Today Family Worship

The True Meaning of Christmas

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW210039S

00:02 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:09 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Today,
01:11 it's family worship time.
01:12 Always like this. Enjoy it, don't you, Yvonne?
01:14 I do too. It's such a special time.
01:17 It is, and we're in a special time
01:19 of the season, you know, getting close to
01:20 what we call the Christmas season.
01:22 We'll talk more about that in just a little bit.
01:24 But we have some family on with us today.
01:26 We do.
01:28 Maybe I'll let you start with the introduction.
01:29 Sure.
01:31 So I'm really excited because we have
01:34 my nephew, Jordan Adams with us,
01:37 and I'm so happy for Jordan
01:39 because he just recently got baptized
01:42 and has given his life to Jesus,
01:44 so he's a babe in Christ.
01:45 And he's just wonderful.
01:48 Where are you from Jordan? From Upstate New York.
01:50 All right. You came all the way here.
01:52 So we're glad that you did.
01:54 You want to be baptized? That's when you're serious.
01:56 You travel that 12 hours, whatever, coming here.
01:58 That's great. Fourteen.
02:00 Fourteen? Okay. All right.
02:02 And then look who else,
02:03 it's all dressed in matching colors over here.
02:06 Brother Kenny and Sister Chris,
02:08 good to have you guys on here today.
02:09 Always good to be in family worship,
02:12 be able to study
02:13 the Word together, talk together.
02:15 Just come together with one another and,
02:17 of course, in Jesus so...
02:18 Yeah. It's a fun time that we're in.
02:22 And I pray that
02:23 we'll utilize it for His honor and for His glory.
02:25 Thank you for sharing your time with us.
02:28 We know time is most valuable commodity
02:30 we have especially as we get older.
02:32 So we want to thank you for your love and your prayers
02:35 and financial support of 3ABN
02:37 as we continue to take this great gospel
02:39 of the kingdom into all the world,
02:41 but we would,
02:43 it'd be a miss, we'd be, is it remiss.
02:45 Remiss.
02:46 Be remiss not to talk about the greatest gift ever given.
02:50 Yeah. Since it's the season, right?
02:52 That's right.
02:53 Here's why I turn it over to Yvonne
02:56 because she has it.
02:57 So what's our title today?
02:58 The true meaning of Christmas. Okay.
03:00 You know, there's so many people
03:02 who get so caught up
03:04 into the commercialization of Christmas
03:07 that they forget what Christmas is really about.
03:11 So that's what we want to talk about,
03:12 share some memories and ideas about Christmas,
03:15 talk about the original Christmas story
03:18 and hope that you will kind of join in
03:21 and you think about the true meaning of Christmas,
03:24 what it really means to you.
03:25 Amen.
03:27 So I'd like for us to start with,
03:31 with actually with a prayer
03:32 and then reading Luke 2
03:35 where the story of Christmas is.
03:37 And I think, Jordan,
03:38 if you would read that for us, that would be great.
03:40 Pastor Kenny, would you pray for us?
03:42 Absolutely. Let's pray.
03:44 Loving Father in heaven, truly we come to You this day.
03:47 We give You praise, give You honor, give You glory.
03:50 Thank You for loving us. Thank You for Calvary.
03:52 Thank You for that blood that flowed so freely.
03:54 Amen.
03:55 Lord during this time of the season,
03:57 time of the year that may our minds
03:59 and heart to be stayed upon you,
04:01 and the great sacrifice was made on our behalf.
04:03 May we share that love with those around about us.
04:07 We pray that the message
04:08 will go to all the world that Jesus is soon to come
04:11 and we need to be ready.
04:13 We ask that You would bless
04:14 in a very special way each one here.
04:17 The anointing of Thy Holy Spirit
04:18 upon every little heart and every little mind.
04:20 Amen.
04:21 Again, it may bring honor and glory
04:22 to You and to You alone.
04:24 Thank you for the viewers. Thank you for the listeners.
04:26 Thank you for the supporters.
04:28 Lord, we realize that couldn't go forward
04:30 until we come together shoulder to shoulder to do our part.
04:34 We pray during the season we will do our part.
04:36 First of all is to praise You,
04:38 give You honor and give You glory.
04:39 Thank You for this opportunity.
04:40 Thank You again for this privilege.
04:42 And we're going to give You praise as You bless every
04:44 aspect of this program today.
04:46 We turn it over to you in Jesus' name,
04:48 we pray and for His sake, amen.
04:50 Amen. Amen.
04:51 Maybe we should start off by just saying now we realize
04:54 because I have to say this
04:56 because we've been doing this for 30 some odd years
04:59 and so people are going to write and say,
05:01 "Don't you know Christmas is not December 25th?"
05:04 You know what? We do know that.
05:05 And we absolutely do know that Jesus
05:08 was not born on December 25th.
05:10 Now, if you know when He was born tell us
05:12 because you're probably the only person on earth
05:14 who does know exactly when He was and that's the time
05:17 we would celebrate but we don't know.
05:19 We know the season and the time.
05:21 So we take this not
05:23 as we're trying to teach you about any dates
05:26 or when Christ was born.
05:28 But more importantly about the sacrifice
05:30 of a perfect Godhead
05:32 making a plan for sinful man
05:35 and saying let's put in place away,
05:39 that though man falls and Satan
05:41 was loose to this earth, though man falls,
05:44 there's a way he can be redeemed.
05:46 And that, of course,
05:47 was by the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
05:49 In coming to earth, born in a...
05:52 The Bible says, in a manger and wrapped
05:54 in swaddling clothes
05:56 and you know, the story
05:57 behind the end and very boring.
06:00 And what we would call
06:01 a very poor situation, at least,
06:03 wasn't in nice hotels,
06:04 it didn't come with a lot of fanfare.
06:07 Now, of course, the wise men knew it
06:09 and they saw the, you know,
06:10 the angels and those leading to where He was born.
06:13 But as far as the earth knew, is quiet all around people
06:16 didn't know, it's just somebody being born,
06:18 another baby in this time in a stable,
06:20 in a manger, out behind an inn.
06:22 But so the beauty of what we want to talk about
06:26 when people are open during this time of year
06:29 to hear about the Lord Jesus Christ,
06:31 let's take advantage of that time.
06:33 And let's talk about it.
06:35 Not so much the date, but what really happened.
06:37 Right.
06:38 The greatest gift ever given,
06:40 as we said, is for the salvation of man,
06:43 because He not only was born on this earth,
06:45 but lived a sinless life, then gave His life willingly,
06:49 so that you and I
06:51 now have an advocate to go to the Father,
06:54 when it's time and we fall, and we fail,
06:56 which we do every day, really.
06:58 So that's why Paul says, "I die daily."
07:01 Because all of us do that.
07:03 So that's what we want to talk about today.
07:05 And we're so glad to have Jordan with us.
07:07 And I know each of us here have our own testimony.
07:10 So have wherever you want to go.
07:12 What Jordan was going to read for us the Christmas story,
07:16 found in Luke 2:1-20.
07:19 So let's take a look at that.
07:22 Luke 2:1-20.
07:27 Everybody ready?
07:28 Yes. Yes.
07:29 "And it came to pass in those days
07:31 that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus
07:33 that all the world should be registered.
07:35 This census first took place
07:36 while Quirinius was governing Syria.
07:39 So all went out to be registered,
07:41 everyone to his own city.
07:43 Joseph also went up from Galilee,
07:46 out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea,
07:48 to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem,
07:51 because he was of the house of the lineage of David,
07:54 to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife,
07:56 who was with child.
07:58 So it was, that while they were there,
08:00 the days were completed for her to be delivered.
08:02 And she brought forth her firstborn Son,
08:05 and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes,
08:06 and laid Him in a manger,
08:08 because there was no room for them in the inn.
08:10 Now there were in the same country shepherds
08:13 living out in the fields,
08:14 keeping watch over their flock by night.
08:16 And behold,
08:17 an angel of the Lord stood before them,
08:19 and the glory of the Lord shone around them,
08:21 and they were greatly afraid.
08:23 Then the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid, for behold,
08:26 I bring you good tidings of great joy
08:28 which will be to all people.
08:30 For there is born to you
08:31 this day in the city of David a Savior,
08:33 who is Christ the Lord.
08:35 And this will be the sign to you:
08:37 You will find a Babe wrapped
08:39 in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
08:41 And suddenly there was
08:44 with the angel a multitude
08:46 of the heavenly host praising God
08:48 and saying: 'Glory to God in the highest,
08:50 and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!'
08:54 So it was, when the angels
08:55 had gone away from them into heaven,
08:57 that the shepherds said to one another,
08:59 'Let us now go to Bethlehem
09:01 and see this thing that has come to pass,
09:03 which the Lord has made known to us.'
09:05 And they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph,
09:09 and the Babe lying in a manger.
09:11 Now when they had seen Him,
09:12 they made widely known the saying
09:14 which was told to them concerning the Child.
09:19 And all those who heard it marveled at the things
09:23 which were told to them by the shepherds.
09:26 But Mary kept all these things, pondered them in her heart.
09:30 Then the shepherds returned,
09:31 glorifying and praising God for all the things that
09:34 they had heard and seen, as it was told to them."
09:37 Amen. Thank you.
09:38 Amen.
09:40 That's such a beautiful story to me and the way.
09:44 Well, I have, you know, I love acronyms, right?
09:47 So, I have an acronym for the word Christmas.
09:51 All right.
09:52 So C, the C in Christmas
09:56 is for Christ,
09:59 because you can't have Christmas without Christ.
10:01 That is the foundation of it all.
10:04 He is the foundation. Matthew 1:16-17.
10:08 The first time we see the word Christ
10:10 in the Bible is in Matthew 1:16.
10:13 And the word Christ comes
10:15 from the Greek word translated Christos
10:17 which means anointed one.
10:20 But, you know, Satan has taken and you see it,
10:24 sometimes in popular media,
10:26 he will take the word, the name,
10:30 and use it blasphemously.
10:33 And so we see,
10:35 instead of Christ's name being uplifted,
10:38 in media, we see it blasphemed.
10:41 And so, always Satan has a counterfeit,
10:44 always he has the negative
10:47 and God has the positive,
10:48 always God is sovereign.
10:53 And so, what Satan means for ill,
10:58 you know, we know that
11:00 Christ is the foundation for Christmas.
11:04 So C is for Christ, H is for hope.
11:08 Colossians 1:26-27,
11:11 "Christ in us, the hope of glory."
11:13 So, the hope is, that we have is
11:18 by the Spirit of the Living God
11:20 and it's that we are transformed
11:22 into His image, into the image of Christ.
11:26 So that is the hope of glory.
11:28 Then the R is royalty. All right.
11:31 These are things that,
11:32 you know, that we can associate with Christmas
11:34 like each of these different letters.
11:36 So royalty.
11:38 Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords.
11:41 Right? Revelation 19:16.
11:44 And then I as for Immanuel.
11:46 Immanuel, meaning God with us.
11:49 Amen.
11:50 And so when He came to earth,
11:53 He came to show us really the Father
11:56 and how to live and how we can,
12:00 how we can live out our lives to bring glory to God.
12:04 Amen.
12:05 And then S is for shepherds, Luke 2:8,
12:08 which you just read about.
12:10 The shepherds were watching over their flock,
12:12 they were low in status,
12:14 and Jesus actually is the Great Shepherd.
12:17 So He identified with the lowly and He identified
12:21 as King of kings and Lord of lords, so.
12:25 And then T is for thanks.
12:28 We should be thankful for the ultimate gift.
12:31 John 3:16, "For God so loved the world
12:34 that He gave His only begotten Son,
12:36 that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish
12:38 but have everlasting life."
12:40 So we should give thanks to God.
12:42 And then M is for music because Christmas,
12:46 you can't have Christmas without Christmas carols
12:48 and music, right?
12:49 And then A is for angels.
12:53 Because again, in Luke,
12:54 we see that an angel, first an angel appeared.
12:59 And then the whole sky lit up
13:02 with angels and the glory of God saying,
13:04 "Glory to God in the highest."
13:06 And then the S in Christmas is for sharing.
13:09 Matthew 20:18-20,
13:12 where we have the great commission
13:14 where Jesus tells us to, to teach, to go
13:18 and observe all things that we were taught
13:20 and so baptizing them in the name of the Father,
13:24 the Son and the Holy Spirit.
13:25 So... That's good.
13:27 The S, sharing is a good.
13:29 Christmas is a great time for sharing,
13:31 not only the gifts with each other,
13:34 but the gospel.
13:35 Amen.
13:37 So that's my little acronym on Christmas.
13:39 That's good. Praise the Lord.
13:42 So we might have some Christmas memories,
13:45 things that come into mind about.
13:47 I know you guys have
13:49 some really interesting things that
13:51 happened to you as children.
13:52 Not necessarily Christmas, but...
13:54 Okay. Yeah, let's talk about it.
13:56 I'm on here.
13:58 Let's hear from Chris first. What do you got?
14:00 I was so looking forward to your story.
14:04 You know, I...
14:06 It's hard to go back and really think,
14:08 I'll tell you the time
14:10 that Christmas really changed for me.
14:11 Well.
14:12 Because we realized that a lot of Christmas things
14:15 have really become commercial,
14:17 you can go back and question its origin.
14:20 And so I had a lot of struggling
14:24 over Christmas spiritually.
14:25 And the thing that helped me
14:27 to balance it is our Spirit of Prophecy
14:29 that God has given us.
14:30 So that helped me to balance it.
14:32 So I would take, I took all of the things
14:35 that pertain to the world out of the house
14:38 and I put the things that pertain to Christ
14:41 and the gift that was given in the house.
14:45 And I can remember sitting down in front of the fireplace
14:48 and reading the story of Christ's birth
14:50 as we just did here with Jordan.
14:52 And, you know, just making it much more holy,
14:56 much more centered on that great gift.
15:01 That gift that had it not been given,
15:04 we would not have, can I say it this way?
15:07 A ticket out of here,
15:08 we would not have a salvation, you know, seriously.
15:12 So that is when it really changed for me,
15:15 that's when it really felt different.
15:17 And I felt closer to Christ that way
15:20 because we become so commercialized,
15:22 you know, even if we go visit
15:24 at other people's houses and it's just,
15:26 it's not the same atmosphere,
15:28 but when you can control as a parent,
15:30 that atmosphere in your home,
15:33 it really makes a tremendous difference.
15:35 Yeah. Amen.
15:37 Praise the Lord.
15:38 All right, how about you, Yvonne?
15:40 What memories? Yeah.
15:42 Wow, you know, I think for me,
15:45 my favorite memories are the music
15:50 and my grandmother conducting the choir
15:54 with the Messiah every year.
15:56 I just, I love Handel's Messiah
15:59 and then family because we all...
16:04 When I was really little,
16:05 we all lived in the same complex.
16:07 So my grandmother and uncles and aunts,
16:10 we all lived in the same building complex.
16:13 So it was great because I could just go around
16:15 the corner seeing my cousins,
16:17 my grandmother and then my parents singing,
16:20 and they had a quartet.
16:22 And so I would sit in on their rehearsals.
16:24 And so Christmas for me represents family
16:29 and getting together and,
16:31 you know, spending time together
16:33 and I love the gifts when I was little too.
16:36 You know, I still love them, I won't say that on air.
16:38 But what a blessing to have a family
16:42 that would celebrate together
16:45 and be together for Christmas.
16:47 All right. How about Jordan?
16:52 I don't have a favorite Christmas memory.
16:54 But I do agree with Aunt Ivy.
16:57 I see Christmas as a time to gather
16:59 with family and just be thankful
17:01 for making it through a year.
17:03 A lot of people, they lose family members
17:05 around Christmas and Thanksgiving.
17:07 There's a lot of sadness going on.
17:08 Oh, my.
17:10 Along with the devil, he puts so much pressure
17:11 on these parents to buy gifts and...
17:13 It's true.
17:15 It just shouldn't be like that.
17:16 It should be just a humbling, gathering of family
17:20 and focus on the Lord 'cause like Jill...
17:23 Chris. Chris.
17:25 Like Chris said, that ticket
17:27 to get out of here, God gave His Son.
17:30 That's the greatest gift ever, so.
17:31 Amen. That's good.
17:33 It's good. Absolutely.
17:35 That's good. Praise the Lord.
17:36 Well, Kenny and I, you know,
17:38 we didn't probably almost speak this together.
17:41 But we didn't look,
17:42 we don't have Christmas memories
17:43 of great gifts.
17:45 After our dad was disabled in with heart attack,
17:47 we were young.
17:49 Christmas wasn't about the gifts
17:50 but we do, I have great memories of
17:52 and he can speak for himself but family together.
17:55 We always together and had good meal.
17:58 And, you know, good food to eat,
18:01 and aunts and uncles would come to in the afternoon
18:04 and visit with us.
18:05 And, you know, Thanksgiving and Christmas a lot.
18:08 It was a lot of family stuff.
18:11 But we always, of course,
18:13 knew the reason for the season.
18:15 Our folks wouldn't leave that out.
18:17 That was the main part.
18:18 And so, but as far as gifts goes,
18:21 I mean, we were, Kenny was like,
18:23 I don't know,
18:24 maybe a sophomore junior in high school,
18:25 and I was eighth grade.
18:27 He's four years older,
18:28 he may have been a senior and I'm freshmen.
18:30 So we decided that, you know, we had seven in our family.
18:34 So our folks said one,
18:36 well, we can't really afford to buy any gifts.
18:38 So tell you what we do.
18:39 We'll put everybody's name in the hat.
18:41 We'll draw hat.
18:42 You draw a name
18:44 and then you get that person a gift.
18:46 Then they get whoever's name they draw.
18:48 Yeah. So that's good enough.
18:49 So you got probably a senior in high school,
18:51 maybe freshmen and we don't have any money.
18:54 We're working part time
18:55 just to do whatever get close to things we can do.
18:58 And Kenny and I draw each other's name.
19:00 All right.
19:01 So, am I telling the truth? We shook hands.
19:04 He said, "Merry Christmas, Brother."
19:06 So we didn't have to get any gifts to each other.
19:08 Yeah.
19:09 But that was a greatest gift
19:10 we could do that times not have to be pressured to buy
19:12 something when we're trying to get by
19:14 so we just traded and that was enough Christmas.
19:17 And it was brilliant.
19:19 Really, I felt good about it, right?
19:22 It was equal, right? Oh, yeah.
19:25 Somebody didn't buy something big
19:26 and you couldn't afford anything.
19:28 Yeah.
19:29 We shook hands, and say, "Hey, you know, happy holidays.
19:30 All good?" And it was settled.
19:32 I don't think we probably thought about it again really.
19:34 No.
19:35 We did our part, rest of them maybe scrimping
19:37 or taking soda bottles
19:38 and putting them in for the two cents
19:40 or the penny you get so you can buy something.
19:42 We just shake hands.
19:43 I kind of feel like that today.
19:45 Maybe I want to shake a lot of hands.
19:48 Shake a lot of hands, save a lot of time.
19:50 Save a lot of money too. Save a lot of money.
19:53 But yeah, but sometimes
19:54 it's good certainly to give a gift
19:56 and appreciation for that means
19:58 something to you, but you know to me
20:00 sometimes just a handshake
20:02 or somebody said let's have prayer together
20:04 sometimes thank God for one another that
20:05 we're still here for another season.
20:07 Yeah.
20:08 You know, that's what I'm thinking about Christmas
20:10 here that we've, you know, season time is, you know,
20:13 again all focusing on Christ but He's given us another
20:15 I think you mentioned it another year.
20:17 Yeah.
20:19 He's blessed us that we have a roof over our head.
20:20 We have what we need.
20:22 I feel like it's just this should be the all season long.
20:27 Shouldn't be we take one day and all sudden we're cordial,
20:30 and we love everybody and we praise Him.
20:33 To me every day it would be just wonderful at least to me,
20:36 it's just.
20:37 That's what heaven would be like.
20:39 That's right. That's right.
20:40 So we need to get used to it down here.
20:42 Isn't that right? Getting used to it here.
20:43 Yeah, just practicing.
20:44 Yeah, and praising that you mentioned, what was it?
20:47 The Handel's Messiah? Yes.
20:48 That where you say hallelujah, hallelujah?
20:50 Yeah. The Hallelujah chorus.
20:52 Yeah, I think when I was in chorus
20:54 we sang it and Danny part of it too,
20:56 at every year that was a song.
20:57 Yeah. When they'd say, "Hallelujah."
20:59 I mean, you know, make you want to shout.
21:00 Yeah.
21:02 Even then, you know,
21:03 you are 14, 15, I got big goosebumps.
21:04 I think it raised my shirt up a little bit, you know,
21:06 just think hallelujah, that you can say hallelujah
21:08 to the King of kings and Lord of lords.
21:11 Again, let's not leave Him out of anything this year.
21:14 Let's put Him right in the very center,
21:16 every time everything you do,
21:17 everything you give, everything we receive.
21:19 Yeah.
21:20 All the praise goes back to Him.
21:22 And that's a good thought,
21:24 because as I was preparing this morning,
21:25 kind of looking over some things,
21:27 I was going back and rereading.
21:29 And if it, you know,
21:30 if we center it on Christ's birthday,
21:32 we need to be focused in on giving Him
21:35 the greatest gift at this time.
21:37 You know, Spirit of Prophecy says,
21:39 "If we would do that,
21:40 then the coffers would be full in the service of God,"
21:43 because there's so many people,
21:45 as you mentioned, again,
21:47 that are hurting, that need help.
21:49 And they need not only physical help,
21:51 but spiritual help, you know,
21:53 and how often have we said that
21:55 the gospel is free, praise God,
21:58 but it takes finances to get it out.
22:01 So this is the time of year
22:02 that we as we're giving back to God
22:04 that we know that we are storing up souls
22:07 for the kingdom of heaven,
22:09 because when people donate their gifts, you know,
22:11 when you give it back to the church,
22:13 you give it back to 3ABN or whomever it may be,
22:16 you know, you are putting it in
22:17 for the salvation of souls.
22:19 And what better gift could you give this time of year?
22:22 Seriously.
22:23 When you think about
22:25 we won't know this side of eternity
22:26 until we're in the kingdom and the Lord places
22:29 those crowns upon our head and you say,
22:31 what's this star for, Lord, you know?
22:33 That may have been this gift you gave 3ABN
22:36 and this person came in
22:38 because of that, you know, it's a beautiful thing,
22:41 we cannot outgive God.
22:42 That's right.
22:43 And when you mentioned music,
22:46 what my grandma didn't take me to see the Messiah,
22:51 Handel's Messiah.
22:52 But a lot of times,
22:54 we would drive around in the car
22:55 and look at lights and she would sing and that,
22:58 those were happy memories
23:00 because my grandmother sang,
23:01 my mother used to sing and, but I can remember
23:04 just singing in the car with my grandma.
23:06 And it was such a blessed time to be with my grandma.
23:09 I spent a lot of time with my grandparents,
23:11 they raised me for several years.
23:12 So, you know, those were warm memories too.
23:15 One of the things
23:17 I'm really thankful for and memories that we have.
23:20 And some of the older folk will understand
23:22 what I'm saying here.
23:24 But we were raised in an era, you know, after the war babies
23:29 what they call us?
23:30 Baby Boomers.
23:31 Baby Boomers, but in our grade schools
23:35 and our community in which we lived in the era in
23:39 which we were growing up.
23:42 The whole world wasn't politically crazy.
23:45 I mean, right now. Oh, have mercy.
23:47 And I'm telling you both parties
23:49 and all parties
23:50 that I find out except Jesus' party,
23:53 I always tell people
23:54 I'm just remember that Jesus' party,
23:55 that's the only one to last forever.
23:57 But I mean, for the young people
23:59 growing up today, this is a crazy world.
24:02 There are things that happening
24:03 you never dreamed would happen
24:06 and what in the world should the Lord tarry?
24:08 How are these kids going to be saved?
24:10 Because the devil is just worse and worse.
24:12 That's why we have to
24:13 get the gospel out now while we can.
24:15 So, when I look back,
24:16 it is great to look back and remember time, you know,
24:19 we went to join a grade school
24:20 and you know, around Christmas time
24:22 and everybody get together we'd sing.
24:24 We'd go you know, whether it was in the fall,
24:28 I won't get into the holidays
24:29 because you change things you don't do,
24:31 but we would go like trick or treating,
24:34 now I'm not saying this to say,
24:35 "Oh no, don't go trick or treating."
24:36 But we would go for blocks, we'd go the other side of town
24:40 like we didn't know anybody,
24:41 we go door to door, nobody ever got hurt.
24:43 Nobody got poisoned. Nobody did.
24:44 People didn't even,
24:46 oh let's say, "Who are you guys?"
24:47 Would raise their mask and there's,
24:49 oh, they didn't even know us.
24:50 We're just there to get, you know,
24:52 but it was a time in which you could do things.
24:55 And yeah, there's always been crime.
24:56 There's always been crazy people,
24:58 but it didn't seem like
24:59 the whole world was upside down.
25:01 So right now we need Jesus
25:03 more than ever before the gift that
25:04 He gave us, the gift of salvation
25:08 and the gift of now of the opportunity
25:11 of being able to tell the world about Jesus
25:14 and His saving power.
25:15 The world's never needed it more than we need it now.
25:19 We've never needed Jesus more than
25:21 we need Jesus right now.
25:23 And it's up to you and me to take advantage of this time.
25:26 Because we're not always,
25:28 3ABN may not always be able to be on the airwaves.
25:30 That's right.
25:32 But when we're off,
25:33 should the Lord let that happen,
25:35 then we don't need to be on.
25:36 We are close enough to second coming,
25:38 God's got it all figured out. Yeah.
25:39 But as long as He allows us,
25:41 we continue to share that great gift of salvation,
25:45 the greatest gift ever given to a lost and dying world.
25:48 So thank you for joining with us as we do that.
25:51 But yeah, I mean, growing up in an era
25:54 and I like love growing up little community like
25:56 West Frankfort, Illinois,
25:58 we didn't have all the people say,
26:00 "Oh, you didn't have all the city lights."
26:01 No, but it didn't have all the crime
26:03 and all the things going on either.
26:05 But today is the day of salvation.
26:07 So, I'm so thankful for you, Jordan,
26:10 and you have a number of folk you can tell us about
26:12 some nieces and nephews, family, friends.
26:15 Yvonne's been giving Bible studies
26:17 for what last year or so, maybe longer.
26:20 And we've just had a number of baptisms,
26:23 because you were sharing the gift
26:26 that the Lord gave you,
26:28 with your family and with friends.
26:30 And I mean, taking it seriously
26:32 for hours at a time for literally this past year.
26:35 And people like you.
26:37 And we're so thankful for you, Jordan.
26:39 What really made you,
26:40 you're growing up in New York,
26:42 you really don't have that
26:43 much of a Christian background, right?
26:44 No, actually I did.
26:46 I was always grown up
26:47 in Seventh-day Adventist as a little kid in the church,
26:50 Sabbath School, some like that.
26:53 But I feel like the devil,
26:58 he used that as a way for me to go away from it, you know,
27:04 make the Sabbath a burden as I was a kid.
27:07 And now as you know, after church, you go to church,
27:09 you want to go outside and play.
27:12 I didn't understand what the Sabbath was as a kid,
27:14 so it kind of became a burden.
27:15 And as I grew up,
27:17 I didn't really use myself to the Sabbath like the Lord
27:20 would want me to.
27:22 So you know, growing up in New York,
27:25 there's so many traps out there.
27:27 So many traps.
27:29 And when you're living
27:31 a double life, you feel it.
27:35 I don't want to be one foot here
27:38 and one foot here,
27:40 want our both feet with the Lord.
27:41 Amen. That's good.
27:43 When you straddle the fence, you can get hurt.
27:44 Yeah. Yeah.
27:46 I've gotten hurt. Yeah, a lot of splinters.
27:49 That's right. Yeah.
27:50 And we've all done it. We've all done it.
27:52 Maybe not in the same way, but we've all done it.
27:54 But we're thankful for a God
27:56 who's a forgiving God and a loving God.
27:58 Yes. And, yeah.
28:00 So we're blessed for your testimony.
28:03 So what really got you coming to the Bible studies?
28:08 It was my idea to start the Bible studies.
28:10 It was his idea.
28:12 'Cause we didn't have church, Upstate.
28:13 And my brothers and sisters,
28:15 they weren't really taking it seriously,
28:18 you know, they have their families
28:19 or whatever, you know, it's just me.
28:21 So, I've always had the Holy Spirit within me,
28:25 I felt like, but I wanted more.
28:28 Okay.
28:29 I was trying to go to different
28:30 Seventh-day Adventist churches Upstate,
28:32 but I wasn't really feeling it.
28:34 So I contacted my aunt,
28:35 nobody that knows a word better than my aunt.
28:37 Well, praise the Lord.
28:40 So I asked her if we could do a Bible study,
28:42 trying to keep that as like church a little bit.
28:45 That was my church for a while,
28:46 for a couple of months, you know?
28:48 And I learned a lot. Amen.
28:50 Yeah. Praise the Lord.
28:51 Amen. Oh, yeah.
28:52 It was Jordan's idea to start it.
28:55 And then he got
28:57 some of the other young family members
28:59 to come and join.
29:00 And he's been faithfully supporting it.
29:05 And so and with COVID, it was an easier thing to do.
29:09 Because services were cancelled in churches,
29:12 so we could have it during Sabbath hours.
29:16 You know, and that was really good too.
29:18 Amen.
29:20 Awesome. Even opened it on Sabbath.
29:22 Yeah. I loved doing that.
29:24 I mean, that, what you're talking about here is,
29:26 is truly evangelism that's working out,
29:30 because you made yourself available for sure.
29:33 You had a need.
29:34 You knew how to reach out, but you didn't stop there.
29:38 See, if all of our church members
29:39 would do that, all of,
29:41 including ourselves, what did he do?
29:43 He didn't say, I mean, just give me studies.
29:45 He started inviting other people
29:47 in the church.
29:48 That's what we have to do for the cause of Christ
29:51 is invite other people to come in,
29:53 because you're getting fed.
29:54 Yes.
29:56 And when you get down that Bible study,
29:57 you got those spiritual goosebumps,
29:58 you're excited
30:00 what's going on is changing you.
30:01 You can sense it. Yes.
30:03 And you got, you have loved ones,
30:05 you think if this not changes take place,
30:07 heaven may not be their home.
30:08 Right.
30:09 And you love them enough that you reached out.
30:11 You love them enough, you spend all the time,
30:14 Danny loved the gospel and you enough,
30:17 he was separated from you for hours
30:19 at a time on the phone as I well know.
30:21 But it take, it takes that, you know,
30:25 giving Bible studies and all of this.
30:26 Sometime we just have to back away
30:28 and let the other one take,
30:30 you know what God instructs them to do.
30:31 So I think that's a beautiful thing.
30:33 And a good illustration of evangelism
30:35 and how it can spread
30:36 and it did spread and continues to spread.
30:38 Praise the Lord.
30:39 And you know, you don't have to be,
30:41 and this is important,
30:42 I think, for our viewers and listeners to know.
30:44 You don't have to be some kind of Bible scholar
30:46 to share the Bible with your family.
30:49 There's so many Bible studies that are online that you can
30:53 because we would just follow online
30:56 the Bible studies
30:57 and with the Word and then you can,
30:59 they can ask questions.
31:01 But don't feel as though you can't give a Bible study
31:04 because you can.
31:06 Amazing Facts has great Bible studies,
31:09 where we're putting out,
31:10 3ABN's going to have some really great ones.
31:13 And we have study guides
31:15 that go along with Salvation in Symbols and Signs.
31:17 So there are resources out there that you can use to,
31:21 to study.
31:22 So don't feel like you just have to know everything
31:25 before you give a Bible study.
31:27 Just be willing to share what Jesus has done for you.
31:32 Start there. Amen.
31:33 Start there.
31:34 What is Jesus done for you, Jordan?
31:37 Jesus has done a lot for me. Amen.
31:43 Living in New York
31:45 without a father and a mother, it's hard.
31:48 But I don't go without for long.
31:52 I never go without actually on.
31:55 He opens doors, so many doors, job opportunities.
31:58 Amen.
32:00 I know, I've been out of work for months with bills due.
32:05 And I just put my faith in Him and He always works out a way
32:08 somehow, every single time.
32:11 Amen.
32:12 And like me and my aunt,
32:13 we're talking about the other day,
32:15 it might be last minute to us.
32:16 But He's showing us that
32:18 I'm the one who did that, nobody else can do that.
32:21 God's always on time. Oh, yeah.
32:23 He's always on time. Praise the Lord.
32:24 That's great.
32:26 Brother, the gift of sharing and that's it.
32:28 If you would ask Jordan
32:29 and all these other young folk that
32:31 just recently baptized
32:32 because of the gift that you gave him.
32:34 If your aunt had given you 500 or even 1,000 dollars
32:39 and said, "Hey, have a good Christmas."
32:41 And we'll talk to you next year.
32:44 Would you rather have that
32:45 or the time that she's given you?
32:47 The time she's given me. The time she's given you.
32:48 So that's a valuable, as I mentioned earlier
32:51 in the program, you know,
32:53 time is the greatest gift
32:54 that we have left as we get older,
32:57 especially you say, "Well, this time is important.
32:59 What am I going to do with it?"
33:01 So you could have just said, "Hey, you know, it's easier.
33:03 Let me just give him 1,000 dollars
33:05 and wish him good time and leave it alone."
33:09 But you didn't.
33:11 She takes hours and hours and hours.
33:13 Sometimes they're on as much as three hours,
33:16 two to three hours for Bible studies.
33:20 And I'm happy about it. Yeah.
33:24 Because we see the results.
33:26 But here's what's important,
33:27 even if you didn't see the results,
33:30 the results are there and you planted the seed.
33:33 And so the Holy Spirit does the nurturing,
33:35 we can't coerce anyone or force anybody say,
33:38 "Okay, here it is.
33:40 Now it's time to be baptized." No.
33:42 All you do is you plant the seed
33:43 and leave the rest up to the Holy Spirit.
33:46 And I wanted to talk just for a few minutes about
33:48 I maybe told us a time
33:50 or two over the last some years,
33:53 but talking about gifts
33:55 and people giving and sharing gifts.
33:58 To me that has made a huge impact later in my life
34:03 because I didn't really realize that
34:05 the gift earlier in our life.
34:07 But Kenny and I, we grew up
34:09 on 812 West Worden Street in West Frankfort, Illinois,
34:12 that old house is still there.
34:14 And so we're on Worden Street,
34:16 the next street to the south was St. Louis Street,
34:18 and, you know, and I think on the south side
34:21 was Lindell Street and so you go out
34:23 to Main Street a couple blocks later,
34:26 but so we were there
34:28 and so here's a block street going this way.
34:31 There's a houses out by the streets
34:33 and they have backyards
34:35 and then you have an alley in between
34:36 and in the alley you set your barrels
34:38 and that's the trash barrels.
34:40 So about once a week the garbage truck
34:42 would come and they'd pick up.
34:44 We didn't have
34:45 those nice McNeilus trucks back then.
34:46 We just had guys picking them up
34:48 and throwing them in the back of a truck,
34:49 where steaks are bad
34:51 and getting rid of the garbage, you know.
34:55 So what we found out our neighbor behind us,
34:58 Pete Golio, he had three sons
35:00 and I think it's Pete Jr. and Mike and Richard
35:02 and I haven't talked to them,
35:04 I actually just reached out today
35:05 to talk to them and to see if we could maybe start
35:09 some conversation together.
35:11 Wanted to tell them a story about their father.
35:14 And so, anyway, and Kenny and I,
35:17 he, Pete was, I think, a coal miner.
35:19 And so they lived, the three boys
35:23 and mom and dad they lived,
35:24 which go financially better than
35:26 we did after our dad was disabled
35:28 with a heart condition because we really
35:30 didn't have an income coming in.
35:32 So we all had to work a little bit
35:33 and help out with that.
35:35 But first, I don't know who found it first,
35:37 but one evening may be taken out the garbage.
35:40 We happened to look in the neighbors
35:42 right across the alley was the Golio's barrel
35:46 and we saw things in there.
35:47 And it's like, oh, there looks like
35:49 there's a truck there.
35:50 But it's got maybe a wheel missing.
35:52 A little truck, you know,
35:53 you're 7, 8, 10, 11 years old, whatever.
35:56 So you're like, "Well, that's nice."
35:59 We can take that and play with it
36:00 because we really didn't have many toys,
36:02 you know, so well, we'll fix that.
36:04 You know, and Brother Ronnie,
36:06 he's always, you know, he was like a little MacGyver
36:08 before there was a MacGyver, he was there fixing things,
36:11 and whatever it is, he could fix it.
36:13 So we would discover that
36:16 the Golio's sometimes threw things away
36:18 from their boys
36:20 and that they were through with them.
36:22 So we said, hey, this, you know, it's not stealing.
36:24 But we'd wait till just about dark.
36:25 Well...
36:27 Because we didn't want them
36:28 looking out the window as they could see us.
36:30 Then we go, turn the barrel over
36:32 and then start digging through it.
36:34 Take all the garbage out to find maybe a toy,
36:37 something we could use in the house.
36:40 And then we put it all back in place and raise it up.
36:43 So now we had little collection of toys.
36:45 But one thing that we noticed that
36:47 I noticed over the years,
36:49 some of these toys, Chris, were like brand new.
36:52 Yes. And it's like, wow, these kids.
36:55 I don't know why they're throwing away,
36:57 and their folks let them throw away really nice.
36:59 I mean, semi-truck and trailer all the wheels on,
37:02 thing worked.
37:04 Cap guns maybe.
37:05 Yeah, I got little touchy, we might hear that story later.
37:10 Whatever, but that they had.
37:14 So these toys were really nice.
37:16 And like, man, so we, you know,
37:18 other friends come over our relatives
37:20 or cousins come
37:21 we had some decent little toys we could play with.
37:24 Nobody knew we were getting them
37:26 out of the barrel from our neighbor's throwaways.
37:29 So I'm going to fast forward close to 50 years, 40 at least.
37:34 Yeah, I'd say 50 years has been 10 or 12 years ago,
37:39 or maybe a little longer even I don't know.
37:41 But I'm in to, I think as JC Penney,
37:45 JC Penney's or Macy's down in Carbondale.
37:48 I'm walking through and I recognize Mr. Golio.
37:52 Got to be late 80s or 90s by then
37:55 and so I see him and I say, "Mr. Golio."
37:59 And he looks at me says, "Hey, Shelton."
38:02 Now, he had to do that
38:03 because there's many of us, I knew he wouldn't know.
38:05 And in so many years how you gonna know.
38:07 He knew I was a Shelton, so you know, "Hey, Shelton."
38:11 I said, "Mr. Golio, how are you doing?"
38:14 "I'm doing okay. How you doing?"
38:16 I said, "It's really good to see you."
38:18 "Yeah, you too," he says.
38:19 So I say, "Hey, I got a confession to make."
38:22 All right.
38:23 I said I want to make a confession.
38:24 He said, "Oh, really?" I said, "Yeah."
38:26 I said, "I want to tell you that
38:28 when we were kids, you know, you knew I said,
38:31 you probably knew the neighborhood.
38:32 My dad was hard worker
38:33 till he was disabled with a heart attack.
38:35 And we had a rough go."
38:37 And I said, "We used to go to the barrel,
38:40 trash barrel behind
38:41 when you guys would throw things out."
38:43 And I said, "You probably don't have any."
38:45 I said, "You probably don't have any idea
38:47 how many little toys and stuff that
38:49 we were able to get because your kids
38:51 threw things out that we thought was great."
38:53 So I said, "We didn't really feel like we were stealing.
38:56 You had put it in your trash.
38:58 So we took it out."
39:00 And I said, "But I wanted to confess that to you anyway,
39:02 since I'd, you know, been 50 years."
39:04 Yeah.
39:06 He looked at me just like this Jordan.
39:07 And he said, "That was no accident."
39:10 See. I knew it.
39:11 All right. I had a feeling.
39:13 No accident at all. Awesome.
39:14 Brand new toys? That's no accident.
39:16 No, it wasn't, yeah.
39:17 He said, "You guys were good boys.
39:19 Your parents were great parents."
39:21 And he said, "We knew you didn't have anything."
39:22 That's right.
39:24 "So my wife and I made sure that
39:26 we put some nice things because we saw you sometimes."
39:30 You know, we didn't want him to...
39:31 We didn't wait till dark looking over time.
39:33 Man, we got to.
39:35 Right, Danny, most of the time I was going in the daylight.
39:40 Probably saw us out there so. Yeah.
39:42 But he says, "You know,
39:44 I knew you guys and I knew your dad
39:46 was a hard worker and your family's good.
39:48 But my wife and I did that
39:50 we just wanted, we wanted to help."
39:53 And literally I broke up. It just choked me up.
39:57 Because I said, "What a gift."
39:59 He said, "Oh, yeah, we did that to help."
40:02 Now 50 years later, he'd never told anybody.
40:05 He didn't go say, "Hey,
40:06 look what I did, I help these four,
40:08 four kids out.
40:10 I did this." He didn't even tell us.
40:12 And if I hadn't seen him there. Yeah.
40:15 If I hadn't seen him there, I would never know.
40:18 But, yeah, that's true giving. That's giving when you care.
40:22 And maybe he didn't get in the newspapers
40:24 and he didn't get all this attention.
40:26 But the Lord knows and saw a heart of people
40:28 who cared and had compassion
40:30 for those less fortunate than themselves.
40:34 And I thought what a gift maybe the best
40:36 and it wasn't just on Christmas
40:37 but if I look back at gifts given,
40:39 we can't really name big gifts
40:41 that our folks gave us, we didn't have it,
40:43 but they did give a lot of love.
40:45 They did give us the Christian upbringing
40:47 which is most important to us,
40:49 but to think about people around us
40:53 and saw the need and was willing to give
40:55 and to share.
40:57 I mean it still to this day I can hardly tell that without,
41:01 you know, getting weakened.
41:03 What a great guy.
41:05 They weren't they were Christians
41:07 I'm sure, but not say
41:09 the same denomination as us, they didn't care.
41:12 We weren't the same, you know, economic status at that point.
41:15 They didn't care. He just wanted to help.
41:17 That's good. Amen.
41:18 And so that's the way that
41:20 you can share the gospel, His gift,
41:22 And he sure didn't do it for attention
41:24 or to say look at me when I'm doing.
41:26 Didn't find out for 50 years.
41:28 Remember where he put that beautiful basketball goal?
41:31 Yeah.
41:32 I thought about for years that he made,
41:34 that he made, was it, you know big steel pole.
41:36 We would put something two or three pieces of wood
41:39 and tack it to a tree
41:40 find some kind of old goal or something,
41:42 you know, the breakdown where net, you know,
41:45 you couldn't even tell you swished one,
41:46 you know, what I mean?
41:48 And then we have basketball was so cheap that
41:50 you blow it up
41:51 and it would go through the rim.
41:52 This will be...
41:54 And so, he's seen all that and I'm to this day
41:56 I'm a believer he's never mentioned it.
41:58 They took what he made for his boys.
42:00 Yeah.
42:01 And he put it right,
42:02 what 30 feet maybe from the alley right
42:05 closer to our house basically to me than was to his,
42:09 so and the net he let it.
42:11 We played anytime we wanted to go there
42:12 and play and shoot.
42:14 We never had to ask, he never said anything.
42:16 The neighbors would give us permission
42:18 to climb the tree and eat the free apples.
42:20 And the Mulberry's?
42:21 Yeah, the next door neighbor,
42:22 the Mulberry's on the other side.
42:24 They say you boys go ahead and climb those trees
42:25 anytime you want on their property.
42:27 Most people, some people won't do that.
42:28 Yeah, right. But people allow that.
42:31 And so that to me, that's a gift from God
42:34 in a sweet nature that these people had.
42:38 I didn't realize at the time.
42:40 I really didn't realize how sweet they were.
42:41 Me neither.
42:42 What you can appreciate this. But we get snow some time.
42:46 And we go out and shovel the snow.
42:48 And then when you play on it that
42:50 made it all muddy mess up the yard.
42:52 But he never complained. He never complained.
42:53 We didn't think about it
42:54 because all we want to do is get rid of the snow.
42:56 And we'd have gloves on
42:58 out there playing in the cold weather
43:00 but never once did he say,
43:01 "Hey, don't mess up my yard or don't whatever."
43:04 They knew it, they can see
43:05 this is right out the back door.
43:07 You know what great people.
43:08 We made that I understood it
43:09 at coal mines made it out of steel
43:11 or what have he and put it up there
43:12 and let us use it.
43:14 But that's just the kind of people
43:15 that I'm saying that care when the Lord blesses them.
43:20 They said, "You know what, let's help somebody else."
43:22 Compassion.
43:24 And we should have that for people too.
43:25 Amen.
43:27 Passion, not only for the lost,
43:28 but physically where we're able to do things,
43:31 and to help people.
43:32 And it's affected me
43:33 the rest of my life that
43:36 I see myself and probably shouldn't admit it
43:39 but I'm kind of for the underdog.
43:41 You've probably seen that sometimes.
43:43 So I've always kind of had a heart that way
43:45 because it felt like, you know,
43:47 you can't help
43:48 but you got to feel like you were there.
43:49 And you said, hey,
43:51 somebody helped me when I need it.
43:52 So we've been privileged from time to time
43:54 to help people a little bit here and there.
43:57 And they don't know,
43:58 we're not going to say who it was.
44:00 But I'm just saying
44:01 maybe you want to think about it
44:02 this season of the year.
44:04 Maybe there's somebody that
44:05 needs help around you that you could help but yet,
44:07 they don't have to know about it.
44:09 It's just going to give the gift
44:10 because the Lord has blessed you so much.
44:13 You want to share with somebody else.
44:15 So I would suggest each of you pray about that.
44:17 I assure you the Lord
44:18 will bring somebody to mind
44:20 and put them in your path that
44:21 you can show them without getting any credit,
44:24 without getting any attention about it.
44:26 Just say you know what?
44:28 I want to do this and want to help out.
44:29 Beautiful.
44:30 You know, I was reminded
44:32 early this morning about another story,
44:34 about another great gift
44:36 and about someone else that was for the underdog
44:38 and I don't know that if it's a true story or not.
44:42 But I looked it up online and I found it
44:44 because I don't remember it really well.
44:46 And I still may not recite it,
44:49 you know, just as exactly right.
44:51 But there was this mother and a son
44:54 and they were going to go to the church.
44:56 And I don't know if it was around Christmas,
44:58 but I do know that
45:00 they were gonna be talking about Christ.
45:02 And they wanted their daddy,
45:03 her husband to come along with her.
45:06 And he said, "This doesn't make sense.
45:07 It's ridiculous.
45:09 Why would a God, a true God in heaven lower Himself
45:15 to the point that He would be born as a man?
45:17 It doesn't make sense." He said, "I'm not going."
45:21 So he went into his house and later on,
45:24 I don't know if it was in the evening
45:25 or that day, but a snow storm came about
45:28 and it started getting really, really cold,
45:30 and it was really snowing heavy.
45:33 And he started hearing this thump.
45:35 And he heard it again, thump.
45:36 And he looked out and he couldn't see anything.
45:38 And he heard another thump.
45:39 And he went outside.
45:41 And he saw these geese
45:42 and he thought those geese are lost.
45:44 They don't know what they're doing.
45:46 And it's so cold out there.
45:48 And he watched them for a few hours.
45:50 He thought, they're not going to make it.
45:51 It's just too cold.
45:53 You know, the temperature kept dropping,
45:55 he thought, I've got to help these geese.
45:57 Well, so he went and he got some food.
46:00 And he thought, I got a good idea.
46:02 I'm going to put them in my barn.
46:04 You know, maybe they were thumping on the house
46:06 because they saw the light inside the house.
46:07 He thought I'm going to put them in the barn.
46:09 He went and open his barn.
46:10 He tried to lure them in
46:12 with some food and they wouldn't come.
46:14 And so then he thought,
46:15 "Okay, I'll get behind them and I'll just shoot them in."
46:18 I'll just, you know,
46:19 he said all that did was scared them.
46:21 It just scared them.
46:22 They would they still wouldn't go in the barn.
46:24 He thought what in the world am I gonna do?
46:26 If I was just a goose, I could save these geese.
46:30 You know, well, you know why? I've some geese.
46:34 He thought, I've got some geese,
46:36 I'll go get one of mine.
46:37 So he went in the barn, he got one his,
46:39 he went around the back of them.
46:41 And he let his goose loose.
46:44 His goose flew through the wild geese.
46:47 And as he, his goose flew through,
46:49 then the other geese followed
46:52 and they all went into the barn.
46:55 And then he got, he stopped and he thought.
46:58 That's it. That's it.
47:02 God became a man, we call Him Immanuel,
47:06 God with us,
47:09 because He needed to reach us where we were.
47:13 Yeah. He loved us so much.
47:15 He didn't want to scare us.
47:18 He knew He couldn't lure us in.
47:20 But if He became one of us, if He relate to us,
47:24 He experienced everything we're going to.
47:27 So He was our example.
47:30 And what a gift was given in Jesus Christ.
47:34 Yeah. That's beautiful.
47:36 If we were down to zero, we could just go out.
47:39 I know. Right there, we can go out.
47:41 But we still got a few minutes.
47:43 Lord is so good.
47:45 I mean, think about it. Think about it.
47:47 You know, we go through so many things.
47:49 You've been through things.
47:51 I've been through things. I lost my parents early.
47:54 I know you lost your parents early in.
47:57 But we have someone that has gone through everything.
48:00 He knows our every emotion that we have.
48:02 That's right.
48:03 And He loves us beyond all love.
48:06 And we can go to Him freely.
48:09 And you know, just for an example.
48:12 Yesterday, I wasn't feeling real well.
48:14 And I thought, Lord,
48:16 we've got this program coming on.
48:19 And I don't want to go and not feel well,
48:21 I thought what is wrong?
48:23 And I kept thinking about it through the day.
48:25 And I finally when I asked Him, "What is wrong?
48:28 What is the problem?"
48:29 And then He told me, and I thought, well,
48:33 and you guys don't laugh, you know,
48:34 I carry my little medicine bag.
48:35 So I grabbed it and started doctoring myself.
48:39 I thought, why didn't I think of this stuff?
48:41 With natural stuff I must say.
48:42 Yes, with natural stuff. God's pharmacy.
48:46 And so anyway, I thought,
48:49 why didn't I think about this earlier?
48:52 Because you didn't ask.
48:54 And the thought came to me
48:56 you had not because you ask it not.
48:58 Come on. Beautiful.
49:00 Many times in this world,
49:02 we have not because we ask not.
49:06 Maybe it's pride.
49:08 Maybe it's, I don't want to
49:10 let go of the things of this world.
49:12 I've often said even on these programs,
49:14 you know, my daddy always told me,
49:16 he's my stepdad actually.
49:18 He said, "If we don't let go the dross here,
49:21 someday it's going to be burned off."
49:24 And as you brought out earlier, these are times like we have
49:28 never in our lifetime experienced.
49:32 But we know through the Bible, that it's gonna get worse.
49:37 And you know, God, only God knows
49:39 when that'll happen.
49:41 He may be, He's holding back the winds of strife.
49:43 He's holding it back till His people are sealed.
49:48 We have not because we ask not.
49:50 We want to be saved.
49:52 We want to be sealed.
49:53 We need to ask.
49:54 He is there. Amen.
49:56 He has done everything He can continually towards us.
49:58 Jordan did that too, didn't he?
49:59 He asked. Yes.
50:01 If you could help give studies.
50:02 Yes. Yes.
50:04 Praise God. Amen.
50:07 That's so beautiful. Yeah.
50:08 You know, we really need to,
50:13 as Kenny said earlier, each day,
50:16 we should really be thinking about how good God is.
50:19 What He's done for us.
50:21 The sacrifices that He's made, not just for Christmas.
50:24 No.
50:25 This is, Jesus is the greatest gift.
50:26 Amen.
50:28 Not just for Christmas, but every single day.
50:31 And I think, you know,
50:33 we tend to take the Lord for granted.
50:35 We tend to take for granted the things
50:39 that He does for us every single day.
50:42 And I just want to challenge you
50:44 in the upcoming year, to really think about Jesus.
50:48 To imagine that He's walking with you that
50:50 He's talking with you,
50:52 that He's with you all the time,
50:54 so that you get a sense of His presence.
50:57 Because I think if we just go about
51:00 our regular activities in our business,
51:03 and we don't think about Jesus,
51:05 we miss so much in the course of that day.
51:09 Hey, Jordan, there's, you're what, 24, 25 years old?
51:13 Twenty four, yeah. Young man.
51:15 There are people at home, there's young people
51:17 may be watching this program they didn't even intend to.
51:20 They turned it on. They see us here.
51:23 And I believe that's by divine direction.
51:27 So I don't know, they'll point to
51:28 which camera one of these cameras,
51:29 maybe you could look in the camera,
51:31 talk to somebody that's maybe your age
51:33 or a little younger, a little older,
51:35 that's out there, what we say floundering
51:37 around not sure what they should do in life,
51:40 they're not happy, they don't have peace.
51:42 What would you say to them?
51:44 Well, I've been there.
51:47 So I know what it feels like to not have peace,
51:49 and to yearn for that peace so much.
51:54 This world is so short, you know,
51:58 the things are in heaven
52:00 can't even equate to a crumb on this earth.
52:03 So I would advise you to just
52:07 ask the Lord to come
52:11 into your heart.
52:13 And to open your eyes really because I feel like
52:17 so much of us of my age and younger are lost.
52:20 They put value
52:22 in these materialistic things and it's just not worth it.
52:25 It's not worth your soul.
52:28 So God loves you. He loves all of us.
52:32 And He wants you to, to step towards Him.
52:36 Come towards Him and walk with Him.
52:39 Amen. It's good.
52:41 Thank you so much.
52:43 We just have about four minutes left,
52:44 we'll have a prayer before we close,
52:46 maybe Brother Kenny, you do the same thing.
52:48 There's a bunch of older folk
52:50 looking in the camera now not to say that you're old.
52:52 No. But, you know...
52:53 You said older. Older, yeah.
52:56 A bunch of older folks watching,
52:57 he's talking to a lot of the young folk,
52:59 maybe you could look in the camera
53:01 and talk to some people, any age today,
53:03 that especially older folk that have gone
53:05 without the Lord all these years,
53:08 and now they're in the sunset years,
53:09 maybe they're going through physical things, you know,
53:12 emotional things.
53:13 They've just lost a husband, wife or son or daughter.
53:16 They're setting home.
53:17 They didn't intend to watch this program,
53:19 but they're tuning in right now.
53:20 What would you say to them?
53:22 Yeah, you know, the Bible says,
53:23 "Today is the day of salvation."
53:25 And really it is.
53:27 You can't afford to put it off any longer.
53:29 I can't afford to put it off.
53:31 Every day, you know, as Christians,
53:33 we rededicate our life, you know, to Jesus,
53:37 because we sense His coming is soon.
53:41 We sense the things of this earth
53:42 has grown strangely dim, the more that we behold Him.
53:46 I don't see anything in this life
53:48 that's worth giving up heaven.
53:50 That's right. But we're all going to.
53:52 There's choices that you're making.
53:53 You've grown older.
53:55 You think you're going to live forever in this world?
53:56 You're not, you know?
53:58 Again people call it scare tact.
54:00 It's not. It's reality.
54:02 You're here today.
54:04 Maybe as a Spirit speaks to you right now,
54:06 it may be your last time that the Spirit will speak.
54:09 And so I encourage you right now,
54:11 if you feel that in your spirit,
54:13 and Jesus is just accept Him right now,
54:16 accept Him into your heart
54:17 and set Him into your life and say,
54:19 "You know what, Lord, I want heaven to be my home."
54:22 And you know what He would tell you
54:23 if He could speak audibly to you.
54:24 "That's exactly what I want.
54:26 That's why I came down to this world.
54:27 That's why I was born in the manger.
54:29 That's why I would self sacrifice
54:31 every step of the way.
54:32 I didn't do it for Me, I did it for you."
54:35 And it's easy to me, it's easy to return that kind of love.
54:39 So please today by the grace of God
54:41 just accept Him right now.
54:42 Just bow your heads, ask for forgiveness of sin.
54:44 Say I want to be a part of the family of God.
54:46 You know why?
54:47 Because all of us 3ABN
54:48 would love to spend eternity with You.
54:50 Please just make that, let's make that a date,
54:52 shall we that all of us to be around the throne of God.
54:56 Yeah, tree of life. All right, good.
54:58 Yeah, absolutely. Thank you.
54:59 You know, the ultimate gift.
55:03 The ultimate gift is Jesus. Amen.
55:06 And John 3:16, "For God so loved the world
55:10 that He gave His only begotten Son,
55:13 that whosoever believeth in Him
55:15 should not perish but have everlasting life."
55:18 God gave us the ultimate gift. Amen.
55:22 And so what we have to do now, we're given the gift.
55:27 It's, you can accept the gift or not.
55:30 That's right.
55:31 If you don't accept the gift,
55:33 you don't get the benefits of the gift.
55:34 That's right. That's right.
55:36 But if you accept that gift,
55:37 your life will never ever be the same.
55:40 I think Jordan can attest to that.
55:42 Yeah.
55:44 That your life is so different now.
55:45 Amen. You're so much more peaceful.
55:47 Yeah. All right.
55:49 Yes. Yes.
55:50 It's a daily work though. It is.
55:52 That's right.
55:53 You don't just get to the finish line when you start.
55:55 That's right. You gonna grow.
55:57 That's right. That's good.
55:59 That's good.
56:00 We had a friend who used to play,
56:02 was friend with my dad,
56:04 our dad, and played music with him.
56:07 And he never really accepted the Lord,
56:09 my dad quit the country clubs and all that,
56:12 this man came over, and we grew up with him,
56:14 loved him at the house
56:16 and played instruments in my dad's country band,
56:20 and he never accepted Jesus.
56:22 So even after my dad died in '74,
56:24 this man would come to my house
56:27 when I was married and in my 20s and 30s.
56:30 And he would come and just visit him
56:32 and talk about the old days.
56:34 And so I asked him, "Why don't you become Christian?"
56:37 And he said, "Well,
56:38 I just think it's all a pipe dream."
56:40 So he said,
56:41 "What are you going to do Danny,
56:43 if you get to the end of the line,
56:44 and you find there's nothing there
56:47 and that all of this, you've done has been in vain?"
56:50 "So let me switch that around.
56:51 What if you get to the end of the line
56:54 and you find out you've missed everything?"
56:56 That's right.
56:57 So there's no advantage in not accepting Jesus Christ,
57:03 but there's every advantage in the world
57:04 to accept His free gift of salvation
57:07 over a fallen man.
57:09 And so, you know, I wasn't with him.
57:11 I talked to him.
57:12 I wish I was there to hospital when he died.
57:14 We were on a trip and we came back.
57:15 But I'm hoping that we see, meet at the tree of life.
57:18 Amen.
57:19 And we also hope that with you for each and every one of you,
57:22 I know many of you are lonely this time of year,
57:24 but know that Jesus loves you.
57:26 We love you. But it's time for the day.
57:28 I hate to say it, but until we see you next time,
57:30 may the Lord richly bless you abundantly
57:32 more than you could ever ask or think.
57:34 Amen.


Revised 2021-12-30