Series Code: TDYL
Program Code: TDYL250003B
00:09 Welcome back to 3ABN Today Live.
00:12 Thank you for joining us. 00:14 And so far we've had great discussions with my wife Yvonne 00:18 and Pastor James Rafferty. 00:21 And we're continuing getting your questions. 00:24 So we're going to try to get as many of these as we can 00:27 answered. 00:31 happening. 00:35 election, a little bit of that. 00:37 So we've got a few more questions that's asking about 00:40 that. 00:40 Why not? 00:42 If we can't deal with it, we should be able to deal with any 00:44 question from the Bible. 00:45 And so there are a number of questions coming in, but you 00:48 can call us 618-627-4651 with your question. 00:53 Or I think there's a number you can text also. 00:57 There it is 618-228-3975. 01:01 Or you can go to what? 01:03 Live at 3ABN Today Live. 01:05 And we'll be happy to take those questions. 01:09 And while I have this great couple here, I think they can 01:12 answer about anything that you can ask if it has to do with 01:16 the Bible and end time events. 01:18 So we're going to have some fun. 01:20 Let's continue to go forward. 01:22 Okay. 01:25 No, I love this. 01:26 I think I just think it's so important to talk about what's 01:28 going on and to really, it really shows the relevance of 01:32 the Bible. 01:32 Amen. 01:33 Because we can apply everything from the Lord. 01:38 So it's really good. 01:39 So question. 01:40 What's the difference between the rapture and the second 01:43 coming of Christ? 01:44 Well, it depends. 01:48 the rapture is taken from 1 Thessalonians chapter 4, where 01:51 it says we'll be caught up to meet him in the air, to meet 01:54 the Lord in the air. 01:57 the archangel and dead in Christ are going to rise first. 01:59 And then we, which are alive and remain are going to be 02:01 caught in the air. 02:05 the word caught up and it takes place at the second coming of 02:08 Jesus Christ and not secretly. 02:11 Right. 02:12 Explain that. 02:14 Well, if you start thinking that he's coming secretly. 02:16 So there's a couple of scriptures and I'll just look 02:18 at one of them because we don't have time for an in-depth study 02:20 of this. 02:25 chapter 2, or is it 1 Thessalonians? 02:29 Chapter 4, then chapter 5. 02:31 So we just talked about the rapture, right? 02:33 In 1 Thessalonians chapter 4, there's no chapter division 02:36 here in the original letter. 02:37 Paul is continuing on here in chapter 1, verse 5, but the 02:42 times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that 02:44 I write unto you. 02:46 For yourselves know perfectly well that the day of the Lord 02:49 comes as a thief in the night. 02:51 Let me just ask you a question now. 02:53 We just read this verse. 02:54 And I'm just going to ask you a question because I'm hoping you 02:56 read the verse with me and you're thinking about it. 02:58 What comes as a thief in the night? 03:00 The day of the Lord. 03:01 The day of the Lord. 03:02 Does it say the Lord comes as a thief in the night? 03:03 No. 03:05 Because when the Lord comes, it's not going to be a thief in 03:08 the night. 03:10 But the day come... 03:11 No one knows the day when he's coming. 03:13 No one knows the day in the hour. 03:15 So the day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night. 03:17 Now notice what it says in verse 3. 03:18 For when they shall say peace and safety, sudden destruction 03:23 comes upon them as travail upon a woman with child and they 03:27 shall not escape. 03:29 Now that's not talking about the righteous. 03:30 The righteous are going to escape. 03:31 They're going to be caught up. 03:32 They're going to be raptured. 03:34 But they is the wicked. 03:35 And so we're thinking all the righteous will be raptured away 03:38 and then the wicked will be left on the surface. 03:39 No, it says they will not escape. 03:41 But ye brethren are not in darkness as that day should 03:44 overtake you as a thief. 03:45 You are children of the light and children of the day. 03:47 You are not of darkness and of the night. 03:49 Therefore let us not sleep as others do, but let us watch and 03:52 be sober. 03:57 Romans chapter 13. 03:58 You know, those were the verses you brought to us, right? 04:00 When you look at this and you look at... 04:01 There's another one that talks about this also. 04:04 When you look at these, the day of the Lord comes as a thief. 04:07 The context of it is talking about God's people being saved, 04:11 raptured up, caught up, but the wicked being overwhelmed with 04:14 destruction. 04:15 The other one is in 2 Peter. 04:18 It also talks about that. 04:19 It says he comes as a thief, the day comes as a thief, and 04:22 sudden destruction comes upon them all, right? 04:24 So the idea that there's going to be people remaining alive, 04:27 right? 04:32 It talks about how the wicked are to go run to rocks in the 04:34 mountains and say hide us from the face of him that sits on 04:36 the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, right? 04:39 All of these verses need to be put together to come to a 04:41 conclusion, right? 04:42 And when you do that, yep, the second coming, the rapture, 04:46 same event. 04:47 And you know, that's so good. 04:49 You know, when you think about the return of the Savior, the 04:53 Creator, all of creation is going to respond to the return 04:58 of the Creator. 04:59 The earth will quake. 05:01 You know, the elements will melt with fervent heat. 05:04 I mean, yeah, this is no secret. 05:09 Man, it makes me want to shout. 05:12 Go ahead, shout it out. 05:13 Come on now. 05:19 everything, every created thing is going to respond. 05:23 The dead in Christ will rise first. 05:25 I mean, it's going to be chaos. 05:28 They want to talk about a secret. 05:30 You know, I'd love to be caught up and just go, but that's not 05:34 what's going to happen. 05:35 He can. 05:36 This is a grand reunion right here. 05:37 It's a grand reunion. 05:40 And everything, everything is going to respond to the return 05:43 of the Creator. 05:47 Yes, yes. 05:48 Or coming for his bride. 05:50 Amen. 05:51 Love it. 05:52 Okay. 05:53 Go ahead. 05:56 said, we don't have time to get into all of that, but right now 06:00 people, in fact, we had a couple funerals in the last 06:04 couple weeks of people that we know, but they're already 06:08 according to these people in heaven. 06:10 But that also means that if people are in heaven right now, 06:13 there's people in hell fire that's been burning for 06:16 thousands of years. 06:17 Maybe they didn't do anything that bad or worse than what me 06:21 or someone else would do, and we're going to burn 5,000 06:24 years, 5,000 years less of torture. 06:27 I mean, the way the Christian Church, much of the Christian 06:31 Church teaches it, I'm so thankful that we have good, 06:35 solid information, biblical information that what happens 06:39 to people when we die. 06:40 In fact, that's one of the books here that we have about 06:45 hell fire. 06:46 Yes. 06:47 The Truth About Hell Fire. 06:49 And this will explain to you a lot of what you were saying 06:53 about every eye shall see, and it tells you what hell really 06:57 is and how long does it last for eternity. 07:00 I can answer you that no. 07:02 The results are eternal, but hell fire doesn't. 07:05 And I love what you're saying right now because here we are 07:08 again with two extremes, right? 07:10 So we've got the one extreme that says God's going to burn 07:12 people for all eternity, and the other, oh, then there is no 07:14 hell. 07:15 There's no place. 07:15 There's no punishment. 07:16 There's nothing like that. 07:17 But you're saying there is a hell. 07:19 The Bible teaches that very clearly, right? 07:21 And so we've got to maintain this balance. 07:23 You know, Isaiah 30-21 says, you'll hear a voice behind you 07:27 saying, this is the way walk ye in it when you turn to the left 07:29 or when you turn to the right, right? 07:31 Those two extremes, and God is keeping us straight in the 07:34 middle on that path of truth. 07:36 And I love that also, the truth about, the truth about, the 07:37 truth about, because Jesus says, I'm the way, the truth, 07:40 and the light. 07:41 This is Jesus' truth about. 07:43 That's right. 07:43 Amen. 07:46 here. 07:50 I have one that's maybe a facetious question that said, 07:54 did Jesus die only for Republicans and not Democrats? 07:57 It says, if I'm not a Republican, am I not saved? 08:01 The answer is, Jesus died for both Republicans and Democrats 08:04 and everybody else ever, ever born on this earth. 08:09 Oh, what a Savior. 08:10 I don't know why He loved us enough, cared enough for us to 08:15 save us, but He did. 08:17 Salvation is a free gift. 08:18 And also, if we have free books on that, the truth about 08:22 salvation, because so many people, there's so many 08:26 questions, and people say, oh, I got saved when I was nine 08:29 years old, I can basically do anything I want, and I'm always 08:33 saved, and then others say, no, so these kind of questions we 08:37 can answer, but anyway. 08:39 Was that a question that came in, or that was your question? 08:40 That was actually a question. 08:42 That wasn't your question? 08:43 No, no. 08:44 It came in. 08:46 I never asked that question. 08:47 Just checking. 08:48 When you said it was a facetious question, then you 08:51 started saying it, and I thought, no, I'm reading it 08:54 right here, and so it sounded like you're saying, if you 08:59 think that we're Republican on here, and none of us that I 09:02 know of are part of the Republican Party, do we have 09:06 leanings in a certain way? 09:07 Do you, whoever wrote this, it sounds like you might be 09:11 leaning to one way, so all of us, there are certain things 09:14 about the Republican Party that I would be in line with, or 09:18 against with the Democratic Party, which is same-sex 09:21 marriage and abortion. 09:22 For me, I don't know how any Christian could go along with 09:25 that. 09:26 Okay. 09:27 Right? 09:29 answer the question. 09:30 It's in John chapter 3, and verse 16. 09:37 It says, For God so loved Republicans, I mean Baptists, I 09:42 mean Adventists, God so loved the world that He gave His only 09:45 begotten Son, whosoever believes in Him, whosoever 09:47 believes in Him, whatever your party affiliation is or is not, 09:50 whatever country you're from or from not, God is interested in 09:54 every single person on planet Earth. 09:56 He didn't just die for a select few. 09:59 That's right. 09:59 He didn't just die for a predestined few. 10:02 He died for the entire world. 10:03 That's right. 10:04 Whoever believes in Him can be saved. 10:06 That's right. 10:07 Yeah. 10:07 Praise God. 10:08 Praise God. 10:12 it, but I've been really getting into the Gospel and 10:15 studying it and seeing the beauty of what Jesus 10:20 accomplished for us at the cross. 10:23 And Jesus died for everyone, for everyone and anyone can 10:29 take advantage of the benefits that come to us as a result of 10:35 the cross. 10:36 But I think one of the things is that we're not, we get so 10:40 caught up in a whole bunch of other things that we don't look 10:43 at that, that we don't spend time thinking about what He did 10:48 and what was accomplished for us. 10:50 I'd like to read a scripture for me real quick. 10:52 I'll read one right after you. 10:53 Okay, good. 10:54 No hurry. 10:54 Take your time. 10:55 This is really looking at the human condition and it's found, 11:00 and when I read this, I was like, wow, I don't know why I 11:03 didn't notice this before. 11:04 Titus 3 verses 3 through 7. 11:10 It says, For we ourselves were also once foolish, disobedient, 11:16 deceived, serving various lusts and pleasures, living in malice 11:21 and envy, hateful and hating one another. 11:23 That sounds like what's going on right now. 11:26 But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward 11:30 man appeared, not by works of righteousness, which we have 11:35 done, but according to His mercy, He saved us through the 11:39 washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, 11:42 whom He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ 11:47 our Savior, that having been justified by His grace, we 11:52 should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. 11:56 And that is so beautiful, isn't it? 11:59 Because that's our condition as human beings without Christ. 12:05 We are deceitful. 12:06 We are disobedient. 12:08 We serve various lusts and pleasures. 12:10 That's who we are. 12:12 But Jesus has poured out His love through His Spirit that 12:17 He's given us as a seal, as a guarantee. 12:20 Ephesians 1.30, I think it is, or 1.13 and 1.14 that says that 12:25 the Holy Spirit seals us. 12:29 So He comes inside of us and helps us through this journey 12:33 called life. 12:34 We're not left here to do it on our own. 12:36 And we can't do it on our own. 12:38 It's impossible. 12:39 It's impossible. 12:41 But with Him, we can do it. 12:42 And so I just think, I wish that our churches would focus 12:48 more on the Gospel and what was accomplished for us at Calvary 12:53 and how we can partake of the divine nature. 12:58 And how we can have the assurance of salvation. 13:02 Yes, yes. 13:03 I have people tell me you can't say, they say, oh, don't say 13:06 you're saved. 13:08 Because a lot of denominations, I'm saved, I'm saved. 13:10 And I understand that part. 13:12 But I wrote a song once that had to do with this years ago 13:16 about being saved and thankful to God. 13:19 And I went to church and sang it in some of our churches and 13:22 they said, oh, you can't really do that. 13:24 You're not supposed to say you're saved. 13:26 So I said, well, the way I'm not a theologian, but the way I 13:29 understand it, we're either saved or lost. 13:31 And so I choose to be saved. 13:33 So I don't know why I can't. 13:36 God can save even me. 13:37 He can save you. 13:39 So a lot of times we find ourselves as Christians and 13:43 Adventists trying to work our way and do things. 13:45 And like we say, we're so worried about how am I going to 13:48 act when the Sunday law comes or how am I going to do this or 13:51 that when we're not even sure. 13:53 If you ask people, if Jesus came today, do you feel you'd 13:56 be saved? 13:57 And people are like, I really don't know. 13:59 I hope not. 14:01 I may be ignorant, but I'm going to trust God at His Word. 14:05 And it says, whosoever believeth in him should not 14:08 perish but have everlasting life. 14:10 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son. 14:13 Well, I'm one of those and I've accepted that free gift. 14:16 I have committed everything to God, nailed to the foot of the 14:22 cross. 14:26 Brother James, and I'll almost guarantee you, in my emails, by 14:30 the time I get home, there's going to be people call me and 14:33 say, you know what, 20 years ago you did this or that or 14:37 things they didn't even know me. 14:38 They still want to throw up something what they believe, 14:42 whether it's true or not, rather than listen to what we 14:44 say. 14:50 she can tell you it's true. 14:51 I'm like, can people hold grudges of somebody they don't 14:54 even know? 14:55 They've seen you on TV. 14:56 They have no idea what happened. 14:58 Somebody told them and they're writing me telling me how bad I 15:01 am, and I usually say, you know what, I'm worse than that. 15:05 I'm a sinner saved by grace. 15:06 I have no defense because without God I'm nothing. 15:11 But I have the assurance that when I confess my sins to Jesus 15:15 that he will forgive me for my sins and cleanse me from all 15:18 unrighteousness. 15:19 So by his shed blood on the cross of Calvary, yes, I can be 15:23 saved in my own self. 15:24 No, I can't be saved. 15:27 Oh, I was going to share something. 15:29 Did you want to say something? 15:32 We're either justified by faith or we're justified by faults. 15:35 Adam and Eve fell into justification by faults. 15:39 Right? 15:41 They were out of harmony with God. 15:43 God came and questioned them. 15:44 He investigated them. 15:45 Right? 15:46 What's going on here? 15:46 Not for his good. 15:48 He knew what was going on. 15:49 He investigated them for their good to help them to see their 15:51 situation. 15:52 And Adam said, well, it was the woman. 15:54 She's the one at fault here. 15:56 Right? 15:57 Justification by faults. 15:57 And the woman said, it was the serpent. 16:01 He's the one that's at fault here. 16:03 What we do with Titus chapter 3 is we jump to verse 8. 16:07 This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou 16:10 would affirm constantly that they which have believed in God 16:13 might be careful to maintain good works. 16:16 These things are good and profitable unto man. 16:18 As Adventists, that's our verse. 16:20 Right? 16:24 The preceding verses tell us how we've been saved, how we've 16:28 been saved. 16:29 And then we understand this is a faithful saying. 16:32 What's a faithful saying? 16:34 How we've been saved. 16:35 And the more we emphasize how we've been saved, the more 16:38 we're going to maintain good works because the love of 16:41 Christ motivates us. 16:42 That's right. 16:45 And he says, the reason we love him is because he first loved 16:47 us. 16:48 Right? 16:52 you're saying here because when you go back to the evangelist 16:55 Daniel, Daniel's giving his last evangelist meeting to the 16:59 Babylonian king. 16:59 This is chapter five. 17:01 And he's pleading with Belshazzar. 17:03 He's saying, Belshazzar, you missed it. 17:07 Right? 17:10 And he says in verse 23, he says, but you've lifted up 17:13 yourself against the God of heaven and have not brought the 17:16 vessels of His house before thee. 17:18 And you and your lords and your wives and your concubines have 17:20 drunk wine in them and you praise the gods of silver and 17:23 gold and brass and wood and stone that see not, nor hear 17:26 nor know. 17:32 get breath? 17:33 How did Belshazzar get breath? 17:35 He got breath from the cross. 17:37 He got breath from Calvary. 17:38 See, we're not waiting for God to do something for us if we 17:44 ask Him to come into our lives. 17:46 God has already done something for us. 17:48 The cross of Calvary was given not just to give us eternal 17:50 life, the cross of Calvary was given to give us this present 17:52 life. 17:55 When we evangelize, we need to tell people God's already done 17:58 something for you. 17:59 He's already interested in you. 18:00 He's already given you breath and life and all things. 18:03 The light that has come to this world has lightened every man 18:06 that comes into the world. 18:06 God's the Lord of the whole world. 18:08 Jesus is the Savior of the whole world, not just of a 18:10 select few. 18:11 He's come out to you. 18:14 He's running to you. 18:15 He wants you more than you want Him. 18:18 And that's what draws you. 18:19 The goodness of God draws you to repentance. 18:21 Right? 18:24 We're still back in legalism here, you know, emphasizing 18:26 what needs to be produced in the life, hoping that people 18:30 will get scared enough to try to do what we're supposed to do 18:33 when the love of God isn't motivating them. 18:36 We've got to fall in love with Jesus first. 18:38 And that's why evangelical friends are way ahead of us. 18:41 See? 18:43 I was in love with Jesus. 18:45 And then I was introduced to the commandments and I wanted 18:48 to... 18:49 But once I knew they're in the Bible, I said, absolutely. 18:52 I love Jesus. 18:53 I want to do whatever He wants me to do. 18:54 Right? 18:57 with this law and all these things we're supposed to do and 19:00 it's just the standard is it's almost overwhelming and the 19:03 love of God isn't there. 19:06 don't act this way or whatever. 19:07 Why do we do those things? 19:09 Because we fall in love with the Savior. 19:11 Right? 19:11 That's why we do them. 19:12 That is it. 19:13 That is it. 19:14 The order, it's out of order. 19:16 The order, we've got the cart before the horse. 19:17 We do. 19:18 We'll do with evangelism. 19:20 We'll do the 2300 days or whatever without teaching who 19:24 Jesus is. 19:25 All right. 19:27 Adventist church. 19:28 I'm in the pulpit. 19:29 Ten commandments are behind me. 19:31 Right? 19:32 So I said to the audience, we're talking about Catholics 19:34 all the time. 19:35 They change the law. 19:38 of God too. 19:38 I said to the Adventist, we have? 19:41 I said, yeah, what's the first commandment on that deck log 19:43 right there? 19:46 other gods before me. 19:47 I said, see that? 19:48 That's not the first... 19:51 They said, what? 19:52 I said, read it. 19:53 Exodus. 19:54 I'm the Lord thy God that brought thee out of the land of 19:57 Egypt. 19:58 How did he do that? 19:59 How did he bring them out of the land of Egypt? 20:01 Ten plagues and the tenth plague was the death of the 20:03 firstborn and the only way they got out of that was to put the 20:06 blood of the lamb on the doorpost and the lentils. 20:10 That's how I rescued you from bondage. 20:12 I rescued you from sin by the blood of the lamb. 20:14 The Ten Commandments has the gospel in it and the gospel's 20:18 not at the end. 20:22 gospel at the beginning is what motivates us. 20:25 Then the Ten Commandments become Ten Promises, right? 20:28 Because of what Jesus has done for us. 20:30 So start looking at... 20:32 Adventist churches, start looking at these things. 20:34 We've left out that first part of the first commandment 20:36 because we've left out the gospel. 20:38 That's it. 20:40 We're not focused on it. 20:42 And so God is calling us back to that in three angels' 20:44 messages. 20:46 It comes before give glory to Him. 20:48 It comes before the out of judgment. 20:49 It comes before worship Him. 20:51 It comes first. 20:52 And yet is the thing that motivates all of those other 20:55 statements in Revelation chapter. 20:57 He is. 20:59 He is. 21:00 I'm just like, yes, this is it. 21:04 The gospel is central. 21:06 It is. 21:07 It has to be central. 21:08 And historically now, I know we're talking to a mixed 21:10 audience, but historically, this is the 1888 message. 21:14 This is the message that God will, to get that gospel front 21:17 and center. 21:20 follow, right? 21:21 We taught the law of God until we were as dry as the hills of 21:24 Gilboa. 21:24 That doesn't mean we toss it. 21:26 We want it up there. 21:27 But the only way to get it up there is to lift up Jesus. 21:30 That's right. 21:31 To make Him the power. 21:32 That's right. 21:33 And assurance, 1 Thessalonians, our message comes with much 21:37 assurance. 21:37 Jesus needed assurance. 21:39 Are you the Son of God? 21:40 Are you the Son of God? 21:41 Turn these stones into bread, the devil says. 21:44 Prove you the Son of God by what you do. 21:45 Prove you're an Adventist by what you do. 21:47 Now wait a minute, Jesus says, I just heard the voice at the 21:51 baptism. 21:52 God said, this is my beloved Son. 21:53 I'm going to believe His Word. 21:55 I'm not going to do something to prove I'm an Adventist. 21:57 I'm a Christian. 21:57 I'm saved. 21:58 I want to believe what God said. 21:59 God says, I'm His Son, right? 22:01 I'm not going to do anything to try to prove I'm His Son. 22:03 Jesus had to deal with that and He needed the assurance of the 22:06 Word of God. 22:07 This is my Son in whom I'm well pleased. 22:09 We need assurance of salvation. 22:11 Steps to Christ, the 1888 book, one of the chapters in there, 22:14 the last chapter, what to do with doubt. 22:17 That chapter could be called assurance of salvation. 22:20 It's all through that chapter. 22:22 You read that chapter, it's all through that chapter. 22:25 I think one of the things that happens again with us as 22:30 Adventists is that we don't have that assurance because, 22:35 again, we're not focused on the Gospel. 22:38 Yeah, I don't mean like everybody, but I'm just saying 22:40 many don't have that assurance. 22:43 I love 1 John 5. 22:47 Let's start with verse 11, and this is the testimony that God 22:50 has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. 22:54 He who has the Son has life. 22:56 He who does not have the Son of God does not have life. 22:59 Then verse 13, these things I've written to you who believe 23:03 in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have 23:08 eternal life and that you may continue to believe in the name 23:12 of the Son of God. 23:14 We have eternal life. 23:15 As long as we are plugged in, as long as we abide in Christ, 23:19 John 15, we can do anything without abiding in Him. 23:25 We can't do anything. 23:26 And we need to know that so that we can continue. 23:28 Continue. 23:31 that's the problem with a lot of Adventists. 23:33 They're not continuing anywhere. 23:34 We do evangelism, we circle the world, make one cross light and 23:37 two fold the child of hell because what do children of 23:40 hell know? 23:41 Do the devils know that Jesus is coming again? 23:44 Yeah. 23:46 Yeah. 23:50 we're doing with people. 23:51 We're giving them all this information and we're making 23:53 them tremble because they don't know Jesus. 23:54 We're giving them rules without relationship. 23:56 Right. 23:57 That's where God wants us to get to. 23:59 That's good. 24:02 especially to our church. 24:04 It's in the first Corinthians chapter 13. 24:08 Listen as I speak and you'll see where it hits us. 24:12 Though I speak with the tongues of men and angels and have not 24:15 charity or love, I'm become a sounding breath or a tinkling 24:18 symbol. 24:19 And though I have the gift of prophecy. 24:24 That sounds interesting. 24:25 Though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all 24:29 mysteries and all knowledge and though I have all faith so that 24:33 I could remove mountains and have not love, I am nothing. 24:37 So what's happening says though I go and feed, give all my 24:40 goods to feed the poor and I give my body to be burned and 24:45 have not love, it profiteth me nothing. 24:48 Charity is long suffering. 24:51 So here it is, we have the gift, we say as a church, we 24:55 have the gift of prophecy unlocking the keys of Daniel 24:58 and Revelation. 24:59 End times message for an end times people. 25:01 But the Lord is saying here. 25:03 So when I look at our own church and I look at Facebook 25:07 and I see Adventists arguing with Adventists on public 25:11 forums and people getting angry if you don't agree with what 25:16 they say. 25:21 me personally and tell us how terrible that we shouldn't have 25:25 said certain things or we're leaning whatever. 25:28 But that's all part of it. 25:30 I mean, honestly, you can do that after 40 years. 25:34 It's like, I don't know if I don't care anymore about that, 25:37 when somebody gets onto you or condemns you or I'm just like, 25:41 okay, I don't really care because I'm doing what God's 25:44 asked me to do. 25:45 Do I make mistakes? 25:46 Absolutely. 25:47 Well, I continue. 25:48 But by the grace of God, the first thing before we can do 25:53 any good for anyone is we have to accept the love of God and 25:57 then go and do what he's asked us to do and that's to share 26:01 our testimony. 26:02 That's to love people. 26:03 So he's saying, we can know all of these at 2,300 days. 26:08 We can know all of these prophecies. 26:10 But if we don't love people, we're out. 26:13 I mean, we literally have missed the whole boat. 26:16 We had a few other little questions. 26:17 Maybe we should... 26:18 Well, this one's to you. 26:20 Danny, what's your next book? 26:22 Oh, what's my next book? 26:24 Well, actually, what I'm thinking about is it'll be our 26:27 next book, but really it's just what we're talking about here. 26:30 I think maybe the everlasting gospel because we don't really 26:34 understand that many of us as a church and what I love about 26:38 this woman, I can tell you, she is so humble. 26:41 She studies every day, gets up early. 26:43 She studies the Bible, but she's open. 26:46 She's not one of these people who says, wait, you can't teach 26:49 me. 26:49 No, I know this. 26:50 This is what I've been taught. 26:52 She's always reading. 26:53 She's ever learning. 26:55 And I appreciate about that. 26:57 And she brings that to me. 26:59 Well, honey, what do you think about this? 27:01 What do you think about that? 27:02 So in spite of whether I want to learn or not, it's got me... 27:06 That's right. 27:07 That's right. 27:12 better study into that and see. 27:14 So thank you. 27:16 We do that. 27:17 Of course. 27:19 My wife's the same way, though. 27:20 Up early in the morning, a Bible open, reading, studying. 27:23 I mean, honey, honey, I want to share this with you. 27:24 I want to share this with you. 27:28 to share with me or I'm going to share with you this time. 27:29 You got anything? 27:30 Yeah, go ahead. 27:31 I'm all ears. 27:32 I'm like, wow. 27:34 Wow. 27:37 Sabbath School panel this week. 27:39 They asked her to do a couple of lessons. 27:41 And she, one of them, she was assigned both of them, but one 27:44 that she was assigned was, you know, just the story of the Old 27:51 Testament story of Esther. 27:54 And it was incredible what she did with that. 27:56 And, you know, everyone has their own little perspective, 27:58 the way they approach truth. 28:00 You know, and that's why it's so important for us to 28:02 recognize. 28:02 I love that about 3ABN. 28:04 3ABN facilitates ministries, not just the people that are 28:08 here. 28:10 coming in because we're reaching the world with the 28:14 Three Angels messages, the undiluted message. 28:16 And that message is going to reach people, different people 28:19 with different personalities. 28:21 Everyone's got a different audience that they're reaching, 28:23 they're touching, right? 28:24 And so Reese comes with this stuff, and I'm just like, wow, 28:27 you know? 28:31 School because she has a summary on Revelation 13 and 28:33 said, that was so good, can I have that? 28:35 You know, tonight we might need something like that. 28:37 So everyone has something to contribute. 28:40 On a little lighter note, you don't see me, I did a few back, 28:45 you know, two or three years ago, a year or two ago, I'd do 28:48 some of the Sabbath School panel, but people have 28:52 different gifts. 28:53 And when I sit in there and I'm sitting with Shelly, with Jill, 28:57 Pastor James, Pastor John, you know, and you're going down the 29:01 list, it's like I feel like, you know what, I'm really out 29:04 in the wrong place right now. 29:07 I think I'm better off, let me do what I do best and I'll go 29:11 do this. 29:12 You bring your own perspective too. 29:13 Yeah, but I don't fit in that, you know, and you got Daniel 29:16 Perrin, you got Brother Kenny, you got all these people and 29:18 I'd say, I think I'm fine not to be on that one because I'm 29:22 not nearly as organized and I just, out it goes and everybody 29:26 has got it, you know, it's incredible programming. 29:29 Thank you for what you do. 29:31 We're so blessed. 29:32 This last, just for our viewers, this last quarter that 29:35 we just did, Illusions, Symbols, let's see, Illusion, 29:40 Images, and Symbols, such a hard title. 29:43 Illusions, Images, Symbols, How to Study Bible Prophecy, 29:46 excellent stuff, just really good presentations over and 29:50 over again. 29:50 It was such a blessing. 29:51 Amen. 29:53 We talked about a break we wanted to do first. 29:55 I don't know, people had called. 29:57 One is how many resurrections will there be? 30:01 Two. 30:01 Two. 30:02 Yep, righteous and the wicked. 30:03 Now there's a special resurrection. 30:05 Someone asked this question and they said, well, if there's a 30:07 special resurrection of those who pierced Christ when He 30:10 comes, isn't that three resurrections? 30:12 And I said, no, it's not three resurrections because they 30:15 resurrect with the righteous. 30:17 They're slain after Jesus comes, after they see Him, 30:20 those who pierced Him, and then they're resurrected with the 30:23 wicked. 30:26 resurrections, the resurrection of the righteous, the 30:27 resurrection of the wicked. 30:29 Okay, here's a question. 30:31 I'm interested in this. 30:33 All right. 30:37 the gender surgeries on children? 30:41 Absolutely. 30:42 I think that's child abuse. 30:43 I'm just going to be honest with you. 30:45 I don't think children, when I was a kid, I used to think that 30:47 Santa Claus came down the chimney. 30:49 We had chimneys, we had an old 1889 house in London, England, 30:52 and we had chimneys in every room, including the kitchen, 30:54 and my mom told me Santa Claus comes down, I leave them 30:56 cookies and milk, blah, blah, blah, and the presents were all 30:59 there the next morning. 31:00 I was like, Santa Claus, yay! 31:02 So, you know, I'm so glad, I heard one person say I'm so 31:06 glad that I didn't believe I was a pirate when I was a kid, 31:08 and they didn't give me a peg leg, you know, and put a hook 31:11 on my right. 31:17 there. 31:20 and parents are letting them mutilate their bodies, and so 31:23 many of these young kids regret it when they come of age, one 31:27 after another after another, and there's testimony after 31:29 testimony after testimony. 31:30 You know, they ban it in Europe. 31:31 They don't do it anymore in Europe. 31:33 They're ahead of us. 31:34 Europeans are ahead of us. 31:35 In Europe, you get McDonald's fries, they have five 31:37 ingredients, here they have 11, and I'll tell you, those other 31:40 six are not good for you. 31:41 They're ahead of us. 31:43 We need to catch up, but it's biblical, I believe it. 31:44 What do you think about that, make America healthy again? 31:47 Make America healthy again, so we have a piano thing in our 31:50 house, it's a Yamaha, and I covered up the Y and the A, 31:55 Maha, Maha. 31:56 Make America healthy again. 31:58 Yeah, we are loving that, absolutely loving that, and of 32:00 course, they're making Kennedy out to be a crazy guy. 32:03 I love the fact that he's working together. 32:05 See, that's what we need. 32:06 We need to come across these lifelong Democrats, working 32:10 together. 32:11 That's what we need, right? 32:12 And he has the health of Americans. 32:15 He's not against facts, he's not against, you know, good, 32:18 proven health methods, but he is against all these additives 32:21 that these tobacco companies have bought out these food 32:26 companies and put in these addictive substances into our 32:30 foods, and now we're addicted to all this terrible stuff that 32:33 isn't even good for us. 32:34 There wasn't even our shelves 20 years ago. 32:35 Exactly. 32:36 So I love it. 32:39 Okay. 32:44 powerful. 32:45 So powerful. 32:46 That we allow things in this country that Europe won't 32:50 allow, and our food companies make different, like cereal. 32:55 For them. 32:55 For them. 32:56 Different. 32:57 Including Kellogg's. 32:57 And give us the garbage. 32:58 Give us the garbage. 32:59 And our people are sick. 33:01 You allergic to gluten, you go over to Europe, you can eat it 33:04 all you want. 33:05 We eat all you want over there. 33:07 Because it's not the same. 33:08 It's not the same. 33:09 They don't have the GMO, they don't have the chemicals 33:11 they're putting on. 33:11 The red dye, they just got that out. 33:12 That's been banned out of cosmetics forever. 33:16 Yeah. 33:16 It's cancer causing. 33:17 It's cancer. 33:18 All of these things, all these different additives, we have 33:21 over 10,000 or more additives in our foods. 33:27 What do our bodies do with that? 33:31 It's unnatural. 33:32 It is. 33:34 So tying this into Revelation 18, the merchants of the earth, 33:38 the great men of the earth, the merchandise isn't sold anymore, 33:41 you know? 33:41 Yes. 33:44 Yes, yes. 33:47 the gender surgeries. 33:48 Isn't it interesting how we take certain euphemisms like, 33:53 they sound so nice, gender affirming care. 33:55 Yes. 33:56 No, it's mutilation. 33:57 It's mutilation. 33:58 It's childish. 33:58 Childhood mutilation. 34:00 We think we change the words and we're changing what we're 34:03 doing to them. 34:04 Exactly. 34:05 And it's irreversible. 34:06 People support it. 34:07 People support it. 34:11 through. 34:14 to make that decision, okay, that's your decision, right? 34:16 Exactly. 34:17 But kids? 34:18 No. 34:19 The brains aren't formed yet. 34:20 We don't let kids vote at eight. 34:24 Or drink alcohol. 34:24 Or ten. 34:25 Or smoke. 34:27 Or drive cars. 34:28 Right. 34:28 Why? 34:29 It's dangerous. 34:31 And they, we have to oversee what decisions they make until 34:36 they're wise enough to make their own decisions. 34:40 Eighteen, I know that there was one kind of famous couple, 34:45 they're divorced, but the father, the child is trans and 34:50 the father wanted the boy to have the surgery. 34:55 And the mother's saying, no, not until he's 18. 34:58 When he's 18, he can do it. 35:00 And they're making the mother look like a villain. 35:03 Yeah. 35:04 She's a hero. 35:07 They also don't like when people say, well, they want to 35:13 de -transition. 35:15 So, like a woman who has transitioned into the male, 35:22 which a woman cannot become a man, but you know what I'm 35:24 saying. 35:31 to come back to where they were. 35:34 And when they do that, the media is dogging them. 35:38 So, one woman said, I was a hero when I was going to have 35:41 the surgery and all that, and now nobody wants to talk to me. 35:45 Because you looked at, when you de-transition, you're not 35:49 popular anymore. 35:50 Exactly. 35:51 Because they have a political agenda. 35:52 They don't care about the people. 35:54 That's right. 35:55 It's an agenda. 35:56 And this, again, is biblical, right? 35:59 It's wrong, and wrong is right. 36:01 You know, people are saying evil. 36:02 And we do need to speak up. 36:04 Yeah. 36:04 Come on. 36:05 We're Christians. 36:06 We understand these principles. 36:07 They're important. 36:08 That's right. 36:12 And we can answer them or not answer them if you feel 36:14 uncomfortable with it. 36:16 Was it right to do away with DEI and critical race theory? 36:21 I think so. 36:22 And I'll tell you why because I think it's racism in reverse. 36:25 Now, I say that as someone who was raised in, you know, my mom 36:29 was white, my dad is black, and I went through a lot of stuff 36:33 like that. 36:36 your dad's black. 36:37 You can give this because your dad's black. 36:38 And I was like, I just want to be hired, and I just want to 36:42 work, and I just want to do for who I am. 36:44 For me. 36:48 that. 36:50 It's the same way I lived with my religion, you know, Catholic 36:54 religion. 36:57 she was in a, you know, a home that was run by Catholic nuns 37:00 and she was abused and she went through a process with that and 37:03 they wanted to, you know, give her, so they gave her money and 37:05 they offered four years of college to my, her kids, to my 37:09 sister and to me. 37:10 And my sister took them. 37:11 I said, no, thanks. 37:12 I said, God has taken care of me. 37:14 He has helped me get through the impact of my mom's abuse on 37:19 me, right? 37:19 All those things. 37:20 He's the one I look to, right? 37:22 I'm not looking to, I'm not looking for reparations. 37:24 I'm not looking for any of that kind of stuff. 37:25 I'm looking to God. 37:26 And I think God can make any and every one of us. 37:29 We don't have to rely on governments. 37:31 So as far as Christians go, you know, this is a fine line 37:34 because sometimes, you know, we're talking about political 37:37 issues that might, you know, we might be crossing the line here 37:40 into secular mindset. 37:42 I don't want to go there. 37:43 I'm just talking about Christians. 37:45 God is the source. 37:45 He takes care of us. 37:47 And I think that when you're hiring people because of their 37:49 color, this, that, and the other, I think that's kind of a 37:51 form of racism in a sense because you're giving them an 37:54 advantage. 37:55 Maybe they're not qualified. 37:56 Maybe they don't have the qualifications. 37:58 Let's let everyone have equal ground right here, right? 38:01 I think that's an important thing. 38:03 Just a level playing field. 38:05 And the idea of meritocracy I think is important because if 38:10 it's not, then that's kind of racism in, you know, with 38:14 diminished expectations. 38:16 So I don't expect as much of you because of your race. 38:20 No. 38:22 Absolutely. 38:27 certain level of competence and competence and competence knows 38:32 no color. 38:34 And so if the problem is in the competence, let's get back to 38:37 education. 38:38 Let's get back to our schools. 38:39 Let's get back to the foundation. 38:41 I mean, I really appreciated Ben Carson. 38:43 That is his emphasis. 38:45 That's the ministry he's doing, right? 38:46 Trying to get people educated. 38:47 That's where he came from. 38:48 Reading books. 38:52 A student. 38:52 That's right. 38:53 That's right. 38:54 What did he do? 38:55 He got educated. 38:56 That is what really needs to be accessible to everyone. 38:59 That's right. 39:03 I looked up because I was going to talk about DEI in one of the 39:08 sermons and I looked to the NBA and they openly say they're not 39:13 a part of. 39:14 They don't recognize DEI because I said, well, look, I'm 39:20 5 '8 with my shoes on. 39:21 You know it's coming. 39:22 I'm 5'8 with my shoes on. 39:24 I'm white. 39:25 I'm 73 years old. 39:27 So wouldn't that give me a position as a starting guard in 39:31 some NBA team if DEI really works and it's to bring the 39:36 minorities that, you know, so whether you're qualified or 39:39 not. 39:43 So I just looked up and looked and it actually says, well, the 39:47 NBA doesn't go by that because they need tall people and they 39:51 need whatever it's like. 39:52 Wait a minute. 39:56 diversity, equity and inclusion because most of the ball 39:59 players are 90, 85, 90% are black. 40:02 But on that, but on other things you're supposed to. 40:05 So I thought, you know, how this world is, it's so messed 40:08 up. 40:12 or not and balance is what we really need to go to. 40:17 And the only way we can have any balance at all is to go to 40:21 the Bible. 40:22 And that has to be our foundation, our foundations on 40:25 the Bible. 40:29 be perfect? 40:30 Is everybody going to be happy? 40:31 No. 40:32 That's why we need a savior. 40:34 That's why the Lord's coming back to destroy it, recreate a 40:37 new heaven and a new earth that where we can live forever and 40:41 love will rule. 40:43 We wrote a kids song a few years ago. 40:45 I wrote, says love rules. 40:47 Amen. 40:49 Amen. 40:50 I can't believe we're down. 40:51 We've got like 15 minutes left. 40:53 I know, I know. 40:54 What other questions? 40:55 Did you look through some of these? 40:56 Here's one. 41:01 after that? 41:02 So the state of the dead is one of the two most controversial 41:06 issues that we're dealing with in these last days. 41:09 The Sabbath and the state of the dead. 41:10 The state of the dead in the way that that question is asked 41:13 is actually leads to spiritualism. 41:15 The idea that when you die, you don't really die was the first 41:19 lie that Satan told in the Garden of Eden. 41:22 Surely you, you will not surely die. 41:24 That's why people don't like to walk in the graveyard with a 41:26 full moon at midnight. 41:28 Because these people are dead, but maybe they're not surely 41:29 dead. 41:30 The spirit's walking around here and I will tell you, 41:33 coming out of a religious belief that taught that into 41:38 Adventism that clarified that from the Bible, that when you 41:42 die, it's a rest in the grave. 41:44 It's like a sleep. 41:46 Whoa! 41:47 That was so, gave me so much peace. 41:50 I mean, I was, forget haunted houses, forget scary movies, 41:53 forget all that kind of stuff. 41:53 That's all a bunch of garbage. 41:55 That stuff is of the devil, right? 41:58 When you die, you die. 41:59 And it really helped me because I recognized that, you know 42:03 what? 42:04 If I die and death is asleep, the very next thing I know is 42:10 eternity. 42:10 That's right. 42:13 if I'm sleeping. 42:14 I mean, when I sleep, I'm out. 42:15 But doesn't the Bible say that when a person dies, their 42:20 breath goes, their spirit goes back to God who gave it? 42:23 I knew you were going to bring that to me. 42:25 Didn't you know he was going to bring that to me? 42:27 But isn't there a verse somewhere? 42:30 Definitely. 42:35 It's not some kind of living entity, right? 42:38 Because when God created us, He created us out of the dust of 42:41 the earth and He breathed into us the breath of life, the 42:43 spirit of life, and then we became a living soul, right? 42:46 It's kind of like light. 42:48 These lights have two parts. 42:51 They have the hardware with a bulb and, you know, the 42:54 fixture, and then they have the power, right? 42:57 And when you flip that switch, that power comes through and it 43:01 connects with the hardware and then you have a light, right? 43:04 That's the living soul. 43:05 The living soul is the light. 43:07 It's not the hardware. 43:08 It's not the power. 43:09 The living soul is the light. 43:11 Now when you turn that power, when you disconnect the spirit 43:14 from the hardware, where's light go? 43:17 Where's that light going? 43:19 Did you take that light home with you? 43:20 Where'd that light go? 43:22 It disappears. 43:23 It ceases to exist. 43:25 When you die, the soul that sins, it dies. 43:27 It ceases to exist. 43:28 You say, well, how come then, how does God like, how does 43:32 He... 43:33 Resurrection is bringing those two back together. 43:35 You say, well, how can God do that? 43:36 What if you, you know, you're dust. 43:38 You ask us, how did God create us in the first place, out of 43:40 the dust of the earth? 43:42 God can do, create anything out of nothing. 43:45 I mean, that's the power of God. 43:47 He's going to bring it all back together. 43:49 The only thing we're taking to heaven is our personality. 43:52 And Danny, you're going to look a lot nicer, a lot bigger, a 43:55 lot, you know, all these kinds of things, but I'm going to 43:57 know who you are. 43:59 I'm going to know who you are. 44:00 I like Danny. 44:01 Danny, there he is. 44:03 I know it. 44:03 Look at, listen to this guy. 44:05 That's Danny Shelton right there. 44:06 Absolutely. 44:07 Yeah. 44:08 Yeah. 44:08 It's our character. 44:11 All that stuff's gone. 44:12 All that stuff's gone. 44:13 So her question, so what happens next? 44:16 So you die. 44:17 You say, it's the sleep. 44:19 It's not a live conscious spirit. 44:21 You're not in a cloud floating around. 44:23 You're not up in heaven. 44:24 Over and over again. 44:28 are in heaven and you know, they're having a wonderful 44:31 time. 44:33 question. 44:34 What happens after that? 44:36 So they're asleep. 44:37 Then what happens? 44:39 The resurrection takes place and the resurrection is the 44:41 bringing back together of the life that is the spirit of God 44:44 with the body, right? 44:46 With the dust of the earth. 44:47 You have a scripture that can explain that. 44:50 Yeah. 44:50 You've got tons of scriptures. 44:54 like to see if you have a scripture there. 44:57 I'm acting on behalf of our viewer here who's calling in 45:00 this question. 45:03 this is 1 Corinthians chapter 15. 45:06 It's so powerful because in 1 Corinthians chapter 15 God 45:10 identifies his enemy. 45:12 You know, the greatest enemy of God we're told in 1 45:16 Corinthians, I'm in 2 Corinthians, 1 Corinthians 15 45:18 is death. 45:19 Death. 45:20 Right? 45:21 He's going to take out death. 45:23 And then he goes on to say here in 1 Corinthians 15, 51, 45:26 Behold, I show you a mystery. 45:28 We shall not all sleep. 45:29 A mystery. 45:29 We shall all be changed. 45:30 We're not all asleep. 45:31 It's a mystery. 45:32 Good. 45:33 But we shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of 45:37 an eye. 45:39 A blink. 45:40 Do you know why God wants to change this in the twinkling of 45:42 an eye? 45:43 Because he can't wait. 45:45 He's been waiting too long. 45:46 He's like, I'm doing this and I'm doing it quick. 45:48 Right? 45:52 We're changing the twinkling of an eye. 45:54 We're going to come out of that grave. 45:55 We're not going to see any of our old self. 45:57 It's all new. 45:58 In a moment, a twinkling of an eye at the last Trump. 46:01 When? 46:02 At the last Trump. 46:04 Not when you die, but at the last Trump. 46:06 Chapter 4. 46:08 At the last Trump, the dead shall be raised incorruptible. 46:14 And we shall be changed for this corruption. 46:17 Corruptible must put on incorruption. 46:19 This mortal must put on immortality. 46:22 Verse 54, So when this corruptible shall have put on 46:25 incorruption and this mortal shall have put on immortality, 46:28 then shall be brought to pass the saying that it is written, 46:32 Death is swallowed up in victory. 46:34 O death, where is thy sting? 46:35 O grave, where is thy victory? 46:38 That's why I'm so amazed that when I'm at these funerals and 46:42 people will say, you know, they're in heaven right now, 46:45 then they'll actually read. 46:46 You know, the dead in Christ shall rise first and we which 46:50 are alive and remain. 46:51 Then it says, this mortal must put on immortality. 46:53 And it's like, wait, what is, if you're already in heaven, 46:57 because they'll say, oh, well, the body is just a shell. 47:00 But wait, what is it? 47:01 It says, mortal must put on immortality. 47:07 The corruption, incorruption. 47:09 Well, what is it? 47:10 If you're already in heaven, it's already done. 47:13 Why is this scriptures even in there? 47:15 I mean, it's so confusing. 47:18 The Bible is crystal clear though, isn't it? 47:20 The Bible is crystal clear. 47:21 And they make death your friend. 47:24 And death is our enemy. 47:27 Jesus came to get rid of the works of the devil, which death 47:32 is... 47:34 You know, what am I gonna do with sin? 47:36 How am I gonna deal with this? 47:37 Am I gonna take people right to heaven? 47:38 But then they're gonna see all this stuff that's happening on 47:40 planet earth. 47:41 Am I gonna take them right to punishment? 47:42 But that won't work out either because then I got to... 47:46 Oh, I'll put them out. 47:47 I'll put them to sleep. 47:49 We'll take care of this all at one time with the righteous and 47:51 all at one time with the wicked. 47:52 I'll just put them to sleep. 47:53 They're not even gonna know what's going on. 47:55 You know, that's what's happening to me next week. 47:56 I'm going to sleep. 48:00 out and I'm so glad I'm gonna be out. 48:02 And an hour later, I'm gonna wake up and everything's gonna 48:04 be good. 48:06 Yeah. 48:10 Jesus. 48:11 Yeah. 48:13 situation. 48:14 Yeah, that's true. 48:17 the family they leave behind. 48:19 Yes. 48:22 people that have no hope. 48:23 That's right. 48:24 We have a hope. 48:25 Yeah. 48:28 till he was 92 or three years old and he was just bedridden, 48:32 he couldn't do anything for himself, he wanted to pass to 48:35 rest and when he passed to rest, I was like, praise God, 48:37 next thing you know is the second coming. 48:38 Yeah. 48:40 That's right. 48:41 That's right. 48:42 2018, July 19th, I had open heart surgery and I knew there 48:48 was a chance that I wouldn't come through. 48:51 So I didn't know how you're gonna act. 48:53 You know, when you really get there, I got up that morning 48:56 and you take your shower, you do everything they say, you go 48:59 to the hospital and all of a sudden people are working on 49:02 you, shaving your chest, make sure everything's there and 49:06 you're like, uh-oh. 49:07 This is real. 49:11 group of people there. 49:13 You know, we had prayed and I couldn't believe the peace that 49:16 I had about it because what was in my mind was if I don't make 49:21 it, the next face I'll see will be that of Jesus and it will be 49:24 the moment, the tweaking of an eye and if I live through it 49:28 and wake up, I'll see my precious wife and kids and 49:31 grandkids and family and we're there so either way, you win. 49:35 It's a win-win. 49:36 For the Christians, it's a win -win. 49:37 Oh, absolutely. 49:38 Beautiful. 49:39 Absolutely. 49:42 earth and all of the sorrow and crying and tears. 49:45 The living know that they shall die, Ecclesiastes 9.5, but the 49:48 dead know not anything and that's God's way of helping us, 49:52 you know, to get through the sin. 49:53 We've had enough of sin. 49:55 You watch the news and you think, oh, your heart just 49:57 breaks. 50:00 right? 50:03 sorrow, no crying, no tears, no pain. 50:06 But there would be, if you go to heaven and you look down and 50:09 your loved ones are suffering, you're going to be crying. 50:13 Oh, you're not going to see them, someone told me. 50:14 I said, well, you're going to know about them. 50:16 You're going to know they're down there. 50:17 You're going to know what they're going through because 50:18 you were just there going through that. 50:20 You know, you're going to know it's going to get worse. 50:22 God has the perfect plan. 50:23 That's right. 50:27 God. 50:28 What kind of God do we serve? 50:29 He's thought of everything. 50:30 He's figured it all out and He's way smarter than us. 50:32 Yeah. 50:35 to the Garden Eden and it really came in through Greek 50:38 mythology. 50:41 Take that out of the Bible. 50:43 Let the Bible speak for itself. 50:44 It'll clear it all up and you'll be better off for it. 50:47 It's good. 50:50 you. 50:51 You look in the camera and somebody's watching. 50:55 They don't have assurance of salvation. 50:57 Maybe they claim to be a Christian. 50:58 Maybe they're not. 50:59 But they've been watching this program and the Holy Spirit is 51:03 dealing with them. 51:04 What would you, what would you say to them? 51:06 Both of you, maybe in a couple of minutes a piece or so. 51:10 I'm thinking of the text in 1 Thessalonians, but I know I'm 51:13 not going to be able to find it because I looked for it earlier 51:14 and I couldn't find it. 51:15 But Paul just says there that our gospel comes with much 51:18 assurance. 51:19 We need that assurance. 51:20 Look at us. 51:25 as I interact with my wife. 51:27 You know, when I was single, I was perfect. 51:30 I was. 51:30 Everything was good. 51:31 I got married. 51:32 I was like, whoa, didn't see that. 51:34 And then we had kids and then we had pets. 51:36 I'm just saying that you are dealing with the faults of your 51:40 own self. 51:42 Now, of course, we reflect those on others and we try to 51:44 find fault with others, but God doesn't need us to do that. 51:47 He needs us to know that we have assurance that He loves 51:49 us, that He's died for us, that He's given His Son for us, that 51:53 He has gone to prepare a place for us. 51:56 Listen to these verses. 51:57 Just give me a couple minutes here. 51:58 Listen to these verses in John chapter 14 because this is so 52:01 powerful. 52:05 Ye believe in me, believe also in God. 52:07 In my Father's house are many mansions. 52:09 If it were not so, I would have told you, I've gone to prepare 52:11 a place for you. 52:14 I will receive you unto myself that where I am, there you may 52:17 be also. 52:22 more precious when you think about them in the context of 52:24 chapter 13. 52:26 Because see, there was no chapter division here when it 52:28 was first written. 52:33 his Lord. 52:34 He'll go to death with Him. 52:35 And Jesus tells Peter, You're going to deny me three times. 52:38 Jesus says in verse 38 of chapter 13, Jesus answered him 52:43 and said, Will thou lay down thy life for my sake? 52:46 Verily I say unto you, The cock shall not crow till thou hast 52:50 denied me thrice. 52:51 That's what Jesus says to Peter. 52:53 In other words, Peter's just received a revelation of who he 52:56 really is, his fallenness. 52:57 And then Jesus says, Let not your heart be troubled. 53:01 You believe in God, believe also in me, in my Father's 53:05 house and many mansions. 53:05 Isn't that beautiful? 53:07 In other words, when you're confronted with the failures of 53:09 your own self, let not your heart be troubled. 53:11 I've got you. 53:13 I've got you. 53:13 And I'm coming back for you. 53:15 Amen. 53:15 Amen. 53:16 That's so beautiful. 53:17 I want to add to that, you know, again, we have to know 53:21 what we have through Jesus Christ. 53:24 And in Ephesians 1, verses 13 and 14, it says, In him, 53:28 meaning Christ, you also trusted, after you heard the 53:31 word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, in whom also 53:35 having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of 53:39 promise. 53:40 Who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the 53:44 redemption of the purchased possession to the praise of his 53:48 glory. 53:49 So when we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, the Holy Spirit 53:54 comes in and he is our guarantee of our inheritance. 53:58 And as long as we stay connected to Christ, that is 54:02 the most important thing, that we stay connected to Christ, 54:05 that we read the Word, that we study the Word, that we pray, 54:09 that we ask God to lead us into all truth. 54:12 We have the seal that comes from the Holy Spirit, who is 54:17 our guarantee. 54:19 It's like, that word is precious because we cannot fail 54:26 if we're connected to Christ. 54:29 You can't be lost if you're connected to Christ. 54:33 If you go away from him and you decide you don't want to deal 54:39 with Christ, then it can be lost. 54:41 That's a sin problem. 54:42 Disconnect is a sin problem. 54:43 Connect is the remedy. 54:45 Connect is the remedy. 54:47 That's exactly it. 54:49 And so again, we get sidetracked, looking at a whole 54:52 bunch of other things, look unto Jesus, the author and 54:56 finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before 55:00 him, endured the cross, despising the shame. 55:03 And he's now set on the right hand of the Father. 55:06 We have the guarantee of salvation if we stay connected. 55:11 So no matter what your past is, you can't say, well, you don't 55:14 have to worry and say, well, I'm too bad. 55:16 I've heard people say, I went to church, the roof could fall 55:19 in. 55:20 Well, I'm too bad. 55:22 I've been on drugs for years. 55:24 But Jesus wants to free you from what the devil has bound 55:28 you in for all of these years. 55:30 So all you really have to do to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and 55:35 Savior of your life, he says, if we confess our sins, because 55:39 we're all sinners, the Bible tells us, saved by grace, if we 55:42 confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us 55:47 our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 55:52 And then, once we do that, we come to the foot of the cross. 55:55 We say, Lord, I'm a sinner. 55:57 Please save me. 55:59 It's really that easy. 56:00 Then the Bible says, go and tell what he has done for us. 56:06 So Matthew 28, 18 to 20, we read earlier, go ye into all 56:11 the world. 56:15 blessing of God is on the go. 56:17 God didn't need me to reach people. 56:20 He could do it himself, but I need to love people and reach 56:23 them and share my testimony for my own salvation. 56:27 Because that's what God's called us to do is to love one 56:30 another. 56:34 heart, confess your sins, he's faithful and just to forgive 56:37 you your sins, he will cleanse you from all unrighteousness 56:40 and from this day forward, you trust God, you pray, you read, 56:44 you study your Bible, you stay connected as they were saying. 56:49 And there we go. 56:51 Now, we could say a lot more, but I hate to say this, but our 56:54 time is all gone for tonight. 56:56 So until we see you next time, may the Lord richly bless you 56:59 abundantly more than you could ever ask or think. 57:01 Amen. |
Revised 2025-01-31