something like that, right?
45:31 But that's not, that's not it, that doesn't matter.
45:33 We're all equal, right? We're all equal.
45:35 Those works do not.
45:37 We shouldn't boast about any works, right?
45:39 But let's go to verse 10,
45:41 "For we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus
45:44 for good works,
45:46 which He, which God prepared beforehand
45:48 that we should walk in them."
45:50 So we are saved by grace, right, through faith.
45:55 And God has created each of us, everyone,
45:58 including all of our viewers right now for good works.
46:01 Amen.
46:02 And when we walk in faith,
46:05 we're just walking in the plan that He had for us.
46:07 It's not us.
46:09 That's God, God had that plan already.
46:11 We didn't come up with an innovative idea
46:13 to serve somebody or to...
46:15 You know what I'm saying?
46:16 Like this is God's doing from before you were even born.
46:20 He had this in mind for you.
46:21 And so I think when we keep that in context,
46:24 it helps us to stay humble.
46:26 And it helps us to realize that we need to walk
46:29 what we're saved by grace through faith,
46:31 not works,
46:32 but grace through faith.
46:34 Yeah, so... Amen. Beautiful.
46:35 That's an excellent point.
46:36 You know, I take credit for my failures
46:39 and I give credit for my success,
46:41 any success that I have to God,
46:43 because that's where it belongs.
46:44 My failures, that's on me. But success, that's on God.
46:48 Amen. That's right.
46:49 Amen. Amen.
46:51 So we've got Eric with 2 Corinthians 5:7.
46:56 Okay. Okay. And I kinda...
46:58 I kinda addressed it, I guess a little bit.
47:00 I didn't even realize it.
47:01 So 2 Corinthians 5:7,
47:03 "For we walk by faith, not by sight."
47:07 You know, actually now that story just came to mind.
47:10 We had, you know,
47:12 I run SALT Outreach over in Orlando.
47:15 What's that stand for?
47:16 SALT is an acronym for service and love together.
47:19 So we worked with the unsheltered in Orlando
47:21 and one of our volunteers was an atheist as well.
47:25 And so she would, she would volunteer
47:28 and she was studying medicine.
47:29 And so that was her you know,
47:32 that was something that she would say is,
47:34 you know, I'm a doctor, I science,
47:37 you know, I have to see it to believe it, right?
47:40 And so, I remember
47:41 she was so set as an atheist
47:47 that if anyone mentioned anything about God at all,
47:50 it doesn't even matter
47:51 if it was directed to her or not.
47:53 She would put her hand up and say, stop talking.
47:55 I don't want... I don't want to hear it, you know?
47:57 It was like that, right?
47:58 So one day we're creating, you know,
48:00 we're creating relationship with her over time.
48:01 She's volunteering, helping to serve.
48:03 And one of our volunteers was getting baptized.
48:06 And so one of the friends she made there said,
48:08 "Hey, why don't you come to the baptism?"
48:10 She's like, "Oh, okay, I'll go. I guess."
48:13 You know, so she, she ended up coming to the baptism
48:16 of one of our volunteers.
48:17 And she was actually sitting there
48:18 in front of the pool
48:20 right before the baptism by herself,
48:21 everyone's talking in the living room
48:23 and she starts crying.
48:25 She goes to the pastor.
48:27 She says, I've been studying medicine.
48:31 I used to think that God wasn't real, right?
48:33 And I have to see to believe, but the more I study,
48:38 the more things are unexplained about the body that I got...
48:44 I just think, I think God has to be real, you know?
48:47 And, she said it to the pastor as she's crying.
48:50 She says,
48:51 "I want to be baptized today too,
48:52 I believe."
48:54 You know, and she got baptized
48:55 that same day with that volunteer and like,
48:59 you know, I think it's just, again, natural for us
49:02 to just believe in what we see in,
49:04 everything that's tangible.
49:06 But the word
49:08 and God is teaching us and training us,
49:10 retraining us to,
49:12 to not depend on what we can see,
49:13 because there's so much going on that's unseen
49:16 that we just, that we're not going to be able to touch.
49:18 We won't even know
49:20 what's happening behind the scenes
49:21 until we're in heaven probably, you know?
49:23 You know what? It's amazing to me.
49:24 I know this is going to kind of be a random illustration here,
49:27 but you know, we all exercise faith in something,
49:32 whether we know it or not.
49:34 And so I'll hear, I hear often, you know,
49:35 sometimes I'll run into someone
49:37 who's an agnostic or an atheist,
49:38 and they'll talk about how, you know, again,
49:40 I don't believe because I,
49:41 you know, I don't see God if He...
49:42 If God, the God of the Bible is real,
49:44 why don't He speak to me like He did those people back then?
49:46 Why didn't He work signs and wonders and miracles
49:48 so that we can see it and believe it,
49:50 you know, like the people saw it back then,
49:52 but, you know, we all have faith
49:54 and believe in something,
49:55 you know, some people have a tough time believing
49:57 that this word was actually inspired by this divine God.
50:01 There's many people believe it's just a bunch of stories,
50:03 a bunch of narratives that were written by men,
50:06 you know, few thousand years ago,
50:08 or a few hundred years ago.
50:11 But we all believe in something,
50:12 whether we want to or not.
50:13 For instance, I've not met an American,
50:16 never met an American who said, oh, you know what?
50:19 I just don't believe that Abraham Lincoln's
50:21 the 16th president of the United States,
50:23 but yet at the same time,
50:25 you have to exercise faith in that
50:27 because you weren't there to observe,
50:28 you know, President Lincoln in action.
50:30 You weren't, you didn't live during that time.
50:32 You believe in that based on the record,
50:35 the historical record that we have that tells us
50:38 that Abraham Lincoln is the 16th president
50:40 of the United States,
50:41 but yet you're expressing faith
50:43 in the fact that
50:44 the written word of these historians told you so,
50:47 and therefore you express faith of the fact
50:49 that you believe that that's true.
50:50 Well, there's no different for a Christian.
50:52 You know, again, it goes back to that idea
50:54 that he that believes in Me, though he has not seen Me,
50:56 or blessed is he, that's true.
50:59 You know, I don't see oxygen.
51:02 Oh yeah. Just believe it's there.
51:04 What's filling my lungs? You know it's oxygen.
51:07 They say it's oxygen, but I don't see it.
51:08 Do I believe in it?
51:09 You got to believe, I believe it.
51:11 I have faith that there's oxygen
51:13 going in my lungs, right?
51:14 Praise the Lord for that.
51:16 Don't know if it's gone while you're trying to find.
51:18 That's right.
51:20 You know, but it's just little thing.
51:21 We all have faith.
51:23 And we put trust in a lot of things
51:25 and then other things we don't.
51:26 But I think, you know, I think Rick, you said it's so,
51:29 so great on the early, earlier part of this program
51:31 is that it really comes down to spending time.
51:34 When you spend time with God and you try it.
51:37 What is it? Psalm 34 say, taste and see.
51:40 "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good."
51:42 You know what?
51:43 I didn't ever think that I would ever like,
51:45 you know, avocados.
51:47 You know, I love avocados,
51:48 even though some people say it has no taste, it has no flavor.
51:51 You know, I have tasted, I have seen,
51:53 I believe and I trust in the fact
51:55 that I love me some avocados,
51:57 you know, but the truth of the matter is
51:58 you have to taste and see that the Lord is good
52:00 and you have to spend time with Him in order
52:02 to establish that, that favor.
52:03 Yeah. Amen. Yeah.
52:05 I've got the next text.
52:07 Mark 11:22-24,
52:12 "So Jesus answered and said to them,
52:14 'Have faith in God.
52:17 For assuredly, I say to you,
52:19 whoever says to this mountain,
52:21 'Be removed and be cast into the sea,'
52:24 and does not doubt in his heart,
52:26 but believes that those things he says will be done.
52:30 He will have whatever he says.
52:33 Therefore I say to you,
52:35 whatever things you ask, when you pray,
52:39 believe that you received them
52:41 and you will have them."
52:44 All right. So this text gets me thinking.
52:47 Yeah.
52:49 Is this conditional
52:52 as far as what we will be asked
52:55 that it's going to be given to us by God?
52:59 Of course, yeah. Absolutely.
53:01 Lord, I want a million dollars in my bank account tomorrow.
53:03 Please let it be, you know,
53:05 it doesn't mean it's going to be there.
53:06 It is conditional, it's based on the will of God.
53:08 Yes. Yes.
53:09 And I think that's important to take the whole Bible
53:11 into context, right?
53:12 Because you know, in another place it says
53:14 that He will answer our prayers according to how we ask,
53:18 if we're following after Him, right?
53:19 If we have His heart in us,
53:22 His desires in context of what God would want for us,
53:28 you know, I actually, it reminded me of the story.
53:30 I hope you don't mind if I share.
53:32 No, please.
53:33 We were in Miami doing an event there.
53:36 And I remember, we were doing this event
53:38 and all of a sudden we're finishing
53:41 and someone just walks into the church
53:44 and goes into the back.
53:45 I remember the back left of the church
53:46 and just sits there in the corner,
53:48 opens a Bible and starts reading.
53:49 We don't know who this person is.
53:51 You know, we kind of walk up to him,
53:52 say, hi, he's reading.
53:54 You know, he's actually reading the Book of Joshua
53:56 and you know, I tell him, I love the Book of Joshua.
53:59 One of the biggest miracles happens in there, right?
54:01 Joshua asks for the sun to stand still
54:03 and it's stood still, right?
54:05 He's like, yeah, and we're talking with each other.
54:07 And he says that he's a Christian.
54:09 And we find out why he's there.
54:11 His motorcycle broke down right in front of the church.
54:14 He happened to be driving right past the church,
54:16 just driving normally in his motorcycle.
54:17 And it just stopped right in front of the church.
54:20 And he's like, okay, God,
54:21 I guess you want me to go in here?
54:22 So he came in
54:24 and started sitting and reading.
54:25 And so, you know, we talked with him for a little bit,
54:28 maybe about 15 minutes,
54:29 his son gets there to help jump his bike.
54:32 So, we ended up, you know, he goes, he leaves,
54:35 we're still in there cleaning up
54:37 and about maybe another 15 minutes later,
54:39 maybe 20 minutes later,
54:40 we go out in the sun and him are like,
54:42 look what, they're scratching their heads.
54:44 The bike's not starting
54:45 where the jumper cables are connected.
54:47 Everything's good.
54:48 It's a brand new bike he said,
54:50 it doesn't make any sense.
54:52 So we went to him, we said, let's pray,
54:54 let's pray about this, you know?
54:56 And he's like, his response was,
54:58 no, this is real stuff right here.
55:00 I'm like, where are we just talking about Joshua
55:03 and the sunshine stuff.
55:04 And we're like, you know what?
55:05 We're going to pray anyway for you.
55:07 And so we all got around, we prayed,
55:10 we asked God, God.
55:11 And we knew this would glorify God to his family.
55:14 We pray, God, start this bike, you know?
55:17 And we set a prayer together.
55:18 They even, they honored the prayer
55:19 and bowed their heads.
55:21 Afterward he was like,
55:23 all right, let's see what happens.
55:25 The bike starts. Amen.
55:26 All of us jumping up, celebrating, praising God,
55:30 you know?
55:31 And, you know, it's in context,
55:32 he will answer prayers in context of his will.
55:36 Right?
55:37 If it will bring people closer to Him,
55:39 He will answer it.
55:40 Right?
55:42 And if it's something that's consistent with His Word,
55:43 He will answer it, you know?
55:44 And I just think it brought,
55:47 it just reminded me of that story.
55:48 I thought it would bring up, but yeah, God,
55:50 God will do amazing things.
55:51 And with Joshua, the sun stood still,
55:54 I think we put ceilings on what we asked for,
55:57 and we shouldn't, we shouldn't.
55:59 Yes.
56:00 1 John 5:14,
56:02 This is the confidence that we have in Him
56:06 that if we ask anything according to His will,
56:10 He heareth us, He heareth us
56:13 if we ask anything according to His will.
56:16 I love that song.
56:17 Yes, retro song, hide it in their heart.
56:20 Amen. Yeah. That's right.
56:22 That was back part out there. Excellent.
56:23 Yeah, for sure. Yeah.
56:25 I mean, that's, it's important for us to realize
56:28 and recognize that God has eternity in mind
56:32 and His ultimate goal, He wants us to be saved.
56:35 He wants to save us so bad.
56:38 So when we're praying,
56:40 we need to keep that in mind as well.
56:41 Yes.
56:42 I want to share 1 Corinthians 2:5.
56:46 It says,
56:47 "That your faith should not be in the wisdom of men,
56:50 but in the power of God."
56:53 I mean, there's nothing really to add to that right there.
56:56 We need to be trusting in God and not in man.
57:00 Yeah. That's powerful.
57:03 I can't believe our time is just about up, fellows.
57:07 I appreciate all that you have contributed
57:09 to this study on faith,
57:11 Because as we know,
57:13 it is impossible to please God without it.
57:16 We also saw
57:18 that it could be detrimental to our life
57:20 if we don't have faith,
57:22 you know, so faith is powerful.
57:26 And I hope that
57:27 this has been an inspiration to you
57:30 to have faith in God, to take Him at His Word.
57:33 Until next time, God bless.


Revised 2021-06-20