Today Family Worship

Faith Through Trial

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW210038S

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:08 Hello, friends, and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:12 And this is obviously the edition of Family Worship.
01:15 And we want to thank you so much for joining us here
01:17 on this special Sabbath worship time.
01:20 This is family worship where we gather around
01:23 the table as family, brothers and sisters in Christ
01:26 and we just have a good time in the Lord.
01:28 And we just want to thank you for joining us
01:29 'cause you could probably be doing
01:31 anything else right now.
01:32 But at this particular time, you are joining us for worship.
01:35 And that's, you know what better thing to do
01:36 on the Sabbath,
01:38 as we're entering into the Sabbath hours,
01:40 to be with God, to commune with God,
01:42 to commune with each other than to get deep into His Word.
01:46 And that's what we're going to do right now with these hours.
01:48 We're going to take on a powerful topic,
01:50 and we're going to just have a good old family discussion
01:53 and worship in spirit and in truth
01:55 as the Bible tells
01:57 us. We're going to tell you about the topic
01:59 in just a few moments.
02:00 But I've got to introduce our family.
02:01 And, oh, I'm so excited because we got Miss Day
02:05 with us tonight.
02:06 This is rare 'cause Miss Stephanie Day,
02:09 who happens to be my wife,
02:10 she's not usually with us, quite often,
02:12 but praise the Lord, you're with us today.
02:14 How are you doing? I'm doing pretty well.
02:16 It's nice to be here. Thank you.
02:18 Amen. Praise the Lord.
02:19 It's always a special time
02:22 to have my wife on the program with us.
02:23 And she's going to be joining us tonight.
02:25 It's good to have you with us. Thank you so much.
02:27 Praise the Lord. All right.
02:28 Well, we're going to go to this side over here
02:30 and introduce the Shelton's.
02:32 Of course when we say the Shelton's most of the time
02:34 we think of Kenny and Danny obviously, but you,
02:38 you're kin to that Shelton family, right?
02:40 I am. I guess I have to admit it.
02:41 Yeah. We got Terry and Wendy Shelton.
02:43 It's always a blessing to have you guys.
02:45 How you doing? We're doing well.
02:46 I'm kind of like you, I don't often have my wife with me.
02:49 So I've been out here a number of times without her
02:52 and I think we've done, we do one program?
02:54 We did. Yeah. Okay.
02:56 So, yeah.
02:57 Glad to have my better half with me as well.
02:59 Praise the Lord.
03:00 Well, it's great to have you guys joining us tonight.
03:02 And all the way back across here.
03:04 Last but certainly not least, Pastor John Lomacang,
03:06 always a blessing, Brother, to have you.
03:08 It's good to see you. Good to be here.
03:10 And I usually always have my wife with me,
03:11 but she's involved in something else this evening.
03:13 So, but it's good to be here,
03:15 we're going to have a very exciting time
03:17 talking about a topic that I think everyone is going
03:19 to be able to relate.
03:21 Amen. Praise the Lord.
03:22 I agree with that.
03:24 Tonight's topic is entitled, Faith through Trial,
03:29 Faith through Trial.
03:32 This was kind of encouraged,
03:33 I was inspired to encourage this conversation,
03:36 this family worship topic tonight, because, you know,
03:39 we're living in very interesting and trying times.
03:42 And, you know, it seems like the closer we progress
03:45 to the Second Coming of Jesus, you know,
03:47 things get tougher, you know, more and more loss,
03:50 more and more death, more sorrow,
03:52 more pain, despair, discouragement,
03:55 things that's just unfolding on this planet,
03:58 like no other time.
04:00 And it's during this time that the spirit of the enemy
04:02 would like to do nothing else, but to discourage people,
04:05 to put them in a mindset, in a despairing mindset,
04:08 to discourage them from continuing in their faith,
04:12 you know, with God during these times.
04:14 And so tonight, we're going to be talking about
04:15 how to maintain your faith through trial,
04:19 through these trials, these challenges,
04:21 these difficulties that we often face in this life,
04:24 when we're having to, you know, face adversity
04:26 or whatever persecution or tribulation
04:29 that we may be experiencing in our life
04:31 that you at home may be experiencing.
04:33 Tonight, we're going to put it in a biblical perspective.
04:36 We're going to look into the Bible,
04:37 we're going to read and study together to learn exactly
04:40 how do we approach this special topic?
04:42 How can we maintain our faith in God
04:45 and His will in these last days,
04:47 and during often times, we have to face these tough
04:51 and difficult trials in our life.
04:52 So we're going to answer those questions right now
04:54 during this hour.
04:56 But before we go any further, let's go to the Lord in prayer
04:58 and, Pastor Lomacang, I'm going to ask you
04:59 to have a prayer for us.
05:00 Sure.
05:02 Loving Father, a gracious God
05:03 as we put ourselves in Your hands,
05:05 and as we open Your all capable Word,
05:08 we invite Your Holy Spirit to come
05:10 and speak to our hearts, Lord, that those who are watching
05:12 and listening to this program will hear something,
05:16 will hear the voice of Your Spirit,
05:19 the beauty of Your Word that will strengthen them,
05:22 they may be going through something even now,
05:25 and this might be a timely message for them.
05:27 So give us words of wisdom that we will not only communicate
05:30 what is written, but we all speak in a way
05:33 that some heart needs to hear.
05:35 But we decided to give all the glory just to You.
05:37 In Jesus' name, amen.
05:40 Amen. Amen. Praise God.
05:43 The Bible teaches us that we are saved
05:45 by grace through faith.
05:49 It is not of works,
05:51 but through our faith in Christ,
05:53 exercising the very faith
05:55 that Jesus Christ had on this earth
05:57 when He had to depend on His Father to get through.
06:00 And we know that Jesus certainly endured
06:03 some challenges and some trials in His life.
06:06 And, you know, I don't know
06:07 if this is necessarily a theme text,
06:10 but as I was preparing for this,
06:12 John 16:31-33, came to mind.
06:15 I'd like to read that now as we kind of launch ourselves
06:18 into this study together.
06:19 So John 16:31-33, and notice what this is,
06:22 this is obviously Jesus speaking.
06:24 And it says there, it says, "Jesus answered them,
06:27 'Do you now believe?
06:30 Indeed, the hour is coming, yes, has now come,
06:34 that you will be scattered each to his own,
06:37 and will leave Me alone.
06:40 And yet I am not alone because the Father is with me.
06:44 These things I have spoken to you,
06:47 that in Me you may have peace."
06:50 Notice this last line here.
06:52 He says, "In the world, you will have tribulation,
06:57 but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."
07:01 Powerful text.
07:02 You know, Jesus never told us
07:03 that we wouldn't endure these trials,
07:05 we wouldn't endure challenges,
07:06 challenges, struggles during this life.
07:08 But you know what,
07:10 as this program is airing right now,
07:12 perhaps many people are watching it around the world,
07:14 you may be going through something and dealing
07:16 with something in your life,
07:17 and it's really testing your faith, right?
07:19 Sometimes we deal with some of the most difficult problems,
07:22 difficult challenges.
07:23 And we often wonder, you know, where is God?
07:26 Is God still with me?
07:27 Does God still love me?
07:29 Is God the reason or the cause
07:30 for why I'm having to endure this?
07:32 But I want to start off just by asking the question,
07:35 just throw it out there guys, faith.
07:37 We know we're saved by grace through faith.
07:40 And the title of this particular study
07:42 is faith through trial.
07:43 Let's talk about faith,
07:44 because there may be someone watching right now
07:46 that doesn't know in what is faith?
07:47 How do we have faith? How do we build faith?
07:50 Let's just talk about the fundamental aspect
07:52 of faith as we begin this conversation.
07:54 Okay.
07:55 Well, you know, Hebrews 11:1-2, the academic answer,
08:00 that's the way I would say it.
08:02 You know, when people say, what is sin?
08:03 The transgression of the law.
08:04 What is faith?
08:06 Now, faith is the substance of things hoped for,
08:09 the evidence of things not seen.
08:12 And so when we think about the academic answer to faith,
08:16 sometimes faith goes over our heads
08:19 when we give the academic answer,
08:21 because just like in the case of sin,
08:23 what is sin?
08:25 The transgression of the law, but the Bible also says to him
08:26 that knows to do good,
08:28 and does not do it to him it a sin.
08:30 So there may be something that will be a sin to me,
08:32 that's not a sin to you, or vice versa.
08:35 But when it comes to faith,
08:36 each of us and I like to use the picture of the blacksmith.
08:39 Okay.
08:40 You know, blacksmith is a picture that many of us
08:41 don't really see because we live in cities,
08:44 we don't see metal being formed like it was in the days of old.
08:48 We don't walk past a blacksmith shop and hear,
08:52 that hot metal placed in cold water.
08:55 We don't hear the clinging of the hammer, beating into shape.
08:58 And we don't hear the roaring furnace, trying to melt it
09:01 so it could be shaped.
09:03 Well, each of us is like metal in the hand of a blacksmith.
09:07 And the only way that the blacksmith can shape
09:09 that metal is to put it in fire.
09:12 And so when you, when the topic,
09:14 faith through trial, it said to me,
09:17 the Lord wants to shape us.
09:19 And one of the easiest ways to shape us
09:21 is to expose us to the fire.
09:23 Thus the three Hebrews,
09:25 you wouldn't know what kind of faith they had
09:27 until they were facing the fire.
09:29 And that to me is what I call the blacksmith faith.
09:32 It could stand unto trials, it could stand unto fire.
09:35 Peter says don't think it's strange concerning
09:37 the fiery trial, which is to try you
09:40 as though some strange thing happened.
09:42 What is he saying?
09:44 God has a particular shape for your life.
09:47 So He's got to heat it up sometimes.
09:48 So not all trials come because we're innocent.
09:52 But sometimes they come because God is saying,
09:54 "I still need to shape you more."
09:56 That's right. I liked it. I liked it.
09:58 When you said, "What is faith?"
10:01 Now somebody, there might be someone out
10:03 there today who says I don't really have any faith
10:06 or I don't even know what that is.
10:07 We all have faith,
10:09 even in practicalities of our life.
10:12 For example, you walk out of your house every morning,
10:15 and you reach in and you grab your car key.
10:18 And you put that car in that ignition.
10:19 Now, what are you expecting to have?
10:21 Right. Right?
10:22 You are expecting that you're going to turn
10:24 and that your vehicle is going to start up.
10:26 Why do you expect that?
10:28 Because it happened yesterday,
10:30 and the day before and the day before.
10:32 Right?
10:33 So when we talking about practicality
10:35 of just what is faith, faith is believing
10:38 that something is going to happen
10:40 based on past experience.
10:43 And for those of us
10:44 who have experienced the faith of God already,
10:47 or the faith that He gives us,
10:49 we've seen Him come through time and time and time again.
10:52 And so we believe, even if we reach a point
10:55 where we say like Job, "Though He slays me,
10:59 yet will I trust Him."
11:00 I love that passage.
11:02 And that shows an ultimate faith right there.
11:05 So let's talk about this, though,
11:06 because I want to add another element.
11:07 I love what you guys have just said, beautiful.
11:09 Let's add it, let's go a little deeper, though, because,
11:12 you know, it's hard sometimes for us to have faith
11:17 when it seems like there's not a response
11:19 that we're looking for from God.
11:21 In other words, you know, people pray for things.
11:25 And they say, you know,
11:28 you read those texts where it says,
11:29 you know, ask and you shall receive,
11:31 seek and you shall find, knock, and it shall be open to you,
11:34 you don't have because you do not ask, you know,
11:35 all these different texts that come to mind.
11:37 And so when someone's sick, or someone's dying,
11:39 or someone's, you know, in a very testy,
11:41 difficult situation, and they're crying out to God,
11:43 and they're praying, and they have faith in God,
11:46 and they say, "I know you can do it, God,"
11:47 but then it doesn't happen.
11:49 And then now, it seems like
11:51 that faith may diminish from some people's perspective.
11:53 Oh, God doesn't hear me.
11:54 God doesn't listen to me.
11:56 If there's someone at home right now,
11:57 who may be going through this,
11:59 what would you say to someone like that?
12:00 Who says, "You know what, I want to have faith.
12:02 I know God can, but He's not doing
12:05 what He said He would do perhaps,
12:07 or He's not responding in the way that I would think
12:09 He should respond.
12:11 So therefore, my faith in Him is not as strong."
12:14 Okay, well, I don't know, Wendy or Stephanie,
12:16 'cause I don't know.
12:17 I have a story of you and I...
12:19 Yeah, let's hear it.
12:21 Sometimes when we're asking God for something, we may,
12:24 it may appear that He's not doing anything.
12:27 That doesn't mean He's not doing anything.
12:30 A number of years ago, Wendy has a granddaughter
12:35 that that I inherited whenever we got married.
12:38 And this little girl was just living in a bad situation.
12:44 My son had deceased.
12:46 And so, yeah, she was,
12:50 it's a long story but we began to pray.
12:55 And the little girl was with us for a little while.
12:59 But when the authorities came, the state came in and said,
13:03 "You know, the little girl is going back
13:06 into another state, into the home."
13:07 And we said, "Lord, what are you doing?
13:10 This can't be right.
13:12 How in the world, you know?" And we just started to pray.
13:17 And we prayed, and we prayed.
13:19 And we got virtually no evidence
13:22 that God was doing anything, you know?
13:25 And we just continue to trust God.
13:29 And a year and a half later,
13:31 I remember where I was the day that the phone rang.
13:33 And it was, you know,
13:35 the authorities in another state,
13:37 which said, "We find that her granddaughter
13:41 is not flourishing so well,
13:43 would you be willing to take her in?"
13:46 And we're like, "Yes, of course, we will," you know,
13:49 and that started a process.
13:51 And we said, "We didn't know that God was doing anything."
13:54 But in the background, He was doing something.
13:57 And then, you know,
13:58 we saw miracle after miracle that transpired.
14:01 And now, you know, we we've been raising her
14:02 for six years now.
14:04 Wow. And she has a good and stable home, a loving home.
14:07 And we know that it was God that did that,
14:10 because we didn't do anything, and He did it.
14:14 It just didn't happen in the timing
14:16 that you expected, right?
14:17 Exactly.
14:19 Because you know, often in those moments
14:20 when you're praying and saying, "God, God, come on,
14:21 come through, come through."
14:23 And you get silence. And it's like, "Where's God?
14:25 Right? God's not showing up.
14:26 God doesn't care for me."
14:28 And oftentimes, sometimes people respond that way,
14:30 and their faith diminishes in God and what God can do,
14:32 because He's not answering in the way
14:34 that they think that He should answer.
14:35 Pastor, you want to answer to that?
14:37 And as the person who's all sovereign and all knowing,
14:40 we have to continue to remember that, "Okay,
14:42 God hears our prayer, but He knows when we need
14:45 what we're asking for."
14:47 But there's some people that I know who have said me,
14:48 "I've got to know what's going to happen before it happens."
14:52 I am a person and not me,
14:54 but I've known people that said, "Yes,
14:56 I can't live under assumptions of what's going to happen.
15:00 I need to know, like, move number five."
15:03 That's well, that's not really faith.
15:06 And sometimes they pray.
15:08 But, you know, let me just give another side
15:10 about this prayer.
15:11 Daniel end up in trial because he prayed.
15:14 Okay, if he didn't pray, he wouldn't have trial.
15:17 Some people have to understand that God sometimes give you
15:19 a Daniel experience.
15:21 Oh, you prayed, so here's the trial.
15:24 And it's not that prayer avoids trial.
15:28 Sometimes prayer proves, sometimes trial proves prayer.
15:33 Right. Okay.
15:34 Let me just say that again. I like that.
15:36 Sometimes trials prove that you really believe
15:38 who you're talking to.
15:40 Because I've said to people before, and they said,
15:41 you meant, I've told people, I said,
15:42 "I don't believe in prayer.
15:44 I believe in the One who I'm praying to."
15:46 Because people pray to trees and rocks and stones,
15:49 you know, Elijah on Mount Carmel,
15:51 those people prayed all day long but he said,
15:53 "Maybe he's on a vacation somewhere."
15:56 So let the trial test your prayer life,
16:01 not your prayer life test your trial.
16:03 I like that.
16:05 Because somebody say, "Well, I don't,
16:06 if I pray I shouldn't have the trial."
16:08 Don't tell that to Daniel.
16:09 You know, it sparks a question,
16:11 is God the reason for your troubles?
16:14 'Cause there's people that, you know, again,
16:15 whatever they're experiencing, it may be that they are sick
16:17 with a disease or an illness, they have a family member
16:20 who's, you know, dying because or has died
16:22 because of something or whatever situation someone
16:25 that they're about to lose their home,
16:26 and they've lost their job.
16:28 And I've actually heard many people say, you know,
16:30 "God could have prevented this, therefore, God's the reason
16:32 why I'm in the situation that I'm in."
16:34 So how do we, how do you respond to someone
16:36 like that who says, you know what,
16:38 God's the reason for my troubles?
16:39 If it wasn't, if He would just step up
16:41 and do what He's supposed to do,
16:43 I wouldn't be in the situation.
16:44 He could have prevented.
16:46 So how do you respond to that, right? Go ahead, Brother.
16:49 We know, Jesus told this, this parable,
16:51 I think it's in Matthew 13.
16:53 He talks about this sower, you know,
16:55 and the sower had gone out,
16:57 and they spread all the good seed and everything.
16:58 And over time, they noticed that the wheat was coming up,
17:01 but there's something else coming up too,
17:03 didn't look like weed, it's something else
17:04 that the Bible calls it tares.
17:06 And, you know, a servant came along and said,
17:10 "Where do all these weeds come from, you know, basically?"
17:13 And what was the sower's answer?
17:16 An enemy had done this. Okay, I like that. Yeah.
17:18 So we understand that we are involved in what we like
17:23 to call the great controversy.
17:26 There are two strong forces battling behind the shadows
17:30 of things that we don't see and don't know
17:33 and understand completely, but it is going on.
17:36 And so, while God does sometimes step in
17:40 and prevent things at the same time,
17:44 because of this great controversy,
17:46 it must play out so that in the end,
17:49 the entire universe will see that God is vindicated.
17:52 Wow. An enemy has done this.
17:55 You know, oftentimes,
17:56 when we're shaking the fist at God,
17:58 and we're saying, "Lord, You could have,
18:00 You should have," you know,
18:02 we don't often stop to think that the simple answer
18:05 is that God's not the reason for your problems,
18:07 or God is not the one necessarily that calls that,
18:10 that the enemy, there's an enemy out there
18:12 as John 10:10, Jesus says here,
18:15 "The thief does not come except to steal,
18:17 and to kill, and to destroy."
18:19 And then Jesus confirms,
18:20 "I have come that they may have life
18:22 and that they may have it more abundantly."
18:25 God wants to save His people, God wants His people
18:28 to remain in the faith, to remain strong in the faith,
18:32 but the enemy wants to crush that.
18:33 Also think of 1 Peter 5:8-10.
18:38 This text came to my mind,
18:39 as I was thinking of someone saying,
18:41 you know, God is the reason behind
18:42 why I'm in this situation.
18:44 But 1 Peter 5:8-10 says, "Be sober, be vigilant,
18:48 because your adversary, the devil walks about like
18:50 a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour."
18:54 And then notice the rest of this, oftentimes,
18:55 we read that text and we stop there.
18:57 But notice what the rest of the passage says,
18:59 beginning with verse 9, here, it says,
19:00 "Resist him, steadfast in the faith,
19:03 knowing the same sufferings are experienced
19:06 by your brotherhood in the world."
19:09 And it says, "But may the God of all grace,
19:11 who called us to his eternal glory by Christ Jesus,
19:15 after you have suffered a while, notice, perfect,
19:20 establish, strengthen, and settle you."
19:24 So the enemy is the one that wants to steal from you,
19:27 who wants to kill you, who wants to destroy you,
19:29 who wants to bring about your problems.
19:31 And so before I go on to the next question,
19:33 I just want to open up the floor.
19:35 Does anybody else want to respond to,
19:37 you know, is God the reason for my troubles?
19:40 Is He the one that, is He the reason
19:41 that I'm in this situation?
19:43 He could have prevented it?
19:45 Pastor, is there something you want to add to that?
19:46 Let me give the ladies a chance.
19:48 Anybody want to respond to that?
19:51 Yes. Well, here's what I think of.
19:55 You know, Terry alluded to this,
19:56 and I think that on a couple of occasions,
19:59 I've been pulling this out.
20:00 And if you notice, my answers have been kind
20:02 of going to the other side.
20:03 Sure.
20:04 Because I'm looking at, I'm in the midst of a study now
20:06 about character development.
20:07 And character development is huge
20:10 because we're not taking anything with us,
20:11 but our characters.
20:13 That's right.
20:14 And like a blacksmith, the Lord has to shape each one of us
20:16 into what He knows that He wants us to be.
20:19 And that's a challenging process.
20:21 And Hebrews 12, Hebrews is the chapter
20:24 where it is comparing the endurance of Christ
20:29 to the endurance of the Christian.
20:31 And he said until you get to the place
20:34 that you can endure like Christ did,
20:36 I've got a lot of work,
20:38 I got to get you ready for that.
20:40 Because, you know, the Lord says,
20:41 if they do this to a green tree,
20:44 the trials He went through, what are they going
20:46 to do to a tree that doesn't even bear fruit?
20:48 So if they did, so if they tried Jesus,
20:51 and put Him through the difficulty
20:53 that He went through, he's in essence saying to us,
20:55 like they say in New York, what makes you any different,
20:57 you know?
20:59 What do you think you need to be avoiding?
21:00 And look at Hebrews 12:6, I mean verses,
21:04 verse 6, I'll start there,
21:06 and I just jump through a couple of them.
21:07 But it says, first, actually, verse 5,
21:12 "And you have forgotten the exhortation
21:15 which speaks to you as to sons:
21:18 'My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord,
21:21 nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him,
21:24 for whom the Lord loves He chastens,
21:26 and scourges every son whom He receives.'"
21:29 Verse 7, "If you endure chastening,
21:32 God deals with you as with sons,
21:35 for what son is there
21:37 whom the father doesn't chasten?
21:39 But if you are without chastening,
21:41 of which all have become partakers."
21:44 That means everybody that I know has gone through stuff,
21:47 but if you don't, notice what it says, where am I now?
21:50 "Then you are illegitimate and not sons."
21:53 So before we go any further, what is he saying?
21:55 If you're my son, you're going to go through stuff. Okay.
21:58 So let's just go ahead and start there.
22:00 One of the misconceptions of Christianity
22:02 is I become a Christian, and the trial cease.
22:05 No, let's liken it to a sports game, okay.
22:08 You play basketball, we all about football.
22:11 Let's just say, getting on the field means
22:14 you've just declared your allegiance
22:15 against the other team.
22:17 That's right.
22:18 Joining with Christ, meaning you just declared
22:19 your allegiance against the other team.
22:21 That's right. That's right.
22:22 Now the other team going to hit you?
22:23 Of course. Football?
22:25 Are they going to tackle you?
22:26 Are they going to try to stop you
22:28 from getting to the goals of life?
22:30 Are they going to really bump it up on the one yard line?
22:33 Yeah, of course, when the devil sees the closer
22:35 we get to the goal that Christ has for us,
22:37 press toward the goal.
22:39 The closer he sees us getting toward the goal,
22:41 he brings in the guys that he knows can hit us hard,
22:44 can stop us.
22:46 So here's what I say.
22:48 If you're getting hit harder than you used to,
22:50 you're closer to the goal.
22:51 Did you hear what I said? Yes, that's right.
22:53 Be encouraged,
22:54 because the devil wouldn't hit you
22:56 if you are too far from the goal.
22:58 He's not even concerned about the goal.
22:59 That's right.
23:01 But if you're getting really close to the goal
23:02 and the hits are getting harder.
23:04 He's saying, "I don't like the fact that Wendy
23:07 and Stephanie are just pushing toward the goal.
23:10 I got to find a way to stop them.
23:11 So I'm going to hit them harder."
23:12 So you get hit hard as you getting closer to the goal
23:16 of what Jesus has in store for you.
23:18 Daniel, he was getting to the goal,
23:20 the devil didn't like it, the Hebrews,
23:22 getting to the goal, the devil didn't like it,
23:24 Peter, getting to the goal, the devil didn't like it,
23:26 Paul and Silas, getting to the goal,
23:28 the devil didn't like it, John the Revelator,
23:30 getting to the goal.
23:31 So if you're getting toward the goal, understand,
23:34 that's powerful.
23:36 So if I don't get hit, I'm not even on the field.
23:41 I haven't even declared my allegiance to anyone.
23:43 That's right.
23:45 And I'll leave the next verse for the next question.
23:46 That's great.
23:47 You know, I was thinking as you were saying that,
23:49 I was thinking of Revelation 12:17.
23:50 Yes. You know, that the dragon is wroth with the woman.
23:52 We know the woman represent God's Church, right?
23:54 He's wroth with a woman and went to make war
23:57 with the remnant of her seed which keep the commandments
23:59 of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
24:01 It should not surprise us that if we're trying.
24:03 I mean, when I say trying,
24:05 I mean striving to remain in Christ,
24:08 that the enemy's just going to back up and say,
24:10 "Oh, you know, I'm not going to touch them
24:12 because they're already in Jesus."
24:13 Right? No.
24:14 He said, he's already set his sights on you,
24:16 he's going to amplify his attacks.
24:18 And, you know, you were just mentioning a few minutes ago
24:21 about the difficulties and the trials.
24:22 We know that God is not always the reason
24:25 why these trials come upon us,
24:27 but He certainly allows them many,
24:29 many times and that's the key we have to understand
24:30 and I think that's the thing a lot of people struggle with.
24:32 You know, why is God allowing this to happen to me?
24:34 Why do I have to go through this, right?
24:36 Why me, Lord?
24:38 You know, I hear people say that all the time.
24:39 Why me?
24:40 Why do I have to go through this?
24:42 And you know, I think not to put Stephanie on the spot here.
24:45 But, you know, when I was thinking of people who allowed,
24:48 people who God allowed to go through trial.
24:50 There's just a list here, Job, Joseph,
24:55 Moses, Samson, Solomon,
24:59 you mentioned Daniel, John the Baptist.
25:01 I mean, really John the Baptist,
25:02 Jesus said is the greatest of all the prophets.
25:04 And what happened to that brother?
25:06 You can imagine him in jail saying, you know,
25:08 again, when I say imagine you could imagine
25:10 the humanity like, "When is Jesus going to come
25:12 and bust me up out of here?"
25:13 Right? I'm the greatest of all the prophets.
25:15 I mean, not that he would have said that.
25:16 But seriously, like, I'm His cousin,
25:18 He should have come and got me out of here by now.
25:20 But what was the ultimate end for that brother?
25:22 I mean, it wasn't a positive one, right?
25:23 It wasn't a happy ending.
25:25 I'm also thinking of the disciples
25:26 and all that they went through what it costs them
25:28 to follow Jesus.
25:29 Now watch this. Yeah, go ahead.
25:31 He didn't lose his faith, he lost his head.
25:32 He lost... Oh, okay.
25:35 Now, if you got to choose the two,
25:37 that's what the Lord said in Matthew 10:28,
25:39 "Don't fear those who just could affect your body."
25:42 That's right.
25:43 So some of us rather lose, or some of us have to make
25:45 a decision between losing our head or losing our faith.
25:49 John said, "I'd rather lose my head than lose my faith."
25:51 That's right.
25:52 And so that's we're getting down to the nitty-gritty
25:54 of trials.
25:55 It's not going to get easier, it's going to get tougher.
25:58 I don't want to stop you full stride.
25:59 But that just kind of, let's all turn to this passage
26:01 I want to have...
26:03 Yeah, let's go there. Absolutely.
26:04 Matter of fact, I want to have any one of the ladies read
26:06 Hebrews 12, we're in Hebrews 12.
26:07 Okay.
26:08 I talked about that, but I want to go in just now
26:10 bring this out.
26:11 Because I know that as we talked about this program,
26:13 those who are watching the program, they may be right
26:15 where this passage is right now.
26:18 I'll ask Stephanie, if you can read verse 11
26:20 because this is what you're talking about, Ryan,
26:22 Hebrews 12:11.
26:24 "Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present,
26:29 but painful, nevertheless, afterward it yields
26:33 the peaceable fruit of righteousness
26:35 to those who have been trained by it."
26:38 Right.
26:39 So when you're going through it, it says, this is not
26:41 what I call a Christian experience.
26:44 Right. Right?
26:46 But afterward you say, "Oh, I didn't know.
26:48 Look how clean, look how sharp my edges are now.
26:51 Right.
26:52 And you know the text, iron sharpens iron.
26:56 Don't try to get a blunt tool to get another one sharp.
27:00 So some people experience sharp folk, why?
27:04 'Cause the Lord wants you to be sharp.
27:06 If He didn't want you to be sharp,
27:09 He wouldn't bring another sharp person in your vicinity.
27:12 After all these years in the ministry, believe me,
27:15 when I encounter sharp focus I say, "Okay, Lord,
27:17 I'm kind of getting dull around the edges."
27:19 So He sends a sharp person to get me back
27:21 to where I need to be.
27:24 You know, there, there's probably
27:25 no better person that can attest to this
27:27 than my wife here.
27:29 During the times that we're living in,
27:31 I have seen first firsthand the challenges, the struggles,
27:35 the difficulties, that you as a teacher,
27:38 as an administrator, a principal of a school,
27:42 you know, having others in your care,
27:43 and not just others, children in your care.
27:46 There has to be those days where and I know it
27:49 to be the case, this is more rhetorical from my perspective.
27:51 But there's those days clearly, where you just, you know,
27:54 it's kind of the hands in the face, like,
27:56 I don't know how far I can keep going, right?
27:59 You know, speak on that for just a moment,
28:00 'cause there's probably someone watching right now
28:02 that's saying, you know, "I'm really struggling here."
28:05 You've been through quite a bit,
28:06 explain from a teacher's perspective?
28:08 Well, I mean, in dealing with that, but also in having,
28:13 like my own health issue of severe anxiety already.
28:19 So I relate highly to the...
28:22 I'm praying, and I'm praying, and it's just not going away.
28:26 Why? Yeah, Jesus, take way my anxiety.
28:28 Right?
28:30 I know, there's no telling how many times
28:31 I know that I've prayed this, "Please, why won't this stop?
28:34 God, what did I do?
28:35 What do I need to learn?
28:36 Just make it end." And it doesn't.
28:40 So then I very much relate to,
28:43 has my faith just not strong enough?
28:45 Yeah.
28:46 Somebody else pray for me,
28:48 because apparently I'm not doing it right.
28:51 You know, because that's what it feels like.
28:52 Absolutely.
28:53 But through this, this year, we've talked about Joseph...
28:58 Right, we mentioned Joseph. And Moses.
29:00 And so what I'm hearing is kind of both
29:03 of why we go through trials.
29:06 And so I find that pretty interesting of with one,
29:11 you know, with the whole story of Joseph, you know,
29:15 it was meant for evil,
29:17 but God took it and used it for good.
29:19 Right. Absolutely.
29:21 So that's what I was hearing with, the enemy has done this.
29:24 That's what has been shared so far.
29:26 So I kind of get that side.
29:27 But then you also have the story of Moses
29:29 who needed to be a strong leader.
29:31 And so he had to go through those things.
29:34 And some of those, you know, most likely,
29:37 God placed in his path to be the leader he needed to be...
29:40 Wow. Okay.
29:42 And to have to go through those things.
29:43 So we've been talking about both of those Bible characters
29:47 at school, and it's just, it's amazing
29:51 because I'm teaching it, but at the same time,
29:53 it's what I need to hear.
29:54 And so I'm like, "Okay, well, this makes sense,
29:57 even though, yeah, I relate to that, like why,
30:00 why do I have to go through this?"
30:01 But, you know, if I
30:04 didn't, I wouldn't be able to share with somebody else
30:06 that might need to hear it.
30:07 Amen. Wow. That's right.
30:08 Praise the Lord. Thank you for sharing that.
30:10 Thank you so much You know what she's saying reminds me
30:12 of the Apostle Paul had the same problem, right?
30:15 Yeah. Absolutely. You know, he told this story.
30:17 It comes from 2 Corinthians Chapter 12 where in verse 7,
30:22 2 Corinthians 12:7, a thorn in the flesh,
30:25 my Bible says, which is exactly
30:28 what Stephanie is talking about.
30:29 Yeah, read that.
30:30 "And lest I should be exalted above measured by the abundance
30:33 of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me,
30:36 a messenger of Satan to buffet me,
30:38 lest I be exalted above measure.
30:41 Concerning this thing, I pleaded with the Lord
30:43 three times that it might depart from me.
30:45 And He said to me,
30:47 'My grace is sufficient for you,
30:49 for My strength is made perfect in weakness.'
30:52 Therefore, most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities,
30:56 that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
30:59 Therefore, I take pleasure in infirmities,
31:01 in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses,
31:04 for Christ's sake, for when I am weak,
31:07 then I am strong.'"
31:09 Man, that's beautiful.
31:10 And I thought of this little quote, I looked it up here
31:13 when we were talking about,
31:15 I just want to share this with you.
31:16 This is from the writings of Mrs. White,
31:19 it's a, an article called The Saving Providence of God,
31:22 March 5.
31:23 And listen to what she says.
31:24 She says, "He who is imbued with the Spirit of Christ
31:27 abides in Christ.
31:29 The blow that is aimed at him falls upon the Savior,
31:34 who surrounds him with His presence.
31:37 Whatever comes to him, comes from Christ.
31:41 He has no need to resist evil for Christ is his defense.
31:45 Nothing can touch him,
31:47 except by our Lord's permission,
31:49 and all things that are permitted,
31:51 work together for good to them that love God."
31:54 Think about the water in this little bottle here.
31:56 Okay, so if I'm the water in this bottle,
31:59 and if Jesus is the bottle itself,
32:01 anything that's going to get through to the water
32:03 has to come through the bottle.
32:05 And this is me, because I'm in Christ,
32:07 and whatever.
32:09 And so therefore, it comes through Christ
32:11 by His permission,
32:13 because He's trying to purify me.
32:16 Right.
32:17 And what's coming to my mind right now
32:19 is the scripture there in...
32:21 Let me find here, 1 Corinthians 10:13.
32:24 1 Corinthians 10:13 says,
32:26 "No temptation has overtaken you
32:28 except such as common to man, but God is faithful,
32:31 who will not allow you to be tempted beyond
32:33 what you are able, but with the temptation
32:35 will also make the way of escape,
32:37 that you may be able to bear it."
32:40 So as you were talking, I thought of Job.
32:43 Because, you know, right there in Job Chapter 1,
32:45 there's this heavenly council, Satan shows up, and you know,
32:48 hey, I'm just, I'm just running to and fro,
32:49 you know, back on earth over here,
32:51 you know, my place that goes by my rules,
32:53 and your God, you know, kind of implied
32:55 there very clearly God's like, you know,
32:56 what about my man Job?
32:58 If it's according to your rules, your ways,
33:00 what about my man Job?
33:01 He doesn't function according to your rules,
33:02 your ways, your character.
33:04 And then, you know, Satan issues a challenge.
33:06 You know, and he basically,
33:08 there's an implied accusation against
33:09 the character of God there,
33:11 because he basically says to God,
33:12 oh, no, no, no, Job only is the way
33:14 he is because You, You have put a hedge
33:16 of protection around him, and You give him good things.
33:19 But the moment you take away those good things,
33:21 and the moment you remove that hedge of protection,
33:23 and let me had him, he'll curse you to your face.
33:25 In other words, the implied accusation
33:27 against the character of God is that
33:28 you God or not in and of yourself worthy
33:31 to be worshipped, that Your people only worship You,
33:34 because You give them good things, and You protect them.
33:37 And, you know, there's no truth to that at all.
33:39 We know that there's no truth to that.
33:41 But yet, oftentimes,
33:42 the devil makes people think that,
33:44 because you see that from the very fruits
33:46 in the very response from many people,
33:48 and that is, as long as their life's going well,
33:50 as long as the money is coming in,
33:52 as long as the bills are paid,
33:53 as long as their health is good,
33:54 as long as all the people in their families
33:56 not suffering and dying are fine,
33:58 everybody's fine, then, you know, God's good.
34:00 But as soon as something bad comes, as soon as, you know,
34:03 somebody loses their job, as soon as a loved one dies,
34:06 as soon as you know, some horrible,
34:08 horrible challenge comes,
34:09 then oftentimes you see people turn
34:11 and shake their fist to God say,
34:12 "Oh, God, it's Your fault.
34:14 You know, You're the one that did this," when in reality,
34:17 you know, God is worthy
34:19 to be worshipped in and of Himself in
34:21 because of who He is.
34:22 Do we worship God because He does good things for us?
34:26 Is He only worthy to be worshipped
34:27 because of the hedge of protection
34:28 He puts around us?
34:30 Or is He worthy to be worshipped
34:31 because of who He is?
34:33 That's right. He is creator of all things.
34:36 And this is kind of what we're getting to.
34:37 We're getting to the nitty-gritty
34:38 of the fact that can you maintain,
34:41 can you still have faith in God
34:45 though the things that may be happening
34:47 to you in your life can't really fully be explained?
34:50 Maybe, can you still worship Him?
34:52 Can you still serve Him?
34:53 Can you still put your trust and your faith in Him
34:56 through the unknown?
34:57 I found many times in my own life I've asked this question.
35:00 I've said this to the Lord in prayer,
35:02 just driving down the road calling out to Him and saying,
35:04 "God, I don't know why in the world
35:06 You're allowing this to happen.
35:07 I don't know why in the world,
35:09 you know, You have allowed this horrible thing to happen.
35:13 But God, I still trust You.
35:15 I can't see two feet in front of my face.
35:17 I don't know what's beyond these blurry lives,
35:19 because I'm seeing everything blurry.
35:20 But God, I still trust you."
35:22 That's the faith that God wants
35:24 that through the trial, through the complication,
35:26 through the difficulty, through the sorrow,
35:28 through the despair, through the pain,
35:29 through it all, can you still say, "God,
35:31 I don't understand, but I still trust You?"
35:34 You know, God never intended for us to understand.
35:36 That's the biggest part about it, because He's sovereign.
35:38 He sees the end from the beginning.
35:40 He's the beginning from the end, He sees it all.
35:42 And you have a passage here, Isaiah 55:89,
35:45 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts."
35:47 You think it's happening for this reason,
35:48 that's not why.
35:50 Right. That's not what I'm thinking.
35:51 Nor are my ways, nor are your ways my ways,
35:53 well, this is how you want to be done,
35:56 but this is how I want it to be done.
35:57 That's right.
35:59 "So for as the heavens are higher than the earth,
36:01 so are My ways higher than your ways
36:03 and My thoughts than your thoughts."
36:05 So let's go, let's look are God's
36:08 thoughts lower than ours?
36:09 No, definitely not.
36:10 Okay, so He has a higher purpose
36:13 behind everything He allows to come our way.
36:16 I've often said this way,
36:17 "God never measures His grace and mercy
36:20 but He always measures the trial."
36:22 That's why He says no temptation will overtake you.
36:24 And let's all turn to Romans 8, 'cause I want to read this
36:28 one Romans 8:28.
36:30 We know it by heart,
36:31 but I want us to look at a specific word in it that
36:35 we often take for granted.
36:36 You know, when we look at that verse,
36:38 we have some clich, verses, Romans 8:28.
36:42 We know that those are clich, verses.
36:44 Wendy, read that one for us.
36:46 Listen to this.
36:47 "And we know that all things work together for good
36:50 to those who love God,
36:51 to those who are called according to His purpose.
36:54 Right.
36:55 So if you are the called,
36:56 how many things are going to work together for good?
36:59 Notice it didn't say work apart, it says work together.
37:01 So let's put that picture together.
37:03 The bad, the good, the sour, the sweet, the disappointing,
37:07 the encouraging, the high, the low, the painful,
37:10 the joyful, you put that on the same pot,
37:13 God says, I know what's in your pot,
37:17 but it's going to work together for good.
37:19 So we have to get that picture because today people,
37:22 indicting God, because they don't realize
37:25 that He doesn't think like they do.
37:27 My thoughts are not your thoughts.
37:29 How many children think like their parents?
37:32 Okay, how many parents say, "You're not getting the car?"
37:36 "Mom, what do you mean I'm not getting the car?"
37:37 This is the night. This is the event.
37:41 That's why you're not getting the car
37:42 because you're going to act up
37:44 and going to do something stupid.
37:45 What are my friends are going to say?
37:47 What's your friends going to say is not my concern.
37:49 I know what I'm thinking, and what you're thinking
37:51 is not the same thing.
37:53 So and then you find out that some terrible thing happened
37:55 during the night, some students got in a bad accident.
37:58 And the next day your senses,
38:00 "Mom, how did you know that was going to happen?
38:02 "I didn't know, but I knew the potential.
38:04 So we have to trust our Father,
38:06 if we could trust earthly parents,
38:08 we need to trust our Father
38:09 who sees farther than our earthly parents.
38:13 Trusting Him even when it doesn't make sense.
38:15 When it doesn't make sense.
38:17 You know, you read 2 Corinthians 11:22-27,
38:20 which is, I mean, you read the experience
38:24 of what Paul went through
38:26 when he gave his heart to Christ
38:27 from the time that he was completely devoted to Christ
38:30 when he was converted all the way to the end of his life.
38:32 There's a list here,
38:34 there's a list of things that happened to him.
38:36 I'm just going to read it here. 2 Corinthians 11:22-27.
38:41 It says, "Are they Hebrew? So am I.
38:44 Are they Israelites? So am I.
38:46 Are they the seed of Abraham? So am I."
38:49 And then he goes on to say,
38:50 "Are they all ministers of Christ?
38:51 I speak as a fool, I am more." And then he gives this list.
38:56 Notice he says, "In labors more abundant,
39:00 in stripes above measure, in prisons more frequent,
39:04 in deaths often.
39:06 From the Jews five times
39:08 I received forty stripes minus one.
39:11 Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned,
39:15 three times I was shipwrecked,
39:17 at night and day I have been in the deep,
39:20 in journeys often, in perils of waters,
39:23 in perils of robbers, in perils of my own countrymen,
39:26 in perils of the Gentiles, in perils of the city,
39:28 in perils of the wilderness, in perils of the sea,
39:30 in perils among false brethren, in weariness and toil,
39:34 in sleeplessness often, in hunger and thirst,
39:37 in fastings often, in cold and nakedness."
39:39 I mean, this brother goes on and says,
39:41 "Let me show you what happens when you follow Jesus."
39:44 I've experienced it all.
39:46 Now tie all of that and I read all of that
39:48 to read James 1:2-4.
39:50 Okay.
39:52 Because, you know, sometimes we were going
39:53 to ask the question,
39:54 "Why does God allow these trials often?"
39:56 God may not always be the cause of it,
39:57 but why does He allow it?"
39:58 I think of James 1:2-4.
40:00 And after I read this text,
40:02 Stephanie, why don't you read that for us, James 1:2-4?
40:05 Read that for us there?
40:07 "My brethren, count it all joy
40:09 when you fall into various trials,
40:11 knowing that the testing of your faith
40:13 produces patience.
40:15 But let patience have its perfect work,
40:17 that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."
40:21 Okay, so go with me on this.
40:23 You know, Paul was stoned. You can imagine that.
40:26 I mean, really, and that brother going
40:27 to be sitting there being stoned being beat with rods,
40:30 "Lord, praise God for they beat me with these rods."
40:32 I just counted all joy that I can fall
40:34 into this stoning right now.
40:35 You know, none of us when we find ourselves in these trials,
40:38 do we have that what seems to be very counteractive almost
40:41 unrealistic attitude right off,
40:43 praise God that I'm going through this fiery trial,
40:46 the storm in my life.
40:47 But yet, the attitude of a Christian,
40:49 Stephanie just read there, according to James 1:2-4,
40:53 "Count it all joy when you fall into various trials,
40:55 knowing that the testing
40:56 of your faith produces patience."
40:58 It goes back to what you said earlier,
41:00 Pastor, this is all about character development.
41:02 Character development.
41:04 We're being pressed into the fire
41:05 and sometimes you have to be pressed
41:07 into the hottest part of the flame,
41:09 you know, to be produced for that character
41:11 to be produced and prepared for the kingdom of God.
41:15 And not only that, but I'm going,
41:17 I'm thinking about you driving down the road and asking God,
41:19 "Why am I going through it?
41:20 Why is it happening, you know?"
41:22 And this verse came to mind.
41:23 It's comes from 2 Corinthians Chapter 4
41:27 and beginning at verse 16.
41:30 2 Corinthians Chapter 4, beginning at verse 16.
41:33 And this is Paul writing, he says, "Therefore,
41:35 we do not lose heart, even though our inward man
41:37 is perishing at the...
41:39 Our outward man is perishing,
41:40 yet the inner man is being renewed day by day.
41:42 For our light affliction," I love that,
41:46 "our light affliction, which is,
41:48 but for a moment is working for us a far more exceeding
41:53 and eternal weight of glory,
41:54 while we do not look at the things which are seen,
41:57 but at the things which are not seen,
41:59 for the things which are seen are," what?
42:02 "Temporary, but the things
42:04 which are not seen are eternal."
42:07 I remember years ago, I worked with,
42:10 I was working in a school system,
42:12 and there was this teacher, who had a 15 year old daughter.
42:16 And this young girl was popular,
42:19 she was an athlete, she was a straight A student,
42:23 she was beautiful, she was just,
42:26 everybody loved this little girl.
42:28 She's 15. And it says she has leukemia.
42:31 Wow.
42:32 And so went through all the treatment,
42:35 treatments wasn't working, she's slowly dying away.
42:38 And I remember hearing a story later,
42:42 the mother was talking to the daughter one day
42:45 and she said, "I don't understand
42:48 why God is allowing this to happen to you."
42:52 And she said, "Mom, don't you remember
42:54 all the people that I've been able to talk
42:56 to about Jesus,
42:58 and how Jesus is the one strengthening me,
43:00 even though my body is failing inside,
43:03 I'm being renewed day by day."
43:05 And she passed away.
43:07 But she passed away in knowing Christ,
43:11 and was able to minister to people.
43:14 That takes a special mindset to be able to have that kind
43:18 of attitude to again, like Job to say, though He slay me,
43:23 yet will I trust in Him.
43:24 That's amazing.
43:25 I think of people who have been through
43:27 some of the most difficult times.
43:28 I mean, even us sitting at this table,
43:30 there's not a one of us here that can sit
43:31 at this table and say we haven't been through
43:33 something that really tested our faith.
43:36 Maybe one time even almost crushed our faith, right?
43:40 And I think people who, you know,
43:41 probably one of the toughest trials
43:43 anybody could ever endure
43:44 is the loss of a loved one or a friend,
43:47 someone who's close to them.
43:49 A parent losing a child, a husband losing a wife,
43:52 losing a sibling, kids losing a parent,
43:56 you know, in my case, a couple years ago,
43:58 when I lost my mom,
43:59 I think it was one of the biggest trials
44:01 I ever experienced in my life.
44:03 But nonetheless, you know, it's in those moments,
44:06 where even it seems like when God is silent often,
44:09 where it's like, where's God?
44:10 God is still there. He's in the silence.
44:13 In fact, there was a quote, I didn't bring it with me.
44:16 I have to share it another time.
44:17 But there's a quote from Mrs. White
44:18 where she actually says, "It's in the darkest hours
44:21 that God draws nearest to His people."
44:25 And you know, even though sometimes
44:27 we can't perceive it or feel it,
44:28 I think of the story of Horatio G. Spafford
44:32 lost his son, lost almost half,
44:35 almost all of his business in the Chicago fires
44:37 of the 1870s, sent his family off across the Atlantic
44:40 to go have a much needed vacation,
44:44 the boat capsizes, loses all the rest of his daughters.
44:48 His wife sends him a letter back saying I survived alone.
44:51 I mean, this man literally went through hell,
44:53 in a very short period of time in his life
44:55 where he literally almost lost everything and in a moment
44:58 where you know, you would expect someone
44:59 to shake the fist at God and say, "Why, Lord,
45:01 why me, why is this happening to me?
45:03 It seems like, you know, you don't care about me."
45:05 This brother pens down the, you know,
45:07 it shows his faith by penning down
45:08 one of the most beautiful songs,
45:10 the lyrics to one of the most beautiful songs ever written.
45:12 It is well with my soul.
45:13 When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
45:17 when sorrows like sea billows roll, right?
45:21 Whatever my lot... What is it?
45:23 Thou hast taught me to say, it is well,
45:27 it is well with my soul.
45:29 And then you really see that his faith in the third verse
45:31 'cause he says and Lord haste the day,
45:34 'cause this brother is dealing with a lot, right?
45:36 And he's looking forward and he say,
45:38 and Lord haste the day,
45:40 when my faith shall be sight,
45:43 and the clouds be rolled back as a scroll.
45:47 I love that.
45:48 He's looking forward to the second coming
45:50 right now even though he's having a walk through
45:52 it seems like the valley of the shadow of death, right?
45:55 And he's having a walk through hellfire.
45:57 It seems like, you know, spiritually speaking,
45:59 but he's looking forward to the time in faith
46:01 when Christ will come back and He'll make all things new.
46:04 Amen.
46:05 And, you know, that song would have never been born
46:07 had he not gone through that.
46:08 So we...
46:09 How many people has that song encouraged?
46:13 How many people?
46:14 How many millions have sung that song at difficult time
46:18 at the bedside of someone going through affliction,
46:20 at a funeral, at the laying to rest a young child,
46:25 the most difficult funeral to abide over
46:27 is when the coffin
46:28 is just as small as you know,
46:33 dinner napkin.
46:34 And you look at that,
46:36 and the parents are standing there and you say,
46:37 "What do you say to them?"
46:39 And these are the moments that we have to remember
46:40 that God is not in that.
46:42 God is not, God does not bring death upon a loved one to say,
46:46 "Now do you trust Me?"
46:48 Just glue that one all together.
46:51 Other things may come, you may get close to difficult trials,
46:54 but God is not going to kill someone
46:56 to strengthen your faith.
46:57 So please never indict God as He took.
46:59 God doesn't take children.
47:01 So when Job said though He slay me,
47:03 the reality was the Lord wasn't slaying Job at all.
47:06 He said he removed the protection,
47:08 but he told the devil you could do everything
47:09 but don't take his life.
47:11 So the Lord sometimes gives...
47:13 You find two people in the Bible
47:14 that had that experience that I remember very well,
47:16 Job and Peter.
47:18 And what did the Lord say to Peter,
47:20 "The devil desires to have you that he may sift you as wheat."
47:22 But what did the Lord say? I prayed for you.
47:26 So when you're getting sifted,
47:28 it's so good to know that you on Jesus's prayer list.
47:32 You know, they say, could you pray for me, Terry?
47:33 Could you pray, Wendy? Stephanie, could you?
47:35 Ryan, you pray.
47:36 Jesus said, "You don't have to ask Me,
47:38 already got you on the prayer list."
47:39 Ain't that amen?
47:41 We are on the Lord's prayer list
47:42 when we're going through difficulty,
47:44 because He then said to Peter,
47:46 knowing what that trial was going to produce,
47:48 he said, "When you are converted,"
47:51 I'll let the King James version that,
47:52 "When you are converted, strengthen the brethren."
47:56 Yes. Sometimes we've got to go through stuff
47:57 to experience conversion.
47:59 If you're going through stuff,
48:00 you may not be where God wants you to be.
48:02 And your life has no use.
48:04 I've often said until your life is a threat to the kingdom
48:08 of darkness, it is no use to the kingdom of light.
48:11 But we got to be developed.
48:13 Let me just this very short quotation.
48:14 Absolutely.
48:16 And you know, this is in a book Ministry of Healing, page 470,
48:19 and paragraph two it says, to live such a life,
48:22 speaking about the life of trial,
48:23 to exert such an influence cause that every step
48:27 self-sacrifice discipline,
48:28 it is because that we do not understand this
48:31 that many are so easily discouraged
48:33 in the Christian life.
48:34 They pray for Christ's likeness of character
48:36 for fitness for the Lord's work.
48:38 And they are placed in circumstances
48:41 that seem to call forth all the evil of their nature.
48:46 Faults are revealed of which they did not even
48:48 suspect the existence.
48:51 How would you know that you'll lose your cool unless
48:54 you were placed in a situation to lose your cool, right?
48:57 Lord says, "See, you're not over yet, are you?"
48:59 How did you...
49:01 Would you that word that you just now have
49:03 to ask forgiveness for?
49:05 How would you have known it was still in there?
49:06 That's right. And so I'm doing a study on Wednesday nights.
49:09 Next week we're talking about,
49:10 you know, we talked about that so topic,
49:13 but here's it is because God is leading them
49:15 that these things come upon them.
49:18 He sees that some have powers and susceptibilities,
49:21 which rightly directed,
49:22 might be used in the advancement
49:24 of His work.
49:25 So in His providence, He bring these people
49:28 into different positions and varied circumstances
49:31 that they may discover, in their character
49:34 the defects which had been concealed
49:36 from their own knowledge.
49:38 He says you didn't know that you had it in you, did you?
49:42 Then He gives them opportunity to correct these defects
49:45 to fit themselves for service.
49:47 Often, He permits the fires of affliction to assail them
49:51 that they may be purified.
49:54 So purification, gold tried in the fire.
49:58 Do we really want to be gold tried in the fire?
50:00 I mean, really, then you got to be tried in the fire.
50:03 That's right. Okay.
50:04 So I mean, I'm telling you this as a 34,
50:06 35 years of ministry, believe me, I had those,
50:11 I'm quitting moments.
50:12 I am done.
50:14 I'm suing this person, that person.
50:16 I'm not even going,
50:17 I don't want to be involved in pastoring.
50:19 I am not taking, I'm going to be evangelist hit and run.
50:22 Right.
50:24 Lord says, "I'm just getting started."
50:26 And my wife told me, "So you tell Him the Lord
50:28 what to do now?
50:30 "Well, you know, I don't want to pastor anymore.
50:31 After that church, there's no way I want to pastor.
50:33 There is no way."
50:34 "So you tell the Lord what to do now?"
50:37 And I, as I'm eating my ice cream
50:39 between where I'm coming from and where I'm headed,
50:42 okay, Lord why do You...
50:43 I gave the Lord a challenge.
50:45 And He broke me in that moment. And I went back into pastoring.
50:47 And I'm all the stronger for it.
50:49 Amen. Wow. So you got to, God seasoned me.
50:52 He says, "I got something 15 years from now
50:54 that you are not yet ready for?
50:56 "You need three more churches to get ready for?
50:59 You need about 900 more people
51:00 to work on you to get ready for it.
51:02 That's right. So I understand.
51:03 Yeah.
51:04 You know, I can look at it nowadays
51:06 is that you want to see some bruises.
51:07 I'll show you some.
51:09 You want to see some awful letters, I'll show you some.
51:10 You want to see some wicked people
51:11 that I started on my list that God dealt with,
51:14 I'll show you some.
51:15 But here I am, stronger, all because of it.
51:17 It's easier for the enemy to see you
51:19 when you step into the light.
51:21 Yeah. Yeah. Powerful.
51:23 It's easier for the enemy to see you
51:24 when you step into the light,
51:26 when we step into the light of Christ.
51:28 And if we are in Christ, and we are in His light, right,
51:30 because He is the light of the world.
51:31 But when we step into that light to be in His favor,
51:35 it's easier for the enemy to see you.
51:36 And the enemy is going to lock in on you.
51:38 We have to expect that these challenges will come.
51:40 We have about five minutes here.
51:42 There's just three or four texts here
51:44 that I want to just read just as an encouragement,
51:47 you know, to those who may be dealing
51:49 with trial right now.
51:51 I'm going to just assign these really quickly.
51:52 So, Stephanie, why don't you prepare to read James 1:12?
51:57 And then, if you could,
51:59 Wendy, read 1 Peter 4:12-14?
52:03 So 1 Peter 4:12-14.
52:05 And then, Brother Terry,
52:08 if you could read Revelation 3:21?
52:11 Actually, you know what?
52:14 Why don't you read James 1:12
52:15 'cause this is Stephanie's favorite,
52:16 Philippians 4:6, 7 and 13.
52:19 So I'm going to have you Terry to read James 1:12.
52:22 And then pastor, we're going to let you
52:23 finish off with Revelation 3:21.
52:25 Sure.
52:26 So let's go to James 1:12 first,
52:28 let's read that one.
52:30 "Blessed is the man who endures temptation
52:32 for when he has been approved,
52:33 he will receive the crown of life,
52:35 which the Lord has promised to those who love Him."
52:38 You know, blessed is the man who endures temptation.
52:42 I've heard people use, you know, we made reference,
52:45 I think we read it earlier, the one that says,
52:48 "There had no temptation overtaken you
52:50 but such as is common to man."
52:51 I've heard people say,
52:52 you've probably seen on social media,
52:54 "God won't give you more than you can handle."
52:56 I've seen that a lot.
52:57 "God won't give me more than you can handle."
52:58 That's not exactly what the scripture says.
53:01 Because otherwise why would we have things
53:03 like blessed is the man who endures temptation,
53:06 not escapes temptation.
53:08 But if we read that other one, you know, but God is faithful,
53:13 who will not allow you to be tempted above
53:15 that which you are able,
53:16 but will with the temptation make a way of escape.
53:18 In other words, God may not give you
53:21 more than you can handle, but He's going to give it,
53:24 He's going to allow it to you
53:25 so that you might run to Him as an escape, right?
53:28 Amen. Praise the Lord.
53:29 Wendy, let's go to 1 Peter 4:12-14.
53:33 This is powerful.
53:35 "Beloved, do not think it strange concerning
53:36 the fiery trial which is to try you,
53:39 as though some strange thing happened to you,
53:42 but rejoice to the extent
53:43 that you partake of Christ's sufferings,
53:46 that when His glory is revealed,
53:47 you may also be glad with exceeding joy.
53:51 If you are reproached for the name of Christ,
53:53 blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory
53:55 and of God rests upon you.
53:57 On their part He is blasphemed,
53:59 but on your part He is glorified."
54:02 That's right. Wow.
54:03 That's amazing. For His glory, for His glory.
54:06 That's what this is all about Two different reactions.
54:08 That's right, powerful.
54:10 Stephanie, Philippians 4:6, 7 and 13?
54:13 "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer
54:17 and supplication, with thanksgiving,
54:19 let your requests be made known to God,
54:22 and the peace of God,
54:23 which surpasses all understanding,
54:26 will guard your hearts
54:27 and minds through Christ Jesus."
54:30 And 13 says, "I can do all things
54:32 through Christ who strengthens me."
54:34 That's right.
54:35 The strength comes from Jesus Christ
54:37 and that's what we have to continue
54:39 through the fieriest trial, the most difficult time,
54:42 putting your faith in Christ.
54:44 That's what it's all about.
54:46 All right, Pastor, Revelation 3:21.
54:48 Let's cap it off here.
54:50 "To him who over comes,
54:52 I will grant to sit with Me on My throne,
54:56 as I also overcame,
54:58 and sat down with My Father on His throne."
55:02 We overcome by the blood of the Lamb.
55:03 That's right.
55:05 So it's, you know, the trials are going to come.
55:07 It's just not, it's not the trials that come,
55:10 it's who...
55:12 Well let me just finish this and I'll throw it back to you.
55:14 Sure.
55:16 It's not, trials don't develop our faith,
55:18 trial reveal our faith.
55:20 And so when you find a person
55:22 that's just wallowing in the middle of a trial,
55:24 it's a sad reality, the Lord is saying,
55:27 "You're not ready yet."
55:28 And more may come,
55:32 but eventually you'll get to the place you'll say,
55:35 "I've been here before,
55:37 and God will bring another trial to make me stronger
55:39 for the next thing."
55:41 What did David go through?
55:42 He killed a lion, a bear, Goliath...
55:46 That's right.
55:47 But he couldn't overcome the character defects
55:50 until the Lord put him through in the most severe trial
55:52 of his denial of the Lord through Bathsheba,
55:55 and then his repentance, then he became a stronger man.
55:58 So God knows exactly what each one of us needs
56:00 to go through to get to the place
56:02 that He wants us to be.
56:03 Amen. Wow, praise the Lord.
56:05 I got to finish off with Malachi 3:2-3.
56:08 Notice what the Bible says here.
56:10 Malachi 3:2-3, it says,
56:12 "But who can endure the day of His coming
56:15 and who can stand when He appears,
56:18 for He is like a refiner's fire and like launderer's soap.
56:23 He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver,
56:26 He will purify the sons of Levi and purge them as gold
56:29 and silver that they may offer to the Lord in offering
56:32 and righteousness."
56:34 If you look into how a silversmith
56:35 actually refined silver,
56:37 he puts that silver in the hottest part
56:39 of the flame.
56:41 And how does he know that it's ready?
56:42 Look it up. It's true.
56:44 It's when he can see his reflection
56:46 in that piece of silver.
56:48 That's right. My, friends, Jesus is coming soon.
56:50 And faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
56:53 We hope that you have been encouraged today.
56:55 We hope you take this program, these scriptures
56:58 and that you encourage others.
56:59 I just want to say thank you Pastor Lomacang,
57:01 thank you, Terry and Wendy, so much for joining us.
57:04 Thank you, Miss Stephanie Day, my lovely wife.
57:06 Thank you all my friends for joining us during this time.
57:09 Again, go out, smile knowing that Jesus Christ is Lord,
57:14 that Jesus Christ is still with you.
57:16 And if you are in Christ,
57:18 you are His, you are Abraham's seed
57:21 and heirs according to the promise.
57:23 My friends, get in the Word of God,
57:25 find yourself in Jesus Christ.
57:27 And next time you go through that trial
57:28 know that you are not alone.
57:30 God bless you, my friends, and have a good day.


Revised 2022-01-20