3ABN Today Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL240013A

00:03 I want to spend my life Mending broken people I want to spend
00:17 my life Removing pain Lord, let my words heal a heart that
00:34 hurts.
00:37 I want to spend my life mending broken people.
00:47 I want to spend my life mending broken people.
01:01 Hello
01:07 and welcome to 3ABN Today Live.
01:09 3ABN Behind the Scenes is what we call this program.
01:12 It's a great two hours talking about what the Lord is doing
01:15 through the ministry of 3ABN.
01:17 We just want to say thank you for joining us.
01:19 We look forward to spending these two hours with you.
01:22 You know what, Jill, one of the reasons we do is because you're
01:24 part of the 3ABN family and you know what, tonight, yes, we're
01:28 going to be talking about evangelism, but we have
01:30 something super duper, is that such a word?
01:33 It's a word now.
01:35 Super duper exciting to share with you this evening.
01:38 Something, Mr. Danny, I'm not sure that 3ABN has really ever
01:41 quite done before, so I'm excited about sharing that with
01:44 you this evening.
01:45 But again, it's all about evangelism and Jill, the second
01:48 hour is going to be packed full.
01:50 Just this first hour is the four of us, but then we're
01:52 adding some others of the 3ABN family and going to be talking
01:55 about some other great opportunities and exciting
01:57 evangelism projects.
01:58 That's right, absolutely.
01:59 We love this time because we love you.
02:01 You are part of the 3ABN family.
02:03 We love spending this time together sharing what God is
02:06 doing in and through your ministry, 3ABN, and some of our
02:09 favorite people in the whole world are on the set right now
02:12 this first hour.
02:14 Mr. Danny and Dr. Yvonne, I love you both, glad you're here
02:16 tonight.
02:17 Oh, thank you, we love you.
02:19 And likewise, absolutely, what a blessing it is to work with
02:22 Greg and Jill and most of our team here.
02:25 Amazing people of God, very humble.
02:28 And they just live, eat and breathe and sleep the Gospel
02:32 and evangelism.
02:33 And that's the way it should be.
02:34 We're in the very closing moments of verse history,
02:36 right?
02:37 Absolutely, absolutely.
02:38 It's such a blessing.
02:40 Again, we love you guys so much.
02:42 You're our babies.
02:43 Oh, that's awesome.
02:47 We're old enough we can say that and they not get offended,
02:49 right?
02:51 It's an honor and privilege.
02:52 But it's amazing to be alive at this moment in earth's history,
02:54 isn't it?
02:57 mentioned, Mr. Danny, we're down at the very end of time
03:00 and the freedoms that we have here, especially in the United
03:02 States, are incredible.
03:03 The opportunities for evangelism are amazing and to
03:06 me, God saw down through time that 3A Bench should be in
03:09 existence at this moment, the closing moments, as you often
03:12 say, Mr. Danny, of this earth's history and here we are.
03:14 I'm so glad you said that, Greg, because now is the time
03:18 because we don't know how long we'll be able to have this kind
03:22 of platform because we're just seeing a lot of our freedoms
03:27 eroding.
03:28 So now is the time and so it is a privilege to be able to do
03:33 this now and we're so grateful for you because without you, we
03:38 would not have this platform to spread the Gospel.
03:41 So it's a blessing.
03:43 You know, life is a really precious gift too.
03:45 I was thinking about, you know, we attended one of your family
03:47 members passed away this past week and you never know, they
03:50 were, in my opinion, quite young.
03:53 Life is a precious gift.
03:55 We never know when our life may end so like you mentioned, Dr.
03:58 Yvonne, now is the day of salvation but also now is the
04:01 day to get involved with evangelism.
04:03 Yes, yes.
04:06 We are living in the closing moments of our history so we're
04:08 just excited tonight to discuss ways that you can partner with
04:13 us in getting this Gospel to the world as never before.
04:16 Before we discuss those ways, we have some music.
04:19 Jared and Hilary Mitchell are with us.
04:22 Lovely couple.
04:24 Wonderful anointing on them.
04:26 And this song they'll be ministering is Great is Thy
04:30 Faithful.
04:39 Great is thy faithfulness, O God, my Father.
04:50 There is no shadow of turning with thee.
05:01 Thou changest not thy compassions, they fail not.
05:11 As thou hast been, thou forever will be.
05:21 Great is thy faithfulness, great is thy faithfulness.
05:30 Morning by morning new mercies I see, and all I have needed
05:44 thy hand have provided.
05:49 Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto thee.
06:07 Summer and winter and springtime and harvest.
06:17 Sun, moon and stars in their courses above.
06:26 Join with all nature in manifold witness to thy great
06:39 faithfulness, mercy and love.
06:45 Great is thy faithfulness, great is thy faithfulness.
06:56 Morning by morning new mercies I see, and all I have needed
07:09 thy hand have provided.
07:13 Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me.
07:27 And all I have needed thy hand have provided.
07:35 Great is thy faithfulness, great is thy faithfulness.
07:48 Great is thy faithfulness,
08:00 Lord unto me.
08:21 Amen, thank you so very much, Jared and Hillary, and of
08:24 course Tim Parton there at the piano.
08:26 What an incredible song too, industry music.
08:29 Great talent there, and thank you for sharing that for the
08:31 Lord Jesus Christ.
08:32 Great is God's faithfulness.
08:34 You know this past year, this year is, we have three event
08:38 has themes, that's what I'm getting at, and this is the
08:40 year of preparation.
08:41 Last year was God is faithful, so God is always faithful,
08:45 right?
08:48 our prayer here at 3ABN.
08:49 Thank you God for being faithful, but also we want to
08:52 be faithful to you.
08:56 what this year is, and it's preparing for Christ's soon
08:58 return, but also preparing our hearts personally for Christ's
09:02 soon return, but then preparing a world for Christ's soon
09:05 return, and also being prepared this year for the doors of
09:08 opportunity for evangelism that will open and tonight we have
09:13 an incredible door of evangelism that is opening, and
09:17 Jill I'm going to let you share about that and then all of us
09:18 are going to discuss this because I am just really,
09:21 really, really excited about this opportunity tonight.
09:23 So we've talked to you before about this, I think this is the
09:27 latest book, Can the Christian Church Affirm LGBTQ?
09:31 And I know many of you because we've talked to you, whether
09:34 we've been out in person or on the phone or through social
09:37 media, you've said you've utilized this book in
09:40 evangelism, sharing it with people in your community, in
09:44 your church, in your neighborhood, we're passing it
09:47 out and we thank you for that.
09:49 We've been praying about what's another way that we can use to
09:53 specifically get this booklet into churches, because this
09:57 booklet is not just for those within the Seventh-day
10:00 Adventist Church, although we clearly need it within the
10:02 Seventh -day Adventist Church, we need this biblical truth,
10:05 but every denomination is wrestling with and facing this
10:10 issue, and so it's so needed across many denominations, and
10:14 so the team here has been working on a way that this
10:19 booklet can be mailed into churches, so we're starting
10:23 tonight, the first denomination, can I mention the
10:26 Don Riff Denomination?
10:27 The first denomination is the Baptist, there's 72,000 Baptist
10:34 churches in the United States, and we want this booklet to go
10:38 to every church, so the thought process is that for only 49
10:44 cents, that includes...
10:45 How much?
10:46 49.
10:46 49 cents.
10:47 That's less than 50 cents, right?
10:50 Wow.
10:55 when people get it in the mail, they can say, oh, here's how I
10:58 can order more.
10:59 What about the shipping?
11:00 It includes the shipping.
11:01 It includes the shipping.
11:02 To the church.
11:08 order more, and one of these fancy little envelopes, it
11:11 would go in an envelope that says 3ABN, boom, it would end
11:16 up at the church, so these are not being mailed to people's
11:19 homes, these are being mailed to churches across the United
11:22 States.
11:25 that.
11:25 That's correct.
11:26 Get those, right.
11:27 So for 49 cents, you can call us right now, and we'll talk
11:30 about it, but you can call us right now if you want to become
11:32 involved, so that would be for one dollar, you could sponsor
11:35 two churches.
11:36 Wow.
11:38 That's incredible.
11:39 I mean, I'm not super good with math, but it's incredible.
11:43 I think for just a very little amount, you could sponsor this
11:46 to get into churches.
11:47 Yes.
11:48 You can call us right now, 618 -627-4651.
11:53 That number again is 618-627 -4651, and you can say, I have
11:59 a dollar or five or ten or a hundred or ten thousand
12:02 dollars, and I want to use that to get these booklets into
12:06 churches across North America, or as we mentioned, we just
12:10 picked the Baptist denomination to start with, but we want to
12:12 cross that over to many different denominations to be
12:16 able to get this booklet out.
12:17 Yeah, all of them actually, and so you're not buying or
12:22 purchasing anything.
12:23 Basically, the books are free.
12:25 They're free in the sense we already had donors before they
12:29 came out that said, hey, we'll sponsor these books.
12:32 So really all you're paying for is the shipping and to get
12:36 these books, and so to get them in the envelopes and to get
12:39 them shipped, so that's the whole shooting match.
12:42 The whole shooting match.
12:43 I like that.
12:44 That's great.
12:44 The whole shooting match.
12:46 That's an old term, I'm sure.
12:48 So to get them in virtually every church in America to
12:51 begin with, and so I didn't realize there were 73,000
12:56 churches, Baptist churches, not 73,000 people.
13:00 That's counting all the different, say, Freewill,
13:02 Southern, all of these.
13:05 But 73,000 separate churches, so we're hitting those first.
13:11 And Methodist, I think, 6,000 churches have split over this
13:15 topic.
13:15 They sure have.
13:16 And so we want to hit them all, I think.
13:19 We do, absolutely.
13:20 So as long as you support and you help, I mean Catholic
13:23 Church also, so it's going to be an amazing, amazing project,
13:28 and thank you all for...
13:29 No, it's amazing.
13:32 cost as much as possible.
13:34 So there's been a lot of back and forth to get the price
13:36 down, and we just appreciate those that have made that
13:38 possible.
13:39 So it's amazing.
13:40 To me, I mean, you think about it, going to 73,000 churches,
13:44 who knows how big each congregation is?
13:46 Can you imagine?
13:47 I'm going to say on a Sunday morning, right, they get up and
13:49 say, guess what, folks, we received this incredible
13:52 booklet, the opportunity for our church to get more of these
13:55 booklets.
13:56 So one book can touch an entire congregation.
13:59 We don't know.
14:00 They may order thousands of them.
14:02 They might.
14:03 Yes.
14:06 and how that ripple effect will grow bigger and bigger for 49
14:09 cents.
14:12 this is going to churches, the Baptist Church to start with,
14:14 but we have calculated with the mailing list that we have
14:18 received, is about 400 and some churches across the United
14:21 States, to give or take, depending on which ones you go
14:23 for, 400,000 churches.
14:26 400,000.
14:26 Yeah, 400,000 churches.
14:28 That's right.
14:31 we're starting out with the Baptists and that's 73,000
14:34 churches.
14:38 this is not like we're sending you this and saying you need to
14:41 become a...
14:47 I was just going to say that this is a biblical perspective
14:52 on this issue, and so many churches and church leaders are
14:57 wondering, how do we deal with this from a biblical
15:00 perspective?
15:01 And this booklet just goes through it point by point and
15:06 gives all the scriptures that you need to defend the biblical
15:10 position on LGBTQ and how to relate to this whole topic.
15:17 So, what a blessing.
15:18 I'm so thankful you wrote this.
15:19 Oh, me too.
15:21 It's so needed.
15:23 It's needed because it literally is making inroads
15:25 into every Christian church and Catholic and Protestant.
15:30 And I mean, it's just...
15:31 To me, if somebody, one would ask me, 10, 15 or 20 years ago,
15:37 would it be possible, are we seeing what we see today?
15:40 So many churches affirming and embracing LGBTQ, the movement,
15:45 I would have said, no way.
15:47 Especially in our church.
15:49 Especially in these evangelicals.
15:51 This would never happen.
15:52 But it is.
15:56 are all preaching on other things.
15:58 They're not looking, keeping the back gates closed.
16:01 Yes.
16:04 And so this is a topic that I felt like had to be written
16:08 about.
16:13 how to explain it.
16:14 I don't know how to talk about it.
16:15 So we did that.
16:16 We did the research and took the Bible.
16:18 So it's not our opinions in here.
16:20 This is what the Bible says about it.
16:22 And so we try to be, you know, say, Lord, because we need to
16:26 know first ourself.
16:27 Most of us, and probably most of you watching, have people
16:30 either who are friends or family who are LGBTQ.
16:34 And we love those people.
16:35 Of course.
16:36 And God loves the people.
16:37 That's right.
16:41 come you didn't write a book on alcoholism?
16:44 Or how come you didn't write a book on prostitution or
16:47 adultery?
16:47 Why didn't you write those?
16:49 The difference is, this movement that is basically at
16:54 the point now, I want to say, I'm going to use kind of a
16:57 strong term, but demanding they be accepted or affirmed by the
17:00 Christian Church.
17:02 And so they refuse to say, this is sin.
17:06 This lifestyle is sin.
17:08 So we don't have to ask God for it.
17:10 You need to accept us.
17:12 We want to be teachers, preachers, pastors, Sunday
17:15 school, Sabbath school teachers, whatever.
17:18 And you accept us as we are.
17:19 We're born this way.
17:20 And so there's nothing wrong with it.
17:22 Well, we're all sinners saved by grace, right?
17:27 But the only way that a person can go to heaven since we're
17:30 born into a sinful world is to recognize that we are sinners,
17:35 number one, and what is sin?
17:37 Sin is the transgression or the breaking of the Ten Commandment
17:40 Law.
17:41 So when you break the Ten Commandment Law, Jesus died on
17:45 the cross.
17:47 Where would we be?
17:48 As an atonement for our sins.
17:50 That's so amazing to me that He could love us enough to do
17:53 that, that He would die on the cross and atonement for our
17:56 sins.
18:00 salvation.
18:01 But here's the situation.
18:03 We have to confess our sins.
18:05 If we want to be, 1 John 1.9 says, if we confess our sins,
18:09 He's what?
18:10 Faithful and just to forgive us from our sins and to cleanse us
18:16 from all unrighteousness.
18:19 The folks at home, I could hear them saying this with me.
18:22 So what an opportunity.
18:23 So it's our responsibility.
18:25 So we're not setting in judgment.
18:27 We're not saying, oh, you're LGBTQ, so you're worse than my
18:31 sin or you're worse than somebody else's sin or I'm a
18:34 better Christian than you are.
18:36 That has nothing to do with it.
18:38 So when it comes to adultery or alcoholism or prostitution, all
18:43 kinds of things, pride.
18:45 We all struggle with these.
18:47 We're in a great controversy between good and evil.
18:50 And so the beauty of this is this is able to tell people,
18:54 you're being deceived right now.
18:56 We love you enough to tell you the truth.
18:58 See, a lot of people won't do that.
19:00 A lot of churches won't do that because it's politically
19:03 incorrect.
19:04 In the culture in which we're living right now, it's
19:07 politically incorrect to tell someone, hey, homosexuality,
19:11 the practice of it is a sin.
19:13 Because you're judging.
19:14 You're judging.
19:15 They say, don't judge.
19:16 Who are you to judge?
19:18 But the Bible simply says that we have to confess our sins.
19:23 So someone said to me and I've said it before, probably bears
19:26 again, well, why don't you preach the seventh commandment
19:29 is on adultery.
19:31 Well, you talk about homosexuals.
19:32 Why don't you preach on adultery?
19:35 Well, we do.
19:35 It's the same thing.
19:36 So what I say to people and you've heard me do it numerous
19:41 times.
19:45 come in your church into membership and to participate
19:50 in whatever services, even up to being pastor, you're willing
19:54 to do that, right?
19:55 You have people who are willing to do that and yet they don't
19:59 admit that it's sin.
20:01 So I say, okay, what if this were a heterosexual couple?
20:07 Someone comes to your church, okay?
20:10 And they say, look, we're living together.
20:13 We're not married.
20:14 We're living together, but we want you to accept us into your
20:19 church membership and I'd like to be your associate pastor and
20:22 my wife would like to be your Sunday school or Sabbath school
20:24 teacher.
20:26 And what would you say?
20:28 And almost invariably they'd say, oh, no, we won't do that.
20:30 The church wouldn't accept that.
20:31 These are people I've talked to personally.
20:33 They'll say, oh, no, no, we wouldn't accept that.
20:36 And I say, but yet if a homosexual couple comes and
20:40 says we want to be part of your church, it's still the seventh
20:43 commandment.
20:48 And they say we want to become members and you say, well, we
20:52 need to do that because we don't want them to think we
20:54 don't love them.
20:56 Well, you didn't do that when it was a heterosexual couple.
20:59 So what it is, what is making us think that way?
21:03 What is making us think that way?
21:04 It's culture and politics because you don't get that from
21:07 the Bible.
21:08 The Bible is really simple.
21:10 If you read it, they're both wrong.
21:11 Now, will a heterosexual couple living together, living in sin,
21:17 no matter if they're participating in the church or
21:20 not, will they be saved or do they have to confess their sins
21:23 in order to be saved?
21:25 We all have to confess our sins.
21:28 So why is it that only the homosexual community, according
21:33 to, there's a lot of churches, including some of our own.
21:36 Well, it's okay.
21:38 We will affirm you just as you are.
21:40 Well, we can't do that.
21:41 God doesn't even affirm unconfessed sins.
21:45 So our sins must be confessed to God in order for us to get
21:52 forgiveness.
21:56 from our wicked ways and we go the opposite way.
21:58 And when we fail, which we may, I do, we fail, but we can come
22:05 back and say, Lord, I'm so sorry.
22:07 Will you forgive me?
22:08 You see, the difference is you're not judging people.
22:11 You're a better Christian or not, but this, any open sin,
22:16 whether it's this or any other sin, whether it's heterosexual
22:19 or whatever we were talking about, must be confessed to God
22:24 and ask forgiveness, be a godly sorrow, come to the Lord and
22:28 say, Lord, please forgive me and help me to not commit this
22:34 sin anymore.
22:35 And so really that's what it's all about.
22:37 It's not like people were like, why are you judging people?
22:40 Boy, do you think you're better than the homosexual?
22:42 Don't you love them?
22:44 We want them in our church.
22:45 Well, we do too.
22:46 We do too, just like everyone else.
22:48 So I don't know if that makes any sense.
22:50 I'm trying to say, but it's not against anybody.
22:54 In fact, I would take, if I were an attorney, which I'm
22:57 not, and I were in court, I would take this as to say, we
23:00 love you more.
23:02 In other words, we love you enough to tell you the truth.
23:04 So if I had a client, I'd say, he loves you enough to tell you
23:07 the truth, because this truth, it's the truth that will set
23:12 you free.
23:12 Amen.
23:16 back to me, but they were born that way, which is still a
23:21 matter.
23:25 Well, yeah, but the difference is, heterosexual couple, the
23:28 difference in them and homosexual couple, and
23:31 unmarried, is that the homosexuals, they're born that
23:35 way.
23:35 Well, guess what?
23:37 We're all born sinful.
23:40 Sinful nature.
23:41 Sinful nature.
23:42 So it doesn't, we're all born, but Jesus says he can give us
23:46 victory over sin in our lives.
23:49 If God can't give us victory over sin in our lives, he's not
23:52 much of a God.
23:53 Right?
23:57 than God.
23:58 God is more, greater is he that is in you, right?
24:01 Us, than he that is in the world.
24:04 And so we can always stand on the promises of God.
24:08 So no matter how you're born, what sinful nature we're born,
24:12 God can give us victory.
24:13 We just have to come to him, trust him and say, Lord, not my
24:17 will, but your will be done.
24:19 And I promise you, God can give you victory.
24:21 How do I know?
24:22 We know a number of people, a number of people in groups like
24:26 Coming Out Ministry, that people were in this virtually
24:30 all their lives.
24:34 molested by people and their whole lives, sexually messed
24:39 up, perverted, messed up.
24:41 And they go for maybe 30 years old.
24:43 They find Jesus, and God not only takes that sin away, but
24:47 gives them the natural feelings between one man and one woman.
24:51 So now they get into relationships, get married,
24:53 have children, living very fulfilled lives.
24:57 Because people say, yeah, but the difference is these poor
25:00 people, if they can't be together and live together,
25:04 they can't be like the rest of us.
25:07 No, you can.
25:08 Because we know numerous people who give their testimony over
25:12 and over and over again.
25:13 We were there.
25:14 God took us out of that because we asked Him to.
25:18 And yes, it may have been a struggle, and it may have taken
25:20 me a while, but He took us out of that.
25:22 And now we're happy, contented, living for the Lord.
25:25 God wants to give you that same thing, but people won't tell
25:29 us.
25:29 And so we don't have enough facts.
25:31 So most of the people that I talk to say, well, I wish I
25:34 knew.
25:35 I had one woman tell me a few weeks ago.
25:37 She said, you're very convincing.
25:39 I wish I knew that.
25:41 But I can't go tell somebody, well, now you don't have to.
25:45 You just give them a book.
25:46 Because it's all in here and more.
25:49 So that's the reason we wrote it is because we're concerned
25:52 that the devil is deceiving people.
25:55 He's deceiving the church.
25:57 And it says if it were possible, even the very elect
26:01 would be deceived.
26:02 And so who we always consider ourselves, especially if you
26:06 think you're part of a remnant church, you must be the very
26:09 elect that we're not going to be deceived, but we are.
26:13 Because it's happening within our church, our universities,
26:17 also our schools, that it is and all these others.
26:20 So this book is written for all denominations.
26:23 And when I did the sermon last summer, we got several hundred
26:26 thousand views on it.
26:28 But people, I read a lot of the comments, and they were saying,
26:31 we need this in our church.
26:33 We're not Seventh Avenue.
26:34 Some said we're Catholic, but we need it.
26:36 One Baptist minister said, can I get a transcription of this
26:41 whole sermon?
26:42 I want to preach it word for word.
26:44 And so others have written and said, we're not of this faith,
26:47 we're not.
26:48 But this is needed in our churches.
26:50 So thank you, Greg and Jill, for this and pushing forward
26:53 with this.
26:57 I didn't realize there were that many churches It's
27:00 incredible that we want to get this to them and for 49 cents.
27:04 49 cents a church.
27:05 So now you can sponsor this project going into churches.
27:09 So thank you so much for that, Mr. Danny.
27:11 I think it's so important.
27:12 We recognize that this is not people bashing.
27:15 This is lifting up Jesus and lifting up the law.
27:20 Those both together and showing that the law applies to us
27:24 equally.
27:27 So this is so important because churches are wrestling with us.
27:30 So you can call us right now at 618-627-4651.
27:36 That number again is 618-627 -4651.
27:40 And you can sponsor this booklet being put into an
27:45 envelope like this along with a flyer.
27:48 So if the churches say, oh, I really like this and I'd like
27:51 to order more for my church members, they know how they can
27:54 do that.
27:55 And it includes the postage.
27:57 So for 49 cents, you get the little booklet that's already
28:00 been sponsored and paid for it.
28:01 Then it gets inserted into the envelope.
28:03 You get the flyer and the postage is paid and it will be
28:07 mailed out into churches across the United States.
28:10 So $10 would do like 20 churches.
28:13 It would.
28:13 Churches.
28:14 $10.
28:15 20 churches.
28:16 Then those churches, once they get them to pastor, see them,
28:19 they may be 150, maybe 50, 100, 200 from each church who says,
28:25 we want those.
28:26 Correct.
28:26 We want to pass them out.
28:27 No, this is huge.
28:30 oh, I really want to write a check, we still do that too.
28:32 We do.
28:36 either the LGBTQ booklet or you could mark church mailing.
28:40 That's good.
28:44 Church mailing.
28:45 Because these booklets are going into churches.
28:46 So either way works.
28:48 Or you can go online if you want to donate online to www
28:51 .3ABN.tv and the fund code is 350.
28:55 Just look for that.
28:57 And you can sponsor this booklet going into churches.
29:01 So we're super excited about this evangelistic opportunity.
29:05 I mean, it's a great opportunity for evangelism.
29:07 You know, a lot of times people go door to door and hand out
29:09 books, but I know some can't time.
29:11 They're so busy or just not able to.
29:13 So you think about this.
29:14 You can be a missionary, so to speak, without actually going
29:17 out and knocking on doors.
29:18 If you can't, you can just sponsor these.
29:20 This is going to churches.
29:21 Looks like Mr. Danny was saying that represents who knows how
29:23 many members at the church.
29:25 So to me as a kid, we had an old farm pond and I like to
29:29 skip rocks or throw rocks into that pond.
29:31 And I like to watch the ripples, right?
29:33 So I throw one stone in into the water and man, it would get
29:36 bigger and bigger, more and more ripples.
29:37 To me, I'm not saying these books are stones, but I'm
29:40 saying they represent a ripple, something that starts a ripple.
29:43 And so this gets bigger and bigger and bigger.
29:45 So I'm excited.
29:46 We're talking about being prepared for opportunities for
29:49 evangelism.
29:54 You jump on board evangelism projects that 3ABM puts out
29:57 there.
30:00 evening and in the coming weeks, we're excited about it
30:03 because God's going to do marvelous and great things
30:05 through this project.
30:06 And already has.
30:10 results already coming back.
30:12 You know, this reminds me of about 19...
30:15 I graduated high school in 1969.
30:18 1970, I spent a year doing literature evangelism.
30:21 Door to door.
30:24 You can go door to door.
30:25 That's a pretty tough way to make a living.
30:27 Let me tell you, it is.
30:28 But I remember one day I'd been out all day, followed several
30:33 leads.
30:34 If people wanted it, they didn't have the money for this
30:36 Bible story books, you know, that we had in a great
30:39 controversy, which was Triumph of God's Love.
30:41 They put, you know, Desire of Ages along with the 10.
30:45 So we had these books to sell and Yvonne, I'd gone all day,
30:50 hadn't really, you know, nobody seemed to work out.
30:53 So on the way I'm in Benton and there's a little church and
30:58 it's on South Main and it's right by the railroad tracks.
31:01 And it's a little church.
31:03 It was Church of God.
31:04 And I remember the pastor's name was Lloyd Tomer.
31:07 And so, Lloyd Tomer, I saw a car there.
31:13 So I stopped.
31:15 I said, maybe that's the pastor.
31:16 I'll go ask him.
31:18 So, you know, I'm not knowing what to expect.
31:20 So I knock on the church door and open up anybody home.
31:23 So he comes and I say, oh, pastor, you're the pastor.
31:26 Yes.
31:29 something I want to show you if you got a minute.
31:31 So I had my case and I opened up the Bible stories and he
31:35 looked at those and he said, where did you get those?
31:38 I said, well, I'm selling them.
31:40 He said, you've got to be kidding me.
31:41 He said, I have 22 around.
31:44 I think it was 22 couples in my church that are what we call
31:48 the young married couples.
31:49 Oh, wow.
31:50 And every Sunday, we study out of those.
31:53 Really?
31:55 Christians.
31:56 They don't know.
31:57 They're not ready for the other stuff.
31:59 So we go through.
32:01 He said, literally, he said, tell you what I'm going to do.
32:03 I'm going to give you the names of every couple in my church
32:07 and I'm going to give you their phone numbers.
32:09 And I want you to call them and say, Pastor Lloyd said he wants
32:12 you to buy a set of these.
32:14 So because the one pastor, and they did.
32:17 Did they really?
32:18 Almost everybody.
32:19 There may have been one or two he didn't, but almost every,
32:22 that's how much influence these pastors have.
32:24 So one pastor get one of these.
32:27 He can influence literally his whole church if he reads it and
32:31 supports it and he's honest at heart and wants to know the
32:34 truth about it because again, it's not our opinion.
32:37 We're giving you scriptures, you know, either side, pro
32:40 conda to let you decide, but it's clear in God's word.
32:44 So from that, that was the biggest day I ever had in
32:47 literature evangelism, but to one pastor, because he saw it,
32:52 he supported it, nearly all the married couples in his church.
32:56 Amen.
32:57 Praise the Lord.
32:59 You know, this is a 3ABN behind the scenes program and Dr.
33:02 Yvonne, I'm going to come to you because just this week,
33:04 3ABN's Dare to Dream Network recorded some incredible
33:07 programs and we can look at, I know a couple of pictures there
33:10 of this amazing set.
33:12 I mean, the set looks great, but the content was fantastic
33:14 and it has to do with identity.
33:16 Kind of give us a little sneak preview because this program is
33:18 going to be coming on Dare to Dream and of course, I know
33:20 Parent will pick it up too.
33:21 I am so excited.
33:23 Me too.
33:29 a program for children.
33:31 It's called Be Real, Be True, Be You.
33:34 Alright.
33:40 Amen.
33:46 know, should my children watch this?
33:47 No, no, no.
33:52 It sure is.
33:58 God's plan for men and women.
34:01 It's just beautiful and the children loved it.
34:04 They loved it.
34:05 We had children on the set so I'm just super excited about
34:09 it.
34:12 believe these kids and what's being taught and how, you know,
34:17 they're all participating and how beautiful the set and how
34:21 well the whole thing.
34:23 I know you know.
34:23 Yes.
34:24 No, we heard loud nine.
34:25 We heard really positive things too from like the kids and
34:27 parents, you know, of like wow, this is incredible.
34:30 You know, it was just really good and the programs are, is
34:32 it 14 minutes long?
34:34 Or is it 30 minutes?
34:34 14 or 15.
34:35 15 minutes.
34:36 Yeah.
34:37 14 or 15 minutes.
34:38 I think it's 15.
34:39 I think we recorded about 11 or 12 programs this week.
34:42 Yes.
34:43 Amazing.
34:44 Yes.
34:47 so necessary.
34:53 television, social media, all of that.
34:56 They're not often getting the truth.
34:59 Yes.
35:02 doing it at every level and these children range from, I
35:07 think, age 6 to about 12 or 14.
35:10 Okay.
35:10 On the set.
35:10 It's on the set.
35:12 So it's a wide range of children, of ages, but it's
35:16 just, it's really, really great.
35:18 So when you find out that it's airing, please watch because
35:22 it's going to be really good.
35:23 And I'm going to, I'm supposed to interview Michael Carducci
35:27 about the program for an urban report on Dare to Dream as
35:30 well.
35:31 So yeah, it's coming and it's exciting.
35:33 And super needed as well.
35:36 Super needed.
35:37 You know what's exciting to me is that 3ABN is about
35:40 counteracting the counterfeit.
35:41 Sure is.
35:44 you can counteract the counterfeit by getting this
35:47 booklet, sponsoring it into churches or watching this
35:50 program about identity.
35:51 We were last weekend in Huntsville, Alabama, had a 3ABN
35:55 rally there at the first Seventh-day Adventist Church
35:59 there in Huntsville.
36:01 Dr. William Lee as the pastor there opened up, a tremendous
36:05 welcome.
36:06 Wonderful people came in from all over.
36:08 Oh yeah.
36:12 Mississippi.
36:14 Of course, yeah, so it was an incredible time.
36:17 But what I was reminded of when we were there is the impact
36:20 that this ministry makes.
36:22 You know, we met people who said, I'm a Baptist.
36:25 I met one gentleman.
36:25 I'm sure you did as well.
36:27 And he said, this is my second time in a Seventh-day Adventist
36:29 Church.
36:32 truth.
36:33 I met a lady who was Pentecostal.
36:35 It was her first time in a Seventh-day Adventist Church
36:38 and learning the biblical truth.
36:39 So it's just so exciting to see the impact that this ministry
36:43 is making.
36:44 Oh, I agree.
36:44 And then I met a young man.
36:45 I think he was 17 or 18.
36:47 He's a senior in high school and he came up with his
36:49 grandmother.
36:53 them to 3ABN.
36:55 Not long ago they got the flyer, wanted to come to the
36:58 rally.
37:01 rally.
37:03 direction in life, thinking about going to a Christian
37:06 college versus some other colleges.
37:08 And so just excited about 3ABN.
37:10 And he was saying, you know, I've never really been in an
37:13 Adventist Church before, but this is pretty incredible.
37:15 And it was just really neat to see the Lord at work.
37:17 And of course, then you have the members that have been
37:20 Seventh -day Adventists their entire life, all excited about
37:22 3ABN.
37:25 And then you have people who came to us and said, we were
37:30 Baptists and we were Catholic, but we're Seventh-day Adventist
37:33 Christians now because of 3ABN.
37:35 Isn't that amazing?
37:40 ministry.
37:40 Such a blessing.
37:42 And we had some, probably be 20ish now, at our age it's hard
37:46 to tell 20 to 30 now, 20ish who said, I grew up with 3ABN
37:52 because every time I went to my grandmother's and one guy said,
37:55 I lived with my grandma most of my life, that's all she ever
37:58 watched.
37:59 He said, I would have liked to watch something else but that's
38:01 all we ever watched.
38:02 So consequently, he's there today and said, you know,
38:06 because of that it's helped me tremendously.
38:08 And so he said, I still watch it on my own.
38:11 Not 24-7, but I do watch 3ABN, he says.
38:14 Wow.
38:16 We do, yeah, of the rally.
38:17 I'm not sure which picture they're putting up first, but
38:20 when they put them up then we'll talk about them.
38:22 This is Pastor John Noah McCain there.
38:24 He taught Sabbath school.
38:24 Beautiful church.
38:25 He and Andy were there.
38:27 So very...
38:28 There's Tim Parton doing some music on the keyboard there.
38:31 And this is a shot from the balcony actually.
38:33 Danny, you can't see but you're speaking there for church.
38:36 Great message.
38:37 It's hard to see because there's so many people there.
38:39 But great message.
38:41 Yeah.
38:43 And that was Paul and Curtis Aiken's church.
38:46 Yeah.
38:47 That was really special to be there.
38:48 And of course, they were well received.
38:50 And I believe they have one of the longest running series on
38:53 3ABN, Abundant Living.
38:55 So it's great to be with them.
38:56 Oh yeah, absolutely.
38:57 But just a great...
39:00 Yes, my family was there.
39:02 That was so great.
39:03 And I was thinking about it and I realized that when I was a
39:08 child I lived in Huntsville.
39:10 From when I was 10 to 13 because my dad went back to
39:13 Oakwood.
39:14 And we went to First Church, but it wasn't that church.
39:18 It was a different church, but I thought about it.
39:20 I was like, wait a minute.
39:22 I went to First Church.
39:23 And I didn't get to tell them that Sabbath, but yeah.
39:26 So it was really great being back in Huntsville and seeing
39:29 my family, my aunt Jo, cousins Patty.
39:33 Amen.
39:39 And like you say, they came from all over some several
39:41 hours around.
39:42 But you don't know what that does for us.
39:45 You know, people were saying, I'm so glad, you know, that we
39:49 get to meet in person.
39:50 We've watched you for years.
39:51 We're glad too.
39:53 Because we're looking through the glass and we're glad when
39:56 you come up and we know we've talked to you.
39:59 You know, whether it's social media, whether you're writing
40:01 letters to 3ABN or calling the prayer lines, whatever.
40:04 And for us, it's such a blessing to see you and to hear
40:09 your testimony.
40:10 Because you hear about us all the time.
40:12 So it's so great in these rallies we get to meet so many
40:15 people.
40:19 and shaking hands with people and you know, getting to know
40:22 people better.
40:23 And so it's always, we enjoy it.
40:26 We do.
40:27 We really enjoy it.
40:27 It's such a high day.
40:29 Isn't it though?
40:30 Such a high spiritual day.
40:31 You know, and all of us coming together and people coming
40:34 together to worship the Lord.
40:36 It's just, it's a little taste of Heaven.
40:38 One almost complaint.
40:40 One almost complaint.
40:42 The food was so good, I ate too much.
40:45 I almost put myself to sleep for the afternoon service.
40:50 Did they give a...
40:51 Oh, it was great.
40:53 They had everything.
40:54 The cooks, you know, I'm always amazed and thank you.
40:57 Those that, I went downstairs early when I go to churches.
41:00 I like to look, I'm a carpenter by trade so I get the carpenter
41:04 mentality.
41:05 So before the church started, I said, I'm going to go check
41:07 this basement out.
41:08 I want to see what's all down here and see how it's designed.
41:11 I go down and already there were a number of people, mostly
41:15 the women, that were there and they were already preparing.
41:18 They were working.
41:20 And I said, they're doing that just out of servitude.
41:22 They're just saying, we want to be a servant.
41:25 We want to serve those that are here, guests coming in, all of
41:29 us from there.
41:30 And I thanked them ahead of time.
41:31 I said, thank you so much because when we're upstairs
41:33 with all of that, you're not realizing all the people that
41:37 are working behind the scenes, parking people outside, that
41:40 there are people cooking, preparing things for us.
41:44 And I mean, it was, yes, thank you so much.
41:47 Thank you.
41:50 I think he said that they have like 23, I think, for part of
41:53 their staff to do all the media for the church, LED panels.
41:55 Just amazing.
41:57 But our next rally, Jill, is...
41:59 How did you know I was thinking you were going to ask?
42:02 Well, you know, we've been married almost 22 years, so we
42:04 kind of...
42:05 May 18.
42:05 I got the date.
42:07 May 18, we're going to the Dodge Center, Seventh-day
42:10 Adventist Church.
42:11 This is in Dodge Center, Minnesota.
42:13 So we're going from south up to north, but this is in May, so
42:16 the weather should be really good this year.
42:19 We are looking forward to being there on May 18 Sabbath, so if
42:23 you're anywhere in the area, come on out.
42:25 We would love to meet you and love to spend that Sabbath with
42:29 you.
42:33 provided by the church, and then an afternoon of music and
42:36 testimony.
42:37 So we would love that.
42:38 And speaking of coming on out or coming on down, we have our
42:42 3 of You in Camp meeting.
42:44 This is June 5 through 8.
42:47 The theme is Preparation for the Final Crisis.
42:50 What an amazing lineup of speakers.
42:53 Pastor Doug Batchelor, Sebastian Braxton, Christopher
42:56 Hudson, Ryan Johnson, Ron Kelly, Lonnie Milashenko, and
43:01 David Shin, as well as our speakers internally.
43:03 So just an incredible lineup of speakers and music.
43:07 I know, Mr. Danny, I'm sure you want to speak into that.
43:10 We have children's meetings, so Aunt Francine's working with
43:14 NAPS and the other teachers to have an incredible lineup for
43:17 the young people to be learning as well.
43:20 The food will be complimentary again.
43:23 I just talked to a woman this week who called in and she
43:25 said, I'm coming in my whole family and we're bringing a
43:28 tent.
43:28 She was all excited.
43:31 So we are so looking forward to that.
43:33 I know that the RV Park over the bath house is completely
43:37 full, but we still have a couple slots open by the call
43:40 center.
43:41 So we still have a couple RV spots.
43:43 It has full hookup, electric and water and all that stuff.
43:46 Sewer.
43:47 Thank you.
43:51 whether you bring your RV, you need to reserve for your RV.
43:55 So you can call us right now and just say you want to
43:57 reserve and we'd be happy to handle that for you.
44:01 Or you can stay in local area hotel.
44:04 So we're just looking forward to meeting you and to having a
44:07 time of spiritual renewal.
44:10 It is that.
44:13 Experiencing not just fellowship, which is a
44:15 beautiful thing.
44:20 and time in prayer and time in worship and music.
44:24 So it's going to be a spirit filled time.
44:26 I enjoy camp meeting.
44:28 It's a great time of fellowship.
44:30 It's a great family time as Jill was mentioning and a great
44:33 theme to preparation for the final crisis.
44:36 Mr. Danny, I know you usually always have the divine worship
44:40 hour message.
44:41 Any thoughts?
44:42 Can I ask, kind of put you on the spot on that?
44:43 You kind of thinking about for the kids?
44:45 Oh, yeah.
44:47 several books.
44:48 All right.
44:49 But literally, I could easily do a couple of books.
44:52 But now I've got to take all this down and shorten it.
44:56 But basically, I mean, we could change it at any time.
45:00 But the title of it, we are not, we are not the remnant
45:04 church.
45:04 Oh, my.
45:05 Then we do dot, dot, dot, yet.
45:08 Okay.
45:12 We might have to do an edit.
45:14 I'm just kidding.
45:16 I like this.
45:16 So say that one more time.
45:17 We are not the remnant church yet.
45:21 Yeah.
45:21 Wow.
45:22 It doesn't mean we don't have to be.
45:23 It doesn't mean we won't end up being.
45:25 But we're going to go through a lot.
45:26 We're going through shaking now.
45:27 We'll talk about that.
45:29 Pouring the ladder rain.
45:30 Amen.
45:34 We have to deal with this.
45:35 We have to deal.
45:36 We'll be hitting some on abortion and what the Bible
45:39 says about it.
45:40 So things that we believe that are necessary that we have to
45:45 deal with because it's dealing with us.
45:47 So either we deal with these topics in the church or they
45:50 deal with us.
45:51 And that's what's happening right now.
45:53 We've been taking a beating.
45:55 So my dad used to say to me when I was a kid at home, if
45:58 he'd say, hey son, you do it again.
46:00 Maybe I was too loud or did something.
46:01 You do that again and I'm going to turn you every way but
46:04 loose.
46:05 Now, I don't know to this day exactly what move that would be
46:10 to turn me every way but loose, but I knew it wasn't good.
46:13 I knew it was going to be bad.
46:15 So I said, okay, okay, I'm going to straighten up.
46:18 So I think the devil is turning us, this church, turning us
46:22 every way but loose right now.
46:24 But we don't have to stay in that.
46:25 Amen.
46:31 wrestling hold or maneuver.
46:32 We can be freed from that by getting back to God and
46:37 confessing our sins and saying, Lord, give us the courage and
46:40 spiritual wisdom to go forward regardless of what people
46:43 think.
46:45 So we're not on the left, we're not on the right, we're on
46:47 God's side.
46:48 And so we'll be talking some about the left, we'll be
46:51 talking some about the right.
46:53 And so will we be talking about politics?
46:56 Probably, but it's not going to be this side's bad, this side's
47:00 bad.
47:04 come from the Lord.
47:05 What we see the political arena and what's happening around the
47:08 world, we need to be sticking to the Bible and do not let our
47:11 politics interfere with the Bible truths.
47:15 Yeah.
47:15 Amen.
47:16 That's true.
47:17 Well I'm looking forward to that already.
47:19 Yes.
47:19 Yeah, praise the Lord.
47:20 He's been working on it.
47:21 I'm having her, I told her that I want her to have the car
47:25 running, the engine running, so as soon as the sermon's over I
47:30 can run out the back door and take off till we see how things
47:33 are going to...
47:34 Well I think Mr. Danny is what you do, you'll stand at the
47:36 back of the building and everyone can say hello to you
47:38 and greet you at the end of the message.
47:40 That's right.
47:43 really great is that you say Lord, hear my, I'm a servant
47:47 that is willing to be used of you Father and He has used you
47:51 all these years.
47:52 So that's what you're doing.
47:53 Some of these topics some people like to say they're
47:55 political and you shouldn't talk about them but they're
47:56 not.
48:01 like, which is really standing on the Word of God and so often
48:04 it's incredible to me that people will say some of the
48:07 stuff that's in the Bible and say that's political, but no,
48:09 it's not.
48:10 God wrote it.
48:11 So don't throw that out.
48:13 They can accuse 3ABN of being political but we're not.
48:15 We're standing on what the Word of God is.
48:17 You're pointing that out in a great balanced way.
48:20 See that's the critical thing.
48:21 I've heard some people that will maybe take the same topic
48:24 but go way off in left or right field.
48:27 But to me you're taking a very balanced approach the same as
48:29 this book right here.
48:30 It's full of love for human mankind, our brothers and our
48:34 sisters.
48:35 So again, your messages that you have done and I know the
48:37 Lord is going to do the same.
48:38 So thank you for standing for truth.
48:40 That's to me a great strength and a great gift.
48:44 And not only to be able to present it but to be able to
48:47 present it in a very clear logical way that makes sense.
48:51 And you said earlier you're not an attorney but I think God
48:54 gave you an attorney cup of mine.
48:57 It's a special gift that God has given to you.
48:58 So thank you for being willing to share it because we talk
49:01 about it in the positive aspects but also you get hit
49:04 hard too because a lot of people like to point daggers
49:07 and things like that so to speak but you don't waver and
49:10 you don't shake at that.
49:12 So praise the Lord.
49:13 Thank you very much for being a faithful man.
49:14 Ever since I was a kid I was very opinionated and I'm very
49:18 open.
49:23 a kid I would tell her about it and worry about whether we had
49:26 to fight or not later but always was opinionated.
49:29 You know, no I don't agree with that and you know, blah, blah,
49:32 blah.
49:37 gonna be your greatest blessing or your biggest curse.
49:41 So he said it will be one or the other.
49:43 You're not somebody who's just gonna go along and meander and
49:46 nobody knows.
49:50 you're gonna be so you're, so it's up.
49:53 So today I've been dedicating for many years trying to but
49:57 I'm asking God to let it be a blessing and not a curse.
50:02 But sometimes, you know, self comes through and we don't
50:05 intend to so when we do we take the credit for the bad things
50:08 only.
50:09 Give God the credit for the good things.
50:11 Jill before, yeah, you're having that book.
50:13 That's great.
50:14 Yes.
50:14 I saw you.
50:16 So I think we should talk about that one more time because
50:17 we're gonna be playing some musical chairs here and I know
50:19 you guys will be hearing this for the second hour but let's
50:22 talk about that.
50:27 United States.
50:33 booklet inserted into an envelope as well as a flyer.
50:37 So all of those items, 49 cents per church.
50:40 So that's incredible.
50:43 Starting out with 73,000 Baptist churches.
50:46 That's right.
50:47 They're gonna go to several hundred thousand more churches.
50:50 So virtually every church in America will have this
50:52 information and inside it also has about 3ABN.
50:56 Sure does.
51:00 YouTube, Dish, Fios, all the way down.
51:04 So there will be information that will put them in contact
51:07 with 3ABN.
51:09 So you can call us right now, 618-627-4651.
51:14 That number again is 618-627 -4651.
51:18 All you have to say is I want to sponsor this booklet going
51:21 into churches.
51:23 Or you can go online, 3ABN.TV, and you click on the donate tab
51:28 and you just scroll down to fund code 350.
51:31 So this would sponsor the LGBTQ booklet or you could just call
51:34 church mailing going out into churches.
51:37 So we want to distribute this into churches that can then be
51:41 shared within their communities.
51:43 Oh yeah, absolutely.
51:45 You know, we're going forward in faith.
51:47 I've already talked to Eric Wiesner.
51:49 I said we need to start moving some pallets up to the
51:51 inserting house which is the mailing house that does all the
51:53 inserting.
51:57 Spirit, the funds will come in.
51:58 We're not concerned about that.
51:59 to get this Gospel out there to the churches and so we're
52:02 sending pallets out, already stuff is in the works to have
52:05 it printed.
52:06 So I'm again just really, really excited about this
52:08 opportunity.
52:09 Yeah, and I'd like to encourage the people too because so many
52:12 times they want to pat you on the back and say thank you for
52:15 what you're doing but this is an opportunity for you to do
52:18 something if you're not already that you can do something too
52:21 and helping promote and we have a number of books called The
52:25 Truth About series and so getting the truth out, this
52:29 happens to be one can the Christian Church affirm LGBTQ+.
52:33 So we're asking you to pray and ask the Holy Spirit what he
52:37 would have you to do.
52:38 If you think about it, $25 can sponsor this going to 25 or 50
52:45 separate churches, 50 churches of pastors, 50 pastors and
52:49 churches for literally $25.
52:53 I mean that is amazing and thank you for negotiating and
52:58 all the work you've done, get the prices down and both of you
53:01 for what you're doing to make this possible.
53:04 The team is the one working, making all the phone calls and
53:06 so yeah, praise the Lord.
53:08 It's amazing because it also includes the postage too which
53:12 seems like postage just keeps going up and up.
53:14 Letter or stamp is what now?
53:16 $0 .65, $0.60?
53:18 Like $0.60 for just a stamp.
53:20 Cheaper than a stamp.
53:20 Cheaper than a stamp.
53:22 Yeah, for less than the price of one stamp, you get the book,
53:25 the envelope and the postage.
53:28 That's right.
53:33 And we actually are paying for this list just so you know that
53:36 too.
53:38 Jasmine worked really hard on that aspect too because we want
53:41 to make sure this list is what's a good term, a good
53:44 valid list.
53:46 We call it scrubbing, current and they also call it scrubbing
53:49 and so that we want to make sure that when we send these
53:51 out it's not for not.
53:52 It's actually valid so we're paying just a little bit, not
53:55 very much at all for these but they're going through a whole
53:57 scrubbing process and they're valid addresses to churches.
54:01 We're hoping you're watching tonight and the Lord is
54:04 impressing you.
54:09 We still get quite a few checks here at 3ABN
54:11 We do indeed.
54:15 check, church mailing, of course our address, P.O.
54:18 Box 220, West Frankfort, Illinois, 62896 and you can
54:23 just send that check in as well.
54:24 Amen.
54:25 Yeah, Dr. Vaughn.
54:29 there's victory in Christ.
54:31 So you're not stuck in a place of where there's no victory.
54:37 There's victory in Christ so it's really positive.
54:40 It's not leaving people or woe is me or you know in despair
54:44 right?
54:45 This is so hopeful because again it's scriptural, it's
54:50 biblical you know 1 Corinthians 6, 9 through 11 you know where
54:56 such were some of you.
54:57 That's right.
55:03 will be able to all be together but the issue has to be laid
55:07 out there for people to understand, to know and then to
55:11 know how to deal with it and that's what we have biblically
55:14 in here so I'm really thankful.
55:16 Yeah, God has to be ahead of the church if he's not it's all
55:21 in vain everything that we do and so we have to give the
55:25 truth to lost and dying world and if we're not willing to
55:28 stand up for truth it's going to end up destroying us.
55:34 absolutely.
55:38 because so often we don't talk about that aspect and that is
55:42 such a freeing point to like wow I can have victory over any
55:46 sin and God is the one that has the strength because so often
55:49 it's like we try to do it ourselves then we become
55:51 discouraged, become our worst critic and then you give up
55:55 well that's what Satan wants so it's in the book like you said
55:58 the victory aspect too so well balanced.
56:02 Amen.
56:03 We are indeed.
56:05 Just going back to camp meeting for one moment we're asking for
56:10 volunteers to come in before camp meeting and to help us
56:14 collate the prison ministry Bible studies.
56:17 They just arrived last week and this week so we're super
56:20 excited about getting that into prisons.
56:23 You know 3ABN's Bible study guides that we have available
56:26 and we've been utilizing them in many different fashions but
56:29 we want them to go into prisons so that when we send one of
56:32 those lovely study Bibles into the prisoners who request it
56:36 they'll also get a set of prison Bible study guides just
56:40 specifically for them so it has resources for them and
56:44 opportunities so we want to encourage if you want we have
56:47 volunteers already signed up if you want to come into camp
56:50 meeting early we would love for you to come like a week or two
56:53 a week or two early and you can put together a whole group
56:56 together many hands make light work my mom used to say and
57:00 that just means a whole bunch of people we can put them
57:02 together so just give us a call at we'd be happy to walk you
57:09 through that journey.
57:10 So we're trading out guests here for the second hour, but
57:13 Mr. Danny and Dr. Yvonne, we love you both so blessed.
57:16 We love you and love those of you at home.
57:19 Thank you, great family.
57:20 So blessed to serve in ministry.
57:21 Thank you all so much for your leadership, for your
57:23 mentorship, for the privilege of working together.
57:26 I'm very, very grateful for you.
57:28 The God thing.
57:29 Amen.
57:29 It is a God thing.
57:30 God set it up.
57:31 And we have some more family coming the second hour.
57:34 We're going to hear from Mr. Pastor and Mrs. Dinzey from
57:38 Ricky and Jasmine Carter, as well as Jeff Doerr.
57:40 So a full second hour.
57:41 Don't go anywhere.
57:43 We will be right back.


Revised 2024-04-25