3ABN Today Bible Q&A

Does Revelation Hint at a Secret Rapture

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYQA

Program Code: TDYQA210021B

00:01 Thank you so much.
00:02 We're back and we have a moment to give you an opportunity
00:05 to say anything about any particular question
00:07 or comment you'd like to make?
00:08 Isaiah 9:6, "Unto us a Child is born,
00:11 unto us a Son is given,
00:13 His name will be called Wonderful,
00:15 Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father,
00:18 Prince of Peace."
00:20 Amen. Amen.
00:21 I just want to take a moment to speak to Devona.
00:23 Devona, I just want you to know
00:25 that even if it were just you on this earth,
00:28 Jesus would have died for you because He love you that much.
00:32 That's right.
00:33 And the person who asked about the feast of the Jews,
00:37 this is a question that has may seem arbitrary,
00:41 but a lot of people are struggling
00:44 with whether or not to still keep the feasts.
00:47 What I would encourage you to do
00:49 is look at Leviticus 23 to 25,
00:53 and you'll find a lot of the feasts
00:55 that are listed there.
00:56 And then you'll look at the life of Christ
00:58 and you'll see them fulfilled in his ministry.
01:02 It doesn't make sense to be trying to find
01:04 righteousness in a feast
01:06 when righteousness is only found
01:08 in the person of Christ.
01:09 We cannot be saved by our works.
01:11 Those were just tutors to guide us
01:14 to the ministry and know
01:15 who Christ would be and what His work would be.
01:17 And those things have been fulfilled.
01:19 Thank you so much Pastor Lomacang,
01:21 Jason Bradley, Shelley Quinn,
01:23 and we want to thank you for sending in your questions
01:25 and giving us the opportunity to go to the Lord in prayer
01:28 and bring you a Bible answer.
01:30 We hope you have been blessed
01:32 and we encourage you to send in your questions.
01:34 We also encourage you to pray for 3ABN
01:36 and support financially,
01:38 so we can keep bringing programs
01:39 that will bring life and salvation
01:42 to people all around the world.
01:45 This is 3ABN Today, Bible Q and A.
01:47 You can watch it on Mondays.
01:48 You can also go to 3ABN Plus and see there the programs.
01:53 And we hope that next time you will join Bible Q and A
01:57 not only by watching or listening,
01:58 but by sending in your question.
02:00 We'll see you next time.


Revised 2024-05-06