3ABN Today Bible Q&A

Does Revelation Hint at a Secret Rapture

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYQA

Program Code: TDYQA210021A

00:01 As you're well aware,
00:03 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for Today special program.
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Mending broken people
00:23 I want to spend my life
00:29 Removing pain
00:34 Lord, let my words
00:39 Heal a heart that hurts
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
00:55 I want to spend my life
01:01 Mending broken people
01:15 Welcome to 3ABN today Bible Q and A.
01:18 I welcome you to this program for this hour of blessing
01:22 because we have our panel here that is going to lead us
01:26 through answers to your Bible questions.
01:28 My name is John Dinzey,
01:30 and I would like to introduce the panel that is with me.
01:32 I start with Sister Shelley Quinn.
01:33 Welcome.
01:35 It's so much fun,
01:36 but it is a challenge to try to answer some questions
01:40 that could be an hour long in two minutes,
01:42 but it's a lot of fun.
01:44 Yes, yes, indeed.
01:45 We have Jason Bradley,
01:47 general manager for the Dare to Dream Network.
01:49 Welcome.
01:50 Thank you. It's great to be here.
01:52 You know, our viewers have been sending
01:53 in some incredible questions.
01:55 And so we've been studying things out
01:57 and excited about this program.
01:59 Amen.
02:00 And a man that loves to answer Bible questions
02:02 is Pastor John Lomacang.
02:03 Welcome. Yeah.
02:04 The more I answer questions,
02:06 the more I discover how much I don't know.
02:07 Amen.
02:09 The Bible is a deep ocean
02:10 and you know, you might ride one way,
02:12 but below your 20,000 feet of unexplored Word.
02:16 So thank you for your challenging questions.
02:18 Thank you so much.
02:19 And we want to let you know
02:22 how you can participate in this program
02:24 because it is your questions that we are asking.
02:28 And I like to give you a little bit about
02:29 what the format is like.
02:32 To answer as many questions as possible,
02:34 each person will have two minutes
02:36 to answer the question,
02:38 but there's one question
02:39 that perhaps needs a little more time
02:42 and then they have one question will be three minutes
02:45 because we're trying to get to as many questions
02:47 as possible in this time.
02:49 So we want to invite you to send your questions
02:52 and there you can do it by text, by the way.
02:55 And the number to do that with is (618) 228-3975.
03:01 (618) 228-3975.
03:04 There's also an email that you can try.
03:07 And that's BibleQA@3abn.tv
03:10 BibleQA@3abn.tv
03:13 One more time, BibleQA@3abn.tv
03:17 Before we launch into your questions,
03:20 we're going to have prayer
03:22 and I'm going to ask Shelley Quinn,
03:23 if you'll lead us, please.
03:25 Absolutely.
03:26 Our wonderful and loving heavenly Father,
03:28 we come before You right now,
03:30 thanking You for this time, O Lord,
03:33 to concentrate on Your Word
03:35 and we ask in the name of Jesus,
03:39 You would send Your Holy Spirit,
03:41 anoint our lips, anoint our ears,
03:44 help each one of us to hear and, Lord,
03:48 to put into practice what we learned.
03:51 But, Father, our point in doing this,
03:55 we do this, of course, for our viewers,
03:58 our listening audience, but we do it to glorify You.
04:04 And, Father, we want answers directly from the Bible
04:09 that will bring You glory.
04:10 Amen.
04:11 Please help us in Jesus' name.
04:13 Amen. Amen.
04:14 Amen. Thank you.
04:15 And Psalm 119:105, the Bible says,
04:21 "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."
04:25 And it is our prayer
04:27 that as we go through this program
04:29 and you hear Bible answers to your questions,
04:31 you will see that God has a light to your feet
04:34 and a light to your path.
04:35 So we began with Pastor John Lomacang.
04:38 And in this question, we go to Revelation 5:10,
04:43 or Revelation 20.
04:45 Does Revelation 5:10 or Revelation 20
04:47 give a reason to believe in a secret rapture?
04:51 A question from Eileen.
04:54 Well, thank you, Eileen, for the question,
04:55 but the answer is no.
04:57 Revelation Chapter 5,
04:59 in all of the Book of Revelation,
05:00 none of its verses give reason to believe
05:03 in a secret rapture.
05:05 Now the word rapture means to be caught away
05:09 not with your own power.
05:10 Another power is drawing you.
05:12 And so, but when we say the word rapture,
05:14 we tend to think of secret rapture.
05:16 People just disappearing, planes flying off course,
05:19 cars are disappearing,
05:21 people disappear at the dinner table.
05:23 But if that were the case,
05:24 then you have to also follow through that natural thought
05:27 because Revelation 5:10 reads as follows
05:30 and have made us kings and priests to our God
05:34 and we shall reign on the earth.
05:37 What that supposing is the moment people disappear,
05:40 they start reigning on the earth.
05:42 And that would even be contrary to the re rapture theory,
05:45 which is in fact,
05:47 a concoction that doesn't have any Bible support.
05:49 The rapture theory, the secret rapture theory,
05:52 which is not supported by Scripture,
05:53 teaches that when people disappear,
05:56 there's a seven year tribulation.
05:57 And then during that seven year tribulation,
06:00 the Jews are converted.
06:02 They convert the world
06:03 and then there's a reign on earth, a millennial reign.
06:05 So this whole discombobulated theory,
06:08 what it does, it often tries to find places
06:10 in Scripture for support,
06:12 when in fact this is simply fulfilling
06:14 what the Lord had already promised.
06:16 In Matthew 5:5, "Blessed are the meek,
06:19 for they shall inherit the earth."
06:21 The inhabitation, the habitation of the earth
06:23 is the ultimate reward of the righteous
06:26 after sin is completely eliminated,
06:29 completely eradicated, and the earth is made new.
06:33 As Revelation 21 says,
06:35 "I saw a new heaven and a new earth,
06:37 for the first heaven and the first earth
06:39 had passed away."
06:40 So that's Revelation 21:1-2, and also Psalm 37:11,
06:45 "But the meek shall inherit the earth
06:47 and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace."
06:50 So Revelation 20 simply is the last picture
06:53 of God dealing with the sin problem
06:56 and eradicating it, not an earthly reign.
06:59 Thank you.
07:01 Well, we now move to Jason Bradley.
07:03 And number one question for you is sometimes this,
07:06 you can feel the pain here.
07:07 Sometimes I feel as if there's no way
07:10 to make it to heaven.
07:11 I don't think I can ever be perfect.
07:14 And it seems like one little mistake
07:17 and I am going to hell, please help.
07:21 This is from Devona from Texas.
07:24 Devona, the Word of God has some great news for you.
07:27 So let's get some comfort from His Word.
07:30 John 3:16-17 says, "For God,
07:33 so loved the world
07:35 that He gave His only begotten Son
07:36 that whoever believes in Him should not perish,
07:39 but have everlasting life.
07:40 For God did not send His Son into the world
07:43 to condemn the world,
07:45 but that the world through Him might be saved."
07:47 Jesus died for you, Devona.
07:50 2 Peter 3:9 says,
07:52 "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise
07:55 as some count slackness,
07:57 but is long-suffering toward us,
07:59 not willing that any should perish,
08:01 but that all should come to repentance."
08:05 We all fall down at times, but we have to get back up.
08:08 Proverbs 24:16 says,
08:11 "For a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again,
08:15 but the wicked shall fall by calamity."
08:18 Claim this promise, 1 John 1:9, "If we confess our sins,
08:24 He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
08:27 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
08:30 Walk in the spirit, Devona.
08:32 Romans 8:1 says,
08:34 "There is therefore now no condemnation
08:38 to those who are in Christ Jesus,
08:40 who do not walk according to the flesh,
08:42 but according to the spirit."
08:44 And as Pastor Lomacang always says,
08:47 we are saints under construction.
08:50 Philippians 1:6 says,
08:52 "Being confident of this very thing
08:54 that He who has begun a good work in you
08:57 will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ."
09:01 Don't rely on your own strength.
09:03 Philippians 4:13 says,
09:05 "I can do all things through Christ Jesus,
09:08 through Christ who strengthens me."
09:11 I'll leave you with this, Ephesians 2:8-9,
09:15 "For by grace, you have been saved
09:17 through faith and that not of yourselves,
09:19 it is the gift of God,
09:21 not of works, lest anyone should boast."
09:24 We can't work our way into heaven.
09:25 Find comfort in the words that are found in Scripture.
09:29 Amen.
09:30 Thank you. Thank you.
09:31 Shelley Quinn, I have one for you.
09:34 I just have a question that comes to mind
09:36 after reading Genesis 3:22.
09:39 What does it mean to know good and evil in this context?
09:43 This is from Ray.
09:45 Ray, Genesis 3:22 says, "And the Lord said,
09:50 'Behold, the man has become like
09:53 one of us to know good and evil.'"
09:57 The Holy God, who is the Father, Son,
10:00 and Spirit know and understand
10:05 good and evil by omniscience because God knows everything.
10:11 Adam and Eve abused the power of free will
10:15 and they learned good and evil through a personal experience.
10:20 You know, there's a huge difference
10:22 in how they received the knowledge,
10:25 and there's a huge difference in their understanding.
10:28 You know, there's a difference in the way
10:30 a doctor looks at a disease
10:32 and the patient looks at the disease.
10:34 A doctor understands the cause and effect,
10:37 the patient only the pain.
10:39 The tree of knowledge of good and evil.
10:42 God did not want man to try to decide
10:46 what was good for him
10:48 or what was evil to experience
10:50 that because God created us in His image.
10:54 He wants us to accept His Word as final authority,
10:59 but Satan promised them they would become like God.
11:04 And in this only, only in this sense,
11:08 I guess you could say they did increase
11:12 because they came to understand
11:15 the results of sin.
11:19 God knew that man would make all of his future decisions
11:24 based on the depravity of his mind and evil.
11:28 So what He did was He put forth His hand graciously
11:32 to bar the entrance to the tree of life,
11:38 so that man wouldn't continue to live in sin.
11:41 And you know what we see,
11:43 this is a true picture of paradise lost,
11:46 but paradise will be restored in the new earth.
11:48 Revelation.
11:50 22:1-2 says,
11:51 "We will eat
11:53 from the tree of life in heaven."
11:55 Thank you. Thank you very much.
11:56 I like to say that in each one of these questions,
11:58 they can spend a lot more time, but we have,
12:01 we're trying to be concise and precise.
12:04 So, Pastor Lomacang, if you're ready,
12:06 we go to question number two for you.
12:08 If the soul doesn't go to heaven at death,
12:12 is there anything that does?
12:16 The Desire of Ages,
12:18 page 172 and 173, the person says,
12:20 speaks of the Book of God's Providence.
12:23 It contains every particular of our history.
12:26 Do you have more info on that?
12:27 Apparently there are two questions here.
12:29 Well, the Book of Providence doesn't add to the ideology
12:34 of anything going and not going to heaven at death.
12:37 The question I think the crux of the question is,
12:40 if the soul doesn't go to heaven at death,
12:42 is there anything that does?
12:43 While the answer is found in the Bible.
12:46 Let's go to Psalm 146:4
12:49 to start out with this question.
12:51 And then we're going to go to Ecclesiastes 12:7,
12:54 but let's start with Psalm 146 to answer the question
12:57 that you insinuated
12:59 or even suggested about the soul.
13:02 First of all, let's talk about what the soul is.
13:03 The soul is not some separate entity from the body.
13:06 It's not something that exists within the body like water
13:10 in a container or water or air in a balloon
13:13 that it departs and goes some place.
13:16 But I would use the water,
13:17 and I mean the air in the balloon as an example,
13:20 because when the air is out of the balloon,
13:21 where does it go?
13:23 It goes back to the air.
13:25 In the very same way
13:26 when God breathed into Adam's nostrils,
13:29 Genesis 2:7,
13:30 He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.
13:34 And Job 27:3, in the King James Version says,
13:36 "All the while my breath is in me
13:39 and the Spirit of God is in my nostrils."
13:43 Now I want you to get that.
13:44 The Spirit of God is in my nostrils.
13:46 How did it get there?
13:48 God breathed into Adam's nostrils.
13:50 And Adam became a living soul.
13:53 What happens at death?
13:55 Now where did that spirit come from that God breathed
13:58 into Adam's nostrils?
13:59 That's the breath of life, the psuche,
14:01 the breath of God in the body of Adam.
14:04 What happens to that?
14:06 To whom does it belong?
14:07 Psalm 146:4, "His spirit departs,
14:11 he returns to his earth, in that very day,
14:16 his plans or his thoughts perish."
14:18 And then Ecclesiastes 12:1 very quickly.
14:22 Let me go and turn there.
14:23 This is the wise man giving us another example
14:27 of what happens when a person's die,
14:29 when a person dies.
14:31 Here it is.
14:33 Ecclesiastes 12:7,
14:36 "Then the dust will return to the earth as it was.
14:40 And the spirit will return to God who gave it."
14:43 In both cases, the spirit here
14:44 is talking about simply the breath of life
14:47 that belongs to God, returns back to God,
14:49 not a separate entity,
14:51 not somebody in heaven praising the Lord
14:53 because Psalms 115:17 says,
14:56 "The dead do not praise the Lord,
14:58 neither any that go down into silence."
15:01 Amen.
15:03 Thank you. Thank you.
15:04 Jason Bradley, I was baptized at 13,
15:07 Donna says in a Baptist Church.
15:11 I'm in my 50s now
15:12 and I'm a Seventh-day Adventist.
15:14 Should I be baptized again?
15:17 Excellent question.
15:19 As Seventh-day Adventists,
15:20 we believe in baptism by immersion.
15:23 So as long as you are baptized by immersion,
15:26 then you don't necessarily need to be rebaptized.
15:29 However, that decision is up to you.
15:33 Now, there are some people
15:34 who come out of different denominations and they,
15:36 you know, they receive a new doctrine
15:39 and a new truth and all of that stuff.
15:41 And so they make the choice to get rebaptized.
15:46 But if you've been baptized by immersion,
15:49 you can become a member of the Adventist Church
15:52 by profession of faith.
15:54 Let's look at scripture to gain an understanding
15:57 of what baptism represents.
15:59 Romans 6:3-4,
16:02 "Or do you not know that as many of us
16:05 as were baptized into Christ Jesus
16:08 were baptized into His death?
16:10 Therefore, we were buried with Him
16:12 through baptism and to death
16:14 that just as Christ was raised from the dead,
16:17 by the glory of the Father,
16:19 even so we also should walk in newness of life."
16:24 2 Corinthians 5:17 says,
16:28 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
16:31 he is a new creation.
16:33 Old things have passed away,
16:35 behold, all things have become new."
16:38 So when we get baptized,
16:40 we are making a public declaration
16:44 of our faith that we want to die to self
16:47 and live for Christ.
16:48 I was baptized at the age of 11,
16:51 but when I was 14, I ended up walking away.
16:54 I left Jesus.
16:56 I didn't want anything to do with spiritual things,
16:59 with any type of religion or anything like that.
17:02 I just wanted to do whatever it was that I felt like doing.
17:06 And we enter into a very dangerous place
17:09 when we go in that direction.
17:12 But after 14 years of self-inflicted trials
17:15 and embarrassing moments and pain,
17:17 I gave my heart back to the Lord.
17:20 And now I view baptism as a wedding ceremony.
17:24 So when you think about it, when two people get married,
17:26 they are no longer single
17:29 and living the single life, right?
17:30 So things have to change.
17:32 The two become one and they need
17:34 to be considerate of each other.
17:36 I chose to submit and commit my life back to Christ
17:40 and make that public declaration
17:42 by getting rebaptized.
17:43 So long story short, the choice is yours.
17:47 So if you want to get rebaptized,
17:49 I think that you should definitely go ahead
17:52 and take that step.
17:53 Amen.
17:55 All right. Praise God.
17:56 Beautiful. Shelley Quinn.
17:58 Can you please explain
18:00 the Rechabites' obedience in Jeremiah 35?
18:05 There's no name given here,
18:07 but we want to encourage you to give us your name
18:10 and where you are sending your question from.
18:13 It gives us an idea of places we're reaching.
18:15 So we thank you and Sister Shelley Quinn.
18:17 Yes. Okay.
18:19 Jeremiah 35:2.
18:21 This is such a fascinating story.
18:24 God told His prophet Jeremiah,
18:26 "Go to the house of the Rechabites,
18:28 speak to them, and bring them into the house of the Lord,
18:32 into one of the chambers,"
18:34 this was the apartment for the priest or the prophet,
18:38 "and give them wine to drink."
18:42 What?
18:43 God's telling Jeremiah,
18:45 "Go tell the Rechabites to come into the temple apartment
18:49 and drink wine?"
18:52 You know what?
18:53 God knew they wouldn't.
18:55 God knew the heart of the Rechabites.
19:00 He was setting them up to use them
19:04 as examples of faithfulness.
19:07 Let me prove that from scripture.
19:09 Jeremiah 35:6,
19:12 he gets the Rechabites, bring them in.
19:15 And he tells him,
19:17 "God told me to tell you to drink wine."
19:19 And you know what they said?
19:20 Listen, Jeremiah 35:6, "But they said,
19:25 'We will drink no wine,
19:27 for our father commanded us, saying,
19:29 'You shall drink no wine, you nor your sons forever.'"
19:35 So what God knew was their heart,
19:38 that they had faithful hearts
19:40 that they were going to obey their father's rule.
19:44 And they were examples to the men of Judah
19:47 and Jerusalem who persistently refused
19:52 to obey God.
19:53 In Jeremiah 35:13.
19:56 Listen to what the Lord says, "Thus says the Lord of hosts,
20:00 the God of Israel:
20:02 'Go and tell the men of Judah
20:03 and the inhabitants of Jerusalem,
20:06 will you not receive instruction
20:09 to obey My words?'
20:11 says the Lord.
20:12 The words of Jonadab the son of Rechab,
20:16 which he commanded his sons,
20:19 not to drink wine, are performed,
20:22 for to this day they drink none,
20:24 and obey their father's commandment.
20:27 But although I have spoken to you,
20:29 rising early and speaking, you did not obey Me."
20:33 Hmm.
20:34 Thank you.
20:36 Yes. Very good.
20:37 Pastor Lomacang, we come back to you with another hard one.
20:41 How would one clearly explain to a friend that the feasts,
20:46 which the Apostle John called feast of the Jews,
20:50 John 5:1 and 6:4 and 7:2.
20:55 And the Apostle Paul declared,
20:57 "As a shadow of things to come but the substance,"
21:01 and puts in parenthesis,
21:03 "the faith of body is of Christ."
21:05 Colossians 2:17.
21:07 Have been fulfilled in Jesus, the Messiah, our living head.
21:11 In other words, how do you explain
21:13 that the feasts were fulfilled in Jesus?
21:16 Now, thank you for the homework,
21:18 you did more of the homework, okay.
21:19 You actually answered.
21:21 It was almost a rhetorical question
21:23 because he would give him the scripture reference for it.
21:25 Yes.
21:26 In fact, now the point you're making is,
21:28 let's look at past, present and future.
21:32 The Lord established ceremonies,
21:34 even feasts that were synonymous
21:37 to the characteristics and the ministry of Christ
21:42 in many particulars, even the sanctuary articles,
21:45 all of them in one particular or another pointed to Christ,
21:49 the laver, which is the water, Jesus water of life.
21:52 The showbread, the bread of life, Christ.
21:53 The candelabrum, Jesus, the light of the world.
21:56 And the altar of incense,
21:59 which is where the prayers of the saints arising
22:01 before the Father.
22:02 The Most Holy Place,
22:03 which is now talking about the place of Jesus,
22:05 His ministry right now.
22:07 And the altar of burnt offerings,
22:10 which is a symbol of the cross, where He was crucified.
22:13 But also there were ceremonies.
22:15 You had the Feast of Tabernacles,
22:18 which was a ceremony that was celebrated
22:19 after the Day of Atonement.
22:21 It was celebrated for seven days
22:23 after sin had been blotted out in the yearly Day
22:25 of Atonement services.
22:27 Well, Jesus, after He performed the sacrifice today,
22:32 we know that the, the forgiveness of sin
22:34 does not require the taking of the life of a lamb.
22:37 But in specifics, on the question you ask,
22:40 John 6:4,
22:41 just to pull out one of those three references.
22:45 Jesus writes now the Passover, a feast of the Jews was near.
22:50 Now this feast was celebrated up until Jesus,
22:54 who is the Passover Lamb was crucified.
22:59 And then Paul talked about not the perpetuity of it,
23:01 but the temporary nature of these,
23:04 these ceremonies and what they were pointing to.
23:07 1 Corinthians 5:7 brings the answer to the forefront.
23:10 "Therefore purge out the old leaven,
23:14 that you may be a new lump
23:17 since you truly are unleavened."
23:20 All sanctuary language, Shelley.
23:21 "For indeed Christ,
23:24 our Passover was sacrificed for us."
23:28 So when Christ was sacrificed and became that Passover Lamb,
23:32 that broken bread, that poured out wine,
23:35 the Passover was no longer necessary.
23:37 It was replaced with the communion service
23:40 to point to the coming of Jesus,
23:42 not deliverance from Egypt.
23:45 Thank you so much, Before we continue,
23:47 we want to give you again the opportunity
23:49 to write down the information in case
23:51 you missed it the first time around.
23:53 Hopefully you have a pen or something to write with,
23:56 if not, take a picture of the screen,
23:58 because there you will find the information
24:00 that we're about to share.
24:02 And those of you listening by radio,
24:03 listen very carefully.
24:05 We're going to give you a phone number
24:06 whereby you can send your text with your question.
24:09 And that number is (618) 228-3975.
24:13 (618) 228-3975,
24:17 one more time, (618) 228-3975.
24:21 You can also email,
24:23 email is BibleQA@3abn.tv
24:27 BibleQA@3abn.tv
24:31 And just before you finish, we'll say it again,
24:33 BibleQA@3abn.tv
24:37 Excellent, we're almost halfway.
24:39 So let's go to Jason Bradley.
24:41 We have a question for you.
24:43 And this question is,
24:44 what does the phrase of this world really mean?
24:48 What activities, what places, what thoughts, et cetera,
24:52 what does it really mean to be of this world?
24:55 This is from Cheryl in Southern Illinois.
24:57 Oh, loving,
24:59 that's in our backyard right here.
25:01 Cheryl, let's begin by looking at 1 John 2:15-17,
25:07 "Do not love the world or the things in the world.
25:10 If anyone loves the world,
25:11 the love of the Father is not in him.
25:14 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh,
25:17 the lust of the eyes,
25:19 and the pride of life is not of the Father
25:22 but is of the world.
25:24 And the world is passing away and the lust of it,
25:27 but he who does the will of God abides forever."
25:30 So the world is full of snares
25:32 that have been set up by the enemy
25:34 to make us take our eyes off of Jesus
25:36 and to trip us up and to get us to,
25:38 to fall and stumble, but we can't give in.
25:41 When we stand firm on the principles
25:42 that are found in the Word of God,
25:45 we can expect to face some hatred.
25:46 So if you look at John 15:18-19,
25:51 the Word of God says this.
25:52 "If the world hates you,
25:55 you know that it hated Me before it hated you.
25:58 If you were of the world, the world would love its own.
26:02 Yet because you are not of the world,
26:04 but I chose you out of the world,
26:07 therefore the world hates you."
26:08 And when people have grown comfortable in a life of sin,
26:12 they don't typically want to hear
26:14 about gaining the victory.
26:16 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 says,
26:20 "Do you not know that the unrighteous
26:22 will not inherit the kingdom of God?
26:25 Do not be deceived.
26:26 Neither fornicators, nor idolaters,
26:29 nor adulterers, nor homosexuals,
26:32 nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous,
26:35 nor drunkards, nor revilers,
26:37 nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.
26:41 And such were some of you.
26:43 But you were washed, but you were sanctified,
26:46 but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus
26:49 and by the Spirit of our God."
26:52 The thoughts, actions,
26:54 and activities that are of the world
26:56 are the things that go against the principles
26:59 that are found in God's Word.
27:01 And they lead us
27:02 in the opposite direction of God.
27:05 Hmm. Thank you.
27:06 Very good.
27:07 Well, Shelley Quinn, are you ready?
27:09 Not for this one.
27:14 Well, you're going to have about three minutes
27:15 for this one, so let's see what,
27:18 how the Lord leads you on this one.
27:19 Is Jesus the Son of God or is He God the Father?
27:23 Can you explain, please Hebrews 1:1-6
27:28 for me and or Luke 1:1-4.
27:33 So who is Jesus really?
27:35 This is from Alex from Barrouallie,
27:39 St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
27:41 Oh, boy.
27:42 Wow.
27:44 I have an hour long sermon that I just did at camp meeting
27:46 called Covenant Son and Surety.
27:49 S-U-R-E-T-Y, put that in with my name
27:52 and it's on 3ABN Plus.
27:54 I couldn't explain it in an hour.
27:56 Okay.
27:58 God, the Father Son and Holy Spirit
28:02 are co equal.
28:04 There's three persons in the Godhead,
28:07 but Isaiah 9:6, prophesying about Jesus said,
28:10 "Unto us a Child is given, unto us a Son is born.
28:16 And His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor,
28:19 Mighty God, Everlasting Father,
28:24 and Prince of Peace."
28:26 John 1:1-3 says, "In the beginning was the Word,
28:29 the Word was with God, the Word was God.
28:32 And all three, all things were created through Him."
28:36 So Jesus is God.
28:39 He is mighty God, the everlasting Father.
28:42 And in John 1:14 says, "He became flesh."
28:46 In Philippians 2:5-8,
28:48 it talks about the eternal God coming down,
28:51 taking on our flesh
28:54 and becoming the covenant Son of God.
28:57 Listen to Hebrews 1:5.
28:59 God says, "You are my son today.
29:06 I have begotten you."
29:07 And again, it continues on saying,
29:11 this is God's words.
29:12 I will be.
29:14 This is future tense in the Greek.
29:16 I will be to Him a Father, and He shall be,
29:20 future tense, to me a Son.
29:22 So just as God compared His relationship with Israel
29:28 and others as a Father and Son,
29:31 He's describing His relationship to the person
29:36 of Jesus Christ as a Father and Son.
29:40 Son is a covenant term.
29:43 When it says son of God,
29:45 this means He is heir of the promises.
29:49 And begotten is a covenant term,
29:52 which means chosen.
29:54 So let's look at Hebrews 1:8.
29:58 Here God is saying, today, I'd begotten you.
30:02 Today I will become your father,
30:05 you shall become my son.
30:08 But to the son, Hebrews 1:8, this is the father speaking now
30:12 to the person of Jesus Christ,
30:14 who is the covenant son God's...
30:18 The father says, speaking to Jesus,
30:21 "Your throne, O God, is forever."
30:24 And in Hebrews 1:10,
30:26 it quotes the Father as saying to the Son,
30:28 "You Lord, in the beginning laid the foundations
30:31 of the earth and the heavens are the works of Your hands."
30:34 So the Father Himself declares that the Son is God.
30:38 Let me tell you this.
30:40 While Jesus was eternally the Son of God in anticipation
30:45 of His incarnation, He did not get installed
30:49 into the office as covenant Son of God,
30:53 until He was incarnated and took on a submissive role
30:57 to the Father, just as He was the lamb
31:00 who was slain
31:02 from the foundation of the world.
31:03 But He didn't become the lamb until He died.
31:07 You got really deep in three minutes.
31:09 Wow. Praise the Lord.
31:10 Thank you.
31:11 But that's a deep topic.
31:13 Yes, it is. It is.
31:14 I'm glad you mentioned its reference.
31:15 What was the sermon title again?
31:17 The sermon title is Covenant, Son, and Surety.
31:20 S-U-R-E-T-Y.
31:23 And you have to put my name in Shelley Quinn
31:25 and it'll take you to 3ABN Plus
31:28 where all of our camp meetings sermons are on 3ABN Plus.
31:32 We just did 12 beautiful sermons
31:36 to answer who is Jesus.
31:38 Very good.
31:39 Excellent. Thank you very much.
31:40 Pastor Lomacang.
31:42 Why does the Bible say to pray
31:45 His coming not be on Sabbath or in winter?
31:49 Well, this prophecy in Matthew 24.
31:52 Matthew 24 is not a book of duel prophecies,
31:55 but dual applications.
31:57 The prophecy that was made
32:01 was specifically talking about the destruction of Jerusalem.
32:03 There was such pride
32:05 in the building of their temple,
32:06 but those who built the temple
32:07 did not accept the temple of Christ Jesus.
32:09 They did not accept the Lamb of God.
32:12 They rejected the Son of God.
32:13 And He made a statement earlier in Matthew 24, He said,
32:17 "See these stones, the day is coming
32:20 that not one stone will be left upon another
32:23 that will not be thrown down."
32:26 And they said,
32:27 "You know how long it took us to build this thing?"
32:29 Forty years, and he said, "Destroy the temple,
32:32 and in three days I will raise it up again."
32:34 They had no clue how's He going to do that?
32:37 Destroy this and in three days rebuild it.
32:39 Well, that was a forecast or a prognostication
32:42 of His death, burial and resurrection,
32:45 the holy temple, the Christ temple.
32:49 But then, because they rejected Jesus.
32:52 He said, now there's a destruction coming.
32:55 And Matthew 24:20,
32:56 I want to bring out a part of it that you may miss.
32:59 This is confirmation that Jesus never intended
33:02 to destroy the Sabbath.
33:04 Amen.
33:05 Because if He did, He wouldn't say
33:06 this prophecy was given in 31AD,
33:09 the temple was destroyed 39 years later in 70AD.
33:14 He was simply saying, pray when it comes
33:17 that the Roman army know
33:18 you're going to be in the synagogues
33:20 on the Sabbath.
33:21 That's going to be an obvious place to find you.
33:23 Pray that when the destruction comes,
33:25 it doesn't come on the Sabbath nor in the cold,
33:29 harsh months of the winter.
33:31 That's all He's simply saying.
33:33 But outside of that,
33:34 He's not saying anything other than make sure
33:36 that when destruction comes and today,
33:38 if you live in a cold climate
33:39 and you're worshiping on the Sabbath,
33:41 if destruction and the future comes,
33:43 pray that it doesn't happen at a time of the year
33:46 where fleeing for your life is going to be something
33:48 that's damaging to your health.
33:50 That's all that Christ was saying in Matthew 24:20,
33:53 the destruction of Jerusalem.
33:54 Amen.
33:56 Thank you.
33:57 Well Jason Bradley, we have another one for you.
34:00 Should you be baptized as a baby, a teenager or older?
34:06 Does it matter?
34:07 Also, can Jesus save you
34:09 if you're not baptized by a man?
34:11 Hmm.
34:13 I'm not sure if they mean just by a man or in any,
34:16 in any category that would be.
34:18 Well, we'll give it a go in two minutes.
34:20 We'll give it a go.
34:21 No, you should not be baptized as a baby
34:24 because you can't make sound decisions.
34:27 You can't make a choice as a baby to follow Christ.
34:30 You can't decide what, what to wear, where to go,
34:34 what to eat, when to go, what to do,
34:36 any of that stuff as a baby.
34:38 So a person should get baptized
34:40 when they have a firm understanding of the decision
34:43 that they are making at whatever age that is.
34:46 But when we get baptized, what we're doing
34:49 is we're making a public declaration
34:51 of our faith that we want to die to self
34:54 and live for Christ.
34:55 Now, in regards to the third part
34:57 of your question,
34:58 consider Luke 23:39-43.
35:04 "Then one of the criminals who were hanged blasphemed Him,
35:09 saying, 'If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us.'
35:14 But the other, answering, rebuked him, saying,
35:17 'Do you not even fear God,
35:19 seeing you are under the same condemnation?
35:22 And we indeed justly,
35:24 for we receive the due reward of our deeds,
35:27 but this Man has done nothing wrong.'
35:30 Then he said to Jesus, 'Lord, remember me
35:32 when You come into Your kingdom.'
35:34 And Jesus said to him, 'Assuredly, I say to you,
35:37 today you will be with Me in Paradise.'"
35:40 The thief on the cross wasn't baptized,
35:43 but he will be saved.
35:45 But with that being said, if you have the opportunity
35:49 to get baptized, you need to do it.
35:53 Take advantage of, go get baptized,
35:56 repent, and be baptized.
35:58 If you have that opportunity, make that happen.
36:00 The thief on the cross made a public declaration
36:03 for Christ, but he wasn't baptized.
36:06 Hmm.
36:07 Thank you very much.
36:08 Very good.
36:10 Well, now we have a question about eternal fire.
36:11 Shelley, are you ready?
36:13 If eternal fire or everlasting fire
36:17 is not really forever,
36:19 how do we know eternal or everlasting life is forever?
36:24 That's simple.
36:26 I studied this out 20 years ago and it was life-changing.
36:29 In the Greek the word
36:30 for eternal or everlasting is aionios.
36:33 And it is a relative term.
36:36 It is determined by what it is defining,
36:40 the object it modifies.
36:42 When discussing if eternal or everlasting
36:46 is attached to God, because God is infinite,
36:50 eternal, and everlasting means infinite existence.
36:55 So, you know, the Bible says that right now
36:58 in 1 Timothy 6:16, that God alone has immortality.
37:02 In 1 Corinthians 15:51-54 says,
37:06 "We put on immortality at the last trumpet."
37:10 In John 3:16,
37:13 when Christ promised eternal life,
37:15 He said, "For God so loved the world,
37:18 He gave His only begotten Son
37:20 that whosoever would believe in Him
37:22 would not perish, but have everlasting life."
37:26 There are two totally opposite things.
37:30 Anyone that comes to Christ receives the promise.
37:35 You're going to put on immortality.
37:37 God will give you the gift of eternal,
37:41 everlasting, existing life.
37:43 When you're raised up, the others will perish,
37:46 they're going to be kaput.
37:47 Now eternal everlasting, when that word aionios
37:52 is used in relationship to mortal,
37:56 humanity or to perishable things,
37:59 it just means as long as the person or thing exists,
38:04 it has eternal, everlasting results.
38:08 For example, eternal redemption,
38:10 Hebrews 9:12.
38:11 That's not an endless process, but the results are eternal.
38:14 Eternal judgment, Hebrews 6:2, not an endless process,
38:19 but the results are eternal.
38:21 Jude 1:7 says that Sodom and Gomorrah are set forth
38:26 as an example of the vengeance of eternal fire.
38:30 They're not still on fire today,
38:32 but they, the fire completed its work
38:35 and the results are everlasting.
38:39 Excellent. Wow.
38:40 Wow.
38:42 I know you could say more about that,
38:43 but time escapes us
38:45 so we can move on to the next question.
38:47 We'll come back to Pastor Lomacang.
38:49 Did God create the dinosaurs, Pastor Lomacang?
38:54 That is a question that has come up
38:56 from time to time.
38:57 I'm going to give you two answers directly.
38:59 One is God didn't create dinosaurs.
39:04 Everything that God created was on the ark.
39:08 All the animals
39:10 that God created was on the ark.
39:12 Now, when you look at what happened,
39:15 these massive creatures that were found,
39:17 notice where they were found,
39:18 and in America, a lot of the discoveries
39:21 where you find dinosaur bones, or when you find places like
39:25 they find them closer to mountains,
39:27 closer to places like the Grand Canyon.
39:30 And what it suggested is that when the waters
39:33 of the flood began to rise, these massive creatures
39:37 sought for higher ground to survive.
39:39 Another question I would ask myself
39:41 is why were they not on the ark?
39:43 Well, the apparent understanding to me
39:45 is as I looked up something called amalgamation,
39:48 which was the combination,
39:50 animals, the intelligence of the beings,
39:53 or the men that existed in combined species together
39:57 and out of these came amalgamations of large animals,
40:00 massive animals,
40:01 that if they were to enter the ark
40:04 and make it to the other side of the flood,
40:06 God knowing that the lifespan
40:09 and the size of humanity would decrease,
40:12 would be too massive for men to even possibly controlled.
40:16 That's why these animals were destroyed in the flood,
40:19 found under many sedimentary layers
40:23 far down unearth in the ground.
40:27 But here's a passage
40:28 that I find is encouraging to me
40:31 about the fact that God didn't create
40:33 these massive creatures with arms
40:35 too short to reach and, you know,
40:37 mouths that were just purpose
40:39 for the purpose of devouring humanity.
40:43 Romans 1:23-25,
40:45 and look this up because in the time we have,
40:47 it's not possible to cover this all,
40:48 but look up the terminology, amalgamation, amalgamation,
40:52 but notice what Romans 1:23-25 suggests.
40:56 It says, speaking of the Antediluvian world
40:59 and change the glory of God,
41:02 the glory of the incorruptible God
41:04 into an image made like corruptible man
41:07 and birds and four footed animals
41:09 and creeping things.
41:10 Therefore God gave them up to the uncleanness and the lust
41:13 of their own hearts to dishonor their bodies among themselves.
41:16 Now, when you read about that, when you study amalgamation,
41:19 it is also suggested that the men of that day
41:22 intermingle the seeds of men with the seeds of animals,
41:26 but the animals that God created,
41:29 all of them made it on to the ark
41:32 to continue to exist on the other side of the flood,
41:35 and I don't believe that dinosaurs
41:36 were a part of that.
41:38 Thank you.
41:39 Quite a bit to cover in two minutes.
41:41 That was a question from Yvette, from Texas.
41:44 Jason Bradley, question is, is it possible for someone
41:50 with dementia to be saved?
41:52 Hmm, that reminds me of a question that I received
41:54 before dealing with people that are handicapped.
41:58 So some have what others don't have.
42:01 And the question is, does God know that?
42:04 The answer is yes.
42:05 So will some be judged for what they don't have
42:08 or will they be judged for what they can, cannot do?
42:12 2 Corinthians 8:12 says,
42:14 "For if there is first a willing mind,
42:17 it is accepted according
42:20 to what one has and not according
42:22 to what he does not have."
42:24 The key is, they are willing.
42:27 So the spirit indeed is willing,
42:29 but what's lacking?
42:30 The flesh is weak.
42:32 So Mark 14:38 says, "Watch and pray,
42:36 lest you enter into temptation.
42:38 The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak."
42:42 2 Corinthians 12:9 says, "And He said to me,
42:46 'My grace is sufficient for you,
42:48 for My strength is made perfect in weakness.'
42:51 Therefore most gladly
42:52 I will rather boast in my infirmities,
42:56 that the power of Christ may rest upon me.'"
42:59 Why is His strength made perfect
43:01 in our weakness?
43:03 Hebrews 4:15 says,
43:05 "For, we do not have a high priest
43:07 who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses,
43:11 but was in all points tempted as we are yet without sin."
43:15 Isaiah 1:19 says,
43:17 "If you are willing and obedient,
43:20 you shall eat the good of the land."
43:23 It all comes back to the point of willingness.
43:26 Those with dementia,
43:28 as long as they have a willing heart,
43:30 the Lord will make up the difference.
43:33 In their willingness, if they are obedient,
43:36 they will benefit from the promise
43:37 that the Lord has made.
43:40 The Lord is not looking to those
43:41 who are just,
43:43 who are just able, but He treasures those
43:45 who without full abilities are willing.
43:50 God wants to spend eternity with us.
43:52 So He's going to do everything in His power
43:54 to make that happen.
43:55 Amen. Thank you.
43:56 Thank you.
43:58 We have another question for Shelley.
43:59 And this one is,
44:01 why are we called Christians if Jesus was a Jew?
44:05 Hmm. Interesting.
44:06 In His humanity as an incarnated Savior,
44:11 the genealogy of Jesus is definitely Jewish.
44:14 He came from a Jewish descent and the term Jew refers
44:19 to Judah or the tribe of Judea.
44:23 Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well, John 4:22,
44:27 you worship what you do not know.
44:29 We worship what, we know what we worship
44:32 for salvation is of the Jews.
44:36 The nation of Israel's here referred to as Jews
44:39 because, but they had the full revelation
44:42 of God's plan of salvation.
44:44 Salvation was to come through them
44:46 to all the world,
44:48 all the old covenant rituals and ceremonies
44:51 pointed to Jesus,
44:53 who was the promised seed of the everlasting covenant.
44:57 Galatians 3:16 says
45:00 that "The promises of the everlasting covenant
45:04 were made to our father Abraham and to his seed, Jesus Christ."
45:09 Galatians 3:29 says,
45:11 "If you're Christ, you are Abraham's seed
45:13 and heirs according to the promise."
45:16 Romans 9:6-8, Paul says,
45:20 "They are not all Israel who are of Israel."
45:23 So he saying,
45:24 they're not all spiritual Israel.
45:26 And that's an, a spiritual name
45:28 who are of Jewish biological descent,
45:32 but physical lineage isn't the issue.
45:35 He said, not the children of the flesh,
45:37 but the children of the promise are counted as the seed.
45:41 So while the Christian movement
45:45 of the new covenant is distinct
45:49 from the old covenant of Judaism,
45:53 it did not break the everlasting covenant.
45:57 In Luke 1:54-55, Mary is singing her song
46:01 and she said, oh, He's helped His servant Israel.
46:04 In remembrance of His mercy,
46:06 He spoke to our fathers to Abraham and to his seed.
46:10 So the blessings came upon the Gentiles
46:12 through Jesus Christ and they were first called
46:15 Christians in Antioch in Acts 11:26.
46:19 And you know, the word Christian
46:21 is only used three times in the Bible.
46:23 Acts 11:26, 26:28,
46:27 1 Peter 4:16, but Christ means the Messiah.
46:31 We were waiting for our Messiah or Christians.
46:35 Thank you. Thank you.
46:36 Well, good news.
46:37 We have time for probably another question
46:40 before we take our break.
46:42 And this one is, may take a little time.
46:47 How can we approach or deal with demon possession
46:51 of loved ones or friends or demonic activities
46:54 in possessed houses or workplaces?
46:57 What do you do if it is in your life?
47:00 Just prayer.
47:02 Just want to be clear on the Bible stands.
47:04 This question is from Sherry.
47:06 Can I start on that one?
47:08 Because I probably won't be able
47:09 to answer everything,
47:11 but something that's interesting
47:13 in 2 Corinthians Chapter 6,
47:17 the Bible says in verse 14,
47:21 "What communion has light with darkness?"
47:24 "What accord, verse 15, has Christ with Belial?
47:28 Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?"
47:34 There is Christian, excuse me.
47:38 There are two categories.
47:41 There's demonic possession
47:44 and demonic oppression.
47:47 I believe Christians can be oppressed.
47:50 I have seen people oppressed,
47:52 but if the Holy Spirit is in you,
47:54 you cannot be possessed.
47:58 It is clear that all through the gospels,
48:01 you see, especially Matthew, Mark, and Luke,
48:03 Jesus going out and healing all including those
48:09 who were demon possessed.
48:11 But it's interesting because,
48:14 and I'm going to share this with you.
48:16 I was given a wrong teaching on this.
48:18 My mother was bipolar.
48:20 I was taught that her behavior
48:22 was because she was demon possessed.
48:24 And I remember the painfulness
48:27 of praying for her to be relieved from this.
48:31 Let me tell you something.
48:33 There is such a thing as having...
48:38 If there's a physical or emotional,
48:40 psychological cause it's chemical imbalance.
48:43 Thank you.
48:45 It is not demonic possession.
48:48 What we've got to do is if you think
48:52 you are being oppressed by the devil,
48:56 or I have prayed over people who were processed,
49:00 I've seen them contort in crazy images.
49:03 I prayed over people who were oppressed.
49:06 If you have to don't dabble with the occult.
49:09 That's the first thing I ask anybody
49:11 that's going through
49:12 what they feel like is oppression.
49:15 Have you been dabbling with the occult
49:17 because you're opening the door.
49:20 So we pray.
49:21 Yes, we anoint,
49:24 we asked to be filled with the Holy Spirit
49:27 and that's mine, I'll kick it over to you.
49:30 I forgot the question actually.
49:32 Can I, can I jump in there real quick?
49:34 Okay.
49:35 So ever so quickly, I want to piggyback off
49:36 of what you just said with opening the door,
49:39 because, you know, oftentimes we need to take into account
49:42 what we have in our home.
49:43 So what did we bring?
49:45 Did we bring some kind of crystal in there?
49:47 What kind of movies do we have?
49:48 What kind of music do we have?
49:50 What is... Artwork?
49:51 Yeah, artwork and all of that,
49:52 we need to take into account what is in our house,
49:55 because that opens the door for them to come in.
49:59 Once again, the question is,
50:01 how do we deal with demon possession
50:03 of loved ones or friends or demonic activities
50:05 in possessed houses or workplaces?
50:08 That's basically the question. Yeah.
50:09 I think they answered that very well.
50:11 You know, if you're not filled by the Spirit of God,
50:12 you will be filled by only one other spirit.
50:15 That's the spirit of demons.
50:16 And, but Matthew 12:43 talks
50:19 about the life that is swept and that is clean,
50:23 and that is empty.
50:24 A lot of people say, I no longer smoke,
50:26 no longer drink,
50:27 no longer participate in any sinful activity.
50:30 They're happy that their lives are swept and clean
50:33 and put in order.
50:35 But the life is empty.
50:36 If your life is not filled by the Spirit of God,
50:39 that spirit, the Bible says he comes back in Matthew 12:43,
50:44 he says, I'll return to my house from which I came.
50:46 And when he comes, he finds it empty,
50:48 swept, and put in order.
50:50 And then he goes and takes
50:51 seven other spirits more wicked.
50:53 So when you overcome anything,
50:55 don't just glory in overcoming sin,
50:57 but the glory should be that the Lord by His Holy Spirit
51:00 has filled your life
51:02 so that no other spirit can abide there.
51:05 Thank you so much.
51:06 So basically what can we say?
51:08 You know, somebody or somebody suspected
51:10 of having demon possession,
51:12 what's your recommendation in about 30 seconds?
51:15 Pray, have them anointed.
51:17 First of all, look for anything they brought into their home.
51:21 Pray over them, anoint them,
51:23 have them pray to be filled with Holy Spirit.
51:25 They've got to be willing
51:27 to surrender to the Lord's leading.
51:28 Okay. So there's hope for anyone.
51:30 Oh, there's hope for everyone.
51:31 And we see that in the Bible very clearly.
51:33 Thank you so much.
51:34 Well, we have a moment in which we would like
51:36 to give you again the opportunity
51:38 to know how you can send in your question.
51:41 You have seen many people have,
51:43 and we thank you for your questions.
51:44 They are very interesting and it really causes us
51:47 to study and pray more.
51:49 So we'll be back after this information
51:51 that you will receive that you will need.
51:55 If you're enjoying our 3ABN Bible Q and A,
51:58 then tell your friends.
51:59 Each Monday we'll bring you a fresh program,
52:02 answering the Bible questions you send us
52:04 and we'll use God's Holy Word to shed light on those texts
52:07 that seem difficult to understand.
52:10 If you would like your questions answered
52:11 on an upcoming program, just email them to us.
52:14 Our email address is BibleQA@3abn.org
52:19 That's BibleQA@3abn.org
52:24 You can also text us your questions
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52:30 That number again is (618) 228-3975.
52:35 Be sure to include your name and where you live,
52:38 and then watch 3ABN Bible Q and A
52:41 for the answers from God's Word.


Revised 2024-05-06