3ABN Today Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL240015A

00:03 I want to spend my life mending broken people.
00:15 I want to spend my life.
00:36 I want to spend my life.
00:42 Mending broken.
00:47 I want to spend my life.
01:07 Hello, family.
01:08 I'm Jill Morikone, and we just welcome you to another Thursday
01:11 Night Live.
01:12 Now, you might notice we're not sitting around the island, how
01:15 we sit there for our regular Thursday Night Live, and we
01:18 have an amazingly beautiful set, and some of my favorite
01:23 sisters in the world are here tonight to share with you all
01:28 about women's topics, because Mother's Day is getting ready
01:32 to come up this weekend.
01:34 We just wanted to focus on the needs, the issues, the
01:39 responsibility, and the biblical underpinning of women.
01:42 Now, we're not really talking about women from that
01:45 perspective, we're talking about boundaries.
01:49 Now, I just want to say up front, I'm not sure this topic
01:53 is for me, because boundaries are not so easy to do, so I
01:58 think, I was telling Greg about it, I said to him, I think
02:02 instead of perfection, we're going to have authenticity.
02:05 So tonight is going to be authentic, as we just talk
02:08 about harmonizing work and life, what that looks like in
02:12 relationships, in ministry, in family, with our health and in
02:18 so many other aspects of our lives.
02:19 So we have our family here tonight.
02:21 To my left, my sister and mom, and everything together,
02:25 Dr. Yvonne.
02:26 So glad you're here.
02:27 Oh, I'm so happy to be here.
02:28 I'm so looking forward to just talking with my sisters and
02:31 sharing.
02:32 It's really great.
02:33 Amen.
02:34 What's your specific topic you're talking about tonight?
02:36 Interpersonal relationships, conflict resolution, and
02:40 forgiveness.
02:41 Wow.
02:42 Heavy duty.
02:43 Heavy, but it's needed, because no person is an island, so we
02:48 all interrelate with other people, so this is going to be
02:51 powerful.
02:55 So glad you're here.
02:56 It is so good to be here.
02:57 I'm just excited to hear what each person brings to the
03:01 table.
03:06 men are going to find my topic, we'll be talking about avoiding
03:11 the common pitfalls.
03:13 Mine is ministry and personal relationship.
03:16 And so we'll talk about avoiding common pitfalls and
03:22 something else.
03:28 That's perfect.
03:29 You know what I like about that, is we're authentic and
03:31 we're real.
03:34 to go with that?
03:35 So thank you, Shelley.
03:36 I feel much better.
03:38 I'm the first one to throw it out.
03:42 Coming around our circle of women here, we have Angela
03:44 Vandervalk, and we're so delighted to have you here
03:47 tonight too.
03:48 I'm so happy to be here.
03:49 Thank you for having me.
03:50 Tell us what you're talking about.
03:51 I am talking about family, which is such an important
03:55 topic.
03:59 about.
04:01 I'm excited.
04:02 Amen.
04:06 Recy Rafferty, and we're so glad you're here tonight as
04:09 well.
04:09 Thank you.
04:10 Thank you.
04:12 That's what people hand over to me, but we'll probably be, you
04:15 know, addressing it from different perspectives.
04:18 There's so much.
04:21 have a couple, you know, sessions just for that one
04:24 topic, and I feel the same way in this arena, but yeah, I'm
04:28 looking forward to the discussion, too, just like you
04:30 said, Shelley.
04:32 health.
04:33 Would you like that?
04:33 Sure.
04:34 Yay!
04:36 I'm not complaining, though.
04:39 I probably will.
04:40 I mean, you know, with whatever we're discussing, I'm sure,
04:43 yeah.
04:44 Amen.
04:44 That's wonderful.
04:45 My topic tonight is on workplace, and so how to
04:50 integrate faith into the workplace and boundaries
04:54 between your own walk with God and your work life, so this is
04:58 kind of important for me.
04:59 This is a good one for me, so I'm so grateful.
05:02 Before we go any further, we just want to go to the Lord in
05:05 prayer.
05:08 we share here tonight.
05:10 We want what we share to be solidly biblical.
05:13 That's so important.
05:14 But also, that the Holy Spirit's anointing would be
05:17 over it, and whatever you need to hear tonight, you would
05:20 hear.
05:21 Maybe you're dealing with family relationships or health
05:24 challenges or dealing with ministry or struggling to
05:27 forgive someone.
05:30 So whatever situation you find yourself in tonight, this
05:34 program is for you, and we just want to invite God into the
05:38 midst of it, and Reese, would you pray for us here?
05:41 Sure.
05:46 discuss and share what you've put in our hearts or thoughts
05:49 from our perspective, we're just so grateful that you
05:52 designed for us to have boundaries, that you create us
05:56 unique and individual, and we pray that as we contemplate
06:00 this topic, that you would be honored, that your truth and
06:04 reality would be communicated, and that your Spirit, Father,
06:08 would touch each one who's listening tonight.
06:10 Amen.
06:10 We ask in Jesus' name.
06:12 Amen.
06:12 Amen.
06:13 Before we go any further, let's just talk about boundaries.
06:16 So if we're looking at how do we harmonize work and life and
06:19 that whole boundary concept, what is a boundary?
06:23 Basically, it defines a protected place, and when a
06:29 boundary is set, then there is an expectation of behavior.
06:35 So if you see, do not trespass, no trespassing, the expectation
06:40 is that you won't go on.
06:42 If you see no swimming, then the expectation is you're not
06:45 going to swim there.
06:47 Boundaries.
06:47 Okay.
06:48 I like that.
06:51 What do they look like?
06:52 Yeah, I think boundaries have a lot to do with our
06:54 individuality.
06:59 doing, I shouldn't say all he was doing, but one of the key
07:02 things he was doing was establishing boundaries.
07:04 He was dividing one thing from another and saying, your day,
07:07 your night, your land, your sea, your firmament, and there
07:11 is a boundary between you two, right?
07:13 And that is what causes each one of us to be unique.
07:17 I'm just not a bunch of mush on the ground because I have
07:19 boundaries, right?
07:21 And so it's what establishes our uniqueness, our
07:25 individuality.
07:26 What I like about that, I believe with all my heart that
07:29 God is a boundary-setting God.
07:30 And when we look at the Ten Commandments, his law of love,
07:34 this is boundaries around his government.
07:39 It's how he expects us to relate to him as our sovereign
07:44 creator, but it's also his expectations, boundaries, of
07:50 how we relate, respect, and treat other people with the
07:55 love, the actions that love demands.
07:58 I love that, because boundaries are not just, you mentioned,
08:01 like, no trespassing or no swimming.
08:03 Those are physical boundaries, but boundaries are emotional,
08:07 interpersonal as well.
08:08 I love that.
08:09 You were going to say?
08:12 we're talking about this today because it's a subject that I
08:16 think we as women tend to have an issue with.
08:19 I think we often tend to be people pleasers, and we want to
08:24 make others happy, which is great, to make others happy,
08:27 but not at the expense of setting parameters, setting
08:31 certain limits that can keep us emotionally, physically, and
08:36 spiritually healthy.
08:37 I was talking to someone the other day, and she just needed
08:42 to vent.
08:46 with her, and she'd been living by herself, and now this child
08:52 is just like, when she comes home there are dishes in the
08:56 sink, clothes all over the place, everything is a mess.
08:59 And I said to her, have you said something to your child?
09:04 Have you talked to the child about it?
09:07 The child is an adult, but I'm not saying whether it's male or
09:09 female.
09:10 So she said, no, but I know I should.
09:15 And so I went into my boundaries conversation, and I
09:19 was saying, if you don't set that boundary, then she's...
09:25 I just said what it was.
09:28 I just shared the gender.
09:30 Okay, so if you don't tell her what to do, she's going to
09:39 think she has a maid.
09:41 You're her maid, and you're going to be angry, and it's
09:46 just going to build.
09:47 And that's what happens when you don't set boundaries.
09:51 I think I'm going beyond your question, but I just think
09:55 that, yes, you do it because you love them, and also because
09:59 you want to be healthy, because it's very unhealthy.
10:04 The Bible says for us to be angry and sin not.
10:08 So there's a way to express our concern about something that's
10:13 happening without sinning, but it needs to be expressed.
10:17 And I think just from an emotional health place, it's
10:21 really important to express that.
10:24 Absolutely.
10:30 we don't verbalize them, then it's almost childish.
10:34 Let's say you do something that offends me or you cross a
10:36 boundary that I have, but I haven't communicated to you or
10:39 you don't know that you've...
10:40 And I sulk or I pout or I'm upset.
10:44 Like a child would be, you know, and a child can't
10:47 verbalize that you've crossed a boundary or you've hurt me or
10:50 you've taken something from me that I didn't want you to take
10:52 and that kind of thing, and they don't know how to
10:55 communicate, hey, this is how you doing that affects me, and
10:59 therefore, you know, I'm going to communicate that to you.
11:03 And so important.
11:05 I just think it's a sign of a mature relationship.
11:07 It's essential to maintaining healthy emotional relationships
11:11 with someone because it happened to me a couple of
11:14 months ago.
11:15 My husband said something, and I'm sitting there thinking, and
11:21 you know what?
11:27 that to him?
11:29 He's not a mind reader.
11:31 Exactly.
11:36 fault.
11:37 It's our responsibility.
11:38 Yeah, it's our responsibility.
11:40 Boundaries are more for us as well as the other person.
11:47 I think when we think of boundaries, it's always like
11:49 I'm imposing a boundary on you or someone else, but I can't
11:54 control your actions.
11:55 I can't control anyone else's actions.
11:57 So really, the boundary is my own.
12:00 It's self-respect.
12:03 I don't know what other synonyms we could use for self
12:05 -respect, but it's really honoring my own individuality.
12:09 And there's nothing wrong with that.
12:11 In fact, I think it's unhealthy not to do so because again,
12:17 when situations pile up, when things pile up on you and you
12:22 don't communicate that with someone and you don't say,
12:26 well, and we'll get into this when we talk about conflict
12:30 resolution and all that, but if you don't say, you offended me
12:35 or you hurt my feelings, the person doesn't know.
12:39 JD didn't know.
12:40 That's right.
12:41 Right?
12:47 and do it in a way that is ordained by God, but it's okay.
12:52 I think a lot of times we have trouble thinking that it's okay
12:57 to stand up for ourselves.
12:58 I think that's, to me, one of the biggest things because I
13:01 know in my own experience, I always felt like those stronger
13:05 emotions were somehow ungodly for a woman.
13:07 I don't know how to express it except by saying that.
13:10 So to me, women were supposed to always be loving.
13:13 Women were supposed to always be happy.
13:16 Women were never supposed to have their feelings hurt.
13:19 We're supposed to always be the perfect help me.
13:22 I remember Greg and my first year of marriage, something
13:26 would bother me and I would feel like, oh, that's ungodly.
13:30 You know, I shouldn't feel that way.
13:31 I shouldn't be bothered by something Greg said or I'm
13:34 being a bad wife or a bad Christian or a bad woman.
13:38 And so I would stuff like put on the happy face, act like
13:41 everything's fine.
13:43 And then something else would bother me and I would stuff and
13:46 something else would bother me.
13:47 And then a few months down the road, I'd have a little crying
13:50 session and he'd say, what in the world is wrong?
13:52 I had no idea.
13:54 Why don't you tell me?
13:55 And I'd say, oh, but it seemed wrong to say I was bothered,
13:59 but it's not wrong.
14:01 To establish boundaries.
14:03 It's not wrong to express emotion.
14:06 And even some of those stronger emotions are not a bad thing to
14:10 express.
14:14 I came up with four categories of boundaries.
14:17 Y'all add if you can think of this.
14:19 There's material boundaries.
14:21 We lock our doors.
14:22 We've got fences around our property often.
14:26 There are physical boundaries where you are defining your
14:29 personal space and what's appropriate.
14:32 Like there's somebody that used to hug me extremely tight and I
14:37 just had to say, no, you know, you can do a sideways hug, but
14:41 you're not my husband.
14:42 You don't get to hug me like that.
14:45 But, you know, you have to define and you teach your
14:48 children that there are emotional boundaries that we're
14:51 saying that we should communicate.
14:53 And there's financial boundaries.
14:55 I mean, we budget, but I think God would have us be wise in
15:01 all ways.
15:05 My two cents.
15:06 I love that.
15:06 That's great.
15:09 moment, but let's go to a song right now.
15:11 We have tonight is ladies night.
15:13 Of course, ladies on the set.
15:15 We have ladies in the control room running the cameras here
15:18 too.
15:22 be bringing the music.
15:23 This is Lady Love Smith.
15:24 The song she'll be ministering is God gave the song.
15:40 You asked me why my heart keeps singing.
15:50 How can I see when things go wrong for since I found the
16:05 source of music.
16:08 I just can't help it.
16:13 Because God gave the song.
16:19 Come walk with me through fields and forests.
16:27 We'll climb those hills and still hear that song.
16:36 For news resound with music.
16:45 For they just can't help it.
16:50 Because God gave the song.
16:56 And I sing because I'm happy.
17:03 And I sing because I found the source of music.
17:18 And I just can't help it.
17:22 Because God gave the song.
17:26 For since I found the source of music.
17:36 I just can't help it.
17:41 Because God gave the song.
17:48 God gave the song.
18:04 Welcome back.
18:06 We're talking about boundaries, harmonizing work and life.
18:10 Tonight, if you're just joining us, we have the sisters here
18:13 tonight leading up for our special Mother's Day weekend
18:17 here.
18:22 Recy Rafferty.
18:25 time right now as we sit down and just talk about what that
18:28 looks like in life and faith and marriage with children,
18:31 with co-workers and how we're supposed to do that and
18:34 establish that.
18:35 And if you're a woman, this program's for you.
18:37 If you're a man, this program could help you understand
18:40 either the woman in your life or how to establish men need
18:44 boundaries too.
18:48 well.
18:52 So Angela, let's come to you right now and talk to us.
18:54 You're talking about family.
18:56 So talk to us about that.
18:57 Okay, Jill.
18:58 So mine's on family and it's boundaries and unity in the
19:03 home, which I feel is so important.
19:06 So I want to talk about boundaries.
19:08 But first, when I cover boundaries in a home, I want to
19:13 go over different boundaries because there's homes that are
19:19 with unequally yoked spouses.
19:21 They're single mothers.
19:23 So it's like, where do I put these boundaries in place?
19:27 So every home is different.
19:29 And the first thing I suggest and think you should do is pray
19:33 for God to come together and ask God to lead and guide you
19:36 on these proper biblical boundaries that he wants for
19:40 your house and what is going on in your house.
19:44 So I also want to talk about boundaries with being with an
19:51 unequally yoked husband and then being with a godly
19:55 husband.
20:00 Christian.
20:01 And for about 11 of those, I had to go through him being
20:07 unequally yoked.
20:08 And when I first came back to the church, I told him I put a
20:14 boundary down.
20:15 I said, God comes first in my life.
20:16 And I said, for me and my children, we will go to church
20:20 and we're going to serve God.
20:21 Was it hard to set that boundary?
20:24 You know, I was worried about it because I didn't know what
20:28 he would say.
20:29 But God just gave me this piece that I needed to set it.
20:34 And I remember I was sitting outside my aunt's house and we
20:37 were dating.
20:38 And I'm like, I'm coming back to the Lord and God comes first
20:42 in my life.
20:42 And he would always come first.
20:44 And you would always be second.
20:45 So right there, he's just like, you know, he was in shock, but
20:50 he respected me.
20:51 And so I took my kids to church, and I set a boundary on
20:56 Sabbath that I'm not going to come home and watch TV anymore.
21:02 And so when I came home, he would be watching sports and
21:06 stuff.
21:10 I just, you know, continued to just shelter my children.
21:15 So my daughter was in Pathfinders.
21:17 And my son, I would just take him outside or whatever the
21:19 case might be.
21:20 So I set that boundary.
21:21 I set boundaries on what we ate, so food.
21:25 He grew up Catholic, so he ate pork a lot.
21:29 So I set the boundaries of my children or not for I'm going
21:32 to eat pork, which I never did because I was raised in Venice,
21:35 but left of faith.
21:37 So at that time, I want to say I was more of the, I respected
21:44 my husband, but I was the spiritual leader.
21:46 Is that safe to say in my house?
21:48 That makes sense.
21:49 Yeah.
21:51 Where was he?
21:53 I know he was raised Catholic, but was he a believer at all at
21:58 this point?
21:58 Oh, no.
22:00 No, no, not at all.
22:02 He was drinking and smoking, and he wasn't a believer.
22:06 And then every time he would try to come to church with me
22:10 and stuff.
22:11 But every time if I had Pastor Doug Batchelor, he's like, he's
22:16 always talking about Catholics.
22:18 But so he was just, but he criticized everything.
22:22 And now he loves Pastor Doug Batchelor now, but it's just
22:26 amazing how God can change a person.
22:28 Yeah.
22:35 that's unequally yoked, pray for them.
22:38 I prayed for my husband for 11 years.
22:39 So that's my advice to pray for them.
22:42 Set those boundaries.
22:43 Don't ever leave the church.
22:44 My thing is, if I would have went towards, you know, he's
22:49 always like, stay home with me, you know, because he worked so
22:51 much.
22:53 But I always went to church.
22:55 And if I would have stopped going to church or would have
22:58 gave in to him wanting me to spend more time, you know, not
23:03 doing the godly things God wanted me to do, and I would
23:07 have stopped going to church, where would he be now?
23:10 I always think of people that, you know, they're like, I don't
23:14 want to upset my husband or, you know, set those boundaries.
23:19 Let them know that this is what, you know, God comes
23:22 first.
23:27 know, God just works everything out.
23:29 He really does.
23:30 And I know you may go through trials and stuff, but just keep
23:34 praying for your spouse, whoever it is.
23:36 So basically, your boundaries were protecting your time with
23:39 the Lord.
23:40 Yes.
23:40 Children's time.
23:41 Yes.
23:43 Protecting the children's health.
23:45 What boundaries did you find in the family that you had to set
23:49 on yourself?
23:51 On myself.
23:52 Oh, that is a good one.
23:53 Let me see.
23:56 On myself.
23:57 Shopping.
23:58 Oh, shopping.
23:59 Yes.
24:04 Yes.
24:05 So as, you know, I'm going through this marital problem
24:09 and I'm leaving it in God's hands, but what I would do to
24:13 make myself feel better, and this was my down, you know.
24:17 Shopping became my therapy, and I used to take my daughter,
24:22 Pammy, and my son Liam, and we used to go to Target or go to
24:27 the military exchange and just buy clothes and get their
24:31 little treats, whatever they want.
24:33 And every time I went through something, that was my escape,
24:36 which isn't right.
24:39 I know that now, but at the time, that was my therapy.
24:44 And you put a boundary on that.
24:46 I did, for six months.
24:48 I did, because as my husband, you know, I pit a boundary.
24:52 Actually, I pit a boundary.
24:55 It went on for a while, but then I pit a boundary when my
25:00 husband became Christian, and then I didn't need it anymore.
25:04 He was my, like, I felt more, I just didn't need it anymore.
25:09 And then I was like, why am I buying these clothes?
25:11 Like, for what?
25:13 And then I was like, I need to do some.
25:15 So I prayed, and I said, for six months, I'm just, I'm not
25:18 going to do it.
25:18 And it helped so much.
25:20 So now, I just keep whatever I have and just continue to just
25:25 use.
25:28 so I just, I give it to people.
25:29 It's a blessing to others, so it's good.
25:32 Yeah, you know, interesting, when you said that you decided,
25:35 you told your husband that God was going to come first in your
25:38 life.
25:39 And I was thinking, what does that actually mean?
25:41 What are we saying when we say that?
25:44 And I think you were, I mean, I want to hear what you have to
25:46 say, but I was thinking, gosh, you're probably talking about
25:47 time, or who am I going to be obedient to, or yield, you
25:51 know, my first?
25:52 Yeah, obedient, yes.
25:53 To, and then, but I'm even thinking God comes first, and
25:58 eventually you learn that, like, no, that means he is
26:00 going to be the one who provides for all of my needs.
26:03 And I'm going to trust him to do that, even for my emotional
26:06 needs.
26:12 And so, after I prayed for him for 11 years, he became
26:15 Christian, so we started Christian boundaries now.
26:20 And what we do is, now we pray together as a family, and now
26:25 we know, we try to, every day he comes and he hugs me, he
26:30 tells my son, you know I love your mother.
26:32 And then, so we make sure our children, he does, and then
26:36 what I do to show, like I'm serving my husband, and I just
26:42 go, and my son, he's really hungry, and I'm getting the
26:45 food ready, and he's like, is that plate for me?
26:48 And I'm like, no, you know this is for your father.
26:50 He's the head of the household, and he, you know, I'm his wife,
26:54 and I serve him first.
26:55 And I said, one day you're going to grow up, and your
26:57 wife's gonna, you know, you're gonna be able to get your food
27:00 first.
27:01 And so, we just show each other's respect, and now we set
27:06 boundaries as in worship.
27:09 So, we have worship, we have a set time for worship, and a set
27:12 time for worship, and also for just different things, like
27:20 sometimes in the morning, you know you're so busy, and you're
27:23 rushing out the door and stuff.
27:24 So, we just try to pray real quick as a family.
27:27 And then, the way we speak to each other also is a boundary.
27:32 You know, you want your children to grow up and have
27:34 this respect for you, but you have to give it as well.
27:38 And I think that's very important.
27:39 The way you speak to your children is so important,
27:43 because your home is a little piece of heaven on earth.
27:47 And so, I think of that more now than I did before.
27:51 The closer my husband is, and now he's head of the household,
27:56 and you know, it's Christ, my husband, the wife, and then the
28:02 children.
28:06 husband.
28:07 And that's not the order.
28:09 God has an order for everything, and we need to live
28:14 that order.
28:15 So now, you know, before, because of my marriage
28:18 problems, it was always, you know, sometimes I would pit my
28:22 children before my husband.
28:23 So, I'm so happy that we're all unity together.
28:27 And that's why God says, Don't be unequally yoked with
28:29 unbelievers.
28:32 Praise God, my husband is Christian now.
28:36 But you know, I didn't have to go through that hard time.
28:41 You know, but I did, and I prayed.
28:43 You know, but another thing I want to focus on is just set
28:49 in, like when you solve problems, solve them nicely,
28:52 spend time together, grow spiritually together, and get
28:56 help if needed.
28:57 Sometimes, you know, you set boundaries, and your husband
29:00 doesn't want to hear it, or if nothing's being solved, even
29:03 though you do set those boundaries.
29:05 I think if nothing is being solved or nothing, you know,
29:10 the respect for each other isn't there, or whatever the
29:13 case may be, get help, go to your pastor.
29:18 I think it's very important to keep your marriage problems
29:22 between you and your husband, or your pastor if you need to
29:27 get help.
29:28 But I don't think, you know, don't go spread your marriage
29:32 problems with everyone, you know, unless you're trying to
29:36 help someone.
29:37 If you're sitting there and somebody's going through
29:38 something and you can relate, then that's your testimony that
29:42 God gave you, and you can speak to them.
29:44 As long as your spouse doesn't mind.
29:47 Exactly, yes, yes, yes.
29:48 We don't mind.
29:50 We're open about our past because God did bring us here
29:53 to help others, and we have, and we just praise God for God
29:56 using us in spite of us, and we're just very thankful for
30:00 that.
30:02 we're going to set a watch or a guard over our mouth, and that
30:05 applies to what we say.
30:06 But also, I really appreciated how you said, you know, when we
30:09 talk to each other, that we can guard and create a boundary,
30:12 like, you don't have to yell at me to communicate that you feel
30:14 frustrated or angry even.
30:16 And that's a boundary that actually is important for me,
30:19 you know, that I want you to communicate those things to me,
30:22 but when you're calm, and when you can be self-controlled
30:24 because of how it affects me.
30:26 And so I'm not going to, I'm going to create a boundary.
30:29 I can't control, you know, how you speak, but I'm going to
30:31 withdraw.
30:35 thing.
30:39 were going to get an argument, I was the one that had to keep
30:43 my voice quiet.
30:44 And then when you stay with a quiet voice, then their voice
30:48 starts coming down.
30:49 A soft answer turns a weight around.
30:51 Yes.
30:55 not saying it never happened because I'm only human.
30:58 But you know, I always tried to, you know, if I see we're
31:02 going somewhere.
31:03 Yes.
31:05 Yes.
31:06 Yes.
31:06 So.
31:07 How was it?
31:10 spiritual leader in the home during those years when your
31:13 husband was not walking with God.
31:15 How was that transition to now him being the spiritual leader
31:19 of the home?
31:23 A little.
31:27 that right?
31:29 Because when he first came into the church, he's like, I don't
31:32 believe in Ellen White.
31:33 I was like, okay, you'll get there.
31:34 And so I prayed and I just, and God's timing.
31:39 But you know, certain things, you know, I kind of had to
31:43 slowly let go.
31:44 But once you let go and your husband is the leader, it's
31:48 just beautiful.
31:49 And your children just, they just want to have worship more.
31:54 Before it felt like, come on, we need to have worship.
31:56 Come on.
32:00 husband says, we're having worship, the kids know, okay,
32:04 you know, we're coming together.
32:06 So it was, it's a blessing.
32:08 It's such a blessing.
32:10 But I do think you bring up such a good point because I was
32:13 ministering with to a group and, and the people who were
32:17 hosting the husband and wife, she was the spiritual leader in
32:21 the home.
32:22 Well, we got to praying.
32:25 She and I were praying for her husband to become the spiritual
32:28 leader.
32:34 she says, Shelly, I'm not going to use his real name, but she
32:39 said, I have to tell you, God has answered our prayers.
32:43 David is now the spiritual leader of our home.
32:49 And I don't like it.
32:55 So it was, it was a difficult thing for her to relinquish and
33:00 learn to, you know, and it doesn't mean, and I tried to
33:04 explain that doesn't mean he always does everything in the
33:07 home.
33:11 holds him account.
33:12 You need to help me too, because sometimes I'll be like,
33:15 hey, let's have worship.
33:16 He's like, oh, thank you.
33:17 Yes.
33:17 Yes.
33:18 Let's do it.
33:22 up.
33:24 I think one thing that, that you said that I think is
33:27 really, really important and that is the divine order of
33:32 things, because we tend to, especially in this day and age
33:36 where feminism is really kind of at its peak and people are,
33:41 you know, trying to be the heads of their homes when
33:46 actually God created a divine order.
33:50 And being submissive to our husbands does not mean that
33:53 we're doormats.
33:54 It means that we recognize and acknowledge God's divine order.
34:01 And there are roles.
34:03 And I think that when we get the roles confused or we don't
34:08 acknowledge that, there are roles that have to be played
34:12 within the home, that it's, that's why there's so much
34:16 confusion, I think, with kids now, because they don't know
34:20 what's going on in the home, because mom and dad are just
34:26 not doing things the way God ordained for it to be.
34:31 And I think that it's just so important to understand and
34:34 acknowledge roles.
34:36 It doesn't mean, again, being submissive.
34:39 And I kind of battle with that.
34:43 I think I'm submissive, but whenever I say that to Danny,
34:46 he kind of laughs.
34:48 They're like, Why are you laughing?
34:50 I'm not submissive.
34:51 I think I'm submissive.
34:52 I'm more submissive to him than I have been ever before.
34:57 So I feel like I'm submissive, and I have more of a place to
35:02 go, I suppose.
35:07 things, it just flows better.
35:09 It does.
35:13 to submission.
35:14 Yes.
35:15 Right?
35:16 And I think that's healthy.
35:17 And the whole knowing our role is definition of who I am in
35:22 this relationship.
35:24 And that is so important to have.
35:26 And I think marriages flourish best when, kind of you were
35:30 saying, we have our unique roles that we're fulfilling,
35:32 and they're compatible, and they're mutually beneficial,
35:35 you know, and feeding the relationship.
35:38 Yeah, super important.
35:40 It is.
35:43 them.
35:44 Exactly.
35:45 It makes all the difference.
35:46 Yes, yes, yes.
35:47 Because they've got your best interest and heart.
35:50 But you also have a backbone.
35:52 And they know it, right?
35:53 And they respect that.
35:54 That's why they married us.
35:56 That's right.
35:59 to me.
36:01 He'll joke differently.
36:03 But it's because they know that we're going to submit, but
36:06 we're also ourselves.
36:08 And we're not going to lose our individuality in our marriage.
36:10 And that is so important that when we become one, you know,
36:14 there's this beautiful experience.
36:16 But at the same time, we're still, yeah, spending life.
36:19 That's really good.
36:20 I love that.
36:24 women.
36:25 I think I could say that.
36:26 Each one of us here, sitting here, are women.
36:29 God has given you each incredible gifts.
36:31 And it's interesting to me as a strong woman, recognizing that
36:36 role of submission, but there's mutual submission as well.
36:40 And I'm not saying that God places the woman above the man
36:45 in the marriage relationship.
36:46 I don't mean that.
36:47 But 1 Peter talks about that, you know.
36:50 It's just interesting to me.
36:52 Some people will come up and will tell Greg, I respect you
36:55 highly because you will allow, let, give your wife freedom to
37:01 share, to speak, to do different things, where some
37:05 men would be very controlling on that.
37:07 And I consider that such a gift that my husband is encouraging
37:12 me in what God has given to me.
37:15 And that's a beautiful thing.
37:16 And yet with that strength as a woman, recognizing there's I
37:20 need to step back, or I need to shut my mouth down, or I need
37:25 to show that respect, too.
37:27 So it's a balance.
37:28 It's a learning process.
37:30 I think it's about celebrating each other's gifts.
37:37 I've seen Greg with his support of you and also Danny and his
37:41 support of me.
37:44 All of us, all of us have husbands who celebrate our
37:50 gifts, and we celebrate theirs.
37:52 We are there to really be the ra-ra team behind them because
38:00 we acknowledge what God has given them.
38:03 So I think it's beautiful.
38:05 So we're talking family.
38:07 We're talking relationships.
38:17 Let's go So, forgiveness, I don't think I have real
38:26 problems with forgiveness, but this has really made me think
38:29 about certain situations in my life, having this assignment.
38:36 I actually got into a few more conflicts than normal, you
38:40 know, really over the past month or so.
38:42 And I'm kind of looking forward to a few more opportunities to
38:50 kind of work this through.
38:54 So this was a blessing.
38:57 The first thing is that we are really relational beings, that
39:03 we were created to be in relationships.
39:06 In Genesis 2, God says it's not good for man to be alone.
39:10 I will create a helper comparable to him.
39:15 And then Psalm 68, 6 says, God sets the solitary in families.
39:20 So he wants us to be in relationships.
39:23 He wants us to connect with others.
39:26 But in so doing, there are bound to be conflicts because
39:30 we're not monolithic.
39:32 We all don't think the same.
39:34 We all don't act the same way, and we're going to have
39:36 differences of opinions.
39:38 And how do we handle that?
39:41 How does God want us to handle conflict?
39:45 So the first thing, this is really a hard saying.
39:49 This is found in Matthew 5, verses 23 and 24.
39:53 And it says, Therefore, if you bring your gift to the altar,
39:57 and there remember that your brother or sister has something
40:00 against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go
40:04 your way.
40:09 offer your gift.
40:10 This is a hard saying because it doesn't matter whether I did
40:16 something to them or they did something to me.
40:18 I am to be the one to try to work it out.
40:23 That's a hard one for me, because if someone has done
40:26 something to me, I feel like they should come to me.
40:31 But that's not what Jesus said.
40:33 Where to take that first step in reconciliation?
40:36 The first step.
40:37 We must initiate that reconciliation process.
40:42 And that is a hard saying.
40:43 I remember one time, I won't say whether it's male or
40:47 female, but years ago...
40:48 Yeah, you will.
40:49 I know!
40:52 Try not to, okay?
40:54 So years ago, there was a situation where someone had
40:59 been unkind to me.
41:02 And I'm not fake, and I'm not phony, so I just didn't want to
41:08 speak to them.
41:10 Rather than say, Hi, how are you?
41:11 No, I couldn't do that.
41:13 So I'd see them at church, and they would be coming toward me.
41:18 I'd go in another direction, so I wouldn't have to confront
41:22 them or talk or anything.
41:24 I just did not want to.
41:26 And one day, they came to visit the church, and the Lord spoke
41:31 to my heart and said, You need to apologize for not speaking.
41:37 And I knew it was the Lord telling me that, because I know
41:41 I wasn't trying to think I need to apologize because I really
41:44 didn't want to.
41:45 And I had been having flashbacks about how I'd
41:50 treated and all that.
41:52 And so, the person was coming in my direction, and I said,
42:00 May I speak to you for a few minutes?
42:01 And so, we went into a room at the church, and I said, I need
42:05 to apologize to you for not speaking to you.
42:10 And the person said, You know, I was wondering why you weren't
42:14 speaking to me.
42:18 you because of the way you acted.
42:20 But I didn't say that because I wasn't trying to go there.
42:24 And so, after that, I never had flashbacks again, because that
42:33 really started the reconciliation process.
42:37 And praise the Lord, the Lord gave me peace about that.
42:40 And so, I didn't have those flashbacks.
42:44 So, initiating, even though I wasn't the, quote, guilty
42:48 party, I still am thankful that God has given us these
42:53 different steps that help us, because forgiveness helps us.
42:59 And that's what I really want to get to.
43:02 So, after we initiate, the first thing we really need to
43:06 do is pray for guidance.
43:07 Psalm 1914, Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my
43:12 heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and
43:15 my Redeemer.
43:26 express His forgiveness.
43:28 His forgiveness can flow through us to someone else.
43:32 So, we need to pray for guidance.
43:33 And then think about what we want to say.
43:35 Proverbs 15, 28 says, The heart of the righteous studies how to
43:40 answer, but the mouth of the wicked pours forth evil.
43:45 Isn't that a good scripture?
43:47 Proverbs 15, 28.
43:49 I like that.
43:49 I do too.
43:50 The heart of the righteous studies how to answer.
43:54 Don't be flippant.
43:55 Don't, you know, think it through.
43:58 Try to think it through.
43:59 And then we should go to the source.
44:03 And you brought that up, Angela, like don't go around to
44:06 everybody and tell everything.
44:08 Go to the person directly with whom you have the conflict,
44:13 whether they did something to you or you did something to
44:16 them.
44:17 Matthew 18, 15 says, Moreover, if your brother or sister sins
44:21 against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him
44:25 alone.
44:26 If he hears you, you have gained your brother.
44:29 The Bible is so relevant.
44:31 You know, as I was reading these different points, it's
44:34 like this is for us now.
44:37 This is not just some irrelevant information.
44:42 The fifth point is don't be argumentative.
44:46 Try to see the other person's point of view.
44:48 And I love this.
44:49 Proverbs 18, 6 through 8 says, A fool's lips enter into
44:54 contention and his mouth calls for blows.
44:57 A fool's mouth is his destruction, and his lips are
45:01 the snare of his soul.
45:04 So our mouths can get us hurt.
45:08 People can want to hit you if you say, you know what I mean?
45:10 So don't be a fool.
45:12 Be wise.
45:13 Be wise as serpents.
45:15 I mean, be wise as serpents, harmless as a dove.
45:18 Yeah.
45:19 Think about it.
45:20 Thank you.
45:22 And then the next point is
45:27 avoid discussing it with others.
45:30 It maintains confusion.
45:32 Proverbs 26, 20, and I love this verse.
45:35 Without wood, a fire goes out.
45:38 Yes.
45:42 So conflict leads to the need of forgiveness.
45:46 And then forgiveness is another whole thing.
45:50 So about 50 years ago, it was 1950.
45:54 50.
45:55 50 years ago, in October of 1973.
46:00 Actually, that's 51, right?
46:02 Yeah.
46:03 Years ago.
46:04 I got this call from my dad, and my Uncle Howard was an
46:10 amazing musician.
46:12 And he worked with a lot of some of the top names.
46:15 And he and his wife had gone out to some event, and they
46:21 came home.
46:23 And there were two men in their apartment waiting for my Uncle.
46:29 And they killed him.
46:30 And the way they killed him was, yeah, this fifty-one years
46:35 ago.
46:39 They tied him up, and they gagged him.
46:42 And then as he would swallow, the gag would choke him.
46:45 So he had a brutal, brutal death.
46:48 Oh, I'm so sorry.
46:49 And he was like a father to me.
46:53 And so when my dad told me this, I was just so hurt.
46:58 And it turns out that the woman he was married to had hired the
47:02 men who killed him.
47:04 Oh.
47:06 And so,
47:12 I can't say that I have this overwhelming feeling of love
47:18 toward her, but I also can say that I don't feel hatred toward
47:26 her.
47:28 I feel like God has given me forgiveness toward her.
47:33 Forgiveness, and I was reading this book about forgiveness for
47:40 in preparation for this.
47:43 And forgiveness is a decision.
47:45 It's not a feeling.
47:48 And Lisa Turkhurst in this book says, Your feelings should be
47:52 indicators, but not dictators.
47:54 So they shouldn't dictate how we react, but they let us know
48:01 where we are.
48:02 And so I'm very thankful that the Lord has given me peace
48:10 about it.
48:11 It still hurts me.
48:12 I had no idea that I was going to respond emotionally today
48:16 because it's been over fifty years.
48:18 And I haven't cried about my uncle in many years, but just
48:22 talking about it brings it back.
48:24 But yet, I'm really grateful that God has given me a peace
48:30 about it so that I don't sit around thinking, like, I hope
48:34 one day she's burning up in hell.
48:37 No, I don't think that, and I'm thankful that I don't.
48:39 But could I say something?
48:41 Please.
48:42 This, I think, is so important.
48:44 What you're saying is that forgiveness doesn't always lead
48:49 to reconciliation.
48:50 Some people don't want to forgive because they think they
48:54 have to reconcile with an abuser.
48:57 But forgiveness is for your sake more than anything.
49:02 It doesn't always lead to reconciliation, you would hope.
49:07 But in this case, it doesn't sound like it led to
49:10 reconciliation.
49:11 But you were freed because you didn't become bitter and angry
49:16 and block off the Lord's work in you.
49:20 Well, I praise the Lord.
49:22 And to God be the glory, because it's certainly not me
49:26 because I loved him.
49:28 And I was angry and hurt about what had happened.
49:33 But yet, the Lord will give us a sense of peace about the
49:41 past.
49:42 And there's another story I'll tell you real quick that I saw
49:48 on YouTube.
49:49 A guy named Ike Brown, he was a patrolman in Florida.
49:54 His son, Ike Jr., was 21.
49:57 He and his best friend went over to a friend's house to
50:02 play video games.
50:03 While they were there, someone broke in the house, robbed the
50:07 house, and killed Ike Jr. and his best friend.
50:12 And so, Ike Sr., the policeman, had always said, if anybody
50:18 messes with my kids, I'm gonna kill them.
50:20 But when he found out about the death of his son, he was
50:26 devastated.
50:27 Like he had no, he just was devastated.
50:30 And he went to court.
50:31 And when he went to court, three years later, after the
50:35 death of his son, he saw the murderer.
50:38 He saw him face to face.
50:40 It was a young man, close to his son's age.
50:44 And he said the strangest thing happened.
50:46 Now, this guy, Ike Sr., was not really a Christian, but he had
50:51 grown up in a Christian home.
50:52 And he said when he saw him, he felt nothing but love for him.
50:58 And he said, That's right.
51:00 He said, This is God.
51:03 He said, I can't believe that God would do this, but I know
51:08 that it's just God.
51:10 And so, the guy's name was Takoya.
51:15 And Takoya resembled his son somewhat.
51:18 And so, Takoya was found guilty.
51:21 He went to prison.
51:22 And after he was there for a bit, Ike Sr. wrote him.
51:28 And he wrote him a letter.
51:30 And he said,
51:33 I hope that, he said, I miss my son so much.
51:40 He said, I want to ask you if you would fill in for him.
51:49 That's so deep.
51:52 He waited for three weeks for an answer from Takoya.
51:57 I want to read you real quick.
51:59 I can just read it real quickly.
52:01 What Takoya said.
52:03 He said, Dear Mr. Brown, I now know that God is real.
52:10 I told God that if you meant what you said, if you really
52:13 love and forgive me, I told God that I wanted to hear from you.
52:17 And if I heard from you, I told God that I would give my life
52:22 to him.
52:23 Mr. Brown cried like a baby.
52:25 Takoya said, You asked me if I would fill in for your son.
52:29 No way am I qualified to do that.
52:31 But if you'll have me from this moment forward, you're my dad
52:36 and I'm your son.
52:39 Is that powerful?
52:42 And in 2009, now the death occurred in 2002.
52:49 In 2009, Ike Brown Sr. officially adopted Takoya as
52:57 his son.
52:58 That, my dear sisters, that's forgiveness.
53:02 We just think that's what the Lord has done for us.
53:05 Yes!
53:06 Yes!
53:08 Yes!
53:08 Come on!
53:08 Come on!
53:10 Come on!
53:11 He's adopted us!
53:13 Come on!
53:14 That's exactly right!
53:15 That is God all the way.
53:16 That's God all the way.
53:17 That's amazing.
53:18 That salvation viewed through the eyes of a person.
53:23 Yes, that's right.
53:24 It's beautiful.
53:25 We're coming down to the end of this first hour.
53:27 We have a full second hour coming up.
53:29 What I want to do right now is let's just have a moment of
53:31 prayer.
53:35 Maybe there's been a murder in their family or extended family
53:40 or maybe someone told lies about you.
53:43 That takes forgiveness too.
53:46 Whatever you're struggling with right now or maybe you're
53:49 dealing with issues in your home being unequally yoked and
53:52 you're struggling right now, we want to pray for you.
53:55 You are part of the 3ABN family and we love you and we want to
53:59 lift your needs and the burdens on your heart before the Lord
54:03 right now.
54:06 hour?
54:12 our hearts to you in praise and thanksgiving for all of your
54:15 blessings, particularly for your salvation.
54:19 But we lift the burdens of the hearts those Lord who are
54:24 watching tonight.
54:25 I just thank you that your Word says that you are righteous and
54:31 cut us free from the court of the wicked that is binding us.
54:35 And Lord, Satan wouldn't have us forgive.
54:38 Satan wouldn't have us to have a peaceful home.
54:42 But I pray in the name of Jesus that your Holy Spirit will
54:46 minister to every person who's watching.
54:49 Help them Lord to see people as you see them and to forgive and
54:54 go forward.
54:56 And Lord, we love you.
54:57 We thank you.
54:58 We know more is coming.
55:00 We praise you, Father, in Jesus' name.
55:04 Amen.
55:04 Amen.
55:05 That's powerful.
55:06 I just want to ask you, sis, we just have a moment left here.
55:09 How long did it take until you felt like you could forgive
55:13 her, your uncle's wife?
55:15 You know, I mean, was it years?
55:18 Were we talking 10, 15, 20 or was it?
55:20 Wow, that's a good question, Jill.
55:22 I don't know because when it happened, I was not walking
55:27 with the Lord.
55:28 That's true.
55:29 So after I came back, it was many years, I came back to the
55:36 Lord in '85 and my uncle had been dead since 1973.
55:43 So I really don't know.
55:45 But again, it's a process.
55:48 It's not instantaneous.
55:51 For Mr. Brown, it was instantaneous.
55:53 For me, it's a process.
55:56 Yeah.
56:00 done something or if I have to go to someone, then, you know,
56:04 it's quick.
56:05 But this was, this took years, I think.
56:07 I think it's so important to recognize that and to realize
56:10 that, that this is a process.
56:12 Our sanctification is a process.
56:15 Our journey with Jesus is a process.
56:19 Learning how to, for me, surrender more fully to him,
56:23 give him more of my heart.
56:25 I can think I want you in God.
56:28 I want to surrender everything.
56:29 And he says, oops, there's a little piece here you haven't
56:32 given yet.
56:33 And so letting him in, letting him heal, letting him cleanse,
56:37 letting him restore, letting him bring that reconciliation.
56:43 Don't go anywhere.
56:44 We have a full second hour coming up talking about
56:48 boundaries in our lives.


Revised 2024-05-08