3ABN Today Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL240024A

00:00 .
00:03 I want to spend my life mending broken people.
00:15 I want to spend my life.
00:36 I want to spend my life.
00:41 Mending broken,
00:46 I want to spend my life.
01:05 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN.
01:08 Today behind the scenes we are so glad that you've joined us this
01:11 evening.
01:15 it's always just great to get together these two hours on a
01:18 Thursday evening and tonight we're praising God for what He is doing
01:21 through the ministry of 3ABN.
01:23 And you know what Jill, I'm just really excited and I know you are
01:26 too, to be alive at this moment in Earth's history.
01:30 There is so much going on in the world and we could go down a list
01:33 and you could too of all the things that are going on in the world.
01:36 But you know what?
01:37 We have assurance and faith in the Word of God, right?
01:40 And what a message we have to proclaim to the entire world
01:44 through the ministry of 3ABN and that's of course thanks to your
01:47 prayers and your continued financial support for this
01:50 ministry, your ministry, 3ABN.
01:52 But I'm so excited to be doing this program this evening.
01:54 Amen, absolutely.
01:56 You know what a blessing it is to have joy in the Lord.
01:58 Just as we were rolling the open here tonight we were having a good
02:02 laugh with our family on the set and what a blessing to love the
02:06 people that you work with and we love you.
02:09 You are part of our 3ABN family.
02:12 Thank you for your love and your prayers and your support and I love
02:15 behind the scenes because we get to take you as it were behind the
02:18 scenes with what is happening here at your ministry, the ministry of
02:23 3ABN.
02:24 We have evangelism reports.
02:26 We have ways that you can become involved and partner with us and
02:30 we're so excited to talk about each one of them.
02:32 The second hour we're focused more on our school of discipleship.
02:35 We just came through our third intensive school of discipleship
02:40 and we'll talk all about that the second hour.
02:42 But this first hour I want to introduce our family Mr. Danny and
02:46 Dr. Yvonne.
02:47 So glad both of you are here tonight.
02:49 Thank you.
02:50 Thank you.
02:51 Always wonderful.
02:52 For sure.
02:53 Right.
02:54 And Jill's right.
02:55 We were having a little fun.
02:56 Sometimes maybe too much because you come on the air and you're
02:59 laughing and folks probably think, what are they laughing at?
03:02 It just came on camera.
03:05 But we have a good time off camera as well as on camera.
03:08 That's right.
03:08 Joy in the Lord, right?
03:10 Yes.
03:11 Yes.
03:14 for Dare to Dream.
03:16 You're an incredible editor and creative person but you're also our
03:20 social media manager and Ricky's going to be talking to us tonight
03:24 about all things social media and so glad you're here tonight.
03:27 Glad to be here.
03:28 Thank you.
03:33 manager and she does a great job as well.
03:35 It's great to work with her.
03:37 How is it working with your spouse here?
03:39 She works right across the hall so that's really good.
03:42 If I laugh too loud she'll remind me.
03:46 No it's fun.
03:51 work with my wife and being working for the Lord at the same time.
03:56 That's right.
03:57 There's nothing like that.
03:59 Amen.
04:02 gift and Shelly another mom here at the table.
04:05 Shelly of course is our program development manager and producer
04:08 and so glad you're here tonight and of course JD we love him as well.
04:13 He's our pastoral manager.
04:14 We love JD.
04:15 All of us.
04:17 You know it's amazing how many times somebody will come up to me
04:21 and say 30 minutes on the phone with your husband changed my life.
04:25 But it's because he's pointing them to scripture and he prays for the
04:30 Holy Spirit to direct his prayers and it's precious.
04:35 I'm thrilled to be here.
04:37 Amen.
04:38 So glad to have you.
04:39 Amen and we're just talking about the pastoral department and just
04:42 thinking about this too.
04:46 3ABN.
04:48 Mr. Danny that prayer line started about 40 years ago.
04:50 Right I believe your mom didn't she answer some of the calls
04:53 originally?
04:55 We all did.
04:56 We went on the air in a little 12 by 20 shack that had the
05:00 transmitter in it and so for the little Chiron deal we had a
05:06 cardboard box and we set the thing on it and put up as soon as we put
05:11 up a program pre-tape like George Vandeman it was in November I think
05:15 of 86 or maybe 85, 86, 86 I believe.
05:19 We put up the signal and we only had one phone and one phone line
05:23 that was out in this little building.
05:25 We were building the big one and we put on there for free.
05:30 We wanted to see if anybody was watching the satellite for free
05:33 whatever it was, a little book, Steps to Christ.
05:35 Call this number and just immediately I'm like do people just
05:39 sit and look for because immediately people would call so
05:43 we'd answer hello 3Angels Broadcasting Network but it was so
05:46 loud in the little room even though it was kind of cold we had to step
05:50 out whoever answered the phone outside so you're out in the dark
05:53 at night you know because the generators too transmitters too
05:59 loud so it was in there and there were a few people so we'd take
06:01 turns and next one hello 3Angels Broadcasting Network can we help
06:05 you isn't that amazing?
06:07 Yeah it is amazing when you think about it it's like what on earth
06:10 were we thinking?
06:12 But you know God asked you to put the word out and people were
06:14 receiving that word into their homes which was incredible the
06:17 satellite technology those big 10 foot dishes were receiving 3ABN
06:21 signal and now of course we can receive 3ABN on cable and of course
06:25 internet on our cell phones which is amazing too live streams all of
06:28 our networks on a phone which is incredible how technology has
06:32 increased through the years but we still have the 3ABN prayer line and
06:37 we want to invite you to call that prayer line you can just call
06:40 3ABN's number you can see it right now on the bottom of your screen
06:43 it's 618-627-4651 it'll prompt you or you might even come to an
06:47 operator and just say I want the prayer line or there's prompts
06:49 where you can push I believe it's option one to go to the prayer
06:54 line.
06:55 Let's hope that's right.
06:56 Just listen to the prompts and just push the one.
06:58 But I think so.
07:02 But we want to talk about camp meeting right should we talk about
07:05 that?
07:10 already talked about that but Shelly we're getting ready for our
07:14 fall camp meeting revival of righteousness so talk to us about
07:17 what's going on with that.
07:19 Revival of righteousness.
07:19 Amen.
07:24 you.
07:30 all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and I don't know
07:34 why we always stop there that's only half the sentence you've got
07:38 to continue to Romans 3 24 that says being justified freely by his
07:45 grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus the redemption
07:51 of Jesus Christ the goal of the everlasting covenant is that God
07:56 wants to restore our righteousness second Corinthians 5 21 tells us
08:01 about the great exchange when it says that He made him who knew no
08:07 sin, Jesus Christ, to be sin for us that we might become the
08:12 righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
08:15 And righteousness by faith is the most beautiful topic in the Bible
08:21 because that is, it's a relational topic.
08:25 It's how God relates to us and how we relate to Him.
08:29 So for our camp meeting, which is September the 26th through the
08:36 28th, that's a Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, we are doing the
08:42 topic, revival of righteousness.
08:45 This is kind of continuing our theme from this summer when we were
08:50 talking about preparation for the final crisis.
08:54 If our righteousness isn't revived, we're in trouble.
08:57 Now this is interesting and I believe it was you that brought
09:00 this to our attention, but somebody said, oh, we ought to just follow
09:04 the topics that are in Steps to Christ.
09:08 So we're not taking all of our teaching.
09:10 It's not like we're just regurgitating the book, but the
09:15 topics do follow Steps to Christ.
09:17 So it begins and oh, we want you here because the anointing is so
09:25 strong when you're here.
09:26 You can't get that on television, but if you can't be here, we've got
09:31 free RV parking, campsites, you can call and make a reservation,
09:36 delicious food that's free, wonderful children's programming.
09:41 But if you cannot be here, then mark your calendar to watch.
09:47 It starts September, the Thursday, September the 26th with a music
09:52 hour at 6 o'clock.
09:54 Then C.A.
09:55 Murray will be a guest speaker doing the true gospel and then Ryan
10:00 Day will do the topic of repentance and confession.
10:05 Now the next morning we start on Friday at 9 o'clock.
10:12 Kenny Shelton will do consecration.
10:15 Then Jill, you're doing transformational prayers and from
10:20 milk to meat will be John Dinsie.
10:23 This is how to grow in Christ.
10:25 After lunch we'll have some time.
10:27 There'll be production tours.
10:29 There will be a planned giving seminar if you want to attend, but
10:34 this is time for you to visit with the people, the friends.
10:38 We're all family here.
10:39 It's so many people love to visit.
10:42 We begin again on Friday night with our music hour at 6 o'clock and I'm
10:48 sure you can fill us in on that.
10:50 James Rafferty will present the topic of discipleship and our other
10:56 guest speaker Mark Finley is going to do My Mind is Fixed.
11:02 This is staying on course as we put our eyes on Jesus Christ, the
11:09 author and finisher of our faith.
11:11 Sabbath, after our delicious Sabbath breakfast, we will have the
11:16 Sabbath School panel and it's interesting that lesson for that
11:21 particular week is the risen Lord.
11:24 Then Danny's going to do the divine worship and then after lunch C.A.
11:29 Murray will speak again.
11:31 Though the heavens fall, this is how to build our faith and release
11:37 our doubt.
11:39 Then after the evening snack, the last two presentations, I will be
11:45 speaking on the joy of the Lord and then Mark Finley is our final
11:49 speaker.
11:50 He's going to talk about standing for Christ.
11:53 Oh, we hope you can be here because like I said, when you're here, the
12:00 anointing that is present is palpable.
12:04 It's hard to translate that through television but we invite you to
12:09 come so we can hug your neck and get to know you better and if you
12:13 can't, please mark your calendars as Thursday, September the 26th
12:18 through Sabbath, September the 28th.
12:21 Amen.
12:24 I remember we were discussing the fall homecoming, what topic, put it
12:27 before the Lord and like Shelly mentioned, Dr. Yvonne, you had
12:31 mentioned like what about something like revival and so praise the
12:35 Lord, it built from that and so just praise God for that and it
12:38 does follow really to me hand in hand with the spring summer camp
12:41 meeting preparation for the final crisis so praise the Lord.
12:44 Do you want to talk a little bit about that as well?
12:47 Because praise the Lord for this topic.
12:49 So as we go around on these different rallies, you know, to all
12:54 these different cities, we find that so many folks are just
12:58 starving.
12:59 They're just starving and our spirits need revival.
13:03 Revival, yes.
13:05 Reviving, revival, yes.
13:07 We need to, our spirits need to be watered.
13:10 I find that camp meeting is so good for me.
13:14 You know, it's not just for the viewers and the listeners but also
13:18 for us because it's just this concentration of the Word and
13:24 people bringing what the Holy Spirit has inspired them to bring
13:28 and so it's so important.
13:30 It's so important for us to stay plugged into Jesus and that's what
13:35 this does for me.
13:37 And for those who come here and just like Shelly was saying, you
13:41 can just sense the presence of the Holy Spirit here.
13:44 So it's a blessing.
13:46 It's such a blessing and we need revival.
13:48 And it's in time that you can make plans.
13:51 We don't do the Wednesday, Thursday.
13:52 You don't have to take off a week because we know school will be in.
13:55 That's right.
13:59 Sabbath and Sundays anyway, most of you.
14:01 So we'd love to have you here.
14:03 As Shelly said, it's great even here.
14:06 It's nice talking to the folk because we don't see the glass, the
14:09 camera.
14:13 before and those we meet all the time.
14:15 But when you're here in person, as Shelly said, we can hug your neck,
14:19 shake your hand, whatever.
14:21 I always say it backwards or shake her neck and hug her hand.
14:24 I don't want to do that, you know, whatever.
14:27 But it's that personal contact too.
14:30 And we hear some incredible stories from you.
14:33 We get to tell testimonies all the time.
14:35 But when you're here and many of you are able to share with us some
14:39 of your own personal testimonies, what God has done, it's an
14:43 incredible time to be together and see that they're our family of God.
14:47 And so the spring summer camp meeting was packed literally.
14:52 I mean, it was amazing how many people came and stayed.
14:56 And so I would walk outside and I would just say, Lord, thank you.
15:00 I'd see kids running all across with like a hundred or two people
15:04 walking, campers everywhere, tents, 70 or 80 tents all out and just
15:09 saying...
15:11 ...in the middle of nowhere.
15:13 C.A.
15:17 go to the end and there's no place else to go.
15:20 He said, if you want to find 3A Men, it's so far out in the
15:23 country, but people make it from all around the world.
15:26 And so it's a great time to be together and hopefully you can be
15:29 here and join us.
15:30 Amen.
15:31 We're already getting RV reservations.
15:32 So just to encourage you, you can call us.
15:34 The call center is open tonight.
15:37 So if you have an RV or maybe you want to rent an RV, sometimes
15:40 people rent RVs and stay in them.
15:42 You can do that as well.
15:44 You can give us a call at 618-627 -4651.
15:49 That's 618-627-4651.
15:52 We still have some spots open.
15:54 So the RV spots are always first come, first served.
15:57 So make sure you get your reservation in and it's free.
15:59 You don't have to pay anything.
16:01 We offer it complimentary.
16:03 Of course, if you want to camp, we would love that as well.
16:06 And if you were here at spring camp meeting, we have a few extra
16:09 showers.
16:10 So the problem with the wait for the showers is better.
16:15 So just want to assure you of that as well.
16:18 Or you can stay in a hotel.
16:19 Some people stay in Airbnbs in the area.
16:21 So there's many options for you.
16:24 We would love to have you come.
16:25 We have the kids meetings.
16:26 We have free food.
16:28 So we were just doing a Sabbath school connect, Zoom conference
16:31 Friday night.
16:33 This is something for those who have signed up for the Sabbath
16:35 school panel notes.
16:36 Shelly was on it.
16:37 Pastor John was on it.
16:39 And we were talking about our upcoming camp meeting and people
16:41 were like, well, where's 3ABN?
16:43 We're in Illinois and we're 300 miles south of Chicago.
16:46 And what do I have to pay to come to camp meeting?
16:48 You can come for free.
16:50 What a tremendous blessing.
16:52 We're looking forward to hopefully that you can come on down and we
16:56 get that time again.
16:57 Yeah, I enjoy the fellowship aspect.
16:59 That's one of the aspects I enjoy about camp meeting is just to meet
17:02 each one of you.
17:03 And what a great time to spend with your family here right at 3ABN.
17:06 Like Shelly mentioned and others too, we have the tours of 3ABN.
17:09 If you've never been here or if you've been here before but want to
17:11 tour again, we're happy to do that.
17:13 On Friday afternoon we'll be giving you a tour of 3ABN.
17:16 And really showing what the Lord has done through your ministry
17:18 3ABN.
17:20 But talking about fellowship, we were just in the Bahamas for a
17:24 really powerful rally there at the church.
17:28 There in Hillview Church with Pastor Reming.
17:32 And just a great time there again, a fellowship there in the Bahamas.
17:36 Mr. Danny, the conference, you were there late last year, I believe it
17:39 was, and met with the conference leadership.
17:41 And they said, Mr. Danny, bring 3ABN down here to Nassau.
17:45 And so we did.
17:46 So talk to us about that.
17:54 see the folk.
17:57 different countries around the world, the old Bahamas is close by,
18:01 not that far away, it's still a different country.
18:04 But going to Nassau, seeing the people, because we're on cable
18:08 there.
18:09 And so I think not only parent now, but dare to dream.
18:13 And so we had people coming from different islands.
18:15 We actually, which kind of surprised me, we had some people
18:17 from the states who flew over there and said, well, we thought this
18:21 might be the closest we'd be to 3ABN.
18:24 So they came there too.
18:25 But to work with the leadership there.
18:28 And that's what really makes it go to get the people, the church and
18:31 the laity, join hands together.
18:34 And so we had a great time there and appreciate each and every one
18:38 of you there, your support of 3ABN.
18:41 And it's always again, these rallies are just what we say,
18:45 they're rallies.
18:50 discouraged when you see God has people everywhere.
18:53 And we may look different, we may have different cultures, whatever,
18:57 speak different languages, but when we come together, we're one through
19:01 Christ Jesus.
19:02 Amen.
19:04 Reggie and Lady were there.
19:05 I think we have a couple of pictures.
19:06 We don't have a lot, but we have a couple of pictures we can put up.
19:08 I know Reggie and Lady were there with you, Dr. Yvonne, did
19:11 incredible music, so grateful for that.
19:15 Wonderful to minister together.
19:16 Oh, Danny did an incredible job with the message there and the
19:20 people connect with that, resonate with that.
19:22 So that is such a blessing.
19:24 Ryan, of course, did amazing music.
19:26 He did the worship talk about seagulls on a Friday night.
19:30 That was amazing.
19:35 wife, Darlene, the South Bahamas Conference.
19:38 So just so grateful for the leadership there of the church, the
19:42 South Bahamas Conference and that connection partnership together for
19:45 evangelism.
19:46 Jason and Francine Bergman and Amanda went as well.
19:49 Amanda helped with the booth, passing all the material out and
19:54 they did a great job.
19:55 So it's such a blessing just to meet the family and to be there
19:58 together.
19:59 Absolutely.
20:05 looking out over the ocean.
20:07 That doesn't hurt to get a day or two when you're away from the
20:10 cornfields to be looking out into the beautiful ocean too in Nassau,
20:14 there in the area.
20:15 Fabulous place.
20:16 Yeah, beautiful area.
20:17 And talking about evangelism, the church and the people there are
20:20 obviously excited about it because you were talking about Amanda.
20:24 And she was there with all the material that we brought to hand
20:27 out free of charge.
20:28 And of course a lot of the books are like the Focus on Truth books,
20:31 LGBTQ, Can the Christian Church Affirm LGBTQ?
20:33 And a lot of other literature from 3A Biennale.
20:35 So many people took them even during the Sabbath school time most
20:38 all of it was gone because they wanted to distribute it.
20:40 Across the island there are local communities there in the Bahamas.
20:43 That's so encouraging.
20:44 Because you're all about evangelism and you all know 3A Biennale is
20:47 about evangelism but you are too.
20:48 So thank you for partnering with the ministry of 3A Biennale.
20:52 As we talk about evangelism, we want to talk a little bit more
20:54 about that too through social media, through the new books.
20:57 You've got a new book that's coming out.
20:59 What should we touch on next?
21:00 Maybe we should hit ASI first.
21:02 Let's do that.
21:04 So we're getting ready to go to ASI.
21:07 The trucks are getting ready to pull out and travel for that.
21:09 The dates of broadcast will be Wednesday night, July 31st through
21:15 Sabbath August 3rd.
21:16 We will be broadcasting live from Orlando, Florida.
21:20 The theme of course is investing in eternity, called Consecrated and
21:25 Committed.
21:26 We believe in the mission of ASI.
21:28 We love to partner together.
21:30 I know, Danny, since you were in Big Sky, Montana, I think it was,
21:34 was that?
21:35 So many years we've been partnering together and then later
21:39 broadcasting the conventions every year.
21:42 So what an incredible blessing.
21:43 It's all about sharing Jesus in the marketplace.
21:45 And it's just lay people joining hands with the church and just
21:49 sharing the gospel in their corner of the world.
21:52 Yes, amen.
21:53 I'm always so blessed with ASI because you get to network with
21:58 different ministries and you see how God is, what he's doing through
22:03 all these different ministries all over the world.
22:06 It's so special.
22:07 It really is.
22:08 ASI is a special time.
22:10 Yeah, sometimes you can almost feel overwhelmed when you look, but now
22:15 you go and see all of these other people, whatever we're not doing,
22:19 they are.
22:19 What they're not doing, we are.
22:21 So we find we are in network, working together.
22:24 And Jesus said, go into all the world and you see all of these
22:28 people in ministries so dedicated and doing just what we're doing
22:32 every day.
22:37 Baal.
22:42 not everybody has a media like we do that's as visible as we are.
22:47 So they come to ASI and people sometimes first time they meet some
22:51 of these folk.
22:55 through watching 3ABN and joining a church and then spreading out into
23:00 ministry and becoming part of ASI too.
23:02 Yeah, no, you're right.
23:06 We want to give an update.
23:08 I'm just really excited about this.
23:10 Of course, you've heard about the book Can the Christian Church
23:12 Affirm LGBTQ?
23:14 And if you've been following some of the more recent programs we've
23:16 been talking about a really neat project where we're sending out
23:20 these booklets Can the Christian Church Affirm LGBTQ?
23:23 And we first picked the Baptist Churches.
23:26 So we brought it, we put it before you.
23:29 I think it's 49 cents.
23:30 You can send a book in a really nice envelope and also had a nice
23:34 flyer inside of that envelope and we would send it to a Baptist
23:38 Church.
23:42 United States.
23:42 I'm sorry to interrupt, I have a question.
23:44 Yes sir, Mr. Danny.
23:45 You said 49 cents, but a stamp is...
23:48 Oh, it's almost 70 cents now, it just went up.
23:50 Yeah, it just went up.
23:52 So can you explain that to us?
23:55 There's the graphic right there, praise the Lord.
23:57 So 49 cents for a church.
23:59 This is the miracle of the Lord because through postage reduction,
24:02 like through bulk mailing we call it, that is how it's possible to do
24:06 that.
24:10 printing of the booklet, that's how come we're able to do it for 49
24:13 cents.
24:14 That includes the postage.
24:15 And you're right, stamps are way more than 49 cents.
24:18 But this is the postage, the book, that's been sponsored for the
24:21 printing.
24:25 flyer that goes in this envelope.
24:27 49 cents, it's bulk mailing, but it actually gets there within about a
24:30 week or two when it's dropped into the mail system.
24:32 So it doesn't take months to get to the church because it gets there
24:35 within a couple of weeks.
24:36 So praise the Lord for those opportunities to be able to do
24:38 that.
24:44 into 3ABN.
24:45 So far.
24:46 And so far from this mailing.
24:48 Most of them are pastors.
24:49 Yes.
24:53 they give the name of the Baptist church and they contact us because
24:56 they want to order cases of this book for their church and their
25:02 community.
25:06 Is there anything else that I can share with my church?
25:10 This is incredible.
25:11 So excited.
25:14 That's incredible.
25:16 And what is amazing to me as well is these Baptist ministers and
25:19 leadership of these Baptist churches are actually sending
25:22 additional funds to 3ABN because they are obviously doing the
25:25 research and who is 3ABN?
25:27 Who is Mr. Danny Shelton?
25:28 What is this ministry all about?
25:30 They're not just blind like, oh great, let's just order them.
25:32 No, they're doing the research because they're sending funds
25:34 saying we appreciate what 3ABN is doing.
25:38 So we are sending funds to support your ministry and the others like
25:41 Jill just mentioned are saying we want more study material.
25:45 And like Ricky said, do we?
25:46 Yeah, we've got a lot of study material.
25:48 So to me, this is just the beginning of a mighty ripple that's
25:51 going to be a massive wave.
25:53 So this is just Mr. Danny to the 70 ,000 Baptist churches.
25:56 But wait, there's more.
25:58 Right, okay.
26:02 system.
26:03 I've got the list here.
26:04 These are the next churches that we're going to include.
26:06 And it's quite a little list.
26:08 We have the Church of Christ.
26:09 We have the Episcopal Church.
26:11 When you say that, you're talking about every...
26:14 Yeah, where there will be...
26:15 Every Church of Christ.
26:16 Correct.
26:20 have legitimate addresses and they scrub them to make sure they're
26:24 good addresses.
26:25 And so we bought that list from them at a really incredible
26:27 discounted price.
26:29 And by the way, that 49 cents we talked about included that mailing
26:31 list too.
26:32 So amazing.
26:36 churches that we have through mailing.
26:38 That we're sending to every...
26:39 Every Church of Christ.
26:40 Church of Christ in America.
26:42 That's correct, in America.
26:43 Jasmine's been working on that list with Marilyn so...
26:46 Jasmine's done a great job to get that price at just pennies.
26:49 It's amazing.
26:51 So that list is every Church of Christ across the United States,
26:54 the Episcopal Church.
26:55 Every Episcopal Church across the United States.
26:57 Lutheran churches, there are about 15,000 just of Lutheran churches.
27:02 We have of course the Methodist churches across the United States.
27:05 There's about 25,000 of those.
27:08 The Pentecostal, the Presbyterian and then also our own Seventh-day
27:13 Adventist Church.
27:18 material that 3-Ebin has.
27:19 So we're hitting those churches as well.
27:21 So again, that's about another 70 to 80,000 churches that are being
27:25 sent.
27:27 These books are being sent to them.
27:28 So praise the Lord for that, Shelly.
27:30 It just strikes me that we know that the Lord is returning soon and
27:34 he wants us to be united.
27:37 He prayed, oh Lord, let them be one as we are one.
27:41 This is reaching out.
27:43 God has his people in all churches.
27:46 This is crossing, bringing down those denominational walls.
27:51 And we're reaching out to start uniting people because the shaking
27:55 is coming.
28:00 God is going to shake us all in together and bring us together.
28:05 This is exciting.
28:07 It's just another, it shows us he's coming soon.
28:11 Amen to that.
28:12 And Jill, I want you to speak to this because you said the call
28:14 center is open because we're looking actually for people to
28:16 support this project.
28:17 We're talking 49 cents this evening.
28:19 So you think about that, basically two for a dollar, but this is not
28:22 individuals.
28:25 And who knows the reach of a church?
28:27 Some of these churches could have 10 members.
28:28 Some could have thousands of members in their church.
28:31 So how do people get to support this project?
28:34 Call us right now.
28:35 618-627-4651.
28:39 The call center is open.
28:41 618-627-4651.
28:44 Or you can always go online and donate that way.
28:48 Go to 3ABN.TV, click on the donate tab, and you just scroll down and
28:53 there's a little fun code that says LGBTQ.
28:56 You just click on that and you can donate for that.
28:59 And those monies, whatever you give for this project, will go
29:03 specifically to help sponsor this mailing of the Can the Christian
29:07 Church Affirm LGBTQ into these churches because we want the gospel
29:12 message to go out to the world.
29:14 So what an incredible opportunity.
29:15 We could send these to all the individual members and a lot of
29:20 them probably wouldn't even look at them because...
29:25 But when your pastor orders them and says, I'm passing these out, I
29:30 suggest you read these.
29:32 That's a whole different story.
29:34 And Greg, you had told me even a week or two ago, somebody had
29:39 written and said something like, we need this.
29:41 In other words, the Baptists, the Adventists, all of us, they're
29:45 reading the books and says, we need this, the Christian community, the
29:48 Christian church, we need this book.
29:51 That's right.
29:52 That was from a pastor from actually New York State actually
29:56 mentioned that in a handwritten letter to us because we're
29:58 receiving orders through phone call, online and also pastors
30:02 reaching out to us via snail mail, may we say, and actually writing a
30:05 letter to the ministry of 3AVN saying this is amazing, this is a
30:08 great read, we appreciate what Mr. Danny Shelton has done to write
30:10 this book and thank you for doing that.
30:12 You wrote this book about a year ago and just look how God is using
30:16 this booklet to reach, who knows, untold numbers of people.
30:20 It seems like we pick topics and maybe the Lord has us to it, I hope
30:24 that we give God the credit if it's good, we take the credit if it's
30:28 bad, but on things like this, it's bothering, it's affecting the
30:33 church today big time, this particular topic and others, number
30:37 of others, but it's literally dividing the church.
30:40 So that's why it can, you know, the church affirmed the Christian
30:44 church, we added Christian because it's not just ours, it's all of
30:48 them, can the Christian church affirm LGBTQ?
30:51 So it's nothing about homophobia, it's nothing about not liking
30:55 people or loving people, it's about actually really loving people
30:59 enough to tell them the truth.
31:00 And then they decide, we don't judge, we put the message out, but
31:05 for some reason, it's not politically correct in this day and
31:11 age to bring this topic up even within our own church.
31:15 People get upset at you, so, you know, we use the Bible and say that
31:21 God loves all of us, there's no sin too big, God can't forgive, but the
31:25 problem with this one is that it's the only group that I know of, of
31:30 people who basically demand to come into the church and be a membership
31:34 and some even be pastors or elders in your church without admitting
31:38 that it's sin.
31:40 So we want to live this lifestyle, you're alcoholic, you don't have
31:44 groups of alcoholics and we want to be members and pastors and you have
31:48 to let us in.
31:49 They know what they're doing is wrong and so they realize we need
31:53 this as a sin, we need help.
31:55 I don't care if it's pornography, it's adultery, if it's whatever
31:59 else, we all know that it's sin and so we ask forgiveness and, you
32:03 know, God can forgive anything and we're thankful for that.
32:06 We all have testimonies, none of us deserve to be anywhere where we
32:10 are, you know, and above ground period, we should all be dead
32:14 except by the grace of God.
32:16 But on this particular subject, I'm amazed that people, even some of
32:22 the leadership of the churches are saying, no, it's okay, we'll accept
32:26 you the way you are, you were born that way, but we're all born
32:29 sinners, right?
32:31 But all have sinned and come short of the glory of God and so it's up
32:35 to us, it's our Christian duty and responsibility to love people
32:39 enough to tell them the truth.
32:41 So it's not about, I've got family, I've got friends, I've got people
32:44 who are LGBTQ, we can love each other, but that's neither here nor
32:49 there.
32:53 television, we're perfect and we're judging others, no, we're all
32:57 sinners saved by grace also, but the key word is saved by grace,
33:01 we're sinners and even God himself doesn't forgive unrepentant,
33:07 unconfessed sins.
33:08 So how can the church do it, how can we put ourselves in a position
33:11 to say, oh, it's okay, come on in, we accept this when even God
33:16 doesn't.
33:21 sin and just rebellion against God's Word.
33:24 It's not like we made a mistake and okay, is he going to, well, God
33:27 judges that.
33:32 heaven.
33:36 happy.
33:41 enough to tell them the truth and that's why these books and that's
33:45 why every church is dealing with it.
33:47 Every Christian church, churches in the area, Methodist churches in our
33:51 own area, they have split, they literally split over this one
33:54 topic.
33:58 said our churches split.
34:00 And so these people want the material and they're actually
34:04 saying thank you for this material.
34:06 So it's nothing that I've done or we've done.
34:08 It's just we put together from God's Word.
34:11 And that's what I was going to say.
34:14 I think that it is one of the things that's so appealing about
34:18 the book is that it is from God's Word.
34:21 That it's not just speculation.
34:24 And so that way it crosses denominational lines because we're
34:28 going to the Bible to find out what does God think about this.
34:33 In a way that is not condemning, it's redemptive.
34:40 And so that's really...
34:42 That's our prayer for sure.
34:43 Yes, yes.
34:49 Thus Sayeth the Lord.
34:50 It's not just opinions.
34:52 Yeah, no, that's excellent.
34:53 It's just a tough subject to talk about if people don't want to.
34:57 I've had people donate money towards the printing who says, you
35:01 know, I'll give you this money but don't tell anybody that I did it
35:04 because I have family or I have people who are there but I want
35:07 them to read this information.
35:09 I'll help but don't let anybody know because it's a tough thing to
35:14 talk about and to deal with.
35:16 And so we've just...
35:18 And I won't say too much about it now, Greg, but maybe it's the time.
35:21 We've just finished a brand new book that's just started press.
35:24 But it's going to be two or three months for the time it's done.
35:27 And do you know the name of that book since you helped write it?
35:30 Are you in Pastor James?
35:33 Yeah.
35:35 It's the truth about abortion.
35:38 Wow.
35:43 And I find it so interesting, Shelley, that when, like I've done
35:46 sermons at camp meeting and if I talk about abortion or LGBTQ, a
35:52 certain amount of people get really angry.
35:55 They'll email me, they'll Facebook me, they'll do whatever and say,
35:58 shame on you, you shouldn't talk about politics.
36:02 And I always say, I'm not talking about politics.
36:04 I'm talking about the Ten Commandments.
36:06 I'm talking about the Word of God.
36:08 You're talking about politics.
36:10 In other words, and I'm amazed.
36:12 And even though I say that, the next sermon that comes along, if
36:16 anything's mentioned, they're like, you're still talking about
36:18 politics.
36:19 You got to quit talking about politics.
36:21 And I'm like, well, maybe your politics is in the way of your
36:26 faith, of your beliefs, because any time you want to do away with the
36:30 law of God, that's not politics.
36:33 I mean, it is politics.
36:35 And if you, we're preaching the Ten Commandments, but if you say, well,
36:39 abortion's okay, you know, murdering of children's unborn is
36:42 okay, or LGBTQ lifestyles, you know, that's fine.
36:46 That's a breaking of God's law.
36:48 I didn't say that.
36:49 I mean, the Bible says it.
36:51 So we just say what the Bible says.
36:54 But abortion is something also that's very difficult to talk
36:57 about, and we feel for people who've gone through women, who've
37:00 gone through that, and it's a terrible thing.
37:03 It's not an unpardonable sin.
37:05 It's all, you know, what we encourage in women to do, people
37:10 have done it.
37:11 You can just ask the Lord to forgive you.
37:12 Sorry, that's not an issue at all.
37:15 But this is hopefully helping young women that are in maybe a difficult
37:21 position or predicament in their life, and they're thinking about
37:25 aborting a baby because everyone's saying, oh, there's no problem.
37:29 That's fine.
37:34 know, a woman should have a choice.
37:35 So we go through that, and it's like, well, yeah, we all have
37:39 choices, but those choices, the wages of sin is death.
37:43 So as leaders and pastors and members and fellow Christians, we
37:48 need to encourage people, you know, these are human lives that we're
37:51 dealing with.
37:51 We can't play God.
37:53 So our book, we're not judging people.
37:55 We're just laying out the facts, and with Pastor James helping, and
37:59 Yvonne, you go through that a little bit.
38:01 Tell us what you...
38:03 Just the whole cycle of development, the fetal development,
38:09 which is just so fascinating.
38:11 It's interesting to me about the narrative that accompanies
38:16 abortion, that it's just tissue, it's nothing, it's undifferentiated
38:21 cells.
38:30 week something else is happening, something else amazing is happening
38:35 that God has implemented.
38:38 It's just, it's so awesome.
38:40 So we look at the week-by-week development, it's not tedious, it's
38:45 just kind of says, week one, this is happening, week two, and you get
38:49 to see how that embryo is developing into a fetus.
38:54 It's just, it's amazing.
38:55 It's amazing.
38:57 So that's one of the things, and also the procedure, we look at that
39:01 as well, because again, the narrative is one thing, and we'll
39:06 go into it more later as we talk more about the book later, but it's
39:11 just interesting to see what the narrative is and then what the
39:15 reality is in terms of the procedure even.
39:19 So it was eye-opening for me, and we pray that it will be eye-opening
39:24 for every reader.
39:26 And again, it's not condemning, it's not saying, you know, we're
39:30 all sinners.
39:31 We all have sinned, we all need Jesus, that's where we are.
39:36 We're saved by grace through faith, so we can't save ourselves.
39:41 But we need to understand what the devil is doing and how he's
39:48 twisting things and how he's making people think things are one way and
39:53 they're really another.
39:54 So we're kind of pulling back the covers of deception, and it's a
39:59 blessing.
40:03 information.
40:08 but when you actually give them science, they're like on this, or a
40:12 boy and a girl.
40:13 They're doctors who don't know the difference between a boy and a
40:16 girl.
40:17 Now, something's wrong with that because the kindergartener put two
40:20 kindergarten kids in the room and they'll know a boy and a girl, but
40:23 because of our current culture and politics, so I'm just amazed that
40:29 then when you show science to this baby that, oh, well now science,
40:33 that doesn't mean anything, you know, so.
40:35 What keeps running through my head, I hope I can articulate this.
40:39 You know, the Pharisees, the smallest unclean animal was a gnat,
40:46 and what they would do is they'd take their cup that put cheese
40:51 cloth and they would strain it for that gnat.
40:54 The largest unclean animal was the camel, and Jesus said to them, you
41:02 strain at a gnat, you swallow a camel.
41:07 How can anyone see the truth in God's Word and then swallow this
41:15 camel, this deception?
41:17 And that's what...
41:18 Does that make sense?
41:20 It does.
41:21 It's a good challenge.
41:22 You have a great point.
41:25 Yeah, so I know we'll be talking more about this book on abortion
41:27 coming up.
41:28 We'll have some of those details for you.
41:29 We're just letting you know this is coming and it's going to come by
41:32 the Lord's grace this year, right?
41:34 Yeah, hopefully by camp meeting we'll see.
41:37 Okay, but again we're talking about evangelism and 3APM likes to make
41:41 it available for you to participate.
41:42 So we've talked about several ways this evening.
41:44 One is through supporting the booklet that we do have.
41:47 It's in stock and we've shipped up to the mailer.
41:50 Mailing house is Can the Christian Church Affirm LGBTQ for 49 cents.
41:54 We will send this booklet to a church.
41:56 And we mentioned the list of churches earlier too.
41:58 So if you want to support that project this evening, the Holy
42:02 Spirit is impressing you to do that.
42:03 You can call the number on your screen.
42:04 The call center is open.
42:06 That number is if you're listening on radio, it's 618-627-4651.
42:12 And evangelism of course is what 3APM is all about.
42:16 And Ricky, I'm thinking about evangelism and social media.
42:20 An incredible opportunity for us to be involved in social media even if
42:25 someone at home says, you know I really don't do much with that.
42:28 You're going to tell us tonight how they can and it's very painless.
42:31 Yes.
42:32 Tell us a little bit about that Ricky.
42:33 Yes.
42:39 That's right.
42:43 and how that can help in evangelism.
42:46 So here, check out my screen here on my iPad.
42:48 So I'm just going to go to the YouTube app on my iPad.
42:52 And then I'm going to go to the search feature and I'm just going
42:56 to type in 3ABN.
42:59 And once I do that, then the channel will come up and I can
43:02 click up here on the icon of the channel.
43:05 And once I click there, now I'm on the page of 3ABN and there's a
43:08 subscribe button there, a little white subscribe button.
43:12 So I'm going to click on that and that's what you guys can do.
43:13 Click on that subscribe button there.
43:16 You're subscribed, but with this subscription.
43:19 Can I ask what happens when you subscribe?
43:20 What do I get when I subscribe?
43:22 What happens?
43:28 material or videos or posts that we do.
43:32 But what you really want to do, once you subscribe, you want to
43:34 click on there and choose the all button.
43:37 Then every post, every video that we post, launch on 3ABN YouTube
43:45 channel, then you will get that notification.
43:49 And with the notifications, how that helps 3ABN, there's the
43:55 analytics, which works in favor for us.
43:59 The more that we have people who subscribe, whenever you subscribe,
44:05 then when you get that post or when you get that notification, then
44:09 you're going to know when that new video comes on.
44:12 When you start watching that video, then YouTube says, wow, look, look
44:16 how many subscribers this 3ABN has and look how many people are
44:20 actually watching that video.
44:21 Well, this must be important.
44:23 Let's start sharing that with someone else and then start sharing
44:27 it on the stream and then other people who are not subscribed to
44:30 our channel will start to see this video or more videos of 3ABN.
44:35 So that's just one way that you can evangelize through YouTube.
44:41 It doesn't cost you anything to do it.
44:44 Boy, I've been bad, like I watch certain things and I don't bother
44:49 to push subscribe when it's something like this.
44:52 So what he's saying, you push that subscribe and then where we get all
44:56 these posts, they call it algorithms, I don't know a lot
44:59 about it, but it helps that because now YouTube itself because they
45:03 want more and more people to watch because the more they do, the more
45:07 they make from advertising, right?
45:08 So they're not doing it for nothing.
45:11 But it goes out and this can literally because you'll see some,
45:15 there's individuals that might have a million or two million
45:18 subscribers and when they go out, anything they put up, you'll see a
45:22 million views, whatever.
45:24 3ABN, we've never until recently decided, wait, we really need to
45:28 get into this.
45:29 So thank you for what you're doing.
45:30 We only have maybe 400,000.
45:32 We should have two or three million subscribers.
45:34 And then what that means is it's putting this out to millions of
45:39 people when they're looking for something and they print in LGBTQ.
45:44 This books will come up, the sermons will come up.
45:46 All of that will come up.
45:47 So you type in the Sabbath, potentially millions more.
45:52 This will be sent to them where YouTube will allow them to go
45:55 through.
45:57 So this to me is something that we all can do.
46:01 And it's really, if you're a YouTuber at all, so to speak, and
46:04 learn how to go on YouTube, it's easy to hit that subscribe.
46:07 And not only do we want you to hit the subscribe button, but when
46:10 you're actually watching a video, you can hit the like button as
46:13 well.
46:17 panel.
46:18 And then there's a little like button that's in the bottom left
46:20 -hand corner.
46:21 Click on that, simple as that.
46:23 You can just hit that like button and that will help the algorithm
46:26 and that'll help in supporting 3ABN.
46:28 And you can also share that.
46:30 You can hit the share button and then there's options that you can
46:32 do.
46:35 We can actually hear that going on now.
46:36 That's Sabbath School panel, right?
46:37 That's Sabbath School panel, that's great.
46:39 You can share it as an e-mail, text message.
46:40 That's interesting, I'm going to want to listen to it.
46:43 But all different ways that you can share from text message, e-mail,
46:47 Facebook, messenger, telegram, just several different ways.
46:52 So I want to again go back to this because this is actually really
46:54 important.
46:57 But again, I would say most of you and this would be most countries in
47:01 the world get YouTube.
47:03 Most of you have a smartphone, a tablet, a computer.
47:08 You may not watch 3ABN on YouTube but we're asking you to engage with
47:12 us on YouTube as an evangelistic tool.
47:15 That's right.
47:18 Yes, sir.
47:19 You just go to YouTube.
47:20 Yes, sir.
47:21 YouTube, right?
47:22 That's Y-O-U, right?
47:24 D-U-B-E dot com.
47:26 Dot com, exactly.
47:27 Yep, doesn't cost anything.
47:28 It doesn't cost anything.
47:30 Get that, okay?
47:31 Then you just put in 3ABN, comes up and that little white button like
47:35 you showed earlier, maybe we can show that again now.
47:36 That's perfect, we can see that.
47:38 You just hit the subscribe button and that's it.
47:41 And then you hit all, right?
47:42 We can see that now.
47:44 There's the subscribe button, click on that.
47:46 And then after that, click the button again and then choose the
47:50 all button.
47:51 And then every time when you get a notification of a video, even if
47:56 you're in the midst of a meeting or doing something else, you just hit
47:59 that and you start watching and you hit the like button.
48:02 That's all you need to do.
48:03 This is evangelism.
48:04 And share it.
48:09 We don't have to leave our homes.
48:10 We don't have to go knock on doors.
48:12 You don't have to be distributing literature.
48:13 Although all of those are important.
48:16 And we want to do all of those.
48:17 But this is a way.
48:19 And then YouTube shares 3ABN content.
48:22 The more you subscribe, the more you like, the more you share, the
48:26 more this content is pushed to other people evangelistically.
48:30 Like the Baptist preachers and these others getting the message
48:33 out of the books.
48:34 This is kind of doing the same thing.
48:36 That's right.
48:41 here, you know, leading this charge.
48:44 But for me, coming from the old school and starting with a big
48:46 satellite dish, it's tougher for me to grow with all the new
48:50 technology.
48:51 But even three, four, five years ago, I would say, yeah, that's
48:54 okay.
48:55 YouTube's okay.
49:02 not going to go to YouTube.
49:03 Now I can tell you these very same people that I've called and talked
49:08 to, one of them yesterday, he was 92, says, oh yeah, I've been
49:11 watching.
49:14 I watch on, you know, Roku.
49:16 I watch on, and it's like, wow.
49:18 So this thing has gotten so that anybody can do it and most people
49:23 are.
49:24 And so we have to take advantage of this.
49:26 And what a way to get, reach millions of more people.
49:29 So thank you for heading out on this and teaching us.
49:34 I'm sure they're going to be coming back to you to do some more
49:36 programs and educate us all because people like me need to hear some
49:40 more.
49:45 Can you share that?
49:46 Sure, please go ahead.
49:47 Well, you can download the 3ABN Plus app to your device.
49:51 And one of the things that that is able to do is we've got all of our
49:56 content is right here.
49:58 So some of the content we don't have on YouTube, but all of our
50:03 recorded content is right here on our 3ABN Plus app.
50:07 And so you can go here to the top and you can search for a speaker.
50:12 So let's say we want to watch a sermon by Mark Finley.
50:16 So we can type in his name.
50:18 And then once we type in his name, we'll see a list of his content.
50:23 And let's say we want to go to this one right here, Earth's Final
50:26 Conflict.
50:27 So we click on this.
50:32 on your phone.
50:33 And we can watch one of these, hit the play button, and then you can
50:38 share this at home.
50:39 I'm going to pause it right now.
50:41 You can share this at home with a friend or family member.
50:44 And then as you're actually watching it, something else I want
50:46 to show you is that you can also take and get a study guide resource
50:53 that comes with this series.
50:57 When you get right here, you see it says Resources.
51:00 You click on this and here are all the study guides for this series.
51:04 But click on the first one right here.
51:06 And then now, here's a study guide that goes with that specific
51:10 message.
51:15 family member that's with you.
51:16 So that's just one of the things that you can do with our 3ABN Plus
51:21 app.
51:21 Incredible.
51:24 I mean, that's a lot of resources.
51:26 Yes, yes.
51:27 Wow, let me tell you how much it costs.
51:28 It costs zero dollars.
51:30 All right.
51:31 I can't afford that.
51:32 And you can download it on Apple or Android.
51:35 Exactly.
51:36 And around the world.
51:38 I've been introducing my friends in New Zealand and England and it
51:42 doesn't matter where you are.
51:44 And if you want to share a video that you're watching, then what
51:48 you'll need to do, you see these three little dots in the right-hand
51:51 corner, then you hit that and then you hit the share button and now
51:54 you can do it as a text message or email or Facebook.
51:59 So you can share it that way as well.
52:02 So yeah, there's a lot of other...
52:03 Oh, if you...
52:06 One of the best ways to use the app, the 3ABM Plus app, is to go on
52:12 your computer and sign in, make a login.
52:15 One of the good things about having a login is if I'm watching a
52:21 program here on my iPad, then when I get home, if I want to watch...
52:26 I didn't finish watching it where I was, but when I get home I can pick
52:29 up and watch it from where I left off.
52:31 So you can watch it from where you left off.
52:36 Another great thing about our app is you can download content right
52:41 on your device.
52:42 So if you're going to be someplace where you don't have internet...
52:44 Like on the plane.
52:49 on on your device.
52:50 Yeah, so we're talking about two things here.
52:54 We're talking about YouTube, which is own standalone thing and how you
52:57 can participate with 3ABM by hitting the subscribe button and
53:01 then doing the like and then you're talking about sharing it.
53:04 You can participate in this.
53:05 This is an evangelistic push, may we say, through YouTube.
53:08 So we want to encourage you to do that.
53:11 But then secondly, we've also then got a 3ABM app which you can
53:13 download on your phone or on your tablet, your computer, like you're
53:17 saying.
53:18 It has all the live streams of 3ABM.
53:21 It has all the radio live streams plus what we call VOD.
53:25 All these terms, right Mr. Daniel?
53:26 20 years ago we weren't talking about VOD like we are now.
53:29 So video on demand that you can watch.
53:32 We're talking about camp meeting.
53:34 All of summer camp meeting is on 3ABM plus app.
53:37 So you have a great resource for evangelism like you're saying on
53:40 all of these platforms.
53:41 You can then share that content with somebody else.
53:44 And talking about the power of online, I'm thinking again about
53:46 the story of Travis which we've mentioned before.
53:49 During the pandemic, a lot of people were, they couldn't go to
53:52 work, they couldn't go to church.
53:53 So people stayed at home and they were looking for content online.
53:56 Travis, a young man in his late 20's in Kansas, the state of Kansas
54:01 and he had some questions about Daniel and Revelation.
54:06 So he went to YouTube.
54:07 Amen.
54:08 He went to YouTube.
54:08 YouTube, right?
54:09 We talked about YouTube.
54:10 And he put in his question like what is Revelation and Daniel or
54:15 prophecy.
54:16 And so YouTube, this is the power of YouTube.
54:18 YouTube then recommended to him 3ABM and some of his content,
54:24 amazing facts and some of its content that's the power of
54:28 YouTube.
54:28 He had never heard of 3ABM.
54:29 He had never heard of amazing facts.
54:32 But YouTube said, ah, his question, that fits with what 3ABM has.
54:37 Let's connect the two.
54:39 That's the power of subscribing like Ricky's saying because as
54:41 YouTube says, wow, this is getting a lot of subscriptions to this
54:45 channel.
54:46 These videos are getting tremendous views.
54:48 I bet Travis and Sarah and Connie and all these other people would be
54:51 interested in this too.
54:52 Therefore, that's the power of you getting involved with us in this
54:56 YouTube.
54:59 the truth as it is in the Bible.
55:00 And he was baptized and he's all excited about the truth that he's
55:04 found through the ministry of 3ABM and in the Word of God.
55:06 So it's just exciting.
55:08 All the opportunities that God has for us now to participate in
55:13 evangelism.
55:13 Amen.
55:16 Ricky, can you talk to us briefly about Facebook advertising.
55:19 We've created 3ABM ads that can be launched on Facebook.
55:24 So people can sponsor.
55:26 They say, I want to promote 3ABM through Facebook in my community or
55:30 around the United States or the world.
55:33 So talk to us about what ads we've created and how people can get
55:36 involved in sponsoring this.
55:37 We have ads for 3ABM Kids, the 3ABM Kids channel.
55:42 We have ads for...
55:44 Health.
55:44 Health, exactly.
55:46 And we have the spiritual component for 3ABM.
55:50 And we also have the music channel.
55:52 So you have four to five different ads that you can actually sponsor.
55:58 You can send in money, donate.
56:00 We can then put that video on Facebook as an ad and we can target
56:06 the U.S.
56:07 as really the main goal.
56:08 Target the whole U.S.
56:10 And then that will start to...
56:12 People will start to come to those different channels like if it's a
56:15 kids ad.
56:20 Plus where they can actually watch the 3ABM Kids programs.
56:25 If it's the health ad, it'll take them to watch the Made for Health
56:29 program.
56:30 If it's the music channel, it'll take them to 3ABM Plus and they can
56:34 watch the Praise Him Network.
56:38 And for...
56:39 There's another one.
56:40 The spiritual content.
56:41 The spiritual content.
56:42 The addiction recovery as well.
56:43 Yes.
56:49 Send in your donations and here's another way that you can
56:53 participate in the ministry in furthering the Kingdom of God.
56:56 Amen.
57:01 Facebook ad.
57:02 Absolutely.
57:05 So just jump on the website.
57:07 You can donate that way or you can call in your donations that way as
57:10 well.
57:12 We're trading out family members.
57:15 But thank you so much for being here.
57:16 Oh, we're always happy to be here.
57:18 Blessed.
57:19 Amen.
57:19 We are too.
57:20 Thank you for joining us.
57:21 Amen.
57:25 Just so blessed to serve together in ministry.
57:27 Excited about these evangelism opportunities with 3ABN.
57:32 The second hour, we're going to be trading out family and hearing from
57:35 our School of Discipleship.
57:36 You won't want to miss the stories and testimonies of what happened
57:41 here in the last couple weeks on our campus.
57:44 So stay with us next hour.


Revised 2024-07-24