Series Code: TDYL
Program Code: TDYL250004A
00:03 I want to spend my life.
00:09 Mending broken. 00:14 I want to spend my life. 00:36 I want to spend my life. 00:46 I want to spend my life. 00:52 Mending broken. 01:06 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN Today Live. 01:09 Thank you for joining us as you do each and every day. 01:12 We thank you for your love and your prayers and financial 01:14 support of 3ABN as we endeavor to take this great Gospel of 01:19 the Kingdom into all the world. 01:21 I'm so blessed to be here today with my beautiful wife, Yvonne. 01:25 Thank you, honey. 01:26 I'm glad to be here with you. 01:27 Oh, and we have one of our favorite guests, a brother in 01:30 the Lord of all time. 01:32 If there's anyone who doesn't know, we'd like to introduce 01:36 Pastor Wintley Phipps. 01:38 Brother Phipps, it's great to have you here tonight. 01:40 Great to be with you. 01:41 Great to be with you. 01:42 We've been knowing each other a long time. 01:44 A very long time. 01:45 When I had hair. 01:47 Yeah, you were one of our board members back in the day to 01:51 appreciate your contribution for so many years. 01:54 But you're one of the busiest people that I know. 01:57 Oh, thank you. 01:58 And you're traveling around the world. 02:00 And I'm going to guess that you probably have at least a couple 02:04 hundred thousand air miles to Delta. 02:06 How many air miles do you think you have? 02:08 On Delta Airlines alone, it's over four and a half million 02:12 miles. 02:13 Four and a half million miles. 02:16 I happened to know that a while ago. 02:17 We talked about it a while ago. 02:19 We brought that up. 02:20 That's amazing. 02:22 I've got a lot of miles, but I'm not up there with you. 02:25 Four and a half million on there. 02:27 I remember I was talking to a flight attendant and I told her 02:31 I have four and a half million miles. 02:33 She said, How long did it take you to do that? 02:36 I said, 40 years at a hundred thousand miles a year. 02:41 Wow. 02:42 There you go. 02:43 That's kind of how. 02:44 Absolutely. 02:45 Just on that one airline. 02:46 On that one airline. 02:49 Well, speaking of that, for those of you, because we're 02:51 going through the airwaves tonight as we speak. 02:54 It's amazing the technology and we're going to be centering in 02:57 on technology. 02:58 Some of you may have heard about AI, but we're going to 03:02 tell you something. 03:03 I'm going to use this term. 03:04 It's going to blow you out of the water when it comes to what 03:07 is happening and Brother Phipps. 03:09 Now he's visionary. 03:11 Grass doesn't grow under his feet. 03:13 I've known him 25 or 30 years. 03:14 He's always got something going and it's always something good. 03:18 It's always something to get the gospel. 03:21 So he takes Matthew 28, 18 to 20. 03:23 Exactly. 03:25 Go ye into all the world. 03:28 And so we're so thankful that he's here tonight. 03:31 But as we're speaking, as I'm speaking right now, this signal 03:35 is going up 22,300 miles to space at the speed of light, 03:40 which is 186,200 miles per second. 03:44 Then it's hitting nine other satellites and therefore can be 03:48 seen downlinked and be seen or listened to anywhere on planet 03:53 Earth. 03:56 Absolutely. 03:59 Jesus is going to come for a long time. 04:03 And, you know, people like my great grandparents thought 04:05 Jesus is coming in great, great grandparents and all of these. 04:08 What's different now? 04:10 And I said, when this gospel of the kingdom shall go into all 04:13 the world, but let's say that the world lasts another hundred 04:17 years. 04:22 cover all around the world down in homes. 04:24 So how much could you improve on three seconds? 04:27 See, knowledge will be increased. 04:29 Men shall run to and fro. 04:31 So tonight we're going to have some incredible tools for the 04:36 Christians, something that you and I need. 04:38 If we say that we're Christian and we were in a battle, we're 04:43 in a spiritual battle, a spiritual warfare. 04:45 And the devil has done everything he can do through 04:48 technology, through communications. 04:51 But we have to counteract to counterfeit. 04:54 And so that's why I'm glad to be on this man's team, be a 04:57 brother and the Lord and Sister Vaughn. 04:59 You've been knowing Brother Wintley a long time. 05:01 Oh, you know, I was thinking back like so Pastor Wintley was 05:07 one of the pastors. 05:08 Jason was blessed twice and he blessed Jason when he was an 05:13 infant. 05:16 And we went down to D.C. 05:18 and he was the pastor that blessed him there. 05:22 So, yeah, I've known him for years and years. 05:25 So how old is Jason? 05:26 Jason will be, Jason is 39, 38, 38. 05:30 Yeah, 38, he'll be 39. 05:33 Yeah, Jay, I'm sorry. 05:35 I think he's cool with me. 05:36 He ought to be glad if I was 39, I'd brag about it. 05:40 No, he's 38. 05:41 He'll be 39. 05:42 Yeah. 05:43 Well, a lot of people know you from your music. 05:46 And so you were started as a youngster. 05:51 And did you know, like, we're going to get into A.I. 05:53 in a bit too, but for those of you who don't know him, I want 05:56 to give a little background. 05:57 But did you know from the time you were young that you wanted 06:00 to sing? 06:02 Did something happen later in life? 06:05 Tell us about that. 06:06 Yeah, well, I think it all started for me really when I 06:11 was, I was born in Trinidad and I was born to a troubled home. 06:15 And I used to get away from my parents' troubles. 06:17 I had a little red tricycle. 06:19 I'd go in the backyard of the house and turn the tricycle on 06:22 its side and use one of the backside wheels as a steering 06:26 wheel. 06:30 away places in the world and meeting important people. 06:33 All right. 06:34 When I was 10 years old, we moved to Montreal, Canada. 06:37 That's where I grew up. 06:38 And I'll never forget, my father used to take us to the 06:41 airport to say goodbye to people because back then going 06:44 to the airport was a big deal. 06:46 You know, you packed a lunch. 06:49 And before leaving the airport, I'd look around, see if anybody 06:52 was looking and I would grab a handful of the luggage tags and 06:56 stuff them in my pocket. 06:57 And I'd go home and get a pencil and I'd print my name, 07:00 Wintley Phipps, flight 393 London, flight 676 Paris. 07:05 Just dreaming, you know. 07:06 And when I was about 14 and a half, 15 years old, my voice 07:11 changed and I've had this instrument from God, unique in 07:18 the world because I was telling my church the other day, and 07:22 you'll understand this, Yvonne, God gave me a magnificent 07:27 musical nugget that most people would have beautiful singing 07:34 voices if they only did one thing and that is if they only 07:40 sang the way they talked. 07:47 Every one of us, we have a unique, just like you have a 07:51 unique fingerprint, your voice is unique. 07:55 But you know now, Pastor, I got to ask you now, some people's 07:58 speaking voices are really screechy. 08:00 Yeah, yeah. 08:01 Well, you can help it. 08:02 You can develop it. 08:03 But the truth of the matter is, when people get up to say, I'm 08:09 now going to sing blessed assurance, Jesus is mine. 08:14 And then they're blessed over and over. 08:22 That was not what God gave you. 08:24 You're trying to sound like what you think you should sound 08:28 like. 08:29 And so I had this unique instrument. 08:34 And it messed up my dreams at the time because I'm a child of 08:38 the sixties too. 08:41 And I wanted to be another sly stone. 08:43 I was even asked to try out for the temptations. 08:48 Really? 08:48 Yeah. 09:01 seen your dreams. 09:03 Not give me your dreams. 09:05 And I'll let you glimpse a little. 09:07 And he had to say that because I could not take it all if he 09:11 showed it all to me. 09:12 So you dared to dream. 09:13 Yeah. 09:14 He said, that's right. 09:15 He said, I'm going to take your life down an unusual path. 09:20 This is 1971. 09:24 God said, you will sing to masses. 09:27 Who could have dreamt of the technologies that allows you to 09:31 reach millions and millions of people today? 09:35 Like like I do, you know, when I, I sang for a congressman, 09:39 John Lewis's funeral at the rotunda of the Capitol. 09:43 And they said, you know, by the way, uh, you're going to do two 09:46 songs and it's going to be covered simultaneously live by 09:52 CNN, Fox, ABC, CBS, NBC, whoever thought, but here I am 09:59 16 years old and God says, you'll sing to the masses. 10:04 And then he said, uh, you will speak truth to people of 10:08 influence and power. 10:11 Okay. 10:16 breakfast or dinner with seven presidents of the United 10:19 States. 10:20 That's only because what God said, he said, you're going to 10:24 speak truth to people of influence and power. 10:27 But this, I got to tell you, because this, none of that 10:31 would have happened. 10:33 We're not for what my aunt told me one day. 10:35 She came by to visit me and uh, she was walking around the 10:39 house looking at the pictures with the presidents and you 10:43 know, Rosa Parks and, and um, Oprah Winfrey and a lot of 10:48 other people, people I've tried to minister to, by the way, 10:53 some people don't like you ministering to people they 10:56 don't like. 10:58 That's who we need to minister to. 11:00 And I tell people, those people, I tell them, do me a 11:04 favor, just write down the names of the people you don't 11:07 think I need to be reaching out to in the name of Christ. 11:13 Okay. 11:18 That so my aunt is walking around looking at all the 11:22 pictures of the different people and she said, sit down. 11:26 I want to tell you something. 11:28 So I sat down and she said, uh, your father, my brother, we had 11:34 a sister named Pearl and two years before you were born, 11:40 Pearl died while having an abortion. 11:45 And when your mother became pregnant with you out of 11:50 wedlock, there were many who were urging her to do the same. 11:55 We, the sisters who had been through so much pain losing our 11:59 sister, we rallied around your mother. 12:01 We said, no, we're not going to let this happen. 12:04 And your mother's mother came to visit our mother, your 12:09 father's mother, and they closed the door and had a 12:14 private conversation and they made a pact that they would 12:20 pray for the life of this child. 12:24 And the prayer they decided they were going to pray is 12:28 Lord, make this child's life a blessing to the world. 12:34 So I tell people when you hear what's coming out of my throat, 12:38 you're really listening to the answer to two grandmother's 12:42 prayers because I don't think anything, God heard their 12:47 prayers. 12:52 that he convicted me that the dreams that I had, that I 12:58 didn't have to compromise to be recognized. 13:03 He just would open any door. 13:06 And Danny, I want to tell you something that I didn't realize 13:08 too, because this kind of gives you, one day I was singing in 13:13 Birmingham, Alabama. 13:14 I got ready to go to the dais and the security people were 13:18 running back and forth. 13:19 They said, the governor's coming. 13:20 So I straightened out my tie and brushed down my suit and 13:22 they brought in Bill Clinton. 13:24 I didn't know who he was. 13:25 Nobody knew who he was. 13:27 They hadn't even announced, he hadn't even announced he was 13:30 running for presidents. 13:31 So since they said, you know, I'm in Birmingham, they said 13:35 the governor's coming. 13:36 I assumed he's the governor of Alabama. 13:38 So when they put him beside me, I went into this long story 13:41 with him on how much I love Alabama and what great state 13:44 Alabama is. 13:48 Alabama? 13:49 And when they made the introductions, that's when it 13:51 dawned on me. 13:57 So when I sang for his first prayer breakfast as I have sung 14:01 for Reagan's prayer breakfast and Bush's prayer breakfast. 14:05 And when I sang for Clinton's prayer breakfast, he sent me a 14:09 handwritten note how much he was blessed by the music. 14:11 And he signed it with thanks, Bill Clinton, governor of 14:14 Alabama. 14:18 Remember what God said? 14:20 You're going to speak truth to people of influence and power. 14:25 Wow. 14:26 Well, when the Monica Lewinsky story broke, I watched him 14:30 aging in front of my eyes as we did and God impressed me, send 14:34 him a message. 14:35 So I said, Mr. President, the Lord has impressed me to ask 14:38 you to please read Psalm 69. 14:41 In Psalm 69, David says, save me, O God, for the waters are 14:46 coming unto my soul. 14:47 I'm sinking in deep mire. 14:49 There's no place to stand. 14:50 The floods overflow me. 14:51 I'm weary of my crying. 14:53 My throat is parched. 14:55 I knew he would identify where David said, those that hate me 14:58 without a cause are more than the hairs of my head. 15:02 And you could identify where David said, Lord, you know, my 15:05 foolishness, my sins are not hidden from thee. 15:10 Let not those who seek after you be ashamed because of me. 15:15 So I'm at another function of the White House and one of his 15:18 secretaries of one of the departments pulled me to the 15:22 side and said, you don't know what happened. 15:24 I said, no, what happened? 15:26 In the midst of that crisis, the president called a few of 15:28 us together, his closest cabinet members, and we were 15:33 angry with him for his conduct. 15:34 We were going at him. 15:36 He began to read to us from Psalm 69, how it had troubled 15:40 him. 15:44 American people where he finally came clean and said, 15:48 there's no fancy way for me to tell you, but I did sin and I 15:52 am a sinner. 15:53 And, and I was invited to the East room of the White House to 15:57 hear the president of the United States give this speech, 16:01 having been nudged by many and Psalm 69 and God used me to 16:06 help nudge him to this moment. 16:08 He sent me a handwritten note again, how much he said, I 16:11 received your message about Psalm 69. 16:14 I read it with care. 16:15 I need your prayers, but I told you that to share with you this 16:19 little nugget. 16:22 When Russia opened up for the gospel, you remember a lot of 16:29 ministries, including three ABN, we had poured a lot of 16:33 resources into Russia because it was an unreached mission 16:40 field. 16:41 Right? 16:43 Well, a lot of Christian organizations and denominations 16:46 from the United States had a lot of money and they were 16:50 buying up Russian churches and facilities and the Russian 16:54 Orthodox Church became very angry and they went to their 17:00 parliament, the Duma, it's called, and persuaded the Duma 17:04 to pass a law and the law set a date that from that day on no 17:11 foreign nationals, black Americans, were going to be 17:15 allowed to do any evangelistic work in Russia. 17:18 When was this? 17:19 I'm not sure the year. 17:21 It was early 1992, 1993. 17:24 Right, but the law passed and then it was sent to President 17:30 Yeltsin to sign and the moment it would have been signed, 17:34 foreign nationals were going to have to be leave Russia and I 17:37 was asked again because of the friendship and others I'm sure 17:41 and we reached President Clinton to help. 17:46 He picked up the phone and called President Yeltsin and 17:50 asked him not to sign that bill and that's how we were able to 17:56 continue to do evangelistic work in Russia. 18:01 And so God's saying as a young man, 16, you're going to speak 18:06 truth to people of influence and power. 18:10 Imagine if your mother had aborted you. 18:13 I'm thinking about... 18:15 That voice would have been silent. 18:16 Silence. 18:18 And all of the influence and impact that the Lord has 18:22 allowed you to have would not have been there. 18:26 Absolutely. 18:27 Let me give you my story. 18:29 You know how people try to up one another. 18:33 Let me give you my story because you're part of it. 18:38 I went with Wintley to see President Bush. 18:42 We went to the White House in 2006. 18:44 I called him Young Bush, the older Bush, right? 18:50 So we went of course going with Wintley. 18:52 He grabs Wintley and hugs him and talks and that way I get 18:56 President Bush and that's the way I get a little handshake 18:58 and talk to, but he's talking to Wintley as a good friend. 19:03 So what I didn't tell you was just a few years before when 19:06 his dad was there, he was speaking at the National 19:10 Religious Convention. 19:13 Wintley was going to be singing right before Bush, what do we 19:17 call him? 19:17 Senior? 19:18 What do we call him? 19:18 HW. 19:19 So he's going to be singing before. 19:22 So he says, Hey, Danny, I'm there. 19:25 I think to Sheridan and I'll tell her something. 19:27 He says, won't you come down? 19:29 And I'm back come backstage and they'll let you in. 19:34 So, hey, what I know, I'm from Southern Illinois, right? 19:37 I'm a little hillbilly. 19:39 So I'm like, okay, cool. 19:40 This is, you know, sounds great. 19:42 I'll go down. 19:43 So I go out of my rooms. 19:45 I'm walking down the hallway. 19:46 I see a little elevator. 19:48 I don't know if I ever told you this. 19:50 I see this little elevator. 19:51 It's not the one you normally take, but I said, I'll just 19:54 take it because I know if I go down somewhere, I think if I go 19:57 right, I'll get to stage where Wintley is and I'll just tell 20:01 security and they'll let me in. 20:03 So I pushed the button. 20:04 I go down to the basement floor, the bottom floor or 20:08 whatever, first floor, whatever it was. 20:09 I walk out and I start to go right, but I see a black 20:13 curtain going all the way across the hallway. 20:15 So I said, Oh, I bet they got the President Bush, maybe his 20:20 vice president, President Bush. 20:22 You have, they probably have him on the other side. 20:25 So I said, I'll go this way. 20:27 I turned left and there's black curtains going across that. 20:30 And I see people, you know, these guys that look serious, 20:34 like in their suits and ties all along the wall where 20:37 there's only one guy. 20:39 And he was from me to you. 20:41 And there was a post like a metal post going up and he was 20:44 leaning against it and he was reading something. 20:47 And I said, excuse me, sir. 20:48 I said, I'm trying to get into the hall back there where it's 20:52 going to be. 20:57 They forgot to guard the elevator. 21:00 Right. 21:01 So he never said a word. 21:03 He didn't like, Hey, Wintley, like he looked like this. 21:06 And he looked around and people came running. 21:10 He just looked. 21:13 He never said a word. 21:14 I didn't say a word. 21:16 So you actually asked the president how to get, how do I 21:21 get in? 21:22 Yeah. 21:25 throw a name. 21:26 I'm going to name drop, right? 21:28 So this guy let me in because I know Wintley Phipps. 21:31 So they spread eagle me against the wall. 21:34 Oh, did they? 21:35 Oh, yeah. 21:36 Are you kidding? 21:37 And they were like on me. 21:38 What are you doing here? 21:39 How did you get here? 21:41 And I was nervous as a cat on a hot tin. 21:44 They say, man, I was like, I'm not used to that because these 21:48 were serious people. 21:49 They moved him out of the way and finally I said, I'm sorry, 21:54 but you just forgot to, you forgot to guard the elevator 21:57 and that's so and literally right down to him. 22:00 And I was closest from me to you. 22:02 So finally they say, I'm trying to talk as much as I could. 22:06 They're telling me, shut up for a while, but finally, what are 22:08 you doing? 22:11 My friend Wintley Phipps. 22:12 I'm throwing that out. 22:14 I'm dropping names, but he's going to be singing right 22:17 before President Bush gets up. 22:19 He's singing. 22:20 And so they walked me back there. 22:23 There's two or three guys with me and I see him. 22:26 He's doing sound check and I go, Hey Wintley, you know, and 22:29 he goes, Hey brother, Danny, how you doing? 22:31 And I thought as kidders as we are sometimes, if you had said, 22:36 who are you? 22:37 They probably wouldn't have seen me to this day. 22:39 I'd have still been in prison somewhere, but thankfully he 22:43 said, Hey, so they said, do you, you know him? 22:45 And he said, he said, yeah, yeah, he's my friend. 22:47 I invited him to come back here. 22:48 So I'm like, I got out of that. 22:51 So I don't ever thank you for that. 22:53 But thank you. 22:54 What an awesome story. 22:56 I appreciate it. 22:57 So he's gone to all these presidents singing for them and 23:00 all of this. 23:01 I make his shirt. 23:03 I make his shirt tail once and then I'm about ready to get 23:06 arrested. 23:07 So I haven't even tried to go back to anybody else yet. 23:11 Oh, that's awesome. 23:13 But God, I said all that to say, we're having some fun, but 23:16 God has given you a tremendous influence. 23:18 And you say you're born in Trinidad, but you had dreams. 23:21 God put these dreams in your heart from little boy. 23:24 That's right. 23:25 And God has, can I get, could we say God's exceeded your 23:28 dreams? 23:28 Oh, beyond. 23:31 And first of all, I had London and Paris down, but my youngest 23:40 son Wade, by the time he was 10, I was going through his 23:46 passport. 23:47 He had a passport when he was one. 23:49 When I'm going through his passport, by the time he was 23:52 10, he had been to Australia six times. 23:56 By the time he was 10 years old. 24:01 And all my family, the whole, my wife, Linda, I've been this 24:06 year, it's 49 years. 24:08 I've been married. 24:09 Praise the Lord. 24:12 And together, my wife and the three boys, all as a family, we 24:16 have a blessing that few families on earth can say 24:20 they've had. 24:25 together as a family on every continent of the world, except 24:29 Antarctica. 24:31 We've literally been to Africa and South America and 24:35 Australia, of course, and China. 24:38 I remember when we went to China the first time was in 24:41 1992. 24:42 We stood on a corner. 24:44 I'm sure you've been there. 24:46 I don't know what year it was your first year, but I think 24:49 when you go there now, as opposed to when you were there 24:52 in 92, it's like a world of difference. 24:54 But when we went in 92, we as a family, we're standing in 24:58 Beijing and on a corner watching a hundred thousand 25:05 bicycles go by, because that's how they got around. 25:09 Only on bicycles. 25:12 People didn't have cars like they have today. 25:14 So how did they get you from the airport to the hotel? 25:17 Well, they have cars, but the people, the citizens, they were 25:23 all pedaling. 25:25 Now it's different. 25:27 They're the largest manufacturer of cars in the 25:31 world. 25:32 I get technology, you know. 25:35 So the Lord has exceeded my dreams in terms of, I could not 25:40 have, look, he could not have said to me, by the way, you're 25:44 going to meet seven presidents of the United States. 25:48 Who orchestrates that? 25:50 Who couldn't make that happen? 25:51 Not only meet them, but be able to sing and them calling you 25:54 numerous times and call for advice. 25:57 Yeah. 25:57 I mean, it is so... 25:59 President Bush, literally, they said he won't have time to talk 26:03 to a few of us. 26:04 It was a smaller deal, maybe 50 people. 26:07 They said he won't have time to talk to anybody who's really 26:09 busy today. 26:13 around here. 26:14 So we walk around. 26:15 Bush is, you know how you do when you're at a concert and 26:18 you're too many people, you can't lock eyes with every so, 26:22 you're kind of looking straight ahead. 26:24 And Wintley's there and he's going by and not saying, he 26:26 looks at him and he goes, Wintley, my friend. 26:28 So he grabs him and gives him a big slap on the back and 26:32 Wintley introduces him to me and we talked for a minute and 26:34 he says, Hey, when you get a chance, come by, I need to, I 26:37 need to talk to you about something. 26:39 So I said, I said, this guy's got something going. 26:42 He's got the President of the United States is going. 26:44 You come by to talk. 26:46 It's all God. 26:47 I mean, he, there's no agent that can say, you know, I'm 26:53 going to hook you up, you know, and make these things happen. 26:57 And across party lines, I mean, you've done sung and been there 27:02 at different breakfasts for both Democrats and Republicans. 27:05 As a matter of fact, one of my favorite stories is that I sang 27:08 one day for a big function in Washington where President 27:10 Clinton spoke and the same night I had to rush across town 27:14 and sing at this big Republican function. 27:17 And when I got there, I announced that I had just come 27:19 from singing for the President of the United States. 27:22 And there was this boo and rumble that went through the 27:24 audience. 27:25 I said, wait a minute, wait a minute. 27:27 I said, I always go where people really need the Lord. 27:32 And it was a polite applause. 27:34 And then I said, and that's why I'm here because we all need 27:40 the Lord, no matter what. 27:42 You know, what a political party. 27:45 And, you know, it's so funny. 27:46 You know, we're going through a very difficult period in our 27:48 nation's history, but all of that is going to collapse. 27:52 Yep. 27:53 Yep. 27:53 The kingdom of God will reign. 27:57 The kingdom of our God, it will overtake all these earthly 28:03 kingdoms. 28:04 And that's what we're living for. 28:06 That's the day we can't wait for. 28:07 That's right. 28:09 Absolutely. 28:10 Absolutely. 28:11 Well, we're talking about, I can't believe we've got about 28:14 30 minutes left this first half hour, but it's two hour 28:17 program. 28:20 But we were talking about technology and changes in 28:25 technology. 28:26 Yvonne, you were recording back in the 70s. 28:30 Well, oh, well, she was really young. 28:33 I'm sure. 28:33 No, no, no. 28:34 I actually started professionally in 77. 28:37 So, yeah, yeah. 28:40 OK, we're making sure. 28:42 OK. 28:43 OK, whatever. 28:45 Well, you know, 79. 28:46 You're 77. 28:48 You know what happened to me in 79? 28:50 No. 28:51 A man calls me and says, Sir, I heard you sing this song about 28:54 giving your life to God. 28:56 I want you to sing that song on Soul Train. 28:59 I know your viewers don't know what Soul Train is. 29:03 The big dance show. 29:04 Oh, yeah, the older ones do. 29:06 I said, how is this man going to get me on Soul Train? 29:10 So he called up the host, Don Cornelius. 29:13 Yeah. 29:15 Don Cornelius says, I'm sorry, I can't put anything religious 29:18 on Soul Train. 29:19 I've never done it. 29:20 He said, but all you got is young people dressed funny and 29:23 kind of bumping into each other, you know? 29:25 And what this young man is trying to say in his music, 29:30 those are the very young people who need to hear it. 29:33 Mm hmm. 29:34 The man said, Don Cornelius said, I can't put anything 29:37 religious on Soul Train. 29:38 The man said, listen, Don, my name is George Johnson of 29:41 Johnson Products Company, Ultraschene, Afroschene. 29:43 Yeah, the company's been back in your show for the last eight 29:46 years. 29:51 Train. 29:52 What? 29:53 So they stopped dancing. 29:56 Wow. 30:02 life. 30:02 Yes. 30:02 OK. 30:03 Yes, yes. 30:04 So that's how long I've been around. 30:07 You had the afro though? 30:08 You had the afro, bell bottom pants. 30:10 Yeah, yeah. 30:11 You had it all. 30:13 Yeah, that's right. 30:17 I respect you tremendously because you're one of the few 30:20 artists that I know that get outside just the gospel field 30:26 or the Christian that you haven't compromised your music. 30:31 Your music has the same what would is to me, spirituality is 30:38 you did the same. 30:39 You sing songs with conviction. 30:40 You sing from the heart. 30:42 Praise the Lord. 30:45 You let the words give honor and glory to God. 30:49 And you don't have to have the music that maybe is popular 30:53 where it's beating, banging, all this stuff. 30:55 And I've noticed that no matter where he sings, whether he's 30:58 doing inauguration, whether he's doing, you know, events 31:01 that we've seen you around the world that I've said, you know, 31:05 there's my man because he's not going off saying, well, let me, 31:09 as you said about your voice, be true to your voice. 31:12 You're being true to your religion, to your God. 31:15 And you're saying, okay, this is what God called me to do. 31:17 So I'm not going to try to get into soul train changed for you 31:24 rather than you change so you could be on soul train. 31:27 That's right. 31:30 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 31:31 I'm sure that they wanted you to kind of move into that with 31:34 that with the speaking voice. 31:35 You'll never find. 31:37 You're right. 31:38 But you know, I got to give you a compliment too, Yvonne, 31:41 because you have been in that world too. 31:46 You've been, you've seen the top artists, you've traveled 31:52 with some of the most famous singers and musicians of our 32:00 time. 32:02 But God called you and you responded and I wanted to share 32:08 a little story that an old black preacher told me that 32:13 I'm, when I think of the story, I think of you. 32:18 We were talking about artists because you know, some artists, 32:21 they'll go do a gospel record and then they'll run do a 32:25 secular record. 32:25 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 32:30 And so I was talking to this old preacher and he said, yeah, 32:34 I see these artists that do gospel and then they run do 32:37 secular. 32:38 He said, but can I tell you something? 32:40 And this is what, this is for Yvonne. 32:42 He said, you can't ride two horses in the same race. 32:48 That's right. 32:50 That's right. 32:52 It's true. 32:52 It's true. 32:53 And because Jesus said it, no man can serve. 32:57 Two masters. 32:58 Two masters. 32:59 But I love that. 33:01 You can't ride two horses in the same race. 33:03 So you chose your horse. 33:04 Well, praise the Lord. 33:05 Yeah. 33:09 conversion, you know, you're singing about things and you're 33:13 really not thinking about the lyrics. 33:16 Isn't that something? 33:16 You're just singing it. 33:17 Yeah, yeah. 33:23 oh, how did I sing that? 33:25 Yeah. 33:27 Yeah. 33:31 you know, they call me to do a job. 33:33 And I said, well, can you just read me the lyrics? 33:36 And after a while, I know producers are like, I'll get 33:39 somebody else because you're just causing too many waves. 33:42 Yeah. 33:42 But that's the thing. 33:44 You don't, you can't. 33:46 Once you, and this is one of the things, of course, that we 33:50 admire so much about you, that you never crossed over into 33:54 that arena and you could have, but you didn't. 33:58 Because you don't have to compromise to be recognized. 34:02 I love that. 34:02 I love that. 34:04 But, you know, and yes, the technology that we used to use, 34:09 I remember doing eight tracks. 34:11 Yeah. 34:15 Danny, you remember records? 34:16 Absolutely. 34:17 Oh, yeah. 34:17 I made them. 34:18 The little black things of Spong. 34:20 The 45's and the 78's? 34:22 Yeah. 34:26 33's? 34:27 He said, Daddy! 34:29 I said, what? 34:29 Daddy, what's a record? 34:33 Oh, my word. 34:35 You know, there were records, there were eight tracks, there 34:39 were cassettes, then there were CDs. 34:43 Can you imagine CDs as a technology that no longer 34:48 exists? 34:49 Yeah. 34:54 Yeah, it's coming back. 34:56 It's coming back. 34:58 You can't buy them. 34:59 They're sold out. 35:03 anything like this. 35:04 We love it. 35:05 You know, there are no CD players in cars anymore. 35:09 No. 35:09 Yeah. 35:10 That's true. 35:11 So, the technology changes. 35:13 Nowadays, of course, everything is digital, everything is 35:17 YouTube, everything is Spotify, everything is online. 35:21 God gave me this phrase, the salvific use of technology. 35:28 Say it again. 35:29 The salvific use of technology. 35:34 In other words, all throughout history, God has wanted his 35:38 people to use technology for the salvation of his children. 35:47 Absolutely. 35:48 Whether it's shoes on your feet, that's a technology. 35:54 Whether it's the car you drive, that's a technology. 36:02 And whether it's the food that you preserve from refrigeration 36:08 to give out to the homeless, that's a salvific use of 36:16 technology. 36:18 Or 3ABN. 36:20 Danny, what God put in your spirit and that's why I love 36:24 you as a brother, my brother, because you're and God put it 36:29 in your spirit. 36:31 You saw something that others just didn't see at the time. 36:34 But we needed to use technology to reach the world. 36:40 And I am just through the years, I have marveled at how 36:45 God has honored your vision and honored this desire in your 36:50 heart. 36:52 And you didn't know where it was all gonna go when you 36:55 started. 36:55 Still don't. 36:56 Yeah, still don't. 36:58 And so we are now in the throes of some of the most amazing 37:06 technology in the history of the world. 37:11 It's going to change so much. 37:13 I had and the technology I'm speaking about particularly now 37:17 is AI. 37:18 What does that stand for? 37:20 Artificial intelligence. 37:22 I heard a man trying to change it. 37:24 He said it's American intelligence. 37:26 He just didn't like the artificial part. 37:30 But it's really about the power of supercomputing that allows 37:38 you to learn faster, to get answers quicker, to do analysis 37:49 with greater speed and to make decisions based upon the speed 37:57 of analysis. 37:59 That's it. 38:00 You're making more intelligent decisions more quickly because 38:04 of the speed of the computer chips that are being used. 38:08 So online they have on YouTube they have an AI pilot. 38:18 They have put this technology in the cockpits of airplanes. 38:22 In the cockpits of jet fighters. 38:25 And then they have put those AI pilots to fight in the air dog 38:31 fights with human pilots. 38:34 The human pilots never win. 38:39 They never win. 38:41 And one frustrated pilot says I think it's because AI pilot 38:46 knows no fear. 38:50 And it executes maneuvers that we dare not think about or try. 38:58 And so with the technologies that are there those of us who 39:03 are dreaming of how they can be used for God. 39:07 have to approach it without fear. 39:19 We couldn't be without it. 39:22 If you have an iPhone and you Siri. 39:26 Your iPhone, your Zoom Bible study. 39:31 That's technology. 39:33 So we cannot be afraid. 39:34 And of course we use it now because we use it and we 39:42 recognize because it's there as the Lord says it's a sign of 39:48 his coming because knowledge shall increase. 39:55 That's what we're told. 39:56 can't say just because it's so much knowledge we don't want to 40:00 use it. 40:03 1984 when I was impressed to build a station to reach the 40:06 world for instance in our church there was no not one 40:10 Adventist television station or television station giving the 40:13 Adventist message not send this for credit but there was not 40:20 one television station 24-7, let alone a satellite going 40:25 around the world. 40:26 All I knew is the Lord said, you know, to build a television 40:29 station and reach the world with an undiluted three angels 40:33 messages, one that would counteract the counterfeit. 40:35 Didn't know what it means, still learning what that means 40:38 and some of it's kind of scary actually, counteract the 40:41 counterfeit, right? 40:42 Undiluted three angels messages, what all this means. 40:46 I went forward, but as we went forward, I thought it was an 40:49 amazing thing that there was a number of satellites in space 40:53 and if we put up a 10 meter dish about 30 feet in diameter, 40:58 we could go up and hit these satellites and people could 41:01 watch us. 41:06 in people's yards, gigantic and really big. 41:10 And so we said, reach a million people. 41:12 That's amazing that you could do it. 41:15 So with the help of our viewers and board members and friends 41:18 and everybody, we were able to do that. 41:22 But $50,000 a month just to rent the one satellite that 41:27 would get you and yet we didn't have any money for that. 41:30 But we said, you know what? 41:31 We're going to go forward without begging. 41:33 God provided the money to build a satellite. 41:38 We were able to pay the $50,000 a month. 41:41 And then in 1996 or so, Mark Finley said, I'm going to 41:45 Europe and it is written, we're going to do a series, you know, 41:51 a net series they call it and go over to Europe. 41:54 So 3ABN put in for the first time. 41:56 We had this KU system, it was C -band. 41:59 So we put in this other system that went to satellite, went 42:03 across the ocean, came down in churches all across. 42:07 I remember even Romania, I think they had 60 some odd 42:11 churches with thousands of people a night and all through 42:14 Europe, people were able to get it. 42:16 We brought 12 translators from different countries, from 42:20 Germany and literally Bosnia, Herzegovina. 42:24 I mean, different countries, Russia, of course, brought them 42:28 here, built little rooms for them and they all translated 42:31 live. 42:32 Now, so here we are. 42:34 And so we think we're at the very end. 42:37 The technology can't go any farther than this. 42:40 How can it go anything, you know? 42:43 Now, I didn't have a cell phone. 42:44 Never heard of cell phone back then, right? 42:47 This was just, we're talking about in the 90s. 42:50 I mean, I guess there were some, I didn't know anything 42:52 about them. 42:54 So here we've got this technology reaching thousands 42:57 of people. 43:01 So they went up to about 6 million and then all of a 43:04 sudden they came down and made them just three feet around. 43:06 Then came Dish Network, then came DirecTV. 43:10 Suddenly Dish went up to like 15 million homes, which 43:14 represents 45 million viewers. 43:17 3ABN got on that. 43:18 We became the second largest owner of TV stations in 43:22 America. 43:23 Downlink stations, rebroadcasting. 43:26 But I think TBN had the most, 3ABN. 43:29 And rebroadcast and then we've been and started getting on 43:32 thousands of cable stations. 43:34 We say, nothing can go any farther than this. 43:37 You can't get any farther than this. 43:40 And by this time now around 2000, I watched a program on TV 43:44 and the guy said, it was a learning channel and he said, 43:47 he was a scientist, he said, in the next 20 to 25 years, 43:51 everyone's life will change so dramatically that no matter how 43:55 hard I try to explain it, you won't believe it. 43:57 The technology is there. 43:59 It's already in place. 44:00 But everything that we can do in science will be to the every 44:06 individual. 44:07 And I thought, what will that be? 44:09 I've seen Dick Tracy when I was a kid looking at his watch. 44:13 Well, I had a flip phone at the time and how are you going to 44:16 get any better than this? 44:17 I don't even have to be home. 44:18 I can be outside and anywhere and call somebody. 44:23 That technology continued to grow until finally now we had 44:29 other networks coming up. 44:31 Then came social media. 44:33 Social media today, anyone can get on social media and talk to 44:38 anybody anywhere in the world, give their sermon, give 44:41 whatever they want to do. 44:42 So God has allowed technology to grow till finally we said, 44:48 just in the last four or five years, we couldn't go anymore. 44:51 We just have VHS tapes and we put them in. 44:54 Now we put thousands of hours in a computer and it'll run 44:58 them. 44:58 That's right. 44:59 So we'll do all of this. 45:00 But now comes AI. 45:02 Well, let me tell you, my journey into technology began 45:10 out of necessity. 45:11 And then in a bit we're going to take a break and just in a 45:14 little while we're going to hear this. 45:15 Then we're going to demonstrate some amazing technology that 45:19 you will not want to miss, I promise you. 45:21 Absolutely. 45:22 Well, it started for me back in 1985. 45:26 I was pastoring the Capitol Hill Church and this church, we 45:31 had a thousand people attending. 45:34 You had to get there for Sabbath school to get a seat 45:37 for church. 45:38 Yes. 45:39 That's where it should be. 45:41 And the overflow of people watching on a wide screen in 45:44 the basement of the church, you know, it was that kind of 45:46 church. 45:47 But most of the congregants were young married couples 45:54 because we're in a metropolitan area, Washington, D.C. 45:57 A lot of people have gravitated there for careers and jobs and 46:02 university students, college students. 46:05 And I realized I couldn't get up and just kind of wing it. 46:12 Some pastors wing it. 46:15 I couldn't just talk off the top of my head and come up with 46:20 something. 46:25 But my problem was I'm flying the four and a half million 46:28 miles. 46:29 I'm flying. 46:30 So I can't take my reference library with me to study. 46:35 So out of desperation, back in 1985, I went to my reference 46:41 library, pulled the books out that I thought that I used most 46:47 often for study and research. 46:49 And I tore all of the pages out of those books in 1985, 46:54 hundreds of thousands of pages I tore out of the books. 46:59 Talking about technology. 47:01 And then I bought two rudimentary scanners. 47:03 When I say rudimentary because they were just being used for 47:06 home use, starting to be used for that. 47:09 And bought two of them. 47:10 And my wife and I, when we watched television for the news 47:14 or whatever, we'd sit and we'd scan those hundreds of 47:17 thousands of pages, brought them up into a text file. 47:24 And then at that time they had a CD-ROM with Ellen White's 47:29 writings. 47:30 Well, the company that has the search engine that allows you 47:35 to search Ellen White's writings back on that CD-ROM. 47:37 I went to that company and I said, can I buy my own license 47:42 so I can bring all that content that I scanned into this and 47:47 have my own CD-ROM of my own library? 47:51 So I purchased that. 47:52 It was a lot of money back then, but I purchased it. 47:54 So now I had on my laptop, my reference library, and a search 48:00 engine to be able to research for my sermons. 48:04 I had my own Google before Google was invented in 1987. 48:12 And so it allowed me to preach in such a way that it was well 48:19 researched. 48:20 You know, research is important. 48:21 Study and research is important to give sermons that are 48:25 substantive, that are inspirational, that are 48:29 engaging, and that feed people spiritually. 48:33 And this tool that we're about to show you in the next hour, 48:38 you're going to see it is the most powerful inspirational 48:43 tool to help you prepare for your sermons. 48:48 And it's elders who didn't go to the seminary. 48:53 I can tell you, elders, this is going to be an important tool 48:57 for elders in our churches because with one click of a 49:01 button, it reads on the topic that you're going to preach on. 49:08 It researches on the topic you're going to preach on. 49:11 And then it writes in the voice and style of Jesus, the 49:20 message, the voice and style of Jesus was, today we would call 49:25 it proverbial prose. 49:29 Look at the Sermon of the Mount. 49:31 First of all, there was never a better communicator than Jesus. 49:36 You will not go wrong in teaching and preaching the way 49:39 Jesus taught, right? 49:43 And good teaching is good preaching. 49:46 That's what I believe. 49:48 And the way, when you look at the Sermon of the Mount 49:50 carefully, you'll see every sentence Jesus spoke was a 49:57 quotable quote. 50:00 You could memorize, frame, and put on a wall. 50:06 There were no wasted words. 50:10 There were no wasted words. 50:11 And so we have trained this technology to read on the topic 50:17 using trusted, vetted, Adventist theology. 50:24 Read on it, research, and write on it using the approach that 50:30 Jesus used in communicating. 50:32 So does it have different Bible versions as well? 50:38 Or does someone... 50:39 It has that. 50:40 It has, it gives you... 50:42 But it's pulling the thoughts from the Word of God. 50:47 So like a commentary? 50:49 Sort of like it. 50:50 We're going to see. 50:51 We're going to see, yeah. 50:53 I'm interested in what we want to do. 50:55 We have a time song, No Need to Fear that Wendley did. 50:58 We want to play that, but because I have trouble, I have 51:02 arguments you can ask her with AI, chat AI. 51:07 I call her she's got a woman's voice. 51:09 She'll tell me things I know is not true. 51:12 So I go back and say, that's not what the Bible says. 51:14 It's slanted. 51:15 So I want something that's not slanted. 51:17 So what we did was we trained it. 51:20 That's what I want to hear. 51:22 And said, do stick to the Bible and do not give us back any 51:28 responses that are not in line with Adventist theology. 51:33 Okay. 51:34 All right. 51:37 break. 51:38 We want to... 51:40 Wendley will bless you with this song, No Need to Fear. 52:11 No need to fear when times of trouble come. 52:19 Oppression stormed beats at your door. 52:29 No need to fear. 52:38 No need to fear though evil seems so strong. 52:51 Is not for long be still my soul and trust in God and place 53:07 your life into his hands. 53:15 For he will never fail you. 53:28 You see his face. 53:33 No need to fear. 53:38 Don't fear. 53:51 No need to fear the envy and the scorn of those who boast in 54:05 what they own. 54:09 No need to fear for what remains when life's brief day 54:22 is done. 54:25 Their glories are a setting sun. 54:34 But as for me of this I'm sure God will redeem my soul from 54:50 death and he will never fail me. 55:02 And in 55:06 me I'll see his face. 55:11 And 55:34 he will 55:44 nail you from his love. 55:51 And he will never forsake you. 56:08 You see his face. 56:12 No 56:16 need to fear. 56:24 Don't fear. 56:41 Amen, praise the Lord. 56:43 My little wife's over here crying. 56:44 I cannot hear that song without crying. 56:47 It's so anointed and I used to play it for my dad when he was 56:52 ill and he was actually dying. 56:54 I would play it for him and it's so inspirational. 56:58 No need to fear. 56:59 He'll never leave you. 57:01 He'll never forsake you. 57:03 It's so beautiful. 57:04 Thank you so much for singing that song and allowing the Lord 57:09 to use you like that. 57:10 What a blessing it is. 57:11 My honor, my honor. 57:12 Absolutely. 57:13 Well, we've got about 20 seconds. 57:15 I can't believe this first hour went so quickly. 57:18 Call your friends, your enemies, everybody you think 57:21 of. 57:24 help you tremendously. 57:26 And I'm not kidding you when you do this. 57:27 This is amazing technology. 57:29 Thank you, Brother Whitney Phipps for bringing it to us, 57:32 letting us be the first to get it out. 57:34 We'll be back in just a moment. |
Revised 2025-02-06