Today Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW210035S

00:02 I want to spend my life
00:08 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:35 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:09 Hello and just a great big old welcome to each and every one.
01:11 We're glad you join us for 3ABN Family Worship.
01:15 I tell you this, this is exciting subject
01:17 and I know you're going to be,
01:18 you're going to need a pencil and paper and a pen
01:20 and jot some of the things down that the Holy Spirit gives
01:23 each one of us and maybe in your mind too
01:25 of how to overcome the enemy.
01:27 I realize that's a subject that many people have covered
01:30 over and over.
01:31 But really I looked at it and I've kind
01:33 of put a star by it to say this is a very,
01:35 very important subject because every day
01:38 the enemy is out to kill, steal and what?
01:40 And destroy.
01:42 So by the grace of God, we're going to look in the Word
01:44 of God today, examine scripture line upon line,
01:47 precept upon precept.
01:48 And we're going to find out
01:50 how we can be more than conquerors
01:52 through Jesus Christ.
01:53 Praise the Lord. Good.
01:54 I need that every day in my life.
01:56 Maybe you do too.
01:57 And we're going to present that as the Holy Spirit
01:59 gives us utterance of the Word today.
02:00 Amen.
02:02 I'm glad to have my wife with me,
02:03 Chris, it's good to have you today right by my side.
02:05 I am glad to be here.
02:07 We always say all the time, you're my balancer.
02:08 You keep me balanced up all the time.
02:10 I get a little carried away and excited sometime
02:12 and she taps me or knees me or something like that,
02:14 so, you know.
02:16 Don't let him fool you. He does the same to me.
02:20 Yeah, I think I probably do at times.
02:22 Okay, I can do like this at times.
02:23 It doesn't do any good.
02:25 But we're glad that you're here today.
02:26 We've got some exciting people with us today.
02:27 Oh, I am happy. And so, yeah.
02:29 I'm very excited.
02:30 I know, you're so excited that I'm not even going to try
02:32 to introduce everyone.
02:33 I'm going to let you do it because you got some thoughts.
02:35 You got some things that you maybe in time,
02:37 maybe not now, but in the moment
02:39 you're going to, we're going to share some things
02:40 because we are excited about.
02:41 I don't want to call them guests,
02:43 I want to call them family.
02:44 They are family. We are family.
02:45 These are people we want to share eternity with.
02:49 We just want to do it.
02:50 We want to just never be separation, no division,
02:53 just be together all the time.
02:54 It would be a wonderful time when we see Jesus.
02:56 That's right.
02:58 So let me just turn it over to you and you just do
03:00 what you want to do.
03:01 I want to first say to those of you at home,
03:03 we want to spend eternity with you as well.
03:05 That's what this is all about. Yes.
03:07 So anyway, I'm very, very excited about our guests today.
03:11 I think for the first time on a Family Worship,
03:14 is this not correct?
03:15 We have Linda and EJ Clark or Eddie Clark.
03:19 In calling either one, I guess you answer by either one.
03:21 I answer by Chrissie or Chris or Christine or Christina,
03:25 so anyway.
03:26 I also call him cowboy,
03:28 so if someone must call him cowboy.
03:30 You answered, you answered honey.
03:32 That's true. Yeah, sweetheart.
03:34 Yes. Yes. I know I do that.
03:36 Anyway, I have known Linda for a few,
03:38 I don't even know how many years now
03:40 but she has been a blessing.
03:42 She is in the health ministry work and as a Master Herbalist
03:46 and we are so thankful that she has chosen
03:49 to move close here to 3ABN and to be in our area.
03:54 I tell you,
03:55 I wish they were ready to see patients because Eddie was just
03:58 kind of saying, "Boy, we haven't been here very long
04:01 and been keeping them busy."
04:02 But there's so many things that
04:05 and so many needs that we have in this area.
04:07 Amen.
04:09 In fact, I met another family yesterday that want
04:10 to meet you.
04:12 They may have gone by, but I think you may have
04:13 shut down early, which is good
04:14 because they're working in the cold right now.
04:16 Yes. And she needed to get out of that cold building.
04:20 But I know the Lord's going to warm it up soon.
04:23 And things are going to be much smoother.
04:25 We're excited to have you.
04:26 So, Edie, tell us a little bit about yourself
04:29 and maybe some of the things you like to do in your ministry
04:32 and then we'll let Linda.
04:33 Well, we were both born and raised in the church.
04:37 And in my later teenage years
04:40 I left and she stayed closer in the church than I did.
04:44 But we've both been married and divorced.
04:47 And coming up on 17 years ago,
04:51 will be when we got married.
04:54 And shortly after that we started her herbal business
04:58 and ministry.
04:59 So we've been doing that 15 or 16 years
05:02 and the Lord has been very gracious to take us to a number
05:06 of different places to witness with the health message.
05:09 We spent a little over a year and a half in Arkansas,
05:13 in northwest Arkansas doing ministry there.
05:16 Was very blessed, have some wonderful friends from there.
05:19 Amen.
05:20 And if any of them are watching, hello.
05:22 Well, I should mention too.
05:24 And a lot of people even in our church,
05:26 they know you by 3ABN Radio.
05:28 We have a Linda and Eddie Clark,
05:30 what is the name of that program?
05:32 It's about 15 minutes long.
05:34 Natural Remedies for Good Health.
05:36 Yes. So they know you by the sound.
05:38 And many of our folks at home
05:40 probably know you from seeing you.
05:41 We've been on 3ABN, you've been on the Today program.
05:45 And I know that you've also been at ASI
05:47 and probably the GC.
05:49 So there's probably a lot of people that say,
05:51 "I know them."
05:52 So that's neat.
05:54 We always tell people that going to ASI
05:57 is really our only vacation.
05:58 Yet we work so hard when we go to 3ABN.
06:01 But we meet people like you, and it's a high.
06:04 It's a high, we're on a high there.
06:06 We call it a working vacation.
06:07 We always come home so blessed.
06:09 Good. Praise the Lord.
06:11 We are looking for a blessing today.
06:12 And at the end of our table
06:15 is a very special precious couple that we love dearly.
06:19 We haven't got to see you.
06:20 We spend a whole lot of time.
06:22 I tell we had them over for dinner one night
06:24 and it was like a prayer meeting, wasn't it?
06:25 The Lord was so good. I think we did that.
06:28 So good.
06:29 And they've come to visit us over Behold the Lamb
06:31 a few times.
06:33 We love that.
06:34 But it's Angela and Ian,
06:36 and I'm going to look at this name
06:37 so I don't mess it up, Vandervalk.
06:38 There you go. Vandervalk.
06:40 Is that German? Dutch.
06:41 Dutch. Yeah.
06:42 Oh, how do you say it in Dutch? How would you?
06:44 Vandervalk. Vandervalk.
06:45 It's just the same in English.
06:47 I was thinking like with the Dutch accent.
06:50 No, no. That's funny.
06:53 But Angie and Ian both work here at 3ABN.
06:58 They're generally behind the scenes.
06:59 But I know by the grace of God that they're coming in front
07:03 of the camera more and more.
07:04 And we have a story to tell.
07:07 But I'm going to hold off to maybe question number one.
07:10 And see if we can, you know, kind of open that up
07:13 and unpack that a little bit.
07:15 Because it's such a blessing
07:17 what the Lord has done in your lives and is continuing to do.
07:21 And this is something defeating
07:23 the enemy that I know you guys realize that you have to do
07:26 each and every day, right?
07:28 Oh, absolutely. Amen.
07:29 So why don't you tell us just a little bit real quick.
07:31 What do you guys do?
07:32 Angie, let's start with you. What do you do here?
07:33 So I work at 3ABN,
07:35 and I usually run camera or do makeup.
07:38 Okay. And I love it.
07:39 It's a blessing. All right.
07:40 You're not making us look like clowns or anything.
07:42 No, no. She just kind of pad.
07:43 She kind of gets rid of the shine, a little bit.
07:45 Yes, that's right. Yeah. Pad the shine off a little bit.
07:47 I actually love it because she likes to come
07:49 and get all my frizzies down.
07:51 And I can say, okay, you've got about an hour.
07:55 Brother Ian, how about you?
07:57 Well, I started off here, running camera.
07:59 But now I'm a floor director.
08:00 And it's just such a blessing to be a part of this ministry
08:03 and just to work with everybody that comes through here.
08:06 It's amazing.
08:07 Amen, and I look forward to for you telling everybody
08:09 where you came from,
08:11 what you were doing for many years,
08:12 what you thought you'd continue to do,
08:14 but how you defeated that.
08:16 God had a different plan, didn't He? Amen.
08:17 Okay.
08:19 I think evangelist some time because every time I see
08:21 a Land Rover, I know it's for me.
08:26 But Angie. Angie, I tell you.
08:30 It's a blessing to be here today.
08:31 And we're going to be first of all,
08:33 we're going to get into the Word.
08:34 So we always we have to pray. Absolutely.
08:36 We pray before and we're going to pray during
08:38 and we're going to pray right now.
08:39 Brother Ian, we ask that you would offer a word of prayer,
08:43 please. Absolutely. Thank you.
08:44 Dear Heavenly Father, Lord, we just as always,
08:47 we thank You for this day, for the Sabbath day.
08:50 And we thank You for all the many blessings
08:52 that You have given each and every one of us.
08:54 There are so many things that we need
08:55 to be thankful for, things that we see
08:57 and even things that we don't see where You're at work, Lord.
09:00 And, Lord, we just ask that You,
09:03 we invite You here to be a part of this family worship,
09:05 we invite Your Holy Spirit to speak through us.
09:08 Remove ourselves from our speech, Lord.
09:11 We just want You to come in
09:12 to work through us because we know
09:14 that there are those, you know here,
09:16 where we need to hear what each person
09:18 is going to say that it may help us grow stronger in You
09:22 Father and help us see Your love
09:24 and Your mercy and Your grace.
09:25 Yes.
09:27 And, Lord, just be with this family worship
09:28 and we just love You.
09:30 We thank You and we praise You.
09:31 In Jesus' name, amen. Amen and amen.
09:34 So they know our subject already.
09:35 We're talking about how to overcome the enemy.
09:38 And so to me, that's just so important because every day
09:42 to me, it seems like it's Battle Royale.
09:45 You know, because the enemy is not just coming at us.
09:48 You know, like this, pestering us a little bit or challenge.
09:51 I mean he's doing as the Bible would say,
09:53 you know, a roaring lion.
09:54 We heard it since we were just small, roaring lion.
09:56 That means he wants to devour, he wants to finish us off,
09:59 and only by the grace of God
10:01 that we're still standing today.
10:02 Thank God for those angels of heaven, isn't that right?
10:05 Thank God for the protection
10:07 of every day because the enemy especially hates those
10:10 who are presenting what is true and present truth.
10:12 And so today this is recalled to me as old subject,
10:16 but it's still present truth.
10:18 Honey, I want you to read the first paragraph.
10:20 And then let's get into some questions
10:22 and whatever else you have on your little heart today,
10:24 because I think this is a very important paragraph in here
10:29 that will set the stage for what we want to talk about.
10:31 Okay, this is taken from Darkness Before Dawn
10:34 and it's on page five, paragraph one and it reads,
10:37 and many of you may have read it elsewhere as well.
10:40 The great controversy between Christ
10:43 and Satan that has been carried forward for nearly 6000 years.
10:48 This is what I thought was so important,
10:50 is soon to close
10:53 and the wicked one redoubles his efforts to defeat the work
10:57 of Christ in man's behalf
10:59 and to fasten souls in his snares,
11:02 to hold the people in darkness and impenitence.
11:06 Impenitence that means that they don't have any sorrow
11:11 or any regret for their sin.
11:13 So it, you know, without that repentance,
11:15 he wants to hold them there till the Savior's mediation
11:19 is ended, and there is no longer a sacrifice for sin
11:23 is the object which he seeks to accomplish.
11:27 So when you look at that the words that come out
11:30 until His mediation is done.
11:32 Can someone kind of explain a little bit about that,
11:35 till His mediation is done?
11:37 You know, what is Christ doing today?
11:39 Is He doing anything?
11:41 Or is He just saying, "I'm going to come back?"
11:43 Is He our mediator?
11:44 That's another subject in itself to get in,
11:46 to begin to unwrap that.
11:48 We give you 10 seconds, get started.
11:50 He is our mediator. Okay.
11:53 He's working in our behalf right now.
11:55 One day, what?
11:56 He's going to stand up, Revelation 15:8
11:57 and smoke fills the temple.
11:59 And that means it said, not another soul will ever come in.
12:01 So the enemy's trying to keep us busy
12:03 until I like the word probation closes.
12:06 I mean, that's, sometimes people get little apprehensive,
12:08 say, you know, only Adventist misunderstand that term.
12:11 No, a lot of people understand when probation has ended,
12:14 that you know, something, we're all on probation,
12:16 are we not in this life, you know, whether it's a lot,
12:18 a lot of years, or just a few years.
12:20 And one of these days Christ going to say it's ended.
12:24 So the devil then is trying to keep all of us busy.
12:27 Maybe a question would be even in good thing,
12:31 is it possible he can keep us busy,
12:32 even to some things, it's kind of good within,
12:35 not wrong to do but as long as he keeps us off track.
12:38 That's right.
12:39 He keeps us busy so we don't have time to study.
12:41 Exactly.
12:43 How do we have time with the Lord?
12:44 It's like, even in church,
12:45 when people like volunteer for so many things,
12:48 it's like, are you even having a relationship with God?
12:51 Oh, good. Okay. Yeah.
12:52 So I feel like and that goes for me too,
12:54 because I work so much.
12:56 Yes. And then I'm so tired.
12:57 I'm like, and then you go home,
12:59 you have to take care of the house,
13:00 take care of your children.
13:01 That's right.
13:03 And then I'm like, when do I have time for God?
13:04 I read a little devotional, but it's like,
13:06 is that really enough?
13:07 Like, I need more, I need more bread.
13:09 Amen. I need more food.
13:10 Good.
13:12 So I need to really pray about that in my own life.
13:14 So do we all. Yeah.
13:16 And that's actually part of the answer to number,
13:19 question number one, may I go ahead and read that?
13:21 Yeah, go ahead, and then we'd discuss, sure.
13:23 So why has Satan been so successful in confusing
13:25 so many people
13:27 and I just want to read this quote that goes right
13:28 along with you, because neglect of Bible study
13:32 and prayer is one of the ways that he confuses the minds
13:34 of the people.
13:36 And that is when we're too busy.
13:38 You know, I've been feeling that myself here lately.
13:41 And so he'll tell you Sunday.
13:42 That was one thing.
13:44 We haven't even had a Sunday off in weeks.
13:46 And I said, today I am spending time
13:49 and I spent several hours in study and prayer.
13:52 And I could feel the difference, praise God.
13:55 Amen.
13:56 But one thing that I read even on Sunday was Satan well knows
14:00 that all whom he can lead to neglect prayer
14:04 and searching of the scriptures will be overcome by his attack.
14:09 So if we are neglecting prayer
14:11 and we're neglecting our studies,
14:13 we're going to be overcome. So that is got to be vital.
14:17 It's got to be number one in our lives.
14:19 So how do we rearrange our schedules?
14:22 As Angela mentioned, we're so busy
14:25 and Satan wants to keep us busy to the point
14:28 where we don't personally study and I hear a number of people
14:31 frequently say, "Well, I listen on the radio
14:35 or I download sermons or I'm always listening."
14:38 Yeah.
14:40 But the personal one on one with the Lord
14:42 and our own personal Bibles.
14:44 That has to be paramount.
14:46 That's what sets the foundation.
14:48 And I want to add to that,
14:49 because I've been doing that a lot.
14:51 I listen to a lot.
14:52 You do learn a lot.
14:54 But I have noticed because I'm listening
14:58 so much that things are changing in my mind.
15:02 Well.
15:03 And so I had to get back and open the physical books,
15:06 open the physical Bible and begin to study again.
15:10 It doesn't take the place.
15:11 It's still good. Right.
15:13 It's still good.
15:14 It's still something, praise God for all the information
15:17 we've been given right now.
15:19 Amen.
15:20 You know, especially in the times that we're living in.
15:21 I just pray,
15:23 I pray for different ones that are standing up for truth.
15:25 Yes.
15:26 And, you know, praise God for these people.
15:28 And that's what He's calling all of us to do.
15:30 How do we keep, you know,
15:31 we're talking about a balance here,
15:33 because I feel like sometimes I'm out of balance with lot
15:36 of things, because so much is going on there.
15:39 Linda and Ian, you, everybody just throwing things here
15:41 because, you know, again, doing the work that we do,
15:45 and then I feel like, I can't neglect
15:48 the study of the Word of God, because we're always preparing
15:50 for something which is a real blessing.
15:53 If we are preparing that means we're in the Word.
15:55 We know we have things to get accomplished,
15:57 you know, down the road.
15:58 So we're studying, we're in the Word of God.
16:00 But then sometime, as I said, "Oh, and how do we do this,
16:02 there's only so many hours in the day."
16:05 And then you find yourself, you know,
16:06 getting up at 2 o'clock in the morning or 3 o'clock
16:09 or 4 and going 4-5 hours in study of God's Word,
16:12 and then go and do physical work all day.
16:15 And then, you know, we're separated.
16:17 So sometimes we find it,
16:18 I do, I find it difficult even in ministry.
16:22 I usually don't get to
16:23 and that's not trying to feel sorry.
16:25 It's just things I've tried to deal with over the years.
16:27 You know, I don't get to ride with her to church.
16:29 We have to take two vehicles.
16:31 I'm going one way, she's going another
16:32 pickup grandkids different thing.
16:33 I never get to sit with her basically unless someone else
16:37 and it's very rare, you know, we sit together during church.
16:40 We're going two different directions.
16:41 She's going to ministry lot of time,
16:42 I'm going other places and visit and then come night.
16:45 She knows she has to be back in the Word if we get home.
16:48 I've got to get back into the Word.
16:49 So we might do a little by supper.
16:52 And then back in the day and pretty soon I look
16:54 and she's already in bed.
16:55 She's already, you know, I mean, so just,
16:58 how do we balance that?
16:59 Well, the first thing that I wanted
17:02 to bring up was and this goes along with exactly
17:06 what we're talking about, and this comes from Patriarchs
17:08 and Prophets.
17:09 You know, there was somebody who we all know,
17:11 Eve who had the same issue.
17:14 And it goes along by saying here
17:15 that the angels had cautioned Eve to beware
17:17 of separating herself from her husband.
17:19 How many times when have we separated
17:21 ourselves from our bridegroom, from Jesus
17:23 when we get caught up with everything?
17:25 You know, we just open up that window for evil to,
17:28 kind of, you know, step in
17:29 and just leave that door cracked just enough,
17:31 and that's all he needs.
17:32 And it goes on to say though,
17:34 while occupied in their daily labor in the garden with him,
17:38 she would be in less danger from temptation
17:40 than if she were alone.
17:42 But it goes on to say,
17:43 but absorbed in her pleasing task,
17:46 she unconsciously wandered from his side.
17:49 So it's the same thing.
17:50 You know how we're all part of a ministry,
17:52 we're all trying to work for God,
17:53 but sometimes we can get so caught up in that,
17:56 that we lose that connection.
17:57 Even though it's a pleasing task, just as Eve had,
17:59 she had a pleasing task,
18:01 but we've lost sight of that connection.
18:03 She wandered away and we've wandered away,
18:04 even though we're doing something that's pleasing
18:06 and good for God.
18:07 Yeah.
18:09 I want to say, from my perspective,
18:11 even though we may not sit together,
18:14 not that I would switch that
18:15 because there's probably nobody with him.
18:19 I mean, they're on camera, I used to be directing.
18:21 And there he doesn't have a bigger amen corner.
18:24 Well, maybe one or two other ladies like puts in competition
18:28 and they're cheering, but I'm still with him,
18:31 you know, in spirit.
18:32 Oh, absolutely. Yeah, that's true.
18:34 So there is a little bit of a difference in that perspective.
18:36 And, you know, I still find
18:39 even if we're in two different rooms,
18:41 studying or whatever,
18:42 I still find comfort that he's in the house, period.
18:44 Yes. Amen.
18:46 You know, so but we try, we try to sneak.
18:48 You said that just the other day, didn't you?
18:49 I did say that.
18:51 Yeah, she said the other day, 'cause I said, and she said,
18:52 "Well, you need to spend more time to study?"
18:54 And then she would be gone.
18:55 Okay, she's gonna leave me some day.
18:56 Do some work, you know and I said, "Well, honey,
18:59 I said, you're going out there to study.
19:01 You are going to be there two or three or four hours.
19:02 I won't see you anyway.
19:04 Or I'm going to be down here preparing for something,
19:05 I won't see anyway.
19:07 So if I just slip out and go do some other things,
19:08 and then come back.
19:10 It'll be comforting to know that you're in the house.
19:12 Well, I did not quite like that.
19:14 Did you win? I did win that win.
19:17 It's true though. Thank you, Ian.
19:19 Yeah.
19:20 Now then, before we get too far into this,
19:23 I want to throw it back to Ian and to Angie,
19:26 because back in I think maybe September,
19:29 was it September possibly or maybe just about October?
19:32 October. October of 2019.
19:34 We met them in Georgia.
19:36 And there was a process of defeating the enemy.
19:40 I know that a lot of the viewers
19:42 have seen you on other programs.
19:44 But this is the first time that we have been together.
19:48 And when we first met you,
19:50 things were not as they are now.
19:52 Amen. Not as they are now.
19:54 So I want to throw this ball back over to you
19:57 and we'll jump in every now
19:59 and again because I know some of it.
20:01 But I want to hear it from you guys.
20:03 You guys tell us how did we meet you?
20:06 Well, that's a long story, but we'll try to make it short.
20:10 Go ahead. It's a blessing.
20:11 Oh, absolutely.
20:13 We should have made this a two part.
20:14 Yeah. It needs to be.
20:15 Yeah.
20:17 But you know my wife was at the time
20:18 she was in the church
20:20 and she was very much a part of God
20:22 and loving Jesus.
20:25 Me, not so much.
20:27 You know, I was in the army at the time.
20:28 And I think I'd been serving what 11,
20:31 I think was about 10 or 11 years at that point.
20:34 And, but God was not a part of my life
20:38 as much as my beautiful wife here tried
20:42 to show me God's love.
20:43 And she prayed for me for so many years.
20:46 I mean, 11 years, I think
20:47 is what it was that she prayed for me.
20:49 And there are so many difficult times in our marriage.
20:51 And, but, yeah, when we met you,
20:54 it was a critical moment in my life,
20:56 because there was a lot happening.
20:58 And I was going downwards.
21:00 I mean, I was talking to somebody yesterday,
21:03 it was pretty much the Nebuchadnezzar effect,
21:05 you know, I was hitting rock bottom.
21:07 And it was really tough.
21:09 But my wife kept praying for me
21:11 and she had me come to an evangelistic series
21:14 that Pastor Kenny,
21:15 that you were conducting at a small church
21:17 just right down the road from us.
21:19 And, you know, previous to that I had slowly been,
21:23 you know, putting, getting my foot in the door at church
21:25 and I was a little more attentive.
21:27 You know, that's a whole another story in its own.
21:29 But how we met you guys was at that church.
21:32 And that was a pivotal moment,
21:33 because I know that the Lord was using you,
21:36 Pastor Kenny, in a way that other preachers,
21:40 other pastors, other people could not reach me.
21:42 There was something in that moment.
21:44 Praise God.
21:46 And I just, I remember specifically that when you
21:48 asked for, you know, you gave an appeal at the end of it.
21:51 And you know, that if anybody wanted to change their life
21:54 and they wanted to feel that love of Christ,
21:56 you know, just to stand up.
21:58 In that moment, I couldn't do it.
22:00 Because all I could hear was, how horrible of a person I am.
22:04 And the things I've done in my past
22:06 and what I've done in the army and,
22:08 you know, what I've done, you know, to my wife.
22:11 Yes.
22:14 So I know the Lord used you for sure.
22:16 Praise God. Amen.
22:17 And it was just...
22:18 That first night, I couldn't stand up, not that first night.
22:21 But when I explained to my wife what had happened,
22:24 she knew I was in that spiritual battle.
22:26 We decided we'd come see you again.
22:28 And we did the following night.
22:30 And that's when I made that decision
22:33 where I wasn't going to listen to what Satan
22:35 was trying to tell me.
22:37 Amen. Because he was trying to keep me down.
22:38 He was, he didn't want me to overcome.
22:41 He wanted me to stay where I was at
22:43 and that was staying away from God
22:45 and believing that I'm not worth it.
22:47 And, you know, but I didn't let him have that victory.
22:50 And I chose to stay on that day.
22:51 And that's when, you know, my entire life changed.
22:54 And I thank my wife, I thank for all the people
22:57 who have stuck with me and I thank you,
22:59 Pastor Kenny, for allowing God to use you
23:01 because it changed my life.
23:03 And it was several nights, and on the Sabbath,
23:07 our very last Sabbath.
23:09 Yep.
23:10 We had been told and there was some
23:13 communication difficulties because this was a community,
23:16 a Korean church.
23:18 And we had been told that there was another church
23:20 that was going to allow us to baptize.
23:22 So we had a few people ready for baptism.
23:24 And while we were thinking we were ready for that,
23:28 you and pastor began to talk
23:29 while the rest of us were eating
23:31 and they were in their own world for several hours.
23:34 Oh, we were. Yeah.
23:36 It was about two, two and half hours.
23:38 Yeah. Standing in the hall.
23:40 I remember that, like he's wasting his time.
23:42 We didn't know anybody was coming and going.
23:44 And he really, truly,
23:47 because you shortened this a lot,
23:49 because I know that they continued to work
23:52 night after night in the struggles.
23:54 It fits exactly what we're talking about.
23:57 One of the ways that he does,
23:58 he works with all diligence to control the minds
24:01 of the worshipers.
24:03 He was working with all diligence
24:05 because he doesn't mind it as long as we sit there
24:08 and we're nonchalant, nothing's really happening.
24:10 But when a soul begins to say, "What must I do to be saved?"
24:14 When he begins to say,
24:15 "You know, maybe that is a better life."
24:17 And he knew he was leading, losing you.
24:21 He began to work harder and you were really struggling.
24:24 And that's what this program is all about.
24:27 How he, how to defeat the enemy,
24:30 how we can stop this confusion.
24:32 And what would you say to people?
24:34 I know you said you came back a second night,
24:36 but what happened in your mind that made you say,
24:39 "Okay, this is enough, I'm breaking that tie."
24:42 You know, my...
24:44 I actually talked to my wife about this recently.
24:47 And this is kind of difficult for me to say so forgive me.
24:50 But for the majority of my life,
24:53 I always felt like I wasn't good enough.
24:55 And it was, I can take that all the way back to my childhood.
24:59 And there were just pivotal moments in my life
25:01 where things had happened.
25:03 And I just never felt good enough.
25:04 I always felt, you know, I couldn't achieve
25:07 or and then especially when it came to God
25:10 and everything that I had done, I mean, I was a drinker,
25:12 I was a smoker.
25:13 I had done drugs,
25:15 you know, I did some terrible things in our marriage.
25:18 And, you know, how could God love a person like that?
25:21 And so all my life, I just felt like, how am I,
25:24 I'll never be good enough.
25:25 And that's what I kept hearing those nights,
25:28 you know, at your evangelistic series,
25:30 just, you're never going to be good enough.
25:32 You can't do it. And, but it was, it was a fight.
25:35 It was really a struggle.
25:37 It wasn't just a mental, I mean, it was physical.
25:39 There was everything was trying to...
25:41 You felt that pressure that Satan used to keep you down.
25:45 I remember the moments that I wanted
25:46 to make that commitment,
25:48 I could feel a pressure on my chest.
25:50 Yes.
25:52 And almost as if I couldn't, you know,
25:53 I could breathe, but it was much more shallow than normal.
25:58 You know, my legs seem to get heavy,
26:00 the palms start to sweat.
26:01 Yeah. Everything was coming after me.
26:03 And then with, I really, I can sit here as clear as day
26:07 and tell you that I would hear, "You're not good enough.
26:10 Look at what you've done.
26:11 Look at who you've hurt and the people that you love
26:14 who you've hurt."
26:15 Yes. But it got to that moment where it just...
26:18 I mean, it had to be Holy Spirit driven.
26:20 Amen. You heard the voice of God.
26:22 And Pastor Kenny kept calling you.
26:24 Oh, yeah.
26:26 Yeah, Pastor Kenny.
26:27 I know God was working 'cause you stalled and stalled.
26:29 You were just, it's like you're just pulling him in.
26:32 It was a miracle.
26:34 It was, I still remember clear as day,
26:36 you walking up and down the aisle and saying,
26:39 "I know that there's somebody here who hasn't done it yet."
26:42 And I don't know if maybe you saw
26:44 the look in my face those couple of nights.
26:45 And you just knew that I was going through that struggle.
26:47 Maybe you did, maybe didn't.
26:49 But the fact is, I knew that the Lord was working on you
26:52 and just buying me time.
26:54 He was just by me because I can honestly tell you right now
26:57 that if I didn't change my life that day,
27:00 if I didn't make that commitment that day,
27:02 I probably wouldn't be sitting here in front of you right now.
27:04 This is a two-hander. Amen.
27:06 This is, Angie, pastor says you leave,
27:08 put one hand down to my knee.
27:09 Amen. Amen.
27:11 Because that is what this is all about. Yes.
27:14 Mrs. White talks about plucking a soul out of the fire.
27:17 And that's what was happening.
27:19 The devil was putting the pressure,
27:20 his angels were holding you down.
27:22 But God was saying, He was giving you the strength.
27:25 And I know you had to have heard Him speaking too,
27:27 perhaps through an audible voice,
27:29 but it was the Spirit of God speaking.
27:31 Absolutely.
27:32 I know, the Lord was working through Pastor Kenny,
27:34 because like I said, he just keep buying time and saying,
27:36 "I know there's somebody."
27:39 And eventually, you know, God just gave me that strength
27:42 to stand up and make that commitment.
27:43 And from that moment on we spoke,
27:45 you know, on Sabbath.
27:47 Yes.
27:48 And I don't know if you remember,
27:49 but I was still a smoker at the time.
27:51 Yes, I did.
27:52 And the pastor of the church that we were going to,
27:55 he didn't want to baptize us because I was still smoking.
27:59 But that was a blessing in disguise too.
28:01 Because I think God was testing me a little bit.
28:04 He wanted to see how committed I really am.
28:06 Because I know a lot of times when we're,
28:08 when we get into something, into trouble,
28:11 what's the first thing that any of us do, even non-Christians?
28:14 God help me. Yes.
28:15 You cry out to God, "God, you know, just get me through this.
28:18 And I promise I'll change."
28:20 You know, and I can't even tell you
28:21 how many times that I had done that.
28:23 And I think this time He wanted to know,
28:25 "Okay, you know, okay, Ian.
28:27 Are you really committed to Me?" That's it.
28:29 Amen.
28:31 And so I quit smoking and I quit everything.
28:32 Praise God.
28:33 And, you know, doesn't mean the attacks don't stop.
28:35 But this time I have God in my heart.
28:37 Amen. And things are little easier now.
28:39 Amen. Amen.
28:40 You know like Sister Linda, that some of the things
28:41 that we've been talking about how to overcome the enemy.
28:43 And he's explained it so well.
28:45 Amen. Tremendous battle, right?
28:48 When the person changes their life
28:50 and turns it over to Christ.
28:52 That's when the enemy really,
28:54 when you're making that decision,
28:55 that's when he was sitting on your chest if I might say.
28:57 Oh, yeah. He was getting into your mind.
29:00 And, you know, and then this is how it's done by committing
29:03 ourselves to Jesus Christ.
29:05 You know, in your experience, you work with a lot of people.
29:08 And you see, they come for one thing,
29:10 but I know you guys give them a little something else.
29:13 How do you do that?
29:16 We just influence them with prayer.
29:18 Yes. And we encourage them.
29:20 Amen.
29:22 Because when it comes to diet,
29:23 particularly I talk to people about their diet
29:25 and lifestyle all day long.
29:28 They have to be encouraged.
29:29 A lot of times, things that people need
29:30 to give up are things that they already know.
29:33 They just need the encouragement.
29:35 They need prayer.
29:36 And every person I speak with,
29:38 we always end into it with prayer.
29:41 And most the time at the end,
29:43 when their struggles you can always hear
29:45 the tears in the background.
29:47 Yeah.
29:48 We're living in perilous times
29:49 and people are so incredibly sick.
29:51 See, what you're bringing out is to me
29:52 is exciting because some people just they don't get it.
29:54 And I'm slow a lot of things, I'm just,
29:57 I'm slow on and I need to learn and relearn.
30:00 But our lesson really brings out.
30:01 Again the enemy is trying to put off us
30:04 making that decision.
30:05 And one of the way he does it
30:07 is by benumbing our senses through appetite.
30:11 Right.
30:13 So if he can get us to, you know,
30:14 continue to do some of the things
30:16 maybe we did in the world, it's very difficult for us
30:18 to make spiritual decisions because 1 Corinthians says,
30:21 "Spiritual things are spiritually discerned."
30:25 So, you know, that's a battle I'm sure you see
30:27 all the time because people
30:28 who are coming maybe say it nicely,
30:30 maybe abuse the body and sometimes the thinking
30:33 is very more difficult.
30:36 And I think we've all abused our body from time to time.
30:38 Oh, yes, yes. And we all need that encouragement.
30:41 Yes.
30:42 But by prayer, we get the Lord's help.
30:46 All things are possible to those who believe,
30:49 and we spend time with God in prayer we can overcome.
30:52 We can be overcomers in everything. Yeah.
30:54 Maybe this is backtrack a little bit,
30:56 but how is appetite a snare of the enemy?
31:00 Well, the enemy has a pit for everyone to fall into,
31:06 and that's exactly where he found me is in a pit.
31:10 Matter of fact that's how come
31:12 we changed into the health field
31:13 because of my own illness.
31:16 And I knew when I got sick
31:18 that I knew that I was at fault.
31:21 So I went to the Lord, saying,
31:23 "Lord, I realized that I'm here,
31:25 I realized that I have violated the laws of health and,
31:31 but I don't know how to get from here
31:32 to where I need to be.
31:34 So you're going to have to meet me where I'm at."
31:35 And He is so gracious
31:36 and He meets everyone where they're at.
31:39 Amen. That's right.
31:40 We actually talked to a lot of people
31:42 that go through exactly what you did.
31:45 But it's through their diet because so many people,
31:48 they, they look at their diet and they say to themselves,
31:51 "I can't change that."
31:54 My taste buds, the way I'm built,
31:56 the, you know, the things my body craves
32:00 and so many people
32:02 that she counsels ministers too,
32:06 they come from the exact same place,
32:08 it's just from the perspective of diet.
32:10 I mean this is so real,
32:13 you know, just two weeks ago,
32:15 missing things is part of the family through marriage,
32:18 blah-blah, whatever else.
32:19 And I'm very familiar with him and with his brother
32:23 and his brother would say,
32:24 he had a problem with diet and you know,
32:26 thing he'd take, he liked to eat
32:28 and his brother would always say,
32:30 "I tell you I'm afraid for my brother.
32:31 I'm afraid, he always said,
32:33 he's going to eat himself to death."
32:34 And you're thinking, well eat yourself to death,
32:35 what do you mean?
32:37 He can't control his appetite, blah-blah.
32:39 And so this went on for years and a couple of weeks ago,
32:43 he left a little note,
32:44 as he killed himself that he can't,
32:47 he can't, he can no longer get out of his chair,
32:50 he can't go to the restaurants and eat like he wants to eat.
32:53 Now, it brings tears to your eyes, you think about it.
32:56 And he couldn't eat and do what he was used
32:58 to doing for so many years,
33:00 that it kind of destroyed his mind and his thinking.
33:02 He said, "If I can't do those things,
33:04 if I can't do what, I'm just going to kill myself."
33:06 And he did. How sad.
33:08 You know, we're seeing more addictive behavior.
33:12 As time goes on, sin becomes more prevalent in the world.
33:15 And also, the vitality of man is getting less and less.
33:19 Yes.
33:21 And addictive behavior is everywhere.
33:22 My little brother, he died as an alcoholic as well.
33:26 And I remember we had sent him to one
33:28 of those institutions to,
33:30 so that he could get cleaned out and get a fresh start.
33:33 And they gave each person that came there a cup
33:36 to put up at the top
33:38 and if they were cleaned for a whole year,
33:39 then you can come back and claim that cup.
33:42 And the walls were just lined with cups
33:45 of people that had not come back to claim their cup.
33:47 But my little brother says, "Mom, I am going to be coming,
33:51 going back to collect that cup."
33:54 He was not one that came back to collect the cup.
33:57 But he died in the Lord and of that I'm very happy,
34:00 but I understand the devastation
34:02 when you cannot trust your own promises to the Lord.
34:07 You feel like they're like ropes of sand.
34:09 You can't get from here to there.
34:10 You can't.
34:12 You don't even know where to start the first step.
34:14 And so I see that, I hear that on the phone.
34:16 And the Lord is so gracious
34:19 and He helps us make that first step.
34:20 Sometimes we need outside help.
34:23 But the Lord is so gracious to help us
34:25 make that first step, if we can make that first step.
34:27 Actually, He's already made that first step
34:29 but if we can join Him.
34:31 So it takes more than good intentions.
34:34 Yes.
34:36 I talk to a lot of people who have good intentions
34:37 were going to do it, but he had good intentions.
34:40 I believe when he said, I'm going to go back
34:42 and get that cup.
34:43 Yes. I believe he meant that at the time.
34:45 He did.
34:46 But circumstances as the enemy, you know,
34:48 begin to continue to work and he'll put it off one day
34:51 and then put it off a week and two weeks there.
34:53 You know, we live in a time where we're at the end.
34:57 We don't have maybe those weeks and months
34:59 and years that we think we had to fool around
35:01 if I might say.
35:03 We need to have more than good intentions is to like you stand
35:06 and just simply say, "God, by Your grace,
35:08 by Your strength, I'm going to follow You."
35:11 And the Lord expects us to copartner with Him.
35:13 That's true.
35:14 We have a part to play when people call
35:16 and they just want one pill shot to heal
35:19 a whole myriad of things.
35:22 You know, I remind them that, you know,
35:23 let's look at your diet here.
35:25 You know what other things that we need to do as well.
35:28 And so we have to copartner with the Lord in every aspect
35:31 of our life.
35:33 You've already said it but say it again.
35:34 Appetite will affect our thinking.
35:37 Is that true? Yes.
35:39 Simply put.
35:40 Yes, our lifestyle, diet and lifestyle.
35:42 Okay. Absolutely.
35:43 The Bible says, "Whatsoever you eat,
35:47 whatsoever you drink..."
35:48 That's right.
35:50 Paul was very specific about those two items.
35:52 And then he adds, "Whatsoever you do,
35:55 do all to the glory of God."
35:56 And so that's one of the things that we always tell people
35:59 when we do seminars,
36:00 it's not salvation by diet not at all, but Jesus said,
36:05 "If you love Me, keep My commandments."
36:07 Yes.
36:08 And one of His commands has to do with our diet
36:11 and our health, whatsoever we eat whatsoever we drink.
36:14 Amen. Helps us defeat the enemy.
36:16 Okay.
36:17 Pastor Kenny, I realize this is taking just
36:18 a little bit different direction,
36:20 but one of my doubts that I had is we decide
36:24 who influences our thinking, who, by how we spend our time.
36:29 I know when my husband I first got married
36:31 and I know this is not, this is something that really
36:33 touches everybody because we've all done this
36:35 and that is watching television.
36:38 Do you remember when we were younger?
36:41 We had, you know, we heard a lot about subliminals.
36:45 And now we don't hear about it so much.
36:47 But if when we were younger,
36:49 we heard about all these subliminal,
36:51 subliminal messages coming through television that we,
36:56 you know, we thought well that was conspiracy theories
36:59 way back then, but if it was true back then,
37:02 what do you think is going on now?
37:03 Okay.
37:05 What are we seeing now or not seeing it,
37:07 but we're subjecting ourselves to these influences
37:10 without even knowing it.
37:11 Amen. And that to me is scary.
37:14 My husband and I when we first married,
37:16 we watched every night, we watched this program
37:19 and we do reruns three hours.
37:21 We didn't realize how much time we were wasting
37:24 until we didn't do it anymore.
37:26 We felt definitely impressed to give it up
37:29 and then once we gave it up, we're like, wow,
37:32 where do we have the time to spend
37:33 all that time on television.
37:37 It's crazy.
37:38 When I was a little girl, one time,
37:40 we, my father and my sisters
37:42 and I were arguing over a TV program
37:45 and my dad got angry and he came in and picked up
37:48 the TV and took it out off the back porch
37:50 and threw it out in the field.
37:52 And we were like, wow.
37:54 And after he was gone, we went and plugged it in
37:56 and it still worked.
37:59 You know, I think what we're doing here
38:01 is bringing this home.
38:02 Yes.
38:03 Because the more we begin to study how he does this,
38:06 how he confuses people,
38:08 you'll find that the enemy is in everything.
38:10 He is in everything.
38:12 You begin to study about food and how it's manufactured.
38:16 Some of it shouldn't even be considered food,
38:18 but they actually study what to put in,
38:21 how much to put in to make you addicted to those products.
38:25 And so I feel like
38:26 the enemy has had his hand in every aspect.
38:29 Very much so.
38:30 There's other things that we kind of talked about
38:32 false teachers in the churches,
38:33 how he can misrepresent people.
38:38 You know, there's a lot of people that come
38:39 to the church and he works through to misrepresent
38:42 and to falsely accuse other people.
38:44 All these things are tactics to keep us from being saved,
38:49 and to keep us on his side.
38:52 Perversion of God's Word.
38:53 We are really, really, really experiencing that
38:58 and the time in which we're living.
38:59 In fact, you've got all of these different Bible
39:02 translations now.
39:03 But if you notice, they may sound the same in a lot
39:07 of places but there's some key issues especially
39:10 when it points out who and what the beast power
39:12 is and overcoming sin that have been changed.
39:15 Mercy. And it's not by the grace of God.
39:18 So we want to stick to like the King James Version
39:21 and I think next to that might be the New King James Version
39:24 to find out what truth
39:26 is because those are the closest to the written,
39:29 the original written document.
39:30 So there's so much going on.
39:34 So let's look into question number two.
39:36 How may we establish
39:38 what is true with all this confusion?
39:41 It's important. Amen.
39:42 And all these things and people they're picking up,
39:43 they think they're reading the right thing
39:45 and it's leading them astray spiritually.
39:47 Yes. How can we know what is truth?
39:49 How can we establish that?
39:52 God's Word is the truth.
39:53 Jesus says in John 14:6, "I am the Way,
39:56 the Truth and the Life."
39:58 Amen. So the word is alive.
40:00 You just have to pick it up, and read it.
40:03 That's right.
40:04 I think we started that in the beginning
40:06 towards the end that you just have to pick it up.
40:08 It's alive. It really is.
40:10 There's a key there though because a lot of people study
40:13 the Bible just to look for ways to get around things
40:16 or to make their own point, to twist it to say
40:19 what they want it to say, but what I have studied
40:23 and what we have all experienced here at this table
40:26 is we need to study the Bible with a humble
40:30 and a teachable heart and mind.
40:33 Amen. Not my will but Thy will be done.
40:37 Amen.
40:38 We need to open it up because the Bible
40:39 is a two-edged sword just as Christ said,
40:41 "It's going to cut, it's going to separate,
40:43 it's going to divide."
40:44 My dad, my stepdad used to say if we don't allow Him to cut
40:47 the dross off now, someday it'll be burned off.
40:52 So what God is doing through His Word is He's recreating us.
40:56 And sometimes it's a little difficult and we have to learn
41:00 to allow the Bible to...
41:04 What's the word I'm looking for?
41:05 The Bible to interpret itself, here a little,
41:08 there a little, line upon line, precept upon precept.
41:11 And we need to learn to do studies,
41:13 because sometimes we can just read through
41:16 some of the stories and we think now,
41:18 Lord, what did that have to do with my salvation
41:20 or my walk with You?
41:22 Now, there's a lot of times you may go back later
41:25 after you've done some studies and say,
41:26 "Oh, I get it, because they went through that.
41:30 I understand that because that may be a trial
41:33 that I may go through
41:35 and You're teaching me to stand."
41:37 So it's beginning to learn to hear His voice in all
41:40 of the Word because the whole Word points to Jesus.
41:43 That's it.
41:44 If a man wants to know what's truth,
41:47 if his will is to know the truth and what John 7:17,
41:51 you know, God's going to make that truth known to them.
41:53 So first we have to want to know what is truth.
41:56 Amen.
41:57 Not try to study to try to defend some kind
41:59 of a position that you have on something.
42:02 But when I open the Word of God, I really,
42:04 I want to know, what is truth?
42:07 Because truth is that which what John 7:17,
42:12 Thy word is truth, in 17...
42:14 Sanctify them through Thy truth Thy Word is true.
42:18 So sanctification or preparation from heaven
42:20 comes by knowing what is true.
42:22 So I understand it's not by twisting and, you know,
42:26 trying to make truth a lie
42:27 but then I'll make it to heaven.
42:29 It's by knowing what really is truth that changes my insides.
42:34 In Psalm
42:36 119:151-152.
42:41 This goes along with what Chris was saying in regard
42:43 to precept upon precept, line upon line.
42:45 Yes, yes.
42:47 It says, "Thou art near, O Lord,
42:49 and all thy commandments are truth.
42:52 Concerning thy testimonies,
42:53 I have known of old that thou hast founded them forever."
42:58 Something that's really popular nowadays is,
43:01 well, that was biblical truth back then,
43:04 you know, and whenever back then was
43:05 that's when back then was, but today what the Bible
43:09 is meaning is.
43:11 And so, and, of course, people do it with Sister
43:14 White's writings as well.
43:15 Yeah.
43:16 But when God speaks through His testimonies,
43:18 through His prophets...
43:20 Amen. It stands forever.
43:21 I love it.
43:23 I think what he's saying is that now
43:25 people are taking opinions of people over the Bible,
43:30 over the Spirit of Prophecy
43:31 and we need to test everything according to the Bible.
43:34 We need to test things according
43:35 to the Spirit of Prophecy.
43:37 Amen. And that's where you find that in Isaiah 8:20?
43:40 Yes. To the law and what?
43:41 To the law and testimony.
43:43 Go ahead, to the law and testimony, and they speak what?
43:44 I'll say right here.
43:46 If they do not speak according to this word
43:47 is because there's no light in them.
43:49 How much light? None.
43:50 None. No.
43:52 Somehow we think eight or nine out of 10 is good enough.
43:54 Most people say, well, they're saying some truth.
43:56 If you're listening to something,
43:58 I'm gonna say it right now, if you're listening
43:59 to something that there's error in it,
44:01 you're listening to what the devil has to say.
44:04 Soon as we detect what is error,
44:07 it's time for us not to listen to it anymore.
44:10 Not to go listen to it... Amen.
44:12 Because the enemy is involved with it.
44:14 God doesn't want us to do that.
44:15 Jesus, how important it was, Matthew was it, 20 something?
44:19 Matthew 22:29, Jesus said,
44:21 "You do err in not knowing
44:24 the Scripture because they're the power of God."
44:26 Amen. Sometimes the church lacks power.
44:28 We lack power in our own life because we err in Scripture.
44:32 Yep. Amen.
44:33 And if we, you know, study to show ourselves
44:35 approved unto God, He's going to do great things.
44:36 You know, speaking of, sorry, Chris.
44:37 No, go ahead.
44:39 Speaking of the opinions of man,
44:40 wouldn't that also include science?
44:42 Oh, absolutely.
44:43 Haven't we glorified science to the point that you know,
44:47 we have science on this side and science on that side
44:50 and that's why people are confused,
44:51 is there everything is science for them.
44:53 Science just hasn't caught up to the Bible yet.
44:55 There you go.
44:57 Science needs to agree with the Bible,
44:59 once we understand where the Bible came from.
45:01 You know, 2 Peter 1:21 tells us
45:03 the Bible came from holy men as God spake
45:08 and they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
45:10 So who is the ultimate scientist here?
45:13 Right. It is God.
45:14 Amen.
45:16 And so when we're dealing with science,
45:17 just like anything else in our lives,
45:18 it needs to fit the Bible.
45:21 It needs to live up to the light of the Word of God.
45:24 If it doesn't, then there's no truth in that either.
45:27 Amen.
45:28 You know, so we need to, I know years
45:30 ago because there's so many good books out there
45:33 that a person could read,
45:35 but most of the time between he and I,
45:38 it's just the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy.
45:41 It doesn't mean we don't look at other good books.
45:43 Linda has a good book on health.
45:45 I just shared that with someone a few weeks ago.
45:48 But we have to focus mostly upon
45:52 what we know that the Holy Spirit
45:54 is behind and what He wrote.
45:55 And in part of the answer to this question,
45:57 the Lord took me to Proverbs Chapter 2.
45:59 And you can find a lot of things in Proverbs Chapter 2.
46:02 But I just want to just kind of maybe glean just a few
46:06 of the aspects of Proverbs 2:1-11.
46:09 It says, "Receive my words, hide my commandments with you."
46:13 I'm just kind of, proof, you know, going over it quickly.
46:18 Verse 2, "Incline thine ear unto wisdom,
46:21 apply thine heart to understanding."
46:24 So God is giving us direction.
46:26 He's telling us, "You want understanding?
46:28 Here it is.
46:29 Apply your heart to it, and I'm going to give it to you."
46:32 Hide my commandments in your heart and in your mind,
46:35 as the Bible talks about.
46:37 Amen.
46:38 "Yea, if thou criest after knowledge,"
46:40 you want to know what knowledge is,
46:41 "and liftest up thy voice for understanding."
46:46 Where do we find it? We find it again in the Word of God.
46:49 "If thou seekest her as silver,"
46:52 would it be searching the Bible for those gems,
46:55 those precious, expensive gems of truth,
46:59 "and searchest for her as for hid treasures."
47:02 Verse 5, "Then thou shalt understand
47:04 and fear the fear of the Lord."
47:07 You know, a lot of times we take that out of context
47:10 but it's reverence, it's respect.
47:13 Yes.
47:14 It's even knowing how He's gonna take care
47:16 of us in His love and in His mercy
47:17 and in His grace and find the knowledge of God.
47:21 Will we be able to understand God in all things?
47:23 No. He's beyond finite...
47:25 Yes, it's true.
47:26 That's what the Word says, "For the Lord giveth wisdom out
47:29 of His mouth cometh knowledge and understanding."
47:32 Where do we find that?
47:34 I mentioned when we moved up here,
47:35 you guys recently moved up here from Georgia.
47:38 When we moved up here, we had 65 acres,
47:42 we still have 65 acres in this home,
47:44 and I felt like
47:46 we had been preparing it for living off the grid,
47:50 so to speak, you know, not to the point
47:52 where it should be, but we were doing things
47:54 to do that.
47:55 And when we...
47:56 The Lord began to speak to Kenny
47:58 and to Danny about moving up here closer to 3ABN,
48:02 I thought, oh, wow, is these those boys,
48:06 are they just having this idea to help prove me
48:10 and make me move up here?
48:11 Is this really God?
48:13 And I've been praying and praying and praying.
48:15 And then one morning, I just spent like two hours in prayer
48:20 and crying and asking God, is this Your will?
48:23 You know if this is just some strange idea that they've got
48:26 to be together, you know, where do You want us, Father?
48:31 Amen.
48:32 And I once I finished, I said, "Now I know just
48:34 as we were just reading here, I know that You speak to us
48:37 through Your Word."
48:39 Yes. "Please speak to me."
48:40 Amen. And I kid you not.
48:43 A verse that probably I may have read
48:45 before because there are several like it
48:47 but it never hit home like this time, the very first word,
48:50 the very first verse I read was,
48:52 and in the land, is it found in Deuteronomy,
48:55 that thou goeth to possess, I will bless thee.
48:59 Amen. Wow.
49:00 So I knew with my daughter having moved in next door,
49:04 my grandbabies there for the first time close to me,
49:07 the land, the house, everything I had to leave,
49:11 because there's no better place than where God wants us.
49:14 But if you want to know what knowledge is?
49:16 You want to know where wisdom is?
49:18 We searched the Word of God.
49:19 Understand righteousness, judgment and equity
49:23 and every good path.
49:25 And you guys again at home can go back
49:26 and read that for yourself.
49:28 Read it a little closer.
49:30 Let's look at number three real quick.
49:32 How can we deal with our own personal doubts
49:35 and overcome them?
49:37 Okay, we've been talking a little bit about this already.
49:39 Let's just start and kind of go around a little bit.
49:43 If you got a little answer a little something on that one.
49:45 You know, it's... Any thoughts.
49:48 That's one of the most difficult things really.
49:50 It's your own personal doubts, your own personal fears.
49:53 Okay.
49:55 At least in my case that's been so hard for me
49:58 to overcome those things because for so long,
50:00 like I mentioned earlier,
50:01 I always felt like I wasn't good enough.
50:03 So when you've had this pattern of thinking for the majority
50:06 of your life and now you have to change it.
50:08 Yeah. You can't change it on yourself though.
50:11 You cannot do it.
50:12 You have to claim God's promises
50:13 what He says about you.
50:15 That's actually something I'm going through right now
50:17 for myself is I want to see, what does God say about me?
50:20 Yes.
50:21 You know, because I don't like how I see myself
50:23 and that needs to change.
50:24 Yeah. I hear you.
50:25 But the only way that can change is through Christ.
50:27 Amen.
50:28 You know, He calls us, you know, a light to the world.
50:30 He calls us the salt, you know, so.
50:32 And if you just keep reading His Word,
50:35 you see His promises everywhere of how much He loves you,
50:38 of how much He cares for you.
50:40 You know, what is it?
50:41 There's no greater love than this than to give
50:43 one's life for your friends.
50:45 He's done that for me. Amen.
50:46 He's done that for you. He's done that for all of us.
50:48 And it's so hard to grasp sometimes. Yes.
50:51 But I think when you really focus on that,
50:53 when you look to what Jesus actually went through for you,
50:56 what He suffered for you,
50:58 before you even were in this world,
51:00 He knew what you were possibly going
51:02 to do based on your decisions.
51:03 Yes.
51:05 He took that for you, that pain, that suffering,
51:07 just so you could be happy,
51:09 just so you can live in His love,
51:11 that you can live in His grace.
51:12 Amen. That's good, yes.
51:14 And that's the only way because I'll be honest,
51:16 I've done counseling, I've had counselors,
51:19 I've had psychologists, I've did it through the army
51:22 and they give you, you know, things to practice.
51:24 And yeah, they may help for a little while,
51:26 but eventually, you need Christ.
51:29 Amen.
51:30 It's not going to work, you know, maybe temporarily.
51:33 And if it does, it's probably false
51:35 and you're just kidding yourself.
51:36 There you go. You need Jesus in your heart.
51:38 You need to really, really accept Him.
51:40 What you're talking about, what your experience,
51:43 what you're expressing, I hope everyone at home is hearing it.
51:46 It's because it's real.
51:47 It's not just reading a book. No.
51:49 It's not just claiming empty promises.
51:52 There is power. Power.
51:54 Power. Absolutely.
51:55 He wants to open all of heaven.
51:57 He would pour out all of heaven for just one soul.
52:00 Amen.
52:01 To give them the power to overcome
52:02 but it's our choice, He will never force His will,
52:05 the enemy forces.
52:07 Oh, yeah. We're seeing that in our world today.
52:10 The enemy is forcing things
52:12 that people do not want in their lives.
52:15 Amen. But God never forces.
52:18 That's right. Amen.
52:19 He woos, He calls.
52:20 As she prayed for 11 years, that's why you had the spirit
52:23 of the whole of the living God,
52:25 touching and moving in your mind
52:27 and urging you to something better.
52:30 And you know what? You're not alone.
52:31 There's a lot of us that have felt unworthy.
52:33 And I...
52:34 One of the things that my wife did for me
52:36 and that she showed me the forgiveness of Christ.
52:38 Amen.
52:39 It was, you know, she loved God so much that she didn't want
52:42 to do her will because believe me.
52:44 I wanted to leave you.
52:46 She wanted to run, you know, but she never did.
52:49 Her love for God was greater. Yeah.
52:51 And she always said, "You know, Lord,
52:53 let Your will be done not mine."
52:55 Yeah. And she showed me the forgiveness of Christ.
52:58 So that alone, you need Christ,
53:02 you need God but you also you need that,
53:04 that community, you need those people to help you.
53:06 You've also just shared another thing.
53:08 It takes both of you working together.
53:10 There you go.
53:12 Even though you were on the outside,
53:13 she was holding on to Jesus.
53:15 If she hadn't held on, it would not have worked.
53:18 And eventually, if you hadn't come in,
53:20 it still may not have worked.
53:22 But because both of you working together
53:25 and began to put Christ first,
53:27 then the marriage could be healed.
53:29 Amen. But we had to make...
53:31 We had to make that choice.
53:32 And that's what comes down to, you have to make a choice.
53:34 It's a choice.
53:36 You're either going to go left or you're going to go right
53:38 but I can guarantee you,
53:39 the only way that is right is Christ.
53:41 Amen. That's the only way because you can't describe it.
53:44 You can't... No.
53:45 You can't tell somebody what it's like,
53:48 you have to experience it.
53:49 And the only way you do is by giving up
53:51 what you're comfortable with.
53:53 That's right.
53:54 So what should we see when we, as we say,
53:55 look in the spiritual mirror?
53:57 If I see myself every time I'm in trouble.
54:01 Who should I see? You should see Jesus.
54:03 Should see Jesus in there, isn't that right?
54:06 Let this mind be in you which is also in Christ Jesus.
54:10 And again, it's prompted, I look, I see a total failure,
54:13 you know, but when you look to Christ,
54:14 you see total victory.
54:16 That's right.
54:17 And that's what that devil doesn't want us
54:18 to sense that or feel that.
54:21 He wants us to focus in on our sin,
54:23 our unworthiness instead of the worthiness of Christ.
54:26 It's what you were talking about while ago,
54:27 unworthy, we're not good enough.
54:30 And we can always say, remember, in this life,
54:32 we will never be good enough.
54:34 There's nothing we can say,
54:36 nothing we can do to be good enough to inherit
54:38 the kingdom of God.
54:40 It's all about Christ and He was good enough.
54:43 He gave His life and I by faith
54:45 accept that called righteousness by faith.
54:48 I appreciate you, those words, Pastor Kenny, they're so great.
54:52 One of the things that when I was ill,
54:54 I focused in on the success
54:56 of my getting well was claiming God's promises.
55:00 Amen.
55:02 So if you want to bring it home,
55:03 you got to do the repetition of the promises,
55:04 even when you don't feel them, you don't feel like
55:07 if you are worthy of them,
55:09 you claim them every day.
55:10 Their repetition will become vital to you
55:13 and that's where your success becomes real.
55:16 If you're talking darkness and gloom, what happens?
55:19 That's where you're going.
55:20 It's exactly where you're going.
55:21 So that has to be cast off by the grace of God.
55:24 Every time we say anything with doubt or doubt scripture,
55:28 we've sowed a seed and that seed will spring up
55:31 and produce a harvest somewhere in our life.
55:34 So we have to be careful by the grace of God
55:36 to monitor our words
55:39 and our actions because we're planting seeds
55:41 all along and we don't want that.
55:43 We want the light of the gospel.
55:45 We want the light of truth,
55:46 we want the power of God in our life.
55:48 We're down to less than two minutes, honey,
55:49 may be a couple of quick thoughts here,
55:51 isn't that right?
55:52 I quit, I'm talking too much.
55:54 I wish that we had more time because, Angie,
55:56 I know that I could throw this one back at you
55:58 because by believing you built your faith.
56:01 Amen.
56:02 You know, and your faith was strengthened as you saw
56:03 the power of God working.
56:05 He is just amazing God,
56:07 like, even when we were at that little tiny church,
56:10 it was a little tiny church and Pastor Kenny was there.
56:14 God just has a sense of humor.
56:16 When I don't know if you remember
56:18 where everybody came in, you get a prize
56:19 if you're there and stuff.
56:21 And we, you called our name, and we got the Desire of Ages,
56:24 the big one but we already had it.
56:26 So Pastor Kenny gave us, you know what he gave us?
56:29 He gave us a 3ABN pen.
56:31 How funny is that for God to give us a 3ABN pen?
56:34 Look where we're sitting right now.
56:36 All right.
56:37 God knew what He was doing. Yeah.
56:39 I mean, to take somebody like us,
56:40 to bring us here, it's just God's awesome.
56:43 Amazing. And God's amazing.
56:44 Wonderful.
56:46 You know, I want you to think about this as we begin to close
56:47 because we've got to wrap it up.
56:49 But I also read this week that no man
56:51 is safe for a day or an hour without prayer.
56:55 Think about that.
56:56 A day or an hour we often think about in the morning,
56:58 in the evening, but start talking
57:01 to Him throughout the day.
57:02 Be in constant prayer.
57:04 No man is safe for a day or an hour without prayer.
57:07 Not even a second, isn't that right?
57:08 Amen.
57:10 Well, we just want to thank each one of you.
57:11 Yeah. Thank you.
57:13 Amen.
57:14 You just put out some things was just to me was awesome.
57:15 Good food for thought.
57:17 The Holy Spirit was working with each and every one.
57:18 And again, we want thank you for joining us here at 3ABN.
57:21 You know, this is just exciting subject because we realize
57:24 there's power in the name of Jesus.
57:25 There's victory in the blood of the Lamb.
57:27 Thank you for joining us today.
57:29 We pray the Holy Spirit's plant something in your heart
57:31 and in your mind.
57:32 Until next time, God bless you.
57:33 We'll see you. Amen.


Revised 2021-12-09