3ABN Today Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL240017B

00:10 Hello and welcome back to 3ABN Behind the Scenes.
00:12 We are so glad that you have joined us again for the second
00:15 hour.
00:18 through the ministry of 3ABN.
00:21 And it seems to me as though the first hour always goes by
00:24 faster than about 60 minutes.
00:26 I know it doesn't.
00:27 But we have done some musical chairs as you always say,
00:30 traded out some more of our 3ABN family.
00:33 And really we are going to be talking about the expanse and
00:35 the reach of 3ABN, focusing a lot on that this second hour.
00:40 But at the end of the first hour Jill, we were talking
00:42 about maybe we should introduce who we have and then we can go
00:45 into canvassing.
00:45 So who has joined us around the table?
00:47 Well we traded out some family members for other family
00:50 members.
00:54 Manager of 3ABN Latino.
00:56 And so glad you are here tonight, Pastor.
00:59 It's a blessing to be here.
01:00 God is doing great things.
01:02 Amen.
01:03 Pastor John he always says 3ABN is a channel of divine origin.
01:07 That's right.
01:08 And we believe that.
01:09 And we see miracles happen every day.
01:12 So praise the Lord what he is doing because of you.
01:15 Thank you for joining hands with 3ABN as we proclaim this
01:19 Gospel message to the world.
01:21 Coming around the table, Dr. Moses Primo, who is our
01:25 Director of Broadcasting and Engineering as well as General
01:28 Manager of 3ABN Francais.
01:30 We're so glad you're here today and we're glad you're here.
01:32 I'm so glad to be here to be able to share with our viewers
01:36 what God is doing in our areas of engineering and Francais.
01:41 One of the reasons that I call you doctor is because it's like
01:45 you're doing like emergency surgery on equipment.
01:49 So to keep us on the air because I mean that's when I
01:51 know you take that super seriously, very seriously.
01:54 And like I think it was just last week something went down
01:56 on one of our streams.
01:57 You know you're texting like 3AM in the morning.
01:59 You're in like providing like emergency surgery, band-aids to
02:03 keep things going and bring us back up on the air.
02:05 So thank you for that dedication to the work.
02:08 I know you've been here Pastor Johnnie like over 30 years you
02:10 have as well.
02:12 And so a lot of years of dedication.
02:13 Thank you for that Dr. Mo.
02:16 Coming around the table, someone else who has been here
02:18 for many years, Bruce Chance who is the Manager of our
02:22 Donation Center.
02:23 And Bruce we're so glad to have you here tonight.
02:24 Thank you.
02:28 As best I can.
02:30 Amen, you do a great job.
02:32 And coming around last but not least, Jasmine Carter is a
02:36 newer family member.
02:38 We're talking about 30 years here at 3ABN.
02:41 Jasmine of course is our Marketing Manager.
02:44 And how long have you been here Jasmine?
02:46 A year and about two months.
02:48 Wow.
02:49 It's a pleasure to be here.
02:51 3ABN is expanding and it's exciting.
02:55 That's growing and going as we say in 3ABN.
02:57 Yes, 3ABN is on the go as Mr. Danny says, right?
03:01 Because God asked us, Christ asked us to go ye into all the
03:05 world.
03:07 end times, right?
03:08 We need to be speeding up.
03:09 And so again, 3ABN behind the scenes is all about how 3ABN is
03:13 growing.
03:14 And as I mentioned just a couple of minutes ago, camp
03:17 meeting is right around the corner because this is Thursday
03:19 night.
03:22 have already started.
03:24 And we just are encouraging you to come on down, come on over,
03:27 come on up, or come on down, however that is, to 3ABN camp
03:30 meeting right here at 3ABN's facility.
03:33 That is June 5 through 8, starts Wednesday evening.
03:37 And what a great theme, Jill.
03:39 Preparation for the final crisis.
03:42 I think it's without a doubt.
03:43 Everybody knows that we're down in the end times and we need to
03:46 be prepared.
03:49 on the screen.
03:50 Wonderful music, wonderful children's meeting.
03:53 This is a family event so bring the kids as well.
03:56 If you've never been, you don't maybe know this, we're telling
03:58 you now, the food is free and it's great food.
04:01 Melody Cavaniss and her team do a wonderful job of feeding a
04:05 lot of large amount of people and that can be difficult.
04:08 And I have experienced it at times when some people try to
04:10 prepare for a large group, the food doesn't always taste very
04:12 good.
04:15 tastes excellent.
04:16 So the food is complimentary, the camp sites are
04:19 complimentary.
04:20 A lot of people are telling us, Jill, that they are coming for
04:23 the first time and camping in a tent.
04:25 So we have bath houses that have shower facilities and of
04:30 course RV spots.
04:31 You do have to register for those RV spots.
04:34 And how many do we have available right now?
04:36 I think we have eight left.
04:38 Everything is completely fall over at the worship center but
04:41 we have a few RV spaces that are behind the call center.
04:45 And we have a couple left open there so you can call us right
04:48 now at 618-627-4651.
04:53 And you just say, I have an RV and I want to reserve my spot.
04:57 And also some people rent RVs.
05:00 I think it's Mr. Goldeen.
05:01 She flies in from New York and she doesn't have an RV but she
05:05 flies into the airport.
05:06 She rents an RV here that it's delivered on site and then she
05:11 just stays in that.
05:12 So there's many different opportunities and there's also
05:15 hotels.
05:16 So there's many opportunities.
05:17 We just love connecting with you as our 3DVN family.
05:20 And as we launch this hour maybe let's just go around the
05:24 table, whoever wants to jump in and just talk a little bit
05:26 about our upcoming camp meeting and what camp meeting is like
05:30 for you.
05:33 Pastor Johnny, why do you enjoy 3DVN homecoming or this isn't
05:36 homecoming, this is summer camp meeting.
05:37 Why do you like camp meeting?
05:39 You know, camp meeting is a time when we can get re
05:43 -energized spiritually because you know, as you go through
05:47 life you face challenges and difficulties.
05:49 It may be that your light starts to grow dim.
05:53 And here when you hear the messages, when you hear the
05:56 singing and in company of being with fellow believers from all
06:01 around the world practically if people come, we've had people
06:04 come as far as Australia to 3ABN camp meeting.
06:07 It's an energizing experience.
06:09 Not only that, but seeing people pray together is just a
06:15 marvelous experience and I would just highly recommend
06:17 that if you're able to come, come to 3DVN camp meeting.
06:21 Once you come, you will want to come again.
06:23 There you go, I like that.
06:25 How about you Dr. Mo?
06:26 I know you're with the engineering aspect keeping camp
06:28 meeting going because the signal's got to go from the
06:30 worship center which is just amazing how all this works.
06:32 It goes through a little cable right from the worship center
06:35 over to master control.
06:37 Fiber, fiber brings the signal to master control and master
06:40 control we distribute it to all the nine channels that we are
06:44 currently broadcast.
06:45 It is a stressful time for all this event to happen without
06:51 any failures.
06:53 But also like Johnny said, it's a spiritual blessing and an
06:58 opportunity to meet the people that we don't know.
07:02 They know us, but we don't know them and we haven't traveled as
07:07 much as we used to and now is the opportunity for the people
07:11 to travel and come here and just share their experience
07:15 with us.
07:19 know.
07:19 Yeah, it's true.
07:20 Family reunion time in a sense.
07:21 It's like getting to know long lost family members.
07:25 You know, I love that.
07:26 You are part of the 3ABN family.
07:28 Speaking of the worldwide family, people coming in,
07:31 Sister Julia Ukuna from 3BN Russia and Vadim are here and
07:35 they'll be sharing at camp meeting.
07:37 Craig Cleveland and his wife Donna with 3ABN Canada will be
07:41 here for camp meeting and they'll be sharing.
07:43 Rodney Reynolds and the team from Trinidad and Tobago with
07:47 3BN Trinidad and Tobago are coming in.
07:49 So we have some of our extended family coming in as well, 3BN
07:53 family.
07:54 So Bruce, talk to us about donation center because when
07:57 people come to camp meeting, they can also come and go
08:00 shopping.
08:02 Or also bring something with them too because some of you
08:06 have coins that are heavy or stuff like that.
08:08 So what is the 3BN donation center?
08:11 The donation center is, we take physical items and turn them
08:15 into money for the Lord's work.
08:17 And we accept a wide array of items and we're welcome to talk
08:22 to people about the items that we do well with and some items
08:26 we don't do so well with.
08:28 So we're limited on space.
08:31 So it's best to talk to these people.
08:32 We see a lot of old faces, we see a lot of new faces and it's
08:37 a good time during that camp meeting to share time with them
08:43 and fellowship with them.
08:45 Which I know in a little bit we'll talk more detail about
08:47 some of the items people can bring with them or send in.
08:50 But like Jill said, the shopping aspect, that's
08:52 actually where the donation center is actually open to
08:55 those that attend camp meetings.
08:56 They can do exactly what you said Jill and that's peruse the
09:00 donation center and actually buy items where that money then
09:02 goes back into fund 3BN evangelism.
09:04 Yes, and we'll have it prepared and open for the Thursday and
09:08 Friday of the camp meeting and they'll do tours and people can
09:13 come in and see what we have and see what they can't live
09:16 without.
09:16 Take home.
09:17 I like that, that's well said.
09:21 And Jasmine, what about you with the marketing aspect with
09:23 camp meeting?
09:27 camp meeting.
09:31 people, meeting our current ambassadors and prospective
09:34 ambassadors.
09:35 It's just a wonderful time.
09:37 Amen, and speaking of ambassadors, what does
09:39 ambassador mean?
09:40 An ambassador is someone who has a passion for evangelism,
09:43 loves the ministry of 3ABN and wants to help us spread the
09:46 Gospel.
09:47 Amen, Amen.
09:49 We are looking for ambassadors.
09:51 Lord willing, we'd like an ambassador in every church.
09:53 Absolutely.
09:58 and the marketing department and able to raise awareness and
10:01 get 3ABN on even more systems in their area and
10:06 evangelistically partner.
10:08 Amen, I love 3ABN.
10:11 Camp meeting, as Bruce just mentioned too, if you've never
10:13 been to 3ABN or you've been here before, we do have tours,
10:16 those will take place.
10:17 Jill, talk to us about that.
10:19 That's Thursday afternoon, Friday afternoon, right?
10:21 And also I believe we have a workshop from Plan, Giving and
10:24 Trust Services.
10:26 So yeah, great time to fellowship.
10:28 Absolutely, so the Plan, Giving and Trust Services workshop
10:30 takes place, which is just a nice time to be able to learn
10:33 how you can help support the ministry of 3ABN.
10:36 It's a win-win.
10:37 And ask your questions and just get some of those questions
10:40 answered.
10:44 mainly in those tours and you can come over and tour the
10:47 production center here and then go visit the donation center.
10:51 So it's a great time.
10:52 We need to talk to Jasmine here, but I want to, Jill,
10:55 maybe talk about the project that's happening this evening.
10:57 We're talking about the LGBTQ booklet and how you can get
10:59 involved with the really exciting evangelism project
11:02 with that or Bible study guides.
11:04 But I have to mention again, I don't normally wear a bow tie.
11:07 I usually wear a tie.
11:08 And this again is special thanks to Dr. Lowell Hamu, who
11:12 handmade this wooden bow tie and I told him I'd wear it on
11:15 the behind the scenes.
11:16 But I've been noticing this evening since I normally wear a
11:19 tie, I've been doing like this number.
11:20 So if you see me doing like this, I don't have like an
11:23 interesting like tick or anything like that.
11:26 But honestly, I'm used to straightening my tie, right?
11:29 Because this is a behind the scenes program.
11:31 So those are things like sometimes like I see Sienna
11:33 over here or others, they may be kind of motioning to us
11:35 like, hey, you know, kind of straighten things or whatever.
11:37 And so if you see me doing this, it's kind of an automatic
11:39 response to make sure my tie is straight.
11:41 But I don't have to worry about that.
11:42 I think I need to do this number maybe tonight.
11:45 So anyway, it's just something fun.
11:46 And again, this thanks for being a part of the 3ABN
11:48 family.
11:52 You're in our 3ABN living room here this evening.
11:54 It's just thanks for, again, carving out those two hours of
11:57 your time for us to spend together this evening.
11:59 Praise the Lord.
12:00 You look very cute.
12:01 I just want to say that.
12:02 I really like the bow tie.
12:03 Well, he had did a good job for his hand making this thing and
12:05 carving all that detail in there.
12:06 Is it actually straight?
12:08 It looks straight to me.
12:09 I don't know, Sienna.
12:10 You can let us know.
12:10 Yeah, okay.
12:11 They're giving me thumbs up.
12:14 So this booklet is the latest booklet that Danny Shelton
12:17 wrote, Can the Christian Church Affirm LGBTQ?
12:20 Of course, we know that God loves all of us.
12:23 So this is not any attack on any individual because God is
12:28 not willing that any should perish, but that all should
12:30 come to repentance.
12:32 But it is talking about what is the Christian Church supposed
12:36 to do with this issue?
12:38 It's a huge issue in the world today, in our culture today.
12:41 And how do we love people, but yet still stand on the
12:46 principles of the Word of God?
12:48 So what 3ABN is doing right now is we are coordinating a mass
12:52 mailing of this booklet to churches.
12:55 We believe that this will go across denominational lines.
12:59 Right now, Jasmine, it's the Baptist Churches is the first
13:02 group that it's going to.
13:03 But it will be going to other churches as well.
13:06 And so for 49 cents, that includes the cost of the
13:10 postage.
13:12 That includes this booklet will be inserted in and a little
13:15 flyer for how people can get more information.
13:17 For 49 cents per church, you can sponsor this mailing into
13:23 those churches.
13:24 So what an incredible opportunity.
13:26 One dollar, you can get two churches.
13:29 I mean, that's amazing.
13:30 So just give us a call right now, 618-627-4651.
13:37 That's 618-627-4651.
13:41 You can go online if you want, 3ABN.TV.
13:45 Click on the Donate tab and scroll down.
13:47 It's Fund Code 350.
13:50 That would just say LGBTQ.
13:52 And then you know, okay, I'm donating to the right thing.
13:54 Or you can send a check in the mail and just write on it,
13:57 church mailing.
13:58 And we'll know exactly where that's going.
14:00 So all the money is being pulled together for that
14:03 specifically.
14:04 And this way this booklet can get into churches.
14:07 God has given Danny a tremendous gift of common sense
14:11 when he explains this.
14:13 Plus combined with the biblical word of God.
14:16 So we're excited about that.
14:17 We also talked the first hour about these Bible study guides
14:22 and the second set that is coming out as well.
14:25 So you can give us a call if you want to evangelistically
14:28 partner with us or share these Bible studies.
14:32 Give Bible studies in your church or community or with
14:35 your neighbors.
14:36 Yeah, absolutely.
14:38 And thank you Jasmine for, I know you're working on that
14:40 list for the initial mailing of these booklets.
14:42 So thank you for getting that together.
14:44 And I'm really excited about what the Lord is going to do
14:46 with this.
14:49 that's what we're doing.
14:50 And we'll just see.
14:51 He's the one that does the increase.
14:52 But talk to us about what's happening in the marketing
14:54 department because some exciting things are taking
14:56 place there.
14:57 Okay, we are expanding.
14:59 We recently signed an agreement with a company, Atlanta
15:02 Community Television.
15:03 And there's a subscriber base of six million.
15:07 Wow, based where you said?
15:08 In Atlanta.
15:09 Atlanta, Georgia.
15:10 Atlanta, Georgia.
15:11 They have other television networks in other states.
15:14 So some of our programs will be on those as well.
15:16 Amen.
15:23 And the NCTC is a company that supports smaller independent
15:28 cable companies.
15:29 And you said, how many, you said, what was the number for
15:32 that?
15:33 Approximately 349.
15:35 349,000?
15:36 Yes, subscribers, thousand.
15:38 Then of course we have, and there are other mom and pops
15:41 all over the U.S.
15:42 that are not a part of the NCTC.
15:44 We have many, many of them.
15:46 And what is a mom and pop?
15:48 Someone says, I don't understand what mom and pop
15:50 means, just my parents.
15:51 What's mom and pop?
15:56 It's an independent company.
15:58 Just a smaller independent cable company.
16:01 And maybe Moses can explain that better.
16:04 Basically it's not a mega cable company.
16:09 It's more a private owned, sometimes even just a family
16:13 owned, very small cable companies.
16:17 So 3ABN is on quite a few of those.
16:18 Yes, yes, yes, yes, many.
16:21 So those would be reaching then smaller communities.
16:24 Okay, yeah, that's wonderful.
16:25 And if someone is wondering, is that in my area?
16:28 They can go to a website, if we could put that on the screen,
16:31 please.
16:33 It's called TVListings.ZAP2IT .com.
16:40 Just put that in your computer.
16:42 You put in your zip code and you can do a search whether
16:46 3ABN is on cable, satellite, or antenna.
16:51 Okay.
16:52 It's a free website.
16:54 So it's TVListings.ZAP2IT.com.
17:01 Okay, perfect.
17:02 So we talked about these mom and pops or the smaller cable
17:06 systems.
17:09 So DISH and the channel is 9401.
17:12 There was a change, so it's important for people to know
17:15 that, 9401.
17:17 Comcast, MediaCom, Xfinity, and Verizon Fios.
17:22 And then we're also available on several down links.
17:25 We have 21, I believe, 21 down links.
17:28 And again, you can go to that website, ZAP2IT, TVListings
17:33 .ZAP2IT, to see if we're in your area.
17:36 And we have several Adventist partners.
17:39 So there would be Brazos in Texas, Better Life TV in
17:44 Oregon, Good Life TV in Arizona.
17:47 We have Clarion Broadcasting there in Oklahoma, and we have
17:50 Strong Tower in Michigan.
17:52 Amen.
17:52 And that's tremendous.
17:54 I mean, to have those Adventist broadcasters that help.
17:58 I was thinking Brazos TV and Steven Denny.
18:01 When we were there in Crowley, Texas, we visited with them,
18:03 and they have multiple, 3ABN's on multiple TV outlets.
18:08 They are on radio, Luke and Susan Skelton there with Good
18:12 News TV, do an incredible job out there, Better Life TV, and
18:16 of course, Strong Tower.
18:17 So what a blessing.
18:18 Yes, it is a blessing.
18:20 And it's also a blessing that we're in the UK on Freeview
18:23 with an 18 million subscriber base.
18:27 Wow.
18:27 Amen.
18:28 So that's exciting.
18:29 And how can people access that in England?
18:32 If people are watching right now in England, how can they
18:34 access that?
18:38 I believe it's free, Freeview.
18:41 That's how they access.
18:42 And Dr. Moore, I think that's on actually in like a lot of
18:45 hotels there in the UK, isn't it?
18:47 Where someone goes to a hotel room or...
18:49 It's the only government entity that all the broadcasters have
18:57 to go to use that way of delivering.
19:01 So if you are in UK, you can't choose this TV or that TV.
19:08 You have to go to Freeview, and Freeview has all the channels.
19:14 Yeah, it's amazing.
19:15 And I think they just...
19:16 Oh, I don't think, I know, because they sent us something
19:18 where we just signed where they're doing and expanding
19:22 what their reach is, which is amazing too there in the UK.
19:25 Yeah, actually they acquire another company that is also a
19:30 subscription base.
19:31 So they merge and then they increase the numbers.
19:35 Which is just incredible.
19:37 Amen.
19:38 Sorry, keep going.
19:39 We're in the Caribbean.
19:40 Digicel, which is a major carrier.
19:44 They're in 23 countries and 3ABN is on Digicel.
19:47 Amen.
19:48 We also, not only the Caribbean, but other countries,
19:51 we also have Flow, which is another large cable company.
19:55 They're in 20 countries and 3ABN is available there.
19:59 And again, many mom and pops in the Caribbean.
20:03 And they're continuing to grow that.
20:05 And then we have a presence, a Latino presence with Pastor
20:09 Johnny, who we can't talk about.
20:13 Yeah, amen, yeah.
20:14 A lot of cable stations.
20:16 God has blessed in a remarkable way.
20:19 I still remember being in pastoral ministries and having
20:24 helped our 3ABN parent channel get on some cable companies in
20:27 the U.S.
20:28 When 3ABN Latino was starting, I was in my office and I took a
20:32 deep breath.
20:33 Wow, this is going to be a lot of work trying to get this
20:36 channel on.
20:37 But you know the Lord had a plan that I was not aware of
20:40 and impressed upon members of the church, pastors and even
20:44 conference presidents to help us get on cable in South
20:49 America, Central America.
20:50 And we began to grow very quickly.
20:52 We're in over 1,300 cable companies.
20:55 And we haven't been to a cable convention right now.
20:59 We don't really have somebody actively trying to contact
21:01 cable companies.
21:03 But the cable companies are still contacting us.
21:06 Look at God!
21:07 And we just praise the Lord.
21:09 It's the Lord doing this and it's amazing.
21:13 And one, just this year we've had several that have shown
21:18 interest in carrying 3ABN Latino.
21:20 Now there was one called Calado TV which is a big cable
21:25 company.
21:26 And this cable company, we were on that cable company some time
21:30 ago.
21:31 But because of the frequency change and things like that, we
21:34 lost them.
21:36 But the interesting thing is that once people watch 3ABN,
21:40 they like it.
21:42 So the people started calling and letting them know we missed
21:45 3ABN, we missed 3ABN.
21:47 So they contacted us and they wanted to know we need to sign
21:52 a contract together.
21:53 And so the process began about two months ago and we've been
21:57 back and forth with them.
21:59 And just last week, Brother Dan Peek was preparing the
22:04 equipment to send to them.
22:05 And we're going to be on in Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa
22:09 Rica, and I think El Salvador as well.
22:13 So four countries with them.
22:14 Yes, so we just praise the Lord because this is a big, big
22:18 cable company.
22:19 And once you have these big cable companies, the others
22:25 seem to notice.
22:26 I remember being in...
22:29 I think it was Puerto Rico, I can't remember where, but we
22:32 were trying to get on their system and they go, you
22:35 recently got on such-and-such a cable network.
22:38 And we said, yes, and I'm like, how do you know?
22:41 They talk to one another.
22:43 So this will help us, for example, Mexico, Calado TV is
22:47 in Mexico.
22:48 Mexico is a huge, huge market.
22:51 So we hope to be able to say, look, we're on Calado TV in
22:54 these countries and we want to know if we can get on your
22:59 system here in Mexico.
23:01 So they are also in Peru and we're also on in Peru in Calado
23:04 TV.
23:06 Amen.
23:07 Praise the Lord.
23:08 And also you run the IAS 21 satellite and where people can
23:12 receive it for free.
23:13 So if you have a satellite dish, they can actually get
23:17 anywhere from Central and South America.
23:20 Yes, and that's an amazing thing too because we have to
23:24 praise the Lord for using Brother Moses Primo because IAS
23:31 21 is one of the few satellites that the majority of the cable
23:37 companies are on.
23:39 So this is the Lord's guidance, the engineering department
23:43 because we could have picked, oh, here's another, let's use
23:46 this one.
23:50 have been more complicated by being on a satellite that the
23:55 majority of the cable companies are already there because they
23:58 have the big channels that the cable companies are always
24:02 looking for, the movies and the soap operas and all of this.
24:07 And it's a blessing that the Lord, a by-product of the Lord
24:11 leading the engineering department.
24:14 Amen.
24:18 what you were saying, Pastor Johnny, about where people are
24:20 coming to you.
24:21 The 3ABN Latinos saying, hey, we want your content.
24:24 Would you be willing to provide this content?
24:25 And that's one thing that 3ABN does is we provide the content
24:29 free of charge to these cable stations and companies around
24:32 the world.
24:33 And the Lord blesses because of that.
24:35 And thank you, Jasmine, for what you're doing in the
24:37 marketing department.
24:38 You're going to say some, yeah, okay.
24:39 Go ahead, Pastor Johnny.
24:41 We need prayer.
24:42 There are a couple, there are Uruguay and Paraguay.
24:45 We are not on cable there.
24:47 If we are, if it's one or two and they haven't told us, this
24:50 is one of the interesting things about this.
24:51 This is true.
24:53 Cable companies, the Mom and Paul ones, they sometimes put
24:57 you on and you don't know.
25:01 That's true.
25:02 Because you're free, you see.
25:03 And so that's a blessing.
25:06 So that's another aspect of these cable companies.
25:12 And also is that sometimes the members of the church or even a
25:17 pastor, they will go to the local cable company and say,
25:19 can you put 3ABN on?
25:21 And they will say something like, if you bring me a
25:23 satellite receiver, we will put them on.
25:26 And we've been able to get on that way as well.
25:28 I wanted to say about Cuba.
25:30 Cuba is still a country that does not have cable service.
25:35 And the only channels are four government-owned television
25:39 channels.
25:41 So the package, what they call the TV package, is still the
25:44 best way to reach the people.
25:47 And that, of course, is on the whole country, capacity of
25:53 reaching almost 11 million people.
25:55 And we just want to thank every one of you for helping us stay
25:59 on the package because there is a monthly fee to get on, to be
26:03 on there.
26:05 And the people, to get the programming, they have to bring
26:08 a memory or a hard drive to one of the places where they sell
26:12 the package.
26:13 And that's how they can get the programming.
26:17 And we are on there and it's just a tremendous blessing
26:21 because right now Cuba is going through a very difficult time.
26:25 I don't know if it's maybe later on we could say something
26:27 about another idea that we have to reach the people there.
26:31 But this is having an impact and seeds are being planted for
26:35 something marvelous the Lord will do in the future.
26:38 Amen, praise the Lord.
26:39 You know, Dr. Moe, are you going to say something?
26:41 Yeah, Dr. Moe, I was thinking about people coming to 3ABN
26:45 saying, hey, we want your content.
26:46 This is an amazing miracle that just happened here recently for
26:49 3BinFrancais.
26:50 Tell us about that, where they came to you.
26:53 Well, like I told you before, I can't take any credit for it
26:57 because they called me and said, look, we understand that
27:03 your content is free.
27:04 I said, yes.
27:05 I said, we'd like to carry.
27:07 This is actually a company that have an app and they distribute
27:13 many French content and they ask specifically for 3ABN
27:19 Francais.
27:20 So we send the contract and they sign up.
27:25 We have some pictures of their content that I'd like to show.
27:29 So if people can actually download if you want this
27:33 called LIMIX.
27:36 You see on the iPhone there, but it is on Android.
27:41 It is on their TV.
27:45 If you have a Samsung or LG, all the TVs, it's called LIMIX
27:53 TV that you can download.
27:55 Those are the countries that they have centers.
27:58 They have in Brazil.
27:59 They have in the U.S.
28:02 also.
28:03 They have in Cyprus, all over Asia.
28:09 But those are centers where they do some assistance to
28:14 people.
28:15 Look at that, just the last month they have 50,000
28:22 downloads to subscribe to that service.
28:27 That's a lot.
28:28 It's a very good delivery of French content.
28:32 Some time ago, another one that was a blessing that came to us,
28:39 a company called TNT Flesh.
28:44 Their headquarters is in Paris.
28:47 They call Rose Bolo and ask for carriage.
28:51 So Rose came and asked, do you think we can give them our
28:56 content?
28:57 I said, absolutely.
28:58 So I contacted them and they e -mailed and sent the agreement
29:03 that they signed.
29:04 They have been carrying us for almost a year already.
29:10 If people want to tune in, all that they have to do is go to
29:14 the store and download TNT Flesh and they can get 3ABN.
29:20 Of course, you can go to the store and first download 3ABN
29:26 Plus.
29:26 Thank you.
29:28 Get the 3ABN app, right?
29:30 They can get the 3ABN app and get all the other channels.
29:34 But if they speak only French, they can go to TNT Flesh or
29:39 Limx TV.
29:42 There will be only French content.
29:46 That's amazing.
29:47 And here they came to us, to 3ABN asking.
29:51 Sometimes I think how they came to us.
29:56 I have to thank the viewer because they probably heard
30:00 from some of the users that they wanted the 3ABN.
30:05 And I want this to be an example to you.
30:08 If you want to help 3ABN, you pay your bill every month or
30:12 your cable company.
30:14 So just put a little note that we want the 3ABN on this cable
30:18 company.
30:23 They want to make sure that you are happy with their service.
30:26 Good point.
30:28 I love that.
30:29 What's so amazing to me is that God wants to use every avenue
30:33 possible to get the gospel out.
30:35 So we're talking mom and pop cables or the large
30:37 conglomerate cables.
30:39 We're talking apps, YouTube, 3ABN plus app, online
30:43 streaming, Roku, Amazon Fire, so many ways that God wants to
30:48 get the gospel out.
30:50 And you partnering with us, I love that Moses, writing into
30:54 your cable company.
30:56 And then God just impresses people.
30:58 Pastor Johnny.
30:59 I just marvel at this because what is the purpose of these
31:03 cable companies?
31:05 They are in business to make money.
31:07 In order to make money, they have to advertise, they hire
31:11 people to go to the door, they mail stuff to people's homes.
31:14 They advertise in every way possible to try to get as many
31:18 customers as they can.
31:20 And in a strange and odd way, they are helping to further the
31:25 gospel because the more homes they get into, that means more
31:29 homes, 3ABN gets in there.
31:31 So I just marvel at that.
31:32 It's very interesting to me.
31:34 And it's a strange thing, but it's a reality that we are
31:38 getting in more homes because these people want to make more
31:41 money.
31:41 So the gospel is getting out that way.
31:43 Well, you know, Johnny, even though they wanted to get more
31:46 subscribers, they are also worried because they are losing
31:50 some subscribers for OTT.
31:52 They are losing money over the top.
31:55 And the beauty is that we are getting in more cable companies
31:59 because they want us, and we are getting in more OTT like
32:04 Flash and Limex.
32:06 The streaming services.
32:07 The streaming services.
32:09 So we are hitting this market all over the world in both
32:14 sides.
32:16 Not only in the streaming, but also in cable companies.
32:20 That's actually a really good point.
32:21 So these companies that are kind of competing with each
32:24 other actually, again, are helping to launch 3ABN in a
32:27 powerful way.
32:28 Plus the satellite.
32:29 Yeah, that's right.
32:30 You cannot miss 3ABN.
32:33 So the satellite, the cable company, streaming, or iPhones,
32:39 TV sets, everywhere you go, you have a chance to hear the three
32:44 angels' message.
32:45 You know, that's interesting because some of these smart
32:50 TVs, they already have some of these applications that we're
32:54 on.
32:56 And what people need to do is just...
32:59 What do they do?
33:00 Download.
33:01 Download or do an update, whatever it is, on their TVs.
33:05 Maybe you can explain that.
33:06 Well, you just go to the store and you download and you get
33:10 the app on your TV.
33:11 It's right there.
33:13 I want to come back to you, Dr. Mo, pertaining to African
33:15 stuff.
33:17 again, this evening is like, oh, how do I get involved again
33:20 with like a cable campaign?
33:22 We may say that would be to reach out to you, right?
33:24 Yes.
33:24 Okay.
33:25 And how can they do that?
33:26 The best way.
33:26 Obviously, call 3ABN, 618-627 -4651.
33:29 Then what is your extension?
33:31 3130.
33:38 Yeah, that's great.
33:40 free door hangers that we'll give to you that you can go and
33:43 do like in an afternoon, a Sabbath afternoon, hang them on
33:46 people's doors.
33:49 they can promote it.
33:50 Or they can actually reach out to their cable company and say,
33:52 we want 3ABN on our cable.
33:54 And they don't have to be an ambassador to do that.
33:56 That's right.
34:00 Okay, very good.
34:01 So your extension is 3031.
34:03 3130.
34:04 Oh, 31, okay.
34:05 Yep, just, yep, cut that.
34:08 3130 or jasmine.carter at 3ABN .org.
34:12 Yeah, okay.
34:15 What's going on?
34:21 It's covering all the country of Ghana.
34:25 That channel can reach even the villages in the west of Ghana.
34:30 So we praise the Lord for the two people that are promoting
34:35 the 3ABN there which is Sister Elizabeth and her son.
34:39 They are working for free.
34:42 They are volunteers.
34:43 But they are really making this happen to go all over the
34:48 country.
34:49 And Uganda is another project that is really growing.
34:53 They just launched their streaming service.
34:57 Yeah, it's huge.
34:57 I'm very happy.
34:58 We help them to get the equipment to do that.
35:02 And now people all over the world just go to their
35:08 streaming and they can watch 3ABN Uganda.
35:11 They can see all the local content that they are
35:14 producing.
35:16 We have some pictures of some of the programs they are
35:19 producing there with Avento Production.
35:23 They are baptizing people every Sabbath when they go and have
35:27 series.
35:29 They do local programming in their studio.
35:32 They have programs for the children.
35:36 They have programs for cooking.
35:39 They are similar to 3ABN in terms of reaching all areas of
35:47 health and children, family and preaching.
35:51 So we are very blessed to have this cooperation with Avento
35:56 Media and 3ABN Uganda.
35:59 So it's a compliment that we don't have the studios there.
36:03 We are raising some funds to get a master control because we
36:07 got audited by, let's call it, their FCC.
36:13 They said, wow, this production is very good, but you don't
36:18 have a master control.
36:20 And legally you have to have a master control to broadcast
36:23 this.
36:28 And this programming is all done in the language of, native
36:34 language is called Luanda.
36:36 So you have Uganda, which is the country.
36:40 They speak English, but the dialect and the language there
36:44 is Luanda.
36:45 So it's amazing that the people are hearing the Three Angels
36:49 message in their own language, native language.
36:53 Praise the Lord.
36:54 So we are very excited with that project.
36:56 It's really growing.
36:58 They have an app on their iOS.
37:03 They are still working on their Android.
37:06 And they are growing.
37:07 It's all volunteer people.
37:09 It's amazing what the Lord is doing in Uganda.
37:14 And thank you for mentioning the financial aspect because
37:16 really 3ABN, maybe we call it Parent, the main channel,
37:19 actually we support thanks to you, Uganda and Uganda.
37:23 And so if the Lord is laying it upon your heart, this evening
37:26 you heard Dr. Mo mention about needing some funds to kind of
37:30 help them with their master control aspect, their streaming
37:32 aspect.
37:37 Uganda, Uganda, and we'll put those funds toward that
37:39 project.
37:41 Or I believe, Jill, online, there's actually if you go
37:42 online and you can look down at the different options to
37:45 donate, you'll see those projects there if you want to
37:47 donate online versus sending a check in.
37:50 But again, if the Lord is laying it on your heart, we'll
37:52 put it 100% to this project.
37:54 Another one that I'm very excited is about Cable Wireless
37:58 Panama.
38:00 It's another one that I don't take any credits.
38:03 I just received the information.
38:07 It is a service that is covering all the country of
38:11 Panama on channel 59.
38:13 They can watch the 3ABN Latino.
38:17 Praise the Lord.
38:18 And when I send them the contract for the 3ABN Latino, I
38:23 said, by the way, I understand that Panama has a lot of
38:27 retirees from the U.S.
38:29 that they go to Panama and they speak English.
38:33 So don't you want to add the 3ABN English?
38:37 Thank you.
38:38 Good job.
38:43 to put the 3ABN, but we're going to do that very shortly.
38:47 So we're hoping that they will add one more channel, which is
38:51 the 3ABN flagship channel, 3ABN.
38:55 Look at God.
38:57 It's amazing.
38:57 It's incredible.
39:00 I just wanted to mention another one that I had to do a
39:05 little work and a little twisting, but the Cable
39:09 Bahamas, they have been broadcasting 3ABN, you know,
39:14 main channel there for years, actually, and Dare to Dream was
39:20 hoping to get to the Bahamas.
39:23 Some of the programming is very relevant to the people that
39:29 live there.
39:30 So I contacted them and I said, why don't you use Dare to
39:35 Dream, you know?
39:36 So they said, well, we'll contact you.
39:40 So after a while, they contacted me and I said, yeah,
39:44 we look your content and we like it, so we want to carry.
39:48 After about two or three months of negotiation, they finally
39:53 agree and they signed the contract and Dare to Dream is
39:58 in Bahamas also.
40:00 So praise the Lord.
40:01 Thank you so much for your tireless efforts, Dr. Mo, to
40:05 help get the Gospel to the world.
40:08 It's so amazing to me just to think it's hard to even keep
40:12 track of every avenue that 3ABN is utilizing to get the Gospel
40:16 out and to think of these in so many different countries and
40:19 what God is doing.
40:20 Pastor Johnnie, let's talk about Cuba and what's happening
40:23 there in Cuba.
40:25 Well, every week a portion of our programming gets on what
40:29 they call the package, the weekly package, also known as
40:32 the package network and people have access to it.
40:35 Just going to a local place where this is sold and more and
40:39 more places are surfacing or popping up, if you want to call
40:43 them, where the package is sold.
40:45 And so this is a, again, I was told by the director of the
40:51 package, the guy in charge, if you want to get information to
40:55 the people of Cuba, this is the best and fastest way.
40:59 So why not use the best and fastest way to get a message to
41:03 the people by being on the package?
41:05 So I just praise the Lord that 3ABN is on the package because
41:09 the people, people all over the world need hope.
41:12 And in this particular time of difficulty in Cuba, people need
41:16 hope.
41:22 literature.
41:24 And one of the best, or the best literature is the Bible.
41:28 So we do not have a Bible yet.
41:32 We're looking at Bibles to see which one would be best to be
41:36 able to make available to people.
41:38 But we would like to be able to have thousands of Bibles
41:41 available.
41:42 So that when somebody from the package says, I don't have a
41:45 Bible, could you please provide one?
41:47 We want to put them in contact with us or with a local church
41:50 where they can just visit your local 7-day Adventist church
41:52 and they can give you a Bible for free.
41:54 So this is a project that we're working on.
41:56 We don't have all the details yet.
41:58 But we ask for your prayers and when we have more information,
42:03 we'll share on that because the people of Cuba do need hope.
42:07 There are things going on there that, you know, it's turbulent
42:11 times in a sense.
42:13 So we need prayer so that people, when they watch our
42:19 programming, will find Christ, will find hope and will want
42:22 more information.
42:25 We've been talking about Pastor Johnnie, 3ABN's camp meeting
42:28 coming up.
42:29 Yes.
42:30 That's June 5-8.
42:32 Welcome to come.
42:33 Or if you can't come, to tune in to 3ABN and watch and listen
42:36 to 3ABN's spring summer camp meeting June 5-8.
42:40 But also about a week and a half or so after English camp
42:43 meeting ends, 3ABN Latino is going to be doing your camp
42:46 meeting right here on the campus of 3ABN.
42:48 Talk to us about that exciting event.
42:50 This is history.
42:51 Yes, it is.
42:52 It's our very first Spanish camp meeting on 3ABN property
42:58 and we're excited.
42:59 We're really excited.
43:01 You know, part of this was, will the people come?
43:05 Because we already have experience with 3ABN parent
43:09 camp meeting.
43:10 People come from all over.
43:11 But we have never done one in Spanish.
43:13 Our question was, will the people come?
43:16 And last year the Lord led into finding a topic.
43:21 Preparation for the final crisis, the same one as Taren
43:23 is doing.
43:25 And you know, we had no idea that the Sabbath school lesson
43:29 was going to be talking about the same topics that are being
43:34 presented during camp meeting.
43:37 And the Lord is doing something that we don't know what it is,
43:40 but things are going to get more and more difficult in the
43:44 world.
43:45 And preparation for the final crisis is going to be able to
43:48 plant seeds so that people will know, now I understand the
43:53 things going on and what I need to do to be prepared for these
43:58 things that are happening.
44:00 Our camp meeting is Wednesday through Saturday, the 19th of
44:03 June to the 22nd of June.
44:06 19th of June to the 22nd of June, right here at 3ABN.
44:10 And you know, when we were talking about people coming, we
44:13 were, you know, you have RV spots, and I said to myself,
44:16 RV?
44:17 I don't think Spanish people have RVs.
44:19 I said to myself, maybe one or two, but already 11 RVs are
44:24 coming.
44:28 And coming from all over the world.
44:29 And coming from all over the world, yes.
44:31 What are some of the countries, people who have registered?
44:33 We have people coming from Guatemala.
44:35 We have people coming from Puerto Rico, the Dominican
44:39 Republic, Mexico.
44:41 Was it Honduras?
44:42 No?
44:44 Honduras, I think Costa Rica.
44:46 Oh, Colombia.
44:48 Okay, yes.
44:48 Peru, did you have any from Peru or no?
44:51 I don't remember that one, but maybe.
44:53 And so, oh, I remember the other one.
44:56 It is...
44:58 Chile?
44:59 Chile, no, no, it's...
45:02 Oh, Panama, Panama.
45:03 That's right, Dr. Cordova is coming.
45:06 So, yes, the camp meeting is 19th to the 22nd of June.
45:11 And pretty much the same topics on Trivian Parent that you can
45:16 go to Trivian Camp Meeting to find out what the topics are in
45:20 English.
45:23 Spanish, let them know that they can either come or watch
45:26 on Trivian Latino.
45:28 So, I would like to talk about some of the speakers and we're
45:32 able to put this on.
45:33 You can see that I am at CampestreHispano3ABN.org.
45:38 How do you get there?
45:44 we have a link there so that you can get to where I am.
45:48 So, 19th to the 22nd of June is Wednesday through Saturday.
45:53 I'm talking to you about the speakers now.
45:55 And ladies first, Betzayda Castro.
45:57 She is a Bible worker in Texas and a well-known speaker in the
46:02 area as people know her as a person that will say, A thus
46:06 saith the Lord.
46:07 The next speaker I want to talk to you about is Pastor Robert
46:10 Costa.
46:14 That's the Spanish version of It Is Written.
46:17 And a well-known speaker, international evangelist and
46:21 very, very busy.
46:23 He's also the Associate Ministerial Secretary of the
46:28 General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
46:30 He will be one of the speakers.
46:31 We also have Pastor Hector Delgado, author of several
46:35 books and works in New York as one of the district pastors.
46:41 He's written several books, especially about the end times.
46:44 And he's excited to be able to come.
46:46 Pastor Carlos Martin.
46:49 He was a theology professor at Southern and also an
46:57 international evangelist and professor there at Southern and
47:01 retired now.
47:02 But he is an exciting speaker as well.
47:05 Pastor Carlos Muñoz.
47:08 He is director of Evangelism AFCO Amazing Facts and also
47:13 Associate Speaker for Amazing Facts.
47:15 Loves to talk about final events and he will be here as
47:18 one of the speakers.
47:20 Pastor Stenit Nash will also be speaking.
47:22 He is a pastor in California.
47:24 Over 30 years of experience and a powerful speaker as well.
47:29 Daniel Escarone.
47:30 He participates in a Spanish version of Bible Answers.
47:34 He is a very well-liked speaker and very Bible solid speaker.
47:41 And we have Pastor Ted Nilsen...
47:44 Pastor Ted N.C.
47:46 Wilson.
47:48 But of course he's the president of the General
47:50 Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
47:52 He will not be here, but he is preparing a sermon that he will
47:55 send to us that will be airing on Sabbath afternoon with a
47:59 translation.
48:00 So we encourage you to watch that as well.
48:06 Pastor Fernando Zavala, an author and speaker, pastor.
48:10 Has written several books in Spanish and also well-known.
48:15 And the other speaker, hardly anybody knows him.
48:20 The founder of 3ABN, Danny Shelton, will be speaking on
48:24 Friday night.
48:26 He does not speak complete Spanish yet.
48:28 Now he will tell you he does.
48:30 But he's still on the way.
48:32 But he will be speaking in Spanish with a translator.
48:35 And I will be also presenting a message.
48:38 We won't say anything about that guy.
48:40 We also are grateful to have Greg and Jill participating
48:43 with us.
48:49 Mending Broken People in Spanish as well.
48:53 Powerful line-up and really looking forward to it.
48:56 And again, that is June 19 through June 22.
49:00 It's a 3ABN Latino Spanish camp meeting.
49:02 Right here at 3ABN, of course, tours will be given.
49:05 Like you said, camping, free food.
49:08 It's children's meetings.
49:09 It will be again a great time of fellowship, one with
49:12 another.
49:14 I do have to say they have to register to be here.
49:18 And we have free food as well.
49:20 Okay, so the way to register is to go to that website.
49:23 Go to the website and you can register there.
49:26 Perfect.
49:26 Okay.
49:29 3ABN's camp meeting, June 5 through 8.
49:31 Latinos camp meeting.
49:33 Brother Bruce, when 3ABN come to camp meeting, I mean, when
49:36 people come to 3ABN's camp meeting, they oftentimes will
49:39 bring some items like this.
49:41 I've been looking at this teapot that has been here for
49:44 the second hour and some of these gold watches and coins
49:47 and stuff like that.
49:49 And people also bring some RVs.
49:52 Like we just had one recently donated that you have a picture
49:54 of.
49:55 Talk to us about that.
49:57 Okay.
49:58 Yep.
49:59 It's an item that we get throughout the year.
50:03 We'll get a couple, two or three.
50:05 And we have a really nice one right now.
50:07 Yeah, we have it for sale.
50:09 But again, that money then goes right into the evangelism with
50:11 3ABN.
50:12 Yes, praise the Lord.
50:16 people want to donate, they can designate where those funds
50:21 will go once the items are sold.
50:24 Perfect.
50:24 Very good.
50:25 So talk to us about some of the items.
50:26 What's going on in the donation center?
50:29 Well, we're trying to stay as active as possible.
50:33 And we have to wear many hats in the donation center.
50:37 So everything from taking it in and logging it and advertising
50:42 it and researching.
50:43 And we've got a lot of work to do in the donation center.
50:44 And there's just a lot to do there.
50:47 And there's just two of us.
50:49 So Addie works with me and she's been a great blessing to
50:52 bring her in.
50:54 And like some of the items that you're seeing that we get,
50:58 these are great things that we can move very quickly.
51:04 And the proceeds 100% goes into the good works of 3ABN.
51:08 So this is like then what?
51:09 Something silver then it looks like?
51:10 This is a sterling silver teapot.
51:14 And I think in the red case, if you want to open that, there's
51:17 a gold and diamond ladies citizen watch.
51:21 Oh, a watch.
51:22 I see that.
51:23 It's a ladies citizen.
51:24 So this would have diamonds.
51:25 Yep, gold and diamond.
51:26 So maybe watches that someone would have.
51:28 Sure.
51:29 Anything gold.
51:31 And gold is very high right now.
51:34 Record highs, right?
51:35 It's record highs right now.
51:37 Okay, so some of these items here then.
51:39 These are coins?
51:39 Yeah.
51:41 I don't know which one you have.
51:43 See, that's one of the larger...
51:44 That's a five dollar gold piece.
51:48 Liberty gold piece.
51:50 We have a smaller one here.
51:51 And that is a two and a half.
51:52 A lot of people have never seen one of those.
51:54 That's an Indian head two and a half gold piece.
51:58 Okay, see if I can turn it a little bit.
51:59 Wow, there we go.
52:00 There we go.
52:01 It's got a glare on it.
52:02 So these are items that people have donated to 3ABN to be sold
52:05 to the ministry.
52:06 Okay, what about this?
52:07 It looks like a gold watch here.
52:08 Yeah, that's a pocket watch.
52:12 I think that's a railroad watch.
52:15 How you estimate a railroad watch is you take the back off
52:19 of it.
52:24 actually activates the watch.
52:26 If it's 21 jewels or more, it's considered a railroad watch.
52:30 Oh, I didn't know that.
52:32 So people donating then like, let's say gold coins or gold
52:35 pocket watches.
52:36 We've also got silver like you talked about silver.
52:39 Silverware too.
52:40 Silverware, yeah.
52:41 China?
52:43 Sure, we have, I'll give you a short list of some of the items
52:46 that we accept and do very well with.
52:49 Of course, gold, silver, platinum, diamonds, jewelry,
52:55 sterling silverware, of course coins, golden diamond watches,
53:01 vehicles, RVs, real estate, China, musical instruments.
53:08 And once again, this is just the short list.
53:10 We take a wide array of items.
53:12 So this item here then looks like it's a silver...
53:16 That is actually a piece, silver dollar.
53:19 Okay, a piece, silver dollar.
53:21 Yeah, they developed them from 1921 to 1935.
53:27 And one thing that's kind of interesting about that, you
53:30 know, coins are history.
53:32 So it's sort of interesting to me.
53:34 The silver dollar that was developed from 1878 to 1921 was
53:41 called the Morgan silver dollar.
53:43 And in 1921, what's relevant about what I'm getting ready to
53:50 say, in 1921 they divided that year and they started
53:55 developing the piece dollars.
53:58 So the piece dollars from half of the year, 1921 through 1935.
54:03 Wow, that's amazing.
54:05 That's history there like you're saying.
54:07 But again, I think it's just a really neat aspect of 3ABN
54:09 because I remember last year and of course previous years
54:12 too as people bring their cars or drive here or bring their
54:15 motor homes, that they bring some of these items with them.
54:18 And I know that you then of course turn them around and put
54:21 the money right back into the ministry of 3ABN when they're
54:23 sold.
54:26 Oh yeah, huge of the year.
54:27 So how can somebody get a hold of you?
54:29 Okay, the best way to email me is bruce.chance and I think
54:36 they're putting it on the screen, bruce.chance at 3ABN
54:40 .org or you can telephone me 618-627-4651 extension 3078.
54:51 Thank you so much Bruce for your leadership with the
54:53 Donation Center and each one of you with the respective
54:56 departments that you lead out and we're coming down to the
54:58 end of this program.
55:00 So maybe we'll go around the table and share a closing
55:02 thought, whatever you'd like to share or whatever's on your
55:04 heart tonight.
55:05 Pastor Johnny, we'll start with you.
55:07 I'd like to say, you know, the 3ABN Camp Meeting has the
55:10 topic, Preparation for the Final Crisis and I believe this
55:13 is a message for the time that we are living in and I want to
55:16 encourage people to watch if you're not able to come but to
55:20 come and be here will also be a tremendous blessing.
55:23 That's great.
55:25 I just want to say that if you're watching today you can
55:28 be part of this ministry by making a phone call, writing a
55:32 little note to cable companies or whatever is the way that you
55:36 are watching other channels, you can watch 3ABN and bless
55:40 others to watch it also.
55:42 Amen.
55:42 Well said.
55:46 seconds, we have an eBay store and we have a lot of items on
55:51 that eBay store.
55:52 People ask me all the time how to get to that eBay store and
55:55 the best way to do it is going to the main website, 3ABN.org
55:59 and then the top right side push the donate button, scroll
56:05 down to the 3ABN gift shop and then punch the eBay store tab
56:09 and you're there.
56:09 Okay, perfect.
56:10 That's good Bruce, thank you.
56:12 What about you Jasmine?
56:13 I would like to encourage our viewers to watch our Camp
56:15 Meeting if you can't be here physically and use the 3ABN
56:18 Plus app.
56:19 It is an evangelistic tool.
56:21 If you're not sure how to use it call me or email me.
56:24 I can send you a mini training of how to use that.
56:28 You can share the programs many different ways from the app.
56:32 Amen, that's great.
56:32 Jesus is coming soon.
56:34 Let's be ready.
56:35 Amen.
56:39 Johnnie for your leadership here at 3ABN.
56:41 What you bring to the ministry for being part of the family.
56:45 We thank you for being part of the family as well.
56:48 I'm reminded Isaiah 61.
56:49 Of course Jesus repeated this when he stood up in the
56:53 synagogue.
56:55 He anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor.
56:59 That is what this ministry is all about.
57:02 Taking the gospel to the world.


Revised 2024-05-23