3ABN Today Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL240013B

00:10 Hello and welcome back to 3ABN Behind the Scenes.
00:13 We are so very glad that you have joined us here for the
00:15 second hour.
00:19 programs.
00:19 I know it doesn't.
00:20 I mean 60 minutes is 60 minutes.
00:21 But still we're talking about evangelism and that always
00:24 seems to go by in a hurry.
00:26 And I love the 3ABN Behind the Scenes program because that's
00:29 what it's all about, about what the ministry of 3ABN is doing
00:32 around the world and it's all about evangelism.
00:35 And again we say thank you for your continued prayers and your
00:39 financial, faithful, financial support of your ministry, God's
00:44 ministry, 3ABN.
00:46 Because without you we would not be able to reach the entire
00:48 world.
00:52 feedback, especially social media now more and more about
00:54 how 3ABN is reaching so many different parts of the world
00:58 and how 3ABN is impacting them.
01:01 And what's amazing to me is just the power of searching
01:04 online, right?
01:06 I mean even like if I'm trying to fix something at the house,
01:08 let's say something broke at the house, I'll just put it
01:10 into Google and say, how do you fix such and such and it comes
01:13 up with something.
01:14 Well, people are doing the same thing spiritually.
01:16 What's happening at times?
01:18 What happens when I die?
01:20 And what is so powerful about that is that 3ABN is
01:23 recommended as the research result for so many of these
01:26 topics and that's how people find out about 3ABN.
01:29 So we're going to be talking about even that this evening
01:31 but I'm excited about this hour and it's packed full.
01:34 Amen, you know people used to flip a channel and find 3EBN,
01:37 and they can still do that in so many communities.
01:40 But now people go online and they search because that's
01:43 where people are looking for answers because we think Google
01:45 knows everything, and that's not necessarily true, the Lord
01:49 knows everything.
01:50 The Word of God.
01:52 And so we have the opportunity to be available at people's
01:56 fingertips when they're searching for truth.
01:58 So we have a power-packed second hour with roles and
02:03 videos and testimonies and ways So you can partner
02:06 evangelistically with the ministry of 3EBN coming around
02:09 the circle here at the island, our family, Pastor John Denzi
02:13 and Mrs. Adalia Denzi, I was calling you Mrs. Denzi.
02:16 So glad you both are here tonight.
02:17 Welcome, welcome.
02:18 Thank you.
02:19 Thank you for the invitation.
02:21 And we're going to be talking about some of your travels too.
02:23 I know not right at this moment, but you all have been
02:25 to many parts of the world in like a matter of three, four
02:28 weeks.
02:28 So yeah, exciting updates.
02:30 We're going to get updates from Costa Rica and Cuba and
02:33 Honduras and I don't know where else, but at least those three
02:36 places.
02:37 Praise the Lord.
02:38 Praise the Lord.
02:40 Coming around the circle here, we have Jeff Dorr and his
02:42 beautiful wife, Charlotte, is not here tonight, but she's an
02:46 integral part of the ministry here too.
02:47 Jeff, of course, is our plan -giving and trust services
02:51 director and we're so glad you're here tonight.
02:54 It's a privilege to be here to serve the Lord, absolutely.
02:58 Coming around the table, we have Ricky Carter and his
03:01 beautiful wife, Jasmine, and Ricky, of course, is social
03:05 media manager.
03:07 That's a newer hat I guess we could say you're wearing in
03:10 addition to working dare to dream with like video graphics
03:13 and editing and all the other stuff you do.
03:16 And Jasmine is Rubian's marketing manager and have you
03:19 been here a year yet or not?
03:20 Yes, just over a year.
03:21 Wow.
03:22 A year and a few days.
03:24 It's amazing.
03:25 You're doing a great job.
03:26 God handpicked you to be here at such a time as this.
03:29 So thank you for the work that all of you are doing.
03:31 Praise God.
03:34 You all have been here like 30 some years almost from the very
03:37 beginning and all of us in between.
03:39 So it's just neat how God brings us together at such a
03:43 moment.
03:44 And 3ABN is in existence for such a moment as this in
03:50 earth's history.
03:50 So praise the Lord.
03:52 And we also think about you at home too because you are here
03:54 on this earth for such a time as this.
03:57 So we all have work to do in your local communities, your
04:01 local church, where you work with your families.
04:03 There is a work for you to do no matter your age, no matter
04:05 physically, how you may be limited.
04:07 God has a work and a great plan for you.
04:10 So take encouragement this evening.
04:13 Well, starting right off, let's talk about 3ABN School of
04:16 Discipleship.
04:18 We have had two schools so far.
04:20 They're in intensive training, you could say, a week to 10
04:24 days long.
04:28 the Bible and apologetics and evangelism and great
04:33 controversy.
04:34 And I'm not sure what else.
04:35 We'll talk more about that health.
04:38 Absolutely.
04:39 So our next school of discipleship, it's in person.
04:42 That means you have to come here and in order to come here,
04:45 you have to register.
04:46 So there's a lot of details pertaining to that.
04:49 Let's maybe play the video clip for that and we'll come out.
04:53 I know Mrs. Denzi went to a school of discipleship.
04:55 The first one, I did.
04:57 And Jasmine went to the second one.
04:58 So we'll hear from both of you as far as your experience.
05:00 But let's go to that video clip right now.
05:10 I can only say that the school of discipleship has been
05:14 spiritual transformation.
05:16 I believe that all the courses, all the activities, just
05:19 meeting the amazing people that come to this program has been
05:23 transformative for my spiritual life.
05:25 If you're on the fence, just jump over the fence and come on
05:28 over.
05:31 It is an incredible experience.
05:32 It is an incredible blessing to just have this and it's going
05:36 to be even more of a blessing to share.
05:38 Make the choice to come.
05:40 You might not even know what you're looking for, but God has
05:44 a divine appointment for you here.
05:46 You're going to come back strengthened.
05:49 You're going to come back a little wiser because your focus
05:52 will have been on Jesus the entire week.
05:55 This is where disciples are truly made.
06:05 Amen.
06:08 and Pastor James Rafferty and Ian Van der Valk and the rest
06:12 of the team, the instructors and all those, the food and
06:14 everything.
06:15 But what a great experience.
06:17 The next one, Jill, we should mention that July 5 through 14.
06:22 That's right.
06:22 And it's limited.
06:23 That's one of the things.
06:28 discipled yourself.
06:29 But there's a lot of one on one interactions.
06:32 So we don't allow a lot of people to come.
06:35 We usually cap it at about 40 or so students.
06:38 So it's a first come, kind of first serve.
06:40 But there's an application process and all that.
06:42 So you need to apply.
06:44 And the way to do that is to go to 3ABNSAWED.com.
06:48 It's right there on the screen, 3ABNSAWED.com.
06:50 And I know if the team were here, Ryan or Ian or Pastor
06:54 James, they would see, say, what?
06:56 Read the handbook.
06:58 That provides all the information.
07:01 So I think I said that right.
07:02 So the handbook is right there at 3ABNSAWED.com.
07:05 Go there, read that.
07:06 The dates are there, all the pertinent information.
07:08 So we look forward to seeing you July 5th through the 14th,
07:13 right here at 3ABN.
07:15 And both of you attended, like Jill said.
07:17 What were your thoughts, Mrs. Denzi, on the school of
07:19 discipleship?
07:23 It was the first one.
07:25 So to me, it would be the best class in history of SAWED.
07:30 And you would think that as an employee, you know, what am I
07:35 doing there?
07:36 Well, even employees working in ministry, it's nice to take
07:40 time out from your everyday obligations and all.
07:44 But when do we really set time aside to really soak in the
07:49 Word?
07:53 suggestions as to how to do soul winning, soul searching,
07:59 and edifying spiritually.
08:01 So I praise the Lord that I had that one week, and I wish I
08:06 could keep being at, I would say, it's like being at the
08:11 feet of Jesus, just listening to the Word and the
08:14 explanations, the foundation, our roots, and just a greater
08:18 understanding.
08:19 So it's the best investment.
08:21 I want to thank administration for allowing me to be part of
08:26 that class.
08:26 Thank you for going.
08:27 The best class.
08:29 We'll go to Jasmine here.
08:31 We opened it up just so clarification.
08:33 We allow a couple of 3B employees to go through every
08:36 school.
08:39 space.
08:42 too.
08:43 Adalia was part of the 3B employees for the first class,
08:47 and Jasmine wanted to go the second.
08:48 So what was your experience?
08:49 The second, I believe, was the best ever.
08:56 We're continually improving, right?
08:59 It was life changing for me.
09:01 It was memorable.
09:02 I went because I wanted to learn more and learn how to
09:04 witness.
09:09 learned a lot, and there's a lot more growth in my spiritual
09:12 walks.
09:13 I enjoy the prayer sessions in the mornings.
09:16 It's 6 a.m.
09:17 Those were great.
09:19 And also, one of the most memorable things for me was the
09:23 Defend Your Fate session.
09:25 And what's that like?
09:26 We were in themes of maybe six groups of seven, and we were
09:30 given a topic, for example, a topic on health, what happens
09:33 when you die, secret rapture, change of the Sabbath.
09:37 And we had to sit on the hot seat with Ryan and Dakota.
09:43 They were testing us.
09:44 They were like the Sunday Church folks, and they were
09:48 really tough.
09:50 I'm coming back with some questions.
09:52 I'm like, hey, so make this plain.
09:53 I don't quite understand this aspect of the scripture.
09:55 So why do you say this?
09:56 Yeah, that's great.
09:58 That's great.
09:58 I think I'm going to have to sign up.
10:02 You didn't have that in the first session.
10:03 We didn't have that in the first session.
10:05 I mean, we're still the best in history.
10:07 But you know what?
10:08 I also enjoyed it, and I'm sorry to jump in like this.
10:11 You're fine.
10:12 I really enjoyed the testimonies of all the visitors
10:15 that came.
10:24 or processed foods as possible.
10:26 And there were even testimonies as far as some of the guests
10:30 had sugar issues or blood pressure issues.
10:33 There was none by the end of the week.
10:35 And they were just very thankful for that as well.
10:41 Making connections and networking was great as well.
10:44 So I enjoyed it and I just didn't want it to end.
10:49 It is an intensive for sure.
10:51 A lot of people say it's like drinking from a fire hydrant,
10:53 but that's all right.
10:58 So again, the next one is July 5th through 14th.
11:00 You can go to 3abnsaud.com for all of the pertinent
11:04 information.
11:05 So we encourage you to go to that.
11:07 We had some young people at the last one as well.
11:10 And yeah, it's just great experience.
11:12 I think we have a photo, I think, of the graduating
11:14 classes will be Jasmine's class.
11:16 I think the second class, there it is.
11:19 So 3abn School of Discipleship.
11:20 You can see all the students who attended this last one.
11:23 And then the instructors, I think, are on the back row.
11:25 It's hard to see everybody there, but praise the Lord for
11:28 people wanting to be discipled and then to go out and make
11:31 other disciples.
11:32 So that's a tremendous blessing.
11:34 You know, I think we could probably go and talk about the
11:35 eclipse.
11:38 probably transition over to social media because this
11:40 eclipse event, Ricky, you know, we kind of streamed on.
11:42 And we tried this on 3abn social media platforms.
11:45 But we had a total solar eclipse right here at 3abn and
11:49 it lasted for like, was it a little over four minutes.
11:53 And it was amazing.
11:54 I know we've got, I think, some photos of that, just some of
11:56 what we took here at 3abn.
11:59 And we appreciate Andrews University.
12:00 You can see their bus there.
12:02 They brought down a lot of students.
12:03 Was it their physics class?
12:04 Physics department.
12:05 Yes, and they provided a lot of neat devices like that.
12:08 That's it.
12:10 there without hurting your eyes.
12:12 Dr. Mattingly is the chair of the department there.
12:14 There's our team there that was working on preparing for the
12:17 social media live event that took place.
12:20 And yeah, that's in the...
12:21 There's your mom and dad.
12:22 That's my mom and dad.
12:23 We just kind of grabbed them and said, hey, come on over.
12:25 What do you think of the experience?
12:26 And this is as the eclipse is starting to take place right
12:29 there.
12:30 Look at that.
12:31 That's when it was complete.
12:32 And that's at two o'clock in the afternoon.
12:36 360 sunset, you know, no matter which direction you look,
12:38 north, south, east, west, you get that sunset.
12:40 I like that photo right there.
12:41 If we stay on that for just a minute, you see that, you see
12:44 the eclipse taking place.
12:45 But then you see, I guess it's a planet there, that little
12:47 star that I'm calling it a star that came out.
12:49 And here you are at two o'clock in the afternoon.
12:51 Just really, really amazing.
12:54 And it's really neat too what the church did, the local
12:57 church and other churches too.
12:58 They took advantage in a good way.
12:59 If they passed out the great controversy, you were part of
13:02 that too, Rick.
13:05 And I'm right now, this is a program.
13:07 What was the title on that?
13:08 When light and darkness collide.
13:10 Yes, with a great graphic on the front.
13:12 And those were passed out.
13:13 I think it was at 35,000 or 40 ,000 in our local community.
13:17 And so that was taking place because so many people came to
13:20 this area because it was totality for such a long period
13:23 of time.
13:28 forecasting springtime here, a lot of clouds in southern
13:31 Illinois usually.
13:32 And this ended up being just perfect weather.
13:36 It was clear.
13:37 You could see the eclipse.
13:38 I know.
13:39 It wasn't that amazing.
13:40 So a great witnessing opportunity.
13:42 But not only that, 3ABN did the social media live stream.
13:45 Jill and I did that.
13:46 Go ahead.
13:49 simultaneous live stream across 3ABN's YouTube account, 3ABN's
13:54 Facebook, 3ABN's Instagram, and 3ABN Latino's Facebook account.
13:59 So that would be four of our social media streams all at
14:02 once doing that.
14:06 called in that morning and they said, well, we're not sure on
14:08 secular television all this coverage, but we want our
14:11 children watching something Christian.
14:13 We're going to tune into 3ABN.
14:15 And we want to be able to watch that.
14:17 So I know people joined in from all over the world to watch
14:19 that here.
14:23 to YouTube and see the eclipse.
14:24 If you missed seeing what totality was like here, is it
14:28 there on YouTube?
14:28 I believe it is.
14:30 You go under the live section.
14:32 Okay, on YouTube?
14:33 On YouTube.
14:34 I could actually show them that.
14:35 This is the really neat thing of our technology and the crew.
14:38 I appreciate this.
14:41 Can we put that up there?
14:42 So we're looking at your iPad.
14:45 So when you're here on YouTube channel, if you go over to the
14:48 live section right there, there's a video out there and
14:51 you can just play it and then start watching some of it.
14:54 It's probably, I don't know if it's going to play.
14:55 Okay, there we go.
14:56 Yeah, I see it playing right there.
14:57 You have it at pause.
14:58 So, yeah.
15:00 And again, we have to say thank you to Andrews University
15:02 because we're able to get a live feed from one of their
15:04 telescopes and we're able to put that on the live stream and
15:08 you can actually see the eclipse taking place.
15:10 So thanks again to Andrews University.
15:14 But transitioning then Ricky, so tell us about social media
15:16 and what's taking place.
15:17 Exciting things are happening.
15:18 Yes, yes.
15:19 So start off, since you mentioned social media, you
15:22 know, our viewers, they can follow us on Facebook.
15:25 Okay.
15:30 formerly known as Twitter.
15:32 And then our viewers can be encouraged after they're on
15:37 looking at some of our content there.
15:38 They can then share it with someone else.
15:41 And if you go to my iPad here, just give you an example of how
15:45 you can actually share a post on Facebook.
15:48 So here I'm scrolling down.
15:50 Here's a post here.
15:51 It says, is smoking or using drugs a sin?
15:55 So there's a link right here you can click on.
15:57 Takes you right to our 3ABNanswers.com There you can
16:05 see the answer right there.
16:08 And there's other ways that you can, other posts that are on
16:11 there, but then you can share that.
16:13 I can go right here and then go to the feed and then just say,
16:19 what do you all think?
16:23 So you're watching a live screenshot here of Ricky's
16:26 iPad.
16:26 Literally, yeah.
16:28 And then, boom, I just posted it there to my feed.
16:31 Just like that.
16:32 That's easy.
16:34 Yeah, so that's one of the ways that you can share from
16:36 Facebook.
16:37 Ricky, that's evangelism.
16:39 That is evangelism.
16:41 Through social media.
16:43 So for those of you who could be a little shy of witnessing,
16:48 here's one way that you can witness.
16:49 You can witness on social media, using social media.
16:53 If we go back here to the iPad, if you're on YouTube, let's say
16:58 here's one of the videos here that we did with Pastor
17:01 Lomakane.
17:02 Well, I can now share that, go to my text message and let's
17:06 just type in test text.
17:09 A little site right there.
17:11 Share that text, texting that to someone.
17:14 So there's another way that I can be witnessing via social
17:18 media.
17:20 All right.
17:21 And so you can find content, live feeds on there, on our
17:26 social media platform.
17:28 Savva School panel, some of the content that you can see on
17:31 there.
17:35 are there.
17:36 Scripture.
17:37 There's also shorts.
17:38 We have some video shorts.
17:40 Matter of fact, we've got, we're starting to do more and
17:44 more shorts or YouTube shorts.
17:46 Explain what that is because some people might think that's
17:48 an article of clothing.
17:50 So what is that?
17:52 So what I'll do is I'll take one of our programs, find a
17:57 really interesting segment and I'll cut it down, find the most
18:04 interesting part.
18:06 Then I'll add some words to it, some animated words to it, to
18:09 the screen.
18:13 Facebook site.
18:15 And matter of fact, I have an example of that, one of our
18:17 shorts.
18:20 Okay.
18:21 Without something interrupting this vicious cycle.
18:24 The world cannot continue with violence, earthquakes, flood,
18:30 political uncertainty, demise.
18:33 The list goes on and on.
18:35 Falling economies, rising suspicion about the future of
18:39 our political economy in our world.
18:41 All these issues are swirling around our minds day by day and
18:45 they're just indicating that there's something on the
18:47 horizon.
18:48 The final production is on its way.
18:51 And when you think about how long this production has been
18:54 in development for more than 6 ,000 years, ever since the fall
18:58 in the Garden of Eden, ever since our first parents turned
19:01 their backs on God's favor, Adam and Eve, the production
19:05 has been underway.
19:11 So that's a...
19:11 Incredible.
19:12 That's a YouTube short.
19:14 Okay.
19:18 calls them Reels.
19:19 Okay.
19:22 So basically you said, then you're taking like, let's say,
19:25 a half hour, one hour sermon.
19:27 And that was what?
19:28 Was that 60 seconds or maybe more than...
19:29 51 seconds.
19:30 51 seconds.
19:31 Okay.
19:32 So why is that something we even are focusing on?
19:35 It's because it's a trend, right?
19:36 That we're seeing out there and we're using it for the Lord.
19:38 Peak interest.
19:39 Peak interest.
19:40 And when you're on YouTube, for example, here, if you can see
19:45 my screen, there's a way that if the viewer is interested
19:49 when they're watching the short, they can click on a link
19:52 right below the...
19:53 Scroll it up a little bit.
19:55 Maybe they can't see it here, but there's a link that's on
19:57 there that you can click on that will take you to the
19:59 original content.
20:00 The one hour sermon.
20:01 One hour.
20:03 So that's good to know to let people know about that.
20:05 Yes, it is.
20:06 Now, for sake of time, I want to transition to another thing
20:10 that we're doing the Facebook ads.
20:12 Can we talk about that?
20:13 Yeah.
20:14 Yeah.
20:14 Great.
20:15 All right.
20:19 Well, people have been sponsoring Facebook ads and
20:22 we've got five different ads and there's one that's on
20:26 talking about focusing on 3ABN Plus, plus app.
20:29 There's one that we have on a biblical focus ad.
20:31 There's another one that's on made for health.
20:34 So we're having these different ads that we want people to be
20:36 able to sponsor on Facebook to be able to have...
20:41 Get 3ABN known out to the world.
20:44 Yeah.
20:44 That's great.
20:49 metropolitan areas.
20:50 Or across the US and different countries.
20:53 As a matter of fact, we've got some...
20:54 A sample, two samples of our Facebook ads.
20:57 We can take a look at those right now.
20:58 Are you concerned about what's happening in our world today?
21:02 Discover the truth in Daniel and Revelation.
21:05 Learn about salvation through Jesus Christ and explore a wide
21:09 range of biblically sound teachings.
21:12 3ABN is dedicated to creating spiritually enriching content
21:16 designed to foster spiritual growth and its dedicated
21:20 viewers.
21:21 3ABN programs are also a great resource for those looking to
21:24 take their faith journey even further.
21:27 Or just discovering 3ABN for the first time.
21:30 Here are a few samples.
21:32 The wages of sin is what?
21:33 Death.
21:39 death but the second death.
21:41 Yes.
21:44 is eternal life.
21:46 And as we trace eternal covenant of redemption from
21:51 Genesis to Revelation you will gain a more intimate
21:55 understanding of God's amazing self-sacrificing love.
22:00 This is such a beautiful picture of our Savior and of
22:03 the gospel of Jesus Christ because the gospel comes to us
22:06 not to condemn us but to save us.
22:09 Jesus Christ came not to condemn the world but that the
22:11 world through him might be saved.
22:14 3ABN is the perfect destination for Bible truths that you can
22:18 trust.
22:19 Download the 3ABN Plus app on your smart device and watch us
22:23 today.
22:24 So that's just one of the ads that we have that has a
22:27 biblical focus on it.
22:28 So it talks about preaching and teaching some of the different
22:31 content that we have there on 3ABN.
22:34 Well done, Ricky.
22:35 I just want to say, yeah.
22:36 Yeah, fantastic.
22:37 Ricky is an amazing editor, amazing graphics.
22:42 Thank you so much because not only you're providing
22:44 leadership for this department but you can actually make it
22:47 happen and edit them and put them together.
22:49 It's incredible.
22:51 So as Ricky mentioned, there's five different ads for Facebook
22:54 that we've created.
22:55 One's on music, one's on kids, one's on health, one's on the
23:00 biblical one.
23:00 That's the one we just watched.
23:02 And what's the fifth one?
23:04 I'm missing it.
23:05 Addiction?
23:06 The app.
23:07 The app, the app.
23:08 So the important thing is that you can, I know the call
23:11 center's open right now, you can say, yes, I want to partner
23:14 with 3ABN in evangelism and maybe you want to sponsor some
23:20 of these Facebook ads throughout not just North
23:23 America but throughout the world.
23:24 We've done some of them in Europe, in London.
23:28 We've done some of them here in the United States.
23:30 So you can give us a call right now at 618-627-4651.
23:36 That number again is 618-627 -4651.
23:39 And all you have to say is I want to sponsor.
23:42 I want to become involved in sponsoring some of these
23:45 Facebook ads.
23:46 What it does is people who are just scrolling on their social
23:50 media accounts and people do that all the time now.
23:53 They're just scrolling.
23:54 They're going to come across 3ABN's ad and they'll think,
23:57 oh, I didn't know anything about this.
23:59 Let me look more into 3ABN.
24:01 So it's a way that you can evangelize.
24:04 It's the same way as you would give Bible studies or you'd
24:06 knock on somebody's door and try to witness this is
24:09 evangelism.
24:13 together and then we can just spread that out to sponsor
24:16 these Facebook ads.
24:18 And you can also go to our website, 3ABN.org.
24:21 When you get there on the site, just scroll down and you'll see
24:24 a button there that says 3ABN quick donation button.
24:27 So click on that button.
24:29 That will take you to another page.
24:31 And then on that page, look for a button that says donate 381
24:36 social media.
24:37 Click on that button.
24:38 That will take you to the donating screen and then you
24:41 can enter your amount.
24:43 Yeah, very simple to do.
24:45 Amen.
24:47 We do, we do.
24:52 Ready to embark on a transformative journey toward a
24:55 healthier, more vibrant life?
24:57 Look no further.
24:59 Introducing Made for Health, a groundbreaking health program
25:02 designed to address key health concerns such as mental
25:06 exhaustion, inflammation, fatigue, gut health, and more.
25:10 Join us on 3ABN as we delve into engaging interviews
25:14 featuring a diverse spectrum of health practitioners, including
25:18 cardiologists, neurologists, pain specialists,
25:22 psychiatrists, and more.
25:23 Gain valuable insights and actionable steps to reclaim
25:27 your health and vitality in every episode.
25:30 Here are a few samples.
25:32 You hear people say that they've run out of energy.
25:34 Why is that?
25:35 Do we use it all up and then there's no more left?
25:38 I'm talking about the energy we need to survive and function,
25:42 feel alive and vibrant, and it turns out that energy has a
25:45 source.
25:48 abundant amounts of ATP but used in the right way.
25:54 And the brain is the organ in our body that actually utilizes
25:59 the most energy.
26:01 And all the vasculature, in fact, it's the most vascular
26:04 organ in the body requires energy and requires energy
26:07 constantly and it requires clean energy.
26:11 Don't miss out on this opportunity to take charge of
26:13 your health and unlock the fullness of life that God wants
26:17 you to have.
26:18 Watch Made For Health on 3ABNplus.tv or download the
26:23 3ABNplus app on your smart device.
26:29 Wow.
26:29 Amen.
26:30 Again, good job, Ricky.
26:33 is that so the one on health, let's say, so let's say someone
26:37 is interested in health by some of their searches that they're
26:39 doing on social media, they may not even be a Christian, right?
26:42 But then however all these algorithms work on the back end
26:45 of all these social media platforms, it could then kind
26:49 of send them this ad just to see what they think of it.
26:51 Is that how that works?
26:52 And then they can click on the link and it will take them to
26:55 your 3ABNplus site, which will take them to, for that Made For
26:59 Health, it'll take them to that series.
27:01 If it's a Kids Network ad, it'll take them to a whole
27:04 playlist of Kids Network programs.
27:07 If it's someone on this biblical focus, it'll take them
27:10 to a whole section on sermons and teaching.
27:13 So depending on what the ad is, we'll take them to a different
27:17 part of 3ABNplus.
27:19 No, that's powerful.
27:20 Wow.
27:20 Yeah, thank you.
27:21 Top notch job there.
27:23 Thank you.
27:26 wife on this.
27:29 That's a great bonus right there.
27:31 Amen.
27:32 Thank you again.
27:35 through social media.
27:36 So again, if they have any questions, Jill, the best way
27:38 is just to call 3ABN.
27:39 That's right.
27:39 Absolutely.
27:40 Give us a call.
27:41 618-627-4651.
27:44 We'd love to answer your questions pertaining to that or
27:47 take your donations so that this gospel can continue going
27:50 forward to the world.
27:52 Or you can always write us or go online at 3ABN.TV.
27:55 So there's many ways we want to connect with you.
27:59 All right.
28:00 What should we go to next?
28:01 A lot here we were talking about.
28:03 There is indeed.
28:04 Jeff, let's switch gears a minute and talk about plan
28:07 giving and trust services.
28:09 Well, we have been very busy as well this past year.
28:12 And we've had a good addition to our team.
28:15 Tracy Reddeneier, she has completed the trust officer
28:19 training.
28:19 Good for her.
28:23 officer and a part of our team.
28:25 And she has been working on the account review.
28:28 So if you receive an account review in the mail and you
28:31 haven't completed it yet, please take the five minutes
28:34 and complete that form and send it back because it is very
28:37 important so that we can keep current and accurate
28:40 information, contact information from our viewers in
28:43 our files.
28:44 So if you haven't and if you haven't and don't turn it in,
28:48 you'll be getting a phone call from Tracy.
28:49 And she has a very powerful and lively voice and wonderful to
28:55 talk to on the phone.
28:56 So if you don't fill it out, you'll be getting a call from
28:58 Tracy.
28:59 A couple other things that I'd like to just talk about for a
29:03 few minutes.
29:04 My wife and I have been traveling around the United
29:06 States this past year visiting clients.
29:09 We have been also settling up some trust where some of our
29:12 clients have went to sleep in Jesus and settling those.
29:15 We just got back from California about a month ago
29:19 and visiting with a few real just precious souls that love
29:23 3ABN and want to take and be a part of the 3ABN ministry by
29:27 donating their property or their resources.
29:31 And then we took and participated in a conference at
29:34 Loma Linda while we were out there.
29:36 So we had a wonderful time out there.
29:38 Something that if you haven't done a document with 3ABN or
29:41 anybody else, I'd encourage everyone to consider putting
29:45 3ABN as a beneficiary on any of your documents that needs a
29:50 beneficiary.
29:51 Just a small percentage.
29:53 So if you have a life insurance policy, an IRA, anything that
29:56 has a beneficiary designation, you can do that.
30:00 You don't have to contact 3ABN.
30:02 It's in the privacy of your own family, your own self.
30:05 So you can do that.
30:07 Then whenever you go to sleep in Jesus, there is nothing.
30:10 It's a smooth transition.
30:13 And all of a sudden 3ABN receives a check to help
30:15 proclaim the gospel message.
30:17 And we receive these checks on a regular basis from precious
30:20 souls that have been so generous to include 3ABN.
30:25 Because the Lord wants us to be good stewards of our time,
30:27 talents, testimonies, of our funds now as we take and leave
30:32 this earth.
30:34 He's blessed us with all this and we should take and return
30:37 the blessing that are passing.
30:39 Only 32% of American adults have some form of estate plan.
30:45 That's it.
30:45 That's it.
30:46 32%.
30:47 And that is declining.
30:49 So with that, we would encourage you to take and talk
30:53 with your own legal counsel, if you'd like to take and talk
30:56 with 3ABN.
31:01 at 3ABN.
31:02 And we have two camp meetings a year and that we have workshops
31:05 at.
31:09 interactive workshop.
31:11 We'll take and answer your questions.
31:12 We'll tell you what 3ABN can offer and how we can assist you
31:16 through estate planning, plan giving.
31:19 So you have the option of coming and being here in person
31:22 in the summer and in the fall at the camp meetings or call us
31:26 anytime.
31:27 We're always here at 800-886 -4800.
31:30 Let's say that number one more time.
31:33 800-886-4800.
31:36 So you can give us a call.
31:37 That phone rings directly into our office and Nancy, Tracy or
31:41 I will take and be there and to answer those questions for you.
31:44 You know, Jeff, I was just going to comment on that
31:46 because that's just really good because people don't have to be
31:48 worried about calling up because we don't believe in any
31:50 type of high pressure.
31:51 You know, we consider you family.
31:54 You're a partner, which you are.
31:56 You're a partner, but it's not like you can.
31:58 You've got to do documents with 3ABN.
32:00 If you have any question pertaining to that, Jeff or the
32:02 staff be happy to talk to you like he was just mentioning it.
32:04 You've already got some documents that may be already
32:06 written to your like local attorney or whatever.
32:09 How do I actually make it, you know, as far as the beneficiary
32:11 aspect of things and they can talk to you about that.
32:13 So we're happy to talk to you here at 3ABN.
32:16 Please understand that you are part of the family.
32:19 We love you.
32:19 We know you love the ministry of 3ABN.
32:22 And so just call our departments like Jill was
32:24 talking and call the call center this evening or like
32:26 Jeff's department.
32:29 have pertained to plan, given especially for you.
32:31 Absolutely.
32:34 from Idaho.
32:39 then they took and removed their property and the trust
32:42 went dry.
32:45 into assisted living and he was out there to help them
32:48 transition.
32:53 we could do and help in the situation.
32:55 And I suggested they went to the Idaho Conference to get
32:58 their documents updated there.
33:01 And then he was concerned about how is mom and dad's rent at
33:05 the living facility going to be paid.
33:07 I said, well, they already have an account here at 3ABN.
33:10 When they sell their home, they can take that funds, put it in
33:13 their account here at 3ABN.
33:15 We will get in contact with the facility.
33:17 They'll send us the monthly bill.
33:20 We'll send the payment to the facility.
33:22 So the family does not have to worry about any of the
33:25 financial transaction back and forth for mom and dad's care.
33:29 So that's a blessing.
33:30 I mean, that's a service that 3ABN offers.
33:33 A tremendous service that we offer.
33:36 And then we have two reasons people do not have an estate
33:41 plan is procrastination.
33:43 And we're all procrastinators.
33:45 I mean, that's just human nature.
33:46 32 percent, right?
33:48 It's all that have documents.
33:49 Yes, only a third.
33:51 A third.
33:52 And the other is expense.
33:54 3ABN pays the expense if you take and set up a document
33:56 here.
33:57 And that's another tremendous blessing.
34:01 So what about, I think, isn't there annuity C.G.A.?
34:04 You were going to talk to a little about that.
34:06 If you are 65 years old or older, you can take and create
34:11 a charitable gift annuity with 3ABN.
34:14 And the rates are better than they've been in years.
34:18 So if you are interested in those, I'll just give you a
34:21 couple of examples.
34:22 If you're 65, it's a 5.7 percent interest rate for the
34:26 rest of your life.
34:28 So the interest rate is guaranteed.
34:29 Locked in.
34:30 Locked in.
34:30 That is as of the date of this program.
34:32 Correct.
34:33 Yes.
34:38 Wow.
34:39 Yes.
34:43 So if you're at home and you're 90 years old and you've got
34:47 some money that you'd like to put in a charitable gift
34:49 annuity, give us a call here at 3ABN.
34:53 And right now, you could get 10 .1 percent interest on your
34:57 investment for the rest of your life.
34:59 And the charitable gift annuity is irrevocable.
35:01 It is irrevocable.
35:02 We want to be clear about that.
35:03 Once you make that decision, it's not like you can change
35:05 that decision.
35:06 It's irrevocable.
35:07 That's absolutely correct.
35:08 That's not your emergency fund.
35:09 Right.
35:10 That is irrevocable.
35:11 That is a document that is written in stone.
35:14 Wow.
35:19 is less than one percent.
35:20 I know, right?
35:21 It sounds great.
35:22 It is.
35:23 Yes, it is amazing.
35:25 And the last thing that I'll just touch on is appreciated
35:29 property, whether that is real estate or stocks.
35:33 If you have something that's highly appreciated and you want
35:37 to take and not pay the taxes that you would if you was going
35:41 to sell it and have capital gains, you can create a crud.
35:45 It is then invested tax free.
35:49 It grows tax free.
35:51 And you get a payment off of that for basically a 20 years
35:55 is normally how they're set up and basically a 5% return.
35:59 So you can take and if you've got a piece of property that's
36:02 increased $200,000 in value, you don't have to pay capital
36:06 gains on that $200,000.
36:07 It all gets invested and you get to take and draw your
36:11 interest off of that for 20 year period and that principal
36:15 grows tax free.
36:18 And is that one irrevocable as well?
36:20 It is irrevocable as well.
36:22 But we've talked about a lot of things but really they need to
36:23 call that number, Jeff.
36:24 What's that number again?
36:25 Talk to you and your staff.
36:26 800-886-4800.
36:30 That's great.
36:30 Yeah, that's a good number to memorize.
36:32 So is this soul as you're getting interest, you're also
36:36 3B and also benefits in the preaching of the gospel in this
36:38 state.
36:39 Absolutely.
36:45 money and it is a tremendous amount and it is a tremendous
36:50 blessing.
36:51 So it's really a win-win for the person creating the crud as
36:55 well as 3ABN.
36:56 So if you want to partner with 3ABN, be an evangelist there at
37:00 home through your finances.
37:02 These are wonderful ways that they can do that.
37:07 Speaking of evangelism, Jasmine, let's talk about
37:10 there's many things but what about 3ABN ambassadors?
37:12 Let's start with that.
37:13 We're looking for ambassadors in every church.
37:16 So what's that about?
37:16 We are.
37:21 and preach the gospel to every creature.
37:22 And 3ABN has been doing a fantastic job for almost 40
37:25 years.
37:25 That's right.
37:29 urgent need to get the gospel and the three angels messages
37:32 out on a massive scale.
37:34 So we need the help of our church members and that's why
37:38 we are inviting them to partner the 3ABN Ambassador Program.
37:42 So what is an ambassador?
37:45 An ambassador is someone who is a Christian, Adventist, who
37:48 loves the Lord, who has a burden for souls and they want
37:51 to be the contact between 3ABN and the church.
37:55 What will an ambassador do?
37:57 They'll assist in getting 3ABN into local prisons.
38:00 Sometimes it's just a connection when you just give
38:02 us the decision-makers contact information, getting 3ABN into
38:06 retirement homes and hospitals, getting 3ABN on cable, their
38:11 local cable network and introducing 3ABN's life
38:15 -changing programs and resources of their church and
38:19 their local community.
38:20 And I'd like to talk about one of our ambassadors who is doing
38:23 that in Kingston, Jamaica.
38:24 We'll bring up a picture here.
38:27 Ricky and I had the pledge for visiting Kencott in December.
38:32 So we'll look at the first picture.
38:33 Wow, great.
38:35 Yeah, it's nice.
38:35 This is the church.
38:39 thousand members.
38:41 And the next picture is a picture with our ambassador,
38:44 Teresa.
38:46 I'll talk more about her in a minute.
38:48 The next picture is Elder Wallace, who was happy to
38:51 receive another resource, 3ABN Bible Studies.
38:55 First time they're seeing it there.
38:57 And then we have Sister Karen, who was delighted to win one of
39:03 those books, Words of Hope and Comfort.
39:05 We played a 3ABN Cahoot game and she won that prize.
39:09 I love that.
39:10 And then this is Senior Pastor, Pastor Shaw.
39:15 And Teresa is doing a fantastic job.
39:18 They're having an Evangelical Series this month and she's
39:21 going to be presenting 3ABN.
39:23 As you know, the first night of the meeting, opening night, a
39:26 lot of people will come and many may not come back.
39:29 But they're leaving, knowing about 3ABN and getting one of
39:33 the sharing cards so they can figure out how to watch.
39:37 Ways to watch.
39:39 There's a sharing card.
39:40 So people can call 3ABN and we will send out the sharing
39:42 cards.
39:43 Is that right?
39:43 Yes.
39:44 Free of charge.
39:45 Free of charge.
39:46 So you can call us at 618-627 -4651 and say, I want one of
39:51 these sharing cards.
39:55 watch 3ABN, their business card size and they're excellent to
39:58 be able to share with people.
39:59 So you mean they can call the call center tonight?
40:00 I mean they're open and they'll send them some.
40:02 Absolutely.
40:02 That's great.
40:03 That's a good deal.
40:06 That's wonderful.
40:07 Teresa is also marketing the Sabbath School Panel to the in
40:12 -person congregation and those who worship online.
40:15 Good for her.
40:19 them.
40:20 Everybody's on board.
40:21 They just love 3ABN.
40:24 And let's talk about what 3ABN ambassadors are doing locally.
40:29 A lot of them are blanking in their blanket in their area
40:32 with these door hangers and we can bring up a picture of those
40:37 who have never seen them.
40:38 They can be customized, yes.
40:39 So they could be customized with maybe local cable number
40:43 for how you can watch 3ABN in your local community or maybe
40:46 if it's on rabbit ears or however.
40:47 Exactly.
40:51 That's a good idea.
40:53 Are these free?
40:54 They are free.
40:56 Free shipping too.
41:00 So there's no excuse.
41:02 No excuse.
41:04 doors.
41:07 Zoom devotional reading this book and discussing it.
41:10 Shelley Quinn's new book.
41:12 And these are also available.
41:14 They are indeed.
41:15 Those are available for suggested donation.
41:17 Suggested donation.
41:18 Absolutely.
41:19 You can get a whole case of them.
41:22 We have already had the printing sponsored so you can
41:24 get a whole case.
41:29 book for a suggested donation so you can ask for those too.
41:32 Right.
41:35 camp meetings.
41:40 meeting in their local conference handing out free
41:42 resources.
41:43 And we have several of them.
41:45 And we're also looking for more.
41:47 Would you like me to mention the ones we have so far?
41:49 Oh, sure.
41:50 Just mention them.
41:51 We have the Arkansas Louisiana Conference.
41:52 We have the North Eastern Conference.
41:55 The Southern New England Conference.
41:56 Southern Atlantic Conference.
41:58 Southeast and Northeast Conference.
42:00 And then the usual ones.
42:02 Michigan.
42:03 Michigan Conference.
42:04 Kentucky, Tennessee.
42:05 Oklahoma Conference.
42:06 So any of those conferences people could, if you go, you're
42:11 going to see a 3ABN booth with a 3ABN ambassador and you have
42:15 products there.
42:15 Right.
42:17 And if you want to be a volunteer, you don't have to be
42:18 an ambassador but if you want to be a volunteer to host a
42:21 table at your camp meeting, please call me.
42:24 And my number is...
42:26 What's my number?
42:29 618.
42:30 618-627-4651, extension 3130.
42:35 Yeah, you're doing a great job.
42:37 We appreciate, you know, the excitement that you present as
42:40 people are calling in and all excited about evangelism and
42:42 how they can partner with 3ABN.
42:44 And speaking of excitement, I'm excited about a brand new
42:47 resource.
42:48 This is a new sharing card.
42:49 Do we have a picture of that?
42:51 We do.
42:52 And I like that it has a QR code.
42:54 You just scan it and it brings up the 13-part series.
42:58 These are wonderful.
42:59 For made for health.
43:02 And these are available and they're free.
43:05 So they need to call tonight, get the sharing cards, get the
43:07 made for health sharing cards and then ask about the door
43:10 hangers this evening.
43:11 There's a lot of reasons why you should call the call center
43:14 tonight.
43:16 What else do we have?
43:17 Just one last thing.
43:18 I want to remind our viewers about the Words of Comfort book
43:21 by Cinder Saner.
43:22 I want to remind him that 100% of the proceeds go towards the
43:26 Kids Network.
43:26 Oh, amen.
43:27 That's great.
43:28 And those are some inside pictures.
43:30 That's beautiful.
43:34 Cinder Saner herself with her cell phone.
43:37 So yeah, just beautiful quality and great scriptures there as
43:40 well.
43:44 Thank you for what you were doing.
43:45 My pleasure.
43:48 out.
43:48 Amen.
43:50 If you want to be an ambassador, how do they contact
43:53 you, Jasmine?
43:54 We got to get your card up here again.
43:58 618-627-4651, extension 3130 or email me jasmin.carter at 3abn
44:07 .org.
44:09 Great job.
44:10 Thank you so much for all you're doing for the ministry
44:12 of 3ABN.
44:14 Mr. Pastor and Mrs. Denzi.
44:18 So talk to us about, I don't know where you want to start.
44:21 We'll start with Cuba.
44:22 How about that?
44:24 Recently went to Cuba because the work must go on.
44:29 As many people know, 3ABN Latino is on what they call the
44:35 weekly television package.
44:38 You want to call it network.
44:40 And that allows us to put a portion of our programming that
44:45 goes nationwide.
44:47 Every city, every little town, every province, 3ABN Latino is
44:52 on.
44:58 And we're just going to show a video of him because it has to
45:01 be translated into English.
45:03 So this is Giovanni Gonzalez that you will see on the screen
45:07 for those of us that are watching.
45:09 And Giovanni, he is the director.
45:13 And it is a miracle that we found him.
45:17 We've told that story, but it's a miracle that we found him
45:20 because it seemed like there were hundreds of places to buy
45:26 the package.
45:27 And we found him on the second one.
45:29 It's an amazing miracle.
45:30 We don't have time to share it, but he is the director.
45:33 And he is so excited about 3ABN that he is promoting 3ABN.
45:39 It has impacted his family.
45:41 He has made changes in his diet.
45:44 And recently also he started visiting places where the
45:48 package is to see how things are going, to see how his
45:52 affiliates are handling things.
45:55 And they say, what kind of programming are they asking?
45:57 Well, I don't know.
46:01 And he was surprised that it happened in several places he
46:05 went to.
46:06 He was specifically asking for 3ABN.
46:09 They're not asking for the soap operas and the shows and the
46:12 movies.
46:13 They're asking for 3ABN.
46:14 So this is a marvelous, marvelous thing.
46:17 And he, I said to him in the interview, I said to him, tell
46:20 me, during COVID everything stopped because I mean
46:24 everything stopped.
46:25 Churches were closed.
46:27 Cuba was one of those places like the U.S.
46:29 You may remember some places you can't come here.
46:32 It's closed.
46:33 Cuba was one of those places that put actually put police
46:37 barricade.
46:38 You couldn't cross from one, like one province to another.
46:42 And I said, so what happened during that time?
46:45 Well, normally our people go on the road and they go around to
46:50 take the package every week.
46:52 And some of them do download it from some place, but most of
46:56 them can't because the internet is expensive and slow.
47:01 So he said during the COVID our package had to take flight.
47:05 So they were actually flying within Cuba, the programming to
47:10 places.
47:13 Seeds are being planted and we are expecting great, great
47:16 blessings.
47:17 Have to go quickly.
47:19 I was able to meet with the Council of Churches and we
47:22 presented the interest in bringing Bibles to Cuba.
47:25 Yes.
47:27 Don't worry.
47:28 But the Council of Churches has approved bringing Bibles in and
47:32 we're going to talk about that some more.
47:34 This is an exciting project.
47:35 It's an exciting project and we have some details to talk
47:39 about.
47:42 Also was able to talk to the, they call it a mission,
47:45 conference and mission in Pinar de Rio, the mission Pinarena.
47:52 You can go online and check that out.
47:54 Pastor Walter Santos and told them about some of the things
47:58 we want to do.
48:03 with our Trivian programming to do Bible studies.
48:07 So it's an amazing thing and he is a busy, busy guy.
48:11 He's one of those, what do you call it?
48:13 On fire for the Lord people.
48:15 But anyway, one of the interesting thing was that as I
48:18 was leaving, there was this guy that started talking to us and
48:23 he said, you're from 3ABN?
48:24 I said, yes.
48:27 3ABN made a great impact in my life.
48:30 How is that?
48:31 Because he said, I was a member of another denomination.
48:34 I was actually studying to be a pastor and somebody gave me a
48:38 booklet called The Forgotten Commandment by Danny Shelton.
48:42 And that was way, way back about 16 years ago.
48:46 And now he's a director of evangelism for that mission.
48:50 Praise the Lord how he works.
48:51 Praise the Lord.
48:53 I was able to meet with the union, Pastor Aldo Joel and the
48:57 new secretary of the union and good meetings.
49:01 We praise the Lord so much to share about Cuba.
49:05 Things are very difficult right now in Cuba and 3ABN is there
49:09 at such a time of need that it is a light for people and this
49:15 may be one of the reasons why people are looking.
49:17 They're looking for hope.
49:18 That's right.
49:21 doing a wonderful work also there.
49:24 So 3ABN is giving a push in evangelism.
49:27 Praise the Lord for that.
49:28 What about Costa Rica?
49:31 Mrs. Denzi, you both were down there for an incredible
49:34 evangelistic series.
49:35 Thank you for asking.
49:38 Well, evangelizing with power, which is in Spanish,
49:41 evangelizando con poder.
49:43 We had not been able to do this because when the pandemic came
49:48 around, it just put a halt to it.
49:51 But it was so humbling and encouraging to receive 20
49:56 volunteers that said, here I am, Lord, send me.
50:01 And they went to preach.
50:03 We had 70 simultaneous campaigns.
50:07 70?
50:08 70.
50:09 Zero.
50:11 The 20 representatives from 3ABN Latino but the conference
50:16 wanted to join in the purpose of the evangelizing.
50:21 And that's how it became 70 evangelistic crusades.
50:27 Now we do have a video.
50:29 We're going to talk over it so that you can see the difference
50:33 as we started the event.
50:35 We got together.
50:36 We had worship.
50:37 We divided into prayer sessions.
50:40 And she is a doctor that came from Guatemala her first time.
50:44 He is also from Mexico.
50:47 And we had 10 representatives from Guatemala, two from
50:53 Honduras, four from Mexico, two from Texas, one from Maryland.
50:58 And there were quite a few that could not come.
51:02 This lady here is Zayda.
51:04 She went with her daughter.
51:05 Her daughter was the singer for her evangelistic crusade.
51:09 She had seven baptisms.
51:11 And Carlos here, it's the first time that he attends or takes
51:15 part of the evangelistic crusade.
51:17 These are small churches and big churches.
51:19 As you can contemplate the youth preaching, these young
51:24 people are young professionals.
51:25 There's one young man that went and turned 21 as we were there
51:30 in Costa Rica.
51:32 He is a forestal engineer.
51:35 And he was in a very hot or dangerous area.
51:40 And he thought, oh, what am I doing here, Lord, please?
51:43 But eventually he had three baptisms in this area.
51:47 This was also an altar call.
51:49 And oh my, this church here is a small group.
51:53 And these precious souls, they have about 30 children coming
51:57 to this special group.
52:00 But every night they would do questions about the previous
52:04 topic.
52:07 And you are going to see their Bibles so marked and
52:11 highlighted.
52:12 And they were in tune and parents would answer wrong, but
52:15 the kids were right.
52:18 Pastor Torres, he did a bilingual series by himself.
52:22 He preached in Spanish and English.
52:25 And Sister Simona is her first time coming and joining us.
52:29 But every morning we would have worship.
52:31 We would sing together.
52:32 We would pray together.
52:35 And we had the director of evangelism from the conference.
52:39 And we just got together to pray for each other and pray
52:43 for the people coming.
52:44 And this is one of the 323 baptisms that took place.
52:48 And they say, praise the Lord that in his hands we can make a
52:54 difference no matter where the Lord calls us as long as we
52:59 hold the light in the torch.
53:01 So we praise the Lord for all the people that took the time.
53:06 We had people of all ages, young people, older people,
53:10 people coming back to the church as this lady did.
53:13 So she had not congregated, but she was invited to the series.
53:16 And it was curious that it was bilingual and she went to the
53:20 English speaking church there.
53:23 We appreciate the conference.
53:24 We're letting us use the whole channel studio.
53:26 Yes, the conference had us as a studio and they let us use it
53:29 to take part of the interviews because we are preparing a
53:33 documentary on this evangelistic experience.
53:36 And we interview as many of the speakers that we possibly
53:40 could.
53:41 We had the director of evangelism for the Villahermosa
53:45 Tabasco Mexico Conference join us.
53:49 And that's the team there that you saw.
53:51 And we call it evangelizing with power because we're
53:54 thinking of Acts chapter one.
53:56 Jesus says, and you will receive power when the Holy
53:58 Ghost has come upon you.
54:00 And so, by the way, these, Yidalia said they're volunteer
54:03 speakers because they pay their own way.
54:06 And they take vacation time and they join us for this
54:09 evangelistic crusade.
54:11 It's a evangelistic crusade and it's a powerful, powerful thing
54:14 to see lives being transformed.
54:17 We just praise the Lord for the people that join us.
54:19 And it's an amazing, amazing thing.
54:22 Lives have been transformed.
54:23 By the way, some of the people that could not join us, the
54:26 conference is opening up the end of July because some people
54:30 had issues getting visas to get there and somebody had a
54:34 sickness in the family, couldn't make it.
54:35 So in July, they have a second chance.
54:38 So I know you're going to be working on, which we don't want
54:40 to say the place yet, but you're working on another
54:42 evangelistic series for next year where people can
54:44 participate, right?
54:45 I think it's in the spring of next year, 2025, right?
54:48 So if they have any questions, they just need to be stay tuned
54:51 to 3ABN, but also they can reach out to 3ABN Latino,
54:54 correct?
54:56 That's right.
54:58 Amen, praise the Lord.
55:00 We're almost at the end of the program.
55:02 Maybe for one minute, can you just talk to us about Honduras
55:05 and what happened?
55:05 You just came back last week.
55:06 We'll let Hidalgo start.
55:09 God is doing marvelous work and I believe that 3ABM is a tool
55:14 for evangelism.
55:17 We met many, many, many, many viewers that follow, but we
55:21 heard of many, many, many, many testimonies of people who came
55:25 to the Lord because of 3ABM Latino as fruit.
55:28 So we want to thank the administration from the Inter
55:31 -American Division.
55:33 We were with Dr. Elly Henry and also Dr. Belvin Braham and also
55:41 Pastor Powell who led this Evangelistic Crusade.
55:46 They had preaching all week, but it was a high Sabbath.
55:49 I don't know exactly, over a thousand baptisms.
55:52 I'll tell you how many.
55:53 Yes, go right ahead.
55:55 I have the latest update.
55:57 Actually, you mentioned Pastor Elly Henry.
55:59 He's the Inter-American Division president.
56:01 He was there.
56:03 According to Dr. Braham, as of April 20, over 7,920 baptisms,
56:08 that's a partial report of 800 evangelistic campaigns across
56:12 the Inter-American Division.
56:14 Amazing, amazing things are happening.
56:16 Amazing.
56:17 Amen, amen.
56:18 God is alive and well.
56:19 God is doing things in and through this ministry and
56:22 because of you as well, Pastor Johnny, Mrs. Dinzey, Jeff,
56:27 Ricky, and Jasmine, thank you for being here.
56:29 Thank you for your heart-free evangelism.
56:31 Love you all.
56:35 home too.
56:36 That's right.
56:39 Thank you for joining hands with us as together we can take
56:43 this gospel to the world.
56:44 We'll see you next time.


Revised 2024-04-25