3ABN Today Bible Q&A

Why Is There Racism in the Church?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYQA

Program Code: TDYQA210022A

00:01 As you're well aware,
00:03 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for Today special program.
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Mending broken people
00:23 I want to spend my life
00:29 Removing pain
00:34 Lord, let my words
00:39 Heal a heart that hurts
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
00:55 I want to spend my life
01:01 Mending broken people
01:15 Hello, family, I'm Jill Morikone.
01:17 And we're so glad that
01:18 you have tuned in for 3ABN Today,
01:21 Bible Q and A.
01:22 I think this is one of my favorite programs
01:24 because we get to jump into the Word of God
01:27 and we don't answer questions
01:29 and kind of sit there and go to sleep.
01:30 This is rapid fire.
01:32 We have two minutes or sometimes three minutes
01:35 to answer a question
01:36 and we get to jump
01:38 into the Word of God and share.
01:40 The Word of God says to study
01:41 to show yourself approved unto God,
01:44 a workman that needs not be ashamed,
01:46 rightly dividing the word of truth.
01:49 Today, I have my brothers and sisters with me,
01:52 a woman and men of the Word.
01:55 And I want to introduce them to you in just a moment.
01:57 But first we want to tell you how you can contact us.
02:00 We want to use your questions.
02:04 We would love to hear from you.
02:05 So if you have a Bible question on any topic,
02:08 that's from the Word of God,
02:10 feel free to text us your questions.
02:13 The number to text is (618) 228-3975.
02:18 That number again is (618) 228-3975,
02:23 or you can email us your Bible questions.
02:25 That email address is BibleQA@3abn.tv.
02:31 That email address one more time
02:33 is BibleQA@3abn.tv.
02:37 Want to introduce you to our family right now.
02:40 At the far end of the island is Pastor John Lomacang.
02:43 So glad you're here, Pastor John
02:44 Every time, we have Bible Q and A,
02:46 we learn something because our viewers
02:49 and our listeners force us to take note
02:52 of what we are probably not thinking of,
02:55 and praise the Lord that we're learning as we're sharing.
02:58 Amen. What a gift, you know?
03:00 Sitting next to you, Pastor John Dinzey,
03:02 always a privilege to have you here too.
03:04 It's a blessing and a privilege to be here.
03:05 And it's interesting, some of the questions come up,
03:08 make you realize that people are really studying
03:10 and thinking of that.
03:11 I love that.
03:13 And we have my sister Shelley Quinn,
03:14 and always delighted to have you here too.
03:16 Always a delight to be here,
03:19 always a challenge to answer in two minutes.
03:23 That seems like one of the hardest things,
03:25 isn't it?
03:26 To do it in a short amount of time,
03:27 but thank you for your questions.
03:29 And you can always give us
03:30 questions on social media as well.
03:33 You can send us a question on Instagram
03:35 if you would like.
03:37 3ABN's, Instagram handle is 3ABN_official.
03:41 That address again is 3ABN_official,
03:45 or this program is on YouTube or on 3ABN+,
03:48 and you can submit a question that way.
03:50 We're going to jump into the Word of God,
03:52 but before we do,
03:53 we're going to go to the Lord in prayer.
03:55 Shelley, would you pray for us?
03:56 Absolutely.
03:57 Oh, wonderful Father, we are so in love with You.
04:01 Thank You, Lord, for the gift of life.
04:03 Thank You for the gift of Jesus Christ,
04:06 Your Holy Spirit and Your Word.
04:07 And thank You for this time and for all of our viewers
04:12 who send us and submit these questions
04:15 and that we get the privilege of searching through Your Word
04:19 to give them Bible answers.
04:22 Thank You, Father, for this privilege.
04:24 Please send Your Holy Spirit now to guide this program
04:28 and to give us wisdom in Jesus' name.
04:31 Amen. Amen.
04:32 Amen. Thank you so much, Shelley.
04:34 Excited to get into these questions.
04:36 We're going to start with you, Pastor John,
04:38 coming to you first.
04:39 Why is there so much racism in the Christian Church
04:43 when race is not even mentioned in the Bible,
04:45 only Jew and Gentile?
04:47 Well, race is mentioned in the Bible.
04:50 We have all the different nations
04:51 and I think the word nation
04:53 and race are synonymous to some degree.
04:58 When the Lord talked about, I think it's Isaiah,
05:00 sorry, Acts 17:26,
05:03 "From one blood came all nations of men."
05:07 And I always add to one blood,
05:09 all nations of men must go and that's the blood of Jesus.
05:13 And the other part about it is
05:15 somebody just said this recently,
05:16 I thought it was very insightful
05:18 because I was listening
05:19 to a conversation being held in a diner about race
05:23 and they were using a derogatory terminology
05:25 to refer to a particular race of people.
05:28 But what they fail to realize is we live in a world
05:31 where so much has been distorted
05:35 based on preferential treatment,
05:37 one race above another,
05:38 but that is not what God ever intended.
05:41 You find an early example of Moses,
05:44 the wife of Moses, an Ethiopian woman
05:46 and Miriam distracted the issue.
05:49 They were upset that God spoke to Moses
05:52 and not to them on a particular occasion,
05:54 but they distracted him by saying,
05:55 "We don't like the fact that
05:57 you married an Ethiopian woman."
05:58 Then you also find the Jews
06:01 always referred to the Gentiles as dogs.
06:04 And then the Lord had to work with Peter in Acts
06:06 Chapter 10 by saying,
06:07 "Never call any man common or unclean."
06:11 But the issue is not so much the races themselves,
06:14 but the human heart,
06:16 and all issues come down to the human heart.
06:18 Jeremiah 17:29, "The heart is deceitful above all things
06:22 and desperately wicked who can know it."
06:24 Now, undoubtedly contributing factors in history
06:26 has also added fire or fuel to the fire.
06:30 When you've had people such as Charles Darwin,
06:34 who he did wrote a book about a certain race
06:38 of people being one-third of a man,
06:40 or then also one-eighth of a man.
06:42 If you have blood
06:44 from certain parts of the world,
06:45 then you are one-eighth of a human
06:47 or one-eighth of a man.
06:48 But the issue really
06:50 is the sinful heart of humanity.
06:51 But here's what John says in 1 John 3:14,
06:55 where race no longer becomes an issue.
06:57 "We know that we have passed from death to life,
07:02 because we love the brethren.
07:04 He who does not love his brother abides in death."
07:07 And let me add one more thing.
07:09 Never say to somebody, I don't see your color.
07:12 Say I see your color
07:13 and I appreciate who you are in Christ.
07:16 We should minimize races, but we should not think
07:18 of race as one above another when we are Christians.
07:21 Amen.
07:22 We're called to love each other.
07:24 I love that, it's beautiful. Yeah.
07:25 Diversity is what God has made the world to be.
07:26 That's right. Shelley, we're coming to you.
07:28 This is Matthew 11:28-30, says,
07:31 "My yoke is easy and my burden is light."
07:33 What is the yoke or burden that we are to carry?
07:36 This is from Carol, from London.
07:39 Carol, great question.
07:40 Let me read Matthew 11:28-30,
07:43 which is Christ's great invitation.
07:46 "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden,
07:49 and I will give you rest.
07:51 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me,
07:54 for I am gentle and lowly in heart,
07:56 you will find rest for your souls.
07:59 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."
08:02 Yoke was a common metaphor in Judaism for the burdens
08:07 and teachings of the Pharisees.
08:10 The rabbinical teachings were so oppressive.
08:13 And they added so many restrictions
08:17 and duties to the life
08:19 of a believer to the covenant keeping people.
08:23 And it became the heavy works oriented type of salvation.
08:28 Paul speaks about salvation by works
08:32 as a yoke of bondage.
08:35 But now Christ, I believe
08:36 is not only speaking to the idea
08:41 that He will provide eternal life
08:43 through grace as a gift,
08:45 but he is also speaking just to the sin problem,
08:49 I think, and the burdens that we have to bear
08:53 in this sin-sick world.
08:55 You know, some people don't want to be yoked.
08:58 They don't like that idea.
08:59 I've been, they feel like they're being tied in,
09:02 but the Bible tells us you're either yoked to Satan
09:05 or you're yoked to Christ.
09:06 Romans 6:16,
09:08 "Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves to obey,
09:14 you are that one's slaves whom you obey,
09:18 whether of sin leading to death,
09:20 or of obedience leading to righteousness?"
09:23 So Satan's yoke he, it's a splintery heavy yoking,
09:27 drags you around, but Jesus promises,
09:30 I will carry the load for you.
09:33 So His yoke is easy.
09:36 Amen. I love that. Thank you.
09:38 Pastor Johnny, we're coming to you.
09:40 This is the opposite of it being easy.
09:43 What is the difference between sin,
09:46 iniquity and transgressions?
09:49 The Bible says that God forgives all three.
09:52 This comes from Fran.
09:54 Thank you very much.
09:55 Yes, there is a scripture that speaks,
09:58 has those three terms in there and is Exodus 34:7.
10:03 I will share about that in a moment,
10:04 but first let's take a quick look at the word sin,
10:07 the word sin.
10:09 You can find a definition for sin in 1 John 3:4,
10:13 "Whoever commits sin
10:15 transgresses or commits lawlessness
10:18 and sin is lawlessness."
10:21 So that's what sin is defined like in the Bible.
10:23 Iniquity, looking at dictionaries,
10:25 you can find that
10:27 the word iniquity is perversity,
10:28 that is immoral, evil, mischief,
10:31 and actually in the Hebrew pictograph,
10:34 you know what iniquity is like.
10:37 It is as a twisted rope.
10:40 And that's the picture
10:41 that is with the Hebrew letters.
10:44 And transgression is defined as rebellion.
10:48 Now, all these things can be a state of sin.
10:52 In Exodus 34:7,
10:54 beautiful scripture, notice, concerning God.
10:57 He declares, keeping mercy for thousands,
11:00 forgiving iniquity and transgression
11:04 and sin by no means clearing the guilty,
11:08 visiting the iniquity of the fathers
11:09 upon the children and the children's children
11:11 to the third and the fourth generation."
11:14 So let's take a look now with some
11:16 of the definitions to help us out.
11:18 Keeping mercy for thousands,
11:20 forgiving iniquity that is perversity,
11:22 depravity and transgression,
11:24 that means rebellion and sin is sin or sinful condition.
11:29 And God is able and willing to forgive us
11:33 for all those things.
11:35 Notice what it says in Titus 2:14,
11:39 concerning Jesus who gave Himself for us,
11:41 that He might redeem us from all iniquity
11:44 and purify unto Himself a peculiar people,
11:47 zealous of good works.
11:49 And Jesus came to this world to take away our sin,
11:55 the desire for sin and the condition of sin.
11:57 Praise be to His name.
11:59 Amen. Amen.
12:00 Thank you so much for that.
12:02 That gives us hope too. Praise the Lord.
12:04 We're coming back to you, Shelley.
12:05 Okay.
12:06 In John 3:8, Jesus and Nicodemus
12:08 discussed the wind blows where it pleases.
12:10 You hear the sound, but you cannot tell
12:12 where it comes from or where it is going.
12:14 So is everyone who is born of the spirit.
12:17 And my understanding there is saying
12:19 that you cannot really tell
12:20 when you will be born of the spirit,
12:22 even if you decided to follow Jesus
12:24 and get baptized.
12:25 Does this explain why there are people
12:27 who would go astray after some time
12:30 because they are not born of the spirit.
12:32 This comes from Mardem in the Philippines.
12:34 Mardem, this is interesting.
12:36 In John 3:8,
12:37 we've, you've already quoted the verse in the question,
12:40 but wind and spirit are the same word
12:43 in the Greek there pneuma,
12:44 and it can be translated spirit,
12:47 wind or breath.
12:49 The analogy is that the winds origin is invisible
12:53 and it cannot be controlled by man.
12:56 The wind cannot be seen or explained,
12:59 but we only see the effects of the wind.
13:03 So it is with the invisible presence of the Holy Spirit.
13:07 When we can't control the spirit,
13:10 but when we open our heart to allow the spirit
13:13 to come in, there is unmistakable evidence
13:16 of His presence, and the results are observed
13:21 when it's a spirit,
13:22 generated spirit empowered life.
13:25 Now Peter said in Acts 2:38-39,
13:29 because he want to speak of receiving the spirit.
13:33 He sang to the Pentecost crowd,
13:35 repent and let every one of you
13:36 be baptized in the name of Jesus
13:38 for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift
13:43 of the Holy Spirit for the promises to you
13:46 and to your children, to all who are far off
13:49 as many as our Lord will call.
13:53 It is confession and genuine repentance
13:57 that brings forgiveness and the cleansing of sin
14:01 according to 1 John 1:9.
14:03 So we receive the Holy Spirit
14:07 when we and we're born again,
14:11 when we ask the Lord to become our savior.
14:16 Now, baptism is symbolic
14:19 of what has happened to us internally,
14:23 baptism is an external and it is an act of obedience.
14:28 I mean, it is a very important one.
14:31 Here's how I explain what you ask about people
14:34 who go astray.
14:36 The Bible says, we can sin against the spirit
14:40 by grieving him.
14:42 Ephesians 4: 30, resisting him,
14:44 Acts 7:51,
14:46 or even quenching the Holy Spirit,
14:48 1 Thessalonians 5:19,
14:51 and then Hebrews 10:29
14:53 talks about insulting the spirit of grace.
14:56 Can a born again person go astray?
14:59 Listen to what Peter says. 2 Peter 2:20.
15:03 2 Peter 2:20-22,
15:05 "If after they have escaped the pollution
15:08 of the world through the knowledge
15:10 of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
15:12 they are again entangled in them and overcome,
15:14 the latter end is worse than the beginning.
15:18 For it would have been better for them not to know
15:19 the way of righteousness than to turn from
15:22 the holy commandment delivered to them."
15:24 He repaired, he compares it
15:26 to a dog returning to his vomit.
15:30 So Jesus said that in John 15:6,
15:34 you must abide in Me.
15:37 And He tells us to pray daily for the Holy Spirit
15:40 in Luke 11:9-13.
15:42 Amen. Thank you, Shelley.
15:44 Pastor John, what is the faith of Jesus?
15:50 I love that question because the faith of Jesus
15:53 is a faith we all need.
15:55 Matter of fact, there's a sermon
15:56 called the faith of Jesus
15:58 and also the patience of the saints.
16:01 And we find that in Revelation 12 and verse...
16:05 Revelation 14:12, I'll go and read that.
16:08 It says, " Here is the patience of the saints,
16:12 here are those who keep the commandments of God
16:15 and the faith of Jesus."
16:17 Now, not only are they keeping the commandments of God,
16:19 but they have something else.
16:21 They have the faith of Jesus.
16:22 Now, when you look about the faith of Jesus,
16:24 I believe that Revelation 3:18
16:26 identifies and describes and reveals to us
16:29 what the faith of Jesus is, because when you think
16:31 about what Jesus went through,
16:33 what kind of faith did He have?
16:35 The faith that Jesus had did not allow Him to fold
16:40 under pressure.
16:41 The faith that Jesus had did not allow Him to fail
16:45 under persecution.
16:46 The faith that Jesus had did not allow Him to deny
16:49 His Father when it came to persecution.
16:52 That's the kind of faith I want to have.
16:54 And that faith of Jesus is revealed
16:57 I believe in Revelation 3:18.
16:59 And that's why he describes and recommends to us
17:02 the kind of faith that will be able to sustain us.
17:05 He says in Revelation 3:18,
17:08 "I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire."
17:13 Was Jesus refined?
17:15 He sure was.
17:16 Not that he was sinful before that,
17:18 but I tell you, He was refined from the possibilities
17:22 of failure as a human to no possibility
17:25 as the glorified Almighty God
17:27 on the other side of the resurrection.
17:29 "Refined in the fire, that you may be rich,
17:33 and white raiment that
17:34 you may be clothed that the shame
17:36 of your nakedness may not be revealed
17:38 and anoint your eyes
17:40 with eye salve that you may see."
17:42 And Paul to the protege Timothy describes in 1 Timothy 3:13,
17:46 "For those who have served
17:48 well as deacons obtain for themselves
17:49 a good standing and great boldness in the faith
17:54 which is in Christ Jesus."
17:56 So this is a bold faith, a tried faith,
17:59 a sure faith, a reliable faith.
18:01 And to me, I believe that's what the faith
18:02 of Jesus is a faith that will not fail though severely tried.
18:06 Amen.
18:07 Give me the faith of Jesus. That's what I need.
18:09 I love that. Amen.
18:10 I want to remind you.
18:12 You can send us your questions and we would love to answer
18:14 your question on an upcoming 3ABN Today Bible Q and A.
18:18 You can text them to (618) 228-3975.
18:23 That number again is (618) 228-3975
18:27 or you can email your questions
18:29 at BibleQA@3abn.tv
18:33 That address again is BibleQA@3abn.tv
18:37 or 3ABN is on Instagram.
18:39 And you just go to 3ABN_official,
18:43 and you can send us your question that way.
18:45 So we'd love to answer your question on an upcoming
18:48 Bible Q and A.
18:49 Pastor Johnny, we're coming to you.
18:51 Does the Bible talk about the story of Horus
18:53 and Isis being an immaculate conception
18:57 and having a similar story to Jesus?
18:59 I've never heard of them or the story.
19:02 It doesn't say who it comes from.
19:04 Well, apparently he heard something.
19:08 That's a good point.
19:09 The Bible does not say anything about Horus
19:12 and Isis and an immaculate conception as to having
19:17 any similar similarity to the story of Jesus.
19:19 That's right.
19:21 I took a quick look at this and I could tell you
19:23 that is really a complete waste
19:25 of time to try to find similarities there.
19:28 The Egyptians had many gods.
19:30 Horus happens to be one of the...
19:33 I don't know if you want to call them
19:34 popular or most well-known,
19:36 but even the pharaohs wanted to take on that name,
19:40 but let's put that aside
19:41 and focus on Jesus because really it's a waste
19:44 of time to look into these things.
19:45 I want to point to you
19:46 a scripture that must be set in this context.
19:51 Isaiah 43:10, "
19:53 You are My witnesses,' says the Lord,
19:56 'And My servant whom I have chosen,
19:57 that you may know and believe Me,
19:59 and understand that I am He.
20:01 Before Me there was no God formed,
20:04 nor shall there be after Me.'"
20:08 All these so-called gods are not gods.
20:10 They're imaginations of people, created by people.
20:14 They're either made out of stone,
20:17 wood or some material that God the Creator has made.
20:20 And they're trying...
20:21 This is a distraction of the devil.
20:23 So let's focus on Jesus because Acts 4:12 says,
20:27 "Nor is there salvation in any other,
20:30 in Jesus, for there is no other name
20:32 under heaven given among men by which we must be saved."
20:37 We must keep in mind that Satan is looking to distract us
20:41 and lead us astray.
20:42 Matthew 24:24,
20:44 "For false christs and false prophets will rise
20:47 and show great signs and wonders to deceive,
20:51 if possible, even the elect."
20:53 Jesus said, see, in verse 25, "I have told you beforehand."
20:58 So please forget about Horus
21:00 and all those other so-called gods and consider Jesus.
21:04 He is the author and the finisher of our faith,
21:06 and Jesus loves you and is coming soon.
21:09 That's the end of that story. Amen.
21:11 Good. Thank you, Pastor Johnny.
21:12 I like that.
21:13 It's so important to study the Word of God
21:15 and to know what it says.
21:17 Pastor John, we're coming back to you.
21:19 What three nights did Jesus sleep in the tomb?
21:23 Because we know three days and three nights,
21:25 but what three nights was He in the tomb?
21:26 Okay, the first thing we have to establish
21:28 is how the Bible kept time.
21:29 The problem today is we have this thing called a watch
21:32 or phones or dials on the wall quite different
21:35 than the way the Bible kept time.
21:37 Genesis 1:5 and all throughout the creative process,
21:40 you find the phrase the evening
21:42 and the morning were the first day.
21:45 When you look at the way that the Bible quantifies time,
21:50 it's a phrase called inclusive reckoning.
21:53 And you could find that
21:54 when you study the Jewish literature,
21:55 inclusive reckoning, then that meant
21:58 any part of the day included the whole day.
22:02 And you find that talked about in the writings of Christ.
22:05 He said, for example, if we say,
22:07 meet me in three days, we will say, okay, today,
22:09 whatever today is, will start counting tomorrow
22:11 the next day and the next day.
22:12 In the Bible three days meant today,
22:14 tomorrow and the next day.
22:16 So when Jesus was crucified,
22:18 you didn't have to start tomorrow Saturday, Sunday,
22:21 Monday, you start that day, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
22:25 And so the preparation day
22:27 when Jesus was placed in the tomb, the time started.
22:30 Let's go to Luke Chapter 23,
22:32 and I'm gonna start with talking about these
22:35 three particular times.
22:37 Luke 23:54,
22:38 speaking about when Jesus was wrapped and laid in the tomb.
22:42 It says in Luke 23:54, "That day was the Preparation,
22:45 and the Sabbath drew near.
22:47 And the women who had come
22:48 with Him from Galilee followed after,
22:50 and they observed the tomb and how His body was laid.
22:54 They returned and prepared spices
22:56 and fragrant oils.
22:58 And they rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment."
23:01 Then Luke 23:52, I mean, Luke 24, Luke.
23:05 Yeah, Luke 23:52-56.
23:08 I just pointed out,
23:10 they returned and prepared spices.
23:11 And when you look at Luke 24:1,
23:13 "They went on the first day of the week,
23:15 searching for the body of Christ
23:17 and they found none."
23:18 Now here's something an exercise
23:20 I would encourage you to do.
23:21 If you put the phrase third day,
23:25 you find that Jesus said, "I would rise the third day."
23:30 The only one that said He wouldn't rise the third day
23:32 was those who were His accusers.
23:34 His accusers said after three days I will rise.
23:38 Jesus never said that.
23:40 He said, "I would rise the third day."
23:41 And even Paul the Apostle recalling the resurrection
23:44 of Jesus in 1 Corinthians, he said,
23:46 "He rose the third day."
23:49 Now here's what many people stumble over.
23:51 If Jesus had to be in the grave for 72 hours
23:55 before He came out,
23:56 one second past 72 hours would mean
24:00 Jesus rose on the fourth day.
24:02 But He rose on the third day according to Bible prophecy.
24:05 And this was the context where people,
24:08 I think the worldwide church of God
24:09 had Garner Ted Armstrong, Herbert Armstrong.
24:12 This was a very large, a focal point of them.
24:15 But Jesus rose the third day, as He said, He would.
24:19 Not after the third day, in three days,
24:22 I will rise again, and Jesus did.
24:24 So inclusive reckoning is the term
24:26 I use to show you that any part of the day,
24:28 the Jews included the entire day.
24:32 Very good. I love that. Thank you.
24:34 Shelley, we're coming back to you.
24:35 This is, do Seventh-day Adventists believe
24:38 the Arian belief regarding God
24:40 and Jesus as Jesus did not exist always,
24:43 but came into existence the begotten Son.
24:46 This whole idea is new to me
24:48 and I haven't heard it before in our teachings.
24:51 I saw on Wikipedia's definition of our belief
24:54 that we believe the Arian theology.
24:56 Can you help me understand this please?
24:59 Watch out for Wikipedia
25:00 because it has so much err, right?
25:02 JD was looking on Wikipedia
25:04 and it said the seventh day is Sunday.
25:05 So that shows you.
25:07 Our pioneers came from many different denominations.
25:11 And yes, there were some
25:13 who in the beginning of this movement
25:15 came from Arian beliefs.
25:17 But what I love about our church
25:20 is that they studied together
25:22 in a progressive way to learn truth.
25:26 And they, the official,
25:28 they released that spiritual err.
25:30 The official teaching of the church
25:32 is in our 28 fundamentals.
25:34 And it says that in the fourth,
25:38 I'll just read an excerpt.
25:39 It says, God, the eternal Son
25:41 became the incarnate in Jesus Christ.
25:45 Through Him all things were created,
25:48 for He was forever truly God.
25:51 He became also truly human.
25:54 I will admit recently there's been some small pockets
25:58 of Adventists who are reverting back
26:00 or gaining interest in some
26:04 of the original pioneers' teaching.
26:07 I think they don't understand covenant.
26:09 When we look at the word begotten,
26:11 it can have a literal meaning
26:13 or it can have a spiritual meaning.
26:16 Begotten is a covenant term,
26:19 that means chosen for a covenant purpose.
26:22 Paul said he begot the Corinthians.
26:24 He told, in Philemon he said that he begot Onesimus.
26:30 And Hebrews 11 tells how Abraham gave up
26:34 his only "begotten son."
26:38 He was the only heir of the promise.
26:40 But listen to this.
26:42 God the Father in Hebrews 1:8 says
26:45 to the one who became His Son, today, You become My Son.
26:51 He says, Your throne, O God, is forever and ever.
26:54 And in Hebrews 1:10, the Father further says
26:57 to the person of Jesus Christ who became His Son.
27:01 "You, Lord, in the beginning
27:03 laid the foundation of the earth
27:04 and the heavens are the works of your hands."
27:07 The Father Himself declares this Son is eternal God
27:11 Amen.
27:12 We need at least another five minutes on that.
27:15 Shelley is the queen of the covenants.
27:17 I love that. That's beautiful.
27:18 Pastor Johnny, in Judges 9:45, it says,
27:23 "Then he, Abimelech destroyed the city
27:25 and scattered salt over it."
27:28 Why salt?
27:29 What is the significance
27:30 of scattering salt over the destroyed city?
27:34 Thank you so much for that question.
27:36 It's very interesting.
27:37 This was an act, a symbolic act
27:40 because salt putting it over pasture
27:44 will kill the pasture.
27:46 That's how utterly, he wanted to bring
27:50 the message to them that I hope you never survive
27:53 and that you're completely destroyed.
27:55 And so, salt in small quantities
27:59 renders land extremely fertile,
28:01 but too much of it destroys vegetation.
28:04 And so, we have salt when it's found,
28:08 it says it produces nothing.
28:10 Hence the sowing of salt in place,
28:13 sowing a place with salt
28:14 was a custom in different nations
28:16 to express permanent desolation.
28:18 So, they will say definite message
28:20 that Abimelech wanted to bring to these people.
28:23 And these were practices among the people
28:25 that were done in those days
28:28 when they sacked the city or destroyed a city,
28:31 spread salt to let you know,
28:33 we think that you're completely destroyed and we,
28:36 you know, that you no longer need to exist.
28:39 However, to completely cover the city.
28:43 No, it says just scattered
28:45 to completely cover the city with salt
28:47 would be a great undertaking.
28:49 And it's just not practical.
28:51 The scattering of salt was just a symbolic act
28:54 to let them know that our intent
28:58 was to completely destroy you.
28:59 And we hope you never bounce back
29:01 from this destruction.
29:03 Amen.
29:04 I love the questions that we get.
29:06 You know, some are theological
29:08 and some are gospel truth and some are,
29:10 oh, wow, I never even thought about that passage
29:13 in the Word of God.
29:14 So, thank you for that. It is good.
29:16 Pastor John, Pastor Lomacang,
29:19 how many days are equal to a time in prophecy.
29:22 Geneva from Maryland. Sure.
29:25 Thank you, Geneva.
29:26 That's a good question because that question really
29:30 makes the difference between whether or not
29:31 we think of a prophecy as symbolic or literal.
29:35 And that's a very good question.
29:37 When we know that
29:38 we won't just arbitrarily start applying.
29:40 Well, the Lord says this amount of days, well,
29:43 let's go ahead and apply that prophetically.
29:44 The prophetic context
29:46 is so vitally important to understand
29:48 how it applies.
29:49 One of the most important ones we find in Daniel 7:25.
29:53 And I'll go ahead and read this for you.
29:55 Then I'll share with you the Aramaic word
29:56 and the Greek word
29:58 and the difference between the two.
29:59 And then we can come to the conclusion.
30:01 Daniel 7:25, the Bible says,
30:03 "He shall speak pompous words against the Most High,
30:07 shall persecute the saints of the Most High,
30:10 shall tend to change times and laws.
30:13 Then the saints shall be given into his hands
30:17 or into his hand for a time and times and half a time."
30:20 That comes from the Aramaic word, Edon,
30:23 meaning technically a year.
30:25 That's an Aramaic word.
30:27 Later on when you find
30:28 the same time talked about in Revelation,
30:30 the saints given it to saying time,
30:32 times and half the time persecuting them
30:33 for time, times and half the time,
30:35 the word there is Kiros or Kairos,
30:38 depending on which way you'd like to pronounce that.
30:40 And that was there's this quantitative time
30:43 and there's qualitative time.
30:45 Kronos is quantitative time in the Greek
30:48 and Kairos is qualitative time.
30:51 What's the difference between the two?
30:52 One is saying to us, the qualitative time
30:55 is for reaching a particular time in history.
30:58 Quantitative time says, this is how we can tell
31:01 what time of the day it is.
31:03 And adding that this is where we nail down the rule of 360.
31:09 Because the question after people have often asked,
31:11 well, is the Jewish year or the Greek year,
31:14 or the Aramaic year are different
31:15 from the 365-day year?
31:17 What ties it all together is in the Kronos,
31:20 the quantitative time.
31:22 They didn't have watches they had sun dials
31:25 and a time meant one rotation around that sundial,
31:29 which was 360 degrees.
31:31 Times was two rotations,
31:33 720 and half a time around was 180.
31:36 And when you add that up, you get 1260.
31:40 So, they use quantitative time in the Greek
31:43 to understand the 360-day period.
31:46 So that's why when you line it up that way,
31:48 you won't find any disparaging
31:51 between Daniel or Revelation.
31:55 They both are working with quantitative time,
31:57 not Jewish calendar, Greek calendar,
31:59 Aramaic calendar, and modern calendar.
32:02 That's powerful. That's good.
32:04 Excellent.
32:05 I'm just sitting here thinking I'm grateful
32:07 that this program will be on YouTube
32:08 and it's also on 3ABNplus.tv
32:11 So, you might say, I want to watch that again.
32:13 I got to take notes.
32:15 I got to figure out the difference between
32:16 quantitative and qualitative.
32:17 You can watch it as many times as you like,
32:19 and you can share it with your friends.
32:21 Pastor Johnny,
32:24 God cannot be in the presence of sin.
32:27 So how does Satan still have access to heaven
32:30 after he fell?
32:31 This is from Merlin. Okay.
32:34 That's a good question.
32:36 The Bible seems to present the possibility that Satan
32:39 was in the presence of God.
32:41 When you go to Job Chapter 1 and Job Chapter 2.
32:44 Now, how is that possible?
32:46 You are correct.
32:48 It may be that God veiled His presence
32:51 so that Satan could exist because there was a great
32:55 controversy between good and evil
32:58 that needed to play out for God to reveal the fallacy
33:03 and the destructive nature of sin.
33:07 Now concerning the devil or Satan
33:10 having access to heaven.
33:12 Let's go to Revelation 12:10,
33:15 "Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven,
33:18 'Now salvation, and strength,
33:21 and the kingdom of our God,
33:23 and the power of His Christ have come.'"
33:26 This is in the context of Jesus Christ
33:28 dying on the cross for us.
33:31 This is why a declaration is made.
33:33 You see before Jesus dies on the cross,
33:37 it was a promise of salvation
33:39 through the seed promise in Genesis Chapter 3,
33:43 that the seed of the woman would put the death blow
33:47 on the head of the serpent.
33:48 So when Jesus fulfills that promise,
33:51 salvation is secured and it is not,
33:55 no longer a promise, it is a guarantee,
33:59 let's say, because Jesus died on the cross
34:01 and paid for our sins and secured our salvation.
34:05 So now this declaration, let's go back to it.
34:07 "Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven,
34:09 'Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God,
34:13 and the power of His Christ have come,
34:16 for the accuser of our brethren,
34:18 who accused them before our God day and night,
34:21 has been cast down."
34:24 So, prior to this, apparently
34:27 Satan having defeated Adam and Eve, they sinned.
34:32 He had his place of headquarters here,
34:36 and he seemed to have access to go to heaven to meetings,
34:39 Job Chapter 1 and Chapter 2.
34:41 But at the cross he's unmasked
34:46 and the...
34:48 I'm going to say the beings
34:49 from other places in the universe
34:51 see that he is who he really is in putting to death
34:55 the Son of God and he's unmasked.
34:57 Now they no longer pay any attention to him.
35:00 You're a deceiver, you're a liar,
35:02 you're a murderer.
35:03 And the accuser of our brethren
35:06 has been cast down.
35:07 If you continue reading, of course,
35:09 there is the, woe to the inhabitants
35:12 of the earth because the devil has come down upon you
35:15 having great wrath.
35:17 So, the question is,
35:19 how could he be in the presence of sin?
35:21 How could, God cannot be in the presence of sin?
35:24 How did the devil have access?
35:26 Again, I say it may be that God veiled His presence,
35:29 because the issue of sin
35:31 had not been completely resolved.
35:34 And this is an answer that I can give you.
35:37 Amen. Thank you so much for that.
35:39 Shelley, when man was made,
35:42 were we immortal, because the tree of life
35:44 was in the garden with Adam and Eve.
35:47 This question comes from Sylvia.
35:49 Sylvia, that's a great question.
35:51 In 1 Timothy 6:16, it says, God alone is immortal.
35:56 He lives in unapproachable light.
35:59 God is an infinite being without beginning or end.
36:03 The Bible mentions man's soul or spirit
36:08 over 1600 times not once
36:11 does it mention immortality.
36:14 It always describes us as mortal.
36:17 So, Bible believers, we know,
36:20 and I seem to trumpet this one a lot,
36:22 but 1 Corinthians 15:52-53.
36:26 The Bible believers
36:28 put on immortality at the second trump,
36:32 and this will be all who were in their graves.
36:34 Jesus said, they'll come up in that first resurrection
36:38 of righteousness if they were righteous.
36:41 But 1 Corinthians 15:52 says, "In a moment,
36:43 in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet,
36:47 the trumpet will sound,
36:48 the dead are raised incorruptible,"
36:52 because this incorruption or this corruption
36:54 has to put on incorruption.
36:56 This mortal has to put on immortality.
37:00 So, when Adam and Eve were in the garden,
37:03 they had access to the tree of life until they sinned.
37:06 And then God graciously put forth His hand
37:10 to protect them from returning to the tree of life.
37:16 And I'll tell you why?
37:17 Because He didn't want them to have to live in sin forever,
37:21 but we regain access in the new heaven,
37:25 it says Revelation 22:1-2,
37:29 "In the new earth,
37:30 there is a pure river of life that's flowing from the throne
37:34 of God and the Lamb.
37:35 And on either side of the river was the tree of life,
37:39 which bore 12 fruits.
37:41 Each tree yielding its fruit every month."
37:44 So, although they were not immortal at any time,
37:49 but they, I believe
37:51 we're going to have immortality.
37:52 Amen.
37:54 What a promise to look forward to.
37:55 That's beautiful.
37:56 Pastor John, I believe in the Trinity of God.
37:59 Jesus tells us to pray to Father God in His name,
38:03 not to pray to Him.
38:05 Why do we pray to Jesus in His name?
38:07 I'm so confused.
38:10 We addressed this in one of our prior programs
38:12 but I want to go ahead for the sake
38:14 of addressing this person that I've asked
38:16 and what we found in some of our programs,
38:18 you might find a repeat
38:20 kind of a derivative, so to speak,
38:23 similar to some of the answers we've given.
38:25 But we thank you for submitting in any way, because repetition
38:28 is the best teacher.
38:30 And I think that there are people
38:31 in every broadcast
38:33 that are saying, I never thought about that.
38:34 And the Lord has chosen this question to be answered
38:36 at this particular time.
38:38 When we pray, the issue
38:40 has always been in the ministry of Christ,
38:42 when He came the very nation to whom
38:45 He had committed the oracles of truth had not accepted Him.
38:49 They had rejected Him.
38:51 I came to My own and My own did not receive Me.
38:54 When He established the parameters between
38:56 the mediatorial work of Christ, the mediator,
39:00 only one that's Christ between God and man.
39:03 They still rejected that.
39:04 When He forgave people their sins,
39:06 they accused Him of being blasphemous.
39:10 When He forgave people or healed people,
39:13 they accused Him of taking a prerogative
39:15 that belonged only to God.
39:17 But what He was saying to them was,
39:18 "I am the Son of God. I am God incarnate."
39:22 And He said to them, "You believe in God,
39:25 believe also in Me."
39:26 He was making it very clear.
39:28 I know you believed in God, but I am the propitiation.
39:31 I am the sacrifice. I am the substitute.
39:34 I am the one who is between you
39:36 and the heavenly Father.
39:38 And then he said in John 14:6,
39:40 I am the way the truth and the life,
39:42 no one comes to the Father except through Me.
39:46 He says, I understand your position.
39:48 But as people might say, there are many ways to God.
39:50 No.
39:52 According to Scripture, there's only one
39:53 and that's through Christ Jesus.
39:55 John 14:13-14.
39:56 Here's why we ask in His name,
39:58 "Whatever you ask in My name that I will do that the Father
40:03 may be glorified in the Son.
40:05 If you ask anything in My name, I will do it."
40:09 Why?
40:10 Because there's one mediator between God and men,
40:13 the man Christ Jesus, 1 Timothy 2:15.
40:17 Amen.
40:18 Praise the Lord for the mediator for Jesus.
40:21 The high priest. And the intercessor.
40:23 That's right.
40:25 Shelley, coming back to you,
40:26 how can I explain to a friend that salvation
40:29 in the Old Testament and the New Testament
40:30 are the same.
40:32 They believe that salvation in the Old Testament
40:34 is by sacrificing animals
40:36 while salvation in the New Testament
40:37 is through Jesus.
40:39 I've learned and believe that Old Testament people
40:41 were saved by grace
40:43 looking forward to Christ death on the cross.
40:45 And we today are saved
40:46 by grace looking back to the Christ death
40:49 on the cross.
40:50 It's from Janice.
40:51 Oh, Janice, you've got that right.
40:53 It was always salvation by grace.
40:56 Hope you have a pen because I'm going to give you
40:57 some really quick scriptures.
40:59 Hebrews 13:8 says
41:01 that Jesus was the Lamb slain
41:03 from the foundation of the world.
41:06 I mean, Revelation 13:8.
41:08 Hebrews 13:20 calls His blood,
41:12 the blood of the everlasting covenant.
41:15 What we find this everlasting covenant,
41:18 Paul wrote to Timothy in 2 Timothy 1:9-10.
41:22 He said, "Grace was given to us before time began."
41:30 speaks of Jesus.
41:32 The messianic servant as being
41:35 the covenant that is coming from Christ.
41:39 There's an overarching divine plan
41:41 of this everlasting covenant.
41:45 And it's announced in Genesis 3:15,
41:48 and it progressively unfolds through Scripture.
41:52 Here's one that you can use in your little quiver
41:56 is Noah was the heir of righteousness
42:00 according to Hebrews 11:7.
42:04 The everlasting covenant was made with Abraham
42:07 who believed God
42:09 and God credited to him as righteousness,
42:14 righteousness by faith, that's Genesis 15:6.
42:18 Galatians 3:6,
42:21 the everlasting covenant was made with Abraham
42:24 and his seed, Jesus Christ.
42:28 That's Galatians 3:16.
42:30 John 8:56, Abraham saw Christ's day.
42:35 He saw it and was glad.
42:37 The Hebrews in Hebrews 9:9-10,
42:42 it tells us that the sanctuary services were all symbolic.
42:47 It was theology in physical form
42:50 and it taught the people the total plan of salvation.
42:54 Amen. Thank you so much, Shelley.
42:56 I love that.
42:57 You better put some scriptures in your quiver as well.
43:00 I like that.
43:01 Pastor Johnny, I like this question.
43:04 Pastor Dinzey gave a fabulous response to the question.
43:07 How do you start studying the Bible?
43:08 My follow-up question is this.
43:11 How do you set about studying the Bible?
43:14 Just reading the Book of John is not sufficient, is it?
43:17 How do you dig deep to learn to love Him?
43:20 This is from Carol in London.
43:22 This is a wonderful question.
43:24 And I would like to clarify a little bit is,
43:28 I didn't say just to read the book, just John.
43:32 It's a good suggestion to start reading there.
43:34 That was my, so just start reading there.
43:37 Go back to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
43:40 I would add, read the Book of Acts,
43:43 read the Book of Romans.
43:45 Then you have a background in righteousness by faith.
43:50 You see in the Book of Acts,
43:51 you are told that
43:53 there's no other name under heaven,
43:54 whereby we could be saved.
43:55 When you get to the Book of Romans,
43:57 you read such wonderful things.
43:58 And Romans 8:1,
43:59 "There is now therefore no condemnation to them
44:01 that are in Christ Jesus."
44:03 You also have the scripture that says that God
44:06 commended His love toward us and while we were yet sinners
44:09 Christ died for us."
44:10 You have that nice foundation.
44:12 Go to Genesis and begin reading there.
44:15 But I would suggest to you to include
44:17 if you're reading up daily, reading the Bible daily,
44:20 always get the scriptures, go, continue reading Matthew, Mark,
44:25 Luke, and John, to get a glimpse
44:27 of Jesus every single day.
44:30 You see in 2 Corinthians 3:18,
44:32 it says that by beholding, we become changed.
44:36 So, as you're reading the scriptures,
44:38 I suggest you take notes.
44:39 You learn something new, write it down, writing it down,
44:42 helps committed to memory and writing it down helps you
44:46 learn it and share with others.
44:48 I would also suggest if you want to dig deep,
44:50 get yourself a dictionary,
44:51 a Bible dictionary.
44:53 And, even in digital form, you can have access
44:58 to learning new words and what they mean.
45:02 Also, I would suggest, watch or listen to 3ABN
45:05 because there are wonderful Bible studies
45:08 there that will help you dig deep into God's Word.
45:11 And so, this is a start that I can give you.
45:13 Amen. I like that very much.
45:16 Now is the time where we get to toss out a question
45:18 and everyone can jump in and just share
45:21 what the Lord has put in your heart
45:23 and your knowledge of the Word.
45:24 This is a question about money and greed.
45:27 They want to know specifically about Bible verses
45:30 pertaining to money and greed.
45:31 And then it says,
45:33 and then what are its explanations
45:35 that will be related to our current situation?
45:37 Like people being lured with quick rich schemes
45:40 and multilevel marketing.
45:43 This is from Chelsea in the Philippines.
45:45 I don't know who wants to jump in first.
45:47 Well, actually I thought this was one of our main questions.
45:49 So, I went ahead and answered it
45:50 with a lot of scripture.
45:52 So let me just go ahead and bring out a few
45:53 and toss it to our panelists here too.
45:56 God, first of all, God has already established
45:59 a way by which He wants to bless us.
46:02 And that is through tithing and offering.
46:04 He's made that very, very clear.
46:06 And somebody earlier said that,
46:08 do we use certain Bible verses to mean blessings.
46:12 And then we apply them to money.
46:14 Well, the reciprocal is true.
46:16 Give and it shall be given to you.
46:19 The measure that you meet,
46:20 it shall be measured to you again.
46:22 I will supply all your need
46:23 according to my riches and glory,
46:25 but about the get rich quick schemes.
46:28 And I'm telling you, there are so many of them,
46:31 if it sounds too good to be true, it's not.
46:33 Okay?
46:35 Even when it comes to investing,
46:36 even when it comes to online things that people say,
46:39 if you invest in this,
46:41 you'll be able to make X amount of dollars.
46:43 Here's some scriptural points
46:44 that I believe are good guidelines.
46:46 Luke 6:24, "But woe to you who are rich,
46:50 for you have received your consolation."
46:53 It is not saying that money is the issue.
46:55 It is saying the condition of the human heart
46:58 because the Bible makes it clear.
46:59 Matthew 13:22,
47:01 it talks about those who focus on just wealth alone.
47:04 Now he who receives seed among the thorns
47:06 is he who hears the Word and the cares of this life
47:09 and the deceitfulness of riches choke the Word
47:13 and he become unfruitful.
47:15 The person with a lot of money stays up wondering,
47:18 does anybody have access to that money?
47:21 I know a guy that said I went to the bank every day
47:23 to check my balance, every day.
47:26 Now that is really an addiction.
47:28 I have so much money, I have to make sure
47:30 that nobody's stealing it every day.
47:32 But lastly, before I throw it over to Shelley
47:34 and Pastor Dinzey.
47:37 1 Timothy 6:16. Yes.
47:38 "Now godliness with contentment is..."
47:42 Great gain. "Great gain.'
47:44 When you get godliness for us,
47:46 it didn't say great gain with contentment is godliness.
47:50 It says godliness with contentment is great gain.
47:53 And the bottom line is you brought nothing in,
47:57 you ain't taking nothing out.
47:59 God will take care of you.
48:00 Don't get caught by things that sound too good to be true
48:03 because chances are they are not.
48:06 I just think of 1 Timothy 6:10 that says,
48:09 "The love of money is the root of all evil."
48:12 And you know, there's an old saying,
48:14 a fool and his money will soon separate.
48:17 When you get involved in all these multi-level schemes,
48:20 be careful that they're not a pyramid where people
48:23 are being hurt under you.
48:24 That's good.
48:26 Well, I like to say that, the Bible,
48:28 doesn't say that sin,
48:30 it's a sin to have riches or wealth.
48:32 No. It's how you use that money.
48:34 And that's why you quoted that the love
48:36 of money is the root of all evil.
48:39 But when you look at Psalms 1:12, it says,
48:41 "Wealth and riches shall be in his house
48:43 and his righteousness shall endure forever."
48:44 So, God will take care of His people.
48:46 However, he, in Proverbs 11:28,
48:49 it says, "He that trusts in his riches
48:52 shall fall,
48:53 but the righteous shall flourish as a branch."
48:56 So, the focus is to,
48:58 I mean, stay focused on God
49:00 and trust in Him.
49:02 And He will take care of you.
49:03 My God shall supply all your needs
49:05 according to His riches and glory,
49:07 as we find in Philippians 4:19.
49:09 Can I say one more thing? Please.
49:11 Yes, Shelley.
49:12 I think that greed, people who have a love of money
49:16 develop this avarice for money
49:20 and they become greedy, the rich want to be richer.
49:25 And I don't think that they ever find that contentment
49:28 because eternity is in their heart,
49:30 but they just keep going after that.
49:33 And I know a lot of very wealthy people
49:36 who are really unhappy.
49:38 Yeah.
49:39 A good friend of mine used to say
49:40 money never buys happiness.
49:42 My good friend, Pastor Doug his father was a billionaire.
49:45 He owned so much, but Doug said, you know,
49:47 I know my father was never happy and money
49:49 doesn't buy happiness.
49:50 But for people that are poor, I've heard a person say,
49:53 well, I'm poor, give me a chance
49:55 to come to that conclusion myself
49:57 because it does make life a lot easier.
49:59 I want to just make that point a lighthearted.
50:01 It does make life a lot easier, but don't make it your God.
50:04 Because 1 Timothy 6:9,
50:06 the verse right before that says,
50:07 "Those who desire to be rich fall into temptation
50:10 and a snare and into many foolish
50:13 and harmful desires,
50:14 which drown men in destruction and perdition."
50:17 It becomes all-consuming and they die with money
50:20 in their hands and no faith in their hearts.
50:22 We'll see if maybe we can toss in one more question,
50:25 we have less than a minute.
50:27 It says, I want to know
50:28 if Adam knew that God was taking his rib
50:31 to create Eve because of the statement
50:33 he made when he woke from his sleep.
50:36 This came from Emmanuel in Texas.
50:37 So, did Adam know what was coming?
50:41 I think it's speculative at best.
50:43 The Lord put him to sleep
50:45 and then he told him afterwards,
50:46 you know, this is taken from Adam.
50:48 A woman means taken from man, but I don't know,
50:51 there's no scripture that said that the Lord said,
50:53 hey, lay down, I'm going to take
50:55 one of your ribs and make you a wife.
50:56 I don't find any scripture for that.
50:58 Pastor, Johnny or Shelley?
51:00 I find it very interesting because the Lord allowed
51:04 Adam to see that he was alone.
51:06 He saw all the animals with a companion
51:09 and the Lord wanted to fulfill his happiness
51:13 and He made him, how does the Bible say,
51:16 a helpmate.
51:18 So, he found a completion of God's creation
51:23 was the creation of a woman.
51:25 Amen, Shelley, anything you want to add?
51:27 No, that's good. Okay.
51:29 What we're going to do right now is give you
51:31 the contact information one more time.
51:33 So, you can send us your questions.
51:35 We love to hear from you.
51:36 And when you send them in, why don't you give us
51:39 the state you're from or the country you're from,
51:42 because we love to hear where you are watching 3ABN.
51:46 So, after this break, we'll be right back with some
51:48 closing thoughts from our 3ABN family here.
51:53 If you're enjoying our 3ABN Bible Q and A,
51:56 then tell your friends.
51:57 Each Monday we'll bring you a fresh program,
52:00 answering the Bible questions you send us
52:02 and we'll use God's Holy Word to shed light on those texts
52:05 that seem difficult to understand.
52:07 If you would like your questions answered
52:09 on an upcoming program,
52:11 just email them to us.
52:12 Our email address is BibleQA@3abn.org
52:17 That's BibleQA@3abn.org
52:22 You can also text us
52:23 your questions by sending them to (618) 228-3975.
52:28 That number again is (618) 228-3975.
52:33 Be sure to include your name and where you live,
52:36 and then watch 3ABN Bible Q and A
52:38 for the answers from God's Word.


Revised 2024-05-13