Series Code: TDYL
Program Code: TDYL250003A
00:03 I want to spend my life
00:15 I want to spend my life 00:36 I want to spend my life Bending broken 00:46 I want to spend my life 01:06 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN Today Live. 01:09 Thank you for joining us as you do each and every day. 01:13 And today this evening is going to be I believe we're going to 01:17 see and feel the anointing of the Holy Spirit because we've 01:20 already prayed and asked for it and we're so glad that you 01:24 would join us. 01:25 This program is going to be informative and it's going to 01:28 be fun and it's going to be spirit filled. 01:31 Amen. 01:31 So we know that already. 01:32 That's right. 01:38 Lord, but we've also asked people that we know love Jesus 01:41 and are filled with the Holy Spirit. 01:42 And that's Brother James Rafferty, Sister Yvonne 01:46 Shelton. 01:47 And Brother Danny Shelton. 01:49 I can't imagine wanting to do programs with anybody any 01:53 better than this, right? 01:54 Family. 01:55 We're all family and you're family. 01:57 So again, thank you for joining us as you do each and every 02:00 day. 02:03 financial support. 02:04 40 years 3ABN since it started this ministry and somehow we 02:09 keep going and we've decided that God uses us in spite of 02:14 us, not because of us. 02:16 And we believe the reason 3ABN is still here is because we're 02:20 trying by God's grace to stay focused on the message that 02:24 He's given us to take an undiluted three angels 02:27 messages, one that would counteract the counterfeit into 02:30 all the world. 02:32 This gospel of the kingdom, Jesus told us, Matthew 28, 18 02:35 to 20, go ye into all the world. 02:38 So we always say the blessing of God is on the go. 02:42 So we're living in an amazing time, Yvonne, and we've just 02:46 had a new president within the last 10 days installed. 02:51 And so we're going to ask you to call in your questions and 02:54 comments, especially end time events. 02:56 If you have questions, we have one already come in. 02:59 The very first one, we didn't get started. 03:01 The very first one's about Donald Trump. 03:03 So we're going to try to answer that here in just a few 03:06 minutes. 03:11 the screen and show you how you can get a hold of us? 03:14 There it is. 03:15 It says, call in your questions, 618-627-4651. 03:19 Or you can, there you go. 03:22 You can text them to 618-228 -3975. 03:28 So we'll leave that, put it up off and on on the screen there. 03:31 So we want to hear from you tonight. 03:33 It's a live program. 03:34 Otherwise, we could just save on all the bills and the 03:39 satellite time, and we could have just done this program, 03:41 talked to ourselves. 03:43 But we are glad because tonight is the night that we're not 03:46 just talking through the cameras, but we want to hear 03:48 from you how you feel, questions you have about end 03:53 time events. 03:54 And there's many things going on within the church, outside 03:58 the church, politically right now. 04:00 Wow, it's a whirlwind. 04:02 You look at the news and listen to the news. 04:04 And I mean, it's amazing. 04:05 People going here, people going there, and people ready to 04:08 shoot themselves and others ready to praise the Lord. 04:12 I mean, this is amazing, amazing time to be alive. 04:15 So this is going to be a lot of fun, this program, but won't be 04:19 near so much fun if you don't help us and you don't jump in. 04:22 So be sure and call us 618-627 -4651 or text to the number on 04:28 the screen so you can get to questions to us. 04:32 So we're going to talk a little bit first. 04:34 And Yvonne, we're going to have you start out, maybe give us 04:37 some Bible scriptures, and we'll see what's on Pastor 04:40 James' mind. 04:41 Amen. 04:48 program with, and it's found in Romans 13 verses 11 through 14. 04:52 I'm reading from the NKJV, the New King James Version. 04:57 And it says, And do this, knowing the time that now it is 05:02 high time to awake out of sleep, for now our salvation is 05:06 nearer than when we first believed. 05:08 The night is far spent, the day is at hand. 05:11 Let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us 05:16 put on the armor of light. 05:18 Let us walk properly as in the day, not in revelry and 05:22 drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and 05:27 envy, but put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision 05:31 for the flesh to fulfill its lusts. 05:34 Amen. 05:40 And as you mentioned, Danny, there's so many extremes right 05:43 now. 05:44 There are people who are ready to slit their wrists and there 05:46 are other people who are praising the Lord. 05:49 And so we need to be focused on the Word. 05:53 And what is the Word teaching us? 05:57 And we need to look at ourselves with our characters, 06:02 because you had mentioned that earlier, just before the 06:06 program, Pastor James, and I wish you would kind of expound 06:09 on that. 06:13 shared, Yvonne, and that is verse 13. 06:15 And the King James says it this way, let us walk honestly, 06:19 honestly. 06:20 Be honest about this. 06:21 I mean, we're so politicized that we are just going to 06:24 extremes. 06:25 We're saying all kinds of crazy stuff. 06:27 And really it's a bunch of disinformation and 06:29 misinformation that we're dealing with here. 06:30 People are freaking out just for political purposes. 06:34 They're not being honest, right? 06:35 And I hate to see that coming into the Church, right? 06:38 To the Adventist Church, where people are so politicized that 06:42 they're not thinking about what's really taking place 06:44 here. 06:48 attack on the principles of our Constitution. 06:51 Amendment number one, free speech, press, assembly, all of 06:54 those things have been attacked subtly. 06:57 And we see now that people feel free to say things that are 07:01 just out there. 07:03 I mean, we were talking about a little bit earlier with the 07:05 price of groceries and different things like that, as 07:07 if overnight we get a change in president and all of a sudden 07:10 everything's supposed to change. 07:13 And people saying things that really aren't honest or true. 07:15 Yeah, I heard people saying, I can't believe this was six days 07:19 after the new president was inaugurated. 07:21 Can't believe the price of eggs, look how high they are. 07:24 I'm like, wait a minute. 07:27 He's supposed to take the prices down, don't look at him. 07:30 That's not honest. 07:31 And it doesn't matter for a republic or a democrat. 07:33 We are Christians and Christians are being called to 07:36 wake up. 07:37 Don't get played by either side of that party, right? 07:39 Don't get played by either side. 07:41 Wake up and walk honestly, right? 07:43 Let's evaluate what's going on in our world. 07:45 We need to be about our father's business and not be 07:47 taken into this side or taken into that side. 07:49 And so if you're supporting things that are dishonest, this 07:52 call is to you. 07:53 Yes. 07:54 Amen. 07:54 Amen. 07:55 I love that. 08:03 Jesus. 08:04 That's really the key. 08:05 I think we're so focused on what's going on around us and 08:09 trying to fit things into our little boxes instead of 08:16 focusing on Jesus and really asking him to change us because 08:20 we can't change ourselves. 08:22 So we need to be focused on him. 08:24 I can remember, I'm going to go back. 08:27 Some of you are my age out there at least. 08:29 Some of you are still my age and over 70, still alive. 08:33 But I can look back at my own family. 08:35 My mother became a Seventh Adventist Christian the year I 08:39 was born. 08:40 I think she was baptized in 1951. 08:42 My father in 1955. 08:45 But raising up, I never really heard my parents talk about 08:49 politics. 08:49 Like when John F. 08:52 Kennedy ran for president, that's the first time I heard 08:55 any Adventist and including my folks all up in the air. 09:00 They said, Oh, this man's Catholic. 09:02 He's going to bring about a National Sunday Law. 09:05 And so we shouldn't vote for him. 09:07 And that's the only time I've heard because before that it 09:12 didn't seem like that was something that you just didn't 09:15 talk. 09:18 It talks about end times and things that are happening. 09:21 And you focus on that. 09:22 But over the years we've got more and more as a church and 09:27 to politics and more and more divided, we've allowed the 09:30 devil to divide us. 09:31 Now I can say since our church started, whether you want to go 09:34 back to the 1840s when they first met or when they 09:37 incorporated 1863, wherever you want to go back to. 09:42 And I can say from that point up to 1972 that basically all 09:48 that Seventh-day Adventists, for instance, would agree on 09:52 all 10 commandments because that's what the Bible says. 09:55 God gave us 10 commandments. 09:56 He didn't give us nine, didn't give us eight. 09:58 He gave us 10. 09:59 And we especially focused on the fourth one. 10:02 And there's a reason for that. 10:04 And when over the years people said, why do you all focus on 10:07 the fourth commandment? 10:08 We say, well, that's because it's the only commandment that 10:12 literally people have forgotten. 10:14 So we want to make sure that we bring out this commandment 10:19 because Satan is all about deceiving us and getting us to 10:23 serve self or serve man rather than God. 10:26 So when the Bible fourth commandment says, remember this 10:28 Sabbath day to keep it holy and people aren't doing it, we feel 10:31 like it's our responsibility, our privilege to witness to 10:36 people and say, well, wait a minute, Sunday is not the day 10:40 that God set aside to worship on. 10:42 So, but we were preaching all 10 commandments. 10:45 Now up until 1972, I would say every Adventist that I knew of 10:51 ever was around, you know, I'm a small area here, not around a 10:54 lot of Adventists all around the world, but all of them that 10:58 I knew would say all 10 commandments are relevant. 11:01 But then all of a sudden in about 1973, I think it was Roe 11:06 versus Wade. 11:06 Isn't that right? 11:07 1973, Roe versus Wade. 11:09 And then suddenly I saw people in our church a lot of those 11:13 very conservative on the right, suddenly not talking about 11:17 abortion because suddenly now we see a change in abortion and 11:22 I say, well, what would cause that? 11:24 People went silent. 11:25 You think people would stand up and say, well, you know, 11:27 abortion is a sin, but then we find out that many of our 11:31 hospitals are doing abortions and abortions bring in money. 11:36 And I'm not saying that's the only reason why, but I'm like, 11:39 I don't think about it till later at the time you just 11:42 don't know everything. 11:43 Social media is not out there. 11:45 If you live in a small area and you're not around a lot of 11:48 people, it was years later till I even realized, wait, some of 11:54 our hospitals are doing abortions. 11:57 You know, amazing. 11:59 And then yet so many people in leadership too and 12:02 conservatives as well as liberals, I'm sure they're 12:05 silent about it. 12:06 Nobody wants to talk about that. 12:08 We still want to just talk about, teach everybody that the 12:11 fourth commandment, breaking the fourth commandment is wrong 12:14 and we have to keep the fourth commandment. 12:17 Well, now I'm going to jump up. 12:19 Oh, President Obama, about 2008, I think after his first 12:23 term, right? 12:24 Mm -hmm. 12:26 He says that he is pro same-sex marriage. 12:30 He wasn't to begin with, but then he switched after the 12:34 first term. 12:35 His first term. 12:36 He switches and says, I'm pro same-sex marriage. 12:41 Then all of a sudden a huge number of our Adventists on the 12:46 left, all of a sudden they went silent. 12:50 Nobody would stand up and say, I never heard preachers get up 12:54 and say, this is wrong. 12:56 We have to talk about this. 12:58 This has to be, well, why not? 13:00 We've been doing it for 140 years when it comes to the 13:03 fourth commandment. 13:04 But when it comes now to the sixth and the seventh 13:07 commandments, people all of a sudden getting quiet, and it 13:10 depends which side that you're on and what it's all about. 13:14 So I have to say, well now we have people who affirm. 13:18 Did you know, and I'm just reading the latest, today I was 13:21 looking, Pew Research Center, 30% of SDAs now support same 13:28 -sex marriage. 13:29 30%. 13:37 or so affirming it. 13:40 Abortion, 42% of Seventh-day Adventists support abortion in 13:46 almost all cases. 13:49 42%. 13:54 all of God gave us 10 commandments. 13:56 Remember this Sabbath day to keep it holy. 13:58 You've got to do it. 13:59 We write all kinds of books about it. 14:01 We tell everybody we can, but depending on which political 14:05 side we're on, all of a sudden we get really silent. 14:08 I'm saying too much, right? 14:10 This is reality. 14:12 I was just thinking of James 2 Tan where it says, For 14:15 whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet offend in one point 14:20 is guilty of all. 14:21 It doesn't say whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet 14:25 break the Sabbath is guilty of all because that's the way we 14:28 want to read the text to all of our Sunday-keeping friends or 14:32 to people who don't keep the Sabbath. 14:33 But it says whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet 14:35 offend in one. 14:37 That can be the seventh, that can be the third, that can be 14:39 the ninth. 14:40 Any one of those, the whole law is broken. 14:43 And so we do emphasize the Seventh-day Sabbath because God 14:46 said remember, and the world is forgotten. 14:49 But now we have these other commandments and they're 14:52 violated. 14:53 Okay, the world can violate them. 14:54 We're not going to enforce morality on the world, right? 14:57 We're not going to be the policemen of the world. 14:59 But when that comes into the church, that's a problem. 15:02 I think that's what we're talking about here. 15:04 You're talking about when we're coming into the church and 42% 15:06 of the church or 31% of the church are in favor supporting 15:10 the violation of one of God's commandments. 15:12 And just because it isn't the Sabbath, it's okay. 15:14 No, it's not okay. 15:16 And that's what led us to really write the book about 15:20 abortion and you write the book about LGBTQ because, and I 15:26 think we should share that with our audience now in case they 15:29 want to get some. 15:31 We have a number of them here tonight. 15:33 This one's the truth about the Lord's day. 15:35 And guess what? 15:36 We're not selling them. 15:37 We're giving them to you. 15:39 We're giving them to you. 15:40 Here's the focus. 15:44 Here's the focus on truth about salvation. 15:48 Here's the focus on truth about hell fire. 15:51 Here's can the Christian church affirm LGBTQ and then the truth 15:58 about abortion. 15:59 And so if people want these books, because people say to us 16:03 all the time, I'd like to do something, but I really can't 16:06 and I really don't have that much money to give. 16:09 But if somebody is giving you books, we're actually giving 16:12 you the books and they come in cases of 200. 16:16 And the Lord's day is 250. 16:19 Just you pay the shipping. 16:21 So any churches, if you want these or you're members of the 16:24 church, you want to pass them out, all you have to do is, 16:27 what's it say? 16:28 Pay 30, looks like $30. 16:30 For the United States shipping, for domestic shipping. 16:33 And our call center's open tonight. 16:35 So if you would like any of these books, buy the cases and 16:39 you promise to give them away. 16:40 We don't want them just sitting in your closet or somewhere 16:43 hidden away. 16:44 But if you'll call our number, 618-627-4651, we have people 16:51 there answering the phone right now. 16:54 And I believe that it's time that we, somebody is just, in 16:58 fact, one of the questions here that just came in says they 17:01 were talking about a Sunday law or the times in which we're 17:04 living. 17:08 doing different than we are right now? 17:11 And my first thing I would say, well, what are we doing right 17:13 now? 17:16 Are we sitting around waiting for a Sunday law or are we 17:20 doing what we know how to do and passing out? 17:22 It doesn't have to be these. 17:23 It can be whatever, whatever books that are spiritual books 17:27 that you know that are written and coincide with the Bible. 17:31 But we have these and we had donors who paid, some of our 17:35 donors who actually paid for the printing, the pressing of 17:38 these books and by the millions. 17:41 And then we just give them away to you and all you have to do 17:44 is pay the shipping. 17:45 James, some months ago, we took the book on the LGBTQ. 17:51 There are 70,000 Baptist pastors and so we mailed each 17:55 one. 17:57 We got the list, mailed each one just to see if we'd get any 18:01 response. 18:05 but the first two to three weeks, over 70 Baptist pastors 18:11 wrote us, said thank you for the LGBTQ book. 18:14 This has been an issue and I'm paraphrasing basically what 18:18 they all were saying. 18:19 In our church, we didn't know how to handle it. 18:21 We're so glad this book is so helpful. 18:24 We want the books and they would send money and some sent 18:27 more than the $30 as much as I think $100 to say, here we 18:32 support it and we want these books. 18:34 So then we send them to the Adventist Church and I think to 18:37 the Methodist and some others. 18:38 It'd be interesting to see how many of these churches. 18:42 The Adventist Church and the Methodist who split several 18:46 thousand churches over. 18:49 So anyway, yes, what do we do? 18:51 That's the question. 18:53 Let's maybe while we're there, should we get on that or go 18:56 somewhere else? 18:57 So when the Sunday Law starts, what should God's people be 19:01 doing differently than we are right now? 19:04 Well the Sunday Law to me, when I read Matthew 24, the Sunday 19:07 Law is an indicator that we need to get out of Jerusalem so 19:10 to speak. 19:11 And what I mean by that is we need to be in the country. 19:13 We need to be away from the cities. 19:15 If you look at what's taking place with the fires in LA, for 19:19 example, or you look at what took place during COVID, it was 19:23 very difficult to manage your life in the cities. 19:27 There was shutdowns, lockdowns, I should say. 19:30 You're restricted in your movements. 19:32 You're potentially losing all your possessions. 19:35 You get into a country situation, which is really what 19:38 we're encouraged to do. 19:39 You get into a country situation, you can actually 19:42 grow your own food. 19:43 You can actually have your own chickens. 19:44 We have seven of them. 19:45 So we do pretty good with eggs. 19:47 I wouldn't know what the price of eggs is, right? 19:49 And you can share them with your neighbors. 19:51 When we have abundance, we're able to give to our neighbors 19:53 and share our produce with our neighbors. 19:56 And that move, I think, is something that we should be 20:00 doing. 20:03 Well actually we should be doing that right now. 20:04 We have a lot of people in our area that are moving out, a 20:08 couple of couples that have moved out of L.A. 20:10 before these fires took place, and moving out to the country 20:13 and preparing a place, not only for themselves, but for others 20:16 to come, right? 20:17 To get away, to be able to establish themselves. 20:20 In Matthew 24 we're told that as it was in the days of Noah, 20:24 so shall it be. 20:25 Noah built an ark. 20:27 It was a place of safety and refuge. 20:29 We have another ark to build. 20:30 And you guys are blessed because you're out in the 20:32 boondocks, right? 20:33 Two hours to get anywhere where you can fly out or something, 20:36 right? 20:38 And you can grow, you can do all the things you need to do 20:41 out here. 20:43 You're in a place where you're not going to be inundated with 20:45 all of the different lockdowns and laws, etc. 20:47 You've got a lot of freedom. 20:48 That's what the country is all about. 20:50 I think there's been a concerted effort to get people 20:53 into the cities, to get the mass of people there where they 20:56 can be more controlled and manipulated. 20:59 I think one of the things we need to do is be out of those 21:01 cities and have the freedom and have a good place for our kids 21:03 to grow up and to live. 21:04 Yeah. 21:05 Yeah, I think so, too. 21:07 I don't know of anything... 21:09 I mean, we should be acting as though the Sunday Law is here 21:15 now. 21:17 We should be talking to people about what the signs are. 21:21 Matthew 24 is just so full of such great information. 21:27 I had taken something down and wanted to share from that 21:31 about, you know, the Bible talks about in Matthew 24 21:36 famines and earthquakes and all, and famines. 21:41 It says more than... 21:43 This I got from a website. 21:44 More than 30 million people in 22 countries and territories 21:48 are suffering in severe food crises and are on the brink of 21:53 famine unless they receive immediate life-saving support. 21:57 So 30 million people are starving. 22:01 Famines are going on right now. 22:04 Pestilences, such as COVID-19 and all these different weird 22:09 diseases are coming on. 22:12 Earthquakes. 22:13 I took some information about that. 22:15 Yesterday alone, on the 29th, there were 31 earthquakes 22:21 around... 22:25 So earthquakes are happening. 22:27 Famines are happening. 22:27 Fires. 22:28 Fires, wildfires. 22:30 Like never before. 22:32 Destroying property. 22:33 We can see that things are happening. 22:36 These are all... 22:36 Wars and rumors of wars. 22:38 Exactly. 22:39 Nation against nation. 22:40 You know, ethnos against ethnos. 22:45 Ethnicities. 22:49 three warnings against false prophets. 22:52 The first warning comes and you have the signs. 22:54 Then you go into all nations hating you and you have the 22:57 second warning and that leads to the Sunday Law, the 22:59 abomination of desolation. 23:00 Then you've got the third warning and that leads to the 23:02 personation of Christ by Satan. 23:05 When he say lo here and lo there. 23:07 We are in the first stage of deception. 23:09 That's what I would call it. 23:10 The first stage. 23:13 be not deceived. 23:14 The first stage of deception is where wars and rumors of wars, 23:17 natural disasters, pandemics, and earthquakes, all of these 23:21 naturals and man-made, right? 23:23 CIA just came on board and said, hey, Wuhan lab, that's 23:26 where it came from, right? 23:27 Man-made are leading to a deception that is seeking to 23:31 control the nations and cause them to hate God's people. 23:35 The next stage of deception is when we move into the Sunday 23:39 Law itself and that's when there's a test and the love of 23:42 many waxes cold and he that endures the end that he has 23:45 saved and we preach the Gospel to all the world. 23:48 What's the last part? 23:50 As a witness. 23:51 Oh, as a witness, yes. 23:52 As a witness. 23:54 No, and then show the income. 23:55 The witness part is what we leave out and that's what we're 23:58 talking about tonight. 24:00 As a witness. 24:01 We preach the Gospel. 24:02 We preach, oh, yeah. 24:03 We throw it out there. 24:04 We preach the words, but do we have the witness? 24:07 We preach the Ten Commandments, but are we actually witnessing 24:10 that we believe in all ten of those commandments, right? 24:12 And then right after the Sunday Law, you have the third stage 24:16 of deception and that is Satan personates Christ. 24:19 When they say lo, hear, lo, don't go. 24:21 Don't even look. 24:22 And then right after that, Jesus returns. 24:24 So Matthew 24, we can see where we are right here. 24:27 We can. 24:30 We can. 24:31 I want to read one other passage of Scripture too that I 24:34 think is really important. 24:36 1 Timothy 4, 1. 24:39 Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will 24:42 depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and 24:46 doctrines of demons, speaking lies and hypocrisy, having 24:50 their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to 24:53 marry and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to 24:57 be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know 25:00 the truth. 25:02 We are, there's so much going on in terms of even 25:06 spiritualism coming into the church, through things like 25:09 yoga and acupuncture and all of these, you know, Eastern 25:13 religion coming into Christianity. 25:17 If people choose Eastern religion, that's their choice. 25:20 But if you are a Christian, Eastern religion is 25:23 incompatible with Christianity. 25:25 And so we're seeing all of these things happening and 25:29 Jesus said, Matthew 24, don't be deceived. 25:32 All of these things come under that deception umbrella. 25:37 All right. 25:40 chapter 4. 25:40 This is an unusual moment, right? 25:43 1 Timothy chapter 4. 25:44 These verses right here were the verses I had to understand 25:48 when I became a Seventh-day Adventist 40 years ago. 25:52 So I was a meat eater, right? 25:54 And these verses seem to indicate, at least in the King 25:56 James, forbidding to, you know, command you to abstain from 25:59 meats, which God has created. 26:00 These are the verses we got. 26:02 I just wanted to do a plug for Sod here, right? 26:03 School of Discipleship next October. 26:06 These verses are the verses we cover in Sod. 26:08 And these verses are specifically talking about the 26:11 latter days, the latter times. 26:14 The Spirit speaks expressly than in the latter times. 26:17 Some shall depart from the faith. 26:18 What is the faith? 26:19 The Word of God. 26:20 What does the Word of God teach that God gave us for our 26:23 original diet back in Genesis? 26:24 A plant-based diet. 26:25 A plant-based diet. 26:26 So in the latter days, people would be commanding people to 26:29 hold themselves off from the food that God originally 26:32 created to be received with thanksgiving for them which 26:35 believe and know the truth. 26:36 For everything He originally created, that's what the word 26:38 creature means. 26:41 It simply means what He originally founded or formed. 26:44 We are living in a time right now, and it's really 26:46 interesting because science has caught up with the Bible. 26:51 Science tells us that this diet, this original diet, it's 26:54 the diet for our body, it's the optimum diet for us. 26:57 Now not everyone all over the world can follow this diet. 26:59 Some places, fish, they have to have fish to eat, they have to 27:02 have that for their protein. 27:04 In the Philippines, I was there, that's all they've got. 27:05 There's going to be places like that. 27:07 But in America, in places where we can get back to God's 27:11 original diet, don't hold yourself off from this because 27:14 if you are, you're departing from the faith. 27:16 You're leaving the Word of God, what God said. 27:19 Of course, the Pharisees, you remember they came to Jesus, 27:21 they said, well, can we divorce a woman for, you know, can a 27:23 man divorce a woman for any reason? 27:25 And Jesus says, no, you can't. 27:28 And they said, oh, we got him now. 27:29 Well, how come Moses said we can divorce him for any reason? 27:32 Why is that? 27:33 What did Jesus say to that? 27:35 Moses, because of the hardness of your heart, but what does he 27:38 say next? 27:39 From the beginning, it was not so. 27:41 Jesus has taken us back to the beginning with marriage. 27:44 He's taken us back to the beginning with the Sabbath and 27:46 he's taken us back to the beginning with diet. 27:48 Right? 27:49 And we need all of those. 27:50 God is giving. 27:53 chapter four, second Timothy, chapter three, second 27:56 Thessalonians, there's second Peter, Jude, all of these 28:00 different chapters along with Mark 13 and Luke 21 and Matthew 28:04 24. 28:04 We go to Daniel and Revelation. 28:06 Those are our heavies, right? 28:07 Yeah. 28:10 Testament. 28:11 It's everywhere. 28:11 Yeah. 28:14 something, a little, little vitamin, tidbit, something, a 28:17 mineral supplement, something we need to help us to get ready 28:21 for the end of time. 28:22 Amen. 28:23 And that's what I love about the Bible because it's all 28:28 here. 28:29 What we need... 28:30 Yes. 28:31 What we need is here. 28:32 God didn't leave us... 28:33 It doesn't change. 28:34 That's right. 28:35 It doesn't change. 28:36 He didn't leave us without... 28:37 It's consistent. 28:38 ...a way to know what's going to happen. 28:41 So that's why like some people are afraid and all. 28:43 We don't have to be afraid. 28:45 Absolutely. 28:49 what's going to happen. 28:53 person right here, the nature that I own, the nature that is 28:57 me, the selfish fallen nature that I have. 29:00 Right? 29:00 And it's, it's interesting. 29:02 We're talking about, you know, settling to the truth, 29:05 worshiping God in spirit and truth. 29:06 John 4 24. 29:08 Settling to the truth intellectually and spiritually. 29:10 Like Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel chapter 2, your God is the God 29:14 of God. 29:14 Wow. 29:15 Look at that image. 29:16 Look at that. 29:18 Right? 29:19 Sat in the front row. 29:20 When the evangelist made his call, he said, I'm all in. 29:22 Daniel 3, he's out the door. 29:24 He's worshiping an image made of gold. 29:26 That wasn't the truth that the evangelist Daniel told you 29:29 about. 29:29 Right? 29:33 the furnace. 29:34 Look at those guys. 29:35 They're willing to die for this. 29:37 And that's what really gets to his heart. 29:39 Like this is really serious. 29:41 He's not just a God among gods. 29:42 He's the God of gods. 29:43 And then he has his own personal experience. 29:46 Yeah. 29:47 He comes out of that and he says, God, you are good. 29:49 You know how to humble us. 29:50 Right? 29:50 Yes. 29:54 What are we going to do when the Sunday law passes? 29:57 This is one thing we're going to do. 29:59 Let's put it this way. 30:00 What we're not going to do. 30:01 We're not going to be watching hours and hours of television 30:03 or media because we're not going to be able to buy 30:05 ourselves. 30:07 We're not going to have access anymore. 30:09 And we say, oh, that's going to be terrible. 30:10 How am I going to live without my iPhone in the time of, you 30:13 know, little time of trouble? 30:14 What am I going to do when the Sunday law comes? 30:15 You're going to be doing Bible studies. 30:17 You're going to be praying on your knees a lot more. 30:19 You know Jesus is coming and you're going to be all out, 30:22 sold out 100%. 30:23 Yes, we need to do that now. 30:24 But God has actually orchestrated a way that he is 30:28 going to bring us into that. 30:30 Kicking and screaming maybe, but thankful like 30:33 Nebuchadnezzar was in the end. 30:35 Thank you, Lord. 30:36 You know how to save us in spite of ourselves. 30:38 Yes. 30:39 Amen. 30:43 email them however we do it there. 30:45 They'll put it up on the screen. 30:46 The number is 618-627-4651. 30:50 Or you can text us 618-228 -3975. 30:55 Then I think you had some other way. 30:57 There you go. 30:58 Live at 31:01 Because we're starting to get them in. 31:02 We want to make sure that we're able to get yours. 31:05 So be sure and do it. 31:06 If you want, any of the books, the Truth About series, call 31:10 the number 618-627-4651. 31:13 There are people there right now. 31:15 And all you do is pay the shipping. 31:18 And everything else has been paid for. 31:20 So you can get a box literally of 200 of any of these on these 31:24 topics that we showed already to you. 31:28 Of 200 and some of them 250 for $30 to shipping. 31:32 And that's what it cost. 31:34 And so be sure and call in. 31:36 We have people there right now. 31:38 I wanted to go back again to what will we be doing 31:41 differently. 31:42 And to me that's where there's a huge problem within the 31:47 church. 31:51 Adventist Church is, the truth is, unless the shaking is 31:58 completed and unless there's revival and reformation, I 32:01 don't think we'll do anything differently. 32:03 If you're right now serving Jesus with all your heart, 32:07 you'll continue to do so. 32:08 And you'll do it with peace. 32:10 If you're only waiting, and here's what I see, Yvonne, 32:13 we've been talking about a Sunday law for 130 years. 32:17 Now this may or may not be and we're going to talk in just a 32:20 moment about projects. 32:21 Some of you are asking about project 2025. 32:25 You're asking about Donald Trump. 32:27 Asking about these things. 32:29 My problem that I have and I've talked about it in some of the 32:33 camp meeting sermons is that we have people that are so busy 32:38 looking always to the future that they don't even... 32:42 They're not... 32:42 Right now we're supposed to be what? 32:44 On the walls? 32:45 Watchmen. 32:50 and abortion. 32:52 Things... 32:56 see happening in the church today. 32:58 But it's like nobody's watching the back. 33:01 So the devil is coming in with all of these things and so when 33:06 we're accepting these we're rejecting Jesus. 33:09 So when... 33:10 If and when and the time that it would happen whether it's 33:13 our lifetime whether we don't live to see it but whenever it 33:16 happens guess what? 33:18 We're not going to see it. 33:19 We're not going... 33:22 Why? 33:25 Everything is okay. 33:27 So that's just a bunch of baloney James. 33:29 I mean... 33:30 That's no big deal. 33:31 We can do that. 33:32 I mean... 33:34 Hey... 33:37 It's no big... 33:38 That's what happens because our defenses are down. 33:41 Right? 33:42 Yep. 33:42 Creeping compromises. 33:44 Yes. 33:44 And then... 33:45 So... 33:49 shaking going on. 33:50 Just many of us don't know it. 33:52 But we look around us and we see things that amaze us. 33:56 We see preachers and just this week maybe it's a good way to 33:59 get into it. 34:00 Just this week she and I were watching some pastors, some 34:03 sermons and oh... 34:05 You should hear them. 34:06 Now that Donald Trump is president this is terrible and 34:10 like this is the worst thing in the world that's happened. 34:13 And so they're saying he's gonna be the guide to bring in 34:16 the Sunday law. 34:18 We know this is it. 34:19 And there's a question. 34:20 Read that for us. 34:21 Would you? 34:21 It says... 34:24 Where are we in end time prophecy according to 34:27 scripture? 34:31 question you're not gonna believe this but I'm gonna tell 34:33 you. 34:35 Just this week a pastor talked to me and said that in his 34:39 church someone spoke now they... 34:41 The person wasn't a pastor but they spoke and their sermon was 34:44 that Donald Trump is the king of the north. 34:46 This is Daniel chapter 11. 34:48 This is major prophetic declaration has nothing to do 34:52 with Donald Trump. 34:53 It's actually the king of the north is the papacy. 34:55 Of course, America according to Revelation 13 is gonna win but 34:58 we're not talking about an individual here, right? 35:01 We're talking about a system. 35:02 How can Adventists get so far off by being political? 35:06 Now I don't think this person was saying that to be negative 35:09 or critical of Donald Trump. 35:10 What they're doing though is they're using politics to 35:13 interpret Bible prophecy. 35:15 We're using politics to interpret where we are. 35:17 So someone says, Oh, Donald Trump is president. 35:19 That must be at the end of the world. 35:21 Where's that in the Bible again? 35:22 I didn't find that. 35:24 Right? 35:28 In Revelation chapter 13 it says, he had power, verse 15, 35:32 Revelation 13, he had power to give life into the image of the 35:36 beast and the image of the beast should both speak and 35:39 cause as many as what would not worship the image of the beast 35:41 should be killed and he causes all both small, great, rich, 35:44 poor, free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or 35:46 in their forehead that no man might bear or sell. 35:48 The context of that is a grass roots movement that puts 35:53 pressure on the powers that be because politics, politicians 35:59 do what they know their supporters are going to support 36:04 except for certain crazy politicians who won't acquiesce 36:08 to the popular demand if you know what I'm saying. 36:11 What I mean by that is we're actually safer with someone in 36:14 office who isn't a politician than someone in office who is a 36:18 politician because those who aren't politicians those who 36:21 are politicians usually want to know which way the wind is 36:23 blowing and like you said with Obama he comes in saying I 36:26 believe in marriage between a man and a wife let me change 36:31 that real quick let's light up the White House with all these 36:34 different lights and I believe you know it doesn't matter 36:36 anymore but then someone comes in and says one of the first 36:42 proclamations In the United States of America, there are 36:44 two genders, male and female, right? 36:47 Not everyone likes that, but he's not going by what everyone 36:50 likes. 36:51 He's looking at the facts, the truth, sanity. 36:54 This is the way it is. 36:55 This is the reality. 36:57 And even though I don't trust either side of politics, I 37:00 would feel safer with someone who's not going to acquiesce to 37:04 all this pressure and at least make common sense, you know, 37:08 like, this makes sense, than someone who's just going to do 37:10 crazy stuff just because, well, that's the thing to do and 37:12 everyone's going to support that. 37:14 And you're not going to get anywhere in politics if you 37:16 don't do what everyone wants you to do because that's what I 37:17 say I see happening here in Revelation 13. 37:20 And would you ever believe there'd be a time in our 37:23 lifetime, as old as we are, some of us, I won't say her, 37:27 old as I am. 37:27 Good, that's good. 37:28 How am I doing? 37:29 Great. 37:32 the United States would bother to have to stand up and say 37:37 there are only two genders? 37:40 I mean, duh, we've been knowing that for thousands of years, 37:43 right? 37:44 And especially the church. 37:46 And yet people are upset. 37:48 Now, that doesn't mean you agree with everything he does. 37:50 I don't mean that. 37:55 his first day in office or second and says there's only 37:58 two genders. 37:59 No longer are we going to do teach this and teach that in 38:02 our schools. 38:03 We're stopping that. 38:05 And Christians are upset about it. 38:07 Oh, that man's terrible. 38:08 Look what he's doing. 38:09 It's terrible. 38:10 And I'm amazed. 38:11 It's like, wait, we shouldn't even have to be dealing with 38:15 this. 38:16 That's just common sense. 38:17 Shouldn't even be talking about it. 38:18 There's no need to even talk about it usually, right? 38:20 You know, I missed that verse. 38:21 The verse I wanted to read is verse 14. 38:23 He deceives them that dwell on the earth by the miracle, by 38:26 the means of those miracles, which he had power to do in the 38:28 sight of the beast, saying to them that dwell on the earth 38:31 that they should make an image to the beast. 38:33 The point that's being made here in Revelation is it's the 38:37 people, it's the grassroots that are going to push the, I'm 38:43 going to say this, the dishonest politicians who want 38:48 money in their pocket. 38:49 They're going to push them. 38:51 They're going to yield to the popular demand for Sunday laws. 38:54 That's the way I think this prophecy is lining up here in 38:58 Revelation 13. 38:59 And there's a book, we haven't talked about it, but there's a 39:01 book that I think when we say what's going to happen when the 39:04 Sunday law comes, there's a book that needs to get in 39:06 everyone's house right now. 39:07 And Streams of Light ministry, Daniel Perrin is leading on 39:10 this ministry, The Great Controversy. 39:12 And that book lays this out so clearly. 39:15 It's a commentary on Revelation and it talks about how it's 39:18 going to be a grassroots movement. 39:19 And the reason why it's going to be a grassroots movement is 39:22 because we're letting things go so out of control with the 39:26 natural disasters, the wars and rumors of wars. 39:28 We're doing so many crazy things that people are going to 39:31 finally say we're done. 39:32 And we're almost to that tipping point. 39:34 And I'm a little nervous about it because we get to a tipping 39:37 point and what happens is we've swung so far left that we are 39:41 in danger when we come back to center of going past center and 39:44 swinging all the other way. 39:46 And as watchmen we have to be aware of both of those extremes 39:50 and not just be so thankful now that we're not so far left 39:53 anymore and we're just kind of settling. 39:55 No, we have to be aware now. 39:56 Okay, what about this 2025? 39:57 What's going on with this? 39:59 Is this? 40:02 If we're swinging the other way, we've got to put the 40:04 brakes on there also. 40:05 That's actually one of the questions. 40:07 Next question is, what's your thoughts? 40:09 And I'm glad they say what's your thoughts because they're 40:11 only thoughts, right? 40:12 It hasn't happened yet. 40:13 But what's your thoughts on Project 2025? 40:17 And I'm with you to see things and I've told her that for a 40:22 long time. 40:23 Things either go, this world, you're never going to be 40:25 perfect. 40:26 There's never going to be equal rights for everybody. 40:29 Sadly, but it won't be. 40:31 It's going to go this way, it's going to go that way. 40:34 We did as a nation swung so far to the left, ridiculous things 40:38 that you and I would never imagine. 40:41 And now is it possible as you were bringing up that we're 40:44 going to go too far to the right? 40:46 And the probable common sense answer is yes. 40:51 We're going to swing because that's the way human nature is. 40:55 And the ones on the left. 40:56 And you can see how the devil divides Christianity. 41:00 The southern border, for instance. 41:02 You've got millions of people who are crossing the borders 41:04 illegally. 41:06 And many of those are criminals. 41:09 They've committed crimes outside the country, inside the 41:13 country. 41:17 terrible. 41:18 Where's your compassion? 41:19 We have to love these people. 41:21 We bring them in, they've done nothing wrong. 41:23 We have sanctuary cities. 41:25 Well, we're going to protect these people from ICE. 41:27 And we're going to protect, we're going to do all these 41:29 things. 41:30 And so that sounds pretty good. 41:32 It's like, well, as Christian, we shouldn't be involved in any 41:36 of that. 41:37 And if somebody needs help and is there, we should help them. 41:40 Then on the other hand, when you listen to the other side, 41:43 which I encourage people to do, the other side says, look, 41:47 there's nearly 300,000 missing children that have been raped, 41:54 they've been sex trafficked. 41:56 There's all these people that have died, and especially these 42:00 children by the hundreds of thousands. 42:02 And what has happened to them by allowing all of this to 42:06 happen? 42:07 So when you look at that, think of Europe. 42:09 We've got two new grandbabies and a great-grandson, right, 42:15 with little Noah. 42:16 We used to call him baby Noah. 42:17 It was on Tiny Tots, but Noah and his wife. 42:20 Now we have young Hudson. 42:22 But just think of the loss of one of those children, what 42:25 that would do to us. 42:27 And they're only seven, six, seven months old, and the other 42:30 one's only a month old. 42:32 And so here the devil gets us involved in all of this rather 42:36 than to say, okay, let's see what the Bible says. 42:39 What is it we can do? 42:41 Let's look to the Bible and quit jumping on this because I 42:45 just hear this, but I don't hear this side. 42:48 And so that causes us to go from one side to the other. 42:52 So the question is, on 2025, what will happen? 42:57 First of all, I don't know if you've read it. 42:59 I haven't read it. 43:00 It's 887 pages, almost 900 pages. 43:07 But I have read the part about the Sunday laws, the Sabbath. 43:12 The first ridiculous thing about Project 2025 on page, I 43:18 think it's 8... 43:20 Was it 528? 43:23 I've got it written down here somewhere. 43:24 I'll look at it. 43:26 587, I believe, 587, 588. 43:29 You're looking there. 43:30 The ridiculous thing about it is, is it says that they're 43:34 suggesting, and this is a group of men, this is not the 43:36 government right now, but it's a group of people who are, many 43:40 of them well-known, and they're so sick and discouraged about 43:45 all that's happening on the left and all the things that 43:48 are being taught to our children and sex change 43:52 operations on 12-year-olds and all of these, that now they're 43:56 going over here saying, here's what we think a government 44:00 should be like. 44:01 And of course they're going to put all of their emphasis, put 44:04 all of their, what would you call it, least leanings towards 44:09 them and if they have any kind of credibility. 44:12 So they're saying, well, we've got to counteract this. 44:15 So they're going so far, but the first ridiculous thing, it 44:18 says, you know, we suggest there be a day, a Sabbath, and 44:22 it's entitled, it says right up there, I have it written here, 44:26 it says, Sabbath rest, and then it says Sunday. 44:32 Hello? 44:34 Sabbath rest is Sunday. 44:37 Now everybody knows that if you're thinking at all, the 44:41 guys that are smart enough to write this, knows better. 44:45 They know that Sunday is not the Sabbath. 44:48 They call it the Christian Sabbath. 44:50 Well, yeah, no. 44:52 I mean, not here, but I'm saying in general. 44:54 What to do? 44:55 It says Sabbath rest. 44:56 God ordained the Sabbath day as a day of rest. 44:59 This is what it says, I'm reading from it. 45:01 And until very recently, the Judeo-Christian tradition 45:05 sought to honor that mandate by moral and legal regulation of 45:09 that day. 45:10 Moreover, a shared day off makes it possible for families 45:14 and communities to enjoy time off together, rather than the 45:19 tonimized individuals and provides healthier cadence of 45:22 life for everyone. 45:24 It sounds very, you know, like it's just a real good thing. 45:27 But then it says, their suggestion is, now they're 45:31 saying the Sabbath is Sunday as the Protestant Sunday. 45:35 They're actually using the word the Protestant Christian Sunday 45:38 as the Sabbath. 45:40 But they're saying what they want to do is make sure that 45:43 every employer, that if you hire and you make someone work 45:46 for you, you pay them time and a half. 45:49 For Sunday. 45:49 Yeah, for Sunday. 45:51 If you work on Sunday, then you get paid time and a half. 45:54 Now, I don't know how all this figures in, but I'm saying some 45:57 of this stuff is pretty ridiculous as we look at it. 45:59 That sounds like it's rewarding you for working on Sunday, 46:03 though. 46:03 You know what I mean? 46:06 But it's not rewarding the employers. 46:11 The employers. 46:14 So they're the ones that employ and they don't want to make 46:16 people work on Sunday because then they've got to pay more 46:17 money. 46:17 More money. 46:23 if you're a Jew or a Seventh -day Adventist or Seventh-day 46:26 Baptist. 46:27 True Sabbath keeper. 46:29 Then you would have to do the same thing if you have your 46:32 people working. 46:33 But they do say like hospitals that we have Adventist help 46:36 that they don't have to pay time and a half to work on 46:39 Friday evening, sundown to Saturday evening. 46:42 They're essential workers. 46:44 So they're saying either Saturday or Sunday, but the 46:49 default Sabbath, they call it as Sunday. 46:52 But here's my problem with this. 46:54 Already we have preachers and we've heard them saying, this 46:58 is it. 46:59 One preacher is saying, it's over. 47:01 Donald Trump's in. 47:02 The Sunday law is here. 47:03 There's no stopping it. 47:05 Based on this. 47:05 Based on this. 47:06 Which isn't even connected to him. 47:08 And it isn't connected to Donald Trump. 47:10 And Donald Trump has denied this. 47:12 Now somebody said, well, he lies. 47:13 He does. 47:15 But you know, I'm not saying, defending his credibility as a 47:19 man or a person. 47:20 And he may change his mind, but he has openly. 47:22 And one thing that he does do that I haven't seen anybody 47:25 else do in my lifetime, as president, he pretty well tells 47:28 you ahead of time and he doesn't hold back very much. 47:31 He says, I told you I was going to do this. 47:32 That's how he got elected. 47:34 He found out most of the people in the country agreed with him. 47:37 But what I'm saying is, he, number one, says he's against 47:40 it. 47:44 And what I say to Adventists, now we started way back in the 47:50 late 1800s and 1900s when there were Sunday laws being enacted. 47:56 In fact, in 1895 to 1900, all but three states then had blue 48:02 laws. 48:02 They have the blue Sunday laws. 48:03 Many states still do. 48:04 I think in Illinois, you can't sell cars on Sunday. 48:08 Other states, you can't do certain things on Sunday. 48:11 There are certain blue laws. 48:13 And Ellen White said back then in 1895, you know, even now men 48:17 are conspiring behind closed doors. 48:20 Well, they were. 48:21 They literally were. 48:22 It fell through. 48:24 But the history of it, I've been reading about it, there 48:27 were people, and there are even people who got put, 48:30 Sabbatarians, Sunday, because they called it Sunday, that 48:34 ended up getting, had to go to jail because they were working 48:37 on Sunday. 48:39 So there's always been, for many years in this country, the 48:43 threat of a national Sunday law. 48:45 But for all of us to suddenly go and say, as I said, we can 48:49 skip up to John F. 48:50 Kennedy. 48:51 Most Adventists, this is it, the Sunday law is here. 48:54 Then you go up to, you know, Pat Robertson, the moral 48:58 majority. 49:03 run for president. 49:04 And they're all, the moral majority, we're going to make 49:06 Sunday the day. 49:08 And so all of us have in us, we preach, this is it. 49:11 And so we keep doing that. 49:13 And now we have Project 2025, which is even government at 49:17 this time. 49:18 It's a group of people. 49:19 It's like me writing something, saying, here's what I want the 49:21 government to do. 49:22 It's like a conservative think tank. 49:25 But let's wait and see what happens. 49:27 My thing is, while this is important to look ahead, what 49:31 are we doing in our churches right now? 49:33 What are we doing to resubmit, recommit our lives to Jesus, to 49:37 really understand the gospel message that we are to give to 49:42 the world. 49:46 it, but live it. 49:47 And what is our churches doing to when people come in, they 49:51 see Jesus, they see a church that resembles the remnant 49:55 church or the early church that hopefully is the remnant church 49:59 that keep all the commandments of Jesus. 50:01 And I think that's especially important when we understand 50:04 how the Sunday Law is going to come in. 50:06 When you read the Bible and you read the spirit of prophecy, 50:09 which we have this lesser light leading to the greater light, 50:11 we're never told that there's going to be a president 50:13 someday, or there's going to be a cabinet someday, or there's 50:15 going to be a digital system someday. 50:17 We're told there's going to be a grassroots movement, and that 50:20 the politicians are going to yield, these dishonest 50:25 politicians are going to yield to the popular demand for 50:28 Sunday Laws. 50:29 So we have to look at this grassroots movement. 50:31 How is that going to develop? 50:32 And we know one of the reasons that's going to develop is 50:34 because of the far-out liberal policies that are driving 50:38 people absolutely crazy, and they're just going to rise up 50:41 against that. 50:45 Now, earlier I said the 25-20, because that's a whole 50:47 different movement in Adventism, but the 2025, I 50:50 think it's important that we know about this and what they 50:52 say, and I think it's important that we recognize that this is 50:55 there, and it's, but I don't, but what are we doing? 50:58 Oh, if Kennedy becomes president, we're going to have 51:01 a Sunday Law. 51:02 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. 51:03 Be aware, he's a Catholic president. 51:04 Well, Biden was a Catholic president too, actually, right? 51:07 J.D. 51:07 Vance is a Catholic. 51:08 So be aware of that. 51:09 Be aware of the 2025, but don't jump to conclusions, right? 51:14 Because then what you do is you undermine people, your 51:17 credibility. 51:18 People's credibility is lost, right? 51:20 We want to have credibility. 51:22 So we want to take it easy here. 51:23 Watch for the sides. 51:25 Be watchmen on the wall. 51:26 Oh, watch for this. 51:27 If these guys get in, buddy, buddy with Trump, oh, this 51:30 could be a problem right here. 51:31 Let's keep an eye on this, but let's not go further than that. 51:34 Yeah. 51:35 I think so too. 51:36 Let's check another question. 51:37 All right. 51:39 Let's see. 51:44 So those of you, if you want to call in, we've got a number of 51:47 questions. 51:48 We'll still try to get to yours. 51:50 We'll start getting them. 51:51 The more we get, we'll make them a little shorter the 51:52 answers. 51:54 But hopefully we can answer because these are things that's 51:57 happening right now. 51:58 And a number of the questions here about Donald Trump as 52:01 president and some we see are totally anti and some are 52:05 totally pro and for. 52:08 Well, let me touch on something. 52:09 Since you mentioned the 2025 and, you know, everyone knows 52:12 that Sunday isn't the Sabbath, et cetera, et cetera. 52:14 But here's what's happening. 52:16 It's subtle. 52:17 If you go into the Bible, you're going to find eight 52:21 translations of the Bible that are post 2000. 52:24 That means these Bible translations were printed and 52:26 published from the year 2000 onward. 52:29 Eight translations of the Bible that all take Revelation, 52:34 chapter one, verse 10. 52:35 I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day and translate that 52:38 to Sunday. 52:40 So when you say people don't know that, I mean, people 52:42 should know that there's a subtle undermining of the 52:46 biblical evidence that the Sabbath is the seventh day and 52:49 not Sunday. 52:50 And one of those subtle undermining is I've got one 52:51 here. 52:55 says it was Sunday and I was on the Spirit praying. 52:58 The modern version, another one says probably reference to 53:01 Sunday on and on and on. 53:03 You've got one in Spanish that says this. 53:05 You've got one in Danish that says this. 53:08 You've got one in what's the other Danish and Swedish and 53:15 one more. 53:17 Yeah, two in Danish, one in Swedish. 53:19 So eight translations. 53:20 Now, here's another thing that's happening and it's just 53:22 interesting. 53:26 movement is undercover. 53:27 So it's going to come boom, like that once it hits. 53:31 So do you know that in evangelism, we used to say when 53:36 I did evangelism, we used to say, well, if you want to know 53:39 what day is the Sabbath, you know, the Bible says it's the 53:41 seventh day, it doesn't say Saturday or Sunday, but just 53:43 look up in the dictionary. 53:44 Just go look in the dictionary and it'll tell you. 53:46 Look up Sunday, it'll say first day of the week. 53:48 Look up Saturday, it'll say second day of the week. 53:50 Well, you know what? 53:51 When you look it up now, you know what it says? 53:53 Look up Sunday, the day of the week following Monday. 53:58 Right? 53:59 And then it says the day of the week following, excuse me, 54:02 preceding Monday. 54:03 Sorry. 54:07 Observed by Christians as the day of rest. 54:10 Okay, another definition here. 54:13 There's a ton of them. 54:15 Wikipedia, Sunday, meaning day of the sun, is the day of the 54:17 week between Saturday and Monday. 54:21 Well, I can do that. 54:22 I can do that. 54:24 What day is Wednesday? 54:26 It's the day that follows Tuesday. 54:29 Or it's the day that's before Thursday. 54:32 That's about what that's saying. 54:33 You see how they're taking the numerical equivalent out. 54:36 And then you've got calendars that are starting. 54:38 When I became a Christian, right, an Adventist, I went to 54:41 visit my aunt in Idaho Falls, Idaho. 54:43 She was a Calaransia spud farmer and strong Catholic, 54:47 strong Catholic. 54:50 on Saturday when everyone knows Sunday is the seventh day of 54:52 the week. 54:55 Right? 54:55 So that's what she believes. 54:56 I said, do you have a calendar? 54:57 And she said, I've got one in the kitchen. 54:59 I went and grabbed that. 55:03 day of the week? 55:06 I had never noticed that before. 55:07 What day is the seventh day? 55:09 Saturday is the seventh day of the week. 55:10 Well, you know, the calendars are changing now. 55:12 They've been changing in Europe for a long time. 55:14 They're changing here also. 55:15 So you see these subtle changes taking place. 55:18 Another thing, the mark of the beast, do I have time for this? 55:22 The mark of the beast is in the forehead or in the hand. 55:26 You know, you can only receive the seal of God in the forehead 55:28 because you have to believe it. 55:29 You have to be settled in spiritually. 55:31 It has to be an experience for you. 55:33 But the mark of the beast, you can go along with it. 55:34 You may not believe it. 55:35 You can go along with it. 55:36 If you go to the website and look up the largest Muslim 55:40 countries in the world, like Indonesia, the largest 55:42 population of Muslims in the world, Indonesia, look up their 55:46 work week. 55:47 You know what their work week is? 55:48 Now, Muslims, they take off Friday. 55:51 Right. 55:52 Monday to Friday. 55:56 Monday to Friday, with weekends off, including Sunday. 55:59 They don't work on Sundays. 56:01 And if you do work an extra day in Indonesia, it says right 56:03 there on the website, if you work an extra day, it's 56:05 Saturday, but not Sunday. 56:07 A Muslim country? 56:08 Why? 56:09 I'll tell you why. 56:13 law that they were going to close for business on Sundays 56:16 now and be open on Fridays, which is their day of worship. 56:19 The fundamentals are upset about this, but the reason why 56:21 is economic pressure from the rest of the world. 56:24 The markets are open on Fridays, not Sundays. 56:28 Right. 56:28 So they had to switch. 56:29 That's what we see in Revelation chapter 13. 56:31 These are subtle nuances that are taking place in the 56:35 calendar change, in the Bible, in the work weeks in these 56:38 Muslim countries. 56:39 The whole world is going to be ready. 56:41 The stage is going to be set and boom, it's going to hit. 56:44 We're going to have to take a short break. 56:46 We'll be back for another hour. 56:48 Remember, you can call in during the break. 56:50 We've got the truth about abortion. 56:52 We've got the book Can the Christian Church Affirm LGBTQ? 56:56 The truth about hell fire, truth about salvation, the 57:00 truth about the Ten Commandments, the truth about 57:03 the Lord's Day. 57:04 So all of these are available and all you do is pay the 57:08 shipping. 57:08 So call us right now, 618-627 -4651. 57:15 And there will be people there who will also give them your 57:18 questions if you've got questions. 57:19 Be sure and get a hold of us because we're going to go 57:21 through, when we get back, we're going to try to go 57:24 through these as quickly as we can. 57:26 And so far, I'm having fun. 57:28 What about you? 57:28 Me too. 57:29 I'm loving it. 57:30 Yeah, that's great. 57:30 We want to hear what you think. 57:32 All right, so after that, we're going to come back for one 57:35 hour. 57:38 So don't go away. 57:39 Call your friends, your enemies, tell them tune in to 3ABN. |
Revised 2025-01-31